#vampire count saint Germain
drmarune · 3 months
Gremlin child in a immoral dating simp original story chapter:1
A child come from a dark past out of a door it’s not fully human and getting found from a person
He run full of blood he’s tail behind he’s back how could go all wrong they can’t take it anymore they run what have they done?
A door they know instinctive what it is it’s standing in a burning place untouched
They run to the door they take human form in a 14 year’s looking child whit black hair fluffy and black eyes whit milky pupils
They run and open the door and passing out all they hear is „oh good who coming the child from it’s hurt?!“
Darkness and dream of burning flesh and screaming of there children and himself
As they wake up they felling softness they touch around them it’s a bed??? The body hurt there brain hurt oh right he did get away……
They open there eyes as they heard a voice
„Oh you are awake? Don’t be scared you are safe“say a man in he’s 40thes blond hair a vampire………
They stare at him and don’t say something it’s them they are the same person out of different dimension the same flesh but in the same time not they are…………..
The man smile „it’s ok I’m count Saint germain what do a child like you here???
They stare but choice to Antwort „same……don’t I came out of ur door you know my do you? But in the same time not……….
Count Saint germain:well it’s did in fact surprise my this a child chambion ver of my fall out of my door half death „laughing he interested
They smile“well it’s surprising my you are a full blood vampire even if I can’t say of you a great vampire we share even the Name count but I will left and go home again
Count germain smile :I think not you are half death and we both know I want Antwort‘s dear Saint
They smile fear“good so you count because you old and I’m Saint then so what do you want to know count
Count germain smile „well this can wait you should eat first and sleep then we talk you fussy in you brain right now
Saint Germain stare at him true „fine I will do count but then we talk and I go now“they say but something get he’s interested the same he smell like they have a death friend of them living here…….sad to say at least
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marune2 · 5 months
What if :count saint Germain meet saint Germain“Original Story
Saint Germain: so as fare I see you did turn him in you wold……what a surprise
Count germain:hm yes I have you looking not happy say how whas he in you wold? Didn’t you turn him? After all it’s Wunder my whit my wisdom about you“smile
Saint germain: hm be honest I didn’t think mush he whas a tule to get material and a Rome to experiment and power of curse
Count germain: so you get‘s closer? I know how I look if I’m not sure if it’s whas the right you getting attached to him but why didn’t you turn him? After all you have not really morals from us tow saint
Saint Germain: excuse my but yes I did like him he whas charming but it shouldn’t be be honest this is why I turned the youngest son from him we had unspoken rule’s count
Count Germain: there I thought it would be learning something nice this happened I guess he’s son whas not happy too?
Saint Germain: surprisingly he whas happy but leaders year’s he whas not sad this is all I can say I missing my children
Count Germain: don’t say you did whit him…..is he the child of you tow?
Saint Germain:oh not biological we had what going on but I had the form of a older man in he’s age he didn’t know I can change my form but he did find out wo I whas this is why I couldn’t turn him
Count Germanin:hm I can’t say something bad I suppose in you situation……..:
Saint Germain: hm good so you and him are in this wold together because you did turn him??? Na at least friend whit benefits as fare I see
Count Germain: It’s nothing of you concern saint
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Ikevamp headcanons on High Valyrian and House of the dragon
This was just floating around in my head and it feels like it needs to be released. Warning: Some spoilers for HOTD may appear. Also there may be route spoilers to the suitors who appears here.
General Scenario: Through the magical plot device of Le Comte giving MC a tech room on a weekly basis she has been watching (and just finished) House of the Dragon (like me MC is a show only viewer and has not read Fire and Blood) and has began learning High Valyrian through Duolingo.
Count de Saint Germain
He had already heard about Game of Thrones and ever since the two of you had your private wedding and had gotten even closer as a couple, you've eagerly shared with him all that you know so far.
After the release of the first three episodes and after determining that it seems that you don't need to be a super lore expert in watching HOTD you wait for the weekend when he was more free to watch it with you weekly (after you two binge watch the first three so that he could catch up with you from Episode 4 onwards).
He becomes interested in the story, particularly how family and politics are intertwined.
Its because this is essentially how almost every Pureblood vampire family does things. He was lucky enough that his family was at least in the side of being humane to humans and at the very least strived to not do them excessive harm compared to other families like Leonardo's and the politics in those groups.
"So George RR Martin's imagination of what extreme family politics is...that's just average politics to Purebloods?"
"Yes, I don't blame Leonardo for not wanting to be with his family and I'm lucky mine don't really care if I engage in political affairs since I tend to have a high profile status among humans."
"You don't exactly hide it either."
"And with you I don't have to hide it at all."
Just like you he eagerly begins learning High Valyrian (though more casually than you because of his duties as an aristocrat).
Yes, he made his own Duolingo account and you two follow each other on Duolingo.
He eventually got Leonardo and a few other residents into learning High Valyrian as well. But since so far you're the most advanced out of all of them since you began learning it earlier than they did, you became the High Valyrian teacher in the mansion.
Which is good because it helped you understand the grammar and to verify it first with Abel (who caught up with you in Duolingo sooner than expected) and while everyone else had wavered in learning High Valyrian, soon it became a language that you two would speak whenever you wanted to privately speak to each other in public.
On a mild nsfw note: Once both you and he manage to speak High Valyrian conversationally without consulting your study notes. He incorporates what you've learnt in the bedroom. Especially with the words "vūjin" (I am kissing), "majaqsa" (to admire - singular), and "rijas" (to praise - singular).
Arthur Conan Doyle
He revels in your excitement and from the premise has become intrigued by what the series entail. Having prior experience with historical fiction and from what he knows of the fantasy genre, he decides to give it a chance and joins you in watching it from the first episode onwards.
