Słuchawki dla graczy HP OMEN Mindframe Prime (biało-czarne)
Słuchawki dla graczy HP OMEN Mindframe Prime (biało-czarne)
HP OMEN Mindframe Prime HP Mindframe Prime to doskonałe słuchawki dla graczy wyposażone w technologię FrostCap oraz nauszniki z funkcją pasywnego chłodzenia, gwarantujące komfort podczas długich rozgrywek, a wbudowany układ dźwięku przestrzennego w technologii C-Media Xear™ tworzy realistyczną przestrzeń audio, która pozwala dokładnie lokalizować źródła konkretnych dźwięków. Pałąk z funkcją…
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avtordnya · 3 years
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livingdeathbat · 4 years
"we can't have each other even if we wanted to"
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 25: I think I’ll just collapse right here, thanks.  [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]
The time for the stone to recharge from a smaller jump was lesser, thank goodness. It meant that after a mildly cold night, spent sharing a corner of their host’s family tent, they were ready to move on in the morning-- first away from other people, and then forward in time. Their hosts insisted on feeding them first, and Loki was grateful for at least knowing where some food would come from that day, given they had no idea when they might end up. 
During breakfast Loki, keeping her silence, tried not to think about sleeping in Steve’s arms, this time with other people around, who thought them partners and saw nothing wrong with it. It was… an oddly heady feeling, and that was without doubt the best sleep she’d had in years. 
No doubt helped along by the relative comfort of not rough-shod camping in mid-winter, and the exhaustion of the traveling the day before. 
Once they were a good way away from the family, she changed back to himself and dropped the illusions on Steve’s clothing. 
“How are you doing today?” Steve asked, almost immediately. 
Loki smiled. 
“My voice feels better.” He said, and though the words came out, there was still a rough edge to them. He winced. 
“I shall try to speak sparingly.” He added. 
Steve huffed. 
“Yeah, that’s fair. Are you sure you don’t want to wait another day before jumping forward again?”
Loki shook his head. “I would rather move us towards modern showers, food, and heat.” He gave Steve a reassuring smile, pulled out the stone, and offered him his hand. 
“Shall we?”
Steve took his hand and squeezed it. 
“Yeah, ready if you are.”
Loki nodded and shaped his seidhr first, this time, forming a shield around his hand and the stone before reaching within it, creating a way to trap the stone’s power and separate it from his own. 
Even still, as the power woke and began to surge, hitting the shield and becoming agitated, bumping around, he knew it would not hold. 
Carefully, he opened the shield away from himself and pointed the power before them, hoping to create the opening they needed and allow them to walk through. 
The stone refused, surging backwards, washing over his hand, up his arm. He bit his lip to hold in the sounds, to keep from destroying his throat further, and he felt Steve hold tighter to his hand as the stone’s power surrounded them both. 
He could feel the stone reaching into him, tapping into his seidhr again, and he could feel it pulling power from him-- unnecessary, but at least he had enough presence of mind to shape the power, to drive them where he needed them to go. 
There was no physical step necessary this time; instead they felt like they had been ripped through something impenetrable. It felt like being thrown through brick walls, tugged through them via a line wrapped around his brain. 
The power receded, all at once, and Loki’s knees gave out and he crumpled. 
“Loki!” Steve used his grip on his hand to keep him upright, then knelt with him and gathered him close, keeping Loki’s face from meeting the ground. 
Loki’s vision swam, several copies of concerned blue eyes staring down into his face. 
“‘M alright.” Loki said, though he could feel his head pounding and his words slurred.
Steve snorted. “Clearly not. You haven’t even tried to get up.” 
Loki blinked, then turned his head. 
They were surrounded by people,  both those who looked like their hosts from the night prior and those who looked like Steve. 
“Englishman, does your friend need help?” Loki heard someone ask in Steve’s tongue. Steve looked up, surprised. 
“I-- he’s just exhausted from traveling. Is there a… a hotel? Somewhere I can rent a bed?”
