siriusxorion · 2 years
Sirius sat down next to Frank with a large sigh, sliding a beer down the table in his direction. It had taken him quite a while, but he had warmed up to the guy - once he decided he was decent enough for Alice, that was. Now, if pressed, he may even admit that he liked him. He clinked his bottle against Frank’s in a silent cheers and took a sip before relaxing back in his chair and giving the other man a sidelong glance. “You know that wife of yours owes me three sickles, right?”
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amostheamazing · 3 years
Who: @frank-orion​ Where: St Mungo's, Frank's room
Amos had lost track of Frank at some point during the fight. When he'd found out about Frank's injuries, he'd felt guilty about getting distracted by Narcissa. We wished he could back and help his friend instead, but what was done was done. Only thing he could do was be there for him and see of there was anything he could help him with. Amos knocked on the door once before opening it. "Merlin mate" he certainly wasn't looking his best "guess I finally get to be better looking than you- even if it's only temporary." Humour was Amos' go to. "On a scale of one to ten, how painful is it?" Amos grimaced not sure he actually wanted to know the answer.
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lupinbeat · 4 years
dates with the marauders.
James takes you to quidditch matches as often as possible, sometimes he’ll take you to matches between local teams, sometimes between teams he doesn’t even support - he just likes watching the sport with you at his side, especially when the wind is blowing around you both and he has an excuse to wrap his arms around your shoulders. He’ll always insist on taking a few bottles of butterbeer, and the two of you will drink them after the match, some place quiet where you can talk between yourselves and enjoy one another’s company. 
Sirius takes you to concerts, usually wizarding bands and musicians, though the two of you have explored some muggle music too, with the help of some of your muggle born friends. He’ll push the two of you right into the midst of the crowd, and dance with you, sometimes he’ll even murmur along to the lyrics of various songs he knows you like in particular, quiet enough near your ear for only you to hear him. Sirius gets completely consumed by music, arms around your front as he sways along. It’s his favourite thing to do with you. 
Remus is very thoughtful with his dates, sometimes he’ll make a whole day out of going to the library. He’ll pick books out he wants to read and discuss with you, and pack a flask of something hot for you to share over a bar of his favourite chocolate. He likes taking you on long walks too, the destination always different, just the two of you walking and exploring the nearby land while you talk or just enjoy each other’s company in silence. He is always holding your hand too, whether you’re leaning over a book together in the quiet library, or adventuring out toward tree filled land.
Peter likes to keep dates simple, usually just a short trip into hogsmeade in the snow. The two of you will bundle up extra warm, scarves and gloves with your thick winter coats, and take your time walking on down to the small wizarding village. Sometimes you’ll get distracted and stop, throwing snowballs at each other, but your dates always end in the three broomsticks, warming yourselves up over butterbeer and sweets you’ve bought from Honeydukes before setting off for the winding walk back to the vast castle, arm in arm.
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fancyfrankie-blog1 · 6 years
I have returned
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I’m back from my trip, free to roleplay!
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fuckkerydicckery · 6 years
What if the Potters Really Lived | Part Seven
Frank Longbottom looked as his wife with a small smirk on his face while she paced the room holding a cream coloured letter on thick parchment within her hands.  The letter was sent just a few hours ago from his old headmaster Albus Dumbledore. He asked Frank to participate in a risky mission for the Order. His wife- Alice was a bit shaky on letting Frank participate ever since the attack she's been on her toes about her husband's safety. Frank knew she would agree, even if she didn’t Frank would do what Dumbledore asked of him as just a few weeks ago his old headmaster saved his family's life. Frank knew that the Dark Lord was after the Potters young boy, but, he would have never imagine confronted by Bellatrix Lestrange when on a mission. Everything that happened after Frank was confronted by Bellatrix was a blur: he remembered his wife Alice scream, Bellatrix crackle, stings of pain when she used dark magic on the couple, when he saw the stream of red light hit Bellatrix in the heart and when she collapsed to the ground -lifeless. The Longbottoms left the scene with minor injuries as the Order came in quick enough to stop Bellatrix from doing any more harm to the Longbottoms and of course anyone ever again…
“Frank, we just escaped death and now you want to do a suicide mission again!” Alice bickered at her husband, shoving the letter in the air. Frank did know that the mission was somewhat risky as he had to go into the mystical Chamber of Secrets and figure out how to slaughter a Basilisk without dying. Two other gentlemen were joining him- Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Both were very talented at Hogwarts and Frank hoped that they kept up with their skills.
“Alice,” Frank breathed looking at his wife, “I need to do this and you know it. Out of all the wizards Remus could have picked he picked me and we aren't even that close. He must know that I can do it.” His wife walked towards Frank and pinched his cheeks all together so his lips were squished.
“Fine,” Alice began, “but if something happens I shall be telling you I told you so!” Alice let go of her husband's cheeks then lightly tapped his cheeks and put Dumbledore's letter in his hands. Frank let out a quiet laugh and then opened up the letter so once more he could read the words.
