#frank iero such a silly man
s1ushyz · 5 months
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His eyes are so mesmerizing
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silly <3
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you guys getting mad over the gloves being like thirty bucks, like have you never bought band merch? those are gloves frank wore and used during shows. its BAND MERCH, but it belonged directly to frank.
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oneohnineinthesky · 2 years
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This is the only thing that has made me laugh in over a week
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the only good thing about Instagram letting you know who the people that you follow follow is that I know frank iero follows the instagram page Kids Getting Hurt
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girlandherfandom · 2 years
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He is just a silly little man. (X)
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wormlatte · 11 months
was mere seconds away from buying a pair of frank's used jeans for $100 today. extremely glad the universe intervened and stopped me (it sold before i finished checking out)
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On the one hand I need to stop thinking of Frank Iero as a little hamster in a terrarium that I can watch through the glass because that encourages unhealthy parasocial behavior,
But on the other hand I like seeing him do silly, stupid, and occasionally even cute things.
He's not my personal court jester that I can dress up in silly outfits and make him dance for my amusement. But man is it difficult sometimes.
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bateshouse · 2 years
frank iero is like if a man was a silly goose
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infectiouspiss · 1 year
my man frank iero was higher than the moon when he got asked to join his favourite band and then twenty years later he stood on stage in a shirt that said “piss” i don’t know where this post is going but i love that gayass stoner and his piss shirt and his broken little hands that he works so hard to keep from going more broken and his stupid fucking tattoos and his silly tattoos and his even stupider fucking voice when he sings
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daenystheedreamer · 8 months
Are you RPF positive? How do you feel about ships like Gaylor or Phan or Larry? Phan actually turned out to be true LOL
short answer its funny and harmless long answer below the cut tldr its funny and feel free to be cringe but also everyone has a line they draw in the sand and even if you think you dont, you do. and me personally my line is further than others, nearer than some. if the rpf is fanfic where harry styles bottoms for louis tomlinson thats mostly just teenagers being silly and harmlessly cringe and if the rpf is AI deepfake of them its bad. also sometimes the rpf is real. and also phan is a can of worms im not touching with a ten foot pole. again long answer below the cut ^_^ rambling
ok so celebrities in general i roll my eyes at the thought of caring about them. everyone is just a regular human being who is kind of stupid and lame. everyone has positives and negatives etc. so to me when i see someone act parasocial about some youtuber/singer/actor etc im like thats just a guy. so already rpf is simply not for me.
secondly i think it is mostly harmless. if you are writing gay porn about frank iero and gerard way well that is between you and god and the ao3 staff. gets cringe and weird if you go up to jensen ackles at a con and say heh so which of you is the seme 😏 that is a socially insane thing to do sorry
thirdly it is super funny. gaylor is hilarious to me its like a bunch of generally progressive young girls who feel the need to morally justify why its okay to like taylor swift. Oh she dates weird men oh she has a bad carbon footprint Well actually she is a queer woman oppressed by her management and her conservative family. thats hilarious to me i love how there is no one on earth who isnt a little conspiratorily minded. tbc im not gaylorphobic i have gaylor friends.
fourthly i have seen the moral depravity of man. you can find genuinely deeply morally and ethically disgusting content about real life minors. 'its fiction its just writing they wont see it' grow up go talk to a therapist. AI deep fake porn is disgusting. its weird and socially inept to bother actual human beings about your kink. again fine to have that kink but dont go asking random people if theyre secretly in love with their friend.
hmmm fifthly and lastly i think often people just dont have a holistic view of the world they dont understand cultural/social context. there is a social barrier between you the audience and the people on your screen. also when you get into fandoms like kpop, you need to understand that its a product. these arent authentic human beings they are products they are actors they are selling you an idea. its yaoi in a way! its playing on homosocial/homoerotic tropes that female fans tend to enjoy. im sorry but seokjin and taehyung arent secretly boning they are coworkers. sorry.
that being said i think ben affleck IS in love with matt damon and i think theyve jerked off together or had sex by proxy via threesome. nothing will change my mind on this.
