queersrus · 1 month
ice cream theme
[ice cream theme]
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for @seraphim-coinz 's event, prompt one !
partnered with our other blogs @dollilian, @objectumluv, @systiveboxes, @skelatomy
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(nick) names:
aisukurīmu, aiseukeulim, aaisakreem, aiskrimu, ahikirīmi butter, ben, baskin, butterscotch, buaza cookie, cream/creame, creme, chocolate, custard, cone
daz, drum, drumstick, dessert, dondurma, flødeis eiscreme, eskrim, eis, eistute float, frappe, fudge, freezie, fagylalt
gelato, gelado, glace, glacee, glas haagan, helado ice, iskrem
jerry, jeni kulfi, klondike, krim, kem lody
mint, maple, morozhenoye, morozyvo, mochi neo, neapolitan pecan, pop, pagotó, paleta
robin/robbin, rjómaís sorbet, soft, serve, snow, strawberry, sundae, sandwich, sorvete, sorbete, speiseeis talenti
vanilla waffle yogurt
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
cri/creme/creamy/creamine/creamself di/desse/desserty/dessertine/dessertself fri/froze/freezy/frozine/freezieself gi/gele/gelaty/gelatine/gelatoself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself mi/minte/minty/mintine/mintself ni/neapole/neapoly/neapolitine/neapolitanself pi/popse/popsicly/popsicline/popsicleself si/sorbe/sorby/sorbetine/sorbetself si/sunde/sundy/sundaeine/sundaeself vi/vane/vanilly/vanilline/vanillaself
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2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
cro/creamer/creamers/creamerself do/desser/dessertrs/dessertrself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself go/gelator/gelators/gelatorself io/icer/icers/icerself mo/minter/minters/minterself no/neapoliter/neapoliters/neapoliterself po/popser/popsiclers/popsiclerseld so/sorber/sorbeter/sorberself so/sundaer/sundaers/sundaerself vo/vaniller/vanillers/vanillerself
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3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
cre/creme, cre/creame, cre/ame, crea/me, cream/creams de/ssert, des/sert, dess/dessert, dessert/desserts fre/freezie, freez/freezie, freez/ie, freezie/freezies, fro/zen, froz/en, fro/frozen, frozen/frozens, frozen/dessert gel/gelato, gel/ato, gelato/gelatos i/ce, ice/ices, ice/cream mi/mint, min/ty, mi/nt, mint/mints, mint/minty, mint/chocolate nea/politan, neapol/itan, neapo/litan, nea/neapolitan, nea/neapolitan, neapolitan/neapolitans po/popsicle, pop/sicle, popsicle/popsicles sor/bet, sor/sorbet, sorbet/sorbets, sun/dae, sundae/sundaes, sun/sundae van/illa, van/vanilla, va/nilla, vani/lla, vanilla/vanillas
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the ice cream scooper, the ice cream queen/king/ruler, the iced dessert maker, the keeper of iced cream, the holder of ice cream secret flavours
*one who adores ice cream, one who rules the hills of ice cream, one who secures the sorbet
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*one can be replaced by any prn
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Tag game!
thanks for tagging me @bad-at-names-and-faces
Rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!” Then tag some folks.
Most popular: Seems like Pointshoes and Screwdriver (part II of the Boat-ship series on AO3) where Anna is a ballerina and Kristoff a car mechanic. They meet "accidently" on a houseboat and... well... fall in love...
Hidden gem #1: Somehow... Cruising beyond sunrise (my contribution to the Frozine Volume 5: summer lovin 2021 on AO3) where Anna is a fitness instrucress and Kristoff is the ship doctor on a cruise line (nothing to do with Boat-ship though 😅)
Hidden gem #2: and... It´s your life (one of my earliest modern AU fic on AO3) where Kristoff takes Anna off to Disneyland and away from her studies – she´s a mess before graduation…
Tagging... (no obligation... as always 😘)
@hiptoff @reindeersweaters @sunshinesparkles @faithambr
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frozines · 3 years
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More information & sign up link coming soon! 
Canon & “near canon” ships will be accepted for this volume of the zine (i.e. Kristanna, Elsamaren, Agduna) as well as general works focusing on the theme of summer!
Please share this post in your group chats, discord servers, and on social media!
41 notes · View notes
Frozen:  In the Details
Summary:  Sometimes, the simplest of tasks can have a deeper meaning.  Agnarr muses on what washing the car has meant to him in the past, and possibly the future.  This was written for the “Summer Lovin’” issue of @frozines on Tumblr. Modern AU, Agduna and Kristanna.
This story can be found on @frozines and at Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own.
--Pearson “Doc” Mui
Frozen:  In the Details by Pearson “Doc” Mui
           Agnarr awoke early on a Saturday. With some grumbling, Iduna released him from their bed as he prepared for the day. She understood that this task had to be done early in the morning, but she didn’t have to like it. If things worked out, however, it would have been worth waking up early for.
           After a quick breakfast and some cleanup, Agnarr trotted to the garage. The spring in his step ran counter to the occasional crackling sound in his knees. Even the projected thirty percent chance of rain did nothing to dampen his spirits.
Eyeing one corner of the garage, he chose his tools for the day’s task. Buckets, wash mitts and car soap were laid out on the garage floor. After a moment, he opened up some folding chairs and a small table.
           Opening the garage door, he smiled at the sight of his girls coming home, if only for today. They were adults now; Elsa was working on her PhD while Anna was a year into graduate school. The nest was never empty for too long, thankfully. They made time to visit, even if it was just for small talk.
           Elsa eyed him ruefully before accepting a quick hug. She had a pretty good idea of what he had planned for their incoming guest. Anna, on the other hand, was pouting.
           “Dad, are you really going to put Kristoff through this?” Clearly, his youngest wasn’t pleased at the prospect.
           Agnarr raised an eyebrow. “The way you’re talking, you’d think that I was going to torture him. It’s just a car wash between men.” He sighed. “You used to love helping me wash the car.”
           “I remember that you loved using the hose,” Elsa reminded Anna. There wasn’t any real bite to her words, though. “We used to help while wearing swimsuits.”
           Anna’s pout faded as she sighed, briefly lost in nostalgia.  “Those were good times, weren’t they?”
           Iduna folded her arms and sighed. Both of her girls were wearing swimsuits underneath their shirts and shorts. Anna eagerly fingered the trigger to the hose while Elsa made sure the supplies were in order.
           Elsa was having a good day. It hadn’t taken too much cajoling to get her outside. Anna’s puppy-dog eyes were a formidable weapon, especially at the tender age of eight.
           Most men would have insisted on doing “man stuff” by themselves. Agnarr wanted to have as many family activities as possible. Everyone had a job: Agnarr would wash the car, Anna would rinse it off and Elsa would take care of the windows. Iduna was there for spot-checking and refreshments.
           “Is everyone ready?” he asked enthusiastically.
           “Ready!” Anna piped up.
           “I’m ready, Papa,” Elsa said more demurely.
           He nodded.  “Well, let’s get this car clean, shall we?”
           Iduna marveled at their coordination. Everyone worked their roles admirably. Of course, a family wash like this was more for fun than work. There wouldn’t be any intensely-detailed work like Agnarr had done before—
           She suppressed a shudder. Agnarr’s father had been a cold taskmaster. He was more of a sire than an actual, warm father figure. While she took no pleasure in anyone’s passing, she had admit that the town had been the better for it.
           The calm lasted almost the entire time the car was being washed. Then Anna got a little overzealous with the hose and sprayed into the air.
           “Look, Elsa! Look Papa! I’m making rainbows—oops.” Anna laughed nervously as she realized that both Elsa and Agnarr were soaked.
           Iduna sighed, safe in the garage. She knew that it was going to end up like this.
           With calm, deliberate steps, she retreated further into the garage and grabbed a third, covered bucket from its hiding place. She and Agnarr had prepared this little surprise last night. With some effort, she hoisted the bucket to the driveway and uncovered it.
           Iduna reached into the bucket and grabbed a water balloon. She gestured for everyone to do the same.
           “On three,” she said firmly. “One, two—“
           “THREE!” Anna squealed.
           The battle was joined. When it was over, they were collapsed on the lawn, soaked through and basking in the summer sun.  It had been a good day.
           “Morning, girls,” Iduna greeted them. “Have you had breakfast yet? I could fix something up.”
           “We’re fine, Mom,” Elsa reassured her. “We ate before we came here.”
           Anna blinked and winced as she ran back to her car, an unassuming Honda Civic.  Rummaging around, she extracted a bag and jogged back.
           “We stopped by Hudson’s Hearth,” Anna said. “Destin and Halima say `hello.’” She opened it up and the three women sniffed deeply at the smell that wafted out.
           “Hmm…chocolate,” they chorused. For a moment, they were lost in the smell of the pastries.
           Agnarr tried not to chuckle. The apples didn’t fall far from the tree.
           He turned away from them and tried not to look too anxious or expectant. In the brief encounters he’d had before, Kristoff had seemed like a nice enough young man. It was clear that he cared greatly for Anna.
           Unfortunately, Anna hadn’t been so lucky the first time. At first glance, Hans had seemed like a good person, too. But the devil was always in the details—or, in this case, the detailing.
           Hans had pulled into their driveway in a Ferrari. To Agnarr, this was the first clue that the young man might have been trying too hard.
           “Good morning, Mr. Arendelle!” Hans greeted him enthusiastically. “So, who’s going to get the royal car wash treatment?”
           “We’ll be taking care of Anna’s car,” Agnarr said. “I already waxed our cars last week. I figured that Anna’s car could use a cleanup.”
           Hans’s smile froze. There was a dark shadow of disappointment in his eyes.
           “Oh,” Hans said simply. Then he rallied. “Oh, of course,” he agreed. “Nothing but the best for Anna.”
           “I’m glad that you agree,” Agnarr said. “I have all the supplies in the garage. Was there anything you needed?”
           “Thank you sir, but I brought my own things,” Hans said smoothly. He almost strutted to the Ferrari and pulled out some high-end detailing supplies from the little trunk. They were all brand new and still in the package.
           “Do you use all this on your own car?” Agnarr asked.
           Hans paused. Then he smiled in an ingratiating manner. “I don’t compromise on quality, Mr. Arendelle. As I said before, I want only the best for Anna.”
           As the time passed, Agnarr noticed several things he wasn’t sure that he liked. Hans insisted on doing it all himself, even though Agnarr had offered to help. Whenever Anna caught his eye, Hans flexed and winked.
           It was clear to Agnarr that Hans had never washed a car in his life. He was washing randomly instead of methodically, “politely” refusing any suggestions. He was sloppy applying the wax, squirting a long line on the car and working from there. Furthermore, when Hans thought that neither Agnarr nor Anna was looking, he scowled.
           Agnarr did not have a good feeling about Hans. He tried to voice his objections to Anna, but she was entirely captivated by how charming, selfless and helpful he was. Hans was, in her eyes, flawless. It was not a good sign.
           “I’m not sure it’ll work out,” he admitted to Iduna later on. It pained him to see Anna clinging to Hans’s every word. It was obvious that Anna was utterly besotted with Hans.
           “I didn’t know that a car wash was a personality test,” she joked. Her smile faded as she noted his grim expression. “You’re serious?”
           He sighed heavily. “He doesn’t take any suggestions or criticism. He shows off when he knows that people are looking. When he thinks nobody’s looking, it’s obvious that he’s not really enjoying himself.” He paused. “And honestly, even Anna could see that he did a terrible job of it.”
           “Elsa doesn’t like him, either,” she said. “Something about how he seems insincere to everyone except the person he’s focusing on.”
           “Dad had that kind of charm,” Agnarr admitted. “He was better at it, though. Hardly anyone saw his dark side.”
           She flinched. “We should warn her.”
           “I’m not sure she’d listen. She has an incredibly forgiving heart and Hans will take full advantage of it. You saw how besotted she was with him. I could practically see the hearts floating from her.”
           “So we do nothing?” Those words left a bad taste in her mouth.
           “No.” He shook his head. “We hope for the best and prepare for the worst. If he tries to isolate her, we find ways to keep in contact. Elsa’s ready to intervene if she has to.”
           She nodded. “And what if he goes too far?”
           His expression darkened. “Then I will make certain that he never huts anyone again.”
          “Just you?” she asked. “You never let me have any fun.”
          “Fine, I can go after you,” he sighed. “Not that there would be much left.”
           Anna’s enthusiastic greeting to Kristoff’s truck broke Agnarr out of his reverie.  He chuckled as Kristoff parked his truck on the side of the road. It was a small gesture of consideration, one of many that he’d observed. Kristoff wasn’t rich and he hadn’t been able to afford the best education, but he was kind and sincere.
           Oh, and Kristoff had a big, friendly dog. The girls had taken to him almost immediately, with Anna babbling baby-talk as Elsa looked embarrassed. Iduna was not immune to Sven’s “puppy in a big body” charm. As for Agnarr, he was fond of the big dog as well—though he tried to be restrained about it.
           “Mr. Arendelle,” Kristoff greeted Agnarr politely—and a bit nervously. “Um, I hope you don’t mind that I brought Sven. The big lug didn’t want to stay home.”
           “That’s fine,” Agnarr said reasonably. “As long as he behaves himself, I don’t have any problem.”
           “He’s a total sweetie, Dad,” Anna said from behind. “Want me to keep an eye on him?” She asked Kristoff.
           “That’d be great, thanks,” he said.  “If he gets fidgety, you know what to do.”
Opening the door, he grabbed Sven’s leash. The big dog jumped out and waited for Anna to accept the lead. After the obligatory scratch behind the ears and baby talk, she and Sven headed to the shelter of the garage.
           “So, um, I brought some stuff with me,” Kristoff admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous gesture. “Of course, if there’s something you want to use, I’m okay with that.”
           Agnarr scrutinized the equipment in the back of the truck. The microfiber towels had been neatly folded in their own, zip-locked bag. Two buckets with grates inside met with his approval. He did arch an eyebrow at the orbital polisher and pads, something that his late father would have taken issue with. There were spray bottles of wheel cleaner, “ceramic wax,” something for the upholstery and something called “instant detailer.” Everything was in good condition, but it was obvious that the equipment had seen some use.
           “Do you think I brought too much?” Kristoff asked nervously. “Maybe I overdid it.”
           “I think this will be just fine,” Agnarr said. He turned towards Anna. “What are you in the mood for today?” he asked.
