#demon saint Germain
marune2 · 5 months
What if :count saint Germain meet saint Germain“Original Story
Saint Germain: so as fare I see you did turn him in you wold……what a surprise
Count germain:hm yes I have you looking not happy say how whas he in you wold? Didn’t you turn him? After all it’s Wunder my whit my wisdom about you“smile
Saint germain: hm be honest I didn’t think mush he whas a tule to get material and a Rome to experiment and power of curse
Count germain: so you get‘s closer? I know how I look if I’m not sure if it’s whas the right you getting attached to him but why didn’t you turn him? After all you have not really morals from us tow saint
Saint Germain: excuse my but yes I did like him he whas charming but it shouldn’t be be honest this is why I turned the youngest son from him we had unspoken rule’s count
Count Germain: there I thought it would be learning something nice this happened I guess he’s son whas not happy too?
Saint Germain: surprisingly he whas happy but leaders year’s he whas not sad this is all I can say I missing my children
Count Germain: don’t say you did whit him…..is he the child of you tow?
Saint Germain:oh not biological we had what going on but I had the form of a older man in he’s age he didn’t know I can change my form but he did find out wo I whas this is why I couldn’t turn him
Count Germanin:hm I can’t say something bad I suppose in you situation……..:
Saint Germain: hm good so you and him are in this wold together because you did turn him??? Na at least friend whit benefits as fare I see
Count Germain: It’s nothing of you concern saint
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v-akarai · 1 year
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“everything that moved mother to do things she did was that person’s plan”
okay HOW??
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acediathemelancholy · 4 months
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There are at least two three part concepts included in this cover. The first is the Trinity: Pater, Filius, and Sanctus Spiritus (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). It’s the concept from Christianity of one god with three parts. (This concept really caught steam with Roman Catholicism in the first couple of centuries after Christianity existed, and to clarify not all Christian sects believe in the concept of the Trinity but most do). 
The other named three part concept here is the branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. This idea of a government that finds balance from separating its power into three parts is from the Enlightenment, specifically from De l'esprit des lois (The Spirit of the Laws) by Montesquieu published in 1748. Briefly, the legislative branch should make law, the executive branch should enforce the law, and the judicial branch is the courts. 
Now within Servamp, it’s clear that Tanaka Strike is connecting the Trinity concept with the necessary elements to create a servamp. The human vessel, the demon of the sin itself, and the spirits of those used to create the servamp all combine to make one entity. It’s also generally implied Servamp’s Saint Germain is around a similar age to the Trinity concept since his character seems to be influenced by Theosophy’s version of Saint Germain more than the potential historical figure. 
The separation of powers is from the Enlightenment (specifically Eighteenth Century France), which within Servamp is typically associated with the Aliceins and Lily. Beyond that, Abel is decapitated here when the guillotine was a main form of execution used during the French Revolution. Which leads me to believe a third three part concept is implied with this cover: the Three Estates of Pre-Revolutionary France. The Three Estates included The Clergy (First), The Nobility (Second), and The Commoners (Third). The King was separate from all Three Estates. 
Lily intends to make Mikuni the King. In this cover, Mikuni is in the center, not touching any of the corners. There are two fallen chess pieces by his feet: a bishop (the clergy) and the knight (the nobility). On its face, their scheme involves sacrificing the lives of the everyday people of Tokyo (the commoners). 
And this doesn’t even cover the Greco-Roman allusions in this cover which I’ll include in a part two...
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xxsycamore · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! Yes, this includes all 17 suitors. I'm no expert on the genre but I thought this might be fun! Some of them die. I'm sorry. Warnings: everything that can appear in a horror movie really, including mentions of death, mass murder, blood, gore, torture, cults.
If you feel like reading something more goofy where everyone lives, try Pumpkin Carving Competition At Saint Germain’s Mansion or maybe even “Welcome to Saint Germain’s mansion, please have a fang-tastic night.” 
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The "okay guys, we need a plan" guy and welp, he has a sword, he is willing to walk in front, why not trust him? 👍🏻✨He's totally the one to hide being infected because come on, how are they gonna get out of there alive if the leader is down? Has a dramatic scene where he's fighting off the transformation in secret. Ends up being saved by someone and survives.
Leonardo is the one you find along the journey, mistaking for an enemy at first as you get into his trap... when it actually turns out he's been there long before you, surviving all alone in this post-apocalyptic setting, adapted to it, prepared for every danger out there with gadgets he made himself! He might not stay alive until the end but plays a key role in the plot.
He tried to warn them not to do anything stupid... He's now stuck suffering from the group's bad decision-making. He doesn't even know how he ended up there. Mozart is that one character that you're supposed to hate for being an asshole. At one point he falls in danger that specifically relates to a fear of his, and when everyone expects him to sacrifice another person to save himself, he does the opposite. He seemingly dies right there, breaking everyone's hearts, only to be revealed at the very end that he managed to survive!
𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐀𝐂 (credits for the idea goes to @scummy-writes guys she can write a whole fic of those I swear,, it's been such a pleasure listening to her)
Isaac needs to be saved five minutes into the movie... which writes him off as the weaker one from the get-go. This is going to be bad if the situation comes to "we gotta leave someone behind or we all die here!" - but hey, DON'T LEAVE ISAAC BEHIND IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE! Because the next thing you know everyone falls into this deadly trap that only HE can figure the way out of, using his big brain skills. His worth has been proved! Everyone loves him now! And all he wants is to go back home and never go on a trip with these guys ever again!
I'm sorry, Arthur dies first. The others are trying to warn him about the cases of victims who've been sucked to a dry husk and he's like "later virgins, i have a date tonight". Yeah his date totally killed him. Bonus points if we're dealing with vampires here, because irony. It's fine though, he's still important to the plot after he dies, because we find his writing diary and he left important cues there while trying to escape from his killer. Maybe he even came close to the truth! He knows his mystery genre stuff after all...
Theo just does NOT believe paranormal exists, not even after witnessing it with his own two eyes. Worst part, he tries to convince the others too. "My broer IS NOT POSSESSED!" Uhuh! Okay Theo! You just saw cryptic images appear on his canvas without him even moving the brush but I guess he was just trying a new painting technique!! And he levitates too and his eyes are tar black but what do we know... Once Theo realizes the situation, he's out there swinging a bat (sexy), ready to beat the shit out of whatever caused this, and he's good at it. Don't worry about him dying.
