#franky rogan
drabbles-mc · 2 months
Plausible Deniability
OC Evangeline Reyes & EZ Reyes Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
Part of the Not My Brothers' Keeper Universe
Warnings: 18+, language, angst/arguments
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: they're BAAAAAACK!!!! been marinating on this one for a while. a little angst for my children Evangeline and Franky 😌
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The buzz and chatter of the farmer’s market made Santo Padre seem like it wasn’t such a small town. While a lot of the small vendors were close to each other in town, there was something unique about the mood of it all when they all had their booths and tents set up outside in the square. The typical food vendors always looked forward to the weekly rush—something extra to look forward to on Saturday mornings.
It wasn’t a far trip for Evangeline. If she hadn’t had so many different things to put up and display, she wouldn’t even bother loading everything into her car to get it there. But it would’ve been just a few too many relays back and forth for her liking. It was one of her favorite times of the week as well. She liked the extra sense of community, of course. But she also enjoyed the teenagers and twenty-somethings that showed up with their guitars to play music, their cases and hats out for tips. She liked how some of the food vendors would send one of their employees to run snacks and drinks to other vendors running their own booths who couldn’t necessarily leave. Along with all of that, it was a way for her to meet some new people outside of her regulars who came to the shop.
She was chatting with a woman as she cashed her out for the couple pairs of earrings she purchased. While a majority of her focus was on the woman in front of her, carefully placing the jewelry in their little boxes, she still saw the next person in need of her attention. The smile on her face was one that could, for the moment, be passed off as the typical customer service grin.
Evangeline handed the boxes over, along with a copy of her business card. “The address for my shop is on the back. But,” she gestured back over her shoulder with a chuckle, “if you walk a few blocks that way you’ll be able to find it without a GPS.”
The woman beamed as she tucked the business card into her purse. “I’ll have to stop by! Thank you so much.”
Evangeline nodded. “You’re welcome. Have a nice day!”
As the woman walked away, Evangeline tucked the receipt away so she could compile it with the rest later. The smile on her face grew and she shook her head slightly as she caught Franky out of the corner of her eye. He was no better at pretending to be paying attention to anything other than her than she was with him.
She was adding to the running tally in her notebook when she spoke up, not looking at him just yet. “I hope you know there’s no discount for the boys in beige here, Officer Rogan,” said before closing her small record-keeper.
The humor in her voice as much as the comment itself got Franky to drop the thin charade he’d been putting on. He let out a surprised laugh. “I don’t think I ever asked for one.”
“Mmm,” she hummed in question as she tilted her head. “Maybe not. But I also just get the feeling that you didn’t exactly have to pay full price for the pastries in that bag,” she said as she nodded towards the brown paper bag on it. She recognized the sticker on the outside of it immediately.
“Wh—this?” He held it up with a smile. “Nah, alright, I didn’t. Bu—”
“But,” he reemphasized, “that’s not because I’m a cop.” He shrugged, a smirk on his face. “That’s just ‘cause Ms. Nelly thinks I’m cute.”
Evangeline laughed. “Of course.” She paused for a moment. “You’re not getting a discount for that here, either.”
“Damn,” he said with a laugh. “I was just tryna come over here and say hello. Offer you one of Ms. Nelly’s coyotas but if you’re gonna be like thaaaat…” he trailed off, dramatically taking a step back from her booth and holding his hands up in surrender, pastry bag clutched tightly in one of them.
Evangeline’s eyes widened, a grin breaking out across her face. Leaning forward, she rested her hands on the table to give herself some extra balance. “Wait, wait, I—”
He laughed and crossed his arms over his chest, bag partially hidden now. “Oh wow. That’s how it is.”
She was laughing but not saying anything to try and come to her own defense. It wasn’t going to do her any good. Not that she needed to—they both knew that when it was all said and done he would be handing over the bag so she could pick whatever looked the best to her.
“I tell Ms. Nelly how mean you’re being she won’t send me with extras for you anymore.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes. “Yes she will.”
Franky let the silence hang in the air for a moment longer before uncrossing his arms and holding the bag out to her.
Evangeline laughed, a sound that had the ends of Franky’s mouth curling up into a grin. She took the bag and unrolled the top so that she could look inside. It only took her a couple seconds to make her decision. Reaching in she deftly plucked one of the pastries out of the bag before handing it back to Franky. He’d hardly taken it out of her hands before she was taking a bite.
She shut her eyes for a moment, like she had never tasted something so good before. She finally looked back at Franky. “You didn’t tell me they were pineapple.”
He laughed. “Didn’t get to tell you anything since you started in on me once I got here.”
She smiled before taking another bite. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“’Course not.” He tried to sound annoyed but it was never good enough to be convincing with her. “You never do.”
“I think in your line of work they call that plausible deniability.”
“Or perjury.”
Her head fell back as she laughed. “I’m not under oath!”
“Oh,” he laughed, “alright. So it’s just lying, then.” He shook his head. “Watch Law and Order and suddenly you just know it all, don’t you?”
“You might as well deputize me.”
“Yeah,” he joked. “I’ll talk to the chief about that right away.” There was a brief pause, allowing each of them to laugh and gather themselves back up. Once the quiet between them had persisted for long enough, Franky cleared his throat. “Evangeline, you think—”
“Well, well, well,” Angel’s voice stopped Franky’s sentence short. “Look what we have here.” He looked at his sister from the opposite side of her table. “Eva.” He gave a non-plussed look to Franky. “Officer.”
“Angel,” they both replied in unison with drastically different tones. Franky’s was nothing but pure annoyance, meanwhile Evangeline couldn’t cover up the fact that while she knew that her brother was acting childish, she did find it to be the slightest bit amusing.
Evangeline looked at her brother. “What are you—” she tripped on her words for a moment when she saw that Angel was far from alone, almost the entire rest of the charter in tow, “all doing here?”
“What?” He almost sounded genuinely offended by the question. “We can’t just show up and support?”
She rolled her eyes. “You can. You usually don’t.”
“If you miss us that much, just—”
“Sorry, Miss,” Taza interjected himself with a smile. “Is this guy bothering you?”
She laughed as she nodded. “Always.” Leaning across the table, she pulled him into a quick if not slightly awkwardly positioned, hug. “You the reason they all came out today?”
“For the sake of not incriminating myself, I’m not going to answer that.”
Evangeline laughed before looking back over at Franky. She gestured to Taza. “See? He gets it.”
Franky didn’t speak up in response, but the tiny grin pulling at his lips said everything that Evangeline needed to know. Whatever remarks he normally would’ve had for her, he wasn’t going to be saying in front of Angel of all people—Franky caught enough flack from him about Evangeline as it was.
Evangeline let herself get pulled into a conversation with Taza about where some of the jewelry pieces on display were from. She knew for a fact that she had a couple pieces back at her shop that she’d set aside because she had a feeling that Taza would like them. If she’d known that he was going to show up, and bring the whole club with him, she would’ve made sure to pack them. She told him as much, but even so she could tell that there were a few pieces that were catching his eye.
She was watching him try on one of the leather bracelets when she heard EZ’s voice pop into the mix. Looking up, she gave him a smile and a wave as he made his way to the front of the pack so that he was by the table. At first, she didn’t give much thought to the fact that EZ had landed himself right next to Franky, but shortly after they exchanged a quick greeting, Evangeline watched EZ’s expression change as he turned to face Franky directly.
Evangeline immediately clocked the quizzical look on Franky’s face. He looked as unsure as she felt. They were standing close enough for her to hear EZ ask, “Got a minute?” as he nodded for them to step out of the thick of the crowd.
If Franky had any idea what EZ was about to be asking him about, he didn’t show it. He quickly muted the confusion on his face as he nodded. Even if he said no, he knew enough to know that it would only be delaying the inevitable. The club, the Reyes Brothers, they always found a way to corner people for their attention at one point or another.
She wasn’t trying very hard to hide the fact that she was watching the two of them interact, but even so, she wasn’t expecting Franky to turn and put his attention on her. Her eyes widened, trying to figure out if she should be bracing herself for something.
Leaning in, Franky placed the bag with the other pastry on top of the table. She chuckled and shook her head, gesturing for him to take it back. “I’m good, really.”
He flashed a quick smile as he shook his head. “It’s fine.” He took a step back as he started to leave with EZ. “Not like I paid for them anyway, right?” he added on with a chuckle.
Evangeline laughed, the action completely contrasting the way she was shaking her head at him in admonishment. Whatever she had to say in answer to that would have to wait. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the two of them managed to slip past the crowds that had formed between her booth and the one next to hers. They were standing far enough away to be out of the thick of it, for the sounds of the crowd to drown out whatever it was that they were discussing.
Her attention was torn between the conversation that was tucked away off to the side, and what was unfolding directly in front of her.  She was cashing Taza out as some more new customers started to mill about. She didn’t recognize them despite the fact that it was a small town, but none of them seemed to be deterred by all of the men in kuttes lingering around. It probably didn’t hurt that Angel, Coco, and Gilly had gone and gotten snacks of their own from the vendors—it was hard to be intimidated by men who were trying to smack donuts and pastries out of each other’s hands and laughing the entire time they were doing it.
The small rush of people subsided after a couple minutes—that’s the way that it tended to go at things like this. When it slowed down again, she looked around to see if she could find EZ and Franky. The club was a little more spread out now, but the general crowd wasn’t too much smaller. For a moment she thought that she had lost the two of them. Then EZ popped right back up again in front of her table.
Evangeline knew that she was wearing her questions on her face, but she still managed to start the conversation with a casual enough, “Hey.”
She’d barely seen EZ since the night of the party. She certainly hadn’t seen him for a long enough, or private enough, stint of time to ask him about everything that had happened that night with Happy. She kept waiting for him to stop by, or to call, but he never did. It wasn’t particularly out of character for him—none of the Reyes men had a great track record for having difficult conversations, for communicating in general. But every now and then she plucked up the energy to get her hopes up. One of these days they wouldn’t fall short.
“Franky leave?” she asked when EZ didn’t seem like he was going to be moving the conversation along.
EZ nodded, pretending to be much more interested than he really was in the rings that she had on display. “Yeah.”
Even if he’d been looking at her, Evangeline still would’ve rolled her eyes at him. “What was that all about?”
He shrugged, finally looking up at her, gripping the edges of his kutte as he did so. “Nothing.”
She frowned disbelievingly as she nodded. “Right. Sure.”
His brows came together just a bit, like he was fighting the urge to let his face tighten up in annoyance. “Don’t worry about it—it’s club shit.”
She laughed but still managed to keep her voice low. “Right. Franky, Santo Padre’s Finest, is gonna help you with ‘club shit’. Okay.”
EZ sighed at the sarcasm. “Yeah, ‘cause Santo Padre’s Finest have such a good track record.”
Her jaw clenched, face hardening immediately at the statement. It wasn’t that she had any love to spare for their local police force in general, but this was Franky. And that was exactly what she told him. “It’s Franky, Ezekiel. You expect me to believe—”
“Believe what you want. I’m not getting into this here.”
She scoffed. “What else is new?” She watched as EZ drew in a breath deep enough to let her know that he had plenty to say about it all. However, before he could start in on her, an older woman made her way to the table, asking if Evangeline had any other purses with her other than the ones on display. She forced herself back into her customer service persona, leaving the disgruntled sibling routine off to the side for now. “Sí,” she said with a smile and a nod. “Dame un momento.”
She crouched down to grab the few bags she had underneath the table, and by the time she was standing upright again, EZ was gone. She didn’t let the frustration show on her face as she answered the other questions that the woman had. By the time that Evangeline had finished helping her and the few other customers who trickled in after her, the rest of the club had seemed to vanish too, leaving Evangeline there to let out a deep sigh that no one else was close enough to hear.
It was much later than Evangeline had bargained for when she finally bothered to check the time at the end of the day. The fact that it was dark out, the only light streaming through her storefront windows coming from the lamps outside, should’ve been enough of a clue. When she went the extra step to look at the clock on her phone, she immediately regretted it. It hadn’t taken that long to break everything down once the market was over—she was done and able to leave at a reasonable time. But once she sat down at the sewing machine, she lost all track of time. And now it was dark out, and her stomach was growling in a way that made her glad she was in the shop alone.
Propping her elbows on the table she was sitting at, she allowed her head to drop into her hands. Her eyes shut for a moment, trying to push the questions and frustrations from the day back out of her mind again. Maybe that was why it was so easy to stay caught up in her work—something else to focus on. She passed her fingers through her hair as she finally looked up again. It wasn’t until she pushed her chair back away from the table that she saw a car pulling in front of her shop, taking up space on an otherwise empty block.
Having Angel and Ezekiel for brothers meant that she could spot the shape of police car headlights anywhere. She wished that she was more enthused, knowing that there was really only one officer who would be stopping by after-hours like this. If the start of the day had gone a little differently, her smile would’ve come a little easier as the bells above the door chimed.
“Think you’re open past curfew,” Franky joked lightly as the door swung shut behind him.
She laughed, a quiet sound compared to their laughter and banter earlier in the day. She made her way towards him. “What, you going to arrest me?”
He could hear it in her voice that she was trying to meet him where he was. He could also hear that she couldn’t quite do that. “You good?”
She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m alright.” She saw that he was about to try and repeat his question, get another answer out of her. Before he could she said, “You good?”
His concern shifted to confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She nodded towards the door, a vague gesture to the big wide world outside her shop. “Saw that you took off after you talked to EZ.”
His expression faltered for a moment. “Oh. That, that was nothing.”
“Nothing?” she parroted back, clearly not buying it.
He tried to go for nonchalance, but he never got the hang of it around her. “Yeah, you know how it goes. Club shit they’re always trying to drag me into.”
