#free job posting sites in sweden
bisluthq · 2 years
Hi Nat, sorry for ranting but I need someone to hear me in my - stupid - misery. So CWF is going to be on HBO Max here in Sweden and they haven’t announced a release date yet. I messaged them on twitter and all I got back was a 🤷‍♀️ basically. And today they announced The Staircase is premiering on May 16th and still no word on cwf. And we only got The Dropout a few days ago.
Don't post this if u don't want to, nat. For legal purposes. Again. Lol.
But anons, fuck capitalism and fuck greedy streaming platforms. Hypothetically speaking if i were to search for a free alternative, which i won't but if I did... I'd definitely torrent shows or stream them for free on websites like swatchseries.is (once i have a well paying job i swear, guys, i'll subscribe to streaming sites but i'm still a broke student so) you can also use a vpn (i heard surf shark is cool), u'll be able to see the show while being a good law-abiding citizen. Cause VPNs are completely legal 😁😁😁
There u go anon.
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kaeda-the-wolf · 3 years
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This is just a bit of an intro to the band.
This story was first created between myself and a dear friend of mine. We wanted to write a fun fanfic story about a bunch of different metal bands. We created our own characters, picked a band name, and decided we wanted to try and write the wildest story we could following the characters. Ten years later it's evolved into this thing that lives rent free in our hearts, mine especially. We got some 40 or 50 chapters in on the original draft and after complications of the site it was originally posted on crashing, which caused us to lose 5 chapters, plus getting caught up with life, it sat and collected dust for a while.
While it was shelved, we still constantly discussed ideas and characters and finally, about 5 years ago, we sat down and really plotted the story out, revised some things, and created a new character or two. We got so far into a re-write before life got in the way again. With permission of my lovely friend, I've taken the story over, because we didn't put so much love into this for it to just sit and not have anything be done with it. That said, for the first 12 or so chapters, anything that's written from River's POV, I cannot take credit for.
Everything from about that point on will be written by me, though it was planned in great detail by myself and my friend.
As I said this is a fanfic, featuring more than a few of our favorite bands. We've taken some liberties with this, of course, and therefore I feel a need to ADAMENTLY state that nothing in this piece of writing has ever happened and that everything is entirely a work of fiction. This piece is meant to be a love letter to heavy metal, to these bands, and to the art of storytelling. Maybe one day I'll take the time to sit down and reimagine this little world that my friend and I have created and turn it into something completely original, but it is definitely not this day.
All that said, I do hope whoever picks this up enjoys it.
Content Warning: this has a little bit of language. It's just a bit of an intro.
Word count: 695
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Stockholm, Sweden
The lights dimmed in such a way that made the energy peak in a matter of heartbeats. The crowd’s voice rose as one, a mighty roar with a chant echoing behind it:
“Memento Mori!”
A mantra repeated again and again. 
Remember that you will die. 
Harsh, but undeniably true. We all succumbed to the harsh realities of life with the only certainty being that everyone would, in fact, die in the end.
But though that was the only certainty of the future at this point, I chose to divert my eyes to the present, to the sliver between the curtains where thousands of emotional faces conjoined with their chanting. Bodies of all ages and sizes and backgrounds here to marvel at our gift.
Scott handed me one of my guitars, a Kirk Hammett signature ESP (fitting for the song about to be played), customized only to feature my signature camo paint job. I looped the leather strap over my neck, letters scrawled “RY”. River Young. The joke was that the initials were my name so the crew found it appropriate to identify me as Ry. But the strap was my first, worn and scathed from years of travel, given to me by a man I owed my life to. “Good luck,” Scott said and we clasped hands in a second of comradery, guitarist and the tech who kept her life organized.
Low thrumming came from Oblivion’s bass guitar and I forced myself back to the present again, the screaming of the crowd demanding my attention. The first of our brigade had snuck up on stage without their detection. I made my way up the ramp to the back of the stage, Tygo—our fearless and indescribably patient manager—slapping my hand in a low-five as I went by. The drums, a steady beat of snare and symbols, joined the thrumming, the pulsing, my own heart rate picking up to match the tempo.
Before I was even fully on the stage, I began strumming out the solid riff of Metallica's iconic Orion. Jess’ guitar doubled mine as we both strutted onto the stage, the lights coming up in a blinding wave. The screaming intensified.
“Are you motherfuckers ready to party?” Jess called into her microphone as I took a stand to her right. The crowd’s volume rose. In a Children of Bodom tank topped with a leather jacket, black tendrils falling down her back, she looked like a well-entitled member of metal royalty. “I can’t hear you!” More clamoring for recognition.
I begin to strum out the chords, fingers dancing down the neck of the guitar, letting the strings sing. Oblivion hammered on his bass across the stage from me, the humanized representation of his instrument. Broad shoulders, long thick pitch black hair, chiseled facial structure. This song was one of his favorites; you could see it by the intensity in his expression, tightness in his shoulders.
His twin brother, Avaalon, matched the pace with his drums, crimson hair whipping around his head as he jammed out from the back of the stage, our insignia proudly displayed on the bass drum. A grinning grim reaper, Memento Mori painted in blood red across it.