I am hoping you and Alice are doing well after current events, it gave me quite a scare but of course, the Order will always be a step of the Dark Lord. Hence why I am writing you…
As you know the Oder is figuring out a way on how to destroy the Horcruxes and we believe we know how to destroy them.
You most likely remember how smart Lily Potter formly Lily Evans was when she attended Hogwarts and of course she’s still a bright young lady. You also know that right now the Potters are right now in hiding with numerous hours of spare time. With these many hours of spare time, Lily may have figured out our solution. She informed Sirius Black and Remus Lupin about her findings and they reported to me. The idea is perfect in my eyes but truly I believed that having another wizard would make this mission easier. I gave them a choice on whom to choose, we both know who they would want to say but of course, that option is not available. After a few minutes of pondering Remus Lupin chose you and I believe that choosing you is the correct choice.  When you attended Hogwarts you were the top student in your class and even now you excel at being an Auror.
Now the mission I have been raving about. You must know the folktale about the Chamber of Secrets and first and foremost the Chamber of Secrets is real. Within the Chamber, a snake called the Basilisk slithers around. The plan is quite simple, using parseltongue you will enter the Chamber, then slaughter the Basilisk using a sword or anything else expecting magic. Magic will ruin the poisonous blood of the basilisk as the blood will destroy the Horcruxes. Remus shall explain everything, it’s hard to put everything in words when everything is so confusing.
You shall be getting this letter right away, once you get the letter you can either: choose to not to the mission or immediately come to Hogwarts. I will easily know what option you have chosen if you aren’t here by tomorrow sunrise. The floo network to my office will be opened at exactly 4:01am when that minute ends I will quickly be closing the network.
Albus Dumbledore
Frank slowly breathed as he read the letter once more, each word he absorbed deeply. He wished Dumbledore's explained more, of course, his letter was detailed but Frank always wanted the most information he could get. That's what made him such a good student and of course what makes him such a good Auror. Frank looked at the time it was 3:59am, he quickly walked towards his fireplace and then grabbed floo powder from the mantelpiece. Once again he checked the time, a minute to. He could feel his heart racing as each second led closer to 4:01, his hands were shaking dropping speckles of the powder on the floor. Frank crawled into his fireplace and then dropped the powder the second it turned 4:01.
“Dumbledore's office!” Frank yelled and immediately twisted and turned through tunnels until he landed in his headmaster's office. When he got up he looked around to see Dumbledore, Remus, and Sirius quietly chatting around the headmaster's desk. When Frank landed Remus quickly turned his head to see the newcomer but Sirius kept talking with the headmaster. It had been years since he saw the Lupin boy and quite frankly Frank would have recognized him in an instant. Remus still was skinny and lanky, he still had dark circles under his eyes, and of course, sporting a sweater. Frank did notice Remus acquired a few wrinkles and graying hairs.
“Good morning Frank Longbottom,” Dumbledore wished Frank pulling up a seat beside Sirius. Frank paced towards the chair beside Sirius then sat down.
“Thank you, Sir,” Frank thanked Dumbledore, “Sirius, Remus.” Frank nodded the two, he noticed that Sirius Black still looked identical to what he last saw of him. When Frank looked back at the table he noticed a cup of tea, he picked it up and quietly sipped the tea. He could now feel a wave of exhaustion as he stayed up all night trying to decide on what to do. He let out a small yawn but then heard a snigger from Remus.
“So Dumbledore, we best be on our way.” Remus said to Dumbledore, “ I shall make sure to hide the washroom so no one enters, you as well should post a guard there just in case.”  Dumbledore nodded his head and then Remus got up and started to walk towards the door, Sirius immediately joined him but Frank stayed behind.
“Sir, is this safe?” He asked, knowing the answer.
“I would be lying if I said yes Frank, now you best be on your way,” Dumbledore replied.  Immediately Frank got up and rushed towards the two other men.  Remus held the door for them as they left the office and they went their way to the girl's washroom.
“How does the blood make a difference Remus?” Frank asked. Remus sighed and then started to explain.
“It’s not the blood, it's the venom. I explained it to Dumbledore but he insisted it was the same thing. Foolish man. When a human is bitten by the Basilisk they are faced with incredible pain for a few seconds and then they will be encrypted with paralysis than soon after death. The venom is one of the most dangerous things that we know within the wizarding world, it’s very common for many dark magic spells and potions. We aren’t sure if it will work, I have a feeling it will.”
“What makes you so sure?” Frank question Remus.
“Because Lily thought of the idea and Lily has never been wrong, ever.” Sirius pipped in clearly wanting to end this conversation. The three continued roaming the halls of Hogwarts, all of them were trying to be as quiet as possible as the students were supposed to be sleeping. Frank remembered pulling all-nighters during his years at Hogwarts and trying to roam around the school without being caught at night. As they were walking Sirius whispered into Franks' ears.
“Sorry about snapping at you, it’s been stressful for both Remus and I. And I'm guessing you too,” Sirius explained.
