#we don’t talk about thanos
lives-in-midgard · 2 months
Say Don't Go
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: When Steve has to bring back the infinity stones he isn't sure if he can come back to you because he might still have feelings for Peggy.
Word Count: 1005
A/N: Hey guys! I got inspired for this while listening to "say don't go" by Taylor Swift. I'm sorry that this is a sad story, I hope you still like it.
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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When Steve and the other Avengers were on the run, you and Steve went together. You didn’t stay at one place for long and were going to different countries. Sometimes you were hiding in cabins in the woods or somewhere in a small town. After a while you were very close to each other. Steve told you stories about the 40s, about his friendship with Bucky and you told him more about your life before you were an Avenger. One night as you were sitting outside, watching the stars Steve confessed his feelings for you and you told him you felt the same way.
You were happy together until Thanos came to New York and you had to fight alongside the Avengers a horde of aliens. Suddenly a lot of Avengers turned into dust, and you were one of them. It was the worst for Steve. First, he had to watch his best friend disappear, and then he had to watch his love disappear. Steve loved you, he really did. He wanted to get you, Bucky and everyone else back. He missed you so much, but after five years he thought there was no way he would get you back. Until suddenly there was hope again.
When you returned five years later, you were confused until Wong told you and the others what happened, and that Thanos was back. During the fight you looked out for Steve and saw him far away from you, but you were glad he was okay. You began to smile as you saw that he lifted Thors hammer. And when you finally won against Thanos, you ran to Steve and jumped into his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” You said and Steve rubbed your back.
“Me too, it’s so good to see you again.” Steve said.
“I love you.” You confessed but Steve didn’t say anything back and just kept rubbing your back. That’s when you noticed for the first time that something was different.
Steve showed you his apartment and told you that you could stay there. The next day, you and Steve were sitting outside and looking at the stars. He had his arm around your back and told you everything that happened.
“I saw Peggy.” Steve said suddenly.
“When we went back in time to get the Infinity Stones I saw her. I wish I could talk to her just one more time again.” Steve confessed and you looked at the ground for a second, thinking about what to say.
“I understand that she was and still is very important to you Steve.” You said and Steve nodded.
“When I bring back the stones tomorrow I might see her again but if I see her again I’m…I’m not sure if I can come back.“ Steve stuttered in a sad tone and you looked away. You knew he wasn’t just saying this because it was dangerous, but also because of Peggy. You thought that he would still think about her but hearing him say that made you so sad. You love him so much and thought he did too, but it looks like he doesn’t or maybe he wasn’t sure.
“Sweetheart, please look at me.” Steve mumbled and reached for your hand. When you looked at him you saw a sad expression in his eyes.
“I would stay forever…if you say don’t go.” Steve confessed, but you knew it wouldn’t be right for him to stay if he still had feelings for Peggy. You had to let him go and if he really loved you, he would come back to you.
“It’s okay Steve, you have to go.” You said, fighting back a few tears, but one tear rolled down your cheek. Steve moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb.
“How about one last hug?” Steve asked and you nodded. You both stood up and Steve wrapped his arms around you. You stayed like that for a few minutes until you broke the hug and kissed Steve one more time.
Later when you cuddled in bed with Steve maybe for the last time, he held you and rubbed your back.
“You know where to find me.” You said while looking up at him. Steve smiled softly and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
When you woke up the next morning, Steve wasn’t next to you anymore. When you looked at the clock and saw what time it was, a tear rolled down your cheek. Steve is gone, he really was. You just came back and now you’ve lost him. You started to cry but tried to remind yourself that it was for the best, but you were already starting to miss him. After staying in bed for an hour, you suddenly heard a knock on the door. You quickly wiped the tears away and walked to the door.
When you opened the door you couldn’t believe what you saw.
“I’m so sorry that I thought I still love her. As soon as I left the apartment this morning, I knew that it was wrong. I love you and when I saw her again, I knew she isn’t the one for me but you are. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Steve, I love you too. I can forgive you but I’m not sure if I can forget about this…knowing that you might choose her over me hurt me.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for being such an idiot.” Steve said, making you smile a little.
“You really were an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?” Steve asked and you had to giggle.
“Yeah.” Steve started to smile and walked closer to you. Then he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
Steve knew that what he did was wrong and that it won’t be so easy for you to forget what he did. But he will try to make it up to you and hopes that you can be happy together again.
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@marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @nekoannie-chan | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @sgtgarricks | @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 | @cutedisneygirl @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @buckys-wintersoldier
208 notes · View notes
xcaptain-winterx · 1 year
Requests are open you say? How about Steve Rogers having a huge crush on the new recruit (reader) and being very awkward in trying to pursue her
Be a man
Steve Rogers x reader
summary: above
warnings: fluff, awkwardness, shy Steve, cum
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.
Part 2
Main Masterlist Steve Rogers Masterlist
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Steven Grant Rogers also known as the hero Captain America. Fought against Hydra and their leader Red Skull, his brainwashed best friend, Ultron, his own team and even Thanos. You would think that Americas golden boy is unstoppable, that nothing can stop him.
You’re wrong.
See, Steve has years of experience in fighting due to the fact that he’s over a hundred years old and fought in World War Two. The only thing he doesn’t know about, or to be more specific, doesn’t have any experience with, is the opposite sex. Steve has never been on a date or had a real first kiss. Ok, yeah, he kissed Peggy and Natasha once, but that meant nothing. God, he’s still a virgin.
To sum it up, Steve is an awkward bean around women. He doesn’t always show it obviously, but ask him something not work related with a flirty smile, and he starts to sweats like a polar bear in the desert.
Steve always thought that he was going to be able to talk to ‘the girl’ once he saw her, that he will have no problem to communicate with her.
He thought wrong.
Steve is in the training room, punching the punching bag until it falls off again. He was supposed to be training with Sam, but he hasn’t shown up. So far, Sam always showed up or at least texted him if something came in between and he couldn’t make it. Steve stops hitting the punching bag and goes over to the bench where his phone is laying. He picks it up and swipes it open, seeing that he didn’t receive any text message from Sam.
It’s not normal for Sam to be late, so Steve decides that he’s going to look for Sam. He puts his phone in his pocket and walks out of the gym, in the direction of the living area.
As he walks down the hallway Bucky crosses his path, “Hey pal, have you seen Sam”, Steve asks.
“No, but I can imagine he’s talking to the new recruits, telling them something about teamwork makes the dream work, or some other shit”, Bucky says, mimicking Sam’s voice.
Steve’s brows furrow; what new recruits? Steve heard nothing about new recruits. “I don’t know anything about new recruits?”
“Transferred from a SHIELD base in Germany, I think. Sam will probably force us to introduce us to them”, Bucky says. Steve knows that it’s hard for Bucky to talk or communicate with new and many people at once, but he knows that he’s trying his best. Since he began going to therapy, his old self made more and more of an appearance, and Bucky feels a lot better in general even though it’s hard sometimes. He’s proud of Bucky. He’s trying his best.
“Better we do it now than later. Come on, Buck”, Steve says, patting his shoulder, and pulling him with him.
Bucky lets out a chuckle, “Ok”.
Both super soldiers walk towards the meeting rooms, thinking they might be there when Bucky suddenly stops walking. Steve looks at Bucky, silently questioning why he stopped. Bucky reads Steve’s facial expression before pointing towards the end of the hallway, “found him”.
Steve follows Buckys finger and sees Sam. Sam is not alone, he’s with a woman. A beautiful woman. A goddess.
Bucky sees Steve’s face heating up. “You good, pal?” he asks with a teasing voice. Steve doesn’t answer him, to lost in the woman’s beauty next to Sam. Bucky snaps his fingers in front of Steve’s face, trying to get him back to reality, but it doesn’t work.
Lost in thoughts, or to be more specific the woman, Steve doesn’t see how Sam noticed them too, and is calling them over.
Steve comes back to reality when Sam calls him for the third time. Bucky laughs at Steve’s confused puppy stare, looking like he just woke up from a coma without any knowledge of what happened before. It gets worse as they see how Sam and the woman are now walking towards them. Bucky feels Steve panicking next to him. “Hey Steve, calm down, ok?” Bucky whispers to him.
“Mhm”, Steve answers, not being able to form any words. Sam and the Woman getting closer and closer to them.
“Remember, we just introduce ourselves” Bucky tries to calm him down, his own anxiety leaving and instead focusing on helping his friend, “You can do this. Just remember to think and talk at the same time, and don’t just stare at her”. If his friend wasn’t looking like a dead fish Bucky would’ve really enjoyed this moment. Him helping his friend talk to a woman like he did back in the 40s, but nothing about Steve’s current problem is funny. Well, maybe the fact that he for real looks like a dead fish.
“Ok” Steve says.
“You can do this, Steve”
And the woman gets closer and closer.
Steve begins to murmur what he wants to say, making Bucky look nervously at him.
The woman and Sam are now almost completely by them as Steve suddenly says, “I need to finish the mission report”, before sprinting the other direction.
“Hey, why did Steve-“ Sam can’t finish because Bucky is already sprinting after Steve, leaving him and the woman utterly confused. “BUCKY!”
Sam puts his hands on his hips, “normally they are not like this, ok? They probably just remembered to take their anti-aging cream”. He turns to you, “Super soldiers, you know”.
You smile as Sam claps your shoulders and says, “how about I show you the training room?”. You nod, letting him lead you to the training room.
Meanwhile, Steve is sprinting towards his room, looking like a gazelle who’s running away from a predator. Steve thought he could talk to her, but no.
Once he reaches his room, he locks the door, and then just stands there, staring at the locked door; what just happened? He begins to hyperventilate like how his pre serum self did when he had an asthma attack. The room feels like it’s shrinking. Steve feels small and scared. Just the sight of the woman made him with a snap of a finger feel like his weak 40s self before the serum. Back when no one liked him.
While Steve is having a panic attack, Bucky is running towards Steve’s room. Bucky started running after him some seconds after he sprinted away, and normally Bucky would’ve caught up to him, but Steve’s panic and the super soldier serum made it a bit difficult. Luckily, Bucky knows Steve like no one else and knows that he’s hiding in his room.
“Steve?” Bucky asks, knocking on the door. “You good, pal? Can I come in?”. He waits, but no answer comes, so he tries opening the door but it’s locked.
Bucky sighs, “Steve, let me in”.
On the other side, Steve is debating if he should let his best friend in. His debating goes too long for Bucky though because the next thing Steve hears is Bucky saying ‘Friday unlock the door’, and the door opens.
Bucky walks in, seeing a teared eyed Steve who’s breathing fast and heavy. Bucky strikes over to him and pulls him slowly down to the floor, sitting face to face with each other. He takes his hand and puts it on his heart, “Steve, hey. Focus on me. Focus on my heartbeat. You feel mine?” Bucky says, putting his other hand on Steve’s heart, feeling how his heart is still beating fast. “Steve, focus on my heartbeat”.
Steve looks at his friend and tries to focus on his heart. He closes his eyes, only trying to listen to Bucky’s heartbeat. “Yeah, I feel it”.
Bucky gives him a smile, “ok, good”.
They sit in silent for a few minutes, Steve’s heart beating now slower and his breaths coming out normally.
Bucky waits until Steve’s heartbeat is fully back to normal before asking “better?”.
Steve nods, “I didn’t think we would have had to use that method on me”, he says chuckling.
This calming method showed Bucky’s therapist, Steve. She told him that it would help Bucky calm down when he’s having a panic attack, and it did in fact help. The night after she explained it to him, Bucky woke up from a nightmare and started to panic. Steve’s room is right next to him, so he heard his friend’s panic. He tried the method that night and it worked perfectly. It took some while until Bucky calmed down, but it was way faster than without the method, and Bucky was able to fall asleep again after.
To other people, this method may look a bit weird, but it calms his best friend down, so who cares? It’s also no surprise that Steve is the only one allowed to do this method. Sam once tried it and Bucky punched him in his face when he put his hand on his chest. Sam left the room angrily and annoyed with a broken bloody nose. Bucky punched him with his metal arm. He thought Sam was in danger that second and in a state of danger he uses his metal arm. Bucky apologized to Sam though, and he truly felt bad and sorry. Sam instantly forgave him though, he knows it wasn’t his intention.
At least not in that situation.
Bucky even ‘baked’ Sam some brownies. Well, more like bought some Brownies and said he baked them. Sam knew he didn’t, but said nothing and just enjoyed eating some good, tasteless brownies with a smile on his face.
“Well, we didn’t think you would ever run away from a girl”.
Steve sighs, “Yeah. Back then, they would run away from me. Now it’s me running away”
“Why did you?”
Steve shakes his head. “I don’t know. I got scared I guess?”.
When Steve looks at Bucky again, he comes to face with a blank stare. It kinda reminds him of Bucky’s winter soldier stare. If they weren’t having an emotional and serious conversation, Steve would’ve been actually concerned that something happened that made Bucky go into Winter Soldier mindset.
Bucky scares Steve when he suddenly jumps up, “You know what” he pulls Steve up, almost making him fall over “You will have that girl”.
“Huh?” he asks, confused.
“Or just someone”.
He doesn’t like the thought of Bucky helping him. Bucky was a true player back then, a gentleman, but a player.
“I help you talk to women. I can do that. I did that a hundred years ago” he stops when he realizes “fucking hell, that’s a long time ago”.
Steve scowls, “Language, Buck”.
“I get that you’re trying to help me, and I appreciate that” Steve takes a deep breath before continuing, “but I can’t”
“Why?” Bucky asks crossing his arms, standing like an angry parent.
“I just can’t, ok? Also, colleges are not allowed to be in a romantic relationship”.
“Then look for someone else. There’s this woman named Leah. She works at my favorite sushi place and I heard-“
“I don’t want someone else!”
Bucky raises an eyebrow, a teasing grin on his face. “Ohhhh, so you want her. Ok, Steven. I see you”. He winks at Steve as he groans.
“I didn’t say that. I just-ugh, I like her, but-there’s not gonna be anything between us” he tries to give his best friend a reassuring smile, but knowingly fails. “You can ask Leah out”, Steve tries changing the topic.
“No, she’s not my type”.
Bucky knows that Steve won’t stop having a crush on the new recruit. It took Steve a hundred years to get over Peggy. He was still in love with her even after being unfrozen. Now imagine he’s thinking about the new recruit until he dies. Bucky doesn’t want that. God, he was honestly happy when Peggy passed. That woman was like a snake slithering her way into his friends heart only to poison it. He didn’t like her from the second she interrupted Steve and his conversation. Dumb Bitch.
He wants his friend to be happy. He wants to be an uncle. He hopes Steve will get himself together and talk to her.
“Ok. Whatever you say”, Bucky says, patting him on his shoulder. They continue talking, but this time about what movie they are going to watch for their ‘we need to learn about cinematic history’ movie night. While talking, Bucky’s mind continues to wander back to their original conversation, and about the fact that Steve doesn’t want some dating teaching from him. In all honesty, he’s slightly hurt by that.
He could still help him somehow, though.
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It’s been a week now since he saw the new recruit and he’s been trying to avoid any situation that could lead to him seeing her. Steve knows it sounds silly, but he’s scared of her. Scared of seeing her. Scared of her seeing him. He hasn’t been training for a week. Steve knows the chances are high that she will be there. The only sort of trying he did this week was going for a run. Alone.
Sam noticed a change in Steve. Everybody did. Steve was never a huge extrovert and now he’s such an introvert. He doesn’t even eat with them anymore because she could be there, or just walk past them eating.
Today he needs to be brave, though. Bucky asked him to train together because he’s the only good match for him. Bucky told him that winning against Sam slowly starts to get boring, and that Steve needs to train again. Cardio is good, but Steve needs to do more.
After trying to convince Bucky that they can also train outside or anywhere else than the training room, he knew from Bucky’s reaction that it’s not gonna happen. So now he’s on his way to meet Bucky in the training room.
