#from da patreon last june
kficc · 1 year
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marianchurchland · 17 days
I was tagged by @deedala (shoutout to the old BSN) for birthday themed questions <3
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And since there's some overlapping relevance, here's my birthday want list from a few months ago, which just happens to contain a little bit of DA fanart (all my dragon age wishes were indeed granted, thank you very kindly).
When is yours? June 15th
Where were you born? Vancouver, Canada
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? I’m fine with my name – and I definitely use it online. I don't think it's ideal, but I’ve never come up with a handle that I like enough to stick with.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? No, although my main associations come from people in high school reading me my horoscope out of Seventeen magazine, and it being something along the lines of, “girl, you’ve got the gift of the gab! You’re the life of every party!” Thank you, Seventeen, but wrong on all counts.
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? My parents hosted a birthday party for me when I was maybe four or five years old, and as soon as the cake emerged and everyone started singing “Happy Birthday”, I buried my head under my arms and refused to come out. And when you think about it, having a bunch of people all staring at you and smiling and singing your name in unison IS, actually, very strange and uncomfortable...
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? Every shiny that anyone has ever sent or given to me!
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I think that an excellent gift blueprint involves choosing a book that you like (and which you think the receiver might also like), and then collecting a few treats that might pair well with it and turning it all into a small care package. Example selection: your favourite fantasy book plus a box/batch of cookies plus a package of nice tea or coffee plus a stubby beeswax candle plus a random treasure object (nice stone or little animal figurine or dried flower, etc.) And in case I misinterpreted the question, I think it also works well as a gift to yourself. (I made a Patreon post that expanded on this a while back, so I'll link it here, too.)
What's your favourite cake flavour? Dark fruit cake! 2kg of raisins drowned and left to rot in sin.
How about your favourite flowers? All the common weedy wildflowers in my area, like yarrow and foxgloves. I also I stop to smell every rose I see. Personal best practice.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. No, and I pity anyone whose birthday pleasures rely on my party-throwing skills.
What's the ultimate birthday song? I’ll say “Come Undone” by Duran Duran, because “happy birthday to you” is in the opening few lines (and also because I love this song). Beyond that, I’m drawing a blank.
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. Ice Cube!
I'm scared to tag anybody I don't know well, so with zero pressure: @klovharun and @unstablemable, who can at least tell me no in person.
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monstersandmaw · 2 months
Monthly story - male gargoyle x gender neutral reader (nsfw)
This is becoming absurd. 2-5k words is what I aim for with these monthly stories.
This one?
It's 17,677 words, and it's broken down into SIX chapters (internally - I'm sharing the whole thing in one go here). May's story felt long, then June's, now this one? I'm going to have to reel myself in for August or, should I say, Taurgust... :)
Anyway. Oof...!
Content: controlling/manipulating family member holds power over the reader and uses your skills as a thief to rob a powerful vampire's castle at very short notice. Turns out the amulet is better guarded than your uncle thought, and now you've got to explain yourself to a very grumpy, seven foot tall gargoyle. Tropes include: 'Big Grumpy won over by Smol(er) Sunshine', heist gone wrong, forced proximity/working together as punishment, 'the boss totally ships it', reader's life is in danger (not from the romantic lead), mated/fated bond, submissive monster towards reader.
Wordcount: 17,677
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“You want me to do what?” you blurted, staring your uncle down with a mix of astonishment and kindling unease.
The older man rolled his eyes and leaned back in his throne-like office chair, regarding you across his heavy, oak desk with a look of disdain and contempt.
His brother’s child you might be, but you were pretty worthless in his eyes. You had no magic, after all, and in a line of mages and witches and sorcerers, and even a warlock here and there, you were as useless as, in his words, a screen door on a submarine.
But there was something you were good at: sneaking into places where you shouldn’t be, and if you returned sometimes with something that wouldn’t be missed — at least not until you were long gone — then perhaps your uncle could find a use for you after all. The only problem was that in return for keeping you safe and shielded from those you’d robbed – by his position on the Council of Mages and his general lofty position in the world of the supernatural – he could always ask you to do just one more job for him. That was how, even into adulthood, you found yourself largely beholden to him. 
“I said, I want you to steal the Amulet of Protection from Rafael da Liro, and return to me with it.”
“You want me to break into a pureblood, elder vampire’s castle and steal an amulet that makes its wearer immune to vampire compulsion?”
“You can even put it on while you get it out of there,” he said with magnanimous sarcasm. “But it comes straight to my hands afterwards, understand?”
“How?” you exhaled. “How the fuck am I supposed to do that?”
“Language, child,” he tutted and you ignored the patronising stab. “I’ll glamour you, and you’ll attend the Winter Solstice ball he’s having in three nights’ time at Riverwatch.”
Three nights. You had three. fucking. nights. to prepare. Instead of voicing that, you asked, “He’ll accept a non-magical human as a guest at one of the fanciest supernatural gatherings of the year?”
“Of course he will,” your uncle sneered. “The Montilliets owe me a favour and I’ve cached it in at last for this. You’ll go in place of their youngest — you’re about the same age and height already, so the glamour will sit comfortably on your skin.”
