#foxy hime
deus-ex-mona · 1 year
getting ready to clock out with the boys be like
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New Audio: Nick Kizirnis Shares Anthemic "Every Moment"
New Audio: Nick Kizirnis Shares Anthemic "Every Moment" @NickKizirnis @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Nick Kizirnis is a Dayton, OH-based singer/songwriter and guitarist, who has spent the past two-plus decades writing genre-twisting and genre-defying material on over ten solo albums, while also collaborating playing in bands like The Mulchmen, Tobin Sprout’s Eyesinweasel, Cage and others with a collection of up-and-coming local musicians.  During the past decade or so, Kirzrnis has focused on…
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halfetirosie · 15 days
°˖❀ Gather around, children! Time to talk about Responsible Drug Use and Consent! ❀˖°
(Elysium 06-07 React-os!)
1) Eiden over here getting his line of thinking corrupted by Kuya 😂
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Idk if "boring" is the right term, but yeah, that sort of thing doesn't really fit his style.
Although, if asked directly I wouldn't put it past Kuya to claim it's "too boring," but I don't think that's his actual reason. I suspect that there really are some lines he won't cross, even if he won't admit it.... But hey, who knows!
2) Always remember: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is! There's always a catch!
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Good on you, Olivine! Good job on not being naiive!
I think this section may be hinting at my theory about "freebies?" As in, Elysium gets you hooked by saying you only have to pay a fee to get into the club but they give the drug away for free, but then once you're addicted you have to pay for each individual pill too? Or something like that? 🤔
That's how they get you. They provide it for free/reduced prices until you develop dependence, then you have to start paying more; by the time you realize you're addicted, it's too late!
Addiction is scary, ya'll.
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3) Eiden, what the hell???
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It wasn't that long ago that you said the way this drug is being distributed wasn't Kuya's style! What happened???
Come on, bro. Sometime I really hate Kuya, but give hime a little benefit of the doubt! Damn...
4) YOOOO WTF?!?!?!?!?!
( ⊙ ᗣ ⊙ )
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This is so scary and sad... These people are so obsessed with this drug, they'll act like literal starving animals just get it.... And in HELLA unsafe ways.
Kids, whenever taking drugs (recreational or otherwise), ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS follow the dosage instructions...
5) Yeah, this is a fairly apt description of the Vampire Bitch...
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Although, I think calling him "somewhat sickly" is a HUGE understatement. Look at how fucked up and weird his fingertips are! And the GRAY skin!!!! He's "youthful" but also three steps away from death, dude....Hence, I have declared him Vampire Bitch.
But seeing how Eiden considers him "youthful," does that mean Reverie actually does make people live forever? Or at least slow down the aging process or something? 🤔 Very confused on how all that works...
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I still cannot believe Vampire Bitch has the AUDACITY to try pimping Olivine out. 🤬🤬🤬
Olivine has a helluva lot of admirers, but story-wise, I think this is the first time an actual FUCKING CREEP targeted him specifically, you know? In a criminal/non-consensual way. Unless there's something like that in intimacy rooms that I don't know about?
Idk if Olivine has just been lucky, or if others are too scared of his strength to target him like this, or what....
Well, this whole situation just makes me SICK....
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Did I already know the devs would make Kuya show up to save Eiden? Yes.
8) The heroic return of the Super-Super-Rare
★ Responsible Kuya ★ !!!!!!!
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Dude, you KNOW something is FUCKED UP with you if KUYA is more decent in comparison...
Real talk, It's honestly REFRESHING AS FUCK seeing Kuya act like this.
Like, yeah, he can be a real asshole and a menace sometimes, but that's typically on a very small scale; making jokes in bad taste or messing with people one-on-one.
It seems that, when it comes to larger-scale issues---in this case, the operation of a club and distribution of drugs---he might still have a bad attitude, but he's at least reasonable. Just like in Forest Carnival; they were holding a party to help improve human/yokai relations, and though Kuya did act like a dick, he didn't sabotage things.
Current Kuya is a menace, but he really isn't a danger to the public; not like Past Kuya, who had no issues raising absolute HELL in Saia.
9) Signing off on a confusing not, here---
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Is "don't actually fall asleep" in reference to how Kuya wants Eiden to act after swallowing the [fake] pill???? Like, I assume it's a fake pill since the text after this says that the drug doesn't have an effect on Eiden---so is Kuya hinting for Eiden to pretend like he's high, but to not literally pretend to fall asleep? Or is this a hint for something else?
....Or am I just an idiot? Tune in next time to find out!
🦋 End of report! 🦋
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iheartleopards · 9 months
chica x foxy this from pole bear
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geekedoutbunny · 1 year
so like. this isnt rlly an x reader it just plain crack.
so like. main three (hime, gerard, askin) but theyre a security guard in fnaf 1
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Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin imagine - Can You Survive the Night?
Lol a crack story huh? I like this, humor is my language. THANK YOU!! For sending in this funny request, I'll try and give this fic justice, I hope it's to your liking.
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Being a night guard wasn't on his bucket list, but here he was. He was hunched over in the small chair, his little hat sat upon his head "Security" in bold words labeled on the front of it. His tie looked uncomfortably tight, but he was relaxed. He pressed the small keys on the keyboard, careful not to accidentally press three keys.
The building was silent and dead, the only noise he could hear was the comforting noise of the small fan, he worked in silence for a while, before the phone began ringing, he practically jumped out of his skin from the loud ringing as he grasped his chest and he panted, he stared at it with wide eyes, seeing the light blink. Signaling an incoming voice mail. He relaxed once more, sitting back up in his tiny chair.
He waited patiently for the ringing to stop, and then the sound of the phone picking up and a male's voice came through. "AH, HELLO, HELLO!?" He blinked, listening to the chilling voice message that was left behind, his eyes widen and he began to slightly shake from all of the warnings and promises of enemies and death lurking around. His grip on the small armrest tightened and he damn near snapped the plastic.