           “Well, I really don’t need anything fancy,” she replied. “Why? What did you have in mind?”
           “I could probably get rid of some of those swirl marks,” Kristoff suggested. “If you want, I mean.  Think of it as kind of exfoliating your car.”
           She lifted an eyebrow at the metaphor. “Well…maybe just the hood and the trunk,” she allowed. She quirked the corner of her mouth in amusement. “You just want to use your little toy, don’t you?”
           “Well, I saved up for it,” he admitted. “So, smooth out the hood and trunk, got it.”
           Agnarr tried not to chuckle. “You have a polisher, don’t you?”
           “It’s nothing fancy,” Kristoff said. “I saved up for it, so I figured I might as well get some mileage out of it.”
           “He waxes his truck every few weeks,” Anna said. “You know, I kind of feel bad that you’re doing all this for my car. Maybe I could take care of the upholstery or something?”
           The two men shared a look. Anna was dressed practically for the warm weather. There was nothing objectionable about her jean shorts and t-shirt. However, crawling around to wipe down the seats would have been awkward, to say the least.
           “How about I walk you through getting your trunk polished?” Kristoff suggested. “It’s not that hard.”
           “You’re letting me touch your baby?” Anna asked dubiously.
           “My polisher is not my baby,” Kristoff protested. Then there was a warmth in his smile that made her flush. “I trust you.”
           “So…you’d let me wax your truck?” she teased.
           “Why don’t we start with your car first?” Agnarr gently interrupted. “We don’t want to wait too long, after all.”
           Elsa quietly smiled as the men worked on the car. They had been surprisingly efficient and coordinated well together. There were moments when one man had to offer feedback to the other, but neither of them took any offense. It was an unusual kind of camaraderie.
           Kristoff was a vast improvement over Hans. What he lacked in funds, he more than made up for in heart. He may have been a little rough around the edges, but there was no doubt that Anna was the most important person in his life.
           She heard one breathy sigh, then another. She noted the very contented looks on the faces to either side of her. Then she noted that even in the relatively cool summer weather, Kristoff and her father had worked up quite the sweat, their shirts clinging to them.
           With a quiet, resigned sigh, she went into the house. Her sister and mother were oblivious to her absence.
           A few moments later, she returned with a tray of drinks and two towels. She set the tray on a nearby work bench and took two tall glasses of lemonade with her.
           Anna still had a dazed, dopey expression on her face. Iduna wasn’t much better.
           Elsa took Anna’s free hand, the one that wasn’t holding Sven’s leash, and gently placed the glass in her palm. With a start, she blinked as if she were coming out of a spell.
           Elsa did the same for their mother. Iduna’s reaction was much the same as Anna’s.
           Elsa couldn’t resist a little smirk. “I thought you two might want something to drink,” she said. “You both looked…thirsty.”
           Iduna and Anna rolled their eyes at the double-entendre. Behind the cool exterior that Elsa projected, she could be quite the joker—even if her humor tended to be on the dry side.
           “Very funny,” Anna returned. “We’re just appreciating their hard work.”
           “We certainly are,” Iduna agreed. “Both of them are very diligent.”
           “Well, maybe we could reward their diligence with a towel and a sports drink?” Elsa suggested, gesturing to the tray. “I think they could use it.”
           Agnarr wiped the sweat off of his forehead. While he still enjoyed washing cars, he was reminded that he wasn’t a young man anymore. Even though he and Kristoff were cutting the workload in half, he was still going to be sore tomorrow morning.
           Still, it was gratifying to see how seriously Kristoff took things. He was methodical and, more importantly, he seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself. He concentrated on the job at hand and accepted feedback.
           “You’ve had some experience,” he observed. “With washing cars, I mean.”
           Kristoff gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I worked part-time at the car wash one summer,” he replied. “I guess it kind of stuck.” He wiped at his brow. “I wouldn’t want to do it for a living, though.”
           “I had to…earn things by washing cars,” Agnarr said. “My father was a big believer in hard work.”
           Kristoff said nothing. He could tell by the older man’s tone that there were mixed emotions.
           Agnarr wiped the sweat off his brow, if only to not drip on his father’s Cadillac. The “beast,” as he jokingly called it, was an ostentatious symbol of his father’s wealth and practicality. It was practical in that any repairs or maintenance could be easily obtained within the town.
           As he wiped off a clear path in the baked-on wax, he saw his tired, sweaty reflection in the black depths of the “beast.” He had just spent the last four hours under the hot July sun. Every detail had been supervised by his father, who was resting in the shade with a beer. Every once in a while, his father would shout words of—
           “Come on, boy!” Runeard exclaimed. “Put your back into it! In my day, we had to deal with Blue Coral. You’ve got it easy with that wax!”
           Agnarr said nothing. His father often deducted from the anticipated payment if he talked back. It was one of the little ways that the family company kept people in line.
           It took another half hour to clear off the last of the wax. His arms trembling, he stood up straight and awaited judgment—and hopefully, payment.
           Runeard took one last draw of his beer and got up. He circled around the Cadillac and murmured in—well, it wasn’t quite approval. It was more like he acknowledged that the job had been done.
           Agnarr tried to keep calm. He didn’t dare show how eager he was to get paid. He couldn’t ever let his feelings show, not in front of his father.
           Runeard wiped his index finger down the hood and felt for any errant wax. There was one last murmur as he nodded.
           “It’ll do,” Runeard declared. With exaggerated magnanimity, he took out a twenty and handed it to Agnarr. Then the scowl returned as his nostrils flared. “Get cleaned up before you go, boy. And you’d better stay away from those filthy people.”
           Agnarr nodded once. The less his father knew about his outings with Iduna, the better.
           With one last scowl, Runeard shooed him away from the car. It was the same dismissive gesture he might have used for a servant. It certainly reinforced Agnarr’s place in the world—at least in Runeard’s mind.
           Agnarr trudged back into the house. He didn’t have to play up his muscle aches. He did have to remind himself not to smile in front of his father.
           Those long, hot hours had been worth it. The aches had been worth it.  Above all,   Iduna was worth it.
           Agnarr forced himself to take long, slow sips of the sports drink as he toweled off the sweat. The exterior had been cleaned and dried, including the wheels. All that was left was the interior and waxing the car.
           “You’re in good shape for your age, but don’t overdo it,” Iduna warned him gently. “There’s no one to show off to.”
           “I’m not showing off,” he replied. “I’m just…enjoying the moment.”
           “What moment?” she asked.
           He turned his gaze to where Kristoff was showing Anna the bottle of detailer spray and some sort of yellow clay. He sprayed the hood and wiped the clay across the surface. Then he took a microfiber towel and wiped off any residue.
           “See these little dots and specks?” Kristoff pointed to the clay bar. “These are contaminants that stick on your paint. We want to get rid of those before we polish out the swirls. After that, we put on the wax and we’re all set.” He paused. “Here, feel where I just cleaned it up.”
           Anna tentatively brushed a finger across the surface. Blue eyes widened in amazement.
           “Whoa, that’s…really smooth,” she said. “So, you do this every time you wax your truck?”
           He shook his head. “No, this is only once or twice a year. This used to be a big secret for the car shops until a few years ago.”
           Iduna turned back to Agnarr and nodded in understanding. There wasn’t a hint of arrogance or condescension in Kristoff’s voice. He merely wanted to inform Anna about something he liked.
           As the morning went on, Agnarr noted how patient Kristoff was with Anna. He was a good teacher, putting his polisher in Anna’s hands. It was obvious that Kristoff trusted her implicitly—and she felt the same about him.
           By the time they were done, Anna’s Honda had never looked better. Anna and Kristoff took a moment to bask in their shared accomplishment. The car gleamed in the light, despite the clouds coming in.
           “Good job, feisty pants,” Kristoff complimented her. “She looks great.”
           “Oh, I didn’t do all that much,” she demurred. “You and Dad did all the hard work.”
           “Oh, it’s not as hard as the old days,” Agnarr chimed in. “Believe me, I would have been a lot less sore if we had that ceramic wax back then. It’s a lot easier to take off than baked-on Turtle Wax.”
           Any further comment was forestalled when Sven sniffed the air. The big dog made a dissatisfied, grumbling sound. Moments later, the sky darkened with an ominous rumble.
           “Oh, no…” Agnarr groaned. “There wasn’t supposed to be any rain today!”
           “That figures,” Kristoff sighed heavily. He eyed the back of his truck.
           Elsa checked her phone. “Looks like there’ll be heavy showers for an hour or two.”
           “But we just finished it!” Anna groaned.
           Kristoff perked up a little. “Well, I’ve got a tarp in the back of my truck. I could cover up your car until the rain stops.”
           Anna blinked. “You’re prepared.”
           He shrugged. “Sometimes life is like that. You get little bumps in the road and do the best you can. Experience is the toughest teacher. C’mon, let’s get this done.”
           Moments later, Anna’s car was safely covered just before the deluge hit. Everyone watched the rain from inside the garage. Kristoff and Agnarr were toweling off their hair. They were both soaked form the rain.
           “Sorry it didn’t work out, sir,” Kristoff said.
           “Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Agnarr replied. “I’d say that this was a very productive day.”
           Kristoff looked at him quizzically. “How so?”
           Behind him, Anna looked puzzled while Elsa looked satisfied. Clearly, something was going on.
           “Do you have anywhere you need to go?” Agnarr asked casually.
           “Not until the rain stops,” Kristoff replied. “Why do you ask?”
           “Well, until then, I suppose that you and Sven are our guests. Do you have any requests for lunch?”
           Kristoff held up his hands. “Sir, I really don’t want to impose. I’m sure you were looking forward to time with your family.”
           “I am,” Agnarr acknowledged with a nod. “Of course, this can include prospective members of my family.”
           “But Sven—“
           “He’s covered,” Elsa said. She reached in her purse and held up a can of dog food.
           Kristoff blinked as Sven leaned against Elsa. “Did you know about this?” he asked Anna.
           She shook her head. “Nope. It’s news to me.”
           “Relax,” Agnarr said calmly. “I’m not bringing out the shotgun for you two. I’m just asking if you’d like to stay for lunch.”
           “I—sure, if it’s no trouble,” he agreed.
           “No trouble at all,” Iduna reassured him. “There’s plenty in the Instant Pot to go around.” She opened the door to the house and the smell of hearty stew wafted outside.
           “Useful, isn’t it?” Elsa remarked. She paused and dug out something else from her purse. She handed a large, folded square of cloth to Kristoff. “You’ll need this.”
           He grimaced at the t-shirt he’d been handed. It wasn’t his, but it was definitely his size. The words “love expert” were boldly emblazoned on the front, complete with hearts.
           “Elsa!” Anna exclaimed.
           “Yes?” Elsa could not have pretended to be more innocent if she’d batted her eyes.
           “You are a stinker. No, you are a scheming, plotting stinker. This was a conspiracy!” Anna declared.
           Elsa and Agnarr had matching smirks. That was unsettling to both Anna and Kristoff.
           “Well, I didn’t plan on the rain,” Agnarr admitted. “You are welcome in my house.” He paused. “While you are in my house, I do expect you two to…mind your manners.”
           Agnarr turned to go inside. He only briefly paused when he passed Elsa.
           “They’re blushing, aren’t they?” he murmured.
           “Oh, yes,” Elsa agreed.
           Elsa lingered for a moment, a smug little smirk on her face. Then she tapped her thigh and Sven followed her inside.
           “Your Dad really doesn’t have a shotgun, does he?”
           “I…don’t think so. I think he likes you.”
           “That’s…good,” Kristoff got out awkwardly. “I mean, it’s better than the alternative.”
           Wordlessly, Anna reached out. He gently took her hand as her eyes shone.
           “Come on, Mr. Love Expert,” she said. “Let’s have a family lunch.”
           Kristoff’s expression softened. “Sounds good to me.”
The End
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fruandfro · 3 years
The Perfect Gift
Rating: G
Pairing: Anna and Kristoff
Summary: Anna’s birthday is coming up soon. However, Kristoff is called away for an ice harvesting emergency. To make things worst, he has not gotten Anna’s birthday gift yet. Can Kristoff find Anna’s gift in time?
Hello everyone! This was my submission to Frozines. There is great content in there, so be sure to check it out at @frozines! 
The Perfect Gift
           It was a beautiful June morning in Arendelle. The sky was blue with a few stray white clouds moving across. The sun was beating down on the town square as Arendelle citizens went about their day. At the center of the square stood a tall statue commemorating late royals, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna. On the stoop of the statue sat a young man with broad shoulders and shaggy blond hair with a pensive look on his face. Next to him was his reindeer, looking very worried for his owner. Kristoff had received word from the ice harvesters that one of the ice storage houses had sustained damages and posed a risk to their harvest. If nothing was to be done, they risked losing three months worth of harvest.
Being Arendelle’s Official Ice Master and Deliverer, Kristoff would have to travel to the storage house, assess the damage, and oversee the repairs. It would take about half a day to travel to that specific storage house and repairs may take more than two weeks depending on the damage. This would not have been a problem had it not been for the fact that Anna’s birthday was in two days.
Since this was Anna’s first birthday as Queen, everyone was planning a huge birthday party. Even Elsa and some of the Northuldra were in Arendelle to help out. Anna had, at first, pushed back against a big celebration, but relented after seeing how much everyone wanted to make her happy.
           Kristoff let out a heavy sigh as he thought about what to say to Anna.
“Should I say ‘Hey Anna, I’m really sorry but there seems to be a problem at one of the storage houses and I would be gone for two weeks’? Nah, that sounds too casual. Or maybe I should say ‘Anna, I know you want me to be with you on your birthday, but it seems I cannot make it.’ No, that just sounds plain mean.”
Sven gave Kristoff a look that said, “Just tell her everything. She would understand. And besides, Elsa has people to help her now, so don’t worry.”
“You’re right. At least she has people to help her carry the presents….”
Kristoff groaned even more when he realized that he had not gotten Anna a birthday present.
“Sven, I completely forgot to get Anna’s birthday present! With all the planning and now this, I don’t think I have enough time to get her one!”
Sven snorted and shot him an exasperated look.
“I know, I know! I should have done it earlier, but what do I get for a queen?”
           Just then, the woman in question came bounding towards them. Anna was wearing her casual queen outfit that she wore when she went into town. It was similar to her formal queen outfit, the one that always makes Kristoff’s heart soar as it reminds him how far Anna had come in her life. It also made Kristoff’s heart ache even more when he thought about breaking the bad news to her.