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s1ushyz · 5 months
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He's so pretty princess
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milf-harrington · 2 years
Hi! I'm really sorry step dad's still an ass- your annoyance is very justified- but I just wanted to ask: are you currently making/ have a battle/patch jacket? If yes could we see some pics for inspo? I've been meaning to finally get started on mine for a while and I love seeing what other people do!
kia ora!! i am currently making a battle jacket, it's not come that far yet because i don't want to stick anything down until i have more patches and shit but i can lay out what i do have and show you, it's just not very impressive yet:
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the fabrics on the side are things i might add later on but idk yet, i'm very fond of the old plaid tho - also yeah im sewing sequins under the collar.
it has been,,,,a process.
sequins because i like them, and they're also a nod to rocky horror
the rainbow for lgbt reasons and also it's cute af
the orange pin says 'stop the violence' which is for domestic violence
the smaller black pin says "wake up, coffee, repeat" and was a birthday present from my 18th
trans flag pin
a little jar with stars in it, a birthday present from my 20th
the ponyo patch was a random gift from a friend who saw it and thought i'd like, she was right, ponyo rocks
the oamaru patch from when i visted my family in aotearoa and my cousin took me to the steam punk museum (oamaru also has a lot of history for my family)
i have a list in my notes app of random ideas i get for pins/patches so i recommend making your own bc it really does help down the line if you ever find yourself Head Empty about what to add; i'm also happy to give updates whenever i do add to my jacket if that's something you're interested in?
OH I ALSO HAVE THESE PATCH PANTS - i made them when i was like,, 17?? 16?? they might help too:
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plaid that i spent a ridiculous amount of time hand-sewing onto the waist band bc i love the pattern
"i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. i am a monster. hate me. destroy me.", a frank iero reference
ACAB for,, obvious reasons i think
a shitty little painting of Korse from the Danger Days comics with "this man ate my son" written underneath it which was a reference to a silly fan comic that i barely remember now
a painting for 'our lady of sorrows', an mcr reference
the hesitant alien mascot, a lovely little creature named Lola, holding a sign that says "be kind" that i painted on the floor of my bedroom
my jeans were pretty much entirely a diy project bc i didn't have the money or the resources to buy actual patches, but they were really fun to put together
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I posted 13,324 times in 2022
247 posts created (2%)
13,077 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,641 of my posts in 2022
#my chemical romance - 278 posts
#mcr - 274 posts
#gerard way - 149 posts
#ask lisa - 135 posts
#the umbrella academy - 85 posts
#comment reply - 83 posts
#shameless self reblog - 81 posts
#frank iero - 79 posts
#tua s3 spoilers - 71 posts
#henry cavill - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#don't mind me i'm a little frustrated with myself that i could have gone to bonn but decided against it bc my dog has had surgery
My Top Posts in 2022:
Which of Henry’s characters would have to be terrorized into charging their phone?
Based on a convo with @wolvesandhoundshowltogether
Mikey let's his die without noticing, only to be pissed to see it's dead when he needs it. Honestly impressive because his Nokia battery lasts a week at least. If he had a smartphone, he’d have games or other apps on it that’d kill his battery within a few hours. And if you told him to go charge it, he’d be like “I still have 5%, it’s fine.” You’ll have to drag him to the charger or take his phone from his hands, because once his phone died he’d be all pouty.
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More characters under the cut.
Clark doesn't need his phone that much. He'll hear you from everywhere and be there before you can even call him. If it’s an emergency or if you just wanted him to pick something up on the way home, he could hear it in your distressed gasp or disappointed sigh. But it is because of this that you need to remind him to charge his phone. To be completely honest, he doesn’t really like doing it because the buzzing of electricity is way too loud for him when he tries to sleep.
See the full post
193 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Wow okay this quiz just came for my throat
what romance trope are you?
i hate everyone else in the world but you
damn how is it constantly feeling like you're second best? you feel like you are never your favourite person's favourite person. you want someone to love you more than everyone else in their life because your jealousy issues will never let you know peace. i get it.
223 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
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This is my contribution for tonight.
251 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Having a sexy time with henry but then you remember the argyle hair in the middle of riding the man 😭😭😭😭
oh no 😂😂😭😭😭😭
I’m sorry Henry, but I still don’t like the hair 😬
warning: smut, silly something under the cut
You're riding him. Panting. Your head thrown back in pleasure, your eyes closed. Feeling yourself getting closer and closer to the peak, you open your eyes and lean foreward to kiss him. Only to freeze mid-way.