Once the phone call was over, he stayed stiff in his chair, his mouth in a tight frown, before he suddenly stood up, a deadly serious look upon his face. "I knew it... this job... is a training program." He said in a serious voice. 'All I have to do is kill them before they can kill me, sounds easy enough.' He thought as he stayed in place. He then placed his thumb and forefinger on his thumb taking a thinking pose.
'Hmm, but how should I go about my plan of action? He said to watch the monitors, but that's too easy, and wouldn't they avoid the cameras? They must've already devised a plan to come and kill me, they're plotting as we speak. I have to be ready, and meet them halfway!!' He thought as he clenched his fist and he gave an excited smile.
'And, I know the best way to meet them too!!' He thought as he took a running pose. "IS TO MEET THEM HEAD ON!!!" He shouted as he took off, the powerful winds from his fast takeoff knocked the desk with everything on it into the wall, destroying it all. "HAHAHAHAHA!! HERE I COME EVIL CYBORGS, FOR I GERARD VALKYRIE, THE STRONGEST WARRIOR AM COMING FOR YOU!!!!"
He shouted as he charged through the building, the sound of furniture, glass, and wood could be heard breaking. "COME OUT AND FACE ME!!! FOR YOUR CHALLENGE IS HERE!!!" His voice could be heard all over the pizzeria.
The animatronics all stood in the security room, the doors all shut tight. Fredy, bonnie, Chika, and Foxy all huddled up in a corner as they stared at the clock.
Orihime was excited to be a night guard, she was lucky enough to get this job since the last security guard went rampaging through the whole building and destroyed anything that looked like an animatronic. He claimed that they were all plotting against him and that he was going to stop them.
Orihime hummed happily, the newly replaced desk and computer were a nice addition to the old building, and the fan somehow survived but the tap was wrapped around the neck of it, holding it all together. She was happily fixing her tie when the phone began ringing, she jumped out of her seat and hid behind the chair, she peeked from around it, seeing no threat but only the sound of the loud phone.
She sighed in relief and quickly sat back in her chair, she pulled the chair up to the desk, looking down at the phone, the blinking light indicating that it was an incoming message. She waited patiently for the ringing to stop and a man answered. "AH, HELLO, HELLO!!!!" He sounded friendly and Orihime smiled happily. "HELLO!!!" She called back happily.
After the message was over, a grim look was on her face, the warning of dangerous foes advancing upon her while she was to be stuck in the room made her have chills. She quickly sealed all the doors, pressing the little button to close them, she then encased herself into a barrier, curling up on her chair as she watched the clock. It didn't take long for the power to go out.
Her eyes danced around the room, the light from her barrier made it easy to see into the dark, and she was visited by the large purple bunny. She screamed when she saw his shadow, but she slowly relaxed when she saw him curiously tap her barrier. she watched him move about the room, he tilted his head to the side in curiosity and she squealed.
"EEEEE, HE'S LIKE A CUTE LITTLE BUNNY!!!" She shouted in joy, making Bonnie move back from her shock. He was soon joined by Chika and Orihime bounced with joy. "'GASP!!!' AND YOU HAVE A LITTLE CHIKY FRIEND TOO!?" She said in joy as she held her cheeks. Chika and Bonnie looked at one another before they looked back at her. "COME ON, COME ON, COME ON!!!! I HAVE SO MUCH PLANNED FOR US!!!" She said, as she grabbed them by their arms and she dragged them with her.
Foxy and Freddy both stood in the doorway of the dining area. They watched on as both Bonnie and Chika sat at the table with Orihime. they were having a tea party. Orihime had dressed Bonnie up with a necktie and with a top hat while she put Chika in a bonnet with a lovely dress. "Would you like more tea, Mr, BumBum?" She asked Bonnie in a sweet voice, as she held the tea kettle.
Bonnie looked down at the full cup of tea before he looked back up at her and he shook his head. Orihime then turned to Chika. "Would you like some more tea then, Lady Chimi?" She asked Chika in the same sweet voice. Chika looked down at her full cup and looked back up and she shook her head. Orihime then smiled and filled her own cup up instead.
While she did, Both Bonnie and Chika looked over at Freddy and Foxy, their eyes screaming. 'SAVE US!!!' Both Freddy and Foxy looked at one another before they shook their heads. Bonnie and Chika both stared at them with betrayal in their eyes, before they looked over at Orihime, who was happily drinking her second cup of tea. Bonnie reached over and tapped her shoulder, catching her attention.
"Hmm? What is it, Mr. BumBum?" She asked him, and he pointed over at Foxy and Freddy. Their eyes widen, and Orihime cheered. "OH YEAH, MORE GUESTS!!!" She yelled in an excited voice. Both Freddy and Foxy shook their heads in panic before they turned around to run away, but the door was blocked off by a barrier. They observed the barrier for a moment before they slowly turned back towards Orihime.
Her arms were out, almost like she was asking for a hug. "YAY!! COME AND JOIN US, WE'F LOVE YOUR COMPANY.... FOREVER!!" She said, a menacing air behind her. Freddy and Foxy looked at each other in panic and up toward the clock. It was only 1:00am, and they had a long night to go.
Askin almost didn't show up for work, he wanted to sleep in and get his beauty rest, like he always did. But he had to get to work at 11 pm and then clock in at 11:30 pm and be in the shitty office at 12 am, he sighed. 'I was really hoping that someone else would get the job and would actually keep the damn thing, instead, they ended up terrifying the damn robots, making them shut themselves down permanently until they left. Something about Tea parties or whatever.'
He thought before he sighed and leaned back into his seat. His arms were behind his head as he closed his eyes. 'No matter, it honestly doesn't matter at this point, it's an easy job anyways, you'd have to be a fool to lose something as simple as this, even a child could do it.' He thought, he then opened his eyes, looking up at the dim lights.
A fly caught his attention, it was flying around the dimly lit bulb and he couldn't help but to stare at it. 'I'm supposed to sit here the whole night... and do what? Watch? but for what? Who'd break into this run-down place? And even if they did they'd probably be doing the manager a favor, because their pizza is god awful.' He thought before he closed his eyes and yawned, a small tear peeking out of his eyes.
