#ft. Avery
cfdante · 1 month
closed starter | @averyxhart
location: the hospital
Dante didn't like going to hospitals, if he showed up there too much they had a tendency of asking questions. Some things were far more understandable than others, any bullet wounds he usually dealt with on his own. He'd requested, well demanded to be seen by Avery and Avery alone. When the blonde finally started to walk towards him he waved his very injured hand in front of her. Not only did the hand hurt, he was pretty sure it was broken. He'd broken enough bones in his life to be able to tell. "You busy?"
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mayanoelle · 4 days
CLOSED STARTER for @averyherochopra !! WHERE: aurora, before opening
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Maya slipped in through the side door of Aurora, catching Avery just as she was setting up behind the bar. The familiar clinking of glasses and low thrum of music from the speakers greeted her, and she found the tension in her shoulders easing as soon as she stepped inside. “Hey, you got a minute?” Maya asked, leaning against the counter as casually as she could manage, but she already knew that Avery would pick up on the tightness in her voice. “I need to pick your brain about something. It’s business-related, I swear, but I might also need a drink while I do it.”
Her eyes darted over to the bottles lined up behind the bar–vodka, rum, whiskey, all potential distractions, but really, it was Avery’s advice she was after. With everything that had been piling up at Latte Love and now that damn call from her lawyer, Maya felt like she was drowning in it all. If there was anyone who could help her make sense of it and cut through the noise, it was Avery. She always knew what to say.
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Assortment of Lads Tm I've drawn over the past couple of months
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rvbelhearts · 1 year
( ✉ → sms ) congrats on always ruining everything // avery @ jimmy!
[📲 sms: Avery]: Oh man, not you too?!
[📲 sms: Avery]: I’ve heard this from everyone and their mama for a week now, Avery. Cut me some slack, girl!
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integraldetermination · 4 months
To: Avery
OMG, are you okay, my child? *Toriel asks you* *she clearly ran up to you and she hugs you*
I hope you are okay, because... I miss you so much, my child. *She said before crying so hard, she grabs a tissue and she blows her nose onto it*
Signed, Toriel from Undertale in the ruins.
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hvneymelons · 10 days
Closed Starter: @averyherochopra at Leandro’s place
With the commencement of school it was almost impossible for the girls to not want to come together and play after school. Leandro had become so used to Avery and her children’s regular presence that the children went off on their own around the yard while the two merely sat on the deck and supervised. Diego held onto Mars as if the sun rose and fell over the older boy. It was heartwarming to witness them having such a bond despite the enormous age difference between them. Despite the distance he could just picture his son naming off all the new insects he collected during their last hike.  Much like his son, Lea sat telling Avery all about the weather system he planned to install in the vivarium in his basement. So far they only had ants living within, but over time he planned on introducing all types of insects and watching nature take its course. It was a hobby he and his children enjoyed even if the set up could take months. “I also think we can get it to adjust weather accordingly on its own. That’s the goal at the very least. I found this guy online who made his own. Much bigger than mine of course, but I’ve been emailing back and forth with him about it.” Leandro, noticing Avery’s glass empty, moved to stand and extended a hand, “Would you like a refill?” They were merely sipping on mocktails as it was rather early and he didn’t like drinking in front of his children, however he enjoyed a fun and tasty drink so he opted for making them virgin horchata. His children’s grandmother had gone through the trouble of preparing and blending the rice for him so all he truly had to do was pour some ice, the drink, and place a beautiful layer of cinnamon on top along with a stick of cinnamon just for the giggles.
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Light of my life You know who you are, you're drunk in a bar And looking to fight But you're better than that and your mother is here And she's giving the eye And, I'm not gonna lie, it's turning me on Oh my, oh my - Riot, The scarlet opera.
@jesse-cowen @chaoticwolfmoore
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lactosegremlin · 7 months
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sewing the arson patch on a swath of the denim as a little patch extension? it’s not quite big enough to cover the back pocket so 🤷🏻
black thread for patch on denim and then red thread for patched patch on pants
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heartbloomed · 2 months
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“Danger, sure… but do you really need to be so reckless about it?” Avery questioned, as if she herself wasn’t the epitome of recklessly putting herself in harms way. “Do you even need to ask? You know I’m concerned for that pretty face of yours,” she spoke, hand reaching up gently to her face.  / continued from here @rubyrosedemon
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awalkoflife · 1 month
cont. from (x) with avery / @redemptioninterlude.
returning to woodsboro awakened NEW NIGHTMARES.
it resurfaced old ones too. truths sam tried to run away from. as though she might be able to protect her mother and her sister. losing your identity was one thing. losing your family was something else entirely. escaping to los angeles as a teenager, she attempted to reinvent herself. to forget her origin story. to purge it from existence. if she were able to become someone new, sam carpenter could die. that way, billy loomis would have NO LEGACY to leave behind. a cycle of drugs and sex and alcohol soon began. endless partying that led her to avery. an angel in the midst of so much fucking ugliness.
