#married rogan au
gloomy-prince · 7 months
Hey, this is a little bit of a random question, I know that in the baby au Charlie is a couple years older than abbie and abbie was born when Richie and Eddie were in their late 20s -early30s, but in canon beverly was with Tom Rogan (physically gagged while typing that name) around that time (I think, I could be mistaken ) does that mean that beverly was never married to Tom rogan?
Yeah, unlike ootb, the kid au is no-clown (or they successfully killed it as children. either way), no separating, no memory loss, etc. Beverly has probably never even met Tom.
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princess-glassred · 18 days
I already have a Reddie Cinderella au but a fuckin Benverly Cinderella au where instead of searching for the girl who fits the slipper, beverly is searching for the boy who wrote the January Embers poem would be sooooo cute.
Poor Bev's just this princess who's being auctioned off by her creepy dad to the highest bidder like she's a hunk of meat. Pretty much every man in her life has given their unfiltered opinion on her and it's made her against marrying anyone (she does want to get married, but the men in the royal court have soured it for her). Her betrothed Tom Rogan is a piece of shit who ""sees her poential"" to be a good queen IF she's got a good man by her side to keep her in check.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the kingdom, is a poor orphaned servant named Ben hanscom. His daddy died serving for the royal gaurd and his mom passed away from an illness a couple years after, leaving him in the care of his step father Mr. Keene, his (slightly) younger step sister Greta and his older step brother Henry. Mr. Keene has Ben slaving away in his apothecary since he's fat and probably wouldn't be useful in snatching up a spouse anytime soon. He's treated like a black sheep, Greta likes getting him into trouble and being a jerk for no reason, while Henry likes to attack him with physical abuse and make jokes about his weight. Ben happens to like cleaning and working for Mr. Keene though, because he's logically minded and good at figuring out how things tecnically work (although its kinda degrading with Henry around to make fun of him all the time). It's worth noting that if Ben wasn't around Henry would probably be in the same situation, considering he's not actually Mr. Keene's son and was just sold to him by his dad for booze money.
Bev and Ben meet when she's pretending to be a maid to sneak away from her father, the only hint that she's even a princess is the palace key she keeps around her neck. She tells Ben her name is "Bevvie" to hide her identity and he buys it. The two become really fast friends after that, routinely visiting each other whenever they can. Ben even introduces her to his one and only friend, Mike the farm boy, and now all of them are kind of buddies. When the ball comes Ben has no interest in meeting princess Beverly (even though he assumes she's a wonderfully nice gal) he just wants to see bevvie again. Mostly because he wrote her a poem and neglected to give it to her before, so he HAS to give it to her at the ball. His step family ruin it though, because Ben's considered an embarassment and they can't have ANYONE interfering with Henry's attemps at marriage and Greta's wannabe socialite career. They rip up the poem right in front of him and it's quite heart breaking.
Just when all is lost though, Ben finds not one, but TWO fairy god parents here to help him. They introduce themselves as Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak, married couple, business men, and expert fairy god parents. They dress in modern clothes, which Ben finds very confusing, especially since 40 year old man in hawaiin shirt is hardly what comes to mind when you think "fairy god parent" but whatever. They seem well meaning enough, although they can't stop bickering for like 2 seconds to actually help. They bring back the poem to prove they're legit and give him all the cinderella fixings. Eddie is a little paranoid about Ben getting home on time though, so he gives him a midnight curfew so he leaves on time. Also Richie calls Ben haystack cause he sleeps in a barn lol.
The ball comes around and the usual stuff happens, Henry and Greta embarrass themselves, Bev hates everything about it, and Ben makes a grand entrance that shocks everyone. Ben is pretty shocked himself, as he realizes he's been friends with the princess all along and freaks tf out. Beverly instantly runs to him to ask where on earth he got that wonderfully designed suit and he mumbles out some bullshit excuse that doesn't really make sense. They fall in love but just as midnight comes around Ben remembers he forgot to give her the poem again! He leaves it behind by accident on the ground when he's running away, and bev's dad picks it up.
He seems interested in knowing who sent it, and for a moment Beverly honestly tells him she doesn't know because she met a lot of suitors last night. He insists they go searching for the guy, comparing hand writing to the post card from house to house. All while Bev just wants to get it over with so she can see Ben again and tell her how she really feels..
Sorry that was so long, i got really into the idea. I know i never make benverly stuff, so i wanted to try it.
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writingsofwesteros · 4 months
In canon Sansa wanted all golden haired babies
In the tragedy of love Happy au when she marries Rogan all she has are the cutest sliver haired, purple eyed babies.
And so do Jon and Steffonie. Everyone thinks that her targaryen blood is just strong even though she looks like a Baratheon.
Sweet loves they are!
The babies run circles around them; close to their cousins and grandma Kat
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usagirln12003 · 3 months
Beverly Marsh: Hogwarts AU
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Beverly Marsh is a Half-Blood witch that was born on the 13th of February 1976 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1987, being sorted into Slytherin House.
She has a Blackthorn wand with a Phoenix Feather Core.
She has a Non-Corporeal Patronus.
Her favorite subject is Transfiguration and her least favorite subject is Potions.
She was one of the Slytherin Prefects of her year and eventually Head-Girl.
She is one of the seven members of The Losers' Club.
She is the only female member of the group which consists of Bill Denbrough, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, Stan Uris, and Ben Hanscom.
Beverly had a crush on Bill, but as an adult and towards the end of her seventh year, she lets go of her feelings for Bill and falls in love with Ben Hanscom. At first, she lived with her abusive father, Alvin Marsh and her mother, Elfrida Marsh but after her mother passed away from Dragon Pox, she only lives with her father. As an adult she marries an man named Tom Rogan who abuses her in the same way, until she left him to go back to England to participate in the Fourth Wizarding War. Later she marries Ben Hanscom and have twin daughters together with him.
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so, i know i never did the middle of this “AYITL au where rory and logan are married” saga due to the photoshop being too exhausting and the home of the nutty gilmore girls gallery now not existing anymore (though i do have a few more scenes i made in some computer folder somewhere), but for the record, THIS WAS THE VERY END! (and i think the stuff they’re talking about involved rory and logan deciding to team up and work on some web project together after logan finally decided to stop working for his dad? i did this in 2017 so i don’t super recall the specifics):
i firmly maintain that if we had seen the final four words in a context like this, it would have been lovely and PERFECT.
random snippets of a revival au where rory and logan are married (pt. ? of ?): the final four words.
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the end!
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ghostnebula · 3 years
(semi-cracky a/b/o anon) This au works no matter which way you spin it, but I Really Like the idea of it happening during the 27 years & Reddie basically speedrunning a relationship. They meet, sleep together, meet up every day for a week for hours, sleep together AGAIN (and again and again), call each other every day (also for hours) when Richie has to leave town. Two months later they've moved in together, two weeks after THAT they've mated. By Derry 2.0 they have at least 1 kid (part 1/2)
(semi-cracky a/b/o anon) Also, for some reason I'm really into the idea of Reddie meeting during the 27 years & realizing that they grew up in the same town, & then getting married & for kicks being like "haha, let's look through our old yearbooks & invite anyone who looks cool." They end up picking only the Losers in there (If Mike's in said yearbook, he gets an invite. If not, Richie & Eddie are v mad at themselves after Derry 2.0 & throw a vow renewal.) (2/3)
(semi-cracky au) As for the other Losers: Bev doesn't attend bc of Tom Rogan, nor send a gift(same reason). Bill doesn't show up either, but he sends a hefty check. Ben DOES show up, bc he knows how to party. Stan rsvp's 'no' & sends them a dildo w a note :"so you can go fuck yourselves :)". If Mike is invited, he attends the wedding. Reddie ABSOLUTELY roast Bill & Stan during the nightmare dinner in Derry. Mike roasts them in turn. Ben recounts a completely buckwild wedding reception to Bev.
