#friend whit benefits
marune2 · 5 months
What if :count saint Germain meet saint Germain“Original Story
Saint Germain: so as fare I see you did turn him in you wold……what a surprise
Count germain:hm yes I have you looking not happy say how whas he in you wold? Didn’t you turn him? After all it’s Wunder my whit my wisdom about you“smile
Saint germain: hm be honest I didn’t think mush he whas a tule to get material and a Rome to experiment and power of curse
Count germain: so you get‘s closer? I know how I look if I’m not sure if it’s whas the right you getting attached to him but why didn’t you turn him? After all you have not really morals from us tow saint
Saint Germain: excuse my but yes I did like him he whas charming but it shouldn’t be be honest this is why I turned the youngest son from him we had unspoken rule’s count
Count Germain: there I thought it would be learning something nice this happened I guess he’s son whas not happy too?
Saint Germain: surprisingly he whas happy but leaders year’s he whas not sad this is all I can say I missing my children
Count Germain: don’t say you did whit him…..is he the child of you tow?
Saint Germain:oh not biological we had what going on but I had the form of a older man in he’s age he didn’t know I can change my form but he did find out wo I whas this is why I couldn’t turn him
Count Germanin:hm I can’t say something bad I suppose in you situation……..:
Saint Germain: hm good so you and him are in this wold together because you did turn him??? Na at least friend whit benefits as fare I see
Count Germain: It’s nothing of you concern saint
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karmaphone · 2 years
screams my stepdad and my moms boss both believe people trapped in poverty choose to be poor
#I'm not saying your experience with '''welfare queens''' didn't happen but people STUCK in poverty are STUCK there for a reason#my moms boss (whit guy married to a black lady) also said some shit about how the biggest problem with th black community is lack of fathers#like no baby I think it's the racism built into the fuckin system#just look at redlining#or the crack epidemic#like. WHAT is taking the fathers away. where are they GOING. oh right. they got labeled criminals and thrown in jail#which you didn't even want to acknowledge has a structural racism problem as well#but like. just because someone you know managed the impossible feat of dragging themselves out of poverty doesn't mean that everyone can or#has the OPPORTUNITY to. he didn't even try to refute my points about disability and not being able to save he was just like 'yeah they DO#treat disabled people and vets really really poorly' like cool ignore how that relates to the greater discussion of poverty esp as it#relates to other personal situations like disability or racism. like the way poor brown men are lured into the military and thrown away. or#the way that disabled black people are way less likely to get approved for benefits#like. ignore the larger implications that I'm making in favor of like. 'well my wife is black so I clearly have more of a say here than you'#like what a shitty white move to pull 'muh muh I have a leg up in this discussion because of my black friend/wife/whatever I win!!!'#just because a tiny fraction of the population on welfare choose to stay on it and actively dissuade attempts to get them off of it doesn't#mean that the vast majority of people on it for years aren't on it because they HAVE to be
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asha-mage · 6 months
Since it's my birthday my friends got me the amazing gift of 'watching the Wheel of Time show while occasionally stopping to discuss/let me loose my mind' for which I am incredibly grateful. A few random observations from this time through, as I attempted to view it through the lens of the entirely WoT uninitiated (as my friends are)-
The group shots, where the camera passes from one of the Emond's Field 5 to another, do this clever trick where Rand is never actually standing on his own. He's always standing beside or behind someone in one of these shots, so the camera doesn't actually have to cut or pan away from someone else to get to him. This serves the purpose of highlighting him in contrast to his friends, but also to subtlety downplay his presence to the audience, and build up to the Dragon reveal in episode 7 very effectively.
The cinematography in general is so exceedingly rich and delicious- the stark white of the Whitecloak camp contrasted with the bloody reality of their actions. The bright primary colors used to make the Aes Sedai visually pop and feel magical and strange, even as they are dressed (for the most part) practically for their traveling (a complaint I had about the Witcher, aside from everything being brown and grey all the time, is that the mages show up to battles dressed in ballroom dresses instead of you know, clothing that would make sense). The subtle use of lighting and camera angle to create a sense of vast isolation of Shadar Logoth, fear and danger in the Ways, and cramp sweltering heat in the Blight.
Moiraine's opening narration in episode 1 is essentially a summary of the information we get from one of the epigraphs at the ending of the Eye of the World prologue, to whit:
"And the Shadow fell upon the land, and the world was riven, stone from stone. The oceans fled and the mountains where swallowed up. and the nations where scattered to the eight corners of the world. The moon was blood and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the shadow, and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon." - Aleth nin Tearin alta Camora, The Breaking of the World, author unknown, the Fourth Age "The world is broken. Many many years ago men who where born with great power attempted to cage darkness itself. The arrogance. When they failed, the seas boiled, mountains where swallowed up, cities burned, and the women of the Aes Sedai where left to pick up the pieces. These women remembered one thing above all else, the man who brought the Breaking of the World. And him, they. named Dragon." - Moiraine
This makes me suspect their was an earlier version of the script that actually used the epigraph (maybe even both of them). I have mixed on feeling on this, as the epigraphs are one of my favorite artistic choices of Jordan's and really help emphasize the history and depth of his world, but I think filtering it through Moiriane and making it slightly less opaque was a smart choice to convey the information to the audience. I also think this works on a character level as well- here is Moiraine's understanding of this information, shaped by her biases.
Every re-watch also makes me more and more comfortable in my 'the show is a future/past turning of the wheel from the books, the broad events and truths being the same, but seen in one of those endless variations we hear about' interpretation of the series. The heart of the story and characters is the same, and the broad strokes and framework are the same, but it's in the details where things emerge as different. This interpretation has the benefit of fitting really really well with the meta-narrative stuff Jordan always liked to pull, and in freeing I think the show expectations of being a one-to-one recreation.
