#free roi calculator
samfonde · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Building an Effective Campaign URL: Boost Your Website Traffic Today!
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In today's digital world, online marketing campaigns have become increasingly very important for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. 
One powerful tool that assists in tracking and analyzing campaign performance is the Campaign URL Builder, also known as the UTM Builder or UTM Parameter Builder.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of using a Free Campaign URL Builder and how it can help you outrank your competitors on Google. So, let's dive right in!
What is a Campaign URL Builder?
A Campaign URL Builder is a tool provided by Google Analytics that enables you to create customized URLs for your marketing campaigns. 
These URLs contain unique parameters known as UTM parameters, which allow you to track and analyze the traffic generated by each campaign. 
By using a Campaign URL Builder, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.
Why Should You Use a Campaign URL Builder?
Using a Campaign URL Builder offers several advantages that can help you elevate your online marketing game. Let's take a closer look at some of the key benefits:
1. Accurate Tracking and Analysis
By incorporating UTM parameters into your campaign URLs, you can easily track the performance of each marketing campaign. 
The data collected through these URLs allows you to identify which campaigns are driving the most traffic, conversions, and engagement. 
This information empowers you to make informed decisions to refine your marketing strategies and maximize your ROI.
2. Enhanced Campaign Attribution
Attributing the success of your marketing campaigns to the right channels is crucial for optimizing your marketing budget and resources. 
A Campaign URL Builder enables you to differentiate traffic sources accurately. You can track the effectiveness of various channels, such as email marketing, social media, paid advertising, and more. 
This attribution helps you identify the channels that deliver the highest value to your business and allocate your resources accordingly.
3. A/B Testing and Experimentation
Campaign URL Builders allows you to create multiple versions of URLs with different UTM parameters. 
This feature is particularly useful for A/B testing and experimentation. By testing different variations of your campaigns and comparing the results, you can gain insights into which elements resonate better with your audience. 
This knowledge empowers you to optimize your marketing messages, design, and calls-to-action for maximum impact.
4. Improved Reporting and Analytics
Accurate and detailed reporting is the backbone of any successful marketing campaign. 
A Campaign URL Builder provides you with granular data that goes beyond traditional analytics. By leveraging the power of UTM parameters, you can gain insights into user behavior, demographics, geographic location, and more.
This level of reporting equips you with the knowledge to refine your targeting, messaging, and campaign strategies to yield better results.
How to Use the Free Campaign URL Builder
Now that you understand the importance of a Campaign URL Builder, let's walk through the process of creating your own campaign URLs using the Free Campaign URL Builder provided by [Your Company Name]. Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Access the Free Campaign URL Builder
Visit AADME’s Free Campaign URL Builder, The user-friendly interface will guide you through the URL customization process in an easy way.
Step 2: Define Your Campaign Source
In the "Campaign Source" field, specify the source of your campaign. For example, if you are running a Facebook ad campaign, enter "Facebook" as the source.
Step 3: Specify Your Campaign Medium
In the "Campaign Medium" field, describe the medium through which your campaign is delivered. This could be "email," "social," "cpc" (cost-per-click), or any other relevant medium.
Step 4: Determine Your Campaign Name
In the "Campaign Name" field, provide a unique name for your campaign. This helps you identify the specific campaign within your analytics reports.
Step 5: Customize Additional Parameters
The Free Campaign URL Builder allows you to customize additional parameters, such as "Campaign Term" and "Campaign Content." These parameters can be used to track specific keywords, ad variations, or content variations, depending on your requirements.
Step 6: Generate Your Customized Campaign URL
Once you have filled in all the necessary fields, click on the "Generate URL" button. The Campaign URL Builder will instantly generate a unique URL with UTM parameters based on your inputs.
Step 7: Implement and Track Your Campaign URL
Copy the generated campaign URL and use it in your marketing materials, such as email newsletters, social media posts, paid ads, or any other campaign channels. 
Ensure that each campaign URL is used exclusively for the corresponding campaign to maintain accurate tracking.
Boost Your Website Traffic Today!
In conclusion, leveraging the power of a Campaign URL Builder is vital for tracking, analyzing, and optimizing your marketing campaigns. 
By utilizing the Free Campaign URL Builder from AADME you can take control of your campaign tracking and outperform your competitors. Start using the Campaign URL Builder today and unlock valuable insights to enhance your online marketing efforts.
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kissmehardy · 1 year
New law that anyone who works in an office cant have an opinion on my job because they fundamentally cant understand what im doing
#sorry if youre proud about sacrificing your dreams for a paycheck you cant tell me what im not doing isnt worth it bc its in your opinion a#poor roi#like fucking maybe but also maybe not everyone needs to sell their soul maybe youre just bitter that you are#stuck in middle management business hell#oh you got a job? *pulls out calculator* doesnt look like it will be worth it in the long run though#like fuck off youre the one getting an online business phd asshole#stop tell me to work in hr stop it stop it stop it stop it#stop telling me to get a sales job fucking stop i mean it when i say i will kill myself first#god why is everyone on earth so business pilled there are more life paths out there i promise i PROMISE#maybe you wont make 100k a year but fuck you might be free#sorry i would rather travel the country and excavate human remains?? walk through the woods the mountains the swamps?!#do something meaningful like preserve archaeological resources and not make a ceo money?? you have one life and you look down on me for not#dedicating mine to making a ceo money????#sorry i would rather enjoy my job and life??#i dont fucking understand why when i hit 25 suddenly EVERYONE is like ok but youre too old for dreams time to work in hr#fucking excuse me?? so the plan is tell kids to undergrads to follow their dreams and as they obtain them tell them that was stupid are you#kidding me??#im fucking losing my mind i fucking hate you all just bc its not a nine to five doesnt mean its not viable#in fact its MORE viable i got the first fucking job i applied to!!! how many fucking people get the first hr job they apply to jesus christ#no i will actually go into data analysis and get 300 rejections bc i have zero background in it good fucking plan#yall im so mad#pulling out a calculator immediately to tell me my choice is bad fuck off
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a-tools · 5 months
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Return On Investment (ROI) Calculator can help you calculate the return on investment (ROI), investment gain, and annualized ROI rates for any investment opportunity.
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Latest Jarred Younger video:
"Detecting neuroinflammation with brain imaging" (Neuroinflammation, Pain, and Fatigue Lab at UAB)
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
FMAB discussion (continued):
Roy Mustang. I love how his character is borderline villain, yknow? Like how he’s clearly a hero but his ability to follow orders and common sense makes him deadly and vaguely evil. But also he’s the good guy so like. Hdhfbebsjfjdjnajd his character is amazing and unique!! Idk that a see a lot of people like Roy. And the way that he does everything, calculated to a T, and the way he has Riza keep him in check???? Ndjfnend just. Fabulous
And then Riza is amazing, I love how she follows Mustang’s orders but she was never just a soldier, she was sharp and like. That cunningness was something that she never dropped. Like even just standing there, you felt like she was acutely aware of everything. Roy treated her like his equal, and used her status as his subordinate to protect her, to the best of his abilities. He did that with his whole team, and I love how much Roy loves and respected them. Like he really is a great leader, intelligent and compassionate and empathetic.
(Also, on the subject of choosing Legend whump details…how about like, poison? Poison and something to do with difficulty breathing/ coughing up blood/broken ribs. Is that okay? Is that too many? Feel free to change them if you need/want to :3 thank you so much im so hyped :333 <3)
YESSS HE’S SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER. I’m with you. I don’t see many like Roy. He’s built like an antihero and yet he’s…not. He’s committed atrocities yet keeps going to ensure no one ever does such things again. And his cold ambition is used for that purpose and not for his own benefit. At the end of the day he’s…kinda a dreamer. And an optimist??? A calculated optimistic dreamer?? Like how does that even add up?? 😅 He’s very complex and multifaceted and never ceases to surprise me. I love him so much
Oh I LOVE Riza!! Like Roy she honestly just kept surprising me. Her cold calculating, her intelligence and cunning, her skill, but also her kindness and sensitivity. One moment she’s a cold blooded killer and the next she’s giving Ed advice like a cool aunt or something 😅 And her and Roy’s relationship is everything to me.
Roy really is a great leader! That’s another thing about him that kinda baffles me. He seems like he keeps everyone at a distance and yet here’s this team of people who would die for him but he’d never allow them to. He cares deeply for them…so much so that Bradley knows he’ll falter without his little found family
(About the Legend whump…you choosing those tropes makes me so happy you’ve got no idea. I LOVE the poisoning trope. And to get to combine it with other forms of whump? AWESOME. The more pain the better XD So YES absolutely ok! I’ll get started! I’m so excited!!)
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josefavomjaaga · 9 months
Soult about the "roi Nicolas" affair
I guess it's about time to let the main culprit give his version of the story 😋. Taken and translated from Soult's memoirs. Needless to say there's a huge caveat, as these memoirs were written decades after the events, with the author being of course fully aware of all the accusations directed at him.
My military position would have been excellent with adequate forces. But we were far from the Emperor's calculations, who had given me fifteen days to march from the Minho to the Tagus. As soon as I entered Portugal, I was able to recognise the error the Emperor had committed in counting on the country's submission. Portugal was armed for independence. This feeling was general, and force alone could not overcome it. It would have been easier to exterminate the nation than to make it yield. It was therefore necessary to have recourse to means other than brute force. It was necessary to act on the morale, on the spirit of the Portuguese, to appease their hatred, to try to make them return to the feelings of friendship that they had originally shown. They did not want to become a French colony, let alone a Spanish province. Above all, they had to be reassured of their future independence and promised a national government. Only on this condition could we hope to make it possible for a French army to remain in Portugal. I had no instructions from the Emperor on this point. Obviously I would have taken his orders if I had been able to communicate with him. But no sort of contact was possible at the time. I thought that, as General-in-Chief, I was first and foremost responsible for the safety of my army. The confidence which the Emperor had shown me and the feeling of my mission made it my duty, once left to my own devices, to act on my own initiative, in what seemed to me useful to the service of His Majesty; later, the Emperor would remain free to disown me. An army leader who does not know how to take responsibility is not worthy of command.