With what money, Loki wondered. But he didn’t interrupt, closing his eyes instead. He didn’t know where or when they were, but at least Steve seemed to speak the language and could manage himself. 
Loki took a deep breath and tried to focus on the places Steve’s hands were touching him, on the warmth of him seeping through Loki’s clothing. Narrowing his focus that much allowed him to better catalogue his ills. 
He was shaky and disoriented, his thoughts vibrating nearly as much as his body, his ears ringing and his eyes unable to focus fully when he did open them. He felt like a gong that had been rung and was now left to stop shaking on his own, hollow echoes of what came before pulsing through him. 
It felt as if the stone was laughing at him. 
He pulled the hand holding the stone in close to his chest, lest anyone else see it. 
“You have yourself a deal.” Steve was saying. Loki let him guide him to his feet, but he was unsteady on them, and nearly fell again. 
He heard a few voices cry out at that, and then felt Steve lifting him, pulling him close to his chest. 
“I’ve got you.” Steve’s voice rumbled through him, a grounding counterpoint to his empty vibrations, and Loki smiled faintly. 
He let the darkness of sleep swallow him up, though regretfully. He hoped Steve would be alright, but there was nothing he could do to be of help at present.
When he woke again, he was in a bed. Not a very comfortable one, but a bed just the same. In a room with walls. There were sounds outside-- life happening around him. But Steve wasn’t there. 
He had no other grounding points, and still felt ill, but sat up just the same. 
There were too many people around.
The thought drove through his brain like a spike, and left a wave of panic behind it. 
Who knew what effects their presence would have?
He struggled to his feet, then to the door, catching himself on the wall. “Steve?” He called, hating how weak he sounded, then again, “Steve!” 
He heard the sounds of things being set down, and then Steve appeared, looking worried for him but otherwise perfectly fine. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I got us a room, we’re alright.”
“Too many people, Steve, too many changes…” 
Steve shook his head. 
“It’s fine. It will be fine. This is a port town, people come in and out all the time, weird folks, from all over the place. No one will think twice about us. And you need the rest.” 
Loki shook his head. “We should go.” 
“No.” Steve firmed his voice, sounding every bit the Captain. “You should go back to bed. You can’t walk, and I am not going to carry you, and I’m certainly not letting you use the stone again until you’re solidly back on your feet.”
“No.” Steve insisted. “It keeps hurting you. I hate that I can’t help, and I hate that we have to do it, but at the very least, you can take the time to take care of yourself-- or let me take care of you. I mean, reasonably speaking, we have all the time in the world, right?” 
Loki stared at him, at the little smile that played around his lips and the open concern in his eyes, alongside the stubborn slant of his jaw. 
He was beautiful. 
Loki closed his eyes. 
“We will travel again tomorrow. Find out the year, if you can.” 
“It’s 1660. We’re in New Amsterdam colony. And the next time we jump, we’ll need to be careful to avoid landing in the Revolutionary War.” Steve lowered his voice for the last part. 
Loki nodded. 
“Tell me how many years before it is safe, and I will find a way to get us to then.” He mumbled. 
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Steve said, and steered him back into the room, back to the bed. He helped Loki take a drink of water. 
“I’ll wake you for supper. For now-- just rest.” 
Loki nodded, eyes still closed, and let himself drift again.
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gammaqueenbrucie · 2 years
Just an idea I had a while back:
instead of staying in the past, Steve promised Thor to bring Loki back.
As in, snatch him up right before Th*nos could Darth Vader him.
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full process on my Instagram but be warned some of the slides are atrocious lookin- 😂
I am aware that I can’t draw Steve to save my life.
Also do they have a ship name or am I that weird?
P.S. are we keeping count of how many times Loki shapeshifts into an Avenger, V.S. how many times Loki shapeshifts into Steve specifically? 💅
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mistral-golem · 7 years
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Petall Challenge - Day 4
Both Maldwyn and Frostcape have finished bios now! Plus I formatted Ambrosia’s bio along with theirs! They can all be found on the first page of my lair.