That said I defiantly felt the cracks in the final two episodes as a result of the Covid shutter and loosing Barney Harris more strongly this time- some of that being that this is my first re watching of season 1 since I've seen season 2. You can practically see the things they wanted/planned to do that had to re-worked because of circumstances beyond their control. Mat's absence in the group argument scene (and the 'I am so tired of you two fighting over her' line that was clearly meant to be Mat's), as well as the lack of bigger/more cohesive battle scene in Tarwin's Gap. You can also tell they hadn't quite figured out how they where going to re-work season 2 yet given that the ending for season 1 had to be changed last minute (for example, their is no reason for Moiraine to just outright admit that she released Lan's bond unless they hadn't yet decided that was where their arc was going yet).
I think the show does an exceedingly good job of structuring it's exposition to the un-intiatited, trying to stagger it so that audience is largely learning new things in pace with the characters. I know people where frustrated that things like the War of Power have yet to come up in earnest even in the Latra and Lews scene, but I think the slow and steady reveal of things matches both the core idea of 'their is always more you don't know', and trying not to overwhelm the audience. My friends had no trouble following what was going and picking up the bigger implications/subtext that underpins a lot of information. 'But why did the Dragon try to cage the Dark One? It doesn't seem like it was that simple.' came up a few times especially.
The detail that what jump-starts Perrin's wolf brother connection is having his wound healed/cleaned by the wolves in that scene from episode 2 is so incredibly clever, and a good twist on the traditional 'werewolf bite' mythology.
I love the deliberate choice to incorporate so many random ruins and remnants of things in the background of shots. Not just the 'dilapidated stone buildings' that the characters camp in, but things like the trio of carved faces that Egwene and Perrin run past while fleeing the Whitecloaks, or the boundary stones Mat and Rand pass on the road, or even just the small carvings and pillars scattered about the cave where they are holding Logain. It all helps to make you feel that ancientness, that brokenness of this world more effectively.
The reoccurring use of the Dragon's Fang to symbolize violence and destruction: the Trollocs using it as a scare tactics, it appearing in the blood in the pool after Nynaeve kills the Trolloc, being burned into Siuan's ruined childhood home....and the way that contrasts with it's use in the finale episode, when we see it whole and unbroken in the seal/yin yang symbol for the first time was really really clever. One of my friends actually gasped out loud and went 'oh' at the first shot of the whole seal when it clicked.
The show does an exceedingly good job of maintaining that core idea of the series that it's about our relationship to violence- violence never being casual or simple or easy, but always raw, hard and bloody and a little bit ugly. EVen subtle things like the way the show depicts Moraine hurling stones at the Trollocs with uncomfortable frankness, trying to literalize what in most fantasy media would be an abstract. Take it from I cast stone 2, to I inflict horrible blunt force trauma on another creature. And of course everything re: Perrin and his ax.
I have more thoughts, but I think I'll save some of them for after we watch season 1, because they relate strongly to stuff from there.
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
(new) haven - a 7x04 story
“Do you recognize anything here from your own time?”
Claire slowly sipped her stew. “Maybe if we were closer to the university. Frank took Brianna here quite often – he so enjoyed the Harvard and Yale football games, and it was always difficult for me to take time off from the hospital. But I remember the oldest section of the university was constructed well before the Revolution.”
Jamie fidgeted with the spoon beside his own untouched bowl of stew, watching the entrance to the tavern. “So the university still stands.”
“Yes – it’s considered one of the best in the country. The city grew, too. After the Revolution, New Haven became an important port for whaling ships. Lots of money. Then the United States industrialized and…well. Its fortunes still hadn’t turned by the time Bree came here on a solo trip, not too long before we came to Scotland and met Roger.”
The lieutenant they had gotten to know on the ship from Wilmington – a kind and excessively cheery fellow – ducked into the tavern, scanning the crowd.
“I could say something about you allowing our daughter to travel here alone,” Jamie whispered, eyes fixed in the lieutenant.
Claire smiled wistfully. “She was visiting a friend from high school. They ate white clam pizza.”
He turned to her, brow furrowed. “Peet-zuh?”
Jamie and Claire turned – and Lieutenant Hubbard sat himself at their table.
“So delightful to see you both without the ship heaving beneath us!”
Jamie pushed away his bowl of stew. “Eat this. My stomach still hasnae caught up to my legs being on land.”
The lieutenant heartily tucked in. “If you insist. I never much cared for tavern fare at home, but compared to the absolute slop on the ship…”
Jamie tensed. Beneath the table, Claire lay a comforting hand on his thigh.
“Tell me, Lieutenant – now that we’re here, do you think it really will be two weeks before we set out for Ticonderoga?”
“One week, two weeks, three weeks,” he shrugged, slurping the stew with gusto. “We need to re-supply, and wait for another company of men to join us from Georgia. Messengers can get their dispatches through, but with the roads as they are…”
Beneath the table, Jamie’s hand settled atop Claire’s. “There must be an apothecary here in New Haven. My wife will have need of medical supplies.”
Hubbard nodded. “Not too far away from the inn where we’ve been billeted. I suppose being an officer does have benefits every now and again. The rooms are a bit small, but it’s the last privacy I’ll have for a while. It’s two hundred miles – with all the men and animals and equipment, perhaps fifteen days?”
Claire twined their fingers together. “Sounds about right.”
Hubbard set down his spoon, wiping his mouth with the back of one sleeve. Surprised. “You’ve marched with an army before, mistress?”
Jamie squeezed her hand.
“I have. More than once.”
They waited –
“Well then. You won’t faint at the sight of blood. All the more reason to have you with us, even though you’re a woman.”
“She’s fixed me and my men more times than I can count.” Jamie’s voice was calm, but Claire felt anger in the grip of his hand. “There’s no one else I’d trust wi’ my life.”
Hubbard stood. “Good. Fraser – we’ve a council meeting to attend. The quartermaster is providing his report.”