That’s Soult in a nutshell for you. "Nobody in charge? Alright, I’m in charge."
So, while taking measures to reduce the calamities of the war as much as possible and make it less ferocious, I gave strict orders on discipline and, ever since Chaves and Braga, sent the Portuguese militiamen who had fallen into my power back to their homes[...] But these measures were not enough: political measures also had to be taken. Like General Junot, I presented the French occupation as intended to restore order and install a national government. All my actions had been inspired by this thought. Unfortunately, the Portuguese who were best disposed remembered the repressive actions of Loison, who had returned precisely with me, the contributions imposed and, above all, the constant silence maintained by the Emperor about his intentions.
Which would be an interesting question indeed. Napoleon had been unhappy about Junot not dismanteling the army and government in Portugal, he would be furious about Soult encouraging the Portuguese to demand a new monarch in order to remain an independent country. So, assuming the French army had successfully occupied Portugal, what would have been Napoleon’s plans for the country?
However, General Junot had stayed in Portugal longer than he could have if he had not created a party to support him. In the same spirit, as soon as I arrived in Braga I assumed the title of "Governor General of Portugal" and proclaimed that I had received the mission of governing the kingdom in the name of the Emperor. I announced this to the Bishop of Oporto, who was then at the head of the insurrectionary junta, and to the coadjutor of the archdiocese of Braga, and invited influential figures to work with me to bring peace to the country. The day after the capture of Oporto, 31 March, I published a proclamation to restore order and I issued a decree, of which one of the articles read as follows: "The Marshal of the Empire, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army, using the powers given to him by His Majesty the Emperor and King, declares himself, in the name of the aforementioned Majesty, Governor General of the Kingdom of Portugal and General-in-Chief of the Portuguese Army. Accordingly, he attributes to himself all the rights that belong to these supreme functions, until otherwise ordered by the Emperor." At the same time, I had measures introduced to persuade the inhabitants of the towns occupied by my troops to adhere to the French system, to abjure the sovereignty of the House of Bragança, and to send me addresses similar to those which General Junot had obtained in Lisbon.
That’s the third time now, I believe, that Soult mentions Junot’s actions in Lisbon. Junot seems to really have been his role model 😁.
As many signatures as possible were collected and, after a few days, there were several thousand. These were all people who were compromising themselves in favour of the French and who were committed to supporting them, if only for fear of the vengeance of the opposing party. […] On 26 April 1809, I received the first addresses and responded with a proclamation: "I shall bring the expression of their wishes to the foot of the Emperor's throne," I said to the Portuguese. "While awaiting his ultimate intentions to be made known, as Governor General of the Kingdom I accepted, in the name of the Emperor, the oaths they had just taken and the obligations these oaths imposed".
Important note: I have no clue if the proclamations Soult quotes from in his memoirs can be verified independently.
A little before this time (19th April), General Ricard, head of my general staff, sent a circular on this subject to the division generals. It informed them of the new means used to influence the public mind and urged them to use all their influence in the parts of the province they commanded. This document, which has since become famous, has been fiercely condemned: it has been seen as nothing less than an attempt on my part to have myself proclaimed King of Portugal, and it has served as the basis for a range of rather ridiculous accusations, which are in any case highly self-serving. This circular from General Ricard cannot be evaluated in isolation or separated from all the other official acts of the same time. It can only be understood by comparing it with these acts, all of which were fully known by those to whom the circular was addressed. I told the Portuguese that I was governing the kingdom "in the name of the Emperor, until his ultimate intentions were known". I would receive their oaths of loyalty "in the name of the Emperor". The circular to the generals itself contained nothing else. The generals to whom it was addressed interpreted it well, for they all replied in the same way: that they agreed with its views and that they would do their utmost to support them.
I would like to argue two points here: 1) The circulaire did indeed contain some more, for example the general-en-chef's repeated assurance that he was not at all pursuing any personal interests in this measure, hinting at the fact that there was already some malicious gossip at that time. And 2) Soult, you dimwit! Just because your subordinate generals tell you to your face they’re okay with whatever plan you have cooked up does not mean they will not complain about it and start conspiracy theories behind your back! Just ask Saint-Chamans and Petiet about their interviews with Loison and Delaborde!
It would indeed have been a strange calculation on my part, if I wanted to have myself proclaimed King of Portugal, to speak to the Portuguese only in the name of the Emperor and to choose the French generals to tell them of my views of personal ambition. I should at least have expected some opposition from them. A no less strange calculation would have been to have me proclaimed King of Portugal by a French army, without the Emperor's consent, while from day to day it was expected that the English would intervene in the question, as they were unlikely to arrive with the intention of recognising this new kingship, regardless of what it might be!
That's surely true. Trying to set up your little private kingdom, based on the support by an army and/or a population who distrust you, and right between Wellington's attacking army and an infuriated French emperor in Paris, would seem a rather strange idea indeed. That's probably why Napoleon assumed Soult must have had sunstroke.
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astercontrol · 9 months
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This seems like a weirdly obvious thought (especially for an obsessed Ram fan like me) but I realized I haven't actually seen it addressed.
Has anyone done any speculation on an in- universe backstory for how Ram got his name?
It's usually explained as meaning "Random Access Memory," but... that is not what Ram is. He's an actuarial calculator. Why would you name that after random access memory?
What possible connection?
Does running him use an unusually large amount of RAM? (Is that a reason to choose that name? Does any other software get named like that?)
Is it an abbreviation for something else completely, like "Roy's Actuarial Module" or "Risk Assessment Mathematics"?
Is he named after the Los Angeles Rams? (Oh dammit is Roy a football fan? "No really I'm a nerd, I only go to the Super Bowl parties for the free popcorn, I swear")
Is it a name he got in-system, for being the most "randomly accessible" twink in that whole prison compound.... (obviously no, because the Legacy short indicates his name is known in the User world, shut up Aster)
...any other thoughts?
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et-ceterra · 10 months
this poem but make it royai
I Am Not Yours I am not yours, not lost in you, Not lost, although I long to be Lost as a candle lit at noon, Lost as a snowflake in the sea. You love me, and I find you still A spirit beautiful and bright, Yet I am I, who long to be Lost as a light is lost in light. Oh plunge me deep in love—put out My senses, leave me deaf and blind, Swept by the tempest of your love, A taper in a rushing wind.
Sara Teasdale, "I Am Not Yours"
Obviously there are different interpretations of this text, I'm just going to point out what stuck out to me. Also for anyone curious here's linked below I Am Not Yours arr. Z. Randall Stroope as well as my biased overanalyzed Royai reading of this lol.
Today I was listening to the above choral arrangement with this text and since I happen to be rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist at the same time I couldn't help but draw parallels from this poem and, of course, Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye.
Side note, coincidence but the text was also first published in 1915 which is right after the climax of the FMA storyline. So I imagine this being from both Roy and Riza’s perspectives, after everything has happened and Ed and Al have their bodies back.
In this poem, the narrator longs to be loved so deeply and intimately. And yet this juxtaposition exists in which the narrator cannot allow themselves to be lost in the other person, or perhaps they are refusing to lose all self control. They want to, need to be their own person and their s/o is their own person as well. It paints this beautifully tragic picture of something that the narrator feels they can never achieve. The fact is that no matter how much they want to experience this love, they feel that they never can because of their circumstances.
Taking some of the imagery more literally, let’s talk about the “lost as a candle” line. As the Flame Alchemist, Roy is extremely powerful. On a smaller scale, a candle is powerful in that it cuts through darkness; a spark can start a flame. But a candle's range is limited. For all the light and warmth he can produce on his own, Riza is Roy's true light in his life; she is "noon" in this scenario. So much of what he does, he does for her. She in turn is the light that keeps him from going astray and giving into his burning desire for revenge against Envy. She keeps him from performing human transmutation (of his own free will).
If Roy is warm, burning, charismatic, driven, Riza is cold, calculated steady, and distant, at least on the outside. Her time in Ishval and in the military has left her hardened. She does not hesitate to take others' lives if it's to protect her loved ones. She also does not hesitate to point a gun at her very own colonel when she knows he is doing something he will regret. I find it interesting that the two similes in the first stanza are so opposite, and yet the meaning is the same. Roy and Riza are two different sides, but the same coin. Roy is the hot, passionate fire, and Riza is the cold winter snow, but they equally desire to be loved by each other.
Although both Roy and Riza may wish for something more between them, and they know that the other is a "spirit beautiful and bright," there are all these legal and emotional barriers that prevent them from being together. Roy has dreams of becoming Fuhrer, Riza has people to protect, the military has laws in place preventing any sort of romance between officers. Riza and Roy long to be loved, completely accepted in the face of the horrible burdens that they carry. But even if they acknowledge that they do love each other, there are so many obstacles that they face to doing anything about it.
The third stanza culminates in what the two deep down truly desire - to be completely enveloped in love and companionship and acceptance. And Roy is the only one who can do that for Riza and vice versa, because of this long, scarred history that the two share. This is something so raw and intimate, something that the two feel they cannot admit - have they even admitted it to themselves? But the reality is that they would give up everything for each other. Roy literally did go blind at one point in the story, after an act of immense love and trust for his lieutenant.
This is a final, silent plea to the other to not hold back, seen in the expression (pain? jealousy?) in Roy's eyes when he watches Ed and Winry get happily married. Seen in Hawkeye's stolen glances across the office to her colonel's desk. Yearning silently, yet desperately, for the day that they can unashamedly be swept up in the other's love and desire, but unsure if that day will ever come.
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albatmobile · 2 years
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 3
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for Roy and Jason's child.