“And you’ll keep the child of one of the most powerful families in the kingdom locked up here while I masquerade around wearing a stolen face at some rich vampire’s party? That’s your plan?” You shook your head, “It’ll never work. He’ll see through it, or he’ll have some enchantments that will.”
“No,” he said, speaking slowly, as if to a preschooler. “No, he won’t, because he’s inviting one or two guests who never leave their homes without a glamour. Some of the Fae, for example, will be in attendance, and, if the rumours are to be believed, several demon lords will be in attendance. If you see the true face of one of those horrors, your own will melt right off.” He laughed, as if you’d actually swallow down such a boogieman tale.
Of course you wouldn’t. You might not have had your own magic, but you read. Enough to know how magic worked — the fundamentals at any rate — and you knew that while some demons had the power to make your flesh melt off your bones, it wasn’t passive. They could look alarming enough to break the mind of a ‘vulgaris’ or non-magical human like you, of course, but it wasn’t the same.
Your uncle shrugged and you took it for the dismissal it was. “You’ll figure out the rest.”
“Can I at least get some info on the place? Do you know where the amulet is kept? How heavily guarded it is? What kinds of protective enchantments are on it? Security on the night?”
“That’s what the library’s for,” he said, making a shooing gesture with his fingertips, as if you were a mote of dust that was marring the air in front of his desk. “I’ve even had Morag lay out all the relevant information there for you. Now go.”
It took you two days and nights of barely any sleep or rest to figure out a plan that had even the faintest hope of succeeding, but it was the riskiest and least well-planned job you’d ever attempted. 
Morag, bless her, helped where she could by fetching relevant books and scrolls and data files on Riverwatch Castle and Rafael da Liro from the archives, which she had been employed to order and guard. When she wasn’t doing that, she broke her own rules about food in the library, and brought you meals.
As dawn broke on the day of the ball, you twitched awake with your arms splayed across a plan of the castle’s lower-most floors as the selkie tapped you on the shoulder and signed, “Breakfast, sweetheart. It’s on the table over there.”
“Thanks,” you signed back, fumbling the gesture around your exhaustion as you surfaced from a deep but spine-crunchingly uncomfortable sleep, slumped over your research. Voicing your next words just to see if your vocal cords were still working after two and a bit days cooped up in the library with only its mute guardian for company, you added, “Hope I didn’t drool on anything important…”
Morag exhaled a huffing laugh and signed, “No, but if that plan of the dungeon is still printed onto your palm by the time you get to the castle, remember to wear gloves, and mirror it in your head if you use it to navigate.”
Your eyes went wide and you stared at your palms, but luckily there was nothing there. “Quit messing with me, you menace,” you growled harmlessly, pushing yourself to your feet and grunting as your back and shoulders protested such a poor choice of sleeping position.
Not wanting to be ungrateful to Morag for her efforts in keeping you fed, you picked at the pastries and sipped the coffee she’d brought you, but your stomach churned and you found yourself gazing into the dark pool of coffee as though you could scry the outcome of the night in its inky oblivion.
Your plan, such as it was, involved attending the party, and either seducing one of the other guests into sneaking off into a quiet hallway before spritzing them with a potion that would make them leave and forget that they’d been with you, leaving you free to get down to the dungeon where the vault lay. 
Getting access though would require the use of the two seal-breakers which your uncle had grudgingly allowed you to take. The small, single-use charms were confined to two, peach-pit sized stones which would stick where you placed them and would shear through the strings of almost any enchantment. The problem was that they released a small blast of magic that could be detected by magic users, and they were incredibly difficult to make, which was why your uncle only had two for you. They would also shatter your glamour, so you’d have to get out of there without being seen or stopped.
Your other plan, which you really didn’t fancy, was to seduce Rafael himself and get him to give you a tour. You could lace your blood with a potion that would then render him unconscious at the first taste, since apparently he enjoyed drinking from the necks of willing humans. Using him as a distraction wouldn’t necessarily have to be about sex in that case, but it seemed a bit of a long shot all the same. For a five hundred year old vampire, who had been patron to some of history’s finest artists and musicians, some random human vulgaris was hardly going to be appealing enough to lead on a private tour of his most prized magical artefacts after only one evening. That was if you could even get close enough to him to attract his attention in the first place…
“Fuck,” you exhaled softly, your breath stirring the steam of the coffee that rose in a steady, mesmeric spiral from the white mug before you. “This is never going to work.”
If this were a commission, it would be worth over £170 due to its length, but you can read it for just $5 (or your country's equivalent) on Patreon right now, plus the previous two exclusives have also been over 10k words. You'll have access to my entire back catalogue too, and lifetime membership to the super chill Discord server!
Click here for Patreon!
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tamberlanecomic · 1 year
July Newsletter
Hey everyone! Here are some general updates for everything that’s been going on and what you can expect for this month and throughout the summer.
Health Update
As some of you may remember, right after the Kickstarter closed I was knocked out by a one-two punch of a fibro flare and Covid. While I’ve been put through the wringer, I’m FINALLY feeling like I’m crawling back out from under this extended period of sickness.