Like, super fun but the shenanigans would be insane. They're such a disaster. It would be so stupidly extravagant bc they could afford it but their combined terrible taste would make it extravagantly tacky and ridiculous. They'd both get completely fucking hammered and go absolutely ham on the Cha Cha Slide or some shit. Richie drunkenly serenades Eddie with a Spice Girls song. Ben films it all bc he feels weirdly attached to these people he apparently only knew in high school, so by the time the Losers meet up again he has perfect blackmail material (the serenade was actually oddly sweet despite the song choice).
There's a candy bar in the reception hall and Richie probably hired a magician just for shits n giggles. Like, a magician whose usual gig is kids' birthday parties. Eddie has the time of his fucking life participating in this random magician's party tricks. During their photoshoot one of them definitely pushes the other into a lake or something. Their vows are 99% innuendo, if not outright horny, and that's including Eddie's vows (what can he say, his husband is hot as fuck). It's probably the best wedding ever.
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frazzledsoul · 6 years
It’s time to evaluate my fanfiction contributions for the month!
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I updated my fluffy Literati-have-a-baby story here. Rory goes to work with Jess at his book press (and is surprisingly good at it), visits Paris and her new baby in the hospital (yup, that missed period in AYITL wasn’t a red herring in this story), and both Jess and Rory officially announce the news to his side of the family at Thanksgiving and are treated to Doula’s opinion of their situation.
I wanted to get the next chapter of this story out by the end of the month, but it isn’t happening. It’s probably the most pivotal chapter of this entire story and involves the dropping of some unexpected bombshells, so it’s going to take a little more work. The plot of this story ends in December 2019 and I’m hoping to actually have it done before that point. But we’ll see.
A few weeks ago I suddenly became depressed by the wrongness of the How I Met Your Mother finale (I have no idea why, it’s been five years) and wrote an entirely too ponderous fic attempting to fix most of the outcomes of it. Here it is. Pro-Swarkles, pro-Ted-meeting-someone-who-he-is-actually-compatible-with.
I’ve been thinking of writing an Outlander fic that is solidly #TeamFrank (as a person, not a romantic interest - he’s too good for Claire) that lets Claire go back to the past where she belongs and yet rescues Brianna from the prospect of being trapped in the 18th century without access to electricity, contraception, or legal rights. I’ve only watched through the second season but the idea of Brianna going back to the past really bothers me at this point. Good idea, yes or no? Let me know.
We’ll finish this up with the two drabbles I wrote yesterday and today. 
If you want AU Literati that lets Jess and Rory have the freedom and success of their youth that they deserved, here we go. There’s also evidence of a happy outcome for Luke and Lorelai that many fans desired. This is dedicated to #NationalBlueberryPancakeDay.
If you want happily married Rogan enjoying their life in California and their menagerie of pets named after various literary figures, here we go. This is a different AU from the other one, and it’s the same one as the other Rogan stories in the series. There’s a personal conflict referenced here which I don’t want to explicitly detail as it’s part of a longer fic I may or may not write, but who cares about that, since this is celebration of #NationalPuppyDay.
So, read, enjoy (or don’t), and write me a review if you want.
AO3 for fluffy Literati
AO3 for ill advised HIMYM fix it fic
AO3 for AU Literati
AO3 for AU Rogan
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Some Final “Listen” Notes
I’ve been meaning to post this for ages, and so here it finally is: just some final notes about my Deaf!Phil/mute!Dan AU fic “Listen,” about the process of writing it, and about some resources you may want to check out. This is rather long, because I did a lot of research and have a lot of resources to offer, so I’ll put most of it under a cut.
Some General Comments and Thoughts
First, I wanted to point out a couple of statistics. Approximately 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents, but only about 20% of those children’s parents learn to sign. I think that's incredibly sad. A lot of deaf children are not introduced to language as early as hearing children are, even though (statistically) babies can sign better at a younger age than they can talk. As a result, most deaf babies are denied language for the first few years of their life, which are a crucial period for linguistic learning. The current Deaf culture movement lobbies strongly for deaf children to be taught sign language from birth to give them the same opportunities for learning that hearing children have.
Second, I wanted to point out something that I learned about d/Deafness while researching this story. Many many many d/Deaf people do not consider their lack of hearing a "problem" that needs to be "fixed." Many are proud to be d/Deaf. I try to participate in the movement to raise awareness that deafness is not a disability or a handicap—it's just a different way of interacting with the world—and that Deaf culture is as valid and rich and beautiful as any other culture. They just use a different language.
Third, I wanted to say something about some of the words I used in this fic. While writing this story, I struggled constantly with using words like "say," "talk," "hear," "listen," etc., when I was writing about characters who did not use their voices to communicate. For example, "I don't want to talk about it," "He didn't know what he was going to hear" (before Dan "talks" about his past), etc. It didn't feel natural to always use "sign," when "saying something" isn't actually about producing sounds with your mouth—it's about communicating. In sign language, they have creative ways of dealing with this, so if someone were to sign, "I listened to him tell that story," they might use the ASL or BSL sign for "listen," but make the sign under their eye instead of under their ear ... showing that they “listened” with their eyes. It’s amazing how flexible, expressive, and creative sign language can be! (This example was thanks to Rogan Shannon's response to a question I left in a comment on one of his videos. A link to Rogan’s excellent YouTube channel is below.)
Some Specific Videos and Resources
Some specific videos and resources that I found particularly interesting:
“What is it like to be DEAF?”: a truly phenomenal, moving, very personal video by a man named De'Angelo Brown, talking about his  painful experience growing up d/Deaf surrounded by people who did not understand or support him. His positive attitude despite such a difficult past is inspirational. The video is just one man signing, in black-and-white, with no background, but this video is incredible, really. I recommend that everyone watch this.
"Deaf Lens": a TEDTalk by Wayne Betts Jr., an innovative deaf filmmaker. I feel like my Deaf!Phil could totally have ended up being a filmmaker like this later in his life.
"What's It Like Being Deaf In College?": a video about d/Deaf students' experiences in mainstream universities, which made me think about my Deaf!Phil at the University of York.
Camp Mark Seven: a deaf film camp, created entirely for deaf kids who want to become filmmakers. They sometimes make music videos, one of which—Pharrell Williams's "Happy"—went viral on YouTube for a while. Notice that they perform ASL *interpretations* of songs, not word-for-word translations, because word-for-word translation isn't really how sign language works. Facial expression, body language, and other visual cues contribute tremendously to sign language communication, and you can see a lot of that in Camp Mark Seven’s videos. I imagine my Deaf!Phil would have loved this camp when he was a kid!
"My Song": a beautiful, poignant short film about d/Deaf identity. I know I have recommended this film before, but I thought it was worth mentioning again, because it is so beautiful and amazing.
"The Enchanting Music of Sign Language": a fascinating TEDTalk by Christine Sun Kim, a deaf artist who uses sound as part of her art. So incredibly cool!
Wells Fargo’s commercial about sign language: Yes, I’m actually including a commercial here! Wells Fargo made a commercial about a same-sex couple learning sign language in order to adopt a deaf child, and it’s incredibly sweet and short enough that you can watch it without committing too much of your time.
“Opening Our Ears to the Deaf”: a TEDTalk by a hearing woman named Pamela Weisman about the hearing world’s difficulty in understanding, accepting, and interacting with the people who are deaf.
“Protecting and Interpreting Deaf Culture“: a TEDTalk by a Deaf woman named Glenna Cooper who was raised mainstream by parents who did not accept her deafness and tried to force her to fit into the hearing culture. She talks about her discovery of Deaf culture, language, and pride. She describes very entertainingly some of the difference between Deaf culture and hearing culture, such as the fact that Deaf people apparently tend to be very blunt and honest in comparison to hearing culture. She’s really funny and articulate and well worth watching!
