#frankly I thought using the awards to announce her new album would have been the bigger perceived misstep of the night
wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
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Chapter One: Something New
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this is the first part of my new series i hope you enjoy it :)
Forever? Masterlist
31st October 2015
Somehow Ashley was late, well she wasn’t late late, just later than she had said she’d be, who knew getting two trains from Holmes Chapel to Sheffield could be so time consuming. She panted heavily as she approached the security at the back entrance to the arena, showing them her driver’s license, and they checked her name off of the guest list, Paul led her down the corridors and through the arena to catering where Harry was sat eating food from the buffet, they hadn’t seen each other in almost a month, but they still managed to speak pretty much everyday. She quietly approached her best friend who was sitting across the table from Niall, clearly involved in a heated debate. “Guess who?” she chimed, covering his eyes with her hands.
“Susan Boyle?” he joked, before Ashley lightly slapped him round the back of the head.
“You’re a little shit, you know that don’t you?” she told him as she placed her bag and jacket on the chair beside Harry.
“But you wouldn’t have me any other way would you?” he replied, standing up and hugging her from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders, his exquisitely decorated arms holding her tightly. “I’ve missed being your little shit.” Harry told her, “Food! Do you want some food? I told Sarah to make your favourite because I knew you were coming.”
“You’re a soft bugger aren’t you?”
“I think I prefered little shit.” Harry chuckled, his cheeky grin stretching from ear to ear.
“So how’ve you been?” Harry asked eagerly as the two of them found a space at a spare table, Ashley tucking into her plate of cheesy pasta and salad.
“Not bad, It’s weird not being in education, when I decided to take a gap year I thought I’d be buzzing, but I’m so bored.” She explained, twirling the pasta on her fork.
“Well I’m just happy to have you here love, I missed you.” he smiled, picking at Ashley’s pasta.
“I missed you too H, do you reckon you’ll come back home when the break begins?”
“For a little bit, I’m back at Christmas, but it looks like I’ll be in LA for New Years this year.”
“Oh I bet you will,” Ashley teased.
“What do you mean by that?” Harry smirked.
“You know exactly what I mean Styles! I do use social media you know, I’ve seen the pictures of you and Kendall, as long as you’re happy I’m happy, you are happy aren’t you?” she replied.
“I am Ash, I think I am.” Harry replied, sitting back in his plastic chair.
“What do you mean you think?”
“Alright Ashley? How’s tricks?” Louis asked as he took a seat beside her.
“Not bad, not bad, I hear congratulations are in order though, dad! that’s pretty crazy.”
“Yeah it’s mad innit, I’m excited though, lookin’ forward to it.”
“I’ve seen you with your Doris and Ernie, you’ll be a great dad.” she assured him.
“Cheers darling that means a lot,” Louis replied.
“I’ll see you two later.” Harry stood you, prepared to slip away before the topic of conversation turned back to him.
“Hey Styles! You didn’t answer my question.” Ashley called after him.
“Forget what I said, I’m happy. Promise.”
The final show was less than an hour away, the boys and their respective family and friends were all sat in catering together, the mood was different, everyone would always be so hyped up for a show, but today they were mellow, there was the same laughter there had always been, that was unmistakable, but it was different, everyone was reminiscent, talking about their favourite memories of the band that had been such a massive part of their lives. Ashley could sense Harry was quieter, he sat next to her twiddling with his thumbs and fiddling with his hair that Lou had only just fixed. “You wanna go for a walk?” She whispered, nudging his arm, he nodded.
The pair found themselves sitting on some steps behind the stage, the shrieks and chatter of the fans surrounded them as they did, “What’s eating you up H? I don’t think I’ve seen you like this before.” She rubbed her hand up and down his back, letting him know she was there if he needed her.
“Do you think we’re making a mistake?” Harry asked, looking at the floor.
“I think you’re making the right decision for you, look at it this way, you wouldn’t drive a car from London to Scotland without stopping off in Liverpool for petrol on the way, and you ,might decide not to stay in Liverpool too long, but on the other hand you might like Liverpool a lot, and you might decide to stay in Liverpool longer then you’d planned. What I’m trying to say is H, the last five years have burnt you all out, you wouldn’t be human if they hadn’t, no one would blame you Harry, how could they?” Before the band Ashley had always looked to Harry for advice, like she would an older brother, but ever since the X Factor final the tables turned, Y/N would always assure Harry that somehow everything was going to be alright.
