#no comment on the birthday letter aside from this :)
bitterbutblue · 13 hours
Is it bad i can imagine Robin as a hopelessly inlove girl like ofmgsh?? Like knowing how popular she is, she doesn’t have an attraction to anyone, seeing how some of her fans are just obsessed. She doesn’t like any of that.
But when she sees how polite and respectful you are, she’s immediately hooked.
Like you’re taking a liking to new cafe? You'll find that all your orders are on the house, already paid. Needing to vent? Her phone is always available ready for any of your calls or messages with flowers mysteriously on your doorstep the next day. You’re sick? She immediately drops everything to take a drive to your house with medicine and some of your favourite snacks in hand.
Please i love Robin, and i will ramble on and on about her everyday 🥺
the way i manifested for robin before my final exams like i sat down with a group of friends and we did a little prayer circle and i hit the ten pull button while on 5050 adn we got robin and i proceeded to absolutely NAIL the exams on that day. she's my favourite for a reason.
⤷ you were just one of the people who worked in the fan meet and greets, setting up the venue and whatnot.
⤷ everyone there was going insaneee about THE robin being there, and you were excited too but upon seeing the way her fans treated her or behaved when seeing her, you couldn't help but feel bad
⤷ poor bby looked so uncomfortable, especially when the men are talking to her and trying to touch her as she walks off the stage. so you quickly took action (knowing it mayyyy cost you your job cause they could file complaints) but you couldn't care less.
⤷ you walk up to the man and aggressively shoulder him, pushing him aside as you approach robin to ask if she's okay with a very gentle smile
⤷ oh she's so gay.
⤷ fell for you hard and fast. literally offered you a job on the spot and you were like wtf
⤷ the entire time you worked as her assistant she clearly was in love with you. remembered your birthday, your favourite drinks depending on your mood, your favourite foods, snacks, everything. Always ordered a drink for you too, and you felt bad but she keeps insisting on treating you
⤷ no assistant of hers has ever been as caring as you!! always looking out for her, and arguing with the higher ups if you feel like they're pushing her too far and that was reallyyy what made her fall in love
⤷ you cared so much about her, not just because she's a celebrity but because she's a person. it's been so long she's forgotten how it feels to actually be cared for and not just looked at
⤷ she confesses to you one day when you snapped at her manager for commenting on her body weight again. you were sick of it- robin had barely gained anything but they wouldn't stop talking to her about losing weight so you snapped.
⤷ the manager demanded to have you fired but robin refused. instead she had sunday fire the manager.
⤷ it was a weird surge of emotions she felt in the moment, having someone actually look out for her. your face was red from anger and your breathing was unsteady, a look of pure irritation in your eyes but the moment you laid your eyes back on her the irritation fades into nothing but worry and she's smitten.
⤷ she asks you out on a date when you were walking her down to her car that'll drive you home and you thought you were dreaming.
⤷ she giggled at how u just stared at her, looking so confused and shocked
⤷ she kissed you on the cheek and your entire face just turned brick red
⤷ the next day, she got you another drink. except this time there was a heart doodled on the side, and a promotion letter next to it- asking you to be her manager.
⤷ the most loving girlfriend SERIOUSLYYYYY she doesn't take SHIT from anyone if they say anything bad about you. okay they can talk shit about her, but YOU? she'll start throwing hands
⤷ now that you're dating she spends even more money on u like christ, you knew she was rich but this is a whole other level.
⤷ rented out your favourite cat cafe for the day so you two could have a date in silence and peace without the stress of the cameras
⤷ wrote an entire album about you and you melted when you listened to it for the first time
⤷ despite how busy she was, she still makes you the most thoughtful handmade gifts. she learned to crochet to make you a beanie for when it gets cold when she realised you didn't have one in possession
⤷ she's your lover girl, forever and always <33
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captaincvans · 6 months
Love Letter (Wonwoo x Reader)
Pairing: Wonwoo x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N finds herself feeling like her gift for Wonwoo's birthday was far from good enough when she saw what Carats and other members got him.
Warnings: Mention of IV drips, fainting, and hospitals.
Word Count: 3330+
Author’s Note: Just a small piece of Wonwoo fic that was floating in my head for a while. I finally had the time to finish it. Comments/reblogs feeds a writer's soul! Enjoy~
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She watched from the corner of the couch at the rambunctious boys, her heart warming at the thought that Wonwoo has such precious friendships in his life. He finally picked up her gift, having gone through most of them and seeing as how hers was the first one set on the table. Seungkwan passed him the big box first, and she was excited to see his reaction. She worked over time for the last few months in order to be able to afford the gift, but the effort was worth it, in her opinion. 
The boys hollered at the sight of the shiny Apple box, and Mingyu shouted. “Wait- wait- which one of you forgot that Carats already gave him a personalized Airpods Max?” Most of the boys shook her head, but she didn’t have it in her to tell them. Nobody put their names on the gifts so no one could tell who the gift was from. Her heart sank as Seungcheol took the box and set it aside, still thinking it was from one of the boys. In doing so, she watched her smaller gift fall on the carpet, underneath the copious amount of wrapping paper and tissue paper on the floor. 
“Don’t use that one- use the one you got from our precious fans,” he said, laughing. She admired their loyalty to their fans, but found her heart still sinking when Wonwoo nodded. She worked hard for the gift, and seeing it get tossed aside felt like her efforts were also being tossed aside. She knew Wonwoo still appreciated the gift as he was never the type to take what he’s given for granted, but a part of her wished she had given him his gift privately instead. Y/N noticed Mingyu pulling out his phone, telling the boys that he was going to start a live on Instagram. She took this time to slink back to the kitchen to start cleaning up. Her relationship with Wonwoo was known to the fans, but she still wanted to respect the responsibility that comes with his job. If she were to do anything wrong, it would reflect poorly on him, so in order to avoid that she tried to live as quietly as she could. 
Y/N heard her boyfriend’s speech to their fans, thanking them for their support. She cleared up the mess of having to host 13 boys in the kitchen, and made her way back to the living room once she heard they were done their livestream. 
“Y/N, we’re going to go out for drinks, wanna come?” Seungkwan asked, motioning for her to join their group. He gave her a side hug before pulling her to sit beside Wonwoo, Dokyeom standing to make space for her. 
She looked at the mess in the living room, and shook her head. “I think I’ll just stay and clean up. You guys have fun!” 
“Are you sure?” Wonwoo asked quietly beside her, not wanting to pressure her. 
“Yea. Go have fun with the boys.” She gave a short peck to his cheek, rolling her eyes at the hollering going on around her. As they all headed out, they each gave her a short hug, thanking her for hosting them. Y/N picked up her gift from the floor, looking at the designer items the boys had gifted her boyfriend. She knew that he wasn’t materialistic, and would’ve loved anything they had given him, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was lacking in her ability to spoil him. She had worked a lot of overtime hours in the last few months, having to go to the doctors for IV drops a couple of times because she was so exhausted. Luckily, Wonwoo was also busy with promotions, but it made her feel even emptier when everything was said and done. She sighed, placing the small box back on the couch and cleaning up the living room. The smaller box had contained a heartfelt card, an old MP3 player with a customized playlist she had created to represent her love for him, along with a Spotify code as she knew he would want it on his phone as well. While she was going around cleaning, she hadn’t realized the box slipping between the cushion of the couch. 
The next few days were busy as she decided to continue working overtime since Wonwoo was busy anyways. She felt like their relationship was barely hanging on the last few months because of his busy schedule, and the fact that she was working more than ever before in order to be able to afford his gift and hosting the get-together with his team. Woozi and Seungcheol had offered to help her pay for the party, but she didn’t feel right about it. She wanted to spoil them, and she didn’t want them to think that she was taking advantage of their finances like that. 
Wonwoo came home late at night after recording some b-side tracks for their repackaged album. He couldn’t even bother making it to his bedroom so he decided to crash on the couch. Once his body landed on the usually soft cushion, he immediately noticed a firm item in between the pillows. He dug around, finding a small box he remembered seeing at his birthday party a week ago. He opened the box, seeing the letter slipped out. 
To my WON and only,  Happy Birthday!! Please excuse my crappy handwriting, but I wanted to write down how much I love you and how much I love us. Two years ago we met each other, and my life would never be the same since. I am so thankful for another year to be by your side and I want you to know that no matter what I want to always be with you. My heart is so full of love, and yet I can’t express them with words so I hope you will feel all my love in the songs I’ve put in this mixtape.  Always yours ❤️
Just as he was about to play her playlist, his phone buzzed. It was Woozi apologizing and asking him to come back to the studio. He sighed tiredly, pressing the palm of his hands against his eyes. It was times like this that he missed Y/N’s touch, and how she’s always been able to relieve his stress with just a simple hug. He missed her so much. He opened the last message from her. It was her telling him about finishing work and going to the mall, and showing him what she had bought. It was the little, mundane things that Wonwoo appreciated in their relationship. Since they found it hard to meet up sometimes, she made it a point to send little updates about her day, and he would do the same. As he was reading through her messages, and the commentary on her video haul that she sent him, he noticed the time she had sent the message of leaving work. His eyebrows furrowed as she usually leaves work around 6 to 6:30, but the timestamp had read her messaging him closer to 8pm. He scrolled back through their messages, easily finding her little messages after work and they were all late. It wasn’t as if her morning messages came later either, they were all at the same early 6am as they had always been. His thoughts were interrupted, when Woozi sent another message asking if he was coming. Wonwoo confirmed that he was, and made his way back to the studio while thinking about what would keep his girlfriend late at work. She hadn’t mentioned any big projects or anything that could keep her longer, but perhaps she just forgot to tell him. He sent her a few text to ease his mind, maybe it wasn’t as a big deal as he had in his mind. 
Goodnight, baby I just got home from the studio, but Woozi asked me to come back to record more. I’m so tired and I miss you so much I noticed that you’ve been getting off work later than usual? Is everything alright? 
He pocketed the MP3 player, and went back to the studio where he crashed for a few hours after recording. It was a little before noon when Wonwoo woke up, opening his eyes to an uneasy-looking Dino, and he suddenly he was on alert. 
“Dino? What’s wrong?” 
“We charged your phone when you were sleeping because it was dead, and when we turned it on it wouldn't stop buzzing.”
Wonwoo felt his heart plummeting and beating miles per hour, he nodded in thanks and quickly took his phone from Dino’s outstretched hand. He realized a few more members were there, and they had halted the recording. It was easy to see why they were panicking, usually if it was an emergency amongst the members, there would be at least a few more members who would know, but this seemed like a personal matter. He unlocked his phone, seeing 10+ phone calls, and 30+ messages from Eunji- Y/N’s best friend. He skimmed through messages, bile rising from his throat when he saw the words 
‘Fainted… hospital… overworked…’ 
He got up quickly, catching the eye of all his members. 
“What? What is it?” Seungcheol asked worriedly. 
“Y/N’s in the hospital,” he said before rushing out. 
“Wonwoo!” Seungcheol called. “You’re in no state to drive. I’ll drive you.” 
Wonwoo nodded in appreciation, knowing that it was faster to get a ride from his members than wait for his manager. The ride to the hospital was tense, and Wonwoo was able to call Eunji back. 
“Eunji- how is she?” he asked once he heard her pick up. 
“She’s fine now,” she said with a small sigh. “They gave her some fluids, and they’re just looking over her now. Where were you, Wonwoo?”
“I’m so sorry. I was recording all night, and fell asleep.” He stopped when she spoke again. 
“Right. I guess it can’t be helped.” Wonwoo always appreciated Y/N and Eunji’s ability to not linger on things beyond their control, seeming always focused on fixing the problem. “Did you like her gift?”
“Yea- your birthday was last week, right?” When he didn’t respond she continued. “Y/N told me a few months ago that she was planning a birthday party for you and your team. She wanted to spoil you guys, and tried going all out- even buying you the Airpods Max. I’m guessing that’s why she’s here.” 