She gave a slow nod. “Friend of the club now, Officer Rogan?”
He wished that he could take all of his words back, but it was too late. He was just going to have to keep digging this hole until he came out the other side of it. “It’s not like that.”
She was too tired to try and pull answers out of him. “Okay.”
It felt like a trap, not that she had ever really been the type to set them. Franky felt like it was wrong to just let the topic die out at that, leave it unfinished in the most unsatisfactory manner, but he also didn’t want to pick a fight with her about it either. He could tell her the truth, but if EZ hadn’t told her, there was probably a reason. That’s what he was going to tell himself anyway.
“It’s always gonna be something with them, Evangeline. You know that.”
Her gaze snapped up from the floor so that she was looking at his face again. Her exhaustion hardened into something colder. A chill that felt frigid coming off someone who made a habit of exuding nothing but warmth.
The look in her eyes had Franky taking a small step backwards before he even realized what he was doing. Whether he was subconsciously trying to make a quick getaway, or put a beat of space between them for whatever she was gearing up to say next, he wasn’t sure. The only thing he was sure about was the fact that he would love to go the rest of his life without ever being the reason she looked like that again.
“Whatever it is, Franky, I hope it’s worth going down for if it gets to that.”
He shook his head, suppressing the scoff he felt climbing up his throat. “It’s not gonna—”
“I hope not. I’d imagine Aiding and Abetting charges look worse when you’re a cop.”
She studied him carefully as he shook his head at her. It wasn’t a fair fight, really, and she knew that. She knew that Franky wasn’t willing to go blow for blow with her. He might’ve been the only man in her life who wouldn’t—too many people loved an argument. He wouldn’t fight back, and if everything came crashing down she knew that it wouldn’t actually be all his fault. But he was the one who was in front of her now.
She gnawed at the inside of her lip for a moment. “I have no interest in deja vu.”
Franky’s expression turned somber as he processed what she’d said to him. They never talked about it, what had happened the night EZ got arrested for killing that cop. There was too much to deal with at the time, and when it’d been dealt with, neither of them knew what to say to the other about it. So it’d been lying in wait like a sleeping dog all those years.
“It’s not like that.” He wasn’t sure if that was the truth of the matter, but he desperately hoped that it was. Just like the woman standing in front of him, Franky had no interest in taking a trip down memory lane if that was going to be the memory.
She wanted to believe him but she knew better. “If you say so.”
“I think you’re right—it’s way past curfew.” Her voice was quiet but firm.
He took in a slow, deep breath. He didn’t want the conversation to end there, end on such a sour note. He couldn’t remember the last time an exchange between them had ended like that—there was always some layer of levity that they were walking away with. There was something in her eyes that was telling him he was going to have to accept that this battle was one he’d lost.
It might not be ending the way he wanted, but he could at least end it on a bearable note. “You okay getting home?”
She tried to let her lips curl into something like a smile, but it didn’t quite work. Still, she shook her head as she went to grab her purse and her keys from behind the counter. “I don’t need an escort, Officer. If that’s what you’re asking.”
His eyes were full of sympathy. “It’s just been a long day.”
She walked by him, motioning for him to follow her as she started to shut off all the lights in her shop. “They’re all long days.” She could feel him staring at her as they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Her back was to him as she locked the entrance to her shop. She gave herself an extra second before turning to face him again—she wished that the regret wasn’t so evident in his features. “I know it’s not good, whatever it is. So, just…” she shrugged helplessly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
“Get home safe, Franky,” she said, resting her hand on the outside of his arm for a moment before turning and walking down the block towards her car.
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Mayans MC Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists!): @garbinge @darqchilddaydreamz @withmyteeth @justreblogginfics @cositapreciosa
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flavorofindiaau · 22 days
A Culinary Journey to India: Best Indian Restaurants in West Hollywood
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West Hollywood is known for its vibrant nightlife, trendy boutiques, and diverse culinary scene. Among the many global cuisines represented, Indian cuisine in West Hollywood has garnered a loyal following. The rich flavors, aromatic spices, and hearty dishes of Indian cuisine provide a sensory experience that delights food enthusiasts from all walks of life. For anyone craving a taste of India, West Hollywood offers a variety of excellent Indian restaurants that serve both traditional and contemporary dishes.
The Allure of Indian Cuisine
Indian cuisine is celebrated for its use of bold spices, fresh herbs, and a wide array of ingredients that come together to create unforgettable dishes. From the creamy curries of the north to the spicy seafood specialties of the south, Indian food is as diverse as the country itself. The combination of flavors—spicy, sweet, tangy, and savory—makes Indian cuisine a favorite among those seeking a rich and satisfying meal.
Popular Indian Dishes to Try
When exploring Indian cuisine in West Hollywood, there are a few dishes that stand out as must-tries:
Chicken Tikka Masala: This classic dish features tender chunks of chicken marinated in a blend of spices and yogurt, then cooked in a creamy tomato sauce. The balance of spice and creaminess makes chicken tikka masala a popular choice for both newcomers to Indian food and seasoned fans.
Lamb Rogan Josh: A staple in North Indian cuisine, this aromatic curry is made with tender lamb simmered in a sauce of tomatoes, onions, garlic, and a blend of spices including cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon. Its rich, robust flavor profile makes it a favorite among meat lovers.
Saag Paneer: For those who prefer vegetarian options, saag paneer is a delightful dish made with cubes of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) cooked in a creamy spinach sauce. The dish is seasoned with spices such as cumin and turmeric, giving it a comforting and earthy flavor.
Samosas: These crispy, deep-fried pastries are filled with a spiced mixture of potatoes, peas, and sometimes meat. Samosas are a popular appetizer or snack, often served with mint chutney or tamarind sauce.
Biryani: This fragrant rice dish is a favorite across India. Made with basmati rice, spices, and either chicken, lamb, or vegetables, biryani is cooked to perfection with saffron, which gives it a distinctive aroma and taste. It is often accompanied by a side of raita (a yogurt-based condiment) to balance the flavors.
Top Indian Restaurants in West Hollywood
West Hollywood boasts several outstanding Indian restaurants, each offering a unique dining experience. Here are some of the best places to enjoy Indian cuisine in West Hollywood:
Badmaash: A trendy and modern Indian gastropub, Badmaash combines traditional Indian flavors with a contemporary twist. Their menu features innovative dishes such as chicken tikka poutine and spiced lamb burgers, alongside classic favorites like butter chicken and samosas. The vibrant atmosphere and creative cocktails make Badmaash a popular spot for both lunch and dinner.
Spice Affair: Known for its elegant ambiance and upscale dining experience, Spice Affair offers a sophisticated take on Indian cuisine. The menu includes a range of dishes from different regions of India, including kebabs, curries, and biryanis. Their signature dishes, such as lobster masala and tandoori lamb chops, are a testament to the restaurant’s commitment to quality and flavor.
Electric Karma: A cozy and inviting restaurant, Electric Karma is a favorite among locals for its authentic Indian flavors and warm hospitality. The menu features a variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, including delicious curries, tandoori specialties, and fresh naan bread. The outdoor patio, adorned with colorful decor and string lights, provides a charming setting for a relaxed meal.
The Bombay Frankie Company: This casual eatery offers a modern take on Indian street food, focusing on the popular "Frankie" wraps. Made with fresh rotis, stuffed with a variety of fillings such as chicken tikka, paneer, and lamb kebab, these wraps are perfect for a quick and satisfying meal. The Bombay Frankie Company also offers a selection of rice bowls and sides, making it a great option for a casual lunch or dinner.
The Growing Popularity of Indian Cuisine
The popularity of Indian cuisine in West Hollywood continues to grow as more people discover the rich flavors and diverse offerings of this vibrant culinary tradition. Indian food's use of fresh, high-quality ingredients and its emphasis on spices and seasoning make it a standout choice for those seeking a flavorful and satisfying meal. Whether you're in the mood for a spicy curry, a comforting bowl of biryani, or a sweet and savory dessert, the Indian restaurants in West Hollywood have something to offer.
Exploring Indian cuisine in West Hollywood is a delightful journey through the flavors and aromas of India. With a variety of restaurants offering everything from traditional dishes to modern fusion creations, there's something for every taste and preference. Whether you're a longtime lover of Indian food or a first-time explorer, the vibrant and diverse Indian food scene in West Hollywood is sure to impress and satisfy. So, the next time you find yourself in this lively neighborhood, be sure to indulge in the best Indian cuisine that West Hollywood has to offer.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A gangster, Nino, is in the Cash Money Brothers, making a million dollars every week selling crack. A cop, Scotty, discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nino Brown: Wesley Snipes Scotty Appleton: Ice-T Garald “Gee Money” Welles: Allen Payne Pookie: Chris Rock Stone: Mario Van Peebles Selina: Michael Michele Duh Duh Duh Man: Bill Nunn Park: Russell Wong Old Man: Bill Cobbs Kareem Akbar: Christopher Williams Nick Peretti: Judd Nelson Keisha: Vanessa Williams Uniqua: Tracy Camilla Johns Frankie Needles: Anthony DeSando Reverend Oates: Nick Ashford Prosecuting Attorney Hawkins: Phyllis Yvonne Stickney Police Commissioner: Thalmus Rasulala Don Armeteo: John Aprea Master of Ceremonies: Fab 5 Freddy D.J.: Flavor Flav Frazier: Clebert Ford Prom Queen: Laverne Hart Fat Smitty: Eek-A-Mouse Biff: Gregg Smrz Teacher: Erica McFarquhar Singer at Wedding: Keith Sweat Gigantor: Max Rabinowitz Woman in Hallway: Marcella Lowery Judge: Manuel E. Santiago Prosecuting Attorney: Ben Gotlieb Reporter: Thelma Louise Carter Reporter: Linda Froehlich Bailiff: Christopher Michael Recovering Addict: Kelly Jo Minter Recovering Addict: Tina Lifford Recovering Addict: Erik Kilpatrick Assistant DA: Ron Millkie Kid on Stoop: Harold Baines Kid on Stoop: Sekou Campbell Kid on Stoop: Garvin Holder New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Teddy Riley New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Aaron Hall New Year’s Eve Band – (Guy): Damion Hall Singers – Spring – (Troop): Rodney Benford Singers – Spring – (Troop): John Harrell Singers – Winter – (Levert): Gerald Levert Singers – Winter – (Levert): Sean Levert Butchie The Doorman: Jimmy Cummings Courtroom Spectator (uncredited): Akosua Busia Prostitute in The Pool (uncredited): Lia Chang Gangster Standing at Bar (uncredited): Jake LaMotta Barber (uncredited): Larry M. Cherry Brides Maid (uncredited): Cynthia Elane Girl in the Window (uncredited): Toni Ann Johnson Connie The Waitress (uncredited): Candece Tarpley C.M.B. Member (uncredited): Chris Thornton Film Crew: Director: Mario Van Peebles Story: Thomas Lee Wright Music Supervisor: Doug McHenry Screenplay: Barry Michael Cooper Casting: Pat Golden Production Design: Charles C. Bennett Director of Photography: Francis Kenny Casting: John McCabe Editor: Steven Kemper Unit Production Manager: Preston L. Holmes Costume Design: Bernard Johnson Original Music Composer: Michel Colombier Music Supervisor: George Jackson Associate Producer: Fab 5 Freddy Associate Producer: Suzanne Broderick Associate Producer: James Bigwood First Assistant Director: Dwight Williams Stunt Coordinator: Jery Hewitt Stunts: Danny Aiello III Stunts: G. A. Aguilar Second Assistant Director: Joseph Ray Production Supervisor: Brent Owens First Assistant Editor: Kevin Stitt Camera Operator: John Newby First Assistant Camera: Gregory Irwin Second Assistant Camera: Myra-Lee Cohen Additional Camera: Ed Hershberger Steadicam Operator: Ted Churchill Production Sound Mixer: Frank Stettner Boom Operator: Keith Gardner Cableman: Rosa Howell-Thornhill Art Direction: Barbra Matis Art Direction: Laura Brock Art Department Coordinator: Roberta J. Holinko Set Decoration: Elaine O’Donnell Script Supervisor: Cornelia ‘Nini’ Rogan Makeup Artist: Diane Hammond Assistant Makeup Artist: Ellie Winslow Hairstylist: Larry M. Cherry Hairstylist: Aaron F. Quarles Wardrobe Supervisor: Barbara Hause Wardrobe Supervisor: Jane E. Myers Wardrobe Assistant: Jill E. Anderson Gaffer: Charles Houston Rigging Gaffer: Martin Andrews Best Boy Electric: Val DeSalvo Key Grip: Robert M. Andres Best Boy Grip: Paul Wachter Dolly Grip: Tom Kudlek Property Master: Octavio Molina Assistant Property Master: Laura Jean West Assistant Property Master: Kevin Ladson Charge Scenic Artist: Jeffrey L. Glave Construction Coordinator: Raymond M. Samitz Special Effects Supervisor: Steven Kirshoff Special Effects Coordinator: Wilfred Caban Second Unit Director: Jeff Lengyel Second Unit Director of Photography: Jacek Laskus Second Unit First Assistant D...
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angels-reyes · 5 years
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charnelhouse · 3 years
Also, please tell us what podcasts Frankie listens to?
Joe Rogan
LOL jkjkjk probably history ones
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random snippets of a revival au where rory and logan are married (pt. 1 of ?): in which the gilmore girls reunite, rory sorts through her old stuff to figure out what to take with her back to london, and logan’s “hay bale maze”-era jolly fascination with taylor has only grown over the years (to luke’s great dismay)
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to be continued one day!