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I’m still dealing with some pain and fatigue due to my fibro flare-up, but it’s more or less back to the “normal” levels of what I’m used to, so overall I’m doing pretty good. I took some extra time to recuperate from Covid in the hopes of avoiding any long Covid effects, and while I am still taking it easy, I take a lot of joy in drawing and being forced to not indulge in any of my creative pursuits have made me all the more eager to get back into the swing of things. So, I’m still being careful, but I’m also easing back into work. 
I got so many amazing comments from patrons, readers, and Kickstarter backers all encouraging me to take as long as I needed to get better, and I can’t thank you enough for the kind words and well wishes! It was measurably easier to take some time off to rest knowing I had so many people cheering me on and encouraging me to do so, so thank you so much for taking the time to say something and for sending me words of support. <3 You da best!
Comic Updates
We’re moving right along, with 12 pages currently in the pipeline at various production stages. In fact, I’ve just put three new finished pages into the buffer for $10+ patrons today! Our priority right now is to get a healthy buffer so that I can have ample time and space to catch up on other work without impending deadline pressures.
Patreon Rewards
Next, I plan to knock out a good chunk of Patreon commissions for my $50+ folks. I’ve already been doing that here and there, but I want to make sure that the oldest ones are finished first. 
Likewise, due to the chaos of a sudden move and a lot of life changes, Ari didn’t send the May postcards out until today, so I apologize for the delays there – we’re getting back on track! June’s postcards have already been sent.
Speaking of, I’ve included some of the patron reward art I just finished last week!
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Kickstarter News
We still need to finish the internal book edits, draw up the Q&As, format the information in the book, and finish formatting annotations. These are all things I had intended to get done both during and after the campaign but I was simply unable to keep up with it due to health reasons. Curse you, chronic illness! 
I am also going to explore another option for getting the softcovers printed locally, which is something I will only go with if the quality is up to my standards. But we're less than $5k away from being able to reprint Chapters 1-3 so if we're able to get a cheaper local deal with a good printer, I'm willing to explore the option! 
By the way, we are now officially sold out of Chapters 1 and 2 books, but you can help us reprint them by preordering them and other stuff through our Backerkit shop!
Preorder Here
We’ll be streaming edits in the Foxglove discord server, so be sure to keep an eye out on there!
New Pride Merch
For Pride month I launched two new apparel designs as part of our Pride collection! Choose from Agender or Non-Binary Ainsley or Biromantic or Transgender Marie on comfy shirts available in a wide range of colors and sizes. 
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This collection also features downloadable Tales from Treehollow comics dealing with LGBTQIA+ themes. Come check it out!
Shop Now
I’ve never done Artfight before, but I’m gonna try this year! It’ll be fun to have little warmup drawings I can squeeze in here and there between larger projects. 
If you’ve never heard of Artfight, it’s an annual art trading game where you “attack” by drawing other people’s characters. It seems really fun! If you’re participating and want to add me, here’s my profile:
Thanks all for reading! May this month be ever better!
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monriatitans · 3 months
Ta-Da! List: Thursday, June 13th
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - NRL: The Neverending Reading List - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - COTMQ: Cause of the Month Quote - IG: Instagram - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - IG/Hive: shared today’s NRLs - Personal: began going through and deleting some of the photos taken during the mini-vacation
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - Movies: watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - O&T: shared the NRLs, “The Affinity Between Us”, “The Bonds We Share”, and “Our Divine Ruin”, by Melissa Sweeney, on social media; updated the image in the NRL pages/posts on O&T, BMAC, and Tumblr; added a link to Goodreads and Rumble to the “Social Icons” widget, then rearranged the order of the links; finished adding the dates the posts were shared to the NRL Page; shared today’s TDL to various social media - WGS: finished removing the COTMQs from the O&T IG; removed the IG and/or Threads sections from O&T’s “January 2024 COTMQs”, “February 2024 COTMQs”, “March 2024 COTMQs”, “April 2024 COTMQs”, and “May 2024 COTMQs” posts - Personal: used Patreon rewards to make desktop wallpapers for PERSONAL use - Branding: in Canva, updated the “WGS Email Signature” - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - YouTube: watched, listened to, and/or finished: 1. Philosophy Tube’s videos “What Was Liberalism? #5 Your Comments”, “Intro to Hegel (& Progressive Politics)”, “African Philosophy & the Enlightenment”, “Flat Earth OR Why Do People Reject Science?”, “What is Solitary Confinement Like?”, “Climate Grief”, “Healthcare, Ethics, & Postmodernism”, and “Intro to Plato” 2. ContraPoints’ videos “The Apocalypse”, “The West”, “Pronouns”, “Voting”, and “The Darkness” 3. Jim Sterling (The Jimquisition)’s videos “Why Crazy Taxi Needs To Shut Up And Pacific Drive”, “Life Is Strange And The REAL Virtue Signalling”, “The Hypocritical Wokeness Of Ubisoft”, “Screw Steam”, “Nintendo Fans Love To Troll Themselves”, “That Time The Last Of Us Part 2 Was Compared To Schindler’s List”, “Company Gave To Charity? Company Good Now!”, “Solemn JPEGs Of The Backhanded Brands”, “Quadrubisoft’s Quadruple-A Quadswallop”, “Why Emulating Nintendo Games Is Good, Probably”, and “The ‘CD’ Stands For ‘Crunching Developers’”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee and cereal for breakfast; had leftover hamburgers for lunch; cooked EatingWell’s “Chunky Cheeseburger Soup” recipe for dinner, and had cereal - Chores: started, then unloaded the dishwasher; checked the mail; swept the kitchen
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
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eyebeastposts · 1 year
June 2023 Update
Here's what's going on with the Patreon, stories, and myself for this month.
