#frozen section
bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#FrozenSection #FrozenSectionWhiteCastleClassicCheeseSliders #FrozenSectionMiniCheeseburgerReview
I tried the Frozen Section White Castle Classic Cheese Sliders and it was pretty good .
The mini burger buns were soft, the cheese was cheddar tasting while gooey, the meat tasted/smelled like from the White Castle restaurant, the onions were lightly crunchy in texture with the meat. This didn't taste overly salty to me.
I would eat this again.
Got at Kroger.
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junglejim4322 · 1 month
What’s ur top 3 culinary herbs?
Top ten hardest questions I’ve ever received in my life this is like having to choose between my children.. but assuming you mean fresh herbs always cilantro no. 1 I could consume it like it’s lettuce in fact I used to get cilantro in my burritos in place of lettuce at moes when I was a teenager and everyone thought I was the joker for it but last time I went they didn’t even have cilantro as a topping anymore and my tin foil hat theory is that im partially responsible. and then Thai holy basil (there are like 5 things on earth that taste better than this) and then mint
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agnesandhilda · 3 months
I love you cheap and nutritious frozen food
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a8ra · 4 months
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Frozen Food Section by Chad Poppleton
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roetrolls · 6 months
Nymira, have you gone to see the HOR yet?
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"Oh, um... Well, n-not yet. But... Soon. I will do it soon."
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swordbreakerz · 9 months
clipped this ages ago to show some friends the most terrifying thing i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing, just now got around to uploading it bc i think Everyone should get to experience the same terror i did when i listened to this in the middle of a shift at work :)!
transcript under the cut!
AUSTIN: [...] it’s Fort Icebreaker. It shoots you before you get anywhere near it. You know what I mean? Like, there isn’t-- there, it’s part of a big military base, it’s like, there’s-- those other methods of infiltration haven’t been available, no-one’s done the thing you’ve done. This is like that bit in Hitman, where Diana goes like, “huh.”
JACK: (laughing) Disguises…
AUSTIN: “Oh, putting on a disguise, 47? I’ve never seen anyone do that before.” and she means it? This is, like, literally, you are doing the plan, this is a novel plan for you, for this world. Um. And so, that isn’t the thing for me.
The question is whether or not you can still be in control of Juniper when it gets here. Because, passing through the fog, like ghosts, I mean, like, the undead, in a real way, is The Black Century.
The Black Century is, and I think maybe, you-- you have probably heard this, you know this, this is not, this is like one of those things that gets whispered about, and it’s creepy.
KEITH: When you’re saying we’ve heard this, you’re not saying us, the players--
AUSTIN: No, the players have not heard this, this is new to you.
The Divine, Motion, which is what Gur Sevraq warned you about in the last, in the downtime… is a Divine dedicated to ensuring that things keep going. That Apostalos gets where it needs to, takes what it needs to, and that those that are loyal to their nation do not stop fighting. It’s called The Black Century because it is composed of one hundred soldiers, spread between infantry, armored and support roles. They’re also called that because you serve for one hundred years, and the Divine Motion ensures that you live through that century, no matter what befalls you. This goes also for its elect, Hyacinth, who is in their final years of service.
Over this hill, through the fog, come these mechs, these hallows, that look as if they are undead. The joints are loose, the way that they move is sickly in some instances. Unpredictable. There are three kind-of types. There are two of those Kosmos units we saw before, except instead of having, like, shielded faces, their faces are all scarred up from previous battles. All of them are filled with holes that should stop them from working, and yet, they move. There are three of these things called Cackles, which are four-legged, hyena-style mechs, which howl in the fog. And moving above all that are these four flying units, that look like a blend between a bearded vulture and a harrier jet. Their march towards you is syncopated. It is empty of affect. There is no presentation of bloodlust, there is none of that famous Apostolisian courage. It is just shuffling through the silent wind. And then, up through the grey fog, something shoots. The sky is this, like, static, the Perennial Wave and the overcast day. And then there’s this, just, trail of smoke that carries a black flare into the sky above you, and it, it brightens, but darkens at the same time? And for just a moment, the horizon around you stretches forever, and everything - the battlefield, Juniper itself, the hills - it loses colour and inverts, and in that moment, framed on the hills to the south in white and black is something strange, barely contained by its mechanical body. It’s almost, almost writhing. And in the miles behind that, the seeming endless distance behind it, more bodies seem to move yet. If this is anything, it is a spear head. Motion is here.
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puppybong · 8 months
grocery shopping is just saying “im gonna kill myself” and “no fucking way it should cost that much” under your breath over and over until you leave
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dnangelic · 9 months
dark writing down a crucial message for daisuke even after being taken by the snow queen by taking over dai’s body while he’s asleep but the letters are ‘shaky’ dark briefly returning to daisuke when he intrudes the show queen’s world again only to be taken back to her world near immediately after speaking with a voice that’s in ‘immense pain’ daisuke shouting dark’s name but ‘the last person dark’s voice called out with was daisuke’ and ‘daisuke was left alone.’
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johntorrington · 1 year
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the current collection not counting ebooks. i’m unwell
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six-of-ravens · 1 month
also, I'm so excited, I found haskap berries at the whole foods store today! my aunt and her partner recently started going to a haskap berry farm to pick their own every summer and she won't shut up about how good they are, so I've been meaning to try em.
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newfeeling77 · 11 months
i wish i wasn’t capable of physically feeling the presence of someone in a building even when i can’t see them. i know i sound insane but theres like 4-5 people i have a psychic connection with whether i like it or not. im sitting in a cafeteria with like 100 ppl n im by a hallway that leads to a door on the side of the building n someone will go in or out every 5 minutes or so n you know bc its a loud squeaky door. n like the 7th time i heard it open the guy i had planted myself here specifically to say hi to i had the impression it was him before he even like emerged from the enclosed area. and it was of course. its almost annoying i dont want to be so aware
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rillette · 2 years
Slade Wilson's YouTube channel is just him shopping at home depot. YouTube comments are full of scambots. Copyright strikes for not muting music that his camera mic picks up.
I'm not convinced that slade even knows what the internet is, I think he just uses a rolodex and paper calendar to schedule jobs. However I do think that he goes and stands in home depot aisles and stares at the planks of wood for fun and enrichment. It's like an aquarium to him
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euclydya · 5 months
What's a gumbo?
"Gumbo is a thick stew or soup that is the official state cuisine of Louisiana. It is a combination of African, American Indian, and European elements. Gumbo is made with a variety of ingredients, including:
Home-made stock
The "holy trinity" of celery, onions, and green peppers
Roux, a mixture of butter and flour
Chicken, sausage, ham, seafood, okra, tomatoes, and greens"
IT IS. DELICIOUS. tho the homemade gumbos we have don't have celery, onions, n green peppers in em i think but that's besides the point. it is A Soup™ and it is very Good™
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reitziluz · 1 year
entirely unfair how many things i need to do when all i want to do is write, but it's also not enough things to snap me into "fuck all that i'm writing now" mode
on the other hand, i've been going all body improvement fight-o and can't be mad about the gains
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knightotoc · 1 year
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allisonreader · 9 months
Huzzah! I have managed to write nearly a full page tonight.
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