Kristian had appeared last, tapping out the notes for his own keyboard arrangement, making the whole song sound a bit more on our end of the genre. Symphonic metal with the traces of death metal that Jessii thrived on. Kris, the only one with short hair—almond colored—already grinning like it was Christmas morning as his fingers charged away across the white surface of his keyboard.
As my own hands continued their job, I marveled at these individuals as if it were our first time performing together. All so different, all so very wounded and beat up from life. We were a little fucked up and alone to start with, but what brought us together is also what helped us heal. And that’s what came from the guitars, Oblivion's bass, Kristian's keys, Avaalon's drums, and Jessii's voice; the music we had been making together for the last four years. I was not looking at band mates or even friends. They were my family.
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worldswin · 6 years
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Canadian Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussein revealed that he is prepared to receive an additional 50,000 immigrants annually from 2019 ...
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Understanding that nothing entertains like a spectacle, Ghost aims to put on a hell of a show
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Before Ghost took flight, the man known today as Cardinal Copia got to the point where he had a serious crisis of faith. After years of playing in largely nowhere-bound metal bands—most fixated on the dark beauty of black candles, blacker masses, and the none-more-black majesty of Satan—Sweden’s Tobias Forge started thinking that maybe music wasn’t going to work out for him.
Reached at a Portland tour stop, the Ghost singer remembers a slow, creeping desperation setting in. Things got so bad that Forge decided that he needed to upgrade his education.
“I had a weak moment in my later 20s when I was sort of trying to be a little bit grown-up and responsible,” the mastermind behind Ghost says, speaking in impeccable English. “So I went back to school when I was around 26 because I flunked so hard out of what would be the equivalent of high school. I had to take those courses again, which was pretty easy when you’re older and you know more.”
Anything that involved having to articulate himself verbally went great.
“Math and chemistry I can’t do—it’s so boring I physically get ill and have to leave because I fucking hate it so much,” Forge recalls. “I was able to prove myself in class with dialogue, but as soon as I had to write stuff down it didn’t work at all. So that gave me the idea that any further scholastic education was going to be a waste.”
That revelation led to full-time employment at a call centre for a Swedish mobile-phone company.
“Me and my girlfriend at the time—now my wife—were having a family,” Forge says. “I’ve had a lot of jobs, but this was a job that I felt that I wanted to do—in order to provide. That was the closest thing I ever had to a Plan B in case music didn’t work out. And it was the thing that catapulted Ghost, but I fucking hated the job so much. It was like, ‘I can’t do this.’ I don’t know what it is, but I have severe, severe problems with not being free. It doesn’t work for me at all. I need to do something that I’m interested in or I will fucking vomit.”
It was, as noted, around that time that he finally stumbled onto something with Ghost, a band that today is noted for live shows that prove that nothing entertains like a spectacle. Things took off almost overnight at the end of last decade, when Forge posted songs on the then tastemaking site MySpace. After years of struggling, he suddenly found himself pursued by labels around the globe. A 2010 debut, Opus Eponymous, blended black metal with glam rock and early CBGB punk, and sealed the deal with lyrics that suggested Satan is the greatest creature ever to have walked the bowels of planet Earth.
Three albums have followed, including last year’s Prequelle, a goth-shaded record that solidified Ghost as a major stadium attraction. Think fireballs, confetti blizzards, steam geysers, and cathedral-like sets that throw back to the days of the Black Plague. Backed by a faceless band dubbed the Nameless Ghouls, Forge has assumed numerous guises over Ghost’s run, starting with a parade of Satan-loving priests known as Papa Emeritus, and continuing through to his current greasepainted ringleader, Cardinal Copia.
The singer—who is as unfailingly polite in conversation as he is thoughtful and laid-back—suggests that his main goal with Ghost has always been to entertain on a grand scale. As a kid he was obsessed with the likes of Kiss, Mötley Crüe, Pink Floyd, and Ozzy Osbourne—all of whom understood that music is only part of a live concert.
Despite his love of showmanship, being the engine and public face of Ghost hasn’t come naturally to Forge—he originally envisioned himself as a guitar player in the flamboyant rock-star tradition of Slash or Keith Richards. But though he’s grateful for how things have turned out, he’ll never be satisfied with where he’s at with Ghost.
“I’m constantly trying to evolve and be better at what I do,” he says. “To find new ways to perfect things. And I hope that, if we’re around 10 years from now and still relevant enough that people want to talk to us, I’ll still be trying to perfect things and evolve. As with any kid who loves rock ’n’ roll, I spent a lot of time imitating singers. My favourites for both singing style and charisma on-stage are the classic ones: Mike Jagger, Freddie Mercury, Jim Morrison, and David Gilmour. I’m trying for a blend of all of those, because that’s what I grew up imitating. Basically, Ghost is very much about reliving and re-creating my childhood.”
Ghost plays the Pacific Coliseum on Friday (September 20).
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wingedkiare · 4 years
Today in blogs I rejected from day job: a site by a therapist who was writing about coronavirus and had something like "we’ll all come through this tougher.  If you’ve watched ‘I am Legend’”
And that’s when I said nope.
There was also a covid-19 tracker for sweden.
