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sparklingchan · 3 months
Serendipity || Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)
Pairing: Reader(fem.) X Changbin
Word Count: 5.4k+
Warnings: Suggestive, mentions of pregnancy (the reader is not pregnant) , mentions of poison, Changbin is sweeter than sugar. Set in the Joseon Era.
Genre: Royal AU, Arranged marriage AU, fluff with very slight angst.
Description: The King of Joseon had chosen you as his queen. But there are those that wish for this union to fail. Will your love be enough to overcome the competitiveness of the Palace?
A/N: Hello everyone! Back with another installation of the SKZ Royal AU. I am genuinely in love with this one ngl. King Changbin is a rizzler y'all. Hope you guys have fun reading this <3
Do check out the other fics in the skz royal series. (The stories are not interrelated)
Here's the link to the masterlist.
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Being a woman in this country is not an easy task. Especially when one is a candidate for the position of the country's Queen.
You'd dreamt of this for years, the idea sewn into every thought by your father even since you were child. With time, you'd welcomed the thought without a complaint.
"My lady, the Royal messenger is here." Somi informs you, and your nervousness just goes up by a thousand.
Did you manage to become the Queen and make your father proud? Or did you get disqualified and were now just a daughter of some minister and free to marry any other commoner like yourself?
You run down the hallway and enter the pavillion in front of your house, the colorful banners of the Royal entourage shine under the bright sun.
You straighten your robes and kneel down, head almost touching the ground, as a mark of respect for the King's verdict.
The chief Eunuch opens up the scroll in his hands.
"Please find enclosed the Royal Edict from the King's Court:
I, Seo Changbin, the King of Joseon, have chosen Miss y/n of House Kim as my wife and, by extension, the Queen of our beloved country. I have consulted the three High State Councilors and my mother- the Queen Dowager about the same and we have all unanimously agreed that she would be the best choice for the country as well as the Royal family, owing it all to her wits, beauty and manners.
Congratulations to Miss y/n and her family.
The Royal family would also like to extend an invitation to the bride-to-be to shift into the Detached Palace at the earliest as part of the customary pre wedding ritual. "
It feels as if someone had punched out the air from your lungs, you couldn't speak nor stand, while your parents and brother continuously thanked the Royal Eunuch, accepting all the gifts sent by the Palace for you.
But you couldn't move. You just stayed there, frozen. For life as you had known it has come to an end.
And thereafter begins a new, Royal chapter of your life.
"I'm going to miss you, my child."
The days since the Edict pass by in a heartbeat. All the members of your family were busy with packing your belongings while you were busy with mentally preparing yourself to leave your family and house behind forever.
Yes, you'd always wanted to be a Queen. Yes, you'd spent years getting ready for this role. Yet when the time finally comes, it hurts you to think about leaving behind twenty three years of your life.
"I'm going to miss you too, mother." On hearing your words, your mother cries harder.
But as usual, your father shows no emotion. His face is calm.
"Remember, y/n, there are no friends in the Palace other than your husband. You cannot confide in anyone but him. The other concubines will do anything to gain his favor, but you shall always be a step ahead. Be vigilant and loyal. You will make a great Queen." He says. Like the strategist he'd always been.
"Yes, father." You reply, swallowing the lump in your throat.
Your mother clinges to your arm.
"We will try and visit you whenever we can. I'm sure his Majesty will allow."
"Yes, of course. You can visit me anytime. The Palace is only a few hours from here."
"Oh, my child! How will I ever live without you!" Another sob tears out from your mother's throat. You hug her with all the love and care you could muster up in that moment.
Your father walks out of the room, hands behind his back and face twisted into a frown.
The Detached Palace is to be a temporary residence for the bride-to-be. For over the next thirty days, you would be receiving lessons on various subjects like history, Royal Etiquette, sewing, cooking and most importantly- lessons on intimacy. The last lesson is considered most important, according to Somi, since it allows you to birth as many healthy heirs as possible.
After helping you dress up for the night and setting up your bed, your maids take your leave for the night, only Somi remaining by your side.
"Do you think I'll see the King tomorrow? It's queer but I'd like to know what my future husband looks like, at least."