Poor baby Vincent is every sinister ghost/demon's number-one target. Vincent listens to the voices. He sympathizes with them! He makes friends with them! Maybe he doesn't even need to be possessed at this rate... Same story with joining a cult, honestly. When their bad intentions begin to come to light, Vincent puts up a fight and is suddenly not as easy to control as they thought.
Jean might take some bullets from our main cast while someone shouts "IT WON'T DIE!" but it's fine he's used to it... he's been dead for quite some time and not just inside. Jean is probably the result of some sick experiment about making an immortal army of warriors and. It's sad. But it's fine because he joins the protagonists now! He's friend! I hope they apologize for calling him a monster. No, he doesn't die by the end of the movie, but at what cost?
"Oh, it was just Dazai." Of course it was, someone has to be that one idiot that scares the shit out of everyone until he becomes the boy who cried wolf. Which usually ends with death! I'm sorry Dazai. At least they can take him seriously now and pay some more attention to the strange things he kept on saying.
A very old-school villain! Bonus points if the setting is modern yet he still has a villain's lair and all that. There's something beautiful and tragic about him and he probably dramatically lets himself be defeated even if he had a chance to escape. Everyone will remember him. Mostly for the mental and physical torture, but still.
"But we have one hour left until the curse kills us all, how are we gonna get there on time?!" *sounds of safari jeep pulling over* "Someone ordered a ride?" - yeah. Comte is here to save the day with the power of money friendship. And not just that! Who is the one who suddenly remembers a family heirloom that is as old as time and suspiciously shaped exactly like the key they're searching for? I also want him to lose an eye or a limb for some reason... just for a little touch of gore maybe?
Gods, Sebastian is the only prepared one, bless him for that. He's read all about that urban legend while everyone's been busy denying its existence. He is not scared at all, too... you might wonder if he's just geeking out during all of this bloody mess or something. He's so important, please don't let him die please don't let him die... he died.
The villain's aide that infiltrates the protagonists' group. By the time his betrayal scene happens and he nearly kills three members of the group with a chainsaw, we get a glimpse of his trauma and that's the key to sucessfully talking him out of doing it, eventually disarming him and catching him. He manages to escape and maybe later returns as an ally! Yay!
Gods he's scary. I'm not watching this. Of course he's the killer, what did you expect? Has a tragic backstory of being used by an even more fucked-up killer in the past to do the dirty work for - and kept doing it even after getting rid of them himself, because that's the only thing he knows how to do. You can't fix him.
IT'S HIMMM he's the scary little boy from the photos and the same scary little boy that always shows up in the rose garden and his soul just won't rest in peace!! Shows up in his adult form plenty too, just expect his expression to twist into something horrible every second. He needs to be sealed forever somewhere and it would take three sequels to get to know what would actually defeat him once and for all.
... I'm sorry but there definitely is a lighthouse in this movie. And you can totally trust Drake! The poor guy's body just washed up for you to discover, tragically drowned-oh, wait no, he's breathing. He's totally not the same sailor who died around here many, many years ago. He's gonna keep you good company in the lighthouse alone for miles.
Galileo is the one who saw the Thing™ with his own eyes, while he was watching the stars one night ages ago. He dedicated not only his massive research but also his life to this, yet noone believes him. If he somehow manages to find that one missing piece that connects everything together, he will die a horrifying death before he can even share it with the main cast. Rip...
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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tepli-mravenci · 2 years
So I'm watching Netflix's Castlevania and I've got to say every time a non-european show includes a map of Europe, it gives me brain damage
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It's the year of our lord 1477~ and Europe does not look like that
Now I realize this is fiction, there are vampires and demons, but this is real Europe, they could've just set it in a random fantasy setting, they did not and this is not 1477 Europe
So what exactly is wrong here and why am I, a European that's otherwise terrible at geography, being a bitch about it?
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The eastern part is pretty okay for post-middle-age map standards (I mean Moldavia is way too big and close and Hungary way too small and the borders should be a bit different but), maps weren't historically very accurate when it comes to the shapes and sizes of countries since we had no way of like, looking at them from high above
However something like borders with other countries would be damn important and there's mistakes there, that chunk of Poland at the bottom is supposed to belong to Hungary and Poland shouldn't actually touch Austria at all
The lines I drew are also not the most accurate cause this is a terrible map but basically the Kingdom of Poland should not expand to the west at all, there behind the line is the Holy Roman Empire (mostly modern Germany) and Bohemia (modern Czechia), (which was included in the HRE at the time according to some sources?), should also be there on the map
That's also the whole reason I even went back to the scene with the map at all, cause Saint-Germain mentioned he talked with the KING of BOHEMIA but BOHEMIA is NOT on the MAP.
The actual king of Bohemia around this time was Vladislaus II of Hungary who was originally from Poland (#just europe things). Which doesn't mean it was part of Hungary or Poland cause that's just not how the politics worked at the time. One king was often a king of multiple countries at once with them still being separate countries.
Austria is also way too close in shape to modern Austria which is also not right and since the Roman emperor at the time was Austrian it should really be a part of HRE way more than Bohemia that straight up disappeared.
Also Bavaria was not a city??? It was (and still is) a region if anything and not at all on the same level as Budapest, the placement of Transylvania is just as funky as the placement of Moldavia and what in god's name is Bosnia doing right under Austria??
Anyway if this isn't just non-europeans drawing Europe wrong the implications here are mostly that the Holy Roman Empire shriveled up and died which is not supposed to happen until a few centuries later, which would make sense if the church essentially brought hell on Earth by pissing off Dracula. Then Poland took over I suppose.
The rest could be explained by crap cartography of the post-middle-ages and small changes in politics due to the whole Dracula night hordes thing but I still needed to get this off my chest
If anyone can tackle (or tackled) this better than me (which is entirely possible, as I said I'm pretty bad at geography) you can let me know
My main issue here is that I don't know if I'm supposed to be like yo that's not what Europe should look like - as in - Europe is in complete chaos rn or if I'm supposed to be like ah yes normal map of Europe
Edit: pls go to the notes for even more info about how wrong this map is <3
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malachiexists13 · 22 days
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TLDR: I'm doing Kinktober this year using a list I made myself. The blank version is available in the post linked above. Below is the list I'll be editing over the month of October to show what I am writing/not writing and I'm only doing up to two prompts per day. You can submit multiple prompts and there's no limit to how many per character but I cannot promise that they'll all be written this year. Some may be saved for next year.