There are a lot of other TEDTalks about d/Deaf issues, and so if you’re interested, I recommend just searching for “deaf TEDTalk,” and you’ll find lots of neat stuff.
YouTube Channels
These are my favorites of the YouTube channels I discovered while researching for this fic. I mentioned some of them in my previous notes post, but here I’ll give you a slightly different list of just my favorites, and with a bit of description of each so you can have a better idea of which ones you might be interested in checking out:
Rogan Shannon: Rogan is my favorite of the YouTube channels I discovered while writing this fic. He makes simple vlogging videos in which he just discusses various topics that interest him (always in ASL but with excellent captions). He talks about d/Deaf issues, LGBTQIA+ issues, books he's been reading, and other random stuff ... but he is always articulate and animated and intelligent and interesting. I can't recommend his channel highly enough. I subscribe to him and watch his videos pretty much immediately when they come out. He doesn’t have nearly as many subscribers as he deserves!
ASL Stew: A lesbian married couple—one Deaf and the other a hearing ASL interpreter—talk about various d/Deaf issues. Notice that though one of the partners is hearing, she usually does not SimCom in the videos & chooses instead to sign in ASL, then add a voiceover translation in editing. (They actually add voiceovers for both of them, though I believe the Deaf woman does not in fact speak orally, so no captions are necessary.) In fact, in one of their later videos the hearing partner discusses the issues with SimCom and expresses regret that she SimCommed in their earlier videos. They also have a side channel, ASL Stew Life, where they make videos about other stuff, mostly just about their lives (such as their current pregnancy), rather than about deafness-related issues.
Rikki Poynter: Rikki is, I think, the youngest of the YouTubers I’m listing here, which may make her more relatable for many readers of my fic. She often has really interesting things to say, and she’s a very active advocate for accessibility (especially good captioning of YouTube videos) and the D/deaf community in general. The two videos of hers that I found most useful in my research and particularly recommend are "From Being An Oral Deaf Adult to Using ASL" and "How I Discovered the Deaf Community.”
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard: Jessica posts a wide variety of content on her channel, including make-up tutorials, hair tutorials, commentary about vintage fashion, disability issues (including videos about accessibility and how to deal with specific disability issues like chronic nausea, because she has significant physical disabilities) as well as deafness related material. She’s absolutely beautiful and charismatic, with an incredible sense of style, and also occasionally posts charming videos that feature her much less fashion-conscious but still incredibly cool hearing wife, who is a dentist. Her channel isn’t ideal if you’re looking for sign language stuff, though, because she’s very oral and uses a very English-language-based version of sign language (called “SEE” or “Signing Exact English”) instead of actual BSL. Even when she signs, she speaks at the same time, so there are no captions needed.
Sign Duo: This is a channel featuring another deaf/hearing couple, but I actually primarily like that their channel because it mostly isn’t about D/deaf issues. When the channel first began, it was mostly about the fact that he’s Deaf and she’s hearing and how that affects their relationship, but now their channel is mostly just about these two young people (in their 20′s) living their normal lives in Southern California ... just the guy happens to be Deaf and the girl happens to be hearing. So they post videos about all kinds of stuff other vloggers post about, including their most recent videos about carving pumpkins for Halloween and doing some kind of spicy ramen challenge. It’s interesting and cool to see a Deaf/hearing relationship normalized. This is just a Deaf guy living his life with his girlfriend, like any other guy. Sometimes the girl translates for her Deaf boyfriend, but I still always turn on captions, because he often signs things she doesn’t translate.
CODA Brothers: CODA stands for "children of deaf adults," and they are a community whose place in the deaf/hearing world is an odd one, since even as hearing children they often grow up with sign language as their first language and continue to use it as their preferred language in adulthood. Many of them identify as part of the Deaf culture/community. The CODA Brothers channel is basically just two brothers in Minnesota, kind of wacky, who are hearing but were raised by deaf parents, and (like many CODA) they prefer to communicate through signing. They make humorous videos about lots of issues around d/Deafness as well as what it's like to be CODA (feeling like you don't really fit in with either the hearing or the Deaf community). They sign almost all of their videos and usually provide their own voiceovers ("for the ASL impaired"), but a lot of their humor is "inside jokes" that you only get if you're at least a little familiar with ASL, Deaf culture, CODA issues, etc. They're also often really sarcastic (such as in their "What Deaf people LOVE about Interpreters" video. I think their channel is primarily intended for a CODA audience, but I really like them. And if you’ve read my fic “Listen,” then you probably know enough about deafness, sign language, and Deaf culture to get a lot of their jokes.
Well, I think those are the last of my lingering notes from the writing of “Listen” that I’ve been meaning to share. I hope some of you find the information interesting and check out some of these videos and YouTube channels. Deaf culture is very interesting and unique, completely separate from hearing culture, and I think we could all be better informed and prepared to interact sensitively and respectfully with d/Deaf people we may encounter in our lives.
Thank you to everyone who expressed their growing interest in Deaf culture and learning sign language as a result of reading this fic. It meant a lot to me that my story impacted people’s awareness, acceptance, and understanding.
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blithers · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
Hello Fellow Yuletider! I love Yuletide, and I’m so happy you’re writing for me. I’m mostly active here on tumblr, and I’m blithers on AO3 as well. If you have questions, @htbthomas can help you out: she knows me and can keep a Yuletide secret.
Things I Like: Romantic longing. Bittersweet endings. Happy endings. People who are competent at their work. Humor. Flirting. First times. Sex! Porn! Co-dependency, all the way to its unhealthy extremes. Sarcasm. Forced marriages/pretending to be in a relationship. Things that are left unsaid. Soulmate AUs. Sharing a bed without having sex. Sex pollen. Desperation. Found families. Genderswaps (especially always-a-girl!AUs).
Things I Would Prefer To Avoid: Major character death. Pregnancy/babies.
Wonder Woman (2017) Diana Prince, Steve Trevor
I would really love straight-up shipfic for this couple. I found the movie so fun, and the Diana/Steve relationship was delightful and unique, albeit too short. I’m less interested in the DC universe as a whole (although cameos of other DC characters would be welcome, I’m greatly prefer Diana and Steve to be the focus of any story). In that vein, what about a modern-day hockey AU, where Diana is the first woman in the NHL, and Steve is the team captain reluctantly fascinated by her? Or any of the fandom classics - high school AU, reluctant college roommates AU, detectives-working-undercover AU, band AU, you name it. Alternately, if you wanted to stay a little bit more based in canon, what about a different setup for how the two of them meet: maybe Diana ends up in an arranged or pre-destined marriage with a human? Anything that gives the two of them more time together or explores their relationship in a different scenario than the movie did is going to be marvelous.
The Good Place (TV) Jason Mendoza, Janet
How much do I love Jason and Janet falling in love and getting married FOR ACTUAL FACTUAL REAL in the Good Place? A lot a lot, that’s how much. I am utterly charmed by their surprisingly sweet relationship, and fascinated by the oddities of it: show!Janet is a real Good Place Janet, and has such an poignant mixture of knowledge and innocence, and somehow that ends up being a perfect match for Jason, in all his d-bag inherently sweet glory. Prompts: I’d love anything playing with the format of the show (groundhog day loops! Janet needing Jason’s help after being rebooted each time! Jason keeps accidentally accessing pieces of information Janet has that can help them to escape!) or the strangeness of Janet’s AI falling in love with a human in the afterlife. And I do love the rest of the cast, so feel free to include anybody else you want, if you’re keen to. An ensemble-based fic about how everybody else keeps re-discovering and re-dealing with Jason and Janet hooking up/repeatedly marrying, would, for example, be amazing.
