#but what the book actually focused on was a very long escape and car chase
vfdinthewild · 7 months
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"But fortresses are also placed up high, with views for days and Napa Valley wine farms don't usually come with security patrols and electric fencing and five stories of underground bunker."
-from Afterland by Lauren Beukes, pg. 133
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*-Mug Shot-*-Poly KiriBaku X reader-*-part one-*
Note: Surprise Saturday, I got carried away with the story and thought it might be best to section it off in two parts so you’ll be getting this one and another post tomorrow peeps, I hope you enjoy my first attempt at a story like this one. Smut is not in this one so if you are looking for that you’ll find it tomorrow, until then please feel free to enjoy this. Also all characters are aged up and the time the story takes place is when they are already pro heroes, so keep that in mind.
Running, running, the sound of bare feet harshly pounding across the hard surface of the ground below. The pavement cold and merciless on your bare feet, you feel the damage from all the running with no shoes.  As you run the sound of your terror echoes out across the soundless night, the streets so empty, not like how they usually are in the daytime. Not a soul will hear you and if they do it’ll be a little too late. It’s dark and only the street lights give you any semblance of where you are going. You hear and feel your heartbeat pounding away in your chest, that feeling becoming more painful with each pound. You feel yourself falter a bit more but you can’t afford to stop, can’t afford to stop running even for a minute. You know they have to be hot on your tail, know they won’t waste time in giving chase once they know you have fled the scene, that most horrifying scene that you left behind. The images flash through your mind as you ran churning your stomach and bringing fresh tears to your eyes. You stifle a sob but that makes your chest clench most painfully but worst of all in this panic while you turn into an alleyway you haven’t noticed the glass scattering across the entrance of the alley. Though you become sorely aware of it once your feet make contact with the shards causing you to let out a scream at the pain shooting through the fresh wounds the glass makes. You wind up tumbling to the ground, you scuff up your hands and knees as you make contact earning more painful noises from you. You fell unceremoniously on the ground in a small heap. Those sobs you kept in achingly inside your chest burst out and you howl out, hot tears now streaming down your face.
For a moment you lose your resolve while you lay there in that heap on the pavement. The pain from all the running through the city catching up with you. Your breathing erratic and you are finding it hard to catch the breath that you lost during this chase. You feel dizzy, your entire body aching in agony, and for this time all you can focus on is the sheer panic coursing through your entire form. You need to get up, need to, have to, you can’t just keep lying like this out in the open, they’ll find you. Another surge of adrenaline gives you the energy you need, you rise to your feet and start running again. You are ignoring the pain in your feet and in other areas of your body which is over-exhausting. You’re Focusing on what is dead ahead of you, a building that looks abandoned. You can focus on much of anything else except the idea of escaping, the idea you can hide and rest a moment. Though, you have to wonder what you are going to do. You can’t run forever and you doubt hiding will do you much good either. No, not when facing off with two pro heroes who are much more experienced than you. Two pro heroes and friends you never had thought until now would have done something like this in the first place and no one else will believe such a claim either. No one will convict two heroes that have done nothing but good. 
These thoughts alone left you feeling alone, so very alone. Who do you turn to in a time like this one? Who will even believe you? You, a simple book store clerk and hobbyist selling random things for fun? You are what most would call a nobody, just another face in the crowd, which is why you have to wonder what wound you up getting mixed up with these two in the first place. However, this is no time to think about that. There is no time to be drudging back into the past when what you need to focus on is finding a solution to your problem. A solution that doesn’t come easy or seemingly at all. The alarm of this chase slowly starts to dull into confusion as to why you haven’t been hearing anything from the two who should be hunting you down right now. You haven’t even seen a glimpse of either of the two males you figure are after you currently. Everything quiet and dark, not a sound, not a peep, nothing. You pause your running once reaching the abandoned building and making your way inside. You pant and groan, your lungs and everything else feeling like they are on fire. You place your hands on your knees and take in a deep gasp of breath before coughing loudly. You are choking and gasping after all that running, that dizzy feeling coming back to you. You stumble to the wall and lean against it, you in this tiring state slide down not caring about the filth on it or the ground under you, and there is trash along with other more grimy looking things all around, nonetheless at the moment, you choose to ignore it. Your body too worn and your mind still scattering about too much to really mind it all. All you need is to breathe, that is all you can think, you need a moment. Maybe if lucky, they aren’t chasing you after all. You can only hope that is the case yet you can’t be too certain so you know you can’t linger for too long.
“Fuck...fuck...it stings damn it…why…?!”
You curse under your breath finally starting to feel the glass in your feet you didn’t bother to remove before. You are fearful to even look at the bottoms of your feet right now, you can only imagine how torn up they must look currently, The blood. Looking off you can see the small trail leading to you.  You let out a small whimper as you raise your hands to look at them. They too sting badly from falling a few times before. Looking them over it seems they have been torn up pretty badly. A few rocks rest under the skin now, you poke at the bloody and bruising flesh trying to scoot a rock from under the flesh to get it out only to hiss from how it feels to do so and once more curse.
“Damn it…stings...”
You say in a whimper as you move to curl up into yourself, more tears start to cascade down your cheeks, that tight feeling in your chest returning.
“(BF/n), oh god...what am I...?!”
You curl up and start sobbing the images of your beloved’s corpse chard and beaten to a pulp on the floor creeping into your brain, it once more causes you to feel sick. It makes you want to vomit. The smell, the sight, the screaming before all that, those are things you know you’ll never forget. All of them tear you up inside, this is all your fault after all if it weren’t for taking on that project for the two pro heroes you wouldn’t have been winding up here, would you?
It had been a simple day, one like any other, the sky was bright and sunny dotted with a few clouds which you had remembered you stared up at that day. It was very nice unlike tonight, cold and unbearable regardless you remember you woke up beside your lover then. Your boyfriend had given you a good morning kiss like always ever since you had moved in together. Honestly, you hadn’t been in that house together all that long, only a couple of months but those moments spent together had been a dream. A dream you hadn’t wanted to wake up from. You would both get up and get ready to go to work. That morning you showered together, you both got a bit frisky that morning. You and your boyfriend would make out tongues danced together while your arms would be wrapped around each other. You could feel how well your bodies fit together. 
Hard to believe that is all over now, that lovely little dream with your boyfriend dead, as dead as he is now. You will never feel that perfect fit with him again. Knowing that sends another wave of pain through you and causes another sob to echo out from your chest as you shiver and wish for the warmth of your lover. Right now you feel more cold and alone than ever before.
Continuing that trip down memory lane, you could recall you left the house alone that day. Your boyfriend would take his car to work and you would walk, being that you didn’t live that far away from the book store which you work at. You can’t help but think that years ago you wouldn’t have seen yourself working in such a place and it’s not because you don’t like books more so you have problems dealing with people. It fills you with a lot of anxiety to deal with things most days. Honestly, you feel you might have just wasted away if it wasn’t for your boyfriend who always seemed to have your back when you needed it. What are you going to do now that he is gone? Are you going to spiral out of control? No, somehow you will stay strong for his sake. 
Regardless, continuing on. The day moved forward normally nothing seemed out of place, not even the random email you had gotten when you came home. The email was another commission for a project by another faceless person. You didn’t know that this request would wind you up in deep trouble later, in that deep trouble now. The commission seemed all too normal. The client wanted something special done for an anniversary gift for their boyfriend which seemed very cute to you. Really you sort of like hearing from the clients more than most do. The theme was simple it was to be a Red Riot and Ground Zero themed item or rather mugs. They wanted it to be a bit flashy or at least the art on them to be, it was something you could do, Honestly. Despite not being that into heroes, you were happy to do this for the client. You love making things and even more so making those who enjoy your work happy. So like with any other client you got to work after you sorted through the details, and actually, you were very excited. This was something you could do with your boyfriend, he was much more into the whole hero thing than you were and still are. Funny enough your boyfriend did like those two in particular. They were heroes that he very much enjoyed so that day you learned quite a lot about the pair of heroes in question.
The project went on as normal and with your newfound information, you made the gift extra special. You wanted to be very specific to the client’s taste so you tried to ask questions however they seemed very lax about everything they had said that they trusted your judgment. You didn’t mind this one bit. You had given the client updates and he seemed to like them. Eventually, the day came for the project to be done and you shipped them out. You had been very proud of your work and even your boyfriend was. Actually, Your boyfriend had got all pouty, he wished he could keep them which you had found funny then...what you would give to be able to hear him laugh again, to see that smile, and now that was stolen from you.
For a long while, things seemed alright, there had been no word from the client. However, you had been paid so you assumed they were happy with what they had gotten. It wasn’t until a full two months later that things started to kick off again. The day had started normal enough, you made it to the bookstore on time, and would work as you normally would. That day was quiet, not many customers, and most of the day spent slacked off with your coworker while doing what needed to be done around the store. Though at some point the bell on the door would sound it would call you back to the front of the store. A young man with crimson red spikey hair and eyes was the one who sounded the bell when he walked in. Upon further inspection your eyes would widen you would form a recognition with the redhead in the store, it was the hero Red Riot. You couldn’t help but stand there dumbfounded.
“H-Hello and welcome to Nook Books, how can I help you?”
That had been what you said when you finally had found your words, your voice had come out in a bit of a stutter and you had given him a small nervous laugh. He responded to your more shy behavior with merely a smile and offered up an adorable laugh of his own, which actually eased your own anxiety towards the situation at the time.
“Hey there, yeah I could actually use a bit of help finding a book.”
You would smile at the young hero and gave a small nod, you of course were always happy to help the customer, and there was no exception then either. Not to mention you were face to face with the hero Red Riot and at that time you had been oh too excited to be in his presence for the fact you could tell your boyfriend about the encounter. Maybe if you were lucky you could get an autograph, or maybe at least a picture, though to be honest you also hadn’t wanted to bother him so you so it was just a debate in your mind. you at the time though knew it would make your boyfriend happy if you would get it.
“Ah yes, well I’m happy to help, what book are you looking for?”
You would offer up one of your best smiles and try not to fidget too much however you had already shifted to and fro a bit out of nervousness already.
“Ah well, haha, I kinda don’t know…”
You would blink a moment in confusion but nod a moment before you responded.
“You don’t know? Are you buying for someone else?”
You would question a moment, you thought maybe his mind had been on someone else when he thought of the book he wanted, it might have been a gift if he wasn’t sure what kind of book he was on the look for however just as well he might just not had been sure what type of book he needed for himself, but something told you it wasn’t for him, you had a felt that way anyway.
“Haha, yeah, it isn’t for me, though he’s very special to me, he’s a bit difficult to buy for sometimes. Do you have any books that would be more action-packed and manly?”
You had smiled when you listened to his explanation for who it was for and even giggled when you heard what exactly he was had been in search for. There were many, many books on hand that could cover what he wanted but with so little given and that he said the other was difficult to buy for well it seemed like a slightly daunting task. Even so at that time you were determined to find the perfect book for this special someone that he had talked about. You smiled and worked very hard, you asked specific questions to try and get a better gauge on what type of book to get. If only you had known what you had been dealing with back then you wouldn’t have worked as hard as you did to make him happy. You wouldn’t have been as pleasant to him, but sadly you hadn’t known and you had been as positive and polite as possible. You even asked more than you would have given your normal comfort zone. You had tired yourself out on one customer something you wouldn’t usually do, but you wanted to impress the male. You wanted to make sure someone like him left very happy. You did manage that, you got him the perfect book, after you found that book for him you brought him over to the register to check him out.
“I think that book will make him smile, and if it doesn’t feel free to hold me accountable.”
You would chirp out as you rang up the book, you had a good conversation with the young hero. He’d even told you his name which was interesting to know. Kirishima seemed to talk about Ground Zero. Of course, it was said they were good friends so you supposed that was only natural, and he’d mentioned a few other interesting aspects about himself which had tickled you to learn about. It wasn’t every day you could have said you got to talk to a pro hero.
“Don’t worry, I trust your judgment, I don’t think you’d steer me wrong haha.”
You would nod and laugh as you placed the book in a bag and told him how much the book would be, Kirishima would pay you and you would hand him the bag, of course surprisingly he didn’t rush off after that, he would stick by the counter a moment.
“Before I go, would you like an autograph or something?”
He had given you a big grin and you would blink, you had held back and tried not to ask because you hadn’t wanted to bother him and there he asked you about what you had wanted from him, almost too eager you lept at the opportunity.
“Y-Yes actually I’d love that, my boyfriend is a big fan.”
At the first part of your statement it would seem that Kirishima was very happy to hear what you had to say but as you look back on it now you realize that he had twitched lightly, he had made a small change in his facial expression that said something else when you mentioned your boyfriend, you thought nothing of it back then but now it was very apparent that he was upset to hear you were with someone and that the reason you wanted a picture and autograph was because of him and not because you were a fan.
“Yeah? Alright then, glad I could help you make his day like you made mine.”
After that, you would get to pose with him for a picture and he would sign a piece of notebook paper for you, it was the only thing you had on hand at the moment, but he happily signed it for you. You also hadn’t noticed that he looked for more reasons to make conversation with you but your coworker interrupted and him unlike your boyfriend wasn’t very fond of heroes so he could care less that one was in the store other than the fact it meant that the store might get a good review from someone who mattered.
“(Y/n), I need you to do something for me in the back.”
Your coworker would speak up, you could tell from the tone of his voice he just wanted to hurry things along.
“Oh, I don’t want to keep you. It was nice to meet you, (Y/n). Hopefully, I’ll see you again.”
With that Kirishima had given you a small smile and wave before he made his way to the door.
“Yeah, you too, have a lovely day, I hope the person you were buying for enjoys your gift!!”
You would call back to him before he fully left, you hadn’t thought about how he used your first name, you didn’t tell him he couldn’t then, which would come to be a mistake later, many things would lead to being mistakes you couldn’t have fathomed being so problematic. After that meet with him, you had continued work only to be nagged by your coworker about doing your job in a timely fashion which irked you quite a lot but you hadn’t let it ruin your day. Like you assumed your boyfriend would be over the moon to see the autograph and to see the picture you had been so pleased to see his smile, that night was one to remember, Your boyfriend had been so excited he made love to you. Part of you doesn’t want to remember that part, only because it’s yet another thing that you will never have from him again, and giving the current situation, you find it inappropriate.
Suddenly you hear a loud bang echo out, a growl and cussing from not too far away from where you are in the building. Your heart begins pounding in your chest, it looks like those who were chasing you after you had fled are finally here to collect you. Your breathing picks up and you move scrabbling to your feet. If you stay here they’ll find you for sure, that is all that you are thinking about, you need to escape and now.
“Where the fuck are you (Y/n)!! I know you’re fucking here, can’t hide forever idiot!!”
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introvertguide · 3 years
The Road Movie
Most movies follow a general script type depending on genre, and this is used to tell a story that has a satisfying ending. It is interesting when a movie mixes up type and tone and goes against genre type. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it is terrible. Great directing and acting can make the subversion of expectations less jarring (or more depending on the end goal), but the end goal and tone allows us to attach a film to a genre. But what about films that aren't about the end goal? There are many films that are in a sub-genre that focus on the journey with little regard to the end goal. These are what are called "road movies" and can fall under many different genres since the end goal doesn't really matter. Let's address some famous road movies through the years that are also classified in a variety of other genres:
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Huckleberry Finn (1931)
The OG of travel films, this was the sequel to Tom Sawyer (1930) and had the same child actors. This wasn't what you would call financially successful, but this was largely due to the Great Depression. The 1939 version of the movie did a lot better and was one of the well known films of child actor Mickey Rooney. This story of travel was an early role for many actors including Rooney, Ron Howard, and Elijah Wood. Although there were threats of death and portrayals of slavery, this film was considered a family adventure in the pre-code film era. I guess a boy escaping his abusive father in the company of an adult escaped slave where people are actively attempting to rob and kill them was considered a fun family romp in the early 30s. This was the same story that came from a book that was banned in schools during the 1980s. It is a great story and I love the works of Mark Twain; I am just surprised at the genre.
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Stagecoach (1939)
This is a great movie that transcends the Western genre of which it is categorized. A group of people all have different reasons for traveling from an Arizona territory over to New Mexico. There is word of vengeful thieves and angry Apaches that threaten the small band of travelers. It is actually very intense because the threat feels very real throughout the film. The entire film focuses on the journey and the relationships forged (and broken) on the way. This was the breakout role for John Wayne and was part of an amazing string of films directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne.
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Easy Rider (1969)
This is a film that really spoke to the hippie movement during the Vietnam Era. It is statement on how difficult it is to truly be free and how society fears that freedom and tries to destroy it. The film might very well have the worst dialogue of any movie I have ever seen. Actors Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper were actively using drugs throughout film production, so the real draw was the sweet rides and the moving soundtrack. This is a movie where I actually want more driving montages and less character development because I don't identify with the characters at all. Maybe it is a generational gap.
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Paper Moon (1973)
This film is amazing. It is the story of a traveling grifter who takes a little girl on the road with him after her mother dies. He teaches her how to make a living cheating people and they form a father-daughter type of relationship. It is a comedy drama that won the girl an Oscar for best supporting actress when she was only 10. Some nice back story, the girl is Tatum O'Neal and is the actual daughter of the grifter, played by Ryan O'Neal. It is kind of strange, but this is a "coming of age" film on the road.
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The Blues Brothers (1980)
Now this is what I am talking about. Two brothers go on a trip after being released from jail because they got a message from God. I am pretty sure that this film still holds the record for most crashed vehicles in a single movie. It is also interesting that the film is technically a musical. The brothers stop at different locations and songs break out. In between stops, they are chased by the police in an almost demolition derby style chase. I really enjoy this movie and believe that it really keeps a fast pace (literally and figuratively), but, like many road films, I can't say it is good because it is more of an experience than a story.
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Thelma and Louise (1991)
This was an interesting twist on the "run from the law" type of film. Two women are friends and decide go on a weekend retreat. They get in trouble after killing a man who tries to assault them and have to run from the authorities. It has a reputation for being very feminist (despite being directed by accused mesogenist Ridley Scott) because of the negative portrayal of men. It obviously wasn't that bad since it was nominated for 6 Oscars including both leads for best actress. In fact, Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon were both nominated for best actress at the Academy Awards, the BAFTAs, and the Golden Globes. It is the quintessential road film since the end goal is constantly changing and best defined as "away from here."
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Natural Bork Killers (1994)
This was kind of a strange film. It is a crime drama where the audience follows two killers with traumatic childhoods as they meet and go on a murder spree. Similar to Bonnie and Clyde, but with gory murders as the focus over bank robberies. It is directed by Oliver Stone, and criticizes the glorification of violence by the media. It is most definitely a road movie because the end goal for the two is simply to be together and enjoy the rush of breaking the law. Hm. It is actually quite a bit like Bonnie and Clyde. Interesting. I would like to make a note that my mom hates this film because of the shaky cam and Dutch angles. It made her feel sick at the theater.
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Road Trip (2000)
OK. This is far and away my least favorite film on this list, but it is the most famous "boner road comedy" that I am familiar with. It is a high school/college coming-of-age film that focus on the sexual pursuits of a group of young men. These types of films are marked with gross out humor, gratuitous nudity, and boys trying to have sex. There was a bunch of films like this that came out around the early 2000s and they all had to do with boys traveling some place in search of idealized sex (the plot on this one is a little different, something to do with a sex tape) and generally they find that the best girl for them was there by them all along. It takes a nice idea of character development and throws raunchy jokes and boobs at it. I was not a fan, but it was definitely a thing.
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Death Proof (2007)
This is much better shlock. It is the Tarantino version of exploitation grindhouse films of the seventies, but updated to be a women empowerment film. It was part of a double feature that was paired with a horrific zombie outbreak film directed by Rod Rodriguez, but this one is much better on its own. It is the story of an old stunt man who travels around looking for unsuspecting victims whom he can run down in his indestructible car. This is a great example of what a road movie can be because Tarantino took the concept of a slasher and put it completely on the road.
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Mad Max Fury Road (2015)
Here is an action revenge film in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where most of the film is driving. The producers couldn't find a director who they trusted with remaking George Miller's Mad Max franchise so the 70 year old Miller said "hold my beer" and made this masterpiece that is arguably better than any of the first three (edit: I guess Miller always intended to direct but it took so long to go into production that he joked in interviews about giving up on it). The original trilogy with Mel Gibson presents an amazing world where most people are nomadic and traveling can be a life or death proposition. Fury Road is the further adventures of the character and his interaction with one Furiosa. The use of many practical effects on moving vehicles that was garnished with CG effects made for one of the best action films in the last decade. It was more than a simple movie about traveling; it was a land were the road was life and everything surrounded the ability to be mobile enough to get supplies in a dead world.
This is by no means all of the road movies. The Wizard of Oz is technically a road movie. The Grapes of Wrath is a critically acclaimed road movie from around the same time. Comedies like The Cannonball Run, Smokey and the Bandit, and National Lampoon's Vacation can all be classified in the genre. Rain Man is one of the best films of all time and it can be classified as a road movie. What it comes down to is that, when considering characters, a writer should think about the journey itself and think of how the leads interact with this entity. The road might be the best character in the whole story.
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iamkidfish · 3 years
So happy to read your writing again!! If you’re still accepting prompts could you do #6 for leatin?
Read on ao3!
