#fruit gen 1
paiislley · 1 year
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🍊Clementine 🍊
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stxr-bxy · 7 months
tony be like: i’m straight
also tony:
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like you are fooling no one 😭
(for anyone wondering yes this scene is canon and it actually happens)
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duckduckngoose · 4 months
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A sick tourist and villager at the harvest festival? How bad could it be?
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sunbaesims · 6 months
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jellyfrog · 1 year
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slowly turning her lily garden into dragon fruit
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monets-pixels · 2 years
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so anyways while i’m having a mental breakdown about how my sims decided to turn this save into a soap opera, youngest child is born! disappointingly a boy and no purple skin
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fruit-clans-clangen · 3 months
Moon 1, The Gathering
It’s finally the day of the gathering. Strawberrystar has successfully made it through her first moon of being leader. Strawberrystar leaped onto the Tallstone. “Every cat old enough to leave camp please gather here for a clan meeting!” His voice rang across the clearing. 
The clan slowly left their dens and got up to gather under the Tallrock to listen to Strawberrystar. “Today is the first gathering as Strawberryclan! We must make a good impression on the other clans so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. I would allow everyone to go to the gathering but someone has to stay behind to watch Cobrakit. I will not choose anybody because I don’t want it to seem like I’m punishing them so if someone would offer to stay behind that would be great.” He surveyed the clan. 
“I can stay behind.” Flightsky offered. 
“No, you’re the medicine cat. We might need you there.” Strawberrystar told him. 
“I’ll stay.” Fallowspirit offered next. Strawberrystar nodded. “Alright, that’s settled then. Let's go.” He leaped off the Tallrock and exited camp with his clanmates following him. 
He led his clan through their territory, crossing the thunderpath and the twoleg bridge across the river. They finally arrive at the Grassfields and climb down the cliff. Strawberrystar looks around and noticed they were the last clan to arrive. Strawberrystar hurried to the rest of the leaders. They all greeted each other and they prepared to jump onto the Tall Tree to start the gathering. 
“Wait, before we start,” Strawberrystar hurriedly said. All the leaders turned to him. “Later, could you guys ask your clans if they like the idea of marriage?” He then went on to explain what it was. All the leaders nodded and agreed to ask their clans and hold a vote. If most cats vote for marriages then it will commence. The leaders jumped onto the Tall Tree. Bananastar yowled to start the gathering. 
The cats from all four clans gathered around to listen to their leaders. Bananastar was the first to speak. “We have had a good first moon. This moon we welcomed Sandfur as a new warrior of Bananaclan!” The clans cheered for Sandfur. Once the cheering died down Bananastar spoke again. “On her assessment patrol Sandfur was able to drive a dog off the territory all by herself!” Bananastar stepped back to let the next leader speak as there were more cheers from the crowd. Strawberrystar spotted the pale ginger she-cat in the crowd of Bananaclan cats sitting tall, puffing her chest with pride. 
Strawberrystar was next to speak. His pelt prickled at all the cat's stares. “Strawberryclan’s first moon has been good too.” He reported in a shaky voice. He took a deep breath and made himself stand taller to look more like a leader. “We’ve only found one rogue on our territory but other than that the clan is settling in well.” He said more confidently. He stepped back and Blueberrystar stood up to speak next. 
“Blueberryclan is doing well as well.” Blueberrystar sighed. “We did lose an apprentice this moon. Shimmerpaw was taken by twolegs after being caught in a twoleg trap. He is a white cat with dark ginger spots. If you see him please lead him back to Blueberryclan.” She looked at each cat and turned back to the leaders. Bananastar put her tail on Blueberrystar’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” The long furred she-cats nodded to each other. 
Lemonstar stepped up next, head high with authority. “Lemonclan has had an excellent moon! A patrol chased off a dog and we’ve been settling in well.” 
Bananastar stepped back forward. “That concludes this part of the gathering, if you guys would like to mingle you can.” All the cats sat awkwardly as silence fell over the clearing. The clans stared at each other but no one moved. Lemonstar leaped down and called for his clan to leave after a few minutes. The rest of the leaders followed and the clans left the gathering.
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virtualtale · 7 months
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So, last night we got atacked by gremlins. You know how they get evil after midnight. 🌃
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Tried to fix things... didn't work.
So we went to hide with the neighbours to see if they have more fruitcake. 🍞
And we made a new friend. No, not the drink.
