#frozine volume 5 summer lovin
Tag game!
thanks for tagging me @bad-at-names-and-faces
Rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!” Then tag some folks.
Most popular: Seems like Pointshoes and Screwdriver (part II of the Boat-ship series on AO3) where Anna is a ballerina and Kristoff a car mechanic. They meet "accidently" on a houseboat and... well... fall in love...
Hidden gem #1: Somehow... Cruising beyond sunrise (my contribution to the Frozine Volume 5: summer lovin 2021 on AO3) where Anna is a fitness instrucress and Kristoff is the ship doctor on a cruise line (nothing to do with Boat-ship though 😅)
Hidden gem #2: and... It´s your life (one of my earliest modern AU fic on AO3) where Kristoff takes Anna off to Disneyland and away from her studies – she´s a mess before graduation…
Tagging... (no obligation... as always 😘)
@hiptoff @reindeersweaters @sunshinesparkles @faithambr
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nemmaemma · 3 years
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I yet again had the opportunity to participate in the Frozen fanzine hosted by @frozines for the 5th time now! Emily @punkpoemprose deserves all the kudos for being the brains behind the entire operation, organizing, and designing a cohesive zine of everyone's work! I’ve been in the fandom for quite a while, and having these zines to bring everyone together, old or new, has been a joy to take part in 😊 Its motivating to revisit what got me into posting my art in the first place back in 2014, and I can’t wait to see this zine continue to grow!~
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justfrozenthings · 3 years
Fanfiction MasterList
Kristanna One-Shots/Drabbles
A Holly Jolly Quarantined Christmas (T)
Family Picnic (K)
Don’t Run Into Fire (K)
Welcome Home (K) for @azchrisdraws
Sunflowers, Wedding Rings, and I Do’s (K) for @nathanielsfrozenworld
Chocolate Bunnies (K)
Eternal Happiness (K) for @annaofthenorthernlights
The Punch (T) for @kristoffxannafanatic
I Have Loved You Since Forever (T)
A Summer to Remember (T) for the Frozine Volume 5: Summer Lovin’. See the whole zine on the @frozines blog.
A State of Euphoria (M)
Winner for Two (T)
Tidings of a New Year (T)
One Day (M)
An Unusual Predicament (T)
A Life So Changed (G)
Before She Goes (G) for @loonysama’s Kristanna Harvest Festival 2021 event
Is it Too Late to say I Love You? (T)
Steam That Lingers (E) for Frozen Smut Week hosted by @kristanna-days
Kristanna Multi-Chapter Stories
The Sea Nymph (T) to be continued…
Bliss’s End (T) Complete
The Haunting of Westergaard Mansion (T) to be continued…
Yours Truly (K)
Season of the Witch (K)
I Latte You A Lot (K)
Kristanna Prompts
“Have I told you I love you today?” for @annaofthenorthernlights
“I love to hear your voice, even though you’re so far away.” for @true--north
“You give the best hugs.” for @thecassadilla
“I’m here, aren’t I?” for @wildswrites
“Sure, we can snuggle if it will make you feel better.” for @anywhozits
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frozines · 3 years
Sign Ups Are Open!
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Join us in creating our 5th Volume of Frozine: A Frozen Fanzine!
The theme for Volume 5 is “Summer Lovin’“ an homage to the beloved Grease song “Summer Nights”, as well as a celebration of all things summer!
Creators of all types and skill levels are welcome to submit to this fandom zine!
Schedule Sign Ups: July 11th- 18th Halfway Check-In: August 1st Deadline: August 14th Release Date: August 21st
Please read our information document HERE for rules and standards relating to the zine!
Then, sign up HERE using our sign up form! If you’re not certain that you’ll be able to commit to creating your piece by the deadline, that’s okay! We still encourage you to sign up, there is no shame in bowing out if need be! PLEASE reblog this post as the links included make it impossible to see in the frozen tag. Share this post on social media and in your discord channels. We would love to see some fresh faces submitting their work!
@upthenorthmountain @annaofthenorthernlights @thesvenqueen @kristanna @thesvenqueen @karofsky​ @justfrozenthings​ @kristoffxannafanatic​ @fericita-s​ @lukin08​ @kristannafever​ @sophie-the-duchess​ @sunshinesparkles​ @jill-knits-lace​
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Cruising beyond sunrise
This is my fanfic-contribution to the Frozen Fanzine Volume 5: Summer lovin - organised by @frozines! Hope you enjoy - happy frozine everyone ❤️
Pairing: Kristanna, modern AU setting
Rating: G
Summary: Anna and Kristoff set out for their individual summer jobs on a cruising ship along Norway´s coastline. Meeting "accidently" on the way to Hamburg´s harbour, the journey spins off "kristanna-slow burn-style..."
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Chapter 1 / 4 (find the complete fic on AO3)
Somewhere in Southern Germany
For Anna, the invitation for this summer job came right in time. All her family would not be there during those long following weeks. Her parents were abroad on business reason, and Elsa had decided to join the summer camp of the philharmonic orchestra. She was a fabulous harp player after all. But then, Anna felt lonely. After breaking up with that unfaithful brat of a boyfriend… It had already been so many weeks since the disastrous night, where she had walked right in the middle of things, with him being served in the most intimate ways by his secretary… Yack! Anna´s eyes still filled with tears of fury and disappointment when the scenery flashed back before her inner eye.