“What?” Wonwoo was still trying to process everything, and the anxiety of Y/N being in the hospital wasn’t helping him see the bigger picture. He needed Eunji to spell it out for him. 
“She worked overtime for the last few months to be able to afford your gift and the party. I mean she wasn’t broke by any means, but throwing a party for 13 guys can get pretty expensive. I think some of your members offered to split the cost, but she was worried that they would see her as someone too focused on money.” 
Seungcheol’s eyes widened at her revelation of what she went through that day. He remembered the comment Mingyu made about the Airpods, and how he had carelessly tossed it aside. He felt so guilty for not even considering the effort she put in that day. In a way the idol life had spoiled him as staff members were usually the one preparing their birthday events. He didn’t know how much they cost but he could imagine it was more than Y/N would’ve spent on herself. He wasn’t blind to the amount of effort she put in, rivaling the decorations that a team of staff would prepare for their birthday streams. 
“I didn’t know,” Wonwoo said quietly. “She never told me.”
“That’s our stubborn Y/N. She probably didn’t want to make anyone feel bad. Knowing her, she was probably overworking both at work and trying to make the party happen that she stopped taking care of herself. I would’ve thought she would stop doing overtime after the party though.” 
“I’m at the hospital now.” He turned to his leader. “Cheol-”
“Go. Text us if you need anything. We can come by-” he paused. “If she wants us there.” He felt guilty about that day, thinking about how hurt she might have been. 
“Thanks.” Wonwoo got to the room Eunji texted him, taking a deep breath before slowly opening the door. Eunji was sitting beside the empty bed, scrolling through her phone. “Where is she?” he asked, suddenly on alert again. 
“They took her for some more testing,” she told him, motioning for him to sit at the chair across from her. 
He shook his head, looking around the room, his need to see her making him restless. 
“I’m glad you’re here now. I know you don’t like to push her to talk, but she’s more like you than you think, Wonwoo.” Before she could say more, Y/N was wheelchaired in with her nurse. Her eyes widened when she saw Wonwoo, and she was about to reach for him when the nurse had gently helped her back on the bed. 
“Your tests are all done,” he informed her. “The doctor will be in shortly to discharge you.” 
“I have to take my leave now,” Eunji said as the nurse left them alone. “But call me if you need anything, alright?” She turned to both of them before picking up her bag, offering a supportive smile before taking her leave. 
“Y/N…” Wonwoo started, his voice cracking with how emotional he was feeling. “What happened?” Despite Eunji telling him the story, he wanted to hear it from her mouth. 
“I worked a little too hard, and fainted- kinda hit my head a bit so that’s why the doctors are doing all these test,” she answered him in a light tone. “It’s not a big deal.” 
“Hmm.” He took the chair Eunji was sitting on, and brought it closer to her bed. “Why were you working so hard? I saw you’ve been working overtime.” 
Her eyes immediately shifted to her lap. “You’ve been busy so I wanted to keep my mind off missing you.” 
He knew she was telling the truth, but not the whole truth. “It has nothing to do with this?” he asked, pulling out the MP3 player from his pocket. 
Y/N gasped, thinking she had brought it home with her instead of leaving it at Wonwoo’s couch. 
“I read your letter. You got me the Airpods and made me a playlist- even putting it on this MP3 player you knew I would like. Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“I didn’t know Carats had already gotten you one…” she trailed off. “And I didn’t want to ruin the mood or make anyone feel bad.” 
He was about to put a hand on her head, but stopped when he remembered she hit her head. Instead, he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “I love it. I love you. You could’ve given me a plastic bag, and I would’ve loved it.” 
She chuckled at his words, shaking her head. “I was thinking…”
“Maybe we could give the Airpods to your father? That way you can use the one Carats gave you, and father will be happy with the new Airpods?”
Wonwoo melted at her thoughtfulness, reminding him one of the many reasons he loves her. She made it a point to welcome his family with such open arms, including his team. “You don’t want it for yourself?” he asked, knowing she had always wanted similar headphones. 
She shook her head. “I think father would appreciate it more.”
“Alright. You can give it to him next time we visit.” He took her hand, placing it against his lips as he gazed at her face. “I don’t want you to be working overtime to buy me anything anymore, okay?”
“That’s not fair,” she argued, taking her hand back. “You-”
“I don’t care about money or materialistic things. I care about you- please? Can we do the handmade gifts from now on or something?”
She thought about it for a bit, pondering on  his suggestion. “You’ll only give me handmade things too?”
He nodded. 
“Deal,” she agreed, breaking into a grin. “You realize that’s gonna be harder for you, right?” 
“Nah,” he shook his head. “There’s nothing hard about spoiling the person I love the most.” 
“You’re so cheesy,” she said between laughter. 
His phone buzzed, and he checked it was Seungcheol who texted him. “Seungcheol just texted. The members were really worried.” 
“About me?”
“Mm.” He responded that she was alright now. “They wanted to know if you would like to see them?” 
“She nodded. “Today? Okay- maybe we can go bring food to them if they’re practicing?” 
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “We’re not doing anything. You’re coming home with me, and they’ll visit us there, okay?” 
“I’m sure they don’t want to miss their practice.” 
He shook his head, stopping her. “Y/N, my team is my family.”
She nodded, not knowing where he was going with this. 
“And you’re now family so they’re your family too.” 
Before she could say anything, the doctor knocked on the door with a clipboard. He gave her the clear to go home, and Wonwoo called a taxi for them to take to his home. As they settled in to his home, Y/N gave Wonwoo the go-ahead to have the members over to visit. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Mingyu said, his face full of anguish. Seungcheol stood beside him, head lowered as if expecting to be scolded. 
She shook her head, putting a hand on each of the boys’ arms. “Don’t worry- you guys have nothing to apologize for.” 
“We didn’t mean to-”
“I know, I know.” She gave them both a hug. “It’s nothing, really.” 
Wonwoo gently pulled her to his side, leading her to sit down on the couch as if the few seconds of standing would be too tiresome for her. She sat in the center of the thirteen boys, feeling like she was finally a part of their little family they created for themselves. When the door rang for the food to arrive, Y/N was the first to get up, but before she could even move, Wonwoo had already gotten up and made sure she stayed put while the other members jumped up to get the door. In the end, Seungcheol and Mingyu had gotten the food, and set it on the table. 
“Thank you for the food, Woo,” Soonyoung said, the other members following in sharing the gratitude. 
He waved it off, knowing it wasn’t the first nor the last time he would treat his members. Being older than most of them, he felt a sense of responsibility in making sure they were treated well, and felt like he would be taking advantage of them if he didn’t cover their expenses from time to time. 
He took the bowl that was meant for Y/N, unpacking it and adding her preferred toppings. “Thanks, Woo,” Y/N repeated, taking the outstretched plate from his hands. He leaned over to get a side dish to put on her plate, and Y/N took the opportunity to give him a quick peck on his cheek. 
“Ehh! You guys are too sickeningly cute,” Seungkwan said, giving them a side eye. 
“Don’t be rude! I think they’re cute.” Dokyum scolded. 
Wonwoo prepared her food first, giving her the bowl before getting his own bowl. Minghao was on her right, and took some of the side dish in front of him, and placed it on her bowl. 
“Thanks Hao,” she smiled. This time she wasn’t watching the 13 boys from the corner of the couch, feeling like an outsider, but instead she finally felt like a part of their found family.
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letterstoear · 8 months
Three reasons to love Rollo Flamme!
In celebration of Rollo’s birthday, I wanted to highlight some points to love about him to convince you to join the Rollo simps.
Don't forget to check out my Rollo inspired bear too!
Purchase here: Twisted Wonderland Inspired Bears — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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A funny little guy
When Rollo meets the goat in town he has a full-blown conversation with it, which is adorable. I mean he actually talks to the goat as if it were a human. Eventually things escalate to the point that Rollo fights with the goat over his paper notes.
Plus, the idea that Rollo prefers to write notes to people because it gives more thought is very cute. It really lets you know that he truly thinks about everything carefully to a certain extent.
Appreciation in beauty and silence
Similar to Rook, I find that Rollo often comments about certain architecture and its beauty. For instance, he refers to the Salvation Bell to be his ideal for its calming and smart choices. The bell rings when it’s supposed to and it’s quite otherwise. Aside from that Rollo mentions how the architecture of NRC is quite wonderful. He mentions in his voice lines how the mirror chamber is quite beautiful to him. Once again, he brings up the main point of the beauty being the quietness of the area. I find it nice to see someone who admires the beauty of architecture even if it is because of how quiet it is.
Silently fluffy
I’m sure this is just me being delusional, but after Rollo finds out we’re a supervisor he tells us to do our job properly. Isn’t that like a silent form of support, like a little cheer? Pretty sure, it’s not, but thought it was an adorable detail that needed to be added.
We could also tie in Rollo’s curiosity into the Mostro Lounge as well. He mentions how fond he is of cafes, so this place piqued his interest. Towards the end of this voice line, he invites us to go alongside him and yes, I would gladly do so. Both actions are rather silent and much more casually done in the famous Rollo manner, but something about it tugs at my heart.
There we have it, Rollo’s a wonderful character and I’ve very pleased to see how much love he’s getting. I hope this continues forward and we never go back to those dark days…
Thank you for reading this post! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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tameodesza · 9 months
🪄Harry Potter AU: Headcanon
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Slytherin!Shawn x Gryffindor! Bret
a/n: because I'm also a Potterhead, if you didn't know 🤪
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 1-3 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Shawn’s a rich kid that comes from a long line of powerful pureblood wizards, all of whom were Slytherins. His acceptance into Hogwarts came as no surprise, and his sorting into the Slytherin house was to be expected.
Shawn’s childhood friends, the kliq as they called themselves, were also sorted into the Slytherin house: Hunter Helmsley’s a pompous pureblood, more like the Draco Malfoy character. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Sean Waltman are all half-bloods, but come from prestigious families.
Bret grew up in a busy, overcrowded house full of his brothers and sisters. Both of his parents were muggles, so they were blindsided when they birthed a wizard. Even more shocking was the letter Bret received on his eleventh birthday from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was the first Hart in his family to attend such a reputable school, and the only other Hart to attend after him would be his youngest brother, Owen.
The sorting hat didn’t have to think long to place Bret in Gryffindor. At such a young age, he’d already exhibited such key traits as bravery, courage, and loyalty. He quickly became friends with a few kids in his house named Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman, and Davey Smith. Owen would join their group years later after being sorted into Gryffindor during his first year.
Shawn and Bret were sworn enemies since their first year at the school. At the age of eleven, Shawn had grown used to getting anything he wanted, and what he wanted was to be friends with the cool Canadian kid.
But after witnessing the nasty attitude Shawn presented towards others that were ‘beneath him,’ Bret rejected the blond’s offer of friendship, preferring to make his own friends based on personality rather than status. Unable to process his embarrassment, Shawn resented Bret, thus sparking their ongoing rivalry.
As they grew up, Bret thought Shawn was an insufferable, entitled, spoiled brat, and Shawn thought Bret was an annoying know-it-all that took their studies way too seriously. Little did he know, Bret couldn’t afford to not take school seriously. Thanks to Professor Dumbledore, his education at Hogwarts had been subsidized by the school, but if his grades slipped, he would be at risk of getting expelled.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 4-5 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Bret and Shawn’s disdain for each other ran into a snag when they both came to a sudden realization: “Oh, no. He’s hot!”
Puberty had done them both some good, and when Bret found himself daydreaming about the blond one day, he knew he needed to avoid Shawn at all costs.
Shawn had quite the opposite effect: “You guys ever notice how cute Bret looks when he’s threatening to kill me,” he dreamily sighed. His friends looked at him oddly, passing the comment off as him being weird.
Shawn and Bret started to better tolerate each other when Shawn began tutoring Bret for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Bret was forced to humble himself by asking the blond for help at Professor Snape’s suggestion. It was the one class he couldn’t master, and Shawn was one of Snape’s star students. Bret would rather put his pride aside than risk failing the OWL exam.