(chasing someone's lips after they pull away)
Honestly, Leah should’ve expected it, considering Shelby’s enthusiastic insistence of  those ridiculous middle school basement party games, but it takes her by surprise when Toni suggests they all play spin the bottle and Shelby agrees. And okay, it probably helps that they're totally, like, in love or whatever, but still. It’s only been a few weeks since Shelby and Toni called an impromptu meeting so they could announce to the rest of the girls that they were officially together. Shelby’s gotten more and more comfortable each day with the whole “being physical with a girl” thing in front of the rest of them. Well, at least during the day. For the past month or so, Leah’s had to pretend like she hasn’t seen Toni curled in between Shelby and Martha when she's the first to wake up in the morning besides Nora. 
It’s even more surprising when everyone else also agrees to play spin the bottle. That, Leah knows, is no doubt influenced by the second round of Jeanette’s gummies they all ate earlier in the day. This time, they make sure Martha takes the appropriate amount and that she doesn’t wander off into the woods by herself. 
After they gather everyone (it’s even more difficult when they’re all high), it becomes extremely clear very quickly Toni only suggested the game so she could make out with Shelby at any given opportunity. Plus, having both Rachel and Nora playing complicates matters so after two disappointing rounds where nothing really happens except for a lot of bickering (which isn't new) and Toni flat out refusing to kiss Martha (“You had your chance for years but I'm a committed woman now, Marty”) so, according to Fatin and the rules, that meant Martha and Nora, but they giggle so much it's not so much of a kiss than just pressing their smiles together.
Leah can’t say she's too disappointed with the change of game. Yeah, she’s pretty fucking bi and the rest of them are all gorgeous and even though she’s been rubbing some of Fatin’s toothpaste on her teeth every morning, Leah’s fairly confident too many rounds of spin the bottle will give them all whatever the deserted island equivalent of herpes is. She’d rather not repeat any mass outbreak of any type of sickness, once with the mussels was enough. 
Once they get going again, it’s pretty easy to think of questions and before long, Leah’s heard how Shelby vandalized a car, a truly awful description and mental image of Rachel’s first kiss, Dot’s dream Survivor cast, including Jake Gyllenhaal for some reason, and enough knowledge about Fatin’s various sexual fantasies that Leah kinda wants to run into the ocean (again). Most of their truth questions just turn into group discussions but there’s some good dares that get passed around including Martha having to talk dirty to Fatin’s toothbrush for three straight rounds, Dot and Fatin streaking completely naked across the beach, and Toni performing a lap dance on Marcus. For the last one, Leah takes the liberty of covering Martha’s eyes with her hand and Dot covers Shelby’s after her face turns bright red. 
There's a lull in the conversation after Dot tells everyone the time Shelby rapped on the morning announcements and they all laugh, Shelby the loudest out of all of them. Leah doesn't mind the silence since, for once, her mind is blissfully empty of any thought at all—except maybe how laying on the sand kinda feels like floating.
Leah might even say she's...happy. 
Toni's voice cuts through the haze in her brain, “Hey Fatin, truth or dare?” 
She looks up and sees where Toni is leaning against Shelby's leg. There's something about the glint in her eyes, something too mischievous, that makes Leah wary. About what, she doesn't know, but on guard nonetheless. 
“That's easy Shalifoe, truth. I'm an open book.”
Leah hears Nora whisper to Dot, “Everything we’ve learned about her sex life has been against my will.”
“You’re telling me, she’s been talking about this shit with me since day four. I’m still trying to figure out what she meant by reverse 69.”
“Physically, it shouldn’t be possible. But maybe, Fatin transcends physics by like, sheer power of will,” she hears Nora mutter back to Dot. 
“Alright, who would you kiss on the island if you had to,” Toni asks. Then she adds, “but you can’t say Shelby.”
Fatin laughs and Leah can hear the rumble of it in her chest, from where it’s resting against Leah’s shins. She’s not really paying attention just because she assumes Fatin will say Dot (like she always does and crack a joke about being lesbian lovers, which doesn’t not make her stomach clench uncomfortably. What she actually says kind of shifts Leah’s entire world just slightly off of its axis. 
“Leah, no question. That was supposed to be a hard question, Toni? You gotta step up your game.”
“Okay then, if you’re not a pussy, kiss her right now,” Rachel says. 
“Yeah, no can do.”
Does everyone not realize that Leah’s right here, when everyone’s talking about her?
Rachel looks victorious, like she’s finally outsmarted Fatin, but then Fatin adds, “that wasn’t even a dare.”
“Fine, I dare you to kiss Leah,” Rachel and Dot roll their eyes. 
“There we go, okay,” Fatin shrugs and finally, rolls over to face Leah. 
She doesn’t even get to protest that Rachel wasn’t the next person, so technically, her dare shouldn’t count, but Fatin has either conveniently ignoring the rules or she wants...yeah, Leah doesn’t let herself finish that thought
“Well, wait a minute. Y’all should only be doing this if Leah’s okay with it,” Shelby interrupts and Leah could kiss her, if not for Toni. She smiles a grateful smile to Shelby, who flashes a bright, kind one back.
“I mean it’s cool, I guess,” she mutters. By now, Leah knows she definitely can’t kiss anyone casually and she thinks Fatin should know this too by now.
“See, it’s okay,” Toni says, “Fatin’s finally gonna get some and we get free entertainment.”
“Go on then, put on a show for us, Jadmani,” Rachel heckles and Leah wonders what would happen if she tried to run into the ocean again, right now. 
Fatin stands up and apparently this is going to be a Thing so Leah does too, desperately hoping when she rinsed her teeth off this morning with Fatin’s toothpaste and using her finger as a toothbrush that she didn’t miss, like, any three-day-old goat meat that’s stuck between her teeth. Fatin’s options are pretty slim, so Leah argues with herself that Fatin should appreciate any action she’s getting, regardless of the potential surprise of goat meat.
“You know, you can look a little more enthusiastic about kissing me,” Fatin tells her, quieter so that no one else hears. Leah’s grateful for at least that. 
“Fuck off,” but there’s no real bite to her voice. Leah wonders when that happened. 
Fatin tries to caress her arm and Leah slaps her arm away. Distantly, she hears Toni whisper to Dot: “this is definitely considered foreplay right?”
Leah turns her head, looks to the ocean. It’s not even twenty feet away…
No, she shouldn’t.
Past Fatin’s head but still in her line of vision, Dot and Rachel are making various scissoring gestures. Leah shouldn’t run into the ocean to avoid kissing Fatin, she shouldn’t. Should she?
“Hey, you good?” Fatin’s voice is softer than Leah’s ever heard it. “We don’t actually have to go along with this stupid game if you don’t want to.”
But that’s the thing, Leah wants to. Like a lot. 
“What’s the fun in that?” And it’s not exactly an answer but Leah’s not really concerned when Fatin’s face is so close to hers. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Fatin says, maybe out of breath but she’s too focused on keeping air in her own lungs.
Fatin’s lips are a little dry like she expected but Leah kind of likes it.
She has to bend her neck down to keep her lips pressed against Fatin’s and in the middle of the kiss, Leah realizes there’s this awkward amount of space between their bodies like she’s fourteen and dancing with a boy at her cousin’s bat mitzvah, so Leah pulls Fatin closer by her hips. A low, strangled kind of hum escapes Fatin’s lips. Interesting. 
But then Fatin’s pulling back and really it was too short of a kiss (even for their stupid dare), so Leah’s only a little ashamed when she chases after Fatin’s lips, eyes half-closed.
 Some of the girls (Toni) are wolf-whistling but it’s all white noise to Leah. She opens her eyes and Fatin’s hasn’t quite moved out of her space yet. 
“How was that for you?” She jokes and yeah, Leah knows she’s bad at flirting, but even that was awkward for her. 
Fatin doesn’t say anything, just looks at her (well, at her lips) with a kind of glazed over look in her eyes. Leah never anticipated Fatin ever being speechless but there’s a first for everything.
Leah opens her mouth to talk but Fatin’s eyes snap up to her eyes and Leah wishes Fatin wasn’t so hard to fucking read all the time. Then, it doesn’t really matter because she turns and runs away without saying anything. 
“Omg, Leah I think you broke Fatin,” Martha says. 
“Yeah right Marty, more like she’s off to go masterbate with her toothbrush,” Toni responds.
Leah’s scared it’s the former.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Harry Lupin-Snape AU
Started thinking of Snape and Lupin raising Harry.
Like, maybe James and Lily has written somewhere in their will that if something would happen to Sirius, Harry would be given to Remus or Severus.
And like, at this point Severus has started working for Dumbledore to protect this kid so it would be easier if he raised him (Plus, Lily’s eyes), and it’s his best friends kid, so Remus is all for it, but neither feels like taking it to court because of obvious reasons, so they just decide to do what divorced parents do, and have him every other week.
And Severus is surprisingly good at it, because he lives a pretty calm life, plus Narcissa and Lucius comes over every once in a while with their kid.
And Remus is just happy to have something left of his friends, plus Harry’s snuggles help when he’s feeling down.
(And they make sure that Severus takes him during the full moon week, for safety’s sake)
But when Harry turns like, three, Severus has to go back to his job at Hogwarts, and Remus is offered a position as like the Arthimancy professor, so Harry doesn’t have to be transported so far when he’s going to his other “parent”, plus Remus gets a job.
And now not a single student can focus in Severus’ classes, because while he is doing his scary vampire thing, a three year old with the greenest of eyes and a lightning bolt scar is sitting beside his desk, babbling away.
And every student wants to take Arthimancy classes, one because the professor is chill, and two because again, adorable three year old. Sometimes when Remus asks a question in class, Harry answers something completely irrelevant but he takes it as an answer.
This of course leads to the professors being very focused on the kid in the teachers lounge, and both Remus and Severus are on the sidelines being proud parents while making sure he’s not getting hurt.
And then Harry turns eleven, and Remus takes him to King’s cross because he needs the full Hogwarts experience Severus, and Ron sits by him because “Every other seat is full”, and yeah all that plays out.
Remus is as proud as he can be when he gets sorted into Gryffindor, and Severus just grumbles (While smiling under his breath because he’s just like his mother).
Harry defeating a troll at Halloween and getting grounded, but not for too long since they are still proud that their kid for taking down a troll when he’s just eleven.
Both Severus and Remus using counter curses during his first Quidditch match, so everything’s fine there.
Harry and his friends still believing that someone is trying to steal the philosophers stone, but not knowing who it is since Severus is Harry’s adopted father and he wouldn’t suspect him.
Remus and Severus both almost breaking down crying when they find out that Harry almost died, and deciding that they need to start working more as a unit while raising this daredevil of a child.
Remus not even being mad that Harry stole a car, because it’s too funny and it’s such a James thing to do, while Severus playing angrier than he actually is, because it was pretty darn clever.
Severus giving every kid detention that dares to mention that Harry have opened the chamber of secrets.
Remus and Severus starting to flirt a little between each other.
Remus having to console Harry after Hermione was petrified.
After Harry told Severus that he suspects that Lucius gave Ginny the diary, he is ready to fucking murder that bitch, Remus has to physically hold him back.
During the summer, Severus offers to help Remus during the full moons, and one Animagus Transformation later, the Big bad wolf now has a black cat following after it.
Remus being offered the position as Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, because the only new professor they could find that year was someone willing to substitute for Arthimancy.
After the news of Sirius Black’s escape, Remus insists on following Harry on the train, and saving him from the dementor.
Severus substituting for Remus when it’s the full moon(except for the actual night), and Harry being strictly told not to tell anyone about the werewolf.
(Before this they maybe brought in some other professor, idk)
Remus and Severus constantly being scared of what Black might do to Harry, but Remus still doubting the whole thing.
Harry being given the Marauders map and immediately knowing it’s Remus and his friends who made it.
Despite that, he only shows him it after seeing Pettigrew on the map, and Remus confiscate it.
Remus and Severus goes after Harry together when Sirius strikes, Remus knowing that he’s innocent while Severus is still unsure, because of biases.
Remus and Sirius reuniting, with Severus standing in the background ominously, a bit jealous.
Sirius and Severus still getting into a bit of an argument, so Harry has enough and just uses Expelliarmus on his adopted father, to everyone’s surprise.
When Remus’ transforms into a werewolf, Sirius tries to calm him down while Severus turns into a cat and starts to chase after Pettigrew, but unfortunately can’t catch up.
Both Remus and Severus trying to defend Sirius (Severus only doing it for Remus’ sake), but everyone refuses to listen to them.
Until they are told that their “son” traveled back in time to save a hippogriff and Sirius holy shit WHAT-
So Harry’s grounded for a while.
But after some convincing from Remus, he’s allowed to go to the Quidditch World Cup.
Big mistake, he nearly died again, they should just lock him in a room because it seems like he has a death wish.
And then his name is placed into the goblet of fiyaghdofht
And Severus’ death eater mark starts to hurt again.
And Harry keeps having these dreams of Pettigrew and a strange man together with Voldemort.
And the new DADA professor teaches the kids the unforgivable curses
So it’s a lot for the both of them!
Plus the fact that Sirius is still on the run, but wants an opinion in how they are raising his godson, and Severus is just not having it.
Both Remus and Severus try their best to help Harry in their own ways, Remus by giving him tips and Severus by answering him questions about death eater stuff and who might have put his name in the goblet of fiyahdgfjeb
And when they both hear that dragons is the first task, well let’s just say they panic a little.
And then they argue for a bit if the broom stunt was more of a James or Lily thing, since James was a natural flyer while Lily was clever and creative.
Oh, little do they know.
They both can’t believe how stupid their “son” is when it comes to the Yule Ball, because for Merlin’s sake just go with the Weasley boy. But nope, he takes the Parvati girl and ends up being down the whole evening.
Remus and Severus end up having fun though, as they have a little too much to drink and dance a lot. That brings Harry’s mood up a little, because he’s been waiting for the two to get together for a while.
(And ye, they kissed, but they were drunk and it was brief)
They feel a bit more safe about the second task until Harry doesn’t come out of the water, oh merlin Lupin he’s dead isn’t he, oh I never thought I would loose a child this way-
But no, he’s fine, he was just being his usual chivalrous self, and Severus can’t help but smile because that’s 100% Lily’s son.
And then all the stuff about Rita Skeeter and the daily prophet, yeah that’s a mess. A few articles are written about Remus and Severus, on how they might be secretly married, on how Severus is an Ex death eater and is raising “The Chosen One” and how Remus keeps disappearing.
And then it’s the third task, and Severus gets called to Voldemort in the middle of it and they both just look at each other with panic in their eyes.
It’s a mess when Harry returns with Cedric’s dead body, shouting on about how Voldemort is back, and then he suddenly gets dragged away by Moody, and they both figure out what’s up.
Harry is very emotionally unstable after that, and they both do their best to be there for him, but Dumbledore tells them that he has to live with the Dursley’s that summer for protection, and for plot because otherwise this wouldn’t work.
So Harry is gone from their lives half the summer because they can’t contact him, and they now spend a lot of time in Grimmauld place, which Remus is happy about because Yay, Sirius, Best friend! while Severus ain’t having it because he’s a jealous darling.
And Sirius isn’t much for it either, so there’s a lot of tension there.
It’s all just sorta awkward until Harry gets fucking expelled and he’s to be moved to Grimmauld place, and both Severus and Remus volunteers to follow because that’s basically their son, but neither are allowed.
And when Harry reunited with his parental figures, he’s happy to see them of course, but also sorta pissed because he had to live with abusive muggles half the summer, and they both apologize a million times and say that they had too.
During what’s left of the summer Severus isn’t around much, as he has things to do concerning Dumbledore (And the whole double-agent thing with the death eaters), and Remus is fairly busy as well, so Harry bonds a lot with Sirius. 
And Sirius is just delighted to spend time with his godson who is so much like both James and Lily, til he starts to notice some familiar quirks with him, like how he always reads with his nose very close to the book, or how he always seems to have a piece of chocolate in his pocket in case someone is feeling down, or how he pauses in the middle of sentances for dramatic effect, that he knows came from Remus and Severus.
And he’s a little sad about it, because he was supposed to raise this child as his godfather, Harry was supposed to have small little quirks from him, not Snivellus.
And when he founds out that Severus is now an Animagus that helps Remus with the full moon’s, oh he is pissed.
When Harry is sent back to school and it is revealed that the ministry has taken over Hogwarts, Severus and Remus share a worried glance, because that means that Remus is in a bit of a risk here, because of the werewolf thing.
They both to keep their cool when she comes to Inspect their classes (Well, in Severus’ case it was a bit more cold than cool), but they are honestly both really nervous about Remus.
When she asks about the fact that Remus keeps disappearing for a few days ever few weeks, he simply blames it on allergies, and the rest of the teachers back this fact up, as they like Remus, and the students enjoys his classes.
It’s the day that Harry shows up in Severus’ office, asking him for a potion against his bleeding hand that they get real mad, how dare she hurt their little lion cub.
Neither of them are aware of Dumbledore’s army, just because of safety. Harry wanted to tell them, he really did, but Hermione and Ron convinced him against it as the less people who know the better.
Their favorite event of the year is probably when Harry bursts into Remus office when they both were there, pouting as hell and complaining about Cho Chang. They both agree that it was a very James thing to do.
The whole occlumency thing puts a bit of a rift in Harry and Severus’ relationship however, since Harry gets very angry over his adopted father or just breaking into his mind, and Severus is frustrated that Harry hardly tries, and all he can see while doing it is James.
It’s when Harry uses the Pensieve and sees the memory of his father, Remus, Sirius and Pettigrew bullying Severus, and Severus calling his mother a mudblood that Severus gets real angry.
The two barely talk for the rest of the year, and Remus is basically stuck in these situations where the one he was talking to just rants about the other, and he’s just so done with this shit.
When Harry has a vision of Sirius getting tortured, and they all get captured by Umbridge, and she tells Severus to get the Veritaserum, Severus nonchalantly brushes it off, even though he is boiling inside because how dare this bitch hurt his son.
When Harry starts shouting about Padfoot, he immediately figures out what he has to do, and as soon as he’s left the office he runs to get Remus and the order.
Unfortunately he can’t follow since he’s still playing the Double Agent, but he is basically in his office pacing away worrying about everything that could go wrong to his little lion cub and to Remus.
Thankfully, both of them are allright. Unthankfully, Sirius is dead and they both are emotionally destroyed.
It’s a tough summer for the family, Severus has to make sure to be there for both of them, while Dumbledore is over there getting himself cursed because of greediness, plus he’s trying to get Severus to kill him, and tells him that his son needs to die.
Severus ain’t having none of Dumbledore’s shit.
And then he’s approached by Narcissa who also asks him to kill Dumbledore, and makes him do the Unbreakable vow.
So yeah, Severus has a lot of thing going on.
Remus notices this however, and tries to ease his mind with some wine when they are back at Hogwarts, and whoops there they go, second kiss. And third. And hOLY MERLIN CALM YOURSELVES-
When Harry finds the Half-blood prince book, he doesn’t bring it up with either Severus or Remus, because he doesn’t really see it as too big of a deal.
Harry ends up complaining to Remus about Ron and Hermione arguing and that he is caught in the middle of it, and Remus end up giving him the most annoyed glare, because bitch now you know how I felt last year, and Harry just chuckles awkwardly.
It’s when the cursed necklace is given to Katie, and Harry’s best friend nearly dies of posion when Severus is really starting to freak out in his own way, which is that he’s screaming in his head but is completely calm on the outside.
There’s also been this thing where since Severus was a part of raising Harry, some death eaters believe him to have grown attached to the boy, but he just replies that he’s simply playing his part.
When Harry and Remus goes to the burrow at Christmas while Severus goes to his place, only briefly visiting a few times to see his son but is still trying to keep up the Death Eater thing, Remus starts to suspect something is up with Severus when Harry can’t stop rambling about Draco, and how he saw Severus confront him about something, speaking about the unbreakable vow.
Remus brings it up one night when they are back at Hogwarts, when they are both sitting in front of the fireplace with Severus’ head in Remus lap, and Severus quietly panics. Remus doesn’t push him however, just says that if he needs to talk then he’s there for him.
When Harry fuels Draco in the bathroom, and Severus finds Draco bleeding out, he figures out that Harry has his old book.
Instead of just demanding of him to bring him it, he just says that they will talk later and then takes Draco to the hospital wing.
Severus is calm and patient when Harry tells him about the book he found with all these spells, belonging to “The Half-Blood Prince” and Severus is just beaming with pride in his mind because that’s his boy! His boy found his book! His boy learnt from his instructions!
But instead of saying that, he just says that he’s not mad, but tells Harry that he has to get rid of the book, and so he hides it in the Room Of Requirement, landmarking its place with an old bust and a diadem.
Both Severus and Remus gets very protective of Harry after that, because a lot of Slytherin students are angry at him, which they sorta have a right to be, but still no one messes with their little lion cub!
When Harry leaves to retrieve the Horcrux with Dumbledore, and then they return, and then they go up to the Astronomy tower and is confronted by Draco and Death Eaters...oh boy.
Severus has to go up there, knowing that his son was watching him, and perform the unforgivable curse.
And poor Harry was just standing there, watching his father kill a man that he trusted, feeling lost and betrayed and a hundred different feelings.
And Severus has to look at his son, anger twisting his face, demanding him to fight him, calling him a coward.
And then someone has the guts to hurt his son?!
But when he hears Harry try to use one of his spells, he is once again a little proud because his son is suing something he created!
And then Harry flies back, laying on the ground, looking up at him with both anger and fear, demanding him to kill him and calling him a coward.