(If you are a blogger, a free tip from me to you.  While coronavirus and covid-19 are keywords that will get you a lot of traffic from search engines, advertisers are specifically targeting AWAY from those keywords, because they don’t want their products associated with it.  So if you’re going to use those keywords to drive traffic to your site, make sure your posts drive new visitors to non-coronavirus traffic, too)
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Dancer Chapter Eight/Epilogue
And we arrive at the end! And our epilogue as well. The writing of this one went way faster than I ever thought it would (after laboring over the first part of the first chapter for weeks) but it’s been an incredibly fun ride that has made me all the more excited to write more Kingsman fic! 
Hopefully you all have enjoyed this as well! I’ll be posting my dream cast for Dancer post after this, and trying to finish up the spotify playlist for it asap!
My love to all who read/like/reblog, and who supported this fic all along the way!
The snow was cold against his skin as his eyes fluttered open. 
It was a harsh scene to wake up to. Ainsley was beside him, cradling his head in his hands. A few feet away, Tequila was with the female scientist, looking over Evan’s still unmoving body. 
“He should be coming around,” Eggsy heard her say. 
Harry helped him sit up. “Just rest for a moment, the blast knocked us all-” 
“Why isn’t he coming back round?” Eggsy asked as he crawled towards them through the snow. “What’s wrong, what do we need?”
She sighed frustratedly. “I don’t know. This should be working, I-” 
“What’s your name?” Tequila interrupted. 
“Janice,” she replied with a frown and look of confusion to Eggsy.
“Janice,” Tequila said. “Pleased to meet you. Tell you what. I’m gonna start CPR, and you’re going to keep figuring out what else you can do for your friend. Meanwhile, I bet Harry can see if the helicopter can land closer to us?” 
“Of course,” Harry said, and took off through the snow, into the distance to wherever they’d presumably found a safe spot to land. 
“And then we can get this sweetheart to a hospital that can do more than I can,” Tequila continued, wincing with the first few compressions that Eggsy knew would be breaking ribs. But the extra pressure seemed necessary, as Evan continued to lay on the snow, nearly as pale as it. 
Janice continued to fuss with the kit, but she caught Eggsy’s eye, and her meaning required no words: if Evan didn’t come around soon, he wasn’t coming back at all. And there would be nothing that anyone could do about it. 
The coldness around them faded as he sat, holding tight to Ainsley’s hand, watching as Tequila worked. 
“Let me take over,” he volunteered as he saw Tequila’s shoulders slowing with the next set of compressions. 
Before he could position himself over Evan, there was just the slightest movement.
They all exchanged tentative glances, then cautious smiles as Evan coughed hard, turning to vomit into the snow. 
“Welcome back,” Tequila said softly. “Not too fast now. We’ve got help on the way. Get you to a doctor and get you feeling better.” 
Evan turned, wiped at his mouth, and studied Tequila. “You work with Wyn on whatever all this is, I take it?” 
“You mean Eggsy?” Tequila said, then winced. “Ah. Cover not broken yet. My bad.” 
“Hadn’t gotten a chance to tell him,” Eggsy replied. “It’s alright, I can explain on the way to the hospital.” 
“Oh you most certainly will be,” Evan said, but his eyes didn’t leave Tequila. “And I want to hear more about you as well. Man who saved my life.” 
“Only in part,” Tequila blushed. “You owe more thanks to Janice here.” 
“Thank you,” Evan told her. 
“It’s the least I could do,” she replied. “Considering I helped discover the thing that nearly killed you.” 
“It all evens out, doesn’t it?” Evan smiled. “Oh, bit dizzy. And cold, very cold...” 
Eggsy shot Tequila a look, but Tequila was already ahead of him, shrugging off his coat and carefully wrapping it around Evan as he picked him up. 
“That help some?” 
“I think it does, so long as you stay nearby to keep heating me up,” Evan’s giggle was weak, but it was a beautiful sound to hear. 
Just as wonderful was the sound of the helicopter slowly and carefully setting down near them, Harry already half out of it before it fully touched down. 
“Come on,” he fussed with a set of blankets, wrapping one around Ainsley and the other around Eggsy. “You’ll catch your death out here, especially in that.” 
“They never got this wild at the swinger’s club, I take it?” Eggsy asked with a smirk.
Harry’s worried look dropped, replaced by a soft smile. “You still want to hear all those stories?” 
“Got to be a proper story exchange, doesn’t it? I know you were getting intel on this, but it’s more fun hearing it from the horse’s mouth. So, I tell you all about this, and you tell me all about your legendary mission at the swinger’s club.” 
Harry’s arm was warm around him as they settled onto one side of the helicopter’s seating. It was a welcome reassurance, after the last bullet fast few days. It had all gone by so quickly, he could barely begin to go over it all in his head. 
He would have to later, of course. In talking to Harry, in typing up reports to keep on file in their well-encrypted records. There would be the status of the club to figure out, not to mention the rest of Ainsley’s properties in Ibiza. The divorce with Tilde; ensuring Evan would be alright even after being treated for the aftereffects of the formula; going back out to clean up the remnants of the lab in Switzerland that were smoldering now-it all left his head spinning.
For now, sitting with Harry to one side of him, Ainsley the other, watching Janice joke with Tequila as they both fussed quietly over a pale but smiling Evan, was enough to take in. 
