#fuck iranian govt
bonyassfish · 10 months
The inability to see the connection between jews being deliberately excluded from projects of nationalism or self-determination and the current violence of Zionist regime is something holding back most people here methinks
Like I literally saw a post referring to Mizrahi Jews as “race traitors”, as if they weren’t excluded from earlier Arab nationalism/pan-arab identities/decolonial movements. In Morocco, the colonial French govt used divide and conquer and made the Moroccan Jewish community separate from other Moroccans. Now the majority of Moroccan Jews live in Israel.
It’s interesting, one of the few places that Jews can live with a modicum of safety in the Middle East nowadays is actually Iran, where despite obvious discrimination and oppression, there is a concerted effort to differentiate between Jews and Zionists, and to view Iranian Jews as inherent members of Iranian society (in theory at least, if not in practice)
It’s the eternal question which plagues Jews everywhere: where do we belong? Pretty much every Jew on earth has a family history of expulsion and escape. My ancestors came from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Romania. But none of them ever felt an affinity to these nations, only a sense of exclusion and discrimination.
This is of course not to defend the Israeli state in any way, but to explain it. The hostility and the violence comes from both a dehumanization of the Palestinians to further the Zionist project, as well as a perceived existential need. If Jews aren’t welcome anywhere else, where do we go?
That’s why I always say the fight for Palestinian liberation and the fight against antisemitism go hand in hand. One of the most effective tools to use against Zionism and hasbara bullshit is to show you love and care for the Jewish people and our safety. Otherwise, don’t fucking bother.
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phaeton-flier · 4 days
Like, ignore all the moral arguments, just focus on the cynical America security state perspective:
What does the US govt even get from being friendly with the Saudis? Is there just a bunch of hits we haven't taken because of the channel of communication? Do they really think an unfriendly Saudi regime would fuck with oil that badly?
They're not interested in playing nice with the other US ally in the area, they've never agreed to shift oil production if asked, they're, what, also against the Iranians?
Embarrassing, really, sold out on principles for fuck all
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loveskz143 · 2 years
Stray Kids talking about stuff in Iran
TW/// SA and murder
Minho walks into the room: hey did you guys hear what happened in Iran?
Bang Chan: No, what happened?
Minho: Apparently 15,000 protestors have been sentenced to death for fighting for their human rights.
Felix: what the fuck
Minho: I know right, this was announced not too long ago by the looks of it.
Changbin: well why the fuck hasn’t everyone been talking about it??
Minho: probably coz we’re so engulfed by our own lives that we didn’t even know
Minho: I mean, people do have busy and tough lives but you’d think at least it might have been mentioned in the media a bit more right?
Seungmin (reading about it): oh my god
Seungmin: oh my GOD
Hyunjin: what??
Seungmin: *sends the article to the others*
The room is silent.
Bang Chan: this is disgusting
Jeongin: I might throw up
Jisung: what kind of sicko does that to a person just so they don’t make it into heaven?
I do not claim to know the political views of the members of Stray Kids but I do know they will not support the actions of the Iranian govt as outlined in this post. Since my blog is mostly skz incorrect quotes I thought this might be the best way to share this terrible and dark news.
