#frozen the musical the series
HSMTMTS S3 EP2 : Into The Unknown
This episode was great!! I don't even know where to begin!
I think I will begin with Gina: yes she reminds me of her old self, but with a change, I don't disagree with Kourtney and Ashlyn, but I don't totally agree! Gina wants to shine, she wants to have the first role, and it's her time! She wasn't Gabriella nor Belle, but now she really wants to be Anna (or Elsa, she's the first role too). A part is because of the documentary, but another part is for her, she wants to prove to herself that she can do it!
I absolutely loved the two girls who were Gina's fan, and I really hope that someone will talk to them after what happened to the audition because I feel like one of them will have a good role while the other don't... I mean, Ash and Kourt saw that scene, they could have said something...
I really liked the way Gina looked at Ricky in the audition, I know people will freak out and pointed like "see Rina is endgame", but for me, Gina was like a proud mom/friend. She is the one that pushed Ricky in the first season, she just wanted him to realize he have talent and that he was born to be on stage!
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About Ricky now, I liked the conversation he had with Gina, it was akward but I'm happy they decided to forget everything that happened! They are just friends and now the air is clear!
I absolutely love what Carlos said to him in the bed, that line about the fact that he always come unprepared and has the role because he is talented can't be a thing in Camp. This is not Miss Jen, and he needs to understand that he can't do this anymore.
But when he came late in this ski suit, I laughed so hard. Yes he was shown with it in the trailer, but the way he entered and Carlos said it was tradition... Epic 😂
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What I also love in this episode is what happened with Jet: yes he has some attitude problems but his voice was so great!! And Ricky making a comparison with him, was cool to see!
I also really like the sort of conversation they had, because since the trailer I already ship them. I mean Ricky is definitely bi, the way he ask what were the relationship between Hans and Kristoff by saying "lovers?", is another proof to that.
About the other campers: I need to see more of Val before having a real opinion, but I don't like how everyone is saying she will make Portwell break up... I didn't feel this vibe from her, she was just happy to her friend! And I liked that she asked about Nini, because it's obviously a thing you will ask your friend if one year he is with a girl, and next year with another!
I liked that Gina was the one who said that Maddox was nice and just wanted everyone to be friend! I definitely could relate to what Maddox said about not having a lot friends because she doesn't know how to be with people! And I don't think that the last scene was a bad thing like they want us to think! It's just another weird tradition! And if Maddox is a witch, then it would be cool! I really want to see a good representation of modern witches!
Anyway, go back to the campers: I don't really know what Carlos changed, but I have a feeling it's not the final cast list just a draft! Val wouldn't have left the real list here, right?
About EJ's, I loved the Portwell scenes, the beginning, and the scene were he said to Gina that their couple was the only thing he was sure about!! I liked seeing him stressed because he was always this super confident guy, and seeing him freak out for once was great! Plus, anyone else wouldn't be able to be a director for a show like that... He's still a high schooler!
Now, let's talk about Nini in LA. I didn't expect at all that Jesse Tyler Ferguson would play the "father" (I don't want to say sperm donor because it's kinda a thing you said to a father who isn't great... Plus, he tried to be a father to Nini, and it was nice). I liked learning more about Nini's family, her moms weren't really shown in the series so far! Plus, this meeting inspired her a new song !
Speaking about the songs, I will first talk about Gina's : it was great, I really like the dancing, the lyrics really shown that she is determinate! But I must say that it didn't resonate with me, like "A Dancer's Heart", that song was so good that I was kinda hopping this new song to be as good... But it was still great !!
The audition songs were great, I love that everyone shine, their voices were great, and I don't want to be at Val's place because I couldn't even said who was better!
Jet impressed me, he had such a great voice, and Ashlyn joining him at the piano was nice!! I really loved how everyone was genuinely happy that he was this good, when he is a concurrent! At first I thought he could be Hans, but I don't know if it will be fair, knowing he didn't read any text... 🤔
And then, there's Nini's song. It was sooo good! I'm very happy to hear a song that isn't sad, it was full of hopes for this summer, and it's all I wish to Nini: to have a great summer! Definitely my favorite of the episode!!
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violetrains · 10 months
Instead of telling men to repress their emotions to appear stronger we should encourage them to sing incredibly dramatic ballads to process their emotions like in fictional movies. Maybe the world would heal faster. And also it would be very funny.
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These are my personal favorites.
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kindofsortofmaybe · 7 months
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what do i know about love?
friends and mutuals i'm so sorry i just can't stop thinking about old man yaoi 🙏 these old men wanna kiss so bad i just know it
PLEASE don't comment or rb with spoilers!!! i haven't finished s2 and won't be able to for some time!!!
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starrrbakerrr · 10 months
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HSMTMTS Appreciation Week Day 3: Favorite Performance
"Remember, Ricky, you've got unresolved feelings for Gina. Gina, you only know four words. It writes itself."
