fstfrwrd asked: "I missed you, Izzy."
❤ ▏  —  unprompted ! ;
he’s barely gotten through the front door of his apartment when he hears movement and immediately he’s on the defense. he drops his bags and raises his guard, emerald hues flickering around until he spots her coming around the corner.
       “--irey?” his mouth hangs open as he stares at her, his chest tightening and swelling all at once. it’s been months since he’d last seen her, and this latest trip around the world had made communication a bit hard. which is why he’s surprised to see her here, waiting for him.
of course she is, he told himself, she promised you she’d still wait.
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and then she says that and izuku can’t help the way his throat tightens or the way his eyes sting with tears. he’d missed her too--- a lot more than he can put into words. so instead of speaking, he steps over his bags to close the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her --- and is even happier when she wraps her arms tightly around him in return.
       ”i missed you too,” he breathes into her hair, fighting back a sob. “so much.”
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crossedsky · 5 years
  He’s hanging out on the library floor, Turtle placed under legs and attempting to go over the schematics for an earthquake proof bridge.  Gatorade is half empty by the time she enters.  “Hey.”  Will waves to her with a lopsided grin.  “I thought you had class right now?” 
@fstfrwrd gets a thing because reasons
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gcthamspoiler · 5 years
"I'm scared, Steph."
“Don’t be, everything will be a-okay.” Stephanie assured the other girl, skidding around a corner slightly out of breath as they attempted to avoid their pursuer. The blonde hadn’t planned on getting chased tonight, especially not with someone else along for the ride, but then again nothing about a hero’s life really ever was predictable. Instead she focused on attempting to be comforting, placing a hand assuredly on Irey’s shoulder. “Fastest girl alive, remember? Don’t worry, we’ll be fine, we just have to tire him out.”
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boriicflame-blog · 5 years
@fstfrwrd liked for a starter !
「🔥」 → izuku’s bent at the waist && panting, the ADRENALINE from missing a very important jump having already petered away. smoke hisses from between sharp canines, inhaled once && forced out through his nose.
「🔥」 → they’d been at it for only fifteen minutes, not including the TWO HOURS they used up the day before. his energy reserves, however, ran dry a bit earlier than he originally anticipated.
「🔥」 → which brings him to where he is now, out of breath, out of fuel, && almost out of SPIRIT.
「🔥」 → he looks up, green, slitted pupils dancing around irey’s face before settling on a freckle just below her cheekbone. he GRINS, flashing his teeth, feeling any anger give way to awe && admiration.
→ “ you’re really amazing, west! even without your quirk, you’re so fast && flexible... your reaction time - your quick thinking - is that another aspect of your quirk?
→ does it accelerate your thought process?
→ when your quirk is erased, does it erase the other parts too?
→ the healing speed,
→ your fast metabolism -
→ are you able to quickly build up muscle mass because of how you h - oh. sorry. “
「🔥」 → he might’ve gotten a little CARRIED AWAY.
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batisms · 5 years
ruffles his hair.
               *:・゚✧  /    ASK BOX STUFF    (  @fstfrwrd​  )
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           “no ruffling, please.”
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flowersmusegarden · 5 years
|| Ask me about Ships meme || Accepting ||
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[   - Miruhawks is probably my favorite ship that I’ve done, bust mostly because of the extensive time I’ve rp’d it with my friend on a discord server. I genuinely love the potential of their dynamic (and also, I really love the two characters separately as a while fdkdfd). Granted it’s probably based on how they’re mused together, but. It’s definitely a favorite ship of mine. - OjiKiri is another one I have (and again on a RP server dfkfdfd oops). It started off as a crack ship on another one of my RP blogs back in the day? and then it got real and I had feelings for it so dfjksfdjskjdf oops. It’s another one based on the potential dynamic though (and I just, again, enjoy both characters).]
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marurisen · 5 years
fstfrwrd asked: "If I tell you, you can't tell my dad."
┏ unprompted ; ┐
whenever something started with, ' you can't tell me dad, ' dick knew it was going to be something he most definitely wanted to tell wally. after all, wally was his best friend. but. . . irey was also his best friend's daughter and he had a duty to the younger generation to keep them safe and in line.
or at least he would try.
              "hm," he hummed thoughtfully, arms crossing over his chest as he weighed his options. either he would be saddled with a pretty heavy secret or this was just a joke. either way, he would rather have his team dump their problems on him than go out and do something stupid to solve it on their own. "alright," he finally says, motioning her closer. "on one condition --- so long as it isn't life threatening, because if it is, i really think you should tell him. but i suppose i can keep my lips sealed if it's anything else."
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shikrasong · 5 years
@fstfrwrd asked “this was supposed to be the easy part.”