Her suitcase was finally packed, and all her music devices sorted and stored neatly within her luggage. Anna was ready to depart and embark on the summer trip of her life! If only she wouldn´t feel so lonely… Ah, well, soon she would be surrounded by lots of people and fun programs. She was ready to go!
Somewhere else in Southern Germany
Normally, Kristoff would not travel inland by plane. But the ticket was paid by the shipping company, and he was kind of short on time. So, he would accept the offer and was on his way to Munich airport. He had mastered his finals and until starting his new job, he could just as well earn some money with this summer occupation. It might be a good start off into his career. Still, being surrounded by numerous people all day long, that was not his vision of a quiet and peaceful summer. With a sigh, he stuffed the ticket in his travel bag.
His suitcase was packed, and all his literature supply sorted neatly within his luggage. Kristoff was ready to risk the wave of vacation feeling washing over him.
The flight from Munich to Hamburg would take approx. 1 hour. Already they were delayed due to rain and maintenances still going on. Kristoff tried to relax in his seat, but then this size of airplane was not built for big guys like him. He tried to stretch and stretch his legs into the aisle without hindering the still boarding passengers. He desperately hoped they would take off soon, so he could leave this cocoon like cage after their landing. So, he flicked through the plane magazine to distract himself, when he noticed a person stopping just by his side. The woman was about to store her bag just atop of his head. She was small, tiptoed to the upmost maximum and stretched to the extent that Kristoff thought she was about to do pull-ups while dangling at the storage box. Some sort of moaning and sighing noises came to his ears, but nobody seemed obliged to help the tiny lady.
“You need help up there?” he asked, peering up from his seat.
“Huh?” the young woman glanced down between her arms and smiled at him. “That´s very kind of you, thanks, but I manage.” She then somehow shrank back to her normal size and stood there, with a shy grin and pulled up shoulders.
“I´m sorry, but may I…?” She pointed to the window seat.
“Oh, yes, sorry.” Kristoff made some efforts to peel himself out of his seat. For some reason, he seemed stuck. This was ridiculous and he swore under his breath, in his mind strangling the architect of this seating construction.
“Oh, you know what? Don´t bother yourself. Just hang on.” And with that, before Kristoff realised what was happening, the young lady started to climb over his legs, holding on with one hand to the backrest of his seat and with the other to the seat in front of them. Within a jiffy she´d swung herself with ease into the seat next to him and wriggled herself into a cosy position. Of course, she was small and delicate of figure. She could move in here like a little fish in the water. For a short moment, Kristoff envied the small person next to him. But then, excuse me, how rude was her behaviour. He couldn´t help to clear his throat and then stare back at his magazine. What else was there to do?
“Oh no!” The girl exclaimed.
“You´re alright?” Kristoff asked vaguely, glancing over briefly.
“I left my mobile up in my bag, and I thought of listening to some music.” She gnawed on her lips and was about to get up.
“Would you mind? I´m so sorry. But you don´t need to bother yourself again. I can just as well…”
“No. No. That´s totally fine, really!” Kristoff pushed himself out of his seat as fast as he could before someone could climb over him again for the second time within two minutes…
“Oh thanks! That´s so kind!”
After the energetic neighbour had plumped herself back into her window seat, Kristoff turned his attention to his book that he had fished out of his bag before sitting back again.
After the plane had taken off, the flight continued in a peaceful manner, for the girl had plugged her earpads and was listening to music all the time. Only the snack break would stop her from napping with little snores or then happily humming along to the songs. According to the tunes that emerged from her lips, she had to be listening to ABBA.
It was hard concentrating that way, but after a while Kristoff got used to it and for some reason the humming didn´t bother him as much anymore.
And when the plane finally landed, he was off as fast as possible to escape that tiny place and the crowd of people that were all around him.
Anna stood at the docks in awe. She had never been on a ship like this one or seen anything like it from close up. Excitement filled her and the thought of being part of this adventure for the next two weeks. The change of tapestry would do her good, she was sure. Since that dreadful time of new year, Anna hadn´t been able to go anywhere or participate in any activity really. The shock of catching Hans, cheating on her in such a horrifying way, had kept her ensnared for weeks. Her family hadn´t been of much help. Of course, they´d been helpless as well. In their ways, leaving her alone, for a good reason, Anna understood them. Finally, she had found relief and regained her composure by repeatedly talking to her aunt Gerda, who had shown her so much appreciative value and heart-care!
“Hi there. Are you alright?”
The friendly voice next to her interrupted her thoughts. Anna turned to face a lovely woman with big almond shaped eyes and ebony skin. Her hair was an impressive bunch of black, neatly combed into a braid that fell all down over her chest.
“Oh, hi. I´m sorry. I´ve never been on a ship like this and had to take a long look first.”
“Yes. It´s quite impressive, isn´t it. By the way, I´m Honeymaren.”