The phone suddenly began ringing and he bit his tongue from the shock of it, he sat up and stuck his tongue out as he whined in pain. He then pulled it back in and glared at the phone. 'WHO THE HELL WOULD BE CALLING THIS PLACE AT THIS TIME OF NIGHT ANYWAYS!?' He angrily thought as he looked over at the phone. The light blinked, signally an incoming message and he huffed. 'A message, they better be lucky it is, because if it wasn't then they'd have to hear my mouth, dammit.' He thought before he stared down at the phone.
He tried to wait patiently for the ringing to stop, but he growled in frustration. "PICK UP THE DAMN LINE ALREADY!!!!" He shouted at the phone, causing it to jump up in fear as it answered. "H-HELLO!! HELLO!!" It answered in a happy yet nervous tone. Askin huffed in agitation before he leaned on the back of his hand, he closed one of his eyes as he eyed the phone.
"Hmph, some nerves you have, making an annoyingly loud message at this time of night... and what's worst, is that it isn't even a sexy woman's voice.. how pitifully annoying." He said in a calm voice as he glared down at the phone. "What do you want, spit it out already." He said in an annoyed tone this time.
The phone gave a nervous sweat drop but it answered anyways. Askin kicked back in his seat, his feets propped up on the desk and his arms folded behind his head, his eyes trained on the dim lights again as she listened to the message. Once the message ended, he scoffed. "Hmph, what a load of shit... they should've called an exorcist or some shit for this job." He said aloud as he relaxed in his seat. He stayed in that position for a while, the clock ticked by and he fell asleep.
The animatronics all stayed outside the room, they all watched him through the open doors, too fearful to enter the room. Askin slept peacefully the whole night. So far they liked him the most, all he did was sleep, but they never tried to wake him, in fear of being in the path of his rage.
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chibipwincess · 1 year
» 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒕𝒆
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❀ Nails by [Som] Bunny Nails @Harajuku 原宿 Event
❀ Hair by Foxy - Ava Hair @Mainstore
❀ Dress by {HIME*DREAM} Mylah Dress @Equal10
✿ 𝓞𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✿
✩ . .
. . ✩
✩ . .
-g e n e t i c s
• Head: LeLUTKA Gaia Head 3.1
• Shape: . Yubbi . // Personal Shape
• Skin: VELOUR + { Pity Party }
• Eyes: Avi-Glam
• Blush: Cake Inc. + [Utopia]
• Body:  eBODY - REBORN
• Hair: —–
-o u t f i t
• Horns: rotten {chubbi horns}
• Earrings: = DAE = Bow pearl Evox bento earrings pack
• Snacks: KitCat - MewMew Biscuits (Vanilla)
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perfblogbyperfgirl · 2 years
♡ 241 ♡
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sponsored by  .Obsidian.  •  [Yomi]  •  -Sorumin-  •  {HIME*DREAM}  •  ROULY  •  MIWAS  •  Rebel Gal  •  .STOIC.  •  ~Little Foxy B.~  •  babyboo
〜 • 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜, 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛, 𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚜 • 〜 [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.4) ♡⃕  .Obsidian. x Quirky - Chipped Nails - avaiable at Mainstore LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.1 [ODIO] SEON SKIN - COLD TONE [ODIO] GIRL BODY SKIN [ODIO] SEON SHAPE (edit by me) Sap ~ Beauty Marks I Ladybird. // Walcott - Beauty Marks ♡⃕  [Yomi] Dirge Hair - avaiable at Mainstore 〜 • 𝚌𝚘𝚜𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜, 𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘 • 〜 [ODIO] SEON LIPSTICK DAPPA - Joakim Tattoo. 〜 • 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝 • 〜 ♡⃕  -Sorumin- T-shirt with harness - avaiable at The Warehouse Sale event ♡⃕  {HIME*DREAM} Mei skirt - avaiable at ACCESS event ♡⃕  ROULY :: Rouly Tights - Mesh (Smooth Curves Control Tights) - avaiable at Mainstore ♡⃕  MIWAS + Evelyn Mesh gloves - avaiable at Mainstore ♡⃕  Rebel Gal - Euphoria Platform - avaiable at Mainstore 〜 • 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 • 〜 ♡⃕  .STOIC. SUMMER SOLSTICE SHADES - avaiable at Mainstore ♡⃕   ~Little Foxy B.~ Miny Nose Piercing [Silver] - avaiable at Dubai event ♡⃕   ~Little Foxy B.~ Kin Lip Piercing L [Silver] - avaiable at Men Only event ♡⃕   ~Little Foxy B.~ Hyuko Eyebrow Piercing Silver Left - avaiable at MenSelected event PKC LeL EVO X Safety Pin Earrings
〜 • 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎 • 〜 ♡⃕  babyboo. mira bento set - avaiable at LEVEL event (edit by me)
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sakuravulpes · 3 months
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✎ ( sponsor ღ Planet29 ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ .HEOL Korean Street ★⸝⸝ ANICE - Vivie Lashes (Demure Lashes)
ღ I'm wearing the stunning Vivie Lashes, you will need the Demure Lashes add on by Void to make them work but. The hud comes with 6 different designs, it's the first time I try on this style and I can't believe how beautiful the result is! You can see a closer look in the comments and blog.
My backdrop is the new Korean Street by HEOL, with a super cute design it's beautiful for all your cute photos. It's copy and mod.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Ayashi ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [^.^Ayashi^.^] Yamada hair-Exclusive @ᴋɪɴᴋʏ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ
ღ This new Ayashi's creation Yamada hair is available now at the event and it's adorable! Witn 6 gorgeous variations comes with cute buns and tails in long and short styles, color hud with solids and ombres and the exclusive contains all of the hairstyles, bonus colors and extras! Matching flower and laces hair accessories and pin with hud to mix and match.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ UNA ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ UNA. Kotona FATPACK @ɴᴇᴏ ᴊᴀᴘᴀɴ
ღ I'm wearing the new UNA's release, Kotona! It's a wonderful piece of art that comes with unlinked jacket, dress, leg belt and head mask in individual colors or fatpack. FP comes with extra colors, rigged for LaraX, PetiteX, Legacy, Perky and Reborn.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Belacce ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [BELACCE] Babi Skin Fatpack @ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
ღ I'm also wearing the beautiful Babi skin by Belacce available at Mainstore. This smooth and detailed skin looks just beautiful and it's Velour compatible. You will find it in Chantily, Frost, Icy, Porcelain, Rose Kiss, Sienna, Snow and Blush tones. The pack includes also ears and shape for Avalon head and eyebrows, in brows and browless BOM layers for Lelutka EvoX. Find a closer look in the comments and blog!
