#ft. nathan
elifalvey · 11 months
LOCATION — Providence Peak Memorial Hospital
WHO — Nathan ( @nathanccrane )
The last thing that Elijah could remember before he shut his eyes was Rhia, bundled up in Aslihan's arms, the both of them quietly relaxing as he tried his very best to stay awake. He wanted to stay awake — in fact, it was strange how he suddenly felt as though he couldn't miss a single minute — but it was to nobody's surprise how impossible that was, what with how consistent his horrible sleep schedule had been for the past few weeks. Pair that with an incredibly taxing morning, and an incredibly emotional afternoon, and his body was practically shutting down before he had any chance to stop it.
It was alarming when he woke up and Rhia wasn't there, to say the least, Aslihan's bed being the first place his eyes trained to go once consciousness met him again. She was sleeping, but his daughter wasn't in sight. It jolted him awake almost immediately, picking his head up from the uncomfortable pillow tucked underneath to glance around the room. Seeing Nathan Crane sitting there — and simultaneously gathering his answer to where the baby was — was the last thing he expected. His mind was far, far too groggy for this. For dealing with him.
"Nate?" he grumbled, confusion riddled in his tone as he sat up a little straighter. He held back a yawn and reached haphazardly for his glasses on the table beside him. The filter within him was obviously gone as he followed up with, "What're you doing here?"
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hcneysckles · 5 months
status: closed for @slowrvn.
location: nathan’s dorm room.
it was about nine o’clock in the morning, dakota’s ears could pick up the faint chirps of the birds outside. her eyes slowly opened and scanned nathan’s room. their clothes were thrown all over the floor, a large grin forming on the girl’s face when she remembered what happened last night. nathan’s arms were wrapped tightly around her, his chest pressed up against her back. she rubbed her eyes briefly before slowly turning over towards nathan and gave him a gentle kiss on the nose. “good morning, sleepy head.” she purred, removing the blankets from her body and sat up on the edge of the bed. she was wearing one of the male’s vintage band tees — it smelled like him and comforted her. she walked over to his dresser and pulled it open, taking out some clothes that she had stashed in there for whenever she stayed over. she hesistently peeled off his tee and slipped into her own clothing. “wanna get some breakfast?” she says, smiling at the boy.
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edgarwayne · 5 months
💭 nathan
How pathetic is it that I'm already dreaming of a day I can ask you to marry me? We've known each other for years, and it just feels so...right. But we both have our issues, and yes, that includes me. God I have so many issues I don't even know what you see in me. I don't know, maybe that's the voice that sounds too much like him, but I feel like you deserve so much more. Someone that's younger, attractive, fun and outgoing. Not a broken, scarred mess that cries too much and still gets winded going up the stairs to my flat.
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aconites · 1 year
𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 for @kiissme​.
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𝘾𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙇𝘿𝙉’𝙏 𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙑𝙀 𝙎𝙃𝙀 actually did it. that she finally ended her two-year long relationship to the man who caused her nothing but pain these last few months. sure, she could have gone without seeing her now ex-boyfriend having sex with another girl in the bed they shared but it had given her the final push she needed to end things permanently. her heart was racing as she made her way down the block and towards her destination, the look of shock on her ex’s face playing in her head when she told him they were done while he tried to make excuses on what was going on. like she hadn’t just caught him in the act. we’re over might have been the only words to leave her lips but there was so much more she wanted to say to him. you’re an asshole. i can’t believe i wasted two years of my life on you. you don’t deserve me but someone else does. that someone was who she was going to see right now. nathan had been constantly on her mind since decorating his place months ago and the two had hung out often since then. he’d become an important person in her life, a source of happiness she hadn’t felt in a long time and there was a spark with him she never felt with anyone else; however, despite the longing stares and lingering touches, she never acted on the obvious tension between them because she was dating someone else but now... now she could do what she’d been fantasizing about for a while. after finally reaching the male’s apartment, the blonde quickly made her way up the flight of stairs and down the hallway until his door came to view. she knocked on the hardwood without hesitation, not even knowing what she was going to say to him if he answered (  god, what if he wasn’t there? or worst, he had company? ) thankfully, she doesn’t have much time to worry about the details because the door suddenly opens and his handsome face comes into view.  ❝ hey, ❞  caroline greets him with a smile, breathing heavily from the sprint to get here and pure adrenaline running through her veins. her stomach is full of butterflies as they look at one another and before he can say anything back, she sighs out a small laugh and steps forward. it was now or never. placing her hands on the back of his neck, she stands on her tiptoes and closes the distance between them, finally kissing him for what she hopes is the first of many more to come.