Not caring one whit about Hubbard or any of the other men in the room, Jamie Fraser kissed his wife goodbye, long and proper.
“I’ll see you at the inn, Sassenach.”
She smiled, and bent to gather her basket as they both stood. “I’ll be waiting.”
“Well, I guess your appetite is back.”
Jamie swallowed another mouthful of bread, and cut a hunk of cheese with Claire’s knife. “Did you get greens for me to eat as well? I dinnae want the scurvy.”
Claire unscrewed the canteen and set it next to her husband on the small table. “Not tonight. But you’ll need to eat whatever I give you when we’re on the road. We don’t know what’s ahead.”
He picked up the canteen and sniffed. Face lighting up with joy.
She smiled. “The innkeeper’s wife. Her daughter suffered a nasty burn while cooking yesterday. I examined it and made her a poultice. And asked for a canteen of whisky as payment.”
He took a sip. “You’ve always been a canny one.” He held out the canteen to her. “Drink up now. I ken you want to.”
She smiled, taking the canteen from him, deliberately sliding her fingers over his. Watching him watch her take a sip.
He cut another hunk of cheese. “How much have you been thinking about Charles Stuart’s army these past few days?”
She took another sip of whisky. “Too much. I see their faces.”
“Aye, I do too. Though this army is much better supplied. And we know victory is sure.”
She rose and stepped around the table to stand in front of him. Without a word, he began undoing her laces.
“The French will come though this time, Jamie.” She untied his neck cloth.
“Aye, Hubbard was speaking today of it. Ships have come with gold, and men, and money.”
Her bodice fell to the ground. “A good thing you speak French so well. What about the other men?”
He stood and pulled her closer, hands warm on the bare skin of her chest. “Just one colonel at the council today. Perhaps some of the soldiers.”
He ducked down, leaving slow, open-mouthed kisses along her neck and clavicle. She shivered, pulled him closer with her left hand, her right hand undoing the laces of his breeches.
“Why do you taste so good?” he breathed.
“Maybe it’s the whisky,” she smiled, untucking his shirt, grazing her fingertips over the plane of his belly and the thick hair below.
He skimmed his nose up her jawline, meeting her lips in a searing kiss.
“It wasnae like this when you came back to me,” he gasped, cupping her breasts as she teased the root of him with her thumb. “Only – ”
“Only at the very beginning.” Her breath was short and shallow now, eyes closed, picturing him laughing above her in the heather. “When we couldn’t stop.”
He stole her breath in another kiss. “I cannae stop now, Claire. Are you willing?”
She pulled away. Met his shining eyes, surrounded by the lines and creases of joy and sorrow and so many incredible years together.
“S'il vous plait.”
He slid off her shift, and she pulled off his shirt. He stepped out of his breeches, and bent to pick her up. Her legs wrapped around him, and they crossed the room as they kissed and kissed and kissed.
“Je t’aime,” he breathed, setting her so gently on the bed she thought she might cry.
“Je t’aime,” she replied, over and over and over again.
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gunbun · 12 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Day 13 - Telling
Just some dialogue between Tiona, Urianger, and Nero.
“What does all of this mean?”
“It means we like having you around.”
“Verily, ‘tis not a matter more complex than that.”
“It doesn't benefit you–”
“We get the pleasure of your company and we all get absolutely fucked when we want. That's pretty good.”
“I mean it doesn't give you any standing. Some might even find it … suspicious.”
“Dost thou truly believe that I wed Tiona as some manner of political play? And that such considerations are made for all the persons we may choose to bed?”
“I mean maybe back on the First with the Fae King–”
“Stop laughing, Eryut.”
“I can't help it, Nero. In what universe do you think I give a whit about what anyone who isn't you or Uri or our kids think about all this?”
“In a civilized one.”
“Regrettably, we're fresh out of those. We're here, doing all… this because we want to.”
“People will talk.” 
“Aren't you worried that people may mistrust you?”
“Aren't you listening to what we're saying?”
“Thou hast been our ally for much longer than thou hast been our enemy by now. We have all done remarkable feats to forestall the Final Days and ‘tis a task completed successfully.”
“And you helped. You were so serious when Garlond brought you in. Didn't even mouth off much except on coffee breaks. You understood the stakes. You didn't let us down. You still haven't.”
“Thou art not seen anymore as a villain, and for us thou art…”
“Friends, at least?”
“You two are so sentimental.”
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lyeh-uzaky · 1 month
An idea. Clark and Lois are friends with benefits, they share their passion in the office, in their free time, on the occasional rooftop, but Clark being Clark, he can't help but see this as a serious relationship, and everything is going well until he proposes.
On the other hand, since for Lois, there is no exclusivity with Clark, she accepts the shameless flirtations of Gotham's most eligible bachelor at a gala. Lois not only dates Clark, but also Bruce, until Clark ruins it by pulling out a ring.
Lois breaks up with Clark, breaking his heart. In a last attempt to get her back, he goes to her apartment whit flowers and sees Bruce emerge from it, with a kiss etched on his cheek. Clark is so transparent and Bruce so observant that it is impossible for him not to realize what the other is thinking.
.- Come on, I know I deserve a punch, but this isn't the best place. Let's go get a drink and talk until we solve the problem, you get all the pain out or you punch me, whatever you think will make you feel better.
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Part of the Hotchner's Future AU.
fic #1 for my Graduation Celebration
Emily and Aaron's kids catch them in a...compromising position. The kids are disgusted, Aaron thinks it's kinda funny, Emily is in a panic. Aaron is right.
wordcount: 3.4k
based on a prompt i recieved a while ago by a sweet nonny to write this based on the Modern Family episode 'Caught in the Act'. I had fun writing it nonny, thanks for the prompt <3
read on ao3 or fanfiction.net
It was kind of a myth in the Hotchner household.
