#frederick foswell
hollowsart · 23 days
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Frederica Foswell || The "Big Man" of crime
most don't know that the "Big Man" is a woman. and this is done on purpose. to make you think. to make you look elsewhere. Make you chase a false idea.
She knows the Enforcers because she was the one who "created them", funding them and sending them out on jobs that could make for great headlines.
until they decided to disband and take a break. although Dan & Ox would still do a bit of work here and there, Montana ended up living a rather chill life. occasional crime for money and running his billiards bar.
(cut for length + extra art at the end):
Silvermane and Big Man do not get along for this reason because Silvermane had to be the one to try and chase the authorities away whenever Big Man was making trouble in her area. Hammerhead knows Big Man. personally.
imagine just hearing about this "Big Man of Crime" and how powerful and scary they are. and everyone thinks and refers to them as a man, masculine. rumors of them being a brick wall and probably able to take out Hammerhead or even battling to a draw against Tombstone
and then you see them. The Big Man of Crime.
and it's a woman.
alt? lore + prior attempts (initial + comic accurate):
I was thinking randomly of her using her persona as "The Big Man" to help JJJ get a lot of good headlines n stuff, give him something to do. but like. as soon as Acedia and Otto appear, the attention is dragged away from her. She tries to show up to JJJ's office and tell him about some new leads she has for Big Man and he's just shoving her away in favor of wanting info and pictures of Acedia & Otto.
She is hurt by this and it fuels her to try and take the two new heroes on and maybe even try to somehow exact revenge on JJJ for pushing her aside for all the trouble she went through JUST FOR HIM. it feels very Scooby-Doo, but I kinda like that.
(I might just keep that as her incentive/motive to be doing what she's doing, but eventually gets into the character more and more over time that it pretty much just becomes her outside of Daily Bugle work.. at least until she's like.. fired or something idk)
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that last sentence is very funny to me. just be nice :)
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pierre-reads-comics · 3 months
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #24 — Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
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ozzinbloggin · 6 months
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ASM #37
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eliah · 1 year
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Ditko & Rand: The Objectivist Spider-Man?
Having scrutinized the rumor of Ditko's supposed hostility to Norman as Goblin, and his supposed objection to Peter growing up, the time has come to examine the idea that #SpiderMan is supposedly inspired by Ayn Rand.
I previously discussed what I have dubbed the ‘Three Great Rumors’ about Steve Ditko. Having covered two of them already (Rumor 1, Rumor 2), the time has come for the third rumor which is the most complex because it’s the one rumor with the highest evidentiary basis. This rumor argues that the reason Ditko left Spider-Man was because he clashed with Stan Lee over political differences, i.e. Ditko…
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misterdtour · 2 years
Spidey Miscellanea Pt. 5: Along Came the Spider
Spidey Miscellanea Pt. 5: Along Came the Spider
Before there was a Spider-Man, there was The Spider—an icon of the pulp era, whose adventures thrilled readers both young and old throughout the 1930s and into the 40s. (more…)
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #53: Enter: Dr. Octopus!
Read Date: January 08, 2022 Cover Date: October 1967 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ● Inker: Mike Eposito ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● starting off with JJJ shouting. Good to see he's recovered from his misadventures last issue ● Flash is a simp for Spider-Man and I'm here for it ● (pg 4) Peter changing into civvies and hoping not to get caught. Professor Warren walks into the gym in time to see Parker climbing the rope
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● Professor Warren invites Peter and a guest to a science expo. Pete invites Gwen. ● (Pete is finally becoming much kinder than he used to be. Was that Steve Ditko's misanthropy coming through? Was he a misanthrope?) ● Harry annoyed by Pete's comings and goings ● oh boy, Pete and Flash butting heads again ● (pg 6) there's a missile "nullifier" at the expo ● Peter Tingles are happening and Gwen notices the change in her date's demeanor ● that machine is quite… magenta ● (pg 7) Doc Ock has entered the chat ● (pg 8) those tentacles spinning at speed would be terrifying and deadly ● Spidey's here! ● I want cloaks to make a comeback
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● (pg 12) "If I drop it--dozens will be crushed!" - the nullifier ain't that big, though… ● Spidey plants a tracer on Doc Ock then goes after the nullifier before it can fall on someone ● (pg 15) Doctor Octopus makes it back to his lab, still blinded by web fluid. The web fluid dissolves and he notices the tracer. ● Spider-Man changes back to Peter at the expo and rejoins Warren and Gwen ● Gwen is delighted to see him, which is a nice change. Last time they were somewhere where danger happened and Peter disappeared, she called him an unmitigated coward for running away. …Or was that Liz Allen? I can't remember for sure now. ● The Coffee Bean is a new hangout, and I gotta share this sign!