“I’ve been offered a solo record deal.” Harry told her quickly, like it was a plaster he’d been meaning to rip off of his skin.
“That’s good isn’t it?”
“It’s three albums, no time scale, no pressure.”
“Looks like you’ll be stopping off in Liverpool a little longer than originally planned.” She told him, causing Harry to let out a loud chuckle, he rested his head on her shoulder and let out a relieved sigh, “Do you remember what I told you that night at the X Factor Final? when you were a skinny sixteen year old in baggy jeans, and I was a little fourteen year old with a terrible fringe.”
“No I don’t, that whole night is a massive blur.” he replied.
“You were anxious about the future, I told you that moment was just the beginning but you weren’t sure, and I said to you, tell me that in five years when you’ve got number one albums, won awards and sold out arenas, and frankly Harry my sentiments remain the same, you are going to do amazing things in the next few years, and the world will get to see the real Harry Edward Styles.”
The final show had drawn to an end, there were tears, before, during and after the show, mostly from the mums, tears of joy that their sons had accomplished so much, but also tears of sorrow, the feeling of uncertainty, not knowing what the next few years would hold. “You alright?” Ashley asked Harry whilst they were standing at the bar in the midst of the after party.
“Yeah, just about, come here,” he wrapped his arms around her, swaying from side to side as the music changed, “I’m so lucky I get to call you my best friend.”
“It's that song H, the one that Gemma had on that day we first met.” Ashley told him, gazing up at her best friend.
“We best go dance to our song then.” He replied, taking her by the hand and leading her to the dancefloor, the two of them dancing how you would expect two slightly drunk people to dance “But you don’t pull my strings cause I’m a better man moving on to better things!” Harry shouted, as they continued to dance together, laughing hysterically as Ashley held onto Harry’s hands.
“Strong dance moves Ash.” Niall chuckled as she returned to the bar, “Oh this is Matt, he’s been part of our tour crew for the UK leg, Matt this is Ashley.”
“Nice to meet you.” His Geordie accent thicker than any she’d heard before, his hair was combed back on top, and short at the sides, leading her to infer he was a peaky blinders fan. “Those were some impressive dance moves.”
“I’ll leave you two to it.” Niall announced taking his beer from the bar, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” He whispered to Ashley, sparking a small grin on her face.
“What are you drinking?” Matt asked as she took a seat on the barstool beside him.
“Heineken.” She told him, he raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised, “Were you expecting me to say white wine or something?”
“Usually I can tell what sort of drink someone would go for, how about you grab us a table and I’ll bring your drinks over.”
Ashley had no clue what possessed her to invite Matt back to her hotel room, he said he fancied a chilled one where it was quieter, and she quite agreed, the music was intense and the chance of having a proper conversation was slim to none. “So how long have you known Harry?” he asked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
“Ten years, we were neighbours when we were kids, and I guess we’ve just been best friends since then.” She explained.
“So you’re not together?” He asked.
“God no, Harry’s like my brother, he’s always looked out for me, I’ve always looked out for him.” She explained.
“And what does your boyfriend think of how close you two are?”
“I haven’t got one.”
“There’s no way someone as fit as you doesn’t have a boyfriend,” he told her, edging closer to where she was sitting on the bed, placing his hand on the bare skin of her thigh, gradually sliding it up, under her skirt.
“You’ve got protection haven’t you?” she asked, reciprocating his kisses.
“Of course I do.” He told her, unbuckling his belt, his kisses became more intense as he hovered over her, there was no connection, not on Ashley’s part anyway.
“Rise and shine sleepyhead.” Ashley stirred from her sleep to see Harry knelt beside her bed, “I bought you some food petal,” He told her, stroking the hair from her face, before passing her a face wipe to remove last night’s makeup from her face.
“What did I do to deserve a friend as good as you?” She asked, sitting up in bed as she took a croissant from the plate Harry had placed beside her bed to nibble on.
“You’re clearly just born lucky.” He told her, “So tell me, where did you and Matt get to last night?”
“Oh shit.” she fell back against the pillow, hiding her embarrassed face from Harry, “We slept together,” she whispered.