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my hsmtmts hot takes:
(im going to be stoned for this i know it)
i did not care about rina in the slightest until season 4
seblos (as a ship/couple) is just sort of...there for me. i have no big feelings towards or against them. they're definitely cute, they just don't stay on my mind
though i loved the fashion upgrade that came with it, i hated the way kourtney was written in season 4
i don't care about madlyn that much. (i also don't like call it what you want all that much)
season 4's hsm3 songs were not done well (save for can i have this dance, high school musical (the finale) and dani's high school musical, and now or never (auditions) the mixing was bad, they had dara sing too high for i want it all and the singing itself just wasn't that good
^i loved most of the original songs tho
they should've never brought in any of the original hsm actors (save for kaycee and lucas in s1) they made a corbin a twisted version of himself in s3 and the rest of the actors in s4 were so overhyped just for them to barely be there
i actually liked portwell together. they both seemed so happy and i will never forgive the writers for building them up just to ruin them in s3
^speaking of s3 portwell, i will also never forgive this fandom for treating ej like he was some old man preying on a child and treating him like the villain (this is a rant by itself so we'll tackle that some other time)
i've never liked nini (or rini)
the rina hat only works because they got together in the end. imagine if a friend put a secret love confession in a gift for you and you find it after both of you get with someone else. i just find it weird to do that sort of thing when you don't even know if there's mutual feelings
i was on ricky's side during most of the rini discourse (save for him going behind nini's back and getting her a part when she didn't want one)
while i love both jennzzara and jetney, both of them were quickly thrown together at the end with hints that there were crushes in the air for both of them
i will forever hate that they chose frozen as s3's musical. the only songs i liked were what do you know about love and love is an open door
for a show about students putting on a musical, they really just did not show a lot of the musicals
^for s2, i've been giving them a pass because it was during the first year of covid so they were probably limiting how long people could be dancing around without masks (but i was still robbed of belle's yellow dress on ashlyn and ej and biggie playing gaston and lefou)
and finally, this show pairs people up so fast with no real development for either the people or the couple itself. the show really could've benefited from growing their characters without a relationship being the driving force and then worked on building romantic relationships once they figured out what to do with each character
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jomarchswritingjacket · 4 months
shout out to @violetrains for pointing out this incredible genre of music first
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veryberrydreamer · 2 years
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caswensworld · 2 years
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The true Anna and Elsa of Season 3
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keeponkippenon · 3 months
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Kristoff Lullaby - s3 ep8 "Let It Go"
Love this song with my whole heart, should probably listen to the original version eventually, but I'm happy living with the HSMTMTS one for now.
Gina & Ricky were the absolute perfect choices for Anna/Kristoff, and I'll stand by that for as long as I live. Ricky singing 'Kristoff Lullaby" was peak, and fit his feelings at the time so well, that it's impossible to imagine him not being casted as Kristoff.
If they did one more season, I would've loved for them to do 'Tangled'. Ricky as Eugene just seems right y'know? Plus him and Gina singing "I See The Light" would've made me sob /pos
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bonobochick · 1 year
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And then the ending… 😍
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Folks noticing Gina & Ricky’s feelings for each other coming out during this performance of “What Do You Know About Love?”
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Mattias: Anna, are you okay?
Anna: I'm fine. I just need a minute. Or a vacation. It's not clear.
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I will make my review of the last episode of HSMTMTS later but I just wanted to make a quick post about the casting for Frozen.
Obviously, there's no big surprise, we knew since a long time that Gina would be Anna, with Kourt as Elsa and Ricky as Kristoff.
Honestly it's kinda disappointing that Ricky is again the lead. Like Carlos said he can't always Zefron is way to the auditions... But obviously he is Kristoff for the drama with Gina and EJ...
I feel like Ricky would have been a better Hans, and Jet a better Kristoff. I feel like Adrian Lyles has the perfect voice to be Kristoff and honestly, Ricky would rock Love is an open door!
I'm surprised for Ashlyn, yes there isn't a lot of female characters in Frozen, but her being just in the ensemble is kinda sad... She could have been Kristoff's mom (don't remember her name, but the troll lady)!
Carlos as Olaf was obvious, and I feel like it fits his voice perfectly. I understand he is kinda mad, but maybe next season he will have the main role over Ricky!!
I was kinda surprised to not see Val at all, to explain her choices or just talk about the casting... And we don't know if the two fans of Gina were casted as young Elsa and Anna and who will be which sister!
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chenfordsbee · 2 years
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GINA PORTER as Anna in High School Musical, The Musical: The Series
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dawntrailing · 10 months
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crimson-chicken1 · 2 years
Ok so I am barely on Tumblr but I was reading through the hsmtmts tag and it just seemed so negative! I mean maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I really liked this season! I mean I don’t ship characters on this show so maybe that’s why i’m not so passionate about either portwell or rina but honestly I think this season was a lot of fun! Sure I missed Seb and Big Red but the new characters were really good! The girls bonding was just so sweet! I love female friendships like this! Ricky’s birthday bucket list was such a fun plot line and Nini getting him the ticket was such a sweet closure to their story! Maddox and Jet finally getting to the point where they can laugh at each other “admitting” their crushes was such a great growth for their relationship! Big Red coming out was so out of pocket but so on brand that I literally squealed! Ej and Val’s friendship was perfect! The real housewives episode was the best tv episode i’ve seen in awhile! Everyones Frozen costumes were beautiful! Ej and Ricky’s enemies to friends to brothers arc was so great and I can’t wait to see where that leads! And sure they could have definitely handled the whole Ej situation better and hopefully they will handle it! Sure it was a little rushed but it was also such a fun season, the music was incredible as always, the jokes were hilarious, and I think so we’re most of the serious moments! Idk maybe i’m reading into it to much but I actually really liked this season and can’t wait for season four!
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
Episode 8 was titled “Let it Go” because Ricky finally let go of Nini, Gina let go of EJ, and Rina let go of holding back their feelings from each other
And of course the play, dara’s performance, Nini leaving, etc. But this season was so rina centric there is no way the title didn’t have to do with them too
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