kxngdomcxme · 2 years
closed starter: @lilykat-evans where: godric’s hallow
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So perhaps James should’ve gone home a few days sooner. Perhaps he should’ve actually slept after the battle in London. But then the explosion happened in Diagon Alley and how the fuck was he supposed to just go home and sleep the night away? It seemed impossible. 
He was just glad that Lily was on the other side of the door when he finally did go home. He was also fucking glad that they had finished unpacking weeks ago, because he was sure if he saw a wayward box he would just hex it into oblivion at this point. “I could really fucking use a five day nap.”
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rosie-love98 · 1 year
For Those Wondering Why I Made Nick Hobbes The Long-Lost-Son Of Snape And Hardbroom...
Along with the fact that I ship SnapexHardbroom, seeing these three as a family is pretty fun along with working on fics revolving around this, I also find that Hobbes is similar to his “parents”.
What Hobbes Got From Snape:
Being drawn to a love triangle (MildredxBen/Nick is pretty much like LilyxJames/Snape (except Ben’s less of a jerk and a Muggle). Mildred’s even called “Millie” a couple of times.)
Their INTJ personality.
Their disregard for rules and traditions in order to reach their interests/goals.
Prone to selfishness and letting their goals get them into trouble.
Were both bullied when they were younger. This lead to their own hunger for power.
The Angst...
Having Byronic traits (Hobbes dresses himself as one in one “Weirdsister” episode).
What Hobbes Got From Hardbroom:
Being prone to being...tempremental and dramatic.
Having little tolerance for silly eccentrics (i.e. Miss. Bat and Shakeshaft).
Prone to arrogance.
The eye-roll.
Can show sheepishness when under pressure. Or, at least, not as good as lying as Snape is. 
What Hobbes Share From Both Parents:
The affinity for black.
Tall, pale with long, dark hair.
Being drawn to magical experiments and potion-making.
Are good deep down in spite of their flaws.
@snapecentric @snapologist @theworstwitch
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leafmeplease · 3 years
*in the marauders dorm when everyone is trying to sleep*
Remus: do you guys wanna hear a dark joke?
Peter: nah I don't really like dark humour
Sirius: I got cha *gets out of bed to turn the light on*
Remus: thanks siri *proceeds to tell joke about babies dieing*
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silverwolfdesign · 3 years
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             • James & Lily •                   ∼ au ∼
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readingellen · 3 years
"Sometimes I think she prefers books to me"
James Potter, 1979
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amerrierworld · 3 years
It’s About Time
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Harry Potter fanfiction
request for @crescentnightwood​: Remus arrives in the afterlife and he, Sirius, and James share an emotional group hug? Marauders reunited
Summary: Remus wakes one last time.
Characters: Remus, James, Sirius, Lily, Tonks
Word Count: 1,316
Warnings: Feels! I refuse to include Pettigrew in this because he stinks :) I went a little extra beyond just a hug, hope you don’t mind :3
The first breath he took felt as clear and cold as the first snowfall of winter. Remus shot up from where he was lying down, his entire body tense and brimming with an electricity he couldn’t understand. 
It was bright around him, very bright. Everything was a hazy white, but he recognized the old Gryffindor dormitory immediately. Even with the muted colours and tidied room, he knew this place like the back of his hand. A place he often fled to, a place in which he hid, when the outside world became a little too much to bear. 
He grabbed at his chest, were he felt a dull pounding, but it wasn’t his heart. No, his heart wasn’t beating anymore, and he slowly remembered why. He remembered flashes of light, Hogwarts in ruins, searing pain, and Tonks.. by his side.
He turned his head, glancing around. He was on his old bed. Somehow, it fit him this time. It shouldn’t have, because his legs were always long and dangly, but it did.
“Tonks?” he asked into the stillness. 
“She’ll be coming soon, mate,” a familiar voice said from his right. Startled, Remus looked to find Sirius suddenly sitting on his old bed too. Dressed in edgy black, with the same shit-eating grin on his face, he lounged backwards and clasped his hands behind his head on the pillow.
“Sirius? What in Merlin’s name..”
“You should’ve seen him when he first got here,” James laughed from his left. He was sitting on the side of his own bed, spinning his wand nonchalantly in his hand. Remus twisted his body the other way so quickly he may have snapped his spine had he not been dead. “His jaw was on the floor.”
“Well that’s what happens when you figure out you’re dead, Potter,” Sirius cackled.
“I don’t believe it.. the both of you..” Remus kept looking between the two men sitting beside him, eyes brimming with tears.
