#fricking expensive
limited-hero · 5 months
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His tail is gonna be such a pain to draw-
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skyloftian-nutcase · 28 days
Four was honestly surprised how many people were here. It was his first big trip, and it was definitely overwhelming. He was usually a loner, but he had to admit… he was thankful he’d asked a friend to come along.
Legend laughed as he texted someone, face glowing with glee. He elbowed Four mischievously. “We should definitely send pictures to Wars.”
“Is that who you’re texting?” Four asked with a smile, enjoying the cheer from his usually grumpier friend. Legend adored education conferences - his friend was nothing if not a lover of learning and exploring new things.
“Oh absolutely,” Legend replied, showing his phone. “He’s upset because I went to the emergency medicine conference and then went to this one. Personally, I think he’s just jealous because I have a cert he doesn’t.”
“Wait, Wars doesn’t have his CCRN?” Four questioned, confused. He figured Warriors, who had everything in his life in order, would have his critical care nursing certification. It was fairly common for nurses in ICU and ED settings.
“Nope!” Legend quipped with delight, obviously ecstatic that he had something over the military nurse.
“Okay, but important question: where are we going to get dinner?”
“Somewhere it doesn’t cost half our paycheck.”
Four glanced around at the skyscrapers. “Uh… not sure we’re going to manage that. I didn’t think the Hebra Mountains had cities like this.”
“Well, then we can contemplate Brugada Syndrome and complicated EKG rhythms while we starve,” Legend supposed.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Four laughed. “This is a trip, we shouldn’t worry about the cost too much.”
”We don’t make Time’s salary.”
“But we make decent salary.”
Legend bit his lips, stubborn. Four narrowed his eyes analytically. “This isn’t about how much the food costs; it’s because you’ve blown your budget on coffee, isn’t it?”
His friend immediately flushed, guilty as charged. “They charge ten rupees for coffee! Ten!! This place is ridiculous!”
“I told you your caffeine addiction would come back to bite you someday,” Four smiled. “Or, well, more so than it already has.”
“I swear, if you bring up the SVT episode one more time—”
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comikadraws · 2 years
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I know I said I didn't really want to post too many WIPs of this but again, I am very slow- And I was also considering taking a break from the painting until I get some irl stuff finished. So this seemed like a pretty good time to post another WIP.
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hobbit-in-the-city · 1 year
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it's done! it's not perfect, I made few mistakes, but my first sweater!!! I'm so excited
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leadendeath · 2 months
i think i'm feeling the spark returning for fursuit... haven't given up on my penumbra wip...
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theloveinc · 2 years
if u like getting gel nail polish for your pedicures… I don’t trust you
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getitoncamera · 2 months
i can’t even explain how excited i am for merrily!
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thebestworstidea · 5 months
I am playing wordscapes and I am very mad about what they consider words.
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technicalknockout · 9 months
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zenmom · 10 months
What game should I review? I know there are some popular games out there. Which game should I try next?
Meanwhile, I’ve been playing a little more on no man’s sky. Who would’ve thought this game is amazing in a way that you can travel to distant worlds and different galaxies for each solar system.
Man, I can’t wait to play more of that game. Well, I should’ve looked at sonic frontiers since sonic’s being cool and I like him (I love shadow)
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marmorenshud · 1 year
the only thing I'll really miss abt sweden is the prevalence of self check out. now all the cashiers knows I've bought 4L of pepsi twice this week
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mariastorm · 1 year
Danny became the head assistant to one Timothy Drake-Wayne after nearly 20 years of being retired from the hero gig. In Danny's opinion,no 16 year old should be managing a multi - million dollar company as a pass time instead the fricking grown adult who owned said company... *cough,cough .....Bruce Wayne.
But then again,what did he know, alot.....he knew alot about Tim and his family of furries...the undead souls of Gotham tended to tell you things if you gave them the chance, he was just some guy in his thirties who had just moved to Gotham just a year ago. He couldn't just walk up to them and offer a free therapy session with his sister to fix the general mess that was the Wayne family unless he wanted the 'batclan' to start paying attention to him and later creeping him out with their stalking. So he chose a more subtle approach ; slowly integrate into their lives and fix their disaster of a family one appointment at a time.