“And he’s not here now? He’s literally just left you here? If I weren’t the calm person I am I’d be out of here looking for him.” Harry exclaimed, the anger in his voice apparent.
“If I’m honest H, I’m not bothered whether I see him again or not, he wasn’t the best I’ve had.”
“Who was?” Harry asked, clearly intrigued who his best friend had been with.
“Luke.” She shot him a knowing look, waiting for him to figure it out.
“As in Australian Luke? When did that happen?” He asked.
“The Take Me Home Tour Show in London, it was only one night Haz.”
“How come you never told me?”
“Do you tell me about every aspect of your sex life?” She replied quickly.
“I best leave you to get ready,” he stood up, making his way towards the door, “Quick one love, if you are going to have sex next door to me in the middle of the night could you keep it down a bit, these walls are paper thin.” He turned on his heel, smirking cheekily as he strolled out of her room.
“You’re a little shit Harry!” Ashley shouted after him.
“Love you too!” Harry shouted back, sighing to himself as he left the room.
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chessaleigh23 · 5 years
It’s a real question. It seems you hate Blake for making decisions based on his happiness and destroying your fanfic fantasies. He’s in a healthy and mutually supportive relationship- for once. Real fans can see this.
Okay since somehow it’s a real life question, I will answer it for you. I’m sure I’ll get a list of all the shit Miranda has done as well as a response to this. But frankly, I’ve already mentioned all the shit she’s done. And ranfans aren’t really asking me to name all the shit she’s done because they can see that I’m brutally honest about BOTH of them. Whereas Blake fans are so up his ass that they think everything he does and says is golden.
Here’s a list of all the personal decisions he’s made that I personally have not agreed with so far in this journey of being a fan.
1. The 2015 CMAs. Where he thought it’d be a great idea to announce his new relationship just a few months after the divorce RIGHT before the red carpets. To be SURE that instead of the night focusing on the fact that Miranda broke a huge record. People would instead be talking about him and his new girlfriend. I know you’re gonna throw in the fact that she was in a relationship at that time. So lemme just throw it in for you. So you don’t waste your breath. Regardless of that, instead of celebrating that night like she should’ve, she spent the whole night looking like she wanted to die. Because newsflash she wasn’t over it yet. It had only been 4 months.
2. KARMA TWEET OF 2018. Aka the tweet that he INSISTS was not about her. When everyone and their mom knew it was. Like at least be honest about it. No need to lie when we all already know.
3. All the tweets he liked and retweeted to go along with the karma tweet. One about sleeping with the help. One that his brother in law tweeted. One that an ex pink pistol employee tweeted. But sure... it wasn’t about Miranda whatsoever. It was an inside joke amongst friends as he claimed.
4. “Whew hello blue skies.” “You can’t wipe the smile off my face” - July 2016. The day Vice was released. Two tweets that were also very much attacks on her and how happy he was she was no longer a part of his life.
5. Cryptically tweeting about High Horse and having everyone in the comment section believing the song was about Miranda. I mean that ones a stretch. But annoyed me nonetheless.
6. Cheating on Kaynette with Miranda and pretending like that was never a thing. When we all know it was a thing.
7. Flirting with every woman that entered his view throughout his entire relationship with Miranda.
8. Shading Old Town Road and then saying he wasn’t shading Old Town Road.
9. Cady Groves
10. Other randoms that have come forward saying he was with other women during Miranda. Just rumors. But rumors I see some truth in now that we’ve heard “he got along good with a couple road whores” ... and because I know you’re also gonna throw that song in your list of shit Miranda has done. Yeah... she finally spoke out after 3 1/2 years of her ex laying all the blame on her.
11. Buying the ladysmith to have thanksgiving dinner there.
12. Following saddletrampbrand on his private account and letting saddle know he was a fan of her videos. Videos about trashing Miranda and attempting to ruin her career and reputation.
13. The timeline of Blake and Gwen is a whole ball of sketch on its own. Mainly because it follows a pattern. Blake has marital problems, turns to a coworker, falls in love with that coworker, cheats with that coworker, gets divorced a few months later, goes public with his coworker a few months after, says he’s the happiest he’s ever been, dates for a few years, and eventually marries. So for all of you anxious Shefani fans. A marriage is sure to be coming. Don’t worry.