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● Flash, Harry, and M.J. are here. I'm beginning to love this little friend group and it makes me sad to think about what is in some of their futures. ● omg Aunt May and Mrs. Watson are here, too! They tell Peter that they just placed an ad for a boarder for Anna Watson's extra room. ● (M.J.'s black, purple, and orange top is super cute!) ● Peter uses the excuse of walking the older women out to slip the group and get back to his Doctor Octopus debacle ● In Doc Ock's lair, he created a replica of himself in front of the control panel. I'm guessing he's going to lie in wait for Spider-Man to arrive. ● (pg 18) Spidey Sense warns him of a trap ● (pg 19) ka-BLOOM! ● See? Cloaks are cool. They add an aire of mystery. ● Preview of next issue: Doc Ock answering Aunt May and Mrs. Watson's ad for a boarder ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spider-Man reads the latest front page story of the Daily Bugle while hanging out front of the building. He's not surprised to see that Jameson has painted himself the hero and Spider-Man a menace following the death of Frederick Foswell at the hands of the Kingpin. Noticing Spider-Man is hanging outside his office window, Jameson shouts at the hero for distracting his employees. The wall-crawler responds by mocking Jonah's newspaper and tossing his copy into the irate publisher's face. Realizing that he is running late for classes, Spider-Man rushes to Empire State University. His arrival is spotted by Gwen Stacy and Flash Thompson, the latter is excited to see his long time hero. They are soon joined by Harry Osborn, who asks them if they have seen Peter Parker recently, as he is fed up of his roommate is never around to take his messages. As Harry grumbles about being Peter's personal secretary, Spider-Man slips into the empty gymnasium to change back into his civilian identity. He is almost caught in the act by Professor Miles Warren. To cover up his presence in the gym, Peter quickly scales up one of the ropes while he tucks the rest of his costume away under his clothing. Climbing down to meet Warren, he learns that his professor wishes to invite Peter and a friend to check out the latest science exposition. Peter accepts the offer and tells Miles that he will gladly go.
Outside of the gym, Peter runs into Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. Harry snubs Peter and Gwen explains that Harry is upset with Peter's constant comings and goings. When Peter asks if Gwen wants to go to the science expo, she happily accepts. After class, the pair go to meet with Professor Warren, when they bump into Harry and Flash. Flash takes issue with a "civilian" like Peter Parker taking Gwen out for the evening, and this leads to a heated exchange between the two before Gwen breaks it up. Soon, they are on their way with Professor Warren to the exposition. On the way, they talk about the military's new missile "nullifier" device which will be on display. When they arrive, they discover that security is tight in order to prevent the nullifier from getting into the wrong hands. Peter soon becomes distracted when his spider-sense begins going off, warning him that there is danger present, but he can't figure out where it is coming from.
Later during the demonstration of the nullifier's powers, Peter discovers the danger when Doctor Octopus reveals himself as being one of the spectators in the crowd. Making his presence known, Doc Ock then fights his way through security to get possession of the nullifier. As people flee in panic, Peter manages to slip away so he can change into Spider-Man. Meanwhile, the military police on site try to incapacitate Doctor Octopus with tear gas, but the villain begins whipping his mechanical arms around with enough force to blow the gas back in the faces of the soldiers. That's when Spider-Man arrives on the scene to try and stop Octopus. The villain then attempts to flee out the side of the building, but Spider-Man follows suit. On the roof, Spider-Man sprays webbing onto Doc's goggles, temporarily blinding him. In order to stop Spider-Man, Octavius threatens to drop the nullifier onto the crowd below. Realizing he will have to let his enemy go, Spider-Man tags Otto with a Spider-Tracer before leaping down to stop the falling nullifier from landing on anyone. As expected, Doctor Octopus makes his getaway.
As the villain flees, he recounts his last battle with Spider-Man where they both found themselves trapped in an undersea hideout that was rapidly flooding with water. With Spider-Man pinned under tons of rubble, Doctor Octopus managed to escape by using his mechanical arms to keep him above water until he was able to procure diving gear and swim the rest of the way to freedom without drowning. Back at his new hideout, Otto discovers the Spider-Tracer and decides to set a suitable trap for his foe. Back at the exposition, Peter has changed out of his costume and rejoins Gwen and Professor Warren. He tells them that he was trying to find a camera to take photos of the situation for the Daily Bugle and is surprised when Gwen hugs him upon seeing that he is okay. Later, Professor Warren drops Peter and Gwen at the Coffee Bean to meet with the others. As Gwen exchanges pleasantries with Flash, and Mary Jane, Peter wonders why Harry is scowling at him. Before he can find out, Aunt May and Anna Watson arrive to tell Peter that they will be renting out a room so they can make extra money. Peter thinks it is a great idea, but warns his aunt to be careful about who she rents it out to. Peter decides to use this as an opportunity to track down Oct Ock, and tells his friends that he is going to walk his Aunt and Anna back home.
By this time, Doctor Octopus has rigged up a dummy of himself to lure Spider-Man into a trap. Sure enough, when the web-slinger tracks his Spider-Tracer to the Doctor's hideout he is lured right to the location of the trap. However, Spidey's spider-sense warns him of trouble, and suspecting a trap, he tosses a web ball at the dummy of Doctor Octopus, setting off the explosives that it was rigged with. Watching the building explode from his hideout, Doctor Octopus assumes that Spider-Man has been destroyed. Needing to lay low, Doctor Octopus fades into the night to search for a place of lodging, unaware that Spider-Man is still alive. Meanwhile, the wall-crawler vows to track down Doctor Octopus no matter what, unaware that his foe is just now meeting with his Aunt May in order to rent out the room that she put out an advertisement for.