His hair is just growing out of that horrible haircut that you hated to see on him. Fuck! you thank every hair deity there is - if there even is one - that it didn't destroy his beautiful curls that you love so much. But with his head in the fluffy pillow, his sweat-soaked hair looks like it's standing straight up.
"I can't," you pant, halting the movement of your hips. "I can't do this."
To say he's confused is an understatement. But he's even more concerned. "Are you okay, baby?" he says in a strained voice - he must have been close too. "Is something wrong?"
"Uhm..." To be honest, you feel bad. Bad that you ruined what had started to great. But you couldn't. You love him, but this hairstyle... it was a major turnoff, at least for you. "No...? It's just... fuck, it's so stupid."
He's drawing comforting circles on your hips with his thumbs. "C'mon, tell me."
You take a deep breath, letting the air out in a sigh. "It's your hair," you confess, "it reminded me of that godawful cut for your last movie. And I just... I mean... you know what it did to me."
You don't dare to meet his eyes, not even when you hear him chuckle.
"Alright then."
You yelp as he tosses you off him on the other side of the bed, pulling your hips up so you're in one of his favourite positions.
"Then we'll do it like this," he grunts, sliding back into you from behind.
416 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sunshine Smile
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(i found these pictures on Pinterest, don't own any of these pictures)
SUMMARY: You catch a certain someone's eye at a festival in your village
PAIRING: Geralt x reader (2nd person POV /3 person POV)
WARNINGS: none, pure fluff, maybe a tiiiny pinch of angst?
A/N: neither beta'd or proofread, typos we're going down swingin'! This little drabble was inspired by @wolvesandhoundshowltogether and the picture she sent me of Geralt. Little note about the moodboard: it's only to give you an idea of the setting and overall mood, the reader is not described in my story.
WORD COUNT: no idea
TITLE: Sunshine Smile
Writers live off validation. If you liked it please like, comment and reblog 💕 thank you for reading 💖
The village square was bustling with life, already this early in the morning. The decorations had been already but up yesterday, children had watched the men work with wide eyes, asking their mothers how long now. "One more sleep," they had said, as you listened from your seat on the windowsill, a basket full of flowers next to you as you crafted your headpiece for the festival.
You had heard the excited talk of some girls too, as they went home from the tavern last night. "A bard! And he'll stay for tomorrow!" You were sure the whole village would dance until their feet were sore far into the next week.
As if suddenly waking from a trance, you push yourself up from the windowsill, where you watched the lively morning bustle, and rush over to your small closet, your dress for today already hanging on the door. The nicest dress you own, reserved for only weddings and well, village festivals. The shimmery skirt would catch the sunlight beautifully, you smile to yourself.
Not much later, you find yourself in the village square, browsing the stalls for a nice breakfast, a hard choice; the baker had gone overboard creating the most delicious pastries for today.
You keep on exploring, looking for your friends, a dance in your step, twirling from time to time to the song of the musicians playing at every corner. And then your hear him, the bard those girls had been gushing about last night. His voice luring you across the square towards the small makeshift but decorated stage like a siren song. You gaze up at him in awe, never had you heard a more beautiful voice.
You only snap out of your staring when you're rudely poked in the ribs.
"We've been looking for you everywhere!" your friend squeals and grabs you by the wrist. "Come on, let's go to the others! Let's dance!" She pulls you away, giggling.
The other girls shriek and hug when you reach them, before pulling you to dance. And you dance, twirling around to the bard's tunes with no care in the world.
- Third Person POV -
He doesn't know why she caught his eye the way she did. Maybe it was her dress, the shimmery skirt catching in the bright spring sun. Maybe it were the flowers weaved into her hair and into an intricate crown on her head. Or maybe it was her bright smile, the joy on her face and in her voice as she talked to the girls around her. He didn't know, but what he knew was that by merely watching her, his mood had lifted by a lot. She was sunshine incarnate.