He rested his head against Ainsley’s shoulder, and smiled at the feeling of Ainsley’s lips pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
There was nothing quite like a job well done, and a world saved once again. 
Epilogue-6 months later
The walk to Hyde Park from the Kingsman shop wasn’t a long one, but it was long enough to make him take off his suit jacket, wrapping it over his free arm, then slipping his hand back into Ainsley’s. 
Ainsley wore his own Kingsman suit and glasses now, and was officially an agent as of the last month. 
“I want to work for the funding for the Home,” he’d told Eggsy. “It feels right.” 
“Sure you aren’t just addicted to the adrenaline of it, like I am?” 
Ainsley had shrugged. “I might be. But that just makes us a pair, doesn’t it?” 
It certainly did, as far as Eggsy was concerned. Speaking of things official, they were officially an item, moved in to a small house together not horribly far from the Kingsman shop. Dinners with Harry and Merlin, Tilde and Roxy, Evan and Tequila, and Janice (another new agent, though she was now among the ranks of Roxy and Merlin working behind the scenes) were a regular calendar item, every Saturday that there wasn’t a mission or some other obligation, held at their home. 
This picnic, arranged by Tilde and Roxy, was a different version of it, he supposed. But they’d been incredibly insistent upon it, and none of them could turn down a day of resting under the sun with good food and good friends. 
Tilde in particular was excited as they walked up to the space of grass that their group had taken over, and pulled them aside before they could make it to everyone else. 
“Tell me if you don’t think she’ll like it,” she said softly. “I mean, I’m sure she will, she loved it in the shop back in Sweden, even before I went and had it customized, but-” 
The ring she held out in a blue velvet ring box was simple, but pretty, silver with a vine engraved in it that ended in a calligraphic T and R. 
“You’re proposing? What happened to not rushing?” Eggsy joked. It had been evident ever since they’d gotten back and settled that Roxy and Tilde simply clicked, in a way that even he hadn’t with Tilde. Two pieces from the same puzzle, that even when they argued still ended up at the same feelings and/or choice. “I’ve lost a bet now, you know. I gave it at least another month before one of you would propose.” 
“I’ll make it up to you with good cake at the wedding,” Tilde laughed. “She’ll like it?” 
“She’s going to love it,” Ainsley said. “Are you...now? Or-” 
“In a bit,” Tilde cut him off, hiding the box in her jacket pocket as Roxy trotted over to them. 
“Hello boys,” Roxy chirped. “She busy regaling you with how I nearly ruined the cake we made?” 
“Technically we both almost ruined it,” Tilde said. “Got a bit distracted while it was baking...” 
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Eggsy snickered. “Long as it isn’t completely burnt.” 
“Define completely,” Roxy replied. 
“...Cake can’t really ever be bad,” Ainsley interjected. “Shall we?” 
“You go on,” Roxy motioned for Tilde to go back. “Just want to bother the boys with some work things. Boring spy business.” 
“As if it’s ever boring,” Tilde shook her head, and made her way back to the rest of the group.
“Okay, quickly,” Roxy said, and pulled a small red velvet box from her suit jacket pocket. “I hope it isn’t too much. I wanted something she could show off, you know? She can wear the big jewels, I can’t, not if I should get called in for fieldwork.” 
She opened the box to reveal a decently sized ruby, on a silver band engraved with what looked like rose stems, complete with the occasional thorn. 
“For one of the first flowers I bought her,” Roxy blushed. “She really likes roses, but you know that, Eggsy.” 
“She does, and she’ll love this,” Eggsy said. “So you’re-” 
“Yeah,” Roxy interrupted excitedly. “Soon as I can, without keeping everyone from the food of course. I know we’re all hungry, but I can hardly wait!” 
Eggsy shared a covert glance with Ainsley. “Well, I’m sure whenever you go for it, it’ll be fine. After all, it’s good news!” 
Roxy nodded, then quickly shut the box and tucked it back into her pocket. “She might start to wonder if we’re over here any longer, so come on.” 
She led them the last few feet to the picnic site, and from there it was unbearable.
“Which one first, do you think?” Ainsley whispered as they tucked into the frankly ridiculously huge spread that, if Eggsy had to guess, had mostly prepared by the chefs at the palace, aside from the cake of course. 
“I’ve no idea. Honestly, I could see them both going at the same time.” 
“Me too,” Harry was beside them suddenly, fidgeting with his tie to keep it away from potato salad on his plate. “Merlin insists it’ll be Roxy first though.” 
“I could see that,” Ainsley murmured. “God, this is killing. One of them needs to just go!” 
It became apparent that they’d taken turns asking each attendee of the picnic about the rings, as everyone they spoke to had an opinion on who would try and propose first (Janice had her money on Tilde, Evan on Roxy, and Tequila was another for both of them at the same time.) 
Finally, Tilde got down one one knee...
And pulled the cake container delicately from the over-sized picnic basket. “It probably isn’t terrible. We were sort of too scared to taste it, but we know the frosting is good.” 
“Oh come on,” Eggsy heard Merlin mumble. 
“You know what else is good?” Tilde asked, and he was sure everyone was holding their breath.
“No?” Roxy asked, her head cocked ever so slightly to the side. 