[OBEY ME] Lucifer || Leviathan || Belphegor || Solomon || Barbatos
[IKESEN] Mitsuhide Akechi || Mitsunari Ishida || Ranmaru Mori || Kanetsugu Naoe || Kenshin Uesugi || Kicho
[IKEVAMP] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart || Comte de Saint-Germain || Sebastian || Johann Georg Faust
[IKEPRI] Chevalier Michel || Licht Klein || Gilbert von Obsidian
[IKEVIL] William Rex || Ellis Twilight || Elbert Greetia
[GENSHIN IMPACT] Aether || Venti || Zhongli || Albedo || Xiao || Kaedehara Kazuha || Thoma || Gorou || Shikanoin Heizou || Tighnari || Cyno || Wanderer/Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche || Alhaitham || Kaveh || Lyney || Freminet || Neuvillette || Wriothesley || Kinich
[DEMON SLAYER] Giyuu Tomioka || Obanai Iguro || Michikatsu Tsugikuni || Yoriichi Tsugikuni
As the writer, I reserve the right to deny any prompts that I do not feel comfortable writing or any requests from people who are rude and/or disrespectful. If I do not post your request on the day you asked for, it means I either chose not to write it or I may have saved it for next year. Please do not harass and/or send me messages asking about it.
Requests OPEN
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Crossed Out - Not Writing It || Blue Text - Author Picked || Purple Text - Requested
DAY 1: Porn Actors AU || Anonymous Sex || One Night Stand
DAY 2: Handjobs || Fingering || Piercings
DAY 3: Orgasm Control || Squirting || Cumming Early/Prematurely
DAY 4: Make-Up Sex || Mirror Sex || Bondage
DAY 5: Phone Sex || Guided Touching || Rough Sex
DAY 6: Against A Wall || Sixty-Nine || Creampie
DAY 7: Sensory Deprivation || Sex Toys || Breath Play
DAY 8: Workplace Sex || Car Sex || Desk/Office Sex
DAY 9: Choking || Dacryphilia || Hate Sex
DAY 10: Accidental Stimulation || Humiliation || Clothes On
DAY 11: Wet Dreams || Sexual Fantasy || Femdom
DAY 12: First Time/s || Role Reversal || Dirty Talk
DAY 13: Striptease || Fetish Clothing || Lingerie
DAY 14: Discipline/Punishment || Praise/Degradation || Teasing
DAY 15: Bathroom Sex || Public/ Outdoor Sex || Hair-Pulling
DAY 16: Pregnancy Sex || Overstimulation || Lap Dance
DAY 17: Spanking || Roleplay || Blood
DAY 18: Dry Humping || Aphrodisiacs || Intoxication
DAY 19: Begging || Crossdressing || Stomach Bulge
DAY 20: Infidelity/Cuckolding || Threesome || Cunnilingus
DAY 21: Anal/Pegging || Size Difference || Shower/Bath Sex
DAY 22: Breeding || Heats/Ruts || Thigh-riding
DAY 23: Strap-On || Cum Dump || Knotting
DAY 24: Facesitting || Deepthroating || Masturbation
DAY 25: Exhibitionism || Getting Caught || Voyeurism
DAY 26: Double Penetration || Orgy || Switching Partners
DAY 27: Casual Sex/FWB || Monsterfucking || Daddy Kink
DAY 28: Biting/Marking || Jealousy || Possessiveness
DAY 29: Mommy Kink || Blowjob || Blindfolds/Restraints
DAY 30: Cockwarming || Somnophilia || Foreplay/Aftercare
DAY 31: Worship || Sub/Dom || Vanilla Sex || Free Space
DAY 1: Disaster ||
DAY 2: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 3: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 4: "Forgive Me, Baby?" ||
DAY 5: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 6: Hard to Say No ||
DAY 7: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 8: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 9: Detestation or Adoration? ||
DAY 10: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 11: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 12: A Bet ||
DAY 13: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 14: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 15: Apprehension ||
DAY 16: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 17: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 18: A Lesson in Botany ||
DAY 19: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 20: Sweet Addiction ||
DAY 21: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 22: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 23: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 24: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 25: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 26: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 27: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 28: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 29: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 30: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 31: Nothing to be seen here yet
All works found in these masterlists are only posted to Tumblr and Archive of Our Own under the name "Malachi Exists" or another variation with the number "13". If they are found elsewhere, that means it is a stolen work and should be reported as such.
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Next up is the Alive For Centuries Tournament.
Submit a character that is at least 2 centuries old, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
The character does have to be considered alive to count. I know I said otherwise a while back but I have since changed my mind. As a result ghost or vampire characters, to give a couple examples, no longer count for the purposes of this tournament.