To anyone reading this then please, if you are able to, sign petitions to help free the people of Iran and do whatever you can to spread the news. Urge politicians and people you know in power to make an effort to help these people. I usually try to make these “incorrect quotes” comical but this is not a comical matter. I warn those planning to read into this matter that it involves TW//// government plans of mass SA of virgins so that they don’t get into heaven (which is what Seungmin, Bang Chan, Jeongin and Jisung were “talking about”). Take care everyone and if any Iranians in Iran or who are in another country read this then I just want to say that I am so sorry this is happening. You are strong to make it this far, I admire that strength. Take care ❤️
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glassheartstonesoul · 2 years
Criticisms of Qatar are racist. This mustn’t be misconstrued as I agree certain criticisms are valid. However it must be stressed that these criticisms would not even exist if Qatar were a western country. The migrant worker deaths must be investigated and appropriate compensation must be given to their families. However almost all countries facing rapid development/industrialization have committed the same atrocities Qatar has, yet no one has brought attention to them. Furthermore most if not all countries who have hosted the world cup have committed the same acts. Not to mention western media have grossly exaggerated the statistics to fit their narrative. They failed to mention that a large percentage of the deaths were due to natural causes. These human rights violations are only highlighted because the country hosting the Fifa World Cup is Qatar. These issues would not be brought to light if a western country were to host the World Cup. The hypocrisy in this situation is un-fucking-believable. Please keep the same fucking energy for the next World Cup which is going to be hosted in the United States. I can guarantee that in four years no one is going to be talking about all the injustices occurring in the USA. The only reason Qatar is facing this much criticism is because of western hypocrisy. Where was this energy when Russia was hosting the World Cup. Literally just type “World cup 2018 human rights” and look at the results. Over 110 North Korean workers died building a stadium. This is a quote from one of the articles “International experts describe the workers from North Korea as both slaves and hostages.” Let’s not forget the strikes in Brazil in 2014 protesting worker exploitation or the xenophobic attacks in South Africa during 2010. So ask yourselves why is Qatar facing the most heat ? The simple answer is xenophobia coupled with the recent trend of woke culture and performative activism. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones !! All these western nations criticizing Qatar should look inwards and rectify the corruption and human rights violations in their own countries before acting so righteous. Moreover Grant Wahl may he rest in peace was not killed by the Qatari government. Wahl himself stated "My body finally broke down on me. Three weeks of little sleep, high stress and lots of work can do that to you," Wahl wrote. "What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort. Furthermore Wahl said on his podcast that he visited the clinic once more and even admitted to canceling all his plans and staying in. There quite literally no proof of foul play and you cannot draw conclusions based on your own prejudices and one emotional video from his brother. Ask yourself why is a reporter so important to Qatar that they would go as far as killing him ? There are thousands of articles criticizing Qatar and there have been dozens of cases of people wearing lgbtq+ clothing or arm bands during the World Cup this year. If you think Wahl wearing one rainbow shirt and writing a few critical articles for him killed then why haven’t other journalists or lgbtq+ supporters gotten killed ? This is complete and utter bullshit. Qatar has its flaws and yes it is not a country that is accepting of lgbtq+ people and yes they’ve violated human rights but why the criticism now ? The hypocrisy of the west is disgusting. The hypocrisy of celebrities is disgusting as well. So many singers are speaking out against Qatar yet are still holding concerts in stadiums built through human rights violations and still hold concerts in countries committing the same acts Qatar has. Celebrities, politicians and public figures are so eager to speak out against Qatar but refuse to talk about other human rights violations (Iranian govt, Israel-Palestine, BLM, roe v wade). Where was all this lgbtq+ allyship when the World Cup was hosted in Russia ? A very anti-lgbtq country. Basically screw all you hypocri
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daenerysoftarth · 1 month
"If you only listen to marginalized people who completely agree with and validate your preconceived beliefs about their community and never ever challenge you about anything you say, do, or believe, then you are not actually an ally."
Do NOT reblog that fucking post and in the same breath get mad that Jews have a movement for their own self-determination and right to return to the Levant that predates the modern govt you're mad at. Do not reblog that fucking post and then refuse to listen to Jews defining their own community's terms, and say weird ass shit about Israelis, or say they should have "learned from the Holocaust" (are you gonna watch to make sure Palestinians learn from Gaza too or are horrible acts of cruelty only meant to be lessons when they're happening to Jews?) Do not reblog that fucking post and then refuse to address the antisemitism inherent to protesting for Palestine in front of Holocaust memorials, showings of Fiddler on the Roof, and Jewish community centers. Do not reblog that post and then refuse to look into the antisemitism you're surrounded with or rid your movement of it. Do not reblog that fucking post, you performative loser.