14. 2018 ACMs. Aka the award show that made Jerry O’Connel so pissed off for Miranda that night because of how disrespectful and over the top he said Blake and Gwen were that night. Once again, a night that Miranda broke a record and should’ve been celebrating that night. Only to end up depressed because of their actions. Again. Jerry said she looked so incredibly sad for someone who just made history. Hence the Instagram post he made to lift her spirits and hope that making a post about setting her up with his hot friend would help her out. Of course behind the scenes she was engaging in some very inappropriate relations with a married man. And shame on her for that. But nonetheless, she was hurt once again by the two of them.
15. During a year that Miranda wanted to kill herself. Like legitimately. He used that year to be in every interview and every picture and every post to talk about how much happier he is now that Gwen is in his life. Just to twist the knife further.
16. Buying the pink pistol for no reason whatsoever.
17. Saying the same exact words and phrases about Gwen that he has already said about 2 different women.
18. Acting and allowing the world to believe he’s never done one bad thing. That the divorce falls solely on Miranda’s shoulders.
19. She’s Got a Way With Words was his second post divorce album single. Not even a full year after the divorce. And only a few months after suicide comments made by her.
I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch more that I haven’t agreed with. But for now that’s what I can recall. Has Miranda made decisions I don’t agree with? Yes. Do I talk about those frequently? Yes. But you asked me about the decisions HEs made that I personally don’t agree with. So here’s your list.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
I don’t want to say I live for celebrity feuds, but I friggin’ live for celebrity feuds. I mean, there’s nothing better than two rich, beautiful, successful people throwing veiled insults at each other through tweets or comments during interviews. The most current celebrity feud involves Taylor Swift, because almost every single celebrity feud involves Taylor Swift. I’m sure Taylor Swift is a nice girl and all, but she’s constantly in a scuffle with someone. On second thought, I’m not so sure Taylor is actually a nice girl, considering the fact that she’s built a career around writing tell-all songs about her ex-boyfriends, which include John Mayer, Joe Jonas, and Harry Styles. She’s also feuded with Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, and Demi Lovato. But, you can’t blame her. Girlfriend needs material for her songs, y’all. The Taylor feud we’re talking about this week is her showdown with Katy Perry, a showdown that is taking place in a very public arena, as the ladies keep releasing songs about one another. I mean, POP THE POPCORN, right? This is the sh*t I live for. How exactly did Taylor Swift and Katy Perry come to be enemies? I’ll cover all of that below in the complete timeline of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry’s feud to end all feuds.
#1 2008 – 2010: The Friendship Begins This feud began the way all the best feuds begin: with two women who were very close friends. Quite frankly, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift’s relationship was always a powder keg of sorts, because they were not only close friends, but they were close friends working in the same industry. It’s hard not to get competitive. But, for a long time, the ladies were not competitive. The first photograph of Katy Perry and Taylor Swift (along with Miley Cyrus) was taken at the 2008 MTV Music Awards. The photo is actually a sweet reminder of the gentler time in the music industry, when Taylor had curly hair and Miley hadn’t yet twerked. In 2009, their love was also confirmed via Taylor’s tweet reading, “Watching the Waking up in Vegas video. I love Katy Perry. I think I’m going to hang her poster on my wall now.” Suck up, much? Katy Perry was flattered though, and responded with, “@taylorswift13 You’re as sweet as pie! Let’s write a song together about the subject we know best… for my new record. It’ll be brilliant~” With a few tweets, the friendship was formed. The above photo of Taylor and Katy simply loving each other is from the 2010 Grammy Awards. Basically, 2008 through 2010 was a nice time in the Katy and Taylor saga.
#2 2010: Taylor Swift Dates John Mayer As far back as 2010, Taylor was already working on her reputation of being the music industry’s most bitter ex-girlfriend. Actually, she began working on the reputation as far back as 2008, when she dated Joe Jonas, broke up with him, wrote song about it, and revealed the details of the breakup on Ellen. In 2010, Taylor then dated John Mayer, because everyone in Hollywood dates John Mayer. At just 19 years old, Taylor dating John Mayer was like her announcing she was a woman. It was her first grown up boyfriend, which she followed up with a relationship with Jake Gylenhaal. While Taylor’s relationship with Mayer is just a drop in the bucket, we all also know that Taylor loves HARD. This little John Mayer blimp on the radar screen will come back to haunt us all… just as dating John Mayer seems to always do.