Upcoming Stories/Change to Story Releases
The winner of last month's story poll was an interesting tale of fusing Juri and Chun-li into a single, obese woman. Will be working a little slower on this one to try and incorporate aspects from their versions in the new Street Fighter, but shouldn't take too long. Aside from that, I should have the usual output of commissioned stories, plus maybe a few fun things along the way.
This would be the part where I usually talk about how $3 and up Patrons can get early access to previews and stories. While that's still true, I'm going to be updating how the stories release. You might have noticed that I've started to include word counts for each of the stories. In the past, regardless of the length, there would only be a one day exclusivity for Patrons. In an effort to better thank those that support me and give myself a bit of an extra reward for the longer stories, I'll be changing things to have the meatier stories take a few extra days to be released.
The new system is as follows: 5000 words and below: 1 day exclusivity 6000-10,000 words: 2 day exclusivity Over 10,000 words: 3 day exclusivity
Patreon Link: https://t.co/36C0cEkTAu
Prompt Requests
The newest version of the prompt request post is up. As a reminder, $5 and up Patrons can make weekly prompt requests: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-prompt-83842869
And for those that would prefer to do a one time donation in exchange for a prompt request, it can be done via my Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/post/Ko-Fi-Prompt-Request-Guidelines-S6S2HGJCV
June Story Poll Suggestions
Off of the heels of the event I threw for reaching 5000 watchers on DA, I would like to mention that you can suggest stories for the monthly story poll by being a $10 or higher Patron. The due date for submitting ideas for this month is JUNE 15TH AT 11:59 PM CST: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-story-83843045
Made a couple of additions to the Discord server in the form of two new channels. First, is the idea brainstorming channel, a place where people can make suggestions (within certain limitations) for myself and others to peruse. No guarantee that these will be written, but if you have something to share, that's the place. Secondly, I've created a channel for polls that's still a little in a rough state, but seems to be working for now.
If you would like to join the server and participate in/ignore these channels, here's the latest version of the server invite. If it expires and you still want to join, feel free to message me: https://discord.gg/p66ahTQw
Life Update/Miscellaneous Stuff
As of time of writing, I am still unemployed. Good news is that I think I'm getting close to finding a stable job. Downside of this is that it would mean things would slow down on the writing side. As much as I would like to do this as a living, it's not making quite enough yet to sustain myself. Hopefully that day will come in the future. For now, I'll be working on writing and a few other projects.
As a final note, no matter who you go to bed with or who you go to bed as, I appreciate your support. Thank you so much for indulging me in my strange stories.
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dustedandsocial · 6 years
June, previously. The end of the month rundown of what was best in June: but in July. June: July. There’s plenty where June came from. Christ’s Kingdom is eternal. June (July)
Was on vacation at the end of last month and forgot to upload this June rundown. So here it is. I’m better than Pitchfork. I’ll fight everyone at Vice HQ. I unearth more underground music than The Wire and The Quietus combined. I’m the best. Down with all with music mags, sites for profit, music content subsidiaries of Old Spice, Monster Energy Beat Camp etc. Bring info exchange to the fans, build the community, Patreons for our celebrated writers, donations for our artists, down with the for-profit content factory. Long live the independent, community-oriented content factory. I’m #1.