Oh and support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. directly gets innocent Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni and others killed. They are not good for the people they govern and if you think they're at all representative of those people then you're horrifically racist against Arabs. Remember last year when we all hated the Iranian govt for what they did to Zhina Amini? Are you really going to cheer for that govt's ideology when it's in a different spot and opposed to the (((Zionist))) one? Are you seriously going to demand we endorse or ignore what Hezbollah did to those Druze children, or what Hamas has done to both Israeli and Palestinian people? That's repugnant. You're disgusting.
Most people in the Levant, Israeli and Palestinian alike, want peace. That peace is not going to be possible if you keep cheering on Hamas or getting mad at Jews for not celebrating the brutal murder of their community members.
You are not an ally to Jews or Palestinians and this world would be safer for both groups if you and your vile bullshit weren't in it.
remember when those american soldiers tortured men at abu ghraib and the whole world moved on. i remember seeing that at an art exhibit when i was a kid. this was around the same time that my mom, a state employee, was trapped in an abusive relationship bc her government job didnt pay enough to support me on her own. simultaneously, she worked at the poorest school in our state, in a historically black neighborhood. underfunded, crumbling ceilings, my mom found a bat in her classroom once, stuff like that. ya know how it goes. i remember attending a lot of her mandatory teacher meetings--because she couldnt afford child care--where they would brainstorm ways to best support students who were homeless or living in group homes or with abusive parents. i remember one time the figure came up as an estimated 11,000 kids in our district alone were homeless.
budget cuts to education continue. budget cuts to transportation and social security and housing and healthcare continue. each and every time i see this happening to my communities, my friends, my mentors, my family.... and the justification given was always. "but our troops." protecting our freedom and what not. its okay if we invest more in guns than in school meal programs because of the ominous threat... out there. yes, things are bad here, but imagine how much worse they can be!! so hand over one more penny if you'd please
so imagine my confusion when i get a little bit older and i realize that, well actually it's not about peace at all. considering we're the ones that keep starting shit. how it's not about freedom or democracy--otherwise why did we do that in chile?--but just about cold hard cash. and material resources. and how that those who sell their souls and bodies take those pennies we had stored away for their own little versions of paradise. for thee but not for me
and culturally GOD to mention 9/11 was tantamount to bringing up necrophilia as far as killing the vibe went. god forbid you didn't perform a spontaneous pledge on the spot if september thee 11th was mentioned. but that homeless man on the corner is nothing more than an inconvenience.
the even more shocking thing is that ALL of that is a fraction of the pain and suffering and utter grief that palestinians endure at this hour in our world. there is a quote somewhere, which i cant recall rn, that basically said you know apartheid when you see it. you feel apartheid when you see it. i remember feeling that as a child driving from where we lived with my grandparents in white suburbia to the school my mom worked at, on the wrong side of the tracks (never a city where that saying has been more literal than louisville). i remember that feeling in 2014 when i saw a video of israeli citizens sitting on a cliffside in their recliners and cheering as they watched gaza get bombed during the 2014 israel gaza war. i remember that same feeling when seeing those pictures of us military soldiers torturing men in abu ghraib, with smiles on their faces.
no one has the right to apartheid. no one has the right to the spoils of empire. no one has the right to drain our communities of resources for their own selfish fucking ends. the same beast that robs my neighbors of peace and plenty is the same that terrorizes their homelands. fuck the us military. free palestine.
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coolspork · 5 months
Maybe this is completely unfounded but a lot of times I see discourse surrounding the act of fandom flattening out commentary dense works into YA love stories and there's always a large group of people in the "just let people like what they like it doesn't have to be deep" camp. And I'm constantly reminded of that quote from the Iranian official (i think it was a govt official? I could be wrong) about how America's heroes are all fictional. Like we are a society built on vapid aesthetics and disregard for other parts of the world because we're culturally dominant (that's a whole other discussion, but the short of it is even our non-militaristic global presence is destroying cultures) and by and large we tend to take moral direction from film and media (also a whole other discussion, also problematic to say the least) which is why those moments of solidarity on TV back in the late 20th century were so fucking huge because Americans take direction from media and if the media says maybe we can get along then that might just change minds. Which is kind of a ridiculous premise but it has been shown to have a real impact on attitudes in the home alongside other social justice work.