#3 2011: Still BFF The gal pals remained close through this whole time. It seemed that neither them nor all of us innocent fans knew what was to come. In April 2010, Katy even hopped on stage with Taylor and the pair sang “Hot N Cold.” Follwing this, Taylor tweeted, “Surprise guest at Staples Center: @katyperry!! We sang Hot N Cold and jumped up and down a lot. Katy! LA! I will always love you!” Oh, Taylor. You won’t always love her. But, that’s okay. You didn’t know better back then. The above photo is from the 2011 American Music Awards, at which Taylor beat Katy for the Artist of the Year Award. While this may have sparked some competition in their friendship, by the looks of the women, Katy seemed genuinely happy for Taylor. Little did they know that sh*t was about to hit the fan.
#4 2012: Katy Perry Dates John Mayer HERE. WE. GO. Following her marriage to Russell Brand, Katy Perry rebounded with John Mayer. For the record, ladies, John Mayer is not worth starting a girl war over. But, it’s never been confirmed that John Mayer is the source of their animosity. In fact, the rumored source of their catfight is a whole other factor, which we’ll discuss in the next slide. Anyway, even though Taylor and Katy have denied this feud is over a guy, the fact that they both dated John Mayer, along with the fact that we all know Taylor is a bitter, bitter ex, makes us think that John Mayer has to play into their hate just a little bit. In an odd change of pace, John Mayer recently admitted that he wrote the song “Still Feel Like Your Man” about Katy Perry. Is Taylor’s head just exploding somewhere? Taylor has made a career of writing breakup songs and one of her exes is penning love ballads about Katy Perry. Oh, the irony.
#5 2012: The Dancer Drama Supposedly, this epic feud started because of dancer drama and NOT John Mayer. So, let’s talk about the dancer drama. In 2012, three of Katy Perry’s backup dancers received spots on Taylor’s world tour to promote Red. While on Taylor’s tour, Katy Perry reached out to those three dancers to see if they were interested in her 2013 world tour for Prism, but that would mean that they would have to leave Taylor’s world tour before it’s completion. The three dancers agreed to skip out on the end of Taylor’s tour in order to join Katy Perry’s tour. There is so much meat here. Taylor stole Katy’s dancers, and then Katy stole them back. ALL THE DRAMA.
#6 2013: Prism Comes Out In 2013, Katy released Prism and went on her world tour to promote the album. Prism was a success, which probably just add fuel to the flames. If Taylor and Katy are not on good terms, the only thing that could pissed Taylor off more would be to see Katy crushin’ it in their shared profession, right? What did the three dancers at the heart of this drama have to say about it? In an interview, one of the dancers, Lockhart Brownlie, explained, “Obviously we were with Katy for two and a half years, she’s like family to us. So we were, like, ‘Absolutely’. We weren’t really dancing in Taylor’s tour anyway, so I had got a little bored and I really wanted to do a promo tour.” To say he got a little bit BORED on Taylor’s tour seems like a burn, no? Brownlie went on to say, “Taylor is very untouchable. When we did see her, we had so much fun with her, but she’s a lot more protected than Katy.” Clearly, the dancers are Team Katy. After finding out that the dancers were leaving her tour, Taylor stopped following them on Twitter and removed them from the tour.
#7 2014: 1989 Comes Out If Katy Perry puts out a hit album, clearly Taylor Swift needs to put out a hit album. Taylor did just that with 1989. Actually, to say 1989 was a hit is an understatement. 1989 was a MEGA, MEGA hit. It was the best-selling album of 2014. It also received critical acclaim, with publications such as Time and Rolling Stone ranking it as one of the best albums of the year. Taylor also went on to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. So, yeah. 1989 ruled all of 2014. The album featured seven singles, which is – again – huge in terms of an album. One of the singles was, of course, “Bad Blood,” y’know the little song that lit up this feud.