Even before she and Aaron were ever together, Emily never really knew the benefit of having a saturday off. In their line of work, a 'weekend' didn't really exist; if there was a serial killer out doing their thing, the BAU didn't get a weekend.
Then, for Aaron, Jack came along, and any window of leisure time he had grew narrower still, especially after Haley's death when he became a single father juggling parenthood and his work, and then their relationship, too.
There was a brief period of time somewhere in their early years of dating, probably when Jack was around six, and during the occasional weekend they magically weren't working, when those weekends fell on Jessica's weekend to have Jack, or holiday's Haley's parents would take him on, when they infrequently got a day off together. Even before they tied the knot, they used to refer to it as marital bliss.
Staying up late together, talking about everything in the midnight hours, sleeping in late, breakfast in bed and sex.
Lots of sex.
Early on in their relationship, they were, for lack of a better word, feral for one another. It became somewhat unbearable for their friends to be around, occasionally.
But sex leads to babies. Three babies, actually. Three babies who were very much loved and wanted, but who followed in Jack's footsteps and continued to absorb the limited time that Aaron and Emily got to themselves. That time was all but nonexistent by the time Alex, their final baby, came along.
to continue reading, follow one of the above links
taglist: @hopefulfangirl24 @thebewingedjewelcat @platypus-whit-boots @luhwithah @cvtsbutcut3 @acetheticlytired @ccmattis-22 @duchessas @lucreziaq2001 @scorpiofangirl1109 @natasha-barton @lil-koala @themetaphorgirl @sequinsmile-x @emobabeyy @my-mummy-dust @section-chief-prentiss @canyouhearmyfear @psychicmuffinpandasludge @loriprentiss @bingetvcarls @thenerdthatwrites @daffodil-heart
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rulebaetannia · 3 months
Parties? On HMS Victory? Oh, the shame of it!
There is nothing funnier to me than this piece from some years ago, in which the Daily Mail tries to lazily fear monger about allowing small and respectable receptions and dinners on the over two hundred year old warship, HMS Victory.
"The Great Cabin, where Admiral Lord Nelson plotted his strategy during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, is available for fine dining by a group of 20 people for a minimum cost of £30,000." Trying to make it sound so grandiose and therefore undignified to have a dinner party in the room that Nelson planned his battles in! And that Nelson lived in. And that Nelson invited people into to come visit him. And...had dinner parties in.
"[. . .]dinner on the Lower Gun Deck – where the lower ranks survived on stale biscuits and ale – starts at £240 a head." What an affront to history! Eating fancy food where battle hardened sailors once survived on dusty crumbs! Never mind that Nelson constantly went out of his way to make sure his sailors ate well, but no one writing this actually cares one whit about Nelson or Victory.
"The use of the vessel – which led Britain to victory against the French and Spanish fleets – will dismay traditionalists who believe treasured parts of the nation’s heritage should not be exploited for commercial benefit." The money is specifically going toward the on going restorations of Victory, of course. Unfortunately these traditionalists don't seem to be aware that Nelson loved dinner parties so much that his two closest companions, Captain Hardy and Lady Hamilton, were both known for their knack and grace when hosting dinner parties. Honestly, eating overpriced food and pretending to know about wine is probably the most historically accurate thing you could do on this ship.
Also funny, they quote people who have much reason to care about the ship--a descendant of Nelson's, the Nelson society, the National Museum of the Royal Navy--all of whom were generally of the opinion this is fine, as long as the ship is taken care of and respected. But surely the dignity of Victory shouldn't be the site of some brat teenager's 16th birthday! Or a hen night (bachelorette party) oh, the indignity of penis shaped candles on Lord Horatio Nelson's hallowed ship!
But then they have a quote from the man who books the parties saying that they are very selective and have strict rules regarding allowing parties on the ship. Most of these are to do with preserving the ship's condition, though they say they are also careful about choosing what to allow on the ship. They even specifically rule out 18th birthday parties and the aforementioned hen nights. It's nice when conservative rage bait pieces helpfully debunk themselves.
But my friends, this is the best punchline to this article:
You can have a party around Nelson's crypt! He's entombed in the black marble sarcophagus above the plinth in the centre. They even gave him lovely lesbian lighting.
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pedrospatch · 11 months
Hey, sweet Vee! While I mostly manage to never see any of the fandom uproars, I do see your posts (because you're my sweet niece!) and I just hope you're okay.
I know how hard you work on what you create and I also know how open your heart is when you share it, so it is probably very difficult to manage what you feel like has come at you today. I know nothing about any of these topics that are being discussed, but I do wish more conversations would happen like this - between two individuals in an inbox or DMs. More benefit of the doubt needs to be given, always, and also more willingness to just look away from things that are maybe not for them.
Anyway. I know who you are - you are a lovely person, a gifted writer, and a sensitive and sweet friend. No one's opinion about your take on a trope changes that one whit. Just know that. 💜
my favorite cool aunt 🤍 i think i’ve read this ask like 100 times and i STILL cannot find the words to express how much it means to me—how much YOU mean to me.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, i look up to you, i admire you for who you are and shit i want to be just like you when i grow up 😉
thank you for your kindness, your wise words, your love and your support. i can’t thank you enough. on our next imaginary target run, the starbies is on me and so is lunch. i love you very much.