“Um. Marriage. Us, I mean, marrying, like we’ve talked about,” Tilde stumbled over the words, then shook her head as she freed the ring box from her pocket and opened it to Roxy. “You know what I’m asking, right?” 
Roxy smiled, and fumbled to pull the ring box from her pocket, and finally everyone breathed again.
“I called it!” Janice crowed. “Good on you Tilde, and congratulations ladies!” 
“It is a yes, isn’t it?” Tequila teased.
Roxy nodded, and Eggsy could see the happy tears streaming down her and Tilde’s faces. 
“A wedding in another six months or a year then,” Ainsley said. “Did you ever think you’d see that, after everything that’s happened?” 
He pondered the ring hidden away in a drawer of their shared dresser at home, and nodded. “Oddly enough, yeah. I definitely saw it for these two, and who knows who else.” 
Ainsley gave him a knowing look, but only squeezed his hand. 
After all, they had time now. To dedicate to each other, and whatever else might come their way (and with Kingsman, who knew what that might be.) 
And he couldn’t wait for it all, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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swostik1234 · 5 years
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svtecharticles8 · 4 years
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Internet Safety
The internet is a source for thousands of things. It is a source for information that you didn’t know, school work, work in general, and even just to watch funny cat videos to pass time. You even use it right now to read this blog! Anyways, we all know all the great things about the internet, right? Well, its time for me to open up your eyes and tell you all the dangers and precautions you should know about using the internet. In this blog, I will tell you what online scams are, different types of online scams and how to avoid them, how to stay safe on social media, and finally some fun facts. Hope you enjoy!
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Online Scams
With the internet constantly growing and changing, a LOT of people are starting to use it in their everyday lives. I hate to break it to you, but not all of these people use the internet for good. Sometimes, people use it to get money from others or to trick others into doing something. This is what you call an online scam. An online scam is a scheme online that tries to trick people into doing things that can benefit the tricker and/or harm the victim. There are MANY different types of online scams, each getting worse and worse. There are prize scams, money scams, friendship/romance scams, and lastly fraud scams. It’s a bit overwhelming seeing all these types of scams that you’ve never heard about before, so I’ll now explain what each of those is and give some advice about how to avoid them. 
Prize Scams-  When using the internet, you may come across a sidebar or an advertisement saying that you won something. Prize scams include online lottery scams, scratchie scams and travel scams. These scams inform you that you have won a prize (eg. a large sum of money, shopping vouchers, a free holiday or travel related products), and to claim it you are asked to send money or provide personal information. You may be excited to win something, but beware! 99.999% of the time, these “prizes” aren’t even real! The whole trick is to make you want the prize, and then to make you give them your address. That is a HUGE no-no because by giving them your address, you are now vulnerable for your home to be reached by any random person online. You can avoid this type of scam by simply not believing that you won anything unless you hear it from a source you know for A FACT is legit. 
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Money Scams- Sometimes when you are online shopping, you come across a website that has exactly what you want and a great price. You might think “wow! I can’t believe this is so cheap and convenient! I’m definitely going to buy this!” However, that’s exactly what the scammer wants you to think. The whole point of the scam is so that you put your credit card information on the website thinking that it will buy you what you want, but then next thing you know the things you bought never show up and you are missing hundreds of dollars! These scammers trick you into putting your credit card information, meaning they can now buy anything they want with it. Scary right? Well, there are many ways you can avoid this. You can make sure that it is a legit website with reliable customer reviews, and always shop from places like Amazon or eBay that you know are not a scam. 
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Friendship/romance scams- Have you ever went online and found someone really cool to talk to? Maybe you even wanted to meet them in real life and start a relationship with them, whether it’s a romantic one or a friendship one. Well, I’m sorry but that is one of the most dangerous things you can do in your entire life! On the internet, you never really know who is on the other side of the chat or what they really want to do with you. Even if they tell you that they are who they say they are or even send pictures, never ask to meet them or tell them any personal information. Try avoiding online chats with people you don’t know in the first place, but if you do come across one, make sure you know the motto “Stranger danger!” and never send out any personal information. It may actually save your life. 
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Fraud Scams- This is a big one. Everyone in their life has come across a fraud scammer some way or another. A fraud is someone who pretends to be someone else, and they don’t say who they actually are. There are many different types of fraud scams on the internet. I actually have some experience dealing with this kind of scam. One time, I was online looking for a babysitting job, and some lady contacted me saying she has 2 kids that need babysitting. She then sent me a  $2000 through the mail saying I was getting “pre-paid”, but then told me that I needed to send her 1500$ online. She did this because once you send money online, it immediately becomes available. Guess what though? THE CHECK WAS FAKE!! She was about to earn 1500$ and rid me of $2000 (that I didn’t even have)! Now don’t worry, I knew this was a scam so I didn’t follow along with it, but it still could have ended badly. These types of scammers do this to a bunch of people every day online, and my story was just a little something so you would know what it would be like. Never trust someone online when it comes to money!
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Fraud scams continued- That’s not the only type of fraud scam. The first type was people pretending to be someone else trying to get your money, but the second type I’m about to explain is when scammers don't try to get your money, but they pretend like they already have your money. Say you’re doing something online, and somehow someone out there has access to your credit card and ID. With access to these things, they could literally pretend to be you and use all of your money! Anyways, you can avoid these types of scams by NEVER letting anyone online see any of your property that proves who you are (such as passport, ID, credit card etc). Scams like this easily ruin people’s lives, and you don’t want to be one of those people, do you? Follow my tips and you won’t be! 