Also trivia data, seems Gael likes fancy drinks! His favorite drink is Ridgeport. 🍹
Another trivia data, his name was Gil, but then I noticed the name of the neighborhood was the same! Could have been funny, now I regret changing it so headcanon his first name is Gilberto. 🤣
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cepheustarot · 9 months
Message to yourself from the 2024
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: You from the future want to tell you that in general your year will be filled with positive emotions, you will feel very happy and joyful, in your life will be many pleasant memories and bright moments, and all the good memories will be connected to people close to you. This year you will really devote time to your loved ones, as I see you from the future wants to tell you that you have found yourself a good partner and are now happy! Or you’ve become close to someone and they’re an integral part of your life. For those who already have a relationship, your favorite person will make you a marriage proposal! You will also spend a lot of time with your family or loved ones, and that will strengthen your bond. Also next year you will meet new people. In addition, next year you will work hard, but these efforts will bear fruit, you will get a promotion at work, your business will grow and generate income, you will finish a great study and pass important exams. 2024 will be fruitful for you and filled with positive emotions! 
But you from the future want to warn you: you will most likely decide to change your field of activity, work or go into something new, which should be supposed to bring you money, but with this it is better to wait, because this activity will not meet your expectations and you will get which didn’t expect. In other words, it can be a waste of money, time, resources, and unwarranted investment, so be careful and think before you start something! 
The advice that wants to convey your version of the future: most likely at some point in your life you will feel like a squirrel in the wheel, work a lot or have a lot of meetings with people. This whole thing could wear you out. Here the advice is that you take your time and do everything at your usual pace, sometimes you also need to go with the flow, and not rush any events. 
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Pile 2: Your version of the future wants to tell you that within a year, you’re going to be faced with problems that will wear you out and you’re going to feel exhausted, both physically and emotionally. You may also be haunted by indecision for a year, lack the courage to commit to something that can bring about new changes in your life, perhaps you will fear the consequences of your decision and will therefore delay. But you will eventually gain courage, you will do as you wish, you will be firm in your convictions and principles, nothing can break you! 
Your version of the future also wants to give you a warning: you should always defend your opinion, your principles and your personal boundaries, you do not need to avoid conflicts (within reason of course) and left to chance., otherwise you risk being manipulated, bend to someone’s opinion, it can aggravate your morale and damage your self-esteem. 
Also your future version wants to give you advice: start thinking about your future, build your own plans. Perhaps this year you left to chance and have no idea what you want to do with your life or what to do next, so 2024 will be a year for you to discover, to know yourself and to be filled with thoughts about your future. Think about the consequences, it is clear that not can be ready for everything in life but competently evaluate your actions and think about what consequences can be. 
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Pile 3: Your version of the future wants to tell you not to worry, as the year will be quiet enough for you, without any major changes and difficult moments. As I see it, next year you will pay more attention to work, study or your self-development, you can secure the title of specialist, which will certainly bring you success and good income. In general, as I said, this year you will not have hard periods and in all spheres of life you will have everything stable and sustainable. 
Your version of the future wants to give you a warning: pay more attention to the people you work with or learn from, because they can frame you. It could be people you’ve known for a long time, so be careful! If this is not avoided, your reputation may change, you may be demoted or your academic performance will decline, and this will undermine your self-esteem. 
Advice from you from the future: always remember that you are stronger than you think! And if you encounter obstacles and problems that seem insurmountable, always remember that everything can be solved! You are able to influence your own future and you are always able to do as you would like, take the situation under your own control.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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simmeradventures · 29 days
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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carrioncreature · 2 years
it is my humble yet passionate belief that Deltarune takes place in 2009, here is my take on the lightners’ phones/devices
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[ID: Digital paintings of five devices, each with the screen off.
The first is a silver and blue Nokia flip phone. It has a number pad and arrow keys, and a selfie camera on the front. Handwritten next to it is text in bullet points that reads “Kris’ flip phone. Nokia 6290 from 2006. Passed down from Asriel. Only has the number pad so they don’t text much and when they do it’s short messages. Nokia Arabic ringtone. Contains a frightening amount of low quality images.”
The second is a black iPod nano. The top right corner is heavily cracked and covers half the screen and so is the area around the circular select wheel, yet the device is still intact. Text next to it reads “Susie’s iPod Nano. iPod Nano Gen. 1 from 2005. Cracked as hell, 2 GB memory full. Still kickin’. Will work for another decade until she leaves it in her pocket and it goes through the washing machine (which has happened once already).”
