#fragrant melody šŸ’•
lick-me-lennon22 Ā· 5 months
Bug Boys X Reader who has to take exams on their birthday šŸŽ‚
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(another request submitted by a lovely anon!! hope I'm not too late šŸ’• happy birthday, love!)
he'll try to talk to you while you're studying but realizes you're too engrossed in your books to even lift your head and acknowledge him
he decides to try a different approach, snickering as he scribbles silly (and often dirty) notes onto pieces of paper
he folds them into paper aeroplanes and sails them across the room, almost always striking you in the head
he loves to see the look on your face and hear your laughter fill the room when you open and read them, becoming red-faced and flustered
On the day of the tests, John arrives at your doorstep with a paper bag in hand. "Hey there, birthday braniac! Ready to conquer those exams?"
He hands you the bag and you examine it, realizing he's packed you a homemade lunch. It's just a simple sandwich and some crisps, but it's made with lots of love and he's done his best. He offers his arm to you and you link it with yours as he guides you out of the doorway and down the sidewalk. The two of you wander through the streets, John easing your nerves with playful banter the whole way.
When you reach the exam hall, he squeezes your hand and whispers: "You've got this, love. Knock 'em dead."
Not long after, you come to find he's slipped a note into the lunchbag - a small piece of paper with a shittily-drawn self portrait of him giving you a thumbs up.
John arrives to pick you up after you've finished, beckoning you toward him and into his arms for a hug. When you pull away, he raises his hand to reveal two tickets to see your favorite band (other than the Beatles, of course) in concert. You squeal in delight and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, love" he says, before taking your hand in his and leading you to the venue to let loose and celebrate.
in the time leading up to your final exams, Paul ensures that you're well-fed and rested while you study
he knows it can be easy to forget or set aside self-care when you're so intent on cramming
with a gentle knock on the door, Paul enters your room carrying a tray laden with delicious goodies
"I made your favorite! Fuel up, love."
he'll play soft melodies on his piano to provide some background noise and hopefully help you focus
On the day of your exams, Paul pulls up in his sleek vintage car, the soft strains of a love song playing over the radio. With a charming smile, he opens the passenger door and extends a hand to you. "Hop in," he instructs with a flirtatious wink. You drive through the city streets, all the while Paul sings along to the radio and serenades you with sweet lyrics. As you arrive at your destination, he leans in close and presses a gentle kiss to your cheek. "You're going to do brilliantly, love."
Once you're finished he arrives to pick you up, a bouquet of fragrant flowers in hand. You approach him, smiling softly, and he places a gentle hand on the back of your neck to pull you into a passionate kiss. "Happy birthday, darling."
You begin to notice he's taking a familiar route, realizing at last that he's brought you to your favorite restaurant for a romantic candlelit birthday dinner. You enjoy a three-course meal along with dessert, heading home to end the day with some cuddles and relaxation.
throughout the weeks leading up to your exams, George helps you stay centered and focused while you study
he'll enter your room in silence and sit down beside you, handing you a steaming cup of herbal tea
"Feeling nervous?" he asks softly, and you nod
"Remember, this is just a temporary challenge. Focus on the present and let your intuition guide you."
he provides a sense of calm and serenity amidst the chaos of cramming and deadlines
George doesn't "help" you study, per se, but tries to manifest a good outcome for you
in his mind's eye, he envisions you stepping into the exam room with confidence and determination, ready to tackle any challenging questions that may come your way
When the day comes, George arrives at your door with a single red rose in hand, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I thought you may need a bit of a good luck charm," he says playfully, offering you the rose. He takes your free hand in one of his, squeezing it gently.
Together, you walk through the quiet streets, George's presence a source of comfort and security. As you come up on the exam hall, he gazes into your eyes and speaks softly. "You've got this, dear. I believe in you."
When George arrives to collect you after your exams, he walks up to greet you. With a gentle touch, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear and gives you a soft kiss. "Well done, gorgeous. Happy birthday."
As he walks, you fall into step behind him, telling him all about your experience and how you feel the tests went when the two of you come upon a strange dome-shaped building. He's taken you on a surprise trip to the planetarium! The calming visuals and dark atmosphere help you to relax as you fixate on the captivating show. George knew just what you needed to unwind and celebrate at the end of a long and stressful day.
when you tell him about your upcoming finals, Ringo helps you to organize your study materials and create a schedule
he wants to make sure you still have time for fun and relaxation during this hectic time
he'll eagerly offer to be your study buddy if you need someone to read material aloud or quiz you
he makes the most adorable flashcards, complete with colorful pictures to help you remember complicated subjects
Ringo brings a sense of joy and lightheartedness to your study sessions that helps you destress and shift focus away from your worries
When the day finally arrives, Ringo pulls up on his motorcycle, the engine rumbling softly beneath him. With a cheeky grin, he offers you a helmet and gestures for you to hop on.
Together, you ride through the winding roads, the wind whipping through your hair. Ringo's laughter and singing fills the air, and his carefree attitude puts your mind at ease like nothing else can.