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bellisperennis0 · 4 years
See You Sometime
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Word Count: 2,785
Warning: Slight spoiler to Season 1 x Episode 5 (Uch/Opossum), mention of blood and bullet wound.
A/N: This one is on the longer side. As always Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy! ❤️ GIF credit to @seventhdevil​
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Walking down the long Hospital hall on your way outside for a well needed breather after a long and chaotic morning, you stop when you turn the corner into one of the many lobbies. Outside the double doors you can see Frankie Rogan and Ezekiel Reyes having a very intense conversation.
The talk all over the Hospital floor, when you arrived for your shift, was how Emily Galindo had been admitted early in the morning after an incident in Merchant Square caused her to get injured. You prayed that Ezekiel wasn’t trying to sneak his way in to see Emily, but you knew EZ better than anyone and you knew that was exactly what he was trying to do.
You watched as Frankie and EZ made their way down the corridor, entering the X-Ray Room at the end of the hall. Once they were both out of sight you decided to make your way down to the room. Seeing Frankie walk out shortly after, you called out to him.
“Hay, Rogan!” you called for him as you watched him look around to find who was calling him. When he spotted you at the other end of the hall, he gave you a big smile, making his way towards you.
“Holy Shit!! Never thought I would be seeing that beautiful face of yours around here again.” He says as he approaches you, making you giggle.
“It’s nice to see you, Frankie.” You tell him as you throw your arms around him, taking him into a hug.
“Shit, it’s so good to see you.” He tells you as he hugs you back.
“So, was that Ezekiel you just helped sneak in to see Emily?” you ask him as you step back, crossing your arms across your chest.
“I know [y/n] I told him it was a fucked up idea, he insisted he needed to see her.” He tells you
“Do you know what happened to her?” you asked him. You have heard many stories about what happened, but you knew Frankie was the officer on the call so he would know more of what truly happened to Emily.
“Shit went down at Merchant Square. A nun was beaten to death and placed in the church for all the festival goers to find. Apparently Emily went in during the chaos and ended up getting trampled in the middle of it all. Believe it was retaliation from Los Olvidados.” He tells you and you couldn’t even imagine what Emily was going through.
“Shit! First her son is taken from her and now this. Tough being the wife of a much hated Cartel leader.” You tell him. As much as you never really liked Emily growing up, your heart aches for her and everything that has happened to her these last few weeks.
Just then you hear someone call your name. Looking over to were the voice came from, you find EZ standing in the door way of the X-Ray Room.
“I gotta go, let you two catch up.” Rogan tells you
“Yeah? Okay. It’s really good to see you again, Rogan.” You tell him as you give him a hug goodbye.
“It’s really good to see you again, beautiful.” He tells you as he begins to make his way down the hall.
“Be safe out there.” You yell back at him.
“You know it!” he turns to give you a wink before disappearing behind the double doors.
Taking a deep breath you finally turn your attention back to Ezekiel. Before you can react or say anything, EZ is quickly taking you into a warm embrace.
“Hey, EZ.” You whisper as you hug him back.
“I can’t believe it really is you.” He says as he pulls away slightly, but not completely letting you go.
“It’s really me.” You tell him, giving him a sad smile.
“You look really good [y/n]. It’s really good to see you again.” He tells you, finally releasing you from his embrace.
“Prospect huh. Was that Angel’s doing?” you ask him as you gently tug at his kutte. Disappointment evident in your voice and on your face.
“Only thing I had when I got out, [y/n].” he admits as he stares at his boots.
“I highly doubt that. And sneaking around to see Emily Galindo while El Jefe and his thugs are camped out here. You are smarter than that Ezekiel.” You scolded him. The last thing you wanted to do was to yell at EZ about his decisions, but as his friend, you felt like he needed to know how dumb his decision was.
“I know, I know. Rogan told me the same thing. I just needed to know for myself that she was okay.” He shyly tells you as he grabs the sides of his kutte.
“Look, I really need to get back to work. It was really good seeing you EZ.” You tell him as you take him into another hug.
“I’m glad you are home, Hermosa.” He hugs you back, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll see you around.” You tell him as you begin to make your way down the hall heading back to your office. EZ standing there watching until you were out of sight, before leaving.
After an exhausting couple of weeks at the hospital, you were beyond ecstatic to have a couple days off to do absolutely nothing. It had been a few weeks since you had made a visit to see Felipe, and you were yearning for some of his fatherly love. After making a quick stop at the coffee shop across the street, you make your way to Felipe’s shop. Walking in you didn’t see him behind the counter, but the second the bell above the door was heard, you heard his voice come from the back room.
“Hay Pop!” you yell back after you hear him say he will be right with you.
It didn’t take long before he appeared from the back room, smile plastered on his face at the sight of you.
“Mija!” he ecstatically says as he takes you into his arms.
“Hay Pop! How are you!?” you ask him as you tightly hug him back
“I’m good sweetheart. How are you?” he asks you as you grumble, taking a sip of your coffee.
“I’m okay. Hospital has been really busy. Which is good but just really exhausting.” You tell him as you take a seat at the table.
“EZ told me he saw you the other day.” He tells you as he takes a seat across from you.
“Did he also tell you he was at the Hospital to see Emily Galindo, with Miguel not too far away.” You tell him rolling your eyes, and he just scoffs.
“I had heard what happened to Emily, so when he said he was at the hospital; I figured that was why he was there.” He says.
“Does Angel know I am back?” you finally blurt out the question you have been dying to know.
“He does. I couldn’t keep that secret from him.” he tells you and you just nod.
You were honestly surprised that Angel had known, but you have yet to see him. You figured as soon as Angel found out you were back he would be kicking down every door in Santo Padre just to see you again.
As you were sitting there chatting with Felipe, your phone began to ring. Looking at the screen there was no name, but the number was one you remembered all too well, Ezekiel’s.
“Hay EZ!” you answered.
“Are you at work, [y/n]?” he asks you.
“No. I’m at the Butcher shop with Pop. Is everything okay Ezekiel?” you can hear the concern in EZ’s voice and a bunch of yelling and chaos in the background.
“I hate to do this, but one of the guys got injured and we can’t get him across the border…” EZ began but you were quick to cut him off.
“Where are you? I’ll come to you!” you tell him, getting up from your seat, Felipe following your lead.
“Clubhouse. Pop can bring you. I really appreciate this, querida.” he tells you
“No problem. I’ll be there shortly.” You tell him before hanging up.
Walking up to the Clubhouse, medical bag in hand and Felipe right behind you, your nerves were running havoc. It wasn’t the fact that there was every possibility that you will be face to face with Angel again, but the simple fact that this place was the reason you had left both Angel and Santo Padre all those years ago.
Once you heard yelling coming from inside the Clubhouse, you pushed all the nerves to the side and quickly went into Doctor mode. Walking into the Clubhouse you take in the chaos before you. Men in kuttes running around like chickens with their heads cut off, blood all over the floor, and one man on the pool table screaming in agony with four others trying their best to calm him.
Quickly making your way to the table you push in-between two of the men and take a look over at the man with a bullet hole in his shoulder. Not taking any notice that Angel was standing just on the other side of the table.
“You the Doc?” the man on top of the pool table with the bullet in his shoulder asks you.
“Yeah, that’s me!” you tell him as you look over his shoulder and then rummaging through your medical bag.
“I’m not going to lie. This is going to fucking suck and hurt like all hell, but I will do my best to be quick. I have nothing to give you for the pain or to numb it so you’re going to have to bear with me.” You tell him with a reassuring smile, as you put on your gloves.
“Just do what you need to.” He tells you and you can tell he relaxed a little at your words.
For the next ten minutes you worked on the man, who you learned was named Creeper. Wiping the beat of sweat from your forehead you look over your work. It wasn’t the best, but under the circumstances it will do.
“Good news, you get to keep your arm. Bad news, you won’t be able to ride for a few weeks.” You tell him as you finish up bandaging his shoulder.
“Thanks doc, you are a godsend.” He tells you
“I’ll take you to the back bathroom so you can clean up.” You hear EZ say from behind you.
Following EZ to the back, your heart skips a beat when you make eye contact with Angel from across the room. You give him a small smile before disappearing down the hall.
As you were cleaning up, you heard the bathroom door open and then close and without looking up you knew exactly who entered the room. The scent of his cologne wafting through the room a dead giveaway. You could feel his gaze on you.
“Querida?” you barely hear him whisper, your heart clenching at the all too familiar name. Closing your eyes you take a deep breath before turning to finally face Angel.
“Angel.” You finally say, placing your hands into your back pockets. Doing your best to keep your emotions at bay.
“For once Pop didn’t lie to me. You really are back.” You can see him go through every emotion.
“It’s really good to see you.” Your voice slightly cracking as you fight back the lump forming in your throat.
“Yeah, you to. You look good.” He tells you.
You both jump slightly when there was a knock on the door and EZ’s voice can be heard from the other side.
“Angel, Bishop needs you in Templo.” You sigh in relief at EZ’s interruption, cutting the tension between you and Angel for a second.
You can see the irritation in Angel’s face, “Go. It’s okay!” you tell him as you turn back to the sink and finish cleaning up. You hear him sigh and then the bathroom door open. Clenching the bathroom sink you take a deep breath, trying your best to fight back the urge to sob. You jump when you felt a hand on your shoulder, looking up you see EZ standing there in the mirror.
“You alright?” he asks you, you just nod.
“I just need to get out of here.” You sniffle as you grab your things.
“Pop will take you back.” He tells you as you both make your way to the main room.
When you walk into the main room, the guys were all piling into Templo, but Bishop stopped when he saw you walking out from the back.
“Thank you again for everything you did. We owe you sweetheart.” He tells you as he gives you a hug.
“It’s nothing. I’ll be by sometime tomorrow to check on him, if that’s okay?” you ask him and he just nods and gives you a smile.
“That would be great. Get home safe.” He says before joining the rest of the guys in Templo, EZ quick to close the glass door behind him.
Arriving at the Clubhouse after you shift at the Hospital, you walked in to find Angel sitting out on the front porch enjoying a beer, a cigarette between his lips.
“Hey, Angel.” You say as you lean against the porch railing.
“Querida. Good to see you again.” He says as he stubs out his cigarette.
“Good to see you to. Just stopped by to check on Creeper.” You tell him as you point towards the Clubhouse door.
“Gilly took him to Vicki’s. Says he can recover better there.” He chuckled.
You furrow your brows, “Oh I bet! Guess he isn’t feeling too bad then.”
“Seemed perfectly fine this morning. You really do have the magic touch, doc.” He gives you a smile.
“I should probably go then. Glad to hear he’s doing okay.” You tell him as you begin to make your way down the porch. Angel quick to his feet, gently grabbing your wrist, stopping you.
“Can we please talk?” he ask you and you can see the sincerity in his face.
You sigh, “Yeah. Okay.” You say as you follow him back to the sofa he was previously sitting on.
“I’m sorry, for everything. All the lies, the secrets, going behind your back, pushing you away. All of it! I hated that you just walked away, but I then realized that all this was on me. I left you no other choice, I forced you to leave and for that I will never forgive myself. I know how much you despised the MC, after everything you dealt with growing up in one, and then here I was joining the MC behind your back and lying about it. I’m forever sorry, Querida.” He laid it all out for you. Wiping the tears from your cheeks, finally looking up at Angel, you can see the unshed tears in his eyes.
“That fight we had that morning Angel, that was the last straw for me. I was pouring everything out to you and you just up and walked out the door. Putting the MC before me, before us. Not to mention we were either avoiding each other or we were constantly arguing. It was no longer a happy, loving relationship.” You tell him as you wipe the tears from your face.
Before he could respond the Clubhouse door opened and a beautiful female came out.
“Angel.” She called for him. He quickly cleared his throat and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Yeah, mi dulce.” You hear him say and your head shoots up at the familiar term of endearment he used to call you. You looked at him and then back at her, and knew right away that there was definitely something between them. Your heart slightly aching at the thought
“We got to go.” She tells him as she makes her way down the porch and towards the black car parked in the yard.
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” He calls after her.
“I should really get home.” You say as you get up.
“Yeah, okay. Thank you again for helping out last night.” He tells you as he walks you down the porch towards your car.
“See you around, Reyes.” You tell him as you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Take care of yourself, Querida.” He gives you a smile as he watched you get into your car.
As you drive off the yard, you watch as Angel and that part of your life disappear in your rear view mirror.
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I’m listening to this Prometheus thing that’s on Frankie Boyle’s website. The first volume was about an hour of amazingly funny stand-up that I can’t believe I’d never heard before. I recognized a few of the jokes from other things I’ve seen him do, but a lot of them were brand new to me even though I’d previously done my best to watch/listen to all the Frankie Boyle material I could find (New World Order, all his stand-up DVDs, lots of his panel show appearances, and I even broke my usual rule of hating all non-Tumblr social media to sometimes read his Twitter feed).
The 55 minutes of audio were amazingly consistent; almost every joke made me laugh. You know how the existence of Mock the Week’s “Too Hot for TV Extras” makes you say, “Wait, given how incredibly offensive Frankie was in the original cut of those episodes, how can there be a bunch more footage of Frankie saying stuff that was too offensive to make that edit?” But then you watch it, and you say, “Oh all right, I see how Frankie managed to be even more offensive than he was in the Mock the Week episodes that actually aired.” And then you watch New World Order, and say, “Oh shit, the BBC has clearly now accepted who Frankie Boyle is and given him a show in which they don’t make him hold back at all, all those edgy jokes that Mock the Week relegated to extras make up this whole actual show!” (By the way, throughout this paragraph, by “you” I mean “me”; I don’t know what your personal journey through the works of Frankie Boyle has been like, but I hope it’s been enjoyable.)
