#frozen over arc
pinkhairandpokemon · 6 days
Blake! It's me Hugh- August and I are okay, we caught Kyurem and we're making our way out of the cave now! What about you and N?
-Hugh (@keldeochamp1on)
OH THANK FUCK YOU GUYS ARE OKAY we’re alright! a little bumped and bruised I guess but uh, we’ve seen wors-
…wait. I’m sorry you guys did what
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thunderblessedhero · 6 days
I bumped my head and dont have the vocabulry to express how angry I am rjght now so excuse for beinf blunt. I’m going to pyt Colress in a hydraulic press
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keldeochamp1on · 18 days
[Attached: A video. The footage is fuzzy for a moment, but after a couple seconds or so, it starts to clear. That doesn’t really make it that much easier to see, honestly, but at least you have a better idea of what’s going on… the first thing you can make out is none other than August, sitting back against a wall of pale blue ice with their hair hanging over their lowered head.
They’re still in their hospital gown, hands limp at their side. Wires with flickering lights coil the ground surrounding them, forming a half circle around their feet.
A few minutes pass, before finally, the young champion begins to stir. As their head starts to rise, you get a better look at their face. Their eyes are dark and sunken, and frost continues to crawl across the surface of their skin. They look even worse than they did at the hospital.
“Ah, would you look who’s finally awake?”
They look up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. A new figure makes his entrance on screen, shoes clicking against the stone floor- a tall man donning a lab coat, with slicked back blonde hair and an odd blue part that almost seems to levitate around his head like a ring around a planet.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance again, little hero. I must say, your sudden appearance earlier sure took me by surprise. After how everything ended, I would’ve never expected Kyurem to call upon you of all people to come to its aid… let alone select you as its new chosen.”
August blinks wearily at the man, trembling as they try to sit upright. “C-Col…ress…?” They murmur out in a weak, hoarse whisper that the audio barely picks up.
“Allow me to welcome you to my… well, I’d hardly call it a laboratory.” He gestures around to the cavern room around him. “It’s merely a temporary set up while I conduct my studies on Kyurem. Nothing too fancy.”
August takes a moment to look around, wobbling as they rise to their feet- but the second they try to take a step over the wires, there’s a sudden burst of crackling white light. It swallows the screen for a moment, before a scream erupts from the champion’s throat and they fall back against the ice with a heavy thump. Thin trails of smoke rise off their slightly singed ankle.
“Ah… do forgive me for that,” Colress says nonchalantly, tapping a finger against the side of his jaw. “You were in a bit of a state when you came storming in here earlier. That barrier’s just a precaution to make sure you don’t damage any of my precious research further.”
“L-let… me… out…” August rasps, slowly beginning to rise from the floor again. You think you see something moving inside the frozen wall behind them, but the ice is too fogged to see it clearly. You think you see a head, and a pair of wings…
“Sorry little hero, no can do,” Colress replies, tapping away at some keypad attached to the sleeve of his coat. “Believe me when I say this is probably for your own good. As troublesome as it is for me to keep you here, you’d only end up hurting yourself in the current state you’re in.
“Let… m-me… OUT.”
August’s voice echoes ominously off the cavern walls as the room starts to shake and groan, bits of rock and ice dropping down from the ceiling and shattering into dust upon hitting the ground. Colress hardly gives the scene more than an eyebrow raise as he looks up, watching a large, shadowy mass rise behind August’s small form on the ground.
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August’s eyes are swallowed by a pale, sickly yellow glow, matching that of the beast looming behind them. They grit their teeth, puffs of cold air seething from the corners of their mouth .
“…Kyurem.” Colress addresses the frozen giant like he would a misbehaving child. “Acting up again, are we? I’m curious as to how you thought possessing this trainer and calling them here would help you in any way… all you’ve gone and done is drag them down with you.”
“Tsk tsk,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, crossing his arms as he takes a few steps closer to the dragon’s prison. “Come now, where else would you be had I not found you after you’d been separated again? Rotting away in a forgotten corner of Unova, cursed to spend eternity in complete, desolate emptiness?”