𓅪 Rated: M | TW: addiction mention | 6.5k fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter Three: Work is Easy...| ao3 - wattpad
You show up two minutes after the set time even though you’ve been waiting in the parking lot for fifteen minutes. After calculating how long it'd take you to walk up, you decided on an inconspicuous four minutes before the expected time to start your trek up to their apartment.
Definitely not overthinking anything or overreacting in any way. You? No way. Not at all.
The building is as shitty as your freshman year college dorm with dulled, florescent-lit hallways, though you expect just as much, seeing as you pulled up to the slums of Gotham.
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While some people are scattered about the hallways, no one seems to pay you much mind. It’s a relief because now you're free to worry in peace. Not to mention, the last thing you want to do is draw too much attention to yourself on this side of town.
Even though you’d grown up in the area, you can never be too cautious.
You know as soon as you reach the address that it’s theirs. The door is covered in gaudy shit like a flower wreath, complete with a sign that reads ‘Bless this Apartment’ with angels around it. 
You internally gag at the horrid decor and wonder if it truly is just Roy, Jason and a kid. What, do they have a minivan now, too, or something?
You check your clock to see that you’re right on time, so you send Damian a quick message to let him know you’ve arrived and take a deep breath.
Two minutes after your set time and you finally knock on the door.
You don’t have to wait long, seeing as the door opens immediately to reveal an unfamiliar yet familiar face.
God, it’s been so fucking long.
You choke down the random urge to cry and fight the other urge to hug the big-ass doofus in front of you. You have to play it cool.
“I was wondering how long you were gonna stand out there,” Roy says as he leans casually against the door frame. You can’t help but notice that his arms way more filled out than you remember. Even as a senior, Roy had muscles, but this? Even through the sleeves of his hoodie, you can see that this is a whole other level of strength.
You don’t understand what Damian meant about Roy's supposed addiction. His face still looks like a typical stoner. Aside from his overgrown stubble, you notice that his kind, gorgeous, light green eyes have changed the most drastically, though you can’t quite place why.
He seems to notice you eyeing him up because he noticeably begins rubbing at his arms. Well, arm, considering he only seems concerned with the right one by the looks of it.
It’s only then that you see the red, wretched-looking scars that reach out from underneath one of his long sleeves. You’re immediately smacked in the face with heat, feeling a blush of embarrassment fan across your cheeks. 
Damian had mentioned an addiction, but heroin?
You need to divert attention away from his arms and fast.
“I was just texting someone in case you were actually planning to kill me or some shit.” It's a complete lie, one that makes entirely no sense, but your brain is currently short-circuiting, trying to put new Roy and old Roy together. 
No matter what you do, you can't seem to make sense of the man in front of you.
“Still paranoid, princess?” Roy holds up his hands with a smirk. It’s then you notice that his right hand is black and metallic- just how exactly did you miss that? Roy swiftly shoves it behind his back and you politely continue on like you haven’t noticed.
It seems like you're going to be doing a lot of that today.
A lot has changed.
“No,” you shamefully admit, wishing your blush would fuck the fuck off. Not that Roy’s old nickname for you helped any.
"I’m still not scared of Damian, by the way, so I'm not sure what help he’d be.” Of course he’d know exactly who you'd been texting. “You wanna come in?” he says, removing his arm from the doorway to motion you inward.
Do you want to come in?
You want to go home and crawl up in your bed and pretend like they hadn't even texted you in the first place.
But you're here.
You look into his eyes hesitantly before nodding. 
You're still trying to make sense of this whole thing and not be awkward at the same time, but you don’t know how when all you want to do is stare at your ex-friend until you memorize every part of his foreign body.
Wait, that sounds wrong. You start over.
You just want to run your hands through his fiery locks to make sure he still smells the same.
Okay, fuck it, you ditch your train of thought entirely before you start blushing again as you brush past him to go inside. You catch a whiff of whatever body wash he uses and are extremely disappointed in yourself when it leaves you dizzy upon contact. 
Okay, so he doesn't smell the same exactly, but it's still intoxicating, nonetheless.
“Alrighty then,” he laughs to himself as you continue to take everything in.
It’s completely domestic and you can't help but cringe when you see that the tacky decorations continue inside. 
There’s shit everywhere, including the remains of a pillow fort next to the tv in the living room. In the kitchen, you see the first real evidence of a child: crudely drawn drawings plastered over the cheap fridge.
You nearly miss the artwork, though, through the mess. You're quickly affronted by the sight of plastic plates practically falling out of the trashcan and a sink that’s seemingly disappeared under a pile of petrified dishes.
You gag silently and fight the urge to get on your hands and knees and clean everything in sight.
Roy seems to notice as he runs a sheepish hand through his stringy hair. “Yeah, not exactly the cleanest, but that hasn’t really changed now, has it?”
You nod, thinking back to all those times you had to organize his backpack so that he could find his notes. “I’m more surprised your cleaning habits rubbed off on Jason and not the other way around.”
You both smile at each other, basking in what you know. It’s a safe zone and safe is good. Especially right now when all you want to do is bolt.
You'd known Jason to be as much of a clean freak as you've always been, especially when it came to cooking.
Jason was the only one who never dared to comment on the cleanliness of your apartment the one time he and Roy came over to pick you up. It was a place not even Damian had been to. You were too embarrassed at the time when his house was a whole fucking manor in Bristol and yours was an empty, shitty apartment in The Bowery.
You remembered trying to clean it as best you could, but, just like Jason and Roy's apartment, it was a shithole to begin with, so cleaning only helped so much. Not like your parents were around enough to help out with chores, let alone much of anything else. 
"Yeah, well,” another sheepish grin from the redhead that leaves your stomach flipping, “full-time job and kid doesn't exactly leave time to clean.” He shrugs a bit. “Speaking of, let me go grab her.”
Ah, yes. The reason you're here in the first place.
While he's gone, you look around, noticing framed photos of a little girl, who you assume to be their kid, though there's not much else to go by. The place is technically decorated, yet it still feels somewhat impersonal.
Roy returns a few seconds later, hand-in-hand with a dark-haired little girl. Meanwhile, his right one remains concealed behind his giant back. “Lian, this is,” he pauses briefly after saying your name, “possibly your new babysitter?”
You crouch a bit, giving her a tiny wave, “It’s nice to meet you, Lian.”
She huddles further into Roy’s muscular side as she shies away from you.
Roy rubs at the back of his head with his prosthetic hand (arm? You couldn’t be sure with the long sleeves) while the other remains on Lian. “She takes a little while to warm up to new people,” he tries to assure you, so you nod, never having interacted with a child for this long before, anyway. You can't help but feel pained with how he refers to you. How are you new when he's the one who went M.I.A.? “Don’t get discouraged.”
You don't have to worry there, Roy, you think humorlessly. After all, you should be used to it by now with them.
“It’s all good,” you say instead of voicing your actual thoughts, giving Lian a thumbs up as you stand back up. “I’m shy sometimes, too,” you admit, causing the girl to meet your eyes for the first time.
Roy clears a seat for you on the couch next to him and Lian. You end up sitting on one side of Roy while she clings to his other side.
The close proximity is enough to leave you gasping for air.
This is too casual. Way too casual for what happened.
“So, you never answered my question from the other night,” his eyebrows wiggle up and down playfully as he speaks.
“Couldn’t hardly recognize your voice, dipshi- oot.” You barely manage to catch yourself from cursing in front of Lian, who keeps peeking out around Roy’s bicep to get a better look at you.
You give her a tiny smile, but instead of smiling back, she just seeks cover behind her dad again. You wish she'd stop because all it does is draw your attention to those sinful, rippling muscles and once you're looking, it's hard to force your attention away.
“She doesn’t bite, right?” he teases your name, inadvertently causing you to shiver. “Maybe not the right reassurance.” He throws a quick wink your way.
You roll your eyes before you can stop yourself. “One-track mind still in full effect, I see.”
Had he seen you checking him out? Oh, god, please say no.
He laughs mirthfully, “You’ve always been fun to tease. Can you blame me?”
“Excuse me,” you and Roy turn to Lian, who speaks up suddenly.
“What’s up, kid?” Roy asks, giving her a pat on her little head.
“I can braid.” She nods your way shyly.
Roy smirks at you. “Oh, yeah. She’s really into braiding right now,” he says, pointing to the little braid underneath the rest of his hair to further his statement.
Lian nods, confirming this before speaking further, “Your hair is prettier than my dad’s.”
“Okay,” you say as you hesitantly run your fingers through your hair. 
You don't really want a kid to rip it out after you’ve carefully taken the time to dry it properly after your shower earlier. You want to make a good impression ultimately wins out, though and you slip to the floor in front of Lian to offer her your hair by turning and placing it on her lap.
She gently takes your hair and runs her fingers through it a few times. “You smell nice.”
It’s the only warning you get before she’s off, wrestling at the hair she's sectioned off.
“Wow, you’ve got a strong grip there,” you say through gritted teeth as she makes a particularly hard tug.
“She’s very strong, right, Lian?” Roy throws slow, fake punches around her that she dodges with ease.
“I have super ninja strength, probably,” she says as she continues to torment your scalp.
“I can tell.  Superman would totally be jealous.” You face your head up a bit more so she can see your smirk.
She laughs as she quickly pushes your face back down. “I love Superman and Superboy.”
Kids always like Superman, you internally roll your eyes, but everyone who’s anyone knows that Batman is where it's at.
“They’re alright." You aren’t about to go on a comic book rant to a four-year-old. You hear Roy snort from next to Lian on the couch, but you don’t dare mess up whatever progress she’s made on the braid for fear of having your face pushed down again. “Do you like Batman?” You feel the girl shrug, but you gasp, turning dramatically, “What?!”
“I like Superboy a lot.” She looks at you expectantly.
You turn around to shoot Roy a dirty glance. “This is sacrilege.”
“Glad to know you’re still a nerd,” he sighs with fake exasperation.
You wave him off as your face is pushed down and forced frontward once again by an impatient Lian.