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javidleon · 1 year
LOCATION — Crane Brothers Distillery
WHO — Nathan ( @nathanccrane ).
Javi wouldn't necessarily say that he had an itinerary since coming to Colorado. In fact, the whole reason why he was here in the first place was to rid himself of tightly bound schedules and plans. However, he could say with ease that the Crane family's distillery was one of the first places that he wanted to check out after getting settled. After all, taking a few pictures of it for his father would get the older De León off of his back for awhile, and since when was he able to resist a perfect opportunity to hang on to Nathan's coattails?
He had no clue if he was here or not, but he sat down at the bar and asked for him anyway — by the look he received in response, he could tell that he must have been somewhere, and now probably wasn't the best time. Quite frankly, Javi didn't care. He simply told the sweet lady behind the counter not to rush and to give him a glass of gin in the meantime, which she placed in front of him before sauntering off to find her boss. Faster than he would have expected, though, he could see her return with Nathan in his peripheral and he smirked to himself, holding up the glass he was given to his eye to inspect it. "Quite a fine place you've got here, eh?" he asked in lieu of a proper greeting, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip. "Could serve better gin, though."
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delking · 2 years
imssg; nathan
daisy: so this is probably weird
daisy: it's definitely weird to come to ur emotional support ex with guy issues, right?
daisy: idk nvm. i miss u. hope ur okay.
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nottodayjustin · 4 months
Bonus this week: Hockey twitter meets the Superbowl
From What Chaos! Podcast
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silascody · 2 months
Characters: Silas Cody, various mentions / allusions to others. 
Timeline and setting: April 25th, 2023 + Lone Fir Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. 
Trigger warning: death, child death, grief, cancer, drugs, suicide ideation. 
“I think you’d have smoked Acapulco Gold, if you’d smoked,” Silas says as he tilts the matchbox he’s just retrieved from the pocket of the jacket he had to take off due to the heat to free one, striking it against the headstone he was sat beside to light up his joint. “Or maybe you’d have been a Bubba Kush kinda guy. Lemon haze?” 
He lets that question hang in the air as he takes a long, lung-deep toke as if he was waiting for his brother’s voice to speak back to him with answers. It wouldn’t, it never did, and somehow that hadn’t gotten easier with the passing of time like all those stupid pamphlets and well-meaning wishes had told him. 
According to his birth certificate, Portland was his home, the city that raised him but it had never quite felt that way. Not even twelve years in California with five of those spent locked in a cage had been enough to restore any rose-tinted memories for him of the first place that had ever left scars on his body. 
For the first four years of his life, eerie children’s characters painted on chipped hospital walls had been his most frequent friends, unblinking eyes that watched him silently as he tried to be a brave boy like his mother demanded while his body was poked and prodded and used as a last lifeline for the dying boy who was the only reason he existed in the first place. That had been Silas’ job, the only one that ever mattered, to save Jack. 
( Four years old was too innocent to truly comprehend the magnitude of death. ) 
“I wish we could have smoked together. Or just done anything together, really. Sometimes I wish that you lived and I died, I think you’d have done it better than me. Living. I only knew you for four years but you were the best guy I ever knew. If it had of gone that way, I don’t think mom would have forgotten to smile the way she did and maybe dad wouldn’t have drank so much. I think you guys would have been sad a while but you’d have moved on. We could never move on from you. We were never allowed to. It made me hate you. Man, I fucking hated you.” 
His head leans back against the black marble headstone that bore gold lettering with JACK CODY carved into it along with his birth and death date. The picture of the beaming boy that was displayed on it with his brunette hair still intact before treatment bore a striking resemblance to the weary man tapping ash into the patch of grass that separated his brother’s resting place from someone else’s loved ones. 
They had always looked the most alike, the oldest and youngest of the Cody boys, and Silas had adorned his body with various tattoos and images from his teen years in the hopes that maybe if they were less similar his mother would have been able to bear looking at him. 
“Not really though. It just made being here without you easier. I’ve always been better with being angry than being upset, you know?” 
Out of the corner of his eye, he can’t help but notice the vibrant arrangement of blue irises that had to have been freshly placed for how they had been fairing against the weather, his hand reaching out to brush his fingertips against their petals as he held his spliff in between his lips. 