Well, volume 1 of Prometheus was the “Too Hot for TV Extras” version of New World Order. Took all the jokes that were too fucked up for the version of Frankie Boyle who was on his own show where he’d already been given freer reign, and put them into an mp3 file that can be found for free on his website. I enjoyed it so much. Thank you, @tobes-official, for posting about this so I could see that I was missing out on all this good stuff.
I’m now about an hour and a half into volume two, which is just over five hours in total. This is a sort of audiobook-like thing in which Frankie reads out loud a selection of his Guardian columns from over the years. It’s the other side of Frankie Boyle, the side that lets you know all those jokes aimed at powerful people and systems do come from the mind of someone who actually understands the complex ways in which those people and systems are awful. It’s obviously a whole lot more thoughtful and analytical and serious-point-making than volume 1, because, you know, The Guardian. I almost added that it’s less horrifying and offensive, but I don’t think it is. Because this volume talks about what’s actually going on in the actual world, and I think that’s more horrifying and offensive than making jokes about the queen engaging in depraved sex acts or whatever.
Hearing these things one after another is pretty cool, because it reminds me of why Frankie Boyle is one of my absolute favourite famous people. I really love both sides of him. Both those sides can seem contradictory, and are often not both found in the same person. So often, offensive comedy is the domain of the assholes who think saying horrifying things about marginalized groups makes them some sort of edgy anti-establishment hero and... okay this description of the type of comedian I mean is taking too long, I’m just going to say Joe Rogan. The point is that I love seeing that comedy with such a hard edge on it can be used for good. And that speaking up for the powerless against the powerful can doesn’t have to be sanitized, in fact it shouldn’t be sanitized, and it can be done very well through dark and angry material.
During the 2.5-ish hours I’ve so far spent listening to this collection of audio (I’ve checked, and the whole thing is about nine hours, with a third volume that’s almost one hour and a fourth volume that’s almost two hours, and I do not know what the hell those volumes contain but I look forward to finding out), I’ve heard a lot of really, really good quotable lines. Lines that I think are worth repeating because they’re incredibly funny, or because they’re an incredibly accurate and insightful take on politics, or because they define something about the way I see the world that I haven’t been able to properly put into words, or all of the above. I’ve sort of thought I should keep track of all the best quotable lines, write them all down in a Word document, but I’m sorry to say I haven’t done that. There are just so many of them that if I tried to record them all, I’d be stopping the audio every couple of minutes to write something down. And I don’t want to do that, I just want to enjoy it.
But just now, I heard a line that struck a chord so deep within me that I just had to write it down. And then I had to write a whole explanation for why I was writing it down, and that’s how this post was born. I paused the audio so I could write this whole post, just as a way to give context for this one quote that I feel the need to record here. To be honestly, it’s not the funniest of all his funny lines, or the most intelligent of all his sharp political commentary (I mean, it is a smart and funny line, just not top of the pile by the standards of this material).  But I think it does define something about the way I see the world that I haven’t been able to properly put into words before. It just beautifully captures the hard-to-capture sense of hopelessness that goes with living in a world where it’s so exhausting to hate all the bad things, and it doesn’t even do any good because most of the things we hate in our day-to-day lives are so tiny compared to the actual forces that are fucking up the world. But what are we supposed to do, not hate the bad things? That just doesn’t work. So we exhaust ourselves by hating bad things and don’t even win a moral victory because those things aren’t even the real problem. And again, by “we”, I mean “me”. Anyway here’s the quote:
“We all live in a war economy that launders criminal money and sells arms. Are some of us really morally superior because we don’t like Top Gear?” - Frankie Boyle
When I wrote the name “Joe Rogan” earlier in this post, I could easily have written the name “Jeremy Clarkson” instead. But would it have mattered if I’d done that? Does anything matter? These are the sort of questions I ask myself after listening to 2.5 hours of Frankie Boyle.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
things you never knew: six
A/N: Good evening everyone! It’s been a ridiculous last few days, been working a lot and have not been able to finish the requests. But, this was done and I just want to give you all something before I post the requests. Hope you guys are having a wonderful week thus far!
TYNK: Characters one : two : three : four : five
Word count: 6268
Request tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​ : @carlaangel86​ : @woahitslucyylu​ : @encounterthepast​ : @enamoured-x​ : @whyisgmora​ : @briana-mishell24​ : @bribri-82​ : @briannab1234​ : @chibsytelford​ : @agirllovespasta​ : @twistnet​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​ : @trulysuccubus​ : @jadert15​ : @sammskellington​ : @cind-in-real-life​ :  @claytoncardenasbabymama​ : @sadeyesgf​ : @thickemadame​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​ : @gemini0410​ : @elcococruz​ : @samcrobae​ : @sesamepancakes​ : @iambabyharry​ : @blackmissfrizzle​ : @soamayansfangirl​ : @1-800-imagines​ : @phoenixhalliwell​ : @lady-pswrld​ : @dazzledamazon​  : @getyourcrayoncas​ : @fvckthisbxtchup​ : @lukealvxz​ : @scuzmunkie​ : @lilac-tea-time​ : @danie1432​ : @cocotheclown​ : @soaronmywings​ : @my-rosegold-soul​ : @buttercup812​ : @itskiranbitch​ : @angelreyesgirl​ : @sheeshgivemeabreak​ : @vicmackeybullshxt​ : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ : @khyharah​ : @strawberrywritings​ : @cherry-icetea​ : @fuzzy-jellyfish​ : @losolvidad0s​ : @brownsugarcoffy​ : @courtrae89​ : @prdsdjarin​ : @blessedboo​ : @marvelmaree​ : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​ : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ : @thesandbeneathmytoes​ : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind​ : @maddie-georges​​
Anyone who wants to be added to the tag list, please leave a message below or message me!
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“Ever needs surgery.” Bishop informed Jin as they sat at Templo. His daughter. The one he had no knowledge of till her mother came to him, begging for help. Ever had a heart condition that required multiple surgeries. Her first one was when she was only a few months old. Karina, her mother, never told Bishop about Ever, knowing that she would never fit that lifestyle. 
But things changed all the time.
“I’m willing to help you, hermano, especially after taking care of my niece. But I need a favor in return.” Jin took out his checkbook, writing a hundred thousand dollars with such ease, it made Bishop uncomfortable. “I need you to frame Ailee, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Frame Ailee?”
“Your weapons and drugs, store it in her coffee shop, I’ll call the police and take care of everything from there.”
Bishop’s stomach dropped. Ailee was the kid he watched grow up with Angel. They were two peas in a pod, hard to separate. She turned her back on the family business to stay with Angel in Santo Padre. How can he punish her for such loyalty? Then Ever flashed before his eyes, frowning at this harsh decision he was faced.
Angel and Ailee would never forgive him.
But what they don’t know won’t hurt them.
He had to do this for Ever.
“When shall I set it up?”
It broke Bishop’s heart, but he rather not cross Jin Rivera, he may be a part of a secret organization, but he knew that if he truly wanted to, he could wipe off the Mayans as if they never existed.
“You’ve made a good choice Bishop, it’s the reason you’re club president.” 
“Ailee would never forgive you if she found out.”
“Well, me and you are the only person who knows. I would never disclose this with her, so I guess it depends on you if you would.” Jin slid the check over. “Whenever you need money, I will wire it to an account. I’m here for you hermano. I know doing this to Ailee isn’t ideal, but this is the best for her. She doesn’t belong in Santo Padre. You’ve seen her abilities.”
“Just like Angel’s brother.” Bishop knew that was the main reason Jin wanted Ailee. She had photographic memory, much like EZ but it was ridiculous how well it was. He’s seen it in action before. She could memorize pages of notes and recite it back to you verbatim. Her memory was impeccable and he may have used her skills in Vegas a few times. 
“Have you told her?”
Jin sighed. “I think it’s best she never finds out.”
Bishop nodded his head. 
“If Angel wishes to send her any letters, please let me know so I can give you an address.”
“So you can intercept?”
“Ailee is better off with us. There’s nothing in Santo Padre for her.”
“Don’t you think that’s her decision to make?”
“Yes, well, that’s why I have to twist her hand. Staying in Santo Padre would put you in danger as well. Theo hasn’t made a move, but he eventually will.”
“Her half brother?”
“Theo always has an obsession with Ailee. He was the first one to figure out she had photographic memory. It’s what made him interested in her.” Jin couldn’t put his finger on it but Theo at least had some underlying mental illness that was undiagnosed. He was always a kid who kept to himself, very hard to make him smile, but when he met Ailee, he changed. He always wanted to be around her, he dotted after her. It was endearing, until he heard him scold her when she didn’t want to memorize a transcript for him. He reeled himself in, but that’s when Jin knew something was off. Jin brushed it off until one of Ailee’s teachers told her parents of her extraordinary skill. They tried to keep it from Jin, but he found out and Theo’s scolding made sense then. 
“Theo isn’t her real brother, from what you told me, it would seem to me that Ailee was beneath him.”
“That’s the thing, Theo is her actual blood brother.”
“What?” Bishop was surprised by this revelation. 
“Ailee’s biological mother is Theo’s mother. She knew her husband would kill Ailee, so she gave her to her lover. It was the time Theo’s father had a stint in jail, ten months. He never even knew she was pregnant, which was why Ailee was able to come there when she was younger.”
“And you saved the day and gave her to your brother?” Bishop snickered. “It’s not like she was any better there.”
“I don’t expect for you to understand our methods, but my brother and sister in law loved Ailee in their own way.”
“Do you love Ailee?”
“Yes, yes I do.”
Angel chuckled as Officer Rogan made his way out of Vicky’s place after another shot rang out. After his sit down with Ailee earlier, he definitely needed some R&R and Vicky’s place was the place to get it.
“How was your talk with Lee?” EZ questioned as he took Gilly’s seat on the table.
“It was fine,” Angel shook his head, letting go of the girl that was standing beside him. It felt odd talking about Ailee while he was holding another woman. 
EZ wanted to discuss Melody, to learn about his niece, but he knew this was hardly the time and place. 
“So is she as psychotic as Vince made her out to be?”
“No,” Angel sighed. “I don’t know.” How could he even determine that? When he spoke to her, she was different, but it’s been five years. He was certain whatever Maquina had her doing, it changed her. He saw the scars all over her hands, but they weren’t much. 
Maybe he was still in denial?
“Did you ever watch the tapes Vince sent you?”
Vince sent Creeper tapes when this whole ordeal started. He wanted to show him just how heartless his sister had become, that maybe if Angel saw it, he would understand just how far the deep end she had gone. But who was he to judge someone? He wasn’t an angel himself.
“No, did you?”
“I did,” EZ nodded his head. “Shit in there is fucking brutal man, I don’t know how she can fucking sleep at night.”
“Worse than what we saw with the samoan?”
“She’s up to par with Galindo,” EZ wasn’t exaggerating, he watched one of Ailee’s men skin a guy alive as Ailee watched. She didn’t blink, flinch or anything, she just watched as the man cried in agony. She burned the body afterwards with a fucking lighter. 
“You two talking about Baby Lee?” Coco questioned. “I can’t believe her kill count,” Coco shook his head. It’s not like he didn’t think women were capable of killing, but this was Ailee, it hit too close to home. 
“None of us can.” Creeper chimed in. He had a talk with his cousins afterwards, who wanted to talk to him about Ailee’s daughter, Melody. They requested for him to keep things between them as Ailee didn’t want anyone to know about her daughter till she was ready. But he was family, so they had to tell him. This, they couldn’t keep from him, but Ailee becoming one of them, they totally could keep for years. He wasn’t happy with them, but right now, he had to play their game in order to get through Ailee. 
They focused on the poker game then, messing with Creeper who was obviously taking his sweet ass time to recover. Angel couldn’t blame him, he wouldn’t mind being in here and not dealing with all the webs they had entangled. He knew no secret could remain a secret for long, but man was he hoping that many things remained a secret. 
There was a knock on the door that broke everyone from their reverie. They didn’t expect anyone else to come unless Frankie was standing by his threat earlier. Riz went to the door, opening it and found Jin Rivera with Ailee trailing behind him. Angel immediately moved away from the woman that was standing beside him causing EZ, Gilly, and Coco to laugh at his failed attempt to look innocent in front of a woman who more than likely didn’t even notice the other woman. 
“Jin, what are you doing here?” Bishop questioned, making his way over to the door. 
“We heard gunshots, thought it came from here.” They all knew it was a lie, but it was good enough for Vicky and the girls to clear the room. 
“Just roaming around the neighborhood?” Bishop quirked an eyebrow. He looked over at Ailee who was watching Jin’s back, a gun in her hand, an assault rifle to be more exact. 
“Scouting,” Jin shrugged. “Do you know how far it is from here?”
“Maybe a few miles,” Riz estimated. “You guys going hunting?”
“Something like that,” Jin turned to Ailee who remained by the open doorway, he whispered a few words to her before turning back to the MC. “Vicky’s neighbors, do they carry guns?” The MC could see Ailee take out her cell phone and step away from her uncle. Angel wanted to go after her, but he didn’t want to bypass Jin. 
“They’re all about guns,” Tranq chuckled. He eyed Ailee’s gun, brows furrowing. Were they going to waste the Reid family? “You two going to need some help?”
“No, I have Lee,” Jin turned back to Ailee who was still on the phone. “Figured you guys would be here, we were headed to Vicky’s neighbors when we heard the shots.”
“What business do you have with them?” Taza questioned. 
Ailee stepped into view once again behind her uncle. They noticed that she was wearing an all black get up. “We heard about their patriotism, wanted to check it out.” She smirked. “I’ll leave you here, I’ll go survey the area. Any tunnels nearby?”