“Oh now, don’t start sniffling Moony, you only just got here!”
“Yeah and it’s about time!” James added. “There’s plenty of people you still gotta get through before the waterworks start.”
“Well excuse me for being emotional at seeing my best friends in person again,” Remus grumbled, rubbing at his eyes. 
James grinned at Remus and pushed his glasses up his nose, like he always did in school. 
“Why here?” Remus asked. “Is there a specific reason we’re in the Gryffindor dorms of all places?”
“Because this is where the magic happened, Moony!” Sirius threw his hands up like a great declaration had been made. “All the Marauders, mischiefing their way through school, terrorizing the teachers and still making it out in the end without any Ministry on our asses!”
“All the Marauders?” Remus pointed out, looking at the one empty bed across from him. A silence fell over the three wizards.
“He’s not welcome here,” Sirius said coldly. “We don’t even bother with him.”
“Hm. Still, feels a little incomplete, don’t you think?” Remus asked. “It was always four of us Gryffindors, together.”
“Do you have room for a female Marauder then?” Remus looked up to see Lily sitting on Peter’s old bed, her red hair the brightest thing in the entire room, and he sucked in a breath.
He smiled, remembering her kindness, her wisdom, and her sharp wit whenever faced with James’ stupidity. 
He remembered learning about her being pregnant with Harry, the teary voice and the hug he received. He remembered her as one of his dearest friends, and the pain he’d felt when knowing she and James had been killed.
He must’ve shown it on his face, because Lily got up and came to sit next to him and grabbed his hand in hers. Her touch was warm and he wiped away the next wave of tears again. 
“Geez, you really became an old sod didn’t you?” Sirius piped up. Lily chucked a pillow at his head, and he snorted. 
“It’s good to see you, Remus,” Lily said to him, rubbing his back. “James wouldn’t stop talking about what you did for our son.”
Remus smiled weakly, “I did what anyone would’ve done in my situation. He.. well, he needed help, didn’t he? Without his father around, I figured..”
Remus paled a little at his own words, “Father... his.. father.. oh God.”
The tears ran freely this time, hot and real, and he pressed his hands to his face. The bed dipped as Sirius came to sit on his other side and James next to Lily.
“I had a son too, a boy... Teddy,” Remus choked out, “I left him behind. Alone.”
“Oh, you didn’t leave him behind, you idiot. Look! You’re still thinking of him, still caring about him, you just can’t be with him physically, that’s all,” Sirius clapped him on the back. 
“Plus, you really think our Harry will let that boy be on his own? Hm? You made him his godfather, and if he learned anything from you or Sirius, it’s that you don’t always need your biological family to feel at home,” Lily smiled kindly at him, reaching over to grasp James’ hand.
“Not to mention the Weasleys, wow! Merlin’s beard, were they ever the saints?” James laughed, making Remus chuckle. “Can’t wait for you to see Fred again, Remus, he-,”
“Fred? What happened to Fred?”
James stilled, “oh, shit. Right, you weren’t with him.”
“Fred died in the Battle too, Remus,” Sirius said, his tone quite serious now. “He’s been saying hello to a bunch of old ginger relatives at the Burrow. We can visit him too, if you want.”
“Oh, poor Fred..” Remus sighed. “What losses war brings. Terrible.”
“It’s not all loss, I don’t think. You lose the land of the living, sure, but you get to be with people like us, again.”
“That’s probably worse,” Remus said, earning him a slap on the back of his head. But, the newly reunited Marauders chuckled, and held onto each other tightly.
“Lily, what you said about Teddy, being alone.. do you mean that-,” he could barely say it. “Tonks?”
Lily’s face was that of sadness, and she nodded slowly. “She’s outside.”
Remus looked to the door, his heart sinking. He had never wanted to put her in this much danger, never wanted her to risk so much..
“She wanted to give us some time with you first, considering how long it’s been, but we can go get her.”
“Or we can go to her, if you want. Stretch those legs, we can show you around.”
“Oh? What else is there?”
“Oh plenty of places! Sirius got here with the rooftop from where he escaped on a Hippogriff, and I got here with the Quidditch playing field.”
“What, so you appear in the areas that you miss the most?”
“Not necessarily, its more a place that means the most, or has a lot of substance in your life.”
Remus was quiet, and then looked at his two best friends, “we all got here with a place in Hogwarts, huh?”
“It is a pretty special place,” James smiled. 
“Now come,” Lily ushered them off the bed. “Remus needs to see Tonks, and then we have to get ready to see Harry.”