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Fan Art: SpiderMan Vs Dr. Octopus 2 by JoeGrafix
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 53
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 33
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Amazing Spider-Man vol 1 27 (1965) . Bring Back My Goblin To Me! . Written and Edited by Stan Lee Art by Steve Ditko Lettered by Artie Simek . Spider-Man had been captured by the Green Goblin and taken to gangster meeting hosted by the Crime-Master. He got free and hunted for the Crime-Master, who eventually got away. Spider-Man suspected Frederick Foswell (formerly known as the Big Man) and confronted him. It was revealed after the Crime-Master was shot by the police, the he was in fact Nick Lewis... . See more related content here: #marvelman901spiderman #marvelman901greengoblin . #spiderman #greengoblin #crimemaster #bigman #jjonahjameson #60s #steveditko #artiesimek #stanlee (på/i New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1tnR6KbOV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ricardotomasz · 2 months
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/spider-man-a-complete-list-of-768-marvel-characters-and-teams-owned-by-sony/
Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
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In the vast universe of Marvel characters, Sony Pictures Entertainment holds the cinematic rights to a unique set of beloved superheroes and villains. From the electrifying webslinger, Spider-Man, to the enigmatic antihero, Venom, Sony's roster offers a captivating array of characters primed for compelling visual storytelling. Harnessing the iconic imagery and rich narratives of these characters can elevate any message, capturing audience attention and ensuring memorable communication.
Individual Characters
Abigail Slade
Ace / “Ace” Spencer
Agony / Leslie Gesneria
Alexis Sharp
Alien Symbiote / Alien Costume (origin of the black-suited Spider-Man)
Alison Mongrain
Amanda Saint
Amun / Jon Kasiya
Amy Chen
Angus (Sandy Aitchinson’s bloodhound)
Angus Munro
Answer, The / Aaron Nicholson
Anti-Venom / Eddie Brock
Antro / Hashi Noto
Anubia / Anubis
Apocalypse (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Arachne / Dr. Sylvia Yacqua
Arachne / Julia Carpenter
Arachne as an alias for Jessica Drew
Araknet, The Spider-God
Araña / Anya (Ana) Sofia Corazon
Ariadne / Julia Carpenter
Ariadne Hyde as an alias for Jessica Drew
Armand Dubroth
Arnold Strunk
Ashcan / Alexander “Alex” Woolcot
Aura / Annie Herd
Barnett, Geoffrey “Boss”
Basilisk / Wayne Gifford
Batwing / James “Jimmy” Santini
Belladonna / Narda Ravanna
Bert Gilmore
Big Man (I) a.k.a. Mr. Big / Frederick Foswell
Bigman (II) / Janice Foswell
Big Wheel, The / Jackson Weele
Binka Ivana
Black Alfred
Black Cat / Felicia Hardy
Black Fox, The / Raul Chalmers
Black Insect Swarm
Black Tarantula (I) / Carlos LaMuerto
Black Tarantula (II) / Fabian LaMuerto
Blackie Gaxton
Blaze (I) / Ashley Crawford, Thomas and Barry (students participating in a hoax)
Blaze (II) / Kirk Donaghue
Blitzgeist 2099
Blood Leader
Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Blood Spider
Bloodbath aka Bloodbather, “Subway Vampire Killer”
Bloodlust / Beatta Dubiel
Bloodshed / Wyndell Dichinson
Bluebird (I) / Zora Loftus
Bluebird (II) / Sally Avril
Bomblast / Parmenter
Bones (I) / Rosa Estevez
Bones (II) / Bess Bliss
Morgan Boone
Bounty Hunter / Tommy Barrett
Brainstorm / Jimmy
Brother Power / Achmed Korba
Brown Raincoat
Bruno Grainger
Buddy Corbett
Buel a.k.a. Plasmmage, a.k.a. Gremlyn-Lord
Bugeye / Abner
Burglar a.k.a. Carjacker / Carradine
Buzz, The / Jack Jameson
Caesar “Big C” Cicero
Calypso / Calypso Ezili
Captain Power / Dr. Christina “Chris” Carr
Captain Zero
Cardiac / Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham
Carlyle, nicknamed Carlyle Calamari
Caretaker of Arcturus IV
Carnage / Cletus Kasady
Carrion (I) / Prof. Miles Warren clone
Carrion (II) / Malcolm McBride / Malcolm MacBride
Carrion (III) / Dr. William Allen
Cat a.k.a. Cat Burglar, Prowler
Cat, The / Walter Hardy
Chameleon, The / Dmitri Smerdyakov a.k.a. Dmitri Kravinoff
Chameleon 2211
Chance / Nicholas Powell
Charles H. “Charlie” Buchanan
Charlie Shaddock
Chief Inspector Krahn, RCMP
Clifton Arliss
Col. Buchinsky
Coldheart / Kateri Deseronto
Commanda / Catherine D’Anton
Commuter / Ron
Conchita Hernandez
Connie Hunt
Corona / Dagny Forrester / Dagney Forrester
Crazy Eight
Crime-Master (I) / Nick “Lucky” Lewis
Crime-Master (II) / Nick Lewis, Jr.