How to be safe on social media
Now that I’ve covered the main issue on online scams, it is time to talk about something we all know a lot about. Social media! These days, people of all ages have many social media accounts. It is a great way to stay in touch with friends, look at trendy things, and see some celebrities around the world. Social media is great and all, but I think we all need to be educated on how to be safe when using it. In this section of my blog, I will tell you some tips about using social media and how to be safe with it. Enjoy!
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Instant messaging- Always make sure that you are talking to who you think you are. You want to avoid any fraud scams (people saying they are someone else). Always be careful about what you send someone else because if it gets in the wrong hands you could get into some serious trouble. There is a little rule I like to follow, and I hope you’ll follow it too. It goes like this- “if you wouldn’t want your parents, teacher, or priest to see what you are sending, then don’t send it!”
Posting Pictures- When you are posting a picture online, remember to make sure you know that basically anyone can see this picture. This means that you can’t have any personal information showing, such as your address, phone number, credit cards etc. Also, keep your pictures appropriate for all audiences. It’s better to make your account private so that people you know can see this, and not just random strangers.
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Using Strong Passwords- This should go without saying. If someone hacks into your social media account, then they can post anything they want and send any message they want pretending to be you. This can really harm your reputation and may even be dangerous to you because of how much personal information is on your account. Just use a strong password no one can guess and you’ll be fine. 
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Know who is on your account- Always know who is following you and who can see the things you post. If it is someone you don’t know, block them. If it is someone you do know, talk to them in person about it to confirm that it is their real account and not a fake one. It is very important that you are aware of who can see who you are because it is very dangerous to be vulnerable to strangers. It’s best to have a private account and closely manage your followers. 
Fun Facts about the internet
There are currently seven people who hold the key to the internet. In the case of any event which makes the internet shut down, these 7 people have a key to reboot its internal part.
All of us are familiar with browser names like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. But the very first and popular web browser was known to be Mosiac which started its services in the year 1993 and was a major part of internet till 1997.
 The Internet has gained about 5 million users in just 5 years. It took 13 years for TV to gather these many users.
There are over 1 billion internet users today which is about 20% of the world’s population.
An average surfing session lasts about only 51 minutes.
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Sweden has the most number of internet users across the world with about 75% of the population using it.
The satellite-based internet availability has made it possible to access the internet all over the world. Still there are certain countries like North Korea and China who are denied access by the government.
It is estimated that people who use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are likely to spend their 10% of a lifetime on it.
Asia is a continent with the largest number of internet users.
19% married couple meets online, making it a suitable marriage bureau.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and learned something about the internet and how to be safe with it. Remember the information about online scams and social media so you can stay safe on the web! Thanks for reading, and good luck out there on the web!!
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mitchbeck · 2 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The Hartford Wolf Pack off-season is expected to be another roster transformation project that will make the 2022-23 edition of the New York Rangers AHL affiliate into a very different team. Six Wolf Pack players, Maxim Letunov, Kris Merkley, Anthony Greco, all forwards, and goaltenders Adam Húska, and Keith Kinkaid are all Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA). Three of those players, led by Húska, Letunov, and Merkley as per the CBA, are Group 6 free agents by way of not having played enough NHL games by age 25. Húska’s pending departure seems to be clear after Swedish goaltending prospect, Olof Lindbom, was signed to a two-year ELC deal for $925K-NHL/$70K-AHL. He played last year with Kristianstads IK (Sweden-Allsvenskan) where he posted underwhelming numbers. In 27 games, Lindblom registered a 3.27 GAA an under .500 record at 10-15-0, and a .900 save percentage. HARTFORD WOLF PACK RESTRICTED FREE AGENTS Restricted Free Agents (RFA) have to be made legitimate offers. Those Wolf Pack players include Tim Gettinger, Ty Ronning, Vitali Kravtsov, Justin Richards, and Austin Rueschoff. Goaltender, Tyler Wall, is very likely to be allowed to leave as a free agent. As is Jake Elmer and still in junior with Seattle (WHL) still in the playoffs, Matt Rempe. In the NHL the Rangers have their own share of UFA’s. Greg McKegg, Kevin Rooney, Ryan Strome, Andrew Copp, Ryan Reaves, and trade deadline acquisitions who have played well, Frank Vatrano, Tyler Motte, and Justin Braun. The Rangers also have Kaapo Kakko, Julien Gauthier, and Libor Hájek who played five games in Hartford on a conditioning stint, and enigmatic ex-Pack goaltender, Alexander Georgiev. Hartford GM Ryan Martin and Rangers GM/President Chris Drury are, no doubt, getting ready for an important entry draft and are also likely discussing what