adversaryss · 2 years
She hates him. She is madly in love with him. She wants to tear him limb from limb and at the same time she would protect him with her life. Seeing him makes her want to commit murder. She wants to cuddle with him.
All in all she has wildly conflicting feelings coursing through her little catgirl body as she stands there and stares at him. For five minutes. Without blinking. Will she choose violence? No one knows. But she should probably blink soon--
bites him bites him bites him bites him--
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risingsol · 2 years
@frcsthearted / immediately buries her face against his chest and snuggles up to him. titty time ♥
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"Whoa! Hey, no rush there - I'll be here all week. And maybe next week too, depending." Such was in his nature to joke around, but being faced with Yulia's physical affection always touched him inside. Though with her pretty much in direct contact with his chest, his heart fluttered a slightly nervous beat.
"Busy lately? Needed some recharging?"
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
@frcsthearted / cont.
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"I'm certain." Cyno gives her a small, barely smile before turning back to his list of choice people to take. "We're leaving in a few days, I just got permission to assemble a team together."
Pulling out another slip of paper, it's a list of things Cyno had made note of to pack and bring, so he hands it to her. "Give this back to me at the end of the day," he requests. "It's things we'll need to pack for the trip. I don't want people packing too much, but keep in mind we'll be in the desert for a few weeks. So make a note of what you'll need."
With those words, Cyno turns away to go find the rest of the people on his list, leaving Yulia to prepare.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@frcsthearted​ said:
not yulia making shifty eyes in the distance
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Oh, well that makes sense. Yulia doesn’t even know who the fuck the other people are.
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
@frcsthearted​ asked: sticks her tongue out at him 
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“Hello, Yulia!”
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viisiond · 2 years
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“.....” He’s approving of the view.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
There's a soft, tired whine as Yulia settles herself upon the taller woman's lap, nuzzling her face into the crook of Zarina's neck while arms wrapped about her torso. She was exhausted, and the only embrace of her beloved could help.
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It seemed work did not only exhaust her but her rose as well. Zarina was already done with her reports and writing, which meant she was only reading a book in her spare time. When she saw Yulia walk into the room, she wanted to ask how things went at her meeting, but it seemed that the words wouldn't be needed as she'd watch her face and expression tell a story far more vivid than words could ever even come close to. Sokolova didn't waste time and put her book away, making sure her bookmark would remain there to keep the pages she's been reading, inviting her beloved with an extended hand to be taken and to settle herself on her lap.
When Volkova finally settles down, Zarina smiles at her nuzzles and their intimacy. Her hands rested on her beloved's waist, gently massaging her sides to soothe whatever fatigue she was feeling... but also possible to make the other giggle just a little bit. The sound of Yulia's laughter made Zarina's heart feel warmer, but this silence and a lack of words also were nice and warm. The intimacy was true, and it was genuine; there was nothing else needed between them. Only each other and only their presence to keep each other warm, happy, and protected.
Yulia's perfume made Zarina close her eyes, enjoying this moment of peace and closeness. Maybe, she'll tell her about how everything went later as it seemed right now wasn't the best time. Well, it was alright. They've had enough time to spend with each other and speak of everything that's been going on. For now, Volkova could rest assured that even if she fell asleep, her lover won't be moving her away. If anything, if Yulia were to fall asleep, Zarina would continue to read her book like that and let her sweetheart sleep until she'd think of waking up. Well, once it'll hit three hours, she'll bring Volkova to bed and then lay next to her, of course.
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dcttore · 2 years
She's a pain in the ass to him at the best of times, but today ... It seemed the Doctor's wife was in far more of a quiet, gentle mood. She sat beside him in silence while he worked, taking notes down and transcribing his findings for him, but when the opportunity struck and he was less occupied? Well, it was about time for a small distraction. With a gentle tug to bring him downward lips met his cheek at first, waiting until the Harbinger's attention was squarely on her before finally he was gifted a proper kiss, fleeting though it was. " Did you ... Want me to get you some coffee or something to eat ? You've been working all afternoon ... " //@frcsthearted
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HE WASHES HIS HANDS OF his latest experiment quite literally as the red, sticky liquid was rather a nuisance if not disposed of right away. prime can almost sense her presence behind him as he aimless prattles on about his findings, hoping that yulia is writing it all down.
given this segment's lack of eyes, he doesn't see in a traditional sense, more or less creating images from sensing where things are; and so yulia's kisses had almost always surprised him. giving dottore time to adjust before giving his full attention to her. " you're my wife, you should remember that i don't require food to live. "
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mangher-a · 2 years
Maybe it's because she's so tired from all of her work, maybe it's because she trusts him more than she should, but the more time spent at Hazeem's side the more she sought out his attention. Thus was how she'd built up the courage to go so far as to settle herself upon his lap, hands brushing across the Eremite's cheeks before she pulled him down and into a kiss.