Critical Mass / Arnie Gunderson
Crown a.k.a. Hunger
Cyber Scarlet Spider / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Cyber-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Cyborg X
Cyclone / André Gerard
D.K. / David Kalen
Daniel Lindy
Dark Angel as an alias for Jessica Drew
Dark Mairi of the Shore / Mairi
Darter / Randy Vale
Dead Aim
Deadmaker / Anatolovich
Dealer, The
Demogoblin / an unknown demon fused with Jason Philip “The Hobgoblin” Macendale, Jr.
Demon-Fire Cult (villain team)
Dentist, The
Dick Packer
Digger (I)
Digger (II / former mobsters known as “The Vegas Thirteen”, including Freddie Carnevale, Santo Castellani, Jimmy “Little Man” Desanti, Louis Fredone, Tony Mascapone, George Sims and seven others
Disruptor / Richard M. Raleigh
Doctor Angst / Jonas Mueller
Doctor Hope
Dr. David Langford
Dr. Emil Kovax – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s father
Dr. Jacob Weisenthal
Dr. Jonas Harrow
Dr. Judas Traveller and his Host
Doctor Nero / Dr. Royce Nero
Doctor Octopus (I) a.k.a. “Doc Ock” (I) / Dr. Otto Octavius
Doctor Octopus (II) a.k.a. Lady Octopus, “Lady Ock” / Dr. Carolyn Trainer
Doctor Paine / Dr. Thaddeus Paine
Don Fortunato / Vincente Fortunato
Don Moroni
Doppelganger a.k.a. Spider-Man Doppelganger
Dormouse, The
Doug Powell
Dragons / street gang
Dryrot / Paul Contoni
Duke (first appearing in Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1)
Dumont, Harry
Dusk (I) / Peter Parker
Dusk (II) / Cassie St. Commons
El Muerto / Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez
El Toro Negro (The Black Bull) / Sergio Torres
El Uno
Electro / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Electro / Hyper-Electro
Eli Rumsford
Elmak the Light-Shaper
Emilio – Morbius Victim
Empathoid, The
Emperor of the Eastern Galactic Sector
Ephex, The
Equinox a.k.a. Thermodynamic Man, The / Terrence “Terry” Sorenson
Ezekiel / Ezekiel Sims
FACADE (Full Acclimation Combat And Defense Explo-skeleton) / unknown alter ego – suspects include Archer Bryce and Cole Cooper
Fancy Dan (I) / Daniel Brito
Fancy Dan (II) / Dan Rubinstein
Finisher, The / Karl Fiers
Firebrand / Russ Broxtel
Firelight / Gabriel “Gabe” O’Hara
Flipside / Junior – robot
Flying Fox
Fogg / Thomas Fogg
Foreigner, The / Basil, Rafael Sabitini, Lt. Christopher “Kris” Keating and others aliases
Fox, The / Reynard Slinker
Foxy Briggs
Frank Cortese
Frank Cruz / Franz Kraus
Frank Gibbs
Frankie the Fish
Fusion (I), the Twin Terror / Hubert and Pinky Fusser
Fusion (II) / Wayne Markley
Future Max / Max
Fyodor Rebrov
Gatekeeper, The
Gaunt / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Gauntlet / Alfredo Morelli
Gavin Thorpe
Gentleman, The / Gustav Fiers
George Hill
Gibbon, The / Martin Blank
Goblin, The – from Spider-Man Noir
Goblin God / Peter Parker
Goblin 2099 / Gabriel O’Hara
Gog (an alien, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #103)
Gorath Tenclaws
Gray Goblin, The Gabriel Stacy
“Green goblin” / Nalan Oberoi
Green Goblin, The (I) / Norman Osborn II
Green Goblin, The (II) a.k.a. “The New Goblin” / Harold “Harry” Osborn
Green Goblin, The (III) / Dr. Barton “Bart” Hamilton
Green Goblin, The (IV) / Phillip “Phil” Urich
Green Goblin, The (V)
Green Goblin, The (VI) / Norman “Normie” Harry Osborn
Green Goblin – Ultimate Green Goblin
Green Goblin / Crusher Hogan
Green Goblin / Peter Parker
Green Goblin Construct
Gremlyns, The
Griffins (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Grim Hunter / Vladimir Kravinoff
Grizzly / Maxwell Markham
Guardian / a hulking, or large, clone of Spider-Man
Gunplay / Miho Mikashi
Gunther Stein
Guy Jones
Hal Goldman
Hammerhead a.k.a. Brain Dead / Joseph
Hardcases (Vic Slaughter’s mercenaries)
Hardshell / Leila Davis
Headsman, The
Hermit / Timothy Quail
Hershell (first appearing in Web of Spider-Man #28)
Hobgoblin, The (I) / Roderick Kingsley
Hobgoblin, The (II) / Arnold “Lefty” Donovan
Hobgoblin, The (III) / Ned Leeds
Hobgoblin, The (IV) / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Hobgoblin, The (V)
Hobgoblin 2211 / Robin Bourne
Homo Arachnis / Carlton Drake
Honeysuckle Muldoon
Hornet (I) / Peter Parker
Hornet (II) / Eddie McDonough
Human Fly, The / Richard Deacon
Humbug / Prof. Buck Mitty