Submissions will be closing on the 15th of September.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Saint Germain (Code: Realize)
Agatha Cromwell (Halloweentown)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Glep (Smiling Friends)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Ren (My Demon Roomate)
Chiron (Percy Jackson)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (Chronicles of the Red King/Charlie Bone)
Breq (Imperial Radch/Ancillary Justice)
The Strength and Patience of the Hill (The Raven Tower)
Addie LaRue (The Invisible Live of Addie LaRue)
Andrew Martin (Bicentennial Man)
Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Connor MacLeod (Highlander)
Princess Kida (Atlantis the Lost Empire)
Hooty (The Owl House)
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Darkstalker (Wings of Fire)
Scythe Curie (Arc of a Scythe)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Logan Howlett (Deadpool and Wolverine)
Lilia Vanrouge (Twisted Wonderland)
Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Zunesha (One Piece)
Foeslayer (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa III (Wings of Fire)
Gruff (Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast)
Melog (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
The Titan (The Owl House)
Rock (Warrior Cats)
Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Solas (Dragon Age)
Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Taiju (Dr. Stone)
Acnologia (Fairy Tail)
Irene Belserion (Fairy Tail)
Belos/Philip Witterbane (The Owl House)
The Darf in the Flasc/Homonculus/Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Fujiwara no Mokou (Touhou Project)
Houraisan Kaguya (Touhou Project)
Methos (Highlander the Series)
Theresa (The Fable Universe)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time)
Jerboa I (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa II (Wings of Fire)
Oprah/Ms. O (Odd Squad)
Grandmaster Yoda (Star Wars)
Reaver (The Fable Universe)
Rowena MacLeod (Supernatural)
Rashek/The Lord Ruler (Mistborn)
Carbink (Pokemon)
Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Giratina (Pokémon)
The Axolotl (Gravity Falls)
Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Dongfang Qingcang (Love Between Fairy and Devil)
Atticus O’Sullivan (Iron Druid Chronicles)
Lynette Mirror/Cupid (Cupid Parasite)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda)
Pian Ran (Till The End of the Moon)
Fangyue (Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity)
Liliana Vess (Magic the Gathering)
Carol Malus Dienheim (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
Quenthel Baenre (Dungeons & Dragons)
Pride (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lord Death (Soul Eater)
Asura (Soul Eater)
Excalibur (Soul Eater)
Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Cthulhu (Cthulhu Mythos)
Keziah Mason (Cthulhu Mythos)
Mortarion (Warhammer 40k)
Fulgrim (Warhammer 40k)
Perterabo (Warhammer 40k)
Lorgar Aureiian (Warhammer 40k)
Magnus the Red (Warhammer 40k)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Typhus (Warhammer 40k)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
Fabius Bile (Warhammer 40k)
Kharn the Betrayer (Warhammer 40k)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Abbadon the Despoiler (Warhammer 40k)
Asdrubael Vect (Warhammer 40k)
The Devil (Reaper)
Nina (Reaper)
Gladys (Reaper)
Tony (Reaper)
Ikaros (Heaven's Lost Property)
Princess of the Klaxosaurs/001 (Darling in the Franxx)
Orsted (Mushoku Tensei)
Hitogami (Mushoku Tensei)
Deus Ex Machina (Future Diary)
Kagura (Senran Kagura)
Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Kanna (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings)
Lolth (Dungeons & Dragons)
Fitoria (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Hamsuke (Overlord)
Cosmo (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Wanda (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Etna (Disgaea)
The Thing (The Thing)
Phillip J. Fry (Futurama)
Echidna (Queen's Blade)
Earth-chan (Femdom University)
Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown)
Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown)
Dojo Kanojo Cho (Xiaolin Showdown)
Hannibal Roy Bean (Xiaolin Showdown)
Master Monk Guan (Xiaolin Showdown)
Roswaal L. Mathers (Re:Zero)
Beatrice (Re:Zero)
Anya Jenkins (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Zel (Interspecies Reviewers)
Elma (Interspecies Reviewers)
Lorna (Interspecies Reviewers)
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
My Twisted Mind
And The Men Who Have Made Me That Way...
I find I have a twisted way of being attracted to some men in my otome games. Like for instance I love Dance With Devils however Urie attracted me because of the saying below, sick right?
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Then there is Itychs in Star Crossed Myth that says below and although not sure he was meaning it per say I found myself even more attracted to him. The idea of someone wanting to make love to you until they break you is a odd thing to say but when its from a god it can be taken so many ways.
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Pewrep surprised me with this specific action but yet at the same time I found it so hot that he wanted to lick her until everyone could smell him on her and know that she was his. Talk about possessiveness which is hot in itself.
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This wasn't normal and probably should not romanticize it in my head but yet I found them just that romantic that he would go to hell for her as well as he had no regrets of the damage he may have done to her mind for kidnapping her but he isn't apologetic for it. Still again somehow romantic.
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Sadly saint germain could kill me any day if he looks they way he does below. Like the sound of his voice, the atmosphere as he leans in oh my lord the way to go out of this world couldn't imagine a better way however I would have pushed my luck and asked for a kiss first.
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I don't get it he isn't the most attractive yet at some point he became sexy to me. His look the way he even talks and his quotes draw me in.
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Laito damn this man is sexy all in itself. Another one to die but and with him he will make it feel real good when he does it. Its like taking you to heaven before taking you to hell.
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Somehow the way Fuuto comes across at times especially when he was dressed as a vampire is pretty hot. They used to be cringey to me but then I played the game and realized he is sexier than I once thought. Even his borderline possession and aggressiveness can come off hot in the right setting.
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Misyr the sexiest demon I have ever seen yes please kidnap me I will volunteer completely. He jokes but yet still sexy when he says it then gives a wink after.
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My dear Ikki yes please break everyone else. The fact he wants to have his way with him woman weirdly enough that is fuckin hot. This man could do so many things to me and I would never complain.
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Yes I know seriously this is a weird list for me. They are not full on yandere type men and I know thats big for alot of anime/otome lovers however mine are just slightly twisted but not yandere psycho well most times at least. Not sure if anyone else agrees with me but damn this is my hot twisted men list for sure. They are in no specific order.
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year
Man. Kuro really just attracts people who want to keep him alive and living, methods varying. All of whom want to be around him. All of whom are under his strange influence.
Germaine. The Count Saint, responsible for a good majority of the horrors known to the magic world of Servamp through his blood and experiments, had started all of what was happening because of his love for Adam and the grief of losing him to something as seemingly inescapable as death. He brought Sleepy Ash from the dead just so he can live a life that was robbed of him. His goal? Germaine wanted to be beside Adam and then Sleepy Ash. To live beside him.
Sloth. A demon born from Sleepy Ash himself, of the feelings and parts of himself that he cast away. A physical manifestation of his power as a supernatural being. Sloth is the being that actively keeps Kuro alive each and every moment no matter if it was a choice or not. Sloth... never really gives us any hints that he himself wanted to die as Kuro does so I can only assume. It turns out, all Sloth wanted from the start was to be accepted by his host and to live beside him. As two but one.
And Mahiru... Mahiru, the stubborn human that bonded himself with Kuro and made the vampire face his deepest fears and regrets and made him accept himself as someone who cannot die. Someone who is a vampire. Mahiru with his mortal life, makes Kuro look forward instead of back and makes him live no matter how much he never wanted to. Mahiru walks by his side, stubborn as a mule. Mahiru knows Kuro cannot die, so instead of wanting him to stay alive, he wants Kuro to live. Even after his own bones turn to dust.
Kuro is surrounded by people who want him alive and want him to live, no matter if he wants that or not.
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
Obey me x ikevamp because of my twst x ikepri
Ikevamp would take place first here (I mean time travel lol-
Barbatos kinda just goes- this could be interesting and adds MC to the pile of applicants.
