#fuck Olivia Wilde
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sunshineofyourlovee · 2 years
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cuntyfieddemon · 2 years
olivia wilde, her family destroyed, her most ambitious movie being a flop, her name and reputation ruined, her bank account empty from all the travelling and shows...
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life is good.
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boots-and-dagger · 2 years
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damn they work fast
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halosluvchild · 2 years
if anyone ever tells you holvia didn't destroy Harry's image in the gp THEY ARE LYING
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larrysblooming · 2 years
There’s a lot of things I despise Olivia Wilde for, she’s a horrible person all around, but the one thing that I will never ever look past (other than closeting a queer man) is her characterizing an ab*ser and r*pist as a sweet and caring individual and romanticizing taking away someone’s bodily autonomy to an audience of mainly young and impressionable teenage girls.
These young girls are now confused and having trouble deciding whether or not Jack’s actions were justifiable when it should be crystal clear that they are not, some are even empathizing with Jack and saying that they’d stay with him if they were in Alice’s shoes because they believe he truly loved her and did this for her so she could be happy. Jack was the villain in this movie, but he wasn’t portrayed as such. The majority of the scenes displayed a loving relationship between him and Alice, even the small clips from the real world showed Jack and Alice being loving and soft to each other. I mean they even have a song together ffs. When it came time to reveal the truth behind Jack’s intentions, it was very unclear as to how things escalated from a late night disagreement to eventually trapping Alice in a simulation. There is little to no depiction of his dangerous and erratic behavior that would characterize him as a villain which was rather evident in the original script for the film. Even at the end, the ghost of Jack (?? Or whatever) is hugging Alice, giving her (and by association, the audience) one last opportunity to decide if Jack really was a bad person or just a misunderstood individual blinded by “love”. How f*cked up do you have to be to do something like that???
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leclerrari · 8 months
from lewis saying that if he could sit down with the fans on the bleachers he would support charles to charles saying lewis is one of the people he admires the most to them being teammates i’m afraid we’ve never been more back in the history of being back
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tsintotwo · 2 years
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Olivia Wilde’s off-the-rails press tour for “Don’t Worry Darling” started with the “Booksmart” helmer praising the film for being a beacon of female pleasure (spoiler: lead star Florence Pugh’s character is repeatedly raped in retrospect and cannot consent since she is chained to a bed and held captive unconscious). In a splashy pre-release cover story, Wilde made what seemed to be a sex-positive statement to Variety: “Men don’t come in this film. … Only women here!”
A source revealed to IndieWire that the highly controversial set was without an intimacy coordinator at the request of director Wilde, all while off-set she emphasized just how sexy and Adrian Lyne-y the sex scenes between Pugh and Styles were on her year-long press tour. “Why isn’t there any good sex in film anymore?” Wilde infamously asked, promising that “Don’t Worry Darling” would rectify that.
“I think the idea that just because you have a female lead character, that instantly makes the film feminist, is a bit naïve. bell hooks said it best. She said, ‘Patriarchy has no gender,'” Menkes said. “As women, we have internalized a lot of these concepts on a very, very deep level to the point that they’re just reproduced. When women directors reproduce these tropes, you wonder how much is just automatic. I ask the same question of women that I ask of men: How do you think that reproducing the same shit is supposed to be revolutionary or commenting on it? Because we have had 120 years of the male gaze on our backs, because we have had 96 percent of films directed by men that objectify women all throughout history. It’s so ingrained, it’s so deep.”
While Menkes credited Wilde for employing a feminist shot design and use of visual language, especially when filming lead star Pugh’s nudity, Menkes noted that on a script level, “Don’t Worry Darling” is decidedly anti-feminist. Why?
Well, mainly because none of that hot sex Wilde boasted about is consensual. Spoiler alert: The ending of “Don’t Worry Darling” is that Pugh’s character is actually being held hostage by her abusive incel partner (Styles) and literally chained to a bed as they live out their “ideal” lives in a virtual reality simulation called Victory. Pugh eventually escapes, but there is no redemption. It’s a rape fantasy without the rape-revenge.
The plot of “Don’t Worry Darling” is hardly feminist when examined more closely, but behind-the-scenes issues are troubling as well: A source told IndieWire that more than half of the production assistants were not included in the film’s credits, despite being listed on IMDb. The production assistants left out, including COVID compliance officers, are all women. (IndieWire has reached out to representatives for the “Don’t Worry Darling” production for comment.)
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angelnumber27 · 8 months
You lost true friends due to being a crazy person
Uh ma’am this is a mdcdonalds…
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cuntyfieddemon · 2 years
olivia wilde, her family destroyed, her most ambitious movie being a flop, her name and reputation ruined, her bank account empty from all the travelling and shows...
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life is good.
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cheese-rat29 · 7 months
okay which one of you jokers did this
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flopbftheo · 8 days
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halosluvchild · 2 years
I think I've got to keep reminding myself that something like this was always going to happen no matter what. there is no way no matter how much H wanted the role that he was going to be able to do mp without a beard. it would have drawn too much attention to the obvious which is something we know HSHQ doesn't want and at this point it might be something H doesn't want either. I'm not going to sit back and say in either instance this isn't shitty but it's the truth, it was going to be OW or some other blond skinny model. HSHQ just happened to get a 2f1 deal in the form of OW. people can relate the domestic hsh to her and H has a beard for mp. do I think H agreed to the stunt? Yes at first he did because on paper just like HSHQ saw it's a 2f1 deal H has also been in this industry going on 13 yrs at this point I do believe he knows what he is doing and what is best for him. What I don't think H or HSHQ planned for (because how could you in negotiation meetings) is how much of a narcissist OW truly is and how far she was willing to go for HER name to be up in lights. do I think this will destroy H is career? no he's been hanging around assholes before 1D went on hiatus very publicly. will be lose fans? possibly but im under the impression that if you are no longer going to be a fan of an artist because of who they date legally then maybe you weren't a fan of the music in the first place ( ex 5sos and their partners) will he lose credibility in the music scene? Idk I know critics are talking about him harsher but that might just be because he's been solo longer now or that Sony isn't pay for good reviews ( if that's even a thing) I personally don't care for award shows or music critique because to me music is subjective what a professional critic calls God awful might be my favorite song. someone who a critic says everyone should listen to them because everyone will like them I might not. it's the same with movies different people like different things. this stunt will hopefully end sometime early next year probably at the clean two year mark when it began. it's like every other stunt contract the only thing that has made it this bad is the person H is in a stunt with is OW and instead of sitting in my cozy little home and continuing to shit on HSHQ or H for staying involved with that vile excuse of human I am going to continue to remind myself that it was bound to happen we sadly just got stuck with OW
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forestfan69 · 2 years
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Nightly O’Deorain laboratory activities
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dahllaz · 10 months
Just rewatched SVU 8x18 Responsible and I had forgotten how that episode ended. Completely forgotten.
Just. What. The. Fuck. Elliot. You can't just burn your daughters ID. She needs that for more than driving or buying alcohol!
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
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