He started off great. Tim began to open up to him in the office as the days went by. They talked in-between work schedules and meetings. He learnt about Tim's likes and dreams,lent an ear when he needed to vent about stuff involving home or school. In a way , Danny had realised somewhere in between that he was slowly mentally adopting Tim as his kid . He ended doing the same thing with the other Wayne children when he met them. Apparently,Tim spoke about him to the others when he was home and they had all gotten curious. Heck he had even met Alfred and they got on like a house on fire . Now he sometimes joins the old man to shop for groceries every other weekend. He had met Bruce as well and let's just say their first meeting involved Danny scolding the hell out of the man for allowing a literal child to manage his company when said child should have been doing child things as well as all the other things and the others had told him Bruce had done. Alfred had patted him on the back after he had finished his speech while the kids had been laughing at their father's expense.
Bruce had surprisingly taken it like a man considering the fact that he was being told off on how to 'parent' by a twink who was his son's assistant and therefore his employee. Danny had expected to be jobless after that fiasco but instead he was invited to dinner that very same week by Bruce himself. Albeit Bruce refused to make eye contact and seemed to have been having a fever as his face and ears were bright red but Danny didn't mind,free food was free food.... Even if he still wonderd why he had spotted Dick and Stephanie spying on them from the hallway with knowing looks on their faces......
Danny didn't even know how but suddenly he was fully involved in their lives; night time hobbies included after they dramatically told him to which Danny had simply responded with an "ya don't say?"and proceeded to go back to drinking his tea with Alfred . Things in the bat-brood were healing nicely;they were talking, bonding and generally starting to look like a true family. A true family with Danny in it. And Danny himself didn't realize this until one fluke .....no.... Two flukes occurred on the night of the biggest gala Danny had ever attended in his halfa life {galas he attended at Sam's mansion included} .
The first fluke ,he had been both happy and embarrassed about.....
Not one or two or three BUT four of the Wayne children had addressed him as 'Dad' . That too in front of a large group of guests and reporters with cameras and recorders . Damien had gone as far as to specify that ,yes they were referring to him and not Bruce..
And the second fluke....
Well, Danny wasn't sure how to feel about that one............
... Bruce Wayne,the bachelor billionaire,the man Danny had come to have a huge slight man crush on,...........
Kissed Danny. Right on the lips. On the balcony.
And Danny being a complete idiot had hiccuped then used his invisibility to hide and later run all while forgetting one tiny thing..
He hadn't told the batclan about his secret yet..and honestly??
Danny blames Clockwork.
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
Immediately after I posted that message, I fell asleep at my keyboard for an hour. So I guess the migraine won. I guess my body-aches won. And it’s still raining. My lil cousin gets head pain during rain and stuff too. Irony, I am adopted... So uh I guess my family picked the right baby. :| “Yeah let’s pick this one!” You picked the slightly broken baby, congrats. But she’s gonna fit in just fiiiiine.
Baby Slightly Broken But Still Good
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buckrecs · 9 months
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 4
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - updating
All Of Them are COMPLETED Series
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1. Finding Home by @jobean12-blog
Bucky x Reader Animal Rescue AU
You meet Bucky while he’s out walking Alpine in the city. It’s love at first sight and to make it even better he just opened up an Animal Rescue, Shelter to Solider.  But will his past stand in the way of him finally finding his home. 
2. Welcome Home… Soldat? by @winterarmyy
Winter Soldier!Bucky x Reader
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
3. Winter Makes Ice by @subwaysurf45
Bucky x Hydra Experiment!Reader
you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title.
4. ice ice baby by @endless-summer-soldier
College Hockey Player!Bucky x College Figure Skater!Reader
Bucky is a college hockey player, Y/N is a figure skater without a partner. What's happens when these two opposites start sharing the ice...
5. Right + Click + Save by @syntheticavenger
Bucky x Reader
Working from home has it’s perks, especially when it comes to helping a technologically unsavvy super soldier try to navigate a dating site.
6. Lonely Night by @marvelouslizzie
Roommate!Bucky x Reader
Your crush on your roommate gets out of hand. His smile ruins you in a way you never expected.
7. Like Breathing by @bucky-fricking-barnes
Bucky x Shifter!Reader
Bucky’s life in Cove is far from perfect, mostly because Cove’s residents want nothing more than to scare him away. Luckily for you, Bucky isn’t easily scared off.