Anna opened her arms wide, and Kristoff responded by opening his arms up and bracing for her impact. He caught Anna in his arms and hugged her tightly, savoring the feel of her body and her scent. He could never get enough of Anna.
“Hey you,” said Anna.
“Hey,” he replied, but it wasn’t as cheerful.
Anna picked up on his change in tone and looked up at him.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
He took a deep breath to prepare himself.
“Anna, I just got a report that one of the ice storage houses has been damaged. I need to go this afternoon to assess the damage.”
“But you’ll be back tonight right?”
“Yes, but it’ll only be to gather supplies for the repairs. We have to move quickly or else we’ll lose the harvest.”
“How long would the repairs take?”
“From the report, it seems it will be a two week job.”
“Two weeks…..?”
Kristoff did not miss the disappointed tone in Anna’s voice.
“I’m sorry. I know you were looking forward to having everyone there at your party-”
“No, it’s okay Kristoff. The kingdom comes first and we need to make sure the citizens are fine.”
Kristoff sighed heavily and grabbed Anna’s hands in his.
“I really love you, Anna. I wish I could be there for your big day.”
He brought her hands to his lips and left a lingering kiss on them.
“I know you do, but it cannot be helped. Don’t worry, I will be okay. I have everyone here to celebrate. You just worry about saving that harvest and getting back to me safely. That’s all I wish for.”
Kristoff sighed and gave a small “okay”. Then, he gave a quick peck to Anna’s lips and quickly went to gather his things for the travel.
By late afternoon, Kristoff and Sven had arrived at the storage house.  The ice harvesters Kristoff oversaw were already there. Kristoff approached a man around the same height and build as him, wearing the standard ice harvester’s uniform. The only difference was that this man had darker hair and eyes, and looked  to be in his mid forties.
Henrich Sorenson had worked the ice fields for over 20 years and was one of the most experienced and well respected ice harvesters out there. Kristoff still remembered the time when he carved a huge ice sphere and accidently pushed it down a hill. Henrich still told the younger ice harvesters about how in doing so Kristoff had almost destroyed a village with the ice sphere. It had been his idea of putting their sleds in front to stop it that saved the village from destruction. Kristoff wished Henrich would quit telling that story, but let it go after a few younger ice harvesters started asking him to teach them how to carve ice spheres.
“Hey Henrich! I’m here. What is the status?”
“It does not look good. Come take a look for yourself.”
As Kristoff approached, he could see that the front left part of the roof had collapsed in. It had missed the harvest thankfully, but now the hole was letting the summer heat into the building. To make things worse, the whole roof would have to be replaced to make sure another collapse would not happen. The blizzards that hit the kingdom in the past winter and the unseasonably long rainy season that had caused the wood to rot. It hadn’t had time to dry completely and caved in.
“We’ll need to replace the whole roof. Henrich, how many men do you have?”
“Well, I have ten guys available now. I could round up another five men, but they live farther out and would need to travel for about a day to reach here.”
“Okay. Have one of your men go round the rest of your men up. First, let’s cover up the hole to prevent more heat from getting in. Then, we’ll move the harvest to another ice storage house. The nearest one is ten minutes away. We will need to move them fast. How many wagons do we have?”
“All of us have our wagons here.”
“Perfect. Let’s get one of the wagons filled, and have one person transport it to the other ice house. We’ll continue this process with each wagon until all the ice is moved. Henrich, you and I stay behind to load the ice. Everybody ready!?”
“Then let’s start!”
They first covered up the hole using a large tarp, and started to load the first wagon afterwards. It took them a little over an hour to completely move the whole harvest over, but luckily, most of the harvest made it over perfectly intact. They spent the rest of the remaining afternoon making estimates for the repairs. Kristoff did not return home until late evening when most of the castle had already turned in for the night. He hoped Anna had gone to bed after a long day of her duties, but was surprised to see her sitting on a barrel in the stables. She was wearing her green nightgown and wrapped in a thick blanket to keep warm. Kristoff’s heart warmed at the scene before him.
“Hey, welcome home!”
“You didn’t have to wait up.”
“I know, but I wanted to. How does it look up there?”
“Not good. The whole roof would need to be replaced and that would take about two weeks. We were able to save the harvest though.”
“That’s good to hear. Would you be able to push back the repairs?”
“Unfortunately, no. That ice house is the main storage house that we use to deliver ice to Arendelle. Where we are currently storing them is further from Arendelle and can risk the ice melting before it gets to town. Replacing the roof sooner will help our profits in the long run.”
“I see. What do you need to pack? I can get the stable hands to help you get ready for tomorrow.”
“I would like that. Actually, can you help me get some lumber ready?”
“Consider it done! Just let me know how much you need.”
Kristoff gathered Anna in his arms and gave her a huge hug. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have Anna in his life. It reminded him that he had still not gotten Anna a birthday present yet, and there was no time left.  
Oh well, if he could not get anything for her, at least he can still give his love to her.
“Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now let’s go upstairs and get some rest. You have busy days ahead of you.”
Early the next morning, Kristoff set off with Sven to the ice house. He was halfway to his destination when something caught his eye. Something was shining in the distance. He pulled Sven to a stop and got out the wagon. Kristoff carefully approached the shiny object. However, what he found was not an object, it was the sun’s reflection off a pool of water. Kristoff took in the scenery and smiled.
“This will be the perfect gift for Anna. I’m sure she would love it.”
Kristoff marked the path by cutting marks into nearby trees and left for the ice house.
When he arrived, about fifteen ice harvesters had gathered and were preparing to start the repairs. He was surprised to see the amount of supplies already delivered there. He chuckled, realizing that Anna really held up her promise. For the rest of the day, they worked to remove the rest of the roof and measure the lumber.
The next day, everyone got up bright and early to continue with their work. It was  Anna’s birthday and Kristoff knew everyone could see the disappointment on his face. Henrich suggested that Kristoff take the day off and go celebrate his fiancé’s birthday with her, but  Kristoff refused, saying that the job was more important and that he could celebrate with her later.
Just when Kristoff finished speaking with Henrich, he noticed a figure dressed in white approaching the site. As the figure got closer, he realized it was Elsa and he wondered what she was doing there since she should be with Anna.
“Hello Kristoff.”
“Hi Elsa! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with Anna?”
“I came to gather all of you for a special meeting with Queen Anna.”
“Special meeting? What does she want to discuss?”
“Come with me.”
Everyone followed Elsa as she led them through the woods. Kristoff was wondering what Anna wanted to talk about. Did she want to discuss the repairs?
When they came to a clearing, Kristoff could not believe his eyes. It seemed that all of Arendelle and Northuldra were there and that they had set up a birthday celebration in the woods! Rows of tables were set up with white table clothes, napkins, plates, and forks. On some of the tables were refreshments, various deserts, jams, and fruits from Arendelle and Enchanted Forest. The center table had a gigantic three-tier chocolate cake decorated with sunflowers and crocuses, similar to the one he saved two years ago. Music and laughter filled the area as the citizens mingled with each other. When the group approached, they were pulled into the festivities.  Kristoff searched for Anna, but didn’t have to look too long as she came running towards him.
“Hey Kristoff! Glad you can make it?”
“Anna, what…What is this?”
“I decided to have my birthday here where every citizen can attend. After all, it doesn't feel right that some of my citizens can’t enjoy my big day.”
“You are the best person I have ever known. Thank you.”
Soon it was time to cut the cake. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Anna and wished her a long and prosperous reign. Soon, everyone was mingling with each other and enjoying the food there. With everyone busy, Kristoff decided it was the right time to give Anna his gift. After letting Elsa know, he took Anna’s hand and started leading her towards the area.
As they approached their destination, Kristoff told Anna to cover her eyes and not to peek Anna was excited about what Kristoff was planning to show her. She let Kristoff lead her forward, and then heard him say “Now!”
When Anna uncovered her eyes, she gasped when she saw the scenery in front of her.  There was a small pool with a small waterfall and a tall willow tree next to the pool. Anna realized that this was the place she and Kristoff had passed through when they were searching for Elsa after she froze Arendelle. It was also the place where they met Olaf. After the Great Thaw, they had tried to find the place again but couldn’t remember the path to get there.
“Happy birthday Anna. This is my gift to you.”
“Kristoff…” Anna whispered.
She was so moved, she could hardly say anything back. She felt tears fall down her cheeks. Her silence started to make Kristoff nervous.
“Anna, do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it! Thank you Kristoff!”
She jumped into Kristoff’s arms and together they spun the way she liked . As Kristoff put her down, Anna tiptoed up and met his lips in a soft kiss. They held each other and savored the kiss for a few minutes before separating.
“So Anna, what do you want to do here? We have about fifteen minutes before we need to head back.”
“How about we just sit under the tree and listen to the sounds of nature.”
“That sounds great.”
“Also, let’s come back here when you are done with the repairs. I want to make this place our spot.”
Kristoff gave her a wide smile. “You got it.”
They situated themselves under the willow tree and let out contented sighs. Together they enjoyed the sound of the water falling into the pool and the summer breeze whistling through the tree branches.
This place was definitely the perfect gift.
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Since the zine is out, I can post this!! 🥰
Did this little Star Wars Day piece for @frozines Kristanna Calendar! Please make sure you check out everything in the zine!!! Everyone put so much work in and it looks amazing!!!
This was super fun and I haven’t been able to draw a single good thing since LMAO
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nemmaemma · 3 years
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I yet again had the opportunity to participate in the Frozen fanzine hosted by @frozines for the 5th time now! Emily @punkpoemprose deserves all the kudos for being the brains behind the entire operation, organizing, and designing a cohesive zine of everyone's work! I’ve been in the fandom for quite a while, and having these zines to bring everyone together, old or new, has been a joy to take part in 😊 Its motivating to revisit what got me into posting my art in the first place back in 2014, and I can’t wait to see this zine continue to grow!~
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peachychip85000 · 3 years
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My piece for @frozines Summer Lovin’ zine! Here’s Kristoff and Anna enjoying the beach and sunshine :)
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fericita-s · 3 years
Midsommer Scenes
for the summer @frozines, some Agduna moments on midsommer nights. Thank you @the-spaztic-fantastic for beta-ing!
The Arendellians had it wrong, but what could you expect of people who lived in a stone city? They thought the plants were magical on Midsommer, but Iduna knew her hands wrought the healing conjured from a steady boil, a careful grinding in the mortar and pestle, the gentle stripping of the leaves from the stem.
At Visser's Apothecary Iduna sold the little bundles of seven flowers and watched girls came in all day, giggling as they gave her their coins. She hoped they’d wake with the soft petals crushed underneath their pillows, happy with the dreams they had and not fussed by stains from the meadow buttercup. She’d used that knowing the smear of yellow would be close to the Midsommer tradition of the forest - spreading butter across the entrance to their homes as a way to welcome and encourage the sun in its journey across the sky. The people here wouldn’t know it, but they’d be a part of the traditions she knew, the ones she still missed years into her forced exile.
Iduna made her own bundle in the castle gardens, hesitating before she pulled up the purple crocus. Her dreams would be of Agnarr no matter what she slept with under her pillow but she claimed the royal flower anyway. They didn’t hold much of a scent, but she’d remember the smell of wet earth as she turned the soil to plant the bulbs, the sharp and sweet smell of lemonade when the job was done. Agnarr’s fingers had brushed hers as he handed her the glass, his hand had been under her elbow as he guided her to the shade.
The Arendellians didn’t know about sun-rings either. So Iduna made one now, pulling up green bearberry leaves and the red fruit, a sprig of spiky rosemary and the soft yellow petals from the tulips. She arranged it into the shape of a red sun with rays of yellow warmth radiating from the center, like arrows pointing out as she said prayers for the lost. Her parents. Her brothers. All those who had fallen in the chaos as the mist descended.
Maybe someone was in the forest, praying for her. In the forest, they’d make a circle out of twigs and rocks and the teardrop leaf of the silver birch, the maple flowers a crown spread around it. Agnarr would fashion a crown for her like it if she asked. The ring on her finger was stamped with the image of a sun and he’d want to know this ceremony of her own making. She’d tell him when they were wed.
He found her before she crossed the bridge back into the market square.
"Enjoy your dreams of me tonight. I shall try to be very dashing," he teased, before turning sincere. “I saw you from the window in the council chamber but I couldn’t leave fast enough to join you.”
She leaned up on tiptoes to kiss him and smiled, her hand in his. "I would have had to start all over again if you had. If you don't pick them in silence, it won't work."
Agnarr walked her home and when she fell asleep later to the lick of bonfire flames outside the window she dreamed of the mist parting, of being crushed into a hug by those she missed.
She woke with a start and it seemed impossible. But then, so had marrying Agnarr. And she'd be doing that in a few short months. She whispered a prayer to the sun and when she slept again she dreamed of Agnarr, waiting for her at the end of the chapel with the sunlight on his hair.
“We are the People of the Sun,” Iduna whispered, her lips tickling the soft hair on baby Elsa’s head as she formed the words. “We celebrate the sun for giving us life and flowers and the cycle of sleeping and waking. We thank the sun and offer her a gift so that she may go to the highest point of the sky.”
Agnarr jumped down from the step stool, wiping the remnants of the butter on his pants. “I believe that’s the first time butter has been smeared on the nursery lintel. Gerda will have some questions.”
“Is it time to tell them all? One less secret might make keeping this one easier,” Iduna said as she gestured to the icicles forming on Elsa’s fingertips.
“Not yet,” Agnarr said. “This is one night of magic but the rest of the year they fear it.” He pulled Iduna against him and put his hand on Elsa’s head. “We shall make a better world for her so that one day we don’t carry so many secrets.”
Iduna laid back against the pillows, exhausted but eager to hold the squalling newborn. The midwife placed the baby in her arms and then wiped her brow with a cool cloth.
“Happy Solstice, my midsommer baby.” She rubbed her cheek against the baby’s bright red hair, smiling at how much it looked like her father’s. “May you always shine as bright as the sun.”
Iduna ran her thumb down the baby’s nose and then back up again, humming a melody she couldn’t quite remember the words to. She hoped she’d recall them after she rested. Her daughters didn’t need more secrets, even the accidental ones as more and more of her past disappeared behind the mist as the years went on.