Somi sighs, "I don't think it's allowed, my lady. I believe you can only see his Majesty on your wedding day. A month from now."
You're oddly disappointed. You had dreamt so many nights of seeing the King, holding his hand, being by his side, yet the King in those dreams often never had a face.
Was it wrong to yearn to look at your future husband's face? Just once?
A subtle knock on your door startles the both of you.
"My lady, the King is here to see you." Your handmaid almost whispers the words through the door.
With unparalleled urgency, Somi helps you straighten your clothes and rushes off towards the door.
"Your majesty." The maids and Somi greet him with the customary bow, while you purse your lips in a line, head hanging in a subtle bow.
Your heart hammers against your chest. It's so loud, you're sure even the King could hear it.
"Please give us some privacy." The King commands.
And you heart beats faster on hearing his voice for the first time. Gentle, yet authoritative, just like you'd dreamt.
When Somi closes the door behind her, you almost regret wishing to see your future husband. The proximity makes you nervous and you could only hope you'd not faint in front of him.
"My lady, you may rise."
You'd almost forgotten you were still bowing to him. You mentally slap yourself.
"Y-yes, your majesty. " your voice comes out as an embarrassing squeak, your eyes still on the ground.
You'd prayed for this moment for years, y/n. Why couldn't you just meet his eyes?
As if sensing your inner conflict, the King takes two long strides towards you and hooks his index finger under your chin, sending a chill down your body.
"My lady, please look at me."
And you do.
And he's like everything you'd ever wished for.
Perfect, like a beautifully crafted sculpture.
His soft brown locks, his rosy lips, the subtle mischief in his eyes. Everything is perfect.
"Y-yes, your majesty. Sorry." You mumble.
The king smiles, rubbing circles into your cheeks.
"You may call me Changbin when we're alone."
You nod.
"I just came to ask if you're finding your new residence comfortable. We both shall be busy with lessons tomorrow onwards so I figured tonight would be a good time to visit my bride."
His bride? His bride?
Your legs feel weak.
"I'm finding it extremely comfortable, your majesty. Thank you for your hospitality. "
Changbin let's out a low chuckle, leaning towards you. His lips hover inches above yours. And when he speaks, you feel hot air on your lips, "I told you, y/n. Call me Changbin."
You frantically nod.
"Good. Better be careful next time, my bride."
When you wake up the next morning, you're sure you'd dreamt everything that happened last night.
But apparently not.
"The King is a dashing young man." Somi teases as she lathers a concoction of herbs into your hair. "You're lucky, my lady. He seems to be a gentleman."
But you are too caught up in your thoughts to reply to her.
Did the king of Joseon really come all the way to the Detached Palace to see you? What if he's disappointed with how you had reacted? But he shouldn't blame you at all.
You had not been expecting anyone yesterday night, especially not him. But he did come to you. And he touched your chin. If you focus hard enough, you could feel his touch lingering in the area.
"My lady?" Somi clicks her fingers in front of your eyes, "Come back to earth. We have to get you ready for the classes today."
Blushing, you reply, "What classes do I have today?"
You had three classes today: Palace etiquette, literature and what Somi insists most important: lessons on reproduction.
While Palace etiquette mostly includes lesson on how to behave with Royal elders, ministers, maids, the King, literature includes important pieces of literature that are important for a woman.
And lastly, the most dreaded time arrived.
The reproduction lessons.
The tutor shows you all sorts of obnoxious hand movements and some drawings of couples in intimate positions. You feel uncomfortable from the beginning till the end.
A woman at least five decades older than you is teaching you about intimacy? Very awkward, to say the least.
But you heave a sigh of relief when the classes end for the day and you make your way to your room in the Detached palace.
"It's just the first day, Somi and I'm already tired to the bone." You say, kicking your shoes off.
"Well, it's going to be a lifetime of time this now, my lady. And you best be prepared for it."
You reply Somi with silence. But her words make you wonder. If this palace life would ever be less tiring someday? Would it even be worth it?
Perhaps not.
But King Changbin 's face flashes in front of your eyes; his sparkling eyes, mischievous grin, his feather like touch- maybe he is what will make everything worth it.
