frontalheadpart1 · 2 months
I don't like how this turned out but it's fine I'll redraw it in a later date
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🌽 🫱
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tomoleary · 23 days
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Frank Frazetta "Mongol Scout" (1971) Source
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lovingtheshow · 3 months
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comunque per quanto mi faccia ancora arrabbiare il fatto che non abbiamo visto altre scene di questo momento, quando hanno passato 6 ore in quella camera, allo stesso tempo adoro troppo una cosa: come mimmo e simone mentre si spogliano e baciano non si stacchino per un secondo, sono come incollati tramite le loro fronti ♥ // anyway, as angry as it still makes me that we haven't seen more scenes from this moment, when they spent 6 hours in that room, at the same time there's one thing I love: how mimmo and simone don't detach themselves for a second, while undressing and kissing, they are like glued through their foreheads ♥
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blog-bleu · 3 months
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Amour toujours
Illustration : Aurelia Fronty
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dr-mechano · 2 years
Guys, chill. Eggman is still a bad guy.
I have seen some fans express concern that Eggman’s recent foray into fatherhood might compromise his effectiveness as a villain.
I am not worried about this in the slightest. Eggman is capable of loving Sage while still hating that hedgehog, and working tirelessly to bend the planet to his will.
I also think people oversell how “good” Sage herself is. Sage was rather unbothered by Sonic apparently “dying” of cyber-corruption, and was far more focused on Eggman’s safety. Sage also has access to Eggman’s entire campaign history, and never once morally objected to any of it.
Based on my reading of Frontiers’ story, Sage will continue to be a loyal supporter of Eggman’s world domination schemes, not someone who’ll soften him up or reform him over time.
Eggman is still a villain, and based on everything we know, so is Sage. They might be an adorable family, but they’re still plotting to conquer the world and will supply the series with many more villainous plots in the future, don’t you worry.
Eggman can simultaneously have redeeming qualities and still be Sonic’s feared arch-nemesis at the same time, without either aspect contradicting the other.
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dominousworld · 4 months
Gaza e i suoi fronti di guerra
Gaza e i suoi fronti di guerra
a cura della Redazione 26/03/2024 Nel 172° giorno di guerra a Gaza si intensifica il sostegno verso Hamas, il che esercita una pressione crescente su Israele e sugli Stati Uniti. Questa pressione si riflette nelle perdite umane e materiali subite da Israele a causa della guerra di Gaza. Questi fronti influenzano sia il livello tattico che quello strategico. L’ex primo ministro israeliano, Yair…
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knittinglizards · 1 year
seems significant that the structure/aesthetics of mirror universe starfleet barely change when they're outright vicious conquering style imperialists
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i-am-a-polpetta · 2 years
definirò questa giornata con sole 3 parole: colpo di grazia.
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vicsep7250 · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers really said "You ain't gonna be normal after experiencing me" and then punched me in the dick.
On top of what it did to old fanatics, too, like damn.
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frontalheadpart1 · 23 days
My green design cuz duh
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Line work version
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
lo studente universitario che chiede informazioni sulla diretta streameng del corso mi è nuovo. figlio mio, se non ti assiste nemmeno il correttore automatico, francamente la vedo dura. cordialmente,
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PRIMA PAGINA Ciociaria Editoriale Oggi di Oggi domenica, 25 agosto 2024
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osappleobeneduci · 3 months
OSAPP/BENEDUCI: "Missione in Albania, Ignoti i Criteri di Selezione, GRANDE DELUSIONE per i Poliziotti Penitenziari!"
https://www.tiktok.com/@leobeneduci9/video/7387295830035713312?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc LEO BENEDUCI – Segretario Generale OSAPP Organizzazione Sindacale Autonoma Polizia Penitenziaria
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sepiadays · 10 months
I think this might be the definitive "gow job."
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