The third is a Samsung slide phone. The top is sliver and the screen covers most of the front of the device, with answer, hang up, and a center button on the bottom. A black QWERTY keyboard slides out from under it. Attached to the phone are three charms, a smiling star, a Christmas tree, and a candy cane. Text next to it reads “Noelle’s slide phone. Samsung M900 Moment from 2009. Keyboard so she texts a lot and uses creative emoticons. Lots of charms. Stickers on the back.”
The fourth is an iPod touch. It has a dark blue case and has visible fingerprints on the touchscreen. Text next to it reads “Berdly’s iPod Touch. iPod Touch Gen. 2 from 2008. Crusty grody case. Greasy fingerprints (feather-prints??). Sometimes he plays games on there like solitaire, sudoku, fruit ninja when it comes out in 2010. Mostly uses it for YouTube (where he watches The Guild).”
The fifth is a black BlackBerry phone with a black and bright pink checkered case. The phone has a screen on the top half and a QWERTY keyboard on the lower half. Answer and hang up buttons and a silver center button are in the middle. Text next to it reads “Catti’s BlackBerry. BlackBerry Curve 8330 from 2007. Texts a lot. Lots of music on there. Beloved device, will not be replaced until it dies many years later.” End ID.]
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autisticandroids · 2 months
belated fic rec list, part two: seasons four and five
so! this is for day 1 of @spnficrecfest (you will notice that that was yesterday two days ago. uh huh). and i am compensating by creating FIVE SEPARATE ERA-SPECIFIC LISTS. this one is for season four and five fics. i'm putting four and five together because i feel like the vibes are often similar for four and five fics. it constitutes its own distinct era, discrete from season six. mainly destiel, with some other pairings or gen as well.
other lists: endverse // season six // season nine // dabb era
my fave s4/5 fics, in increasing order of length
the mirror (orphaned fic), .5k
cas and jimmy at the end of things. casjimmy.
the fruit of knowledge by omegavers, 1k, noncon warning
cas rescues dean from hell. :3. destiel.
rebirth by anandroidinatutu, 1k, chose not to warn
dean comes back from hell. destiel with transfem dean.
super silence in the quiet by thequietwings, 1k
sastiel with unrequited destiel and samifer. immaculate season five vibes.
a watcher, a holy one, by vaguesurprise, 1k, chose not to warn
the song remains the same. annamary voyeurism, and then more. if this one tickles your fancy i would also recommend the ghost in the back of your head (orphaned fic).
goshen's remains by redeyedwrath, 2k
castiel creature of light and burning, and it wants. destiel.
the reality of the thing seen by smilla, 3k, violence warning
dean has strange dreams after my bloody valentine. gen.
bad education by haganenomorals, 3k, mcd and violence warning
cas and dean cope in the aftermath of a version of swan song where cas couldn't swwop in and fix things afterwards. wip but worth it; feels more like a oneshot that stands on its own.
close enough for rock n roll by amor remanet, 4k
a post-swan song destiel romp, featuring angels, reluctant domesticity, and mpreg.
all souls and angels by misslucyjane, 5k
destiel fic so old that the author didn't know about jimmy novak yet. cas learns about taking care of his body.
red motel reprised by vaguesurprise, 5k
samruby and dreams.
we who were living by anactoria, 5k, mcd warning
the aftermath of a season five apocalypse that did, actually, happen. destiel.
a hole in the world by bauble, 6k, chose not to warn
dean says yes. it's up to cas now. destiel.
brother mine by diaryofageekgirl, 8k
character exploration for uriel, feat. angel worldbuilding. gen.
the (mostly accidental) courtship of dean winchester by tuesday, 11k
broadly i tried to stick to less well known works for this list, but some things are classics for a reason. destiel. cas informs dean that they are 90% of the way to married. he has not previously mentioned this.
right of conquest by luchia, 14k
a very different vision for lucifer and the apocalypse, written before season five aired. destiel.
heart of glass by omphalos, 17k
destiel. an odd one. lots of dean-cas sniping. crowley is there. has a very of-its-time feel.
no birds or beasts does he eat (he only wants the tenderest meat) by mthrfkrgdhrwego, 18k, violence warning
a my bloody valentine remix. with crazy destiel gore sex.
an unclean man who went down to immerse himself: by 52ndstreet, 22k
cas and jimmy before the possession. what if it went way further than the pasta water. gen.
hesitation by apokteino, 24k, noncon warning
yeah yeah yeah it's apokteino everybody's read apokteino NO THEY HAVE NOT. everybody has read with understanding. hesitation is a WILDLY underappreciated element of the apokteino canon. season four destiel romance with some key misunderstandings.
oneiroi by rc_mclachlan, 54k
cas adventures in the realm of dreams. another fandom classic, but still deserving of a rec.
four rings and a one man apocalypse by funnywings, 57k, chose not to warn
dean uses the horsemen's rings to mess with cas' emotions. cas lets him. destiel.