To say Steve is nervous is an understatement, he’s almost shitting his pants.
Bucky assured him they would have the room for themselves and Steve just hopes that that’s true.
Steve walks into the gym and surprisingly sees no one. No Bucky. Steve was already late because he was nervous, so it confuses him why Bucky isn’t here. He looks at the clock on the wall and sees that he’s sixteen minutes late, meaning Bucky is to late too.
“Maybe he’s still asleep”, Steve tells himself. Technically, he would be happy that Bucky is able to sleep, but it’s the first time since a week that he’s training and last time, Sam already didn’t come.
He is just about to go to Bucky’s room when he hears a soft voice.
“Well, it’s only seven in the morning”.
Steve turns around and freezes.
It’s the woman
Oh, no no no no no
“Every normal person would be asleep at this time”.
Steve is unable to speak, he’s just staring at her. Not even blinking, just staring.
She looks at him with a smile, waiting for an answer, or just something.
When Steve realizes that she’s waiting for an answer, he clears his throat. “Yeah, uhm-I uh, I mean he likes to sleep-uh- he can’t sleep that much and-uhm yeah. He normally only uhm-sleeps with me- Wait not like that-uh I mean, he just likes to sleep with me-no. He uhm, he sleeps better with-me-uhm because I’m a good sleep partner- no, I just-uhm. IM NOT GAY”.
Steve looks at her with wide eyes. He knows he just made a fool of himself, so he tries to save himself.
“There’s obviously nothing wrong with liking-uhm men, but I’m not like that. Yeah, uhm I hate men- wait not hate men, I like them, but platonic like ha ha. I like woman. But I’m not a relationship-I uhm”, he doesn’t want to look like he is desperate for a relationship. She could think that he’s trying to ‘hit on her’. He believes that what it’s called, but you can never trust Tony. “I’m not into relationship- uhm, the romantic, uh, kind-just the other kind”
Now she looks at him with wide eyes. The only other non-relationship kind she can think of is the sexual one. She can’t believe that Captain Rogers, the golden boy, is such a man. The worst part is that Steve doesn’t understand what he just said and instead looks at her with a nervous smile. Poor boy thought it sounded more like normal relationship, platonic kind. It didn’t, though.
“You do you, I guess” she says, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. She didn’t think her first time meeting Captain America would be like this.
Steve sees that she’s not comfortable or at least confused by what he’s saying. Maybe she doesn’t like his answer.
So he continues to try to fix this conversation.
“I uhm I would like a relationship-with someone-uh I want to-“ he can’t say dancing, that sounds boring. He needs to come up with something that everyone does these days. Something that she would probably like “do Netflix and chill”.
Steve needs to get better at telling when he can trust Tony and when not.
“Oh, uhm” she doesn’t know what to say “that’s nice I guess”.
Right now, Steve would rather fight against HYDRA than talk to her. He can feel how he’s sweating. And if that already isn’t bad enough, he starts to really look at her. Oh boy.
She’s wearing tight black leggings with a matching black sport bra. She must’ve been already training for a while because he sees some drops of sweat on her chest area, running to her cleavage. Steve is directly looking at her cleavage, not taking his eyes off it.
He doesn’t notice that he’s looking at it, well, that he’s so obviously looking at it.
She puts her left hand on her right shoulder, acting like she’s massaging it, and not like she’s trying to cover her chest.
Steve’s eyes move to hers, and it only takes three seconds until realization hits him.
“Shit!” he screams, making her jump “oh, I’m sorry I didn’t want to scare you-I uhm, and I didn’t want to stare at your you know-chest. Not because they are not pretty, they are-NO Uhmmm, they uh. It’s just”.
Steve stops talking when the door opens and Bucky walks in with a smile on his face “Language, Steve. Good morning you two”. At least someone is having one.
“Morning”, she says, smiling at his best friend before walking away to lift some weight. Deep down they are both happy that Bucky saved them from the awkward situation, though, Steve is also sad because he wanted to talk to her, to have a chance, but he failed.
Bucky smiles after her, then turns to Steve. “Hey Steve, how are you?”
“You knew, didn’t you” Steve almost spats, his voice echoing throughout the training room. He turns around and sees how she is looking at them.
He quickly turns back around, facing Bucky, who just gives him an innocent smile. “What do you mean Steve?”. Bucky knows that Steve can’t say anything about that, due to the fact that she can hear everything they are saying.
Steve glares at him, grinding his teeth. “That you would be late”, he lies.
Steve wants to scream, but he can’t “why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, his veins showing.
“I texted you, Punk”, Bucky says as he walks over to get a punching bag.
Steve frowns; Bucky didn’t text him. He pulls out his phone.
Love❤️‍🔥- I’ll be a bit late
Send one minute ago
Steve cringes as he sees the name Tony and Sam saved Bucky on his phone. He would rather want Punk with that heart. Platonic style. He doesn’t know how to change it, though.
“Didn’t you see my message?” Bucky gives him a fake questioning expression. A teasing one.
“I must have missed it”, Steve says in a monotone voice “I mean it says you send it a minute ago. Bucky”.
“Oh, you know. The signal is quite bad here”
Steve closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Yeah, Bucky. You would’ve thought that Tony would’ve already handled it”.
Bucky snickers “Yeah”.
Bucky walks with the bag over his shoulder towards a hook to hang the bag on. He turns to look at Steve, a grin on his face when his eyes move to look behind Steve.
“Hey, how about you help her, Steve~”, Bucky says loudly.
Steve follows his eyes and sees how the recruit is struggling with moving some weights out of her way, so she can put the bench there to do some bench presses.
She looks at them and gives them a shy smile. “That would be kinda nice”.
Steve looks back at Bucky, panic in his eyes. Bucky gives him a big smile that says ‘yes’.
It’s time, it’s time to shine, Steve. He can do that, he can easily lift that.
‘Ok, Steve. Pull your ass cheeks together and help her’ he thinks to himself as he walks towards her. He stops in front of her, getting lost in her eyes for a second. This time he snaps back quickly though and moves the weights away.
“Thank you, Captain Rogers”, she says, his back still towards her.
“Mhm” he can’t bring out a single word. Instead of turning back to her, he sorts the weights, so she doesn’t see him blushing. “You-You’re welcome”.
He hears her getting on the bench and takes that as his cue to leave.
“Hey, Steve!”
Please, don’t Bucky.
“You should help her. Stay behind her to make sure that her arms don’t give in”
Steve doesn’t turn around this time. He can hear how she doesn’t lift any weight, meaning she is looking at them.
“Yeah, I uhm would, but- mission reports. I need to finish the mission report”, Steve lies “important stuff you know. Not like helping her isn’t important, but yeah. Avenger stuff is important….”.
It’s that second that Bucky realizes that Steve is the worst person in admitting his crush he ever met. The best friend he is, he needs to help him. “Oh, I already did them for you”.
Great, now Steve’s lie is a lie. Thank you, Bucky.
“No, I don’t think you did”, he tries to save himself “They were on my desk this morning, unfinished”
Good job, Steve.
“I did them this morning. We were on the same mission, Steve. Only one of us needs to do them” Bucky says, punching the bag “I send you a message”.
“No, you didn’t-“ he looks at his phone to see a message from Bucky.
Love❤️‍🔥-already did the mission report.
Send a minute ago.
Bucky knows Steve like the back of his hand. He knew what excuses he would use to try to flee the scene. A laugh almost leaves his mouth as he sees the face Steve is making. God, he missed teasing him.
“I thought you were asleep”.
“No, I wanted to finish it. You’ve been quite stressed the past week, and I wanted to lift some weight of your shoulders”.
“Thanks, James”.
The tension between them is noticeable. So noticeable that the recruit is more uncomfortable than when she was alone with Steve.
She gets their attention when she walks past them to grab her water bottle. “Have fun training”
“You already leaving?” Steve asks disappointed, sad that she’s leaving.
“Yeah, I’ve already been training before you both came. Also, I need to find Sam. He promised to show me the rest of the compound. I only saw half of the facility so far and don’t want to get lost at some point”, she says. So far she didn’t get lost because the most important areas were already introduced to her, but it’s better to know the whole compound. “Bye” she waves them before opening the door and walking through it.
No one says anything until the door closes. Bucky is the first to break the silence, “wow”.
“I know you did that on purpose!”
“I was trying to make you talk to her” he grabs his shoulder “I just want to help you. She’s a beautiful woman-“
“See” Bucky says, “you’re jealous when I just say that she’s pretty. You have a crush on that girl, Steve”.
Steve sighs in defeat. “Ok, maybe”.
“I KNEW IT” Bucky screams, jumping like a little kid on Christmas morning “FUCK YES, STEVE”
He stops jumping and looks at him. “You will get that girl. I promise” Bucky looks like he’s about to cry “oh my god, you’re all grown up”.
Steve lets out a slight laugh. It’s almost ridiculous how happy Bucky is that there’s a girl that he kinda likes. It reminds him of how they talked about their futures when they were little. They talked about carriers and family, and how they will be called uncle Steve and uncle Bucky by their best friends kids.
“Are you crying?” he asks, seeing Bucky wipe his eye.
“Pfff, no”.
Oh, he’s definitely crying.
“Calm down, Bucky. Just because I like her doesn’t mean that she likes me”.
“Yeah, because you’re just an Avenger, the symbol of America, a super soldier, owner of America’s ass-“
“Ok, I get it”. Steve isn’t dumb, he knows that people know him, that he’s quite famous; god he sounds like Tony. All this doesn’t make him the most liked person in the world, though, and not everyone fall for him. Not just because he has blond hair and some women like dark hair, or he is to old schooled and doesn’t know every new show on Netflix, or women are not into him because they hate male genitals and prefer women’s….parts. The shield only shows what he shows the world and not the people he cares about. He doesn’t show his emotional side with all his flaws.
“You like her, right” Bucky asks, knowing the answer.
“Yes, of course, but-“
“Then you will go to her and tell her that”. Bucky claps his hands. “You will tell her how much you like her. You will take her dancing and to the movies. Understand?”
“Yes, Sargent” Steve smiles.
“I know she’s the one. You will propose to her at sunset and give me some nephews and nieces”. Steve laughs at Bucky’s hyper fixation about his crush. Both of them are acting like two teenage girls.
“A uncle to Steve Jr’s and….uhm…what’s her name again”
“………you don’t know her name?”
“no, not really”. Well, that’s awkward.
“Oh my god, Steve”, Bucky is regretting his decision to help his friend “how about we start with you introducing yourself?”
“Bucky, please don’t do anything stupid”, Steve pleads. He doesn’t want Bucky to give him to much pressure. The thought of Bucky trapping them in a closet scares him, or him basically throwing him against her.
Bucky just looks at him confused. “You will do something stupid. I’m here to prevent that from happening”.
“Promise” Bucky says showing Steve his hands “I swear on Sam’s life”.
Steve smile slowly falls and Bucky corrects himself “ok, I swear on uhm, your life”.
“I guess that’s ok”
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Since then Bucky’s been on the mission ‘get a sister-in-law’, with no luck though. He thought being a wingman would be easier, but it’s not. Definitely not. Or he has just a bad person that he needs to help.
So far Steve had like four times eye contact, spoke two sentences in two conversations. The one sentence only being two words.
The best try so far was when Steve was in the kitchen, reading the newspaper, when she came and asked him if he could move a bit so she can get to the fridge, and Steve said ‘yes’. He said something, made eye contact, didn’t walk away and didn’t stutter. He didn’t even sweat! Steve did this on his own without him and for that he needs an applause.
And the worst try was when he was ‘forced’ to train with her.
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“You can do this Steve”, Bucky whispers to Steve before giving him a pat on the shoulder and pushing him towards the mat.
Steve still hasn’t introduced himself yet, so Bucky thought it would be a good opportunity to see the skills of the new recruits and to train with them. Surprisingly, Steve is now sparring against his crush, the woman they still don’t know the name of.
Steve walks on the mat, giving a quick look over his shoulder to see Bucky giving him a thumbs up.
He takes a deep breath before saying, “Ok, come at me”.
To say he’s impressed is an understatement. He’s fascinated by her skills, by the way she moves with such grace. Instead of directly coming at him and trying to punch him, she moves around him. She does that the whole time, dodging every single move of him while he tries to land a hit on her, well, more like pinch her. He wouldn’t hurt her. Ever.
At some point Steve finally manages to get a hold of her, but she is quicker and kicks his one leg away and then uses his arms to lift her up and wrap her legs around his neck, bringing him down. Steve is now on the mat with her legs around his neck, her directly hovering over his face. Steve doesn’t know why, but he’s not complaining about this position.
He gets himself back together and uses his legs to his lower back of the mat and makes a roll, so now she’s on the mat, with him in between her legs.
Steve can be lucky that most of the recruits are already doing their own thing because this is not a professional normal work position. Sam, who just walked in, stopped next to Bucky when he sees the scene. He looks at Bucky and sees how he’s directly looking at where Steve’s face is.
“Stop doing your creepy eye thing”, Sam tells him, but Bucky simply ignores him. Sam is about to say something when he hears a loud slam, and sees her on top of Steve, straddling his hips “oh”.
This scene doesn’t last long though because Steve flips them around, now straddling her hips and pinning her arms above her head. She tries to move around under him, successfully. Her back towards and is about to use her knees to make him fall off. Steve thinks quicker though and flips them again. Her back against his chest and his back against the floor. He wraps his legs around each of her legs, making her unable to move them, while he wraps his arms around her neck, taking her in a headlock. She tries to wiggle away, but can’t.
She taps his arm, signaling him that he won. Steve lets her go, softly lifting her arm to help her up, and then getting up after her.
“Everything ok?” he asks, wanting to make sure that he didn’t hurt her in some kind. That would definitely make admitting his feelings harder.
“Yes”, she smiles at him, panting slightly, “thank you, Captain Rogers, for training with me”. The smile she gives him is a true, generous smile. Steve doesn’t see how Sam and Bucky are exchanging scared looks.
“Y-You don’t need to tank me”, Steve says. Now it’s the time to introduce himself; he can do it. He takes a deep breath before continuing. “And you can call me S-“
He gets pulled away by Bucky, forcefully getting pushed against his chest. Steve looks Bucky confused into his eyes as Bucky pulls him with him behind the corner, out of sight of her, with Sam walking next to them. All the way to behind the corner Bucky keeps Steve against him, while Sam blogs other from seeing Steve’s side.
“What are you doing? I was just about to introduce myself”
Sam looks at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, something else was also about to introduce himself” and points to Steve’s crotch.
Steve looks down and sees what Sam is talking about.
For the first time, the golden boy is having a boner. A huge one. The serum really did make everything bigger.
“Oh, no no no no” Steve goes.
“Hey, it’s ok” Bucky tries calming him down “it’s uhm normal”
“Yeah, you know how many boners I had in my life”, Sam continues.
“See, even Sam thinks so. Did you ever notice how often I had when we were out with some girls, or just when I was thinking about one”, Bucky continues, Sam nodding his head the whole time. Both giving Steve a smirk. “You have them everywhere. In the shower, during work, in bed, I even had them when we had a sleepover”.
“Oh my god” Steve hates talking about that. He doesn’t know what’s worst, talking about women things or about men and their boners. “I had it in front of her, in front of everyone” he cries out.
Sam pats his shoulder. “No one saw it”
“You did!”.
“Because we watched both of you”, Sam assures him. “The others did their own thing, and she looked in your eyes, man. Not what’s below Captain America’s waist”
“Maybe she felt it though”, Bucky says.
“Your not helping, man”, Sam shrugs and looks down “ok, maybe she did because you know, it’s not small”
“See, Wilson! You agree”
Steve had never been this embarrassed in his entire life. He covers his erection with his hands, but it only makes it more obvious. He’s trying to cover his boner while his two best friends are talking about his penis size and how often they get a boner. He wants to dig himself a grave.
“Guys!” Steve whisper screams, getting their attention back. “I need to get rid of it”.