And he does the only thing he can do, he mocks his father, reveals who “The Half-Blood Prince” is, and then flees.
And Harry is just so confused and betrayed, and Remus tries to comfort him but he is as confused, and neither of them knows what to do.
But there’s still this feeling Remus had, the same feeling he had about Sirius, that something is not right here.
Harry once again being sent back to the Dursley’s for safety before both him and the family will be moved to different places, and Harry end up having a bit of an heart to heart with Petunia about her sister.
And Severus over here is just screaming in his head constantly, because instead of having Remus and their son, he is now forced to be around the Death Eaters, half of which don’t even trust him, all because of Dumbledore.
And then Harry will be moved, and Severus is one of the Death Eaters being sent out to kill all the other’s, and he’s just not having it.
As subtly as possible he tries to protect his Remus and his son, and while doing it he accidentally cut off one of the Weasley’s ears, so whoopsie.
Remus not being able to return to Hogwarts to teach that year because he’s apart of the order and he’s a werewolf, so the two are separated that whole year and they both suffer.
And Remus tries to make Harry let him come with him for the Horcrux hunt, but Harry just says that it’s safer not too, because the fewer the easier, and Remus needs to take care of himself, which he’d been horrible at doing for the past couple of weeks.
He ends up spending a lot of time with Sirius’ cousin Tonks, and the two become close. Not in a romantic sense, but in a platonic sense. And Remus is happy to have someone to talk to, someone who’s also lost things.
And Severus is just as depressed as you can be over at Hogwarts, spending a lot of time using the Pensieve, reliving some moments he had with Remus and Harry.
Like when Harry first said his name, or when Harry first called him dad, or when Remus and him danced at the Yule ball, or all the times Remus used to pet his hair whenever he got bored.
And yeah he’s not in a good place.
When Harry and his friends is sighted in Hogsmead, Severus is a bit conflicted because on one hand, yay his son, but on the other hand, Harry what are you doing I’m trying to keep you alive here.
But when Harry confront him in front of the school, stare at him with hate and betrayal once more, it’s just too much.
So when McGonagall comes out and starts to duel him, he sees him moment to escape and takes it.
And then Remus dies in the first part of the battle, and Harry is hardcore sobbing over his body, because it’s too much.
And Severus gets bitten by a snake, and Harry is close to just breaking in and Avada Kedavring Voldemort’s ass because how fucking dare he.
But when Harry sits beside Severus’ dying body, crying like hell, Severus doesn’t say anything about Lily.
He asks about Remus, if he’s alright, and when Harry shakes his head a single tear escapes his eye, and he asks Harry to take it.
He doesn’t tell him he has his mother’s eyes, he says something else sappy, like how he’ll always be proud of his lion cub.
Harry takes the tear to the Pensieve, and pours it in before entering the the memory.
He doesn’t see Lily.
He already knows about Lily, and that she and Severus used to be friends before he did a mistake.
Instead, he sees himself, and he sees Remus.
He sees the moment they agreed to both adopt him.
He sees the moment they agree that they need to do this together.
He sees himself as just a toddler in Severus’ potions class, having no worries in the world, and the way Severus would give him the most joyus look he physically could.
He sees Severus and Remus at the Yule ball.
He sees himself reunite with Remus and Severus after half a summer without them.
He sees himself being comforted by Severus after Sirius’ death.
He sees Severus’ world fall apart when Dumbledore tells him that he needs to kill him, and that he himself needs to die.
He sees Severus cast a patronus, and a doe jumping out, the same doe he saw in the forest when he retrieved the sword. The doe this time not only representing Lily, but also Harry.
And then he is drawn out of the memory, tears streaming down his face as he walks into the forest, ready to die.
Harry finds the stone in the snitch, and out of it comes five figures.
Harry looking at Severus, and forgiving him.
Remus looking at Severus and forgiving him.
Lily looking at Severus and forgiving him.
James and Sirius still not being sure about it.
And then, Harry dies.
For like a minute, but still.
And he’s just pissed at Dumbledore when he sees him.
And when Voldemort is dead, and nineteen years later he comes to Kings Cross station with his wife and his three children.
And none of those children having the name Albus.
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Bloodstream (Vampire AU)
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Summary: Small towns usually hide big, dangerous secrets. Dolan twins thought it would be a perfect place to lay low...until they meet her.
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, violence, angst and fluff
Word count: ~ 3000
Vampires are bloodthirsty creatures, past redemption, their humanity long gone. Y/N knew that even in the moment she stayed with Ethan and Grayson while everyone else ran. She stayed, her eyes hyper focused on the blood dripping from their chins, their hands drenched with no trace of human skin - all red. She didn't know what happened, why they lost control, but she believed they wouldn't hurt her. Perhaps it's naive, wishful thinking or even her overconfidence in skills she was granted after they first arrived in town, but she stayed put, actually provoking them.
"Why did you do that?" Trying to keep her voice even, calm, Y/N almost forgot they could hear her frantic heartbeat, smell the indescribable mix of emotions oozing off her skin, undiscovered by human senses.
"You know why." Grayson rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth and chin against the sleeve of his once white hoodie, looking at Ethan for justification.
Regardless of his silent plea, Ethan simply shakes his head, turning around to avoid her questioning glare, almost relieved with her presence. A part of him craved for her in every possible way - from a primal human way to a primal vampire way and it's an overwhelming tension around his dead heart that makes him take a step back.
"No, Grayson! I don't fucking know why and I want to understand, I do! But how can I when all I seem to get is dead bodies dropped at my feet as if you're a damn cat showing off a kill!" Voice echoing around the now empty woods, Y/N realized she has to tone down her anger.
She wanted them to suffer for what they did but she didn't want them to die. If anyone found out a vampire slayer is in love with two vampires who kill mercilessly, she'd likely lose her life along with them.
Before she could blink, she found herself gasping for air, not because of the sudden change in her position or the tree she found her back pressed against, not even because of the way Grayson's bloody hand held onto her neck, but because of the intimacy of the way his lips lingered right above her carotid.
Applying a little bit of pressure only to release it had made her arteries run wild with turbulent blood-flow, the kind that played on Grayson's control issues, the kind that made him want to do something he would forever regret - if he could have just a taste and stop, to let her blood warm his heart and make it beat again even if its for a few hours, he might do it, but he couldn't risk her dying. Not now. Not ever.
"I did it for you. To protect you." Drawing the words out slowly, carefully, Grayson leans back and away from her neck, letting her breathe again. He could sense she wasn't scared, not even when he held her at inch length of death, she trusted him and that scared him. He has never been as scared in all his miserable days as he's been scared since the day she walked into his life. For once, Grayson Dolan had something to lose and he wasn't about to let it happen.
"I can't tell you how many people I killed since I came to this town, but I know why they're dead." Swallowing thickly, she watched his lips press together briefly, just for a moment - as if he's contemplating his next words and the impact they might have.
"They're dead so you could live. And I don't feel sorry. Not even a little bit. Maybe that makes me the monster you think I am but I can't regret saving your life." Leaning his forehead on hers, Grayson almost forgot about Ethan who was so clearly growing anxious, frustrated and most of all - jealous. Sadly, to Grayson's greatest dismay, he wasn't the only Dolan in love with a human - a slayer - his Y/N.
She didn't utter a word; she didn't have to. In a blink of an eye, Ethan and Grayson, as well as the bodies of the people she once considered her townsfolk are gone. Shaking, leaning back on the tree, Y/N wondered why she ever got involved with the Dolan twins - why couldn't she leave this particular mystery alone?
To understand that, we'd have to rewind this to the day she first met them, a few months earlier.
There are three things you need to know before you read this:
1. Vampires are real,
2. Their thirst for blood is unmatched by anything but the love for their mate,
3. Humanity is fragile and to love a vampire is to court death.
The sun-rays lit up her pale skin, her favorite season finally chasing away the winter snow she hated more than anything. She wasn't particularly happy about being forced to walk to campus so early in the morning, a cup of tea warming her frosty fingers, reminding her winter's still got a hold of her little town, the kind of town you'd see on postcards. It's easy to feel at home in towns like these, the kind where nothing bad ever happens except for a few college students running wild during rush week.
Smiling, she nods at the car letting her pass the road, recognizing one of her old high school teachers, the one that used to favor her for her "exceptional kindness and talent". She always felt like she disappointed him, her pristine grades and record were supposed to take her far from that town and for a while she was willing to do anything to get out of there, but life always has different plans for us, doesn't it?
Regardless, Y/N wasn't bitter nor did she resent the circumstances forcing her to stay behind when all her friends left. She still found happiness in small things - watching the sunrise that reminded her there was a fresh start every day if we're willing to take it, in the beautiful scenery - nature always calmed her nerves and it reminded her of her late father who always took her camping and taught her basic survival skills, and then there was the very college she goes to - the place her parents met for the first time, giving her a feeling of closeness to the ones she loved the most but had to say goodbye to.
Nostalgic, half lost in her thought, Y/N didn't pay attention to her surroundings, a daydreamer as her friends uses to call her. Perhaps that's something she would have changed, that day and that moment she was too lost in her own head to see she was seconds away from colliding with a force of nature - Grayson Dolan.
She didn't register the moment of impact, rather the moment a strong pair of hands gripped her waist and left arm, holding her in place with a sturdiness she didn't possess on the best of days. She heard her books fall on the pavement, one of them breaking at the seams and she didn't bother looking up, rather down at her precious books.
Quickly, she bent down to collect her books and assess the damage on her favorite book, the man doing the same, managing to take the books before her, forcing her to look into his eyes without escaping it.
Grayson could see wind-stirred waves in her eyes and he knew if one were brave enough to enter their depths, the world would blur and he'd fall so deep in love that he'd choose to stay there – right in the midst of her storm, no matter what. Of that, he was completely sure.
"The Vampire Academy? Really?" His almost mocking tone made her snarl, narrow her eyes and force the books out of his hands. If there is anything she hates, it's someone judging a book by its covers and she really hated when people deemed her a vampire fanatic because of her favorite series. The Vampire Academy is so much more than a story about vampires and that's a hill she was willing to die on.
"You bumped into me and the first thing you want to do is mock my choice in literature?” Standing up, she raised her chin defiantly high, perhaps because he's a lot taller than she is or because she simply hated being perceived as weak and naive, but she was ready to hand his ass to him and in the most merciless manner possible. “Seriously?" She humphed, swallowing thickly as she held his gaze captive.
"You're right." Raising his hands in mock surrender, he chuckled at her attitude. Licking his lips, he raised an eyebrow before speaking again. "I'm Grayson Dolan and I'm very sorry about your book." Putting an emphasis on very, Grayson smiles too, hoping his usually disarming smirk would make her swoon like all the other girls do.
Shrugging, she pulled the books closer to her chest, her gaze falling to her feet inadvertently, wishing she could rip him a new one but he's apologetic. After all, she felt guilty about the small incident anyway and while he may be a closeted asshole, she wasn't about to chew him out for being decent enough to apologize. Every asshole needs someone to show them they are capable of change, right? Well, she certainly thought so.
"Alright." She shrugs again, a nervous tick Grayson realizes but reserves that observation to himself, deciding it would be best not to antagonize her much more though he wants to. Y/N certainly peaks his interest and it's not just about the fact he can sense her blood type just by the smell of a recent scratch on her forearm, but the fact that she's awkwardly, innocently feisty but also beautiful in the most effortless way possible, the kind where she's absolutely blind to the little things others notice and adore about her.
"Not gonna tell me your name?" Grayson steps in her way, stopping her from leaving him high and dry, effectively making her heart skip a beat loud enough that his brother heard it from the football stadium. Those earthly hues he enchanted everyone with, rimmed with thick, long, dark lashes that brushed his cheeks every time he closed his eyes, seemed to bore into her every time she looked into them and nearly lost herself. Suffering, loneliness, longing, desire; his eyes held all those deep seated emotions and for a moment she had to physically restrain herself from placing her palm on his cheek and softly asking him who hurt him so deeply.
Shaking her head, she pushes those thoughts down and reminds herself she’s probably seeing this comely man through the eyes of her wild imagination, her reality check lost somewhere on the ground ever since he bumped into her. "No. You haven't earned that yet." Smiling, she winks at him cheekily, enough to cause him to change his initial opinion - there is nothing innocent about her and he's more than willing to find out what hides in every dark corner and crease of her complicated mind.
He inhaled her scent as she passed him by, sauntering toward the entrance, purposefully too. She knew his eyes never left her form, she could sense his gaze taking her in, and usually she'd feel overexposed, making her self-conscious of every step she makes but she wanted to leave a lasting impression on him. For some unfathomable reason, Y/N found herself glancing over her shoulder at the grinning man, rushing inside faster to hide just how fast her heart is beating and how blushy his attention made her.
Shaking her head, she wondered why him. She wondered why would he be the first man to make her feel like that after years of never even looking at any man. One thing was certain - Y/N wanted to know every single part of Grayson Dolan's heart and soul.
He's not perfect as he seems, but she wants to know him, all his virtues and flaws and she wants to love and hate him and argue and cuddle and go on adventures and stay at home being lazy. She wants to hype him up and have him be her cheerleader too. It doesn't even have to be romantic in any sense even though she couldn't deny the spark she felt just by the way he looked at her. He would be a part of her life and she would make sure of it.
Rumors fly in small towns, there is nothing surprising about it. That's how Y/N had found out more than a few things about Grayson Dolan and apparently, he has a twin brother. When two guys manage to switch universities in their senior year and at the beginning of the summer semester, it’s bound to create a buzz.
From what she remembers, Grayson Dolan is very tall, muscular and from her vantage point, all she could say for certain is how sharp his jawline is. Of course, she managed to memorize his smirk and gaze, both intimidatingly intimate, the kind that grips your soul and haunts your dreams. He oozes charming confidence but also arrogance she'd usually frown upon. All in all, in few minutes she knew him, Grayson Dolan had left an impression worthy of an afterthought, the kind that turns into a daydream where your mind makes up scenarios that are highly unlikely to happen.
As it will turn out, she wasn't nearly as imaginative as she thought.
Taking her seat, relieved it's the last class for the day, Y/N glanced at the door, her eyes catching a striking man as he enters the room, his presence alone enough to make her question reality, pinching herself only to groan under her breath. In that very moment, his eyes met hers as if he could hear the silent pained 'ouch' she mumbled under her breath.
Averting her gaze, she sat up a little straighter, clearing her voice nervously before looking into her bag for a pen, anything to avoid eye contact with a guy she could easily tell was the fated twin of the man who was still taking over her waking thoughts and she was certain he'd be there when she closes her eyes too.
"Need a pen?" The low, dark voice makes her turn sideways, noticing the guy had taken the seat next to her without hesitation, his brown eyes focused on her with interest she truly wanted to squash. If anything, Y/N didn't want a guy too close to her, especially with what her father told her: "You're going to change the world one day. It's in your blood - our family blood."
Anyone would think it's just delirious talks at the end of a man's life, but there was something in his eyes when he told her, something she couldn't disregard.
"I got one." She shrugged, looking back at her bag, trying to remain calm despite feeling his lingering gaze on her.
Heat washed over her, the kind that comes when you're both embarrassed, nervous and extremely uncomfortable. The main reason for it all wasn't just Ethan but the fact that her pen was missing...and her back up pen too.
Ethan knew that too. She had no idea he had swiped them during lunch, aware he'd need a conversation starter with the girl his brother had decided was worthy of his attention after centuries of ignoring romance and love in any form. Ethan had expected a little more if he were completely honest, especially since Grayson spoke about her alluring blood and enticing personality, but he figured there's more beneath the surface.
Unlike his brother, Ethan loved making women giddy, enjoying every bit of attention his immortality gifted him with and what most humans never understood, it's that vampires have more than the gift of immortality kept by human blood.
Vampires have strength unimaginably greater than any human as well as speed no human eye could follow. Their skin isn't always cold, as long as they drink hot beverages or human blood, even their hearts might beat again. The sun won't hurt them, crosses and holy water and garlic wouldn't cause any damage either, but fire might - as well as their hearts pierced with a wooden stake or their head being chopped off? That’s a sure way to rid oneself of a vampire.
"Just take it." Ethan pushed one across the table, winking her way when she dares to look his way once more, enjoying the pink tinted cheeks barely covered with her hair way too much not to crack a smile - a smile that could melt a hundred hearts.
"Alright." Taking the pen, she clicks it eagerly, pressing her lips together to hold back a smile from him. "Thanks." And that's when the longest hour of her life began, completely unaware she became prey and not just in the eyes of the handsome twins that recently joined the campus, but of many more who'd come looking for her - a direct blood relative of Buffy Summers - the last vampire slayer and her power had finally awakened.
Completely unaware of her destiny, Y/N went about her day, falling asleep just a few minutes before midnight strikes, a certain vampire sitting nearby, listening to her breathing evening out and her heartbeat slowing down.
"Are you really going to stalk her now?" Ethan clicks his tongue, watching Grayson roll his eyes. "Don't be a cliche, brother. Either kill her and get it over with or leave her alone. It's not that hard."
Cracking his knuckles, Grayson narrows his eyes, a few dark, blood filled veins becoming increasingly prominent on his face and his once brown eyes are now clouded with darkness.
"Someone is here." Grayson whispers and Ethan chuckles.
"Yeah. Us."
"Are you really that dense? There is something creeping on that girl and it's not just us. And it smells foul." Scrunching his nose, Grayson whips his head around to her window, noticing a speedy shadow moving up the wall, and before he knows it, Grayson's instincts take over.
It only took a moment, but the next thing he knows, Grayson’s primal nature had acted for him and he was grateful. He couldn’t exactly sit by her bed and protect her all night – he couldn’t even enter her home without an invitation, but Grayson could at least protect her home.
Even he wasn’t sure on the actual reason.
"What the fuck did you do?" All he hears is her heartbeat, even as Ethan whisper shouts in his ear. All he can feel is her scent invading his senses once more, the foul stench of the creature he just beheaded no longer standing in the way.
"What I had to." Grayson spat on the body of the creature he killed without a second thought and he couldn't help but smile. As he did, the temperature fell a little. Even in the dim light of the streetlight Ethan saw his bared teeth.
"This is what will happen to anyone who dares touch her."
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adulttrio-imagines · 4 years
Lemon yellow and teal for the adult trio👀 ( or just lemon yellow if ur up for it )
EDIT: Some stuff might be triggering, so just beware there’s a childhood sexual abuse headcanon under the cut
Teal: How do they flirt?
He’s disgustingly annoying
Acts very persistent and in your face about it, privacy no longer exist
You go on a trip, he’s right behind you. You’re training, he goads you into a sparring session. You’re at the grocery store, he loads your car with bungee gum.
He acts like a child who doesn’t know how to handle these feelings and pulls the pigtails of the girl he likes, except he’s a lot more dangerous
He acts out a lot to get your attention
Will randomly drop by your house (don’t ask how he found it) and drag you out on adventures
Tons of innuendos, he likes making you feel uncomfortable
Its mostly to get into your pants for the most part
Non-stop sexting
He’ll send you tons of photos of himself
Someone STOP HIM
He likes making you do all the work and get you to chase him for attention
He’s actually quite cat-like. He’ll skirt around you for attention, and then act all surprised when you do give it to him. He might even pretend he doesn’t want it and play hard to get even more
He smiles a lot more around you, to put you at east, will also laugh at your jokes, even if they might not be funny
Drops plenty of subtle hints and cues to let you know what he wants, and acts very surprise when you catch on to them
He can be very romantic and sweet when he wants to be although it’s all an act, but he plans the best dates and is the most normal of the trio so why not just go along with it
Interestingly, I can see him enjoy play wrestling with you as a form of flirting. You get plenty of physical contact, which is a plus for him, and he gets to overpower you and win
He’ll send you romantic poems that he wrote (they’re all stolen from obscure poets and he passes it off as his own)
If he is really interested in you, I can see him recommending books he enjoyed, or places he liked going to, since they have a special place in his heart
Illumi doesn’t flirt, period
All those cues, it flies over his head
He appreciates honesty, so acting coy with him would lead you nowhere
Attempting to flirt with him gets a deadpan stare or if he gets it and doesn’t like it, he’ll just turn around and ignore you
His version of flirting may include whatever old timey dating scenes he had been exposed to as a young child; such as opening doors for you, pushing your chair in, basic stuff like that
But that’s where it stops because he doesn’t understand pick-up lines or innuendos
He basically flirts through his actions; he is very old-school and learns through whatever he saw from his parents as a young child
On a darker note, you bet he will stalk you. Unlike Hisoka though, he wouldn’t get caught, and he’ll steal certain things from you like a magpie
He sacrifices his time alone to do things with you, that’s the biggest give away. If he’s willing to both out in effort and spend time with you, you can tell he is pretty serious
I have a headcanon that Illumi is very good at gardening and tends to his greenhouse whenever he’s not on a job. I can imagine the most significant act he can do is gifting you a carefully selected bouquet of homegrown flowers, with each flower representing a special meaning
He can spend hours talking about his garden and how useful it is, so if he’s willing to open up on that you’re in pretty good shape
Lemon Yellow- How does your first kiss go?