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radgalniya · 2 years
i’m so late but my thoughts on
sex lives of college girls s 2 ending
(spoilers duh)
okay first off, leighton is my favorite character. i mean her growth is just *chefs kiss*. her personality, her style, her character is everything. her and alicia getting back together is everything. her finding herself and realizing she actually loves the womens center and the work they do is also everything. i just love the way her storyline played out. 10/10
whitney is my second favorite character only by default. really want to like her cus black girl representation but she falls so flat. she was boring w canaan. but i did kind of like the friends w benefits thing w the science dude and then her realizing she had feelings for canaan only to find out kimberly is a backstabbing bitch. like yes drama, emotion, some real true conflict for her. im excited. i think ill like her more now in season 3.
bela bela bela. at first i hated her bc shes done some horrible things this season that just make her a flat out asshole but somebody pointed out that bela has yet to really heal from the sexual assualt from the first season. and i think the part about her 1.8 gpa makes that clear bc shes not only being a bad person to other people but shes very self destructive rn in general and just overall spiraling. and so now even tho she deserved the consequences of her actions she got like getting cancelled, dumped, & kicked off the foxy, i still feel so bad for her. like i just want her to heal so bad. poor bby bela.
kimberly>:( you backstabbing bitch. i cant stand her. she plays the sweet innocent role so very well but it is all for show, she is clearly a very terrible friend bc how could she do this to whitney and then lie to her fucking face about it. of all the men kimberly are you serious??? i hope whit rips her apart next season. shes disappointed me. i liked her character:(
sidenote: i saw a lot of leighton x whitney content and i qdid not even consider that but why am i lowkey here for it
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pellaaearien · 2 years
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#MiqoMarch 2022 Day 4: Pet
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“Of course, if he hadn’t been spending so much time closeted with his pet…”
The venomous words, no matter how quietly hissed, brought the meeting of the House to a standstill. Artoirel, lulled into nearly a stupor by the endless circuitous arguments, sat bolt upright in his seat. It was not the first time there had been whispers about the relationship between the Lord Speaker and the Warrior of Light — those had started circulating almost immediately after the Warrior’s arrival in Ishgard. But it was the first time someone had been so careless as to speak them within the walls of the council chamber. Everyone halted, then turned to Aymeric, to see how he would react.
Aymeric’s face might have been carved of stone. He stared at the offender in silence, long enough that the man in question, Lord Preaumane, turned steadily more red in the face, though to his credit, he did not look away.
“You will not speak of the Warrior in such terms again,” Aymeric said at last, his voice as frigid and implacable as an oncoming avalanche. Unlike Preaumane, he made no other outward sign. 
Preaumane sneered. “Or what, my lord? Will you challenge me to a duel?”
There was a rustle of interest. Ever since the Republic of Ishgard had abolished the Inquisition, and by extension official Trial by Combat, it had become the fashion to settle disputes among the nobility by engaging in duels instead. Aymeric had been trying to nip the emerging tradition in the bud, without success.
Surprisingly, a faint smile played about his features. “One of the dubious benefits of being branded a bastard all one’s life: I care not a whit for mine own honour. However, my Lord Preaumane, ‘twas not I to whom you gave insult.”
He inclined his head, and the Warrior herself appeared at the rail of the gallery.
“That would be me,” she said, into the sudden pall.
28 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
FFXIV Write Entry #1
Prompt: cross || Master Post || On AO3
550 words, hurt/comfort cw for depictions of torture, threats of violence, derogatory language
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Aymeric awakens bound to the cross.
His bare back stings, exposed to the air, in anticipation of the lash. It is not the first time.
He wonders how much longer his captors will drag this out. If it will ever be possible for their malice and fury to be spent. He has already made it clear that he will tell them naught — much as he might wish it to be due to his own fortitude, it has rather more to do with the fact that they already know all he might have to tell.
What a farce. The whole of Ishgard knows exactly in whom he would have confided. And he dares not hope that the Ward remain ignorant of the Azure Dragoon and the Warrior of Light’s activities in Dravania. This is merely revenge, payback for slights real and imagined.
And his father had given him over to them without a second thought.
Aymeric drifted. Even at his most wildly optimistic he’d assumed he would be taken into custody at best, outright slain at the worst.
He had not expected the torture.
“Do you imagine you may yet save your friends?” Charibert’s voice resonated until his ears fairly throbbed with it, a strength and pitch the real Charibert’s voice had never achieved. “Your silence avails them not, cur. It is only a matter of time before they all share your fate.”
Aymeric clung to the lifeline that Charibert spoke of the future. They had not yet been captured. Some small, besieged part of his mind was screaming at him.
Wake up, you fool! It’s just a dream! He tried in vain to heed it, Charibert’s next words rushing in his ears.
“Perhaps we’ll let you watch, when we get our hands on that cat bitch of yours. I look forward to making her yowl.”
“You will not touch her—!” His voice was raw from screaming and disuse. He struggled a little more, quite uselessly. Charibert laughed, and the pain began again.
Aymeric’s eyes snapped open to darkness and quiet. Nothing about the room was unfamiliar. The soothing sound of the fountain burbling away in the corner permeated his hearing, while moonlight filtered softly through the stained glass window. He knew this room, had slept here many a night. No pain or suffering could touch him here.
His throat was as dry as the Thanalan desert, his heart pounding as though he’d just run a malm. No matter how frequently the dreams came, they never got any easier.
A soft touch on his arm shook him out of the memories, and he looked down into Eyn’ara’s lambent eyes, which held naught but love and understanding. She knew. She always knew.
After another moment to allow him to regain his bearings, she pulled him into her arms.
“They will never hurt you again,” she murmured fiercely. Aymeric suspected that the words were as much for her benefit as his own.
Sometimes even her beloved presence was not enough to banish the shadows that hounded him. The marks on his skin and the marks that went deeper. Tonight, thankfully, was not one of those nights. He lay in her arms, in her bed, in her room, and breathed deep of the peace they had fought so hard to achieve.
28 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
So based on this post that was going around a while back, I’m trying my hand at Dreamling fic. And I’ve gotten to the point where changes are happening! \o/
Dream had thought that since the walk to the castle he'd become inured to the sight of his home crumbling around him, but the shattered remnants of his throne room — the heart of his power, the memory of his last sight of the Dreaming for a hundred years — open a wound deep within him such that he nearly stumbles. 
Suddenly, it is too much to bear. 
He is the Dreaming, and the Dreaming is him. If he cannot do even this, put this one small bit to rights, what right has he to the title?