“Of your giant boner?”
“Yeas, Sam. What else is there to get rid of?” Steve says. Bucky slaps Sam on the back of his head, with no context at all. “What was that for, Bucky?”
He shrugs “I know you would like to do that, but are too nice to actually do it”. Steve just wanted to have a nice day where he maybe finally managed to speak to the woman of his dreams, but no, everything had to go like shit. “What do I do?”.
Sam and Bucky look at each other before letting out an obvious loud breath of air. They turn to Steve. “Well, you could try to calm down” Sam says, and Bucky continues “or you could, you know, help yourself out”.
“No!” Steve doesn’t even want to imagine helping himself out. The simple thought disgusts him and he feels an incredible feeling of shame.
Steve shakes his head at them. “Tell me something, that helps uhm, the problem”.
“Remember when your mom caught us looking through her drawers and spanked you”.
“Are you getting harder?” Sam asks, looking at his now slightly bigger boner.
“N-no” Steve pushes with all might on his boner to get it down “s-say something else”. He begs his friends for help.
Bucky looks hopeless “I don’t know what to say to get her off of your mind”. Steve wants to say something when Sam holds up his hands.
“Hold up, her off of your mind” he says looking at Steve, “so it wasn’t just because you got a bit close to her”. The smirk on his face is huge, a teasing one.
Steve groans out of frustration and pain.
“You know, I could see you together”, Sam goes, giving him a thump up.
“I know, but he’s too afraid to ask her. He couldn’t even introduce himself”.
“You didn’t introduce yourself to y/n?”
Steve looks at him and repeats her name softly. Y/n. Your name sound like an angel, a page out of the Bible that you worship and say as a pray. He would do that. Say your name like it’s a holy prayer. He wants to say your name again again and again. Whispering your name in your ear as you slowly share a kiss.
“Shit” Bucky says. He thought that Steve’s boner couldn’t get any bigger, but he was wrong. So wrong. It’s now almost twice as big as before. “Sam, why did you say that?!”
“I didn’t know this was going to happen! I just said her name. I didn’t think he would get hard because of a name”.
“Well, he did!”
They hear people coming into the training room. A lot by the sound of their talking. At least fifteen entered the room. Now you add them three, plus y/n and plus the seven recruits that were already in here. That makes twenty-six people. Two, Sam and Bucky, already saw Steve’s boner.
“Guys!” Steve screams “what do I do?!”, hiding more in the corner.
“Obviously getting her out of your head doesn’t work”.
“How about you stay in front of me while I walk out”.
Both shake their head “they would see you though and stare at you. Also, there are too many. You wouldn’t make it out unnoticed”.
“What if I wait until they leave”.
“Steve, they will eventually walk to this corner when they get more weights, and then see you”
Steve looks hopeless. “Bring me some pants that- I don’t know, doesn’t show my you know”.
“Steve…nothing can hide that boner”, Sam says “there is only one option”.
“you could…help yourself out, Steve”
“Steve, please”
“Pal, listen-“
“No, Bucky. I can’t do that. I can’t just touch my…member…and..bring myself pleasure”, Steve hates talking about it. “How am I even suppose to do it?!”
“You take your dick in your hand and hold it tight, then you start to move your hand up and down. Personally, I would advise you to do it fast but-“
“I meant where!” he covers his ears trying to forget what Bucky just said. Though he learned something new. “I can’t just do it here, it would..spill”
Sam looks around until he sees something that could help “take this to collect your sperms”. He shows Steve an empty probably by someone forgotten water bottle.
“But-“ Steve knows that this is the only way and that he should accept it, but he doesn’t want to “fine”.
“I wait around the corner so no one walks over here, while Bucky makes sure you don’t get a heart attack” Sam says, winking before walking around the corner. Bucky gives Steve a slight smile before turning around. He doesn’t need to see his best friend Masturbate.
Surprisingly, Steve isn’t that loud. Sam only heard him once or twice a bit louder. One time he was screaming Bucky’s name because he turned around for a second.
Sam walks over to them when Bucky gives him a thump up. Steve is sitting on the floor, panting heavenly. Next to him, a completely full to the top water bottle. Or more like cum bottle.
“Congratulations on your first orgasm, Steve”
They are on their way out now, happy that Steve doesn’t have a big gun in his pants anymore.
“Hey, Sam”
“Hey, Y/n” Sam smiles, while Steve panics. He’s drenched in sweat and is holding a bottle of his own cum.
You smile at Bucky and Steve too. You look at Steve and see how he looks like he’s in pain and completely drenched. “Are you ok, Captain Rogers?”.
Bucky and Sam quickly cover him up. “Oh yeah, he’s fine, he just-“
“Is hungry!”
“Uhm yeah and you know how you can get sick when you didn’t eat”
“Yeah ya get really sick”
You stare at them for a second, trying to process what they said. “Oh, maybe you should drink your shake then, Captain Rogers”, and point to his ‘shake’, and give him a smile.
Bucky stops Steve. “Yeah no, he will just get something from the kitchen, you know?”.
“Bucky’s right, uhm I don’t think that would be such a smart idea to drink the shake. Hah ha” Steve says awkwardly.
Your smile falls. “Oh, yeah sure. I just thought that would help. We don’t want you passing out”.
Was his answer mean, is what Steve thinks. He doesn’t want you to think he just didn’t drink the ‘shake’ because you said that. Steves heart pains as he sees your reaction; you looked so sad. It obviously isn’t that big of a deal. Surely you forget about it later, but what if you don’t? You don’t forget that he didn’t want to drink the ‘shake’. What if you think you’re dumb for asking that? He thinks for a second, a long second, a second that will change everything.
“You’re right”, and opens the cap.
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waltermis · 10 months
Stay, Stay, Stay
Summary: You & Natasha share a comforting moment
Warnings: hurt/comfort
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader (romantic)
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Natasha sighed, cutting her peanut butter sandwich. She listened to Rocket, Nebula, and the rest of the remaining avengers argue from across the universe. It’s been five years since the snap. Five years since Thanos. Five years since the Avengers officially split up. Five years since she lost Yelena. Five years since everything… But no matter how much time passed, she couldn’t let this life go. 
“Carol, are we seeing you here next month?”
“Not likely,”
“What? You gonna get another haircut?” Rocket teased.
“Listen, fur face. I’m covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets.”
“Uh, all right. All right. That’s a good point. That’s a good point.”
“So, you might not see me for a long time.” 
“All right. Uh well, this channel's always active. So, if anything goes sideways… anyone’s making trouble where they shouldn’t… comes through me.” Natasha stated, before Rocket, Okoye, Carol’s channels disappeared, leaving Rhodey. “Where are you?” she asked him.
“Mexico. The Federales found a room full of bodies. Looks like a bunch of cartel guys never even had a chance to get their guns off.”
“It’s probably a rival gang,” Natasha denied quickly.
“Except it isn’t. It’s definitely Barton… what he’s done here, what he’s been doing for the last few years. I mean, the scene that he left…I gotta tell you there’s a part of me that doesn’t even want to find him.”
“Will you find out where he’s going next?” she asked, taking a bit of her sandwich, tears filling her eyes, threatening to spill.
“Please?” she asked, quietly. She looked so vulnerable, her eyes glassy and nose red from holding back tears.
“Okay,” he sighed, before leaving the channel.
Natasha sighed, trying her hardest not to cry. She missed him, Clint, he was her best friend. One of the first few people that truly trusted her. When she met Clint’s family, they welcomed her in with open arms. They were like her second family; finding out that they were blipped broke her heart. She couldn’t imagine what Clint was going through. 
‘God, this is a fucking mess.’ She thought, wrapping her arms around herself. Taking a bite out of her sad excuse of a sandwich, Natasha’s senses picked up the sound of wheels rolling against the hardwood floor. Natasha furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, watching you hauling two big blue luggage, she’s never seen before, through the common room. “Moya lyubov’, where are you going?” You ignored her, continuing to grab the luggage’s outside. “Detka? Are you okay?!” Still nothing. Natasha began to panic; thoughts of you finally realizing that you deserved better clawed their way into her brain. “Dorogaya? Can we talk about this? Please!”
“Babe?” you asked, coming back. “What’re you doing in here? I thought you were gonna use Meeting room A today… W-why’re you crying?” you asked, wrapping her up in your arms. She didn’t even notice the tears that streamed down her face. 
“Please don’t leave me! I promise I’ll spend more time with you, just please don’t go…” she cried into your chest, her words muffled as she tugged you into her, her grip tight.
“What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere,”
“Then why are you taking your luggage outside?!” she wailed, her nails digging further into you, afraid that you’d leave the second she loosened her grip.
“What? Those aren’t mine.”
“Huh?” she sobbed out. “Then whose are those?”
“They’re Tony’s, from when he and Pepper used to live here. They still have a bit of stuff here they haven’t moved to the cabin yet, he wanted me to finally bring it over for him.” you explained slowly, knowing that the lack of sleep was finally catching up on your redheaded girlfriend.
“Then what about you ignoring me?” she asked softly, her grip finally loosening.
“I was listening to music,” you showed her the air pods still in your ears. “I couldn’t hear you. I didn’t even know you were in here. I thought you decided to use one of the meeting rooms instead. You know I would never intentionally ignore you,”
Natasha nodded; her eyes grew heavier listening to the soothing sound of your voice. “Promise me you’ll never leave me.” she begged, tilting her head up to look into your eyes.
“I promise, there is nothing in this world that would make me leave you. Ever.” you promised, pecking her on the lips.
“I love you; you know that right?”
“Of course, I do, and I love you too. To Vormir and back.”
“Where’s that?” she asked sleepily, her head thudding on your chest again.
“Not sure… just came into my head.” you laughed, picking her up in your arms. You brought her back to your shared bedroom, placing her underneath the covers.
“Stay,” she said, grabbing a hold of your arm.
“Of course.” Bringing her into your arms, you placed a firm kiss on her head, letting sleep envelope the two of you.
864 words
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happy74827 · 8 months
All I Wanted Was You
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[Thor Odinson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Thor had always been there to protect you, save you, and love you… Until he couldn't.
WC: 3540
Category: Heavy Angst, Some hurt/comfort, mentions of Loki, Hela, and Heimdall {TW warning: Thanos and “evil squidward” — I know his name but I think Tony’s nickname is too iconic}
So I recently rewatched Infinity War, and of course watching Thor cry over losing literally everyone else he cares for in the first 15 minutes of the movie sparked my writer heart {finally} and after listening to Paramore we have this hot mess of angst (also why are all my Thor fics so angsty when he’s the definition of fluff?? I live for the drama I guess)
And just for the record, we don’t talk about the fact that I have thousands of requests and this isn’t even one of them 💀😭
They say fear lies in the unknown. In the absence of facts and knowledge, the mind creates a world of illusions. If you believe your own fears, they become reality.
So what happens when the thing you fear the most is taken from you? When everything else falls to nothing? When the world is turned upside down?
You're left with a feeling that can only be described as the deepest pain imaginable.
You're left with nothing but your fear.
Your heart was racing so fast, and your breaths were short. You could feel every single muscle in your body tense up as the unnamed alien man dragged you further and further into the unknown.
The trip back to Earth, back to your sanctuary of a home, was nothing but a blur. After everything that had gone down within Asgard, including Asgard's destruction, all you could think about was your lover. Your other half.
He was in pain, and not just physically. You had been separated due to his secretive, power-hungry sister, to where he’d left you alone with his kind-hearted people to find his father, only to disappear and leave you alone with the slaughtering of the Asgardians.
The people you’ve met that very day ended up slaughtered by Hela. Some took you by the hand, guiding and shielding you for protection against the God of Death and her henchmen. Others, you could tell, were more than just scared; they were terrified. The ones that were too slow or the ones that decided to fight back were killed within an instant.
You were no warrior. You were a simple, plain human who somehow caught the eye of the mighty Thor Odinson, and for some reason, he was in love with you.
So, while everyone else fought against Hela and her henchmen, you ran. Thor had left you there in assurance of your safety, thinking the search for his father with Loki, of all people, would be too risky for you, but in reality, you would have rather been with him. At least then, if you were to die, you could have been in the arms of the one you love.
Miraculously, you had survived the fall of Asgard and the escape from Surtur. You had no clue how. Maybe you were just lucky, or perhaps it was the grace of the Allfather. Even Heimdall, the man who saw everything, didn’t see you making it out alive.
But, when Thor had found you in the throne room cornered by some henchmen, it became a fact that Heimdall couldn’t see everything; after all.
The moment your eyes had met, the moment you heard the sound of metal against flesh, the moment his strong, powerful, protective arms wrapped around your fragile, vulnerable, weak form, and the moment his lips kissed the top of your head, you were safe.
The only time you felt genuinely safe was when you were with Thor. His mere presence made you feel at ease. Like nothing could ever touch you or hurt you because he wouldn't let it.
He would protect you no matter the cost. He’d die for you, give his life for you, and go to the depths of Hell and back for you. He loved you, and that was something you could never understand.
Why would such a mighty god, a king, and a warrior want to love a simple human like yourself? A clumsy one at that.
You weren’t special in any way. You were ordinary.
But Thor, he was extraordinary.
The God of Thunder, a king and a warrior, a prince and a protector.
He was everything you were not.
It wasn't just the physical things that made him great, too, but the things that were inside.
Thor was a good man. A caring man. One who always thought about others and not himself.
Thor had his moments, yes, but no one is perfect. Not even a god. But the thing that made you love him, that made you want him, and the thing that made you feel safe was his heart.
That was the only part of him you could understand. The way he cared. The way he loved. The way he could make anyone smile. The way he could bring light to anyone's dark.
That's what makes a man a man. And that's why you loved him.
Even now, with one eye, a missing hammer, and a lost kingdom, he was still your everything.
And now you were reunited after being separated again. The only problem was the circumstances.
You and Thor had been in an intimate moment. The relief of having you back in his arms, the adrenaline pumping through your veins from surviving such a tragedy, had you both desperate.
He had pinned you against the wall, his hands brushing your hair away from your face to get a better look at you before he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. He was always so gentle with you. The teasing and playful nips at your bottom lip were proof of that.
But the sudden sight of a ship out the large window you’d stared out of moments before the kiss broke your concentration.
Thor had pulled apart almost immediately, the feeling of his beard no longer tickling your face, but the heat of his breath and the sweet taste of his lips was still there.
It didn't take long before Thor was following your eyes, seeing for himself what had pulled you from him.
A sense of dread washed over you when you noticed how he tensed and his grip on your waist tightened. This wasn’t another Asgardian ship; no, this was something far more dangerous. You could tell by the look in Thor's eye, his non-missing eye.
Then, within seconds, he grabbed hold of your arm and yanked you out of the room. Your heart was pounding as you started yelling questions at him, trying to understand what was going on.
But, when he hit the button that sealed the room you were once in and shielded you within his arms, the panic started to set in.
That's when everything began to blur.
You remembered the sound of explosions. The tearing of metal. The screams. The smell of burning.
It all came crashing down.
Loki had come around the corner, and seeing his expression, it didn’t take much to realize what was going on.
If Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies, was terrified, then that meant something big was going down.
Thor was yelling orders, shouting commands. You could barely make out what he was saying, but you knew he was telling you to stay behind him.
Stay behind him.
Always stay behind him.
Then it changed to get the hell off the ship.
Then, to run.
The last thing you remember was looking back as you sprinted down the halls, seeing your love, your other half, the king, the prince, the protector, your Thor, fighting some creature with his bare hands.
His face was so determined. He wasn’t going down without a fight. You ran to where he had told you to go, the escape pods where Val was helping others into. You got there and saw her eyes. They were wide and full of worry.
Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.
The sound of an explosion brought you back to the present.
Val grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you toward a pod. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins and, your heart was racing so fast, and your breaths were short.
All you could think about was Thor. Where was he? Was he alright?
He was not.