Hybrid / Scott Washington
Hydro-Man / Morris Bench
Hypertron a.k.a. Bobster / Sturdevant E. “Bob” Robbins
Hypno-Hustler and the Mercy Killers
Iguana, The
Izumi (Spider)
Jack / child-sized clone of Spider-Man
Jackal / Prof. Miles Warren
Jack O’Lantern / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Jackpot (I) / Sara Ehret
Jackpot (II) / Alana Jobson
Jacks / miniature clones of The Jackal and Spider-Man
Jaime Jade
Jake Martino
Jason Havershaw
Jason Tso
Jefferson Bolt
Jennings, Miss
Jeremiah Slade
Jimmy “The Mouth” Tannen
Jimmy-Six / Giacomo Fortunato
Joe Smith a.k.a. “A Guy Named Joe” / Joseph “Joe” Smith
Joey Beal
Joey Z
Jonathon Caesar
Josephine “Joey” Pulaski
Joshua Coolridge
Joystick / Janice Olivia Yanizeski
Justin (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Kaina / Marcy Kane
Kaine / flawed clone of Peter Parker
Kangaroo (I) / Frank Oliver
Kangaroo (II) / Brian Hibbs
Kid Ock / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Klara – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s mother
Knight / Malcolm Knight
Knockout / Elizabeth Rawson
Komodo (first appearing in Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1)
Kraven The Hunter (I) / Sergei Kravinoff
Kraven The Hunter (II) / Alyosha “Al” Kravinoff
Kraven (III) / Ana Tatiana Kravinoff
Kurudred the Blood Drinker a.k.a. Tyrant of Dolara, a.k.a. Master of the Night Spawn
Kwaku Anasi / Spider-Man
Larry Arnold
Lasher (I) / Ramon Hernandez
Lasher (II)
Legar, Miguel
Lena Ivana and her “Amulet of Change”
Leroy Tallon
Leticia Mason
Lightmaster (I) / Dr. Edward Lansky
Light-Master (II
Lightning Fist
Living Brain, The
Lizard, The / Dr. Curtis “Curt” Connors
Lizard Offspring
Lobo Brothers, The / Carlos and Eduardo Lobo
Loop Lash
Looter, The a.k.a. Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Lucky Lobo / Francisco Lobo
Mad Jack / Daniel Berkhart & Maguire Beck
Mad Hatter, The
Madam Web / Madame Web / Cassandra Webb
Madame Fang
Madame Fate
Mandy Tyler
Major Toler Weil
Man-Monster a.k.a. Smasher
Man-Mountain Marko / Michael Marko
Manslaughter Marsdale / Marsdale
Man-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Man-Spider / Antoine Tarantella
Man-Spider – 1994 Spider-Man television series
Man-Wolf / Starwolf / Ultimate Man-Wolf / Col. John Jameson
Mary Slade
Mass Carnage
Master Monarch
Master of Vengeance / Dwight Faron
Master Planner / Dr. Otto Octavius
Master Programmer / artificial intelligence, based on the mind of Dr. Otto Octavius
Medgar DuPaul
Megawatt / Dirk Leyden
Menace / Lily Hollister
Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Mindblast / Danielle Forte
Mindworm / William Turner
Mirage / Desmond Charne
Misery / Melissa Carsdale
Miss Arrow / Ero
Mister Negative / Martin Li
Molten Man / Mark Raxton
Molten Man / Charles “Charlie” Weiderman
Monster of the Moors aka The Madman of Mansion Slade
Montana (I) / Jackson W. Brice
Montana (II) / Montana Bale
Morbius the Living Vampire / Dr. Michael Morbius
Morris “The Snake” Diamond
Morris Forelli
Morty Phillips
Mr. Brownstone / Garrison Klum
Mr. Nacht
Mr. Nobody
Mr. P. & Mr. Q
Mr. Zodiac / Astro; sometimes in persona as Jane Virgo
Ms. Fortune / Laura
Mud-Thing / Sandman (Flint Marko/William Baker) and Hydro-Man (Morris Bench) fused together
Murder[er] By Spider
Muse / Shannon Fitzpatrick
Mutilation Killer, The
Mysterio (I) / Quentin Beck, sometimes posing in character under aliases like Dr. Ludwig Rinehart
Mysterio (II) / Daniel “Dan” Berkhart
Mysterio (III) / Francis Klum
Myth Monster, The
Nails Hogan
Nightwatch / Dr. Kevin Barry Trench
Nichols (first appearing in Morbius #2)
Nocturne / Angela Cairn
Oliver (Sister Saint’s servant)
Operator, The / Lenny Flynn
Orbit (member of the Spacemen)
Ortega, Alberto
Ortega, Pilar – Alberto Ortega’s wife
Osborn, Norman – clone
Osborn, Normie III
Osborne, Norman – from 1602
Other, The / otherwordly being with Spider-Man’s powers
Override / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Ox, The (I) / Raymond Bloch
Ox, The (II) / Ronald Bloch
Ox, The (III) / Bruno Sanchez
Pale Rider
Patch (I) / Frederick Foswell
Patch (II)
Paul Tannen
Persuader, The / Roland Rayburn
Phage / Carl Mach
Phelps (boss of the Jagged Club)
Phillip Cussler, Sr.