When the bard told him about the festival in the village they'd pass, he was sceptical. He had no desire of staying at a place for longer than necessary. But he changed his mind so suddenly. When he saw her dancing, he was glad Jaskier somehow managed to talk him into staying.
This girl... A warm feeling bloomed in his chest and a small smile tugged at his lips as he watched her dance like only a careless girl from a village could. She doesn't know about the horrors of the wild and... At this moment, he was almost relieved. He doesn't know her. He probably wouldn't even talk to her for the duration of his stay, but he wanted to preserve her light at all costs. He wanted to protect her, care for her. Twirl her around the village square.
"No!" he scolded himself. Introducing himself to her would corrupt her innocence. She was the sun and he... he was a large dark cloud. His mere presence was a bad omen. His presence meant death, pain and violence. "To protect her, he must stay far away," he told himself. Even if it meant never seeing your beautiful smile again, which he found himself addicted to all of the sudden.
A small voice ripped him out of his thoughts.
"If that isn't the famous White Wolf!" she said. "I thought witchers were supposed to have no feelings, then why are you standing here with that smile on your face? I must say, it suits you."
His golden eyes focus on her, an inviting smile painted on her lips. He wants to respond, but nothing comes to mind.
"I figured you might be thirsty." She smiles up at the white haired witcher, and lifts her hand that holds a big tankard of ale.
"Thank you," he mutters, taking it from her. From you.
Shit! You weren't supposed to go to him. But maybe... Maybe he can have you and your light.
702 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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heavinisaplace · 11 months
herro everynyan i'm fran or franki or etcetcetc since twitter sucks now i'm trying to use this AGAIN but i feel like an old man who actually never had a phone his whole life
i like mcr and frank iero and fob and the used and a lot of silly things i just have a lot of interests blep
lets be mutuals pleek i'm actually so funny and cool and
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mr-ghoulish-bones · 11 months
What songs I think bsd characters would listen to
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☆ Fandom: Bungo stary dogs
☆ Characters: Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara
More below the cut
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☆ Dazai Osamu
(emo kid at heart/j)
Playlist of all these songs !!5h 28m!!
(I added some more songs after I made this list)
Don’t try suicide - Queen
Na Na Na - My chemical romance
Demolition lovers - my chemical romance
Scum - lovejoy
Kill all your friends - my chemical romance
Early sunset over Monroeville - my chemical romance
Vampires will never hurt you - my chemical romance
LITERALLY ALL OF REVENGE AND BLACK PARADE (especially pm Dazai he’s going through his angsty teen era/j)
Life eternal - Ghost
Cirice - Ghost
Heart of mine - the young veins
I was made for lovin’ you - Kiss
Sure know something - Kiss
Dirty livin’ - Kiss
Save your love - Kiss
Partners in crime - set it off
boys don’t cry - the cure
Disloyal order of water buffaloes - Fall out boy
Wires - the neighborhood
Dial drunk - Noah Kahan
Summer or spring - Flatsound
The sea is a good place to think about life - los campesinos!
Miss me - Frank Iero
Don’t you dare forget the sun - get scared
Violence - Frank iero
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☆ Chuuya Nakahara
(I feel like chuuyas a metal head or just really into metal and classic rock)
Playlist of these songs !!3h 26m!!
(I also added more songs after i posted this list)
War machine - Kiss
Shoot you In the back - Motörhead
Ace of spades - Motörhead
Rapid fire - Judas Priest
Saint and sinner - kiss
Creatures of the night - kiss
Electric funeral - Black Sabbath
Inamorata - Metallica
Of wolf and man - Metallica
Seek and Destroy - Metallica
Jump in the fire - Metallica
Creeping death - Metallica
Sonne - Rammstein
Engel - Rammstein
Faith - Ghost
Majesty - Ghost
Per aspera ad inferi - Ghost
Ghuleh / Zombie queen - Ghost
Square hammer - ghost
Shout at the devil - Mötley crüe
Knock ‘em dead kid - Mötley crüe
Dead memories - Slipknot
Vendetta - Slipknot
Holy Diver - DIO
Death of an executioner - Pierce the Veil
I’d rather die than be famous - Pierce the Veil
Joyriding - Frank Iero
Sarcasm - get scared
(I might make more idk)
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