As soon as you entered the pod and Val had closed you in it, it was suddenly torn apart. The supposed sliding door had been ripped from its hinges.
The metal that you rested your back upon started to give, and the feeling of moving forward caused your heart to leap.
You were launched out and onto the floor.
It took a second to gain your bearings. You looked up and saw Val. She was fighting, and you were thankful to see her, but it was a short-lived relief.
The… thing she was fighting, the blue alien, grabbed hold of her and flung her across the ship. She landed somewhere near a pod and didn't move. You remembered screaming for her, but she didn't budge.
That's when the creature turned his attention to you.
You tried to move, but the metal that was supposed to hold the pod in place had you pinned.
You tried to pry the metal from your skin, but your weak and vulnerable body couldn’t break the bond.
The alien slowly moved towards you and, in a swift movement, had ripped the metal away.
He was so close, and you had no idea what was going on, who he was, or what his intentions were.
When you felt his large, rough, and cold hand wrap around the back of your neck, panic started to set in. You wanted to kick and scream, but all you could do was stare at the beast before you.
And thus, you were dragged away from the evacuation site and thrown into a separate area. You came to the conclusion that whoever this was, it seemed to be a metal bender or something similar due to his abilities.
All you saw was a demented blue face with squid-like features, staring down at you as he threw you around like a rag doll.
The fifth time he threw you, you landed roughly on the floor, causing your shoulder to make a loud crack noise and the pain to shoot through your body. Your hands landed on something soft, softer than the floor, and when you looked down, you realized the blue thing had thrown you into a room full of corpses.
But it wasn’t just any corpses. The one you had specifically landed upon had been the body of the man you had recently become close friends with, Thor’s friend, Heimdall.
Tears immediately pooled in your eyes, and your breathing became ragged. You tried to sit up and pull your body off of Heimdall in respect, but the pain shooting through your arm and back kept you frozen in place.
The lifeless eyes of the man who saw everything were open, and for once, he was staring at nothing. It was a haunting image.
The tears were now falling, and a sob escaped your lips. You wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. You wanted to scream and shout. You wanted to fight and claw at the alien that took until it bled. But all you could do was lay there, unable to move and weep.
Then, a voice caught your attention. It was deep, and it was coming from the alien that had brought you to this place.
His eyes were no longer focused on you, but they were somewhere else. He was talking to someone.
“Boss,” it spoke, his voice deep and gravelly. You couldn’t bear to look at the being. Not when you were face to face with the lifeless body of the gatekeeper. “There’s a human woman here. A pathetic one, no doubt, but one nonetheless. Should we end her? Or leave her to rot like the others?"
A silence filled the air, and you had no idea what was going on, who he was speaking with, or who was giving him instructions. You could’ve looked. You could have glanced up at the thing, and seen for yourself, but you too were afraid.
Your eyes remained glued to the golden ones that were once filled with light and wisdom.
There was silence, and then a loud, deep, thump. It had startled you, but it wasn't anything like the explosion of the ship, no, it sounded more like a boot or a shoe had come in contact with metal. But, it was loud enough to grab your attention.
You didn’t move. Your eyes didn't stray.
But, your body trembled in fear.
Suddenly, you heard his voice, and it sounded more terrifying than any sound that had echoed in the air prior. It was even deeper, and even more frightening than the other.
“I think not. We have use of her."
He had a deep and gravelly voice, but it was smooth. Calm. Almost friendly.
Then, a large, purple foot, appeared in your vision, and slowly, the purple being leaned down and stared at you. His gaze was strong, and piercing. You wanted to look away, but you couldn’t. You were too terrified to move, speak, or breathe.
Again, it wasn’t human. It was an alien. And a big one, at that.
He had no hair, only a helmet. His skin was purple and he wore strange looking clothing, including a golden glove that had both a bright purple stone and a blue one.
You’ve never seen such a creature before. You thought those dark elves were terrifying, but they were nothing compared to this man.
And for some reason, he was looking at you like you were an ant, and he was the boot that would crush you.
In fact, he was looking at you with pity, and it confused the hell out of you.
But, when his hand moved, and his fingers had touched the soft strand of your hair, you couldn't help but flinch.
The moment his fingers made contact with you, though, you heard a loud grunt. One that didn’t sound alienated or distorted. It was clear, and you could tell who it was, instantly.
Your head shot up, ignoring the pain in your arm, and the moment your eyes met his, everything stopped.
It was Thor.
Your Thor. Your everything.
He was in front of you the entire time, and you had no clue.
The tears were falling. They were falling hard and fast, and you couldn’t stop them. And for once, it wasn’t because of relief.
Thor was encased with metal. His arms and legs were pinned by it. He was bleeding from his head, and he was covered in bruises.
He looked like hell and gave off the same energy.
He was struggling to free himself. That’s what the sounds were. The grunts, the heavy breathing, and the loud thumping. He was trying to get out of his prison to get to you. To save you.
The alien was staring down at you. His eyes were dark and intimidating, but his presence was even more so. He was the embodiment of terror.
Then, without any warning, he grabbed you by the throat.
It was an unexpected move. He had picked you up by the neck with just one hand. He had a grip so tight you couldn't breathe, and the pressure on your throat was unbearable.
You could hear Thor screaming. Yelling.
You could barely hear what he was saying. Your ears were ringing, and the pain of the hand wrapped around your throat was all you could focus on.
But, you could see him. You could see him perfectly.
You saw his blue eye and the patch that covered the missing one. You saw the stubble along his chin. The slight scar that was just below the patch. The wrinkles on his forehead.
You could see it all.
And the look of desperation and horror. It broke you.
You couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much.
Then, in the blink of an eye, you felt release.
You fell to the floor and started gasping for air. It was like the moment the alien released his grip on you, everything began again. The world, your thoughts, the chaos.
It was all there, and you couldn’t keep up.
“I see it now.” You heard the voice of the alien say. Your vision was blurry, and your eyes were still stinging from the tears, but you could make him out if only a bit.
He was now standing, towering over you, but he wasn’t looking at you. No, he was looking at Thor; his eyes were focused on the god, which sent a chill down your spine.
When dealing with Hela, you find yourself recovering with confidence. She could’ve easily killed you with a snap of her finger, but when she demanded your name, you had spat in her face and gave a smile.
Even though Thor wasn’t there at that moment, you somehow knew he’d be coming back to put an end to her, and you would be safe. It was like a sixth sense that came and made you stop panicking and running.
And, even though he technically didn’t put her down, he still was your knight in shining armor. It was the same with the dark elves and even with Loki.
They were all terrifying, yes, but somehow, you knew that Thor would save the day.
Now, though, it was different. You weren’t scared or panicked; no, you were terrified.
The fact that Thor was trapped and was physically in pain, the fact that Heimdall and more innocent Asgardians were lying on the floor, dead, and the fact that Loki was missing and Val was knocked unconscious, it had all hit you at once.
You felt like you were suffocating, and it only worsened when the alien spoke again.
“I was questioning why a mortal was amongst a group of Asgardians, how such a fragile being could survive so long among gods. I wondered, but I see it now. You have been blessed by one, and the last, of Odin's children."
The alien's attention was back on you, and the intensity of his gaze had you trembling. He was staring at you, looking through you, and reading you like a book.
"What a pitiful yet fortunate creature you are."
It was like the oxygen had been sucked from your lungs, and when he moved, you found yourself flinching and scooting backward.
He had leaned down again, and his large hand had grabbed the side of your face. The feeling of his skin on yours made your skin crawl, and the urge to vomit was growing.
Thor wasn’t having it. He was thrashing about; the metal that was encasing his body was bending and stretching with each move.
His cries of anger and the desperation in his eyes were heartbreaking. And it was only shut up by the alien who had taken you. A piece of metal flew to Thor’s mouth and held it in place, preventing him from yelling.
More grunts and muffled noises could be heard from the god, but you could no longer see him now. The purple man was blocking your view.
But, despite that, he was still talking to Thor.
"It is a shame, Thor Odinson. I take pity on the both of you, and I apologize, for it seems that fate has not been kind to either of you. But, we must make sacrifices. It is unfortunate that your beloved had to be one of them."
Then, suddenly, the alien turned his gaze back to you, and his dark eyes bore into yours. He was staring directly into your soul.
"Fear not, small child,” he said, his voice sounding almost calm. “You will not have to endure the pain and suffering as I did.”
The words that left his mouth did not give you comfort. It was quite the opposite.
Thor came back into your viewpoint as the purple man had moved, and when your eyes met his, all you saw was a mixture of panic and despair.
Thor's expression had you feeling a type of way. You could feel your stomach sink.
You weren’t dumb. You were far from it.
You knew where this was going, and your mind was screaming, screaming for you to do something, anything.
Just do something.
But all you did was stare. Stare at the man that you loved. The man that loved you. The man who had saved you countless times.
But he couldn’t save you now, even when you cried out his name in a soft voice, that frail, humane part of you begging him with your eyes to stop this from happening.
To stop it from hurting.
He couldn’t.
All he could do was look at you, look as you were taken. Look as you were pulled away from him.
All he could do was stare and scream.
It was the loudest, most horrific sound you had ever heard. It was worse than the explosion.
It was worse than anything.
It was the cry of a man who had just lost the last thing that gave him purpose.
It was the sound of a god being torn to pieces.
And it was all because of you.
That was the last thing you heard. That was the last image that burned itself into your brain.
The sound of Thor and his desperate screams was the last thing you remembered.
Everything after that was darkness.
No memories, no thoughts, nothing.
Just darkness.
All he wanted was you.
All he needed was you.
And now, all he had left was the memory of you: that and his broken heart.
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kirarisoul · 4 months
my ‘boyfriend’
quackity x reader
summary: you think your father will disapprove of your boyfriend, alex. so, he comes up with a plan.
i was thinking of 2019/18 alex while writing this! enjoy 😙
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN’T LIKE ME?!” is screamed through the phone by your boyfriend, making you pull it away from your ear, to prevent yourself from losing hearing.
“I don’t know.. he just.. isn’t.. fond of you?”
“but why? i’m so cute and handsome and sexy!”
“I think it’d be weirder if my dad thought you were sexy, babe.”
you hear him huff into the other side of the phone and know that’s your cue to comfort him.
“he’ll come around eventually, alex! he’s not gonna stop me from seeing you!”
“i know, i know, but.. how did he even form this horrible preconception of me?” he says, dramatically. you can practically see him with his hand over his heart in mock despair.
“well, i thought i’d ease him into it, and i put a stream of yours on the tv, it was that one, where you looked all cute with your little hat and thanos toy an-“
“yeah, yeah, i know what one you’re talking about.” you can hear the happy smile in his voice from your description of him.
“anyways, he didn’t have very good feelings towards you. he said you were loud and that streaming isn’t a proper job.. i didn’t even tell him i knew you yet.” you sigh into the phone.
“it is a job!? tell him i’m gonna go to law school as well!”
“i did tell him! he just.. couldn’t look past the streaming i guess. and he still doesn’t know we’re dating.”
“then tell him! you can’t hide me forever, baby.” he says smugly.
“yeah i will but.. he wants you to come for dinner. tonight. and if he sees it’s you i dunno what he’ll do! he has a temper, y’know.”
“hm.. wait.. i have an idea..” he says.
“so, you’re my daughters boyfriend?” your dad asks one of the two boys waiting outside the door of your house, looming over them.
“y-yes sir..” the boy next to alex says.
“and you are?” your dad turns to alex.
“his friend.” alex smiles.
“alright.. why are you here?”
“..moral support?” alex says, pulling on his sleeves nervously.
a pause.
“oh, come in, come in, boys!” your mom says from behind your father.
the silence at the dinner table is deafening. it’s your father at the head of the table, your mother on his left, and your ‘boyfriend’ on his right. next to your ‘boyfriend’ is alex, your boyfriend.
you lean in.
“this is your plan?” you whisper yell into alex’s ear.
“babe, trust me, it’ll work.”
“who the fuck is that?!”
“it’s my friend, lucas. he’s interning at a hospital, and he’s top of the class in every subject, your dad’ll love him.”
“okay, he’s not my boyfriend though! you are! he’s gonna find out soon enough.”
“just relax. i just wanna see how your dad really is before i show who i really am!”
“you’re gonna reveal yourself at this dinner? are you crazy? he’ll hate you even more!”
“it’s okay! it’ll go good, im charming, he’ll come around eventually.”
a kick from under the table shakes it, making the water in the jug ripple.
“ow!” alex whispers.
“you’re stupid. this is stupid.”
“hey i-!”
as everyone on the table watches silently at this whisper argument, your mom speaks up.
“let’s eat, shall we?” she says with a smile and your father uncrosses his arms and picks up his fork.
“so,” your father starts. “what’s your name?” he says to who he thinks is your boyfriend.
“lucas. sir. it’s lucas.”
“okay, lucas, do you have a job for the summer?”
“i-i have an internship. sir. in a hospital. the lab. in the hospital.” he says, in short sentences as if he’s trying to convince himself about the internship as well.
“okay.. and how are your grades?”
“good. sir.”
“alright. what are your future plans. how will you support my daughter? not that i expect this to last.”
“dad!” you slam your fork down.
“i-i wanna be a doctor. sir.” lucas says, his voice shaking.
“a doctor, that’s amazing!” your mom exclaims, sensing lucas’ nervousness.
lucas nods and smiles.
“you know, she was showing me this guy, around your age, that streams and makes videos online. i would never let my daughter date someone like that, with no future plans.” your dad laughs.
alex plays with his food.
you grip your fork.
dinner goes on in a tension so thick you could pick up your knife and cut a hole in it.
you speak up. “babe, can you pass me the salt?”
two hands reach for the salt shaker. lucas freezes and alex, oblivious, passes you the salt and goes back to eating. you father puts his glass down.
“what was that.” your father waves his hand around to gesture to the scene that just unfolded in front of him.
“dad i-“
alex looks up slowly as he realises his mistake.
“alex is my boyfriend!” you blurt out. “not lucas. the guy i showed you online is alex. he makes videos and streams but he’s really smart! and h-“
your dad laughs, “who-whose idea was that?!” he says in between breaths.
“why are you laughing dad?! this is serious!!” you yell.
then lucas laughs, then your mom laughs, and finally, alex starts laughing.
“why are you guys laughing? stop laughing!” you stand up and your chair screeches.
alex grabs your hand. “babe- babe! sit down!” he takes a breathe in between laughs. “it’s fine!”
you cross your arms as everyone laughs die down.
“honey, it’s okay. if you love him, i think that’s all that matters.” your mom says.
you look at your mom and nod, “dad?”
“if you love him and he loves you. i don’t see a problem.” you dad says, smiling at you and then looking at alex.
“so you’re the boyfriend?” your dad says to alex, and leans forward, ready to do his interrogations all over again.
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holylulusworld · 4 months
A fresh start (5) - First dates
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Summary: The world is safe. Thanos is gone. What now?
Pairing: Post-Endgame!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, plus-sized reader, virgin reader, virgin Steve Rogers, fluff, falling in love, date time, talk about sex
A/N: Please consider I don’t care about the timeline of Endgame. 
Written for my 16.666 followers celebration. Requested by @elle14-blog1
Catch up here: A fresh start (4) - Three men and a baker
A fresh start masterlist
16.666 followers ‘16 days of requests’ celebration
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Thanos was gone. His friends were back. He found the love of his life.
Steve Rogers suddenly had it all. And yet, he was a nervous wreck standing in front of the mirror in a too-fancy boutique to look at himself in a brand-new suit.
“That’s a very nice suit,” Sam looked Steve up and down, hiding the smirk wanting to creep on his face.
“It looks ridiculous,” Bucky laughed. “Steve, the suit is too tight.” He patted Steve’s chest. “If you breathe too hard, it will burst open. The buttons will fly in all directions and kill Y/N.”
 “Buck!” Steve gasped audibly. “I wanted you to help me find a suit. Stop making me nervous. I want our first date to be…perfect.”