That night, after your maids get your bed ready while Somi is combing your hair, a familiar announcement echoes through the corridors of the Detached Palace.
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
His smiling face peeps through the doors as your maids hurry out of the room. He wears blue silk robes, and you feel weaker in his presence than you did yesterday.
"Did you miss me, y/n?"
And thus begins a month of secret nightly visits by the King of Joseon to the Detached Palace.
Everyday, you wake up looking forward to the time when King Changbin would come knocking at your doors, always up to some jesting.
Sometimes, he brings you fruits you'd mentioned you liked or he tells you stories from his childhood. At other times, he tells you about that one teacher he will hate till the end of time.
But most times, he spends his time listening to you talk- about everything and everyone, about the skies and gods, about ghosts and afterlife, about favourite foods and literature. After you'd overcome the initial shyness, opening upto Changbin was as easy as breathing, almost natural. Of course, you were still nervous around him, but it's a feeling you'd come to like.
Is this what the writers and poets describe as 'butterflies'?
"Do you think I'll make a good Queen?" You ask him one night. He sits in front you on a cushion, across the room, a position you told him is appropriate for two unwed people (although he did not agree to it initially).
If your nightly shenanigans were to be ever discovered by anyone, you would not want to be found in close proximity to each other even though you were betrothed to each other. He's breaking Palace rules everyday as it is.
He hums, "Of course! I think you'll make a great Queen. You're so good at your lessons already."
"That does not guarantee anything. I might not be good at taking the responsibilities."
"Do you trust my judgment, y/n? I think you'll make a great Queen. And even if you are overwhelmed, I shall always be here."
That night he leaves earlier than he usually does, owing to the fact that tomorrow is the day where his concubines are to be welcomed into the palace. Five of them.
The thought leaves you feeling bitter and dejected, but you make sure to not make those feelings obvious. This is a rule for Kings, to take as many concubines as possible to ensure the continuation of the blood line.
"Don't worry, my lady. Your rank in the palace is above these petty concubines. They will not mess with you." Somi comforts your thoughts the next day.
"But what if Changbin favors them more?"
Somi does not reply to that question.
On your 18th birthday, your father had promised to you that he would make you the Queen of this country. He kept his promise because here you are, after five years, getting dressed to be married to the most powerful man in the country.
Your father always insisted that powerful men do not love but Changbin's sparkling eyes always contradicted everything your father had taught. Nevertheless, you know the competitiveness among the concubines for the King's affection is mad. More often than not, even the Queen gets involved in petty fights.
But you try to remove all thoughts of your father and the concubines today. Because today, you are to be married to King Changbin. From today, your name will be written in the historical logs of the Royal family. From today, a new life begins.
"Are you okay, my lady?" Somi asks, "You look worried."
"I'm fine. Just hope the ceremony goes well."
The ceremony does go well and in all honesty, you were not worried about the ceremony itself. You were worried about the aftermath.
The maids guide you to your new palace, and get you dressed in white robes for the wedding night. The night when you will finally meet Changbin as his wife. The butterflies swim around in your belly.
The bed is decorated with flower petals and a few candles are lit. Everything is perfect.
"The King is here." One of your ladies in waiting announce and you get up to greet your husband.
The maids leave the room as the doors slide open and Changbin steps in, also dressed in white robes. He looks dashing, but his signature grin is nowhere to be found.
When the doors close behind him, he walks past you to the bed, the scent of liquor evident in his breath.
"Have you been drinking, your majesty?" You ask him, worried by his odd behavior.
What was wrong with him? Why wouldn't he even bother to meet your eyes?
"Changbin." He slurs, wrapping the blankets around him, "Call me Changbin."
He turns away from you and is snoring away in no time.
The butterflies in your stomach flutter around before dropping dead.
You did not sleep that night. Even though you were sleeping next to the man you love, you felt lonelier than ever.
Many times during the night, you consider walking out of the bed chamber to the servants quarter so you could talk to Somi. But you couldn't do that. Because you were now the Queen of this country and every single step you take will have its repercussions.