“Stay still.”
You apologize and get back into braiding position with your back pressed up against the couch
“So, are you taking classes?” Roy shifts over more so you can see him without punishment for moving from Lian. He’s counting on his fingers. “You’re 19, right? Sophomore?”
“You’ve been gone for too long.” It’s the first time either of you admits it out loud, but it’s true. The last time you saw him was when you were 15. “No, not a sophomore. Yes, 19, but I'm turning 20 in a few months,” you clarify for seemingly no reason, though you both know exactly why you've said it.
“I hardly doubt you skipped out on college.”
You can tell he's trying to piece everything together, so you help him out by further elaborating.
“You already said it,” you sigh, suddenly feeling the weight of this meeting again. “This nerd took all AP courses Junior and Senior year, so I only went to college for one year.”
Roy’s eyes widen at this piece of information. “You already graduated college?”
“Not like I had the money to stick around much longer than that,” you glance away from him with embarrassment, "you know, even with the scholarships and all."
Jason and Roy had both grown up around wealth, not that you're able to tell from their tacky apartment now, but what they had available to them back then is still nothing you’ve ever experienced.
“Pesky student loans,” he says as he tries to lighten the mood, but your stomach is already feeling sick with anxiety now that you've dug into the taboo topic.
Luckily, the conversation gets cut short before either of you can make further fools of yourselves.
The door opens suddenly and shuts quietly as Jason slips in without glancing up. 
You and Roy are both silent as Jason comes in and doesn’t seem to notice you or, more likely, doesn’t want to. 
You watch his movements out of the corner of your eyes from where you sit on the floor. If he's going to ignore you, you definitely have no trouble doing the same. This is how you and Jason end up staring in each other’s general direction with crossed arms, refusing to actually look at each other.
Roy, per usual, breaks up the tension with his shit-singing. “Ah, yes,” he teases with his signature smirk, “reunited and it feels so good.”
“Hardly,” you insist with a roll of your eyes.
It's a lie, you know that much, but not one you're willing to let them in on.
Lian tugs your head back with strength you're pretty sure no four-something-year-old should have, effectively startling you out of the moment. “The braid,” is all she says and you nod while you lean back further to try and give her a better angle.
“You still have that scar.” It’s a simple, somewhat off-handed thing to say in all the awkwardness, yet completely how you remembered Jason. It would be the first thing he mentions, seeing as he'd spent years lamenting over how you got it in the first place.
“Yeah, it’s a scar,” you state, obviously not really wanting to get into the encounter that had just recently stopped haunting your dreams. “You'd know all about that, though.” You glance up at his somewhat familiar scars scattered across his cheekbones. It’s too much for you to reminisce, so you change the subject before you can ask yourself why you even want the conversation to continue. “Guess I missed the protein shake diet memo?”
As many elephants as there are in this tiny apartment, one of the smaller ones seemed to be that both Jason and Roy had god-like, insane-looking muscles. You can only imagine what's going on under those clothes, though- NO! No, not doing this, you steel yourself.
It’s then that you notice all the to-go containers lying around. “I’m surprised Jason doesn’t cook for you.”
The raven-haired man shrugs and gestures to Roy and Lian, who are sitting on the couch. "It's Hard to cook when you have a loving boyfriend and child.”
You scrunch up your nose and don’t realize you have before it’s too late. You blame it on it being hard to see just how much has changed. Well, supposedly, you remind yourself. You still can’t bring yourself to buy this whole lovey-dovey little story they're putting down.
“We were just talking about what she’s been up to,” Roy supplements into the awkward silence that's settled across the room.
You and Jason have always been like oil and vinegar. They may taste pretty good together, but they don’t and never will, mix.
In the past, you were always at odds and ends with each other, always on each other’s nerves, always testing each other, always pushing each other's limits. You remember now, in this moment, just how exhausting and thrilling it was. 
You're only getting a little taste of it now and you can’t deny a part of you yearns for more of him.
“College, right?” Jason settles into the couch beside Roy with careful steps as he gets closer to you. It's as if he’s scared he’ll startle you off. Or maybe he's too disgusted to be near you. You can’t quite tell after his dramatic entrance.
“I graduated last year,” you fill him in on the AP’s you took after both of them vanished into thin air. “I work freelance programming now, so that’s pretty much it.”
Now on to where the fuck you guys have been, you think to yourself. You glance up at Jason out of the corner of your eyes, watching as he reaches over to ruffle Lian’s hair with familiar ease.
You know the fucker can see you staring, but you don’t care. It almost becomes a challenge to see if he'll meet you head-on.
He does.
Predictable, you think with a barely concealed smirk as you meet his bright green eyes for the first time in years. The smirk quickly falters, though and it becomes difficult to swallow as you feel your anxiety jam itself heavily into your throat at the shared eye contact.
Aside from the sounds coming from Lian’s frustration with your hair, it's completely silent as you take each other in.
“I know we both owe you some kind of explanation.”
It's weird seeing how Roy now seems to be the voice of reason throughout this whole ordeal when it always used to be Jason or you.
Things really have changed.
It's just like you've silently feared, making it harder to distance yourself from them. Even though you aren’t sure if distancing yourself is even what you want, you can't deny that you'd come running as soon as they came knocking.
“You think?” you butt in. “My friends just disappear for years and now you’re some ripped gay fucks who need me to look after your child?” You can't help but get up to pace around, unable to hold in your doubts any longer. “Look, I don’t even believe this shit. You,” you say, abruptly turning to Roy, “were banging multiple chicks a night for the entire year I knew you and you,” you don’t even bother pointing or looking at Jason directly and instead focus on the ceiling, “were so busy being an angst king to even want to fuck anyone.”
“That’s not even true,” Jason huffs, crossing his arms. “I’m not an angst king.” His mouth downturns a bit, only further proving his angstiness.
Instead of being offended, Roy just smirks. “What, you want to see us make out that bad or something? Some kinky shit there,” he says your last name. “I’m surprised," he says, though doesn't actually sound surprised, "you used to be such a goody-two-shoes.”
You think back to all the nights you snuck off to smoke pot with them in the manor, skipped class, or even to the shit you didn’t necessarily remember, like your first high school party.
“That’s not exactly how I remember it, but okay.”
You cross your arms again when you feel Jason’s stare on you, not that you'd actually know since you haven’t looked in his direction since the unofficial staring contest ended.
Roy shrugs and wastes no time in covering Jason's body with his own. Jason scoffs but pulls him in for an exaggerated, wet kiss nonetheless.
You're so busy staring at your two ex-friends going at each other’s mouths that you don’t notice Lian sidle up next to you on the floor. She pulls on your leggings, forcing your eyes away from something that you admittedly don’t want to as their sloppy sounds become louder with each passing moment.
You're confused enough as it is, but now you're left blushing like a virgin over them making out.
You forget, once again, that Lian is next to you until her quiet whisper reaches your ears, “Family.”
It’s almost too rehearsed. Your eyebrows shoot up inadvertently at the little girl.
Standing there with your half-braided hair, you've seen enough.
“Okay, enough, fuck- shoot.” You quickly look at Lian and then at her apparent dads. “You see this?” You motion around exasperatedly at the gaudy fucking decorations, to the horndogs on the couch, then finally to the little girl beside you. “This isn’t going to work.”
They look dejected as they wipe away the trail of saliva stringing from their mouths. It may be harsh, but they need to know the truth.
You haven’t talked to them in years, you're shit with kids and this is an uncomfortable position to be put in when you can’t deny your old feelings for them are very much coming back. Aggressively. It had already caused enough strain on your relationship the one year you'd hung out with them, but now? As adults? This shit is even messier. Throw a kid into the mix and you've got yourself a certified fucking shit show.
Nope, no thanks.
“You’re a freelance programmer,” Jason says your name, causing your heart to jump uncomfortably. “Think of it as working two jobs in one.”
Always one to get back to business.
“Just a business deal?” The hell is your life coming to? How does this make the situation any different? You think of the cash and how you struggle to pay rent, let alone all of your other bills. “After all these years of me complaining about how annoying these cretins are, why would you even choose me to babysit in the first place?”
The unanswered question of why you haven’t talked for over five years hangs heavy in the room.
The unanswered question ends up getting answered by Jason, no less, in ever the unhelpful manner. He looks dead at you and taunts you, “Pick me, choose me.”
You can't help but gasp.
Seriously? The fucking audacity. And how is this not further proving his angst-king nature?
You flip him off and face Roy after, once again, crossing your arms.
Roy has the decency to look somewhat abashed for his supposed boyfriend.
“What?” He runs a hand through his long, greasy hair, though all you can focus on is how his forearms flex and bulge in the process. “We’ve known you forever.” He looks up as if thinking of the points on the spot. “You’ll cook her actual food,” he points out with raised eyebrows, seemingly impressed that he managed to weave your earlier point into his argument.
“And you know self-defense,” Jason adds helpfully for once.
Roy snaps his fingers. “Right, that. Plus, we miss you.” Roy looks over to Jason, who ducks his head in response. “Both of us.”
“And you’re a people pleaser too, so,” Jason ends his sentence as if it’s obvious you’ll say yes, which annoys the shit out of you because you don't want to say yes.
He's changed physically, yet, underneath it all, he's still the same annoying, presumptuous asshole you've always known.
Then there's Roy, staring you down after all these years whilst giving you with his iconic green puppy dog eyes. All the while, Lian tugs your head back in an attempt to finish her braid.
Meanwhile, Jason's still brooding as ever, refusing to give you any sort of clue as to what he's actually thinking.
Just like old times.
Well, you think back to Lian, almost.
You sigh and then look at both of them. What the fuck are you doing?
“Weekly pay, you stingy whores.” You stare down at your unpainted nails while the two of them glance at each other. “When do you need me to start?”
Turns out they need someone the next day and you return just in time to see Jason heading out.
“Roy said you were coming.” Jason nods in your direction from where he stands in the kitchen. It appears he's still refusing to make eye contact with you.  