#8 2014: DRAMA Taylor’s “Bad Blood” could have been about a number of people. “Bad Blood” could have been about Demi Lovato, with whom she’s had a publicly strained relationship after Selena Gomez started hanging out with Taylor more than Demi. The song could have been about Kanye West, who famously stole the mic when she won Video of the Year at the MTV VMAs. By the way, that has to be one of the most epic things to ever happen, right? What a time to be alive, guys! Instead of letting people speculate about who “Bad Blood” was about, Taylor made it pretty clear. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Taylor said, “For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not. She would come up to me at awards shows and say something and walk away, and I would think, ‘Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?'” She didn’t stop there. Taylor went on to say, “She did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies’. And it wasn’t even about a guy! It had to do with business… She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under me. And I’m surprisingly non-confrontational – you would not believe how much I hate conflict. So now I have to avoid her. It’s awkward, and I don’t like it.” I have to call bullsh*t here. Taylor Swift did not become THAT successful by the age of 27 if she’s “surprisingly non-confrontational.” No way. She’s a confrontation queen and a girl boss. Like all other girl bosses, Taylor understands branding and marketing. She’s just marketing herself as non-confrontational. She’s playing the victim, because that’s her brand. I mean, good business move but Taylor is ruthless and confrontational. Let us never forget that.
#9 2014 – 2015: The Gathering Of The Squad The day after the Rolling Stone interview was released, Katy Perry tweeted, “Watch out for the Regina George in sheep’s clothing…” That has to be about Taylor, right? RIGHT?! Just in case you’ve forgotten, Regina George was Rachel McAdams’ character in Mean Girls, who was the ringleaders of the mean girls, The Plastics. Speaking of ringleaders… Taylor Swift suddenly had a squad. It seemed that Taylor’s group of friends extended to everyone in Hollywood, and I really do mean everyone. There’s obviously Taylor’s long-time BFF Selena Gomez. There’s also Karlie Kloss, a model with whom Taylor has been friends with for forever. Gigi Hadid, Blake Lively, and Ruby Rose are all in the group as well. Basically, if you’re young, hot and rich, you are in. But, the group extend to some odd entries, like Lena Dunham. Sure, they’re both writers, so Lena Dunham and Taylor probably have things in common, but their friendship seems like one of the less likely ones. The most random addition may be Mariska Hargitay, of Law and Order fame. How that friendship came to be is beyond me. While I’m totally down with female friendships, Taylor’s squad more seems like armor. By publicly becoming friends with some many people in Hollywood, Taylor is making herself untouchable. It should come as no surprise that Taylor then cast nearly her WHOLE squad appeared in the “Bad Blood” music video. The message of this is loud and clear: Taylor’s friends with all of these people so bye, Katy.
#10 2015: Nicki Minaj Is Here How do you make a feud even better? Throw in more people! Nicki Minaj was not too excited about the 2015 MTV VMA nominations. She had been outspoken about her disappointment that “Anaconda” failed to receive a Video of the Year or Best Choreography nomination. Minaj even tweeted, “If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year.” While she didn’t directly say anything, Taylor assumed this was about her “Bad Blood” music video… because “Bad Blood” features all slim, mostly white women. Taylor – who previously said how “non-confrontational” she is in that famed Rolling Stone interview – tweeted, “@NICKIMINAJ I’ve done nothing but love & support you. It’s unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot..” The pair went back and forth with veiled and passive aggressive tweets. In the middle of this, Katy Perry took this moment to tweet, “Finding it ironic to parade the pit women against other women argument about as one unmeasurably capitalizes on the take down of a woman…” In that tweet, Katy is musing on Taylor’s newfound desire to not pit women against one another, all the while Taylor has capitalized on her feud with Katy Perry by writing songs about it.
#11 2016: Are They Cool? It seemed like all had calmed down for a short while. “Bad Blood” won the VMA for Video of the Year and everyone had gone their separate ways. All was well in Hollywood because it seemed that the storm between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift had calmed. There were even small moments that seemed like peace treaties of sorts. Katy Perry placed Taylor Swift on the A-list guestlist for a private Grammy Awards party called An Evening to Celebrate the Creators. It was a Spotify event that both women attended, though there is no indication that they spoke to one another. There was also the Met Gala, which is like the high school prom for fashion’s elite. Both Katy Perry and Taylor Swift were in attendance. Taylor was actually the co-chair that year, which is important. That means that if Taylor really wanted to, she could have blackballed Katy, but she didn’t. Were these invites the waving of the white flag?