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
Ahri ღ
✎ ( outfit ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ :..Silvery K..:KimonoClogs(Fat Pack)
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ {S0NG} Shatter Eyes - BLOGGER (Add to Unpack) ★⸝⸝ [Serenity] Yumiko lips ★⸝⸝ ~Little Foxy B.~ Cupid Eyeshadow Pack (LeL EvoX) ★⸝⸝ !4AEM - Uwu Blush (unpacked) ★⸝⸝ polar<3bunny. moonlight face paint. LeL Evox. BoM only! ★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1 ★⸝⸝ eBODY - REBORN
✎ ( backdrop & pose ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ Sweet Art. Hime Static 3
0 notes
ncteby · 2 years
₍ ᶻᶻᶻ [NCTEBY] is typing ... ₎
❱ http:˚♡TOTHEWORLD여기는EBY!˚ˑؘ :🫂: ·˚•org
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪsʜ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪs ғɪʟᴇ?
ʏᴇs [ √ ]           ɴᴏ [   ]
ʟ ᴏ ᴀ ᴅ ᴇ ᴅ
➦ P A S S W O R D : 04/09/2016
➦ A C C E S S : C O N F I R M E D
➦ C O N T I N U E ?
┆○ NO      ● YES
┊      ┊     ┊⋆。  ┊     ┊    ┊    ┊
┊ ⋆。 ┊     ┊      ┊     ┊⋆。┊   ༊*·˚
┊      ┊     ┊      ┊     ┊    ┊
┊      ‧₊ ༉   ┊     ˚✩     ┊    ๑՞.
┊             ₊˚.༄             ┊
✩₊̣̇.                               ੈ♡˳
✧.*ೃ༄  (TW// weight, chest, tWitch, Gangsta Boo, Natina Reed, Pimp C, Biggie Smalls, Tupac & Timbaland mention)
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :🌻: :; BASIC INFO ↴
↳ ❝ [FILE 1: PROFILE] ¡! ❞ ↴
BIRTH NAME— Eusbia-Amala Akunna Loyiso Adesida (yes, she has a long birth name)
KOREAN NAME— Kim Haebaragi (her maternal grandparents gave her the name)
HANGUL— 양해바라기
JAPANESE NAME— Takahashi Hime (Yuta gave her this name)
CHINESE NAME— Kim Xiuying (Kun and WinWin gave her the first name)
MEANING OF HER NAMES/LAST NAMES— Eusbia-Amala- Respectful, Hope, Grace — Akunna- Father’s wealth — Loyiso- Victory — Adesida- The crown is infallible, The crown does not break or err, The one sitting on the throne — Kim- Gold, Iron, Metal — Haebaragi- Sunflower — Hime- Princess or Lady of a higher birth — Xiuying- Beautiful flower or Petal — Takahashi- High bridge
ZODIAC SIGN— Capricorn
BIRTHDAY— January 1st, 1999
WITH KOREAN SYSTEM AGE— 25 or 26 (Korean)
HOMETOWN— The Bronx, New York; Houston, Texas, & Los Angeles, California
CURRENTLY RESIDING— Seoul, South Korea (Has a residence in Hannam The Hill)
ETHNICITY— Nigerian (West African), South African, & Korean (Dad is Nigerian-South African and her mom is Korean)
NATIONALITY— American-Korean (She has dual citizenship).
LANGUAGES SHE KNOWS— English, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, Cantonese, Italian, Portuguese, German, and American Sign Language (She is surprisingly fluent in six African languages because her family made sure she studied them and spoke it around her at a young age).
LANGUAGES LEARNING— Vietnamese, Swedish, Dutch, Korean Sign Language (Will add more as the story progresses)
LIKES— Food, music, fashion, her cats, fiancée, her members (even though she gets pissed off by them sometimes), etc
DISLIKES— Racists, ignorant people, etc
VOCAL CLAIM INSPIRATION— A mix of Minnie Riperton, Natalie Cole, Donna Summer, Patti LaBelle, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Aaliyah, Brandy, Beyoncé, Mya, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Amy Winehouse, Blu Cantrell, Nicole Scherzinger, Melody Thornton, Lauren Jauregui, Normani, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jade Thirlwall, Perrie Edwards, Ella Mai, Mariah The Scientist, Tinashe, Kelela, Ravyn Lenae, Alessia Cara, Ariana Grande, Tori Kelly, Priscilla Renea/Muni Long, Georgia Brown (a Brazilian singer), and Tim Storms (A Guinness world record breaker for having a ten-octave voice and for producing the lowest note of 0.189 HZ- a G7). (This is me saying her singing voice is versatile)
RAP CLAIM INSPIRATION— A mix of Gangsta Boo, Mc Lyte, Rah Digga, Lady of Rage, MC Sha-Rock, Queen Latifah, Rapsody, Monie Lovie, Angie Martinez, Yo-Yo, Queen Penn, Bahamadia, Salt N’ Pepa, Missy Elliot, Lil’ Kim, Foxy Brown, Roxanne Shanté, Eve, Left Eye, Natina Reed, Remy Ma, Jacki-O, Rasheeda, Diamond (Crime Mob), Princess (Crime Mob), Khia, Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion, Lola Brooke, Flo Milli, Snow Da Product, Doja Cat, Rico Nasty, Lady XO, Little Simz, Qveen Herby, Day Sulan, Renni Rucci, Young Deyvn, Dessa, Scar Lip, Chynna, Keys/Keys Da Problem/Keys Da Beast, No Name, BIA, Latto, Moon, Cheetah, Dr. Dre, Tribe Called Quest, Wu Tang Clan, NWA, Mobb Deep, Public Enemy, Run DMC, Naughty by Nature, Slum Village, OutKast, Common, Method Man, Ghostface Killah, KRS-One, Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, Krayzie Bone, Nas, DMX, The Notorious B.I.G/Biggie Smalls/Biggie, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, MF Doom, Scarface, Rakim, Eric B. & Rakim, Big L, Murda Mook/Mookie, Math Hoffa, Bun B, Pimp C, UGK, Trick Daddy, Big Daddy Cane, Funkmaster Flex, André 3000, Jay Electronica, André 3000, Ludacris, Nelly, Nas, NOCLUE, TECH N9NE, Twisted Insane, Rebel XD, Twista, Kanye West, Big K.R.I.T., Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Childish Gambino, Lupe Fiasco, Kid Cudi, Anderson .Paak, Big Sean, Tyler The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, BROCKHAMPTON, Chance The Rapper, Wale, Meek Mill, Pusha T, A$AP Rocky, Saba, Denzel Curry, Vincent Staples, Kenny Mason, Big Pun, Eminem, Mac Miller, Logic, El-P, Crucified, Brother Ali, Rick Rubin, MC Serch, Marlon Craft, Cage, Aesop Rock, etc (Just like I said with her singing voice, her rapping voice is just as versatile).