Hidden Legacy Series - Ilona Andrews Nevada Baylor
I inhaled the second and third books of this series earlier this year, and just love the world-building, relationship-building, and the everything-building of these books. I really like Nevada, and I’d be interested in a fic dealing either either Nevada’s relationship to her family (because OMG, I loved all the reveals of everybody’s various talents) or her relationship with Rogan. Feel free to focus on either of those requests and exclude the other - I’d love a fic about Nevada and her family (maybe vignettes focusing on the different times each person discovered their magical talents? Or future fic dealing with the fallout of the formation of House Baylor?) or just focusing in on Nevada and Rogan’s relationship (especially from earlier on, when they were reluctantly attracted to each other but skirting major issues: Magical sex pollen/fuck or die scenario? A telepathic or soulbond spell? A proximity spell so they can’t be more than a couple feet away from each other?) Where ever you decide to go with this, I’m along for the ride.
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ao3feedjessrory · 7 years
You Jump, I Jump
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2G3K1LR
by J_L_Hynde
In one night, her entire world was flipped on its axis. Everything she had worked so hard for—Everything that she sacrificed her time, her energy, and her relationships to was gone. Rory had done the thing no one in High-Society dared to do. She had dosed the bridge to her future in gasoline and handed Emily the matches. Now, she would have to figure out how to get through college with no safety net, none of Lorelai’s moral support, and without her grandparents funding; all because she refused to marry some guy named Colin McCrae.
Words: 6752, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Gilmore Girls
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rory Gilmore, Colin McCrae, Logan Huntzberger, Lorelai Gilmore, Luke Danes, Emily Gilmore, Richard Gilmore, Christopher Hayden, Sherry Tinsdale, Marty (Gilmore Girls), Georgia "Gigi" Hayden, Jess Mariano, Andrew McCrae (Gilmore Girls), Robert Grimaldi, Stephanie (Gilmore Girls), Rosemary (Gilmore Girls), Juliet (Gilmore Girls), Veronica McCrae (OC), Mitchum Huntzberger, Shira Huntzberger, Tristan Dugray, Abigail McCrae (OC), Lane Kim, Kirk Gleason, Miss Patty (Gilmore Girls), Babette Dell, Lindsay Lister, Straub Hayden, Francine Hayden, Finn (Gilmore Girls)
Relationships: Rory Gilmore/Logan Huntzberger, Rory Gilmore/Colin McCrae, Luke Danes/Lorelai Gilmore, Emily Gilmore/Richard Gilmore, Christopher Hayden/Sherry Tinsdale, Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano
Additional Tags: AU, season 5, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Arranged Marriage, forced engagement, cory - Freeform, Rogan, hints of jess and rory, hints of rory and dean, rory swears a lot, based on season 7 Rory, Lorelai is a bit OCC, Emily and Richard are still together, Christopher and Sherry have a healthy relationship, Sherry doesn't leave Gigi, Rory gets a job, Rory works as a bartender, Rory is still in love with Jess, Dean-Rory relationship didn't happen, friday night dinners, Gilmoreisms, pop-culture references, swearing and lots of it, Huge Dinner Fight, Franny and Zooey Quotes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2G3K1LR
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lulukyriacou · 6 years
Abigail Spinner McBride- Escapologist, blogger, assistant to husband Jeff
Abril Kaniucki- Spain, aka  MagaBril , manipulation, digital illusions,  www.abrilmagia.com
Alana Moehlmann- Germany, manipulation, stage and traditional magic www.alana.tv
Alba Magia- South America/USA, cardistry, www.magicalba.com/
Alexandra Duvivier- France,  cards, illusions, runs magic theatre  bar in Paris, www.doublefond.com
Alex Arnold- USA, aka Dazzle from Les Arnold and Dazzle, www.lesarnoldanddazzle.com
Alexandra Skachkova - Russia, stage magic, www.magic-team.ru/en/home/main1
Ali Shelley- USA/France, manipulation, cards, illusionist www.alishelley.net
Aloma Alba-USA, illusionist,  via Facebook
Alma Carey -USA, medium & spiritulist
Amanda Eve Nicot- UK, mot sure what she does but lots of magic friends inc Ian and Lee
Amanda Farrell- UK, AKA  Magic Mandy, member Magic Circle
Amanda Lindsey- USA, aka Magic A,  cards, manipulation, magic effects
Amazing Allison- USA, mentallist,  www.amazingallison.com
Amber Lynn Walker- Canada, illusions and stage, worked with Ryan Stock
Amila -aka Lady Amila, Germany, illusion, mentalism, close up, www.ladyamila.com
Amy Arpan - childrens shows, www.illusionsandconfusions.com/id17.html
Amélie van Tass- Austria/USA. part of double act The Clairvoyants, award winners, wwwtheclairvoyants.com
Anastasia Synn-, Los Angeles married to magician Jonathon Szeles,  via Facebook
Andrea Hardy- Germany, childrens magic, shows, circus juggling, ww.andreahardy.de
Angela Funovits- USA, actual medical doctor who also does mentalism and illusions www.angelafunovits.com
Angeline Mystique- British illusion and escapeologist, no contact details
Anhdao Ava Le Do- see Ava Do
Annalise Neumeyer- Switzerland,  hypnosis, magic  for therapy www.therapeutisches-zaubern.de
Anne Goulden - Aka Anne Davenport, wife of John, Pentacle Club archivist!
 Annika Amila Lehnert- Germany, stage magic
Ann Pownall- cast member 1990's magic programme The Secret Cabinet, no contact details
Antje Pode- Germany, foot juggler, performed at Blackpool 2008
Ariann Black-USA, Las Vegas Illusionist, www. ariannblack.com
Astrid Gloria Irmer- Germany, vegetable and cooking magic, www.astridgloria.de
Autumn Morning Star- USA, native American magician and storyteller,  www.facebook.com/pg/magicmorningstar/about/?ref=page_internal
Ava Do- USA, mentalist, www.ava-do.com
Ava Rose Byers - USA,  Award winning junior in 2014 &2016, Member IBM, SAM
Barbara Bruce- UK, childrens entertainer
Beautiful Jewels- see Jewels Good
Becky Blaney-USA, comedy magician, www.beckyblaney.com
Belinda Sinclair- USA, close up, mentalism, www.belindasinclair.com
Bella McCarthy- stage magic, NB cannot find on internet....
Bellamie Blackstone- USA, daughter of Gaye Blackstone, author, producer
Belle Daily- USA, Stage, close-up, childrens,  dealer and creator of magical effects. via Facebook/linkedin
Betty Davenport- member of the Davenport family
Billy Kidd-UK,close up,  stage and Street magic, www.billykiddshow.com
Bipasha Aich- assistant to Jewel Aich
Birte Stuhler -German, childrens, adults, shows and magical services, www.zauberservice.de
Blanka Absolon- Czech, part of the New Absolons  (family group in cluding brother Petr, sister in law Monika and mother Blanca,  www.iluzionista.cz
Bonnie Saxe-mother of Melinda, not actually magic?
Bozena Wrobel-USA, theatre magic, www.magicopolis.com
Brandy LaPlante- USA, performer and magical assistant, via Facebook
Brenda Payne-?? Think died 2015?