“Mom’s still alive then,” He observes after he exhales, feeling equal parts relief and revulsion at knowing that. It makes him curious about if she had ever found herself sat in the same cemetery as he was, at the same grave, sharing the same regrets. It’s been years since he had seen her face but he could picture it so clearly due to how regularly he saw her in that state, cheeks tearstained after weeping for the boy who had been dead for longer than he had. Had she ever wept for the wayward one that still had a heartbeat on any of her visits? 
He would have settled for wondered if not, to be a fleeting thought in the mind of the woman who had given him life for no other reason than to prolong her firstborn’s was better than being nothing at all which is what he felt like most of the time. 
( Thirteen years old was too young to die. ) 
“I don’t why I thought she might visit me, when I was in prison. I wrote her a letter, tried to say I’m sorry for being such a fuck-up. Not just with the drugs and shit, with everything. She never wrote back, which should have been my first clue but, I don’t know. Every week when visiting hours would roll around, I thought maybe she might show and sit across from me and maybe hold my hand or something and we could try and mend some shit.” There’s a humourless laugh that leave’s his mouth then, that kind of naivety was something he hated in other people and he would never have confided this in anyone living, which made Jack the only person he could really talk to these days. 
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“You wouldn’t know but, let me tell how it goes after someone dies, people rally. They show up. They look out for you, but then they show up less ‘cause they moved on. Moved forward, even if you’re still stuck in it. That’s what prison is like too. Six months, a year, people show up to visit, they accept your calls, they write you. But then you hit two years, and three, four and you start to see that you’re just not important to people like that. It doesn’t fit with their life anymore, because they’re moving forward and you’re just stuck there. Living out the same fucking day, day in, day out. Sometimes I used to hope someone would start shit with me just for something to do,” He knows that Jack would have laughed at that, the same way he always did when Silas found himself in a wrestling match in the living room with Nathan, who was three years older than him and had always been built like a brick house even back then.
As much as he loathed Nate, he had taught him a valuable lesson early on – it was just as important to know how to take a punch than it was to be able to throw one. 
“Remember that girl I told you about last time I was here? The one I said I’ma marry one day, you don’t even wanna fucking know how that turned out.”
It’s harder for him to make light of that topic as he did every other one, even when speaking to deaf ears. Some part of him knew that if he felt less for Jordan, it would be easier to speak about her – but he’s never been good at doing less when she was in the equation. 
Ever since they had first crossed paths he’s always wanted more from her – to love him more, to need him more, to give him more. More, more, more while all he had to offer her was himself which had a track record of always being just a little less than. 
It had never occurred to him that he had been expecting too much, not until her visits started to be missed and his calls started to be screened. 
“She’s prolly better off without me around but, classic Silas, can’t have that. So I been keeping tabs on her fucking daily even though I've been out for two years. Day they let me out that cage I had this stupid fucking notion in my head that she’s gonna remember why she gave a fuck about me in the first place and she'd be there outside the gates waiting for me even though we hadn't spoke in four years. She wasn't, so I went on a two week coke bender with this chef chick that I met the day I was released and the rest of the last two years have been a fucking blur of trying to forget about her.” He clicks his tongue then, a shake of his head following as he crosses his ankles so he can stretch his legs out in front of him, keeping a stoney faced expression despite the sympathetic smile aimed his way by a dark-haired woman who was trudging her way towards a cluster of headstones just passed where he was sat. 
“No such luck, not that it matters. I think she hates me, and in some ways I get that ‘cause they tell me getting released is getting a second chance but I haven't done shit with mine.” 
( Thirty three years old was too old to change. ) 
Even with the debts that he had racked up just before he was sent away and while he was in there now cleared, he has no idea what the fuck he wants to do with his life. After seven years removed from what he considered his norm, it takes him by surprise that he’s starting to see cycle he was caught in. 
“Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, would it? You and me kicking it here forever. Seems like no matter what I do, it always comes back to me and you.” 
Silas, Jack. Jack, Silas. Oldest, youngest. Selfless, selfish. 
A boy taken too young and a man who’s lived longer than anyone anticipated. 
Finally, he’s getting himself up off the ground, patting off stray blades of grass that hand clung the fabric of his dark jeans before he reached down to pick his jacket up. 
“I’ll be honest with you man, I don’t think I’m going to be back here again. It just hurts too much to be in this city and to be here. I don’t how much more hurt I can handle, which probably makes me sound like a pussy but it’s just the truth. I want you to know that it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you ‘cause I never could. You weren’t just my big brother, you were my best brother. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” 
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boqvistsbabe · 2 years
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Nate Mac via ej’s story
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spilladabalia · 8 days
Asian Dub Foundation ft Iggy Pop - No Fun
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elifalvey · 1 year
location — zahava & lorelai’s home.
when — new year’s day, january 1st. 
status — for lorelai & nathan ( @lorelai-tseng​ & @nathanccrane ).