Despite Shawn’s initial request for Bret to refer to him as ‘Professor Shawn,’ Bret was pleasantly surprised at how seriously Shawn had taken their tutoring session. His jovial nature took a backseat as he leaned over Bret’s book, highlighting the important differences between a jinx, a hex, and a curse. After their first session, Bret felt like he understood the subject more than he had that whole semester. It was then that he realized that Shawn was smarter than he let on.
They continued their tutoring sessions even after Bret’s grades started to improve. Bret convinced himself that it was because he understood the material better when Shawn taught it to him. Shawn didn’t have to convince himself of anything, the blond owning that he used their sessions to shamelessly gawk at Bret as he took notes.
The pair grew closer after Shawn had confronted a fellow Slytherin, Steve Austin, for calling Bret and his little brother a filthy pack of mudbloods – a derogatory term for wizards born to parents who were muggles, or non-magic wielding individuals. It was Owen’s first day at the school, and he didn’t expect to be received so negatively.
Shawn’s mouth dropped when he heard the word leave Steve’s mouth. Although he’d had a snooty upbringing, his parents had been decent enough to teach him how rude and tasteless it was to use that word. Shawn stood up for Bret and Owen in front of all of their peers, daring anyone else to utter the word. Bret greatly appreciated it. If a pureblood like Shawn could stand up for someone like him, he figured the blond couldn’t be so bad.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 6-7 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Their romance began during their sixth year around the time of the Yule Ball. The decadent event was a big deal and had been a popular topic of discussion amongst Shawn’s group of friends.
As soon as the ball had been announced, Marty Jannetty, a seventh year student, was quick to ask Shawn to the dance. Shawn was all smiles and rosy cheeks when he accepted the invitation as he’d had a crush on Marty since fourth year. But there was a small part of him that wished he’d been asked by a certain Gryffindor.
Bret hated dances, and he had no plans on attending the ball. He figured it’d be a night where he could finally have the library all to himself for some quiet study time. But when he left the library that night, he was shocked to find Shawn sitting under a nearby stairwell crying into an intricately designed handkerchief that was meant to be in his suit pocket.
Bret had never seen Shawn look so vulnerable, and he stood there clueless on what to do. He almost turned around, feeling as if he were intruding on a private moment. But then Shawn called his name in surprise, looking up at him with teary, blue eyes and Bret couldn’t bear to leave him alone. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the ball? Why are you crying?”
Bret sat next to Shawn, and after some coaxing, Shawn slowly opened up about how his night had gone horribly wrong. It started out so great with him dancing the night away with his friends as Marty touted him around like arm candy. “Then I lost him. So I looked around the room, and there he was. Tonguing down some fifth year. Everyone saw it. I was too embarrassed to stay so I left.”
Shawn felt foolish more than anything. Who was he to think he actually had a chance with Marty? That Marty actually liked him? He’d been nothing but a pretty face, nothing but something to claim for the ball before anyone else could.
Bret listened intently, sympathizing with Shawn as he tearfully explained his night. For the feisty blond to be moved to tears, Bret knew that he must’ve really been hurt by Marty’s actions. He’d heard nothing but negative things about the Slytherin, and he was honestly disappointed that Shawn had even become so smitten by someone like him. Marty didn’t deserve Shawn’s tears, and Shawn didn’t deserve to get his night ruined by an asshole like him.
In an effort to make Shawn feel better, Bret suggested they throw their own Yule Ball. Shawn watched in confusion as Bret stood up and began waltzing unrhythmically to the faint music that traveled from the Yule Ball a few buildings over. Bret was aware that he was probably making a fool of himself, but the warm smile from Shawn had been worth it.
Shawn did a spell to amplify the sound of the music before standing up and joining Bret for a dance. As the music slowed, so did Bret and Shawn. It was when they were swaying side to side that Shawn confessed that he was hoping for Bret to ask him to the Yule Ball.
That was news to Bret, but it was what he needed to hear to gain the courage to tell Shawn he liked him, and if he were into dances, he would’ve asked him out. They shared their first kiss that night, one of many to come in their time at Hogwarts.
Shawn’s friends supported the relationship for the most part, but he did have a minor falling out with Hunter. Hunter’s family were a bit more traditionalist than Shawn’s, and Hunter thought dating Bret would ruin Shawn’s reputation. To which Shawn said was bullshit. They made up shortly after Hunter saw how happy Bret made Shawn. Plus, he also missed his best friend.
Bret had been on the quidditch team since third year, and once he and Shawn became official, Shawn became Bret’s biggest cheerleader. Shawn would often get in trouble for using the Soronus spell at games to amplify his voice when cheering for Bret. The Head Boy of the Slytherin house would also scold him for sitting in the Gryffindor section instead of Slytherin:
“Well, my boyfriend’s not in Slytherin. Who else do you expect me to cheer for?” “Your friend, Hunter? You know, the one that plays for Slytherin?” “He has a girlfriend for that!”
Shawn would also wear Bret’s quidditch jersey just because he could. Whenever Bret couldn’t find an article of clothing, it was safe to assume it was in Shawn’s dorm. Shawn’s friends quickly got used to seeing red and gold clothing lying around their room. Bret would also wear his boyfriend’s clothing, a staple being Shawn’s Slytherin scarf and a thick sweater he’d left over during winter. It was a bit tight, but cozy. And it smelled like Shawn’s expensive cologne, so that was a plus.
The couple got in trouble on multiple occasions for flying on the same broomstick. Each student was expected to use their own, but Shawn loved being snuggled up behind Bret as his boyfriend whisked them away on the quidditch field after practice.
It became normal for Shawn to show up at Gryffindor functions, as he’d dubbed himself an honorary Gryffindor. No one really questioned it because they knew he’d probably shown up with Bret. Also for the free butter beer that always managed to get snuck in.
Shawn and Bret’s owls became well-acquainted in the summers when Shawn and Bret would constantly send each other letters until school started again.
They had their biggest fight during seventh year when Bret found out that Shawn had been lying to his parents about him. Well, Shawn thought ‘lying’ was a stretch. But he certainly didn’t clear up his parents’ mistake of thinking he was dating a pureblood Slytherin. Bret thought Shawn was ashamed of him and Shawn thought Bret was blowing it out of proportion.
They eventually made up when Shawn invited Bret to his home for the holidays. Shawn’s family didn’t find out until after their pleasant evening with Bret that he was a muggle-born wizard sorted into Gryffindor. It came as a surprise, but because they’d had such a lovely time with Bret, they didn’t let that sully their impression of him. Shawn did get chewed out though for not telling them sooner, which Bret vehemently agreed with them on.
Their families met after graduation, and it was quite a sight to behold. As amazed as the Harts were to have such powerful wizards in their home, the Michaels were just as enthralled by the Harts’ “muggle magic,” as Shawn’s dad had put it. This “magic” included light switches, microwaves, and who could forget the televisions:
“Mom, stop talking to the tv. The people don’t talk back,” Shawn groaned in embarrassment. “Well, that can’t be. See? He just asked me to call a number.” “It’s a commercial!”
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diangelofan · 1 month
Happy belated birthday, Ginny Weasley! (this was supposed to be a small cute Linny drabble and it became the longest one-shot I've ever written lol).
Everyone was surprised when the girls told them the news. Ginny’s family thought she was going through a mid-life crisis before realizing that, even though they just went through a war, she’s still just seventeen, thank you very much. Now that a month has passed, Ginny recalls with amusement the reaction that, at the time, filled her with nerves. “I am dating Luna Lovegood.”, stated clearly Ginnerva Weasley: “We have been dating for quite some time and thought you should know”. Her boisterous twin brothers, Fred and George, were, of course, the first to react with a series of exclamations. “Luna Lovegood, what a gal!”, exclaimed Fred “Yeah, covered up for us a couple of times-”, interjected George “You know, when we were escaping Filch after setting some dungbombs in his office-” “Show us a secret passage, that witch-” “Said something about an infestation of tambles-” “Nargles”, muttered Ginny smiling, but her brothers were to busy narrating how her wonderful girlfriend had aided them with their Great Escape from Filch (a feat worthy of capital letters).
“I think it started with an n not an t”, said George, his loud voice overshadowing Ginny’s. “Whatever it was, she said its strong smell led her to the passage-” “Though I don’t remember there being any stink at all-” “Quite the secret passage that one-” “Sad we didn’t find it ourselves before-” “Yeah, specially with how extremely useful it became…” Fred and George could have probably kept on talking for eternity to come, as they often did when pranking and mischief was involved (Ginny knew it through first-hand experience: they had been her teachers in the important art of misbehaving as a small impressionable child), if it hadn’t been for Ron’s loud shout. Oh, it seemed his brother had finally recovered from his shock. This is going to be interesting, she thought. “YOU ARE DATING LOONY LOVEGOOD”, exclaimed Ron, with the emotional range of a teaspoon that Hermione so often annoyed her by grumbling about (honestly how those two were not yet a couple remained a mystery to Ginny…). Thankfully, her mother was soon to reprimand his behaviour (if only she had acted similarly when she came out…, oh, well, that was a story for another day): “RONALD WEASLEY! Don’t you dare speak ill of the neighbours! The Lovegoods have always been really kind to us, though a bit eccentric at times… You know, you used to play as a kid with Luna Lovegood yourself, until you decided “girls had cooties”… bet you don’t think that now, do you?” After her mother had succeeded at rendering Ronald Weasley speechless, as well as making him as red as his hair (or her hair, or just the Weasley’s hair in general), Ginny looked expectantly at the four remaining members of her big family. Her father was the first to take the word. “Well… as your mother said, honey, the Lovegoods are good people. If you are happy with Luna, then I am very happy for you, Gin.” Arthur bestowed her only daughter a kind smile, “I am sure the rest of the family shares the sentiment.” “Yeah, Ginny. We are happy as long as you are.” stated her oldest brother Bill, quickly followed by Charlie: “Yeah, I have never talked to the Lovegoods, aside from the occasional visit mom made me do to ask for a certain plant or ingredient… they had a huge garden, that family… Anyways, what I was trying to say is that you know best. We love you, little sis.” Percy was the last to speak. He had remained silent since even before her sister’s proclamation and Ginny would be lying to say she wasn’t nervous about what he would think. Even though he had been very supportive when she came out (the most supportive one, actually, though it was no surprise given him and Oliver Wood), she had heard him comment on Luna’s “weird” behaviour more times than she would have liked during his time as a prefect. “Well… I certainly would have never thought to date someone that… outgoing… but I guess your personalities must match each other alright. I am happy for you, Ginny.” muttered Percy in a quiet voice, almost as if talking to himself, but Ginny was able to hear him alright. The youngest of the Weasley children smiled. It could have gone better, there was no denying that, but things were always a bit of a spectacle at the Burrow, specially when the whole family was around. It certainly hadn’t been as bad as her coming out and now she could invite Luna and her father to Christmas dinner without worries. She was aware that everyone who knew Luna and her separately would probably be extremely surprised by their coupling. Nevertheless, for her and her girlfriend it had felt everything but surprising (it would have been a happy surprise had there been any). Anyone who would have dared peek on the private moments the two girls spent alone together would agree with her. As shocking as it had been for outsiders that they were now a couple, for the two of them it had just seemed inevitable.