other moves the franchise could make including possible trade deals. COACHING, PLAYER MANAGEMENT MOVES Four ex-Springfield Falcons are playing in Dysin Mayo (Canada). Those players are Marek Langhamer (Czech Republic (Czechia), Matthias Plachta (Germany), and Denis Malgin (Switzerland (LNA). There will be no Russian squad to play after the IIHF took away the sites of Novosibirsk and Omsk for both this and the WJC tourney. New Canaan resident, Pierre McGuire, the former Hartford Whaler head coach plus long-time NBC and TSN hockey analyst, was relieved of his duties less than a year on the job in Ottawa as Senior VP of Player Development. The Bridgeport Islanders knocked off the Providence Bruins to advance against the Charlotte in the Atlantic Division semifinals before falling to the Checkers. Meanwhile, the Springfield Thunderbirds eliminated the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins in the other Semi-final. Joe Snively, the former Yale Bulldog with the Hershey Bears was recalled by Washington, Then Mathieu Olivier, son of ex-Knights Simon is sent to Milwaukee by Nashville. The Jacksonville Icemen, the ECHL affiliate of both the Wolf Pack and the Rangers, advanced to the ECHL South Division Final to play in-state rival the Florida Everblades (Nashville) in the Kelly Cup playoffs. They were swept by the Everblades, who shut them out twice in the series. EX-UCONN GOALIE SENT TO FLORIDA Florida did receive former UCONN goalie Tomáš Vomáčka, after he was reassigned for the series by Nashville from Milwaukee (AHL), but didn’t play or dress. Connor Jones, a former Quinnipiac University (QU) Bobcat, and ex-Bridgeport Sound Tiger announced his retirement from hockey while with Ft. Wayne (ECHL). Twin brother Kellen will continue to play on with the legendary Komets. Former QU Bobcat Latvian Kārlis Čukste leaven Pelicans Lahti (Finland) for HC Oceláři Třinec (Czech Republic (Czechia)-CEL) for next season. He played for Latvia in the Olympics and is slated to be on their World Championship team. David Musil exits HC Oceláři Třinec  (Czech Republic (Czechia)-CEL) to HC Dynamo Pardubice. After three years as an assistant captain for Tölzer Löwen (Germany DEL-2), former Sound Tiger Tyler McNeeley signed with Rosenheim (Germany Division-3). CANADIAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ROSTER The Canadian World championship roster was released with a few familiar names on it. On defense will be ex-Pack and current New Jersey Devil, Ryan Graves. At forward, will be Cole Sillinger as will Pierre-Luc Dubois. Húska is suiting up for Slovakian Team and Hartford GM Ryan Martin will guide the US squad. There will be no Russian squad to play and the IIHF took away the sites of Novosibirsk and Omsk from them for this and the WJC tourney. Some familiar names are on other WC teams to play in Tampere and Helsinki, Finland. The US squad features ex-Pack, Vinni Lettieri, ex-Sound Tiger Kieffer Bellows, and goalies Jon Gillies (Salisbury Prep) and Strauss Mann (Greenwich/Brunswick Prep/CT Jr. Rangers-USPHL ) who was signed this off-season by San Jose after playing this year in Sweden and represented the US in the Olympics. MORE NAMES INVOLVED WITH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS The US team’s Equipment Manager is Hamden’s Chris Scoppetto (AHL Beast of New Haven) now with New Jersey. Italy's assistant coach is Larry Huras (Nighthawks). The Czech Republic (Czechia) team has ex-Pack Tomáš Kundrátek, Michael Spacek and ex-UCONN recruit, Matej Blümel. Latvia’s head coach is ex-New Haven Senator, Harijs Vitolins. Denmark has the soon-to-be-retiring ex-Sound Tiger, Franz Nielsen. Sweden, has ex-Pack goalie, Magnus Hellberg and forward Carl Klingberg. Germany, assistant coach is former Hartford Whaler, Tom Rowe. Switzerland has another ex-Pack who is nearing the end of his career, Andres Ambühl. MOVES APLENTY CONTINUE Lastly, Great Britain has goalie Jackson Whistle and Ben Lake, the former Pioneer from Sacred Heart University-AHA. UCONN recruit Brayden Smith has elected to go to the Penticton Knights (BCHL) next year to preserve his NCAA rights likely for two years. He was taken by the Vancouver Giants (WHL) under former Wolf Pack head coach and Giants associate coach, Keith McCambridge. They selected him in the 2020 bantam draft in the sixth round, 122nd overall. He was also drafted by the Weyburn (SK) Red Wings (SJHL) in 2020 in the third round 25th overall in their draft. If he plays one second of major junior pre-season, regular season, or post-season his NCAA eligibility is lost. That’s how the rules are now, but that could change in the future. Players eligible for the 2022 WHL Prospects Draft on May 19th next week are 2007-born players who reside in; Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon. The US States that are eligible are; Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. OHL DRAFT In the OHL Priority Draft, Birk Cassels was taken from the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets U-15 AAA team (T1EHL) by the Ottawa 67’s at 290th overall in the 14th round. Cole Cassels played with nearby Cleveland and his nephews are ex-Pack Morgan Barron (Manitoba) and Justin (Laval). The prospects for the Q that can be drafted are currently playing in the territories served by the QMJHL: the provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Labrador, as well as the northeastern portion of the United States. The QMJHL Draft will take place a few days before the NHL Draft July 4-5 instead of June 17-18. Tyler Wood of the Selects Academy at South Kent Prep is in the top-tier of the Q draft prospects general list, not just the US portion of the draft that will take place after the main draft. AHL’ERS HEADING TO EUROPE After eight years in North America, Sven Bärtschi, of the Henderson Silver Knights returns to his hometown and signs a three-year deal with SC Bern (Switzerland-LNA). He is the third player, thus far from the AHL to head to Europe. Krystof Hrabik heads from San Jose signs with HC Plzeň (Pilsner) (the