aintgonnatakethis · 4 months
Character questions 7, 8 & 12 for Everett Young
Everett, my original fave! Thanks for the ask! ❤️️
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
When his friendship with Telford is treated with the seriousness and respect it deserves, seeing as it's lasted over 20 years! When they know each other, when Young knows what Telford needs and supplies it without thinking twice. Good stuff!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
My knee jerk response was going to be when people put him back together with TJ, but then I remembered they did that in canon. 💀 So I guess when people write him without those good old violent tendencies of his. Sure, he improves in the latter half of season 2, but I don't think they're ever going to be gone completely (because they didn't just pop into existence when he met Rush, they've been there for a long time). You can't sand off his rough edges and have it still be him. He's not a nice person (imo neither are Telford or Rush and that is NOT a criticism of them: in fact I think they're much more interesting and realistic as people for their flaws being so stark) and I like when that's portrayed in the fic I read.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He's been struggling with intrusive thoughts his entire life due to OCD. It's why he's incapable of letting things slide when it comes to Rush, constantly spying on him and being paranoid and unable to let things rest. He's also carrying around PTSD from the P2S-569 incident, and the military clearly doesn't foster the sort of environment required to help with something like that. He's gay and rather than being in denial about it, it's something that's never even occurred to him as being an option. So he goes from woman to woman desperately hoping 'this will be the one, right? everyone else finds this stuff so easy. there must be something wrong with me'. His favourite type of music is jazz.
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monkeymeghan · 2 months
We did somehow show up today! But it was a little late.... we'll get the rubber match though (for sure yep) 😉
It was a good matchup today. I’ll let you keep thinking that you’ll win tomorrow! 😉
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Red Velvet Hot Chocolate
@frostysfrenzy here's the recipe I was talking about! (Not mine, but I have no clue of the origin)
2 cups milk
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbs. sugar
2 oz. cream cheese
2 tsp. vanilla extract.
4 tsp. red liquid food coloring
Whipped cream and additional cocoa powder, optional
In pot, combine milk, 2 cups water, chocolate chips, cocoa powder and sugar. Over medium heat, bring to a boil, stirring; bring heat to low.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened slightly, about 5 minutes.
Stir in cream cheese until melted and smooth.
Remove from heat: add vanilla and food coloring. Divide between four mugs (I mean, if you want, I would reccomend)
Garnish with whipped cream and cocoa powder.
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svgurl410 · 1 year
Clois for 4, 26, 27 & 30
Thanks for asking! I always love talking about Clois.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity? Watching movies and cuddling. They're both so busy that they enjoy what time they have together. Or Clark takes Lois flying
26. What would be their theme song? Oh man, I have made so many fanmixes that I can't just pick one! Maybe "Never Knew I Needed" by Ne-Yo because despite the fact that we knew they were meant to be, they didn't see it coming.
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Lois has the better voice so her, but Clark does try :D
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it When Clark is on the edge, he listens to Lois's heartbeat to calm himself down and it makes him feel steady, just to know she is there, even when she's not with him
Send me a ship and a number
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Wanted you to know you're not the only one falling into my stargate trap 😂
Also just curious how goes it?
jedi survivor came out so i've been wholly swallowed by that 😂 but i am still planning on watching. i'm just slow about these things. ....and i gotta watch something while i work.
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lostinthelxghts · 1 year
2, 7, 29 music asks!
2 - a song you like with a number in the title
the 1 by taylor swift, because i saw it in this edit and now i can't stop listening to it
7 - a song to drive to
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears, i feel like this would be a good song to have on with the windows down while you're taking a chill drive
29 - a song that you remember from your childhood
last friday night (t.g.i.f) by katy perry, i remember when the music video for this came out and watching it on my grandparents' computer. that thing had a whole storyline and cameos everywhere you looked
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transbot-brian · 11 months
30, 33, 35!
30- Is there dishes in your room? Not right now but there are many empty bags for spicy wedges
33- The last adventure youve been on? My friend and I lit a fire and roasted marshmallows under the ruins of a small tower, was really fun
35- Whats your timezone? IST/GMT+ 1, am irish so basically the same as england
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theiravshade · 1 year
I haven't read any if your fics to this point but how about 15 and 18 for the ask
15 - I've only written for the X-Files and Stargate fandoms, are we weird? I had some absurd ideas for random kids shows when my nieces were little, but that's because it was in front of my face constantly.
18 - So, I'm not sure if it's a weird fic, per se, but I think I legit had a fever when I wrote a fic about Janet Frasier threatening to tear a guy's jewels off when he was harassing her. I'll have to dig that one up, LOL.
Thanks for playing!