“Yup,” you answer the obvious as you plop your shit down onto the cluttered kitchen counter.
“She hasn’t eaten yet. She’ll probably want Chinese food or pizza, so,” Jason says before awkwardly sliding $40 across the counter.
“I can just cook.” 
He looks at you now like he's also being flooded with memories of the times you’d cooked together. Maybe that’s why he didn’t want to look at you. Maybe it’s just as painful for them to see you again as it is for you to see them.
He clears his throat as he looks away to the fridge. “It's probably not what you're used to me having.” Jason, well, the manor, always had every single ingredient anyone could ever need to cook any type of meal and then some.
You walk to his side of the counter to open it up, only to be met by packs of beer, packets of ketchup and a few cracked eggs.
“Do you have flour and butter?”
In response, he opens a cabinet to reveal a shit ton of spices. At least you won’t have to worry on that front.
“We have Wonderbread and olive oil,” he lists off as he searches around a bit more. From the top cupboard, you’re able to see syrup.
“I can make something with that.” You point to the top shelf he was rifling through.
He nods and brings down the pancake syrup for you to use. He obviously remembers that you wouldn’t be able to reach on your own without having to climb on the counters like you used to do during your cooking sessions at the manor.
You reminisce fondly, remembering how your days in the kitchen with Jason always made Damian upset. It was supposedly because 'you wouldn’t paint with him,' but you know it's just because he couldn't (and still can't, for that matter) cook for shit. Plus, you're a woman of many talents and sometimes a bitch just wants a fresh scone, okay?
You'd never admit it out loud, but Jason’s recipe always turned out better than your own and you've been craving them since the last time you saw him.
“I’m still leaving the money in case you want to order groceries or something." You can't help but feel the awkwardness lingering between the two of you. He taps at the counter a bit before grabbing his keys. “Lian’s watching a movie in our room right now.” Somehow, you keep forgetting they're dating. Part of you wants to doubt it still but after the kiss, you're pretty sure it's all real. “I’ve gotta head out, though. Roy’s waiting.”
You smile a bit, but it feels fake even to you. “Have a good shift, I guess?”
“Sure,” Jason huffs somewhat amusedly as he unlocks the front door. “Our numbers are on the fridge if you need anything, but you might want to call the other fuckers on there if we’re not responding.”
Other fuckers? 
You give a thumbs up as he locks the door behind himself. You go to the fridge to see Dick, Tim and Barbara’s numbers splayed across a page that Lian clearly wrote in crayon. Well, you remind yourself, it could also easily be Roy’s shitty ass handwriting. You think back to all the assignments you’d helped him with and how his handwriting basically made it impossible for you to use any of the notes- if he’d even bothered to take any anyway.
You look around at the mess, really wanting to clean it up, but decide to say greet Lian first.
“Hey,” you say as you awkwardly stand in the doorway, not wanting to intrude on her parents’ private space. “What’s up?” She gives you a shy look, so you try again. “What movie are you watching?” She hesitantly maneuvers the screen so you can see a Spider-Man cartoon playing. “You know, I once thought I saw Spider-Man,” you start, nodding seriously when she shoots you a skeptical gaze. “Yup, he was swinging around right in this neighborhood!”
She sits up straighter as she listens to you. “Nuh-uh,” she shook her head and set the iPad down, “he’s from New York.”
You smile, impressed she knows that piece of information. Jason's going to be so pissed you're making his daughter into exactly what he called you- a certified nerd. 
“Lian,” you say seriously. “I saw string and someone swinging on it, so you tell me.”
Her mouth gapes open. “No way.”
You nod, pointing to her screen where the webbed hero is swinging from building to building. “Just like that.”
“Wow.” Her voice sounds monotonous, but her face looks up at you like you've just told her she can eat candy for every meal forever.
You switch the topic. “Are you hungry?” She gives you so-so hands. “Want to come shopping with me?” She nods a bit, so you motion for her to follow you into the main room, where the kitchen and living room are. “Where are your shoes?” Without a word, she disappears and returns with light-up Superman sneakers. Of course.
“Do you need help?” You gesture to her shoes, but she shakes her head 'no' and plops down to put them on. While she fusses with the Velcro, you pick up a majority of the trash in the kitchen before grabbing the one from the full trash can to throw away when you leave.
Lian hops up from behind you and grabs a tiny purse from one of the bar stools tucked into the very same island that you and Jason had used to avoid each other earlier. “Ready.”
You grab the money off the counter and take off.
You used to go to the grocery store that’s a block away from their apartment all the time, so you forego the car and walk hand-in-hand with Lian down the street.
You grab a couple of essentials before heading out of the shop with three bags worth of groceries and less than a dollar in change. This might not have been the best idea, though, as you now realize that both your arms are completely filled and completely useless to defend you or Lian with. The sun is still out, you note gratefully, albeit just barely, though.
You hesitate to leave the safety of the store, then remember the intense self-defense training the Wayne's had put you through after that one incident… You can't help but shudder at the memory.
“Stay close to me,” you tell Lian, who tries to reach for one of your hands, but it’s too much to hold both bags and her hand at the same time. “I can’t hold your hand, but you can hold my leggings.” You stick your leg outward towards her and she picks up the cue to grab at the material of your pants like she'd done earlier.
You get back safe, but you definitely now understand why Jason had said grocery delivery. It isn’t safe for you to be walking alone around this neighborhood, especially with their kid, you admonish yourself. The only real thing stopping you from doing so is how expensive grocery delivery is.
For now, though, you have dinner at least.
You finish putting away the groceries while Lian sits on the couch, humming along to the Spider-Man theme song.
“You want tacos, chicken parm, or French toast?” you tack on the last option after you remember Jason pulling down the syrup for you.
“That’s Italian,” you clarify, just to be sure. You know kids can be picky fucks and don’t want to have to cook twice. Also, because you definitely want to appease this sweet little girl. “Is that okay?”
“Mhm,” she says, wiggling her feet that are sticking off the couch.
You realize quickly enough that all the utensils you need are somewhere within the piles, yes, plural, of dishes in and around the sink, so you start washing.
After the first round of dishes had been cleared into the dishwasher, you hand wash and towel dry the rest as you needed most of it to cook with.
You sigh. It's already been half an hour and you haven’t even started. “You still okay?” you call out.
“Yeah?” She looks at you like you told a weird joke. 
Your parents had never been around to do anything close to this, so this whole caregiver role is completely foreign territory for you.
You nod, figuring you can at least wipe down the newly cleared counters and sink before starting to cook. “Would you want to help me?” You feel her rather than hear her, reminding you of Damian’s ninja-ass, when she comes to stand beside you. “We’re going to start the pasta water and then bread the chicken, okay?”
She nods like she’s done it so many times before, even though she seems to have no prior cooking experience.
You fall into companionable silence as Spider-Man drones on from the iPad behind the two of you. Occasionally you have to help her, but for the most part, she does a really good job on her own. You stick the chicken you fried into a pan and dump vodka sauce across them, adding fresh mozzarella on top before sticking it in the oven.
You hold up Lian so she can dump the pasta into the boiling water and salt it, then set her back down so she can return to the couch.
“I’m hungry,” she complains, rubbing petulantly at her stomach as she sits down.
Yours grumbles back in response as you clean up the kitchen again. This time, from your mess. “Should be done here soon,” you reassure her.
When it’s finally ready moments later, Lian digs in wholeheartedly. “Are you a chef? Do you have a restaurant?”
You laugh and begin eating, too, “No, just love to cook.”
“I want to cook just like you,” she stares at you with pure determination and a mouth full of pasta.
You wink at her, wiping her messy, sauce-ridden mouth with a Halloween napkin you’d found in one of the kitchen drawers. “I’ll teach you, then.” You twirl a bite into your fork. “Your dad can cook, too.” She wrinkles her nose quickly. “Not Roy,” you laugh, but she just looks at you with confusion. “Your other dad?”
She just shakes her head in confusion.
Doubt sets in again that Roy and Jason aren't actually together. 
Sure, they may have made out with each other, but you're pretty sure you'd remembered seeing them do that before, though you couldn't be quite sure with how wasted you'd been.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur of princess dresses and Lian forcing her Ariel makeup palette onto your face. You don’t even want to know what your face looks like after her purple eyeshadow and bright red lipstick assault, but it’s probably for the best.
It’s during your princess tea party, technically apple juice party, that she begins to nod off. You claim you’re also tired, which is enough for her to slip down from her seat.
Works for you, you shrug as you help her prepare for bed by washing off her makeup and helping her brush her teeth. You tuck her into bed a few minutes later, but her tiny arm shoots out from under her Superman sheets, effectively stopping you from leaving her tiny room.
“My daddy reads to me.”
Dad. Singular.
You squint your eyes a bit at the information but file it away for later.
You pick up the closest book you can find while she wiggles to get comfortable under Superman's laser beams on her blanket and sit on the floor beside her bed to read the first page of Goodnight Moon. You continue reading to her until, eventually, her breathing evens out and soft snores begin to fill the room.
You quietly get up from the floor, trying not to disturb Lian as you put away the book and turn out the lights. 
Once the door is clicked shut behind you, you grab your bag from the kitchen counter that has your laptop in it and make off toward the living room to finish your most recent gig. If there's ever a time to get shit done, it's now.
You try to clear off a spot on the couch, but the whole room is a complete disaster after your play session with Lian. You remind yourself that it wasn’t exactly the cleanest to begin with, though, as you sigh and get up to straighten up the mess.
Once done, you sit back down to work only to immediately have to use the bathroom. Which is, you remind yourself sadly as you walk back in, just as messy as the living room and kitchen had been. You sigh even bigger this time as you set to work, scrubbing at the built-up grime. This whole fucking apartment is going to be clean by the time you're gone, so help you god. You'll finish cleaning even if- you yawn, disrupting your thoughts- it kills you... You yawn again, this time deep enough to bring tears to both of your aching eyes.