Kyurem snarls, and flicks its eyes down to August. Moving almost robotically, the young champion rises to their feet and glares up at the scientist defiantly.
“I see,” Colress muses, holding his studious glare on August for a moment before returning his eyes to Kyurem. “You’re still tired from all the poking and prodding my ex-colleagues did to you during your time on the frigate. Trapping you in that chamber, using you as cannon fuel…”
“But I assure you, Kyurem,” an almost unsettling smile rose to the scientist’s face. “Now that I don’t have Ghetsis breathing down my neck, I’m free to do whatever I please with the equipment I managed to salvage from my quarters on the ship. And I have much more… interesting experiments in mind for you. Much different, and much worse than the ones Team Plasma subjugated you to.”
His smile disappears like the drop of a hat, replaced by a callous frown. “So, for both our sakes I suggest you stop this senseless behavior. The more you struggle, the worse the foreseeable future is going to be for you. That is a promise.”
The man’s words seem to finally set Kyurem off. It releases whatever hold it appeared to have on August, causing them to drop to their knees and their eyes to return to their normal shade of brown. Rearing its neck back, Kyurem begins to ram its head repeatedly against the walls of its ice cage, causing small cracks to form that aren’t nearly enough to ever hope of shattering it completely.
The only reaction its outburst gets out of Colress is an unimpressed stare, before the man turns his attention back to August, who’s trembling wide-eyed on the ground. “As for you, champion…” he continues. “I haven’t decided yet. Your prolonged disappearance would certainly cause a region-wide fuss; hell, it likely it already has. On the other hand, though, I can’t just let you run off and risk telling the League of my activities here. That, and your ability to help me break the ‘language barrier’ between Kyurem and I could prove useful in the future somehow…”
“This could also give me the opportunity to continue my research on chosens,” he rambles on. “The tests I ran on Blake before weren’t very fruitful in the end. Honestly, they were just a ruse to make sure Ghetsis didn’t kill them. I had so much on my plate at the time, what with trying to unravel the mysteries of the DNA Splicers and such…”
“Well,” he clasps his hands together, that feigned, condescending smile of his returning. “Whatever I end up deciding, I suppose it’ll have to wait either way. Right now, I must go sedate Kyurem again so I can recollect those blood samples you so rudely knocked over earlier.”
With that, Colress turns on his heel and disappears off screen. “Do try not to stir up anymore trouble while I’m gone. Oh, and make sure not to move too much. Wouldn’t want you frying yourself on that barrier again.”
August watches him leave from their place on the floor, that blank, empty glaze still hanging over their eyes as the video reaches its end.]
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auphrodyte · 9 months
finally caved and watched frozen 2. i thought people were exaggerating but damn everyone in the movie has chemistry except the sole canon couple
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give him back. now.
- you bloody well know who from
he just wanted you to be safe....
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icybreaths · 10 months
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|| Neka ||
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Can the creators of The Clone Wars please remake the og series in the same style? I need 8 seasons of the original trio please and thank you.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
A couple of my old posts are making the rounds again so I just want to say for the record! that my past self isn’t canon anymore XD
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reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
talking to a guy and he’s like “how the fuck do you have all this shit memorized?” my brother in christ i memorized a movie as a kid because i got bored during state tests
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mazojo · 2 years
If in this season of hsmtmts if they dont reprise:
- Right here, right now
- Walk away
- Gotta go my own way
I will lose my shit
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riseoftherose · 2 months
this is so dumb but i just spent an hour trying to find a fic i read when i was like 14 and i cannot find it ANYWHERE or any mention of it.