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rosienthe · 2 months
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Gen 1 - Daisy (white, yellow)
"Gardening has always been your passion. Owning a large, healthy garden is all you’ve ever wanted in life, even if your nails constantly have soil under them and you have so many broken pots you’ve lost count. Your happy place is meditating in the shade of the fruit trees that you grew yourself from tiny saplings. You sit and wonder what your family will grow to do, and hope that they will flourish just as beautifully as your garden has. This is the start of your family legacy!"
Traits: cheerful, clumsy, loves the outdoors
Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration
Reach level 10 the gardener career
Max the gardening, fishing, and wellness skills
Live on a lot with the lot challenge ‘Simple living’
Grow a cowplant and keep it alive for as long as you live (if it dies, immediately plant a new one)
Grow 5 perfect plants
Marry a sim who also has the ‘loves outdoors’ trait
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sunbaesims · 5 months
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Just University things
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whinnyornot · 8 days
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PLEASE NOTE: I made these fan redesigns before SSO released or teased any of their magic Gen 3 Shires. This can be corroborated on my Instagram account. All of my old Whinfell redesigns together. This was the project that first got me into redesigning and conceptualizing SSO horse breeds. I think there are some elements I probably would have changed had I worked on these today, but I'm still very proud of how the finished concept turned out as a collaborative project between my clubmates and I.
Which one was your favorite?
Zala: Clouded Crimson moth to chestnut-based fleabitten grey Ouranos: Pompelon Marginata moth to smoky black roan Fayruz: Comostola Laesaria moth to silver bay Tanzi: Gold moth to palomino roan Enfys: Mother of Pearl moth to mushroom Corcráin: Purple-Bordered Gold moth to dunksin roan Azahar: Painted Lichen moth to flaxen black chestnut Individual posts of the Whinfell redesigns: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Original Lore Post: Here
Lore Transcript:
"Magic Horses on Jorvik are creatures of stories and folklore. As the tales are passed down over the ages, the legends of these horses have been kept alive…
The Whinfell are said to be spirits of growth and fertility. During the spring and times of harvest, these pollinating horses run through Jorvik, dropping iridescent scales from their fur that nurture and greatly enhance the growing power of any foliage they may land on.
This power also extends to the feathered fetlocks of the Whinfell which are a sight to behold, and Jorvegian folklore describes them as having the power to make crops flourish overnight. All it takes is for a Whinfell to gallop across a field of growing produce, and by the next day, the plants will have grown to fruition.
Some legends say these powerful creatures are commonly used as mounts for faeries who braid their manes into tiny stirrups and reins, and ride the Whinfell throughout the night, assisting them on their fruitful runs through the forests and fields. Should a human be so lucky to befriend a Whinfell, they must take great care not to undo the braids within its mane, lest they bring about the wrath of the fae.
While typically wary of humans, the Whinfell makes an excellent companion once their trust is gained. However, riders should steer clear of cities and brightly lit roads at night. The Whinfell are inexplicably drawn to artificial lights and can become so entranced in their glow, they may forget to watch where they are going!
Whether in their true magical colors or in disguise, they ride just like the Shires they resemble."
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keoni-chan · 10 months
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🌳 Gen 1 Founder - Juniper Bloom 🌳
Let's try this again 🙈 I'll be following my adapted TS2 rules for @a-sims-garden's Sims In Bloom Challenge, which you can find here.
The challenges for the first generation are also below the cut:
🌼 Generation 1: Daisy 🌼
Colors: White/Yellow
Gardening has always been your passion. Owning a large, healthy garden is all you’ve ever wanted in life, even if your nails constantly have soil under them and you have so many broken pots you’ve lost count. Your happy place is meditating in the shade of the fruit trees that you planted yourself. You sit and wonder what your family will grow to do, and hope that they will flourish just as beautifully as your garden has. This is the start of your family legacy
🏵 no career, but you’re allowed to sell your produce (either directly from the menu, or in a (home) business) 🏵 reach Gold Gardening Badge 🏵 get a Perfect Garden Score from the Garden Club 🏵 grow mouthwatering versions of all fruits and veggies 🏵 marry a Garden Club member Optional: become a plantsim and have a plant baby
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