Luna was something out of this world. Ginny knew that. Everyone knew that. However, she meant it in a completely different way that she knew most of her classmates meant it. Luna Lovegood was just so unique and wonderful. The way she could stay optimistic, having such a positive outlook of the world despite its grievances and the darkness that often haunted its residents. Her things got stolen and, instead of breaking down crying, she turned finding them into a game. She just never gave up trying to live her best life, which Ginny found to be one of her most beautiful qualities. There was an aura that surrounded her (just as mystical as the creatures she talk so fondly about), almost like a halo, marking her as one of heaven’s lost creatures (okay, maybe she was exaggerating, but Ginny was a girl who had an amazing girlfriend and was utterly in love, so sue her). She was to be protected at all costs (even though, obviously Luna could protect herself with no problems). She, on the other hand, was another completely different matter. Ginny could be considered optimistic (after all, one doesn’t win the Quidditch Cup or survive a war without a sense of perseverance and optimism), but she was strong-willed instead of soft in her approach. She didn’t mince her words or turn away when people picked of them (not the anyone dared to do it anymore; people knew not to get on the wrong side of her winning Bat Bogey Hexes). She often had problems expressing her feelings and talking in a way that lets her walls down (probably due to living in a huge family, as the only girl with a bunch of older brothers), as Luna often did very well. Luna, saw the world as a place feel and enjoy with wonder and passion, while Ginny was passionate about how wonderfully rotten the world could be. They may not be similar at first glance, but that was what may them so good together. They resemble each other in the things that really matter: their values, goals and desires. True, they may have disagreements sometimes regarding certain opinions (such as Luna thinking wolves are naturally harmless; they are not) and actions (aka Ginny staying up until midnight practicing drills at the Quidditch Pitch, which she herself might admit was a bit excessive, but Gryffindor did win the Cup so whose to say…), but they always came together at the end and when they did, it was something truly magical. They were two opposite forces, like magnets or whatever that muggle ‘scientie’ **thingy was that her Dad had been ranting to her about during Easter dinner. Maybe that was the reason they worked so well together. “Opposite forces attract each other”, or something, her father had said. Yeah, that was it. That’s why, for Luna and Ginny, falling in love and getting together hadn’t seem a surprise at all as it had been for outsiders. It had just seemed inevitable.
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fluffy-bee · 2 years
Leona really was done dirty by his chapter
Long post so imma put it under the cut-
First, I think the first impression of Leona’s character is gonna be different depending on if you’ve played/read the Japanese version of the game, or if you’ve only played the English release. Because, if you asked a Japanese player, they’d say he’s informal and disinterested, maybe rude. But an English player is much more likely to say he’s an outright bully, mean, entitled.
Part of this is because in the original Japanese, Leona often spoke in a very informal way (especially for a prince), which came across as him being rude. But, since that’s not how the English language works, they added insults to his lines where there weren’t any before. They also removed almost all mentions of his brother or family, aside from the flashback scene at the very end of the chapter and Cheka’s appearance in the infirmary.
But I think the main problem is, we barely saw him at all in his own chapter. Hell, he had more of an impact in chapter 3 than his own.
So, since we spent a lot more time with the Heartslabyul boys and Ruggie than we did with him, only saw a few glimpses of him until his overblot, we only saw the very surface level first impressions of him. Which is pretty bad, considering Leona overblots pretty much entirely due to emotion instead of overusing his magic (he doesn’t use his magic at all until the very end during his overblot). Emotions tied to his family, standing in said family and the way the majority of his kingdom sees him. Which we didn’t see at all aside from a teeny glimpse through a flashback during his overblot.
I think just adding a scene or two showcasing his home life would have made a huge difference in how the player base sees him.
Maybe add a scene where Cheka came to Night Raven early to see his uncle, try to run over and hug him, only for his attendants whisper-shouting from several feet away to get away from Leona, he’s dangerous, don’t anger him, but unwilling to come any closer to said prince themselves in fear of his unique magic. Have Leona brush off the comments but later in the privacy of his room be upset about them.
Or perhaps add a few scenes to his flashback, show him working so so hard as a little kid to learn as much as he could, to be the best despite people’s comments so that he may earn their respect and praise, but have his every effort be shot down by everyone in comparison to his brother (his much older brother, I’m talking about a decade or so older). 
Or add a scene at the start of the chapter, showing the reason Leona came to Night Raven College at all (a year later, as he didn’t go when he first got the letter, already knowing most of the material they were teaching) was because Cheka was born, how everyone adored the baby prince from birth and he got pushed further into the shadows by everyone. (this part is canon, but you only learn it in Leona’s birthday card story)
Heck, a few short scenes throughout the chapter showing him giving advice or wisdom to his dorm students or club mates would have made a big difference.
I mean, this is the guy Ruggie and the rest of his dorm were willing to follow, even risking serious repercussions (I mean, sabotaging the other teams, going as far as injuring the competition, they really put their necks on the line, because they believed in Leona and his plan).
But, since a lot of his character we do get to see is locked behind card stories or bits and pieces in events or lost in translation, he was kind of destined to be viewed negatively by the player base. 
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lisbeth-snape · 5 months
Ok so the feedback under questionnaire was absolutely positive so here's the first chapter!
I hope everyone will enjoy it and feel absolutely free to comment or correct me if I had made some mistakes, English is not my first language <3
''The Curse'' by Lissu
Part 1: Huge, red train
Despite how difficult those vacations were, I didn't feel confident returning to Hogwarts. Panic engulfed me at the mere thought of leaving my Muggle parents alone, fearing that the one whose name can't be spoken would find and harm them. However, at any cost, I didn't want to abandon my studies. It was my penultimate year, and I couldn't wait to finish school and become a full-fledged witch. Despite my non-magical background, the wizarding world felt like my rightful place on earth, where I truly belonged. When I received the letter from Hogwarts on my 11th birthday and began to discover the magical world, I felt that it was what I desired in my life, something that finally fulfilled it and gave it greater meaning. I dreamed of holding a magical position in the future, though I hadn't yet seen exactly what it would be. I constantly oscillated between different possibilities, but I knew that whatever I chose would be right. The rejection I received in the Muggle world only reassured me of where I should be and what life I wanted to lead.
The swiftly approaching of train tousled my shoulder length, black hair, which fell over my face like a curtain under the draft. My father approached me and brushed it aside, tucking strands behind my ear and smiling, to which I responded with a the same and went to hug my mom goodbye. She smooothed out my bangs and she stroked my cheek.
"It's already here," I awkwardly exclaimed as I pointed out the huge, red train that arrived to the station with a long, resonant whistle, I feeling mixed emotions about leaving them in such a tense time.
I sighed deeply, "maybe you're right," I truly wanted to believe in it. They would also like it to be true. "I'm sure of it, after all, what's the chance they'll search for us anyway? -I had to admit that dad was right. The chances were absolutely questionable, yet it still bothered me. -on now, almost everyone is inside," my father said, handing me the suitcases, and I looked around. Indeed, there were only a few students left on the platform. Reluctantly, I grabbed my luggage, kicking it to lean on the wheels, and said uncertainly, "See you later," as the train started warming itself up and whistling again, blowing white clouds of steam. I hugging my parents again, saying goodbye to them. -don't forget to greet your friends!- I won't mom!-
I was walking through the tight and narrow corridor, trying to find any free compartment, trying my best to carry my heavy luggage and my owl in small, wire cage without stressing her too much. She was screeching with every shake of the chest she was on as I was trying my best to calm her down, as whole train probably could heard her. After I managed to find myself a free seats at the end of the train I threw my luggage onto the top shelf, and then I sat comfortably next to the huge window with absolutely amazing few. The train slowly started moving, heavily and with great effort finally leave the station, only to gain speed after a while. I was happy to be able to be alone to be honest. I didn't feel like looking for my friends, simply wanted to be alone with my thoughts and figure out how this year would go for me, but they found me anyway. Probably Acorn was loud enough for them to find me that easily...
"Hey, where have you been all this time?" my friend Colton - a tall, blonde quidditch player from Ravenclaw - the same house and me and girl next to him asked, pushing his luggage into the compartment, followed by Sophie - medium height, also blonde and blue eyed girl that I was when I first met her that she was Colt twin sister, but quickly I found out that they're not even regular siblings and we met each other at the same time in Hogwart's Express when we were 11. She walked right behind him with set of suitcases and small trunks, continuing his thought. "We haven't seen you on the Diagon Alley or literally anywhere all summer, we had no idea what was happening to you, you didn't even send us a single owl, although we were writing to you whole summer," she almost shouted in concern, taking a seat beside me.
"We know your parents are Muggles and it might not have been convenient for you, but we were really worried," Colton almost collapsed onto the seat, exhausted from putting all the suitcases, which our friend had.
"It had a pretty tough vacation," I said, looking out the window and tucking my legs on the seat so I could hug my knees.
"What happened?" they both asked almost simultaneously, and tears welled up in my eyes. I wasn't ready to talk about it yet. Seeing my reaction, they immediately fell silent, and Soap, as we called her, leaned her head on my shoulder and asked softly, "Ann, can you tell us?" I took a deep breath and tried to put everything into words.
"At the beginning of the summer, I was with my parents on the coast, we just wanted to spend some time together," I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, the memories of those days sent shivers down my spine, and I felt how terribly my throat burned and tightened, almost preventing me from speaking. "We didn't realize it was a wizarding town, we just had no idea," I stumbled over my own words, "we went there because it was just nice and they had a beautiful beach... On the second or third, maybe fourth day, I really don't know now, we went out for a walk in the evening. We wanted to go to a café and walk along the beach, but—" I averted my gaze from my friends and wrapped myself tighter in my sweater, trying to calm myself by looking at the green hills stretching just outside the window, but it didn't help much. "Death Eaters attacked," I whispered, and tears began to well up in my eyes.
"They appeared literally out of nowhere, we were in the town square and suddenly black smoke began to spread everywhere I we couldn't breathe and our eyes were burning, they were falling from every arrows, they set most of the houses on fire with curses, it was horrible. My parents ran away, I just told them to take the car and leave without looking back, and I promised to try to Apparate home as soon as I helped the other wizards. I was scared, but there were many of them and only a few Death Eaters, so we had a good chance," I said everything in one breath, and my friends listened to me in silence with great concern. "An older wizard grabbed my arm and told me to run, he said I was too young and they would manage, so I just listened to him. I ran to our hotel, which was close, and tried to take our vacation photos and our stuff, I don't know why now, because..." I fell silent, feeling a strong pain in my throat, radiating from my larynx as if someone was crushing it.
"Because...?" Colton asked softly, with visible fear in his voice. I cleared my throat and tried to continue.
"One of the Death Eaters chased after me, seeing that I was alone," I whispered, "if I had just Apparated home, or to my parents, nothing would have happened," I recounted everything, bursting into tears, and at the same time revealing the sleeve of my sweater on my right arm, where I held my wand at the time.
"He disarmed me before I knew it, before I could react, my wand was already on the other side of the room, I couldn't do anything, couldn't defend myself in any way. He was older and stronger," I choked on my words, removing the bandage under which was a fresh wound.
"Dirty blood w..." whore. Sophie read shyly as she wasn't able to read it whole, placing her hand on my forearm to cover the inscription from anyone's sight.
"Sweetheart, we didn't know..." she continued, but Colton interrupted her, asking, "is that all he did to you?" but I was too shaken to say more than. "No, just that," although it wasn't true, but I didn't feel ready to say anything more. Those memories were too fresh.
"then I'm glad...," my friend hugged me tightly, trying to comfort me.
"Maybe we'll look for that lady with the trolley and buy something sweet? You look pale, surely some sugar will do you good," she asked, glancing at the boy on the opposite seat.
"We'll look for her with Soap, and you calm down, okay? It'll do you good to have a moment for yourself, we'll bring you something," he agreed, and they both stood up and left, closing the door behind them. I sighed deeply, stood up for a moment to cover everything with the curtain, and sat back down. I rested my head against the cold window, hoping it would ease the migraine that was starting, and stared blankly at the fields stretching beneath the bridge, arranged in a pattern separated only by small, stone walls. After a while, the greenery began to blur, and I didn't even notice when I fell asleep.
I had no idea how long I slept, but I was woken up by Sophie, who shook my shoulder gently "Anna, wake up, we have to get ready.-Huh?" opened my eyes as I straightened up, after I almost slipped out of my seat. "We're almost there" Colton clarified as he took down all of our chests and bags from the shelfs so we could carry them easier. I tried to bring myself to life again and get ready to stand up and leave the train, but as soon as I stood, I started feeling a massive headache. I hissed from sudden pain.
'Are you alright?' asked Sophie with a worried voice. 'Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry,' I sent her a pale smile. 'I almost forgot! We bought you your favorite!' She added as she took out a small bag of glowing-in-the-dark bubble gums with grape flavor. 'Thanks!' I opened the bag and grabbed one for me and gave some to my friends too.
