beraxiv · 2 years
Masters of the Hand and Land
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kannedia · 5 months
Lalapril 2024 - Day 20 - Bloom
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In the Greatloam Growery, both flowers and friendship bloom.
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bicolor-art · 1 year
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ffxiv got me good lol
(my definition of "botany" and this games' definition is very VERY different. fuck that noise, i immediately went back to being a marauder)
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drea-s-artblog · 1 year
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A bit of compassion can change someone's life for the better
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ffxivxd · 7 days
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Fufucha Fucha, master of the Botanists' Guild, is a rare Dunesfolk that resides in Gridania. Born in Thanalan, Amalj'aa raids forced her from her home. Now at 44 years old, she spends her days repaying the goodwill of the forest.
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mydaylight · 2 months
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Has anybody ever wondered why all the cats in Legend of Zhen Huan are evil?
I'm 99% certain that Zhen Huan's airulophobia was inspired by the aversion that Wu Zetian, the only Empress Regnant in the history of China, was supposed to have towards cats. Wu Zetian had started as a low ranked concubine of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, who was much older than her, and after his death she was sent at the age of 24 to become a nun. Wu had had an affair with Taizong's heir, now Emperor Gaozong, during her time as a concubine. Gaozong's wife Empress Wang, who became aware of this, encouraged him to bring Wu back to the palace, wanting to use her to balance the favour that Gaozong's beloved Consort Xiao, was receiving. This move backfired magnificently as Wu monopolized all of Gaozong's favour, and he eventually became dead-set on making Wu his new Empress. Empress Wang and Consort Xiao were both deposed and executed - allegedly for having performed witchcraft against Wu. Before she died Consort Xiao shouted "I wish that I will be reborn as a cat, and Wu as a mouse, so I can grab her throat forever!". After that Empress Wu forbid the keeping of cats inside the palace. In Legend of Zhen Huan, we see something similar happen when Yongzheng forbids the keeping of cats inside the palace after An Lingrong, on Yixiu's prompting, instigates the cat Songzi to attack Lady Fucha and cause her to miscarry.
(Wu would go on to become the most powerful Empress Consort in the history of China, then the Empress Dowager, until she eventually deposed her son and became Empress Regnant, the only woman to claim the title of "Huangdi" in Imperial China.)
There are a lot of parallels between Zhen Huan and Wu Zetian besides their dislike of cats. Both are forced into a nunnery, and then come back as the favoured concubine who ends up toppling the empress and seizing power from the emperor. Similarly to Empress Wang, Yixiu used Zhen Huan to displace Nian Shilan. (in the novel Zhen Huan even has the title of "Zhaoyi" for a short while, which is the title Gaozong gave Wu when he first brought her back to the palace). Later when Zhen Huan uses her inevitable miscarriage to frame Yixiu, Yixiu herself brings up Empress Wang, recollecting a story about how Empress Wu murdered her own infant daughter to secure Wang's downfall.
(which to be fair to Wu, some historians today believe the infant murder story most likely didn't happen as it appears in historical records written centuries after Wu died by historians who hated Wu for being a female monarch and who did not recognize her reign and referred to her only as a consort and empress mother)
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*Wu Meiniang was the name Wu Zetian was given when she entered the palace. "Zetian" is the posthumous title.
ALSO the fact Zhen Huan gets a pet parrot is probably not a coincidence either. The Chinese word for parrot is yīngwǔ 鹦鹉, with the second character being a homophone of Wu Zetian's surname Wǔ 武. Wu Zetian had a dream with a parrot at one point in her life, which was interpreted as an allusion to herself because of that reason.
