#francesco lentini x reader
pinkykitten · 6 years
Standing Up
The Greatest Showman
Three - Legged Man x female! reader
Warning: the mob being buttholes, bullies, violence
Specifics: romance, fluff, man vs man, fall, pumpkin, race neutral reader
People:  Francesco “Frank” Lentini (three-legged man), you, the mob, P.T. Barnum (mentioned), P.T. Barnum family (mentioned)
Words: 1,732
Request: By anonymously Hi there! I've been reading through your blog (mainly tgs tag you have) and love your writing! 💕 I was wondering if I could maybe request a story for Frank, the three legged man? Maybe where the mob finds out about the two dating and start to target her and it gets to her, so Frank comforts her? Hope that's a good enough of a description 😄 Thanks!! ❤
Authors Note: hiya! thank u so much for liking my tgs writing. im so happy that i write for this fandom cuz honestly it deserves to much luv. thnx for requesting and i hope this was good enough. btw i luv this character like i would point him out every time i saw him he looks so cool! im sorry this took so long pls forgive me! i hope you enjoy and pls feedback is much appreciated. thnx!
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You and Frank have been dating for a couple of months, loving every single moment you both shared with each other. 
Intertwining fingers, overwhelming hugs, countless of kisses, and so much more is the love you both posses. 
Meeting Frank was the best thing that has ever happened to you. You and Frank had greeted through a friend, and a very known friend at that. It was through Ralph Krooner aka the elephant - skinned man. Everything was history. 
You did not at all mind about Frank’s extra leg. You knew he was self conscious about it and just knowing that fact made your heart ache in sadness.
Unfortunately Frank wanted to keep your relationship a secret. Not wanting even a homeless cat to know. 
His reasoning? “I don’t want people to find out, love, because I don’t want you to get bullied or hurt because of me.”
You understood and respected his wishes. You didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t trust you. 
“Oh look at how big this one is Frank!” You called to him, waving your hand in the direction of the object you were wanting to show Frank. It was Fall, you were bundled up enough but not too much. You had wanted to go to the market so badly last Fall but Frank was not comfortable yet to go. This time he made the effort to attend the Fall market. All just to make you happy. 
Frank walked to you and as he walked people stared. Some children and some adults. Scoffing, whispering things to each other. 
You so badly wanted to tell them off, tell them how rude they were being and how they should teach their children manners. But again, you had to keep your relationship with Frank a secret. 
It was hard in public. You wanted to call him love, sweetheart, all these pet names but you couldn’t, you had to call him Frank. You couldn’t even hold his hand in public. It was a nightmare! 
“What is it y/n? Are you okay?” He asked concerned. 
You nodded your head, “yes silly I am alright, but look what I found!” You squeal in delight as you show him a huge pumpkin. 
With a struggle you picked up the orange fruit (if it got seeds then it a fruit, at least thats what ive heard) to show to Frank, closer up. Frank tried to help you the best he could.
He did help immensely. 
“I’m sorry I can’t be much of help,” he looked down ashamed of himself. 
You softly placed your foot by his and he looked up wide eyed, “Thank you good sir for helping me carry this. You are very strong.”
You bit your lip as you saw how his muscles flexed from the weight of the pumpkin. Frank saw you admiring his arms and he smiled with a little giggle. 
“You are very welcome, beautiful madam.” 
You grinned and asked him if he could carry it to the paying tent. 
As you and him walked there more people stared, more people whispered. Some even laughed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the worst of these bullies. The mob. They tormented and treated people differently from them with evil acts. They spit, threw things at them, and called them names. You glared at the leader of the mob. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. 
As you went to the paying tent, the mob came to his side. 
“Oh look another freak!”
Frank, still holding the pumpkin, pushed you behind him, setting and arm in front of you in case anything were to happen you would be protected. 
“Men, we don’t want any trouble. Please let us get on with our day with no confrontation.” Frank tried to avoid the situation. 
“No, I think we’re good here. You helping out this young woman?” They all started hooting and hollering at you, whistling for you to come over. “C’mon little darling, we can show you a good time.”
Frank placed the pumpkin on a nearby table with anger, “How dare you talk to a woman like that? You outta be ashamed of yourselves.”
The leader of the mob cackled, “All women are whores!”
At that Frank almost lunged at the man, but quickly you placed your hands on Frank’s shoulder. Stopping him. 
Frank took deep breathes and you saw his hands turned into fists. He was very irate!