When morning comes, Changbin wakes up in a haste and greets you with a subtle nod and walks out of the chamber in long strides.
You well the tears back. It's your first day as Queen and hadn't he always promised to be there when you were overwhelmed? Had he lied? Or was it Changbin's doppelganger who visited you every night in the Detached palace?
Somi comes in a few minutes later with an excited smile on her face.
When she does your hair for the day, she asks, "So, how was the wedding night?"
You want to answer her truthfully - how cold Changbin had been, how he had not even looked at you let alone touch you, how you think he had changed almost overnight. But you see the prying eyes of the other palace maids and swallow your sadness.
"It was perfect. Like everything I'd ever hoped for."
"He was gentle, I hope." She says through a grin, but it feels like someone pouring alcohol on an open wound.
"Yes. He was."
As part of royal customs, the new bride is supposed to visit the senior most female member of the family and greet her. In your case, the member happens to King Changbin's mother.
Somi dresses you in the most exquisite silks and adorns your hair with the most precious flower but you feel nothing at all when everyone compliments you on the way out of your new Queen's palace.
Your mother in law's palace is a little far from the Queen's palace yet it is as beautiful as any other palace. From inside as well as outside.
"Greetings, your majesty. It is nice to meet you." You bow in front of the Queen Dowager.
The woman-not more than sixty years of age- looks at you with a gentle smile.
"Come in, y/n. Please be at ease."
You're seated in front of her on a cushion while the Queen Dowager's maids serve you breakfast.
"I hope your first day here goes well, my child. Our family is thrilled to have you." She says.
"The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. I am honored to be a part of this family." You say.
In the back of your mind, you wonder if Changbin is thrilled to have you or not. Probably not.
The mere thought of yesterday's rejection stings.
"Y/n, truth be told, my son is a quite a troubled man. His father was murdered in front of his eyes. He was made the king when he was only 16 years old. It's been 7 years since then, but the burden only gets worse. I hope you, as a Queen and as his wife, can help him lessen these burdens. Can you do that?" The Queen Dowager asks again, sipping tea from a small cup.
"I will do everything I can to help him." If only he'd let you.
"Good, good. I'm glad. And one more thing, y/n, you know as Queen one of your primary duties is to produce an heir for Changbin's throne. I hope you're working on that, yes?"
Heat reaches your cheeks. If only the poor woman knew what her dear son had done last night. If his behavior continues, perhaps it will be long before the Queen Dowager sees the face of a royal grandchild.
"We are trying, your majesty. We will not disappoint you." You reply, sipping tea from your own cup.
"Great! I shall send all types of herbs and tonics to help you conceive as fast as possible. I shall also draw up a chart after consulting the astrologer..." the Queen Dowager's voice fades into the background as your mind drifts off to the nights in the Detached palace, when Changbin would come and spend all his free time with you, against the rules of the palace. At that time, you had been sure that producing an heir would be a beautiful process, not a chore.
But Changbin does not even treat the thought like a chore.
Did he not love you? Did his Royal duties burden him too much?
When you leave the Queen Dowager's palace, you walk past The King's palace. It is as beautiful and majestic as they say. But you wonder if you'll ever be able to set foot in the same.
As if on cue, you see Concubine Jung walking out of the King's palace, her maids behind her. The butterflies in your stomach burn with jealousy.
She has a smirk on her face when she sees you.
"Eun, did you know there's a rumor around the palace that the King refused to sleep with the Queen last night? Sad, isn't it?" Concubine Jung says.
One of her maids giggle and nod, "Of course! How could the Queen even live with this shame?"
You cry yourself to sleep that night, while Somi does everything in her abilities to soothe you.
Needless to say, nothing worked.
"My lady, wake up. The King has invited you to breakfast with him." Somi informs one morning, six months after your wedding.
"Tell him I have a bad stomach bug. I cannot go."
You'd be found dead before sharing a meal with him and that obnoxious Concubine Jung. You'd shared enough meals with them already.
The past months, the King had not visited you even once but often you'd see him walking the gardens with Concubine Jung at his side.
After the first few weeks, you had no tears left to shed anymore so when the rumor came in last month that Concubine Jung might be pregnant, your eyes do not water no matter how much you force yourself to cry.