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guzhuangheaven · 3 months
Hi, could you talk about the marriage of imperial princes? Specifically the children of the current emperor. We can see this in Ruyi (it's been a while since I watched and forgive any mistakes) when Hongli was still a prince he had the ability to "choose" his wife, no matter how much Noble Consort Xi influenced him to choose Lady Fucha. Later we see him agreeing to Noble Consort Jia's request to marry Yongcheng to Prince Heyi's daughter, I can't forget Yonghuang who was resentful that his wife was from a lower flag. So I had this doubt, why did some princes have this opportunity to "choose" while others didn't?
sorry for my english
Well, choose is a strong word.
There is a distinction between the circumstances where Hongli chooses his wife and Yongcheng choosing his wife.
Ok, the ceremony we see where Hongli(‘s mother) choose Langhua, Xiyue and Hongli chooses Qingying as his wife is part of a much larger ritual, called xuan xiunu (selecting honoured ladies). Xuan xiunu is a ritual that takes place every three years, and in dramas it’s usually to select new concubines for the emperor (i.e. how Zhen Huan, Meizhuang et al. were selected). However, in reality, xuan xiunu is not just to choose wives for the emperor, it’s a much more complex process to select:
Yes, potential new concubines for the emperors
But also wives for princes and imperial relatives who the emperor may want to bestow (usually political) marriages on
But also high ranking maids to serve in positions close to women of the imperial family, including current consorts, consort dowagers, empress dowager etc. There are levels to being palace maids, and the highest level dealing closely with ranked persons would be more akin to positions of ladies in waiting, which in western history were also high-ranked women chosen to serve the Queen (in this case also high ranking imperial consorts and the empress).
(Contrary to what is portrayed in dramas, you can't just beat palace maids to death nilly willy with no repercussions like Hua Fei with Fuzi, especially maids who were serving close to higher ranks. There are consequences - see Qianlong's Dun Fei.)
There is a short subplot early in Bu Bu Jing Xin where Ruoxi, the daughter of a general and sister to the Eighth Prince’s secondary consort, is supposed to be a candidate in the xuan xiunu ceremony. While the Eighth Prince was able to use his connections to get her out of the list to be potential concubine to the emperor (Kangxi) and for marriages to the princes, she was nevertheless chosen for a guannuzi position serving the emperor himself.
(There’s a whole comedy of errors where the goal actually was to get Ruoxi to be not chosen for any position at all, but then too many princes suddenly took an interest in getting her out of lists that the consorts dealing with the selection started getting suspicious and competitive among themselves on who gets to keep her and then she becomes the emperor’s maid anyway, which they had been desperate to avoid because even though Kangxi hasn’t shown any romantic interest in Ruoxi, never say never.)
Guannuzi is a position that can potentially become a concubine to the emperor – a palace maid raised to the position of guannuzi can wait on the emperor overnight and in harem drama it’s equal to basically becoming the emperor’s concubine in all but name. Yu Ying’er and Songzhi in Legend of Zhen Huan were both raised from palace maids to guannuzi for this reason. But in BBJX it’s made clear that the position itself doesn’t have to be a concubine position, and Ruoxi was just the emperor’s tea maid.
High ranking maids like Ruoxi (and I guess dowry maids of the consorts we see in dramas like Ruyi and Zhen Huan) could be bestowed good marriages later as reward for their service as well.
Anyway. Back to Hongli. His wives were chosen in the xuan xiunu ceremony because the time of marriage happened to fall on the same period as a xuan xiunu ceremony was taking place. And by the time you get to that shortlist who gets to meet Xi Fei, there has already a whole load of selection and cuts being made off-screen. Everyone knows going in that both the Emperor and Xi Fei thinks Langhua is most suitable and the whole selection on Hongli’s part is jus ceremonial. He probably deludes himself into thinking he did have a right to choose Qingying/Ruyi if he wanted to, but honestly it would have been a bad move politically. At that point, even Yongzheng probably didn’t want him to choose Qingying, who has already been rejected by Hongshi. If disaster hadn’t struck with Hongshi and Ruyi’s aunt at that point, driving Qingying’s family into disgrace, if Hongli had insisted on choosing Qingying in that moment against his mother’s clear wishes, Xi Fei wouldn’t be able to say anything against it as at that point, Qingying was the empress’s niece. But it would not have been a good political move on his part and would have made things bad for Qingying anyway.