Soon the train had arrived and stopped at the siding as we got ready to leave. Once again, I was pushing my huge, heavy luggage through the tight corridor, full of others trying to get out too. It was loud and chaotic as everyone was pushing themselves to the doors, especially the 11-year-old wizards and witches who still couldn't believe that everything here was real.
I couldn't judge them, as I was just like them seven years ago. But even though I was 18 and kind of used to the whole magic world, it still amazed me and probably always will. I smiled gently, trying my best to ignore the pain that felt like the train, the same size as the one I was still in, derailed in my head with coal, scattering it everywhere inside.
After a moment, I was finally outside, as the cold breeze from the lake was dancing on my cheeks, giving me goosebumps everywhere. It was much colder and gloomier than in London. I looked up, and all I could see were dark clouds clumping together tightly in the most mischievous way. 'It's going to rain cats and dogs...,' I thought to myself as my friends stood by.
Together we found an empty carriage, and we were ready to go. We were absolutely excited for the new year, new Quidditch season, and new everything. It was also our penultimate year, so the shadow of fear was straight behind us as we weren't sure yet what exactly we wanted to do in our lives and what would happen to our friendship after walking in different directions... But it was not the time for that.
We were talking about frivolous things like how we spent our vacation. Colton was talking about an amazing Quidditch match he saw between the London and Manchester league with his father and how happy and surprised he was when he saw his older brother after almost four years of only exchanging letters. His brother, Matthew, was six years older than us and already got his job in the ministry as a diplomat in the international arena, so he was rarely home.
Sophie told us about her absolutely carefree time at her grandma's lake house in Provence with all of her step-sisters her mom has with her new husband after she got divorced when Sophie was 9. Her mom moved to France when Sophie was 10, and from then she was living with her dad alone, so the vacation was a nice break from her everyday life. I had nothing more to say than I said before in the train, so I was just listening to them and smiling honestly. I was absolutely happy for them and glad that they had a lot of nice time during summer.
After we unpacked our stuff in our dormitories at Ravenclaw Tower, we were ready to head straight to the Great Hall to greet the new school year.
'Now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement,' Dumbledore started his speech while standing on the gold, Phoenix-shaped rostrum in the middle of the Great Hall, surrounded by yellow candles with dripping wax. Some people were listening, and some not too much, as they had more interesting things to care about in that moment. But soon he added, 'This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen,' he said as Argus Filch, our janitor, ran to him between our tables in the middle of the Great Hall, and after a second when he caught his breath, he whispered something into Dumbledore's ear. Everyone turned around so they could see what was going on, and some laughs could be heard.
After Filch jogged away back to the corridor and disappeared behind the doors, the headmaster continued, 'So...! Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event!' The Great Hall was completely silent, and everyone's interest increased. 'The Triwizard Tournament!' The voices and conversation came back to life. 'Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete!
Let me be clear,' his voice got serious, 'if chosen, you stand alone... And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted,' he thundered sternly, which only stirred up the conversation. The whole hall was absolutely absorbed by him, like all the other topics to talk about suddenly disappeared from existence. 'But more of that later! And now... Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime!' he said as the huge doors were opened, and a big group of beautiful witches dressed in baby blue robes came inside with a gigantic, elegant woman behind them. They were dancing, spinning like ballerinas, and they were casting tiny, sky blue butterflies all around them. The butterflies were dancing with them, and then exploding with glitter like dust, which was shining in the candlelight. Almost all of the guys and even some of the girls were amazed by them, looking with adoration and admiration in the direction of the French girls. But at the moment they stopped dancing and stood next to our headmaster, he started introducing another school.
'Now for our friends from the north! Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkarov,' the doors once again were opened, and a group of stern and menacing men walked in, murmuring, singing, and using their walking cane as drums. With every hit on the floor, not only could a deep beat be heard, but the floor was scattered with sparks and flames. Their synchronization was absolutely unbelievable as they suddenly started running and then did an acrobatic show literally between our tables. After everyone thought the show ended, one of them blew a real fire, that appeared as a Phoenix. The huge flaming wings fluttered mightily as their headmaster was now standing next to ours like he came from the flames. They greeted each other like old friends, and Dumbledore continued his speech, but I couldn't hear anything as from both of my sides, my friends were shouting over each other.
''That was THE Victor Krum! That Quidditch player!' Colton couldn't believe his eyes, as Sophie was also talking about one of the boys from that school, but in another, less connected to any sports. "Did you see him, Ann? In the second row from the left!" she whispered, discreetly pointing with her finger. I had no idea who I was supposed to be looking at. Thankfully, Thomas, our house prefect, caught on to what Colton was saying. "I know, right? I saw him at the match this summer when he was playing against Ireland, can you believe?" I looked in the direction Sophie was pointing, but I couldn't really tell which one of them she was referring to, as they all dressed the same, with the same hairstyle and even the same look on their faces. Glancing around the teacher's table, I tried to see if there were any new faces like in previous years when Remus Lupin came to teach us defense against the dark arts. To my surprise, there was someone new, absolutely scary looking—an older man with a face absolutely covered with scars and a glass eye that was continuously moving. This view creeped me out, so I looked to the side, catching the eye contact with our potions master, Severus Snape. He frowned, as he probably wanted to tell me to leave, so I quickly turned back to my bestie, feeling embarrassed with a burning blush on my cheeks. I felt absolutely dumb, so I tried to change the subject because I wasn't interested in looking back in that direction again.
"What do you think about having dessert after supper outside and studying for tomorrow?" "Picking and reading? Always!" she said and then asked Colt and Thomas about the same thing. "Sorry guys, but I'm out. As prefect, I have to show our new little birds the castle and stuff," Thomas said as he put his hands on the table. "Yeah, we understand. Have fun with that," we said goodbye to him. He gave me and Sophie a little hug and waved to us all as he left the table. Soon we grabbed our books and blanket from our room, which we were sharing with Sophie, Joan, and Kayla, and then we sat on the grassy meadows in front of the school. Our studying didn't last long, as it started pouring before we even got into the chapters we wanted to read. Sophie started screeching as the cold rain touched her skin for the first time, and we all packed our books to wrap them in the blanket we were sitting on a minute ago. With laughter and squeaking, we ran straight to the school and then tried to catch our breath as we walked to Ravenclaw Tower. Before we entered the corridor that led to the long, spiral staircase, a soft voice interrupted us.
"Good evening, my dears," said Albus Dumbledore calmly, with a gentle smile on his face. "It's pretty late for walking around the school, but I believe you're heading straight to your dormitories, am I right?" We confirmed with a smile. "Then I'm absolutely glad about that. Don't get yourselves into trouble on the first day of school. You know not everyone is as gracious as me when they see students walking around at night." He winked at us as he told us to go to sleep as soon as possible. We bid him farewell and tried to walk away. "Miss Doe, may I ask you to stay with me for a minute?" "Of course, sir," I said as my friends disappeared up the stairs and around the corner of the corridor.
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md-guel · 1 year
just a couple of guel-related news from here and there!
robot spirits ver A.N.I.M.E. for guel's dilanza and a new bob standee unveiled in the asticassia all-school assembly
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two new guel merch were revealed in the 水星の魔女 Fes! the bob standee will be on sale October this year (probably for 400 yen a piece), while the robot spirits of guel's dilanza is still pending licensor approval.
for those who might not be aware and would like to know if they'll want to support this brand, robot spirits or robot damashii is a bandai brand that produces already-built figures plus a few accessories. part of the thrust of the ver A.N.I.M.E in particular is to allow buyers to recreate scenes from the anime source such as, for example and judging by the missing feather, guel's fight with lauda. so for non-builders who want their own guel's dilanza, this could be a good option! but yeah, this is a bandai brand.
azakami youhei joins ichinose kana and lynn again for majoraji!
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azakami-san (happy birthday, azakami-san!) will be the guest for majoraji again this coming Sunday, August 13! if I'm not mistaken, this will be the third time he'll be guesting with the leads. they'll be talking about the 水星の魔女 Fes and will be opening letters to fans, as well. more info here.
as an aside, and I just found out about this, but if anyone wants to watch/listen to the special episode where they tried to build a gunpla, you can find it here. just look for ガンプラ特別編 第1回.
azakami youhei talks about guel jeturk, how he prepared for the role, his favorite guel scene and the witch from mercury novel
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so I'm not sure if this is in collaboration with the production company or azakami-san was requested to be featured on it. but basically, talecomi, which invites personalities to talk about books, has invited azakami-san to promote the witch from mercury novel. as part of it, they published a blog post where he talks about guel jeturk, among other things, so it's a great look into how guel's original voice thinks of and approached the character! you can find it here.
post-asticassia all-school assembly things
very quickly now:
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the gundam info website just shared a report about what went down in the 水星の魔女 Fes. so this is basically what you'll find in twitter but summarized, with pictures, and without all the exclamation points.
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bandai namco filmworks also shared a survey for event goers to ask them about their experience with the event and other things like, how did they find out about g witch, how did they watch it, what did they like about it and if they ever bought gunpla and merch of it. there was no section to leave a comment about the marriage redaction bit, though. but as a thank you for those who answered, they offered limited time mobile phone wallpapers of the characters in their festival look! these ones are guel's, sized 1080×1920, 1080×2160, 1080×2520.
you can find the rest of the characters here! it'll only be up until 11:59pm of Sunday, August 13, japan time, though, so hurry!
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fairy-writes · 2 years
For the 800 Follower Event - My second request
I have been in love with the song 'My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery' and a lot of other pieces by him as well. The amount of times I've cried over this specific song is....a lot.
Specifically the lyrics below hitting way close to home when I was in a relationship. Feeling like you were the only one who loved the other can be even more heartbreaking than the break-up. (this was years ago)
"Say, say what you mean Tell me the truth or tell me you're through Oh, oh, oh, don't leave me to breathe Don't leave me to bleed For someone who chose to leave me be"
I know that I am asking for something rather...odd. But instead of it going the Viktor x Reader break-up route. Could it somehow be end happy?
Like if Viktor is on the outskirts of this debacle? Or the comforting friend-to-lover troupe?
I hope this wasn't super annoying >///<
Thank you
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Arcane: League of Legends (2021)
Pairing(s): Viktor x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery
Notes: I seriously struggled with this one. I hope it actually makes sense. I’m running on four hours of sleep after an eight-and-a-half-hour workday. 
This takes place after the Hexcore kills Sky.
Viktor lay awake late into the night. He glanced over at the clock on your side of the bed. It ticked away on the bedside table, illuminated by the moonlight. 
2:13 AM. 
You were halfway onto his side of the bed, one arm tossed over his chest and head almost on his pillow. You were always like this at night, migrating from your side over to his in an attempt to preserve body warmth. No matter how many blankets you had on your side, you always told him he was warmer than any blanket you could own. 
It was something that generally made him smile. 
But not tonight.
Come rest your bones next to me
And toss all your thoughts to the sea
I'll pull up each of our anchors
So we can get lost, you and me
Eventually, Viktor couldn’t take it anymore and got out of bed. He slid the pillow that usually propped up his leg under your arm so you could still sleep with something. And he couldn’t help but smile as you held it close.
It was one of the many things he loved about you. 
My heart is buried in Venice.
Hidden beneath all my worries and doubts
My heart is buried in Venice
Waiting for someone to take it home
Viktor made it to his study down the hall without too much noise and turned on the lamp, illuminating the room in a soft yellow glow. He took a seat at the desk and pulled out a page from a journal set aside. 
It was the leather-bound journal you gave him for his birthday. Part of him felt terrible ripping out a page, but you always told him to use it for whatever he wanted. 
And he had to get this out of his system before he lost his mind. 
Even when you try to hide it
A smile creeps out from your teeth
I never thought that I would have to say I'm sorry
For anyone but me
The first try goes terribly. Viktor barely gets out a sentence before he crumples up the page and throws it into the wastebasket next to the desk. 