As you pull up to the exam venue, he smiles warmly and leans in close. "You're going to ace this, love. Just remember, I'll be waiting to celebrate with you after."
When you're finally finished, you exit the building with a deep breath followed by a sigh of relief. Ringo speeds around the corner on his motorbike, coming to an abrupt stop in front of you. When he finally stalls and you're able to getter a better look, you notice that numerous bags hang from the handlebars, filled with colorful tissue paper. "Happy happy birthday, sweetheart!" he calls, offering the helmet to you once again and motioning you to take your seat behind him.
You arrive home to even more gifts scattered about your dining room table, a lone cupcake in the middle with a candle planted firmly in the center. A giant teddy, seated in one of the chairs, wears a striped party hat. The remainder of the evening is filled with hugs and kisses as you unwrap the many thoughtful gifts Ringo has picked out for you, cherishing each and every one.
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dujour13 Ā· 3 months
falling and/or breeze for the micro fic prompts :-D
Hello Kat! Thank you so much šŸ’• I chose breeze but I'm saving falling just in case.
Also on AO3
In the lush jungle underbrush of the Mountains of Miraculous Monsoons crouches a terrifying creature: a wyrmling of shimmering purple scales, dragonfly wings and a mouthful of razor-sharp baby teeth bared in breathless giggling.
She knows her auntie will eventually find her and give her a tickling to within an inch of her life after that stunt bending a branch into the waterfall so that it sprayed the elder havoc dragon in her sleep, but for now she is well hidden, camouflaged among drooping purple blooms.
Something tickles her nose. She sneezes and sits up.
Not a flower petal or a butterfly, and luckily not an Elysian wasp. No, it is something else strange in the air, something new and dangerous and wonderful.
Music? Aivu cocks her head. Drifting on the breeze like fragrant pollen, musical notes so light and soft they make her sneeze again. Strings, she decides, like a harp but less harpy. Like a fiddle but less fiddly. Sad, but sad in a way that makes you want to fly into the wind. A melody of adventure from a faraway land!
Curious snout in the air, she follows the breeze out of the underbrush, over the river, down the mountainside a little way through a grove of mango trees, to a hidden pond where she sometimes plays with the talking, multicolored frogs. Only there are no frogs now. The pond has been replaced by a shimmering pool of gold and purple light, a sparkling mist rising off its surface in lazy tendrils.
The music sounds stronger here. It tugs on her heart until it almost aches, like taffy on her teeth.
But behind the music from the pool-portal there are other soundsā€”sounds of bad things. The roar and clash of fighting. People crying. People who need cheering up!
And in the midst of all that sadness someone playing music, the kind that makes you cry soothing tears until you hiccup and fall asleep and wake up happy again.
Aivu realizes with excitement she knows this musician. She doesnā€™t know how, because theyā€™ve never met, but her heart is as sure of it as cake.
My friend!
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elvensorceress Ā· 2 years
SevenĀ ??? Sentence Sunday oops I canā€™t count
@imsupposedtobewritting @spotsandsocks @rogerzsteven @eddiediazisascorpio @dickley-buddie @loveyourownsmiilee @fiona-fififi @vampirebuckleys @confetti-cupcake my beloveds šŸ’• all tagged me
I think most everyone has already done this? but in case you havenā€™t and want to, consider yourself tagged šŸ¤—šŸ’• @hetrez @ashavahishta @homerforsure @finduilasclln @mansikkaomenabanaani @ghosthunterbuck and anyone else! I love seeing your snippets and progress! šŸ˜
now have some soft sweet Orpheus&Eurydice BuddieĀ 
It could be his own bed. Itā€™s soft but sturdy and supportive. Thereā€™s more warmth than his bed usually holds. Someoneā€™s head is on chest, tucked against his shoulder, under his chin. Thereā€™s an arm around him and a leg slipped between his own.Ā 
Theyā€™re enveloped in young sunlight thatā€™s barely turned the sky purple. Thereā€™s a sky above them. Not a ceiling. Not brick and steel. No sleek industrial lights or vents. Itā€™s a wash of fading stars and clouds that might become orange and pink at any moment. Thereā€™s no real bed beneath them, no mattress, but it is cushion of luxurious softness.Ā 
The air is lightly fragrant and crisp, fresh cut grass, warm rain on pavement, rich abundant flowers, salty misty ocean air. But the most clear scent he breathes in is pine, eucalyptus, earthy, woodsy, clean and spicy. The one heā€™d know anywhere.Ā 
His heart skips beats. It stumbles and stutters like itā€™s learning how to beat again. Eddie is in his arms. Eddie is curled against him, holding onto him like he means something and isnā€™t just a thing to be used and discarded. He makes a soft noise as if heā€™s waking, and Buck doesnā€™t think to hold on.Ā 
The next moment Eddie is sitting up, looking around, probably taking in their surroundings.Ā 