With Yongcheng, he is of an age to be married, but no xuan xiunu ceremony was due any time soon, in that case the emperor can just choose someone(‘s daughter) that he knows to bestow in marriage on his sons – same for Yongqi. Yuyan knew that Qianlong was thinking about Yongcheng’s marriage at that point, so she not so slyly suggested who she wanted, without realising that she was challenging the emperor in doing that and showing herself to be too arrogant for her own good. I think the idea was that Qianlong had someone lower in mind for Yongcheng but Yuyan thought that only a woman descended from Kangxi’s daughter was suitable. Yongcheng didn’t resent his wife for being lowborn, he resented his wife for being too high born and feeling like she shouldn’t be paying respect to a disgraced concubine, even though she still owes that to Yuyan as her mother in law regardless.
I think in the novel, Qianlong also deliberately chose women from lower ranking clans for both Yonghuang and Yongqi in hope that it would not make it too obvious how he was considering them both at different points as heirs (probably learning from his own situation where it was obvious where he was headed with Langhua being chosen as his consort), but it was Yonghuang that had a problem with that as well IIRC.
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s-lycopersicum · 4 months
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I am not kidding when I say that Fufucha Fucha is integral to the Brightlily canon.
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2. Guild.
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Mimble has been a member of The Botanist Guild of Gridania almost as long as he has been adventuring.
He has a good relationship with Fufucha Fucha and is grateful for her tutelage in botany and horticulture. Despite his status as Warrior of Light, Mimble publicly defers to Fufucha as the Guild Leader when visiting the gardens of Gridania.
They don't entirely agree on some issues - Fufucha is an advocate of living in harmony with nature and the rhythm of the seasons, Mimble tends to employ magic carelessly to cause spring flowers to blossom and autumn fruits to ripen on a whim (or sometimes just to show off).
However, when chided by Fufucha, he does concede that it is more useful to assist people to properly grasp the science of harvesting lumber and crops, since he isn't always going to be around to conjure them up all willy nilly (Mimble does a great many things all willy nilly unless prevailed upon not to).
Consequently he has shared the expertise he received from Fufucha during his travels across Eorzea and beyond, from the rice paddies of Namai to the Hortorium of The First. In this way Mimble has ensured that Fufucha's knowledge and dedication to helping others has changed the lives of countless people, even though she herself may never meet them.
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247reader · 11 months
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Day 26: Lady Wei, Empress Xiaoyichun
Lady Wei (like many women of her era, her personal name is lost to history) was a palace servant during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor. Her family was eventually raised to the nobility as the Weigiya, but that was thanks to her - they began as hereditary bond servants, if relatively elite ones. Lady Wei seems to have been a servant for either - or both of - the Emperor’s influential mother, Lady Niohuru, or his beloved first wife, Empress Fucha. This enabled her to catch the Emperor’s eye, and in 1745, she entered his harem as Noble Lady Wei. Her rise after that was remarkably quick - she rose two ranks to Consort Ling before she’d even given birth to a child, and her ensuing four surviving children solidified her place in the Emperor’s favor.
In 1765, a figurative earthquake struck the court - Empress Nara, the Qianlong Emperor’s second wife and a previous Awesome Lady of History herself, was abruptly disgraced and stripped of power. Lady Wei, trusted by the Emperor, was promoted to Imperial Noble Consort, giving her most of an Empress’s duties but not the full title; duties she seems to have carried out diligently and well - perhaps too diligently and well for her health.
Lady Wei died in 1775, after a long illness exarbated by the death of her daughter, Gurun Princess Hejing. The Emperor, as he had done after the death of his first wife, wrote poems in her honor; he had already secretly selected her elder son, Yongyan, as his heir. Upon Qianlong’s “abdication” (as Emperor Emeritus, he retained his hold on the court - he had abdicated both as a show of filial piety towards his long-reigning grandfather and to better control a potential succession crisis), Yongyan became the Jiaqing Emperor - and Lady Wei was posthumously declared Empress.