You don’t even notice your eyes becoming heavier and heavier with each movement until you find your head pressed gently against someone’s delicious-smelling towel.
Just a little break before work and then you'll be good to go. You nod at your logic, curling back into what your sleep-hazed mind convinces you is a blanket.
“God DAMN!” You wake with a start at the deep voice reverberating throughout the apartment, followed by a quick ‘shush.’
You feel drool on the towel you were apparently spooning and cringe. 
You’re still in the process of coming to when you catch a bright glint of red limping around the living room and hear more grunts of pain. You’re more awake now and about to get up when you hear Roy’s familiar voice telling whoever’s groaning to shut up. 
You smile sleepily at his voice as you close your eyes again. You snuggle back up into the woodsy-smelling towel and fall into a dreamless sleep until you hear Roy’s voice again. This time, though, it sounds as if he's right next to you.
He stinks.
You wrinkle your nose at his offending scent, leaving him laugh lightly. “Go back to sleep, princess,” you smack him lightly on account of the old nickname as he picks you up, but soon you’re snoring again.
You wake up a few hours later on the completely cleared-off couch (thanks to you, you might add) with a blanket laid on top of you and a nearly missed deadline. You look around the room with bleary eyes to find Roy and Jason eating leftovers in the kitchen.
As if knowing you’re awake, Roy cheers his fork in your direction. “Still as good a chef as ever.”
You yawn and rub the sleep from your eyes, realizing too late the makeup escapade Lian had done on your face earlier still remains. 
“The fuck do you guys do for work again?” you manage with a groggy voice while opening your computer to finish your assignment for the week. Said week ending in T-minus 24 hours.
You begrudgingly realize that you’re going to have to pull an all-nighter, sending your mind reeling back to the days of Tim, studying and the inordinate amount of coffee that man could drink. 
“Freelance,” Jason tones monotonously.
You don’t even realize you stay there the whole day until Jason and Roy are already headed out the door again and Lian is up and begging for breakfast.
This really better not become a habit. 
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A/N: I hope ur enjoying! i respond to every comment <33 this fic has been a labor of love fr
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sunblonderealtors · 4 months
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Know More About Return On Investment In Real Estate
ROI is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing an investment's net profit (or loss) by its initial cost or outlay. According to a report by CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited), the average house price in India has risen by about 6% annually over the past two decades.
Mumbai's real estate market has shown consistent growth in property values. Recent reports indicate that the city's residential segment has experienced a steady annual appreciation rate of 7-10%. Now from the perspective of investor, calculation of ROI needed in purpose to check stability of profit or loss from their Investments.
ROI Calculation
How to calculate return on investment for real estate.
If you are an investor, the ROI shows you the profitability of your investments. Calculate the return on investment using the formula: ROI = Net Profit / Cost of the investment * 100.
Key financial metrics.
Cap Rate: Reflects return potential and property value based on income.
Net Return: Measures annual income over the cash invested. & Compares property price to gross rental income.
Operating Expense Ratio: Portion of income spent on operating expenses. ie. Maintenance of Property, Taxation & Rennovations.
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cpd5777 · 2 years
Hi All! Sorry I have been absent lately. To be honest fandom things have not been the same with JLS leaving, and it’s been tough! But this post has been in my drafts for a while. I work in the industry and see a lot of posts and questions about ratings and what they mean so I thought I would post some info from my perspective. Some of this is oversimplified, and I’ll likely post in pieces. Feel free to ask any questions!
TV ratings, what they mean and what about Chicago PD? Part 1
Why are ratings important?
They provide info on viewership to networks, advertisers and the media and how people are consuming content put out by the networks.
How are ratings calculated?
Ratings are calculated via statistical sampling. There is a core group of people that form a sample audience, and their habits are tracked and then that data is extrapolated to draw conclusions over a larger audience (this is a gross oversimplification), but net net this is how it works. There are about 130MM homes with TVs in the US. The sample is about 20k. This is done by Nielsen. It’s an imperfect science, but it’s the science we’ve got.
What about streaming?
The bane of an advertisers existence is the lack of accurate cross platform measurement. Streaming provides more exact data, but there is still a lack of technology that provides accurate measurement of reach and frequency across platforms. There have been advancements. This is a post for another day.
Why does this even matter?
Advertisers pay to air commercials during shows. They select where to air based in part on ratings and the estimates of the number of households or people they can reach for a certain cost and how many times they can reach them. Advertisers need to figure out how much of their advertising and promotion money goes into linear TV advertising and connected TV advertising vs. other media like digital (social media advertising, online video and other digital advertising, search, PR, etc).
Networks also use ratings data to determine if a show should be kept or cancelled. The amount of advertising dollars that a network can make off of a show is a critical element in their profitability calculation. If a show has more viewers, it has more eyeballs and those eyeballs are worth money to advertisers and consequently, networks. Advertisers and media agencies calculate based on a combination of data sources the return on investment generated from these different media channels and that determines the amount of money they will invest.
When do they invest?
Linear and Connected TV can be purchased in the upfront season and on scatter-outside the upfront. The upfront is a period of time where advertisers sign year-long deals with networks (at a discount, theoretically) in exchange for a specified amount of ad inventory in the form of impressions. The upfront is also refers to the presentations that happen during this time by the networks to advertisers. This used to be a huge fancy boondoggle with presentations and star talent, but has changed since covid. Advertising is a supply demand marketplace and there is usually only 16 minutes of ads per one hour show. Ratings, quality of viewership, shifts to streaming and digital platforms all play a role in ad costs and inflation or deflation. Plus, ROIs vs other platforms.
Is traditional TV doomed because of streaming? Do the viewers who watch on peacock the next day count?
This is a great debate but for many household brands looking to get the word out, traditional TV still drives a ton of reach within valuable demos. Streaming can for sure augment this reach. The cost of advertising on streaming is greater on a per impression basis but it has proven to be profitable so that’s good for advertisers
Analytics have expanded to include more than immediate and fast national ratings (same day viewing), and include +3 and +7 day viewing which will take into account first time views on streaming devices. There is also data that will tell advertisers the percent of people actually watching commercials during this timeframe. For instance a lot of people subscribed to ad-free streaming during covid but that has come down a lot since the economy is in crisis and people’s dollars are not going as far.
What do all of the ratings points mean? What about number of viewers? What’s a rating point? A GRP? An impression? What is share? And have ratings really tanked since JLS left? Will the show be cancelled because of low ratings? Who decides this and how? How do individual actor contracts play into all of this (if at all)? How do networks really get ad money? And more… stay tuned for part 2 and 3!
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dwellordream · 7 months
A Summary of Every ASOIAF RP Character I Have Ever Made
first rp:
Aeryn Targaryen - her father is Maenar Targaryen, son of Maegor Targaryen (this is an AU where Maegor never revolts against Aenys and eventually marries and has a child). her mother is a Toland. deeply antisocial, unpleasant, religious zealot to cope with the trauma of her emotionally abusive father, detached mother, and equally dysfunctional brothers.
oldest brother Gael is horrifically scarred by greyscale at a young age and forced to join the Kingsguard by their father. middle brother Viserys is completely deranged and makes her life a living hell. dreams of becoming a septa, deeply uncomfortable with the gender roles imposed on her, dresses in multiple layers at all times, crops her hair short, probably binds her chest. accidentally claims the dragon Quicksilver in the chaos after King Aenys' death.
Vaella Targaryen - product of an unhappy brother-sister marriage. disabled at a young age due to chronic illness and pain. arranged to marry Lord Maric Baratheon (same AU that Aeryn exists in) and has a surprisingly happy, devoted marriage despite a lack of heirs. rides the dragon Seafoam (basically AU Seasmoke). encourages her younger sister Shaena to try to train at swordplay as a means of vicariously living through her. desperately wants the Iron Throne, as Aenys has no living sons or grandsons at the time of his death, and she is his eldest granddaughter.
Rhea Webber - scheming, manipulative, desperately romantic and loves heroes and tourneys and songs. ruins her own sister's marriage. is married, far, far above her station to King Aeny's bastard grandson Baelon Blackfyre due to her uncle, the calculating Lord Hand. genuinely adores her gallant husband, who rides the dragon Caraxes. wants him to be 60% more ruthless. resides at Harrenhal, whose ghosts are taking an avid interest in her.
second rp:
Baela Manderly - middle daughter of Princess Viserra Targaryen and her Manderly husband. has two much older sisters, Aelinor (who is seeking the Iron Throne) & Desmona, and one much younger sister, Laenora. often felt forgotten and dismissed as a child, and has wholly rejected the Seven for the old gods. wants to live up to an entirely fictional 'warrior northern maiden' ideal, though she has nothing but disdain for the Mormonts. is in love with a wildling prisoner called Rose. rides the dragon Silverwing, and often dreams of becoming Queen Beyond the Wall- imagines the Free Folk would accept her without question. also harbors some ambitions of marrying Lord Stark. almost exclusively wears blue and white.
Jacaerys Connington - youngest son of Princess Saera Targaryen and her Connington husband. has two older brothers, Saeron (who is seeking the Iron Throne) & Aelyx (who has dragon dreams). an all around spiteful little shit. is decently talented with sword and axe. obsessed with his dead mother and had a bastard daughter (Sara Waters) with one of her maids in KL. rides the dragon Vermithor. he and his Blackwood wife loathe each other. has a thing for older women. was almost killed by Saeron's dragon Caraxes as a child. is rumored to be a bastard, and not Roy Connington's son at all. rocks the medieval mullet and shitty tiny mustache.