Phineas T. Coroner
Phreak / Steve Petty
Poison / Cecelia Cardinale and the other-dimensional entity named Ylandris
Poison / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Primal Lizard
Prodigy (I) / Peter Parker
Prodigy (II) / Richie Gilmore
Prodigy, The
Proto-Goblin / Nels Van Adder
Prowler, The (I) / Hobie Brown
Prowler, The (II) / “The Cat”
Prowler, The (III) / Rick Lawson
Puma, The / Thomas Fireheart
Purty Larry
Rabbi Krause
Ramshot / Samuel Caulkin
Ranger, The (first appearing in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1)
Rapier / Dominic Tyrone
Rasheed ven Garmchee
Rattler / Henry Bingham
Raul Quentino
Razorback / Buford Hollis
Razorwire (I)
Razorwire (II)
Reaper (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Reapers / street gang
Red / Norman Osborn
Red Nine / Wallace Jackson
Reid (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Replicoids / duplicates of Richard and Mary Parker
Reverend Daemond aka Daemond the Sorcerer
Rhino, The a.k.a. Mecha-Rhino / Alex O’Hirn, born as Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich
Ricochet (I) / Peter Parker
Ricochet (II) / Johnathon “Johnny” Gallo
Ridgeway, Meg
Riot / Trevor Cole
Roberto DeNatale
Robot Master / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Rocket Racer / Robert Farrell
Roland Treece
Rose, The (I) a.k.a. Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Rose, The (II) / Det. Sgt. Blume
Rose, The (III) / Jacob Conover
Sandman, The / Flint Marko, born as William Baker, a.k.a. Sylvester Mann
Sandstorm / Tony Trainor
Sandy Aitchinson
Sarah Stacy
Savage Fin
Scar the Stalker / Brian Lash – Loop’s son
Scarlet Spider (I) / Ben Reilly
Scarlet Spider (II) / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Scarlet Spider (III) / Michael
Scarlet Spider (IV) / Van
Scarlet Spider (V) / Patrick
Scarlet Spider (VI) / Chu Chi Huan
Scarlet Spider (VII) / Felicity Hardy
Schemer, The / Richard Fisk
Schizoid Man / Chip Martin
Scorcher, The / Steven Hudak
Scorpia / Elaine Coll
Scorpion, The / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Scream / Donna Diego
Screech / Maxwell “Max” Taylor
Scrier / Charles Bates
Scrier, Jr. a.k.a. Scrier Junior / Matthew DeRoma
Sean Dunne
Sentry (I) / Curtis Elkins
Sentry (II) / Senator Stewart Ward
Seth Youngblood
Shade / Jake
Shadrac (I) / Gray Dolman
Shadrac (II) / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Shaman / Threetrees
Shathra / Sharon Keller
She-Venom (I) / Anne Weying
She-Venom (II) / Patricia Robertson
Shiwa ven Garmchee
SHOC / Neal Aiken, born Todd Fields
Shocker / Herman Schultz
Shriek / Sandra Deel a.k.a. Frances Louise Barrison
Silver Sable / Silver Sablinova
Silvermane / Silvio Manfredi
Simon Stroud
Sin-Eater (I) / Det. Stanley “Stan” Carter
Sin-Eater (II) / Michael Engelschwert
Sin-Eater (III) / Emil Gregg
Sister Saint aka Mrs. Agnes
Sister Sun Sha Shan
Six-Armed Spider-Man / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Skinhead / Edward “Eddie” Cross
Slasher, The / Elyse Nelson
Slime / sentient empathic slime within NYC sewers
Slyde / Jalome Beacher
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (I) / Fred Hopkins
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (II) / Ludlow Grimes
Smythe (I) / Prof. Spencer Smythe
Smythe (II) / Alistair Alphonso Smythe
“Snake” Sanchus
Snaky Duvall
Sneak Thief
Sorcerer, The / Jonathan East
SpellCheck / Benjamin “Ben” Pancake
Spider / Peter Parker-Carnage symbiote
Spider (1602) / Peter Parquagh
Spider Clone / Ben Reilly
Spider-Carnage / Ben Reilly and the symbiote Carnage
Spidercide / clone of Spider-Man
Spider-Demon / Demon Spider-Man
Spider-Girl (I) / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Girl (II) / Betty Brant
Spider-Girl 2020 / May Parker
Spider-Hybrid, The
Spider-Kid / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Spider-Lizard / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (I) / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (II) / Ben Reilly
Spider-Man (III) / Miles Morales
Spider-Man (IV) / Gerry Drew
Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O’Hara
Spider-Man 2211 / Dr. Max Borne
Spider-Man imposter / Ron Corbett
Spider-Man imposter / Marc Noletti
Spider-Man imposters / David, Mike and a third, unnamed actor
Spider-Man: India / Peter Prabhakar
Spider-Man Noir / Peter Parker
Spider-Man Robot a.k.a. el Arana del Diablo (The Spider of the Devil, or Devil’s Spider)
Spider-Slayers / various “Marks” of robots
Spider-Wasp / Sharon Keller
Spider-Woman (II) / Julia Cornwall Carpenter
Spider-Woman (III) / Martha “Mattie” Franklin
Spider-Woman (IV) / Charlotte Witter
Spider-Woman (V) / Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
Spider-Woman / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Woman / unnamed female, Earth 92124