“No,” Bishop answered, giving Jin a questioning look. “You’re sniffing in our backyard, I feel that we have the right to know what the hell is going on?”
“We have a colleague here, just want to make sure he’s safe.” Ailee answered for Jin. “You boys have a great night, remember to wrap it up.” She winked at them before making her way out of the door again.
“Where the fuck are you going?” Angel followed after her then, not letting her uncle or any of his brothers eyes bother him. 
“To do my job, Ignacio,” he cringed at her choice of name, indicating she was not exactly happy with his outburst.
“The fuck you are,” he caught up to her, grabbing her arm. He turned her towards him and placed his other hand on her other arm. “You can’t go out there alone, it’s dark, you hate the dark.” It was idiotic reasoning he knew that, but it was what he came up with.
“Can’t hate the dark when you’ve let it consume you.” She shrugged off his grip then. She took out some glasses from her jacket and put it on. 
“At this time at night? Baby, you don’t know what’s out there.”
“I’ve dealt with worst, I’m just scouting the area Angel, I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“That wasn’t a fucking choice.” 
“Angel,” they both turned towards the house and found Bishop and Jin standing by the stairs. “Let her go, she needs to work.”
“Prez, we can’t let her go out there alone, I don’t give a fuck what we read on that report, but she isn’t going out there by herself.”
“She’s one of my best Angel, it would be insulting if I didn’t let her go by herself.” Jin reasoned.
Angel wasn’t budging and Ailee knew there was no way she was leaving unless he was going with her. 
“Can you just show him the feed so he can see I’m alive?” Ailee offered. She knew Angel’s protectiveness came from their years together and Melody. She always thought of Melody, which was why she wasted everyone to assure her survival. 
“What feed?” Angel turned to her. 
Ailee pointed at her eye. “I’m wearing a camera, it’s connected to my uncle’s phone. You can watch me while I survey the area. I’m sure the cops are already at the area where the shooting happened, I just need to see if an acquaintance of ours is around as well.” 
“And who is that acquaintance?” 
“None of your fucking business.” Ailee turned around then, making her way in the desert. “Liv, drone nearby?” 
“Way ahead of you.” Olivia replied, the buzzing of the drone was heard by Ailee as it went in front of her, the line at the belly of the drone providing some light for Ailee in the distance. “We need to clean the area before the cops see that body, Cole’s acquaintances are becoming a liability.” 
Ailee took out her guns. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “We waste these guys soon. Place a call to Cole.” 
“Hold.” Olivia’s drown went further, leaving Ailee in the dark. The flashback hitting her before she could even control it. 
“Theo please, open the door.” Ailee tried her best to control her tears, but she couldn’t. 
“We cannot let fear overcome us.” Theo’s voice resounded through the empty chamber he created for Ailee. 
No windows. 
No source of light whatsoever.
Every six nights, Theo locked her in, to get her used to the dark. To acclimate to the dark. To face her fears.
“And why do we face our fears?”
“Because a killer fears nothing.”
“There is nothing frightening about the dark, Ailee. The dark enables you to become invisible, to kill people without being seen. Once our plan is in motion, you can kill our competitors without being detected and you can take your rightful place beside me.” 
The dark was consuming, suffocating Ailee as if she had no escape. She sat down, closing her eyes, sitting crossed legged. She tried to calm her breathing, zoning out the voices in her head telling her that there was something lurking around her. 
Theo was conditioning her to become something she never wanted to become.
If she wanted to survive, she had to do it.
So she could see Angel again.
“Ailee!” Olivia’s screaming broke her out of her reverie.
“Sorry.” Ailee sighed, scolding herself for letting such a memory befall on her when she was all alone in the middle of the desert. 
“It’s the memory again?”
“What memory?” Angel’s voice ran through the comms pissing of Ailee.
“What is this? He’s not a part of Maquina.” Ailee hissed.
“I gave him permission.” Jin informed her. “Have you seen the body?”
“No point on going, the cop is there.” Olivia informed them.
“Ailee, retreat, we’ll handle this tomorrow.” Jin was not pleased, that much Ailee could tell.
Fucking Cole.
Ailee looked at the car that parked beside her in the outskirts of Santo Padre. 
Pure desert. 
She slipped out of her car along with Andrew and Janine behind her, their guest slipped out of theirs. 
“Cole, I told you those racist motherfuckers were going to make too much noise.” Janine immediately went in, making Cole chuckle.
“In my defense, Andrew led them my way.”
“Hey fuck you, you trying to say I’m racist?” Andrew glared at the man before him.
Cole rolled his eyes. “Ease up Ukraine, I was joking.” He looked over at Ailee. “Can I at least get a hello or some shit? I’ve had to deal with these imbeciles for seven fucking months, I deserve some appreciation.”
Ailee rolled her eyes and gave her old mentor a hug. Cole was a part of Maquina and ran the military division. He recruited in the military, training them as mercenaries for Maquina and other personal contractors who wanted their services. 
“I had to neck check your baby daddy, but I figured that’s not an issue since I heard about you twos fight the other day.” Janine and Andrew chuckled at Cole’s words. Ailee looked over at them and they immediately went mum, looking anywhere but her. “He needs to mind his business Lee.” 
“Technically, drug trafficking is their business.” Ailee sighed. “You have to waste them, they’ve out served their purpose. Uncle Jin is sniffing around now.”
“Can’t you do the clean up? I have business in Los Angeles the next few days.”
“We’re not doing your bitch work for you.” Janine scoffed. 
“It’s not bitch work, thought you would be itching to put a bullet in someone. How long has it been? Four months?” Cole questioned. “I’m gift wrapping them for you, waste them and I’ll consider us even for Morocco.”
“This hardly makes us even, Morocco was a fucking shit show.” Janine snapped. 
“Olivia is alive isn’t she?” 
“Yeah, well she almost fucking died, so you should waste them for us and we call it even.” Ailee interjected before Janine could reply. “It’s an order Cole, as your commanding officer, you should waste the Reid family.” 
“Well, as my commanding officer, you should help clean up my mess that I pursued at your behest, so I guess that puts it out of my hands.” Cole smirked. “Come on Lee, I got family business in Los Angeles, I would do it otherwise, especially with how much they’ve irritated me these last few days.’
“This doesn’t happen again, next time you pick some racist bastards, at least be smart about it. Oh that’s right, white supremacy is hardly intelligent.” 
“You’re fucking telling me.” Cole shook his head. “So, how was the talk?”
Ailee rolled her eyes groaning. “Not fucking you too.” Andrew and Janine laughed. 
“Hey, I’m glad Mel got to finally meet her father.” Cole knew of the situation with Ailee and Angel. He was sent here a few times to try and sway Ailee to Maquina. He saw the potential in her, that killer instinct was second to none. But at the same time, he knew why it was so hard to sway her. Losing your soul was a big part of becoming a killer. The less empathic and merciful you were, the better. Ailee was incredibly empathic and she hated the thought of becoming a killer. 
Then he ran into her after Melody was born and it was a different fucking person. He watched all two hundred something kills. It wasn’t that it shook him, killing was a part of his job. But to see how she turned from this young woman who was against everything Maquina stood for to becoming the top dog? It was an eerie sight.
“So am I.” Ailee kept it short, she didn’t owe anyone any explanation when it came to Angel. “So, any intel?” Even though she fabricated the whole thing regarding Theo, it seemed that Theo has been sniffing around in Mexico, just not as worrying as she reported to her uncle. 
“He provided the weapons for the Reid family. They apparently bought it from a third party who has been distributing Theo’s weapons in America.” Cole opened his trunk and inside were ten cases of guns, all high power rifles that should not be used by civilians. There was no reason for civilians to have such high-power automated weapons.
“Do we know the third party?” 
“Yeah, Miguel Galindo.”
“Galindo? I thought he was all about the heroin?” Andrew looked over at Ailee who shrugged.
“I don’t have any care for the Galindo’s, but now, they’ve just appeared on my radar.” Ailee shook her head. “It can’t be Galindo. He might sell him weapons, but Galindo is far too preoccupied with heroin.”
“It’s the Sons of Anarchy.” Cole ran his hand over his head. “The IRA gets their weapons from Defande. It’s the sons.”
“What is up with motorcycle clubs? Are we missing something?” Janine questioned.
“Inconspicuous. They know how to hide things. No one actually believes they’re motorcycle enthusiasts, which is why they’re so good at hiding things.” Ailee explained. “But they’re sloppy and drink far too much alcohol, we can train people better to work under our command than use them.” Ailee knew this wasn’t true, but she much rather not involve them.
“We’ll waste them tonight.”
The Mayans moved closer to the house, the eerie silence was slightly unnerving. All the lights were on, their vehicles were all here, yet, there was no sound coming from anywhere. 
They heard the shots, Dennis screaming as the shots rang out. 
“Get the fuck away from me!” They heard him shout as the front door opened.
They all watched as Dennis ran out, the person following him lifted their Mk 18, a gun Coco immediately recognized. It was deadly, efficient and light, making it quite easy to use. The gun was resting against their shoulder, stabilizing the gun. Before they could even blink, a few rounds rang out, Dennis almost immediately falling to the ground. The Mayans all pointed their gun at the shooter, their face covered by a black ski mask, blacked out glasses covering their eyes.  The shooter looked at them, as they took off their glasses, slipping it in their pocket.
Angel knew those eyes anywhere.
“River, the house is cleared. Cleaners are on their way.” They heard a voice come from inside the house.
“Who the fuck are you?” Bishop demanded, his AK 47 pointed towards the shooter’s head.
“Ailee.” All the Mayans turned towards Angel when he uttered her name.
Ailee took off her ski mask and the collective gasp that the Mayan men took was nothing short of impressive. 
Angel was right.
Ailee smirked, tucking her ski mask in her back pocket. “Good evening boys, hunting?”
They watched as three people came out behind her two women and a man. EZ locked eyes with Olivia, shocked to find her in black gear like the rest of the people with her.
“Did you find it?” Ailee’s eyes remained on the Mayans as she asked her team behind her.
Andrew’s eyes remained on the Mayans, unsure of what to make of the situation. It wouldn’t be difficult to eliminate them, but he knew they were familiar with Ailee. 
“Nothing of significance. Is there a problem here?”
“Yes, there is, you’re in our backyard without our knowledge.” Bishop was surprised to see Ailee coming out of the house, even more so when she killed Dennis in cold blood.
“I wasn’t aware we needed permission to be in Santo Padre.” Janine scoffed, the gun pointed on the men on the left side of Ailee while Andrew’s gun was pointed at the right side of Ailee.
“Olivia, what the fuck is going on here?” EZ demanded.
Ailee felt for Olivia, knowing this wasn’t exactly how she wanted EZ to find out. Angel couldn’t believe Ailee was holding a fucking gun. Whenever they would go to a carnival, she would struggle tremendously with shooting games. 
Now, she not only exhibited perfect aim, she was so comfortable with the gun.
“EZ, I can explain, right now just isn’t the right time.” Olivia grimaced, not knowing how she could even begin to explain their current situation. 
“Take Olivia to the car.” Ailee ordered, making an out for Olivia. 
Janine looked at the Mayans at her side then at Ailee. “Are these the men you were involved with?”
“Yes, now go.” 
Janine led Olivia to the car, EZ making a move to  follow after her, but the red dot on his forehead made Bishop halt his steps.
“Ailee, what the fuck is going on here?” It was now Angel who demanded some answers. Bishop, Hank and Taza all knew what was going on. Their hunch was all but confirmed. The information that they were fed by Ailee’s brother’s didn’t sink in, almost impossible for them to think that Ailee was crafted onto the perfect killing machine, but it made sense. Everyone knew of Ailee’s difficult childhood. 
Things just fell into place.
“My brother fed you the information, you’re not an idiot, you know what’s going on.” Ailee turned to Andrew, gesturing for him to stand down. “Go to the car, we have to go to San Diego to be debriefed. Cole will meet us there.” The Mayans eyebrows furrowed, it was odd to hear Ailee speak a foreign language. It wasn’t Spanish or English that was for sure.
Angel and EZ weren’t surprised. They knew Ailee was fluent in many languages and it made that much more sense now.
“I suggest that you make scarce of yourselves before our cleaners get here. They’ll be here in thirty minutes.” Ailee advises them. “You are quite welcome for handling your,” she paused, looking back at the house, “patriotism problem.”
“Ailee, this is fucking insane, you wasted at least ten people in there.” Riz couldn’t believe the young woman who refused to kill a fucking cockroach just killed a grown man with no qualms. And this was saying if they killed the others, Dennis may have been the only one they killed. 
“Seven, Cole took care of Alice and well, you saw what happened to Dennis.” The way she said it so nonchalantly, it caused chills to run up and down their spines. This wasn’t the Ailee they knew, it was fucking surreal.
“You're tying up loose ends. Who do you work for?” Gilly questioned.
“I could tell you, but I would have to kill you all.” The sinister smile on Ailee’s face made her even more unrecognizable. “Have a good rest of the night gentlemen. Enjoy Vicky’s.” She winked at Angel, following her colleagues to the vehicle. 
EZ attempted to follow after Olivia, but Angel stopped him.
“Don’t, this is uncharted territory, we’ll talk to them both later.” Angel advised his younger brother. He was brimming with anger right now. Things were making sense. He used to laugh when Ailee would talk about a secret government agency that her tio ran whenever she had a little too much to drink. Angel didn’t believe her before, but now, things were clicking. The bruises, the injuries, the secrecy.
Ailee truly did sell her soul.
And now, Angel had to do everything in his power to get it back. 
Olivia walked up the stairs begrudgingly, not knowing how to fix things with EZ. He rarely became upset at her, but this time was different. She kept this secret from him and it was just something she had to do. EZ couldn't be told about Maquina, it was for his own safety. The less people who knew about it, the better they fair. 