"I do not wish to congratulate them." You say, true and plain.
"My lady, he's invited only you. Not anyone else."
So you agree. As a last attempt to make your marriage work, even if it's just for your own sake.
Somi dresses you in green robes- The King's favorite. You quickly make your way to his palace, as if someone else would take your place if you didn't hurry. It's sad your thoughts had turned so negative in just half a year in the palace.
Your father had told you the King would take in many lovers during his lifetime, and that being Queen is about having power, not being loved.
But you think he didn't warn you enough. He didn't warn you how lonely it would be to sleep on the cold bed every night, how painful it would be to see the King smile at someone else.
Even if you did wish for a child, how could you produce you a child without Changbin?
"Good morning, your majesty." You say to him when you enter his bed chamber. It smells like cinnamon, a smell he'd often carry with himself back when he used to visit you at the Detached palace. Back when you were sure the king had been in love with you.
"Hello, my Queen. Please have a seat."
The butterflies dance around for a split second.
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks, taking a seat in front of you.
"Yes." Lies. "Thank you for inviting me over."
When the maids leave the both of you alone, his demeanor changes.
"Actually, y/n, I had something to talk to you about." He says, casually, as if he hadn't been hurting you everyday for the past few months.
"What is it?" You ask.
He sighs, "It's mother. Ever since that rumor of Concubine Jung being pregnant spread. She wants the first grandchild to be of the Queen."
His words do not faze you, "How can I help you, Changbin?"
He frowns. Since when had your tone become this melancholic?
"Um, so if I have your consent, I'd like to try for a child tomorrow night. We'll see how that goes, yeah?"
"Okay. I will be honored." You say.
You finish up the food quickly and almost slide the doors open when he grabs your arm from behind.
"Y/n, what is it? Did something happen? Are your parents well?"
"My parents are well enough, thank you for asking." You say, keeping your eyes on the ground.
"Then? What happened? Is it Concubine Jung? Really, you did not have to be jealous of her. She's not pregnant. I can assure you of that. I have not consummated my marriage with any one of the concubines."
His words seem to have an effect on you. Your heart blossoms with hope but you keep your face and voice neutral.
"I am not jealous, Changbin. If one of the concubines get pregnant, I shall wish you both well."
You force your arm out of his grip and walk out the palace, not looking back once.
Changbin's stares at your leaving figure, now worried beyond relief that he might have broken the one person he cared for the most by his pursuits of a greater good.
While the past few months for you had been filled with loneliness, for Changbin it was almost the same-if not worse.
The first night of your marriage was filled with as many butterflies for him, as it was for you.
He had fallen in love with you and he wasn't afraid to show the world how much you meant to him. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love to you. And he had all plans to do that on the first night.
But that was until he had overheard a secret conversation between Concubine Jung and her father- Minister Jung.
For all he knew, Minister Jung had always wanted his daughter to be the Queen but being the dim-wit that she was, Concubine Jung could not even get through the first stage.
"Father, it's been two days since I'd been in the palace and that man has not visited me once. He had not even asked for my name the day of the welcoming. What kind of man is he? And you say I am to be Queen!"
"Hush, child. In this palace, even the walls are listening. Be careful. And as far as the position of Queen is concerned, you need not worry. If the King does bed the Queen tonight and she get pregnant, we shall make sure her pregnancy terminates before maturity. I have connections with all sorts of medicine vendors in the country, be assured, she shall never see the face of a child. After we weaken the Queen, we can take her throne as easily!"
Changbin had wanted to laugh at the man's foolish plans but deep down, he was worried as well. For you.
Which is why he pushed you away for so long and kept Concubine Jung close. While she tried everything in her power to seduce him, he refused her under the pretense of keeping an oath of abstinence for a year.
Every time she tried to even hold his hand, Changbin thought of you; your innocent eyes, your talks, your wit, your hands, your beautiful hair. No woman could make him feel like you do.
Changbin's secret informants had confirmed that Minister Jung had not one but two houses full of gold and cash he'd collected as illegal taxes from the local people. He'd also sometimes force husbands to send their wives to him in exchange for money. Even the thought nauseated Changbin.