Ikevamp bois panicking about their sweet little human disappearing. Comete finally figuring out that they are in Devildom and literally his and Vlad's palaces are transferd there and they go find their human
Barbatos hateing Saint-Germain and Vlad
Simeon and Luke get excited of Saint Germain
The brothers and the residents causing hell and chaos
MC not being too scared, a little worried about the demons until they figured out that they were demons and won't die too easily-
Vlad and Germain, being held back by Napolean, Jean, and Leonado, trying to kill Belphie
Mc calmly useing blood for practicing curses and potions
Mc hideing from Asmo and Aurthur
Mc and Sebastian maksing sure Solomon can't ever toutch a kitchen again
Satan fangirling over the vamps
Solomon and the vamps talking in slang of differnt eras with no besitation
Mc and Levi updating the Vamps on current tech
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hekateinhell · 1 year
#VCKinkWeek, Day 4: Pet Play
I was hoping to have this one (and another) done for kink week but real life has been happening and I don't want to phone it in, so here's a 2k snippet of my Lestat/Armand pet play fic for now — just something sweet and lighthearted! 💖
“You do look like a prissy cat, you know.”
“A what?” The look on Armand’s face was comical, his large eyes widening even more, the corners of his mouth tugging down further in annoyance — truly the very image of a disgruntled feline. 
Lestat couldn’t help it, he never could. Loud, rancorous laughter burst out of him, the kind that had him putting a hand over his chest to emphasize the melodrama of the moment, the kind that brought blood tears to his eyes. “A bothered petit pussycat, like some unlucky fool has just tossed you into the bath.”
Armand’s eyebrows shot up, his lips starting to twitch with poorly suppressed mirth. He seemed more entertained by the spectacle Lestat made rather than the actual words coming out of his mouth. 
“Is that right?” Armand settled himself on the velvet settee beside him, the proud tilt of his head making something in the region of Lestat’s chest clench painfully. 
What a princeling still, strong and poised, after everything he had endured.
“Yes,” Lestat’s laughter faded now and he quickly passed a hand over his face to dispose of any remaining evidence of the earlier display.
“Yes,” he continued, throat constricting with emotion, “If you were mon petit chaton, I would adorn you with the most luxurious collar money could buy. I would bathe you every night and feed you out of the palm of my hand, tender little thing that you are. I would have you in my coat pocket everywhere I go, and I would once never let you out of my sight. I would gather you to my chest at dawn each night and hold you there tightly until the sunset. You would be my most beloved pet, my most cherished possession.” 
Lestat ended abruptly then, breathless and acutely aware how every sentence he'd just uttered was paramount to a holy confession, a wretched love letter. He couldn't bear to look at Armand, to see the little demon feign surprise at Lestat's affection for him when it had been penned in at least five different novels for the entire world to see. 
And if Armand laughed, presumed it was merely the joke of an overly theatrical buffoon? Well, that would be the worst of all, wouldn't it? 
Oh Lestat, such pretty, hollow words from a monster’s mouth. 
Armand shifted closer, his deceptively delicate hand coming to rest over Lestat’s much larger one, the metal of their gold rings clinking together as he leaned fully against Lestat’s shoulder, 
I would let you, if that is what your heart desires. Whatever may please our king, of course. 
More than the slightest hint of sarcasm evident in Armand’s telepathic communications, and Armand must have felt him bristle because he pressed a little kiss to his collarbone, a crumb of sweetness to cleanse away the sting. 
Little Devil, Armand!
“Open it,” Lestat demanded with all the enthusiasm and intensity of a young child as he shoved the dark green velvet-covered rectangular box into Armand’s open hands. 
A rare moment when his youth truly shown through, the luminance of the hallway sconces catching onto the highlights in his golden curls as they bounced against his shoulders from a boyish excitement he could not contain. 
How sweet Lestat could be when he was in such a pleasant and playful mood. 
Bittersweet warmth bloomed through Armand’s chest at the sight, rising in his throat to temporarily restrict his vocal cords. He suppressed most of a smile as he collected his bearings, grounding himself by listening for the chaotic sounds of life just outside the heavy front doors of the Saint-Germain house. 
No need to indulge Lestat just yet. There would be time for that later. 
“And to what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked, knowing the longer he drew out the moment, the more gratifying the reward would be later for the both of them.  
Lestat, always so impatient, shifted his weight from one foot to the other in a decidedly human fashion.
No response as his large gray eyes darted restlessly from Armand’s carefully composed face to complete an extremely unnecessary inventory of the priceless paintings that decorated the entry area of the mansion and back again. The nervous, primal energy he had never quite been able to shed for any significant duration of time exhibiting itself for all to see. 
‘All’ presently meaning Armand. A rare occasion to be the only inhabitant of his own home over the past week — a blessing and curse. Until Lestat had arrived. 
“Nothing’s changed since you were last here,” Armand promised, placing a gentle hand on Lestat's forearm, brushing over the downy blond hairs repeatedly as though he meant to soothe an overstimulated animal. 
A puppy, perhaps. 
Maybe that’s why Lestat loved them so… After all, how often do we love other creatures at least in part for the aspects of ourselves which we see in them?
Lestat nodded in response, his throat making an audible click that Armand relished, the hunter in him thrilling at the giveaway of an easy mark in his midst.
A large hand came to brush against his rounded cheek, the invitation too great to resist, Lestat’s darker skin so warm and radiant from the fresh kill. Armand couldn’t help but to turn his face to nuzzle into his palm, chasing the sensation as if he could do away with the barriers of the flesh that separated them from each other. 
“If you think I am a dog, then you surely must be a kitten,” Lestat murmured, appearing every bit as serious as a scientist reporting his findings to a jury of his peers. “And what divine timing that I discover this now,” he continued, nudging the box still unopened in Armand’s other hand. “Must I beg?” he gestured widely, every ounce the dramatic Leilo on the stage he had once been. 
“It would do you well to beg me more often, Lestat,” Armand couldn’t resist a final provocation before he relented, stepping back for space to undo the little gold clasp at the front and pull back the cushioned lid. 
It’s a thin band of rigid emerald velvet, the circumference greater than that of a wrist but smaller than a waist, and directly in the middle lay an ornate square-cut gemstone of a similar color framed in a border of gold crusted with small diamonds. A single little golden bell clipped to the center of the band below the emerald. 