DANCE CLAIM INSPIRATION— Fatima Robinson, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, Aaliyah, Ciara, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Teyana Taylor, Tinashe, JABBAWOCKEEZ, Amari Marshall, Aliya Janell, Kyndall Harris, Khaleya Graham, Marie Ennis, Aryan Davenport, Cache Melvin, Aud Wily, Jordan Laza, Candice Savage, Mari Williams, Joie Chavis, Ashley Everett, Jasmine Harper, Hannah Douglass, Nicole Kirkland, Scarlet Aviram, Samantha Long, Sammie Nicol Perez, Ysabelle Capitulé, Kat Rodriguez, Analisse Rodriguez, Tricia Miranda, Bailey Sok, Kaycee Rice, Natalie Bebko, Charlize Glass, Tati McQuay, Jade Chynoweth, Kaelynn Harris, Marissa Heart, Brinn Nicole, Chachi Gonzales, Nikoork, Kavavii, Kamii.d, Kirsten Dodge, Latrice Kabamba, Minny Park, Mina Myoung, Hyojin Choi, Dohee, Hyewon, NAIN, Dabin, RENAN, Ara Cho, May J Lee, Tina Boo, Jin Lee, Heeseo, Woonha, Amy Park, JJ, Lia Kim, Eunkyung, Bada Lee, Ryeon, LEEJUNG, Aiki, Bini, Jihyo Park (YGX), Kyme, Simeez, Jiwon Shin, E. Sol, Noze (WAYB), KAYDAY, Junsun Yoo, Koosung Jung, Alexx, Yechan, Hui, BBTRIPPIN, WOOTAE, Deukie, In Sung Jang, Wildabeast Adams, tWitch, Big Will Simmons, Josh Price, Sean Lew, Gabe De Guzman, Julian DeGuzman, Kenneth San Jose, Rafi Rodriguez, Brian Friedman, Brian Puspos, Donovan Okimura (Rudeboy Donovan), Jake Kodish, Hamilton Evans, Federico Milan, Raul Calvente, Matt Steffanina, Ian Eastwood, Josh Taiwan Williams, and many more (I got inspired by them after watching different videos and like I said on the vocal and rap claim inspiration she is versatile in terms of her dance skills too).
PERFORMANCE CLAIM INSPIRATION— Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Ciara, Nicki Minaj, Tinashe, Megan Thee Stallion, Doja Cat, Normani, Jade Thirlwall, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, BoA, and more (she is a versatile performer)
PRODUCER CLAIM INSPIRATION— Darkchild, Babyface, Teddy Riley, Timbaland, and Missy Elliott
SEXUAL ORIENTATION— Straight/Heterosexual
FAVORITE FOOD— Junk and healthy food
EDUCATION— Fiorello H. Laguardia High School of Music and Arts (2008-2012) NYU (2018-2022)
WHAT IS EUSBIA KNOWN FOR— her voice, dance, vocal & rap skills, her feminine yet masculine features (even the way she moves, when she dances, is the same way), being the only female member of NCT 127 & NCT DREAM, her style (award shows, music shows, in NCT content, concerts, and off duty), confidence, being an all-rounder, bringing back the Y2K trend in KPOP, calling out shippers, fighting sasaengs, speaking up on humanitarian issues/crises, etc
AURA CLAIM INSPO— Beyoncé, Rihanna, C.L (2NE1), LISA & JENNIE (BLACKPINK), Hwasa & Moonbyul (MAMAMOO), Cheetah (Rapper), Wonyoung (IZ*ONE & IVE), Yeji, Ryujin, and Yuna (ITZY), Aubrey Plaza (her humor)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :🌻: :; LOOKS ↴
↳ ❝ [FILE 2: PHYSICAL INFO] ¡! ❞ ↴
FACE CLAIM(S)— N/A (I imagine her in my own way and I plan on making up how she looks like in Photoshop)
HEIGHT— 5’10.5 (179.07 cm)
WEIGHT— 160 lbs (72.57 kg) (This info isn’t known to the public because her weight fluctuates and does not feel like telling the world about how much she weighs)
SKIN TONE— Rich Caramel
CHEST SIZE— 36DDD (This Info isn’t known to the public)
BODY SHAPE— Hourglass body with a long neck, broad shoulders, thick thighs, back dimples, and a tiny waist (she genetically has this type of body)
FACIAL SHAPE— Defined cheekbones, sharp jawline, plump lips, thick eyebrows, gummy smile, fox eyes, and dimples
REAL LIFE VOCAL TONE INSPO— Beyoncé, Toni Braxton, T-Boz from TLC, Dami from Dreamcatcher, Yuqi from (G)-idle, and many more
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :🌻: :; PERSONALITY INFO ↴
↳ ❝ [FILE 3: PERSONALITY] ¡! ❞ ↴
FIRST MBTI TYPE— INFJ’s personality traits are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. They are someone who approaches life with deep thoughts and imagination and are people who have a nurtural mindset and drive to help others realize their potential. (Credits to this site and this one).