His exposure to sexual acts started very young, even before he could fully understand the meaning behind such actions
I’ve a whole backstory planned in my head, it’s not very happy
He was very young when his first kiss happened, possibly around 6 or 7, and it was not consensual at all
It was forceful, uncomfortable and he hated the way it felt
He couldn’t escape the man at that time, neither could he escape the subsequent acts that followed
He didn’t understand the significance of the event, or how serious it was in hindsight, but it did mess up whatever little understanding he had of affection and negatively skewed it
The fact that it was a regular occurrence messed him up long term
That’s what he learned to associate kissing or sexual acts in general with with; strength, willpower and pain
He was young, curious, and wanted to try something out
Probably around his mid-teens, somewhere around 16 going on 17
He would have went with a woman, possibly with more experience than him, both because it’s the norm and he would like to know what proper kissing would be like
Behind young, handsome and soft-spoken left him with many choices
In the end he went with a girl slightly older than him who had a nice smile and pretty neck
His first kiss evolved into more of a makeout session, and he found it to be very interesting and liked how she made him work for more kisses
He just went with the flow, and followed the other’s lead, focusing on what likes but also what made the other person groaned
Found the overall experience to be  pretty enjoyable
Like Hisoka, he was exposed to sexual acts against his will
Probably around 13/14 years old, around an age where his parents believed that such... feelings would have arisen in him
The problem was that he suppressed his desires and emotions so much that at that age it was all very buried in his subconscious
His parents thought it would be a good time for him to learn how such things work, all for the sake of perfecting the assassin trade
He was exposed to prostitutes basically, both male and female, since more exposure was better to his parents, and told to treat it as a mission
He didn’t understand what was happening, and wasn’t interested in it either
The kisses felt too wet, everything was too warm and he hated being held down like that
When it became too much, he snapped and killed them
He didn’t like how the bruises looked on his skin those subsequent days, and there were no more special visitors in the Zoldyck manor after that
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kimshavacado · 5 years
Dead Heat Ch. 8
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage/Mafia AU
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Summary: Three extremely powerful families with enough power to bring down entire governments, all with vastly different views on how things should be run. The Min family thinks everything can be solved with money, the Jeon family think everything can be solved with violence, and the Kim family relies more on thought which leads to a lack of action. When Kim Y/N loses her father, she only has one way to save herself and her family. But it involves having to give herself over to a stranger. How the hell is she not supposed to punch him in his stupid rich face?
Dead Heat Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Awkwardness
A/N: I was honestly surprised by the final total. It was very split over tumblr and ao3, but there was a clear choice. One that I, myself, would not have chosen. Enjoy! 
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Chapter 8: Relocation
After a few minutes, you slowly escape the warmth of the bed to sneak out. If Yoongi notices, he doesn’t try to stop you. You head back to your room, which now feels cold and lonely. You wash up, get dressed, and prepare yourself for the undoubtedly long day your about to have because of the men downstairs.  
Just as you throw on a sweater, you hear your phone ring. It’s such a mundane thing that it takes you a second to realize that no one should be calling you. As you stalk over to your phone cautiously, your heart sinks to your feet when you read the name on the screen.
Quite a few things flash through your mind. Jimin’s face, the years you shared together, the hurt he had caused you. You seem to be frozen in your place, the only thing bringing you back to your senses is the “missed call” notification on the screen.
You search your brain for any explanation as to why called and when you can’t come up with one, it scares the shit out of you. You honestly have no idea what to do and start to panic. Should you have answered? You could just try to call him back. No, why would you do that? But why would we call you like that? Shit, should you tell-
“What’s taking so long?” You hear Yoongi from outside your door. Without thinking you run to the door and open it, but no words come out and you just stare at him. He meets you with surprised eyes. He officially looks weirded out.
“Why are you crying?” He asks cautiously.
You’re crying? You hadn’t really noticed, too focused on having a mental breakdown.
“It’s nothing.” You immediately say, apparently fixed in defense mode. He raises his eyebrows and presses his lips into a thin line while he stares at you. After yet another uncomfortable duration of time you bring your hands up to your face to wipe away any moisture. You need to pull your thoughts back together.
“Uh, okay then.” He says, still weirded out and turns to walk away. Shit you should tell him, right? Your little internal war is cut off again when you realize you’ve already latched onto his wrist to stop him from leaving.
“Jimin called me.” His face loses all expression once you say this. He turns serious, which has you feeling even more uneasy.
“What did he say?”
“I didn’t answer.”
“Why not?” That’s a wonderful question. Maybe you should’ve, just to hear… but maybe it would’ve been too much.
After a while he stops waiting for your response and walks away from you. You chase after him towards the stairs, ignoring that you two are no longer alone.
“Should I have? Would you have?” He stops on the stairs to think about this. You wonder what it is he’s thinking or who he’s thinking of if he’s entertaining this imaginary call.
“I don’t know.” He says looking directly at you. But in his eyes, you get a suspicion that that might not be true. “Come on, we all have some things to discuss.”
You can’t tell if he’s angry with you or not.
“You wanna ‘relocate’ me!? What is that even supposed to mean?” You start to make a scene in front of the men who have gathered around the large meeting room.
“Us. Relocate us, Y/N. It’s obvious this place isn’t secure anymore. While we prepare a plan, it’s best if we didn’t stay.” Yoongi explains in an attempt to calm you down.
You look around at the men at the large table and standing along the walls. Honestly, you were only hot headed at a moment because Jin and the rest of your house were here. It pissed you off to see him sitting there acting all mighty in your rightful place, sending you away again. How come you were never allowed to do what you wanted to do?
“What do you want us to do?” Your eyes go wide, afraid you might have said your internal rant out loud, but Yoongi is just asking you what your decision is. He’s giving you a say, but you know he’s right.
“Okay. We’ll go.” With a nod you submit. Then Yoongi dismisses everyone to speak with Jin about next steps.
“Y/N you’re part of this too.” Yoongi calls when he sees you leaving with the others.
“I’m sorry, do you just ask me to stay and talk important business?” You ask, a comical look of disbelief over your face. “Since when did my involvement ever give me the authority to do so?” You turn to bitter sarcasm to emphasize both of their disinterest in your opinions on prior matters. “Please don’t let me interrupt the discussion of almighty-“
“I mean, we could always just not tell you.” You huff at this, feeling like a child having a tantrum and collapse into a chair at the large table. After everything, you’ll honestly take what you can get from them. When he notices you’ve finished, Jin breaks the silence.
“I think I have a good place for you to go. Your parents used to have this private timeshare in the country. We basically own it now and no one’s been there in ages, so it won’t be that predictable of a location. Y/N, you’ve probably been there before, do you remember? You might have been too young, though.”
“Wait, my parents had a timeshare? When?”
“After they got married. Sort of needed a place to escape to sometimes, I guess it never hurt to have a sort of safe house away from all this.”
“Huh.” Jin’s confession has you reeling. That’s not something you had expected your father to have done.
“Who knows about it?” Yoongi asks.
“Well we don’t actually have a timeshare agreement anymore, and no one actually owns it. We’ve kept it handy for situations like this, and there’s no record saying we own it, so I guess, just me.” Jin responds.
“Huh.” Yoongi mocks by mirroring your previous response. “Alright then.”
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Jimin’s POV:
He needs to just quiet the war in his mind for good, and he might know a way he can do that.
He cares too much. It’s too important. You’re too important. He can’t keep hoping for your forgiveness, he has to know if he’s lost you for good. It’s too dangerous to be questioning sides. There’s one thing left to ask:
Which side is he on?
He chooses to put all his fate onto a leap of faith. All he needs is your help, even just to hear your voice. That would be enough, just to be reminded why he was doubting in the first place.
He gets his phone out and finds your name in the contacts. He hesitates before taping the call button. He shouldn’t be doing this to you, but he needs to know that he hasn’t messed everything in his life up.
Every unanswered ring diminishes his hope. But instead of sadness, he feels anger beginning to bubble up with every ring until it goes to voicemail.
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Of course it’s raining, why would there be good weather on an evening like this? It’s not like you and Yoongi are driving off into the sunset together. No, instead you’re watching the water droplets race down the car window wishing you could just melt away like them.
Yoongi is quiet the entire trip and you don’t mind. It means your mind is free to wander around all the events that have happened. You think about how everything has made you aggressive and cold to others. But you give yourself some slack, knowing you were once innocent and free of worry as a child.
You still have the good childhood memories at your core. You like to think you’re more like your mother than your father, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. You look over at Yoongi and he drums his fingers on the steering wheel and can’t help but think about his parents as well.
Soon you arrive at your destination and follow a long road covered in trees to a decent sized villa. Through the rainy evening glow you could see the outline of a clearing behind the building which might be a lake, but it’s too dark to see. You’ll have to view it in it’s full glory tomorrow morning.
“Here we go.” Yoongi takes a deep breath before running outside of the car to grab bags. You can’t help but laugh at the unique way he runs around like he’s almost waddling.
Once you see he’s getting soaked you get out to take the final bag up to the house with him. Once through the entrance, you notice how it’s dark and smells like dust. It really gives off abandoned vibes and you start to regret agreeing to this until Yoongi turns on the lights.
It doesn’t look like it’s been decades since someone’s cleaned, and you let out a sigh of relief that it’s passable for living.
“Find a bathroom and get changed.” Yoongi directs. You comply, wanting out of the wet clothes.
Thirty minutes later, after walking around to get acquainted with the space, you find yourself on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. But you’re focused on the words in your head instead of the words on the page. You’re back to your previous debate on which parent you’re like.
That’s when Yoongi walks in, noticing your spaced out expression. He decides to watch for a moment. But when your eyes don’t move, he lets out a small laugh.
“You’re definitely not reading that book.” Caught red handed, you continue to stare at the book with the same expression.
“I’m… thinking.” You say, not meaning to sound as suspicious as you do.
“Yeah, you do that a lot.” You finally tear your sight away from the book to see he flop down on the couch next to you. Now that you think of it, who was Yoongi like?
“Are you more like your mother or your father?” It sort of just comes out of you mouth. His eyebrows lift in surprise but he pulls them back down and takes time to think about it.
“Both.” He says, and you suppose the same of yourself. “But never at the same time.” This really resonates with you. “You can try to be your own person, but other people are what make us who we are.” You suppose this is true as well.
“I always wanted to be like Jimin. Everyone liked him when we were younger, he was practically perfect. But I always compared myself to him.” You pause and let out a sigh. “I’m glad I’m not like him.”
“Me too.” He says this quickly which gets your attention. When you look at him, he’s facing sideways towards you on the couch. His legs are only and inch from touching yours and he’s looking sincerely into your eyes. It’s either that or the low cut shirt he’s wearing that cause something to turn inside you.
“I need a drink.”
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Only good things come when alcohol is involved. Of course what better way to distract yourself from your attraction to your husband than to inhibit your ability to reason. Yoongi plays along though, and you find yourself a slurring mess an hour and a half later. You’re both pretty deep in, but it’s mostly you.
After you crying for the past 20 minutes about the fact that you haven’t had a “real” boyfriend since high school. He decides it best you call it a night.
“I think it’s your bedtime.” He says laughing at your most recent pout. But that only causes you to deepen your pout. He laughs again.
“You know sometimes, I forget you’re not a child.” When this doesn’t get fid of your pout he decides to mirror it. Leaning in to mock you. However, this gives you a great view given his choice of loose clothing and looking up to his pouting face, it’d be almost too easy to close the space. So you’re not surprised when you do. Yoongi however, is. Barely registering that it’s happened before you pull away from his face to stare him down in defiance.
“See? Not a child.” You say, but he’s still focused on your lips. He forgot that you’ve done that before, maybe he should be more careful. Did he really need to, though? You’re his wife, you’ve kissed him before. Maybe it’s because of the drink, but he pulls your head back into his with little thought.
This time is not quite as short as the first. You seem to reciprocate a little too easily, letting his mouth slot with yours. You take action to latch onto him as well, reaching out for the shirt you had so desperately wanted to touch before.
His hands snake down and around your waist as one of yours slides up his neck into his hair as things get a little more heated, tongues tasting the alcohol on each other. One of you lets out a noise resembling a moan, but you can’t tell who because the kiss has gotten impossibly deeper and you can’t stop yourself from throwing a leg over to the other side of him.
He seems to be as lost in it as you are since he pulls your body over the rest of the way so that you’re completely straddling him. After everything that’s gone through your head to day, it’s nice to lose yourself in him and forget anything else. You decide you want to share an impossible amount of time sharing breath like this.
When one of his hands ghosts under the back of your shirt to the bare small of your back, one of yours goes to the hem of his and begin to lift to take it off. Before you can, he grabs your thighs and hoists you up causing you to squeal from surprise. You two never part as he walks you to the bedroom, excitement bubbling in your gut.
When he reaches the bed, he lowers your head down to the pillow, slowing down the kiss. It makes you more desperate to continue but instead, Yoongi stops moving entirely. Pulling away and resting his forehead on yours, you two catch your breaths for a moment.
“Go to sleep.” He whispers just centimeters from your lips, and you want to yell at him. After all that? Go to sleep? You’re about to chastise him for treating you like a child once again until he pulls away climbs on the bed next to you appearing content in his decision to sleep.
You stare at him in awe of his ability to just close his eyes and pretend like that didn’t just happen.
He really is an ass. And you really like him.
A/N: Relationships are changing! Sorry for the steamy fake out there. If y'all are good, maybe Santa will bring some smut around the holidays. Thanks for dealing with me!
Next Chapter
Tags:  @badbyeyoongi @whothefuckstolemykeds @xxqueenwxtchxx @alecmidnight @rjsmochii @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @ superarmyofdreamersuk @zxlla​ @1796p​ @obeythehemmings​ @betysotelo18​ 
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Can I get some Freewood love with the not!fic prompts?
Friend, omg, yes!
I was thinking about various ideas for these two and was blanking on something that didn’t fizzle out after the first bit?
But I woke up to snow this morning (we usually don’t see a lot of it where I live) and I was like !!!
Because, look, okay. Those snowed in fic tropes that often go hand in hand with a ~remote cabin?
But also I’ve been thinking a lot about bounty hunter-y AUs lately. (I blame all the cheesy movies/tv shows I grew up on).
FAHC-ish AU where Ryan starts out as this bounty hunter-ish guy. Works with Michael after there was a Situation that amounts to your typical buddy cop kind of deal?
(Loose cannon/idiot Ryan who ended up in the business after some shenanigans that’s part of his Tragic Backstory and somewhat less of a loose cannon Michael who was just tracking down this asshole who owed him money and got dragged into the whole thing and realized he wasn’t bad at it/kind of liked the work? And then like. They started a business together because that’s what happened in a lot of those terribad movies/tv shows I watched I guess?)
Bounty hunter Ryan who’s gaining a reputation for being a creepy bastard – that sense of humor of his and jokes that don’t land right with certain audiences. Also, doesn’t talk a lot on jobs because as Michael’s pointed out flubbing his words makes him look like a dumbass? (More of one, anyway.)
So he channels the Cool Guys from terribad 80s movies and such when he’s working, and there was that time the masks came into play because Bigger Baddies and it was a panic!moment and there was a mask kiosk right there, it’s not like he fucking planned it, Michael. (Being the nerd he is, though, he immediately gravitated towards the skull mask and now it’s part of his aesthetic. Because reasons.)
Michael’s back in Los Santos dealing with paperwork and recovering from their last job – took a nasty spill off a low roof and sprained his ankle/fractured something/whatever works as a legit Plot Reason for him not going with Ryan on this latest job.
Hacker who got into stuff he shouldn’t have – businessman or politician or other Upstanding Citizen who has all these Rumors floating around them that went to Ryan and Michael about their problem.
Offering them a shit-ton of money to bring this hacker in, no questions asked and all. Best not to, really, because the little weasel is just full of lies and would say anything to save their skin. Honestly, just trust the businessman/politician explicitly and ignore the hacker’s lies and it’ll all be fine.
(Yeah, not sketchy at all, but the guy’s got some muscle-bound goons with him and they’re definitely the kind who’d have no problems killing a couple of nobodies like Ryan and Michael and what pleasure it will be to do business with them, yes indeedy)
Of course this asshole hacker is Gavin and of course he went digging into stuff he shouldn’t have and oh, God, he should have taken Dan up on the offer to visit him earlier.
Now he’s being chased all over the place by this lunatic in the leather jacket and nothing he does seems to slow him down for long.
Traps and lies and doubling back and hiding and whatever else that ends up with them up in the mountains somehow? Gavin running to this little town – supposed to be able to find a small airport nearby and a plane he could ~borrow to put some space between himself and all these bastards in Los Santos only to find out it was all in vain.
The plane he was told about rusting away, bullet holes all along the fuselage and ripping through one wing and he doesn’t know what happened here, but it can’t have been pleasant.
And then Ryan showing up, all Scary Spooky with his stupid everything (no mask because it really was a one time thing, why won’t you drop it, Michael?) and the piece of junk car Gavin stole to get out there and this ridiculous ~chase up a winding mountain road.
Up high enough for there to be snow, a light dusting of it on the ground and too focused on not dying to notice the storm about to hit, and anyway, anyway.
The car dies halfway up the mountain and Gavin makes a go of it on foot for a bit. Remembers seeing a cabin or such on a map he looked at way earlier, or maybe a gas station attendant mentioned it at some point, whichever.
He gets a fair distance away, Ryan bitching as he gives chase and at the start of this whole merry chase Gavin was !!! but as things went on and Ryan stumbled/fumbled along behind him grumbling and complaining and such he’s more ??? because who the hell is this guy?
Not like the other people this businessman/politician sent after him – those were more likely to just kill him and bring his body in, real unpleasant bastards, but this guy?
Gavin doesn’t even know.
They’ve had those intense face-to-face confrontations that could have gone Badly a time or two, always interrupted by some unsuspecting passerby or stray jumping out of hiding to startle them enough for Gavin to slip away.
Just enough for Gavin to wonder if maybe this one won’t put a bullet in him so he can’t run – one of the others tried that and thank God Gavin stopped by an Ammu-nation before hand to grab some body armor under his clothes or he’d be very, very dead, wouldn’t he?
Make him curious, because for all the inconveniences and such Gavin tosses his way, all the angry yelling and bitching and complaining Gavin catches wind of? He hasn’t decided to hell with it and shot Gavin when he had the chance. (Or worse, because wow there are all these ways he could have killed Gavin by now.)
Anyhow, Gavin’s still running, yes, but he’s not flat-out terrified the way he was at the start. All the traps and whatever else he threw at Ryan intending to slow him down, but no real concern about any injuries that might be inflicted in the process.
Now Gavin finds himself dismissing things that might do serious damage to Ryan even if means Gavin could actually escape. (Stupid, stupid, stupid, because no way to know if he’s right about Ryan or if he’s just looking to collect on a bigger payday for bringing Gavin in alive, but yes.)
And then!
In their run through the woods or whatever is taking place, Gavin has to cross this rickety bridge over a river and is terrified the whole time it’ll give way under his weight, but by some miracle it doesn’t. He gets across just fine, and is almost out of sight when Ryan comes charging across, and of course that’s when the damn thing gives up the ghost.
Gavin pulled up short by Ryan’s startled yelp, turning around just in time to see him swept away by the current and almost, almost taking the opportunity to get the hell away.
But, no.
Because of course he damns himself for being an idiot, a fool, and runs along the river bank after Ryan. Keeps track of him as he pelts along until there’s a safe(ish) spot for him to fish Ryan out, pull him to solid ground.
Ryan who’s been doing his best not to drown, trying to remember all the things you’re supposed to do in that kind of situation and certain he’s going to die out here and Michael will bitch about how fucking stupid he was for the rest of his life, because of course he would.
And then there are hands grabbing at him and he’s being pulled out of the water and onto land and he gets a glimpse of a too-familiar face (annoying as hell and goddamn Ryan hates the little shit so much) before he passes out.
Wakes up who knows how much later in this dusty, rickety old cabin in the middle of nowhere freezing his ass off and also kind of without the clothes he was wearing earlier?
Musty blanket and jacket he doesn’t recognize thrown over him and someone (with an accent) muttering to themselves as they struggle to start a fire and what the hell happened?
He must say something or make too much noise while getting his bearings because the hacker whips around clutching a sad little book of matches in his hand and looking like a trapped animal as he watches Ryan nervously.
“Ah, hello,” the hacker says with this awkward little laugh. “You’re awake?”
And then, you know.
Ryan finding out the hacker dragged Ryan all the way up here just as the snowstorm hit and did what he could to warm him up. Was just starting to work at getting a fire started to warm things up faster when Ryan woke up and looks like they’re going to be stuck up here for a while, you know?Ryan half-frozen and clearly in no shape to hike down the mountain even if the storm wasn’t shaping up to be a bastard of a storm. (Supposed to last a couple of days, dump a significant amount of snow and no one in their right might would be out in it.)
And Gavin is still staring at him warily, keeps out of arm’s reach and skittish as hell and with the flickering light from the lantern Gavin managed to light Ryan can see how tired he looks?
Exhausted and run ragged (literally) and just as beat up after the last however long he’s been on the run. (Way before Ryan and Michael got pulled into things, that’s for damn sure.)
“Oh,” Gavin says, and fishes Ryan’s phone out of his pocket. “Michael wanted you to call him back when you woke up.”
Gavin shrugs and explains that after he ~borrowed Ryan’s phone off him earlier that day, the day before in one of their face-to-face confrontations Michael called it expecting to get Ryan.
Turns out he’d been doing some Investigating, talked to a hacker buddy of a friend of his (Matt and Jeremy, respectively) and found out the asshole businessman/politician who hired them didn’t tell them everything.