Certainly not… Armand furrowed his brow even as his lips curved upwards, betraying himself once again. Lestat wouldn’t be that presumptuous. Oh, but he would — if anyone would. 
There’s no mistaking the object in question. 
“A collar, Lestat? You would have me be your pet, in all seriousness?” Impossible to ignore the thrill that ran electric throughout his veins at hearing himself say the words, at seeing Lestat’s mouth drop open just enough to barely expose the very tips of his fangs, pupils dilating as his dead pulse quickened in response. 
“In all seriousness, yes,” he whispered, his stare piercing in its intensity as he reached forward to push back Armand’s auburn hair from his shoulders before gently rubbing his index and middle fingers over the slight swell of his adam’s apple where a collar would rest. “May I?” 
A formality, he must know that. How could Armand ever hope to deny him in this state? Open and yielding and giving, a merciful rainstorm after a long, savage drought. How many times had Armand fantasized over the centuries of having Lestat’s attention just so? 
“Of course,” his voice sounded small to his own ears but no matter, let Lestat think that was his original intent. He cast his long lashes down, knowing what an artfully deceptive picture of submission he made with the playful shadows over his cheekbones, head bowed ever so slightly: a perfectly trained pet ready to receive its master. Claws retracted and hidden for the time being. 
“My, my, aren’t you the sweetest of kittens?” Lestat’s speech held the tone of abject reverence as his fingers brushed against the back of Armand’s neck to fasten the collar into place. Armand imagined that he trembled as the band nestled snugly over his skin; the room shimmering in tones of yellow and rose, his senses crossing they often wont to in the formidable arousal of the moment. 
Armand’s entire world boiling down — as it so often did — to Lestat. His touch, the gray of his iridescent eyes that brought to mind a windswept beach on a stormy night, the hypnotic call of his powerful blood, unmistakable in its scent, made Armand’s mouth ache with thirst. The sound of Armand’s own drumming heart and the aroma of Lestat not a hair's breadth away crossing in his mind, drowning out whatever words the man was uttering now. 
“Armand… Armand… there he is, there is mon petit chaton.” Lestat was smiling, the little crinkles that formed around his eyes whenever he did something so human, his mouth still moving, making the same shapes over and over again.
Armand shook his head, hoping too late Lestat wouldn’t interpret the gesture as being directed at him.
It seemed ridiculously comical all of a sudden, standing here in the foyer of his home, spellbound into silence by having Lestat in front of him, seemingly proposing they play a game Armand didn’t fully grasp, in spite of him recalling the thought he had dropped into Lestat’s mind a couple of weeks prior: I would let you, if that is what your heart desires.
They’re at the precipice of something, a notion somehow too foreign and too familiar at the same time.
Lestat’s eyes darting towards the staircase and back to Armand’s face, awaiting an invitation that even he wasn’t bold enough to presume was his for the taking. His hands dropped back to his sides, the tissue paper in the boutique bag he still carried at his elbow rustled with the movement. 
“What else do you have in there, Lestat?” Without waiting for a reply, Armand offered him his most beatific smile, holding out his hand and gesturing him closer as though Armand were the one persuading a feral cat.
Lestat exhaled, a look not unlike relief brightening his features as he followed Armand up the narrow staircase to the bedchambers. “Ah, but curiosity killed the cat!” He clapped his hands, clearly pushing past whatever reserve he’d had. 
“Yes, yes, so I have heard.” Every step Armand took made the tiny bell at his throat jingle, a soundtrack to the fantasy. 
“You didn’t let me finish, mon chéri…” Lestat’s hand solid at Armand’s lower back, his breath cool over the shell of his ear. “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.”
hope you enjoyed! trust me, the full version will be E rated! 💖
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marune2 · 5 months
What if :count saint Germain meet saint Germain“Original Story
Count Germain:what did you do in your wold don’t say you dared to do this whit your child?“looking seriously
Saint Germain: what do you want to hear we are the same person in some point but how could I not? I didn’t want to lost my child completely“staring back
Count Germain:so this how the vampire are born in your wold? Just because you couldn’t accept death? Death is a part of live you can’t choose for other
Saint Germain: say the right wo turn other into vampire too but how can you accept death? Especially of you child……
Count Germain:because I see it I know you are younger in mind and don’t understand but you need to learn didn’t you even try to ask you child like to understand him? And I ask bevor I turn
Saint Germain smile: I couldn’t……..a other boy take him away my son and he’s other siblings did not like what I did so this is why I’m in you wold….this is you Antwort dear count
Count Germain:you will learn saint now let’s go he is waiting
Saint germain :yes……….
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v-akarai · 9 months
References in Servamp
Arabian mythology
Jinn. Ch. 16
Greek mythology
Elpis. Ch. 75
Moirai. Ch. 108
Pandora. Ch. 130
Pygmalion. Ch. 123
Pandora's Box. Ch. 97
Japanese mythology
Gashadokuro. Ch. 129
Kitsune. Ch. 3
Raijin. Ch. 85
Norse mythology
Baldr. Ch. 39
Bifröst. Ch. 88
Brunhild. Ch. 88
Fimbulwinter. Ch. 40
Freya. Ch. 65
Frey. Ch. 131
Gleipnir. Ch. 101
Hati. Ch. 91, 131
Hod. Ch. 39
Hliðskjálf. Ch. 96
Idunn. Ch. 65
Loki. Ch. 15
Mimir. Ch. 29
Mjölnir. Ch. 53
Ragnarök. Ch. 101, 122, 131
Sigurd. Ch. 101
Thor. Ch. 41
Yggdrasil. Ch. 42
Biblical references
Abel. Ch. 8
Adam. Ch. 128
Boaz and Jachin. Ch. 42
Eden. Ch. 21
Eve. Ch. 1
John the Baptist. Ch.122
Lucifer. Ch. 135
Nod. Ch. 29, events
Asura. Ch. 57.5, 89.
The Fool - Mahiru. Ch. 50
I. The Magician – Night trio. Ch. 41
II. The High Priestess – Mikuni. Ch. 42
V. The Hierophant - Shuhei. Ch. 77
X. Wheel of Fortune - Junichiro. Ch. 53
XII. The Hanged Man - Tsurugi. Ch. 50
XV. The Devil – Shamrock. Ch. 72
XVI. The Tower - Touma. Ch. 47
XVII. The Star - Iduna. Ch. 73
XVIII. The Moon - Yumikage. Ch. 69
XX. Judgement - Mikuni. Ch. 144
Literary references
 "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 3, 4, 7, 19, 98, 122. Misono, Lily, Dodo, Mitsuki, Yamane, Hattori, Mikuni, Bad B and Good B.