POSITIVES— Kind, nurturing, considerate of others, headstrong, helpful, empathic, supportive, creative, determined, passionate, etc
NEGATIVES— Over-thinker, sensitive, too nice, stubborn, overreactive, argumentative, feels like they are unreadable to others, burnout, reluctant to open up, indecisiveness, etc
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :🌻: :; CAREER INFO ↴
↳ ❝ [FILE 4: CAREER] ¡! ❞ ↴
TRAINEE PERIOD— 2 months & 3 weeks
PRE DEBUT— November 11th, 2012
DEBUT— February 8th, 2013-August 8th, 2016 (VOXARA/NCT VOXARA), April 9th, 2016 (NCT U), July 7th, 2016 (NCT 127), August 24-25th, 2016 (NCT DREAM), October 4th, 2019 (SUPERM),
SOLO DEBUT— January 1st, 2004 (PRE NCT & SUPERM)
DEBUT AGE— 5 (SOLO), 13 (SMROOKIES), 14-17 (NCT VOXARA, U, 127, & DREAM), 19 (SUPERM)
COMPANY— Epic Records (2006-Present), SM ENTERTAINMENT (2012-2019) ?? (2019-Present)
GROUP— NCT (2016-Present), NCT VOXARA (2012-Present), SUPERM (2019-Present)
POSITION— Main Dancer/Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Center, Co-Leader, Unofficial Visual, FOTG
SUBUNIT— NCT U, NCT VOXARA, NCT 127, & NCT DREAM (She debuted four-five times just like Mark did)
NICKNAMES— Sunflower, NCT’s Queen, Fashion Queen, SUPERM’s Queen, Super Model, Foodie, Empress of Kpop, K-pop’s It Girl, Nation’s Queen, Nation’s Pride, BiaBia, NCT’s Mom, WayV’s honorary member, Your favorite Idol’s Idol, etc
OCCUPATION— Singer-Songwriter, Vocalist, Rapper, Producer, Lyricist, Composer, Choreographer, Actress, Businesswoman, & Creative Director
SOLO MUSIC CLAIM— SZA, Ariana Grande, Tems, Ayra Starr, Priscilla Renea/Muni Long, Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, Little Simz, Tkay Madiza, Amaarae, Erika de Casier, Rochelle Jordan, Jenevieve, Ruth B, Tyla, Libianca, Jorja Smith, Celeste, Sabrina Claudio, Lorde, Sumin, Yerin Baek, BÉBE YANA, Moon, Lady XO, Day Sulan, Renni Rucci, Young Deyvn, Bree Runway, Ravyn Lenae, Kelela, H.E.R., Ella Mai, Summer Walker, Doja Cat, BIA, Scar Lip, Nao, Alina Baraz, Halsey, Qveen Herby, Alessia Cara, Tori Kelly, Snoh Aalegra, Sabrina Carpenter, Tate McRae, Dua Lipa, Maxine Ashley, Bria Anai, Olivia O’Brien, Dessa, CLAUDIA, Zara Larsson, Charli XCX, Lana Del Ray, Natanya, Audrey Nana, Dominique, NF, twenty one pilots, Neoni, DEZI, Stela Cole, Ava Max, Amelia Moore, Bea Miller, Ashley Sienna, Alemeda, Adanna Duru, Tierra Whack, No Name, Corinne Bailey Rae, Amanda Reifer, Taylour Paige, Layton Greene, Gracie Abrams, RAYE, Mabel, QUIN, Jordan Pruitt, Ellie Goulding, AMARNI, Maisie Peters, Laufey, Brynn Cartelli, Lizzy McAlpine, Tanner Addell, Brittney Spencer, Tiera Kennedy, Reyna Roberts, Jessie Murph, Kacey Musgraves, Maren Morris, Kelsea Ballerini, Lauren Spencer Smith, Aáyanna, Genia, Résa, Naliya, Slowe, Amber Mark, Sinéad Harrnet, Tolou, Ocean Niya, Maeta, Chxrry22, Tanerélle, Mereba, Sho Madjozi, Uncle Waffles, Nina Nesbitt, Leah Sykes, Mr. Rover by DARA, Endless Summer Vacation by Miley Cyrus, and some Taylor Swift songs
SOLO MUSIC GENRE— Afro Beats, Amapiano, Alternative, Country, Electropop, Hip Hop, Pop, Punk, R&B, and Rock
SOLO FANDOM NAME— N/A (Doesn’t have one)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
I will come back and add more for personality as time goes on. Also, in honor of tWitch, I put him as part of the people in the dance claim inspiration, and in honor of Gangsta Boo, Natina Reed, and Chynna, I put them in the rap claim inspiration, and I kept reminding myself to add them there, but I forgot. May they all rest easy :(. For the sake of this story, she’s a versatile music artist, rapper, and dancer in the music and dance world, and there will be songs that my oc releases, but they will be on an album in a different era if that makes sense.
Personality credits to @jiahspov
2024 update: I always get inspired by stuff, so I add it to my existing posts 😭 and the gif represents the faceless aspect of her.