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lukin08 · 3 years
All Summer Long
Here is my submission for the Summer Lovin @frozines.  A big thanks to @punkpoemprose for putting this together.  Amazing, as always
Rating: T
Words: 5261
Also available on AO3
The bell dinged over the door as Anna pulled it open. She took pause at the sound and looked around. At first glance, the store looked exactly as it had from her childhood. Knotty pine planks lined the walls and ceilings matching the cedar siding on the outside of the building. T-shirts ran across the top of the long back wall, all beckoning tourists to purchase them. The racks leading over to the checkout were full of snacks and hats for anyone unfortunate to have forgotten their own. Anna walked over reading all the fronts of the baseball caps. She had to use all her self-control to not grab the pink and black one that read ‘Boat Waves, Sun Rays and Torch Lake Days’.
After closer inspection, much had changed to Pabbie’s. New floors, a quick serve area that had about every grab and go food you could think of, and most importantly, a bakery and ice cream counter all filled out the large space.
She was flipping through a rack of sweatshirts when a voice called out. “On your left, Red.”
Anna jumped out of the way as a man passed her quickly carrying two large boxes over his shoulder.
“Sven!” A middle-aged woman called, following quickly behind him.
“Gotta go. We’re on fire today!”
“You tell him I need his order today before 5.”
“I’ll try.”
“Do it or you’ll be out of luck next weekend! No pilfering from the store when you run out of supplies anymore. It’s messing up my books!”
“Love you too, Bulda!” He said, flashing her a grin then disappearing out the front door.
The woman stopped next to Anna, put her hands on her hips and sighed. “Those two will be the death of me, I swear.”
“Everything ok?”
The woman looked at Anna and smiled. “It gets busier earlier every summer. Used to be until the third week of June when the water got warm when the crowds started, but we’ve been running full steam since before Memorial Day.”
“Wow. That early?”
“Who would have thought? Guess we aren’t the best kept secret of Michigan anymore.” The woman took a long look at Anna. “Anything I can help you with?”
Anna glanced out the window at the marina. “I actually had a question about an installation for a dock. Do I need to go next door?”
The woman waved her hand. “No need for that. Follow me.”
Anna followed her over to a counter at the other end of the room. The sign above it on the wall read ‘Torch Lake Marina’. There was all sorts of literature on boat rentals and storage and marine services on the counter.
“I didn’t realize the marina was part of Pabbie’s. I had to double check the address when saw it.”
“We purchased it a few years ago. Now what can I do for you?”
“I need to schedule a dock installation.”
Anna gave her the information and after a few minutes she had a time for the next week for the Marina to come out.
“Arendelle. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in years. There was a family that had a place on Cherry Road named Arendelle. Are you any relation to them?”
“Yes. That’s me… I mean that’s my family. My parents owned the house. We used to come up here a long time ago.”
“I remember your father. He was in here all the time with the boat in the summers. Got along well with my father. How is your family doing?”
That was all it took. One simple question and Anna was off, spilling her guts to a stranger. She explained her parents' passing five years prior and the over ten-year absence due to her parent’s intense focus on her sister’s health. But Anna was back with a vision for the house and being up at the lake this summer was just what she needed. Internally she was screaming at herself to just stop talking. But Bulda kept asking her questions and seemed genuinely interested in what she was saying that Anna just couldn’t stop.
“That all sounds amazing, dear. You must keep me updated with how things are going. Can I give you one piece of advice?”
“Make sure to take a minute to breathe now and then. You can blink and the entire summer will be over.”
“I will. Some friends from home are coming up tomorrow. I think we are going to head over to the sandbar. It should be fun!”
“Or at least entertaining. The sandbar on the weekend is always good for that.”
This wasn’t what Anna had envisioned for a day out on the water. The morning had started fine. Anna was thrilled to be back out on the water again. To understand the depths of Torch Lake’s beauty and appreciate its deep aqua and turquoise colors, you really had to take it in with your own eyes on the lake. It was even fun at first when they anchored at the sandbar. But things took a turn for the worse as the day went on.
They anchored with a group of boats and the faces were all familiar. The uppity groups she remembered from school, all in the same social circles her family were in hadn’t changed a bit. They played their music too loud, drank too much and Anna quickly remembered why she left Ann Arbor as soon as she could. As much as she was trying to rekindle old relationships, perhaps some of them were better left as old friends.
Fending wanting to check out more of the sandbar, Anna decided to venture away from the group. It was easy getting around. Barring the occasional deep spot, the water wasn’t more than up to her thighs most of the time and in some stretches it was only at her ankles. There was over two miles to walk if she wanted, but Anna was on a mission.
Rumor was there was a pontoon that served food on the sandbar. She didn’t really believe it, but she was intrigued enough to go in search of it. After a few questions and only getting turned around twice between all the boats she looked up at the large yellow and black sign that read ‘Burger Barge’ stretched across the pontoon.
After spotting what looked like the area to order, Anna went up the side of the boat. As soon as the person in front of her was handed the foil wrapped sandwich, she stepped up closer. “I’ll have a burger. That’s all you have, right? Or is there something else?”
The man up at the boat was in front of the grill. He didn’t bother to look up. “A little busy here.”
“I can wait. How long do you think?”
He pointed his spatula down to the end of the boat. “Order in the back, princess. Just like everyone else.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I saw you hand a burger to someone. I thought-“
“Does it look like I take orders here?” he snapped. “Do you see the prices anywhere? You think I’m going to handle everyone’s money and cook all the food at the same time?”
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Do I know you?” He had stopped what he was doing and was staring at her now.
“Excuse me?” Anna tried to make out his features, but his blond bangs hung over a wide bandana covering his forehead and sunglasses obscured his eyes.
“Do I know you,” he said slower, dropping his sunglasses down to get a better look. His brown eyes glared over at her.
Anna crossed her arms in front of her, annoyed at the tone he was taking with her. “You most certainly do not!”
He grinned, which only infuriated Anna. “Good. Line’s at the back of the boat. Get moving.” He pointed again and went back to flipping the food on the grill.
“Well maybe I don’t want to eat here anymore.”
“Suit yourself. Good luck finding something else to eat out here.”
“Rude,” Anna said under her breath. She went to walk away because he did not deserve her business. But her stomach rumbled in protest and what other option did she have?
The line was long and snaked behind a few other boats. It only gave Anna time to stew on the conversation and what an absolute ass the cook had been.
“Hey, Red! From Pabbie’s right?”
Anna was almost taken back at the smiling face in front of her. “Yes. Sven? Did I get that right? I think that’s what the owner called you.”
“You got it. I’m always having someone chase me down calling my name. What can I get you?”
Anna bit her bottom lip looking at the choices. “What do you recommend- the chicken sandwich or the burger?”
“You can’t go wrong with anything, but,” Sven leaned forward. “We’ve got the best burgers on the lake. Trust me, I know the cook.”
“Oh, him.”
Sven glanced behind him then back at Anna. “From here or…somewhere else?”
“A few minutes ago.”
Sven’s face relaxed and he smiled again. “Don’t mind Kris. His bark is worse than his bite.”
“I don’t plan on talking to him again, but thanks.”
“Stick with me Red this summer at the Burger Barge. I won’t steer you wrong.” Sven handed her the burger and a canned drink. “The Coke’s on me. For your pain and suffering.” He winked at her before turning away to take the next customer’s order.
The truck pulled onto the driveway, the long trailer behind it making a metallic rattle against the sections of dock it was carrying. Anna got up from her chair on the beach and threw on a shirt over her bikini top, not bothering to button it up. Old shorts and cover up seemed appropriate enough to meet with the dock installers. She was halfway back to the house when two men got out of the truck.
“I don’t know. Go ring the doorbell.”
The voice that got out of the passenger side was familiar, but he was turned away from Anna. She jogged over, waving her hand. “No need. I’m here.”
“Red!” Sven turned and grinned. “We keep running into each other!”
“Hi Sven. And it’s Anna. Anna Arendelle.”
Sven tipped his hat. “Pleased to meet you, Anna…officially that is. How was the burger?”
“Best one I’ve had in years.”
Sven laughed. “I knew it!” He pointed across the truck. “I think you’ve met my business partner.”
Anna looked through the windows of the truck and recognized him immediately. He was standing there with his head down, clearly not happy. “Oh no.”
Sven bumped Anna’s shoulder. “Relax. If it makes you feel any better, he’s probably freaking out right now.”
Anna giggled as she looked through the window again and saw the man take a deep breath and go to walk around the truck.
“Anna, Kristoff,” Sven said as he introduced them.
“Ma’am,” Kristoff said.
There was a part of Anna that was pleased with how nervous he looked, but she decided to let him off the hook. “Just Anna please.”
Kristoff nodded. “Anna, could you show us where you want the dock?”
A few minutes later, Sven and Kristoff were rolling the sections of the dock down to the beach. Anna took her place back on the beach and picked up her notebook. Sven made small talk with Anna as she went through her plans for the house. Kristoff, on the other hand, kept his words short and only talked to Sven about what they were working on. Still, Anna found herself drawn to Kristoff, watching him from behind her sunglasses. He was easy to keep an eye on, watching him work in the water with just his swim trunks on, the muscles in his back flexing against the weight of the dock. A girl could get used to a view like that.
“Pay no attention to my rude friend,” Sven said as he leveled the two closest sections of the dock together. “He doesn’t like talking to anyone who isn’t a local.”
“I’m a local.”
Kristoff barked a sharp laugh. “For what, five minutes?”
“Ok. Then how long until I’m considered local.”
“Make it past Labor Day and we’ll talk.”
A little later Sven ran back to the marina to pick up extra posts, leaving Anna and Kristoff alone. Anna watched as Kristoff looked like he was mulling something over. After a few minutes he took a deep breath.
“I’d like to apologize for how I talked to you on Saturday. It was rude and unprofessional, and I shouldn’t have done it.”
“No you shouldn’t have.”
“The guy in front of you was trying to scam me for a free burger. Said the order was wrong. It wasn’t. What a crook.”
Anna laughed remembering the scowl on Kristoff’s face. “Apology accepted.”
“So, you aren’t just the Burger Barge’s master chef, I see,” Anna said as she watched Kristoff work.
“That’s just a weekend gig Sven and I came up with to make extra money when we were in college. It just took off and we haven’t stopped. I run the marina most of the time.”
“So that’s connected to Pabbies?”
Kristoff nodded. “Family business. It was my grandfather’s. My mom and dad took it over when I was kid and have been running it for years now. We bought the marina when I came on full time after school.”
“We used to go there all the time. It’s one of the good memories I have of my childhood. Spending time on the lake and going over to Pabbies to get a snack was the highlight of my summers. I was so sad when we stopped coming up to the lake.”
Kristoff was leaning against one of the posts now, watching Anna. “So, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean?”
“Its just you in this giant house by yourself? Seems like a waste.”
“My sister didn’t want to deal with it anymore. It's all part of her freeing herself from worldly possessions process she’s going through. I couldn’t bear the idea of selling it and I needed a fresh start, so I bought out her half from her.”
“So, you’re just here with no plans?”
“If you must know, I do have plans. I’m updating the house and turning it into a bed and breakfast. And I’m going to run it.”
“Great. For more rich tourists to find the lake.”
Anna shook her head. “No. I want it to be affordable. I want people to bring their families and get to enjoy the lake like I did as a child. I want them to have those memories. As many people as possible. There’s so much land on the property, I was thinking of eventually expanding if it goes well. Maybe even hosting weddings. This house was built to be filled with joy and laughter of many people. I feel it in my bones.”
Kristoff went back to anchoring one of the posts. “Sounds ambitious.” Anna was about to argue with him when he added. “But nice. We need more of that around here.”
Anna wasn’t exactly sure why she was nervous, but she was pacing up and down the landing outside of Pabbie’s waiting for Kristoff. They had struck up a bit of a working relationship, with Kristoff working on several smaller outdoor projects on the house as the main work inside was being done. She looked forward every day when he strolled onto the property after his work at the marina, often staying for dinner when she absolutely insisted. He seemed less and less resistant to stay every time she asked. Today was the most excited she’d been all summer. Her boat had arrived at the marina and Kristoff called her that morning saying it was ready for her to pick up. Now she was waiting for her to bring it around and take it out for a test run.
“Need a lift?”
Anna spun around only to see Kristoff pulling up along the landing with a big grin on his face. He put the boat in neutral and waved at her to come over to the edge. In one strong movement, Kristoff lifted her at the waist and into the boat. Anna let out a small squeak when he put her down, breathless at how effortless Kristoff made that look. He went slowly out of the marina area and past the no wake zone of the sand bar. As soon as they were past the buoy, he turned to Anna. “I’ll take it out then show you where everything is. Then it’s all yours.”
“Sounds great!”
“Where to?”
“Want me to open it up? This baby goes fast.”
“Yes! I love to go fast!”
Kristoff gave her another grin and let open the throttle.
They were out in the middle of the lake where Anna had stopped the boat. She was laying on the back of the boat without a care in the world. The water had been too tempting, and she couldn’t resist jumping in. Safely that is, Kristoff insisted on her wearing her life jacket out in the open water. Now she was laying on the towel, stretched out enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun. Anna felt Kristoff’s eyes on her, but she didn’t dare look over.
Kristoff leaned back on the seat, stretching his legs out. “We’ll get the boatlift put in tomorrow then I’ll bring the boat over.”
“Sounds like a plan. Hey, I need an opinion.”
“How many boats do you think I should have for next summer? I want the guests to be able to go out on the lake and enjoy it. I was thinking about one pontoon, but is that enough?”
“You want my honest opinion?”
“Duh. That’s why I asked you?”
Anna lifted her head and looked at Kristoff. “Wait, what? None?”
“You heard me. Boats are a lot of work and you already have one. What you need is kayaks and paddle boards, a couple canoes and maybe a raft for swimming. That’s all. Keep it non-motorized.”
“But don’t you think I should have something?”
“Not everyone will want to use them. Plus, the expense of keeping them up and the insurance is only going to force you to keep your rates higher.”
“Mmm, suppose you’re right…for once.”
“Watch it.”
Anna pondered her options for a few minutes before sitting up, stretching and wrapping the towel around her. “I’ll just have to recommend Torch Lake Marina as our exclusive source for rentals.”
“I think we may be able to work a deal out with…wait, have you come up with a name for the B&B yet?”
“Working on it.” Anna looked up at the afternoon sun, wishing the day could last longer. “I suppose we should head back. I’ve kept you out too long.”
“I didn’t mind. It was nice spending the time with you. Let’s just hope Sven Actually did some work while I was gone.”
Anna tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “It was nice today, wasn’t it?”