The men laughed so hard, holding their bellies. “What kinda man are you? Can”t even protect your whore. I mean look at ya, god must’ve hated you when he created ya. I mean he gave you an extra leg.” They all laughed again. 
You could tell Frank was trying to hold back his tears. Feeling useless. 
You became furious! You, elegantly walked up to the men. They all hushed and the leader raised his brow, thinking you were coming for some alone time. 
Next thing you knew, you slapped the man hard on the face. His eyes went red and he looked so angry. 
“You don’t ever call me that again, you hear! I am not some toy that you get to play around with. I am a woman and I should, no I deserve respect. And you should go to hell for saying those mean comments to my love!”
Everyone seeing the scene and the mob gasped. 
“Thats right, I, a woman, love him,” you point to Frank who is standing there shocked at your words. “You do not have the right to bring people down and to hurt their feelings just because they look different. You have no right! He deserves the same respect as everyone else. He is so amazing and so kind, he shouldn’t be treated this way. So I think that is enough, and if you would like another slap, you know where to find me.”
You then took Frank’s hand in yours and walked to the pumpkin to buy it. As you almost picked it up the leader of the mob grabbed it first and with a snarl said, “I don’t like your little threats whore, you best be careful what you say now, or else.”  
He then raised the pumpkin high and threw it to the ground making the pumpkin splash everywhere. 
“I was gonna buy that you monster!”
You were so excited for this pumpkin because you had wanted to make so many dishes and desserts for Frank. But now it was ruined, you seeing the pumpkin patch was empty of pumpkins. 
“Too bad,” spit the leader, giving you a hard slap on your face as well. You fell to the ground, your cheek already swelling. Your dress ruined with dirt. And the people, the people laughing. 
Frank flung himself to the leader and started punching him with all his might. Lets just say Frank was winning. Not letting the leader out of his sight. 
Just then P.T. Barnum came out with his family in the back of him to break up the fight. He held back Frank and you can tell Frank was happy to see him.
Frank looked to you feeling like he wanted to comfort you but you just stood up and ran away. 
“My love, wait, please,” you heard Frank’s calls. But you didn’t want to, you couldn’t stay anymore. 
Tears streamed down your face, they were never ending. You felt this day and age people will never understand you. You felt lost. You felt weak. You were pretending to be this tough girl when on the inside you were fragile and scared. But you don’t regret any second of it. You got your point across, you showed the world that you do love Frank, and that you would take any slap for him. 
You went to your house and hurried with your keys to unlock the door. You sprinted inside. 
In your house you felt safe and protected. Nobody could see or hurt you. 
You sat on one of the kitchen chairs and just wept. They were uncontrollable. You felt humiliated. 
“Oh god, I’m so terrible. I even left Frank there. Well, at least Phineas is there.” You spoke aloud to yourself, sniffling in the middle. You grabbed a handkerchief and blew your nose. 
You then hear your doorbell ring. You try to regain your composure and make yourself look presentable.
You look through the blinds to see Frank standing there. His hair all disheveled, his clothes out in some places. He looked very worried. 
“My love are you okay?”
You stood there, leaning on the door frame. You smiled and the tears came back, you hugged Frank crying on his shoulder. 
“It hurt me what they said to you Frank.” 
Frank nodded and placed both hands on your cheeks, kissing the swelling of the slap. “Y/n, I didn’t want you to do that for me. You got hurt because of it. I knew this would happen.”
You looked up at him and shook your head. “I did what I was meant to do, protect you. Defend you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. And I don’t care who sees anymore, I want the whole world to know that you and me are together, in love.” You laced your fingers with his, and kissed his hand. 
Frank looked at you adoringly, “are you sure, beautiful? You may regret it.”
You brought his face to you and whispered, “never.”
You and him shared a deep, emotional kiss. Some people passing by looked at you two. You didn’t care anymore, you wanted to shout to the heavens how much you loved this man. 
After the kiss Frank leaned his forehead against yours, “I am so sorry they hurt that perfect face of yours. Thank you y/n, for standing up for me today. Nobody has ever done that except Mr. Barnum. I love you so much.”
You smiled, Frank brushed your tears away. “I love you, my sweetheart.” You kissed Frank again. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Frank chuckled grabbing something from behind him. 
“What is it?”
Frank then brought out a huge pumpkin, bigger than the one you had earlier. You jump up and down in delight. 
“Oh my god thank you so much Frank! I love it, its perfect!” You hop to him, giving him a big embrace. “Its perfect,” you whispered to him. “Just like you.”
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