Melicent Blackwood - wife to the former Lord Hand of Queen Daella (whose death begins this Dance), Rymond Arryn, who is thrice her age. disdains her condescending husband and adores her young daughter, Jeyne. sister to Jace's wife, Anwen. has some sexual tension with a rogue knight of the Queensguard, Ser Benedict Rivers. helps him steal the crown of Aegon I and the sword Blackfyre. mother is a Myrish lady. feels betrayed by her father who wed her to a man who treats her like an ornament and nothing more. Maelys Hightower - granddaughter of Elaena Targaryen, the youngest child of Aegon and Rhaenys. auburn-haired and violet-eyed. was married off to Lord Braxton Beesbury at a young age. when he discovered her adultery with a blacksmith, he imprisoned her for 5 years until his untimely death. afterwards, she stole away to KL and claimed the young dragon Tessarion. vindictive, hot-headed, and vain. on the verge of an affair with her sister Cerenna (Lady Hightower)'s husband, Ser Gerion Lannister. schemes to put Cerenna's daughter Clarisse on the Iron Throne,
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
July 13 [sic], 1809
Note: Burr fucks up the dates and it takes him a few days to figure it out. Post scheduled on the day it happened.
13. (Friday). I must be wrong about the day of the month, but that of the week is right. Couche at 1/2 p. 11. Waked and got up 1/2 p. 4, having slept enough; but Som.¹ begged me so much to pass a few minutes more with him that I consented; lay down and slept profoundly four hours. Note: It was raining very hard. Tojours abattu² after so much sleeping. Sor. at 10. To the mint by appointment with the director, Mr. Hjelm, who very civilly took me through and showed me everything. Nothing very curious, unless the free manner in which common labourers and workmen handle gold and silver in great quantities, and yet no fraud has been known. To-morrow I am to have coronation medals. To Ulrick’s to get the books I bought yesterday, he not having sent them home. Paid 24 sch. for the Laws of Sweden, one small octavo. Home at 12. Then to see Hosack at the mineral springs called ———, about two and a half miles. Still raining. Home at 2. Hosack came with me to do some commissions for me, principally the 6 ducats, but Hedboom could not be found. Fillibonk at 4. You can't imagine what an epicure I am with my filbonk.³ At 5 Hosack returned and we played chess two hours. Read “Kouloup ou les Chinois” opera comique en prose. 3 actes. Par Guilbert Pixerecourt. La musique par N. Dalayrae, memb. de la Legion d’Honneur et de l’acad. roy. de Stockholm. Imp. et representee a Paris, 1807.⁴ The plot is Shakespeare’s beggar made king, but with different draping calculated for stage effect. Sent by Hosack my note to Bergström.
1  For Somnus. Latin for Sleep or the god of sleep. 2  Always depressed. 3  This, the sixth mode of spelling the word. Note that he spells it in two different ways in two successive sentences. 4  “Kouloup or the Chinese”; a comic opera in prose, in three acts, by G.P. The music by N.D., member of the Legion of Honor and of the Royal Academy of Stockholm. Printed and staged (should be imprimé et représenté) at Paris in 1807.
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laziodigilux · 2 years
 Which are some of the popular digital marketing tools?
In DIGITAl MARKETING ,there are a variety of tools that can be utilized to achieve a specific aim. Few examples
Google has developed a free analytics platform for all people that lets you track the performance of your social media site, video and app. You can also calculate your advertisements ROI from here.
It is a comprehensive suite of tools that allows users to research competitor backlinks, keyword research, analyze competitor backlink profiles, monitor link building campaigns, and more. It also provides a range of data and reports to help users understand their site performance and make better decisions about their SEO strategy. It is a great tool for any website looking to improve their search engine ranking and stay competitive.
The Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for online marketers who want to maximize the effectiveness of their search campaigns. It can help them identify the best keywords to target and the estimated cost of targeting them. It can also be used to create Ad Groups and to get an idea of how competitive a market is. Finally, it can provide useful data on search trends, which can help marketers tailor their campaigns to better meet their goals.
Kissmetrics offers a range of features to help businesses measure and optimize their online presence. It records and tracks customer activity on websites, including page views, clicks, and conversions. Kissmetrics also provides in-depth customer segmentation, allowing businesses to target and personalize marketing campaigns. Additionally, it offers a range of analytics tools to measure the success of campaigns and identify areas of improvement.
SEMrush offers a suite of tools to help you identify, track, and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) for your website. This includes keyword research, competitor research, and SEO analysis. Additionally, you can use SEMrush to track your website’s performance over time and get insights into your content marketing performance. You can also use the tool to monitor the performance of your paid search campaigns. SEMrush also provides reports to help you measure the success of your campaigns and make strategic decisions.
Its dashboard is user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing users to easily create, schedule, and analyze the performance of their social media posts. Additionally, Buffer provides users with analytics tools to help them measure the effectiveness of their content.
It is designed to help businesses and marketers to create, manage, and optimize their Facebook Ads campaigns. AdEspresso helps you to easily create campaigns, set up budget, track performance, and optimize your ads for better performance. It also provides real-time analytics and insights to help you make decisions quickly and accurately. AdEspresso also provides a range of features such as A/B testing, audience segmentation, and targeting, so you can get the most out of your campaigns.
Lazio Digilux is a digital marketing company in Thrikkakara Ernakulam,that provides a variety of services, including graphic design, web development, branding, photography, videography, and digital marketing.
Visit Us : https://laziodigilux.com/
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devinschumacher · 2 years
SEO ROI: How to Calculate the Return on Investment From SEO & Your Digital Marketing Efforts
(00:00): If you're not working every day on improving the SEO strength of your website, you're potentially missing out on millions of dollars in new business from free traffic every year that's going to your competitors. And the longer you wait, the further you'll be left behind.
(00:15): Y'all ready for this?
(00:18): Imagine owning an endless farmland. If you plant a few seeds each day, your farm will start to grow. The more seeds you plant, the larger it becomes. And pretty soon some birds will fly in. That'll show up, spread the seeds even further, then animals and wind will spread your farmlands and your seeds and your pollen. And I don't really know how farming works, but it gets bigger and bigger over time. Your farmland just keeps growing, and that's exactly what SEO is like. It doesn't happen overnight and it takes consistency and time, but the longer you consistently work on it, the larger your digital farmland on Google will become. And as more people find your business, your opportunities for continuing to build and take over valuable digital real estate will just keep expanding. So keep planting those SEO seeds and your business will continue to grow larger over time, providing you with free traffic that turns into buyers for years to come.
(01:12): But if you neglect planting your SEO seeds and any one of your competitors is planting theirs, you'll begin to fall further behind and you'll start losing more and more customers making it harder to catch up the longer you wait. And it won't be that noticeable at first or even for a while until it's too late. And for most businesses, like I said, this means missing out on millions of dollars of sales every year, year in and year out to your competition. So let me ask you a question. Seriously, how long can your business afford giving away 10, 20, 50, a hundred thousand dollars of new sales every month to your competitors? How long can you last Post it in the comments below? And if you think this sounds a little hyperbolic or you might be a bit skeptical, let me tell you something. Almost every single day we get calls from business owners who are experts in their field and have been running their business for 5, 10, 20, even 30 plus years, but they hadn't been planting those SEO seeds and building up the SEO equity.
(02:16): They could have been. Well, the people that have been around for 30 years wouldn't have been able to do it that long. But you know, Google's been around for 20 ish whatever they could have started a while ago. And historically they hadn't needed to, right? That's why they haven't done it or so they thought. And I hear business owners say things like this all the time, literally daily things like we used to get all our business from advertising in the Yellow Pages, or we've built up a clientele who knows us from networking and just being a part of the community for years. And the one that hurts me the most is, well, we used to show up on Google for terms that would bring us business, but our rankings have just been decreasing over time. And the flow of new customers is drying up, is more and more businesses sort of pop onto the scene.
(03:03): And that's the thing I'm talking about here. It's the inevitable truth of neglecting seo. The expertise and authority you build in the real world does not automatically transfer into the digital world. You have to intentionally put it there. You have to build your SEO equity. And if you don't, other businesses who are less experienced, less knowledgeable, and less qualified to serve your community and your potential customers are gonna overtake you until eventually you're only left with the customer base that you've built up over the years. And with attrition that's gonna start to dwindle over time right now is like the California gold rush of the 18 hundreds. And if you aren't land grabbing digital real estate and building on it, the safety and longevity of your business is at serious risk. And if you think it sounds dramatic, have a quick look at some of these companies that thought they were too big or well established to need to adapt.
(04:05): Travel agents, hotels, blockbuster video, taxis, and the yellow pages. I think you're starting to get the point here, right? And even if your industry isn't going anywhere, you might be because of something that all businesses experience, which I touched on a second ago. For all of you smart listeners out there, it's called churn or attrition. And churn is essentially the rate at which your current customer base shrinks over time happens to all businesses. And when you're growing, you don't really need to worry about it too much because even a decent growth for businesses will typically far outpace churn. But the internet is growing faster than ever. And each day, more and more of your competitors are coming online and they're investing increasing amounts of time, energy, and resources into online marketing. Don't make me put stats on the screen because I will do it. And this means that if your competitors don't already have a marketing strategy that works, they will very soon.
(05:10): So the point is this, if you neglect your seo, you're not only missing out on six, seven, even eight figures of a new revenue every year, depending on how big of a customer base you serve, but you're also putting your business at risk of inevitable extinction. And I get it, there's one question you may be asking yourself right now, and probably the reason you clicked on this video in the first place. Well, is SEO even right for my business? And how do I know if it's gonna be profitable? Which is an especially good question if you hire an agency to handle it for you. After all, SEO retainers aren't cheap. I think I would know. I run an agency and we charge a lot for it. And before you do any seo, really any marketing or investing or anything in business for that matter, you should always calculate the ROI potential the best you can.
(05:59): If you can't do it exact, you gotta do something, right? So let's break down right now in three simple steps, exactly how to answer those questions and find out how much money you're leaving on the table in missed opportunities and what the potential SEO ROI looks like for your business. So to make this easy for you, I've created an SEO campaign ly calculator to do just that. And here's how it works. In a previous video, I showed you how to create a list of valuable keywords that consumers are searching for before making purchase decisions. And if you haven't seen that video yet, right click on the uh, video here or in the leak in the description below so you can open it in a new tab and stay on this video and you can get the recap after this one's done. Okay? So once you have your keywords from that video, simply pop the data into this SEO ROI calculator that I'm gonna show you right now.