@petall-fr @toad-fr
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whatstrendingnews · 4 years
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OMEN by HP Mindframe PC Gaming Headset with World's First FrostCap Active Cooling Technology (black) http://dlvr.it/Rj7pq8
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irumino · 8 years
The Risk of Reading
Do you ever feel like you just read some heavy shit stuff, story, and it actually makes your chest feels something, hurt, and you need time to recuperate, because your head is still spinning with unnecessary frustration and helplessness and you find yourself in foul mood for the next few minutes/hours, until you can find you equilibrium back or you find something else to read that actually cheers you up. I'm talking about fandom here people, not some good books about humanity.
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Heartburn / Ardor cordis
Heartburn, or “Ardor Cordis” is a dangerous and oft-fatal magical disease, though it can be treated. Often mistaken, in early stages, for Hearteater and Heartsfail, it is distinguishable later by its particular glow. Heartburn is, unlike the mundane form, a rather precise and chilling description of the disease. Starting as uncomfortable heat around the heart, Heartburn gradually increases its seeming temperature... but only with regards to those cells it directly affects. With this magical temperature, it heats, burns and calcifies the outside of the heart, eventually halting all movement, causing death.
Considered by some Healers to be a human version of Agni’s Fire, Heartburn seems to be transmitted via fluid contact - saliva and blood, most commonly. Due to this, its not uncommon for partners to be affected together, and a number of magical plays make reference to starcrossed lovers slowly dying of Heartburn, as well as a number of comedies centring around the revelation of a husband’s adultery when he is mysteriously afflicted. Despite its ominous names and symptoms, however, Heartburn can be treated, and regularly is. A combination of cooling potions and charms, using such things as Frostcaps and Icy Gelcaps as main ingredients are highly effective at lowering the magically heightened temperature, killing off the infecting bacteria. In rapidly advancing cases, the recent development of Heartsnakes has proven a boon, and deaths to this disease are so rare as to be practically unheard of in the present day.
(Image Source)
(I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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Słuchawki dla graczy HP OMEN Mindframe Prime (czarne)
Słuchawki dla graczy HP OMEN Mindframe Prime (czarne)
HP OMEN Mindframe Prime HP Mindframe Prime to doskonałe słuchawki dla graczy wyposażone w technologię FrostCap oraz nauszniki z funkcją pasywnego chłodzenia, gwarantujące komfort podczas długich rozgrywek, a wbudowany układ dźwięku przestrzennego w technologii C-Media Xear™ tworzy realistyczną przestrzeń audio, która pozwala dokładnie lokalizować źródła konkretnych dźwięków. Pałąk z funkcją…
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💕 ((I wouldn't mind shipping with you. Though I guess we should do a few threads or something first :) ))
Omg yes! I’ve always wanted to do FrostCap (I think thats their ship name) and never really gotten the chance to in the past! I still need to reply to the meme you sent, but that could be a start? But yes I’m so down! 
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
So uh, I haven’t touched this one in a hot minute. 
Sorry bout that.  This is an AU in which Loki acquires HYDRA's favorite Asset, and James Barnes-- Captain America-- discovers that his best friend didn't die in the war after all.