"As You Like It" William Shakespeare. Ch. 10, 38.5. Mikuni's spell.
"My Fair Lady" English nursery rhyme. Ch. 10 Mikuni's spell.
"Dracula" Bram Stoker. Ch. 12, 30. Hugh.
"Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Ch. 29 Johannes.
"Through the Looking-Glass" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 29, events. Mikuni, Johannes.
"Julius Caesar" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 84. Hyde.
"Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Robert Stevenson. Ch. 23, 37. Hyde, Licht.
"Macbeth" William Shakespeare. Ch. 24, 31. Kuro, Saint Germain, Mahiru.
"Night on the Galactic Railroad" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 26, 142. Higan, Tsubaki.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Ch 30, 67. Kuro, Mahiru, Sloth demon, Gear, probably Jeje.
"Hamlet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 33, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"The Phantom of the Opera" Gaston Leroux. Ch. 36 Licht and Hyde technique.
"Peter and Wendy" James Barry. Ch. 44, 56, 74. Tsurugi, Touma, Mahiru.
"Ring a Ring o' Roses" nursery rhyme. Ch. 53 Junichiro's spell.
“Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens” James Barry. Ch. 53, 75. Tsurugi, Touma.
"Death in Venice" Thomas Mann. Ch. 55 Gilbert technique.
"Total Eclipse" a play by Christopher Hampton. Ch. 55 Rayscent's technique.
"The Morning of the Last Farewell" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"Spring and Asura" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"The Catcher in the Rye" Jerome Salinger. Ch. 62 Shuhei.
"Four and Twenty Blackbirds" Agatha Christie. Ch. 62 Shuhei's spell.
"Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka. Ch. 62 Shamrock technique.
“The Nighhawk's Star” Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 62, 76. Shamrock technique.
"Rock-a-bye Baby" an English lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
“Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein” lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
"Who Killed Cock Robin" an English nursery rhyme. Ch. 70 Yumikage's spell.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Lyman Frank Baum. Ch. 70, 88. Tsukimitsu brothers’ spells.
"Daddy-Long-Legs" Jean Webster. Ch. 74. Dark Night Trio, Touma.
"King Lear" William Shakespeare. Ch. 86. Hyde.
"The House of the Sleeping Beauties" Yasunari Kawabata. Ch. 86. Iori.
"The Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri. Ch. 118, 120, 121. Niccolo, Ildio, Gluttony demon.
“A Brute's Love” (人でなしの恋) Edogawa Rampo. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Coppelia" ballet Leo Delibes. Chapter 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Salome" Oscar Wilde. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Turandot" opera by Giacomo Puccini based on the play by Carlo Gozzi. Ch. 129, 136. Lily.
"The Tempest" William Shakespeare. Ch. 131. Licht and Hyde.
"The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemingway. Ch. 134 Hugh.
"Flowers for Algernon" Daniel Keyes. Ch. 135 Hugh.
"Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë. Ch. 136. Hokaze.
"Madama Butterfly" opera by Giacomo Puccini. Ch. 136. Lily.
"Hansel and Gretel" the Brothers Grimm. Ch. 140. Faust and Otogiri.
"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 34
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ch. 125
Sonata No. 17 "Tempest" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 131
"It's a Wonderful Life" (1946). Ch. 131
"Life is Beautiful" (1997). Ch. 131
I believe this list can be expanded. Somewhere I’ve written only chaps when some reference was mentioned for the first time and omitted all further mentions.
Special thanks to hello-vampire-kitty, joydoesathing and passmeabook, because some works wouldn’t be included in the list without their observations.
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acediathemelancholy · 9 months
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So Prometheus was the one who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity in Greek mythology, which allows human civilization to begin. Tetsu spends the majority of his time in the demon of pride's space searching for fire. While the only potential source of light is gripped in the immortal's hands.
Prometheus' story is closely connected to the story of Pandora. Both are Greek myths concerning the origin of human civilization. On top of that, most of the versions of the story have Zeus sending Pandora down as revenge for Prometheus' deception. Pandora is supposedly the first woman sent to tempt humanity to open her jar (mistranslated later as a box) that contains all the evils of the world.
In some versions, Prometheus himself accepts Pandora as his wife and in others his brother Epimetheus marries her. Either way, the evils are unleashed on the world, but elpis (hope) remains in the jar. Later, these stories often were interpreted in conjunction with biblical creation myths, like Adam and Eve.
This confrontation between Tetsu and the demon of pride occurs at the same time as Pandora ravages the city. Algernon helped unleash Pandora on Tokyo as part of a scheme to get revenge Saint Germain, whose deception stole the life/fire of a child he truly cared about.
Anyway, this is probably why when Saint Germain lists possible relationships he could be to Kuro, he included lover. Prometheus and Adam are both mythical figures associated with the beginnings of human civilization. "Adam" as in Kuro is the first servamp and whose creation marks the beginning of Servamps's timeline. Because Saint Germain is Pandora, the sometimes wife of Prometheus, and Saint Germain created the concept of an Eve, named after the wife of Adam.
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anarcheamor · 11 months
Okay, Now I Can Talk About Annette's Vodou
Sike! I have to detour through Maria's summoning first. Spoilers for Nocturne will be said here so please stop reading from here if you haven't finished the show.
I know I watched the trailers and saw her summoning birds and thought it was cool but it still took me aback to see it in the show. And I think it's because, for one, knowing that her mother was a speaker made me question why she didn't know speaker magic and, for two, it was the first set of magic that needed a not-plot-relevant explanation for how it works. In the first show, the only times we got explanations for the magic was when something big was happening and the explanations served as part of the setup such as Doctor Saint Germain in the Multiverse of Madness and The Parent Trap: Alucard's Nightmare Editon. For Maria, there wasn't a plot reason for her powers being explained, it just seemed like the show had to provide one because the question was gonna be asked as we were watching. After all, she was summoning animals from somewhere and no other character we have seen had powers to teleport beings from one place to another so casually. Okay, so we have a daughter of a speaker magician who doesn't use speaker magic and we know that her daddy is definitely not capable of teaching it to her so what gives, right? Thus the show (read writers) felt compelled to break a convention from the first show and give us an explanation so that we could understand Maria's abilities and introduce the existence of other realms- something that was introduced in the first Castlevania via Saint Germain: Into The Germainer-verse. And that's fine, nothing too complicated, her relationship with the animals she summons seems to be something both originating from her magic and also from her using them in every day life. Cool! The alternate realm even has a name: the Other World. Alrighty, so I'm certain that it's that simple and we won't need anything else to be explained.