“Oh, I´m Anna. Nice to meet you. Are you going to work here, too?”
“Yes, I´m the 1st hostess and here to help if you have any questions. So, what are you going to do aboard?”
“Me? Oh, I´m here as a fitness instructress.”
“Ah. That is fantastic. Welcome aboard Arendelle lights! Come on, I will show you around and sign you in, alright?”
Anna was so grateful to have met Honeymaren. First, she seemed so kind and then, Anna would have a safe contact in case of an emergency on her behalf. She was about to get a bit nervous, though. If only she would not mess this up and make a fairly good job here!
Her cabin was alongside the other staff lodges, and she loved it. It was cosy, furnished and the bullseye-window was so cute!
The passengers would check in only the next morning, and for tonight there would be some sort of welcome party for all the ship-staff. Anna was looking forward to this event immensely. She desperately hoped to find some nice people to hang out with for the next two weeks and not being left on her own.
“Good evening, Dr. Bjorgman. Welcome aboard Arendelle lights. I hope you´re satisfied with your cabin and all?”
“Yes. Thank you. All fine.”
“That´s great. Have you met the captain yet?”
“Yes, I have. Thank you.”
“Wonderful. Well anyway. Enjoy your stay aboard and if you need anything or have any requests, don´t hesitate to contact me. Alright?”
“Yes. Thank you. As a matter of fact, that might well be the case since this is my first cruising tour you know.”
“Ah. Don´t worry. You´re not alone there. Our fitness instructress is new to this , too. You two might just as well stick together then?” Honeymaren smiled and winked sheepishly.
Dr. Bjorgman didn´t get it but was wondering how long he was supposed to endure this event, when the hostess put a hand onto his arm and waved with the other.
“Oh. There she is. Just hang on a second, I´ll introduce you. Hey Anna! Over here!”
Kristoff followed Honeymaren´s gestures and spotted an auburn-haired girl, who waved back into their direction excitingly. The humming girl! She hurried towards them, stopping abruptly upon seeing him. Her eyes widened and she pressed her lips together, pulling up her shoulders while stepping up to them.
“Hi there!” Anna lifted a shy hand to greet them both, constantly looking back and forth between Honeymaren and the man standing next to her.
“Hi Anna. May I introduce? This is Dr. Bjorgman. Dr. Bjorgman, this is Anna, our fitness instructress. You two might have business to talk?” With that, Honeymaren left them to themselves, she was needed somewhere else.
“So, I hear this is your first cruising trip, too?” Kristoff asked awkwardly. Meeting the sportive lady again had not been on his mind to be honest.
“Yes, indeed. Goodness… Had I known.” Anna put a hand to her chest and shook her head, obviously embarrassed. “Seriously, I´m so sorry for bothering you on that flight and isn´t it funny, we sat right next to each other? But I was so nervous getting here. I mean excitingly nervous, not nervously nervous, you know?”
Her expression seemed truly apologetical, but friendly and enthusiastic.
No. He would know nothing about the feeling of being excitingly nervous.
“Yeah, sure. Don´t worry.”
They were standing, looking at the people mingling and grabbing drinks from the bar.
“Would you know what we are supposed to do now?” Anna asked uncertainly, gnawing on her lips.
She was nervous after all.He could tell.
“Frankly, I don´t know. For my part, I don´t like such functions. But I guess it´s part of the job.”
“Oh. I love meeting people. I´m just kind of unsure where to start.”
Why not getting her over to that bunch of people and then take a leave?
“We could grab a drink at the bar and join the party?” offered Kristoff with a sigh. Anna nodded feverishly and smiled at him, grateful for his suggestion.
So, when they got to the bar, the barkeeper greeted them with a friendly nod, offering them a “welcome drink”.
“Hellloooo!” A cheering voice sang into their ears from behind and Kristoff and Anna turned to look at a rather little fellow with light hair and big eyes. He grinned broadly and shook their hands enthusiastically.
“Hi! I´m Olaf and I love meeting you all!”
“Oh. How nice! And what are you doing here?” Anna beamed upon meeting someone so refreshing.
Olaf´s face lit up even more at Anna´s remark and he explained, “I´m responsible for the evening entertainment. And youare…?”
“Oh. I´m Anna. I´m the fitness instructress.”
“Aha. That´s lovely. And who is that funny looking grumpy head?” Olaf leaned towards Anna, conspiringly glancing in Kristoff´s direction.
“Oh. That´s… Dr. Bjorgman.” Anna shrugged, unsure of how to address the medical crew member respectfully. But Olaf wasn´t satisfied.
“Gosh, no. That´s too complicated. We are family here!” He waved a hand demandingly at Kristoff. The latter sensed his chances, repressed an amused chuckle, but smirked at the little one.
“It´s Kristoff.”
With that, he waved his goodbyes, wished them a nice evening, and left.
Maybe this wouldn´t be so bad after all. So far, they all seemed to be a friendly bunch of guys. And Anna was safely left in good hands with this Olaf.
This way, Kristoff felt less guilty… If you like to read on... find the complete fic on AO3
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frozines · 3 years
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Coming Soon! A Renaissance Faire piece by @punkpoemprose​ Read it and more in the Summer Lovin’ Frozine, releasing on August 21st 2021!