Every time Concubine Jung visited, he made sure to collect some sort of evidence through her. He even visited her every night and while she snored away, he stole some of her gold jewlery and clothes to get them checked as evidence of the illegal taxes her father had been collecting.
And sure enough, after a few months of spying on her and her father, Changbin had gathered enough evidence by now to expose both of them at the court.
But he realised quickly that Minister Jung had a few tricks up his sleeves as well. The rumor of his daughter's pregnancy would make it difficult for Changbin to expose him easily, and so Changbin waited every night that the rumors would die down so he could run to the Queen's Palace and hug you with all his might. You were not safe unless the father and daughter were deposed.
And for some selfish reasons, Changbin had hoped you'd understand the reason behind his distance. But no woman could find a logical reason behind her lover being absent and it was horribly wrong for him to expect you to do the same.
"Are you stupid?" His friend, the eccentric dancer Minho had asked him.
Changbin had told him how coldly you'd behaved this afternoon when he'd asked you if you wished to try for a child. Most women would giggle and blush. But you were like a statue.
"You push her away for months and make her feel lonely and not loved and what not and you have the audacity to ask her that?"
"Well, yes. Mother had been pressuring me for a child and obviously, even with the pressure, I would never do anything that y/n would not have wanted but I thought it would be a great way to reconnect with her. Even if it didn't end in child making or whatever."
Minho let's out a frustrated groan, "You have to learn so much, Bin. But let's start with this- be honest with her. She's your wife and you ought to tell her everything. Give answers to all her questions and hold her hand if she let's you. Small steps first, a child can wait."
Changbin nods, " Okay, should I go to her right now?"
"Yes, you idiot!" Minho says, earning a slap on the arm from The King of Joseon.
He should be glad he's not being beheaded for calling the King an idiot.
You're almost done getting ready for bed when the lady in waiting makes an unexpected announcement .
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
Your heart leaps and the butterflies come alive again only to die down once you realise why he might be there. For a child. Isn't that why he's here? Isn't that why people get married in the first place?
"Y/n." He sighs when he enters the room, almost out of relief. He purses his lips.
"Is there anything I could help you with?" You ask.
Oh, how badly he'd hurt you. He could see the hurt in your eyes, in your voice, in your mannerisms.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I really am. I know I have caused you pain and I cannot imagine how lonely it must have been. But I hope you know that I really do love you and only you."
"Then why the distance? Why visit Concubine Jung every night?" You ask, hands on your hips.
The tears that had left you threatened to return again.
And he tells you everything. From the conversation he overheard to how insistently Concubine Jung asked him for a child to how much solid proof he'd collected over the months and how he'd sent those evidences to the Minister of Security, who in turn ensured that by tomorrow the Jungs will out of the palace and be imprisoned for life.
It all makes sense to you now, of course it does. Yet you feel guilty. He'd been trying to protect you, all this while.
"I'm sorry, Changbin. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I only-"
"Don't apologize, y/n. It's me that should apologize. I should have somehow tried to contact you and tell you about everything. I'm-"
"No, no, Please. Don't. You only tried to protect me and-"
"No, y/n, it's all my fault, please-"
Somi overhears the entire conversation through the door, her mind finally relaxing after the misunderstanding had been solved between you and the King. She could no longer stand you being this sad. And she somehow knew King Changbin had his own reasons for his behavior.
She hears soft sounds of kissing through the door and takes it as a sign to move away from the door, and join the other maids waiting outside the palace door. She smiles to herself.
The butterflies burn with passion.
"I do not wish for a child this early. I want to be here like this with you for a while, just y/n and Changbin and maybe two or three years later, we could try for a child. What do you think?"
When he kissed you initially, you half expected this to end up in the bed. But it did. And you're glad it did.
The butterflies bloom more than ever.
You're wrapped in his arms, tightly. The nakedness no longer bothering the either of you.
"I agree. I want to be this close to you every night, not as a Queen or the mother of your child. But as y/n. As your wife."
Changbin draws his face closer to you, pecking you on the lips, "And so you shall, my love."