He knows immediately that it is a mistake, drawing deep from wells within himself that contain mere drops. The resulting mess is somehow worse than before. Though it is a sign of his unworthiness that so many of his subjects have abandoned him, it is a mercy that only Lucienne witnesses his fall.
"You need rest, my Lord," she insists. "And then food, and maybe a bit more rest."
"No." Dream shakes her off, dragging himself to a sitting position even as he trembles like a newborn lamb. He does not have the luxury of rest: he is the Dreaming, and the Dreaming is fading. "Is there anything of my creation that yet remains in the Dreaming?"
Galling, that he should have to ask another, but he has not yet reattuned himself to the shifting rhythms of his realm. Lucienne straightens her spine, and he looks curiously upon her change in demeanour.
"I will tell you, my Lord," she says, gentle but firm, "once you rest. You, of all people, should know the importance of taking time to recuperate, and yet you will not accept what you freely give to all."
Dream stares at her in open astonishment.
"You are here, now," she continues ruthlessly, "the damage will grow no worse. But, with respect, Sire, you will be able to do more for the Dreaming once you approach it from a place of strength." She meets his eyes and does not back down.
For an instant, embers of the old pride surge up. I am no invalid and you dare and other such admonitions rising to his lips before evaporating like the morning dew. He is that weak; his palace proclaims his sorry state, and what little power he’d retained after his captivity had gone towards taking revenge on his captors. He cannot regret it, but…
“Perhaps there is some truth in what you say,” he admits. The safety of the Dreaming is paramount, and that has always resided in his person. He refuses to allow his hubris to damage it further.
34 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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Another Word for Ache | Dream/Hob | 32K | Teen | Ongoing Ch. 7: Retrouvailles (7K)
Hunger as a Metaphor for Love, Dream of the Endless Needs a Hug, Hob Gadling wants to give him one, Non-sexual Intimacy, Inappropriate Use of Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), Episode Codas, Dream of the Endless Frees Nada, Surrealism, Matthew Swears a Lot, Dream POV, Slow Burn, Not Actually Unrequited Love (They’re Just Idiots), or: it’s okay to have dreams about your platonic best friend so long as he never finds out about them
At the end of the row, the New Inn stands, an exacting mixture of old and modern, its frontage welcoming and unassuming. The grass is up to Dream’s knees as he walks toward the open door, still drawn by the bright, dizzying cloud of something that’s calling him in, singing in his bones, planting itself with a steadfast Here I am.
[Read on AO3]
The boys finally meet! And talk? 
61 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It struck me on a rewatch that when Dream tells Death "I had a true quest, a purpose outside my function" it's perhaps the most animated we've seen him yet in the show.
Dream is a lover of stories, and music, and art, because what else are dreams? And finally, for the first time, he got to be IN a story, instead of just watching or shepherding. Even his choice of word, "quest", reflects this. A great tale, with heroes and villains and adventure... and then it's over. No wonder he feels empty. It's the same way I feel when I put down a good book.
80 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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juszar2 · 20 days
The homophobia forever and pretense to be a whit Trump voter staunch conservative swearing he'd never give the tatted up blue hair, green multi colored nails rot the time of day. All lies, if they are my enemies he'd hide in a closet with them and provide info on my life. It is a shock for someone conservative for real and very reserved/guarded and having stayed in a city state with limited opportunity for him! I do not mingle with this rot! I handle everything with almost ease as a quality/decent person minding my business and he has lied about his entire being.... Afraid to travel and Live! Maybe because of the treachery he did as a young male, but Only wanting privacy. Did Not show me Life!! And I gave him Life! Was "his world" and stayed put doing mostly what he liked and could handle!! God forbid show up in the world and present himself in courage as a man! He enjoyed the attention and since his Life is a coward.. It worked to be able to get in the closet. But would have me who is Not a coward, be pursued by my gay adolescent enemies who have been gay since then and fantasizing about being me and being in my life... Knowing I'd Never be interested in the lifestyle just to be close and emulate was enough! Get this simp conned real good! What a job one would do on a simp if his spouse was its life long interest!!! What a job. I'd felt it because God favors me. This liar forever coward forever said the following and so so much more. I do not condone demeaning homosexuality. While it is not my life, and he often says I "vote" for this and these types of folks, that is because I have no bias. I am a conservative independent but live how you want. My issue is the deviance of these lowest type of folks and largely known to be so in the community for all that they are and do. Known treacherous for the fencer.... Though they probably didnt know she was fencing. Known to be promiscuous and really no dignity do and say anything. Its also known that I do not mingle and live a private life, and that I am a positive, kind and selfless person who handles her business as best as possible. I assisted that fencer rot to benefit her career rather than saying yes to he competitors and walking right over to them and she knows it.... But then the garbage she was doing to me all along, to include involved in this trash with the Weakest ever in life toilet paper AFTER he had already proved low and failed me as I was beginning my job there and THEN stooped even lower to collude with this Rot. I'd known it was rot even its so called friends would tell me, called it a demon and more and said Why am I working to assist its career growth. That was using my skills to benefit my community which is largely underserved. I declined offers to do different and that rot knows.... Just doesn't know about all of the offers, just a few. Never is when I would Speak of anything in life. That is not me at all... But this Rot was publicly overjoyed in their efforts to harm my life after I walked away fast, but with zero conflict. Had been sabotaging my opportunities to exit prior and did not think I knew it. The fencer wanted to keep going the great success I'd been instrumental in creating so she could take another photo with a check or have another ribbon cutting or press conference. That rot can never deny that my effort solely set the trajectory of that success and sequence of events including residual success. I was energized about helping my community and had to leave it because working with someone who thinks theft and treachery is cool is Not who I am and I cannot respect that. You risk reducing yourself by remaining in company that has no standards. Not even for their self esteem or to prove your support should you stay. And so I left, and all the while the homosexual from my childhood had teamed with the Rot and was pursuing this partly white spouse. And... The fencer often spoke of how she did not like white people, isn't that something. I never told them any details of my life, but the rot homosexual stalker from my 7the grade knew...