Is astonished by the writing and the political intrigue and the grounded story in a fantasy setting. While its not unheard of for stories to be based on history, it was refreshing to have a story in the fantasy genre that has a grounded feel to it.
"Wait, this is inspired by The Anarchy isn't it?"
"Yes Arthur, George just made it a lot more extreme and added a lot of incest and dragons."
"I will admit, when it was being taught to me it seemed like a boring footnote compared to the Tudors. But now I see the appeal."
When he heard that you and Le Comte began learning High Valyrian in Duolingo, he requests to have his own account right away.
Partly because of jealousy and partly because if you were going to learn a new language made for a fantasy series you both enjoyed, he was going to learn it as well.
He also couldn't wait to know what High Valyrian words he could use to flirt and seduce you with.
This is fortunate for you because now you've got two people in the mansion to practice High Valyrian with.
From a writing perspective he also notices some loopholes around the midarea of the season but gives it more as constructive criticism rather than as insults.
Although that doesn't stop him from occasionally cursing at characters every now and then (both of you have begun a countdown as to when Criston Cole either dies or recieves some sort of karma for killing both Joffrey and the only loyal counsel member to Viserys in Episode 9).
Unsurprisingly this inspires him to make stories (both with Sherlock and without him) that lean in to more political intrigue and its effects on common everyday people.
He has these stories checked in by you, Le Comte and by Sebastian to see if there is too much of Hotd or of George RR Martin before handing it to his publishers.
He eventually couldn't help himself and made a fanfiction story just for your eyes and the eyes of the residents on Hotd with essentially a self-insert character of himself.
You also are both surprised yet not so surprised when you see yourself in said fanfiction with the name you chose when Arthur asked what you would be called if you were in the world of westeros and what would be your position within it.
William Shakespeare
He notices that you were studying notes on High Valyrian and became intrigued by them.
This is when you tell him of your interest in this constructed language and the world where it comes from. You tell him that you were waiting for the Hotd and what the premise of it was.
Like Arthur he became intrigued on what the story entails and how the Targaryen civil war called "The Dance of Dragons" would play out. Having written tragedies and historical plays he has an idea of the appeal of the chase and consequences of power.
He joins you in watching from episode one, and he was hooked by the end of the episode.
"By any chance was this inspired by The Anarchy?"
"Yes it is. George RR Martin just added a lot more incest and a lot more extreme stakes."
"I will admit this has rejuvenated my interest in the subject that was only briefly touched upon my education."
"Oh I thought there was more emphasis on learning the details of the Anarchy?"
"Only with matters concerning the importance of a male heir. During my human lifetime, it was Queen Bess who was in power and her own succession crisis nearly overshadowed the succession crisis of the Anarchy."
Although he sees the inspirations from the Anarchy he was still pleasantly surprised by some of the twists and turns that happens over the course of Hotd.
His favorite scene was in episode 7 when all the adults were pointing fingers at who was to blame for Aemond losing an eye and the ethics of him claiming Vhagar, the dragon of Baella and Rhaena's late mother whose funeral opened the episode.
"Now they see you as you truly are." Was one of his favorite lines.
By the end of the season, he can now understand the merits of a television series since he himself understands that there is no way you could appreciate the nuances of this story within the time limits of a play.
"I can now understand why you find this appealling and why you want to learn High Valyrian so badly."
He only begins learning it after he finishes season 1. But the moment he's at least conversational enough in it he begins making poetry with what he knows.
The moment he becomes fluent in it he makes an entire play using High Valyrian.
He makes sure to only present it during the 21st Century time after Hotd updates Duolingo. You leave him copies of your High Valyrian notes before going back to your time. While waiting for you to appear in his life once again he spends the long time tweaking and refining it to be ready for it to be performed once the two of you meet again.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
He was actually more interested in the language than the story of Hotd initially.
Being a person who possessed Perfect Pitch when he heard you practicing High Valyrian phrases such as "Voktys ñuhys raqiros ojehiksa." (The priest/priestess is blessing my friend), "Kesy zaldrīzo lentor issa." (This is the house of the dragon.). and Daenerys' famous High Valyrian speech, especially the line "Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa." (Valyrian is my mother tongue) he was intrigued by the melodic and rhythm of the High Valyrian language.
As someone who spoke multiple languages, to hear you practice it and even to hear the audio of people speaking High Valyrian was what drew him in.
He learns from you the Le Comte had also begun learning the language with you and he immediately requests to also have a Duolingo account so he could learn it and also learn it with you.
While the premise of Hotd and the general lore did intrigue him, he was mainly interested in how High Valyrian was used in the story. You told him that it was generally the language of the elites and the expats of Old Valyria.
Initially he only watched the scenes of Hotd that had High Valyrian in it, but after wanting more context he secretly watched all the past episodes in their entirety before he admitted to you that he was hooked on the story of morally gray characters on each side.
The episode that moved him the most was episode 8 with King Viserys struggling to move to take his seat on the throne for the very last time to help Rhaenyra.
After finishing season 1 of Hotd, he has become inspired to progress quickly in learning High Valyrian and to compose an opera using High Valyrian. He only presents it after the first season of Hotd has finished airing in the 21st Century and once he has met up with you once again in the 21st Century after you leave him copies of your High Valyrian notes.
Until then he was also inspired to compose an opera with more human characters with most of the main characters having both flaws and sympahetic characteristics.
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smvillainsweek · 1 year
Favorite Dracul Myu villain
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lusianarendraws · 2 years
Ikemen Series: Birthday Wishes
Today (November 24th) is my birthday. So for this fine day, the games will give me special birthday greetings which I'm willing to share!