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frozines · 3 years
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Coming Soon! A swimming piece by @val-2201​ See it and more in the Summer Lovin’ Frozine, releasing on August 21st, 2021!
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frozines · 3 years
Calling All Beta Readers!
Do you have some time this week to read some of our submissions? If so, please send us a message so we can help match you with a writer who is in need of assistance.
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justfrozenthings · 3 years
A Summer to Remember
Paring: Anna/Kristoff
Rating: T
Word: 5,335
Notes: My piece for the Volume 5 Summer Lovin’ Frozine. To find the complete zine visit the @frozines blog. Huge thank you to @punkpoemprose for putting together another wonderful zine!
Summary: Kristoff and Anna are ready to go on their annual summer vacation to the beach at Ahtohallan. Little does Anna know, Kristoff has a big surprise for her, well...more of a big question really.
 “Kris!” Anna Arendelle was currently packing for her and her boyfriend’s annual summer vacation to Ahtohallan. It had become an annual thing they have been doing for the past five years since they started dating. It was the first place they went on vacation as a couple and they had fallen so in love with the charming little town that they had decided to visit every year. And while each trip was a little different, it consisted of at least three things that had remained the same: spending as much time as possible at the beach, going to their favorite diner Reindeer Circle as their special dinner, and staying at the charming The Crocus beachside hotel. Little did Anna know, however, that Kristoff had a surprise that would make this trip more than a little bit different.
 “Which dress do you think I should wear to the diner?” Anna hollered from their bedroom.
 Kristoff stopped what he was doing and sauntered over to their bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed as he admired his girlfriend examining herself in the Rococo style mirror with the two dresses. One was the white sunflower shirtdress that he had gotten her for her twenty-third birthday, because at the time she had an obsession with the 50’s setting movie Grease. The other was a forest green sundress that had lace trimming, he has actually seen her wear this one before, when they went out to eat for his birthday, and he remembered how it hugged her in all the right places and showed off her scattering of freckles.
 “I don’t know. You decide. I’m not the one who will be wearing it,” Kristoff said.
 Anna pursed her lips. “I know, but I just want to look beautiful enough for you,” she pouted.
 A soft smile graced Kristoff’s lips and he walked over to where Anna stood, enveloping her in a loving embrace. He leaned his forehead head against hers causing a small hum to escape her delicate lips.
 “Anna, you always look beautiful. Whether you're wearing clothes or not.”
  Kristoff pushed back her bangs so that he could get a better look at her bluebell eyes, not unaware of the blush that began to tint her cheeks.
 Seeing this as a challenge he leaned down and whispered, “Especially when you’re not.”
 Anna’s blush went from a soft pink to a beat red. Successful with what he wanted to accomplish, Kristoff grinned with pride.
 “Kristoff!” Anna whined. “I’m being serious.”
 “So am I.”
 Anna let out a small huff before standing on her toes so she could entwine her hands behind his neck to give him a small peck on the lips.
 “You know, sometimes you can be very frustrating.”
 “But that’s why you love me.”
 “That, and so many other reasons,” Anna smiled.
 “Oh yeah?” he chuckled, bumping her nose with his. “And what would those be?”
 “Hmm?” Anna tapped her lips with her finger, which should still not be doing things to him.
 She put her arms behind her back and gave him a cheeky little grin.
 “Not telling.”
 “You little minx.”
 Anna picked up the dresses she had dropped on the floor during their embrace and held the sunflower one out in front of her.
 “You know,” she said, “I think I’ll wear this one. Besides, you gave this to me so that makes it special.”
 It was Kristoff’s turn to blush now. She giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek leaving him standing there dumbfounded as she went to put up the other dress.
 Later that night, after dinner they snuggled up on the couch watching reruns of The Office. Kristoff ran his fingers through Anna’s fiery hair, and eventually, she nodded off to sleep. He soon joined her in slumber, allowing his mind to drift to a very important tiny box he had hidden in the top shelf of his dresser.
 Kristoff had woken up from where he fell asleep on the couch last night, careful not to disrupt Anna as he got up to go make breakfast. He knew she liked to sleep in late and the last thing he needed was upsetting the snoring redhead. While Anna was the kindest person she had ever met, she was also scary as hell. Plus, they wouldn’t be leaving for Ahtohallan till a little after noon anyway, so they weren’t in any kind of rush.
 He raised his arms above his head and stretched, his shirt rising up a bit to reveal some of his toned stomach.
 Turning on the stove, he cracked a few eggs into the frying pan. He made them scrambled, just how Anna liked them. He added an assortment of other things as well like chives and cheese. Early on in their relationship, he had learned that Anna would eat just about anything as long as it had either two things: cheese or chocolate.
 The scent of the delicious concoction of eggs, bacon, and biscuits Kristoff whipped up swirled in the air causing Anna to stir in her sleep. She had tried with all her might to not give in to the delectable aroma, but eventually the mouse had fallen for the trap. Her button nose stuck up to get a better whiff. She looked like a little woodland creature in search of food.