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appventureinsights · 6 months
Unlocking Fantasy Sports Success: A Comprehensive Guide to White Label Solutions
1. What is White Label Fantasy Sports Software?
White label fantasy sports software is a pre-built platform that provides all the necessary features and functionalities for running a fantasy sports competition. This software can be rebranded and customized by another company, known as the licensee, to suit their specific needs and branding requirements. Essentially, it allows businesses to launch their own fantasy sports platform without having to develop the entire infrastructure from scratch.
2. Key Features of White Label Fantasy Sports Software:
a. Player Drafting: Allows users to draft their fantasy teams by selecting real players from a pool.
b. Team Management: Enables users to manage their fantasy teams, including making substitutions, setting lineups, and making trades.
c. Scoring System: Tracks real-time player performance and calculates scores based on predefined scoring rules.
d. League Creation: Allows users to create private or public leagues and invite friends or other participants to join.
e. Social Interaction: Provides features for social interaction such as chat, forums, and leaderboards to enhance user engagement.
f. Payment Integration: Integration with payment gateways to facilitate transactions for entry fees, prize payouts, and other financial transactions.
g. Statistics and Analytics: Provides in-depth statistics and analytics to help users make informed decisions when drafting teams or making lineup changes.
h. Customization Options: Allows licensees to customize the platform's branding, including logo, color scheme, and domain name, to align with their brand identity.
i. Mobile Compatibility: Supports mobile devices through responsive web design or native mobile apps to cater to users who prefer to play on smartphones and tablets.
3. Benefits of White Label Fantasy Sports Software:
a. Time and Cost Savings: By using a white label solution, companies can save significant time and resources that would otherwise be spent on developing a fantasy sports platform from scratch.
b. Quick Market Entry: White label software allows businesses to enter the fantasy sports market quickly, capitalizing on the growing popularity of fantasy sports without lengthy development cycles.
c. Scalability: White label solutions are often scalable, allowing businesses to handle increasing user demand as their platform grows in popularity.
d. Technical Support: Many white label providers offer technical support and maintenance services, reducing the burden on the licensee's internal IT team.
e. Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing the development and maintenance of the fantasy sports platform to a white label provider, businesses can focus on their core competencies and strategic objectives.
4. Considerations When Choosing a White Label Fantasy Sports Software Provider:
a. Features and Customization: Assess the features and customization options offered by different providers to ensure they meet your business requirements.
b. Cost Structure: Consider the pricing model, including setup fees, licensing fees, and revenue sharing arrangements, to determine the total cost of ownership.
c. Reliability and Support: Evaluate the reliability of the platform and the quality of technical support offered by the provider to ensure smooth operation of your fantasy sports platform.
d. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the white label provider complies with relevant regulations and licensing requirements in your target market to avoid legal issues.
e. User Experience: Pay attention to the user interface and experience to ensure that the platform is intuitive and user-friendly, which is crucial for attracting and retaining users.
f. Security: Verify the security measures implemented by the provider to protect user data and financial transactions from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
By carefully considering these factors and selecting a reputable white label fantasy sports software provider, businesses can successfully launch their own fantasy sports platform and capitalize on the growing demand for fantasy sports entertainment.
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artificial-ascension · 7 months
Original 13 successors
There were 13 people enrolled in the start of the L program. The 13 were picked for their intelligence but also due to knowing L personally from the time he spent as a regular orphan. These are my HCs for them.
His real name is Alejandro Alexander Anderson-Armenta. He's from England but was raised mostly by his mother who was from Spain. His father, despite loving him and his three siblings very much, couldn't be around often due to his job as a sailor. This job would eventually kill him after his ship sank. A's mother died a few months later falling from her lighthouse during a storm. After they were orphaned they A and his siblings were adopted by a kind stranger who actually was a mobster looking to sell them into human trafficing but later decided to keep them after seeing how smart A was. After living with him for a year, A realized he was being played and sook vengeance and the events that followed traumatized him for life. Afterwards he was taken to Wammys House because any kid who could take down a mafia syndicate in one night deserves to be there. His three siblings got to come too. A as a person is cunning yet fair. He prides himself on his strict moral code which includes don't kill people and don't lie. A is incredibly manipulative, usually getting whatever he wants through his whit and charm plus his overall good attitude. The things he wants are simple, A is very hedonistic and power hungry. He wants drugs, money, sex, fancy items, and most importantly power over others. He loves being first place. He loves being the first number one. He is neutral towards detective work but loves the benefits he reaps from it. But of course A was still deeply unwell. Smart and successful yes but truthfully he knew he'd never get to settle down with his success. A was thinking long term, he liked drinking and sleeping around and wasting all his money on new fancy jewelry but when he was 60 would he still want that? Probably not. Plus, A loved the younger kids. He was a terrible role model but he loved them greatly and didn't want them to go through what he did and needed to do something that would shake Wammys House so much it changed how the operated and nothing do do that better than a gool ole fashion suicide.