Note: I cannot make Screenshots for Sengoku. Since the text slides from side to side, it's impossible to get it all in one go.
Second note: since there's an image limit on Tumblr, I'll only show the greetings of my favorite characters.
Ikemen Prince
Leon Dompteur
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Nokto Klein
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Ikemen Sengoku
Nobunaga Oda
"I compliment you for being born and coming to meet me. Your reward? Me. Happy birthday."
Mitsuhide Akechi
"I thank you for being born into this world. Thank you and happy birthday. I wish you every bit of happiness for as long as you may live. I want to give you something you want as a gift, but what is it that you want? Tell me."
Shingen Takeda
"Before celebrating, will you let me thank you? Thank you for being born. Thank you for letting me adore you. Thank you for letting me hold you in my arms on such an important day like this. Happy birthday."
Ikemen Vampire
Arthur Conan Doyle
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Leonardo da Vinci
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Comte de Saint-Germain
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Vlad Draculesti
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Ikemen Revolution
Ray Blackwell
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Loki Genetta
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I find it to be so sweet that the game actively tries to make you feel loved by your favorites on the very day you were born. I love it so much. 🥰
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neversetyoufree · 3 months
The way Noé Archiviste is written is so good. I'm so obsessed with him.
He's such a protagonist—endlessly hopeful against adversity and filled with kindness and attempted understanding toward everyone he meets. He's a good person! He wants to save everyone! He is genuinely and utterly without any sort of cruelty or unfair bias.
Yet, the more the series goes on, the more he's written as a very obvious parallel to our antagonists.
The most blatant example of this is the Ruthven parallel. Ruthven once happily said that he liked vampires, and in the same way, he liked humans. Noé repeats this exact same line when he has tea with Ruthven.
This parallel doesn't reflect too poorly on Noé, since it's pretty clear that something Happened to Ruthven to change him between his speaking that line and him becoming our antagonist, but it is an interesting way to tie the two of them together. It raises certain questions in readers' minds. In what other ways are Noé and Ruthven still similar, and how might Noé change to become more like him?
Then there's Noé's toxic optimism. The "you should be a little bothered, actually" aspect of him. Noé is the mirror to Vanitas's toxic pessimism. He latches onto the good in the world to a fault, and in this way he detaches from reality and endures an endless series of abuses to his person without even understanding they're abuses.
That is also one of the defining traits of Mikhail. Misha is unsettling in part because he is completely detached from any understanding of severity. Misha happily recounts being abused and watching his mother die not because he's cruel or hateful, but because he doesn't understand what's happened to him or why those things are bad. Misha wants to bring Luna back to life because he's in denial of the reality of their death. He believes he can just resurrect them and everything will be fine, and he'll get to play happy family again.
If Noé went just a little bit more extreme with the over-optimism, he could disconnect from reality just as badly as Misha has.
Finally there's my favorite parallel—the tie between Noé and his Teacher. Noé Archiviste has a tendency to watch others in fascination, trying to figure them out from the sidelines while he fails to understand his own impact on them, and he absolutely loves the Blue Moon. He thinks the Blue Moon is beautiful. Teacher spends his time collecting interestingly damaged children in putting them in awful situations, apparently just for the fun of watching what they'll do next, and he calls The Vampire of the Blue Moon "the most beautiful creature in the world."
Noé's curiosity-driven fascination with Vanitas's trauma and his love of the blue moon—neither of these are necessarily a problem on their own, but when written in direct parallel with The Count of Saint Germain, they become somewhat alarming.
In the same way that Misha is "worse" than Noé because his obliviousness to his trauma leads him to harm others, Noé's teacher is surely a worse person than him because he lets himself harm others in pursuit of his interests. Noé doesn't do that. But what would it take for that to change? He's pushed boundaries before. He learned to hurt Astolfo and Misha in the name of protecting those he cares about. What other strange places could his headstrong nature lead?
What might Noé do when his fascination and his obliviousness intersect? When the parts of him that are Teacher and the parts of him that are Misha overlap? What would he do to see Vanitas again? What might he do without letting himself realize how terrible it was?
Noé is a good person. He's one of the best people. But in his attentiveness and his optimism and his love, there's the seeds of something that could lead him down a very dark road. Each of the above antagonists is a little bit a part of who he is.
Misha wants to bring Luna back to life. Ruthven is working toward some mysterious aim with the dead or dying Faustina. And given how he talks in mémoire 55, I wouldn't be surprised if Teacher also had an interest in bringing back The Vampire of the Blue moon in one form or another.
In all his fascination and love and hope, would/will Noé be able to let Vanitas die when death is preferable to the alternative? This is a story about the inevitability of death, and the denial of that inevitability creates nothing but horror and perversion. Noé is growing and learning to understand both Vanitas and the moral complexities of the world, and we can only hope that he learns enough. We can see through his many reflections in other characters what he might become if he can't accept painful reality.
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aquagirl1978 · 9 months
Auld Lang Syne - Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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A/N: Ny last fic of 2023 - Happy New Year's Eve! Day 6 of my 12 Days of Christmas. Also part of my New Year, New Celebration follower celebration.
Pairing: Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader
Prompt: kiss on the hand
Word Count: 353
Tags: fluff with the tiniest hint of spice at the end
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“You look absolutely ravishing tonight.”
Comte was standing next to the carriage, his hand extended to you as he waited for you to make your way down the mansion steps.
You were alight with excitement as you held the hem of your new ball gown, careful not to trip in your new shoes. You paused as you slipped your gloved hand into his; his dazzling smile hid the hedonist lurking underneath the elegant black tuxedo.