The second try doesn’t go much better. 
It’s by the fourth or fifth letter (he’s lost track) that he realizes he’s crying. Tears drip down his cheeks and stain the page, smudging the ink. And when he tries to wipe away the moisture, he just succeeds in getting ink on his fingers. 
Now my heart is buried in Venice
Waiting for someone to take it home
Why is this so hard? It’s just words on a page. Words he’s been stewing on for over a week. A week of agonizing about what he’ll say when he actually sits down to write this damn letter. 
He hears a noise down the hall but pays it no mind. He can check in a minute as soon as he starts this letter with the right words. 
Say, say what you mean.
Tell me the truth, or tell me you're through
Oh, oh, oh
Don't leave me to breathe
Don't leave me to bleed
For someone who chose to leave me be
“What are you doing up so late?” Came your tired voice. He turned and saw you standing in the doorway to his study, blanket around your shoulders. He sat back in his chair,
“I was writing a letter.” He said, tapping his ink-stained fingertips against the wood of the desk. You approached and pressed a kiss to his forehead, smoothing his hair out of the way with the hand that wasn’t holding your blanket around your body. 
“A letter to whom?” You asked, and he looked back at his tear-stained page. 
“To Sky.” He said, and your eyes widened marginally before they filled with such love he almost began crying again.
You lean down and kiss him,
“You know it’s not your fault, right?” You whisper, and he nods. He can’t find the words to say. He doesn’t know what he can say that he hasn’t already told you. So instead, he turns back to his letter, mind clear at last. He takes up his pen and begins to write.
My heart is buried in Venice.
Waiting for someone to take it home
Dear Sky,
I know I cannot apologize enough for what happened. I should’ve listened to someone, anyone, about the Hexcore and destroyed it before it caused damage. But I didn’t, and you had to face the consequences. 
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew about your feelings for me. I just didn’t want to face them. And that was cruel to you. And for that, I apologize. 
I had buried my heart because I didn’t want to get hurt. But in reality, I think I was just waiting for someone to take it home.
I just want to let you know that I’m happy. The Hexcore is gone, I have a partner who loves me, and I only hope to be someone you would be proud of. 
I hope you are at rest,
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laniuchiha7 · 2 years
To He, Who Hung the Stars: Ch 3 Thoughts for the Future
Despite it being the middle of July, the freezing air of Yukigakure keeps the newlywed pair bundled inside their honeymoon cottage. Not even Sakura expected their relationship to progress so quickly, yet it never felt rushed in the slightest. Moreso they’ve been making up for all of the lost time.
Being in love with the same person her whole life; watching him grow from an avenger to a protector, someone who wanted to cut off all his bonds to strengthening the ones he has, who rejected her twice to proposing they get married because he didn’t see the point of waiting when they’re both so deeply in love and their connection is already unbreakable.
It’s a lazy day, a break from their typical routine of being a traveling pair – walking through forests and climbing mountains or touring sights and exploring towns they happen upon. After building them a fire in the fireplace, Sasuke sits on the floor in front of the coffee table while writing what look to be letters. She’s noticed him writing a few times, usually in the early mornings or late at night when he’s on lookout if they’re camping, (although she has never seen him send one throughout the duration of their trip). 
Sakura stands in the kitchen, chopping vegetables to use in the curry they’re making for dinner. In exchange for teaching Sasuke medical ninjutsu, he’s been helping her learn a few dishes during their journey. Not only has she noticed an improvement but cooking meals with him has been fun, even if they don’t always turn out the best they’re still able to have a good laugh about it before trying again. Being snowed in has given her ample time to practice a few recipes, and with Sasuke’s birthday just a week away Sakura wants to make him something special.
When she works on the sauce she hears Sasuke’s footsteps come up behind her, placing his hand where the Uchiha crest is located on her back. Sakura notes he must enjoy seeing her wear it; catching him staring when she turns her head or looks in the mirror, and he’ll often place his palm over it as if he’s checking to make sure it’s really there. No longer is he the only member of his clan, even if in the eyes of some she’s only an honorary member, Sakura will carry his family name with pride.
Slipping into their new roles as husband and wife has been flawless, nothing changed between them aside from the nicknames they occasionally call each other.
“Tsuma,” the word rolls off his tongue with ease. Sasuke wraps his arm around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulders.
“Yes, Anata?”
He doesn’t respond right away. Sakura follows where his eyes are looking to find him focusing on the sun casting a warm orange hue across the snowy landscape as it sets behind the mountains. It’s a beautifully breathtaking sight, she thinks. One she could look at all day and never grow tired of it.
“I want us to stay like this for as long as we can,” Sasuke confesses.
“How so?” she asks, indulging him.
“It’s a selfish request, but just you and me in our own little corner of the world. We don’t have to be in Yuki per say but any place where we can be together, where there’s nothing to worry about and no one to bother us,” his embrace tightens as he explains.
“So you basically want to hide away?” she lightly jests, fighting back a grin. Sakura can tell he probably rolled his eyes at her comment. “But seriously, I would like that too. Visiting all of these amazing places has been great and I’ll never forget it, but my favorite part is that I got to see them with you. I feel like I know you inside and out, and yet there’s still so much about you I want to learn. Konoha will always have a special place in my heart, but traveling with you has been like a dream and I’m not ready to wake up yet,” Sakura says thoughtfully, placing one of her hands over his.
They never said when they’d go back to Konoha, technically speaking they could never return – instead become nomads or settle down in a small cottage similar to this one. Could they live a calm, simple life all to themselves? Free of shinobi duties and obligations? Where they can still work their odd jobs, and maybe Sakura could set up her own little private clinic?
They would still need to visit occasionally, she figures, there’s no way Ino would let her miss her wedding and her parents would want to meet her husband at some point; once they actually informed everyone that they got married. She’s been meaning too but for now it’s been nice keeping it a secret from everyone back home.
If they eventually have kids, would it be better to raise them in the village near close friends and family? They’ve talked about the possibility of having children but not in detail.
“Sakura,” he calls, pulling her out of her wave thoughts. Sasuke stands straight, brushing a lock of pink hair behind her ear. Sakura arches her head to look at him more fully. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on in that head of yours, but we can take it one day at a time. It’s worked for us so far, right?”
“Yeah,” she takes a deep breath. He’s always been good at calming her down when her mind starts to run rampant, as she does for him too, bringing her back to reality and assuring her feelings. “You’re right.” Standing on her toes, Sakura gives him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”
“Mhm,” Sasuke hums. “The sauce smells good. Is there anything I can help with?”
“Can you check on the meat? Once that’s ready we can mix everything together and let it simmer while the rice cooks.”
“Of course,” he kisses the crown of her head.
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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@technodromes sent:
[ Holiday Prompt to Morty, from Bishop ]
🎄 Bishop visited Morty at Thanksgiving to deliver a self-made cake and had been invited to the Smith household for dinner in turn. The shared meal was a pleasant experience for the most part, even though he had to politely turn down a couple of dishes because of his gluten allergy.
He now wants to return that favor as he sends out multiple gifts with an invitation stuck to the main package. The gifts hold breathers for all of them to breathe in Dimension X' toxic atmosphere and a few little individual gifts.
Morty and Summer would find a one-way portal device in their package that would open a portal to Utrominon instantly, should they ever need it. They also have a 100$ gift card sitting in there for their local mall. And Rick? He would find a VERY tiny bag of crystal dust in his package.
The invitation itself is written very formally, as usual.
[ Dear Morty.
To show my gratitude for your invitation from a few weeks ago, you and your family are cordially invited to visit me in Dimension X. I will guide you through Utrominon during your stay and shall prepare dinner afterward. Unfortunately, I cannot show you the Council, but there is a variety of other locations to visit, that I am certain you and Summer would find appealing as well.
Just send me a date and time that would be fitting for a stay in Dimension X and I will make all the necessary preparations for our meeting. The breathers that I sent to you are all equipped with translators as well and should come in use during your visit, in case Rick and his oxygen pills are not available at that time. The same goes for the portal devices to Utrominon, but note that these can be used only one time.
I sincerely hope that you and your family have a pleasant holiday time. Signed, Bishop.
PS: Rick, the crystal particles are for scientific use only. Make no attempts of consumption while you engage in portal traveling or I will arrest you! ]
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Waking up to Bishop's gift basket was a very pleasant surprise for the Smith siblings. Christmas had stopped being too normal since Rick had moved in with them, but compared to the lifestyle they are used to nowadays, the day mostly manages to be boring for them.
Reason why the idea of spending it doing something else, exploring another dimension is definitely exciting for them.
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"Boo-yah! This is so rad! No having to sit through Dad's mind-numbing movies this year!" Summer exclaims as soon as Morty is done reading the letter out loud. She lifts her breather, clearly enthusiastic at the prospect of a trip to Dimension X. "I'm gonna take so many pictures! Everyone at school will be, like, super jealous."
Setting the first tool aside, she picks up the portal device instead, turning it in her hand. It's nothing like Rick's portal gun, and she has to admit that she's curious to see how it works. Until now all she has seen have been the Utrom triangular portals, but not how they are made.
"It's such a bummer that your friend is such a goodie two shoes, bro," she adds then with a little huff. "A portal device that can be used only once? Seriously? That's, like, so lame."
Morty lets out a sigh at her sister's comment, but he doesn't bother talking back. Trying to defend Bishop would have been a waste of breath. Besides, he too had hoped that the device would function for multiple trips. Even if it opens portal exclusively to one location, it would have still been better than having to rely on Rick or steal his portal gun to go places.
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"C-C'mon, Summer. H-He's got us that coupon too! I-I bet that it covers all the birthday presents y-you'll have to buy next year," he chooses to point out instead, pointedly looking at her. He hasn't missed how quickly she has snatched away her gift card. Probably to prevent Jerry from seeing it. "I-I'll let you use some of mine too, i-if you won't tease him too much today."
The girl only shrugs at that, but he can tell that she has been properly bribed, since she doesn't try to argue. Instead, she busy herself with making a post on her Instagram about their plans for the day.
Rick, however, is a whole other matter and Morty knows that he'll be acting all grumpy to Bishop just by the way he is glaring at the tiny bag of crystals.
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"I-Is the bubblegum for real? W-What the fuck am I even supposed to do w-with so little?" He grumbles, but he still pockets the gift. "C-Can hardly make one dose with this shit."
Of course Bishop would still be hang up over their last messy adventure. And then he dares to wonder why he gets called a killjoy. Whatever. He is going to do what he wants with those crystals and he's going to exploit their little trip to the other's version of Dimension X to see if he can find more.
"An-And what the hell is that crap about scientific use only? S-Synthetising drugs is fuckin' science!"
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g4b13-blog · 1 year
hai haiiiii langgaaa, this would be the first time that I'll be writing a letter for someone that's not blood related to me (as far as I remember) that's whyyy don't judge🙄🙄🙄
This "present" is divided into three parts and that would be:
-this letter
-the plushie
-and me🫶😙😎🤸🤩
The same with the letter that you have given me on my birthday, I'd like you to play some music while reading this letter din. The only difference is wara la ak flowers yana nga ighahatag☹️😣😔. Buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I have something else
Like this
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orrrrr this kay bawal pa man ada😣😔
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I'm going to start the "actual" letter with the experiences that I had when I was starting to muster up some courage to make a move on you way back when we were on 12th grade.
To tell you honestly, I was very hesitant to make any moves kay I believed that I'd never have a chance on you. But on april of 2022 can't remember what was the exact date basta april HAHAHAHA, tigda ka utro nag pop-up sakon "People You Might Know" sa epbiiii and I somehow took it as a sign na from God😭🙄🥹I remembered that for the nth time gin cancel ko ngean akon friend request sa imo pero by that timeee I was literally still attracted to youuu, so before I sent another friend request gin stalk ko muna ikaw🫣🤸🫶 and after stalking your acc, I decided to send another friend request to you.