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If you love women and are in the market for a new f/os I highly recommend checking out Story of Yanxi Palace! I watched it when I was 17 and it was integral to my development as a person. I self shipped with Yinglou before I even knew it was a Thing. I will say some characters begin the series at 16 but by the end of the series they’re all in their 30s/40s.
Let’s get into some of the characters:
The main character Wei Yinglou! She’s witty, highly intelligent, and cunning. She’s also highly determined and fiercely loyal. Mischievous and playful with a strong moral compass. She sticks up for what she believes regardless of consequences. That audacious Wei Yinglou, who always manages to come out on top and outsmart anyone that opposes her. To quote one of the characters; “If she loves you, you will be safe forever.”
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Fucha Rongyin, the Empress. She’s incredibly kind, gentle, and clever. A free spirit she’s stifled by the rules and regulations imposed on her by her position as empress. That, coupled with the trauma of losing her son, she’s suffers from severe depression. Despite her position she never abused her power or schemed against the other ladies. because, “she couldn’t stand to hurt the women trapped in the same prison as her”
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Noble Consort Gao. If you like them dramatic and kind of evil here you go! She’s loves performing opera and looking fabulous. She’s charismatic and is the main antagonist for about half the series. “Arrogant and domineering.”
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Consort Xian, gentle and devoted, all she cared about was living her life in peace. Much to the disappointment of her family, she had no ambition to climb the ranks. But unfortunately due to the scheming of others she lost most of her family. She then dedicates her life to getting revenge. She becomes the series main antagonist. highly intelligent and cunning, you can’t help but root for her. A little. “The most patient huntress” I might add her to my f/o list ngl
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Those are only a handful of the gorgeous and well written women that star in this series. I’m sorry I just started rewatching it after six years because someone posted it all on YouTube with subtitles and I just, love them all so much 😭 Not matter how terrible some of them act, you always carry the knowledge that they’re all trying to survive and make the most of this incredibly misogynistic prison.
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socaprince · 2 months
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Soca Therapy Playlist
Sunday July 28th 2024
Making You Wine From 6-9pm on Flow 98.7fm Toronto
How Ah Livin (Dr. Jay Plate) - Farmer Nappy
Haunted (Crown Prince Drumology Edit) - Machel Montano
Gimme D Road - Calypso Rose x Destra
No Clothes - Nadia Batson
Salt - Added Rankin
Road Tribute (Road Is Mine) - Skinny Fabulous
DNA - Mical Teja
Long Live Soca - Voice
Long Live Soca (Dr. Jay Plate) - Voice
The Ambush - Lyrikal x Lil Natty x Thunda
Mas 473 - Soca ET
The Tape - Dash
Carnival Jumbie - Problem Child
Jumbie - Machel Montano
Get On - Fay Ann
In De Middle Ah De Road - Edwin Yearwood
Trade Mark - Sir Oungku & Red Hot
Rush - Burning Flames