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sam can't pinpoint the precise moment she started to feel like family. maybe it was instantaneous. residing in her from the moment they met. looking at avery, in all of her glittering glory that first night, strangely... it felt like coming home to herself. in more ways than she could begin to explain to her. avery was like the true, steady foundation she needed to REBUILD HERSELF. even now, here, in this godforsaken town, she remains by her side. in the place that haunts her, where sam's fears are real and present, she stays. the unfun roadtrip with richie. how could she begin to explain to her best friend that she was more of a comfort than her boyfriend could ever be? mostly, it just felt unfair. she wanted so much more than what she could ask of her. and yet, when she pulls the sheets around them both and climbs into bed with her, sam feels safe. perhaps for the first time since they arrived. she's drowsy and exhausted and maybe a little delirious, but when she reaches for her, she makes sure not to let go.
"i have you."
the words echo in her ears, avery's arms acting as a safety blanket when she wraps them around sam's upper body. in response, she latches on tight, her own arms snaking around avery's hips, a shaky exhale leaving her as she presses her head lightly against her chest. "you're NOT SAFE here." sam utters, circling her fingertips gently over her tanned skin, subsequently pulling her closer. "i can't be responsible if anything happens to you, ave... i won't." she was too important. too cherished. "this is just the beginning --- look at tara." who's is it gonna be next? she's too wired right now to fully consider it. and sure, they were all involved now, but it wasn't too late for avery to get the hell out. "tomorrow, i want you to go back to L.A." she pleads, her breath brushing against avery's neck, "now that we know a fucking ghostface is behind this, you can't be here, okay? you just can't."
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sosagely · 1 month
@redemptioninterlude liked for a little something !!
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despite being raised under the spotlight, kara can't help but feel out of place in these settings: flashing lights && moving bodies―a sea of hollywood's hottest rising stars. unease creeps up her spine, but she swallows thickly and shakes it off. this is good. it's a chance to network. she downs the mystery liquid in her cup, and throws herself into the fray. she finds herself gravitating towards the girl pouring a drink at the counter: the only other person not engulfed in a crowd. c'mon sage, get it together. ❝ so, ❞ she starts, voice an octave too high. she coughs to clear the nerves, then tries again. ❝ so uh, what do you do? ❞ real smooth.
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luckylewis · 1 month
Send 🤛 for my muse to talk about (one of) their cousin(s)/niece(s)/nephew(s)
"I've only got one nephew and I've never actually met him because my brother is a jackass. His name is Titan. Titan King to be exact, and yes that is King as in Lee gave his son a middle name that is literally my daughter's last name. If you want to know how little he thinks about me, that's a prime example."
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"But that's not TK's fault, and he's a real cute baby. He looks a lot like Theo at that squishy age, at least from photos that I've seen. My mom adores him, I think she looks at him and see's her ticket to ascending to the Kris Jenner wannabe she tries to be. It must be weird to have your name trademarked before you're even born. The little dude will be a nepo baby supreme if Avery has her way."
Talking about family
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packagecfgirlyevil · 11 months
[ HOLD ] : sender holds receiver in their arms in order to comfort or protect them. / wild card zelda & avery, slasher camp au. @dcgtown
There'd been no question if she was on her side the second she saw Avery rush back into their cabin, blood splattered on her clothes and a look of near panic on her face. She'd been a little hurt not to be involved in the planning, but this was therapeutic for Avery, and Zelda would never deny her that.
"Okay, breathe," she said, holding her and not even complaining about the fact that blood was ruining her shirt as she rubbed Avery's back, a knife still hanging from the blonde's hand. "Did anyone see you? Did you manage to be more clear with hiding your DNA than you are with theirs on you?"
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wwr-afterdark · 2 years
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Avery belongs to @slashesotron!
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@mctionsick said | [ STARE ] : while the receiver is speaking, the sender’s gaze drifts to their lips. / from avery
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gabi knew she was rambling too much, but that was just a day in the life. avery was one of the few who actually listened to her, even at her most absurd - like when she was suggesting they prepare to play for a bat mitzvah for a neighbor. “why are you staring at me like that,” she asked, realizing avery’s eyes kept dropping to her lips. there was a strict no dating rule in the band - for a reason. “i mean, we rocked at thirteen. maybe this chick does too, y’know?”
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fadinglights · 1 year
continued from here, @starlingisms
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“no,  it’s  more  complicated  than  that  this  time.”  her  brows  furrow  with  worries  and  avery  stifles  the  urge  to  sigh.  “you  don’t  know  what  you’re  getting  yourself  into.”  she  looks  at  joan  with  genuine  concern  in  her  eyes.  “i  just  don’t  want  to  see  you  get  hurt.”
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