“Hey Anna?”
“I won’t be able to come out to the house for a few days.”
She sat down in one of the seats, feeling a sense of disappointment that she wouldn’t be seeing Kristoff, but also that he hadn’t asked her something different.
“Of course. Is everything alright?”
“Just gearing up for the 4th. It’s going to be hectic. Sven and I are going to be out on the boat at the sandbar all week. I wish we could both grow an extra set of arms its going to be so busy. But I’ll see you for the fireworks if you still want to go.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Oh wait! I just had the best idea!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Who thought this was a good idea?” Kristoff was tapping on the wheel of the pontoon waiting at the landing at Pabbie’s.
“This was all you, my friend,” Sven said with a laugh. “Relax. Anna will be fine, and we need all the help we can get this week.”
“She’s late. We should have left by now.”
“Five minutes isn’t going to change anything.”
“Have you seen the boats out there already?”
Sven rolled his eyes then pointed to the parking lot. “There she is.”
“What the hell is she carrying?”
“I’m here!” Anna yelled walking as fast as she could with the large cardboard box. As soon as she got to the boat, Sven grabbed the box and helped her step on. Kristoff was already in the process of untying the ropes and started moving before Anna sat down.
“Don’t mind him, Red,” Sven said. “He’ll calm down once we get anchored in a good spot. What did you bring?”
Anna smiled. “I’ll show you as soon as we get set up.”
She took the short time it took to ferry out to the sandbar to relax. Anna wasn’t sure what Kristoff’s reaction was going to be with the surprise, but she hoped he was open to it.
“Absolutely not.” Kristoff shook his head when Anna showed him the t-shirts that read ‘Burger Barge Torch Lake’ on them with a silhouette of the pontoon.
“Why?” Anna and Sven whined simultaneously.
“How are we going to sell those and the food? And I don’t have the money to pay you for those, Anna.”
“Relax. You have me to help and I promise I won’t sell a single shirt that gets in the way of the food orders.”
“No one’s going to want those.”
“Wanna bet? You take care of the burgers and I’ll stay out of your way and help sell these. You can pay me back out of the profits from the shirt sales. If they don’t sell, I’ll eat the cost.” Sven and Anna stood there holding their breaths. Finally, Kristoff relented, his face softening. “Ok, but the food is a priority.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
“Don’t start.”
The fire was soothing as Anna sat near it on the double swing. She was bone tired from working these last few days on the pontoon and staying up for the fireworks tonight. But it was a good tired. An ache from an honest day’s work and pure satisfaction. Kristoff came over and sat next to her. He handed her a stack of bills.
“What’s this?”
“Your cut from the week.”
“I don’t need-“
“You earned it. We made more than ever, even splitting it three ways. There’s also the money for the shirts.”
Anna gave Kristoff an impish grin. “I already placed another order. Told you we’d sell out.”
“You were right, and I was wrong.”
“Mmm say that again.”
Kristoff nudged Anna. “Seriously. Thank you for helping us.”
“Anytime.” She rested her head on Kristoff’s shoulder. “How do you do this all the time.”
“You get used to it. Its only for a few weeks in the summer then it quiets down.
“Still impressive.” Anna looked over at the property’s dock and noted the flags flying. “So, who’s the Michigan State fan?”
“Oh that? It’s where I went to school.”
Anna chuckled. “My dad would not be happy with you.”
“University of Michigan alum?”
“Worse, he was the president of the school.”
“The president? Let me guess. You and your sister followed suit.”
“My sister went full ivy league. I pushed back against every expectation and went to Ohio State.”
“Ohio State?! That’s treason. I’d tell you to fly that flag at your place, but it would be like putting a target on your back.”
“Guess I should fly the Michigan State flag then.”
“Nope. Not allowed unless you have someone that lives there.”
“Maybe one day,” Anna said through a yawn as her eyes closed.
The next thing she remembered were warm strong arms carrying her back to the truck to take her home.
“I can’t believe how much nicer it is on the sandbar today!” Anna looked around. There were people, but the masses were gone. There were places to move and not a drunken party every ten feet.
Kristoff was sitting on the back platform of Anna’s boat, legs hanging in the water. “Sven, tell Anna the rules of the sandbars for the locals. Since she isn’t one, she needs to know.”
Sven came over to the group and hopped up on the platform. “Rule 1!” He called out. “Never go to the sandbar on the weekend!” Everyone raised their drinks and cheered. “Rule 2. Stay away from the west side. Only tourists go there! Rule 3. Don’t act like an asshole! And Rule 4. The most important of them all. Don’t engage with the tourists!” Everyone cheered. “Here’s to making it through August everyone. One more week and the summer season is officially done.”
They all clinked their glasses together in solidarity.
The rest of the day was a blast. Anna spent her time talking to everyone, playing games and even making plans to meet up with a few of the girls the next week. It had taken all summer, but Anna felt that she was finally starting to feel at home. She found herself walking with Kristoff later. She also found herself being a little flirtier than usually, a little more playful than normal. Maybe it was her comfort level, maybe it was their seclusion away from the group. Whatever it was, Kristoff didn’t seem to mind.
“I bet I can.”
“No way.”
“Three tries.”
“Three. That’s it. Then you have to admit you can’t do it.’
“Deal,” Anna said in agreement. “Now hold your hands out like that. Remember if you take a step, then I win.”
“And what do you win?” The grin on Kristoff felt dangerous. Anna didn’t want him to stop.
“I’ll tell you after I win.”
She squared herself up to Kristoff, lined her hands up with his, pulled them back and then pushed as hard as she could, contacting his palms. Kristoff stumbled back, surprised at Anna’s force. But then he took another step back, losing his balance as he stumbled and fell into a deep spot on the sandbar.
Anna was doubled over in laughter when he came out of the water soaked and hair flattened down past his eyebrows. “You think that’s funny?” he said, brushing his hair back with his hands.
“N-no, no!” Anna said, trying to talk and laugh at the same time. “I got you. I totally got you!”
“I’ll show you something funny!”
Anna didn’t stand a chance. She screamed in laughter as Kristoff scooped her up and ran. “Kristoff, put me down!”
“Oh, you want down?”
Kristoff unceremoniously threw Anna off the edge of the sandbar. Anna screamed, hitting the water. She didn’t stay under long, a strong arm grabbing her, bringing her up. Kristoff was standing just where Anna couldn’t touch the bottom. He held her tight, his hands wrapped around her bare waist.
“You dirty rat. I won.”
“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?”
They didn’t move, locked close together. Anna’s breath hitched at the way Kristoff was looking at her with a want in his eyes. She gave into it too, closing her eyes, leaning in ever so.
“Kris! Anna! Where are you? Time to go! We’re heading out!”
Anna broke away from Kristoff, the moment lost. “We should head back,” she said, walking back to the boat without waiting for him.
“Oh hi, dear.” Bulda was restocking the shelves with shirts. “Anything you need?”
“I was actually looking for Kristoff. Is he over at the marina?”
“He took off early to do some work over at my house for me.”
“How’s he been?” Anna was following Bulda around as she went to clean up the counter near the bakery section.
“Fine. A little quiet. But nothing unusual. Why? Is there something I should be concerned with?”
“No. I just haven’t seen him since before Labor Day and I was wondering how he was.” Anna looked down, wringing her hands. “Bulda, can I ask you a question?”
“Anytime dear.”
“Have you ever tried to do something that you wanted to do, I mean really want to, but then miss your opportunity? And then make it worse because you doubt yourself and over analyze everything. Then make it weird and even more worse by avoiding it all together?”
Bulda stopped what she was working on to listen to Anna. “I don’t know about anything that specific, but I will say that holding something back never helps. Best to just get out what you need to do and move along. Otherwise, it festers.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Anna turned to look across the street at the home on the lake. “So next door?”
Bulda nodded. “In the backyard.”
She knew he saw her, pretending not to notice, then giving in and walking over to the swing.
Anna patted the seat. “Sit with me.”
He sat, dropping the weight of his body the last few inches with a weary sigh. Neither of them said anything at first as they slowly swayed back and forth.
“Anna, I'm sorry.”
“Kris, there’s nothing to be sorry about."
“But there is. I’m sorry if I read something wrong and made you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t.”
“Then why have you been ignoring me?”
Anna turned to face Kristoff. “The house is finished and the permits came this week. I think I can start having guests this fall. I just need to get the staff up and running and the marketing done.”
“That’s great. But I don’t understand what that has anything to do with what we’re talking about.”
“It does. The house. The project. It’s the first time I’ve ever been able to do something truly for myself. Where I can say this was my idea. This is what I want to do. Do you know how scary that can be?”
“I guess.” Kristoff was leaning forward, elbows on his thighs, clearly concerned with the conversation. When Anna placed her hand on his thigh, he looked up at her.
“There’s other things that I want too. But that’s just as frightening sometimes to trust my feelings.” Anna took Kristoff’s hand and led him to sit back up and face her. “I’m the one who’s sorry. For ignoring you and for ever doubting what I want. Because I know. I truly know there’s nothing more I want right now than you.”
Anna felt Kristoff's whole body go from rigid and defensive to relaxed. He grinned at her, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. “You know I have a rule,” he said resting his head against the back of the swing.
“Still won’t consider me a local. Ridiculous.”
“Well, you did make it past Labor Day, so I guess you are officially a local now.”
“Would you stop talking and kiss me?”
His hand cupped Anna’s cheek pulling her into a soft kiss. Anna closed her eyes, grinning through the kiss as she savored the moment, never wanting it to end. A cool breeze blew in from the lake. Kristoff wrapped Anna tighter in his arms as she shivered. It was a reminder of how quickly things could change and this time Anna welcomed it with arms wide open.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I finally have a name for the B&B.”
“What’s that?”
“The Toasted Marshmallow.”
Kristoff let out a hearty laugh.
“You like it?”
Kristoff leaned down lips brushing Annas. “I absolutely love it,” he said before kissing her again.
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justfrozenthings · 3 years
A Summer to Remember
Paring: Anna/Kristoff
Rating: T
Word: 5,335
Notes: My piece for the Volume 5 Summer Lovin’ Frozine. To find the complete zine visit the @frozines blog. Huge thank you to @punkpoemprose for putting together another wonderful zine!
Summary: Kristoff and Anna are ready to go on their annual summer vacation to the beach at Ahtohallan. Little does Anna know, Kristoff has a big surprise for her, well...more of a big question really.
 “Kris!” Anna Arendelle was currently packing for her and her boyfriend’s annual summer vacation to Ahtohallan. It had become an annual thing they have been doing for the past five years since they started dating. It was the first place they went on vacation as a couple and they had fallen so in love with the charming little town that they had decided to visit every year. And while each trip was a little different, it consisted of at least three things that had remained the same: spending as much time as possible at the beach, going to their favorite diner Reindeer Circle as their special dinner, and staying at the charming The Crocus beachside hotel. Little did Anna know, however, that Kristoff had a surprise that would make this trip more than a little bit different.
 “Which dress do you think I should wear to the diner?” Anna hollered from their bedroom.
 Kristoff stopped what he was doing and sauntered over to their bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed as he admired his girlfriend examining herself in the Rococo style mirror with the two dresses. One was the white sunflower shirtdress that he had gotten her for her twenty-third birthday, because at the time she had an obsession with the 50’s setting movie Grease. The other was a forest green sundress that had lace trimming, he has actually seen her wear this one before, when they went out to eat for his birthday, and he remembered how it hugged her in all the right places and showed off her scattering of freckles.
 “I don’t know. You decide. I’m not the one who will be wearing it,” Kristoff said.
 Anna pursed her lips. “I know, but I just want to look beautiful enough for you,” she pouted.
 A soft smile graced Kristoff’s lips and he walked over to where Anna stood, enveloping her in a loving embrace. He leaned his forehead head against hers causing a small hum to escape her delicate lips.
 “Anna, you always look beautiful. Whether you're wearing clothes or not.”
  Kristoff pushed back her bangs so that he could get a better look at her bluebell eyes, not unaware of the blush that began to tint her cheeks.
 Seeing this as a challenge he leaned down and whispered, “Especially when you’re not.”
 Anna’s blush went from a soft pink to a beat red. Successful with what he wanted to accomplish, Kristoff grinned with pride.
 “Kristoff!” Anna whined. “I’m being serious.”
 “So am I.”
 Anna let out a small huff before standing on her toes so she could entwine her hands behind his neck to give him a small peck on the lips.
 “You know, sometimes you can be very frustrating.”
 “But that’s why you love me.”
 “That, and so many other reasons,” Anna smiled.
 “Oh yeah?” he chuckled, bumping her nose with his. “And what would those be?”
 “Hmm?” Anna tapped her lips with her finger, which should still not be doing things to him.
 She put her arms behind her back and gave him a cheeky little grin.
 “Not telling.”
 “You little minx.”
 Anna picked up the dresses she had dropped on the floor during their embrace and held the sunflower one out in front of her.
 “You know,” she said, “I think I’ll wear this one. Besides, you gave this to me so that makes it special.”
 It was Kristoff’s turn to blush now. She giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek leaving him standing there dumbfounded as she went to put up the other dress.
 Later that night, after dinner they snuggled up on the couch watching reruns of The Office. Kristoff ran his fingers through Anna’s fiery hair, and eventually, she nodded off to sleep. He soon joined her in slumber, allowing his mind to drift to a very important tiny box he had hidden in the top shelf of his dresser.
 Kristoff had woken up from where he fell asleep on the couch last night, careful not to disrupt Anna as he got up to go make breakfast. He knew she liked to sleep in late and the last thing he needed was upsetting the snoring redhead. While Anna was the kindest person she had ever met, she was also scary as hell. Plus, they wouldn’t be leaving for Ahtohallan till a little after noon anyway, so they weren’t in any kind of rush.
 He raised his arms above his head and stretched, his shirt rising up a bit to reveal some of his toned stomach.
 Turning on the stove, he cracked a few eggs into the frying pan. He made them scrambled, just how Anna liked them. He added an assortment of other things as well like chives and cheese. Early on in their relationship, he had learned that Anna would eat just about anything as long as it had either two things: cheese or chocolate.
 The scent of the delicious concoction of eggs, bacon, and biscuits Kristoff whipped up swirled in the air causing Anna to stir in her sleep. She had tried with all her might to not give in to the delectable aroma, but eventually the mouse had fallen for the trap. Her button nose stuck up to get a better whiff. She looked like a little woodland creature in search of food.