“After you, ma chérie,” he said. Lifting your hand to his lips, he brushed a chaste kiss across your knuckles. Your cheeks flushed with warmth as he flicked his eyes up, his golden gaze burning with unbridled desire. 
It was cozy in the carriage when Comte slid into the seat next to you. With your bodies pressed together, the heat from his body quickly radiated to yours. When he placed his hand on your knee, flames of passion ignited in your core.
“I thought we'd start the celebrations early.” Comte reached for the bottle of champagne that was chilling in a bucket of ice on the seats across you. He opened the bottle with a loud pop, causing you to giggle as the champagne bubbled from the top of the bottle. Comte quickly filled two glasses, and handed one to you.
“Bonne année, ma chérie,” he whispered. 
“Happy New Year,” you whispered back as you clicked glasses. The champagne was light and sweet on your tongue. However, the cool liquid trickling down your throat did nothing to cool off your body.
By the time your glasses were drained, you had arrived at your destination.
“We're a bit early,” Comte commented as he took a peek outside. After shutting the curtains closed, he leaned his face dangerously close to yours, his large hand slowly sliding up your thigh.
He dipped his face a little closer, his lips brushing against yours in a teasing kiss. He pulled away, only a millimeter or two away – just enough to tempt you to lean in and kiss him. 
“I think we have a few minutes to kill before we have to go in.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @randonauticrap @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @nightghoul381
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mahi-does-some-art · 10 months
Mahiru Shirota's life is going to fall apart as soon as we get any, any new information about his mother.
With chapter 136, Lily reveals to Misono that Touma Taishi is Mahiru Shirota's biological father and it was the reason why Lily had planted Kuro in that alleyway to pick up. I am inclined to believe him because it adds up in the story as a whole; Why Kuro was there in the first place since we know he had been asleep under Alicein manor for the last 200 years.
Along with the fact that Hokaze (Misono's mom) was finally revealed to be a promiscuous woman who was a very active participant in the cheating scandal, I cannot believe that Akira was in no way involved in this plot to resurrect the Count Saint Germaine. Akira may not be on the side that wants to bring him back but she was a part of it no less, we just do not know how yet. (I am figuratively biting my nails waiting to see the ball drop for her)
She was very aware of vampires, magic and mages, this is a fact not because we know that she herself is a mage, we do not know that much, but because of Tooru. He attended the same high school/prep school that Misono does that has direct ties to C3 recruitment and we know he's been involved with Touma since his days there and they fought/killed vampires since then. Along with the Shirota family no doubt being a mage family, Akira was not at all oblivious to this.
I do not, however, think that her sleeping with Touma and creating Mahiru was any plot nudged by any Servamp or like. Why?
Because Lily had genuinely believed that Touma would come to Mahiru's aid in a life-or-death situation that would have otherwise killed him, and was rather shocked when Touma tried to kill him on his own. At least according to what he told Misono. (I believe most of what he's telling Misono except that he doesn't actually care about Misono. I think he's trying to made Misono mad at him beyond reconciliation for Reasons because he's a fucking coward who, if loved properly, won't be able to go through with his and Mikuni's plans)
Anyways, the reason I say Mahiru's entire world will fall apart instead of his views of his mother is because of one specific instance in the manga; Tooru thanking Mahiru for saving Touma. Not for saving Tsurugi like Mahiru probably thinks he was saying, Touma. Because Lily's plan included Touma dying because he was so close to figuring out how they were going to revive the Count.
If Touma HAD died, the good guys wouldn't know what would be happening. Tsubaki, Envy pair and Lily would have been completely clear to start the ritual while completely blindsiding everyone opposed ON TOP of starting the ritual a day early. They'd have been a lot less prepared than they are right now. Touma was a huge danger to the ritual's success.
Tooru knows this. He knows whats happening. Yes, he's also just relieved his childhood friend and coworker isn't dead thanks to his nephew but that isn't the only reason.
Why would Tooru leave Mahiru alone with Tsubaki in the restaurant they went to? Why would Tooru pretend Kuro was a burglar when he saw him chilling in the apartment and then so quickly drop the fact that there supposedly was a burglar in the house, all when we know he must have known who Kuro was the moment he saw him. Even if this was early manga and we did not yet know he was an elite of C3!
Mahiru's entire world is going to fall apart not only because he'll learn his mother is not the woman he thought she was, but because he'll learn he's been betrayed by his uncle in a way far greater than him leaving him alone and lonely for months at a time.
Tooru knows. And has made sure Mahiru didn't under the naive guise of protecting him.
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ikemenlibrary · 11 months
Humanity (Ikémen Vampire)
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Pairing: Comte de Saint Germain x MC Summary: Yet another year on earth, and Comte battles with himself and what it means to be alive and love someone so human.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Talk about humanity and the meaning of human life, naked Comte, naked MC, there's implied sex but nothing sexual
A note from the author: Happy birthday to the character who made me fall in love at first glance. I never believed in cliche romances before he came along.
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The scent of sweet vanilla wafted through Comte de Saint Germain’s nose and he sensed her presence before her delicate arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind. Comte had spent all day in his office responding to piles of letters he had neglected due to spending more time with his lover as of recently.
It was late when she came to check in on him, most of the residents of the mansion had already retired to their bedrooms for the night and Comte could hear Sebastian gently close the linen closet located off the kitchen, signaling he was done with work for the night.
“Good evening, Ma Chérie,” Comte greeted her quietly. His voice was a tad bit hoarse from not speaking all day.
“Hello my love,” she greeted back warmly, her chin going to rest on the top of his head. “You’ve worked quite a bit today.”