Spider-X / Brian Kornfield
Spindrifter / Marandi Sjörokker
Spoiler, The
Spot / Dr. Johnathon Ohnn / Dr. Jonathan Ohnn
Squid, The / Don “Donny” Callahan
Stag Beetle, The / Krolnek
Starngore / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Steel Spider / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Stegron the Dinosaur Man / Dr. Vincent Stegron
Stone / Gerald Stone
Strongarm / Cary Armstrong
Stunner / Angelina Brancale
Styx / Jacob Eishorn
Sugar Face
Sundown / Dr. David Patrick Lowell
Supercharger / Ronald “Ronnie” Hilliard
Synario / Angela Bradford
Synthetic Man, The a.k.a. The Hollow Man / robot into which The Sorcerer projects his consciousness
Tadj (first appearing in Morbius #30)
Tara and the Children of the Comet
Tarantula (I) / Anton Miguel Rodriguez
Tarantula (II) / Capt. Luis Alvarez
Tendril / River Verys
Terrier (II) / Gordon “Gordo” Savinsky
Therak / Theodore “Theo” Davros
Thousand, The / Carl King
“Three Fingers” Eddie Enders
Thunderclap / Stanly George Johnson
Timespinner / robot created to impersonate Spider-Man
Tinkerer, The (I) a.k.a. The Terrible Tinkerer / Phineas T. Mason
Tinkerer, The (II) / Elijah Stern
Tom Cochrane
Tombstone / Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
Tordenkakerlakk a.k.a. The Thunder Cockroach
Toxin / Patrick “Pat” / “Paddy” Mulligan
Toy / robot created by The Tinkerer
Turbine / Joline Cargill
Typeface / Pvt. Gordon “Geordie” Thomas
Undertaker, The / Conrad Eisenstadt
Valeri Kasatanov
Ven-orpion / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan (aka The Scorpion)
Venom (I) / Edward Charles “Eddie” Brock
Venom (II) / Angelo Fortunato
Venom (III) / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Venom (IV) / Daniel Jackson
Venom / “Black Ops” Venom / Flash Thompson
Venom / “The Suit” Venom / Eddie Brock, Jr.
Venom / Edward Saks
Venom / Spider-Girl, May “Mayday” Parker
Venom 2099
Vermin / Edward Whelan
Vic Slaughter
Vince Granetti
Vincent “Vince” Tannen
Virus, The / Corman
Vladimir (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Vladimir Kravinoff
VR-39 / Master Programmer’s cyberspace creation
Vulture 2099, The
Vulture, The (I) / Adrian Toomes
Vulture, The (II) / Blackie Drago
Vulture, The (III) / Dr. Clifton Shallot
Warrant / Gray Garrison / Grey Garrison
Wendigo, The / elemental creature (first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #277)
Wes Cassady / Wesley Cassady
Whiplash / Leean Foreman
White Dragon
White Rabbit / Lorina Dodson
Wild Whip
Will O’The Wisp / Jackson Arvad
Willy Stein
Winston Shepherd
Winston Walker
Wraith, The / Brian DeWolff
Wysper / Jennifer “Jenny” Stewart
XP-2000 a.k.a. XP
Yokai (The Damned)
Amazing Siskinsky Sisters, The / Sophie Siskinsky and her sisters
Anarchists for Freedom
Arcane Order of the Night / Andrew Carpathian and his cult members
ARES (Assassination, Revolution, Extortion, and Sabotage)
Band of Baddies
Banko Squad / armed robbers
Barons, The / street gang
Black Apostles, The
Black Hoods, The / terrorists in Northern Ireland
Blazing Skulls muggers
Blue Boys / criminal gang
Brll’nah>Zhhk<, The / alien race
Cabal of Scriers, The
Cult of the Jackal
Death Squad
Diggers / Life Foundation operatives
Dragon Lords, The / White Dragon, Tommy Li and other street gang members
Enforcers, The
Exterminators, The / team of villains led by The Chameleon
Femme Fatales
First-Strikers; Magenta, Brown, Red, Green – villains
Foragers (Packrat and Solly)
Gathering of Five
Intruders, The
John, Paul, Ringo, and George (teenage thugs, first appearing in Spectacular Spider- Man #110)
Jury, The
League of Three Threes, The
Legion of Light
M’Sieu Tete’s Gang (Goldie, Shiner and Silent Joe)
Masters of Mayhem
Meridian Institute
Misfits (group featuring Spider-Kid but for the sake of clarity, specifically excluding Frog-Man and Toad)
Mimes, The
Monks of the Hidden Temple, The / High Priest (Guardian of the Light), Giant One and other guardian monks
National Crime Syndicate
New Enforcers, The
Order of the Goblin, The
Outlaws, The
Penny Ant-Es
People’s Liberation Front / terrorist group
Praetorian Guard, The
Protectors / Life Foundation mercenaries
Q-4 / Russian mercenaries
Rat Pack (a criminal gang, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #220)
Ricardo, Freddy and Dumbo
Rogues, The
Shadowforce Alpha
Silencers / mercenaries
Silver Squad, The
Sinister Seven, The
Sinister Six, The
Sinister Syndicate, The
Sinister Twelve, The
Sisterhood of the Wasp, The
Slingers, The
Snake Clan / Faire de Lain and his followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spacemen, The
Spider Clan / Taran, High Priestess of the Temple of the Great Weaver, and her followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spider Society, The
Spider-Man Revenge Squad, The a.k.a. The Legion of Losers