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There's a minute start from her suddenly being so close, even if he had been aware of her presence. Hazeem shifts so it's easier for Yulia to climb up and settle on his lap. The gentle touch on his face is welcomed, having his eyes flutter close behind the cloth covering them. His posture relaxes, at ease from the knowledge that she's close and that she's fine. He even allows her to pull him closer, arms ending up around her, holding Yulia as their lips eventually meet.
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abyssmalice · 2 years
what if yulia just put a large anemo slime plushie on tonia's head and on top of that one is a slightly smaller dendro slime plushie with a smaller again cryo slime plushie and smaller again pyro slime plushie ....you get the idea
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Tonia stops all movement. Stays completely still. Will stay where she is for several hours if she has to, balancing these cute slime plushies. Not even the lingering desire to get a pancake will stop her, she will sit perfectly still balancing them.
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adversaryss · 2 years
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。.。:+° @frcsthearted ➼ gremlin gf strikes again ✉ ༉࿐‧₊˚.
chomps onto his forearm and just gently gnaws
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Aw, looks like someone needed some enrichment. He just leaves her to it and smooches her right on top of her precious little bubblegum head. "Better?"
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risingsol · 2 years
truth: aether, if it were possible, if you found yourself in the position where you had to leave teyvat, would you take yulia with you?
Truth or Dare // Not Accepting      
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“If she wanted to come with me, yes.” 
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The life of a traveler was something that he was accustomed to, having gone from world to world together with his sister in the years prior to coming to Teyvat - their stays in each respect world weren’t short ones either. It took a certain constitution to be able to pick up and leave like that; it had taken him a bit in the beginning to get accustomed to the cycle of arriving and leaving, but having someone else there helped with that. If she wanted to leave with him, he could be that for her. 
“Ultimately it’s something that’s up to both of us, but if she wanted to, I would bring her in a heartbeat.” 
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mmriesoftvat · 2 years
she just sits herself on cyno's lap, leaning her back against his chest as she calmly plays with his fingers.
Cyno rather likes having Yulia close. He doesn't know what it is about her, but the way she's able to mold herself to his lap is welcome, and these cold nights make the shared body heat more comfortable.
He has one arm around her to hold her close, with his chin nuzzled on her shoulder. She might be playing with his fingers, but Cyno's eyes are closed as he relaxes, maybe a little too much.
He won't admit he's falling asleep though.
He can feel her own fingers moving against his, the light touches sending tingles up and down his arms. "Having fun?" He asks, more out of an attempt to keep himself alert over anything.
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elfblcd · 2 years
When their relationship began, both of them were... Very hesitant when it came to physical intimacy. Nowadays, however, things were certainly different. It was more common for Rynn to wake up first, yes, but this morning Yulia had a surprise in mind for him.
Under the sheets she snuck, careful not to wake him early, but soon she had tugged the clothing over his lower half down just enough so as she had access to his manhood. A series of gentle kisses and slow drags of her tongue over sensitive skin, fingers massaging over thighs as she worked. For now, she'd simply take things slow, let him gradually awaken.
wellity, wellity, well | @frcsthearted
To sleep without dreaming was perhaps the most pleasant thing.
For once in his long life he managed to sleep rather uneventfully though when he woke, it was perhaps sooner than he would have liked, accompanied with a small groan.
But it was not one of displeasure.
He needn't sight to know Yulia was not beside him, for there was no mistaking her touch, one he had grown intimately familiar with.
'Couldn't wait for me to wake up?' he mumbled. She surely knew as well as he that the elf would desire to get up had he been given the chance (to perhaps return after the morning necessities).
But there are worse ways to be woken.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@frcsthearted​ said:
"HOW AM I A BITCH FOR KISSING YOU." she's pouting, but the pain hasn't bothered her in the slightest. you know. can't feel it.
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“Because who the fuck kisses random people?! Go kiss your damn boyfriend or something!!” Said while spitting a good amount of her blood that went into his mouth thanks to that bite.
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
There's a clear skip in her step as she rushed over to Chongyun's side, nigh on throwing herself against him with a delighted giggle bubbling forth. She was always so happy to see him, even if only for a few brief moments, but now that he was ' trapped ' in her arms? Clearly she had no intention of letting go.
" Yun ~! I've missed you ! " Yulia chimed, nuzzling her cheek against his. " Are you busy ? If not , I've got a present for you ~ "
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Oh no, he's trapped! Whatever will a poor man do when his girlfriend is holding him so snugly?
Hold her back, of course! One arm is wrapped around her waist, while his other hand rests on the back of Yulia's head to play with her hair. It's true, they rarely see each other, with both of them being busy, but the moments they do get to spend time together like this, Chongyun cherishes.
"I'm never too busy for you," Chongyun says. He nuzzles into her cheek in response, letting his eyes close briefly. "What's the surprise you have for me?"
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