“ was it REALLY ? ”
tim’s face is drawn , observing the destruction of irey’s suit , the sluggishly bleeding burns of the road and high - speed FISTS marring her face , swabbing the dirt away with alcohol pads the best he can before her body heals entirely . the fact that it’s started healing again at ALL is good - it means the speed force has recovered from what bart DID .
“ i WARNED you . ” his voice is low , even , but there’s a flash of irritation in his eyes , and of CONCERN . “ the first time we met , i told you that you weren’t welcome here . i told you you’d be in danger . and you thought - what , that i was LYING ? that because he’s your COUSIN where you’re from , that you could - talk to him ? convince him of your family’s benevolence ? ”
he tosses the swab aside , hand curling briefly into a fist . “ he HATES you . your father , your great uncle - anyone you can think of , that you love , he won’t care what you have to say - he’ll HATE them . ”
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cxldsxba · 5 years
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he skids to a harsh stop when he sees her, partly because she’s most definitely a new face, and also because he’s gotten far enough away from that rouge ( and rogue ) vigilante for them to bother with him anymore.
and if they do, he set a few traps behind him. not lethal, should they catch a civilian, but annoying and time consuming, as good traps should be. 
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he’s still on fire, and yes, he’s noticed. it’s quite obvious he’s phoenix, from the white and black hair, the scar, his attire - not to mention his signature blue and red flames.
“ you’re new. how are you liking musutafu so far? “
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goldauric · 5 years
"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go ask Spiderman out."
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          “Please don’t. You can do so much better than that.”
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cupids-flight · 5 years
@fstfrwrd | Iris West | Continued from here
    > >   “oh, come on. i’m not weak.” she scoffed, crouching down on the track with her fingers grazing the pavement. irey was presenting her back to him, waiting for him to hop aboard the west express to get to the recovery girl’s office.
    a stumble wasn’t a big deal, but it was still worth making sure he hadn’t hurt anything too badly. plus, an excuse to get out of training was always welcome.
    “at least make sure you didn’t bonk your head too hard on the way down. you can’t lose any more brain cells,” she added, grinning.
Maeda was stubborn beyond all recognition when the need arose; and in his mind, putting a friend under undue stress by having them carry his frame counted as ‘a need’.
Completely ignoring the fact that Iris was magnitudes faster than he was. It was just simply how she was; her entire raison d'etre was speed. He still raised an eyebrow, after all.
“I am... well, but... I shall acquiesce, Irey-chan. Please be ready.” And with that, he clambered onto her back, as softly as possible - arms gripping her upper chest, fully prepared for her speed. “And let us be fair; I have more brain cells than most of our classmates, no?” A joke? From Maeda. He must be more hurt than he was letting on.
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icypyre-a · 5 years
Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
Send Mat some stuff about past RP experiences because they’ve been here for 7 years. || accepting
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   This ain’t even a problem but if you’re a personal blog && you follow me, then hello welcome to Denny’s you can reblog anything that isn’t my threads. Hope you got a nice day, feed the cat. 
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keshimasu · 5 years
why is he such a hardass regarding expelling students? does he forsee it being an issue with his current batch of kids?
  He’s a hardass because there are some people that just aren’t cut out for hero work.  And it would endanger them if they were to get out into the real world.  Shouta is responsible for the students under his care and it would be on him if someone went on ill prepared or lacking what it takes and they got hurt.  Some kids see all the glory of being a hero without all the downsides, the dangers.  Doesn’t expect it to be an issue with the current class, but some are on his list if they were to become a problem.
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flashborna · 5 years
@fstfrwrd  ,  starter call .
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❝ hey, hey - slow down. what’s going on? are you doing okay? ❞  hands reach outward to rest on her shoulders, trying to calm her down for a moment - so that he could actually understand what was going on. 
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united-smash · 5 years
"How long do I have to wait?" // spring day, bts
Incredible speed, miraculous healing factor, ginger hair and a short level of patience? During his time in America he had heard about a peculiar family with similar inherited powers, one of several groups All Might had some form of knowledge about due to his own personal connections.
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“These things take time, I know it’s much different in America but here you can’t just use your powers on the fly like that it’s the law …however. I’ll look the other way just this once. 
Regardless of that fact you were a pro out there, I’m impressed! Years ago I visited America for sometime. I met a number of heroes though every so often I would get mistaken for some fellow named Super … .Oh what was his name now?”
It was on the tip of his tongue, All Might could vaguely remember their costume but not an exact image. Cursing his poor memory at that moment the blond sighed loudly as he smiled once more.
“I’ll tell police you were acting on my orders young speedster.”
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bringsfires · 5 years
"tiny baby."
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      his soft features scrunch up in distaste. “ ‘m not a baby. ”
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