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bunnybunnyblogs · 2 years
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{HIME*DREAM} Keiko Outfit  ( at Equal10 )
[Heaux] Taylor -  *Velour Tone ( at Equal10 )
Lyrium. Violet Breathing & Static Animation Set ( at Equal10 )
Lagom - Artist Clutter ( at Mainstore )
Gloom. - Sylven Collection ( at Mainstore )
Foxy - Crush Hair ( at Mainstore )
Skin: Heaux - Taylor
Eyes: Gloom - Sylven Collection
Hair: Foxy - Crush Hair
Outfit: HimeDream - Keiko Outfit
Pose: Lyrium - Violet
Artist Deco: Lagom - Artist Clutter
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blossomhimee · 6 years
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[c:Yuki-Chan] HQ; https://imgur.com/3UaccNy Primadonna girl, Would you do anything for me? Buy a big diamond ring for me? Would you get down on your knees for me? Pop the pretty question right now, baby Beauty queen on a silver screen Living life like I'm in a dream I know I've got a big ego I really don't know why it's such a big deal.~ 💜😈👑 Thanks a bunch Yuki! I look really amazing ~ *^* 💜
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me-thelavendermoon · 5 years
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crazydoodlez · 3 years
Headcanon for the babey gang:
1. John's favorite character from the Freddy gang is Bonnie:), he used to like Foxy when he was younger
2. Hime likes Chica and Mangle,,,
3. Atsuko, strangely, used to like Spring Bonnie...but now she likes all the bunnies:) [but yellow ones]
4. Kallian and Kyler doesn't like any of the characters
5. Annabella and Angelina likes the funtimes and rockstars
6. Kyrie likes Puppet and Foxy, cause of Plush Foxy:)
7. Andaga doesn't have a favorite
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corhore · 2 years
Mothra's Gijinka design has to be Matronly in a way. And by that I mean "Soft w/ booba" just so a certain Big Strong Foxy Daddy Lizard can snuggle to his hearts delight. Ahhhhh, you know he loves her after all those years.
She has to have a honkin pair with a hime cut and her eyes always look like there closed like Lucoa from dragon maid, but when shit goes down she opens her eyes and she fucks shit up.
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jae-duhb · 3 years
Electro Archon & Fox Wife
I've seen this type of AU—archon!Tomo and nine-tailed fox!Kazuha—talked about before, and it's not that I have anything new to say; it's just a couple headcanons.
Like, Tomo's electric aura causes Kazuha's hair to become staticky; so, he turns into a big puffball sometimes. It can also linger for a period of time, and sakura blooms will stick all over him, much to Tomo's amusement and his chagrin.
Kazuha does NOT act as the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine. He's too busy being the Electro Archon's keeper, which is a 24/7 job. He's also Tomo's little wife; so, yeah, he's gonna be by his husband's side more than anywhere else.
The Raiden twins, Ei and Makoto, work directly under Kazuha and help him manage Inazuma's governance. Y'can't trust Tomo to do it bc he'll do things at a snail's pace. If it's not that, then he's FORGOTTEN about the Thing™ altogether.
The twins are probably why the Madame of Tenshukaku hasn't collapsed from overworking yet.
He's super on the ball when it comes to festival organization, tho. The faster that gets done, the more time there is to drag Kazuha around to all the different festive activities. That means it's safe to say the Yashiro Commission is very close to their archon.
Since "raiden" belongs to the twins as a surname, I'd rather Tomo's formal title NOT be Raiden Shogun. He might just go by "The Almighty Shogun" bc I can't think of anything cool and doesn't sound too edgy.
He's also called the God of Dreams. His storms over Inazuma are not as violent as the ones he upholds out around the surrounding ocean. The patter of rain and gentle roll of thunder lull the ppl into restful slumber. Nightmares dare not pierce the protective storm of a god to disturb them.
Don't tell Kazuha, but Tomo does, in fact, have an obnoxious collection of cat-related items. No, it's not clutter! No, he's not a hoarder! Please don't throw them away, Kaede-hime!
In equal measure, don't tell TOMO that Kazuha has a series of journals filled w haiku that do nothing but praise the hell outta his husband. The Electro Archon doesn't need a bigger ego than he already has. That, and he might cry.
The mandatory Booba Sword is here, except Tomo wields a claymore made from one of Kazuha’s tails.
He had it commissioned when Tomo returned from the Archon War as one of the seven victors. (He was there, actually; he made sure his handsome himbo stayed alive.)
Ofc, this all happened secretly; so, when Tomo saw his foxy babe short one beautiful tail, he thought somebody assaulted him. After many “calm down’s,” hugs, and kisses, Kazuha managed to explain himself. Kazuha: It’ll grow back, okay? Now, stop worrying! Tomo: Kazu-chaaaan! 😫
In case ya wanted to know, Kazuha still wields a sword and the power of anemo.
Tama the Cat exists and is a recent addition to their home, but Tomo carries her everywhere. He also demands the Shogunate staff address her as Tama-sama. Kazuha refuses, but he buys her hella fancy cat necessities. He will also personally cook her fish.
Tomo and Venti trade alcohol frequently (when Venti’s actually around) and try to out-drink each other. They bicker about how to best ENJOY alcohol, too.
Kazuha just shakes his head right along w Zhongli. He can’t really say much, tho, bc he likes a good drink just as much as they do. He’s simply more delicate w his approach (and doesn’t drink anywhere NEAR as much).
Tomo calls Kazuha every nickname under the sun, ranging from the cutesy Kazu-chan to the more refined Kaede-hime; but there is one name, one moniker, that he's never said in front of him unless it was in a formal setting: The Madame of Tenshukaku.
You'll only ever hear those words in succession if Tomo's whining in your ear after the kitsune gave him a good scolding. It almost sounds like he's referring to a demon or monster. Tomo: Ei, the Madame of Tenshukaku has struck again! Take pity on this poor archon! Ei: Your Excellency, please make haste. The meeting is in five minutes. Tomo: *audible gasp, face of betrayal* The Madame has taken you, too!
Kazuha doesn't really use nicknames. He just addresses Tomo as "Your Excellency" and "Lord Shogun" like everyone else, even if they're alone in private. Occasionally, Tomo can coax him into calling him something like "Tomo-dono," but it's still not casual enough for him. He'd rather his wife drop the honorifics altogether when it's just them. Tomo: You'll call Tama "Tama," but you can't call me Tomo? Kazuha: She's a cat, you're the ELECTRO ARCHON, Your Excellency. Tomo: Yeah, but you're also my WIFE, and I permit you to call me by my name when we're alone!