Bri Crabtree-USA, stage entertainer, comedy magic, www.bricrabtree.com
Brooklyn Tanner-USA, aka 'Magic Brooklyn, www.magicbrooklyn.com
Cara Hamilton-UK, mentalism, illusion, www.carahamilton.co.uk
Careena Fenton-UK, member Magic Circle, www.careenafentonmagic.com
Carisa Hendrix- Canada, magic, circus, stunts, www.carisahendrik.com
Carola Scialabba- Argentina, child magician (as of 2015), no further infomation  
Carol Bosworth-UK, aka Pip the Magic Clown,  [email protected]
Caroline Marx- France, cardistry, via www.vvvshow.com
Caroline Ravn- Sweden,  close up, stage
Carol Massie Givan- USA, illusionist, owner Theatre of Dreams,
Carrie Arnold- Scientist??  cant find a magic reference
Carrie Rostollan-USA, family magician, www.proximityillusions.com
Cassandra Best- USA, works with Steven Best, via Facebook
Cassandra Nemzer-USA, "Songstress of Magic", conjuring to card tricks, works with husband Ben as well as solo, via Twitter
Cat Boult- USA, https://cathrynboult.wixsite.com/catboult
Cath Jamison-Australia, magician and mentalist, www.cathjamison.com.au
Celeste Evans-died 2017
Charlee Ann Arnold- USA, wife of Lee Arnold, www.lesarnoldanddazzle.com
Charlene Gott- USA, secretary Society of American Magicians,
Charlotte Pendragon- USA, illusionist, www.charlottependragon.net
Chelsea Lowe- www.MissClaireVoyant.com, stage, mentalism
Cherry Taylor- Australia, wife and partner of John, www.johntaylormagic.com
Cheryl Sawyer- USA, illusions, balloons, enchanted storytelling
Chess Litten- Germany, close and parlour, www.chesslitten.de
Chloe Louise Crawford-GB/USA, stage illusions, contact via Facebook
Chris- see Zaubern Chris
Christella- see Zaubern Christella
Christen Gerhart- USA, cardistry,  magic critic/judge, www.christengerhart.com/
Circe Martinez-USA, stage ad close up, www.circemagic.com/
Cindi Evans- USA, childrens magic, PolkaDot the Clown, via Facebook
Claire Manley-60's clairvoyant?
Claire Voyant- see Chelsea Lowe
Colleen The Sideshow Queen-USA, general magic, balloons, works with Evil Dan www.psychicsideshow.com
Connie Boyd-USA, stage illusionists, www.connieboydmagic.com
Connie Elstun-USA,  comedy magic and childrens,  www.comedymagicbunny.com
Dahlia Pelled-  Israel, president of Israel Magicians
Dania Diaz- Spain, illusionist, www.daniadiaz.com
Debbie Henning- Canada, wife and business partner of Doug Henning, seems to be retired since his death
Debbie Leifer- USA, Magician and speaker, www.debbiewowsthem.com
Debbie McGee- partner of Paul Daniels,
Debbie O’Carroll-USA, childrens and stage,  www.debbieocarroll.com
Derryn Horne - UK,  cardistry.......
Desilava  Scheherazade-Bulgaria, daughter of Bobi Show, illusionist for stage and TV, including  fire, doves, ropes and flying objects, IBM member
Desiree Kongerod-UK, half of "Norvil & Josephine" www.norvilandjosephine.com
Diamond- Germany, mind reading with Timothy Trust www.timothytrust.de
Diana Zimmerman- USA, aka Diana the Enchantress, wife of illusionist and producer Dick,  retired from performing
Diane O’Brien-UK, member Magic Circle, childrens magic
Dianne Davis- ??????
Dollee Mallare-New England, USA, Family Magician/ Educational
Dolly Kent- Argentina, stage and  manipulation www.dollykent.com
Donna Horn- USA, Magic Mom,  www.magicbydonnahorn.com/
Donna Purnell-USA based Escape Artist, multiple TV appearances and advisor on film and TV stunts aka Alexanderia The Great
Dorothy Dietrich-USA, stage magic and escapology,  www.dorothydietrich.com/
Dove- ???????
Dusty Summers-USA, las Vegas, illusions, via Facebook
Ed Thide- Germany- see Miss Edith,  
Edith Ruprecht- see Miss Edith
Ekaterina Dobrokhotova, Canada, close up,  https://www.ekaterinamagic.com
Elaine Alcorn-USA, illusionist, "ChickswithTricks", via Connie Boyd Magic
Elaine Lorzo- USA, works with husband Dale, members IBM, Magic Castle
Elena Tschishcheva- Russia, quick change,  via www.vvvshow.comELENA TSELISHCHEVA
Eleonora Mangili- Italy, kids magic
Eleonora Raspagliesi- Italy, stage magic -
Eleonora Di Cocco- Italy, stage magic, www.eleonoramagic.net/
Elfia- France, www.magicien-au-feminin.com/
 Elizabeth Messick- USA, strolling and parlour magic, www.elizabethmessick.com/contact
Elizabeth Page-USA, Stage and Parlour, member SAM
Elizabeth Rogan- UK, Young Magician of the Year finalist 2013, via Magic Circle  
Elizabeth Warlock- UK, IBM British Ring winner, author, cant find contact details
Erica Sodos-USA, mentalist, speaker, magic stage &close up, www.ericasodos.com
Erica Vanlee-USA, stage illusion, website down (www.ericavanlee.com) try SAM
Evanna Breyn Brening-USA, maker of magic props, daughter of Celeste Evans,  via www.facebook.com/KnottyGirlWoodturnings
Evelyn Maxwell- died 2011
Fanny White- Hungary,  classic magic, founder Hungarian Magic Theatre in Budapest, IBM member
Fay Presto- High Priestestess of Magic!  www.faypresto.com
Felice Ling-USA,  close up and street magic,    www.justfelice.com
Flamina- Germany, www.flaminia-magie.de
Gabriela-USA,  silks and dance, via Connie Boyd Magic
Gaia Elisa Rossi- Italy, stage magic, www.gaiaelisarossi.com/
Gaia Germani- Italy,  maybe retired or deceased, no contact details
Galina Hayes- Germany, stage illusions and manipilation www.galinamagic.com
Gay Blackstone- USA, former president of Academy of Magical Art, IBM ambassador
Gemma Louise Raymond-UK, Suffolk, via Facebook
Geri Larsen- died 1998
Ginny Aronson-USA, mind reading with husband Simon, www.aronsonmindreading.com
Gladys Chucklebutty-UK, stage childrens magic,  see Facebook &  www.chucklebutty.co.uk
Gladys Hermann- died 2015?