#12 2016: Calvin Harris Gets In On It Since Taylor Swift must seemingly always be feuding with someone, she broke up with Calvin Harris to move onto Tom Hiddleston very, very quickly. Cut to a huge and very public Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift fight. The feud centered on the fact that Taylor’s team announced that she was the co-writer on “This is What You Came For.” Calvin’s issue was not with the fact that Taylor took credit for her work, but the manner with which she did it, as it painted him as the bad guy. In a now-deleted tweet, Calvin Harris even said, “I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it.” WOWZERS. Calvin Harris actually said that Taylor tried to BURY Katy. Katy tweeted a cryptic GIF, but clearly she was Team Calvin Harris.
#13 2016: Kim K Has The Receipts, Guys! Honestly, the Kim Kardashian/Taylor Swift feud almost made us forget about the Katy Perry feud, because Tay Tay facing off with Kim K is PURE GOLD. Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift were always on fine terms publicly. They had been spotted many times exchanging pleasantries. There’s quite a few photos of them online. It even seemed that all was well between Taylor and Kim K’s hubby, Kanye West, who had sent Taylor flowers that she then posted to Instagram. Then, Kanye’s “Famous” came out, which had lyrics stating, “For all my Southside n****s that know me best/I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why? I made that bitch famous/Goddamn/I made that bitch famous.” After the Internet reacted to those lyrics, Kanye cleared things up, saying both Taylor and Kim approved of the scandalous lyrics. Taylor denied approving the lyrics and even said she cautioned him against releasing a song with such a misogynistic message. At the 2016 Grammy Aways, Taylor won Album of the Year and took the moment to make a not-so-veiled dig at Kanye by stating, “[A]s the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame.” In June 2016’s GQ, Kim K was interviewed and dished about Taylor, saying how unfair it is that she gave Kanye permission and is now lying about it. Then, Kim K used her biggest weapon of all: social media. She took to Snapchat and posted videos of the phone conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift, during which Taylor very much gives Kanye West permission to use those lyrics. Taylor even says, “It’s like a compliment.” At this point, the entire world was on fire. Well, not really, but #KimExposedTaylorParty was tending and everyone had something to say about it. Kim K kept the receipts, y’all. Katy Perry seemingly stayed out of this feud… but she used it to her advantage later.
#14 2017: Swish Swish After the whole Kim Kardashian bomb, Taylor Swift disappeared. Like, she went into some serious hiding. But, who can blame her? Taylor had, at this point, very much made a career out of playing the victim. With her victim façade shattered by Kim Kardashian’s huge reveal, Taylor needed to regroup. While she’s started posting to social media again, Taylor is still very much staying out of the spotlight right now. She’d reportedly working on a new album, which one can only assume will be all about Kim K and Kanye. OH, I CANNOT WAIT. Katy Perry, however, is not in hiding. In fact, she’s busy adding to the feud with her latest single, “Swish Swish,” which features none other than Nicki Minaj. Are all of Taylor’s send offs going to band together to take her down? If so, that would be amazing. I would LIVE for that drama. But, back to “Swish Swish,” which features such lines as: “You’re about as cute as an old coupon, expired.” (BURN.) “Funny my name keep coming out your mouth, ’cause I stay winnin’.” “Karma’s not a liar, she keeps receipts.” Guys… Karma… is Kim K, right? Because Kim K kept the receipts, RIGHT? See, we told you that Katy would later use the Kim K feud to her advantage.
#15 2017: Ruby Rose Is Not Here For That Because Taylor brilliantly assembled a very public army of besties who will defend her until the day she dies, Ruby Rose was the first to speak out against Katy Perry’s “Swish Swish.” Though, fans on Twitter were quick to point out to Ruby Rose that Taylor also pens songs that take down other women. Ah, Taylor, you’ve made it really hard for your besties to speak out against girl vs. girl takedown songs. Where do Taylor Swift and Katy Perry go from here? It’s likely that Taylor’s next album will throw shade back at Katy Perry. And then, Katy Perry will do the same with her next album, and so on and so forth until one of them dies. The likelihood of this feud coming to an end any time soon is slim, and that’s because the feud is that it’s actually great publicity for the both of them. With people speculating if their songs are about each other, their music gains easy popularity. It creates automatic notoriety for them. It’s also a way to stay in the tabloids without dating someone new, going through a breakup, getting pregnant or going through a breakdown. Actually, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift’s feud may be the greatest thing to have happened to both their careers. So, keep on fighting, ladies. We’ll all be here for whatever happens next.
Source: TheRichest
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