That oh, hey, maybe it would be a good idea to keep Gavin alive and meet back in Los Santos somewhere to discuss what their next move was because they’re pretty much guaranteed to end up dead if they don’t. (The businessman/politician intending to double-cross them and either get them thrown in jail or outright killed rather than risk loose threads and such. What with that being the case with all the others they sent after Gavin and just. Yeah.)
And of course Gavin was like, ??? and talked to Michael about things and they’ve got this truce/understanding thing going on and Michael telling him Ryan’s a stubborn fuck and it might take a while for him to come around. (Also, don’t let the idiot die if at all possible.)
Gavin wary of a trap, but also this tiny grain of hope maybe things wouldn’t end with him dead, and then the bridge and the river and that moment of hesitation he feels guilty/ashamed of as he hands back Ryan’s phone.
Battery’s almost dead and there’s a sliver of a signal up this high/remote location, but the fact Gavin gave it back is…promising?
Not exactly trust but pretty damn close, and Ryan calls Michael and isn’t sure if the asshole hears him or what, but he tells him about their current situation and a place they could meet in a few days before it completely cuts off/dies and then, well.
Then it’s him and Gavin and this cabin in the middle of nowhere and ALL the huddling for warmth and sharing stories and FEELINGs.
Soft looks when Gavin falls asleep somewhere in there, exhausted as hell and the kind of trust/nothing left to do so in Ryan’s presence after everything they’ve been through.
Usual romcom stuff and when the weather clears and they make their way down the mountain to meet up with Gavin run into some baddies and have to fight their way free.
Another day or so to get to the meeting spot with Michael – small town nearby and this abandoned gas station or something like that on the outskirts.
So of course the asshole businessman/politician and his musclebound goons show up. There’s all these veiled/not-so-veiled threats thrown Ryan’s way when it’s obvious he Knows Too Much.
But maybe, the asshole says. There’s a way out of this for Ryan, because the asshole businessman/politician could use resourceful people like Ryan and Michael. Just let him have Gavin and keep his secrets and he and Michael could be looking at a lucrative job offer, if Ryan knows what he means.
Gavin getting all twitchy and fidgety because it’s a good deal, and really, they’re not friends, him and Ryan and Ryan would get to live. (He wouldn’t blame Ryan at all for accepting the offer, maybe tells him with this odd little smile it’s a good deal, you know? Ryan would be a fool to turn it down.)
Ryan watching Gavin who won’t meet his eyes and of course he’s going to tell the asshole businessman/politician to go to hell – even if he hadn’t caught feelings for Gavin he would have – but Gavin seems to think he won’t, and that’s just.
Ryan doesn’t know, really, because one of the goons gets impatient and goes for Gavin and Ryan just reacts – no conscious thought to it at all – and the goon’s on the ground howling about the knife in his leg and Ryan sweeping Gavin behind him before the shooting starts.
They get pinned down and have that Intense Eye Contact Moment where they’re sure they’re about to die and ~confess their love?
But that’s when Michael and Jeremy barrel on in, driving one of Jeremy’s ridiculous Rimmy Tim-ified vehicles and maybe hitting a goon or two along the way.
More shooting and yelling, but this time the odds are more in Ryan and Gavin’s favor and by the time the smoke clears the asshole businessman/politician’s escaped and the goons he left behind are super dead.
Also, the realization they’re all fucked now, because the asshole businessman/politician is definitely going to spin things to make them the villains of the story and him as the Upstanding Citizen most people know him as and, wow, okay, not cool?
But whatever because Ryan and Gavin are being totally obvious about their mutual feelings to the point Jeremy who doesn’t even know them can see it. (And he’s an idiot, as Michael can attest to. Like. Christ, it took forever for Jeremy to realize Michael was flirting with him and they were living together for months before the asshole caught on to the fact they were dating??? Like fucking Christ, what is Michael’s life???)
They end up having to ~go underground in Los Santos to avoid being murderized by various peoples, and people think they’re just another gang/crew in the city so why the hell not live it up, or something.
Hitting back at the businessman/politician by going after his ~unsavory allies and from the outside it looks like any other criminal squabbles, you know?
Rimmy Tim was a joke, but it becomes Jeremy’s Thing. Mogar happens when Michael picks up the leather jacket with the snarling wolf’s head at a thrift shop and someone asks him a dumb question and things go from there.
Gavin is just. He makes the most of being a little shit, and everyone despairs of the day he and Matt meet properly because oh, God, no.
Ryan embraces the stupid skull mask because Michael still won’t leave it alone (and also keeps people from recognizing him). Gavin’s the one with the idea for the face paint, some stupid joke that suddenly wasn’t one day.
(And oh God. Gavin being the one to do his face paint that first time, before they got their shit together and the intimacy of being that close to one another and touching Ryan’s face? Getting him to turn his head for a better angle to work with using a light press of his fingers and sudden  awareness of everything about something like that and FEELINGS and maybe, maybe, that’s the first time they kiss?
Some awkward throat clearing and eyes being averted with all the !!! of realizing the oh, no he’s hot thing is NOT going to go away anytime soon, what do???)
At some point Geoff and Jack and the people they stole away from Burnie and the Roosters happen and they join forces because wouldn’t you know it? Part of the reason Geoff and Jack and everyone they brought with them are even in Los Santos has to do with the asshole businessman/politician.
Bastard making a grab for Rooster-held territory and/or interests to the point they felt they needed more of a presence in the city, which is where the Fake AH Crew comes in.
And then just.
A lot of shenanigans and assholes getting along too fucking well for anyone’s peace of mind?
Also, also.
Ryan and Gavin finally getting their shit together and smooching the fuck out of each other. (Maybe there’s one close call too many, or Pretend Married for a job, or just. Absent-minded kiss and then the !!! and following panic before they’re like.
Realize they’re basically an old married couple at this point and are like >:((((((((((((( at all the time they wasted when they could have been smooching and so on instead and decide to make up for it.
(The others go from being amused to exasperated to annoyed as fuck in quick succession because goddamn they’re the worst, okay. Sappy motherfuckers who are also assholes and do what they can to make everyone’s life a misery, sometimes even intentionally.)
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nayladoodles · 4 years
Azirapahle and Crowley enter a new chapter of their relationship
Beatrica Sandz is my oc There are days when Crowley is reminded that the world not ending, the failed trials (thank you body swap) and their new freedom did not mean his relationship with Aziraphale will suddenly change to be what he’s always wanted it to be. The angel seems quite content with their friendship staying platonic even though the demon has been helplessly in love with him since Eden before he realized demons can love. As he sits across from his angel for their nightcap he thinks about how much he wants to kiss his plump lips. “I love him so much..”  Crowley thinks to himself getting lost in his angel’s grey-blue eyes that reminded him of the skies of Eden after the first rain. So focused on his reverence he failed to realize that Aziraphale has stopped talking his cheeks a ruddy pink. “So beautiful…” Crowley mumbles, making Aziraphale turn even darker pink, trying to process what exactly he heard the demon he’s known for 6000 plus years mumble under his breath looking lovestruck. The flustered angel waits to see if Crowley will mumble anything else and sure enough Crowley stares at him reverently his glasses slipping down his nose mumbling something about kissing him. 
“My dear,” Aziraphale squeaks his entire face and the tips of his ears burning, “Are you with me?” Crowley is still staring at him like he hung the moon, his own cheeks pink and yellow serpentine eyes dilated. “My darling angel…” He sighs nearly spilling the red wine onto the beige tartan carpet. 
“Crowley!” Aziraphale yelps moving to steady the glass before wine spills over its lip. Crowley blinks looking very much like he just woke from a dream. 
“You say something angel?” He asks righting himself in the chair. 
“Crowley are you quite all right?” Aziraphale replies looking flustered. 
“I am why? Something wrong?” Crowley asks, sounding concerned. “Did I zone out on you?” 
“Well yes you seemed to be daydreaming or something of that sort. K-kept looking at me like I hung the m-moon dear boy.” Aziraphale stammers his blush darkening.  Crowley has the decency to look embarrassed, his own cheeks flushing. 
 “Sssorry angel,” He replies his sibilant breaking his speech. “Did I ssay anything weird?”
“That I’m beautiful.” Aziraphale replies looking away. 
“Well, you certainly are beautiful.” Crowley replies, smiling at his angel. 
“I’m soft!” Aziraphale squeaks looking upset. 
“There’s nothing wrong with soft.” Crowley sighs. 
“If you say so…” Azira replies looking put out. 
“Angel you’re gorgeousssss~” Crowley purrs. 
“Crowley please…” Azira begs looking close to tears. 
“I ssshould go…” Crowley huffs the wine tasting sour on his tongue because he nearly made his love cry. 
“You can stay Crowley.” Azira replies. 
“I’m gone.” Crowley simply teleports into his car leaving his glass and a very flustered angel behind in the backroom. He drives back to his flat feeling guilty for pushing too far. 
“Overdramatic demon…” Azira sighs picking up the glasses to wash them his head still spinning from Crowley’s earlier confessions. They don’t meet again until the next Friday, Crowley still being eaten by the guilt of hurting Aziraphale’s feelings with his teasing (but entirely genuine) compliment. Aziraphale calls him up for lunch and they go for sushi. Aziraphale barely touches his sashimi distracted by the love coming off Crowley in waves. He’s in love with me? Oh dear Satan I thought it was only me after the Blitz.  He thinks to himself poking at the sashimi. 
“You not hungry angel?” Crowley asks having eaten his nigiri already. 
“Just distracted I suppose.” Aziraphale replies, picking up a piece of sushi and eating it, relishing the flavors with a soft hum. The love is nearly suffocating as it settles on his shoulder making his ethereal essence wiggle happily. After lunch Crowley says he has to run an errand and water his plants after dropping Aziraphale back at his shop. 
Crowley disappears for almost two weeks during which Aziraphale finally processes that his demon is in love with him and he took 6000 bloody years to realize that. “I’m such an idiot!” He huffs sinking into his arm chair on Tuesday of the first week. He thinks back on every time Crowley saved him or took him out for food/theatre. Even their walks in St. James Park. “O-Oh you wiley serpent…” He sighs his entire face burning as he remembers it all. Even the times when Crowley acted against the plan God had to save innocents. Covering his red face with his hands Aziraphale lets the love he feels for Crowley settle into his entire being feeling like a weight lifted off his shoulders. “How lovely…” He murmurs softly as the love warms him. 
He receives a donation the next day leaving him to rearrange and sort the news books into his collection. By Thursday he has fully accepted his love for Crowley and the demon’s love for him happily puttering around his shop hoping his knight in shining black armor will come and swoop him off his feet for a meal out or a show. When Crowley did not appear on Friday or Saturday Aziraphale began to worry that he may have chased him off. By Wednesday the following week worry had settled onto Aziraphale’s shoulders like a wet blanket as he paced around the shop feeling stressed because Crowley would not answer his telephone or cellular phone. The next day Aziraphale decides to go over to check on Crowley at his flat unable to stand the thought that his love is upset or injured. He arrives at the door and knocks three times waiting a good five minutes before unlocking the door with the spare key. “Crowley?” He calls closing the door behind him. He sees that the plants are green as ever. The ferns reach out to him as he passes by. He runs his fingers over their leaves gently smiling when they rustle happily. He spots the bedroom door and sees that it’s ajar. He goes over knocking on the door so as not to startle Crowley if he’s asleep. He finds it empty and sits on the bed putting his head in his hands. He so desperately wants to see his beloved Crowley to apologize for all the years of pinning he put Crowley through. “You big oaf...what if he gave up?” A soft shiver runs through him at the thought and his eyes burn. Tears begin to fall before he can think to stop them as he sits on the King bed wishing for his demon to come back. He puts his head back into his hands, tears dripping through his fingers as he sobs softly not hearing the door to the flat open and close. 
Crowley walks into his flat with Beatrice at his side still chatting animatedly with her about the whole death trials thing that happened. 
“M’ telling ya it was genius what you two pulled! Body switch and bam you’re free birds.” Bea says pausing when she spots Aziraphale’s shoes. “These don’t seem like your type of shoes?” She said. 
Crowley looks at them, “They’re not mine...oh ssshit…” He hisses heading for the plant room with Bea on his heels. 
“Ya need ta scold them ferns again romeo?” Bea asks as he walks through seeing them rustle fearfully but the one gestures toward his room. Crowley heads toward his bedroom panic rising in him. “What’s goin on romeo?” Bea asks him as he strides down the corridor hurriedly. 
He gets to his room ignoring the only demon in all of hell he enjoys hanging with and pushes the door open seeing a figure on his bed shivering, “Angel?” 
Aziraphale’s head snaps up tears still rolling down his cheeks at the familiar voice and he nearly smiles until he spots Bea hovering at Crowley’s heels looking confused. He feels something in him snap and stands as Crowley crosses the room. “S-sorry to interrupt whatever it is you were doing...you didn’t answer my calls but I can see that y-you're busy…” Struggling to wipe his tears and not miracle himself out of the flat he turns to go 
“Angel no! It’s not what you think!” Crowley grabs his wrist looking upset himself.
“Let go of me Crowley. You’re c-clearly busy with your lady friend.” Azira struggles to escape. 
“He only tolerates me cause I don't want to kill ‘im if we’re bein’ honest right now.” Bea chimes in. “Perish the thought of ‘im actually liking me enough to want to cuddle and preen wings like he does with ya.” Both men blush at the mention of preening. "He only has eyes for ya as I've heard him wax on about plenty all these years." 
"I'm sssorry for vanishing on you angel." Crowley murmurs, relaxing his grip a little. 
Aziraphale slips his wrist free his entire face red. 
"You slept for a century once.." He utters embarrassed he assumed Bea was interested in his demon. "I shouldn't have assumed…" A tear escapes down his cheek and Crowley wipes it away. Aziraphale brings his hand up to cover Crowley's who watches his face reddening. Turning his head Aziraphale kisses the palm of Crowley's hand. 
"N-ngk." Crowley stammers his eyes wide as he falls even more in love with his angel who blushes darker as he feels his demon's love grow. Bea rolls her eyes glad these two finally figured it out. "Still too fassst angel?" Crowley asks his face red. 
"Oh hush." Aziraphale huffs pulling Crowley closer and resting their foreheads together. Crowley sighs softly basking in Aziraphale's warmth. Bea goes to make tea and coco so they can have their moment. When she finishes she calls to them to come get their drinks. The trio ends up on the couch. "So Beatrice is your only friend in hell?" Aziraphale asks. 
"Mm she isss the only one that enjoysss my dramatic bullshit." Crowley agrees. "She and I met about 100 years after Eden." His ears turn darker red "'bout the time she made me realize I'd fallen for you…" Aziraphale looks shocked. 
"Since Eden? Oh my dear how long I've made you wait out of fear." He sniffles. "It was the Blitz when I began to realize and was afraid for us both." Tears started rolling down his cheeks again. "You ran into a bloody church to save me and saved my books despite the ground hurting your feet." 
Crowley wipes his tears again, "Love is really bloody complicated but, I never regretted coming to your aid. I liked being your hero. Made me feel less like a demon. Wass nice." He nuzzles into Aziraphale's neck wrapping his love in a hug. "Our sidesss aside from Bea could go ssscrew themselvesss." 
Bea snorts amused, "They still can. Idiots the lot of 'em. No wonder ya two outsmarted them." 
Aziraphale snuggles into Crowley's embrace insecurity still plaguing him. He's glad they took a step forward after everything they've been through together the past 6000 years. 
"I can hear you thinking angel and no I won't grow bored of you. I love you too much to ever let you go." Crowley tells him waving his hand to make their drinks warm again. Aziraphale jumps when Crowley manifests his wings wrapping one around him, "We can ease into this new chapter of our relationship as gently as you need." 
Aziraphale smiles and leans over to kiss Crowley. His demon melts into the kiss with a happy sigh. When he pulls away Crowley looks lovestruck his face red as his fiery locks. 
"You can be such a bassstard sometimes…" Crowley hisses but he doesn't move his wing from around Aziraphale. Aziraphale smiles into his coco as he takes a sip. He leans on Crowley's shoulder enjoying the love coming off him in waves. It's going to take a long time to overcome his insecurities but for now a long overdue kiss and cuddles is everything he wants as they ease into their new relationship
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serahsanguine · 5 years
Vacation Series Pt. 1 - Let The Games Commence. Ch, 2
This is the first book in a two-part series. This book is a six-part story which will be upload daily for the next week. After that, it will be Book two following the same pattern. it was originally made for the Summer Fanfic Exchange.
Part one on Tumblr, All chapters can be found Here on Ao3
This Chapter Rating; PG-13
                       Chapter Two - Day one
3 weeks later
Mulder was packing the last of his suitcases, making sure he had everything he might need. Basic clothing was swimming trunks, though he added a pair of red speedos in there. He doubted he would need them but he put them in there just in case. He also packed shorts, t-shirts, towels, sandals, shoes. Washbag. He couldn't think of anything else.
He was going to pick Scully up in less than 30 minutes. He was nervous to be spending a whole two weeks in close proximity to her. Seeing her in a two-piece bathing suit would certainly be his downfall.
The Lone Gunmen were already at the house, airing it out, making sure it had food and was cleaned. If he had to admit it, he was sure he was going to enjoy the time away.
The hour was getting close, so what if he was 15 minutes early? He grabbed his keys, bags, gun, badge — never know when you're going to need the last two. He locked his door and drove to Georgetown. He arrived, knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.
She opened the door and he scanned the full length of her, she was wearing dark jeans and a grey tank top, her hair was down and waved curled around her face. She looked stunning, a true vision of beauty.
"Sorry, Scully I know I'm early. "
"That's okay, I've been ready for about 30 minutes. "
"Nice, then, shall we get going? "
"Yes, could you grab a couple of bags for me? "
"Why, agent, those little arms can't carry that much? " he was teasing her and she knew it.
"Shut up, Mulder, I'm on holiday." She threw him the impulsive Scully grin he adored, that smile of hers that melted his heart.
He stepped into her living room realising how many bags she was actually taking.
“Jesus, woman, how much are you taking with you?”
“Only the essentials,” she laughed and walked out the door.
“Yes, only the essentials, ” he muttered under his breath. He picked up the bags, finding his key and locking her door behind him, and proceeded to meet her at the car.
She had already put her bags on top of his and was now sitting on the passenger seat. He placed the rest of her bags next to the ones she had already placed into the car and sat down into the driver's side.
They sat off driving towards the Chincoteague Island.  Which was estimated to be about 3 hours and a half from Georgetown.
1 hour into the journey.
Scully had been sitting there, watching the view go by, thinking about this vacation she was about to go on. She was excited and nervous about spending two weeks with Mulder. Letting loose, being free, enjoying it. No chasing after monsters of the abyss or profiling serial killers; just sea, sun and swimming and a lot of relaxing.
She wasn't looking forward to spending time with the Lone Gunmen but they had agreed that if she wanted to be left alone they would do so and not bother her.
She turned towards Mulder and studied him. The window was open, the wind was blowing his chest hair. His elbow and arm hanging out the window, his eyes focused on the road in front of him. His brown t-shirt slightly swaying and his body slouched. He looked calm, she knew he enjoyed driving and he just seemed so relaxed. Seeing him like this pleased her and sent small fluttering sensation in her stomach. She had to stop this. It would never happen: he was her partner, nothing more. She needed her mind to change the subject and quickly.
"So, Mulder, tell more about where we're staying."
He looked at her quickly and she smiled, and his eyes focussed back and the road.
“Well my dear Agent Scully, we are going to Virginia and it’s the Atlantic Coast. ”
“Very funny, Mulder.”
“Yes I thought so, anyway Chincoteague Island has beaches like no other. The beach is only seven miles long it’s easy to get around. The beaches themselves are found in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on neighbouring Assateague. It’s just miles of uninterrupted sand dune and crystal blue waters. Back over the bridge the quaint town of Chincoteague is full of history and charm and a lovely place to explore. Max Boulevard and Main Street are where the restaurants are. The Island Creamery is definitely on the list because it’s the only place to get homemade ice cream. And we all know how much Dana Katherine Scully likes her ice cream,” he said the last bit smirking.
“I do not.”
“Now how’s telling lies, the truth is out there Scully.” A low chuckle escaped his lips  
She realised he was flirting with her. And in all honesty, she was enjoying the attention and was shamelessly flirting back.
“Why do you sound so like a travel brochure?”
“Maybe because I read one as soon as you agreed to go on holiday with me,” he slightly blushed but kept his eyes on the road.
“Thank you, Mulder, that is really sweet.” She placed her hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “So, if the beach is really short, how did the Gunmen manage to get a house there?”
“I didn’t ask, and they won’t tell, but I know they have their ways.”
“That they do. ”
They carried on talking and laughing, at some point turning on the radio and shamelessly singing along. Neither one caring.
Chincoteague Island
They arrived sometime after. It was hot and humid. They had passed through the village and it was just a pretty, more so than Mulder had described it. The sun was at high noon, shining across the blue waters that surrounded them, glistening like diamonds. They drove up seeing the summer house: pale creams and yellows blending in with the surrounding of the beach. It was a modest-looking house with a veranda and wood white windows. They pulled up and parked, both getting out of the car at the same time.
“Go in Scully, they won't bite, we will grab the bags later. For now, let’s enjoy ourselves.”
She walked towards the front door gazing at is beauty: stained glass, full of different colours. Looking closely, it was a picture of the nearby village. It was beautiful.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Scully?”
“My sentiments exactly.”