Bandit Dance - Square One x Iwer George
Up In The Air - Destra
Flames - Jabae feat. Barry Chandler
Party in Space 2012 - Ricardo Drue x Swallow
Sing Me Ah Melody - Drastic Of Them Island Boyz
Play De Music - Kes
TOP 7 COUNTDOWN - Powered By The Soca Source
Top Soca Streamed in Antigua & Barbuda on Apple Music (All Genres)
7. Body Language - Fucha Kid
6. Ready - Fucha Kid feat. Josh Danielz
5. Play De Music - Fucha Kid feat. Kenne Blessin
4. Bring Out De Wine (Radio Edit) - Fucha Kid feat. Kenne Blessin
3. Mental Day - Claudette Peters
2. Cyah Contain - Tian Winter
1. Bruk Dat (Radio Edit) - Fucha Kid feat. Shattakeem
I Like That - GBM Nutron
Like It - Mr Blood x DJ Spider
Til Morning - Grateful Co x DJ Spider
Best Ride - Coopa Dan x DJ Spider
Tabanca - Mical Teja
Shake - Ovadose
Ba Ba Ben (Remix) - DJ Cheem feat. Noah Powa, Lyrikal & Li'l Rick
Practice - GBM Nutron
Sauce - Sekon Sta x DJ Private Ryan
X Games - Teddyson John x DJ Private Ryan
Middle - Angela Hunte x DJ Private Ryan
Mango - Angela Hunte x Wyclef Jean x Jerry Wonda
Carnival - Adam O 
Body Language - Michael the Pannist x Mastamind Productions
(1988) Music - The Mighty Shadow
Soca Train - Maximus Dan
I Am Soca Kerwin Du Bois x Patrice Roberts
Differentology - Bunji Garlin
Life After Fete (Muv Short Edit) - Kerwin Du Bois
Everytime - Nadia Batson
The People's Champion - Benjai
Gift Of Soca - Bunji Garlin
Bottle Of Rum - Machel Montano
Out and Bad (Official N.M.G PodMix) - Voice x Lord Kitchener 
Inventor (Izaman) (Razorshop Roadmix) - Olatunji
Play Mas - Teddyson John x Lyrikal
True Masquerader (Jester Mas Edit) - Kes The Band
Play A Mas - Machel Montano
Ready For The Road - John King
Jook In De Party - Gillo
Long Time Party - Miguel Maestre
I Dare You - Destra
Backyard Jam - Farmer Nappy
Follow Dr. Jay @socaprince​ and @socatherapy
“Like” Dr. Jay on http://facebook.com/DrJayOnline
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7wymiarnonsensu · 3 months
Ciekawostka o mnie
(Ciekawostki powstały z potrzeby wiedzenia o sobie co mówić i nabrania pewności w tym, ogólnie to w spektaklu wymyślałam je na żywo, ale nadszedł czas je spisać, żeby móc z nich korzystać)
‌ciagle słucham muzyki, jeśli mówisz do mnie i ci nie odpowiadam to znaczy że mam słuchawki w uszach.
‌jestem szczera, za co połowa mnie lubi, bo mówię co myślę, a druga połowa mnie nie lubi za to, że mówię co myślę
‌kiedy w stoję w miejscu to łapie się na tym, że się ciągle bujam, to nie choroba sieroca, mam za dużo energii
‌lubie poznawać nowe smaki. Lubię żreć.
‌prywatnie bardzo lubię przeklinać
‌pic herbate jak mi ktoś zaparzy
‌nienawidze niedzielnych kierowców, hipokryzji, ludzi którzy karmią ptaki chlebem
‌moj mózg pracuje w podpunktach, nie lubię lać wody
‌znam różne figury, taneczne
‌jestem lekkostronnicza i kocham poezję Filipa Szcześniaka
‌na życie lubię spokój
‌stworzylam listę ciekawostek o sobie bo nienawidziłam mówić i się przedstawiać nowym ludziom
‌zwykle nie mam dużo do powiedzenia, nie mam słowotoku jeśli kogoś nie znam i mówię tylko to co uważam za konieczne
‌ale kiedy mam coś do powiedzenia to mówię szybko bo chce zdążyć wykorzystać dany mi czas
‌myślałam że nigdy nie przekonam się do biegania, a jednak
‌moje klimaty Gombrowicz i trapy, szama i trochę futbolu poza tym
‌interesuje mnie fucha osoby kaskaderskiej i myślę że chciałabym kiedyś spróbować
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1234567ttttttttttt · 3 months