 She followed the scent all the way into the kitchen to where Kristoff had begun serving everything on their plates.
 “You’re up early?” Kristoff teased, knowing very well that this was a rare occurrence.
 Anna gave him a small swat on the shoulder. “Oh shush you.” She opened the fridge door to grab the jelly for their biscuits, strawberry for her and grape for him, and set them on the little round table right outside the kitchen.
 “Your breakfast m’lady,” Kristoff said, putting on the best posh accent he could muster and giving a small bowl as he placed the dish in front of her.
 “Why thank you kind sir,” Anna replied back with a fancy accent of her own.
 “So,” Kristoff said, getting Anna to meet her eyes with his. “Are you excited for our trip?���
 Anna nodded before shoving a forkful of eggs into her mouth.
 “I’m always excited, because it means I get to spend a whole day with you.”
 “You see me every day,” Kristoff chuckled, feeling light and happy in his chest. It was a feeling that only Anna was able to give him.
 “True, but with work keeping us on our feet and having completely different schedules from one another, we hardly ever get to spend quality time together.”
 Anna spread some strawberry jam on her biscuit. Some dripped down the side of her finger and when she licked it, Kristoff could do nothing but stare. It seemed as if with every move she took, made him lose his breath every time.
 He must have been staring for quite a while too because suddenly Anna was in his lap with her arms wound around his neck, snapping him out of his reverie. He glanced over to where she was previously sitting across from him and saw that her plate was empty.
 She put both her small hands on the side of his face and turned his head so that he was looking at her once again. And when she smashed her lips all he could taste was strawberry jam and Anna, and he would be perfectly fine if time froze in that moment and they stayed that way forever.
 “You know strawberry jam may be delicious, but kissing you is always so much sweeter,” Anna sighed.
 “You flatter me too much,” Kristoff grinned.
 Anna returned the smile before giving him a peck on the lips and leaving to go finish packing any last-minute things.
 Kristoff laughed to himself, wondering how he, who came from nothing, had been blessed with Anna, who came from everything.
 Anna was the heiress of her father’s manufacturing company, Arendelle Incorporated. Her family had also founded the town they lived in so saying she was popular was a little bit of an understatement. While  he was adopted into a family that couldn’t offer much except their love.
 Whenever they were out in public people would always whisper. Many believed they didn’t belong together due to their different backgrounds, that Anna was too good for him. But despite all the harsh words and criticism they have received, Anna refused to believe any of it. She said that it doesn’t matter that they come from two different worlds, because she loved him, and love is the strongest thing there is.
 With a smile, Kristoff got up from his seat and went into the kitchen to wash his dishes.
 “Krissss,” Anna groaned, “Are we there yet?”
 “We just left the apartment feisty,” he said laughing at his girlfriend’s impatience.
 It was a six-and-a-half-hour drive to Ahotohallan, and every single time, no matter how many times they did it, Anna never forgot to show her displeasure for the small road trip. It was rather adorable if Kristoff was being honest.
 “But I’m so bored.”
 “Turn on the radio.” He grabbed her hand and kissed it before rubbing little circles on it with his thumb. “Besides,…I like it when you sing.”
 With a blush, Anna pressed the radio button, flipping through the stations until she settled on one she liked.
 A few minutes later she had become lost in the music, singing and doing little dances in her seat as if there was nobody watching. Kristoff loved this view of her. He loved seeing her in her natural element, because it was so Anna and there was nothing better in the world than that. Her voice sounded like birds singing their morning songs when the first light of day appeared over the horizon. She had rolled her window down and her hair looked like a wildfire the way the wind blew through it, making it go in different directions. And Kristoff hoped that he would get to see her like this for the rest of eternity. If Anna accepted the question he had prepared, then that dream would become a reality.
 About halfway they had stopped at a burger place to grab some lunch then headed to the nearest gas station to fill up the tank. Anna, of course, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go inside and grab a few chocolate bars for the road. Kristoff would never understand how someone so small could consume so much of the sweet treat. He was convinced that it wasn’t blood but chocolate sauce that flowed through her veins.
 He laughed when she came out holding twelve chocolate bars, saying that there were too many to choose from and that she didn’t want the other chocolate bars to feel bad for not choosing them so the only logical thing to do was to buy one of each. She also said that she would space them out during their trip, but he just shook his head and smiled knowing fully well that all twelve candy bars would not make it by the time they arrived at the hotel.
 Unfortunately, it took a little longer than usual to arrive at the hotel due to some heavy traffic. Neither of them minded though, because it just meant Anna had more time to sing at the top of her lungs and having little conversations that usually ended with them saying how much they loved one another.
 Anna hopped out of the car, “Finally! We’re here!” She hopped up and down on the tips of her toes and clapped her hands together. She looked like a little kid who was about to receive their ice cream cone. “Now we can finally relax and get our vacation started!” She squealed with excitement.
 “Don’t get too worked up just yet feistypants. I still have to check-in,” Kristoff chuckled as he made his way over to her with their bags.
     The Crocus may not have been five stars, but it was affordable and convenient because it was right on the beach. Kristoff and Anna had never been ones for fancy things anyway.
 Anna sat in the lobby admiring the coziness of it all while she waited for Kristoff to return with their room keys. Though she had been here many a time, the homey little hotel never failed to take her breath away.
 Speaking of things that took her breath away, Anna was getting a rather pleasant view of Kristoff’s butt from where he stood at the front desk. Those jeans were definitely doing his ass a lot of favors.
 The scene had put Anna in such a deep trance that she didn’t even notice that Kristoff had left and made his way over to her.
 “Room 209.”
 Anna shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. “Hm?”
 “Our room,” Kristoff said. “It’s 209.”
 “Oh! Um.Our room.209. Got it!” Anna stuttered hoping that he didn’t catch her ogling his butt a few minutes ago.
 “Are you okay?” Kristoff raised an eyebrow.
 Blood rushed up to her cheeks. “Never better!” She got up and grabbed the handle of her suitcase, staring there awkwardly as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and bit her lip. “Let’s head up shall we.”
 She rushed past Kristoff leaving him standing there dumbfounded as to what had just happened before he followed her towards the elevator.
 Anna threw herself on the bed sighing with contentment. “Finally!,” she exclaimed. “We can relax and begin our vacation.”
 Kristoff joined his girlfriend on the bed grinning at the image of her snuggled up into the pillow with her eyes peering at him. She looked like a kitten curled up in a blanket.
 Kristoff pressed her frame against his, his large arms swallowing her in a tight hug. “Just a whole week of just you, me, and spending quality time at one of our favorite places together.”
 Anna hummed in agreement. He kissed the top of her head and relished in her soft honeysuckle-scented hair.
 They stayed curled up with one another for hours it seemed, one never wanting to let the other go. The peacefulness of the moment, eventually bringing both to a deep slumber.
 It was around 5:00 when Kristoff woke up. He figured he would let Anna sleep in a little more before then went and grabbed some dinner.
 Carefully unwinding himself from Anna he silently walked over to his suitcase. Unzipping the front pocket he took out the tiny box containing the ring. It glimmered back at him and he looked over his shoulder to make sure Anna hadn’t woken up; if she had seen him the jig would be up.
 He ever so quietly put the box back in the small corner of his front bag pocket. He had decided to wake Anna up at 6:00, and for the time being he made himself a cup of tea and got out the chapter book he had currently been reading.
 When 6:00 rolled around Kristoff had woken Anna up just as he had planned. Anna quickly fixed her lion's mane that she always got after a good rest and looked up restaurants nearby on her phone to find a place to eat. Settling on an Italian place they headed out the door and down to the lobby.
 For dinner they shared a plain cheese pizza, Anna never cared much for toppings. They laughed over stories about moments shared together in their past, with dreams of creating more in the future. And every time Anna’s soft lips wrapped around the straw to take a sip of her Coke she would lick the droplets off her lips causing a pulse to surge through Kristoff’s body. The simple things that woman could do to him was uncanny.
 When the check came they had both blushed when the waitress deemed them “The Cutest Couple Ever.”
 Now, after a quick stroll through the park, they found themselves back in their bed tangled up in their sheets as they held one another.
 Anna absentmindedly twirled the hair on his chest with her index finger, breathing in his woodsy aroma and listening to the beating of his heart. She placed a soft kiss there, “I love it when we get to share moments like this,” she sighed. “Moments where we can let all our worries run free and sunker down into each other's embrace.”
 “Yeah. Me too.” Kristoff stroked his fingers through her unruly hair.
 “I was always alone when I was little, so I thought I’d never get to have anything like this. I never thought I’d feel as loved as I do now. But then you happened Kristoff Bjorgman. You crashed into my life and changed it for the better.” She propped herself up on her elbows and stared down at him. “I love you, and I will always love you forever and always.”
 Kristoff pushed a strand of hair behind her ears, tears welling in his from the sweet words that had just left Anna’s mouth. “I love you too. To the ends of the earth and back.”
 Wrapped up in each other’s love, all that could be heard that night were Anna’s soft snores and the heartbeats of two people who were madly in love.
 Anna woke up, her head still resting on Kristoff’s chest. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stared at Kristoff’s sleeping form. He looked like an angel. A very tall blonde muscular angel.
 She stroked his hair and he looked up at her drowsily, cracking a lopsided grin.
 “Hey beautiful,” he said, bringing her fingers up to his lips for a kiss.
 “Hey yourself.” She smiled back at him and he was lost again.
 “So?,” he pulled her tighter to his chest. “What would you like to do today?”
 Anna tapped her pursed lips. “Hmm…how about we go to the beach? We had a long day of traveling yesterday so I would just kind of like to have a chill day. Know what I mean?”
 He pressed a line of kisses from her cheekbone down to the base of her neck and stayed there for a while. “Sounds perfect.”
 Anna went to her suitcase to pull out her swimsuit while Kristoff got ready in the bathroom (which didn’t take long at all). Kristoff, unlike Anna, was never really one who cared much about his looks. Of course he made sure he kept up with his hygiene, but for everyday wear, he usually rocked some sort of simple T-shirt and let his hair go wild and free. Oftentimes, people would give him nasty for how unkempt and long his hair was, but Anna liked it that way and to him, that was all that mattered.
 When he stepped out of the bathroom his girlfriend looked at him with hungry eyes and he almost had half a mind to strip them both down of any article of clothing and go back to being wrapped up in the sheets. It also didn’t help that Anna gave him a seductive wink when she passed him to go into the bathroom.
 It was Anna’s turn to walk out of the bathroom and Kristoff had given her the same look she gave him just a few moments ago.
 She wore a black 50’s style one-piece bathing suit with white polka dots. Her hair was put up in a messy bun, the little whispys that had escaped it framing her angelic face with perfection.
 His eyes were wild with lust as he looked at the goddess that was his girlfriend.
 Anna must have known that the sight of her was making him swoon too because she rubbed her pale star scattered freckled thighs together as she bit her lip peering up at him with shy yet mischievous eyes.
 “What do you think?”
 He lost all control over his body as he sauntered towards smashing his lips against hers.
 “I think,” he whispered into her and her butt a little squeeze, “that I must have the sexiest girlfriend on the planet.”
 “Kristoff!” She swatted his chest. “You can’t say things like that.” A blush rose to her cheeks which only made him more confident to tease her a bit more.
 “In fact, you're so sexy that I think we should skip going to the beach and hop right back in bed.” He nibbled behind her ear.
 “Besides,” he smirked, “I don’t want other guys drooling all over you.”
 “Ah, ah, ah,” Anna tsked, wagging her finger. “We only get to come here once a year, mister. We’re going to the beach.”
 “Fine,” he groaned. “But, don’t get mad at me if I have to fight someone for flirting with you.”
 Anna threw her head back and laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. I highly doubt anybody is going to hit on me.You? Yes. People will for sure be wanting a piece of you. But me? No way in hell.”
 “You know I really wish you wouldn’t talk that way. You make it sound as if you're not attractive.”
 “That’s because I’m not.”
 She started to turn the door handle before Kristoff shoved her up against the wood and pressed his mouth over hers in a firm kiss.
 “Don’t,” Kristoff breathed across her lips, “you dare say that. You are the most beautiful being on the planet and I pity anyone who doesn’t agree with me.”
 Tears gleamed in Anna’s, making her blue orbs sparkle like the ocean right outside of their hotel. Words got caught in her throat and the only thing she could do was reply back with a kiss.
 Anna couldn’t believe it, but Kristoff had been right. They were lounging in their beach chairs when Anna decided to go grab them drinks from the bar. After placing her order and taking a seat at the countertop while she waited for them, a tall skinny man with eyes of emerald green and dark auburn hair with sideburns took a seat right next to her. He pulled his stool closer, and when Anna had tried moving away he would scoot right next to her again.
 Anna stood up to move down to another stool, but as she started to walk away a slender hand gently gripped her tiny wrist.
 Anna’s heart dropped as she slowly turned her head to look at the stranger with frightened eyes.
 “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable miss. It’s just that, when I see a woman as beautiful as you I can’t help but wanna introduce myself.”
 “That’s very flattering of you to say-I think-but I do have a boyfriend.” Anna made sure to elaborate on the word “boyfriend” to make it clear that she was unavailable and that hopefully the guy would leave her alone.
 “Well, that’s too bad.” He gave her a sweet sinister smile and fear washed over her.
 He still held her wrist and when she tried to break free he pulled her to him.
 “However,” he paused to kiss her hand. “I’m sure he won’t mind if I borrow you for a little while.”
 Anna looked over his shoulder with frantic eyes, hoping to find a bartender or some other beach guest who would notice her discomfort. Kristoff was on the other side of the bar and out of sight from her so she couldn’t rely on him either, though if he were to have seen the situation Anna had no doubt he would be here in a heartbeat.
 She would have to deal with the problem on her own.
 “Actually,” Anna furrowed her brow trying to put on the sternest look possible. “I don’t think he would. And quite frankly I wouldn’t appreciate it very much either. Now I already told you I am not interested so please respect my wishes and leave me alone,” she huffed.
 She pushed him away before he grabbed hold of her waist and pressed her body against his once more.
 “Come on darling, don't be that way. I promise to show you a good time.”
 Anna tried to wriggle from his grasp, but he was surprisingly strong for such a scrawny man.
 “No!,” she screamed, finally turning the heads of those around them. “Let me go! Leave me alone!”
 She twisted and turned but to no avail could she break free; that was until a fist had collided with her aggressor’s face.