“Wh-Harry? He isn’t dead, is he?” 
“Oh no! He’s just got the Resurrection Stone, and is going to want to see us soon.”
“How do you know all that?”
Lily grinned, “a mother’s instinct.”
They got up and let Remus lead the way, opening the door to be greeted by Tonks, grinning and beaming at him from their son’s first bedroom, lights dangling along the ceiling and a crib filled with adored stuffed animals. 
She threw her arms around his neck and laughed, a sound he had so missed. Remus closed his eyes as both Sirius and James place their hands on his shoulders, and he felt at peace.
A/N: I’m not crying, you are!!!
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Marauders group chat
James: Y/NNNNNNN Get Up Y/n: Nooooooooo Remus: Get Up love Y/n: No I want cuddles Remus: Coming Love James: No my sister needs to get up, Lily tell her to get up Lily: REMUS I YOU GOT TO CUDDLE HER ALL OF LAST WEEK, I WANT TO CUDDLE HER James: Lily!!!! Remus: Your Acting like a Child and No i'm cuddling her Y/n: Remus you got to cuddle me all last week, It's lily's turn James: You just stole my girlfriend Sirius: Hahahaa Remus: Not fair Y/nnnnnnnn Lily: Who's acting childish now
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resskorpio · 5 years
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➥ Lily & James ・ Sophie & Aaron
⸻ ☾ ⸻
“ Oh, Ophelia You've been on my mind girl since the flood Oh, Ophelia Heaven help a fool who falls in love ” - - The Lumineers, Ophelia
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infinity-warfare · 5 years
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instagram au: james and lily.
“How come she married him?“ Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!“ "Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius. ”She started going out with him in seventh year,“ said Lupin. ”Once James had deflated his head a bit,“ said Sirius. "And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin.
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kxngdomcxme · 3 years
closed starter: @itslilye​ Where: leaky cauldron 
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James needed a break. The past few weeks... Felt like everything was moving around him faster than he could really take a chance to look at it. He was starting to feel out of touch, losing his grip on what he was in London for and if he was a bit more selfish he’d fuck off to Spain or Italy and let the sun soak right through him. Recharge whatever battery seemed to be malfunctioning here in damp England. 
Movement on the right caught his eye, and he finished the rest of his butterbeer before moving tables. He sat down next to Lily with a thud, leaning back into the chair hard enough that it creaked underneath his weight. 
“Tell me something mildly interesting.”
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Jily One Shots - Cinderella? (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/yJDk1zY0T9
~COMPLETED~ Even though these are one-shots, they're in order so it's a bit like a story. It starts at the beginning of the seventh year where James has matured and Lily notices. Publishing when I can Somehow was ranked first in Jily for a bit, who knows how The cover/fanart was done by Upthehillart, I don't know them or anything, found this on the internet but I would like to give them credit and it's an amazing artwork! J.K Rowling owns all the characters and settings.
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leafmeplease · 3 years
My favourite part of prisoner of Azkaban is when peter gets put in jail and Sirius is free.
My favourite part of order of the Phoenix is when Sirius doesn't die.
My favourite part of the last two books is when Remus doesn't marry tonks, instead he loves through the 2nd war and spends the rest of his life with Sirius (the man he loves)
Thankyou for coming to my ted talk.
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pixiepokers · 4 years
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"She hated him!" - "Nah, she didn't" Christmas is soon upon us, and we are almost finished with our Christmas CMV! We hope you're ready for it! 🎄⛄
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readingellen · 4 years
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Il mondo è cambiato (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/6Iprot4k85 L'ultimo anno dei Malandrini ad Hogwarts, un anno che cambierà per sempre la loro vita. La guerra imperversa indisturbata nel mondo magico. Un gruppo di ragazzi tenta in tutti i modi di fermarla, non lo sanno ma stanno creando quello che diventerà l'unica barriera tra Voldemort e la quasi inevitabile vittoria: l'Ordine della Fenice. Dalla storia: "Siamo tutti consapevoli che là fuori la guerra è iniziata e che noi non siamo pronti per combatterla. Certo, sogniamo di fare gli Auror e tra qualche anno avremo una preparazione decente, ma non credo che avremo tutto questo tempo a disposizione. (...) L'idea è di fare una lezione a settimana per materia, dobbiamo prima trovare un gruppo di ragazzi disposti ad imparare e a non parlarne con nessuno." "Nessuna delle tre riuscì a dormire molto quella notte. Il mondo era cambiato. E non sarebbe mai più stato lo stesso."
(Disegni di Viria13)
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