Other fun facts about A include:
He is transmasc. He has been since he was very young. He one day decided to be a girl again when he was nine and couldn't make it through the day so he's fairly certain little kid him was right on the gender. His parents didn't care and just went with it. They personally renamed him from Alejandra to the very creative new name Alejandro
If A had to choose a name for himself it'd be Axle because it sounds cool
His alias was Auxiliary, and while he found it incredibly insulting it was better than Alternative or something. Definitely better than Backup
A had other aliases he went by. Alan Philips Grant was the name he used to apply to colleges and Anonymity was his detective name for when he wanted to be unconnected to L
A and B are dating and are equally terrible for different reasons
A is goth. But he is often too lazy to dress the way so no one can often tell
Aside from typical gothic music A also likes rap
He doesn't actually care fordetective work. He mostly solved organized crimes cases (his roots of course) but his true passion was marine biology
He and L used to be rivals before they were friends. A is a year and two months younger than L
B is from Japan. His legal name is Beyond Birthday but before that it was Koete Tanjobi. When he moved to England, he translated his name directly into English instead of giving himself a normal name. B is part shinigami, his mom being part of some weird shinigami cult. B inherited the eyes from both his parents as they are a recesive trait. His stand in dad died in a robbery and B wasn't to torn up about it, as he was very young and did not really understand death however. His mom died in a train wreck and Beyond was with her at the time. He probably would have died too if not for his shinigami heritage. His shinigami dad is still alive but stuck on earth because his notebook is stuck on earth and no one has bothered to pick it up and give it to him (someone please help him) That’s effectively his punishment for making his horrid child. After his parents died Beyond went and lived with his uncle who eventually sent him to Wammys House as his health was failing and Wammy was a friend of his. Beyond was very shy as a child but eventually was corrupted by A and puberty which made him something of a devious ass. He actually did like detective work but never really managed to surpass A which he was fine with because he liked A alot and seeing him happy made second place much more bearable. In due time he'd gain something of an obsession with beating the real number one which was L obviously on a personal level. After A's death B left for LA where he'd get into some high jinx and several years later would commit LABB.
Other fun facts include:
He can see shinigami and the rules for transferring death note ownership don't apply to him. He can freely pick them up and give them away and not suffer memory loss
B has a medical degree and is a certified forensic tech. He really loves the dead body part of investigations. Not for any weird reason he just likes human anatomy
B gains no overt satisfaction from killing people. He doesn't really have violent urges but he has nothing telling him he shouldn't kill someone. He views a life as the ultimate tool a person has in their journey of existence. Giving it up is something you can only do once so you have to make it count and taking a life to him is just as severe. He just thinks beating L is so important is justifies sacrificing four lives
The rest under the cut.
A's older brother, Xavier, and the number 9 of gen 2. Their backstory is similar, only X is unaware that A was the cause of the mafia collapse all those years ago because A never told anyone. He's much less cruel than his brother and alot more straight edged. He likes similar things but he's alot less hardcore about them. He follows orders very well, probably because A always told him what to do as A was the smarter of the two. X generalized his cases, but wasn't much for solving them, which is why he was number 9 dispite being similarly intelligent as his brother. He eventually went on to join the British navy as he came from a well recognized military family and his Wammys connections gave him more free reign than he otherwise would have had. He probably has the most fulfilling Wammys kid life, other than his dead brother which never got over
Fun X facts:
His name is pronounced the Spanish way therfore he sounds more like an H than an X
His alias was Xenon, because there aren't alot of good X names around
He and A used to bully other kids for fun when they were little. X was the muscle, A was the reason they never got caught
He's older than A by three years and has a lot more experience with the real world being one of the only Wammys kids to ever go to public school at some point in their life
They have a photographic memory and remember everything from A's birth onwards
Gen 2s number one. She's from South Korea and her name is Yujin Jin and she hates the repeating sound. Y was more of a peace keeper, being one of the older kids she tried to keep the other L clones civil but always failed. Her parents actually went missing and were never found. There's absolutely no idea where they went but there's strong evidence that they abandoned her to start a new life elsewhere. After she was abandoned she went to an orphanage and was eventually transferred to Wammy's for her brilliance. She was the only other Wammys kid to live a decent life, returning to South Korea as an adult to be a college professor
Fun Y facts:
Her alias was Yin
She was the third oldest of the original successors
She specialized in cold cases and always considered trying to solve her parents case but was too afraid of what she'd learn to do it
She teaches history
Gen 2s number three. He name is Zoe Duval and she was from France. Her parents we arrested for something she is still unaware of. She is a bit afraid to see it because she's certain it was bad. She's very much a more carefree and cool person though somewhat of a loose cannon and overall goofball. She's similar to T in alot of ways and they're good friends but she's close with everyone.
Lowest of the originals on the rankings. Not out of stupidity but out of sheer laziness. F is a serious drug addict, though most people can't tell. He's very put together and organized. He sells most of the drugs in Wammys and has gained the reputation as a fun sucker as he plays closer to the rules and generally has the idea of a good time as a calm time. His parents were shot and killed in a robbery. He went though foster care for a while and managed to loose an additional four sets of families before eventually ending up in Wammys House. F unfortunately dies in the field, and is the only other Wammys kid to die in the same place by the same method as their parents (A being the other) For F, he was on a mission in his home country of Taiwan when he was shot.
Fun F facts:
His real name is Feng Lao and his ailias was Ferrum. He also got called Fang alot which he somewhat hated mostly because he didn't like his name being butchered to much. It did somewhat end up becoming his drug dealer name. He has another detective name he rarely uses, which is Fairweather
F barely did detective work. Mostly drug related cases because he was already a drug dealer and already knew how they worked. Plus... he got some good plugs when he didn't arrest people...
F hates guns and therfore has to get weird with his weapon choice. He's well trained in sticks and other long weapons, his weapon of choice is his trusty lead pipe
He has arcade carpet in his room, glowing stars on his ceiling, neon signs on his walls. He loves bright color and no one ever bothered to see what he did to that poor dorm room... the only person who will room with him is K because they are in love (K hates the decor but loves the man) (F is also Bisexual)
F is a character who actually exists. He was in the beginning ofthe L Change The World movie but not the book (I love obscure Wammys kids so much...)
I roleplay him on Tumblr
K's parents were good friends of Watari and occasionally taught at Wammys. The orphanage has always felt like a second home to her so she adjusted well.
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stranger-shit · 5 years
Me, getting a fuckfriend: Okay, pero sólo de compas.
Also me, a week later: No mames, estoy bien enculada
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tchutchuca03 · 7 years
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