 Screams and gasps spread throughout the beach like a tidal wave.
 Looking up to see her hero’s face, she cried a breath of relief to find Kristoff standing over the man’s limp body, seething with anger.
 Kristoff grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pressed him up against the countertop. “If I ever catch you near my girlfriend again you can be sure I’ll do more than just punch you.”
 Kristoff threw him back onto the ground standing tall and brooding, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched him skimper away like a scared dog.
 He turned to Anna, his face softening as he brought her into a warm hug.
 She rested her head against his shoulder, her small frame small trembling against his large one. He placed a kiss there as he gently caressed her hair.
 He pulled back to look at her, “You okay?”
 “I am now, thanks to you.” She smiled softly at him and he kissed her forehead.
 “Were you scared?”
 “Only a little, but I’m glad you came to my rescue.”
 He gave her one of his iconic sappy grins and it made her heart flutter.
 “Always.” He rested his cheek against the top of her head. “Even though I know you could have totally kicked his ass.”
 “Damn right I could have.”
 Kristoff gave a whole-hearted laugh and Anna joined in, her giggles creating a symphony with his chuckles.
 The rest of the day was spent splashing each other in the salty waters of the ocean, buried each other in the sand, held a sandcastle contest-which Anna had won- and ended with them holding each other close as they watched the sunset beneath the horizon.
 When they arrived back at the room they hopped in the shower helping one another wash the salt out of their hair.
 Once more they were now tangled in the sheets of their love, drifting off to sleep with the sound of the other’s heartbeat.
 For the next few days, Anna and Kristoff spent their time going on hikes, shopping at their favorite local stores, visiting the town’s attractions, and so on.
 Now, on their last night here, Kristoff sat at the foot of their bed dressed in the best casual clothes he had, fumbling with the small box he held in his hands. Anna was still in the bathroom “making herself pretty,” as she called it even though he told her that she was beautiful just the way she was.
 Taking one last deep breath he put the ring in the little gift bag he bought to carry it in. Since he wasn’t wearing a suit he didn’t have a pocket to hide it in except for his jeans, but Anna would for sure be able to make out the outline of the box if he did that.
 “Whatcha got there?”
 Kristoff jumped at the sound of Anna’s voice behind him. He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard her come out of the bathroom and accidentally run into the dresser cursing, as she walked up to him.
 “Oh! Uh…it’s nothing!,” he stuttered.
 “Kristoff I love you I really do, but please don’t take this the wrong way when I say you have never been a very good liar.”
 Caving into Anna’s persistence he picked the bag off the ground and showed it to her. He had wanted to keep it a secret, but knew his nosy girlfriend wouldn’t stop pestering him until she got what she wanted.
 “I got you a gift. You know just a little something to show how much I love you.” He gave her a dopey smile before adding, “But, it’s for after dinner. So no peeking.”
 “Aww, Kristoff! That’s very sweet of you, but you don’t need to get me a gift to prove that you love me. I know that by heart.”
 Her words made his heart flutter and he took her hand rubbing small circles over before kidding each one of her fingers.
 “You ready?,” she said, breaking the silence.
 “Ready as I’ll ever be,” he said more to himself than to her.
 Together they walked the quiet streets that guided them to their destination and before long they had arrived at a familiar little diner with a big retro light-up sign that said Reindeer Circle.
 They preferred their usuals, for Anna a large chocolate shake with extra whip cream and a plate of chicken fingers with curly fries, and for Kristoff a hamburger with regular fries-though he knew Anna would probably eat some of them-and a glass of water.
 They chatted and laughed as they enjoyed their meals, the time encroaching ever so closer for Kristoff to pop his big question.  And as the waitress had taken their dishes away, he decided that it was now or never.
 She had turned her attention away from the window and back to him. “Hm?,” she sighed dreamily, gently squeezing their clasped hands in the middle of the table.
 “I think it may be time for me to give you your present.”
 Interest piqued in her eyes and she lifted her head from where it rested in the palm of her hand.
 “Oh? Really?!” She clapped her hands together, unable to contain her excitement.
 “Um? Yeah…just let me,” he cleared his throat, “let me prepare myself right quick.”
 “Prepare yourself? Kristoff what are you-”
 She was cut off mid-sentence at the sight of Kristoff, down on one knee holding open a box with a ring, in front of her.
 “Anna Arendelle you are the most extraordinary person I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Before you, I thought my destiny was to just live on my own for the rest of my life. But, you came crashing into it with your infectious love and proved me wrong. They say everyone has an angel, and you are mine. Will make me that happiest man on earth, and marry me?”
 Tears formed in Anna’s eyes and she threw herself into Kristoff’s arms, peppering kisses all over his face.
 “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”
 Applause spread through the diner and Kristoff spun Anna in the air, kissing her deeply as he slid the ring in her finger.
 Anna admired it. In the middle was a stone of amber on a gold band with intricate petal designs that had made it look like a sunflower. It was so perfect and knowing that it was Kristoff who picked it out caused her heart to overflow with overwhelming love and desire for him.
 After the excitement had settled, they had already begun discussing wedding plans.
 “I think we should have it here, in Ahotohallan. On the beach,” Anna said with a smile.
 “Unless…you know…you would rather have it somewhere else. I just thought it would be cute to have it at a place we both loved, and I always dreamed of having a beach wedding since I was a little girl. I always thought it was romantic. But, if you don’t think it’s a good idea I totally understand! You know what, forget I said anything it’s stupid.”
 “Hey! Hey! Anna!,” he cradled her face in his calloused palms and brushed a thumb across her ivory freckled cheek. “I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”
 That night as Anna lay in the comfort of Kristoff’s arms, she stared at the ring glistening in the moonlight that shone through the window with visions of many more summer vacations to come.
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queersrus · 4 months
Winter theme
[winter theme]
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Avalanche, arctic, apricity, andri, aspen, alaska, artica, antartic, antarctic, antartica, antarctica blizzard, bylur cold, coldine, coldina, coldette, coldetta, coldelle, coldella, coldino, coldetto, coldellie, coldello, chill, chilli/chillie/chilly, coat, chan, cherith, cheimónas, claus, cypress demetria, diamond, december evergreen, eira, eirwen, edur, eryi frigid, freeze, freezine, freezina, freezino, freezelle, freezellie, freezella, freezette, freezetta, freezetto, frost, frosty/frostie, freezing, frozen, frozone, frozette, frozetta, frozetto, frozelle, frozellie, frozella, frozello, frozine, frozina, frozino, frosta, frostette, frostetta, frostetto, frostelle, frostellie, frostello, frostella, frostine, frostina, frostino, flake, flykra, fannar, February glaze, glacia, glacial, glacier, gwyneira hail, haukea, haunani, hiver ice, icey/icie, icicle, icestorm, icette, icelle, icetta, icella, icine, icina, iciclette, icicletta, icetto, icellie, icellie, icetto, icino, icicline, iciclino, iciclina, iciclelle, iciclella, iciclello, iceberg, inverno, invierno, iarnă, isolde janus, janara, january, juniper kis, kari lumi, lixue miyuki neve, nevis, nieves, nivia, noel/noelle, noella, nic/nick, nichol/nichole, nicholas/nicolas/nickolas/nikolas, north, norther, northern, november, nevada, neva quilo snow, snowelle, snowette, snowella, snowetta, snowy/snowie, snowflake, snowfall, snowstorm, snowine, snowline, snowina, snowlina, snowellie, snowello, snowlino, snowetto, snowino, sleet, squal, snowdrift snowfield, snowpack, snowcap, snowcone, snowslide, slush, snowbank, solstice, skadi talvi, tuhin, tushar vinter, viola, violet/violette, violetta/violeta winter/wynter, winterelle, winterella, winterello, winterellie, winterina, winterine, winterino, winterette, winteretta, winteretto, wintertide, wintry, wintery, wintertime, warrin, wren xue yuki, yukina, yukio, yule, yuletide zima/zyma, zane
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
wi/winte/winters/wine(wintine)/winterself sni/sne/snowy/snowine/snowself ni/nove/novy/novembrine/novemberself di/de/decemby/decemberine/decemberself yi/yule/yuly/yuline(yuletine)/yuleself ni/northe/northy/northine/northself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself gli/glace/glacy/glacine/glacialself fri/fre/freezy/frozine/frozenself(freezeself)
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
wo/winter/winters/winterself sno/snower/snowers/snowerself no/november/novembers/novemberself no/nor/northerns/nothernerself do/december/decembers/decemberself yo/yuler/yulers/yulerself io/icer/icers/icerself glo/glacier/glaciers/glacierself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
wi/winter, win/ter, winter/winters, winter/wonderland, winter/solstice sno/ow, sno/snows, snow/snows, snow/flake, snow/shoe, snow/pile, snow/fall, snow/snowy, snow/snowing no/november, no/vember, nov/ember, november/novembers, no/north, nor/th, north/norths, nor/north, north/northern, northern/light, north/ern, northern/northerns, north/pole de/cember, dec/ember, decem/ber, december/decembers, dec/december, dece/december yu/le, yu/yule, yule/yules, yule/yuletide i/ce, ice/ices, ice/icy, ice/iced, ice/icicle, ice/icle, icicle/icicles, ice/cube gla/cier, gla/cial, gla/glacier, gla/glacial, glac/ier, glac/ial, glacier/glaciers, glacial/glacials fro/zen, fro/frozen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, fre/freeze, free/freeze, fre/eze, free/ze, freeze/freezes, freeze/freezing, free/zing, freezing/freezings, fro/frost, fro/st, fro/ost, frost/frosts, frost/frosted
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the cold season, the living north, the snowflake, the fallen snow, the winter monarch/king/queen, the snow queen/king/monarch, the frozen golem, the frozen being of the snowplanes, the dweller of the snowbanks, the snowman, the icicle, the dweller of the frozen late
winter embodied, winter personified, winter incarnate
*one who lives benieth the frozen waters, one who burrows in snow, one who rules winter, one who adors the chilly season, one who celebrates yule, one who was born in the cold months
11 notes · View notes
Cruising beyond sunrise
This is my fanfic-contribution to the Frozen Fanzine Volume 5: Summer lovin - organised by @frozines! Hope you enjoy - happy frozine everyone ❤️
Pairing: Kristanna, modern AU setting
Rating: G
Summary: Anna and Kristoff set out for their individual summer jobs on a cruising ship along Norway´s coastline. Meeting "accidently" on the way to Hamburg´s harbour, the journey spins off "kristanna-slow burn-style..."
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Chapter 1 / 4 (find the complete fic on AO3)
Somewhere in Southern Germany
For Anna, the invitation for this summer job came right in time. All her family would not be there during those long following weeks. Her parents were abroad on business reason, and Elsa had decided to join the summer camp of the philharmonic orchestra. She was a fabulous harp player after all. But then, Anna felt lonely. After breaking up with that unfaithful brat of a boyfriend… It had already been so many weeks since the disastrous night, where she had walked right in the middle of things, with him being served in the most intimate ways by his secretary… Yack! Anna´s eyes still filled with tears of fury and disappointment when the scenery flashed back before her inner eye.
Her suitcase was finally packed, and all her music devices sorted and stored neatly within her luggage. Anna was ready to depart and embark on the summer trip of her life! If only she wouldn´t feel so lonely… Ah, well, soon she would be surrounded by lots of people and fun programs. She was ready to go!
Somewhere else in Southern Germany
Normally, Kristoff would not travel inland by plane. But the ticket was paid by the shipping company, and he was kind of short on time. So, he would accept the offer and was on his way to Munich airport. He had mastered his finals and until starting his new job, he could just as well earn some money with this summer occupation. It might be a good start off into his career. Still, being surrounded by numerous people all day long, that was not his vision of a quiet and peaceful summer. With a sigh, he stuffed the ticket in his travel bag.
His suitcase was packed, and all his literature supply sorted neatly within his luggage. Kristoff was ready to risk the wave of vacation feeling washing over him.
The flight from Munich to Hamburg would take approx. 1 hour. Already they were delayed due to rain and maintenances still going on. Kristoff tried to relax in his seat, but then this size of airplane was not built for big guys like him. He tried to stretch and stretch his legs into the aisle without hindering the still boarding passengers. He desperately hoped they would take off soon, so he could leave this cocoon like cage after their landing. So, he flicked through the plane magazine to distract himself, when he noticed a person stopping just by his side. The woman was about to store her bag just atop of his head. She was small, tiptoed to the upmost maximum and stretched to the extent that Kristoff thought she was about to do pull-ups while dangling at the storage box. Some sort of moaning and sighing noises came to his ears, but nobody seemed obliged to help the tiny lady.
“You need help up there?” he asked, peering up from his seat.
“Huh?” the young woman glanced down between her arms and smiled at him. “That´s very kind of you, thanks, but I manage.” She then somehow shrank back to her normal size and stood there, with a shy grin and pulled up shoulders.
“I´m sorry, but may I…?” She pointed to the window seat.
“Oh, yes, sorry.” Kristoff made some efforts to peel himself out of his seat. For some reason, he seemed stuck. This was ridiculous and he swore under his breath, in his mind strangling the architect of this seating construction.
“Oh, you know what? Don´t bother yourself. Just hang on.” And with that, before Kristoff realised what was happening, the young lady started to climb over his legs, holding on with one hand to the backrest of his seat and with the other to the seat in front of them. Within a jiffy she´d swung herself with ease into the seat next to him and wriggled herself into a cosy position. Of course, she was small and delicate of figure. She could move in here like a little fish in the water. For a short moment, Kristoff envied the small person next to him. But then, excuse me, how rude was her behaviour. He couldn´t help to clear his throat and then stare back at his magazine. What else was there to do?
“Oh no!” The girl exclaimed.
“You´re alright?” Kristoff asked vaguely, glancing over briefly.
“I left my mobile up in my bag, and I thought of listening to some music.” She gnawed on her lips and was about to get up.
“Would you mind? I´m so sorry. But you don´t need to bother yourself again. I can just as well…”
“No. No. That´s totally fine, really!” Kristoff pushed himself out of his seat as fast as he could before someone could climb over him again for the second time within two minutes…
“Oh thanks! That´s so kind!”
After the energetic neighbour had plumped herself back into her window seat, Kristoff turned his attention to his book that he had fished out of his bag before sitting back again.
After the plane had taken off, the flight continued in a peaceful manner, for the girl had plugged her earpads and was listening to music all the time. Only the snack break would stop her from napping with little snores or then happily humming along to the songs. According to the tunes that emerged from her lips, she had to be listening to ABBA.