Spider-Squad / 3 unnamed criminals (a strongman, an acrobat, and a tumbler)
Students of Love / Teacher, Brother Bruce, Brother Guy, Brother Lenny, Sister Betty (Betty Brant), Sister Jane, Sister Kate (Kate Cushing) and other cult members
Subhumans, The / NYC sewer-dwellers who assist Morbius
Team Spider
Technomancers, The and their Menagerie / Master Om, Maegis Gunther Senreic, Maegis Hamilton Cromwell and others
Terror Unlimited / terrorist group
Tiger’s Claw, The (street gang)
Timmy, Chester and Myron (former A.I.M. agents who tried to steal Hypertron 1.0)
Time-spinners – Spider-Man 2211
Ultimate Enforcers, The
Universal Liberation Army / terrorist group
Venom Task Force / Det. Clark, Det. Steen and other members of the police task force
Waiters, The / tuxedo-wearing assassins
Warzone / Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta
Wicked Brigade, The
Wild Pack / The Delta Team - band of mercenaries led by Silver Sable
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Cast of Characters
Just listing the characters I have in mind in the most vague sense!
Superheroes (at least eventually):
Parker Reilly (Spider-Woman), she/her, trans girl, mid 20s
Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider), she/her, mid 20s
Felicia “Mary” Jane Watson-Hardy (Black Cat), she/they, demigirl, early-mid 20s
Eddie Brock (Venom), they/them, gender: it’s complicated, mid-late 20s
Civilians (at least mostly):
May Parker, she/her, late 50s
J. Jonah Jameson, he/him, mid-40s
Sinister Six (at one point or another) (asterisk means founding member):
*Otto Octavius (Doctor Octopus), they/them, nonbinary, late 20s
*Adrian Toomes (Vulture), she/her, trans woman, early 50s
*Maxine Dillon (Electro), she/they, butch mid 20s
*Rosemond Chery (Calypso), she/her, trans woman, late 30s
*Miles Warren (Jackal), he/him, late 40s
*Quentin Beck (Mysterio), any pronouns, nonbinary, mid-30s
*Phineas Mason/Efra (Tinkerer), he/him, trans man, early 50s
Sergei Kravinoff (Kraven), he/him, trans man, early-mid 30s
Flint Marko, he/him, trans man, early 30s
Donald Menken (Hobgoblin), he/him, trans man, early 30s
Ghost, they/them, nonbinary, age unknown
J. Conover (The Rose), they/them, nonbinary, early 30s
Supervillains (at least nominally):
Chameleon, ey/em, nonbinary, early 40s
Norman Osborn (Green Goblin), he/him, late 40s
Sasha Sytsevich (Rhino), he/they, demiguy, late 40s
Simin Manfredi (Silver Sable), she/her, trans woman, mid-20s
Silvio Manfredi (Silvermane), he/him but would be fine with they/them, some gender stuff going on early 50s
Roderick Kingsley (Puck), he/him, mid-late 40s
Spencer Smythe, he/him, early 60s
Other criminals (but probably not supervillains):
L. Thompson Lincoln (Tombstone) (”The Big Man”), he/him, early 40s
Frederick “Freddy” Foswell (The Big Man), he/him, late 40s
Delilah Blume, she/her, early-mid 30s
Maybe eventually (or very minor):
Harry Osborn (Green Goblin II), he/him, early 20s
Dr. Curt Connors, he/him, trans man, early 40s
Dr. Martha Connors, she/her, early-mid 40s
Capt. George Stacy, he/him, late 40s
Stanley Carter (Sin-Eater), he/him, early 30s
Patrícia Petruski (Trapstr), she/they, genderqueer, late teens
Miles Morales (Spider-Man), he/him, late teens
Tiana Toomes (Starling), she/her, late teens
Carnage, they/them, ???
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“Does this look infected to you?”
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pierre-reads-comics · 3 months
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The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #27 — Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
For a second, I thought Foswell was a mind reader, haha. But it appears that the letterer, Artie Simek, tried to have a speech bubble lead into a thought bubble.
It's not a perfect execution, but I can see it was his way of saving space in the panel.
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ozzinbloggin · 6 months
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ASM #27
I wonder if the last panel played into the misconception that Ditko was against The Green Goblin being someone we knew.
Which is funny given that Norman's been getting his first speaking lines in both issues of this two parter.
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andrebellusci · 4 years
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Big Man and the Enforcers
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PEOPLE WHO DIED: Character Deaths Between AF#15 to ASM#122
A Catalogue of Violent Deaths in #SpiderMan between AF#15 to ASM#122. How many people died, how many resurrected later, and how is it the quality of henchmen declined so sharply in the Marvel Universe? Find out in this marathon post:
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