Except there is... turns out that the Otherworld is part of Celtic/Gaelic/Britonic myth which would explain why Maria's powers are different than her mother's as they most likely stem from her father's side of the family. An odd thing to leave out, no? I almost thought it was like Forgemastery where it was a Castlevania original form of magic. A small dive into the native roots of her magic could have added a bit more to her character and have the double effect of prepping us up mentally for Annette's Vodou especially since the two were directly compared but also to help showcase just how different Vodou is from people's traditional views on faith and magic.
Now I should say that my understanding of Vodou is coming from being an outsider to the faith but still connected to it culturally due to my ancestry, upbringing, hearing stories, etc., and then having to fill in the blanks with some research. This isn't gonna be accurate Vodou info because we're talking about a faith with three major variants that all have been pretty secretive for most of their existence due to religious oppression, demonization, and centuries-long attempts at exploiting and capitalizing on their "exoticness". So with all that said, take what I say with a good amount of salt.
Edouard says that Maria's Otherworld sounds like Annette's ancestral plain which is right in the sense that there is AN ancestral plain similar to the Otherworld. AN as in one because, in Vodou, there's multiple "nations" or families of spirits, with each spirit behaving and acting differently in some accordance to the nation they're in. The first red flage here is that the ancestral plain we see is pretty ambiguous and is just a gaggle of spirits in some ethereal place and the spirits themselves are mostly just diversely colored shadows save for Annette's mambo (teacher), Cecille. The next red flag is that Annette's magic is her own. In Vodou, powers are given by the spirits themselves, there's no level of spiritual genetics that can just imbue you with magical ability. Why? Because a major lesson in Vodou is that our strength comes from those who came before us and we can use them to support us as long as we reach out to them. Removing that aspect of Vodou from the equation just turns Annette's magic in regualr magic but with some Haitian flavor on it. And all of this is made most apparent than the biggest red flag...
So, Papa Legba is one of the most beloved of Lwa. First of all, you can't do much without him being involved as you have to talk to him first. Have you ever lived in a neighborhood and there's this gentle old man always sitting at his porch whose basically everybody's grampa? That's Papa Legba and his "house" is the entirety of the lwa nations (although he's considered to be from the Rada nation, one of the major nations I mentioned earlier). But he ain't no slouch and to cross him is to play one of the biggest FAFO games in your life. He's the head guard of all crossroads, doorways, etc., so him being summoned to deal with a portal to Hell and Forgemastery machine sounds appropriate but who thought it was a good idea to have him die? Is he dead? Just... why? How? Can spirits just die now? Ugh... on top of that, they could have just had him possess her. Usually, when Vodou practitioners want something from a lwa, the lwa can only interact physically through a human body so a rite is performed for the lwa to "dance in the head" of a trained practitioner who personally works with them. I can understand cutting corners in the show so that all Annette has to do is focus and call the name of a lwa but this would have been cool to see, allows greater focus on Annette, and allows you to have Papa Legba there without doing him dirtier than what American Horror Story did to him by having him just stand around until his neck gets turned intoa tetris piece.
You can see why I had to take this long to get to my main point, right? The first Castlevania used the straightforwardness of their magic to great effect but Nocturne introduced two new forms of magic with rocky starts because they don't match the formula established by the first set of magic. I hope that we get to see better representation of both.
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beevean · 2 months
Netflix’s Castlevania gets a lot of flak around this blog, but let’s give a little credit where it’s due. Here’s 5 good parts.
1. Trevor, Sypha and Alucard vs. the vampire generals
Pretty easy one to mention: a stellar action scene that gets creative with the trio’s toolsets. It’d be a great game sequence, and the arrangement of Bloody Tears is the cherry on the icing on the cake.
2. Dracula never swears
Okay, if he ever did swear, it was probably something really light, but in a show where everyone is a Sir or Lady Swears-a-Lot to some extent, even DEATH, Drac had the most unique vocabulary.
3. They got “Saint Germain” right
Clearly, for what it’s worth, the show writers did their research on the name’s origin and pronunciation, whereas Konami’s localization team in 2005 seemed to just go off of how it was spelled.
4. A point on both sides
Obviously you want Trevor and the other heroes to win so humanity can have another chance for betterment (and the later Belmont protagonists can exist in this universe), but with how dickheaded and peabrained the majority of humanity is characterized through the whole show, you can’t blame Dracula or Isaac-in-Name-Only for wanting to wipe the slate clean (as misanthropic and needlessly extreme as they got). It’s an interesting deconstruction of classic good vs. evil and the general franchise premise, to say the least.
5. Beer is “better than sex”
Funniest gag between Trevor and Sypha, and the funniest post-Season 2.
Call this grasping at straws, but these were fun to mention.
Reply: I actually already made a list of the things I liked about NFCV :)
Mhh. I mostly agree with your points - yes S2E7 is the best episode in the show for the fight scenes, and Dracula really never swears btw, he might be the only major character to refrain from it. But point 4 is ehhhh. It feels too forcedly edgy for me to see it as the nuanced take the show wanted to convey. I don’t care if the guards are mean to Isaac when he wants through: they are still in the right to not want a dark wizard with demons in tow in the city. I don’t care if the villagers somehow didn’t believe Dracula when he threatened to kill them in one year: it doesn’t mean they deserved to be dismembered for the crime of not stopping a tyrannical bishop from killing a woman. And while I’m at it, I don’t feel Alucard is justified in insulting the Belmont clan because he saw the skull of a child vampire which I’m meant to take as “oh no look at them they’re so evil for killing kids :<”, when logically, a child vampire deserves to be taken out of their misery. Berserk did the Crapsack World better, like many edgy ideas from NFCV.
(also about #3 yeah CoD is also the game where Wallachia is pronounced with a SH sound. which, by the way, still trips me out. a little oof there lmao)
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