It was hard concentrating that way, but after a while Kristoff got used to it and for some reason the humming didn´t bother him as much anymore.
And when the plane finally landed, he was off as fast as possible to escape that tiny place and the crowd of people that were all around him.
Anna stood at the docks in awe. She had never been on a ship like this one or seen anything like it from close up. Excitement filled her and the thought of being part of this adventure for the next two weeks. The change of tapestry would do her good, she was sure. Since that dreadful time of new year, Anna hadn´t been able to go anywhere or participate in any activity really. The shock of catching Hans, cheating on her in such a horrifying way, had kept her ensnared for weeks. Her family hadn´t been of much help. Of course, they´d been helpless as well. In their ways, leaving her alone, for a good reason, Anna understood them. Finally, she had found relief and regained her composure by repeatedly talking to her aunt Gerda, who had shown her so much appreciative value and heart-care!
“Hi there. Are you alright?”
The friendly voice next to her interrupted her thoughts. Anna turned to face a lovely woman with big almond shaped eyes and ebony skin. Her hair was an impressive bunch of black, neatly combed into a braid that fell all down over her chest.
“Oh, hi. I´m sorry. I´ve never been on a ship like this and had to take a long look first.”
“Yes. It´s quite impressive, isn´t it. By the way, I´m Honeymaren.”
“Oh, I´m Anna. Nice to meet you. Are you going to work here, too?”
“Yes, I´m the 1st hostess and here to help if you have any questions. So, what are you going to do aboard?”
“Me? Oh, I´m here as a fitness instructress.”
“Ah. That is fantastic. Welcome aboard Arendelle lights! Come on, I will show you around and sign you in, alright?”
Anna was so grateful to have met Honeymaren. First, she seemed so kind and then, Anna would have a safe contact in case of an emergency on her behalf. She was about to get a bit nervous, though. If only she would not mess this up and make a fairly good job here!
Her cabin was alongside the other staff lodges, and she loved it. It was cosy, furnished and the bullseye-window was so cute!
The passengers would check in only the next morning, and for tonight there would be some sort of welcome party for all the ship-staff. Anna was looking forward to this event immensely. She desperately hoped to find some nice people to hang out with for the next two weeks and not being left on her own.
“Good evening, Dr. Bjorgman. Welcome aboard Arendelle lights. I hope you´re satisfied with your cabin and all?”
“Yes. Thank you. All fine.”
“That´s great. Have you met the captain yet?”
“Yes, I have. Thank you.”
“Wonderful. Well anyway. Enjoy your stay aboard and if you need anything or have any requests, don´t hesitate to contact me. Alright?”
“Yes. Thank you. As a matter of fact, that might well be the case since this is my first cruising tour you know.”
“Ah. Don´t worry. You´re not alone there. Our fitness instructress is new to this , too. You two might just as well stick together then?” Honeymaren smiled and winked sheepishly.
Dr. Bjorgman didn´t get it but was wondering how long he was supposed to endure this event, when the hostess put a hand onto his arm and waved with the other.
“Oh. There she is. Just hang on a second, I´ll introduce you. Hey Anna! Over here!”
Kristoff followed Honeymaren´s gestures and spotted an auburn-haired girl, who waved back into their direction excitingly. The humming girl! She hurried towards them, stopping abruptly upon seeing him. Her eyes widened and she pressed her lips together, pulling up her shoulders while stepping up to them.
“Hi there!” Anna lifted a shy hand to greet them both, constantly looking back and forth between Honeymaren and the man standing next to her.
“Hi Anna. May I introduce? This is Dr. Bjorgman. Dr. Bjorgman, this is Anna, our fitness instructress. You two might have business to talk?” With that, Honeymaren left them to themselves, she was needed somewhere else.
“So, I hear this is your first cruising trip, too?” Kristoff asked awkwardly. Meeting the sportive lady again had not been on his mind to be honest.
“Yes, indeed. Goodness… Had I known.” Anna put a hand to her chest and shook her head, obviously embarrassed. “Seriously, I´m so sorry for bothering you on that flight and isn´t it funny, we sat right next to each other? But I was so nervous getting here. I mean excitingly nervous, not nervously nervous, you know?”
Her expression seemed truly apologetical, but friendly and enthusiastic.
No. He would know nothing about the feeling of being excitingly nervous.
“Yeah, sure. Don´t worry.”
They were standing, looking at the people mingling and grabbing drinks from the bar.
“Would you know what we are supposed to do now?” Anna asked uncertainly, gnawing on her lips.
She was nervous after all.He could tell.
“Frankly, I don´t know. For my part, I don´t like such functions. But I guess it´s part of the job.”
“Oh. I love meeting people. I´m just kind of unsure where to start.”
Why not getting her over to that bunch of people and then take a leave?
“We could grab a drink at the bar and join the party?” offered Kristoff with a sigh. Anna nodded feverishly and smiled at him, grateful for his suggestion.
So, when they got to the bar, the barkeeper greeted them with a friendly nod, offering them a “welcome drink”.
“Hellloooo!” A cheering voice sang into their ears from behind and Kristoff and Anna turned to look at a rather little fellow with light hair and big eyes. He grinned broadly and shook their hands enthusiastically.
“Hi! I´m Olaf and I love meeting you all!”
“Oh. How nice! And what are you doing here?” Anna beamed upon meeting someone so refreshing.
Olaf´s face lit up even more at Anna´s remark and he explained, “I´m responsible for the evening entertainment. And youare…?”
“Oh. I´m Anna. I´m the fitness instructress.”
“Aha. That´s lovely. And who is that funny looking grumpy head?” Olaf leaned towards Anna, conspiringly glancing in Kristoff´s direction.
“Oh. That´s… Dr. Bjorgman.” Anna shrugged, unsure of how to address the medical crew member respectfully. But Olaf wasn´t satisfied.
“Gosh, no. That´s too complicated. We are family here!” He waved a hand demandingly at Kristoff. The latter sensed his chances, repressed an amused chuckle, but smirked at the little one.
“It´s Kristoff.”
With that, he waved his goodbyes, wished them a nice evening, and left.
Maybe this wouldn´t be so bad after all. So far, they all seemed to be a friendly bunch of guys. And Anna was safely left in good hands with this Olaf.
This way, Kristoff felt less guilty… If you like to read on... find the complete fic on AO3
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frozines · 4 years
Winter Wonderland Frozine Sign Ups
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Sign ups for our fourth zine volume “Winter Wonderland” are now open!
Sign Ups: November 13th-23rd
Halfway Check-In: December 6th
Deadline: December 20th
Release Date: December 24th
Sign Ups Are Required
You can sign up by completing the google form linked here:  [SIGN UPS]
We are requiring sign ups for this zine as we’ve found this works best and also allows us to better prepare for the zine’s launch being in the midst of the Holiday season (being shortly after the end of Hanukkah and just a day before Christmas). If you do not know if you will be able to complete your piece in the timeline provided, please still sign up and request a half-way check in. You can drop out at any time.
More information is available under the cut, and in our information sheet [HERE]
What Kind of Submissions are Allowed?
All general (non-ship) content is allowed. Ships must be canon or near canon. This is due to feedback from previous zine contributors and from the readers of the zine. A short list of canon/ near canon allowed ships is below. Contact us on the blog @frozines​ on tumblr or our email [email protected] with any questions.
(Please contact us about other ships)
Submission Types
All forms of content are welcome to be submitted. Some examples include:
Art (digital, traditional, manips, photos, crafts, moodboards, etc.), Fic, Rec lists & playlists, Links to digital content such as fanvids & podfic, Poems, Etc.
Submission Content
Previously published & new content are both allowed.
NSFW work is allowed, but will be placed in its own section of the zine and will be labeled as such. 
Racist, sexist, other discriminatory, and intentionally inflammatory (anti) content is not allowed. This zine is for everyone, and included work should reflect this. 
Our theme for this zine is “Winter Wonderland”. This can be interpreted however you’d like but some suggestions include:
General winter pieces
Winter Solstice
New Year’s 
Mystery Moodboards Are Back!
When you sign up, you will be asked if you would like a “mystery moodboard” to be created for your piece. If you say yes, this moodboard will include images that relate to your piece and a short tagline as well as your username. The point of this moodboard is to encourage people to get excited about the zine and your piece in it. After the zine launches, the post will be updated to include the title and a link to your piece.
Deadline & Extensions
By the deadline, December 20th, you must have submitted your piece by midnight EST. You may request an extension of 24 hours, but you must request this before midnight EST on December 20th such that we can post the completed zine by December 24th.
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White Night
This is my piece in the @frozines “Summer Lovin” zine...  Rated T, 1258 words. 
It was a warm summer evening, barely cooling down. The sun finally set over the harbor, the last glimmers of red sparkling over the bit of ocean visible from the castle. Even though most of the fjord had been in shadows for hours, the sky was still glowing with a purplish white that would last until dawn. 
As she looked around, Anna could hardly believe this was real.  She wasn’t used to so many people being in the castle to begin with, but this many people here this late at night, when normally Gerda might be bustling her off to bed, this was hard to believe.  
Hans had reappeared, and almost literally whisked her off her feet for a dance, before they snuck off and found quiet places to talk.  After a few of the more acceptable places--the garden, the balcony right outside the ballroom--she began to show him more of the castle, all the secret spots she had learned over the years.  Was this improper?  The guards gave some suspicious glances, but what did she care about that? This was her night.  Their night.
Then, she took him over to the look-out tower.
“It’s not really dark yet,” Hans commented as they looked out over the water, the steep, dark walls of the fjord only visible in silhouette.
“Oh, no, of course it never really gets dark in the summer,” Anna stated as a matter of fact.  She’d never really been anywhere else, so it hadn’t occurred to her that this would seem at all unusual to anyone.  
“I suppose you get used to that, don’t you?” he asked, looking at her with a bit of a smile. “Just like the mountains everywhere.  We don’t really have any mountains, except in some of our colonies.  Some of my brothers have been there, but I haven’t.”
Anna tried to imagine not having mountains around. Even when she couldn’t go out freely all those years, this was what she knew. The mountains might have been outside the walls, but there were still the rocks in the garden, and the trees were the same trees that she saw in the distance.  
After a moment, she took him out of the castle, across the bridge, and into town.  As they got to the bottom of the clock tower, she saw that the door to the stairs was open. She’d never been here before, at least, not since she could remember.  They ran up to the top.
“Look! I’ve never seen that constellation this early in the evening before!” Anna exclaimed as she grabbed Hans’s hand without thinking, stepping outside at the top.  Here in the center of town, they were at just enough of a distance from the castle that the mountain that usually blocked that constellation on summer evenings wasn’t blocking it anymore.
“Really?”  Hans replied. “Which one is that? I never spent as much time as I should on astronomy, I have to admit.”
“That one is…” How was she forgetting the name?  She had stayed up late so many nights, with nothing better to do, and the library had several books on astronomy; she had memorized all the constellations she could spot this far north.  Right now, the only name her mind could remember was Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.  Nothing else mattered, did it?  
She looked over at him as he smiled at her.  
“Have you seen the harbor?  Oh, of course you have, but, oh! I know!” She laughed and ran back inside and down the stairs, realizing she hadn’t told him where she was going, and hoping he would follow.
She lost track of how many places they had been in such a short time that evening, though it felt like forever. They sat on the roof top that she had often climbed onto by herself when nobody was looking, just staring at the stars some more. 
“Is that a shooting star?” Hans asked, pointing up.
“Yes!” she shouted. 
“Make a wish,” he told her.  His face was very close to hers now.  She could almost-
 “Oh! I want to show you something else!”  She pulled at his hand and led him back down the stairs.  They ran toward the castle.  
“Here,” she whispered when they got there.  “This is a side entrance.”
“I thought you said you never left here,” he said with a smirk.  
“Well... “ She giggled nervously. “Not really, but I knew this door was here.”
 “I see.  You like to follow the rules, then?”
“I-” She swallowed. 
Hans smiled at her, stepping closer.  She put her hand up to stop him from coming too near, but somehow ended up just letting her hand rest on his chest.  What was she doing?
“So…” she hemmed, grabbing his hand again and pulling him inside the castle garden, “I bet you don’t have anything like this where you grew up!”
“A waterfall? I can’t say we do. We really don’t have much nature at our palace, not unless you count the horse stables,” he chuckled.  Then he looked at her with an odd smile, and she wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. 
Hans spoke again before Anna could question what was on his mind.  “How did I not notice that this morning?”
“You can’t really see it from town,” Anna told him.  “Do you want to get a closer look?”
“Of course!” he exclaimed. 
They ran along the side of the wall, finding their way to the path up the hillside, until they got to the bridge across the waterfall.  They walked along, Anna pointing out things she recognized from town, and parts of the fjord she was familiar with from a distance, since from a distance was the only view she’d had for so many years.
They stood on the rock outcrop in the middle of the waterfall.  It was beautiful, so romantic. 
“Can I ask you something crazy? Will you marry me?” Hans asked, getting down on one knee grasping her hand.
“Can I say something crazier? Yes!” Anna exclaimed, feeling a fluttering in her stomach, hardly able to believe this was really happening.  
They stood holding hands and staring at each other for a moment.
“So…” Anna said, not sure what she was supposed to say now that she had accepted.  
Hans stood up slowly, then stroked her cheek. She looked into his eyes, sparkling in the light reflecting off the water. She realized that they should go tell everyone, but that could wait for a few minutes, couldn’t it?  They walked a little ways back along the hillside, hidden from the view of the town, stopping in a secluded spot.  His lips met hers. Were they kissing? Yes, they were kissing.   She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but all of her girlhood fantasies crowded in her mind all at once. This was what she had been waiting for.  
She eventually had enough wherewithal to put her hands around his neck, and he pulled her in closer.
“We need to go tell everyone,” Anna said, adjusting her hair.
“Wait, what?” Hans stopped what he was doing, showing a flash of panic, then after a pause, “Oh, right, of course. We should get your sister’s blessing.”
Anna giggled nervously at the thought.  They’d had a bit of a disagreement earlier that evening, she and her sister, but that awkwardness was in the past.  Surely Elsa would be happy for her now. She pulled Hans along the shortest way back to the castle.  She was going to get married.
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t2boy2 · 4 years
Finally managed to update the Halloween story. One chapter to go. But first the light and love event. So the final might take a while again. But stay tuned ;-)
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