Opening the door, she sighed and took off her shoes by the door, closing it behind her. She locked it and made her way towards the kitchen to make herself a beverage. She walked past the living room and was startled when the lights went on. Her gun was immediately drawn out, but her gun went down when she saw who she was pointing it at. 
"EZ, Jesus Christ, I could have killed you." Olivia put her gun away. "Are you taking a play from Angel's playbook now?"
EZ couldn't believe that his sweet, innocent Olivia knew how to hold a fucking gun. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" EZ didn't want to beat around the bush. He didn't feel betrayed, well, maybe he did, but in some ways he understood why she kept it from him. 
"Does that matter now?" Olivia crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not going to apologize for not telling you,I had to do it."
"Can you apologize at least for never telling me that you could just disappear from the face of the earth without any fucking explanation at any given moment?" EZ frowned. "With Ailee, it made sense, her fucking parents trained her to be a killer, but you, it makes no fucking sense."
Olivia knew he wouldn't be happy if he found out the reason she worked for Maquina. But she figured she might as well rip the bandaid off. "I worked for Maquina to give you protection. They would have killed you. So I offered my services to Jin in exchange for your protection in jail."
EZ just looked at her, unsure of what to say.
Olivia walked over to EZ, unsure how close she should be. She wasn’t afraid of EZ hurting her, she just wanted to give him space.
“Liv, how could,” EZ stood up, shaking her head as Olivia tried to step closer to him. “How could you do that? Why would you sacrifice that for me?”
“Because you would have never survived inside EZ. They would have killed you.” Olivia remembered that dread she felt at the pit of her stomach as soon as the guilty verdict was given. She wrapped her arms around herself, the whole thing coming back to her.
“Mr. Rivera, Ailee isn’t here.” Olivia informed Jin as she opened the door for him.
He walked in their shared apartment, impressed with the decorations the two had done.
“I didn’t come for her.” He turned around to face Olivia and smiled, it should have been sinister but it was friendly, welcoming. “I came for you.”
“Me? What can you possibly want from me?”
“I’m all about partnerships. I scratch your back, you protect mine.” Jin began. “I’m well aware that EZ has been incarcerated for killing a police officer. You know he would never survive in jail.”
EZ had been in jail for two years now.
“He’s in solitary confinement, they can’t harm him there.”
“The guards can.”
Olivia felt nauseous, her stomach grumbling at the possibility of EZ being killed. Her heart rate quickened, all these scenarios playing in her mind. Jin knew what he was doing, a true mastermind at manipulation. 
“I can offer him protection, he would go crazy in solitary confinement. But I can get him protection to assure that he would never be harmed.”
Olivia knew his game.
For some time, he has been trying to recruit her brilliant mind to Maquina. She had always been reluctant and now, he had the perfect bargaining chip.
“I will provide protection for EZ if you come and work for Maquina. Five years in exchange of a lifetime of protection for EZ.” 
Olivia couldn’t believe she was cornered, but she couldn’t bear the thought of EZ being harmed in jail, or worse dying.
“I’ll do it. I’ll work for Maquina.”
“He manipulated you, just like he did Lee.” EZ breathed out, his chest tightening.
“He did, but I wanted to make sure you were protected.” Olivia looked up at him, tears in her eyes. 
EZ sighed. He didn’t need her to do this, he did need her to make another sacrifice for him.
“Liv, how many years did you exchange for my protection?” EZ sat on her couch. 
“5 years.”
“Your 5 years has been up.”
“It has, but it’s not so bad to work for Maquina, it’s steady income and I work mostly with Ailee.” Olivia stayed for Ailee, once she walked away, she was done too.
“I want you to leave,  put in your resignation letter and walk away.” EZ didn’t need her to work for Maquina anymore. He didn’t care if Olivia was staying for Ailee, she’s put herself at risk enough. She was done with this. 
“I can’t do that EZ, I told you, I work for Ailee, I’m not going to walk away from her.” Olivia sighed. “I get it EZ, you’re worried, but I can assure you I’m safe. I mostly stay back and hardly do field work.”
“Why were you there tonight?” He looked up at her. 
“Um, they had to use me as bait so Dennis would open the door.” Olivia sighed. “Look, I was never in danger and I know how to defend myself.”
“I don’t five a fuck if you can, point is, you shouldn’t be in that position in the first place. I’ll talk to Ailee if that’s what you’re afraid of.” 
“I’m not afraid of Ailee, she’s my best friend, my sister, I stay for her. You don’t have the right to dictate my life Ezekiel. I get it, you’re worried, but this doesn’t concern you. This is my job and unless you can pay my bills, then you need to stay out of it.” Olivia stood in front of him, arms crossed on her chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I’m not sorry I took the job. It kept you safe and it continues to keep you safe.”
EZ closed his eyes, not liking that Olivia couldn’t be swayed.
“Once you take down Miguel for the DEA, I’ll quit Maquina and we can start anew somewhere, anywhere. I’ll wipe your records clean, you can start fresh.” Olivia never told him this part of her plan. She wanted to get him away from Santo Padre, to give him another chance at the life he lost. 
“You’ve given up so much for me Olivia.”
“You’re my best friend Ezekiel, you would do the same for me.” Olivia sighed. “You were here for me when my mom left me at sixteen years old, you’re my only family now.” 
EZ stood up, walked over to Olivia and wrapped his arms around her. The faster he could get the information for the DEA, the better it would be. As much as he didn’t want to leave Santo Padre behind, he always found that he had a place in Olivia’s life, she helped him center himself when he felt that he lost everything while in incarceration. 
She’s made enough sacrifices for him and he would handle everything now. 
Angel parked his bike, taking off his helmet. He took it with him as he walked towards the front door, Ailee’s empty eyes still haunting him. The door opened before he could knock, Vince opened the door for him. 
“You owe me for this.”
“I owe you?”
“Right.” Vince sighed as he closed the door. “No amount of apologies will ever suffice, I get it, but just thread carefully, things are different now.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Angel placed his helmet on the table by the front door. “Where is she?”
“Upstairs, last door at the end of the hallway. Melody is sleeping in her room. I’m not sure if Ailee is still awake or not, but just in case, I didn’t let you in.” 
Angel nodded his head before going up the stairs. After seeing that whole scene at the ranch, Angel immediately called Vince, he wanted to speak to Ailee, to be with her. Even though he watched her kill a man, it didn’t phase him. He knew what they did to her and he was gonna try his best to get her back.
He turned the doorknob and was happy it was unlocked. The room was slightly illuminated by a night light, which didn’t surprise Angel. Closing the door behind him, he locked the door. Toeing off his shoes beside the couch in her room, he took off his clothing as quietly as possible. He was left with his muscle shirt and boxers. Going to the left side where he usually slept, he tried to go in as carefully as possible, but he knew Ailee was a light sleeper. He wrapped his arms around her, knowing it could be a risk, but he didn’t give a fuck.
Ailee knew Angel was here. She wasn’t an idiot, she heard the bike and no one else would come here so late at night. She was drained and with every kill she took, the more her soul was chipped. She could give in for one night.
She missed Angel.
She wouldn’t get this opportunity again.
Turning around to her side, she wrapped her arms around Angel. 
“I love you Lee, I know you can hear me. You may not want to fight for us, but I will. You’re still you Lee, you’re still the girl I fell in love with and wanted to marry.” Angel said to her. “It’s you, me and Melody, that’s all we need. Come home, come home to me.”
Ailee remained quiet, just burying herself in Angel’s arms, the familiar warmth making her cry. For years she yearned for Angel’s warm embrace, especially during the times she wanted to give up after all the blood she shed. She wanted Angel’s warmth when she would become frustrated of being alone while caring for Melody. She wanted his warmth when she would go to Melody’s appointments, hoping her little girl would be able to hear her voice one day. She wanted his warmth when she recovered from an attack Theo orchestrated in an attempt to kidnap Melody.
Every day, Ailee was reminded of the choices she made. Reminded of the abnormal situation she had with her family.
And every day, she was reminded that while she may dislike greatly what Maquina required of someone, she saw how beneficial it was to be a part of such an organization.
She couldn’t let Angel get sucked into this.
She couldn’t let Melody live a life like she lived.
She made the decision then that she would leave Melody with Angel and she would do what she did best.
Kill people to protect the ones she loves.
To love and watch them from afar since it was the best thing she could do for them. They shouldn’t have to pay for her sins and choices. 
It would destroy her, but losing them due to her sins would kill her.
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drabbles-mc · 4 months
Angel Reyes & OC Evangeline Reyes & Ezekiel Reyes Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
Warnings: 18+, pining, language, this really is just a fluffy little something
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: For my next trick! I will pull out of my bag of wonders a character that the show-runners seemed to have forgotten about but I sure didn't! 😂 Shout-out to Franky Rogan- I hope he's doing okay lmao. I'm not really planning on turning this into a multi-chap per se, but I do plan on just writing some snippets/one-shots that all exist in this universe. This is our first look into this au, but definitely not the last if I have anything to say about it 😂 Enjoy! xo
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As far as Evangeline was concerned, there was no real reason for Angel and EZ to be in her shop. She’d told them as much about five minutes after they’d walked in and started causing more ruckus than she wanted to be dealing with. She tried to shoo them away, tried to get them to pop one more door down to go and bother their father instead, but they weren’t budging.
Angel was sitting on one of the chairs by the dressing room and EZ was standing off to the side of the sewing machine that she was currently using. Angel was gawking around at everything as though he didn’t stop by every week, and EZ was studying over her shoulder like he was thinking of becoming the next family seamstress. If the shop had belonged to anyone else, the two of them never would have bothered to set foot inside. Not to mention if the shop had belonged to anyone else, they would’ve barred the two of them from entry ages ago.
“I can feel your breath on my neck,” she said, sounding annoyed for a split second before she started laughing.
EZ chuckled, stepping back and instead starting to pace around the shop. “Sorry.”
“Vete—go be sorry somewhere else. You’re gonna scare people off before they even set foot in here.”
Angel shook his head dismissively. “C’mon, Eva. Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like…we’re like protection, you know?”
Head still angled down at the pantleg she was hemming, her eyes lifted just enough to look over at her brother. “What, you two in the mob now too? MC wasn’t enough?” She shook her head and looked back down at the garment draped over the machine. “Protection,” she mocked. “Who you guys gonna protect me from, anyway? The high school girls coming in for me to tailor their prom dresses?”
EZ laughed as he watched his two older siblings go back and forth. “I don’t know,” he chimed in. “Think those girls might have Angel out-gunned.”
He sucked his teeth. “Fuck both you guys.”
She finally leaned back in her chair, taking her foot completely off the sewing machine pedal. “If you’d left when I told you to, you wouldn’t have to be going through this.”
Angel was finally laughing with her and EZ. “Nah, you know if we never stopped by you’d—” He stopped mid-sentence and stood up from his chair when he saw a police patrol car pull up to the curb right in front of Evangeline’s shop. “What the fuck is this?”
Evangeline mirrored his actions, standing up and carefully draping the pants she’d been working on back over the hanger she’d took them off before she had company. The tailoring job for them was a quick one, or at least it would be once her brothers left and she could actually do her job. She ran her hands over the fabric of her own pants, smoothing them out before looking out the window to see whatever it was that had elicited that reaction from Angel.
She laughed when she saw the cop car parked out front. “Oh, good. Maybe someone will finally be able to make you leave. You think if I ask real nice they’ll give me a couple pairs of cuffs specifically for you two?”
EZ was smiling and shaking his head at his sister, but then when he saw that Franky was the officer getting out of the car, both he and Angel became way more amused than they were annoyed at the cops being there. “Oh,” EZ said with a nod, “yeah I’m pretty sure he’ll give you whatever you want.”
Angel was on the brink of cackling as he nudged his sister’s shoulder. “He’ll give you a pair of cuffs as long as you promise to use them on him just once.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t stand either of you sometimes. I hope he knocks your bikes over,” Evangeline muttered with a tiny smile as she moved away from her little brother and went back behind the desk where the cash register was.
There were only a couple seconds between Franky shutting the door to the patrol car and him walking into the small boutique that Evangeline owned, but it was long enough. Angel was sitting back down again, this time just in a different chair that was towards the front of the store. He was leaning back, practically sinking into the soft cushions of it. His legs were spread farther apart than necessary, one hand on one knee, his other on the arm of the chair that he was sitting in. Meanwhile EZ was standing behind his brother’s seat, hands holding onto the edges of his kutte—his default these days.
Evangeline was looking at both of them with a mildly amused look on her face. It looked like they were pulled right out of a movie or a cartoon—stereotypical goons trying to look tough and not quite hitting the mark but they didn’t realize it yet. Her attention shifted off them when the soft chimes above her door signaled Franky’s entry.
He stepped inside, immediately looking around and greeting her with a casual, “Hey, Evangeline,” as he did. He looked at Angel and EZ, seeing the image they were trying to put off and also not being overly convinced by it. When it was just the two of them separate from the rest of the club, they weren’t nearly as intimidating. It was hard to be scared of the same boys he went to school with. He’d known them long enough to know that whatever macho act they were putting on, really was just an act. They had the same look in their eyes that they did back then when they were about to cause trouble after school.
It didn’t take long at all for his gaze to land on Evangeline, the real and only reason he’d even pulled up to the shop at all. She was standing behind the counter, leaning forward onto it so that her elbows were propped onto the wood and her chin rested on top of her interlocked fingers. Her hair was pulled back out of her face, a convenience style when she was using the sewing machine, but there was one unruly lock that had managed to escape and it was hanging just enough to the side so that her face wasn’t obscured at all. She smiled at him, head tilting slightly as it rested in her hands.