Buck would explain or answer if he had either. Because somewhere in his mind he knows that waking up in a not-bed, in a place that is probably outdoors but at the very least not his loft and not Eddieā€™s house, is not actually normal.Ā 
Somehow. Itā€™s not concerning either. It simplyā€¦ is.Ā 
There are flowering almond and apple trees and ornately twisted evergreens surrounding them, sea grass and sand and the bank of many shimmering rivers as well. Thereā€™s woven fabric underneath his hands, underneath them both, soft and thick and featherlight. Faint music drifts in from a distance, too quiet to hear lyrics or to even decipher melody. But it carries flitting chimes of birdsongs, strings of cricket chirps, and ripples of bubbling, falling water.Ā 
Eddie is still searching, comprehending? Or trying to. Wherever they are, Buck doesnā€™t really care. He reaches and runs a hand up and down Eddieā€™s side. ā€œCome back?ā€
Eddie turns slightly and looks at him with a soft, hopeful, unguarded expression. Heā€™s golden and glowing with the sunrise, with the happiness evident in every part of him.Ā 
There are more than a few lifetimes of breath stolen away by how perfectly beautiful he is. Inside and out. Everything about him. Buck reaches, desperate for Eddie to return to him.Ā 
Heā€™s not at all prepared when it happens.Ā 
Eddie lays down on his side where they were tangled around each other, and touches Buckā€™s cheek, his jaw, his chin, fingertips light and affectionate. Like heā€™s never seen before. Or never looked. Never let himself. Or maybe heā€™s just in awe? Maybe heā€™s entranced by what he sees? His eyes are always full of softness, but itā€™s shining even more right now. IsĀ anything more gorgeous than Eddie? He really doubts it.Ā 
And then Eddie nestles close and brushes his thumb over Buckā€™s bottom lip.Ā 
Buck canā€™t help the whimper that escapes at that touch. ā€œEddie,ā€ he says like a plea and a prayer, both dying to cling to him and afraid that at any second, this strange vision will be proven fake. And heā€™ll disappear.Ā 
ā€œIs this a dream?ā€ Eddieā€™s voice is so real, so gentle as if speaking too loud or harshly will shatter the illusion.Ā 
Buck swallows and curls his hands into fists full of Eddieā€™s clothes. ā€œI donā€™t know. Isā€”is it? You think?ā€
ā€œIt feels too real.ā€ Eddie looks him over and digs his fingers into Buckā€™s arm. ā€œBut also too different from real.ā€
Yeah. It does. Buck is probably dreaming.Ā 
But Eddie is here with him. So itā€™s okay. This could only ever be a dream.Ā 
ā€œNothing hurts. I feelā€¦ Iā€™m happy. At peace. Iā€™m not scared anymore,ā€ Eddie tells him, wets his lips and breathes, and speaks words that corroborate the fictitious unreality. ā€œIā€™m in love with you.ā€Ā 
Eddie isā€¦ Itā€™s not real. It canā€™t be real.Ā 
But Buck isnā€™t in pain either. Heā€™s not confused or lost. It does feel like everything is settled. Itā€™s complete. It fits. Thereā€™s nothing to worry about here. Nothing that will ever hurt. Heā€™s fulfilled, finished. Whatever he always wanted and needed to find, heā€™s found.Ā 
Eddie is in his arms. Waiting patiently for some kind of response. Waiting because he vowed love and itā€™s unquestionably threaded with eternity. The kind that bends and grows, withstands, protects. Itā€™s strong, solid, blinding, comforting, secure, resolute, unwavering, unconditional, everlasting. Itā€™s everything. This is everything. Eddie has always been everything to him.Ā 
Buck holds him close, brings them together because they should never be separate. Because this is what makes his heart sing happiness. He seals their mouths to each other, kisses Eddie with sweetness, with neediness, with hunger and joy and gentleness. Enough to change the seasons, enough to wake the world from winter slumber and let it burst into vibrant spring.Ā 
Eddie sighs relief and contentment, and pulls Buck on top of him. He cups the back of Buckā€™s head, threads fingers through his hair, and returns a thousand, thousand kisses.Ā 
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ask-missmargiezelle Ā· 2 years
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//Happy birthday Margie šŸ’•
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ask-missmargiezelle Ā· 3 years
I see how you look at Ms. Nair with that love in your eye's. Do you ever think about asking her on a little date hm? šŸ‘€
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ā€œDo you think soā€¦?ā€
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ask-missmargiezelle Ā· 3 years
Thank u for the sapphic Margaretha content šŸ’
I fell back into the rare ship hole for her. Most recent?
Perfumer x Dancer & Bloody Queen x Dancer šŸ‘€šŸ’•
(Totally not bc a friendly Bella carried me around)
//Aw thank you! Lesbian Margie the world šŸ’•
Also, thatā€™s adorable! Friendly Lady Bellas are my favoriteā€¦ Every gay galā€™s weaknessā€¦ tall pretty lady with a knifeā€¦
I canā€™t draw Mary very well (yet), but I hope these little doodles will suffice :)
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