Here, this:
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Rock, hard rock, rock music, rock and roll, heavy hard rock
Full-Lengths Acolytes - Rupture LP (Alter) Al Doum & The Faryds - Spirit Rejoin LP (Black Sweat) Alameda 4 - Czarna Woda CD (Instant Classic) Big Blood - Operate Spaceship Earth Properly LP (Feeding Tube) Boyhood - Bad Mantras LP (Shuffling Feet) [nice follow-up to their underappreciated lp from a few years back, although a bit more traditionally pop] Brian Case - Plays Paradise Artificial LP (Hands In The Dark) Chaos Echœs - Mouvement LP (Nuclear War Now!) Danielle Dahl - Loosening Orion's Belt CS (Abstract Tits) Dreebs - Forest of a Crew LP (Ramp Local) The End - Svårmod Och Vemod Är Vardesinnen LP (RareNoise) [complete rager] Eugene Chadbourne, Steve Beresford, Alex Ward - Pleasures Of The Horror LP (Bisou) Flesh Narc - Pillow Talk CD (Heavy Baby) H E X - BLDG CS (Wetwear) Ivan The Tolerable - Le Monde Inversé 10" (Vinyl, Ack! Ack! Ack!) [far removed from prior Ben Wallers homages, Ivan brings something unexpected to every new release] Jukka Nousiainen - Ei enää kylmää eikä pimeää CD (Jukan Musiikki) [the only rock star on earth] Larry Wish & His Guys - The Mouth is the Most Promising CS (Bumpy) Maxine Funke - Home Fi CS (Brierfield Flood Press) [lo-fi folk, every song a winner] Palberta - Roach Going Down LP (Wharf Cat) Patois Counselors - Proper Release LP (Ever Never) Slushy Guts - The Blasted Stump CS (Cusp Recordings) [most underrated band in the UK] Society's Decline - No Angel On The Shoulder Of The World LP (Skrammel / Kibou) [favorite hardcore record in quite some time, pretty straightforward, thuggish. Brainbombs approved] Stefan Christensen - City Code LP (Knotwilg) Überkrøppling - Sådan Ka' Det Gång Gadagång (Mastermind) Uniform & The Body - Mental Wounds Not Healing LP (Sacred Bones) VA - Para Cuando En Mi Te Mueras  20 Unearthly Sissy And Sassy Hits CS (Comidillo Tapes) Yunclas - De lingua ad mortem CS (Grabaciones Autobombo)
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Singles, EPs, Demos
Alienation - Bitter Reality 7" EP (Warthog Speak) [best hardcore band in north america] Chloe Alison Escott - Hard Femme in Argyle EP (Self-Released) Cremalleras - Mercado Negro 12" (Thrilling Living) Dead C - On The Outbreak Of Civil War 7" (I Dischi Del Barone) Dame Area - Immagina il passato- ricorda il futuro CS (U-Bac) DEAFKIDS - Espiral da Loucura (Self-Released) Full of Hell / Intensive Care - Split 7" EP (Anthems of the Undesirable) HEX [UK]- TOUR DEMO 2018 (Self-Released) Ivan The Tolerable - Ring Around The Country 8" EP (Endless Records) La Misma - Negociac¸o~es De Paz Continuam Como As Fabulas 7" (Toxic State) Lion's Cage - Lion's Cage 7" EP (Heavy Dose) Perverted Ceremony - Perverted Ceremony 12" (Nuclear War Now!) Pig Frenzy - Pig Frenzy CS (Smikkelbaard) Pineapple RnR - Pineapple Rik n Roll 7" EP (Lumpy) Puke Puddle - Detox CS (Epileptic Media) Pumice - Platelets 7" (Soft Abuse) Sect Pig - Crooked Backs CD (Nuclear War Now!) SSRi - SSRi CS (Sexy Romance) Stef Ketteringham - Marcos' Bomber Jacket 8" (Endless) Thackery Earwicket - Lost My Heart In Space CS (Un je-ne-sais-quoi) Urbanoia - Nådeløs Vold 12" (Byllepest Distro) [*Pictured] YOR - YOR THE FUTURE CS (U-Bac)
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Experimental, Avant-Garde, who even knows
◉ ╋ ◑ Stefano Pilia & Massimo Pupillo - κένωσις (Kenosis) LP (Soave) Black Crumbs - Black Crumbs CS (Chthonic ) City Dragon - Owl Drugs CS (Andesground Label) Dan Olsson - Relaxing and Stress Relieving Music for Smartphone Users CS (Zeon Light) Embassador Dulgoon - Hydrorion Remnants LP (Nonlocal Research) Gate - Winter Songs LP (8mm) Gonçalo F Cardoso - Impressões De Uma Ilha (Unguja) LP (Edições CN) Helicopter Quartet - Last Death of the Phoenix (Self-Released) i_like_dog_face - Sleepless Illusions LP (Hot Releases) Lärmschutz - Fruits CS (Faux Amis) Laurie & Olly - Ample Profanity LP (Slip) Micromelancolié - Streaming CS (Never Anything) Monopoly Child Star Searchers - Make Mine, Macaw II LP (Discrepant) Noel Meek and Cameron Stallones - ADVENTURES IN OBJECT-HOOD! CS (Ikuisuus) Officina Errante - Recorder! Ricorda CS (Linear Obsessional) Ophüls - The Demons (Sentencia) [*Pictured] Stilluppsteypa - Beach Jolanda LP (Ultra Eczema) Sunk Heaven - Where All Sides Collapse LP (Hot Releases) URBI-FLAT - 8 Petites Pièces De Variété LP (Replica) VA - Studies On Regression Of Organic Substances And Sounds CDr (Sounds Against Humanity) Will Guthrie x TSAATAN - Will Guthrie x TSAATAN (Noise Bombing) Yngel - Indonesia CS (Insula / Abstract Tits)