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After that I actually didn't expect na nga igaaccept mo pa akon friend request kay siyempre nakapira na ak baya send, more like I expected nga madudunot nala akon name sa imo friend requests HAHAHAHAHAHAHA TvT
Moving on na sa part wherein nagkakameda na kit slight interactions sa school. During this timeee I was thinking if mag papansin na ba ak sa imo, I mean dire papansin nga like papansin na mairas ha, like papansin la ba nga somehow ipafeel ko sa imo akon presence that's why I started na mag tambay tambay sa iyo room and adto nga akon pag comment sa story ni yanna HAHAHAHAHAAHA, and things happen naman la and the interaction that we had san nag himo kit ribbon made me feel genuine happiness that I haven't felt for a while na. Every time that I saw you sa school you never cease to captivate me with your beauty, every time that I saw you, you made me fall for you and as I got to know you more, I slowly realized that there's no going back with the decisions that I'll be making.
soooo balik kit san akon ginsend na friend request sa imo over a month na. FINALLYYYYY, after how many attempts made by yours trulyyy🤩🤩🤩 on 22nd of Juneeee (gin search ko kun how makita kun when gin accept an fr), gin accept mo na akon friend request🤩🤸🤩🤸🤩🤸🤩 I was genuinely happyyyy by that time, and as far as I remember after that day like san nagkita na kami nira ei sa school the next day, I shared it to him while showing him how excited and happy I was, pero iya ak sadto gin yaknan nga ayaw daw masiyado paging happy just because gin accept mo akon friend req TvT, but still I was sooo happyyy that daaay.
I'm not going to tell you all of it kay instead nga maging birthday letter ine bangin mahimo pa nga wattpad HAHAHAHAHAHAHA chz
maybe you're wondering why I chose the music photograph by ed sheeran🤔🤔 honestlyyyy it was hard for me to choose a music that I'd play on this letter kayyy there's a lot to choose from. Buttt while I was writing this letter and planned the things that I should do for your birthday, I happened to hear photograph na gin papatukar ni ate gee ann sa ubos while she was cleaning, and I sat for a while and listened to it and somehow made me feel like this is the perfect song for this, kay aside from the lyrics itself, I also remembered that you're fond of taking some photos to turn it into memories that you could cherish for a lifetime. Before you came, I didn't gave that much of importance sa pag para take pictures, but somehow you showed me the importance of it.
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I know that I've told you this plenty of times already pero I'll never get tired of telling you this. Your existence in my life is one of the greatest blessings that happened to me, you might think that I'm just exaggerating things here or that I'm just sugarcoating some of it to make it sound sweet, but to tell you honestly you've brought a lot of changes into my life, the kind of changes that helped me develop into a better version of myself, because of you I strived more to be a better person not just for myself but also for those people around me, and for that I want to express how thankful I am to you. We have been through a lot of things already, may it be good times or bad times, and somehow we were able to make it through those times together. And with all my heart, I wish and praaay that we can make through all of this together and be both successful in our own careers and still be together. From the very bottom of my heart, I loveeeee youuuuu so muchhhh langgaaaa.
I saved this 2 photos for the last part because this are one of the very first photos that we had together.
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I would never forget our very first laag together, at first I was worried that you might turn me down once na magkita kit in person, I was afraid that maybe I'm not good enough for you, or maybe we'd have an awkward time together. These were some of the fears that I had in my mind when we first met in person, I had my doubts to myself and thought that I was just not fit to be with you. Fortunately you were able to prove me wrong, you were able to remove those fears and doubts that I had in my mind. After all of that time that we had, Our first meeting became a part of my core memories, memories that I could cherish for a lifetime. You have become a very important person to my life and I'll assure that it'll be the caseee may it be 1 year, 3 years, or a decade from now.
Before I end this not-so-long birthday message I would like to tell you this again, whenever you feel like no one is on your side, as long as I'm alive you'll always have someone that you can lean on. I'm always here for you no matter what happen and remember that I'm proud on all of your achievements, may it be big or small. You deserve to be treated right, my langga, you deserve the genuine and faithful love, you deserve the kind of love wherein you'll never have doubts. This might put pressure on you, but I pray with all of my heart that this relationship of ours will last for lifetime.
Once again, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST LEI🎉🤟😚❤️ and for the nth time, I'd like to tell you how grateful and lucky I am to have you in my life and always remember that you're more than enough for me langga. I hope you achive every goals that you have in your life. I Loveeee youuuu so muchhhh, alwaays, my langgaaa.🥺😙 🫶🎉🤟
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trashboatprince · 2 years
It’s October now, and I want to write monster stuff.
So, here’s a little one-shot based on this idea I doodled the other day of a sea monster Crowley and the lovely human angel she wants to smooch. 
Warning: sea monsters, late 1800′s era attitudes, Gabriel is shockingly not a bastard in this 
On with the fic!
Aziraphale needed a break.
This past week had been nothing but trouble for her and she was sick of it. Her sister-in-law, Uriel, was giving her flack for still being single, turning down the man who had come to court her on Monday. Aziraphale knew he was trouble, that he was after her family’s money, as many of the ‘suitors’ desired over the years. 
Then there was the letter she got from Gabriel, how her older brother was staying in America longer, how while their shipping and fishery business was doing excellent, he was still required to oversee things. Which meant he would not be here for her birthday, like he promised, for a third year in a row.
And her cousin, Sandalphon, oh, Aziraphale had half a mind to march her way up to the estate and slap him across the face with her open palm! 
He had been making comments to others in the city, once more about her, always about her. He never did like her, didn’t approve that she didn’t get into the family business of aquatic-based ventures, or off to become a renowned soldier like Michael had done. No, Aziraphale, the youngest, the only woman of the head of the Eastgate line’s children, had taken over her grandfather on her mother’s side’s bookshop.
It was a lovely shop, near the beach so she could look out at the water, and was popular with children who wished to further their educations or have a fun time with whatever glorious adventure story she had for them. It also contained her grandfather’s amazing collection of rare books, some not even having been published for the masses! 
Like the book she carried in her basket as she made her way to her favorite little alcove on the Eastgate beach.
It was a book called Strange Stories, Amazing Facts, written only as a manuscript by a mysterious writer from ages ago named Agnes Nutter. It was the only other book she wrote aside from a book of prophesy, one that was published right before her death but never sold a single copy. The manuscript, however, was a strong collection of stories that seemed true, yet so fake, written as if from the future, or speaking of the current times as if they were in the past, not happening now.
Frightening how the stories from this era seemed to have relations to real events, if not a little off.
Still, Grandfather A.Z. Fell had gotten his hands on it and had made his own version of the book, written in more modern script and bound in a lovely red cover, as gift for his favorite granddaughter when she turned ten.
And Sandalphon had almost thrown it into the fire when Aziraphale had chosen to read it instead of talking to him this morning. 
He was such a terrible man, always belittling Aziraphale over everything, from her weight to her choice of being single until she found someone she could trust to marry. She hated how the only reason he seemed so involved in her life was because while Gabriel was in America and Michael was off as a general, the Eastgate Estate needed someone to look after it, and to keep an eye on Aziraphale.
She didn’t think Gabriel left their cousin in charge with bad intentions, he could just be... blockheaded.
Still, she sighed, making her way to the beach, wanting to ignore her cousin, her family, even her shop for a bit, too many people wanting her books, how rude!
No, she wanted to sit at the beach with her tin of homemade shortbread and her favorite book.
Aziraphale also was on a small mission to see if she could find her shoe as well. 
She had lost it the other day, when she came to try and read in peace by the sea, when a sudden storm caught her off-guard. She managed to get her stockings back on and one of her shoes (having taken them off to go and explore tide pools with a few of the local children), and lost a shoe to a wave.
It was only hopeful thinking that her shoe would be found, it was probably at the bottom of the sea now, or taken by an animal. Still, Aziraphale would like it back, it’s a good, sturdy shoe.
She approached the alcove and was surprised by what she found there. Her shoe was perched on the cluster of large stones she liked to read at, positioned in a way that it seemed someone had placed it there. It was dry, though a bit damaged from the water and the heat of the sun, she was sure the local cobbler could repair it with ease.
Aziraphale approached, setting down her basket, before taking her shoe, looking around. “Thank you!” She called out, as if the person who had found it was still around.
All she heard was a splash, probably a wave, or a fish.
She had a feeling it was her mysterious friend, the one she had yet to actually meet, but had taken to eating her offerings of snacks and wine. In return, Aziraphale would find small items found from the ocean floor in place of the treats.
She smiled, putting her lost item into her basket, before perching herself up on the sun-warmed rock. It was a beautiful day, and she was going to take full advantage. She removed her jacket, straightened her skirt out, and grabbed her book, prepared to continue her reading of a lost Russian princess who may or may not still be alive by the end of the story.
As Aziraphale sat and read, sometimes munching on a shortbread, she didn’t take any notice to the large, acid-yellow eyes that watched her from the water near her feet.
Crowley had seen the pretty angel approach the beach again, with her thing made of woven sticks and cloth on her arm, as always. She looked sad, bothered, today, and Crowley didn’t like that.
The pretty angel human should be happy, she always seemed happy when coming to Crowley’s home.
Crowley hoped that the lost thing she saved from the waves would be appreciated.
And it was! 
The pretty angel human smiled, looking so delighted at the sight of the lost thing, a shoe, that was what humans called them, yes? Or was it boot? Not boat, she knew what a boat was, but boot was used for those things they wore on their not-fins.
Sometimes Crowley hated forgetting languages she stole. Even her own language couldn’t find substitutes for human words. 
Still, peeking behind a rock in the water, Crowley watched as her human looked around, and called out something, sounding so grateful. There was a loud slap of water behind Crowley, her tail fin hitting the surface in her excitement.
She had made the human happy!
Quietly, she approached, keeping low, but still able to see the human from under the surface of the water. The pretty human was distracted with that thing she liked, the red one, it was usually the red one, Crowley could recognize it anywhere. The human was also eating something, Crowley wanted to try the things, were they tasty?
The scent that came off from them tasted sweet, Crowley liked sweet, hard to find sweet in the ocean.
Was today a good day to attempt contact?
Crowley wanted so badly to meet her, to finally approach. What would happen? The human was unarmed, she never carried any sort of dangerous tool on her, just the box with the tasty smelling things and one of those odd objects she liked. Sometimes, there would be a metal thing with something that smelled funny in it, she liked to drink from it. Crowley could tell it wasn’t wine, it smelled much differently, though sometimes wine was brought. 
The angel would never hurt Crowley, she was too nice, too sweet. Crowley had watched her save a bird that had gotten hurt by another bird from the water it fell in. 
The angel human would never hurt Crowley on purpose.
Crouching down, Crowley watched as the human closed the red thing, setting it aside as she moved to dig into the woven stick thing, and then Crowley sprung. 
She slapped down hard on the rocks, but didn’t care, turning to face the human, who turned to stare at her, quite shocked and alarmed. Crowley grinned, displaying her teeth, humans did this with their mouths, she’d seen them do it, must be a good display.
“O-oh good Lord...!” The angel exclaimed, eyes wide as she put a hand to her chest.
Crowley’s grin grew, her eyes wide as she tilted her head, soggy hair shifting about her. She raised a hand, trying to do that thing humans did when greeting other humans, a wave? Was that right? Human customs changed so often.
“Hhh-h-hi.” She tried to greet and the angel stared at her before her eyes rolled back and she tipped backwards against the rocks. Crowley squeaked and moved fast to catch her, can’t have the angel fall into the sea, right!? 
She let out a worried hiss, looking down at the human. Well, that... could have gone better.
Crowley, in case anyone is wondering, is a tritoness, a kind of mermaid that became associated with sirens. There’s a reason why I mentioned stolen languages and it has to do with this. 
Also, gender isn’t a big deal for Crowley, so she’s either she/her or they/them, but could be he/him if she bothered with it, but probably not. 
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
actually am still rooting for Jimin and JK being together because I love their bond
Hahaha same here 🫡
(Firstly would like to point out this stalking is horrible and hope BH sort it and shut it down asap!!)