She put her hand on the door handle and walked in, they were both taken back by the interior of the house. It was open and airy with its neutral colours going through the whole place. They walked a little further to find a living room with loads of Wicca furniture and an open log fire with at least two stacks of chopping wood next to it. The living room lead through to a very open and very large kitchen with its light oak cupboards and custom design table. The whole back wall was floor to ceiling doors that opened on the garden with a view to the beach and the sea. They carried on walking through the expanse of the house until they were back onto the beach.
Langly and Byers were out on the small pier, fishing. They were in casual brown shorts and T-shirts, with a sun umbrella covering them so they wouldn’t get burnt. They had noticed they had company so were discussing the latest ufo sighting or landing. Mulder looked at Scully, and Scully looked back at him both smiling and slightly laughing, both thinking things never change even when on holiday.
Frohike walked in behind them. “Well, if it isn’t the delightful Agent Scully!”
She jumped and turned around, and gave the small man an evil glare. Then smiled at him.
“It’s nice to see you too. Frohike.”
“Glad you two finally arrived, we just finished preparing the BBQ. So go sit over there,” he gestured toward the outside table and chairs underneath the huge veranda roof. He went back inside.
Scully went and sat down, Mulder sitting closely beside her. She looked at her friend.
“I didn’t know Frohike could cook.”
“Yes, he does. He enjoys it and he’s actually really good at it. It’s a secret passion of his. He makes a mean crumble.”
“Well, when I see it, I will believe it.” She was flirting with him now, and she knew he was flirting back.
She was caught by surprise as the gentle breeze flew her hair into her face. And with his light touch, he moved the loose hair and put it behind her ear, his fingers grazing her skin. He was so close now, at kissing distance. Her heart screamed for their lips to touch but her mind screamed to run away. He was her friend, her partner. Flirting was one thing but acting upon that flirting was another.
Yes, maybe one day she would surprise him and follow through with one of his innuendos. But on the other hand, would she really do it? Saying it in her head, even fantasizing about it, that she could do. But would she get the courage to actually do it? Only time would tell. It was a simple flight or fight response.  
They were soon joined by Langly and Byers, they instantly started talking about the recent UFO sighting with Mulder and she just stared at them smiling ‘Maybe spending the vacation with the Three Stooges wasn’t going to be so bad after all.’  
About 5 minutes later Frohike served everyone steak, chicken and sausage platter from the bbq. With two caesar salad bowls, potato salad, and homemade coleslaw.
Mulder thought everything was delicious and the way Scully was eating, getting the sauce everywhere, was delightful to see. She even went so far as licking her fingers, and it was stirring all sorts of things to his lower anatomy.
‘Why does she have to eat food like that? Jesus Christ. Does she even know what it does to me? Probably not, to be honest.
It reminded him of that case a long time ago when she was eating something while wearing a bib. But what he remembered the most was the moment that she got sauce in the corner of her mouth he had the urge to grab a napkin and wipe it off for her. And before he knew it, he had done exactly that. After it had happened she gave the sweetest smile he had ever seen.
The thing was, she had sauce on the corner of her mouth now and yet again he had the incredible urge to wipe it away for her, to touch her. He was lost staring at her. She had caught him in the act of staring.
“Have I got something on my face?”
“Yes, you do.”
He grabbed a napkin and began wiping the sauce from her face, lost in her eyes. Forgetting internally that the Gunmen were there and totally focusing on her: her face, her eyes, her nose, her mouth, that pesky hair that kept flipping in her eyes...
Langly coughed loudly and they suddenly broke apart, her cheeks were red from embarrassment, the chair squeaked as she got out of it quickly leaving the table, finding some space away from him.
He sat there at the table, putting his hand to his face and sighing: he didn’t mean for it to go that far, or did he?
“One of these days Mulder, you are going to have to tell her. Because one of these times, there may not be a next time.”
He looked at Byers and sighed again, he knew what his friend was saying, but did he really have the guts to lose her friendship, their partnership if she didn’t feel the same way? He had told himself, after she won her life over cancer, that he would tell her. But life got in the way and he was a coward.
Five minutes later and Scully still hadn't returned, he was getting worried and he left the boys in search for her. It didn’t take him long to find her. Her shoes were off and were by the side of her. She was sitting on the sand underneath the cover of a tree. She was intensely staring at the waves crashing into the shore.
He also took his shoes off and wondered why Scully was not hot, he was boiling in this sun. the sweat drenching his top. He sat next to her.
He had been sitting down for a few minutes when she looked at him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Believe me, that was not my intention.”
He was no longer looking at her, he was keeping his eyes on the mass of the Atlantic Ocean.
“I’m fine Mulder. It was just a long journey.”
“We should head back, get the bags out of the car, and go check our house for the next couple of weeks.”
She nodded and turned towards him. “Honestly, I’m ok, just tired from sitting in the car and warm from the jeans, and the heat.”
He nodded, stood up holding his toes and really appreciating the feeling of how soft the sand was. He started walking towards the car and took a quick glance back: she was following him, shoes in one hand, her hair flowing in the breeze. She smiled at him and they both kept walking.
They got to the car, Mulder carrying not only his bag but some of Scully’s as well, as she was carrying two bags.
It was a short walk up to the annexe and the outside was nothing like Scully was expecting.
The house revelled in its beauty: it was two stories with a grand like Varanda circling the whole house, beige windows with stained glass inside, shining different colours that illuminated the sand in front of them. She walked inside, the layout much like the main house, though this seemed bigger. This house had a completely open plan and the whole back of it was glass, with a full view of the beach. It took her breath away. She walked through, climbing the spiral staircase to the second floor. As promised, there were two bedrooms, both with king-size beds and ensuite shower rooms. Scully put her bags down still exploring when she came across the grand jacuzzi that could sit at least two people. There was an open log fire in every room upstairs equipped with enough firewood for several months.
‘Mulder has really outdone himself this time’ she thought. Realising he had no bags in his hand, she ran across the hallway jumping in his arms. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered a “thank you” in his ear.
She could feel the warmth of his body. She jumped down reluctantly. Being held by Mulder was certainly a nice thing, correction, an amazing experience. She looked up into his hazel eyes, glimmering with love and affection, his smile reaching from ear to ear. She started blushing and looked away but he put his fingers underneath her chin making sure she was looking directly at him.
“No Scully, Thank you for agreeing to come, you’ve made it so much better already. "
She hugged him again, hearing his heart hammer in his chest. She snuggled into his warmth, letting it overflow her, letting his scent invade her. He was the first to let go this time, she let out a small sigh. Her judgement was getting clouded again. She was letting her emotions take her on a rollercoaster.
“We need to get changed, otherwise we will get sunstroke,” he said quickly.
“Oh, really, now here's me thinking I was the doctor in this relationship.” She was teasing him, not mocking him in any way.
“Technically, we are both Doctors, just in different kinds.”
“Touche,  Dr. Mulder.”
They both started laughing and went into their separate rooms. Both kept the door slightly open. Old habits die hard. They had this unspoken agreement: if they were not in adjoining rooms while in the same house they would keep their doors open and unlocked no matter what.
Half an hour passed and she had finally changed. Going downstairs she found Mulder reading. She walked a bit closer to find out what he was reading and still she could not see the title, his finger and hands covering both the blurb and the front cover. He was so engrossed in the book She then stood in front of him, and still, he had not noticed her presence.
“Mulder, what are you reading?”
He jumped, quickly putting the book down looking at her. Scully watched his eyes scanning her body, they changed colour depending on what part of her body they were on, she had never seen this look before and couldn’t work it out. She let him ogle her some more before asking again.
“So… what are you reading Mulder?”
She looked amazing, her hair lightly put up around her face letting several loose curls out around her face. Her eyes shone a bright blue that he had never seen. Her emerald blue dress with a square neckline and thin straps was so enticing.  He could see matching blue straps of her bikini wrapping around the nape of her neck.  The dress flowed effortlessly off her body making her every curve pop out. It was a knee-length dress, she looked exquisite. He heard her speak and hands down he was lost for words.
“I…. Umm.” Fuck, speak. Damn it, shit. “Terry Pratchett’s Colour Of Magic,” he blurted out finally finding the words.
She smiled at him, he didn’t know if it was a good thing or not, if he was making a fool out of himself. But, damn, that smile really could light up a room.  
“I didn’t realise you were a fan of Terry Pratchett's books.”
“Yes, I think he is an amazing author. His Discworld collection is definitely his best. You should read sometime, Scully, I think you would enjoy them.”
“Oh, I have and I did,” she said walking through to the kitchen intending to make herself some ice tea.  
He was puzzled: how did he not know she was a fan? He laughed to himself: she could still surprise him. And he loved it.
“I don’t believe you. Prove it. What was his last book you read?”
“Well, I have just finished Good Omens. Before that, it was Hogfather; and before that, it was Soul Music.”
“Wow, Scully, you’re full of surprises.”
“Well, I’m glad I can still keep surprising you 7 years on,” she said laughing.
“Me too, Scully. Me too.”
She passed him his tea, and they carried them on through to the beach to sit under two parasols that the gunmen had set up. They stood there for a while enjoying each other’s company, talking about the Discworld collection.
As the hours passed, the sun began to set. Mulder watched the sea, he was lost in its rhythmic percussion as the waves hit the sand. His eyes were steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckoned the stars. His lips bore a semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying himself. He watched as Scully walked across the shore, her toes dipping in the lapping water. She looked graceful like she had reached some kind of inner peace. As if on cue she knew he was looking at her, she turned around and looked back at him. A gentle smile spread across her lips and then she turned back and carried on dipping her toes in the water.
Tagging; @baronessblixen @today-in-fic @peacenik0 @skullsmuldon
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jawnjendes · 5 years
mystery | shawn mendes
oof its been a while since ive written anything.
university au, shawn x goth gf
~2k words
masterlist | series playlist
“You're really mysterious, you know that?” Shawn smiled as he placed his hand on the shoulder of my driver's seat.
It was only endearing because it came from him, my boyfriend of 2 months. Anyone else who pointed out my reserved nature was blacklisted in my mind. Apparently it's borderline offensive to not want to delve into personal details about your life.
I've always been a listener. An observer. An introvert. I guess I looked that way too from the lack of color in my wardrobe. How would I end up with someone like Shawn, right?
He had a lot to talk about. He had a lot going on in his life. From family, to work, to music, to university. He was not one to shy away from basic human interaction. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about things he was passionate about won me over. He had ambitions and goals and killer abs. So I decided to keep him around. I wasn't sure why he kept me around.
Shawn said he liked my silence. To him, it was something like a chase, and the moments where I did open up to him are worth it. Of course, he liked to poke fun at me and call me a hermit, but he's cute and my boyfriend, so I allowed it.
“It's kinda what you get for having a goth gf,” I responded meekly.
We had been driving around all night long. Shawn had asked if I was having fun, to which I replied a simple “yes.” A lack of run on sentences is what made Shawn compelled to say the thing I'm told everyday of my life. Maybe he thought I was supposed to be less tense now that some time had passed between us.
Where's that photo of Bruce Banner when you need it?
“Hey, I like this goth mystery you got going on,” he told me. “Makes me wanna turn goth too.”
I chuckled. “You're too much of an open book, my dear.”
“Seriously, though. We need to get deep.”
If this was a cartoon, my eyes would have widened out of their sockets and my heart would have pounded out of my chest. I mean I felt the effect, but as always, it was internal.
“Deep how?” I asked. “Like, you wanna share childhood traumas or something?”
“Yes, that's perfect!” Shawn sounded less sarcastic and more serious. “Just share whatever you want with the class.”
“You say that like I'm hiding something.”
The car slowed to a stop in front of an intersection. Shawn didn't say anything for a hot minute, which made me look at him.
“No, I don't think that,” he finally said. “I just need to know if you're still into this.”
What the fuck is happening? What is he trying to do?
“Well, yeah,” I told him. “We're here. On a date. Heading to your place right now.”
Shawn nodded. “You're not wrong. But what I mean is… you don't really talk a lot.”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
“Hey, I told you the riveting tale of my wisdom tooth removal.”
“Babe. You know what I mean. I don't know that much about your family, or where you come from. Past relationships, your friends back home.”
Haven't dated a guy who's an overthinker. Haven't dated a guy who actually wanted to know these things.
I'm just really shit at talking. And I have what my therapist calls a “wall” up.
I hesitated, watching the street light turn green. “Any other concerns?”
Shawn cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. His tone softened a little bit. “Do you still like me?”
“Of course I do. I mean, you'll definitely know that when we get to yours.” Dear god, please let that suffice.
It sufficed. Shawn was happy, for the night at least.
I felt happy too, I was just internally shoving it all into a bottle. Waking up next to Shawn made my cold, mysterious heart swell so much I thought I was going to puke up butterflies and glitter. No one needed to know that, though. I already spent the night with him.
We were still spooning by the time Shawn woke up. Even in his sleep he had a firm hold on me, so I couldn't plan an impulsive escape. Yeah, I wanted to escape.
He kissed my neck, but it didn't have the same affect it did last night. I just had my eyes hyper focused on my phone that was on the nightstand. This was a rare time I wanted someone to call me due to an emergency. Get me the fuck out of here.
“I have to go,” I said, my clear voice breaking the warm, hazy silence.
“No, stay,” Shawn mumbled, hugging my waist a little tighter.
“I have a work thing.” Not a lie, but it sure felt like one. Last night I planned to ditch the mandatory work luncheon. Thank god I didn't mention that plan out loud.
Luckily, Shawn knew how seriously I took my glamorous office job, so he let me go and rolled onto his back. I didn't look at him as I climbed out of bed and grabbed my clothes. Once I was in my shirt and underwear, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I had a new text from my manager, Stacy.
“Hey, sorry to be so last minute, but the luncheon had been moved to the same time tomorrow. See you then!”
Okay, now I was lying. Fuck.
“You have fun last night?” asked Shawn from the bed.
The sound of his sleepy, euphoric voice sent a chill down my spine. He really knows what he's doing, which is why I had to get out of here. Fool me once.
“Yeah,” I said shortly as I bent over to get my pants.
When I was fully dressed, I felt a pit in my stomach. I didn't really want to leave, but I already knew how this was going to play out. I didn't want this sick cycle to repeat itself again. I needed something to send me off.
I turned towards the bed and leaned down onto the mattress, now looking at Shawn. He was dozing off again, but awoke at my movements. He sat up on his elbow, smiling at me.
“You sure you don't wanna stay?” he offered.
“Can't skip work,” I replied. Then, I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. I hadn't been so intoxicated since-
“Mm, text me, okay?” Shawn asked, to which I loosely promised.
As soon as I was in the car again, I pieced it together. How convenient was it that Shawn wanted emotional reassurance as we headed back to his place. Of course he played up being sensitive and wanting me to be open. He knew I wouldn't use words, so he made me think I was in control. In reality, I was being played like a Nintendo Switch. Of course he wanted me to text him. It was so he could have an excuse not to do it himself. Oh my god I got fucking played.
The only thing I knew what to do was to keep myself busy and away from my phone. If anyone could play the Silent Game, it was me. I was the ruling champion. I wasn't going to crack, no matter how much I wanted to.
Here I thought I had someone different. Someone actually nice. But jeez, men really are the worst. How many more times was this going to happen to me?
My fears were even more confirmed as the silence stretched into the night. I found myself going to bed alone and quite sad. At least last time I got played, I knew what I was getting into. Shame on me for thinking Shawn would be different.
But I was stronger now, and I knew better now. It was time to get a move on.
“You know,” I said, rubbing my hands together the way that I usually on these days, “it's one thing to use me and kick me to the curb. But he really thinks he can come back for for seconds. How arrogant and heartless must he be?”
I had spent the last thirty minutes getting my therapist, Callie, up to speed. I hadn't seen her in just over a month, so I told her about my night with Shawn and the silence that followed the last three days. She was good with validating phrases like “he did not!” but that was as far as it went.
“So he tried to contact you again?” Callie said as she wrote on her clipboard. “What did he say?”
It was embarrassing how quickly I had burned Shawn's text into my brain. Then again, I don't think I did that voluntarily.
“All he said was ‘hey I miss you.’” I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.
“Why do you seem upset by that?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn't have one. “I… I wouldn't say upset…”
Callie nodded. “Okay, what word would you use? Disappointed? Disgruntled?”
“I don't know. When I saw the text, I just thought he wanted to hook up, and ignore me once again.”
She stopped writing for a second. “You know, from what you've told me about Shawn, he seems like the last person to want to hurt you like that. You told me you were in a relationship, right? It's not just a friends with benefits situation?”
I nodded. “Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend like, two months ago.”
“So where is this fear and distrust coming from?”
Fear. Distrust. Weariness. Tip toeing. No sudden moves just in case he changes his mind and doesn't tell me.
I sighed. “Luca.”
Callie already knew that, she just needed me to say it. “It came from your time with Luca. It was a very one sided and unhealthy relationship, so of course you would keep your guard up now. And since Shawn is the first person you've dated since Luca, it's a bit scary to make yourself vulnerable again.”
The words sank in for a minute. As soon as they were processed, I wanted to smack myself on the forehead. I'm a fucking idiot.
“Yeah…” The hand rubbing recommenced
“Have you told Shawn about Luca? Are you at that place where you can share those things?”
I shook my head. “No. I don't, I don't want him to think I'm hung up on someone, especially someone like Luca.”
“Yes, I see your point. However, I do think it would be good for Shawn to know why you're so-”
“Mysterious. He says that a lot. Everyone says that a lot.”
Callie smiled. “I was going to say closed off. It's important to share past experiences when you're ready.”
“I know he wants to know things about me, but I think my quiet self makes him think it's a game or something. It's fun for him. I think if I let him in and bare my soul he'll either get bored or freak out because I'm secretly crazy.”
“We don't say crazy,” Callie firmly reminded me.
“Anxious,” I corrected.
Being aware of your crap and overcoming your crap are 2 different things, as said by a wise lady on a hospital drama. I already got the awareness down, now I just had to suck up my pride and stubbornness in order to dump myself on Shawn's doorstep.
A week had gone by without much talk between us. It's hard to find a balance between staying interested and being clingy. Just the thought of that made me shake myself like I had to reboot my brain. I detested clinginess. It's not a dealbreaker, because it's basically inevitable. It was just my least favorite part of a relationship. I know, if I had a heart, it would just be a black hole. I don't know why Shawn chose me.
I let him know ahead of time that I was coming over. As always, he was excited and looking forward to it. I had to remind myself that this was a good thing. We are overcoming the crap now.
Obviously, I was nervous by the time I had pulled up in front of Shawn's place. I knew how to hold it down and remain composed, though. Part of what he liked was trying to read my face. At this point, I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't see myself going away because of it. I had plenty of things to say, I just needed Shawn to hear it.
I expected him to be broody and passive aggressive over the weeklong silence. Shawn was all smiles. He brought me some water. Sat me on the couch and draped me in a blanket. Everything seemed like it always was these last 2 months. It was strange territory. A guy being genuine and giving me non sexual attention was different.
“So what have you been up to?” I asked Shawn. “Feel like I haven't seen you in centuries.”
He chuckled and recalled his week. Shawn was a busy man. Turns out, he was catching up on coursework and picking up extra shifts at his job. Meanwhile, I made him think I was doing the exact same thing. Why? I don't know, my therapy sessions are once every 2 weeks. There's still a lot to unpack.
“Oh! I got a gig at this bar on Friday,” he told me with a nudge to my arm. “You should come.”
I would have been picking at my nails had I not been holding a glass of water. “Yeah, absolutely. I love watching you perform.”
“Awesome. It's a date.”
Oh thank god, we're still dating.
“So…” I started with a big sigh. “I go to therapy.”
Shawn quirked his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Good segue. Long pause. Fuck. “Uh… I wanted to tell you because, uh… y'know, I share everything with my shrink. Like, everything.”
“Everything, eh? Including me?” A cute, boyish smile was creeping on his cute, boyish face.
I nodded, putting my glass down on the coffee table. “I talked about how I practically fled after we spent the night together. I talked about why I did that.”
The tiny smile disappeared from Shawn's face. He hadn't forgotten about that. Perhaps he didn't like my great escape.
“Yeah, why did you leave?” he asked softly.
My heart ached at his tone. To think I was so irrationally angry at him a week ago.
“I thought you only wanted one thing from me,” I admitted.
Shawn looked confused. “Why would you think that? We've been going out for two months, I don't understand. Did I do something?”
“No,” I told him. “It was never you. I just…” Ugh, words. I shifted around and started rubbing my hands together. Soul baring time. “It's… hard for me to believe that someone would want me for more than just my body. So I jumped through a lot of mental hoops to make myself think you were a person with bad intentions…”
“Why would you want to believe I wouldn't be good to you, though?” he asked.
I looked down at my hands. This was far too many emotions for me to share and feel at once. But he still didn't understand.
“Because…” I mumbled. “The guy who came before you wasn't good to me.”
Dam. Burst.
“It's not sad at all,” I said quickly, fumbling with my fingers. “It's not as bad as you think. I never actually dated the guy, but I liked him so much that I just let him use me and toy with my feelings. I did whatever I could to keep him close...”
Shawn's big hands went over mine, calming my sporadic movements. He had a certain look on his face. He was listening, but careful not to speak out of turn.
“He and I never talked about feelings or anything,” I continued. “That wasn't a problem at first, because I don't talk about those things. But I never knew where anything was going and he never took me seriously whenever I tried to establish something with him. He acted like I was insane for trying to communicate. He would also ignore me for weeks at a time, and act like we never did anything. It drove me so crazy. I am a little crazy now because of him.”