Comte grimaced, a pang of guilt throbbing as his stomach as he remembered earlier how he had brushed off her advances for joining him for afternoon tea. “Ah, yes. Well, when you’re at the top of Paris’s aristocratic food chain, you tend to get bogged down with work sometimes.” He chuckled lightly when he felt her chest heave in a silent laugh at his bad joke.
She fondly pushed back a piece of his hair that had fallen while Comte had started to work, and just that little act of affection had Comte closing his eyes and leaning his whole body toward her warmth. Sighing, he pushed himself back up in his chair, hunching over the dozen or so letters littering his desk. “What is it that’s so urgent this time?” 
She placed herself upon the edge of his desk, curiously glancing at all the papers. Comte held one up, his eyes glinting, mischievous behind the tiredness. “Seems as if my dear old friend has once again caught the affection of some of the noblewomen he met in town. I must turn them down before they start booking dates at the church.”
Peering down at the letter, she giggled as she realized it was yet another letter of a marriage proposal addressed to Leonardo. How anyone still had the patience to try with him, she would never understand. He never gave the women in town more than a polite smile and a small conversation, and yet that was enough for them to fall for him. “Don’t work too much later, darling.” She cooed, hopping off his desk and running her hand affectionately across his shoulder. “You need to take time to rest, too.” She waited a moment for his response, and when she realized she wasn’t going to get one, she pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, and left his office as quietly as she came. 
She was too sweet to him, her unwavering kindness not something he was deserving of. But, nonetheless, he would relish in her warmth, and hold her a little tighter to him the next time she was laid in his arms. He promised her an eternity of love, and he would do everything in his power to uphold that promise. 
After sealing yet another letter with his stamp, Comte leaned back in his chair as he heard footsteps approaching his office. Two sets this time. His two favorite people. The door creaked open noisily, and it was Leonardo who stepped in first, Comte’s lover following close behind with a determined look in her eyes.
“Alright, old man, I can do the rest of these. Time for you to get out of here for the night, or she’s gonna chew me out again.” Leonardo chuckled, looking at the woman with adoration in his eyes. Though his words weren’t as kind, Comte knew his dearest friend held nothing but love for that woman in his heart, and Comte would have it no other way. He loved that they got along, and when they bickered like children, it reminded him of the beauty of youthfulness. Comte watched as his beloved sent a glare towards Leonardo, and he chuckled as his friend held his hands up with mock surrender. “It’s not my fault all the women in town find me irresistible.”
“It is your fault when you do nothing to dissuade them,” Comte remarked, pushing out his chair and smoothing out the creases in his pants as he stood up. 
“Maybe if they knew how much of a messy slob you were they’d-” Comte cut off his wife with a kiss. She was teasing, but he knew if she started in on Leonardo, that it would only lead to them hurling insults at each other like siblings, and Comte was tired. He wanted to stow away with his lover and enjoy some time together before the evening grew too late. 
“If you want to finish the last of these, I can have Sebastian post them tomorrow.” Comte gestured to the last few open letters on the desk and he sighed as Leonardo plopped himself in his chair, his heavy boots banging noisily on the desk as he propped them up, crossing one leg over the other.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll finish these up so I can go back to sleep. Cara mia decided she didn’t care about my wellbeing and woke me up to put yours first.” Leonardo grabbed one of the letters on the table, and as she gripped Comte’s hand in her own, Leo looked over his shoulder. “And Comte?” The man hummed in response. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, my dear old friend.” Comte accepted the wish gracefully, a soft smile playing on his lips as the pair left his office, closing the door gently behind them. Instead of heading to their shared bedroom, she led Comte in the other direction toward the bathing room. It was well past  scheduled times for using it, and although it could be seen as a waste of water, Comte followed her silently, ready to sink his aching muscles in warm water and hold her close.
They undressed together, and although they had each been naked around each other many times before, he took his time uncovering every inch of her skin. His hands deftly loosening her corset, letting her poofy dress drop to the ground and he leaned his head down, kissing her bare shoulders, following down the path to her collarbones, and up over her neck. The swell of her breasts pressed into his body, and although he wasn’t yet bare, the familiar ache in the pit of his stomach pulled at the red string tying them together, the want - no, need - for her pulling him even further into her embrace as she reached up to unclip his tie, her hands making quick waste of all of le Comte’s layers. 
Comte felt bashful admiring her bare body. No matter how many times she had allowed his eyes to gaze upon her beauty, it always felt like the first. Especially when she had that delightful blush on her cheeks, as she embraced him, her arms wrapping around his neck as he inched their faces closer together, his lips brushing delicately against hers. “Shall we?” He asked quietly, gesturing to the steaming, bubbly water that had filled the room. She nodded, seemingly under the same impression that Comte was under: that the quiet was magical in that moment. 
She followed him in, and as he sank down onto the bench, the warm water flowing over him, she followed, her bare thigh touching his own as she sat down. She had put her hair up, her usual cascading curls now resting high up on her head so as not to get them wet, and Comte took a second to admire her like this: flushed cheeks, a delicate sheen of sweat covering her skin, and her neck bare and exposed. She looked lovely, a delectable vision that had Comte regretting never applying himself to learn any sort of artistic abilities. He wanted to paint her, to have this moment framed for safekeeping forever. To remind himself of how beautiful humanity could be at its core, how beautiful the creature before him is. In the endless sea of eternity, he found her, and she brought him back to life in a way that he would’ve never imagined before her. In a way that he was never able to imagine - only daydream about, for a long time.
“Abel,” her voice cut through his thoughts, and she giggled as the bubbles she blew towards him fluttered down on top of his head. “What are you thinking about?”
“Hmm,” he replied, his arm snaking around her waist, pulling her onto his lap, his arms circling her tightly, holding her to him as secure as he could. “Just about how much I love you, Ma Chérie.”