 She followed the scent all the way into the kitchen to where Kristoff had begun serving everything on their plates.
 “You’re up early?” Kristoff teased, knowing very well that this was a rare occurrence.
 Anna gave him a small swat on the shoulder. “Oh shush you.” She opened the fridge door to grab the jelly for their biscuits, strawberry for her and grape for him, and set them on the little round table right outside the kitchen.
 “Your breakfast m’lady,” Kristoff said, putting on the best posh accent he could muster and giving a small bowl as he placed the dish in front of her.
 “Why thank you kind sir,” Anna replied back with a fancy accent of her own.
 “So,” Kristoff said, getting Anna to meet her eyes with his. “Are you excited for our trip?”
 Anna nodded before shoving a forkful of eggs into her mouth.
 “I’m always excited, because it means I get to spend a whole day with you.”
 “You see me every day,” Kristoff chuckled, feeling light and happy in his chest. It was a feeling that only Anna was able to give him.
 “True, but with work keeping us on our feet and having completely different schedules from one another, we hardly ever get to spend quality time together.”
 Anna spread some strawberry jam on her biscuit. Some dripped down the side of her finger and when she licked it, Kristoff could do nothing but stare. It seemed as if with every move she took, made him lose his breath every time.
 He must have been staring for quite a while too because suddenly Anna was in his lap with her arms wound around his neck, snapping him out of his reverie. He glanced over to where she was previously sitting across from him and saw that her plate was empty.
 She put both her small hands on the side of his face and turned his head so that he was looking at her once again. And when she smashed her lips all he could taste was strawberry jam and Anna, and he would be perfectly fine if time froze in that moment and they stayed that way forever.
 “You know strawberry jam may be delicious, but kissing you is always so much sweeter,” Anna sighed.
 “You flatter me too much,” Kristoff grinned.
 Anna returned the smile before giving him a peck on the lips and leaving to go finish packing any last-minute things.
 Kristoff laughed to himself, wondering how he, who came from nothing, had been blessed with Anna, who came from everything.
 Anna was the heiress of her father’s manufacturing company, Arendelle Incorporated. Her family had also founded the town they lived in so saying she was popular was a little bit of an understatement. While  he was adopted into a family that couldn’t offer much except their love.
 Whenever they were out in public people would always whisper. Many believed they didn’t belong together due to their different backgrounds, that Anna was too good for him. But despite all the harsh words and criticism they have received, Anna refused to believe any of it. She said that it doesn’t matter that they come from two different worlds, because she loved him, and love is the strongest thing there is.
 With a smile, Kristoff got up from his seat and went into the kitchen to wash his dishes.
 “Krissss,” Anna groaned, “Are we there yet?”
 “We just left the apartment feisty,” he said laughing at his girlfriend’s impatience.
 It was a six-and-a-half-hour drive to Ahotohallan, and every single time, no matter how many times they did it, Anna never forgot to show her displeasure for the small road trip. It was rather adorable if Kristoff was being honest.
 “But I’m so bored.”
 “Turn on the radio.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it before rubbing little circles on it with his thumb. “Besides,…I like it when you sing.”
 With a blush, Anna pressed the radio button, flipping through the stations until she settled on one she liked.
 A few minutes later she had become lost in the music, singing and doing little dances in her seat as if there was nobody watching. Kristoff loved this view of her. He loved seeing her in her natural element, because it was so Anna and there was nothing better in the world than that. Her voice sounded like birds singing their morning songs when the first light of day appeared over the horizon. She had rolled her window down and her hair looked like a wildfire the way the wind blew through it, making it go in different directions. And Kristoff hoped that he would get to see her like this for the rest of eternity. If Anna accepted the question he had prepared, then that dream would become a reality.
 About halfway they had stopped at a burger place to grab some lunch then headed to the nearest gas station to fill up the tank. Anna, of course, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go inside and grab a few chocolate bars for the road. Kristoff would never understand how someone so small could consume so much of the sweet treat. He was convinced that it wasn’t blood but chocolate sauce that flowed through her veins.
 He laughed when she came out holding twelve chocolate bars, saying that there were too many to choose from and that she didn’t want the other chocolate bars to feel bad for not choosing them so the only logical thing to do was to buy one of each. She also said that she would space them out during their trip, but he just shook his head and smiled knowing fully well that all twelve candy bars would not make it by the time they arrived at the hotel.
 Unfortunately, it took a little longer than usual to arrive at the hotel due to some heavy traffic. Neither of them minded though, because it just meant Anna had more time to sing at the top of her lungs and having little conversations that usually ended with them saying how much they loved one another.
 Anna hopped out of the car, “Finally! We’re here!” She hopped up and down on the tips of her toes and clapped her hands together. She looked like a little kid who was about to receive their ice cream cone. “Now we can finally relax and get our vacation started!” She squealed with excitement.
 “Don’t get too worked up just yet feistypants. I still have to check-in,” Kristoff chuckled as he made his way over to her with their bags.
     The Crocus may not have been five stars, but it was affordable and convenient because it was right on the beach. Kristoff and Anna had never been ones for fancy things anyway.