“Wait…didn’t you have dates with Y/N before?” Sam cocked a brow. “You said you went out for dinner and coffee.”
“We had dinner and ate cake together. But…but this is going to be the date, you know,” Steve nervously stammered. “I want to ask her to be my …”
“Wife?” Bucky gasped. “I’m going to be your best man, right? Wait, let me get a suit too. I need a matching tie…hmmm.” He looked around the boutique. “Do you think I can bring my cat too? I’ll get Alpine something nice to wear.”
Steve shook his head. “I meant girlfriend.”
“Why ask her to be your girlfriend if you can make her your wife,” Bucky argued. He would do anything to see his best friend happy. “You said it yourself; Y/N is the one you’ve been waiting for.”
“Bucky is not wrong,” Sam jumped in. “You said it yourself. Y/N is the one. We could help you with the proposal and all.”
“I imagined our future more than once. Y/N will be my wife one day, I know it…or at least I hope so. But it’s too soon to ask her to marry me. I want to show her that I’m the man of her life too.”
Bucky sighed. “Fine, no wedding invitation for me and Alpine then.”
“If I ask Y/N to marry me one day, you’ll get an invitation. Both of you,” Steve looked at Bucky and then at Sam. “You’ll be both my best men.”
Sam and Bucky grinned. They formed a plan to help Steve plan the perfect first date to make sure they’re going to be Steve’s best men one day…
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“Sex is great,” Sam began. “If you are both ready, it will be even better. Consent is the key, Steve. If a woman feels safe and loved around you, she’ll let herself fall and give herself to you.”
“We could talk about toys too,” Bucky grinned. “Punk, you should have a look at a few websites.”
“Buck, I want to make sweet love to Y/N, not use toys on her,” Steve wrinkled his nose. He stumbled over one or two websites while trying to get used to the world he’s living in now. Steve didn’t like what he saw, though. “I don’t like this kind of stuff.”
“Toys can be fun,” Sam hastily said. “You can play with them and find out what you both like. Women like to explore their sexuality too, my friend. Start slow with kissing and cuddling. Soft touches. Oh, and some women like it when you nip at their neck.”
“I don’t want to have sex during our first real date,” Steve grumbled. “I only want to know the basics to be prepared. You know…if the time comes.”
“Don’t worry, punk,” Bucky patted Steve’s shoulder. “We’re going to show you the ropes. You will make the sweetest love to your girl in no time…”
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“Steve, relax,” you softly said as Steve was pacing around your living room. He was a nervous wreck and you had to gently grab his wrist to stop him from ruining your carpet. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Did you enjoy the date? Did you like the restaurant? Sam said it’s a perfect place for a first date,” Steve stammered. He felt like the young, weakling from back then when he looked at you.
“Stevie, it was a perfect first date,” you softly said and smiled. “I couldn’t be happier. The food was great, and the company was even better. I enjoyed every moment.”
“Good…that’s good,” he released a shuddery breath and visibly relaxed. “I wanted to talk about something with you, doll.”
“How about we sit on my couch and talk, Stevie?” You guided Steve toward the couch and sat down to lean your head against his shoulder. “What do you want to tell me?”
“I…this is hard to explain. I mean…I don’t want you to think that I’m…I don’t know, a loser.”
You gasped. “Steve, I would never do such a thing. You’re a hero and a wonderful man. Whatever you want to tell me, just say it. I won’t judge you.”
“I…I’m a virgin,” he blurted and clasped one hand over his mouth. You looked at him for a moment, and he feared you’d pull away or laugh about him.
“Oh, thank goodness,” you pounced on Steve to wrap your arms around his neck. You sighed and hid your face in his neck. “I’m a virgin too, Stevie…”
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itsthestutterforme · 6 months
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Chapter Summary: You’ll never forget the look on Steve’s face when he saw Peggy at the SHIELD base back in 1960s. A part of his heart still beats for her so when Steve goes to return the infinity stones to their time line, you push for him to go to her. Even if that means it’s the last time you see him.
Themes: dark themes (character mourning, dissociation, dehydration, starvation), angst
“I think you should go to her,” you finally tell Steve as he stares at you from the driver side of the car.
He’s been asking you what was wrong since you got into the car with him. It was time for him to return all of the stones back to their rightful place.
And there was a thought stuck rattling in your head since you woke up this morning. You woke up earlier than Steve did, which was absolutely unheard of.
You were surprised you were awake so early. You and the team had fought Thanos’ army yesterday so you should have been exhausted. But something kept you from sleeping.
You turned around in Steve’s arms, sighing when you press your hands onto his bare chest. Your eyes drift down to his bruised ribs back up to his relaxed face as he slept.
Even when he was sleeping, his features were strong. The sight made you remember the look on his face when he saw Peggy in the lab next to her office.
That was the first time he saw Peggy in decades. The two of you stayed there to avoid being caught by authorities when Steve noticed his picture on a desk.
And by complete coincidence, you chose to hide in Peggy’s office. The love of his life.
You knew how much he loved Peggy. But he had to come to terms with the fact that he missed his window.
So he stopped talking about her but he still kept a picture of Peggy in his wallet. Right next to yours.
Now he had a chance to be with her. And you knew he would come back to you despite that chance because he loves you and he’s a loyal man.
Deep down, the two of you knew he wasn’t in love with you because he was still in love with Peggy.
So it needed to be you to push him to do what he couldn’t before. Choose himself.
“Go to who, baby?” He asks, his face pressed to concerned frown. “To Peggy,” you said softly. “Doll,” he starts but you interrupt him.
“I love you, Steve. And I know you. I know that you don’t talk about her anymore because you thought that seeing her again was impossible. But look around us, Steve. We did the impossible. You have a second chance and I want you to take it.” You explained, holding his gaze.
His face fell at your words and you reached over to turn the car off, taking the keys.
“I don’t understand.. How long have you had this in your head? That I would leave you for someone who’s in my past?”
“A past that you’re going to visit in an hour.” You correct. “How long?” He repeats, readjusting in his seat.
“Since Tony’s funeral,” “My God, Y/N.” He rubs a hand over his face.
“She’s the love of your life, Steve. Are you really going to pass up that kind of opportunity? You only find that kind of love once. And I’m.. really grateful that I had the chance to be loved by you.” He takes in your words a moment and shook his head.
Taking your hand into his, he pulled you closer to the middle console.
“Stop talking like I’m already gone. You are the love of my life,” “You don’t have to lie to me to protect my feelings, Steve.”
Tears brimmed in your eyes at the word gone.
“It’s going to hurt but it’s for the best,” you sniffled, moving your hand away from him but he tightened his grip.
“You still keep her picture in your wallet. I know that when we were in her office and you saw her, that your heart skipped a beat.. you’ve never looked at me like that.” You reasoned, wiping a tear trailing down your cheek.
“Baby, please don’t do this.”
“If I don’t push you, you won’t choose yourself. You deserve to be selfish. You deserve the life that Tony was telling you about, Steven.”
You pulled away from him, you opened the car door taking a deep breath of the crisp, fall air.
Your tears were free falling, trailing down your neck ultimately staining your shirt.
He climbed out of the car and desperately trailed after you.
“I’ll drive the car back to the apartment. I’ll take care of everything on this end-“
“Stop,” he closes the distance between you and you took a few steps away from him.
You tried to speak again but he tells you to stop. He waits until you ceased your backpedaling to fully embrace you.
“Just stop, doll. Please don’t break my heart like this.” He says softly, holding your face in his hands.
“I don’t have a choice. You won’t do it for yourself.” “You’re right. I won’t do it,”
“Go to her. Please, for me, Stevie.” you croaked, falling into his chest as soft sobs bubbled in your throat.
You mumbled a please and he blinks away a few tears, trying to remain level headed.
“I’ll call Banner and tell him Scott needs to return the stones.” He says.
“No. No, you’re going to return the stones.” You pulled away from his chest to look up at him.
“I can’t leave you like this,”
“Swear to me.. on your mother’s grave, Steve.” you said flatly, stepping out of his embrace. You felt sick to your stomach but most of all, you felt tired.
“Okay,” he whispers while a few tears fell down his cheeks. Your sleepless eyes met his and you gave him a nod.
He forced himself to stay in place while he watched you walk back to the car but called your name when your hand touched the handle.
You stopped in your tracks and he came over to you, holding your face in his hands once again and kissed you warmly.
His thumb caressed the apple of your cheek and your body relaxed against his as he pressed your back flushed against the car.
Each time you tried to pull away, he followed your lips. He told himself that if he didn’t let you pull away that you won’t leave.
By the time he stopped kissing you, your lips were sensitive to the touch.
Your chest heaved with deep breaths, gripping his Henley for dear life as you stared up at him.
Your heart beats moved in synchrony the longer you held his gaze. Neither of you said anything.
Truth be told, you said everything you needed to say.
Steve wanted to stay because he loves you. You wanted him to leave because you love him.
And there was nothing either of you could say to each other change that.
Curled up in Steve’s side of the bed, softly inhale his woodsy, pine body wash from the sheets.
Each time you slowly blink, a stream of tears left your eyes.
You could hear your phone vibrating from where you had left it on the kitchen counter.
You had to silence your phone altogether because Steve kept calling you every two minutes once you left the compound in his car.
You knew he wanted you to say you were sorry and to take back everything you said about finding the life Tony told him about.
What he hadn’t told you was that Tony mentioned you when he said that.
He said that the love you and Steve had was just like the love him and Pepper had. Truth was, Steve had been wanting to ask you about kids for a while.
But he didn’t want to pressure you into it because you were still young.
To Steve, you still had your life ahead of you. You were 27.
Sure women were having kids younger than that in his time but times have changed.
Everything has changed. So of course a part of him wanted to go back to his time because it was familiar. But his time didn’t have you.
You had been in and out of sleep for most of the day. When you slept, you dreamt of Steve. And when you were awake, you thought of Steve.
Your eyes became dry as your mind separated itself from your body, disassociating to a place where you were the love of Steve’s life.
Bringing his hoodie up to your nose, more tears pricked your eyes.
You were worried that you would run out of tears before you had a chance to truly mourn him.
You didn’t think it was possible for you to love someone so much.
“What do you think, Buck?” Steve asks, watching his best friend blow out a long exhale.
“I think it takes a special kind of woman to let go of someone they love so they can be happy.” Bucky explains.
“She seemed.. serious. She hasn’t been answering my calls. I don’t know. It’s like..”
“A part of you is waiting for her to call you back,” Bucky finishes.
“Yeah,” “Listen, man. I’m sure Scott won’t mind if you called him up,” he explains. “She made me swear to on my mom’s grave, man.”
“I can only imagine how tough a choice this is. But whatever you decide, I’ll take care of her.” Bucky consoles and Steve relaxed a bit.
For as long as Steve could remember, he processed things in black and white. But for the first time in his life, he was living in the gray.
Your eyes grew strained the longer they fixated on a dot on the ceiling. Your eyes fluttered closed when the pressure behind them became unbearable.
Little did you know that Bucky had been by your apartment door trying to talk to you.
When he was met by silence, he chose to respect your space. He came back every day at 12:00 o’clock sharp.
By day two, he was getting concerned because there was no sign of life in the apartment. But he was give you some grace because you were mourning.
However he told himself that by the end of week, if nothing changed he would break the door down.
Today was the seventh day.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Bucky asks through the door. His voice became white noise like everything else.
He waits a few seconds before kicking the door down.
“Y/N?” He calls, his voice echoing throughout your apartment. His heart sank when he didn’t hear a heartbeat.
Rushing into the bedroom, his eyes widened as they fell to your unconscious body.
He brought a finger under your nose to check if you were breathing and the longer he stood next to you is when he heard your faint heartbeat.
Panic rose in his chest when he tried to lift your head up and your neck fell limp in his hands.
“Oh my God,” he ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower in cold water. Taking your body into his arms with one hand under your arms and one arm under your legs, he walks you into the bathroom.
He steps into the shower and sets you in between his legs, laying you underneath the frigid water careful to push your hair out of the way.
“Come on, Y/N.” He pleads, watching your face attentively but there was no expression.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t come in here sooner, doll. Please wake up.” He adds, rubbing the sides of your arms.
A sigh of relief left his lips when you started to stir against his chest.
“Oh thank God,” he breathes. “Hm? What’s.. what’s going on?” Your mouth felt dry as you tried to speak.
“‘S cold, James.” You curled into chest as he continued to rub your arms.
“I-I’m sorry.” He pulls away from you and turned off the shower.
You called him James out of respect because you noticed only people close to him called him Bucky. You haven’t seen him unless there was a huge fight that needed everyone’s help.
So you figured you had to earn the right to call him that.
He left the bathroom and came back with fleece blanket. He murmured for you lean forward so he could wrap the blanket around you.
He didn’t bother asking if you could stand, he took you into his arms again and walked you out of the door, kicking it closed with his foot.
In that moment you noticed the wooden door frame splintering around the inner edges.
A piece of wood was just barely hanging on by a shred, moving from the air of Bucky walking past it.
As much as you wanted to ask what happened to the door, you barely had enough energy to keep your eyes open- let alone talk.
“Steve,” you murmur, groaning when the throbbing behind your eyes started once again.
“Don’t worry about that right now. I’m taking you the hospital,” he answered but you couldn’t help but notice some of your neighbors staring at you with wide eyes and others with their phones brought up to their ears.
Others were recording Bucky carrying you down their hallway.
What the hell happened?
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miley1442111 · 6 months
hi, this is so random but can you do a story for bucky barnes from marvel? Like something angsty with him and reader being separated and she's a hydra agent but it's kind of just before infinity war. Like she was frozen too because she was a scientist and seen as a threat but also an asset and now she's like 'the new winter soldier' since he escaped hydra and she doesn't remember him, but then she does?
Thank you! 💓💓💓💓💓
thank you for submitting this, this inspired me to open up a marvel category!
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I'll always find you, doll.- b.barnes
a/n: this is a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
summary: your mission to get a hard drive from the avengers compound can only go well, right?
pairing: buckybarnes x reader
warnings: general marvel topics, mind control, fighting, hospitals, reader being seen as 'dangerous', general angst.
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Everything was so loud. The gunshots, the punches being thrown at you and the ones you were throwing back. You were fighting a teenager in a spider-suit. Somewhere in the back of your head, you knew that was wrong, but you couldn’t even access the memory of your name. Only your orders remained. Get the hard drive.
You had fought your way through Agent Romanoff, Spider-boy, Agent Rhodes, Bird-man, and Bug-man. Next up was Stark and Captain America. The others were either dead or unconscious. 
“You don’t have to do this, let us help you,” the Captain spoke, his shield at the ready. 
“And why would I do that?” You asked, taking your knife from the holster on your waist.
“Because we have Barnes,” Stark cut in. 
“Who the hell is ‘Barnes’?” You spoke, then threw the knife. It hit the Captain before he could dodge and it lodged itself in his arm. He let out a groan of pain and pulled it out, ready to fight again. Stark relied on his suit and attempted blasting you, but you were too quick, jumping out of the way. 
After a long back and forth between you and the two men, Stark got close enough to drug you, and everything went black.
You woke up in a hospital bed with no recollection on how you got there. You rattled against the chains that held your hands, screaming for anyone. After a few hours of yelling, you realised no one was coming, and your body let itself sleep again.
You woke up again, to someone outside your room. 
“You have to let me see her!” A male voice. 
“No way Barnes,” Stark sighed. “She’s too dangerous like this. You’ll either set her off or make her angry-”
“She knows me,” Barnes shot back, cutting Stark off. 
“Oh, you mean the woman who flat out asked who the hell you were, that woman knows you?” Stark snarled. "we have bigger things to deal with, Thanos is coming!"
You stifled a groan at the throbbing pain in your muscles. You clearly had no medication, no IV, nothing.
“I'm well-aware of our current situation Tony. I'm also aware that some part of her knows me!” Barnes argued. “Just… let me see her, please. Even if she’s asleep. Please Tony, she’s my wife.”