Glenda Mann- family based magic shows works with ventriloquist husband Mike, www.mannjik.com IBM member
Gloria- Germany, double act with partner Fracati, stage, childrens, www.zauberkuenstler.com
Gwenaëlle Ardault- French but in USA, stage illusions,  email [email protected]
Gwyn Auger-  Canada, The Magic Assistant, via Facebook or www.themagicassistant.com
Hannah Ammar-USA, works with husband Michael, www.ammarmagic.com
Hanna Willard-Ammar- see Hannah Ammar above
Heather McNeill-Canada, double act The Magic of Zanthera www.zanthera.com
Heather Meadows- Canada, 40 years experience from magic family,  [email protected]
Heather Rogers-USA, comedy magic and speaker, www.heathermagic.com
Helen Diedrich- UK, www.arcanachaosmagic.com Specialty is Bizarre Close-Up
Hope Anderson-USA, life member SAM
Ignazia- see Zauberin Ignazia
Ines Fuentes-Spain, stage, cardistry.   www.ineslamaga.es
Inge Stephan- Germany, www.inge-zauberkunst.de
Irene Kivaste- Estony/ Italy) close up and stage magic now in Oz? www.applesandpearsentertainment.com.au
Isabelle- Germany, ww.zahlenzauberin.de
Jacqueline- Germany, with partner René, parlour, cards, manipulation, kids, www.zauber-profi.de
Jacqueline D'Arc / Gaston Florin -Germany, stage magic, www.gaston-florin.de
Jade Tjin- USA, "Jade Magic", www.magicjade.com
Janet Clare-UK, if not retired or deceased, try Sussex Magic Circle or Magic Circle proper
Jania Taylor - USA, magician and speaker  www.magicbyjania.com
Jann Goodsell- USA? Think name mis-spelt? Jam Godsell former officer at SAM
Jan Rose-USA, works with Dan Orleans, specialise in corporate magic events , www.corporatemagicltd.com
Jayashree Sorcar-India, wife of PC Sorcar Jrn, not sure if practises on her own
Jayne Corrigan- aka Magic by Jayne, UK, close-up, http://www.magicbyjayne.co.uk/
Jayne Loughland-died 2016
Jazz Vegas - UK, close up (Chicks & Tricks), featured in BBC Killer Magic, [email protected]
Jeanette Andrews-USA, Sensory magic, illusions, www.jeanetteandrews.com
Jeanette von Wunder- Germany, www.zauberin-moderatorin.de
Jen Adams- USA, actress and commdienne as well as magician, www.jenadamscomedy.com
Jen Kramer- USA, cardistry, close up, via SAM
Jenny Mayers- UK, first Carribean member of Magic Circle, family, corporate, www.jennymayers.com
Jesse Dewhurst-UK, Bubbleologist/manipulation/circus, via Facebook
Jessica Jane Peterson- USA, www.jessicajane.com
Jessica Reed-USA, member of trio, the Reed Sisters, www.reedmagic.com
Jewels Goode- Germany, aka Beautiful Jewels, sword swallowing, illusion, www.nothingimpossible.de
Jill Pratt- wife of Chris, honorary member Magic Circle
Jill Schmidt- USA, aka SillyJilly , childrens magic, ww.sillyjilly.com/
Jinger Leigh-Kalin-USA, works with husband/partner Mark Kalin, stage illusions,  www.bestmagicshow.com
Joana Andreu Gascó-Spain, close-up and cardisty, www.joana-andreu.es
Joan Ceasar-USA/Canada, doves, rabbits and kids magic, via IBM?
Joan DuKore-USA, close up, stage, strolling, lectures,  www.JoanDuKore.com
Joanie Spina- Died 2014
Josephine Lee-UK, illusionist, www.josephinelee.co.uk
Josephine Wormall - ( see Josephine Lee)
Joycee Beck-USA, "Duchess of Deception", via LinkedIn
Julia Christiie- Norway, illusionist with wild animals, www.juliachristiie.com
Juliana Chen-China, FISM &IBM winner,  www.julianachen.com
Julia Stöckert-Germany, friend of Jamie Raven of Facebook, cant find any other contact
Julie Carpenter- aka Auntie Julie. Known for world war 2 themed act that won the originality prize ( and third place) at the IBM in Southport 2005
Juliette Evans-France, www.julietteevans.com,  cardistry
Julie Eng- USA,  close-up, parlour, kids, director Magicana, www.magicienne.com
Julie "Jewls" Wright-UK, kids magic, Jewls the Clown, can't find contact details
Julie Sobanski-USA, Princess of Magic, www.juliesobanski.com
June Horowitz-Died 2018
Karen Beriss-USA, slieght of hand, manipilation, www.karenberiss.com
Kaarina Manninen-Finland? Not sure if a magician ?
Karly Ann- see Nada Carli
Katalin-Hungary but often in US, illusionist,  www.misskatalin.com
Kate Medvedeva-Russian, President Russian Association of Magicians, via Facebook
Katherine Mills-UK, magic and mentalism,  www.katherinemills.co.uk
Katherine Rettke-USA, no longer performing
Katherine Rhodes-UK, member Magic Circle, www.katherinerhodes.co.uk
Katie Trickett-UK,  illusion, side show magic, www.katietrickett.co.uk
Kat Milner- try via LinkedIn, does not seem to be performing these days
Katrina Kroetch- USA, try SAM
Kay Dyson- UK, aka Miss Magic &MagicKay,  www.magickay.com
Kay Holland-UK, Honorary member Magic Circle, non performer
Kayla Drescher-USA, www.magicinheels.com
Kay Tracy?? Died 2012 maybe?
Kelly Peron-USA,  works with partner Kyle, www.kylekellymagic.com
Kerry Cawkwell- see Kerry Scorah
Kerry Scorah-UK, magic and comedy, Magic Circle, www.kerryscorah.co.uk
Kimberly Bornstein-USA, mind reader with husband Jeff, www.jeffbornstein.com
Kim Z Zoller-USA,  K Z Magic on Facebook,  email;  [email protected]
Kirstin Sims-UK, Kids magic, via Time For Magic Facebook page
Kornelia Weiland- Germany, www.korneliaweiland.de
Kristal KL-UK? Quick change, via Facebook
Kristen Johnson-USA, Escapeologist, Lady Houdini,  www.ladyhoudini.com
Kristin- see Zauber Kristin
Kirsten Stassberger- see Magic Elixir
Kristi Toguchi-USA, Magic, dance &circus, www.kristitoguchi.com
Krystal Lawrence- USA, IBM member, via Facebook
Krystyn Lambert- USA, www.krystynlambert.com
Kyoko-Japan, award winning Asian magician,   email; [email protected]
Lani Aladdin,believed retired after death of husband Johnny in 2015
Laura Hawkins-UK,  childrens shows, The Copy Cat Party Company
Laura London-UK, member Magic Circle, www.laura.london
Laura Luchino- Italy,  stage magic, close up magic
Lauren Cohen-USA, aka  Magic Lauren, www.magiclauren.com
Leah Williamson-USA, IBM member, small performances
Lee Cohen-Australia, President Australian Magicians,  via Facebook or email [email protected]
Leilani- USA, aka Sisuepahn Phila, www.ladyofmagic.com
Lena Hasslemann- Germany, www.lunartistik.de
Leslie Pollack-married to Harry Anderson, no other magic connection?
Li Yan-USA, aka Magic Sister, chinese manipulator, IBM member,
Libby Edwards- UK, female half of illusioninst act Safire [email protected]
Liberty Larsen-USA, performance artist inc magic,  www.libertylarsen.com
Lilliana Longin - Italy, stage magic
Linda Triemer- USA, aka Klinker the Clown, www.morethanmagical.com
Lindsay Benner-USA, entertainer and magician, www.lindsaybenner.com
Lisa Cousins-USA, magic historian? works at the Magic Castle
Lisa de la Vega-USA, close up, magic consultant for film, try SAM
Lisa Lane-USA? Cant find contatact details for LisaLane Magic
Lisa Menna-USA/Canada,  close up, illusions, www.menna.com
Liz Del Sol-USA, www.lizdesol.com
Lorena Watters-Canada, partner of Trevor, comedy magic act, www.trevorandlorenashow.com
Lucie Absolon - Czech, part of the New Absolons  (family group in cluding brother Petr, sister in law Monika and mother Blanca,  www.iluzionista.cz
Luna Shimada Losander- USA, www.lunashimada.com
Lupe Nielsen-USA, not pratising, makes magic props www.nnmagic.com
Lyn Dillies-USA, illusionist, www.magicoflyn.com
Lynetta Welch-USA, owner Fabric Manipulation prop shop, former performer www.fabricmanipulation.com
Lynette Chappell- USA, assistant to Siegfried and Roy
Maga Gascar- Italy,  magic for kids
Magic A- see Amanda Lindsey
Magic Babe- see Ning Chai
Magic Elixir- Germany,Kirsten Strassberger and Yvonne Brosselmeier, double act, solo, comedy magic, www.magic-elixir.de
Magica Rocio- Argentina, stage illusion, contact via Facebook
Malin Nilsson- Sweden, stage and close up, www.malinnilsson.se/en/contact/
Mandy Davis-UK, Member Magic Circle, close up, stage, www.mandydavis.co.uk
Mandy Fletcher-UK, magician and dancer, via Facebook or Magic Circle
Mandy Muden- UK,  via Magic Circle
Mandy Reed-USA, member of trio the Reed Sisters www.reedmagic.com
Maneka Sorcar-India, www.manekasorcar.com/contact.html
Manuela Halfen- Germany, aka MagicClown/Zauberclown www.zauberclown.com
Mara- see Zaubern Mara
Margaret MacLean- UK, member Magic Circle,  number in phone book!