“Oh really?” She replied, demurely. Her arms wrapped around his neck, moving to straddle him, the water sloshing around them. “And how much is that?”
“Infinitely,” le Comte conceded, his breath ghosting over her collarbones as he rested his forehead against her shoulder. “And forever.”
“Will we have forever?” She asked, her eyes filled with uncertainty. He knew what she was asking. One day, his fangs would pierce her rosy flesh and he would plunge her into the deep eternity known as a vampire’s life, but it wasn’t time for that. It wasn’t time to take away the fragile humanity for her that threaded her to this life with a golden thread. It would be one day, but that day could wait to come. 
“Of course, we have forever every day that I wake up as a man who gets to be loved by a woman as wonderful as you.” And finally, he captured her lips in the kiss he’s been daydreaming about all day, the only thing that kept his motivation going when he wanted to give up his work. Each breath she breathed into his lips only made him fall in love with humanity even more, the throb of her swollen bitten lips, the pink flush that went from her cheeks all the way down to her décolletage. Some may argue that it was her he was in love with, and with that, he would agree. But she is the reason he fell so deeply in love with the idea of human life being as sacred and guarded as it. 
“Happy birthday, my love.”
She was the reason he had even a sliver of humanity left.
“Thank you, mon amour.” Every day, she would be the reason for him to continue striving towards finding more and more of his humanity hidden away behind locked doors, and with each year to come, he would continue to hold her beating heart in his hand, next to his own. Until one day, it stopped beating, and even then, he would love her - and the humanity and kindness and everything that made her, her - forevermore.
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olreid · 2 years
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[ID 1: But since vampires are immortal, they are free to change incessantly. Eternally alive, they embody not fear of death, but fear of life: their power and their curse is their undying vitality. From Varney to Dracula (particularly as Bela Lugosi intones him), from Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's disenchanted idealist, Count Saint-Germain, to Lestat and his friends, vampires long to die, at least in certain moods, infecting readers with fears of their own interminable lives.
ID 2: Vampires are neither inhuman nor nonhuman nor all-too-human; they are simply more alive than they should be. end ID]
nina auerbach, our vampires, ourselves
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cherryxblossxms · 1 year
Y, O, I for the NSFW ABC prompts for ikevamp Comte and Sebastian, please
Sure thing, nonnie! I'm always happy to give these two some love ❤️
Comte de Saint Germain
I for Imagination (What do they fantasize about?)
I answered that one here!
O for Oral (Giving or receiving? Why?)
This man is all about giving. Not that he doesn't go crazy when you decide to pleasure him, but he is a pleasure dom first and foremost. Your satisfaction is like a drug to him, nothing makes him happier than to have you writhing on his tongue, crying out his name as your thighs squeeze his head. He's addicted to the taste and feel of you, getting your sweet nectar on his tongue and feeling the way you twitch and pulse as he swirls his tongue around in torturous patterns. He's relentless, his vampire stamina almost dangerous, because it means he's ready to spend all night pleasing you with his tongue and not having to worry about catching his breath. And his vampire strength helps him hold down any flailing limbs, keeping you captive until he's totally satisfied.
Y for Yummy (How would they involve food/drinks?)
Comte would love to incorporate alcohol, likely champagne. He wouldn't mind just having it poured over your (or his, or both) body as is, uncaring of the wetness or sticky mess that it will leave, as he traces every rivulet with his tongue up and down your body. He knows his tongue is skilled and it let's him tease you and taste you all at once, getting the buzzy heat from the alcohol as he gets drunk in more ways than one. If he learns about jello body shots, good luck.
He's also very into the idea of aphrodisiacs, both foods that are supposedly natural aphrodisiacs such as oysters, figs, and chili peppers, as well as aphrodisiacs put into foods, such as some special chocolates or elixirs that can be mixed. He'll create a truly special plate of varying items to see what works best, what you enjoy the most or gets the most response from your body.
I for Imagination (What do they fantasize about?)
Sebastian admittedly fantasizes about fucking you in public areas. He can be very jealous, so truthfully, he'd never want to actually be caught, both due to the shame he'd feel as the butler but also because he doesn't want anyone else to see you in the throes of pleasure. But it doesn't stop him from picturing you bent over the dining table or the kitchen counter as he pounds into you from behind. Or maybe he'd be trailing his fingers along your sex as you try to wash the dishes, make it a game and see if you break any dishes, or how many dishes you manage to wash before you're begging for relief.
On rare occasion, he's imagined fucking you over Comte's desk, too, making a mess of the papers and making the room steamy. He wondered if the good Count would catch on to what happened later, his desk in disarray. And on even rarer occasion, he's admittedly imagined having a threesome with you and Comte. Moreso Napoleon pops into his thoughts, but he won't get into that.
O for Oral (Giving or receiving? Why?)
Sebastian is honestly for both. He loves giving and receiving in pretty equal measure.
As the butler of the mansion, he's no stranger to waiting on hand and foot for others, taking care of their needs as he saw fit and being the ideal comedic butler of his dreams. He has no difficulty including in sexual needs when it comes to you, especially after a hard day of running around completing errands when he finally has you all to himself. While he's still in uniform, he loves going down on his knees to service you, gloved hands wringing out all your tension and making you putty for him. Nothing gives him better satisfaction than seeing your wobbly smile and knees after he's had you cum at least a couple times.
However, despite wanting to be the ideal butler, Sebastian is still a man with needs of his own. He does love to be on the receiving end of oral a lot, too. After he's been run ragged cleaning up the mansion, cooking and fetching Rouge and Blanc all day, he wouldn't mind being taken care of, for once. It's incredibly satisfying for him to finally get to remove his uniform and just sit back as you pleasure him, to show you how he likes it, the parts of his cock that are most sensitive and how he likes it when you kiss around it, or twist your wrist a certain way as you stroke him.