Fucha ,tak się pije
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mysowa · 5 months
Stefan Kosiewski, FUCHA DLA WAŁĘSY. "Solidarność Jastrzębie" Nr 23 Katowice 13 października 1981:1,3
Protokół Komisji Skrutacyjnej Głosowań Tajnych Nr 1. Wyniki głosowania na przewodniczącego Komisji Krajowej NSZZ “Solidarność” uzyskane w I turze głosowania: Komisja stwierdza, że oddano 844 głosy, w tym ważnych 837, nieważnych 7. W ramach głosów ważnych 48 głosów wstrzymujących się. Wyniki głosowania: Andrzej Gwiazda – 74 głosy (8,84 proc.), Marian Jurczyk – 201 (24,01 proc.), Jan Rulewski – 52…
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madaboutyoumatt · 9 months
Omegaverse - Max
Dziecko to były tylko obowiązki i wydatki. Przynajmniej na samym początku. Tylko teraz ciężko było czasami rozdzielić czy dana wizyta u lekarza była dla matki czy dziecka. Byli jednością. Jednością, która kosztowała nie mało. Tym bardziej jak się nie miało dobrego ubezpieczenia, bo pracowało się za marne pieniądze w zwykłej kawiarni. To nie była fucha życia, w dodatku nie na umowę stałą, więc w każdej chwili mógł ją stracić. Jako samotny, młody facet nie miał z tym problemu, ale jako przyszła matka?
To wszystko co się teraz działo było zbyt szybko, zbyt wcześnie. Max jeszcze nie ogarniał co się miało za parę tygodni dziać. Był obecnie na tu i teraz a to oznaczało złe samopoczucie, wymioty i branie leków. A to kwas foliowy, żelazo, wszystkie te omegi i wapń. Na samo to wydał, jego zdaniem, majątek w aptece. Bo tego potrzebował. Bo dla zdrowia dziecka. Jeżeli matka będzie w kiepskim stanie to w takim samym będzie maluch. Teraz musiał martwić się za dwoje a ledwo ogarniał siebie. Wiedział natomiast jego.
- Żeby było jasne – odpowiedział tym samym bezczelnym tonem, który pewnie alfie się nie spodobało, bo to alfy zawsze takich używały w stosunku do innych. Smakowanie swojego własnego lekarstwa cale nie było smaczne. – ja nie chcę od ciebie nic więcej, nadal zostajemy na tym samym na czym stanęliśmy w restauracji. Martw się o nie. – wskazał brzuch. Nadal jeszcze płaski, jakby chciał zaprzeczyć temu co się w środku tworzyło.
Max nie kontaktował się z starszym, bo mu się to podobało czy został złamany przez niego i go teraz pragnął. Właściwie pragnął od początku, feromony prały mu mózg a ciało wiedziało czego chciało. Zdawał sobie sprawę, że to działało w dwie strony i zastanawiał się tylko czy tamten był tak uparty czy jednak to było to samo o czym opowiadał mu Matt… o przeznaczeniu. Oczywiście nawet tego nie starał się rozkminić, bo nie miał zamiaru w to wszystko wchodzić. Przeznaczenie, pociąg czy natura. Jak zwał tak zwał. Za drobne się nie będzie rozmieniał. Albo dostaje wszystko albo nic.
- Żeby tylko. -  westchnął. – Najgorzej, że na zapach kawy najszybciej mi się zbiera. I garść witamin i innych tabletek dostałem. – nagle wstał i podszedł do niewielkiej wyspy jaka oddzielała rzekomy salon od kuchni. – Dumny tata chce zdjęcie? – była w tym doza sarkazmu, ale nie tak mocna jak dotychczas. Wyciągnął USG i wrócił na kanapę podając je Masonowi. – Ten groszek to podobno to. Nie znam się, ale tak pani doktor mówiła. Niedługo podobno będzie słychać bicie serca.
Nawet nie wyglądał jak ktoś kto próbowałby w ten sposób wkupić się w alfie łaski lub coś zyskać. Prędzej był załamany całą sytuacją.
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