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惠普暢遊人Pavilion Gaming系列主機和外設
HP Pavilion Gaming Desktop(TG01-0185t)的外觀非常簡潔,預裝Windows 10家庭版,搭配英特爾第九代酷睿i7-9700處理器,16 GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM,以及NVIDIA GeForce GTX GTX 1660 Ti顯卡。
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這台主機上有9個USB端口(4個USB 3.1 Gen 1,4x USB 2.0,1個USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-C)和一大堆開關選項,如果購買時TOUCH of LED選項,能夠對主機外觀進行照明從而提升遊戲氛圍。
還有一款新的HP Pavilion遊戲鍵盤800,帶有4區LED背光,3.5mm耳機插孔,以及帶有n鍵翻轉的“100%防重影”。
本週推出了一款新款HP Pavilion遊戲筆記本電腦,型號為15-ec0010nr。這款機器的採用15.6英寸的FHD IPS防眩光微邊緣WLED背光顯示屏,內置NVIDIA GTX 1050,以及AMD Ryzen 5 3550H CPU。
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惠普同時對暗影精靈OMEN系列進行升級,推出了OMEN Encoder鍵盤、OMEN Mindframe Prime耳機、OMEN Tranceptor背包和Headset Case耳機套。其中OMEN Mindframe Prime耳機將和 Headset Case分開獨立發售,該耳機提供了FrostCap散熱技術,可以通過USB Type-A端口連接電腦支持環境音效果。產品型號為6MF35AA#ABB。
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HP OMEN X 27顯示器
這款顯示屏提供了分辨率為2560*1440的27英寸屏幕,1ms響應時間和240Hz刷新率。這款顯示器使用DCI-P3色域,支持HDMI,DisplayPort和2個USB端口連接。它還能夠傳輸環境照明 – 將支架底座上的顏色與屏幕上的任何顏色相匹配。
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惠普還透露了OMEN / Pavilion品牌系列之外的兩款新顯示器,分別為HP 22x和HP 24x顯示器。 HP 22x顯示器採用21.5英寸1920 x 1080像素面板,採用AMD FreeSync技術,刷新率為144 Hz,內置揚聲器。
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HP 24x採用1920 x 1080像素23.8英寸面板,刷新率為144 Hz,採用AMD FreeSync技術和內置揚聲器。 HP 22x會先進入歐洲市場,而24x將於本月登陸美國市場。
暢遊人Pavilion Gaming系列將於8月下旬上架銷售,起售價格為700美元。 Pavilion Gaming 15筆記本電腦將於9月左右開店,起價約為800美元。 Pavilion遊戲鍵盤的價格可能在80美元左右,現在已經上架。
此外22x和24x兩款顯示器將於今年8月在部分國家和地區上市發售。其中22x會首先登陸歐洲市場,起售價格為170歐元,而24x將於本月登陸美國市場,起售價格為280美元。電競級顯示器OMEN X 27顯示器將通過惠普官網(hp.com)和其他零售渠道在今年9月份發售,預估零售價格為650美元。
from [圖]惠普升級暗影精靈和暢遊人產品線:豐富遊戲玩家的選擇 via KKNEWS
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kazvent · 5 years
HP Omen anuncia nuevos auriculares con refrigeración activa por 200 euros y un monitor a 240 Hz
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Omen es otra de esas firmas que se han guardado unas cuantas novedades para la Gamescom. La filial de HP ha dado a conocer un buen puñado de productos, incluyendo un nuevo monitor y auriculares con refrigeración activa, mientras que su matriz ha actualizado la gama de acceso para juegos Pavilion con portátiles y torres de nueva factura. Comenzando por los auriculares, que posiblemente son el producto menos importante y a la vez el más llamativo, reciben el nombre Omen Mindframe Prime y se caracterizan por utilizar la tecnología Frostcap de HP. Este sistema de enfriamiento no utiliza… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net https://ift.tt/2HcGtsr via IFTTT
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
HP's latest gaming headset delivers active cooling, noise cancellation
HP’s latest gaming headset delivers active cooling, noise cancellation
HP has unveiled a host of new gaming products for Gamescom 2019, starting with the Omen Mindframe Prime, a high-end gaming headset with features that should make competitive play more comfortable. Your ears will heat up less thanks to HP’s “Frostcap” active cooling that features a new graphite heat spreader tucked into the larger earpads. It’s also got built-in 7.1 surround sound that enhances…
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whatstrendingnews · 4 years
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FYI: OMEN by HP Mindframe PC Gaming Headset with World's First FrostCap Active Cooling Technology (black) http://dlvr.it/RmqT8x
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