(06:49): And it's gonna crunch all the numbers for you at the speed of, well, at the speed of your internet connection. I guess simply go to cerp.co/roi calculator, click up here or in the description below, and you can access this calculator for your roi, for your SEO for free. Now, what you're gonna do after you click the button is just make a copy for yourself. Go to the ROI calculator for SEO tab, and then all you have to do is fill in the cells highlighted in yellow, put in the numbers that are right for your business, and the tool will do the rest. Want to see how it works? Let's take a quick jump into my computer and check it out.
(07:28): They're in the computer. They're in the computer. Yeah, they're definitely in there. I just don't know how he labeled them. I got it. You gotta figure it out.
(07:37): Okay, well, not literally in the computer, but you get it. Let's check it out. So this is the ROI calculator. And without getting lost in all of the cells, there's a couple things I want to take your attention to. And the main one here is this search volume. Right here is where you put in the amount of search volume for buyer keywords. And if you remember in a separate video that we watched, we looked at an example of an Arcadia dentist, and we saw that there's 1,600 searches every month for people looking for dentists in Arcadia or some version of that keyword. And this doesn't even include if we were to include other cities because that would be Dentists Plus and the other cities around there. And we know that local service providers and other businesses don't just get customers from their city. It also doesn't include other services like teeth whitening or dentures or braces or Invisalign or emergency dentist, family, dentist, et cetera.
(08:30): We're just gonna look at dentist in Arcadia. So imagine if you're a dentist in Arcadia right here. The search volume for that was 1,600. And what we're gonna look at here is lead conversion rate. So what percentage of the website traffic will actually turn into a lead, meaning the call you or a contact form. And we have that here at 15%. You can change this if your website converts higher or lower. Also, here's the close rate. You can change this if you close 30%. Now down here is the average order value, or what do you normally sell on average to a new patient? And in this case for dentist or a new customer for your business on the first time? And then what's the lifetime value? And what we'll be able to see here is that based on 1,600 searches per month, if our website's converting 15% of those le, those visitors, uh, into leads, which and the visitors is calculated here by the click through rate and you close 30% of them and this is how much you make from them, you can see here what your front end revenue is.
(09:26): Meaning what are you gonna make each month and what are you gonna make on that customer over the lifetime? And if the average SEO campaign for local cost $2,000 a month, which is reasonable, you can see your front end ROI here. So for a dentist in Arcadia, the question about whether or not to do seo, you can see that once your campaign becomes profitable, you should be making at least 2.5 to one on the front end and 14 to one ROI on the lifetime. And that is very healthy, especially considering that we have only included the main keywords like dentist plus Arcadia. We haven't even included search volume for other things like Invisalign, braces, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, emergency dentist dentures, et cetera. And a lot of those have a much higher average order volume or AKA uh, first time purchase. If someone's coming in for dentures, they might be spending $4,500.
(10:13): And you can see that the front end ROI goes way up there. So you can play around with these numbers to match what the search volume is for the services in your area. You can match what your website converts at and what you close at, and you can put in, um, what your average order value or first time front end purchases are and what the lifetime value of your new customers are. And it will break down everything for you and tell you what you can expect to make from seo. And then you put in the cost of the campaign here and you can see what the projected ROI is. So basically, if there's enough keywords and search volume in your market, your results should be ROI positive, which means you have a huge opportunity sitting right in front of you, not only to make more money, but to establish your business in the marketplace as an authority and build up your online presence to the point where your website is just pulling in free traffic all the time from ready to buy customers who are looking for the exact products and services you sell.
(11:07): Business doesn't get any easier than that. These are the people who wanna buy, and all you really need to do is just show up when they search. It's seriously that easy. Plus, this is all free traffic, which means you don't have to pay Google every time someone clicks on your website like you would with Google Ads. And for those of you who the results came up ROI negative, well that means that SEO might not be right for you or right for your business, or it could mean that you just weren't able to find the valuable keywords in your niche, which granted sometimes this can be difficult, especially if you operate in a more unique type of business or you just don't have a lot of experience doing it. And if that's the case, I'd like to help you out. Please do yourself a favor and join the ERP University group.
(11:50): It's totally free. And I answer questions from anybody and everybody in the group about things that they need related to seo, digital marketing, business growth, et cetera. And if you can't find keywords for your niche, ask me about it in the group. You can click the link here or somewhere in the description below. Remember right click open in a new tab and I will help you out to figure it out. And chances are, if you couldn't find the right keywords, I will be able to. In fact, I don't think I've ever been able to not find the right keywords. So challenge to you, challenge from me accepted. Join the group. I'll find the keywords, the link is in the description and probably floating around. Some are out here. So if you're starting to see the opportunity now, and I know some of you are gonna have huge numbers on your ROI calculator, guess what?
(12:36): That's the amount of business you're missing out on, right? So if you'd like the proven blueprint to follow for starting to build your SEO equity and implement the exact same strategies that we at our agency have crafted and refine over the years to help thousands of businesses add 5, 6, 7, and even eight figures of revenue to their bottom line using free traffic from seo, click the link in the description below and you can download my 100% free SEO guide. It is step by step exactly what we do, and you can follow it too at rhymes so you know that it's real. And like I said earlier, you can join the 100% free cerp University Facebook group to get help with any questions you have along the way. You can get help from myself, you can get help from experts, you can get help and network with other successful business owners and surround yourself with a community of entrepreneurs who are passionate about growth and building good businesses.
(13:32): Just click the links and the description below and get access faux free. Now, I'd like to hear from you, what was the ROI potential from SEO after you ran the calculator? Comment below. Was it positive? Was it negative? I wanna see who got the biggest score. A k A. You're the bomb at doing keyword research or your business converts. Well, I wanna hear 'em, put 'em in the comments below. Were you able to find enough keywords to see a positive roi? Let me know and I'll help you out. And just one word of warning here, before you start to salivate all over the numbers, it doesn't do you any good if you don't act on it, right? You can have all the potential in the world. You can have a gold mine sydnee right in front of you, but if you're too lazy to go buy the [inaudible] shovel and dig a little bit, it's not gonna help you out.
(14:13): So in this next video, I'm going to show you where the real magic happens. And I don't mean MTV cribs bedroom magic happening. I'm gonna show you how you can reverse engineer your competitor's success. You can find out why they're being you, where are they getting all their customers from, and uncover the exact next steps on how to beat them on search engines. Hint, it's really easy when you know what to do and you're gonna be able to drive all the new customers and revenue to your business instead of just continuing to let it go to them. I'm also gonna show you how to determine the gap between you and your competitors. How far ahead are they? What is it gonna take to close that gap? And what are the next steps you need to catch up to them and then pass 'em? And dude, that's a lot of stuff you're not gonna wanna miss, trust me. So click on the video right next to me or maybe over there and check it out. I'll see you in the video where we will continue to grow together and I will help you grow your business. Click the video. See you over there right now.
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mediatechgroup · 2 days
AI in Marketing Analytics: Measuring ROI More Effectively
AI in Marketing Analytics: Measuring ROI More Effectively
When it comes to marketing, everyone wants to know if their efforts are paying off, right? That’s where calculating return on investment (ROI) is crucial. ROI helps you figure out how much value you get for the money you spend. But traditional methods often fall short. This is where AI in Marketing Analytics can really make a difference!
Why Use AI in Marketing Analytics?
We all know that AI technology is changing many industries, and marketing is no exception. Using AI in marketing analytics allows us to gather and analyze a massive amount of data quickly and accurately. This means we can make better decisions based on real-time data. AI helps in understanding customer behavior and predicting future trends.
Benefits of AI in Measuring Marketing ROI
Let’s explore how AI can help measure marketing ROI more effectively:
Data Analysis: AI tools can process tons of data from various sources—like social media, email campaigns, and website traffic—in just minutes. Humans would need much longer to do this.
Predictive Analytics: AI can predict how your marketing campaigns will perform based on past data. This helps you optimize future campaigns and boost ROI.
Customer Insights: AI-driven analytics can reveal deep insights into customer behavior, letting you tailor your strategies to increase engagement and conversions.
Automation: AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your team for more strategic activities. This boosts productivity and contributes to higher ROI.
Real-World Application
At Media & Technology Group, LLC, we've seen how AI can change marketing efforts. By using AI tools in our marketing analytics, we can track metrics more accurately and improve targeting. For instance, AI helps us understand which website designs work best, what content our audience loves, and which social media channels get the most engagement.
Getting Started with AI in Marketing Analytics
If you're considering AI for marketing analytics, here are some steps to begin:
Pick the Right Tools
There are many AI tools available, each helping different parts of marketing. Some popular choices include:
Google Analytics
Each of these has unique features to help measure and improve marketing ROI.
Develop a Clear Strategy
Before you implement AI tools, having a clear strategy is key. Ask yourself:
What specific goals are you aiming to achieve?
Which key performance indicators (KPIs) will measure success?
How will AI fit into your current marketing workflow?
Train Your Team
To make the most of AI tools, your team needs to be up-to-date with the latest technologies. Consider offering training sessions or workshops so everyone knows how to use the new tools effectively.
Monitor and Optimize
Once AI tools are in place, continuous monitoring and optimization are essential. Regularly review the data and make adjustments as needed to ensure you’re consistently meeting your marketing goals and maximizing ROI.
In today’s world, every marketing dollar counts. Leveraging AI in marketing analytics can provide the insights needed to measure and improve ROI effectively. For marketing agencies, the shift towards AI can lead to better decision-making, more efficient use of resources, and increased profitability. At Media & Technology Group, LLC, we’re committed to helping you stay ahead with our
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