Who the fuck was he talking about? 
Reich, Händler, Kohle, Regel, Atmosphäre, Markieren, Strafverfolgung, Haltung, Überfall, allmählich. 
Rich, dealer, coal, rule, atmosphere, mark, law enforcement, attitude, raid, gradually.
They played in your head like a pulsing mantra. You had never been one for speaking Russian, so you had German words. You hated the people that did this to you. The people that tortured you, the people that wiped your memories, the people that broke you. 
“Bucky, you’re going to end up killing yourself over this, don’t bother with her.”
Bucky. Your Bucky. 
Your Bucky was behind that door. Your husband. The man you loved so dearly before you were taken by Hydra. 
“Buck?!” you shouted, clarity pushing the fog in your brain away. You broke through your chains, the strength of the serum making it easy. “Bucky!” You screamed again, trying to get the door open. 
“Y/N?! Doll?!” He shouted back, opening the door. You launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms and legs around his torso in an all-consuming hug. “I thought you were dead,” he whispered into your neck as he hugged you. 
“I thought you’d never find me,” you sobbed into his neck. 
“I’ll always find you, doll,” he promised, holding you tighter. You pulled back a bit, tilting his head so you could kiss him. For the first time in 60 years, you kissed your husband. It felt good. His lips felt the same as they did on your wedding day. Yes, it was a quick wedding in a courthouse in 1942. Yes, most people thought that you were pregnant, or you were using him for army benefits. But none of it was true. You adored each other. You just couldn’t wait. You were so in love with each other.
“I love you,” you grinned against his lips, the kiss tasting of salty tears, though neither of you cared. 
“I love you too.”
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
For @lifespectator
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Things were finally slowing down for the Avengers, Earth finally had a little bit of peace. Tony had retired, Steve went back in time. But for Wanda, there was still one thing that alluded her.
Wanda always wanted a family. It always alluded her. She had yet to truly fall in love. No real dates or engagements. But yet she always had you, her best friend. You were her support on most field missions.
The two of you hung out after missions. Little lunch hangouts, times at the movies, the record shops. Wanda always felt normal with you. Honestly it surprised her that you didn’t have anyone in your life yet.
“Surely you could find yourself a girlfriend” Wanda found herself laughing one night.
“Hey if I’m not too busy saving the world, I’m saving you” you respond with a smile.
Wanda always looked forward to hanging out with her best friend. You were there for her thru every heartache and painful memory.
But now things were changing. The Avengers were coming to an end. The world was safe and Thanos was gone. Tony had settled down. Steve went back in time to be with Peggy. And all Wanda could think about was her next step.
“You are you don’t wished to be trained?” Wong asks Wanda as she packs up her things.
“I-I think it’s time I retire,” Wanda states, “I-I want to be a mother. I want a home in the suburbs and…I can’t get that as an Avenger”
“Motherhood” Wong smirks, “some would say it’s more dangerous than being a superhero”
“The hardest part is trying find a donor. Someone to be the father of my kids” Wanda rubs her neck shyly. “I-I did think of someone”
“(Y/N)” she gives a nervous laugh.
“Y/N?” Wong simply summons a portal and leaves, “good luck Maximoff”
Wanda finishes packing her belongings from her room. She couldn’t help but smile. You were her first choice. Her only choice really. Honestly she couldn’t think of anyone else, she didn’t want anyone else.
Wanda’s thoughts were disrupted by the sudden sound of her ringtone. A simple glance to her phone reveals your name on her caller ID.
“Hey Red” you smile from your end of the phone call.
“Hey” Wanda smiles.
“I bought a little house in Westview, a couple miles from the compound” you explain, “I was wondering if you’d come and see it with me”
“Y-yeah” Wanda found herself giggling. A little house hunting with her best friend.
You and Wanda drive to the address, as you told her, a couple miles from the compound in the cozy little town of Westview. It was still trying to recover after the Snap, like all towns were. But it's property costs were low and the value was only rising.
"And here we are" you smile as you pull outside a two story suburban house. It had a classic brick style to it with a white picket fence. Wanda couldn't help but gasp. It was everything she ever dreamed of, like a long forgotten desire.
"You have a great eye" Wanda whispers.
You pull out the key, "Wanna take a look?"
Every step, every moment that Wanda spent in that house. It made her fall in love with it, more and more. Spending each moment with you, how you talked about your dreams for the place, it all made her fall for you more and more too.
Wanda found herself dreaming of the life she could have in this house with you. Your children taking their first steps. Your first Christmas in this house with her.
"I-It's a lot of room for just one person" Wanda remarks as your guided tour came to an end.
"Well I'm gonna need a roommate" you rub the back of your neck, "figured you might be interest?"
Wanda nodded so fiercely, "yes! I'd love to."
Moving day was fast approaching and yet Wanda was still unsure of how to approach you with her little proposal. She never thought it'd be so difficult to ask someone such a question. But even practicing it in the mirror left her tongue tied.
You finished moving all the boxes of your stuff and hers into the house. You gave Wanda the master bedroom, you were more than happy taking the guest room. Wanda glances down the hallway from the master bedroom. There was still two empty rooms. Perfect, in her mind, for two kids.
You rolled out a sleeping bag in your room. "Where's your bed?" Wanda asks
"Still in the mail." you huff, "never had to buy one when I was an Avenger."
"Well mine's already assembled, you can sleep with me" Wanda said nonchalantly, she immediately found herself going beet red. "I-I mean we can share a bed...I-I-"
You laugh, "I got what you mean, Red. Come on downstairs, I got take out ready for us"
You got the fireplace lit and a little TV set up for Wanda. It didn't take her long to locate a network playing the Dick Van Dyke show. You and Wanda spend the better part of the evening talking about old memories at the compound.
"Y/N" Wanda found herself swallowing hard. "I-I think I know what I want to do with the rest of my life."
"Alright Red, tell me" you smile at her.
"I want a family." Wanda takes a deep breath, "I want kids. I want a white picket fence. I-I want to be a mother"
"Wow" you reply, "I think you'd be perfect at that"
"Yeah" you smile, 'you'd be an amazing mother. I can see it now, you'd cheer for your kids at every game. You'd be an amazing guide for them. Knowing you, you'd be perfect at that. Any kid would be lucky to have you as a mother. I just hope that I'm there to see it"
Wanda blushes and blurts out, "I want you to be the father of my kids"
"Me?" you find yourself in shock
"I shouldn't have said that," Wanda tries to get up but you take her hand
"You want me to be their father?" you can feel some tears forming in your eyes.
"I-I mean we can go through a fertility clinic" Wanda tries to explain, "but honestly you're so kind and loving and I can't think of anyone else that I'd want to be the father of my kids. I-I love you."
"I've always loved you" you whisper back. "I-I was okay just being your friend. I-I thought that's all you wanted."
Wanda wraps her arms around your neck. Your hands move instinctively to her waist.
"So will you?" Wanda smiles, "please?"
"I want strings" you smile back, "I want to be there for you through it all."
Wanda giggles, "I'll take it. You, me, strings and all" She laughs with pure joy.
You pull her into a kiss. Her breath hitches. It felt so small and yet so perfect too. She kisses you back. First once then twice.
"Y/N?" she asks you in a gentle whisper
"Will you take me upstairs?" She wraps her legs around your waist as you hold her tight. Her eyes stare into yours with all the intent in the world.
"Oh? Oh." you figure it out before nodding and carrying her up the stairs and to her room. Wanda giggles the whole way.
Friends become lovers and lovers eventually become parents. The pathway for Wanda to find her family was a long and painful road. Luckily she met you, her best friend. The one who made that little house in Westview feel like a home.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Boa Hancock & Neferatari Vivi x female reader for women’s day!!
ik I’m late to women’s day guys!! But I’m still gonna participate! (Totally not an excuse to write for some of my fav op girls that I haven’t written much for yet)
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Hancock x a fem reader would be like the ultimate alternative timeline to her not falling in love with luffy lol
let’s say your in the kuja pirates specifically,
that would make more sense as to how you got closer since your on the same crew and obviously get to interact with her more versus just fan girling in the crowd lolol 😂
just the same as luffy, she’d realized her love for you after getting worried for your safety and feeling ill (love sick 😀) mid expedition at the fact that you might be hurt
when everyone gets back to the boat she tried to unsuspectingly scope you out (tried because she was actually frantically searching for someone and wouldn’t say who as everyone panicked-) and as soon as she saw you she sighed in relief! But soon after, she started blushing and she felt a warm fuzzy feeling!
what was this? Is this what they call..? Love?!
it was such a joyous feeling..! She couldn’t believe she was feeling such intense emotions at your presence alone!
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”Lady hebihime!! Are you all right?!”
”all right..!”
Your words echoed over and over again in Hancock’s spinning head. You..we’re worrying for her?! Your so…kind!- So!- so!- your such a selfless woman!!
and yeah that’s pretty much how it went HAHAH
you can pretty much guess you’ll get special treatment from then on, she’s in love with you after all!! Naturally it’s her duty to protect her lover! 😊 (you haven’t even asked her out yet Hancock! - Glorisa)
she invites you into the palace and gives you the best food and treatment straight away!! Put your feet up dear! Are you hot? tired? Do you need water?? “Hurry up and bring the giant fans! My lover is hot!”
no pun intended even though you are 😉
“lover..? Lady hebihime..! May I ask what your talking about..😅”
”o-oh! W-well..I was just thinking…maybe…we could go on a date..?! ☺️😅”
“ME?? Hebihime!! I- I’m honored but what brought this about?! This is….strangely sudden, you know? Not trying to be rude!-”
”eh??- I mean!- hebihim-”
”Hancock!! Y-you..can call me Hancock..if you’d like!- I mean if you’d prefer to call me something else like a pet name, honey or dear m-maybe-…!”
”But!- hebihime-”
“-And to answer your question! What brought this about……I’m not sure myself…I have no idea actually, I found myself worrying about you and when I saw you again….When I saw you..! When I…..Kyaaa! 😍”
”Hancock!! Are you all right?! What happened!?
“ !!….You…! You!- You said my name!! This must be..! This must be!! What they call!- Engagement!~ 😍😍”
”huh?? 😀 hebihime?-“
“No! Go back! Don’t call me hebihime anymore!! We’re getting married next month so!- So call me by my name from now on! Okay honey?! 😍💗”
*mutters while being carried bridal style by Hancock* “I’m getting married…to the hebihime..😵‍💫💫”
and yes you actually did get married the next month :)
being the wife of the pirate empress is the liiiife 😎👍 you get whatever you want, whenever you want and however much you want of it!! Without a question! Your words are as absolute as sold gold on the island of women! Hancock will likely even ignore elder nyon/Glorisa for you <3
and yeah you can pretty much just imagine your dream life for the rest! Expect that to become your reality when married to Hancock bc even thanos snap can’t compare 🗿😭
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Vivi is such an awesome girl - honorable mention okay? 😤👏
let’s say your not a straw hat tho :) just for funzies :3 imagine you’ve lived on alabasta just as long as she has and even infiltrated Baroque works with her. And also helped save alabasta!
best friends to lovers anyone?? Lesbian edition >:> 👩‍❤️‍👩 🧡🤍💖🏳️‍🌈
after it’s all said and done, and crocodile is defeated, you two say cya to the straw hats and you help Vivi rebuild her kingdom
somewhere during the time things start looking up as for alabasta’s cleanup, she confesses! Oops spoiler :}
“hey!!..I’ve been looking all over for you 😅”
“Oh hey Vivi! What is it?”
”oh nothing I just, well it’s not nothing…can we talk? Uh- you know..in private?”
”oh yeah sure! Come inside I was just cleaning up heheh, excuse the mess..”
“It’s nothing! Really, it’s fine no need to be so formal…we’re close, right?”
“Yeah :) what is it you wanted to talk about though? Is it something bad I’m nervous 😃”
”Oh! Nononono! Nothing bad nothing bad!-“
*sigh of relief* “hah, that’s good 😅”
*awkward yet adorable giggles come from both you and Vivi*
“well..what I wanted to talk about was…us, as in…who we are”
“Oh no Vivi don’t come out and tell me we’re aliens now we’ve barely finished cleaning up alabasta! 😭😂😂”
”what?? Hey! No! I-I’m trying to be serious here! 🤦‍♀️“
”OH! Oops 😄 go ahead go ahead!”
“I meant who we are as in, as a….relationship! Like- um..we’re friends right? Soo..if we could be……”
“Vivi..you mean..?”
”YEAH! 😭😅 I mean if- if we could be..more, if- if you want if not we can just stay friends-“
”No! I- hahah, I honestly never thought you’d ask, like- literally! I’ve kinda been waiting but you never did so is assumed-“
lots of awkward laughing and explaining of feelings ensue from there 💗(🏳️‍🌈😜)
actually being in a relationship with her includes training, yes training, because you never know what could happen. Just as crocodile happened and no one knew he would. So from now on she wants to be prepared, she refuses to be blindsided again—for the sake of her people!
she’s a cute mix of awkward, kind and a tad bit shy 💗 it’s like, she almost wouldn’t know how to act around you if you weren’t so close, but you are! So that makes things easier :)
she’s highly knowledgeable and I feel she’d have quiet a bit of hobbies. if you like to do similar things she’d love to partake in those activities with you! But if you have different interests, exploring each one as you teach her about them would be fun too! <3
Vivi is a literally princess, which means as her lover you get princess treatment! 😘 (all puns intended) She can afford it after all! Pell and Vivi’s father would adore you! You make Vivi so happy, how can they not?!
she talks about you more often than you know 🤫 “Dad!! Don’t tell her that!- it’s kind of embarrassing you know?!” oops Vivi heard him
well anyway 😊
Vivi is a very caring and protective lover as seen with Nami (when she stayed by her side the whole time she was ill). So of course that’s not any different when it comes to you, it’s highly likely Vivi knows first aid so if you get a minor injury? Be more careful!! 🩹❤️‍🩹💋 A major injury?! Hurry! Rush her to the royal hospital! Quickly! Giver her the best treatment! It’s okay, relax, she’s here 💖
Vivi will be with you through thick and thin and her loyalty is unwavering. She may not be the strongest banana in the bunch but she’ll certainly defend you with all she has if it comes down to it! 😤💪
Also!!! Can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this yet!!- Karoo!!!! Karoo loves you <33 Vivi thinks your bond is adorable, especially how Karoo always lets you ride on him :} you bring him snacks and drinks and he runs to you each time. If your tired of walking he’ll carry you without complaints as well so that’s a perk!
I feel the other spot billed ducks would love you as well! Karoo probably tells them how great you are 🤗 You might even like one of them enough to make them your duck! (I would, they seem cooler than a freezer 😎👍)
Okayyy~ lovely readers, followers and anyone new here..!
I hope you enjoyed these headcanons!!~
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rendy-a · 6 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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loving-barnes · 1 year
Never leave me again - Bucky Barnes
A/N: It's been months and here we are - I have written another one-shot with Bucky. If you are interested, please read. Warning, I have not edited it much, so sorry for mistakes.
Pairing: fatws!Bucky Barnes x enhanced!female!reader
Warning: mostly angst, some fluff at the end
Words: 2200+
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Never leave me again - Bucky Barnes
The people stood on their feet, clapping and cheering for the new Captain America. This was the night everyone was waiting for - the introduction of John Walker to the nation. In the middle of the football field, soldiers were holding the American flag; the cheerleaders were dancing to the music and chanting Captain America’s name. 
And then there he was, running to the podium where the TV reporter was waiting for him. The nation was waiting for this interview. They wanted to know the new Captain better. What better opportunity there was than this? All cameras were pointing at him as he greeted everyone. If only he knew how many people he pissed since morning. 
It seemed he enjoyed the attention. He had a bright smile on his face as he sat down on the chair next to the reporter. He put the shield next to him and put down the mask for the admirers to see his face and blond hair. 