Perhaps for jkkrs it feels a bit different maybe bc genuinely didn’t see it as just a playful ship, it really did seem to be “different” in dynamic. Sure most people would say that about their own ships lmao but genuinely when you look at the years of consistent and sus interactions, think it’s hard to just put that aside.
felt a bit back in forth of are they/aren’t they in recent times but I think that was mostly down to lack of content etc.
yes there were few moments that did make people think, oh wouldnt a partner know this/do this (like previously mentioned turning up to jm live recording) but who’s to say for sure.
Then on flip side, for recent things, specifically Jk live in bed (jms “I can handle it” comment and the way jk blushed/melted into the covers really stand out still today!), Ny trip and even JKs mother making Seaweed soup for jms last birthday - even as simple as when jk showed up to Jimins dance practice in that BTB, Jimin seemed very happy to have him there and they did their classic holding hands for a few seconds too long vibe. There’s just always been something a bit different about jikook.
Anyway! Really like your responses and thoughts btw! Have a good day!:)
I think all shippers believe their ship is special , just like all mother see their baby is the cutest, but our ship definitely is somehow different.
I believe JK and JM never completely stopped hanging out and seeing each other, even in late 2022 and warly 2023 . JK did visit JM for his practice and he knew a lot of details about Jimin's work that probably came from Jimin himself. Jimin also asked him to do Letter together, so they never went out of each other's lives. But they were also not actively spending as much time together and there were nothing "classic sus jikook" going on for months on end. Plus JK spent a lot of time with Tae, which was pretty unusual.
It's really interesting what was going on at that time. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
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The Note
Ship: Alhaitham x April | Word Count: 1073 | Warnings/Tags: None
A/N: Haha, I forgot I was planning on posting this tonight but here it is! <3 Basically the only fic I have fully written for him but I had to post something for his birthday~ I hope you all enjoy! <3
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April notices the note when she's pulling out her notebook to get started on her homework for the day, a frown spreading across her face at the sight of a piece of paper folded neatly in half. She never folds her notes, preferring to use a folder to store everything, so what is this?
She picks up the paper and unfolds it carefully, her eyes flicking down to the bottom once she realizes it's penned like a letter. A familiar name greets her and she hums softly, a little less surprised.
Alhaitham, huh? She never noticed him putting this with her things, but he had ample opportunity during their class earlier. But what could he want to tell her in this note that he couldn't ask her after class?
In all honesty, the note doesn't answer the question. Instead, it's a simple request for her to meet him at a certain time and place later that night. "Weird…" She murmurs softly, very curious about this.
The idea that he wants to meet up with her at all sends her heart fluttering in her chest and she smiles a little, setting the note aside with the plan to be there on time. She then begins her homework with vigor, wanting to get it finished with plenty of time to spare.
April arrives at the meeting place ten minutes early than the scheduled time. Alhaitham has always appreciated punctuality, so she's a little surprised that he's not already there.
She doesn't have to wait long. Barely two minutes go by before she's joined by the Haravatat student. Her attention is instantly drawn to the way he's holding his arm behind his back and she cranes her head to try and get a glimpse of what he's hiding.
Her efforts are futile, but it brings a small amused smile to his face either way. "Good. You're here early." He comments, sounding pleased. "Have you been waiting long?"
"Nope!" She says with a grin and he nods.
"That's good."
"So… what have you got there??" April asks, pointedly looking at his arm again and Alhaitham shakes his head a little bit.
"You'll know in due time. But first, are you not wondering why I called you here?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Well, of course, I am. But I know you, 'Haitham. You won't leave me out of the loop for long." She says with an easy kind of confidence.
Alhaitham supposes it's true. They've been classmates for years now, and one of the people he's the closest to out of everyone at the Akademiya.
"Right." He says. He clears his throat in attempt to ease some of his nerves. If there's one thing he's never liked, it's not knowing the outcome of something. Sure, he doesn't see this going badly, not when it's her, but there's a chance it won't go the way he wants it to.
"Are you alright?" She asks quietly, a frown pulling at her lips as she looks at him. Most people wouldn't be able to tell he's feeling anything other than neutral, but there's the slightest furrowing of his brow that tells her something's wrong.
"I'm a little nervous." He admits. Her eyes widen a little with surprise. It's strange seeing him like this. Even before presentations, he's never been anything but confident. Though, she supposes that this isn't the structured setting of the classroom. Maybe it makes sense that he'd be a little different away from it all.
"That's alright." April murmurs softly, her voice warm and soothing. "But trust me, you can tell me anything."
Alhaitham shuts his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and nodding a little at her words. "You're right. Here." He finally pulls his arm out from behind his back, revealing a beautiful bouquet of Sumeru Roses and Padisarahs.
April gasps as he holds it towards her, her hands shaking a little as she reaches up to take it from him. "Alhaitham… They're beautiful…" She says, nearly a whisper, as she leans down to sniff the flowers carefully. "But… why are you giving me these?" She looks back up at him and his expression softens at the confused look on her face.
"Strange, isn't it?" He muses, chuckling softly as she nods. "But you make me feel things I never thought I could feel. I'm supposed to be logical, but this feeling is… the opposite of that. Yet I would like to try to, ah, indulge in this feeling. But only with you."
April's eyes prick with tears the more he talks, her heart pounding harder as she realizes what he's building up to.
"So, April, would you go on a date with me? Would you give 'us' a try?" Alhaitham swallows softly as soon as the question is out, his stomach tying into knots as he looks pointedly away from her. He can't see any kind of rejection on her face. He could keep his expression blank if she verbally turned him down, but seeing it might break him.
"I would love to." April says softly, holding the bouquet tighter as she beams at him. She feels almost like she could burst with happiness. This wasn't what she was expecting when she found that note, but her crush asking her out has to be the best possible outcome.
Alhaitham's eyes widen and he looks at her quickly, his heart skipping a beat at how happy she looks. The word 'really' dies on his tongue, reassured by the pure joy on her face. There's no way she could be doubting herself looking like that.
"Good. Then how about this weekend?" He asks and she nods, giggling at him.
"That sounds wonderful! We could fully plan this after class tomorrow." She says and he nods.
"Alright. Would you like me to walk you back home?" He asks, frowning at how dark it's gotten. Sumeru City may be safe on paper, but he still doesn't trust it this hour of the night.
April smiles at him and holds a hand out towards him, laughing softly when he blinks at her. She gently takes one of his hands and squeezes it softly. "Lead off." She says and he has to clear his throat, heat rising to his cheeks.
April feels a little giddy when she catches the sight of his blush under one of the surrounding lamps. This is going to be amazing.
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dalkyeom · 2 years
📌— Weekly Chan ; SKZ break!
This announcement has been a long time coming but I wanted to come here and let you know that I’ll be stepping away from creating skz content for the foreseeable future.
Tbh I didn’t know how to tell everyone that I wouldn’t be drawing for them anymore. Maybe, because I found myself comfortable with the community I found myself in but my passion to create fanart for them dwindled over the past few months. I held on thinking this is a fluke, but I think it's time for me to explore other interests of mine. I wanted to stay but I found myself frustrated with feeling like I'm putting myself in a box. honestly, it was the lack of traction or how hard it was for my work to be seen that was a big factor in wanting to leave. I stand by the fact that feedback is vital for an artist's motivation to continue making the things they do. The lack of it made me question if it was even worth continuing to draw for skz bc while I love them a lot, not having my works reach a larger pool of Stays was pretty taxing. also the fact I was hidden in the basement did not help :(
Sadly, my love for Chan couldn't soothe the creative frustration I was in. So I guess it's just time to go, step outside for awhile, and explore new worlds.
As a staytist, I want to thank you for liking my art 🥺 and I hope they were able to give some comfort or healing. Most of them were made out of sheer love for the group bc for a long time Stray Kids were my home. They provided me happiness that I wanted to share too. I’ll never forget reading the nice tags and the nice asks you’ve sent my way! Thank you for welcoming me to the fandom even though I don’t interact as much.
So I want to say, please love your content creators. editors, writers, fanartists— the whole nine yards bc without them you can feel the lack of an integral part of the fandom experience. If their works make you happy and you want to see more from them: share their work, send them love and asks, comment, engage— anything that can help share their work around bc we spend so much time creating things out of love for free! Let them know you appreciate the work they’ve put into the things they love. The least we ask for is to share works we spent lots of time on.
Thank you for reading! I hope I can still see you around while I make art for other interests. Under the cut will be about Weekly Chan updates and a more in depth explanation/ goodbye letter/ final thoughts since the important stuff has been said.
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Weekly Chan has 19 more portraits to go before I can say I’m officially finished with the project. So, I’ll be working on those on/off because more than anything, I want to see it done. Weekly Chan started as a normal dedicated fan project for Bang Chan (mainly out of Chanrot) that became a source of wanting to spread warmth to fellow stays much like how Chan does weekly through Chan’s Room.
I made a goal of 100 portraits by his birthday, and since I’m close to finishing it I’ll be seeing it through 💖 as a gift because Chan has done a lot for me, like an extra booster when I feel like I’m doing things alone. There is no definite end date since I'll take my time finishing it. He is, after all one of the stars I cherish the most.
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Tbh aside from the whole art-related stuff. Around March, I think I was already finding myself detaching from skz. It was like a gradual loss of motivation to keep following them. I'm sure if you were a follower of my @/mocimori blog you've heard me cry over it a couple of times. Mainly it was a culmination of many things but the speed the community was going (lovestay > oddinary) and over saturation made me feel what I felt towards Genshin twt's fast paced consumption of new content.
getting tickets to their Maniac Tour was what broke the chiamel's back. I was tasked to secure tickets so my fam and my friend can watch the show with me, but I underestimated how stressful it was. No amount of preparation could prepare me for ticketing day. The fact that there was no membership pre-sale made it 10x more stressful it was as if we were on the hunger games as involuntary Katniss Everdeens at the quarter quell. It was that bad. I ended up sick from the preparation stress and the crushing weight of not being able to secure even 1 ticket. Eventually, I did manage to secure tickets when they open sales for Newark D1 but the exhaustion I felt stuck to me like tar.
I think I was just hoping to go back to the way it was. The ticketing left a bad taste in my mouth and omo, this is a fault of mine but messy fandom stuff will slip in my radar even though I try to keep my feed negative-free. Then I heard about how Staytists were being treated by fellow Stays (reposting of art w/out consent, rating fanart on tiktok — basically just disrespectful behavior) I had a hard time trying to reconnect afterwards.
Also this post is getting way too long so I shall tl;dr what was going on with my Chan ult'ing journey but eventually the sparks just faded out. It was probably a combination of so many things and the pressure of wanting to draw Chan on a weekly basis, sometimes 3-5x a week that it just… took its toll on me…
it came to a point where I would cry over Chan at random hours of the day. I missed him, I felt guilty bc suddenly he was no longer the center of my thoughts. I felt guilt bc I knew people knew me as that Chan fanartist. It was silly, how I let a kpop boy affect me this much but I held him with the highest regard. He was my star; out of all the biases I ult'd he had the most special position and was a symbol of hope. Having a hard time relate to him, feeling so detached made me feel bad. As if the security blanket was ripped away from my fingers.
sometimes, I still cry over him. It's no longer as bad as that time I cried over him for a week or two straight. I reflected a bit because yeah, it was a bit silly of me but when he was the source of all my hope when I felt like I had no one— even if it was that small of an interaction, I felt like what I'm feeling is valid. So, yeah, I just feel like it's ok for me to let go now. I think it was more of my fear of leaving behind a community that made me want to stick around. Other than the pressure, I just feel like throughout the last few months I lost what little creativity I had bc I wanted to follow trends, I had to box this outlet for the sake of accuracy and aaah idk it was just not healthy anymore.
i'll still support the Kids in my own way. At the end of the day, they're still my ults and I love the music they make. But I wanted to write this so you won't worry wth happened to me and the skz art. It's not really a goodbye but maybe, a see you soon!
thank you for everything!
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