He'd known Angel and EZ for most of his life, and it made it hard to find them intimidating these days. In the same vein, he’d known Evangeline for almost his whole life too. Only instead of that fact making her less intimidating, it almost made her more intimidating—it was a different kind of intimidating than her brothers were aiming for, but still. Sure, it’d been so long since high school, and they were all such different people now in a lot of ways, but sometimes when she was looking at him like that Franky still felt like he was the dorky kid in class who was a little in love with his friend’s older sister. They were older now and he was much less dramatic than the teenage version of him had been. In love was an overstatement these days of course. Not that the semantics of it all really mattered in moments like the one he was in.
“Something I can do for you, Officer Rogan?” she finally asked, proving one more time over that she was the only Reyes sibling who could address him as such without using any sarcasm.
He turned so that he was completely facing her, purposely ignoring the looks he was getting from her two younger brothers. He shook his head as he walked over to her, standing on the opposite side fo the counter from her. “No. Just making the rounds and thought I’d stop by.”
She hummed in amusement as she stood upright again. “Got it. Thought your ears might’ve been burning somewhere out there.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You talkin’ about me?”
She laughed and shrugged. “Was talking about getting someone to throw these two,” she nodded towards her brothers, “out of my shop. And then you rolled up.”
“Yeah,” Angel chimed in from where he was still sitting, “like an answer to all your prayers, right?”
Evangeline shot her brother a look. “An answer to one of them, at least.”
Franky turned and looked at Angel and EZ. “You know it’s bad when even your own sister is waiting for you two to get picked up.”
Angel stood up out of his chair. In two easy strides he put himself right in front of Franky. There was just enough of a height difference for Franky to have to tilt his head to look Angel directly in the eyes. It was something that would never stop amusing Angel in any close encounters the two of them had.
“I bet you’d be real happy to do that for her, huh, Officer?” he goaded.
Evangeline was standing, arms crossed over her chest as she shook her head at the two of them. EZ was watching her just as intently as he was watching his brother and Franky. The scene was amusing from every angle for different reasons. And, as much as he would’ve loved to see how far Angel was going to take things, he liked his sister too much to let it happen in the middle of her shop. It was one thing when they were at the clubhouse, or Vicky’s. But not here.
“C’mon, Angel,” EZ inserted himself into the conversation, “let’s go. Pop still needs help with the compressor anyway.”
Evangeline cut a small sigh of relief, flashing EZ the quickest of smiles to thank him. “Yeah,” she agreed, “go make yourselves useful somewhere. Por favor. I’m begging.”
She was half expecting Franky and Angel to crash shoulders as the two Reyes boys made their way to the door, but they didn’t. Franky did manage to get the last word in with them, though. Rebutting Angel’s, “Stay safe, Officer,” with an easy, “I’m sure I’ll see you two soon. With the lights and sirens on.”
The door chimed again to signal the two of them leaving. Through the glass windows that made up the storefront, she and Franky were able to watch as the two of them made their way next door to their father’s shop. They were both shaking their heads at the pair of brothers, but for very different reasons.
“Nice to see you boys all getting along still,” Evangeline joked once they were out of sight.
Franky laughed as he put his attention back on her again. “Saying that like I’m the one who started any of that.”
She shook her head as she made her way around so that they were both on the same side of the counter. She leaned back against it, crossing her arms once more out of habit. “That’s not what I said.”
He watched as she crossed one leg over the other, the bright silky fabric of her pants distracting for only a moment before his gaze traveled back up to her face. He saw her knowing smirk and he cleared his throat, hands resting on his belt as he looked down at the floor for a second before getting himself together again.
“They give all the cops that hard of a time? Or just me?”
She laughed. “No one has an easy time with those two…” she trailed off for a moment before continuing, “but yeah you get it a little worse.” She saw the incredulous look on his face and she couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t something endearing about it. “C’mon, Franky. I know you were all friends in school but, you know, they grew up and became members of a motorcycle club. And you grew up and became a narc.”
He laughed, placing one hand on his chest. “Ouch, damn.”
She shook her head as she laughed right along with him. “Their words, not mine.”
They shared another quiet laugh about it before the conversation hit a pause. The only noise in the shop was the music playing from the speakers scattered around, a playlist the Evangeline changed from day to day depending on the mood she was in. Franky looked down at the floor, then around the shop, and then back at the woman standing next to him. He didn’t know for sure but he was fairly certain that she’d been watching him the entire time.
“Talk to me, Rookie,” she said, gently nudging his shoulder with her own. “What’s going on?”
That got him to chuckle. “Evangeline, I told you, I haven’t been a rookie in—”
“Franky, I told you, it’s not gonna make me stop calling you that.” She smiled. “I remember when you were slugging your way through the academy, before they got stupid enough to give you a gun,” she joked. “You’re always gonna be a rookie to me.”
“Almost as hurtful as your brothers callin’ me a narc.” There was a brief pause and he cleared his throat. “I really was just checking in. I think they told me that something about this job has to do with protecting and serving or some shit like that.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I heard the rumors.” Reaching back, she took her hair out of the loose, messy ponytail that she’d thrown it into earlier in the day. She continued to speak as the long, loose waves of hair fell down around her shoulders. “I appreciate you checking in. I’m alright, though. All quiet on the strip.”
“’Til your brothers get here.”
She cracked a smile. “Yeah, ‘til my brothers get here.”
He stepped away from the counter and reached into his pocket for his keys. “I’ll let you get back to work then. Don’t wanna be another distraction.”
Her smile was warm as she shook her head at him. “Very considerate of you.”
He stepped backwards towards the door. “Call if you need anything.”
“911 still a good number to reach you at?”
He grinned. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
She was laughing, mostly to herself, as he turned and let himself back out of the shop. She watched as he went back to his patrol car, noticing how he shook his head at her brother’s bikes on the way. There was a split second when she thought she was going to get exactly what she’d asked for earlier, that he was going to knock them over. But of course he didn’t, not looking to kick up that kind of trouble.
By the time that EZ and Angel came back over to her shop, Evangeline had not only finished altering the pants that she’d been working on earlier when they’d stopped in, but also taken care of another pair in between customers filtering in and out. She considered it a successful day, and the shop wasn’t even closed yet. Judging by the looks on Angel and EZ’s faces, she wasn’t sure if they’d had the same amount of success she did.
“Compressor got you beat?” she asked.
Angel scoffed. “Fuck no. We fixed that shit.”
She looked over at EZ. “Did you really?”
He flashed a grin. “Limping it along until the new one comes in.”
Angel’s head dropped back and he let out a dramatic sigh. “Dude, what the fuck?” He ignored the way that they were both laughing as he focused on his sister again. “So, what’d Rent-A-Cop want, anyway? Y’know, besides your hand in marriage.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes. “He was just checking in.”
Angel scoffed. “Yeah, gotta make sure his precious Evangeline is all good over here.”
She tilted her head. “Why are you saying my name like that?”
Angel gestured to the curb even though Franky’s car was long gone. “That’s how he fuckin’ says it! Swear to God, ‘mana, I haven’t heard that guy refer to you as Eva since he was like, twelve.”
Evangeline laughed. “How dare he call me by my actual name.”
“You know what I mean,” he shot right back, attempting to sound more annoyed than he really was.
She tried to divert the conversation rather than going deeper down whatever rabbit-hole Angel was trying to drag them down. “Why are you guys still here, anyway? Don’t you have motorcycle business to attend to? Parties to throw, windows to smash, all that fun stuff.”
“Party’s tomorrow,” Angel replied with a shrug. “You should come through.” He nodded towards EZ. “Prospect is playing barback.”
Evangeline laughed and nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
The two of them hugged her, taking her gentle cue to get going. Angel pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Just don’t bring the narc as your plus-one.”
She laughed as she pushed him towards the door, but chose not to acknowledge his last comments. “Be careful out there.” She waited until the door to chime shut behind them before she muttered a quiet, “Pendejos,” to herself and got back to work.
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James Francis Durante (February 10, 1893 – January 29, 1980) was an American actor, comedian, singer, and pianist. His distinctive gravelly speech, Lower East Side accent, comic language-butchery, jazz-influenced songs, and prominent nose helped make him one of America's most familiar and popular personalities of the 1920s through the 1970s. He often referred to his nose as the schnozzola (Italianization of the American Yiddish slang word schnoz "big nose"), and the word became his nickname.
Durante was born on the Lower East Side of New York City. He was the youngest of four children born to Rosa (Lentino) and Bartolomeo Durante, both of whom were immigrants from Salerno, Italy. Bartolomeo was a barber. Young Jimmy served as an altar boy at St. Malachy Roman Catholic Church, known as the Actor's Chapel.
Durante dropped out of school in seventh grade to become a full-time ragtime pianist. He first played with his cousin, whose name was also Jimmy Durante. It was a family act, but he was too professional for his cousin. He continued working the city's piano bar circuit and earned the nickname "ragtime Jimmy", before he joined one of the first recognizable jazz bands in New York, the Original New Orleans Jazz Band. Durante was the only member not from New Orleans. His routine of breaking into a song to deliver a joke, with band or orchestra chord punctuation after each line, became a Durante trademark. In 1920 the group was renamed Jimmy Durante's Jazz Band.
By the mid-1920s, Durante had become a vaudeville star and radio personality in a trio named Clayton, Jackson and Durante. Lou Clayton and Eddie Jackson, Durante's closest friends, often reunited with Durante in subsequent years. Jackson and Durante appeared in the Cole Porter musical The New Yorkers, which opened on Broadway on December 8, 1930. Earlier the same year, the team appeared in the movie Roadhouse Nights, ostensibly based on Dashiell Hammett's novel Red Harvest.
By 1934, Durante had a major record hit with his own novelty composition, "Inka Dinka Doo", with lyrics by Ben Ryan. It became his theme song for the rest of his life. A year later, Durante starred on Broadway in the Billy Rose stage musical Jumbo. A scene in which a police officer stopped Durante's character—who was leading a live elephant across the stage—to ask "what are you doing with that elephant?", followed by Durante's reply "what elfin!?" was a regular show-stopper. This comedy bit, also reprised in his role in Billy Rose's Jumbo, likely contributed to the popularity of the idiom "the elephant in the room". Durante also appeared on Broadway in Show Girl (1929), Strike Me Pink (1934) and Red, Hot and Blue (1936).
During the early 1930s, Durante alternated between Hollywood and Broadway. His early motion pictures included an original Rodgers & Hart musical The Phantom President (1932), which featured Durante singing the self-referential Schnozzola. He initially was paired with silent film legend Buster Keaton in a series of three popular comedies for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Speak Easily (1932), The Passionate Plumber (1932), and What! No Beer? (1933), which were financial hits and a career springboard for the distinctive newcomer. However, Keaton's vociferous dissatisfaction with constraints the studio had placed upon him, his perceived incompatibility with Durante's broad chatty humor, exacerbated by Keaton's alcoholism, led the studio to end the series. Durante went on to appear in The Wet Parade (1932), Broadway to Hollywood (1933), The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942, playing Banjo, a character based on Harpo Marx), Ziegfeld Follies (1946), Billy Rose's Jumbo (1962, based on the 1935 musical), and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963). In 1934, he starred in Hollywood Party, where he dreams he is Schnarzan, a parody of Tarzan, who was popular at the time due to the Johnny Weissmuller films.
On September 10, 1933, Durante appeared on Eddie Cantor's NBC radio show, The Chase and Sanborn Hour, continuing until November 12 of that year. When Cantor left the show, Durante took over as its star from April 22 to September 30, 1934. He then moved on to The Jumbo Fire Chief Program (1935–1936).
Durante teamed with Garry Moore for The Durante-Moore Show in 1943. Durante's comic chemistry with the young, brushcut Moore brought Durante an even larger audience. "Dat's my boy dat said dat!" became an instant catchphrase, which would later inspire the cartoon Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy. The duo was one of the nation's favorites for the rest of the decade. Their Armed Forces Radio Network Command Performance with Frank Sinatra remains a favorite of radio-show collectors today. Moore left the duo in mid-1947, and the program returned October 1, 1947 as The Jimmy Durante Show. Durante continued the show for three more years and featured a reunion of Clayton, Jackson and Durante on his April 21, 1948 broadcast.
Although Durante made his television debut on November 1, 1950 (on the Four Star Revue - see below) he continued to keep a presence in radio, as a frequent guest on Tallulah Bankhead's two-year NBC comedy-variety show The Big Show. Durante was one of the cast on the show's premiere November 5, 1950, along with humorist Fred Allen, singers Mindy Carson and Frankie Laine, stage musical performer Ethel Merman, actors Jose Ferrer and Paul Lukas, and comic-singer Danny Thomas (about to become a major television star in his own right). A highlight of the premiere was Durante and Thomas, whose own nose rivaled Durante's, in a routine in which Durante accused Thomas of stealing his nose. "Stay outta dis, no-nose!" Durante barked at Bankhead to a big laugh.
From 1950 to 1951, Durante was the host once a month (alternating with Ed Wynn, Danny Thomas and Jack Carson) on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m, on NBC's comedy-variety series Four Star Revue. Jimmy continued with the show until 1954.
Durante then had a half-hour variety show - The Jimmy Durante Show - on NBC from October 2, 1954 to June 23, 1956.
Beginning in the early 1950s, Durante teamed with sidekick Sonny King, a collaboration that would continue until Durante's death. He often was seen regularly in Las Vegas after Sunday Mass outside of the Guardian Angel Cathedral standing next to the priest and greeting the people as they left Mass.
Several times in the 1960s, Durante served as host of ABC's Hollywood Palace variety show, which was taped live (and consequently included ad-libs by the seasoned vaudevillian).