The reality is that Kazuha prefers the proper forms of address bc it reminds him that Tomo has risen to the highest position someone on their level can reach and earned his seat amongst the Seven. He's just so proud! Tomo still wants to hear his name, tho. Sometimes, he wonders if he'll forget his own name bc no one'll hardly say it these days.
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Wednesdays are for Headcanons: Summertime with the boys
Oh July...the nicest month of the year. You know that the weather won’t disappoint you (as long as you’re in the northern hemisphere), the allergy season is over, the schools are closed, the air has the enchanting smell of riping fruits, the starry nights are romantic.
One can’t help but think, how would the summertime with our LI’s go, where would they take us producers?
Here are my picks...
Our sunshine boy had to work extremely hard during winter and springtime to record his new album and because he was stuck in the studio for months, his wanderlust was over level 9000 so he had to leave the Loveland city asap! But it would only be half fun if he hasn’t got his potachi-hime beside him.
Ever since his childhood, he has always been charmed by Europe mainly because his roots are bound to the old continent. Unfortunately ou only had a limited time to explore this beautiful piece of land, therefore you decide to visit the country of delicious cakes, chocolate and macarons. You’re going to Paris ma chérie <3
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You want to check every little patisserie, every museum, listen to every street musician and even sing with them at times (of course Kiro has to make everyone forget who he is upfront), take 193793 pictures of you and just sink into the romantic flair of the city. Kiro’s tiktoks with his mysterious travel partner reach over millions of clicks however no one actually knows how many tries that one perfect jump required.
When the sun goes down, you sit on the Montmartre’s steps as you watch this fascinating city laying under your feet, killing a bottle of fine Chardonnay and unwrapping one “carambar” after the other and trying to make sense of the “blagues”. You both laugh so hard that you got chased off by the police and spend the night strolling down the crookiest, narrowest and most hidden streets of this place where no one can disturb you. 
As you see the first rays of light on Champs-Élysées a slowly lit up Eiffel tower greets you with her full glory. You throw yourselves into your comfy bed, all the while knowing that the adventure will proceed just in a couple of hours.
Both Lucien and you have been swarmed up the by the people at work over the last couple of months, so that you just want to be alone in a secluded place, where you could enjoy the nature but also experience brand new sensations.
You open a map in front of you and look for a place with a rich and distinct culture, vast landscapes but also nice restaurants. You decide on Cape Town.
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Your travel plan is full of different experiences, first couple of days you both recharge at Boulder’s beach, afterwards you go to see the penguins at Foxy Beach (remember, it is actually winter in South Africa- so Lucien like ^_^).. On the fifth day you visit Kirstenbosch and Lucien tells you everything about the Malachite sunbird or the local flower “protea“. You don’t forget to visit the Zeitz museum and have heated discussions about the political history of South Africa.
When your legs are tired from walking, you halt at the National Library and pick up poetry books from the local poets and read to each other. There is something about the extraordinary, historic or rusty libraries that tempts you both so you can’t resist stepping in to them at least for a moment. What can you say? You both adore the smell of processed cellulose. 
 On your last Saturday, you make sure to have a feast at Neighbourgoods Market. Lucien purposely buys foods that he can feed you in bits like patés and oysters, not forgetting to trail the tips of his fingers on your lips as flavory juices drip down from the corner of your mouth.
“‘sigh... why does this man have to be so tempting all the time?” 
You know very well that if you waited for the workaholic Victor to find a time slot on his calendar to have a holiday, then you would have gray hair and weak joints. So you call Goldman to seek for a suitable week on his schedule. 
Much to your surprise Goldman tells you that he has no meetings over the course of whole next week. As you wonder how come you’ve never realized it and what he might be planning you receive a call from him on the other line.
- You have 15 minutes to come downstairs, the driver is waiting for you
- huh?!
- 14 minutes and 53 seconds...
- alright alright, I’m coming!
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It only dawns on you what is happening as you step in to the car. The driver warns you friendly about the mosquitos on Bora Bora islands during this time of the year and that you should have a lookout for the sharks around dusk and dawn. Oh and that you don’t have to worry about your luggage because Victor has already tended to it.
Your one week getaway consists of cooling down and chilling only. Lazy hours at the beach, afternoon naps on a hammock, prolonged bathing sessions in the jacuzzi in your suite and of course the 5 starred food only. A heavenly getaway in paradise! Every now and then you lightly pinch your cheek to reassure that the non-stop smiling, all cuddly and lovey-dovey man next to you is-truly- Victor and not another imposter (although you wouldn’t mind even if he were one, ‘cuz he is just soo tender)
Gavin and you both are used to spend long periods of time apart, but it just feels like this year was even more challenging than the years before. Your last holiday together was in winter, when you went to Norway for Christmas  and that was it.   
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Once you both find a suitable week on your calendars, you speak out the only holiday plan you had on your mind for the last couple of weeks:
“Let’s go for a boat trip!“
“How about a boat trip?“
Just like the two peas in a pod you are, your identical suggestion escapes your mouths instantly. You don’t want to deal with the details or booking different hotels or make a trip plan or other people. No...this time around you let the currents and the waves determine your direction and there is only no to-do on your list: “us time”,
You spend a whole week sailing across the Indian Ocean, only making stops in some remote islands with a small population. Snorkeling around the reefs, plucking your personal coconuts right from the trees, swimming naked underneath the waterfalls and gathering exotic flowers for your dinner table.
Your nights are so calm and soothing with no worries for the world. at times you can hear the distant clicks and whistles from the dolphins and whales as you lay on the deck of the boat, gazing at the stars. Of course at times you fly high to soak in the endless freedom of your getaway.
You can’t help but to think to yourself that as long as you have him by your side, anywhere is Shangri-la.
Plus the best summer trip with Gavin already exists in the Canon MLQC universe, which I've analyzed here
Editor’s note to self: I need a vacation (=_=)
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