“As well sorry for laughing about when you yawned, I don’t know why I laughed.” Remus started, “well, I actually do. Most likely you spent all night awake, so you’ve been up for a few hours. I just laughed at the idea of you feeling tired after a day of being awake. I go sometimes weeks with minimal sleep and I don’t yawn. I just found it funny, that's all… And now i'm rambling.” Frank let out a quiet laugh when Remus finished, yes he was tired but no soul would ever be as tired as Remus Lupin.
“So what's the plan?” Arthur wondered.
“The plan is to enter the washrooms, of course, I shall seal the washroom making the door disappear so no one will enter. You and Sirius will look for the tap with the letter “S” embezzled on it. Sirius has been practicing his parseltongue and he will unlock the chamber and he shall see from there I guess.” Remus explained, Frank nodded his head and continued to walk. Once again he could feel blood rushing through his ears, his heart thumping, his body started to sweat, his breath slowly getting shaky. He could admit he was nervous but he could also admit he was brave and he needed to do this.
Soon, the three were in front of the girl's washroom, they quickly entered closing the door behind them. With the flick of his wand, Remus sealed the washroom, making sure no one would enter. Sirius and Frank walked towards the sinks looking for the special tap. Each tap so far had the crest embezzled on, but his eyes flickered to a crest with small snakes and an “S”. A student would never notice how out of place the tap would be, as it was barely noticeable. Frank almost missed it, he was thankful that the tap was hard to find so that no young girl would have the terror of ending up in the Chamber. Frank called Sirius and Remus over, Sirius spat out words that Frank could not understand- but the tap listened. The sinks started to spread apart revealing a hole. They all looked in the hole and stared, they didn’t know what was going to happen. All they needed to do was enter the Chamber. This mission would either save the wizarding world or completely end it.
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strangerinyoursoul · 6 years
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Kriegerblut und Löwenherz (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/f5nSPUXpoL Hogwarts, 1977: Während für die ältesten Schüler von Hogwarts das stressige UTZ-Jahr startet, scheint außerhalb der Schule ein Sturm aufzuziehen. Der dunkle Lord beginnt, aggressiver neue Anhänger zu rekrutieren - und setzt selbst die jungen Zauberer der Schule vor die Aufgabe, sich für eine der Seiten zu entscheiden. Zwischen all den Hausaufgaben, ersten großen Gefühlen und dem bereits lauernden Leben als Erwachsener beginnen einige Schüler, ihre Abscheu gegenüber den Muggelgeborenen immer offensiver auszuleben - und als einer der Schüler beginnt, als vermeintlicher Todesser seine Freunde zu gewissen Mutproben zu zwingen, droht die Situation zu eskalieren...
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umblackness · 4 years
I love when the writer mentions Frank and the marauders' friendship.
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Jim Sturgess as Frank Longbottom
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paws-mosstroopers · 7 years
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The Seven go to Hogwarts with....... (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/nJObET5EkI Yeah, I know. Overused story. Everyone's doing this and they're all the same. "Percy went to Hogwarts to protect Harry blah blah blah Wizards's are weak yatti yatti ya". Yeah, not doing that. I decided to have the Seven go to Hogwarts with the Marauders. Yeah, I know the timelines different. Marauders era was during the 70s and HOO were in the 21st century. But hey, why don't we imagine that they both take place in the 21st century, just for the heck of it. Takes place in Marauder's 7th years and after BoO. Uhh, and let's pretend the Trials of Apollo doesn't exist, except the part where Leo comes back. Hope you enjoy.
First fanfic, yay
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miss-nerdstiles · 7 years
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As we walked by a teenage Bellatrix cosplayer, l twitched and said "don't hurt us again". @potterversecon #harrypotter #alicelongbottom #franklongbottom #cosplay
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Marauders’ Era Dreamcast:
Russell Tovey as Frank Longbottom.
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ohdaigahara · 7 years
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“we never did too much talking anyway; so don’t think twice, it’s alright.”
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greenflowery-blog · 6 years
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Marauders Instagram - Part 3 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/x5QTDj9ChO Soo I feel like nobody will read this but so what. Basically Marauders era Instagram book. Ships: -WolfStar -Jily -Marlene and OC -Regulus and OC Alice and Frank -Peter and sometimes random girl or boy (In my book Peter is some kind of god (look cast) and also he's bi in this story) And YES I know Peter was a douche but he wasn't always like that so he's in this story. Oh and Regulus WILL ALWAYS BE SIRIUS ONLY CLOSE RELATIVE WHO CARES ABOUT HIM so he's also in this book and he and Sirius are really close :) /////////////////////////// I don't own any photos or characters, I only own my OC's and this storyline
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walking-muggle · 6 years
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8.8 | messrs & queens; scrapbook (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/ViaiOsHomJ Extra Book of Messrs Series ❝This is the scrapbook of Messrs Series.❞ ➢ Pictures, unless stated otherwise, are not mine, credit to the owner. © 2017
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