His last regular television appearance was co-starring with the Lennon Sisters on Jimmy Durante Presents the Lennon Sisters Hour, which lasted for one season on ABC (1969–1970).
Durante's first wife was Jean "Jeanne" Olson, whom he married on June 19, 1921. She was born in Ohio on August 31, 1896. She was 46 years old when she died on Valentine's Day in 1943, after a lingering heart ailment of about two years, although different newspaper accounts of her death suggest she was 45 or perhaps 52.[9] As her death was not immediately expected, Durante was touring in New York at the time and returned to Los Angeles right away to complete the funeral arrangements.
Durante's radio show was bracketed with two trademarks: "Inka Dinka Doo" as his opening theme, and the invariable signoff that became another familiar national catchphrase: "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are." For years no one knew who Mrs. Calabash referred to and Durante preferred to keep the mystery alive until 1966. One theory was that it referred to the owner of a restaurant in Calabash, North Carolina, where Durante and his troupe had stopped to eat. He was so taken by the food, the service, and the chitchat he told the owner that he would make her famous. Since he did not know her name, he referred to her as "Mrs. Calabash". At a National Press Club meeting in 1966 (broadcast on NBC's Monitor program), Durante finally revealed that it was indeed a tribute to his wife. While driving across the country, they stopped in a small town called Calabash, North Carolina whose name Jean had loved. "Mrs. Calabash" became his pet name for her, and he signed off his radio program with "Good night, Mrs. Calabash." He added "wherever you are" after the first year.
Durante married his second wife, Margaret "Margie" Little, at St. Malachy Roman Catholic Church in New York City on December 14, 1960. As a teenager she had been crowned Queen of the New Jersey State Fair. She attended New York University before being hired by the legendary Copacabana in New York City. She and Durante met there 16 years before their marriage, when he performed there and she was a hatcheck girl. She was 41 and he 67 when they married. With help from their attorney, Mary G. Rogan, the couple were able to adopt a baby, Cecilia Alicia (nicknamed CeCe and now known as CeCe Durante-Bloum), on Christmas Day, 1961. CeCe became a champion horsewoman and then a horse trainer and horseriding instructor. Margie died on June 7, 2009, at the age of 89.
On August 15, 1958, for his charitable acts, Durante was awarded a three-foot-high brass loving cup by the Al Bahr Shriners Temple. The inscription reads: "JIMMY DURANTE THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS COMEDIAN. A loving cup to you Jimmy, it's larger than your nose, but smaller than your heart. Happiness always, Al Bahr Temple, August 15, 1958." Jimmy Durante started out his career with Clayton and Jackson and when he became a big star and they were left behind, he kept them on his payroll for the rest of their lives.
Durante's love for children continued through the Fraternal Order of Eagles, who among many causes raise money for handicapped and abused children. At Durante's first appearance at the Eagles International Convention in 1961, Judge Bob Hansen inquired about his fee for performing. Durante replied, "Do not even mention money judge or I'll have to mention a figure that'll make ya sorry ya brought it up." "What can we do then?" asked Hansen. "Help da kids," was Durante's reply. Durante performed for many years at Eagles conventions free of charge, even refusing travel money. The Fraternal Order of Eagles changed the name of their children's fund to the Jimmy Durante Children's Fund in his honor, and in his memory have raised over 20 million dollars to help children. A reporter once remarked of Durante after an interview: "You could warm your hands on this one." One of the projects built using money from the Durante Fund was a heated therapy swimming pool at the Hughen School in Port Arthur, Texas. Completed in 1968, Durante named the pool the "Inka Dinka Doo Pool".
Durante was an active member of the Democratic Party. In 1933, he appeared in an advertisement shown in theaters supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs and wrote a musical score titled Give a Man a Job to accompany it. He performed at both the inaugural gala for President John F. Kennedy in 1961 and a year later at the famous Madison Square Garden rally for the Democratic party that featured Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday" to JFK.
Durante continued his film appearances through It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and television appearances through the early 1970s. He narrated the Rankin-Bass animated Christmas special Frosty the Snowman (1969), re-run for many years since. The television work also included a series of commercial spots for Kellogg's Corn Flakes cereals in the mid-1960s, which introduced Durante's gravelly growl and narrow-eyed, large-nosed countenance to millions of children. "Dis is Jimmy Durante, in puy-son!" was his introduction to some of the Kellogg's spots. One of his last appearances was in a memorable television commercial for the 1973 Volkswagen Beetle, where he proclaimed that the new, roomier Beetle had "plenty of breathin' room... for de old schnozzola!"
In 1963, Durante recorded the album of pop standards September Song. The album became a best-seller and provided Durante's re-introduction to yet another generation, almost three decades later. From the Jimmy Durante's Way of Life album came the gravelly interpretation of the song "As Time Goes By", which accompanied the opening credits of the romantic comedy hit Sleepless in Seattle, while his version of "Make Someone Happy" launched the film's closing credits. Both are included on the film's best-selling soundtrack. Durante also recorded a cover of the well-known song I'll Be Seeing You, which became a trademark song on his 1960s TV show. This song was featured in the 2004 film The Notebook.
He wrote a foreword for a humorous book compiled by Dick Hyman titled Cockeyed Americana. In the first paragraph of the "Foreword!", as Durante called it, he describes meeting Hyman and discussing the book and the contribution that Hyman wanted Durante to make to it. Durante wrote "Before I can say gaziggadeegasackeegazobbath, we're at his luxurious office." After reading the material Hyman had compiled for the book, Durante commented on it: "COLOSSAL, GIGANTIC, MAGNANIMOUS, and last but not first, AURORA BOREALIS. [Capitalization Durante's] Four little words that make a sentence—and a sentence that will eventually get me six months."
Durante retired from performing in 1972 after he became wheelchair-bound following a stroke. He died of pneumonia in Santa Monica, California on January 29, 1980, 12 days before he would have turned 87. He received Catholic funeral rites four days later, with fellow entertainers including Desi Arnaz, Ernest Borgnine, Marty Allen, and Jack Carter in attendance, and was interred at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, California.
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Jimmy Durante among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
Jimmy Durante is known to most modern audiences as the character who narrated and sang the 1969 animated special Frosty the Snowman. He also performed the Ron Goodwin title song to the 1968 comedy-adventure Monte Carlo or Bust (titled Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies in the U.S.) sung over the film's animated opening credits.
While his own career in animation was limited, Durante's distinctive voice, looks and catchphrases earned him numerous depictions and allusions in animation: A character in M-G-M cartoons, a bulldog named Spike, whose puppy son was always getting caught by accident in the middle of Tom and Jerry's activities, referenced Durante with a raspy voice and an affectionate "Dat's my boy!" In another Tom and Jerry short, a starfish lands on Tom's head, giving him a big nose. He then proceeds with Durante's famous "Ha-cha-cha-cha" call. The 1943 Tex Avery cartoon "What's Buzzin' Buzzard" featured a vulture with a voice that sounded like Jimmy Durante. A Durante-like voice (originally by Doug Young) was also given to the father beagle, Doggie Daddy, in Hanna-Barbera's Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy cartoons, Doggie Daddy invariably addressing the junior beagle with a Durante-like "Augie, my son, my son", and with frequent citations of, "That's my boy who said that!" The 1945 MGM cartoon Jerky Turkey featured a turkey which was a caricature of Durante.
Many Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies cartoons had characters based on Durante. One Harman-Ising short from 1933, Bosko's Picture Show, featured a caricature of Adolf Hitler chasing Durante with a meat cleaver. Two examples from the 1940s include A Gruesome Twosome, which features a cat based on Durante, and Baby Bottleneck, which in unedited versions opens with a Durante-like stork. Book Revue shows the well-known (at that time) 1924 Edna Ferber novel So Big featuring a Durante caricature on the cover. The "so big" refers to his nose, and as a runaway criminal turns the corner by the book, Durante turns sideways using his nose to trip the criminal, allowing his capture. In Hollywood Daffy, Durante is directly depicted as himself, pronouncing his catchphrase "Those are the conditions that prevail!" In The Mouse-Merized Cat, Catstello (a Lou Costello mouse) briefly is hypnotized to imitate Jimmy Durante singing Lullaby of Broadway. One of Durante's common catchphrases "I got a million of 'em!" was used as Bugs' final line in Stage Door Cartoon.
A Durante-like voice was also used for Marvel Comics superhero The Thing in the Hanna-Barbera cartoon Fred and Barney Meet the Thing. The voice and appearance of Crispy, the mascot for Crispy Critters cereal, was also based on Durante.[17] In Mickey Mouse Works, a character named Mortimer Mouse (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) was based on Durante, complete with the "ha-cha-cha!". One of the main characters in Terrytoons' Heckle and Jeckle cartoon series also takes to imitating Jimmy in 1948's "Taming The Cat" ("Get a couple of song birds today...").
Since Durante's death, his songs have featured in several films. Dan Aykroyd and Kim Basinger performed impressions of Durante from The Man Who Came to Dinner singing "Did You Ever Have the Feeling" in 1988's My Stepmother Is an Alien. His performance of "Young at Heart" was featured in City Slickers (1991) and his versions of "As Time Goes By" and "Make Someone Happy" played over the opening and closing credits of Sleepless in Seattle (1993). Michael J. Fox performed an impression of Durante singing "Inka Dinka Doo" in 1994's Greedy. His rendition of "Smile" featured in the film, and trailer for, Joker (2019).
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theanticool · 5 years
Joe Rogan really wants y’all to believe Frankie Edgar was winning this fight.
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serena-waldorf · 5 years
All my Billary peeps who like fan fiction, go see Long Shot if you can! Except for some of the typical R-rated Seth Rogan type of humor moments, it could very well be a Billary AU lol. I definitely pretended it was at some moments lmao. Its like Veep meets Madam Secretary meets Billary.
And I'm biased because I love romantic comedies anyways but overall it was a really smart and hilarious comedy. Definitely way better than I expected. I might even go see it in the theatre a second time since I went with my bestie but my mom wants to see it too and I don't often see movies in the theatre twice unless they're REALLY good lol.
And as a side note, I'm glad people who don't watch Grace and Frankie will get to see how hilarious and talented June Diane Raphael is.
And I had a fun night out and it gave me some much needed laughs 😊😊😊
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opalcloudspinkskies · 6 years
Another ice breaker
Sooo to begin with... I binge watch a lot of shit. I also casually throw around words like 'shit' and 'fuck' but in professional settings I try to substitute, i.e. Holy shirt!  Also, even though at times I swear like a pirate, I'm still kind. Anyway these are some of the Shows I binge watch, and am completely caught up with minus a few: Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Broad City, the Office, Parks and Recreation, Community, Workaholics, Love, Portlandia, Dear White People, the Unbreakable Kimmy. Schmidt, 30 Rock, New Girl, How I Met Your Mother, That 70s Show, Grace and Frankie, How to Get Away with Murder (I'm on season 2- WIP - Work in Progress), Game of Thrones, Girls, The L Word, Gypsy, Parenthood, Modern Family, This is Us, Girl Boss, Breaking Bad, Prison Break, Scrubs, Gossip Girl, Veronica Mars, the O.C., Futurama, Rick and Morty, Atlanta, Insecure, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Death Note, Fairy Tail, Naruto & Shippuuden (not yet caught up with), Deadman Wonderland, Psycho Pass, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop,  all things Tenchi Muyo except Tokyo, Space Dandy, Master of None, Bleach, Arrested Development, Unsolved Mysteries, Impractical Jokers, Jersey Shore and Party Down South (original cast)(guilty pleasures), Real World in the 90s up to the mid 2000s, Road Rules, Fear Factor (mostly for Joe Rogan😜), Big Brother - only the first season though, with that studmuffin Will Kirby the Mole, Murder in Small Town X, Amazing Race, Malcolm in the Middle, An Idiot Abroad, Ouran High School Host Club, Fullmetal Alchemist & Brotherhood, Once Upon a Time, Shameless, Life documentary, Cosmos: A Space Odyssey, Life in Pieces, Pretty Little Liars, American Horror Story, Walking Dead, Hey! Arnold, Rugrats, Sonic X - don't judge me, it was mostly because of the presence of many different characters and the animation, Lost, 3%, Jackass, Viva la Bam, Boondocks, Aqua Teen Hunger force, Home Movies, O' Grady, Daria, Bob's Burgers, Twin Peaks, Awkward, Degrassi, Radio Free Roscoe, Trailer Park Boys, Sherlock, Dexter, Frasier. I doubt anyone will ever read this but if you are reading and share a mutual love for any of these shows and just wanna share the love, let's be buddies 😝
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I have posted several times about how Never Mind the Buzzcocks is not a very good show but I’m watching it anyway because sometimes junk television is fun. I have, however, just reached the episode that is guest hosted by Frankie Boyle. That man can make anything good. Anything. Here is a list of things I would watch if they were hosted by Frankie Boyle:
-Those reality dating shows where people get married at first sight
-Those reality shows where a bunch of people just have sex with each other
-Music videos by the worst pop-country stars in the world
-Those shows where they criticize celebrities’ fashion sense
-Those shows where they criticize non-celebrities’ fashion sense
-An interview Jordan Peterson
-Joe Rogan’s podcast (still with Joe Rogan and guest, just hosted by Frankie Boyle)
-A WWE event
-Football - the European or American version
-A conference of the most boring caucus in the Conservative Party of Canada
You see my point. It doesn’t matter how much I would normally hate something; put Frankie Boyle in charge of it and it becomes awesome.
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hitokirichibi · 7 years
Tumblr media
Frankie, commission for Rogan
iPadPro 9.7, Apple Pencil, Procreate App
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