Czech Republic-(Czechia)-CEL) and heading back to Russia is goalie Alexei Melnichuk, a Russian native and so far, only Russians will likely do so, heads from the San Jose Barracuda, who finished dead last in the AHL to HC Sochi (Russia-KHL). NCAA NEWS Two players are heading to nearby AIC (AHA) in Springfield, MA. Hunter McCurdy of the Danbury Jr. Hat Tricks (NAHL) commits to the school for the fall. The 57th and 58th NCAA grad transfers are Brennan Boynton after playing just one game with NCAA semi-finalist at the Frozen Four Minnesota (Big 10) will skate for the Yellow Jackets next season. Ryan Sidorski goes from Union College (ECACHL) to North Dakota (NCHC). A seventh college player heads to Europe as Taylor Brierley goes from D-3 Wilkes University (UCHC) to HC Chambéry (France-Division-2). Then a 59th grad transfer of the college offseason Dylan St. Cyr heads to the Michigan St. Spartans (Big 10) heading back to his native Michigan to complete his collegiate career. He is from Northville, a Detroit suburb. St. Cyr did a regular transfer last year to QU from Notre Dame. He is the son of former New Haven Senator, Gerry St, Cyr. His mother is Manon Rheaume, the first female to play goal in an NHL game albeit exhibition who has a statue of herself in Quebec City on Jean Béliveau Way, near the Videotrom Centre home of the QMJHL Quebec Remparts. HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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worldswin · 6 years
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Tadeusz Różewicz (9 October – 24 April ) was a Polish poet, playwright, writer, and Różewicz’s debut as a playwright was in , with The Card Index (Kartoteka). He wrote over a dozen plays and several screenplays. Kartoteka by Tadeusz Rozewicz, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Tadeusz Różewicz. Books By Tadeusz Różewicz. Most Popular Books . Kartoteka. Tadeusz Różewicz. They Came to See a Poet: Selected Poems. Tadeusz.
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Marquee rated it really liked it Apr 02, Views Read Edit View history. There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
BlaiddDrwg rated it liked it Sep 16, Lists with This Book. Pamela Schiller rated it really liked it Sep 13, The second play presents a young married couple at kartotekx planning their day.
The first play, the most abstract, is a string of metaphors meant His elder brother, Janusz, also a poet, was executed by the Gestapo in for serving in the Polish resistance movement. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Accessed April 4, The key to the piece is the husband’s matter-of-fact account, as he watches at the window, redicz two children tormenting and then destroying a kitten Events in his dramas defy linearity and, instead, tend to ricochet throughout various inflections of his time line.
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Retrieved from ” https: Henry goes out, for some unknown reason, and his family becomes worried. They work very hard at it, as if a night of sleep cuts them off drastically from life and contact must be reestablished. He is a grand solitary, convinced of an artistic mission that he regards as a state of internal concentration, alertness, and ethical sensitivity.
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Kasia rated it really liked it Mar 24, His real self still remains private, even to himself.
Tadeusz Różewicz – Wikipedia
Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Martoteka Czoska rated it it was amazing Jan 24, This page was last edited on 6 Novemberat He first published his poetry in In the third play two men facing in opposite directions have a conversation of sorts.
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Dissertation, New York University. Su libro, Las grandes alamedas. En sus propias palabras: In addition, we underline how the changes in population patterns that took place between and have worsened the initial distortions in the size of the different districts. Malapportionment in Comparative Perspective”. Esto se debe a diversas causas, como las migraciones del campo a ciudad, o el mejoramiento o empeoramiento en las condiciones de vida de ciertas regiones. Esta idea es intuitivamente poderosa y ha sido ampliamente aceptada como un principio de representatividad que debiera ser considerado al menos parcialmente a la hora de definir el mapa electoral de los distritos en una democracia.
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We argue that there persists an unequal representation in the electoral map since there are drastic variations in the population of the 60 electoral districts. We show how basee electoral map for the Chamber of Deputies in Chile was designed to over-represent the electoral support for conservative parties after the plebiscite.
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Explore sap product documentation and learning journeys for all businessesindustries, find answers to your questions, and more. Comparative Political Studies 30 6: Abstract We show how the electoral map for the Chamber of Deputies in Chile was designed to over-represent the electoral support for conservative parties after the plebiscite. Entre otros, SiavelisMontes, Mainwaring y Ortega y Fuentes han discutido las continuidades y cambios de los patrones del comportamiento electoral chileno a partir de On the Transformational Effects of Electoral Reform”.
Incluso en algunas, la cantidad de inscritos es superior a la cantidad de habitantes. Ahora bien, bajo criterios alternativos que optimizan otros objetivos, se puede argumentar que ciertos mapas electorales que se alejan del principio “una persona, un voto” son justificables.
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worldswin · 6 years
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Maple Leaf Foods is a leading consumer protein company in Canada. Our vision is to be the most sustainable protein company on earth. A...
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