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Free Jazz, Fake Jazz, music with instruments and no vocals, etc
BACZKOWSKI ∕ PADMANABHA - Mastoid Process 7'' (Iron Lung) Charlie Morrow - Toot! Too LP (Recital) Didi Kern & Philipp Quehenberger - LINZ LP (Shameless Rocks) Evan Parker & Eddie Prévost - Tools of Imagination (Fundacja Sluchaj) Flamingo - LOUD CD (Relative Pitch) Grabek - Day One CD (Gusstaff) Konstrukt - Oryantal 12" (Holidays) Les Conférences Bunker - Malédiction / Bénédiction (Self-Released) [*Pictured] Madalyn Merkey - Happy Birthday Julie Moon! (Self-Released) Malaikat dan Zoo - Malaikat dan Zoo (Noise Bombing) Marc Sinan & Oguz Buyukberber - White (ECM) Michel Kristof and Vinnie Paternostro - A Place You Could Not See... (Muteant Sounds) Nathan Corder and Tom Weeks - Anaconda (Noise Pelican) Oiseaux-Tempête - طرب TARAB LP (Sub Rosa) R A I C - Symbiosis- Vol. 1 CS (Lurker Bias) Sam Weinberg, Teté Leguía, Weasel Walter - Weinberg / Leguía / Walter CD (Buh) Toad - Toad LP (La Nòvia) Verneri Pohjola & Mika Kallio - Animal Image LP (Edition Records) WIG - Music For Birds (CRAM)
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Reissues, Archival
Agathocles - If This Is Gore, What's Meat Then LP [Rec. 1988-1990] (Nuclear War Now!) Anima - Anima [Orig. 1972] (Pilz) Anima - Der regt mich auf [Orig. 1982] (Ohr) Anima - Stürmischer Himmel [Orig. 1971] (Ohr) Basa Basa - Homowo LP [Orig. 1979] (Vintage Voudou / Bombay Connection) Blurt - Blurt / Singles CS [Rec. 1980-1984] (Post-Materialization Music) Carsickness - 1979-1982 (Get Hip) Crack Cloud - Crack Cloud LP [Rec. 2016-2017] (Meat Machine) Dimitris Kamarotos - Electromagnetic Landscapes (Unreleased Recordings 1983-2016) LP (Intersonik) Dive - Concrete Jungle 2xLP [Orig. 1993] (Mecanica) Frank Hurricane - Holy Archives Vol. 1 LP [Rec. 2010-2012] (No Fidelity Audio) Graham Lambkin - No Better No Worse (Vol 2) [Rec. 2001-2007] (Self-Released) Happy Rhodes - Ectotrophia 2xLP [Rec. 198x] (Numero Group) Heroin in Tahiti - Casilina Tapes 2010-2017 LP (Boring Machines) Jean-Marie MASSOU - La citerne de Coulanges LP [Rec. 1978] (Vert Pituite La belle) John Foxx - Metamatic 3xCD [Orig. 1980, Remastered] (Metamatic) Jonah Dan - Intergalactic Dub Rock LP [Orig. 1995] (Bokeh Versions) Joanne Forman - Cave Vaults of the Moon LP [Rec. 1987] (Séance Centre) Mercy - Mercy LP [Orig. 1984] (Nuclear War Now!) Mercy - Swedish Metal / Session 1981 LP (Nuclear War Now!) Morgen - Morgen LP [Orig. 1969] (Replica) Muziekkamer - II - Popmuziek LP [Orig. 1983] (Contort Youself) Pacewon - The Pacewon Affect [Rec. 1999] (Roc-a-Blok / Ruffhouse / Blingnot) Plastic EP & The Records - Best Of 7" EP [Rec. 1981-1982] (Xerox Music) Plastic EP & The Records - Well You Want To Make A Record 7" EP [Rec. 1981] (Xerox Music) Poulson Studio - Poulson Studio CS [Rec. 200x] (Albert's Basement) Pseudocode - Next One's Called LP [Rec. 1980-1982] (Sub Rosa) Sam McClellan - Music of the Five Elements LP [Orig. 1982] (Séance Centre) Shahara Ja - I'm An Arabian Knight (Egyptian Lover Remixes) (Left Ear) Sprung Aus Den Wolken - The Story of Electricity LP [Orig. 1986] (Vestibular) [*Pictured]   Sprung Aus Den Wolken - Sprung Aus Den Wolken EP [Orig. 1981] (Vestibular) VA - Crumbling Concrete and Rusted Iron? A Soviet Punk Cassette, 1985-1992 CS (No Label) VA - Polish Dark Wave 1982-1989 CS (No Label) VA - Satan In Love - Rare Finnish Synth-Pop & Disco 1979-1992 2xLP (Svart) VA - Studio 12 (Recordings 1980-1984) 5xLP+7" (Blowpipe / Vinyl-On-Demand) UTON - See You On The Other Side [Rec. 2012-2016] (Lactofermented Subconsciousness)