John Walker named Captain America - that was the title in the news. They did a parade for him, with fireworks and music. People were losing their minds. Everyone wanted to meet him; everyone wanted to touch him and take a photo with that guy.
Once the reporter started to talk, the crowd went silent and people listened to her. She presented him as a humble guy. She told them about his history and achievements. She tried to point out to the nation that he was as good as Steve Rogers. But then, he opened his mouth and started to talk about Steve as if he was his brother.
There was a moment when he stopped talking, thinking about his next words. That’s when a clapping sound echoed around the football field and everyone focused their attention on the person who decided to interrupt the interview. And it was a big surprise. 
Avengers, as everyone knew, no longer exist. Some of them died, and others decided to go their own path. The Falcon became a well-known superhero who used his ability and connections for good. The Winter Soldier was pardoned and undergoing therapy. 
When Y/N Y/L/N  appeared on the field it got people whispering her name. The reporter had her mouth wide open, not believing who was walking to them. 
She had her long leather coat on, with a custom-made catsuit underneath it. It seemed she just arrived from somewhere. “How dare you,” she said loudly so everyone could hear her. “How dare you sit there and say out loud that Steve Rogers was like a brother to you,” she tilted her head. It was obvious she was angry. No, she was furious. 
Everyone knew Y/N Y/L/N. She was an Avenger who fought against Thanos. She was one of the people who saved the universe. But then she disappeared and no one knew anything about her, until now. 
“Miss Y/L/N,” the reporter said her last name, ready to calm the situation down.
“I don’t understand why are you celebrating this imposter?” she pointed at the man, who had already taken the shield into his hands. 
“Miss Y/L/N,” the reporter stopped her. “As far as we know, John Walker did many tests and he passed them with high scores. This isn’t just-” 
“Woman… just shut it,” she said strictly, not letting her finish. “This is something bigger than you all think. Steve Rogers represented something that this man will never have. You think you can just replace him by giving the shield to someone else?” People started to whisper and point fingers at her. “This never should have happened. And if Sam Wilson decided to give the shield to the museum, why the fuck would you change the deal you made with him and do this?” 
“Y/N, look, I get it,” said John.
“No, you don’t, Walker. And I suggest you don’t cross paths with me.”
When no one had anything to say to her, she slowly walked away from them. This was all she wanted - to speak her mind and show everyone, primarily the government, how upsetting this was. When she was far enough, she used her power to lift herself into the air and flew away from the football field. 
And Bucky saw it all on TV. At first, he was pissed at John Walker and the event they made for him. But the more that man talked, the more he hated him and wanted to take his shield from him. 
When Y/N appeared there, he was immediately on his feet, staring at the screen in disbelief. He had been trying to find her for the last few months, but she practically disappeared. And now, she decided to come to light like this. At least she had the same opinion about Walker. 
He sighed. Bucky knew he fucked up big time. When the war ended and they defeated Thanos, he left without an explanation. Steve decided to travel back in time and be with the woman he loved. He grew old with her. But Bucky walked out on the woman that was his whole world. All he knew was he needed time. And she gave him the time and waited for him until she didn’t. 
She wanted to be with him throughout the process of clearing his name. It was he who didn’t want that. And now, he regretted it all. How he wanted to do anything to turn things around, find her and apologise. 
“Fuck,” he whispered and rubbed his face with his normal hand. Then he realised there was one person who would be able to give him information about her. At least he could speak with Sam about the shield. 
. . .
Things were not going as planned, but at least they found Sharon in Madripoor who saved their asses and brought them to the apartment she owned. To receive information that they desperately needed, they had to stay and enjoy the party she hosted. This was her new life that she wouldn’t be able to do any illegal business in the US. Selling original artwork for big money brought her a new life she never thought she’d have. Sharon already built a name for herself and became a wealthy woman.
“The party is about to start. Try to blend in, enjoy yourselves and wait until I find more information for you,” said Sharon. “Also, try not to ruin the party. I need this one to go smoothly.” 
All three men followed her down to the party. The music was loud and bouncy. When they arrived, they were surprised by the amount of people that attended the event. The first stop was at the bar where they took a drink. Zemo was the first one who went to the floor and enjoyed himself with some dancing ladies. 
“Look at him,” Sam commented. “Lose the cord around his neck and there he goes, enjoys life and shit.” 
Bucky was silently standing next to him, scanning the surroundings. As if he was trying to find something unusual in the crowd of people. He kept thinking about Sharon - how the hell did she manage to become this wealthy here? It raised some questions that he didn’t know the answer - or maybe he didn’t want to know the answer. 
“You should go dancing,” Sam nudged his shoulder. “Or at least mingle with the crowd. You might find different thoughts or a lady to dance with.”
How could people dance to this music? They kept swaying their hips and making some weird moves that Bucky couldn’t understand. Was this considered normal dancing? 
He was about to bark something at Sam when his eyes noticed her lurking between the people, staring at him. He lost his breath for a moment. Was he dreaming or was it really her? His legs went on his own, trying to get to her as fast as possible. His eyes never left her figure. She kept standing in the crowd with arms akimbo, staring at him. Before he knew it, she had a drink in her hand, drinking it in one go. 
“Y/N,” he said her name when he stopped in front of her. “I-” he didn’t know what to say. 
“You know that your little fight in a bar in Madripoor is all over the internet?” she raised a brow, not happy about this information. She took out her phone and showed him the video with the title “Winter Soldier is Back in Madripoor”. “What the fuck, James?” 
He cleared his throat. “I had to,” he said. “We needed to get to someone who gave us valuable information.” 
“You had to?” she rolled her eyes. “When did you start to listen to Zemo? By the way, I will kick your ass for getting him out of prison. Have you lost your mind? You’ve been pardoned. You have the chance to live a new life and this is what you do?” 
He gritted his teeth and without thinking grabbed her by the wrist, taking her somewhere, where they could talk privately. For a second he thought she would use her magic and stop him, but she didn’t. 
“I was looking for you,” he said once they were hidden from the dancers. 
“And I was waiting for you,” she hissed at him. “I waited for you, and waited, but you never came. You had decided that you want nothing to do with me.” 
“That’s not true,” he shook his head. “I know I fucked up big time, I did. But I never stopped loving you,” he admitted. He could see how she swallowed nothing. “I loved you back then, I love you now.” 
She took a deep breath. It was obvious those words did something to her, but she decided to keep her stern face and not give him any more reaction. “I don’t believe you,” she said. “If you did, you would never leave. If you did, you would do anything to get me back.” 
Bucky knew she was right. He didn’t do enough and that was his fault. “What are you doing here, Y/N?” he had to ask. 
“It’s none of your business,” she said. “The fact that we are talking together, is nothing but a coincidence.”
He laughed. “Is it? Because, if it was, you wouldn’t be staring at me in the middle of the crowd of people and waiting for me to get to you. Also,” he took a step closer. “You wouldn’t let me take you to the side so we could talk.”
She didn’t say a word and let him approach her even more. “What’s going on? Why are you really here?” He could see right through her. Something told him, that she came here to see him. Maybe she was worried? His hands gently brushed her cheeks. It’s been months since he last touched her like this. “I can hear your heartbeat. I feel what my presence does to you. I know you, Y/N.” 
She closed her eyes, leaning to his touch. “I’m dealing with Wanda,” she admitted. “I lost contact with her and she disappeared. I know someone who might have some information about her.” 
Bucky couldn’t wait any longer and his lips connected with hers in a deep kiss. He expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. “I’m sorry,” he whispered once he broke the kiss. “I’m so sorry, doll.” When he looked into her eyes and saw tears threatening to escape.
“Don’t,” her voice cracked. “Don’t say anything you can’t promise.” 
“You don’t have to believe me,” he started to talk. “When I’m done with work, I will do everything in my power to find you and fix everything I fucked up.”
Y/N didn’t comment on it. She couldn’t believe his words. If she did, she would be heartbroken again. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was still in love with him. That’s why she took a step back and let his hands fall down from her face. “Goodbye, James.” 
“I love you, Y/N,” he said before she disappeared into the crowd. 
. . .
Y/N smiled at the title in the newspaper. It made her happy that he decided to become the next Captain America. Steve believed in him, and that was why he gave Sam the shield. The suit fit him. She loved that he kept the wings and mixed the Falcon and Cap together. 
She took a sip of a coffee and turned the newspaper page, reading more information about Sam. She was genuinely proud of him. Maybe she should give him a call and catch up. 
Her head snapped up and her eyes widened. She left the newspaper on the table and immediately jumped into Bucky’s arms. He kept his promise and found her. It made her happy - everything that was happening around her made her happy. “Holy shit,” she whispered. When she heard a weird rustling sound, she pulled from him and noticed she smashed a bouquet of flowers between their bodies. “Aw, you brought me flowers and I destroyed them.” 
He laughed. “It was worth it,” he put the flowers on the table and quickly pulled her closer to him. “I’m here, doll. I’m here and I’m never leaving again.” 
She kissed him, missing his lips. “I love you. Please, never leave me again.”
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minimarvelh · 5 months
What's your head canon for peter and tony?
oh I have a lot of headcanons about them haha😭😭maybe my favourite are:
• Peter, spending every Friday + his weekends at the Tower with Tony and Pepper. They are working in the workshop and then watching films, tv shows, playing Minecraft or Animal crossing (which Tony doesn’t understand, but if his kid likes it, then oKaY. Fortunately, Pepper likes this game and they are two excitingly playing together, while Tony mumbles “this doesn’t make any sense!!”)
• After 1-2 years of working hand in hand with Peter, Tony and Pepper (eventually) became fond of him and started to love him, so one day they sat with worried Peter, who looked at them with confusion while anxiously playing with his hoodie’s aglets.
"what-what happened?” and then quietly "am I in trouble?"
"what?" Pepper frowned, looking at Tony and then and then back "of course not, sweetheart" confusion was clear on both adults faces, but they tried to brush it off (or put it at the back of theirs head to talk about it later), focusing on more important question.
"We just wanted you to talk to you about..and well. moreover ask you about something" this woman never worried at the conference’s or when she needed to shout at all board of directors, but at that moment she was..scared. she was afraid of making the kid uncomfortable, she was afraid of scaring this kid. She never thought about wanting to have a kid, all her life she was focused on her career, but now she wants to have a kid. she wants this kid. she loves this kid with whole heart, never thinking that she could do it.
You know, kid, that we love you enormously, I think you know it, yeah?" even Tony became worried and unsure " okay, we thought about this for a long time, but we really want to make it official and to adopt you"
(okay, I don’t like how is is going hahaha anyway, I think you get the whole idea of them adopting Peter, so yeah, it is my main headcanon)
• also, I am obsessed with fluff, so my headcanons are circling around fluff and I am completely ignoring events with Thanos..🥲in my universe they are okay and that’s enough for me hahaha😭
• I really love idea that when Tony works too much in his workshop and no one can convince him to drink or eat or just take some rest, the only one who could do it is Peter. He could come and say that he didn’t sleep for 30 hours but he is fine. But for Tony it is,of course, is not fine. Where did this kid get a habit not to sleep? So he “must” take his spider to the bed and force him to sleep (while he is doing it he is falling asleep himself)
or Peter comes to the workshop and while he is helping Tony he “accidentally” tells him that he didn’t eat for a day and Tony is just stopping and after swearing looks at him “what?” (it doesn’t matter if he himself didn’t eat for two days, he is completely fine without food) and Peter refuses to eat, unless Tony will eat with him. So yeah..
this is just bunch of headcanons, I hope you are having amazing day!!❤️🧡🩷
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lokimobius · 3 months
🖤 please 😭
I wrote most of this on the bus to and from work today lmao! I did want to make this more angsty but I couldn't bring myself to do that.
I hope you enjoy, anon! 🥹
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
They stood at the cliff edge and watched as the tide crashed against it. It was a long way down. Except, it wasn’t. They’d just spent the last few minutes throwing rocks off the edge, testing out a hypothesis. The rocks should have fallen right into the ocean, rippling the water as they broke the surface. But they didn’t. Instead, they disappeared into nothingness, as if pulled into an alternate dimension.   
Much to Mobius’ protest, Loki was stooped down by the edge of the cliff, watching intently as the last rock fell. “It has to be through there,” he said as he stood up and brushed the dust on his hands off onto his trousers.  
Mobius instinctively moved closer to him, his hand reaching closer to his arm, just in case. “Ok, let’s say, just theoretically, that it is through there. How are we going to reach it?”   
Loki looked at him sheepishly, and, oh no, he did not like that look. Loki was about to suggest something stupid. He took a breath and opened his mouth to talk, but Mobius covered it with his hand.  
“Whatever you’re about to say, don’t.”
Loki removed Mobius' hand from his mouth and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I’ll probably survive.” The corners of his mouth quirked up a little bit. “I have a good track record.”
Mobius’ hands flew to his hips, and he stared at Loki incredulously. “Don’t joke about this, Loki. Just because you’ve survived this long by throwing yourself in the face of danger does not mean I’m letting you do it again.”
“I’m the best chance that we have at finishing this mission safely.”
 “And that’s a chance I’m unwilling to take.”
“Sorry. No.” He glared at Loki, holding up his hand, palm outstretched towards Loki’s face, cutting off whatever he was about to say. Mobius didn't want to hear it.  “Come up with something else.”
He paced back and forth, searching his brain for any kind of option that didn’t involve Loki leaving. However, he knew that there wasn’t anyone else more well-equipped to handle this situation than Loki. His heart lurched at the thought.
“Someone else can go.” He offered weakly.
“Mobius, the Aether is protected by dark magic.” He gave him a withering look. “This portal could lead anywhere. You’d be willing to risk another’s life by putting them in such danger?”
“I am not putting your life at risk.” He snapped. “End of discussion.”
He could not believe that Loki was being this reckless with his life. He turned away from his partner as tears formed in his eyes.
“Mobius, whatever has gotten into you? I know we tend to clash when coming up with ideas, but it’s unlike you to be so adamant.”
Mobius sighed as he looked up at the purple sky, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill. Green and blue clouds swirled above them, tinging the world with an uneasy hue.
It hadn’t been long since they’d saved Loki from the end of time. He thought that they’d at least be able to spend a bit more time together before he started throwing himself into danger again.
In this timeline, Kang followed the path that Thanos had taken in Loki’s original timeline. The mission was simple: find all of the infinity stones before Kang could; otherwise, he’d be able to traverse the multiverse at his own will.
Luckily for them, they’d managed to find most of them fairly easily. It was only the Reality Stone that remained. Which, inconveniently, was hidden away behind a portal, out of reach for mere mortals such as himself.
He knew that Loki was right. He was the best chance that they had, and he probably would be fine. But he was so scared of losing him again. Not after last time. Not after he didn’t know if Loki would ever come back from the tree. 
The memory of Loki alone at the end of time flashed in his mind. His heart had already been broken once; he couldn’t go through it again. Not when he finally had a purpose—a reason to live for the first time in his long, long life.
Loki was at his side in an instant. He held Mobius’ face in his hands carefully. “Mobius...”
“You’ll come back, right?” He pleaded, his voice shaking. “Promise me you’ll come back.” He gripped the lapel of Loki’s coat so forcefully that his knuckles turned white. He didn’t want to let go. He couldn’t.
“Of course. I swear to you, Mobius, I will always come back to you.”   
Loki leant close and kissed away Mobius’ tears as they fell down his cheeks. His lips were light on his skin, so tender that Mobius wanted to melt.
He turned his head to the side and bumped his nose with Loki’s before covering his lips with his. The kiss was soft and slow, one that made Mobius wish he had the power to pause time.
He pressed harder and licked at Loki’s bottom lip in hopes that deepening the kiss would convince Loki to come back to the TVA with him. But Loki pulled back slightly, smiling against his lips.
The kiss returned to softness, it lacked the heat and lust that Mobius had tried to inject into it, but it was still full of love and trust.
It felt like a promise.