#httyd#it was like this really well world built work#it was also frozen/httyd but like here me out#hiccup was some kind of shifter#could shift into a nightfury ofc but still had his stumpy leg#and could use fire etc#and could shift into like parts of his body into a dragon? like partial transformations#and elsa was queen yada yada#but he was also like recovering from the trauma of the red death and all of that from the first movie#and i think ? he was like taking a break from berk to like recover from trauma & the other kids there were like “yeah he went thru it fr...#and i think astrid was still alive but also maybe amicable exes or they were never together? idk#but anyway like elsa and hiccup bonded over fucked up childhoods and recovering from trauma#and i think this was like 1-2 years post the httyd1#idk i remember really liking it for the worldbuilding and politics and shapeshifting and character development#but maybe i imagined it????? bc i cannot find mention of it anywhere#lmk if this sounds familiar at all#it was long likw 100k+ and had an arc of hiccelsa like getting together and arendelle politics bs etc etc#i kinda remember a scene of maybe elsa seeing hiccup in a party and them talking but he like didn't mention that he's prince/heir of berk?#and im pretty sure in the fic hiccup kept going to like the woods to hang with toothless bc bud was chilling in a cave while hiccup was gon#idk PLEASE let me know if this is familiar to anyone else#i think maybe red death came back as big baddie in the end? or smth similar bc i remember a lot of mention of Red Death#and people trying to explain to elsa how traumatized hiccup was by it#fic hunt#pls do not judge me for this lmao it was like 7 years ago but i wanna find it again!!
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pinkhairandpokemon · 17 days
Hi Blake!! Just wanted to say hi!!! Hope all is well? @touya-san
hi Touya! a bit preoccupied sorry, I'll get back to you later! Rotom turn off voice to text
okay Reshi, KILL!
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thunderblessedhero · 24 days
Okay… update on August. We talked about it and… Blake and I are pretty sure at this point this isn’t the work of any ordinary illness. We think it’s the work of Kyurem. We don’t know how, but we think it managed to either curse August, or made them its chosen. Maybe even both. As for why, we assume it’s to get revenge on them for splitting it apart from the other dragons again after we stopped its rampage…
They’re fine right now. They’re drawing energy from their bond with Keldeo in order to stay alive. It’s a, er… chosen thing. It’s… not going to hold off Kyurem’s influence forever, though.
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Blake and I are setting off to seek Kyurem out in a few hours. With any luck, we’ll be able to restrain it and hopefully get it to lift… whatever it’s placed on them. I don’t know how long it’s going to take, so if you don’t hear from us in a while, that’s why. We’ll both be back once everything’s resolved.
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keldeochamp1on · 3 days
The finale to the Frozen Over arc will still happen, but I’m gonna more or less start posting normally on this blog, N’s, and Blake’s cause I’m getting impatient with my own slow writing hdhcgsg. Essentially the finale’s gonna come out in fic format 👍 so if you’re confused the arc’s not getting abandoned ))
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falinscloaca · 5 months
god the arc in space was good
#haven't seen it in over a decade#but like. conceptually#the way it differentiates itself from its successor(?) alien by the wirrn being played more as#literal BROOD parasitoids#with the remains of humanity being stuck in stasis functioning like a hive of sorts#brood pararistoid used colloqially#i'm referring to the common wasp thing of laying eggs in the grubs of another species rather than the adult. not kleptoparasitism or#that shit cuckoo wasps get up to#<- has been reading wikipedia#god i love wasps and bees and sometimes ants so much but i. don't really have a 'well' to infodump from as deep as some do#its like. the 'arc' as it exists in the serial is basically a vault filled with hermetically frozen humans who fled the irradiation of the#planet to hibernate in space. leaving them like functionally ungarded but still-cared-for-(by-life-support-and-shit) wasp/bee larvae#(ungaurded because why the fuck would technologically advanced but not really aliens-trained humanity predict 'space wasps')#its a fuckin buffet of new hosts lmfao#'i dont care if i do' ass shit#i'm sure i'm getting minor details wrong maybe most of the humans are already dead or some bs idk its been like 15 years#also then again maybe theres a lotta frozen people in Alien too? idk i still haven't fucking seen it bc i never just watch movies i mostly#associate that movie with people hiding from the thing or getting ambushed though (or being gruff military dudes and just shooting them wit#guns. thanks randy and also the second flick allegedly.)
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josh, it's going to be okay. i've been in the corridors before. if you just keep holding on, it'll get bored eventually. hopefully.
keep with us. can you tell me about nathan? - m
i- i dont know-
who even was nathan im sorry i cant forget you and i shouldnt forget you im sorry im sorry i deserve this im sorry im sorry im sorry
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