Y for Yummy (How would they involve food/drinks?)
Sebastian would be similar to Comte. He's less knowledgeable on aphrodisiac foods in comparison, but he knows the big ones such as strawberries and chocolate. He'd love to get melted chocolate on your skin, scoop it up with a fruit and eat it, doing this to each other until you're squirming with need. He can be a tease when he wants to be, he's mastered control very well over the years, and it'd be easy for him to drive you wild with licking and sucking all over you until the chocolate is gone. If you try to do it back to him, though, you will be in for a treat with a very barely-restrained butler beneath you, face bright red and hard as a rock. And since he also manages the baths at the mansion, it'd be easy to wash off the mess in Le Thermae afterwards.
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marune2 · 5 months
What if :count saint Germain meet saint Germain“Original Story
Count Germain:what did you do in your wold don’t say you dared to do this whit your child?“looking seriously
Saint Germain: what do you want to hear we are the same person in some point but how could I not? I didn’t want to lost my child completely“staring back
Count Germain:so this how the vampire are born in your wold? Just because you couldn’t accept death? Death is a part of live you can’t choose for other
Saint Germain: say the right wo turn other into vampire too but how can you accept death? Especially of you child……
Count Germain:because I see it I know you are younger in mind and don’t understand but you need to learn didn’t you even try to ask you child like to understand him? And I ask bevor I turn
Saint Germain smile: I couldn’t……..a other boy take him away my son and he’s other siblings did not like what I did so this is why I’m in you wold….this is you Antwort dear count
Count Germain:you will learn saint now let’s go he is waiting
Saint germain :yes……….
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Next up is the Alive For Centuries Tournament.
Submit a character that is at least 2 centuries old, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
The character does have to be considered alive to count. I know I said otherwise a while back but I have since changed my mind. As a result ghost or vampire characters, to give a couple examples, no longer count for the purposes of this tournament.
Submissions will be closing on the 15th of September.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Saint Germain (Code: Realize)
Agatha Cromwell (Halloweentown)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Glep (Smiling Friends)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Ren (My Demon Roomate)
Chiron (Percy Jackson)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (Chronicles of the Red King/Charlie Bone)
Breq (Imperial Radch/Ancillary Justice)
The Strength and Patience of the Hill (The Raven Tower)
Addie LaRue (The Invisible Live of Addie LaRue)
Andrew Martin (Bicentennial Man)
Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Connor MacLeod (Highlander)
Princess Kida (Atlantis the Lost Empire)
Hooty (The Owl House)
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Darkstalker (Wings of Fire)
Scythe Curie (Arc of a Scythe)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Logan Howlett (Deadpool and Wolverine)
Lilia Vanrouge (Twisted Wonderland)
Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Zunesha (One Piece)
Foeslayer (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa III (Wings of Fire)
Gruff (Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast)
Melog (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
The Titan (The Owl House)
Rock (Warrior Cats)
Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Solas (Dragon Age)
Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Taiju (Dr. Stone)
Acnologia (Fairy Tail)
Irene Belserion (Fairy Tail)
Belos/Philip Witterbane (The Owl House)
The Darf in the Flasc/Homonculus/Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Fujiwara no Mokou (Touhou Project)
Houraisan Kaguya (Touhou Project)
Methos (Highlander the Series)
Theresa (The Fable Universe)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time)
Jerboa I (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa II (Wings of Fire)
Oprah/Ms. O (Odd Squad)
Grandmaster Yoda (Star Wars)
Reaver (The Fable Universe)
Rowena MacLeod (Supernatural)
Rashek/The Lord Ruler (Mistborn)
Carbink (Pokemon)
Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Giratina (Pokémon)
The Axolotl (Gravity Falls)
Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Dongfang Qingcang (Love Between Fairy and Devil)
Atticus O’Sullivan (Iron Druid Chronicles)
Lynette Mirror/Cupid (Cupid Parasite)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda)
Pian Ran (Till The End of the Moon)
Fangyue (Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity)
Liliana Vess (Magic the Gathering)
Carol Malus Dienheim (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
Quenthel Baenre (Dungeons & Dragons)
Pride (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lord Death (Soul Eater)
Asura (Soul Eater)
Excalibur (Soul Eater)
Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Cthulhu (Cthulhu Mythos)
Keziah Mason (Cthulhu Mythos)
Mortarion (Warhammer 40k)
Fulgrim (Warhammer 40k)
Perterabo (Warhammer 40k)
Lorgar Aureiian (Warhammer 40k)
Magnus the Red (Warhammer 40k)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Typhus (Warhammer 40k)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
Fabius Bile (Warhammer 40k)
Kharn the Betrayer (Warhammer 40k)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Abbadon the Despoiler (Warhammer 40k)
Asdrubael Vect (Warhammer 40k)
The Devil (Reaper)
Nina (Reaper)
Gladys (Reaper)
Tony (Reaper)
Ikaros (Heaven's Lost Property)
Princess of the Klaxosaurs/001 (Darling in the Franxx)
Orsted (Mushoku Tensei)
Hitogami (Mushoku Tensei)
Deus Ex Machina (Future Diary)
Kagura (Senran Kagura)
Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Kanna (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings)
Lolth (Dungeons & Dragons)
Fitoria (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Hamsuke (Overlord)
Cosmo (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Wanda (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Etna (Disgaea)
The Thing (The Thing)
Phillip J. Fry (Futurama)
Echidna (Queen's Blade)
Earth-chan (Femdom University)
Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown)
Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown)
Dojo Kanojo Cho (Xiaolin Showdown)
Hannibal Roy Bean (Xiaolin Showdown)
Master Monk Guan (Xiaolin Showdown)
Roswaal L. Mathers (Re:Zero)
Beatrice (Re:Zero)
Anya Jenkins (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Zel (Interspecies Reviewers)
Elma (Interspecies Reviewers)
Lorna (Interspecies Reviewers)
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lusianarendraws · 2 years
When The Stars Align, Chapter 2
When The Stars Align is my IkeVamp fanfiction on AO3, featuring Stella and le Comte.