I didn't realize I broke eye contact until the silence stretched a little too far. I looked back up at Shawn, nerves spilling out on the floor. I felt like such a mess.
“I gotta say,” Shawn spoke, “I've never heard you talk this much before.”
For a split second, I wanted to pummel him. But he offered a smile and squeezed my hands. The air wasn't that tense or awkward.
“But seriously,” he continued, “that helped me understand you a little better. I had no idea someone hurt you. You really liked him, eh?”
“Let me put it this way,” I said. “We never dated. But when I had enough and decided to cut him off, it hurt like a break up. It messed me up for a little bit. Intensified my anxiety issues.”
“I can’t believe someone treated you like that. You just seem so strong and unbreakable all of the time.”
“Well now you know what's behind the mystery. A crazy, nervous wreck.”
“Never would have guessed you were the nervous type.” Shawn kissed my hand. “I'm sorry you went through that. I'm glad that guy is out of your life now.”
“Me too.” A stream of incoherent sounds were still building up in my throat. “I know I started the silent game, but we can't do that. We can't not talk to each other. I know I'm quiet, but it does more harm than good.”
Shawn smiled wide. “I am so down for basic communication. And just so you know, I didn’t want you to leave last week. I don’t ever want you to leave.”
My knee jerk reaction was to brush it off. Okay, sure. You don’t mean that. But I squeezed his hand, and let out more cheesy feelings.
“I don’t wanna leave either.”
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck Candy p24-27 (timeskip!)
Page 24
Okay, as dark as the subject matter became, this was almost a reprieve from the previous action.
So, Terezi and John are both depressed. Terezi struggles with the same issues we heard John get more into. Of course, it's just a matter of question now whether this Terezi is in fact the same one that Meat John met. I'm inclined to say yes, as the Furthest Ring is supposed to be outside of timelines.
Thus that means she was able to hang on long enough to recover (via shaving cream and tobacco) from exhaustion. To meet up with John and have "a moment". Only to lose him in the end. :(
But even so, she would have hung on. In any case, I like how it delves further into the actual problem for John and Terezi. Their Ultimate Reward doesn't feel like one. I think John and Terezi share something, a feeling of enjoying the chase, the taste of adventure, I should say. But what could they find that fills this hole? Exploring Universe C together, maybe?
In any case, Aradia and Sollux have appointed themselves as part of Calliope's court. Or acolytes. I think Calliope might be the drive behind the narration of the Candy path, even if her personality doesn't leak through.
So, more information about what's she's doing here! She seems to be building up strength to rescue people from Dirk's influence. Now that Lord English is dead, she's found another one worthy of her opposition, someone that has too great an influence on too many innocent lives.
I mean, I remember I didn't 100% trust her in the Meat timeline, since in the end she still has an alien look on life. But it's a worthy cause, I would say.
It seems that Calliope has retreated, or at least, migrated to this timeline, up until she's ready to take over the narration of the Meat path.
This, together with John and Terezi's feeling that nothing is real anymore, is one of the most meta things to happen in these epilogues.
So, does that mean that the Postscriptum of Meat took place on Candy Earth C? And then, is that Davebot a ghost from the dreambubbles or not? ... Hey, in fact...
Does that mean that, every ghost of the dreambubbles was "saved" by Alt Calliope by moving them outside of canon, outside of Dirk's influence? Wow. It's like the theory that went around in late Act 6, that maybe the kids would move into blankspace to escape the influence of the Green Sun!
Now, Blaperile already theorized Vriska's ghost might end up on Earth C. It could happen. Though, if Vriska would survive the journey, wouldn't Davepeta and Lord English have as well? Maybe it only works on ghosts?
I mean, I'm pretty sure that the Feferi and Eridan making out in one of the previous pages were (alt) ghosts.
Page 25
I didn't know I needed Karkat the tortured grassroot rebel leader in my life, but here I am.
They're trying to get the Mother Grub to safety. I can see how it is THE most important asset fought over in this war. (And whatever propaganda Jane has going for her, this IS a war, she's just delusional about it.)
Jezus, the fate of that top analyst. It's like a Hunger Games thingy. Jake's just a figurehead to improve Jane's image at this point, while she doles out corporeal punishments...
Swifer Eggmop continues to be comedy gold.
The fact that bucket taboo is now blasé, hahahahahah.
And then.
The mystery arrival.
By all accounts I thought it would have been Vriska.
But Meenah? How did it even work, the fact that Lord English' server connects to Earth C? ... Okay, fair enough, he's fated to grow up on the planet in the future, and Candy Earth C is looking to be more and more like the timeline it'll happen in. But still.
She's so supportive for a battle hardened Karkat, it's adorable!
His commanding her around does make me wonder... Are they good for each other as kismeses?????
Meenah is so punk, she doesn't really care she can't be in command, hahah.
It'll be a big shock for Jane to see Karkat got his grubby paws on an alternate Condesce though. That MIGHT hurt her image as well, or her self image. She's been influenced by Condy into this ruthless business persona, she just doesn't realize it. To see a version of Condesce reject her policies might be world shattering news.
Still unsure if we're going to see Vriska, Davepeta and LE land on this Earth as well. If so, how would LE even be able to be defeated, I mean... He would have survived a black hole and all prophecies thrown as his life. Outside of canon, but not powerless.
... Still, think of the irony.
John thought he had chosen to AVOID fighting Lord English by staying on Earth.
How do you expect to avoid him, when he's ALREADY HERE? :o)
Page 26
Another powerful page.
The Candy path is really much more existential than I could've expected. And, it's very much more of a continuation of the Meat path than vice versa.
So, Meat John's car ended up sucked into the black hole after who knows how long, after he and Terezi zapped to Earth C.
And Candy John is here to find it, more questions asked than answered. Just like how the meteors sent all this anachronistic crap back into time, hurling to the Earth for people to ponder over, like Nanna's note to John in the joke book.
Wow, John.
I think it's good he's in the Troll Kingdom, he might be able to catch up to Karkat.
But... Really now.
If this means Vriska, Davepeta and Lord English will end up here, and only Dead-Jade, Davebot and Aradia escape back into "canon"... What is going to be everyone else's fate.
I mean, I don't think Adult Jade is going to open a portal just like Dead-Jade.
Page 27
I was always surprised before of every long timeskip.
But 10 years. TEN. YEARS.
Though it is cool to see their kids growing up, I'd say. Of course Vriska would be looking forward to her sixteenth birthday, it's the equivalent of 8 sweeps!
Seems that despite everything, Vriska and Tavros and Harry Anderson too can keep in touch right under Jane's nose.
It's all kinds of weird and awesome, to see a Vriska that's kind of balanced. You can see the influence Kanaya has on her Quite Clearly, when she emphasizes her words.
Karkat got an eyepatch - actually, seeing the role he fills, it's quite fitting. Karkat grew into an admirable, suave leader figure, who knew?
Calliope emphasizes again, that what happens on this Earth won't matter for canon. Though I wonder then, what her plan was, why she had to wait so long to leave.
From the Postscriptum, it seemed as if she devoured bodies to charge up, so why did it take so long, and whose did she eat? Other Space players like Kanaya, Porrim and Jade?
Meanwhile, Dave and Jade illicitly support the rebellion too! It's weird to see them be so awkward about their breakup, but at least they put that all besides them and focused on the bigger picture. And hey, Dave and Rose, and Maryam and Vantas, united in a rebellion against a condescending figure... Time really does repeat itself.
John still suffers from the feeling it all doesn't matter. But it's very intense to read all this. So, only when he's 44 does he do away with Terezi's picture.
And through it all, he has suffered from the same ennui and desolation he has felt since he came to Earth C. In the Meat timeline, he felt as if he let time pass him by. But we see now that, without a purpose, John is just as lost.
And Meenah and Karkat are an item now. Contrary to what seems to be the popular belief, I think they're not <3, but rather <3< or <>, but who even knows. No references were made to more ghosts arriving on Earth C, which merits attention.
It's just such a strange world, both alien and so far removed from Homestuck, and in other ways, exactly what the doctor ordered.
It was cool to get a visual description of Harry Anderson. I’m looking forward to the first image I’ll come across from him.
Now I’d just like one from Tavros, to get an idea in what manner his appearance differs from John.
0 notes
hollandroos · 6 years
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Blow a kiss, Fire a gun | Part 5
Teaser Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Words: 2.2K
Summary: You’re arranged to marry Tom Holland, Londons most feared mobster, but it’s never easy. He doesn’t seem to want you and you don’t want anything to do with him.
Tom knew he was screwed the moment you walked away from him in the club, leaving him standing alone in the middle of the floor surrounded by women that he could pay reckless amounts of money, none of which would leave even a dent in his bank account. But for some reason, he didn’t walk up to a single one of these women, too focused on following you out after telling Harrison that he was off. Not even bothering to bid his two younger brothers a farewell.
He wouldn’t admit that he kept his eyes trained on the bare skin that showed where your dress ended, spending the half hour ride home imagining what it’d feel like to run his hands up your bare thighs, pushing them aside and pressing rushed kisses on the insides until he reached your core. He wanted to hear you whine, moan his name as the words fell from your lips. They were dirty, unholy thoughts that he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt about.
Tom could only imagine exactly what you wore underneath that red dress. It took everything in him not to palm himself on the way home, but he wouldn’t give you the pleasure of knowing what you’d done to him so he simply tapped his foot impatiently against the foot of the car. This made it no surprise that as soon as the car pulled up, he jumped straight out, heading to his room where he ripped his black jeans off, gripping his length with one hand and the bed sheets with the other as he thought about you, the girl that only days ago he wanted gone.
Tom had always thought with his dick instead of his brain when it came to women, and in this case, it may have meant mistaking his growing feelings for lust. The mobster that didn’t beg for anyone didn’t chase or fall to his knees for any girl, wanted you moaning his name, and he was willing to put up a fight.
“I don’t know the man she’s just, she’s getting into my fucking head”
Harrison shook his head, a cheeky smile covering his features because for the first time ever, his friend was learning that sometimes you had to actually work for what he wanted, instead of kicking his feet up and bossing everyone else around. “She’s a fiery one, I’ll give her that. Are you sure this isn’t just about getting into her pants?”
“Of course not, I don’t want anything serious.” He tore up another useless piece of paper, chucking it behind him with the rest of them. “I’m used to girls running after me but now she shows up and she teases me and suddenly I’m fucking weak?” Tom groaned, shoving a stack of papers off of his desk. “God why isn’t there anything in these damn files” He muttered, slamming his laptop shut.
By now his office looked like an absolute mess but this was what Tom did when he was balls deep into a task, he made whatever mess necessary to find the truth.
“I don’t get why you can’t just find the people that threatened her when she was little and deal with them, then you could send her home and bam, you’re a free man once again,” Harrison said it as if it were the easiest thing in the world, eyeing up the stack of discarded papers.
“Don’t you think I’ve tried? There’s no traces or anything. It was all done so well as if it didn’t even exist in the first place or the person was really fucking smart”
His eyes fell over the contract, as well as the other information he’d collected about this girl and her past. All traces of their former mob was wiped, as was half of her childhood and any information about the killing. He’d buried himself in work, attempting to print off any documents, news articles, whatever he could find about you and your past but not much came up, much to his disappointment.
“Then take that information and go from there” Tom was getting frustrated now.
“I’m trying but god-, i don’t even have a clue what i’m looking at” Rolling up his sleeves, Tom dropped the paper. It was getting hot in his office, but maybe that was simply his anger.
“Her mother was murdered, correct?” Tom nodded. “How? You know some mobs have certain uhh-, ways of doing things, how was she killed?”
“I’ve looked for that too but there’s nothing, Haz, nothing. It’s like this is all some fucking test.”
“Keep digging, there has to be something. Very few people could completely erase something as big as this.”
That group of very few people consisted of his father, the man that could completely remove a set of people without a single raised brow. Papers were spread out all over the floor, empty cups of coffee lined the desk and Haz had to ask himself whether or not his best friend had gotten in too deep this time.
“Why don’t you find out from Y/N? If anyone knows it’ll be her”
“I can’t do that though can I? Who knows what sort of shit she’s been through”
“If this were anyone else you’d interrogate them, demand the truth but now you’re too afraid to approach some girl you’ve been living with for a week? What happened to my best friend?” Harrison snarked, snorting when Tom gripped the roots of his hair.
“You’re a fucking idiot. Get Sam and Harry, tell them that if they want to play even a small part in the mob, now there time. Inform them of what we’re trying to do and the rest is up to them until I find the time.”
It was the warmest it’d been since you arrived at Tom’s and you weren’t planning just to sit around and do nothing, so slipping on the bikini that’d been stuffed into your bag, you decided to explore the pool.
It was beautiful, different flowers and vines hung from the safety fence and you made yourself at home on one of the long chairs. You’d hate to admit that this place was slowly becoming your home but you were starting to feel more homesick by the day and despite how large the house was, you felt constricted, confined. You had definitely been thinking up ways that you could escape the large gates, knowing that if you asked to go home he’d possibly say no.
You were laying in the sun, a book in hand when you heard footsteps. You ignored them until they stopped, a shadow covering the sun and groaned because god, you were actually enjoying just being alone in the sun.
Noticing it was Tom, you put the book down, sitting up. “What’re you doing? Don’t you have work to do?” A part of you felt pleased that he’d found you this time, you were still proud of your work last night and were prepared to hold it against him.
“I saw you from my window and had to come say hi” He didn’t move. “Plus, I don’t want my men seeing my lady in nothing but a bikini” He teased, standing above you.
“You’re odly protective over someone you don’t give two shits about?” You stood up, taking the sunglasses you were wearing off and chucking them back down onto the seat.
“Did you come here to flirt or…?” He’d originally come out to ask you about your mother’s murder, but now he found himself drooling at the sight of you in the tight, black bikini.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m getting in, think your men can keep their eyes off of me for a bit longer?”
“They know better” Tom sat back, watching you walk down the steps and easily slide into the water. He couldn’t help but train his eyes up and down your figure, hating how the bikini covered the parts he desperately wanted to see.
The sun was out but he noticed the way you lip began shaking ever so slightly and his mind filled with ways he could warm you up. Tom mentally cursed, knowing he was working himself up yet again. But he couldn’t get that image out of his head, you grinding up against him, lips so close to his and the way your skin felt underneath his hands. It was heavenly.
You smiled wickedly to yourself when you noticed him stand up, peeling his shirt off but that wickid look was replaced by awe when you saw what was underneath. Admittedly, you underestimated the man. He was defined in all the right places and that awe only increased when he slipped his pants off, leaving him in simply a pair of boxers.
Tom would be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the way your eyes widened, mouth agape slightly. Dropping his discarded clothing, he walked towards the pool, climbing in and swimming over to you.
It was cold, he’d give you that but your cheeks were flushed red from something else. The water was merely a factor but as he got closer, you seemed to back yourself against the side of the pool. Whether it was you trying to initiate something or simply trying to get away from him, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he’d been winding himself up since you walked off last night
“You left me very sexually frustrated last night, princess” Tom was awfully close to you now, his breath fanning your neck. “Do you think that’d be the end of it?”
Maybe a part of you thought that it’d be the end of it, but a bigger part of you knew that you couldn’t tease him and get away with it. Did you want to get away with it? “Not exactly,” you breathed out tilting your neck to the side a little and allowing him greater access to the skin, which he gladly accepted.
He pushed you into the edge of the pool wall, one arm around your waist, the other tangled in your hair as he fluttered his lips over your neck. Your eyes closed and you felt trapped, but almost in the best way possible as the water splashed around between the two of you with even the smallest movements.
This time you weren’t planning to walk away at the last moment, you needed this just as much as he did but you still didn’t want to give in to him so soon, but as he pressed you harder against the wall, trapping you between the concrete and his crotch you could practically feel yourself melting into his grasp, become almost jelly like underneath him.
“Tell me you want this” He coaxed, but you didn’t reply, simply stayed almost limp in his arms. “C’mon, the longer you drag this out the harder it is on the both of us” he pressed his lips to the area beneath your ear, sucking on the skin softly before flicking his lips over the area. The action was so gentle yet it almost made a small gasp escape your lips. “Tell me how much you want me and I’ll give you exactly what you want, poppet.”
It was hard to believe that only minutes ago you were shivering slightly, the water seemed almost icy cold but now it felt as if every fiber of you was on fire simply from his touches.
“I want you, Tom, F-fuck” You groaned, gripping the edge of the pool.
“Let’s get one thing straight, princess” Tom smirked, grinding his hips into yours slowly. “I’m in charge.”
The hand that was in your hair was no underneath your chin, making you look at him dead in the eyes and Tom couldn’t help but lick his lips as the sight of you, dripping wet and breathing deeply beneath him.
He hadn’t even touched you yet and your cheeks were flushed a bright red (though that was probably due to the cold water), eyes wide with need. His thumb went to your bottom lip first, wiping off a drop of water before planting his lips on yours roughly. For your first kiss together it was messy, definitely rushed and but his lips were hot against your cold ones.
Wanting to skip the chit-chat, you agreed. “You’re in charge, I get it”
The sexual tension between the two of you had been growing since the moment you first sat down in his office and by now, it was almost too much. You didn’t want to give up so easy, but you couldn’t help but fall apart.
Tom pulled away though it was the last thing he wanted to do right now, his mind was so clouded with lust and desire as he gripped your hand with his and staring at the windows. “Everyone can see us here, let’s go somewhere else”
PART 6 @barnsism @trashqueenbitch @gab-spidey @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @peterparkerdeservesbetter @ambrosmar @calmdownyall @xxxxdelenaxxxx @deadlyaffairs @stop-wonder-think @thollandtrash @butcanyoujustimagine @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic @highladyjel @study-at-the-disco @r-i-d-g-e-s @giuliavxox @dreams-in-different-colours @spideynblackcat  @vividcelestia @okayypotato @unknxwn-intrxvert @highkeymood @tra2embrel shqueenbitch @imahuricane @thefanbasewhore @lyssilinn @thebittygirl @spn-worm @theamuz @hollandsmuse @theromanmockingbird @revivalbenito @asfaraslifegets @avahodge @eternallovers65 @rosecoloredshawn @spoofagoofonyou @soldmysoultofandomshelp @wintersoldierbaby @lizzie-143 @laucontrerasv @heavydartysoul @noakantor14 @themegatron1999 @galcxykisscd @majestichoechlin @yellow–inlove  @fragcc @chasingsuperheroes @petersunderroos @letrashailen @eclecticbooktaster @hiccups-are-better @bubbles1642  @lydiasobrien @qtest-trash @carrotsunshine @ccold-as-ice @friedwhisperstheorist @moopai @naria-hime @dafnouche @ellebella1238 @ashram12 @jasxn-txdd-8-14 @laucontrerasv @lovee-roaslie @anytimebitches  @teenage-book-lover @faangirl101 @bored-green @curlshawnholland @tryn25 @xx-fandom-potato-xx @lowkeyspideyyy @fandomnerdsarecool  @fvckjamesbarnes @taylorjrs13 @cthoodaf @modern-day-citrus-cowboy @hellodarknessmysweetfriend  @hailhydrabarnes @overdramatic-teen @spideyboiiiiiiii @baileyxrudesalx @briefzipperapricotbagel @parker-underoos @officialchainreaction @aubreylovesthegames @shipitliketheussenterprise @your-1up-girl @peterparkerstolemyheart @dej-okay @0hanx @all-my-friends-are-german @captain-loki-xavier
BAK: @aussie-mantle @highladyjel @revivalbenito @spider-mendes @iris1697 @theamuz @zseonlydavinci @bridiereads @sophie2003003 @parkeret @baby-baker @marvelgladers @dreamsofbeingsomeoneelse @sighaislin @marvel-zip @oreosrockover18 @whystopkeepon@draqcnheartstrinq @hollanderheart  @peters-vlogs @no-aaaahhhh @underoosie @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @kaciidubs @spidey-pal @call-me-wisegirl @khai-day-the-13th @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic  @panicatttckiss @marriedtopeterparker @stormyparker @mysticsthinking @elyshugh @spider-mendes @girl-in-the-chair @sort-of-pretty-in-pink @bloom003-blog @nextkaratekid @saracastickid @prof-scribbles @holyrose96 @riverdalemami @strangerthantheflash @sams-hollands @tiau-man @tiny-friggin-human @thollandtrash @amidblogger @tiau-man @zseonlydavinci @therealme13posts @zseonlydavinci @httpmcrvel @acciorinn @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @satellitesweetpea @maddie-leighhh @spideymanss @stephie-senpai @sherizaraiyah @tomsh0lland @spidey-pal @casualprincess77 @starlightfound @fandom-feathers @spidergirlwanab @smileyhollander @notthepersonyouwerelookingfor @tomhollandsworld @necromancer-inwell @doloreatroce @hottrashformarvel @fragcc @woosh-pear @spider-mendes @softhollandhoe @ill-be-your-temporary-fix @thegirlwiththestories @elyshugh @stilinski-parker @misscookie-monster16 @amidblogger @lovelynerdytraveler @tmrhollandkay @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @thedoctor-and-her-fallenangles @peachesnmei  @ocaptainmycaptainrogers @fuckmerunningtomholland @chingonaconcha @johannaapagan @tomhollandsmouthfr0g @cielofiorito
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justanoutlawfic · 5 years
Crash: Chapt. 3 [The Playdate]
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Summary: Regina thinks about the catalyst for her alcoholism. Later on, her and Henry have a playdate with Robin and Roland.