Loki pulled away and ran a hand through Mobius’ hair in an attempt to soothe him further. 
“I’ll complete the mission successfully and be back before dinner.” He said softly as he continued to caress Mobius’ face. He had a determined look on his face, but his eyes were soft and warm. The smile that he gave Mobius then was one of his favourites; it was so fond, and his eyes crinkled adorably. It was the smile that was reserved just for him.
“I’ll even do all the paperwork by myself for all the trouble I put you through,” He added with a quick peck.
Mobius laughed and shook his head, releasing his grip on his partner. “If you miss dinner, I will hunt you down personally.”
"Yes, sir.” Loki saluted him with a wink.
Loki moved towards the cliff edge, his back to the abyss behind him. He didn’t look scared at all. In fact, his eyes sparkled, and he smiled at Mobius once more.
He bowed and took Mobius’ hand in his, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“See you at home.”
His eyes met Mobius’ as he jumped backwards off the cliff, disappearing into the portal far below.
“Mischievous scamp,” Mobius said to the now empty space in front of him. He took out his TemPad and opened a door back to the TVA, ready to wait anxiously for Loki’s return.
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lionheartedmusings · 9 months
yeno something that's been bugging me like hell since the day @v@ got thanos-ed? the conversation they had with cucurucho, and i haven't seen anyone talk about it.
i'll preface this with the fact that i think cucurucho (the character, not the federation as a whole) is as any other character nuanced and this isn't a cucurucho apologist post, just... an interesting observation.
q!bad posited months ago that every time cucurucho gets close to the islanders in general, there's a harsh stop to that and he goes back to being cold, detached, and impersonal. it's weird because it's so noticeable, going from watching him slowly become less strict and more playful, and then be met again with cold and robotic. now, this could be different cucuruchos being swapped out, but it doesn't feel like that.
enter said conversation @v@ had with cucurucho during the big fight. @v@ kept going on about the motivations, how the federation is using the eggs for control and to motivate the islanders to be on their side, and that removing them would make them stronger.
well, duh, right? everyone knows this, everyone's aware of it — they love the eggs enough that they're willingly sleeping in the wolf's proverbial mouth and allowing that manipulation to try and take place.
what's surprising to me, is that cucurucho replied with: "you have no idea what motivates these islanders." [paraphrased]
that, to me, reads as... oddly emotional in the face of the panic, fighting, and threat level. he said it in front of all of them, and it somehow read as personal and passionate to me — it didn't read as a bid for control of the situation, it read as a clear "fuck you" in a way we don't see often from cucurucho.
what does it mean? fuck if i know. but it was... almost caring in the face of disaster. almost possessive — those are his islanders, and by god he's not gonna let @v@ fuck with them.
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bensonoliviasstuff · 4 months
“Turning Page”
Final Chapter! “Your love was my turning page”
Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
Masterlist for Turning Page
Summary: Once Bucky regained consciousness and was no longer the Winter Soldier, all he missed from the 40s was his wife. But maybe she's closer than he thought.
Warnings: English is NOT my first language, so I'm sorry if there are too many errors. A little bit of angst, memory loss, betrayal, trauma, Insecurities, kidnapping. And the best part: Thanos doesn't exist here
Taglist: @capswife @mostlymarvelgirl @scott-loki-barnes @bxckybxrnes24 @alliw27 @buckys-metal-arm
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Bucky parked the motorcycle and quickly ran into the building, he didn't know where to start looking for you, but the first thing that came to his mind was the experiment base where they found you.
The same base of experiments that kept him imprisoned for so long.
"Doll?" He called, it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear, But he couldn't resist just calling out to you.
What if by then they had already erased your memory again? What if they had done something worst to you?
Bucky Barnes ran through the dark structure, his heart heavy and his mind in turmoil. He had to find you. Every second without you was unbearable torture. Fear and anger mixed, forming an almost unbearable feeling.
He started to walk through the building, he felt everything inside him burn as he saw the rooms he could never forget.
He headed towards the basement, it was agonizing how he still knew that entire structure like the back of his hand.
He holds tightly to the gun he had brought with him from the compound, kicking some debris that appeared in front of him.
He finally arrived at the laboratory, sighing desperately when he realized that there was no one there.
He was starting to panic, he hadn't panicked like this since the last time Hydra erased his memory.
He needed you, once he had you back he would never be ready to let you go again.
The phone rang and he answered it with shaking hands.
“Barnes, I have a lead for you” said the raspy voice of Sam Wilson on the other end of the line. “We found something.”
Bucky closed his eyes for a moment, a wave of relief mixed with apprehension washing over him.
“Steve called you?” he asked.
“Just because you needed it” he said, Buvky could imagine the smug smile just by hearing his voice.
“Thanks, I'll see you in a minute” he hung up the phone and got ready to leave, but as soon as he reached the door a voice stopped him.
“How long, Winter Soldier”
The nickname made Bucky squirm, dying to punch someone.
He turned back to see Zemo sitting on a chair in a dark corner.
Bucky quickly raised his gun, pointing it at Zemo with hatred. "What are you doing here?"
“You don't want to shoot before hearing what I have to say” He said arrogantly, crossing his arms.
“You don’t want to talk long enough to see me shoot” Bucky replied through clenched teeth.
“I have something important to tell you about Y/N”
Bucky held the gun tighter, his jaw tense “Speak”
Zemo took a deep breath before starting, always with a smile.
“Y/N is not who you think she is”
“Wrong, she is not who YOU think she is, she is my wife.”
“She is a spy, infiltrated”
Bucky's grip on the gun loosened for a moment, but then he tightened his grip even more.
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, his head was ringing, but all he could discern from that ringing were these words: lie, lie, lie
“Initially, she had a clear mission: get close to you, gain your trust, and eventually betray you and the Avengers.” He said, looking deep into Bucky's eyes as he spoke, as if he wanted to see and delight in the pain Bucky would feel. “You didn't find it very weird the way she was rescued so... easily?” He stood up, wanting to examine Bucky's pain more closely. “She was never reluctant... Always kind, always observant” He got closer and closer, a maniacal smile on her face. “Your missions going wrong”
Bucky's world seemed to crumble at those words. But he refused to believe it, anger boiling in his blood.
“You’re lying.” He pushed the gun into Zemo's chest, seeing red with anger.
Zemo slowly shook his head. “I wish it were a lie, but it's not. Her mission changed, that was very frustrating” Zemo rolled his eyes “The famous true love hm? After truly getting to know you, even if she still hadn't remembered you yet, she couldn't follow orders anymore. This put her in a dangerous position. The recent kidnapping was an attempt to bring her back under their control.” Zemo said, watching Bucky carefully to see his reaction "Unfortunately I assume that even if she forgot about you, she would never be able to betray you like we wanted her to do"
Zemo waited for a reaction from Bucky, but all he did was hold the gun tighter, Zemo frowned. “You don't look as hurt as I expected.”
“I forgive her” He said without hesitation. “That was everything you didn’t want to hear, wasn’t it?”
Zemo looked confused “What do you mean? Will you just forgive? Listen to what I’m saying, she was sent by someone who wanted you dead!”
Bucky walked away, running his hands through his hair. The pain of betrayal and the hope of true love fought within him. Finally, he stood up, determined.
He remembered the first real conversation you had, you saying that you 'felt like you should trust him', you did, you abandoned the mission. Now he needed to trust you.
He clung to the feeling that that conversation was true, those words were true, you meant it to him.
“Where is she? ” He said confidently “I will find my wife, if necessary I will make her remember again, and I will forgive her” Bucky said without hesitating in any of his words.
“This is really frustrating, I was expecting a show where you said we could kill her and you wouldn't care anymore” He said, returning to his chair.
Bucky advanced on him, grabbing the collar of his shirt. “Touch a finger on her and you will never have fingers to touch anyone again.”
Zemo laughed “This is entertainment” he sighed, letting go of Bucky “They are taking her to another small town, now they are definitely arriving at the airport” He said, satisfied “You won’t make it in time, but good luck.”
Bucky sighed irritably, running out of the building while shouting into the phone for the team to get to the airport immediately.
He was not willing to lose this battle.
After driving for some time, Bucky finally arrived at the airport, he entered the room looking for any sign of you.
He ran into the hallway of the main gates, trying to spot anyone he recognized.
The airport was crowded with hurried passengers, voices echoing everywhere, the sound of luggage being dragged, and constant announcements over the loudspeakers. Suddenly, a shout broke out in the terminal, until a loud noise caught everyone's attention.
Two men, visibly tense, they were holding a girl who clearly didn't want to be there, her back was turned but Bucky recognized it just by her silhouette.
It was you.
He felt weird seeing you for the first time after finding out about you being a “sleeper cell spy” or something like that, he felt anxious, his stomach felt like it was spinning
Surrounded by curious onlookers and staff trying to maintain order, a man in a black suit, had his jaw clenched and fists closed.
Bucky started to make his way there, Feeling the adrenaline and excitement of seeing you again, but before he took more than five steps he saw Steve and Sam arriving before him.
At least they had listened to Bucky's pleas to move quickly.
The men didn't seem pleased with Steve and Sam being around, and it seemed like they didn't give a shit about the place, they were willing to fight here and now.
The man in the suit was the first to strike, advancing quickly trying to throw a direct punch at Steve, he dodged skillfully, responding with a sidekick that made the man in the suit stagger back, almost knocking over a magazine display. People around quickly stepped back, forming an impromptu circle.
Bucky approached, helping Sam and Steve fight the two men, but his biggest effort was to get to you and get you out of that mess.
The fight continued with quick and precise blows. With each movement, you could hear the muffled sound of impacts and the frightened gasp of the spectators. Steve grabbed the arm of the men, twisting it forcefully and pushing him against a pile of suitcases. The sound of falling luggage echoed through the terminal as the man in the suit struggled to break free.
Suddenly, an airport security team appeared, running toward the commotion. The guards split up, surrounding the fighters. One of them shouted orders, trying to calm the situation. But before they could intervene, the man in the suit broke free with a sudden movement, grabbing a nearby chair and throwing it at Sam
The chair flew through the air, passing dangerously close to a family watching in horror. Sam ducked just in time, but before he could get up, he was pinned down by two guards who brought him to the ground. Steve and the other men tried to resist, but soon they were all under arrest.
Bucky and you were taken too, straight to the airport police station, all detained, but at least Bucky could keep his eyes on you.
He was anxious the whole way to the station, paying close attention to you, you were silent the whole time, he was starting to get worried.
The cops strapped one of you to a chair, leaving to take statements from Steve, Sam and the two men first.
He looked at you and pursed his lips, “Doll?” He tried the nickname, desperately wanting to know if you still remembered him or if they had erased your memory.
You do not answer, You looked at him with glassy eyes, he went into despair, didn't you know who he was?
“I'm…” he starts to say, but your voice comes soon after.
“James” you said calmly, eyes downcast. “You're James Buchanan Barnes”
Bucky he smiled, relieved that you didn't go through any torture while you were with Hydra, He couldn't put into words how happy this made him.
“Bucky, I...” You began, but he interrupted.
“I know” he said softly. “I know you were a spy, but I also know that you didn't remember me, or us, i forgive you, Y/N. We’ll get through this together.” He said sincerely, but you were outraged by it.
“That simple? Do you still trust me? Bucky, I betrayed you, I don’t deserve all this forgiveness, I don’t deserve your trust”
“I know” he repeated “You don't deserve it, but... Swear to God doll, there's no way I can't trust you” He said simply and sincerely “You could stab me a hundred times, it would take a thousand more to make me lose one percent of the love and trust I feel for you”
You looked at him in shock, you would never feel worthy of this forgiveness, yet he loved you and forgave you and all his eyes wanted was to keep looking at you, all his body wanted was to break free from the handcuffs and hold you against him.
Your eyes watered and soon you were crying, “I'm so sorry, Bucky. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“I know” he replied, stroking her hair. “We'll be out of here soon, and we’ll find a way to start over, without secrets this time, promise?”
“I promise”
You felt relieved, you still didn't understand how Bucky could have forgiven you so easily.
In fact, the Avengers didn't understand either.
As soon as you arrived at the complex, Bucky sent you to your room and felt like he needed to be honest with everyone, after all everyone helped you and him, they deserved satisfaction.
Steve was ready to defend you, Clint and Tony were pissed, Bruce was quiet and distressed.
Natasha was silent, sitting in the corner, apparently thinking hard about something.
“Guys, you have to try to understand her side a little, only God knows what they would do to her if she didn’t follow orders, she had no option, she wasn’t in it because she wanted to!” Bucky tried to argue.
“She might not want to be here, but she could have left this mission at any time since she got here” Tony said “She could have told any of us”
“She did, we just didn’t realize.” Natasha spoke out for the first time “I mean, I didn’t notice”
“What haven’t you noticed?” Bruce asked, crossing his arms.
“She told me once, that she constantly dreamed about you” She pointed at Bucky “And about you” she pointed at Steve. “I thought it was her memory trying to make her remember, but now it's very clear that she dreamed of you two because Hydra showed her what the next mission would be like.” Natasha furrowed her eyebrows “I believe she had no choice, and everyone here has been through things that you would do anything to escape.”
Tony sighed, irritated. “Look, I understand that, what I don’t understand is why she never said anything explicitly to all of us, it’s not like we weren’t going to keep her safe here.”
"We did? Hydra invaded and took her, we didn't keep her safe”
“I don't trust her” Clint said, leaning on the couch “She's going to have to climb a lot of steps before she has our trust again, but I'm not going to tell you to send her away, I suppose now that she remembers you she will be a different person, any mistake she makes from now on and I vote to have her away from the compound, everyone in agreement?”
Tony nodded, going to another room, the others agreed and Bucky sighed in relief, running towards his room.
As soon as he arrived, he knocked on the door to enter (the door was closed). He entered the room and saw you lying on the bed playing with the radio.
“They hate me now, don’t they?” you asked apprehensively.
He threw himself on your bed, approaching you with love “They’re just angry, It will pass, and they will forget”
“You should be angry too” You continued fiddling with the radio.
He took the radio from your hands, pulling you into his embrace, and then rolling on top of you on the bed.
“If there’s one thing” he said before snuggling his head into the crook of your neck, making you laugh “What I’ve learned from all this time we’ve spent apart, is that there’s no time to waste, I’m not going to waste time feeling angry at my lovely wife.”
That afternoon was filled with laughter, you laughed, played and, most importantly, talked.
You guys talked about everything, Bucky told you what happened to him from the beginning, making you cry a little at how much your husband suffered, it hurt to see that he still blamed himself for things he couldn't help but do.
You told him everything you remembered, the times you remembered Bucky, and the times you heard Bucky screams from the next room.
They both beat themselves up for spending so much time so close but so far away.
"Do you know what I think?" You interrupted the silence that had been established.
You were lying face down on the bed, Bucky's arm was around your waist, caressing your back.
He looked at you, listening carefully.
“That only the two of us could be perfect for each other” you spoke sincerely “I mean, do you realize how crazy it is that they tortured us and took everything from us, and they still couldn't make us separate? It’s like no matter what happens, it will always be you and me.”
Bucky smiled at the prospect “I didn’t need to go through all that to know that”
You rolled your eyes “I know, but it's just... I mean, I'll probably feel guilty forever because of the missions where I killed innocent people” she hesitated, lowering her gaze.
“Me too, doll...” Bucky said sadly.
“That’s the point” you said “I could only be loved by someone who understands what this guilt feels like, that’s why we complement each other, only the two of us understand that.” You smiled at Bucky. “We spent what felt like a million years apart”
“And I would wait a million more for you” Bucky walked over, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart, doll.”
“I love you Barnes, I'm so happy to have you, it's like It's like we're trapped in that horrible story we've been through, but when I look at you i know It's enough, i feel like i could be a feather and yet bring the kingdoms to their knees”
Bucky smiled, running a hand over your cheek. “You are right, our love is our turning page”
“Yes, our turning page”
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