And I've just published chapter 2! I'd appreciate it greatly if you could read here and leave a kudo and/or comment! Sharing this is just as much appreciated!
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beevean · 2 years
Translating Curse of Darkness' Bios
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24 years old
A Devil Forgemaster, once said to be the strongest among Dracula's subordinates. He lead a normal life, but lost his lover, Rosaly, in a witch trial. He continues his journey alone in order to take revenge on Isaac, the cause of it all.
26 years old
A Devil Forgemaster descended from a brilliant family of dark sorcerers. Three years ago, he chased Hector, who betrayed Dracula, but was defeated in battle. Caught in the throes of madness, he wants to plunge Hector into despair and kill him.
(Count) Dracula
approx. 400 years old
He used to be a person full of dignity and pride, but he committed mass genocide against humans, to avenge the loss of his beloved wife happened three years ago. In that battle, he was destroyed by Trevor Belmont.
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Julia Laforeze
20 years old
A woman who fled to Wallachia from the Catholic world, where witch-huntings are taking place. She is Isaac's younger sister, and she hopes to save her brother from the insane emotions that rule him. She looks a lot like Hector's former lover Rosaly.
Trevor Belmont
23 years old
A descendant of the Belmont family, a legitimate lineage of vampire hunters. Three years ago, he destroyed Dracula with the help of his friends. He has come back to Wallachia, after hearing that the Devil Forgemasters are behind a disturbing development.
Age unknown
A mysterious man who wears a black clergyman-style outfit that covers his whole body. He has set foot into Wallachia to break the Dracula curse that has spread across Europe. He is concerned about the presence of Isaac, who is trying to protect the curse.
Saint Germain
Age unknown
A man with a eccentric appearance that doesn't exist in the Middle Ages, and a master at talking while hiding his true intentions. He intends to stop Hector from chasing Isaac. His motives are a mystery, but he describes himself as an "all-knowing" being.
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aquagirl1978 · 11 months
My Cherie Amour - Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptations 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: Comte de Saint Germain x Reader
Prompt: Day 9 - Praise Kink
Word Count: 574
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; praise kink; oral sex (suitor receiving); lingerie; deep-throating; female-bodied reader (referred to as "good girl"); spoilers (Comte's real name mentioned)
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"Ma cherie…"
Gone was the kind and noble le Comte de St. Germain; before you now in his place stood Abel, a pleasure seeking hedonist. You stood facing him, wearing a rather revealing set of black lace lingerie he had recently gifted you, a shiver crawling down your spine as he dragged his palm up your bare arm.  With a firm hand on your shoulder, he pushed your body down, a smirk spread on his lips as he watched you sink to your knees. Your eyes feasted on the outline of his bulge; your core flooded with warmth knowing he was already hard. You both fought to undo his belt, eager to free his erection from the confines of his tight pants.
His pants still on, you held his thick cock in your small hand. Your tongue darted out, wanting to sample a taste; Abel let out a low groan the moment your tongue touched his skin.
Wrapping one hand around his cock, he tangled his other in your hair. "Open," he said, more command than request, tracing your lips with the tip of his cock.
Your lips parted, your hunger needing to be fed the cock in his hand. Your jaw opened wide as Abel began to slide his length inside your warm mouth, eager to swallow every inch of his stiff shaft.
Looking up at Abel, your eyes were wide and doe-like as you gazed into his, your lips pressed against his groin as his balls smacked your chin, a rough reminder that his cock was buried deep, down your throat.
"Good girl," Comte praised, pleased to see you take his entire cock so well.
You kept your eyes glued on Abel’s golden gaze as your head bobbed on his cock. Your cheeks hollowed as you sucked, your tongue twirling around his tip before sliding his shaft back down your throat.
Abel tugged on your hair, his groans growing louder as you sucked his cock like it was a lollipop. "Yes…" he moaned, the hedonist showing signs of becoming undone, "just like that."
His hips began to rock against your face as he pushed you tight against his torso, his hand holding you there. "Your pretty little mouth feels so good.”
Still gazing into his eyes, you attempted to smile, despite the thick cock fucking your throat.
"Arghhhh...." His body began to tense,  his cock twitching in your mouth as he shot his seed deep inside your mouth, painting your throat white.
He pressed a gentle hand to the back of your head, not ready to be released just yet from the warmth of your sweet mouth.
You continued to suck his softening shaft, licking his entire length clean. After removing his cock from your mouth, you immediately wrapped a hand around his shaft, giving him a few quick squeezes.
Not to your amazement, you felt him grow hard again in your hand. When a drop of precum appeared on his tip, you dipped your face down, your tongue licking it clean.
Removing your hand from his cock caused quite the disappointed whine from Abel. Standing up, you rose onto your tiptoes and kissed Abel, your tongue probing his lips. Much to his chagrin, you broke the kiss too soon, and walked over to his bed. Once you were sprawled atop the plush, luxurious covers, you spread your legs, exposing yourself to your lover.
You were ready for more. So much more.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @yarnnerdally @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @wendolrea @randonauticrap @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @skoetiepoetie
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