Margaret B Steele-USA, Magician and magic historian, via SAM
Margo Willard- USA, former assistant to the Pendragons,  try contact via SAM
Marguerite Kusuhara-USA, sword dancing & magic, aka GipsyMagic, website down, via Facebook
Maria Cork-UK, now heavily involved in making props etc for movies.
Maria Gara-USA aka The Snake Babe, magic with adult content, www.snakebabe.com
María Gadea Aragüés- Spain, daughter of Sticky Vicky, performs similar  show
Maria Ibañez-  USA, Magic storyteller, www.merlina.com/
Maria Rose Pereira- aka Sexy Barbara, Spain
Maria Schwieter- USA, IBM member, www.mallofmagic.com/circe.htm
Maritess Zurbano-USA, hypnotist, magician, www.womanhypnotist.com/
Marlene Szulczewski Clark-USA, retired? Member SAM? via Facebook
Ma Yan Yan- China, Ballerina Magic, FISM winner, via Facebook or [email protected]
Mayuco Fujisawa- Japan, close up, via Facebook
Megan Knowles Bacon-UK, ballerina magician, officer  Magic Circle, www.meganswann.co.uk
Megan Swann- see Megan Knowles Bacon
 Melanie Partner-UK, close up, www.melaniemagic.co.uk
Melinda Evensvold- see Melinda Saxe
Melinda Saxe- USA, IMS Magician of the year 1988, Las Vegas stage illusions, possibly retired?
Meritxell Farre Serra-Spain, cards, via Google+
Michele Watson-New Zealand, childrens? Balloon? Wife of Alan, [email protected]
Millie Cooper- common name no obvious results
Miss Direction-UK, close-up, member Magic Circle, www.missdirection.co.uk
Miss Edith- Germany, stage, childrens, circus manipulation, Close up, children, hula and mentalism and some shorter pieces for stage. www.missedith.de
Mistie Knight- USA, illusionist with husband Kyle,  www.knightmagic.com
Misty Lee-USA, stage illusion, close up, www.mistylee.com
Misty Mew-USA, Cardistry, via Facebook and SAM
Mlle. Helene Stantone-deceased 2017
Moi-Yo Miller Montes- deceased
Moira Fletcher-UK, member Magic Circle, [email protected]
Monika Absolon- Czech, part of the New Absolons  (family group in cluding brother Petr, sister in law Monika and mother Blanca,  www.iluzionista.cz
Mrs Magic-UK, wife/partner? of Magic Singh
Nada Carli- aka Karly Ann, Italy, manipulation and close up, via Facebook
Naga O’Shan-probably retired, worked with husband, would be elderly now.
Nanci Keener-USA, wife of Ed, performed as The Kenners, retired?
Nani Darnell-USA, wife of Mark Wilson
Naphtalia Leba-USA, not sure of spaciality,  via Facebook or try SAM
Natalia Villalonga- Stanton- England,  close up magic (chicks and tricks)
Nataly Rozi- Based Spain, works with husband Ferran, [email protected]
Nazan Küçükgümrah-Turkish Illusionist aka Nazan Tiknaz via Facebook
Nicola Cunningham-Northern Ireland, childrens magic, aka FizzWizzPop www.fizzwizzpop.com
Nikola Arkane- see Nicola Cunningham above
Nina Dees-USA, ????
Ning Cai-Singapore aka Magic Babe Ning, author, www.ningthing.com
Olive Fletcher-UK, formerly secretary of Scottish Association of Magical Societies (SAMS)
Paige Thompson-USA,  stage magic,  member SAM, www.paigesmagic.com
Pam Tompson-AKA Pam Hayes, wife John Tomson, www.tomsoni.com
Peggy Rosini-died Sept 2018
Penny Wiggins-USA, magician, actress, entertainer, aka Psychic Tonia, www.pennywiggins.com
Petra Fröschle-Germany, former magician, now promoter of other magicians www.topasmagic.de
Pinky Loo-US based Malaysian, quick change and illusion, www.vivasmagic.com/
Princess Sparkle-GB, aka Magic Cougar,author of this list! amateur magician,  [email protected]
 Priscilla Khong-Singapore, magician & illusionist, via LinkedIn, website links corrupted
Priska Walther-Switzerland, Former secretary FISM, does not seem to be performing now
Rachel Columbini- died 2018
Rachel Jessee- USA, aka Scarlett, Princess of Magic, Illusionist, via SAM
Randilyn Illusions-USA, Escapeologist, try via Facebook or SAM
Reed Sisters- USA, Jessica, Shayna and Mandy work together, www.reedmagic.com
Riana-Indonesia, aka The Sacred Riana, via Facebook or [email protected]
Romany- UK, the Diva of Magic, www.romanymagic.com
Rosalind Chan- Canada, card manipulation, http://www.rosalindmagic.com/
Roxanne Petra Froschle -stage magic?
Sabine van Diemen-Dutch Illusionist, escape artist, wwwsabinevandiemen.com/
Safire- UK, see Libby Edwards
Sandra McNeill- Canada, together with sister Heather, female double act The Magic of Zanthere www.zanthera.com
Sarah Campbell-UK, South London Magic Society,  via Facebook
Scarlett, Princess of Magic, USA, see Rachel Jessee
Shannon Smith-USA ???
Shayna Reed-USA, member of trio, Reed Sisters, www.reedmagic.com
Sheila Lyon-USA, Co-owner Market Magic Shop, psychic entertainer, via LinkedIn
Silvia Agnello- Italy, fantasy, close-up, childrens,  parlour magic,  via Facebook
Silvana Gordiola -Spain, comedy magic,  via Facebook
Simone Shapland-USA, stage ilusionist, contact via Connie Boyd Magic
Simone Turkington- USA,  parlour magic. close up, IBM & SMA, www. magicsimone.com
Sisuepahn Phila- see Leilani
Sophie Cordwell James-UK, performing arts, via LinkedIn
Sophie Evans-British but US based, aka Magic Sophie, stage, close up,  www.magicsophie.com
Stacey Suarez Cole-USA, works with Danny Cole, www.DanyCole.net
Stacy Alan-USA, part of a duo with husband, http://jasonalanmagic.com/contact-the-alans/
Stacy Smith-GB, stage and close up, contact via Facebook or Magic Circle
Stacy Wind-USA, co-owner Tommy Wind Theatre, Las Vegas  via Linked In
Star Michaelina Newman-USA, comedy magic,  www.starnewman.com
Steff Evans-UK,   via Facebook/Magic Circle?????
Steffi Kay-USA, mentallist, The Sentimentalists, facebook or www.thesentimentalistsmagic.com
Sticky Vicky- Spain, illusionist, retired or deceased,  
Sue-Anne Webster- Australia, President Australian Institute of Magic, writer as well as magician www.ladymagician.com.au
Suzanne Haring- USA, aka Soozi, www.thesoozishow.com/
Sylvia Schuyer-Dutch, stage&close up, message  https://www.facebook.com/sylvia.thegreathansini?ref=hl
Tamar Louise Kimmons-UK, Childrens magic with husband John, performed at Trix 2016, via Facebook
Tammy Calvert-USA, worked with husband John,  not sure if still performing,  try SAM
Tery Uferini-????