 Anna sat in the lobby admiring the coziness of it all while she waited for Kristoff to return with their room keys. Though she had been here many a time, the homey little hotel never failed to take her breath away.
 Speaking of things that took her breath away, Anna was getting a rather pleasant view of Kristoff’s butt from where he stood at the front desk. Those jeans were definitely doing his ass a lot of favors.
 The scene had put Anna in such a deep trance that she didn’t even notice that Kristoff had left and made his way over to her.
 “Room 209.”
 Anna shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. “Hm?”
 “Our room,” Kristoff said. “It’s 209.”
 “Oh! Um.Our room.209. Got it!” Anna stuttered hoping that he didn’t catch her ogling his butt a few minutes ago.
 “Are you okay?” Kristoff raised an eyebrow.
 Blood rushed up to her cheeks. “Never better!” She got up and grabbed the handle of her suitcase, staring there awkwardly as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and bit her lip. “Let’s head up shall we.”
 She rushed past Kristoff leaving him standing there dumbfounded as to what had just happened before he followed her towards the elevator.
 Anna threw herself on the bed sighing with contentment. “Finally!,” she exclaimed. “We can relax and begin our vacation.”
 Kristoff joined his girlfriend on the bed grinning at the image of her snuggled up into the pillow with her eyes peering at him. She looked like a kitten curled up in a blanket.
 Kristoff pressed her frame against his, his large arms swallowing her in a tight hug. “Just a whole week of just you, me, and spending quality time at one of our favorite places together.”
 Anna hummed in agreement. He kissed the top of her head and relished in her soft honeysuckle-scented hair.
 They stayed curled up with one another for hours it seemed, one never wanting to let the other go. The peacefulness of the moment, eventually bringing both to a deep slumber.
 It was around 5:00 when Kristoff woke up. He figured he would let Anna sleep in a little more before then went and grabbed some dinner.
 Carefully unwinding himself from Anna he silently walked over to his suitcase. Unzipping the front pocket he took out the tiny box containing the ring. It glimmered back at him and he looked over his shoulder to make sure Anna hadn’t woken up; if she had seen him the jig would be up.
 He ever so quietly put the box back in the small corner of his front bag pocket. He had decided to wake Anna up at 6:00, and for the time being he made himself a cup of tea and got out the chapter book he had currently been reading.
 When 6:00 rolled around Kristoff had woken Anna up just as he had planned. Anna quickly fixed her lion's mane that she always got after a good rest and looked up restaurants nearby on her phone to find a place to eat. Settling on an Italian place they headed out the door and down to the lobby.
 For dinner they shared a plain cheese pizza, Anna never cared much for toppings. They laughed over stories about moments shared together in their past, with dreams of creating more in the future. And every time Anna’s soft lips wrapped around the straw to take a sip of her Coke she would lick the droplets off her lips causing a pulse to surge through Kristoff’s body. The simple things that woman could do to him was uncanny.
 When the check came they had both blushed when the waitress deemed them “The Cutest Couple Ever.”
 Now, after a quick stroll through the park, they found themselves back in their bed tangled up in their sheets as they held one another.
 Anna absentmindedly twirled the hair on his chest with her index finger, breathing in his woodsy aroma and listening to the beating of his heart. She placed a soft kiss there, “I love it when we get to share moments like this,” she sighed. “Moments where we can let all our worries run free and sunker down into each other's embrace.”
 “Yeah. Me too.” Kristoff stroked his fingers through her unruly hair.
 “I was always alone when I was little, so I thought I’d never get to have anything like this. I never thought I’d feel as loved as I do now. But then you happened Kristoff Bjorgman. You crashed into my life and changed it for the better.” She propped herself up on her elbows and stared down at him. “I love you, and I will always love you forever and always.”
 Kristoff pushed a strand of hair behind her ears, tears welling in his from the sweet words that had just left Anna’s mouth. “I love you too. To the ends of the earth and back.”
 Wrapped up in each other’s love, all that could be heard that night were Anna’s soft snores and the heartbeats of two people who were madly in love.
 Anna woke up, her head still resting on Kristoff’s chest. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stared at Kristoff’s sleeping form. He looked like an angel. A very tall blonde muscular angel.
 She stroked his hair and he looked up at her drowsily, cracking a lopsided grin.
 “Hey beautiful,” he said, bringing her fingers up to his lips for a kiss.
 “Hey yourself.” She smiled back at him and he was lost again.
 “So?,” he pulled her tighter to his chest. “What would you like to do today?”
 Anna tapped her pursed lips. “Hmm…how about we go to the beach? We had a long day of traveling yesterday so I would just kind of like to have a chill day. Know what I mean?”
 He pressed a line of kisses from her cheekbone down to the base of her neck and stayed there for a while. “Sounds perfect.”
 Anna went to her suitcase to pull out her swimsuit while Kristoff got ready in the bathroom (which didn’t take long at all). Kristoff, unlike Anna, was never really one who cared much about his looks. Of course he made sure he kept up with his hygiene, but for everyday wear, he usually rocked some sort of simple T-shirt and let his hair go wild and free. Oftentimes, people would give him nasty for how unkempt and long his hair was, but Anna liked it that way and to him, that was all that mattered.