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macandstella · 2 years
when u get this u have to put 5 songs 🎵 u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
oh man okay
i spend a huge amount of the day listening to music, and i love following trails from different song radios to find new stuff thats up my alley. so rather than try to cherry pick selections that make me seem cool, i decided to just post the current 10 songs i most recently liked on spotify
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthouse.
Me and Julio Down by The Schoolyard - Paul Simon
Blue Skies - Noah and the Whale (a long time fave of mine, not having it in my liked songs earlier was an oversight)
I Was Made For Sunny Days - The Weepies
The Lotto - Ingrid Michaelson
SUPERBLOOM -MisterWives (currently playing as i type this)
Take Me There - Delta Rae
I'm Still Standing - Elton John (another lifelong fave, just finally put it in my likes)
Lunar Years - Maisie Peters
Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
thanks for asking, this is super fun. i'll have to go look at what you posted!
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mrhowells · 5 months
3, 7, 9!
first of all, happy new year!!!!
3. favorite musical artist or group i started listening to this year:
mitski & the aces <3
7. favorite actor of the year:
zhou dong yu in better days (i do have to mention ryu seung ryong in moving too though)
9. best month for me this year:
they honestly all blur together (2023 wasn't real lol) but maybe september? even though i got really sick, that's when i started my new major.
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 months
Ten songs ten mutuals
Thanks for the tag @frostysfrenzy! ❤️️ Top 10 songs from my 2023 Spotify Wrapped!
1. Oh Brother - John Floreani
2. This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller
3. Yes Yes - The Colourist
4. Adults - Social Animals
5. Stalker - Badflower
6. Nobody Tells You When You're Young - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
7. Devil - Lowborn
8. There for a Reason - Driveways
9. Blood - Call Me Karizma
10. Kid Midnight - IRONTOM
Ten mutuals: @frostythedork @adriankyte-writes @judgeverse @bagheerita @fortunatetragedy
@emptyblankvoid @faggy-fag @afaintcloudyhaze @yharnamsnewslug @tfagswag
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monkeymeghan · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Happiness is elusive, so this is a good exercise for me to think about it. Hmm… 🤔
My family. We’ve always been super close, and I’m so grateful for that. Especially the last few months, we’ve all really been there for each other. I adore being an aunt, it’s my favorite hat to wear.
My furbaby Oscar. My Sweet Boy. I can’t say enough good things about this little guy. He’s such a good boy, and such a sweetheart.
Stargate sg1. The show, the fandom, everything. I’ve made great friends over the years through shared love of this show.
My friends, particularly my pocket friends. I don’t really know many people IRL, but I do have amazing pocket friends, including all of you! I’ve met some incredible people, especially here on tumblr.
Laying in bed, super comfy and cozy. It’s just such a nice, peaceful feeling.
A bonus answer, because I actually thought of a sixth thing when I didn’t think I’d be able to come up with five! Watching baseball with my dad. We watch most of the Yankees games together (yay for the YES Network) and get really into it. It’s something that brings us closer together, and I love that.
Ooh, and a seventh! A really good cup of coffee. Whether it be my regular coffee with French vanilla creamer, or my fancy Starbucks order (triple grande white mocha with 1.5 pumps of white mocha, nonfat milk, whipped cream, and caramel drizzle). All together it’s delicious, but there’s something special about savoring that first sip.
Thank you for this ask. I took time while answering it and it made me grateful for what I have that brings me joy. Most of the time I can’t see it, so it was a pleasant surprise that I could come up with so many things.
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svgurl410 · 1 year
Thanks for asking! :D
This is from my Clois fake dating fic (which was supposed to be 12-15k and is now 30 and still isn't done):
“I can handle it,” Lois insisted. 
“Sure you can, but that doesn’t mean you should. We’re in this together.”
Send me a 🌹
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Ok one more. Rowena and Gabriel
• Who's the cuddler?
• Who makes the bed?
• Who wakes up first?
• Who has the weird taste in music?
• Who is more protective?
• Who sings in the shower? L
• Who cries during movies?
• Who spends the most while out shopping?
Both someone pls stop them omfg-
• Who kisses more roughly?
• Who is more dominant?
• My rating of the ship from 1-10.
2.5. This came out of literally NOWHERE and I know I must exact vengeance.
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lostinthelxghts · 9 months
✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
1. Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King
2. Castles Crumbling (feat. Hayley Williams) - Taylor Swift
3. So It Goes… - Taylor Swift
4. all-american bitch - Olivia Rodrigo
5. Midnight Rain - Taylor Swift
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zackcollins · 2 years
CAVAN BBY!!! (Fot bingo)
Tumblr media
Bastard (affectionate)
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