And so you shall.
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seoinventiv · 11 months
Get Ahead with SeoInventiv: Free SEO Consultation for Enhanced Online Success!
Harness the expertise of SeoInventiv with our complimentary free SEO consultation. Discover cutting-edge strategies to elevate your online presence, boost search rankings, and attract targeted traffic. Take advantage of this free opportunity and propel your website to new heights of success today!
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please visit : https://seoinventiv.com/free-seo-consultation/
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janetjacksonseo · 9 months
🌍 Boost your local business with #LocalSEO! 🚀💼 Stand out from the competition, drive more traffic, and dominate your local market. 💪🏢 Discover the power of tailored strategies and watch your online presence sky-rocket! 💥✨ Ready to take charge? Hit the link in bio for a free consultation today! 👇📲 #BusinessSuccess #DigitalMarketing
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rsthemewp · 6 months
Top 5 WordPress Themes for Consulting Business
Top 5 WordPress Themes for Your Consulting Business Will Draw Customers and Help You Close Deals
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Your website serves as your consulting business’s online storefront in the modern digital environment. This is your opportunity to establish a strong first impression, demonstrate your knowledge, and turn prospects into paying clients. But it can be overwhelming to choose the best WordPress theme because there are so many available.
Do not be alarmed, fellow consultants! The Top 5 WordPress Themes for Your Consulting Business that are specially made to make your consulting business stand out are listed below:
Bcom — Consulting Business WordPress Theme Reobiz — Consulting Business WordPress Theme Bizdesk — Business Consulting WordPress Theme Innovix — Business Consulting WordPress Theme Bizup — Business Consulting WordPress Theme
Read Full Blog: Top 5 WordPress Themes for Consulting Business
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webiwork24 · 4 days
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🎉 EOFY Sale Alert! Up to 50% Off! 🎉 Our biggest sale EVER is here! 🎨✨ Get Free Consultation & Quote 100% Transparent Pricing Why Choose Us for Your Vision? ✅ Specialised and Customised Design ✅ Easily Appropriate Interface ✅ User-centered and SEO-oriented Design Developed for Boosting Conversion Rates ✅ Unlimited Customizations ✅ Total Ownership Assured Get In Touch - [email protected] #bestwebdesignagency #webdevelopmentagency
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easyquickweb · 2 months
Should You Choose EasyQuickWeb for Your Hyderabad Website Designers? Here's Why!
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Are you searching for the perfect web design company in Hyderabad to take your business online? Look no further than EasyQuickWeb! We specialize in creating stunning and effective websites that will help you stand out from the competition and achieve your online goals.
Here are just a few reasons why EasyQuickWeb should be your top choice for website design in Hyderabad:
Experienced Team: Our team of skilled web designers in Hyderabad possesses the expertise and creativity to bring your vision to life. We stay up-to-date on the latest web design trends and technologies, ensuring your website is not only beautiful but also functional and user-friendly. Whether you're looking for a modern and minimalist design, a bold and eye-catching website, or something in between, our team can create a website that reflects your unique brand identity.
Focus on SEO: We understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in today's digital landscape. Our web design services incorporate SEO best practices, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building, to help your website rank higher in search engine results for relevant keywords. This organic traffic can be a valuable source of new leads and customers for your Hyderabad business.
Affordable & Transparent Pricing: We offer competitive pricing for our website designing services in Hyderabad. There are no hidden fees, and you'll know exactly what you're getting upfront. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, and transparent pricing is a key part of that.
Still not convinced? We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your website design needs with our team. Let us show you why EasyQuickWeb is the perfect partner for your Hyderabad business!
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gravityweb07 · 2 months
Web development company in kandivali
🌐 Looking to elevate your online presence? At Gravity Web, we're experts in crafting stunning, responsive websites that captivate and convert. Our services cover everything from sleek design to robust backend development. We specialize in e-commerce solutions, SEO optimization, and content management systems that give your business the edge it needs. Let us turn your vision into reality! Whether you're a startup or an established brand, we're here to help you grow. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how Gravity Web can make your digital dreams come true! ✨ #WebDevelopment #GravityWeb
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