 When he stepped out of the bathroom his girlfriend looked at him with hungry eyes and he almost had half a mind to strip them both down of any article of clothing and go back to being wrapped up in the sheets. It also didn’t help that Anna gave him a seductive wink when she passed him to go into the bathroom.
 It was Anna’s turn to walk out of the bathroom and Kristoff had given her the same look she gave him just a few moments ago.
 She wore a black 50’s style one-piece bathing suit with white polka dots. Her hair was put up in a messy bun, the little whispys that had escaped it framing her angelic face with perfection.
 His eyes were wild with lust as he looked at the goddess that was his girlfriend.
 Anna must have known that the sight of her was making him swoon too because she rubbed her pale star scattered freckled thighs together as she bit her lip peering up at him with shy yet mischievous eyes.
 “What do you think?”
 He lost all control over his body as he sauntered towards smashing his lips against hers.
 “I think,” he whispered into her and her butt a little squeeze, “that I must have the sexiest girlfriend on the planet.”
 “Kristoff!” She swatted his chest. “You can’t say things like that.” A blush rose to her cheeks which only made him more confident to tease her a bit more.
 “In fact, you're so sexy that I think we should skip going to the beach and hop right back in bed.” He nibbled behind her ear.
 “Besides,” he smirked, “I don’t want other guys drooling all over you.”
 “Ah, ah, ah,” Anna tsked, wagging her finger. “We only get to come here once a year, mister. We’re going to the beach.”
 “Fine,” he groaned. “But, don’t get mad at me if I have to fight someone for flirting with you.”
 Anna threw her head back and laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. I highly doubt anybody is going to hit on me.You? Yes. People will for sure be wanting a piece of you. But me? No way in hell.”
 “You know I really wish you wouldn’t talk that way. You make it sound as if you're not attractive.”
 “That’s because I’m not.”
 She started to turn the door handle before Kristoff shoved her up against the wood and pressed his mouth over hers in a firm kiss.
 “Don’t,” Kristoff breathed across her lips, “you dare say that. You are the most beautiful being on the planet and I pity anyone who doesn’t agree with me.”
 Tears gleamed in Anna’s, making her blue orbs sparkle like the ocean right outside of their hotel. Words got caught in her throat and the only thing she could do was reply back with a kiss.
 Anna couldn’t believe it, but Kristoff had been right. They were lounging in their beach chairs when Anna decided to go grab them drinks from the bar. After placing her order and taking a seat at the countertop while she waited for them, a tall skinny man with eyes of emerald green and dark auburn hair with sideburns took a seat right next to her. He pulled his stool closer, and when Anna had tried moving away he would scoot right next to her again.
 Anna stood up to move down to another stool, but as she started to walk away a slender hand gently gripped her tiny wrist.
 Anna’s heart dropped as she slowly turned her head to look at the stranger with frightened eyes.
 “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable miss. It’s just that, when I see a woman as beautiful as you I can’t help but wanna introduce myself.”
 “That’s very flattering of you to say-I think-but I do have a boyfriend.” Anna made sure to elaborate on the word “boyfriend” to make it clear that she was unavailable and that hopefully the guy would leave her alone.
 “Well, that’s too bad.” He gave her a sweet sinister smile and fear washed over her.
 He still held her wrist and when she tried to break free he pulled her to him.
 “However,” he paused to kiss her hand. “I’m sure he won’t mind if I borrow you for a little while.”
 Anna looked over his shoulder with frantic eyes, hoping to find a bartender or some other beach guest who would notice her discomfort. Kristoff was on the other side of the bar and out of sight from her so she couldn’t rely on him either, though if he were to have seen the situation Anna had no doubt he would be here in a heartbeat.
 She would have to deal with the problem on her own.
 “Actually,” Anna furrowed her brow trying to put on the sternest look possible. “I don’t think he would. And quite frankly I wouldn’t appreciate it very much either. Now I already told you I am not interested so please respect my wishes and leave me alone,” she huffed.
 She pushed him away before he grabbed hold of her waist and pressed her body against his once more.
 “Come on darling, don't be that way. I promise to show you a good time.”
 Anna tried to wriggle from his grasp, but he was surprisingly strong for such a scrawny man.
 “No!,” she screamed, finally turning the heads of those around them. “Let me go! Leave me alone!”
 She twisted and turned but to no avail could she break free; that was until a fist had collided with her aggressor’s face.
 Screams and gasps spread throughout the beach like a tidal wave.
 Looking up to see her hero’s face, she cried a breath of relief to find Kristoff standing over the man’s limp body, seething with anger.
 Kristoff grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pressed him up against the countertop. “If I ever catch you near my girlfriend again you can be sure I’ll do more than just punch you.”
 Kristoff threw him back onto the ground standing tall and brooding, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched him skimper away like a scared dog.
 He turned to Anna, his face softening as he brought her into a warm hug.
 She rested her head against his shoulder, her small frame small trembling against his large one. He placed a kiss there as he gently caressed her hair.
 He pulled back to look at her, “You okay?”