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Afrodeutsche - Break Before Make CS (Skam) Asger & William Kudahl - Tilnærmelser II 7" (Resonans) Asger Kudahl - Sketches for Revolution LP (Resonans) Bary Center - Betrayal CS (Always Human Tapes) Bead - Deploy Tomorrow's Rations (Self-Released) Belp - Hippopotamus LP (Jahmoni Music) Benedikt Frey - New Now 12" (Live At Robert Johnson) Bill Westerby - KL02 CS (Kavalanic Languages) Boothroyd - Pure Country LP (Fnord Communications) CAPELO - Baby Boom LP (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions) Cosmic Force - Transmitting Illicit Logic 12" (Something Happening, Somewhere) Cleveland - Tusk 12" (ESP Institute) Dravier - Height CS (Jungle Gym) Fluxion - Ripple Effect 2xLP (Vibrant Music) Foodman - Pokopoko CS (Plastic Bags) Graham Dunning - Way Too Much Time 12" (Adaadat) Grøn - Ingen Skår I Frosne Haver CS (Infinite Waves) Haircuts For Men - Possessions LP (Self-Released) HMOT - Inside the Black Box EP (Self-Released) HMOT - Permanent Imbalance 12" (oqko) Jako Maron - The electro Maloya experiments of Jako Maron (Nyege Nyege) Jigga - lillllill LP (Bedouin) Krypton 81 - Concorde (Blind Allies) [*Pictured]   Laksa - Delicates 12" (Ilian Tape) L/F/D/M - X-Enter-O 12" (Midnight Shift) Lee Noble - Q EP (Longform Editions) Lokier - Last One 12" (Squirrels On Film) LQ & Headland - Fat Neck 7" (ZamZam) Magic From Space - Ioeoular CS (Plastic Response) Oscar Mulero - Electric Shades 2xLP (Token) ótimoKaráter - Da Clínica CS (Meia-Vida) Théo Spécial - Ivory 12" (Bordello A Parigi) VA - The Black Wig Throw Off 12" (Contort Yourself) VA - Nein To Five (Nein Records) VA - Patina Echoes 2xLP (Timedance) Violent Quand On Aime - Violent Quand On Aime LP (Knekelhuis) Zuli - Trigger Finger 12" (Haunter)
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Hip-Hop Rap
(Liv).e & 10.4 ROG - ​hoopdreams​ EP 03 Greedo - God Level 70th Street Carlos - Loosies (Download C/0) A.G. - The Taste Of AMBrosia ALLBLACK - Outcalls Bandgang Lonnie Bands - Loosies (Download C/0) Bisk - Hardcorepimpfunk Cash Click Boog - Indictment Music Cdot Honcho - Head Honcho EP Chief Keef - Ottopsy EP Chris Crack - Let's Just Be Friends Chris Crack - This Will All Make Sense Later EP Co Cash - Foolhardy DSR Splurge - Hollywood Dopeboy EP  E L U C I D x Haj of Dumhi - No Edge Ups In Uganda Eludem - Films for the Mind IAMSU - 06 Solara Larry June - Sock It to Me, Pt. 2 Lil Blood - Ndugu Lil Yase - Winners Circle MIKE - Renaissance Man Rico Nasty - Nasty Shootergang JoJo - Free Jojo Ski Mask the Slump God - Get Dough Presents EP The Skull Eclipses - The Skull Eclipses Snypa, Rx Peso, Scarfo Da Plug & Drugrixh Hect - Wraith Talk Rx Drug Rixh SOB X RBE & Big Money - Tutuland EP Spitta - Let Me Eat 3 Starlito & MobSquad Nard - Open Cases EP Westside Gunn - Supreme Blientele ZachBlackDiamonds - FreezaMode: All This Ice [Awful-affiliated. Taken down off SNDCLD/BNDCMP, DL HERE] [*Pictured]
(Also made six mixes in June, which cover much of the ground presented in this post: check them out HERE)
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folk-kindling · 6 years
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Welcome to our second reblog giveaway! Last time we sported some really great Lioden and Flight Rising items, which got a TON of interest. This time around we’re doing something a bit different. As a thanks to all of you for your continued support, we’ve decided to give away an entry pass to this year’s Pokemon Go Fest, located in Chicago, IL. This is a physical item giveaway, meaning we’ll need your name & address so participants must be 18 or older, or have a parent/guardian’s written permission to redeem this prize. International gamers may have to pay shipping & handling fees. (Please don’t post personal information in the replies below. We’ll only need that info from the winner.)
This is a free raffle. Every interested tumblr follower is eligible for 1 ticket by reblogging this post . Additional raffle tickets can be gained in the following ways:
(1) Becoming a watcher of a DA group
(2) Sharing our Patreon campaign on Facebook  (please include your tumblr username)
(3) Becoming a follower on Facebook
It’s not required but it’s always a plus if you include your team! In case you’re wondering, we’re Valor ;)
Giveaway ends June 10th.
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furiarossa · 6 years
June 2018 recap - What we created?
June 2018 just ended: here's what we posted online this month, thanks also to the support of our beloved patrons!