Spending New Years Eve in a suite at the Jade Palace without the influence of their phones was probably one of the best ideas that Elijah and Aslihan ever had. It was nothing but a blissful night that lapsed well into the next morning, having easily enjoyed one another’s company as if they were in their own secluded bubble of reality. As much as he didn’t want it to end, he knew that they’d have to pop that bubble eventually and welcome the world back in sooner than they’d like. After picking up Alex from her parents’ place and dropping them both off at Aslihan’s, he had every intention of going back home to his own apartment to feed his cats and maybe think about getting some work done. He was a little groggy, a little hungover, but ultimately in a good mood. 
Until he pulled his phone out for the first time since last night, wanting to thank Zahava via text for letting them use the room but finding a Ring doorbell notification at the top of the list instead. Curiosity was the only excuse he had as to why he even opened it in the first place, considering he was perfectly fine with swiping it away and forgetting he even had access to it most days. Seeing the reason why it chimed a little after midnight definitely soured his expression, and his mood, and a lapse of judgement took him right to the scene of the crime. Admittedly, he was hoping that Zahava was home — he’d been meaning to talk to her about Lorelai’s sour behavior anyway, and clearly she was in need of an intervention: stumbling to the house with Nathan Crane of all people was just a cry for help if he’d ever seen one — but as he strolled up the driveway and banged on the door, that looked unlikely. 
He waited an abnormally long amount of time, debating within himself over if he cared this much or not, but he was nothing if not a good friend. And he was already here. Yeah, that’s what he’d say. Hand reaching the doorknob in order to jiggle to see if it was locked, suddenly remembering that Zahava wouldn’t care if he just walked right in (the lack of consideration towards Lorelai’s opinion was purposeful), to his surprise it wasn’t. Barely taking the time to close the door behind him, he walked through the house. “Zavi, babe, are you home?” he called out before his legs landed him in the kitchen. And dear fucking God he wanted to groan. 
Of course they were still here. Standing in the middle of the damn kitchen. Decidedly ignoring Nathan’s presence, he exclaimed towards Lorelai, in lieu of greeting, “What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?!”
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literare · 7 months
@loresode & christmas shenanigans
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maybe she is nervous. never dated anyone before, so meeting family had never been . . . she wouldn't say it was a problem. because it wasn't one in theory. something she never had to worry about however. if they would like her. if they'd get along. if they just didn't like her for some reason out of her control. because these people : she would see them again. hopefully, she'd have them in her life for a very very long time & getting off on the wrong foot wasn't great. a little more silent than usual on the drive over, picking on her nails while watching their surroundings change and nerves only seem to grow when he turn off the main road and drive towards a house, sinking into her seat even more if possible.     ❝   what if they don't like me ?   ❞      never met someone's parents like this. friends' parents, sure. not boyfriends parent. and sister. suck in a deep breath before looking over at him & brows pinch together.
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edgarwayne · 7 months
💕 our muses’ romantic relationship (nathan)
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yasdogan · 7 months
closed starter for @nathanccrane at farm to fork
Despite having an already overbooked work schedule, Yasemin somehow still managed to find extra time to donate to some of the charitable activities the hospital put on. That morning she'd been drafted into attending a small breakfast with some of the more prominent donors in the city, the start of a no doubt month's long endeavor to secure funding for the next big update to the hospital. Yas was dressed up in her Sunday best, mixing and mingling, a task that she at least did manage to enjoy most of the time. It was a more intimate event that morning with just about twenty people, giving her plenty of time to dedicate to each person that was there. When her conversation with one donor was cut short, Yas easily shifted gears, sliding over into a seat next to Nathan. "Mr. Crane, never a surprise to see you out at these things," she chirped happily. The man was a regular sight at a lot of the charity gatherings that she was at, something she admired a lot about him. Anyone willing to give back like that was alright in her book. "You doing well?"
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moviesandmania · 6 months
ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN (1958) Reviews of 50s cheesy classic
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is a 1958 American science fiction film about a wealthy heiress who has a close encounter with an enormous alien in his spacecraft that causes her to grow into a giantess, complicating her marriage which is already troubled by a philandering husband. Directed by Nathan Juran [as Nathan Hertz] (The Boy Who Cried Werewolf; The Brain from Planet Arous; 20 Million Miles to…
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landfilloftrash · 1 year
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(balloon boy voice) ʰⁱ
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