Trigger warning: mentions of cancer.
Also on AO3
Regina stood in front of her mirror, putting on her earrings. As she stared at the corner of it, she saw a picture tucked in there. Most days, she could look at it without wanting to cry, but there were others that grief snuck up on her.
 Cora Mills had two daughters. Zelena was from a college romance that ended in nothing but heartbreak. Her father hadn’t stuck around and a few years later, Cora had met Henry Sr. He was the youngest son of an affluent family, desperate for love. He lavished Cora and Zelena with gifts, showing the former that she could finally escape poverty. They married after only 3 months of dating and he adopted Zelena. Regina had been born not long after.
 Growing up with Cora as a mother was no easy feat. Both Zelena and Regina were expected to be nothing but the best. They were pressured to get the best grades, have friends from similar circles and date no one but the best. By the time they were teenagers, Henry and Cora left them to their own devices. It was Zelena that was constantly bailing Regina out, making sure she wasn’t getting into too much trouble. They were known as inseparable, going almost everywhere together.
 Zelena had been by Regina’s side when she married Daniel, despite Cora’s critical eye (Daniel was “new money”, which wasn’t acceptable). She had been Henry’s godmother. Regina didn’t know what she would do without her sister.
 Then Zelena revealed that she had to go in for surgery. She played it off like it was nothing, saying she needed to get a simple mole removed. A few months later, she revealed to her sister that she had skin cancer and that it was spreading. It was Regina’s turn to be there for Zelena. She drove her to chemotherapy, cleaned her house and helped refer Zelena’s clients to another nutritionist while she recovered. Cora wasn’t good with sick people and Henry Sr. had passed by that point, so it was just the two of them, with Daniel and Henry Jr. helping as well.
 Only a year into treatment, Zelena got way worse. It wasn’t long before the doctor recommended she get her affairs in order. She was preparing for hospice, but didn’t even make it there. She died before Regina could get to the hospital after work that day.
 The whole thing had taken a toll on Regina. For the past 12 months, her life had revolved solely around her sister. Suddenly, she was gone. She got through the funeral and went back to work the following week, but nothing seemed to numb the pain. Zelena’s illness had caused a rift she hadn’t expected in her marriage. Daniel was supportive and did more of his fair share when it came to Henry, but she had been so focused on her sister, she had forgotten to think about his needs. He was there for her, but it was clear things were different. He was willing to work it out, but Regina was just in too much pain. It was easier to just push him away, so that was what she did.
 She had started drinking at a young age, as most people did in her social circle considering how unsupervised they became in their teens. It had never been a problem and she cut back considerably by the time she got to college. So, it wasn’t a big deal when she’d have a glass of wine after work. Then that’d lead to two. Soon, she was putting away more than she cared to admit and was moving onto harder liquor.
 Daniel didn’t notice at first. It wasn’t odd for her to get a drink or two on their date nights. Then, she had shown up buzzed to Henry’s parent teacher conferences. He had tried to convince her she needed help, but she assured him it was fine. That only further pushed the two further away. Their marriage was deteriorating and Regina kept waiting for the day that he’d leave her.
 She just never expected what would cause him to do so.
 The thought of the woman she killed still haunted her. No amount of therapy or A.A meetings were going to take those thoughts from her mind. She had killed a woman, one that probably had a family. Daniel and Mal had never told her who it was, and she had decided not to look into it. Maybe it was the coward’s way out, but she didn’t want to know.
 “Mom!” Henry’s voice carried from the other room, breaking her out of her thoughts. “We have to go to Robin’s.”
“I know, I know.” She grabbed her purse off the dresser and walked into his bedroom. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yeah, Roland was cool.”
“I just know he’s a bit younger than you.”
“I think you just want to hang out with his dad.”
Regina tilted her head. “That’s not true.”
“Yes it is, I saw how you two were talking at Killian’s BBQ.”
“We’re just friends. Not even.”
“It’d be okay if you dated, you know,” Henry said, putting some comic books in his backpack. “Dad is.”
“How do you know that?”
“He told me the last time I was there.”
“Yeah, we talked about it.” Regina sat on his bed, smoothing down the covers. “Are you okay with that?”
Henry shrugged. “I guess. I mean I never actually thought that the two of you were going to get back together.”
Regina flinched at his honesty. “I’m sorry, honey.”
“It’s okay. You and Dad are better as friends. You don’t fight anymore and you can actually smile around each other. I just want you both to be happy.”
“That’s what we want for you too, you know,” Regina said. “If you don’t like Ariel, then you can say something to him.”
“I know, but I’m sure I’ll like her. Just like I think Robin is cool.”
Regina rolled her eyes. “Well, we’re not dating, but it’s good to know. Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Robin settled next to Regina on the porch, watching the boys chase each other around the front yard. It was nice to see how well the boys got along, despite their age difference. Henry had brought a lot of superhero stuff, which happened to be right up Roland’s alley. Robin wasn’t much for comic books and action figures, so it was good that Roland could make friends that seemed to enjoy them as much as he did.
 “Thanks for having us over,” Regina said. “Henry hasn’t been able to stop talking about Roland since the BBQ.”
“Same with Roland.” Robin took a sip of his lemonade. “Honestly, I’m just glad he’s making friends. He struggled with it a bit early on.”
“He was a bit too young to understand his mother’s death when it happened, but eventually seeing the other kids with moms was hard and he pulled back. Alice was easy to play with, since Killian’s another single dad, but he didn’t really start making other friends until this year.”
Regina frowned. “That’s awful. Henry’s always sort of been a loner, but he’s always had a good group for himself.”
“I don’t really blame the kids. I was never exactly Mr. Popular.”
“You?” Regina raised an eyebrow. “I would’ve thought you’d have all the girls over you?”
Robin winked, flexing a bit. “You saying I’m attractive?”
Regina rolled her eyes. “I just mean, you’re very charismatic.”
“I wasn’t always as confident and outgoing as I am now. Killian was probably my only friend back in high school. We came to America together at 18.”
“That couldn’t have been easy.”
“It wasn’t, but we made it through together.” He broke his glance away from the boys for a moment. “So, what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Were you the shy, geeky girl in high school? Or super popular?”
 Regina laughed, taking a sip of her lemonade.
 “I was sort of in the middle,” she said. “My sister and I went to this private school, it was small enough where we all knew each other. I mostly tagged along and hung out with her friends. Partied a lot, that’s what made me well known.”
“Ah, party girl.”
“I left it all in my teens, cleaned my act up with college. It’s where I met my ex, actually.”
“How long were you two married?”
“10 years.”
“What about you and Marian?”
“Just shy of 8.” He played with the straw in his glass. “If you don’t mind me asking…”
“My divorce?” Off Robin’s shy nod, she sighed. “It was a lot of things. My sister got sick and during that time, I was so focused on her, everything else took second place, including my marriage.”
“I can see how that would happen.”
“After she passed, I was so wrapped up in my own grief that it lead to my drinking and I just continued to push him away. To give Daniel credit, he tried for a really long time but I had given up. Then when I was scared, I tried to put things back together but it was too late.”
Robin frowned, squeezing her hand. “I’m sorry.”
Regina shook her head. “Don’t be. We were in love at one point and I do still love him, but not in the way you’re supposed to love your spouse. It’s all for the best and now we manage to get along for more than just Henry’s sake.”
“That’s good.” Robin bit his lip. “Marian and I were having some marital problems before she died.”
“Yeah, we were arguing about a lot of things. Her career was expanding and she really wanted to move, I wanted to stay put. It blew up and soon, we were even talking about separating.”
“We made it through, just barely. Started going to marital counseling and all that. Then I decided to take Roland to visit my family in England. She wasn’t happy about that, we were just getting back on track, but I went anyway.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Still one of the biggest regrets I have.”
“There’s nothing you could’ve done, It was a car accident, right?”
“Yeah. No foul play, just a freak thing.”
“Exactly. Even if you had been home, there was nothing you could’ve done.”
Robin sighed. “I know that. I just wish I could’ve had those last few weeks with her. I’d give anything for that.”
“I get how that feels. I’d do anything for one last hour with my sister. There’s so much I never got to tell her. She wasn’t much for the sentimental.”
Robin chuckled. “Neither was Marian.”
“Sounds like they were a lot alike.” Regina raised her lemonade glass. “To Marian and Zelena.”
“To Marian and Zelena.” Robin clinked his glass with hers.
 They sat on the porch for a bit longer, getting to know each other more. They got to know more about their jobs, Regina was in advertising for her parents’ restaurant chain while Robin owned the gym downtown. They spent a lot of time talking about the pros and cons of owning their own business, single parenthood and debated the new principal that had been hired at the local high school.
 Pretty soon, it was time for dinner and Robin invited Regina and Henry to stay. The boys talked mostly about Infinity War while Regina and Robin shot small smiles back and forth to one another. The night dragged on and they even watched a movie together. Eventually, both boys had fallen asleep curled up together. Robin lifted Roland into his arms and Regina gently shook Henry awake, leading him outside to the car. Robin followed behind them, watching as she shut the passenger side door behind her son. She turned to face him, smiling.
 “Thanks for having us, it was a lot of fun.”
“It was,” he replied, softly. “I was wondering if maybe we could do this again, maybe just the two of us.”
Regina paused. “You mean, like a date?”
“If you’d be okay with that.”
A slow smile formed across her face, he could see it in the glow of the streetlights. “I’d like that,” she said. “Henry goes with his dad next weekend, so I’ll be free.”
“I’m sure Killian would be happy to babysit.”
“I’ll text you with the details?”
“Leave it all up to me, after all I asked you.”
Regina looked hesitated, but still nodded. “Alright then.”
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The Story behind “The Ultimate Guide to an Extraordinary Service Business”: From Idea to Best Seller
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If anyone told me back in high school, that by the age of 27 years old, I would be the owner of a home services franchise network, I never would have believed them. Honestly, I would have thought they were completely out of their minds!
I hated school, couldn’t wait to get out, and truly didn’t see myself as a business leader. I had absolutely no desire to go into the “corporate world.”
I could never have imagined that I would take my part-time, one-man band car cleaning business into a national brand, James Home Services. Or that it would grow into a 400-franchisee strong network supplying over $20 million in professional home services annually, for nearly 20 years.
I was just a kid with a horse obsession—I dreamt of being a world-class horse trainer and escaping to beautiful Queensland to pursue a business career in the racehorse industry.
At 16 years old, I was off chasing my dream and learning as much as possible about the training, breaking, and education of horses; I lived to be around these beautiful creatures! I had natural horsemanship skills that very few possess and went searching for the adventure of a lifetime.
By the age of 21, I had my professional trainers’ license. I had focused on learning absolutely everything about horses and the skills needed to get the best out of them. I was very good at what I did; I was a gifted horseman.
I could read the animal and understand what they needed. In addition, I was lucky enough to have excellent mentors that taught me all about preparing horses for racing.
Unfortunately, what I didn’t learn was how to run a business. I was naïve, and thought good horsemanship was all that mattered. If I was the best in the business, then people would be begging me to help them train their horses. What I didn’t know was that it was much more about running a business—a racing stable business.
I had not learned any actual business skills and I really, honestly did think that if I was good enough, if I worked hard enough, it would all just miraculously come together.
Most business owners think exactly the same way I did—that it is all about the technical skills. If you are the best horse trainer, mechanic, house cleaner, lawn mower, lawyer, accountant, engineer, or a pet groomer, then obviously your business success is guaranteed. Right?
I could not have been more wrong …
This is the first mistake made by most business owners. Good technical skills are only a part of the foundations that create an extraordinary service business.
My horse business started out alright. I had some contacts that became some of my best clients. In the early days, I had some big milestones and was certainly living my dream. I loved it, but the problem was, I also had a young family to feed and the horse business could be up and down. I needed to find a secondary income.
So, I took an “opportunity” I was offered at a local pub to do some shifts. It was a nightmare; I was terrible at it and I resigned at the end of my first shift.
I was stunned by how rude customers could be. To this day, I have huge respect for those working in these areas. No way was I going to work in that environment.
A friend then randomly recommended that I consider starting a car cleaning business. He said the guy he usually used was so busy that he couldn’t fit him in and, that I could work in the middle of the day around my horse training business.
He would be my first client, actually. I respected his opinion, I knew I could learn to clean a car professionally, much easier than training horses. So, why not?
And with that conversation, my car cleaning business was born. It filled my days and helped to feed my young, growing family. I was 23 years old, had a wife (who also worked), two young sons and two businesses. But you know what? I still hadn’t figured out how to run a business.
I still thought it would just happen, how hard could it be to get people that wanted to get their car cleaned? There were heaps of dirty cars around, and I was going to be the best! Easy, right?
Well … I did do a few things right though. First, I found a guy who sold car cleaning chemicals and equipment and really knew his stuff. Darren, who would end up being the main supplier to the whole James Home Services network.
Darren taught me how to use his products and equipment and was always available for technical advice. He was a good guy and a huge help.
Secondly, I knew I needed to look professional, so I invested in a trailer, 500 brochures, uniforms, and business cards. I was off and running and looked the part to prove it. I had all the gear, but no idea what to do with any of it.
With that, I started my first ever marketing campaign. I took my 500 brochures and marched into all the local businesses. I was thinking, this won’t be hard, I’ll be flat out by next week. Boy, I could not have been more wrong!
The problem was that I had no sales skills. And I mean—None. At. All.
I was terrified as I walked into each business. I would literally throw my brochure on the front desk and run back out the door before they could say “no,” or anything else for that matter.
I got one $10 car wash out of those first 500 brochures; not quite what I had planned. Luckily, I finally realized that I was the problem. More importantly, I realized it was my lack of skills in this area that was the problem in both of my businesses.
I decided to learn: I found there were hundreds of sales books in the library and you could borrow them for free. So, I read … and read … and read. I tested the skills, measured the results, and wrote my own fool-proof rules.
I remember reading a great book called The E-Myth by Michael Gerber. I am not exaggerating when I say that this book completely changed my life.  It taught me that long-term success in any business is all about the systems you put into place.  I set about the systemization of both of my businesses, and it changed everything!
My car cleaning business went through the roof. The systems were so good I could have had an 18-year-old run the business.
Our systems were very straight-forward, easy to follow, and very, very effective. I knew I had developed something special and that anyone who followed this recipe would have a very successful service business.
And with that … the big dream was born.
I saw other service franchise systems and knew ours was better; because of the foundation that we had put into place.  It quickly became clear that we had what it would take to build a large, successful network.
Then one fateful day, I was sharing this dream with a client and he was so impressed that he bought into the business immediately.  Within 2 months we were selling franchises, and I was just 27 years old.
Robert James and James Home Services grew at a rapid rate. We quickly expanded throughout regional Queensland, and within 2 years we were the largest home services business in the state. The systems were created to stand the test of time and to grow with the business.
If anyone told me back in high school, that by the age of 27 years old, I would be the owner of a home services franchise network, I never would have believed them. Honestly, I would have thought they were completely out of their minds!
I hated school, couldn’t wait to get out, and truly didn’t see myself as a business leader. I had absolutely no desire to go into the “corporate world.”
I could never have imagined that I would take my part-time, one-man band car cleaning business into a national brand, Robert James and James Home Services. Or that it would grow into a 400-franchisee strong network supplying over $20 million in professional home services annually, for nearly 20 years.
I was just a kid with a horse obsession—I dreamt of being a world-class horse trainer and escaping to beautiful Queensland to pursue a business career in the racehorse industry.
At 16 years old, I was off chasing my dream and learning as much as possible about the training, breaking, and education of horses; I lived to be around these beautiful creatures! I had natural horsemanship skills that very few possess and went searching for the adventure of a lifetime.
By the age of 21, I had my professional trainers’ license. I had focused on learning absolutely everything about horses and the skills needed to get the best out of them. I was very good at what I did; I was a gifted horseman.
I could read the animal and understand what they needed. In addition, I was lucky enough to have excellent mentors that taught me all about preparing horses for racing.
Unfortunately, what I didn’t learn was how to run a business. I was naïve, and thought good horsemanship was all that mattered. If I was the best in the business, then people would be begging me to help them train their horses. What I didn’t know was that it was much more about running a business—a racing stable business.
I had not learned any actual business skills and I really, honestly did think that if I was good enough, if I worked hard enough, it would all just miraculously come together.
Most business owners think exactly the same way I did—that it is all about the technical skills. If you are the best horse trainer, mechanic, house cleaner, lawn mower, lawyer, accountant, engineer, or a pet groomer, then obviously your business success is guaranteed. Right?
I could not have been more wrong …
This is the first mistake made by most business owners. Good technical skills are only a part of the foundations that create an extraordinary service business.
My horse business started out alright. I had some contacts that became some of my best clients. In the early days, I had some big milestones and was certainly living my dream. I loved it, but the problem was, I also had a young family to feed and the horse business could be up and down. I needed to find a secondary income.
So, I took an “opportunity” I was offered at a local pub to do some shifts. It was a nightmare; I was terrible at it and I resigned at the end of my first shift.
I was stunned by how rude customers could be. To this day, I have huge respect for those working in these areas. No way was I going to work in that environment.
A friend then randomly recommended that I consider starting a car cleaning business. He said the guy he usually used was so busy that he couldn’t fit him in and, that I could work in the middle of the day around my horse training business.
He would be my first client, actually. I respected his opinion, I knew I could learn to clean a car professionally, much easier than training horses. So, why not?
And with that conversation, my car cleaning business was born. It filled my days and helped to feed my young, growing family. I was 23 years old, had a wife (who also worked), two young sons and two businesses. But you know what? I still hadn’t figured out how to run a business.
I still thought it would just happen, how hard could it be to get people that wanted to get their car cleaned? There were heaps of dirty cars around, and I was going to be the best! Easy, right?
Well … I did do a few things right though. First, I found a guy who sold car cleaning chemicals and equipment and really knew his stuff. Darren, who would end up being the main supplier to the whole James Home Services network.
Darren taught me how to use his products and equipment and was always available for technical advice. He was a good guy and a huge help.
Secondly, I knew I needed to look professional, so I invested in a trailer, 500 brochures, uniforms, and business cards. I was off and running and looked the part to prove it. I had all the gear, but no idea what to do with any of it.
With that, I started my first ever marketing campaign. I took my 500 brochures and marched into all the local businesses. I was thinking, this won’t be hard, I’ll be flat out by next week. Boy, I could not have been more wrong!
The problem was that I had no sales skills. And I mean—None. At. All.
I was terrified as I walked into each business. I would literally throw my brochure on the front desk and run back out the door before they could say “no,” or anything else for that matter.
I got one $10 car wash out of those first 500 brochures; not quite what I had planned. Luckily, I finally realized that I was the problem. More importantly, I realized it was my lack of skills in this area that was the problem in both of my businesses.
I decided to learn: I found there were hundreds of sales books in the library and you could borrow them for free. So, I read … and read … and read. I tested the skills, measured the results, and wrote my own fool-proof rules.
I remember reading a great book called The E-Myth by Michael Gerber. I am not exaggerating when I say that this book completely changed my life.  It taught me that long-term success in any business is all about the systems you put into place.  I set about the systemization of both of my businesses, and it changed everything!
My car cleaning business went through the roof. The systems were so good I could have had an 18-year-old run the business.
Our systems were very straight-forward, easy to follow, and very, very effective. I knew I had developed something special and that anyone who followed this recipe would have a very successful service business.
And with that … the big dream was born.
I saw other service franchise systems and knew ours was better; because of the foundation that we had put into place.  It quickly became clear that we had what it would take to build a large, successful network.
Then one fateful day, I was sharing this dream with a client and he was so impressed that he bought into the business immediately.  Within 2 months we were selling franchises, and I was just 27 years old.
Robert James and James Home Services grew at a rapid rate. We quickly expanded throughout regional Queensland, and within 2 years we were the largest home services business in the state. The systems were created to stand the test of time and to grow with the business.
During this time, we not only grew the business, we also expanded into different services. Our services included car cleaning, house cleaning, external house cleaning, carpet cleaning, pest control, lawn and garden care, pet grooming, laundry and ironing services, as well as window cleaning.
James Home Services grew at a rapid rate. We quickly expanded throughout regional Queensland, and within 2 years we were the largest home services business in the state. The systems were created to stand the test of time and to grow with the business.
During this time, we not only grew the business, we also expanded into different services. Our services included car cleaning, house cleaning, external house cleaning, carpet cleaning, pest control, lawn and garden care, pet grooming, laundry and ironing services, as well as window cleaning.
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The foundation we built transferred beautifully into each division of the business; just as it was designed to do. Our foundation was tested repeatedly and never failed. Now, all we had to do was to develop “technical” skills.
We went on to national expansion and eventually reached across Australia. We had a turnover of $20 million worth of services across the country each year.
After 20 years in the business, the network was sold to a commercial cleaning company. In those 20 years, I saw thousands of families have successful home services businesses, with our proven systems at their core.
In this book, I am going to introduce you to my 9 Foundation Steps.  These basic rules will show you step-by-step how to build an extraordinary home service business. These rules will help you duplicate the foundation we built when we created James’ Home Services.
The only catch is that you must use all of them if you want to be successful. Like all great recipes, they have to be followed rigorously if you want to get a consistent predictable outcome.
I hope this book can give all services business owners the tools to build an extraordinary service business. Running your own successful family business is the best game in town, have a fair dinkum go and enjoy the journey.
Originally Posted:-http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/the-story-behind-the-ultimate-guide-to-an-extraordinary-service-business/
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