Il Cammino delle Leggende (The Way of Legends) / OCs:
Baby Joyla | Furiadoro reference sheet | MiniChibi #54 - Marc Voratten | An unlikely trio, the last werewolves | Chibi Mad Teo | Anita Louise Bennett | Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio | Rumio reference sheet | The golden queen | Fuse gold (black and white) | Six-legged magic salamander (frangidestino) | Alejandro portrait with sunglasses | The blind beast (black and white) | Double Taker + Regina | Double Taker Bennett | Remember, Shadow, you came from Darkness | September Aster (coloring of a drawing from 2011) | Enraged Deadly Sands |
Animals and other cute creatures
ACEO - Marine snake monster |
Anthro/furry (not commissions)
Fei Tai | Remy (art trade) |
Underworld crawling |
Hannibal sketch 356 (Sorrow, Abigail and Will) | Hannibal sketch 357 (Happiness, Will and dogs) | Hannibal sketch 358 (Will Grim) | Hannibal sketch 359 (Mason + OC) | Hannibal sketch 360 (Mason + dragon hatchling) | Green Mason Verger |
Other fanarts
Lucha Underground minichibi 1 - Cage | Lucha Underground minichibi 2 - Drago | Lucha Underground minichibi 3 - Matanza Cueto | Chibi Jasper (Steven Universe) | Chibi Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) | Lucha Underground minichibi 4 - Antonio Cueto | Toothless and a fish |
Muscle selfie 1 | Surrounded | Nova and the flower | Sort of... Rapunzel? | Around the campfire (black and white version) | Furry Hogwarts houses | Around the campfire | Guldo the wolf | Hot spring (Black and white version) | Sandy + Sandy |
Patrons only!
Fei Tai (WIP) | Fuse gold (WIP) | Surrounded (WIP) | Nova and the flower (WIP) | Around a campfire (WIP) | Guldo (WIP) | Rumiu base (WIP) | Oliver and Nubia strip 23 (WIP) | Sandy + Sandy (WIP) | Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio (Pack for patrons) | Around a campfire (pack for patrons) | Colorable linearts vol.17 (pack for patrons) | Lycan Tarots: a coloring book (digital version) |
+++WRITING (mainly in Italian, sorry)+++
Sunset - Belarda contro i vampiri (blog/su wattpad)  
Finto-Jacob [Blog][Wattpad] | Una briciola di ottimismo [Blog][Wattpad] |
Schede dei personaggi/luoghi/specie
Rumiu (Loquispinae basilicus) [In italiano][English] | Frangidestino (Fatum Praedo) |
Urban Legends
Una strana creatura trovata in un fosso | Sharazad | Un plenilunio con Cuscino | Fame di morte | un nuovo autocontrollo | Il ritorno del cacciatore nero | E si aprirono le porte dell'inferno |
Discorsi fannibaleschi
Mason Verger |
Scontramondi (Wattpad)
Una trasformazione e un vampiro | Principe vampiro contro guerriero licantropo | Non potrai mai più avere una vita normale | Aven e Ninive | Sogni reali: Viaggio nella mente di Aven | Un uovo di drago, una speranza per il futuro | Prima freddo, poi caldo, poi freddo | La vendetta è un piatto difficile da servire | L'ultima idra | Combattere contro un'idra | Arrivano i soccorsi! | Inizia l'operazione "Ultimo Dragoniere" | Sguazzi ancora nelle arti oscure? | Un cavaliere che si prepara | Come preparare una cerimonia | L'investitura di un cavaliere oscuro | Cose da Ministro Oscuro | Ermes | Un'evoluzione tutta nuova | L'inizio di una nuova stagione della vita |
L'Uomo dei Cimiteri - Parte 1: il Bambino (Wattpad)
Tutti contro la Notte che Urla |
Io sono il Drago (Wattpad)
I segreti di Paulus |
Kuroshihellsing (Wattpad)
La fortuna del maggiordomo | Prova 21 - Il fascino | Coppia 1. Lizzie e il Maggiore | Coppia 2. Finnian e Tanaka-san | Coppia 3. Walter e Meirin | Coppia 4. Integra e Ciel | Coppia 5. Alexander e Seras |
+++ FANSITES/FANBLOGS MAINTENANCE (Not counted in the final count of the published works, of course, but we put them in  the pile because it's still the work we do for the art community and for  online fandom) ++++++  
Fannibalgallery: reblogged fanarts 150 |  Lycangallery: reblogged artworks 150 |
Total of the published works in June 2018: 100
So, what do you think? We were good? We could do more? Support us on Patreon and help us creating more stuff, better stuff, and to extend our world!
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mode7rap · 7 years
Latest hip hop EP, 'Revenge of the Nice Guy' from Maverick Da Roninn
via Game Music 4 All
Latest tracks from Maverick Da Roninn. Catch a few short tracks chronicling the past few months of Maverick. Hope to get a full length out of him soon!
#ROTNG: Revenge of the Nice Guy by Maverick Da Roninn
“This tape is a pure expression on how i felt in the last few months most of these feelings have passed but while waiting for Gamers Interlude 2 to come into completion i figured it be cool to give yall something in the meantime released June 4, 2017 Mixing cred goes to A.O. Lyrical”
— Maverick Da Roninn
Thanks for reading! Support my work by subscribing to me on Patreon and follow me on Twitter @genoboost!
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