8. Where Dreams Go To Die by @insomniumstella
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Steve’s silly joke happened to inspire the best, or possibly the worst, idea Wanda had ever come up with — send James Buchanan Barnes and y/n on an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii. the problem? they cannot stand to be around each other.
9. Make the Wave by @lostgirlmuseum
Bucky x Reader
You invite both your best friend and your boyfriend to a three-day weekend getaway at a beach resort. This trip was meant to be relaxing, but tensions and jealousies rise as both Miles and Bucky fight for your attention. 
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bonny-kookoo · 5 months
oh my GOD ninny- i LOVED the fricking drabble for princess! Please, force feed us more!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Let's see.. oh yeah, how about I tell you about the time he put MC on her fridge?
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"We bought that for the entire week, not just today." Jungkook scolds you, closing the fridge again right into your face. "You can't just eat everything at once." He explains, and you cross your arms, annoyed.
"It's not like I don't have the money for it." You huff, glaring at him. "It wasn't even all that expensive-"
"But it's wasteful." He argues. "You'll open all the packages, and then stuff gets bad quicker. Wasting food is a no-go." He denies you, and nod after a moment, feeling a bit ashamed about it.
Jungkook is really trying to help you get used to a normal life- because he plans on making that a possibility for you, once he gets you out of that slave contract. And its obvious he, to some degree, has to start at the very basics of living on your own, and that includes things such as this. You've never learned how to pace your emotions at all, and so he can't blame you for getting so overly excited about all the groceries you bought today- wanting to eat them all at once, no feeling of hunger or appetite at all.
Or more so, you have a constant appetite, at all times- but no idea how to really listen to your body if it's just a craving, or genuine hunger.
And it's not just food you seem to have this problem with- it's also other aspects of life. Be it at dance practice where you can get so excited about things that you almost faint on him due to exhaustion, and whenever you're comfortable, you'll sleep until you get a headache from it. You have barely any feeling for time, you never got taught how to use money and how to value it, and you also never been out as much as these days with him.
He will probably forever remember that ride on the bus with you, simply because you were so in awe of everything around you. In a way, it's also interesting to him, because all the things that are normal and boring to him, are mesmerizing to you.
The second he's not looking at you however, you're back at the fridge, and frankly, he's had enough of your antics today. So with not much thought, he picks you up, and puts you right on top of the small fridge you have in your apartment, before stepping back.
"Let me down!" You argue, but he just shakes his head. "This isn't funny-"
"Never said it was." He tells you. "But you get what you deserve. I told you, you've been really testing me today, and I can really only take so much." He explains, making your curled tail unravel in shame as you realize how exhausting you must've been for him. And the moment he sees that, he walks closer again, carefully getting you back down to look at you. "I'm not angry at you. Just a little exhausted." He jokes, and you nod.
"M' sorry." You apologize, but he just pets your head playfully, before he walks towards your couch, where you sit down as well. "What're you doing?" You ask, and he shrugs, before he lays down.
"I need to recharge." He tells you. "Babysitting is making me tired, you know?" He teases, but much to his surprise, you instead quietly lay down next to him, even going as far as to cuddle up, before you wait, most likely for any sort of reaction.
But all you get, is his arm around you, pulling you in more comfortably-
quietly accepting not only the close proximity, but so much more.
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faranae · 4 months
For the love of Frick, if you compute in a dark/dim room please hook up a light to illuminate the wall behind your screen. It doesn't have to be the sun! Just a fraction of your screen's brightness, really.
If you want to be very fancy you can refer to it as "bias lighting" but that's going to bring up a lot of expensive specialty products and buzzwords and tech specs if you look it up. A $2 USB light from the dollar store can do just fine; Just look for anything that disperses/softens the light instead of shining a harsh beam.
The reason for this: Eye fatigue!
When you only have dark surroundings and a bright screen in front of you, your eyes have to do a lot of extra work adjusting all the time to such a harsh contrast. Adding even a dim light against the wall makes it easier on them, adding a step in the middle.
(Visual artists: You know how it's easier on your eyes to work for longer periods on a grey canvas instead of white? Similar concept!)
Before I go, one more tip!
The 20/20/20 trick is worth remembering to prevent and ease eye strain: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
(That's about 6 meters for those of us who measure things in Normal, but "20/6/20 trick" really isn't all that catchy now, is it?)
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