 “I am now, thanks to you.” She smiled softly at him and he kissed her forehead.
 “Were you scared?”
 “Only a little, but I’m glad you came to my rescue.”
 He gave her one of his iconic sappy grins and it made her heart flutter.
 “Always.” He rested his cheek against the top of her head. “Even though I know you could have totally kicked his ass.”
 “Damn right I could have.”
 Kristoff gave a whole-hearted laugh and Anna joined in, her giggles creating a symphony with his chuckles.
 The rest of the day was spent splashing each other in the salty waters of the ocean, buried each other in the sand, held a sandcastle contest-which Anna had won- and ended with them holding each other close as they watched the sunset beneath the horizon.
 When they arrived back at the room they hopped in the shower helping one another wash the salt out of their hair.
 Once more they were now tangled in the sheets of their love, drifting off to sleep with the sound of the other’s heartbeat.
 For the next few days, Anna and Kristoff spent their time going on hikes, shopping at their favorite local stores, visiting the town’s attractions, and so on.
 Now, on their last night here, Kristoff sat at the foot of their bed dressed in the best casual clothes he had, fumbling with the small box he held in his hands. Anna was still in the bathroom “making herself pretty,” as she called it even though he told her that she was beautiful just the way she was.
 Taking one last deep breath he put the ring in the little gift bag he bought to carry it in. Since he wasn’t wearing a suit he didn’t have a pocket to hide it in except for his jeans, but Anna would for sure be able to make out the outline of the box if he did that.
 “Whatcha got there?”
 Kristoff jumped at the sound of Anna’s voice behind him. He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard her come out of the bathroom and accidentally run into the dresser cursing, as she walked up to him.
 “Oh! Uh…it’s nothing!,” he stuttered.
 “Kristoff I love you I really do, but please don’t take this the wrong way when I say you have never been a very good liar.”
 Caving into Anna’s persistence he picked the bag off the ground and showed it to her. He had wanted to keep it a secret, but knew his nosy girlfriend wouldn’t stop pestering him until she got what she wanted.
 “I got you a gift. You know just a little something to show how much I love you.” He gave her a dopey smile before adding, “But, it’s for after dinner. So no peeking.”
 “Aww, Kristoff! That’s very sweet of you, but you don’t need to get me a gift to prove that you love me. I know that by heart.”
 Her words made his heart flutter and he took her hand rubbing small circles over before kidding each one of her fingers.
 “You ready?,” she said, breaking the silence.
 “Ready as I’ll ever be,” he said more to himself than to her.
 Together they walked the quiet streets that guided them to their destination and before long they had arrived at a familiar little diner with a big retro light-up sign that said Reindeer Circle.
 They preferred their usuals, for Anna a large chocolate shake with extra whip cream and a plate of chicken fingers with curly fries, and for Kristoff a hamburger with regular fries-though he knew Anna would probably eat some of them-and a glass of water.
 They chatted and laughed as they enjoyed their meals, the time encroaching ever so closer for Kristoff to pop his big question.  And as the waitress had taken their dishes away, he decided that it was now or never.
 She had turned her attention away from the window and back to him. “Hm?,” she sighed dreamily, gently squeezing their clasped hands in the middle of the table.
 “I think it may be time for me to give you your present.”
 Interest piqued in her eyes and she lifted her head from where it rested in the palm of her hand.
 “Oh? Really?!” She clapped her hands together, unable to contain her excitement.
 “Um? Yeah…just let me,” he cleared his throat, “let me prepare myself right quick.”
 “Prepare yourself? Kristoff what are you-”
 She was cut off mid-sentence at the sight of Kristoff, down on one knee holding open a box with a ring, in front of her.
 “Anna Arendelle you are the most extraordinary person I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Before you, I thought my destiny was to just live on my own for the rest of my life. But, you came crashing into it with your infectious love and proved me wrong. They say everyone has an angel, and you are mine. Will make me that happiest man on earth, and marry me?”
 Tears formed in Anna’s eyes and she threw herself into Kristoff’s arms, peppering kisses all over his face.
 “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”
 Applause spread through the diner and Kristoff spun Anna in the air, kissing her deeply as he slid the ring in her finger.
 Anna admired it. In the middle was a stone of amber on a gold band with intricate petal designs that had made it look like a sunflower. It was so perfect and knowing that it was Kristoff who picked it out caused her heart to overflow with overwhelming love and desire for him.
 After the excitement had settled, they had already begun discussing wedding plans.
 “I think we should have it here, in Ahotohallan. On the beach,” Anna said with a smile.
 “Unless…you know…you would rather have it somewhere else. I just thought it would be cute to have it at a place we both loved, and I always dreamed of having a beach wedding since I was a little girl. I always thought it was romantic. But, if you don’t think it’s a good idea I totally understand! You know what, forget I said anything it’s stupid.”
 “Hey! Hey! Anna!,” he cradled her face in his calloused palms and brushed a thumb across her ivory freckled cheek. “I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”
 That night as Anna lay in the comfort of Kristoff’s arms, she stared at the ring glistening in the moonlight that shone through the window with visions of many more summer vacations to come.
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