Tessa Evason-Mentalist, part of the Evasons,  www.evason.com
Tiffany Allen- USA? Cardistry? Used to work for Magic Geek.com
Tina Lenert- USA, stage magic (also mime and music) contact via SAM
Tracy Wise-UK,  runs magic and illusion  crime scene mysteries, www.crimesceneillusion.co.uk/about
Trixie Bond-USA, www.trixiebond.com
Trudy Monti-USA, contact via SAM
Valerie Swadling-retired??
Valérie Quick Change- France, via Facebook
Valeriy Vakal-Ukraine?, works with husband Hulyna,  via Facebook or www.vvvshow.com
Vera Crews-USA, Alaska vis SAM
Veronica Morris-UK, with Mario Morris, www.mariomorris.co.uk/
Victoria Skye-USA, childrens magic, www.victoriaskye.com
Viviane Mireldo- France, dove magic, does not appear to be currently working
Véronique Ross- Netherlands, Admin Magical Arts Centre in Holland,  www.magicalcenter.nl
Wendy Sobel- USA, not magic, profile unavailable on SAM? singer?
Yeşim Kasapoğlu- Turkey, ??????
Yogane- France, stage magic, www.yogane.fr
Yvonne Brosselmeier-  see Magic Elixir
Yumi Nakajima- Japan, IBM member [email protected]
Zauber Clown- see Manuela Halfen
Zauber-Kristin- Germany,  balloons and childrens, www.zauber-kristin.de
Zaubern Chris-Germany, stage and close up, cardistry and manipulations, www.zauberin-chris.de
Zaubern Mara- Germany, www.zauberin-mara.de
Zaubern Christella- Germany, stage, close up and childrens, www.zauberin-christella.de
Zauberin Ignazia- Germany, www.zauberin-inge.de
Zlota Raczka Sonk- ?? couldnt find English link.....
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Post war (happy au) : Jaime is pardoned for killing Aerys cause he saved princess and Rogan. He is released from his duty and made heir of and returns to Casterly rock as a thank you to Tywin for his loyalty to Robert. He returns to kings landing(Cersei comes with him-she's nice in this au as she and reader were best friends) as princess and Rogans personal guard by Robert's request after an assassination attempt on them as he is one of the few people that Robert trusts with y/n as he knows that if it came down to it Jaime would kill him to protect y/n and Rogan. He also knows that y/n needs a friend/confidant since Elia was killed and trusts Jaime to be that person along with cersei who becomes her lady in waiting like Joanna was for Rhaella (Tywin actually makes that comparison in his mind when he sees them). They (Robert/Jaime) actually develop a friendship not as close as Jaime/princess or Robert/Ned but still a close friendship. Jaime/Cersei leave back to casterly rock after the greyjoy rebellion as Robert allowed them to get married with urging from princess(she was the captain of their ship). Both couples still exchange letters Robert/Jaime mainly business and the safety of the kingdom as Jaime is warden of the west(Jaime is offered a seat on the small council by Robert if he ever wants it or gets bored of the rock) and princess/Cersei/Jaime about normal day to day life. Princess even wanted to bethrode Rogan to Mycella since Rogan already knew her as all the kids(Baratheon 10 and lannister 3-kids from show, joffrey is very pleasant with a proper upbringing) spent alot of time together. But Robert wanted house Stark cause of Ned and we know how that turns out👀. #🦌❤️
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Post war (og au) : Jaime blames himself for her and Rogans death. He can't get her screams/voice out of his head (from when she had Rogan, from when Rogan was killed and her dying and questioning Robert - in another post somewhere in idea bank). He mourns with Robert but does blame him,then feels guilty cause he knows how much Robert loved her. But when Robert agrees to marry cersei so quickly after her death he gets angry and questions Robert's love for princess and starts to hate him then cersei comes to him crying that Robert called her y/n and he's torn. He hates the way Robert treats his sister but he knows that it's cause he still loves y/n and can't let go. As the years go he just starts to pity Robert knowing he's slowly killing/punishing himself for what happened to y/n because he can never let go of what was supposed to be his perfect life. With a wife and children that loved him unlike what he got with cersei. Their interactions stay the same as the show but sometimes they have moments where they talk about her cause Jaime is the only other person who knows where the secret shrine(idea bank) is and is also one of the only people who knew who she really was. Robert knows cersies' kids aren't his, he just doesn't care cause the kingdom/throne was worthless without princess and he just remained king to keep peace as he knew that princess loved her people and that she felt it was her duty as their princess to protect them (a little anger/jealousy from Robert towards Jaime would come from the fact that Jaime got to hold and play with Rogan when he never got to - but he would never admit it ). #🦌❤️
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
For tragic love Happy au. The first night someone flirts with reader during a celebration feast after the war. Robert and y/n are still not talking to each other as she's somewhat still angry/cautious around him and she was made to leave Rogan with a nanny and attend the feast which is something she didn't want to do (still paranoid) also since it's basically a celebration of her family's death.
A random knight asks her to dance, she looks to Robert and he just waves dismissively so she agrees. The knight basically dances with her the whole night and keeps talking to her. She's not interested and is just being polite(as she was trained) as she doesn't know how to leave the situation as Jaime/Rhaegar used to intervene in these situations and when she got bethrode/married Robert used to 'rescue' her.
She keeps her mask on the whole night and Robert just sits at the main table just getting drunker and drunker (read as sadder and sadder) thinking she's enjoying the other man's company when in fact she's miserable and is hoping that Robert will come to her rescue but he doesn't. Which makes the court think that he doesn't love her anymore and that she is only playing games with Robert from the beginning and also doesn't care for him.
At the end when she can finally leave she returns to her childhood chambers that she shares with Rogan as it's her safe space where she comes to the conclusion (even though it's completely wrong) that Robert doesn't love her anymore and is only keeping her alive to keep the fragile peace in the kingdom and Robert even in his drunken state goes to the room he has been staying in opposite hers cause in his mind he still wants to protect his family even though he thinks he doesn't deserve them and he believes that she hates him and only stays cause she has no where to go where Rogan would be safe. Both sleep that night thinking that the person they love most in the world hates them and that they are nothing but pawns to them. Even though that could be the furthest thing from the truth. #🦌❤️
How am I supposed to add anything to this magnificent piece ??
It's so sad but i can so see this happening and I hate how the ones that would 'rescue' her are no longer doing so. It's heartbreaking :(
You are amazing as ever with thoughts on this AU x
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Hi so I'm a huge tragedy of love fan. And getting a bit confused with the different au's let's hope I get them right, please correct me if I'm wrong also if I'm missing an au for tragedy of love. I really enjoy it and your and ❤️🦌 anons work. Really missing them and baby Rogan :
Tragedy of love og au(princess and Rogan die, Canon game of thrones plot)
Tragedy of love Happy au (princess and Rogan live, Dany/viserys dead, Canon game of thrones plot)
Tragedy of love dragon reborn (Rogan survives with Dany and viserys , princess dies and comes back as a dragon, Canon game of thrones plot)
Tragedy of love Dornish love (happy au, Stev is married to oberyn, doesn't follow game of thrones plot )
Does queen of beauty (Stev/Rhaegar, princess doesn't exist, doesn't follow game of thrones plot )
Does queen of beauty x tragedy of love crossover (very angsty due to miscommunication)
Dragon dynasty (princess/rhaegar, Stev doesn't exist, Robert dies. rest is Canon characters with some game of thrones plot)
Dragon dynasty x does queen of beauty ( princess/rhaegar, Stev exist, Robert is at the wall, plot is a result from miscommunication in DQOB x TOL)
Bless, i feel like I need to pay you <3
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
I was reading deep love and ending up thinking that Rogan would be the same way with princess 👀. Maybe not in the original au cause she and Robert are still actually in love but maybe the the dragon reborn au. He marries danerys for appearance sake and heirs but it's princess who shares his bed mostly.
oooh, that is an idea that I really think would happen too!! The Princess so ashamed and unwilling at the beginning
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