But back to the thing about YA novel romances, when we refuse to engage in what little cultural direction we're spoonfed there becomes a whole population of people that have read books critiquing major power structures in our country such as authoritarianism, militarism, police brutality, racism post-civil rights movement, and (very prominently) classism, but have no desire to engage with the work the author is doing, or think it isn't relevant to them despite these being issues present at every level of society. Now you end up with huge groups of people spewing "no ethical consumption under capitalism" to soothe any guilt that may arise from irresponsible consumption or support of bad actors and bigots, popular depictions of characters with real world cultural importance that have been reduced to the caricatures they were made to break from, and most jarringly the constant reminders many Americans ignore that rich people are not our friends and very little they do materially benefits anyone but themselves and the culture that upholds them.
People who view themselves as progressive will sit around all day laughing at gamer bros and incels for being mad that deadpool is queer and not a white supremacist, but will become extremely defensive if you point out that the hunger games had real political critique relevant to the fact that they want to spam post about taylor swift and the met gala but won't repost a single link or gofundme for refugees or those effected by any number of global crises because it "ruins their blog" or "annoys their followers" or whatever their specific reason may be. It's not that you can't enjoy the shallow aspects of a piece of media but repeated refusal to engage with one of the few easily accessed and popular vehicles of political discourse that young Americans have access to is just irresponsible. People constantly say "it's not our fault, we were never taught this" while reading dystopian novel after dystopian novel. Somehow the only one I've seen make a real impact is Handmaid's tale and I'm certain that it's because it depicts explicitly American white women in a Christian state, which is something a lot of agnostic white liberal feminists resonate with, but they never acknowledge that these sorts of things have and do happen in the real world to women that don't look like them.
Americans feel good about themselves for giving a thumbs up whenever they see something going on, the black square fiasco during the George Floyd protests being a very visible example, but won't allow allegorical media to challenge their world view, won't hold celebrities to higher standards in terms of monetary and cultural action, won't address their own biases that may effect how they engage with this sort of content, but they want all the praise for being politically "correct".
I just think we need to be a lot more honest about our reliance on fictional media as a country and how that's produced "it's not that deep" attitudes that refuse education when it's so rarely handed directly to you. If you're upset you were never taught something, teach it to yourself. If you were upset you were asked to find a deeper meaning in an author's words, ask yourself why acknowledging that depth feels threatening.
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sybbi · 11 months
Tumblr media
Saying you completely believe something before you have any evidence and hoping someone will just confirm it for you is, that's right, confirmation bias
Fars News has suspicious ties to the Iranian govt and before someone says WELL WHAT ABOUT WESTERN MEDIA BIAS they literally once passed off a satirical article from the Onion as their own truthful article so maybe you should also realize that just because a source is from the MENA region doesn't make it without bias or even fucking reliable
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hurricanewindattack · 3 years
finally caught up to my dash and re: your post, gonna rant here.
you focused on the past but european social democracies exist in the present day because they actively perpetuate 1. economic deprivation in the third world through wto/eu/world bank/the dollar. the eu ensures people in the thrid world are condemned to do sweatshop labour for cheap consumer goods bc it saves their citizens money and so keeps their economies sparkling. it's how the modern world works. eu govts are happy to give healthcare and free education bc their economies have exported slavery elsewhere. see: wto loans and patent regimes (2021!) 2. violent regime change and influence peddling to support 1 through nato/eu sanctions and weaponry see: bolivian coup (2019!). any state that rejects western hegemony and that tries to offer dignity to its people is treated as a threat to this.
f1 is small fry. states are buying minor currency and legitimacy in the eyes of a few mil people max. why do they do that? this soft power game has long been won by the west and rewarded western states with unimaginable wealth and power. they did most of this while being this awful. the declaration of rights had slaveowners involved. pulling up the ladder behind you is unfair, esp when you're not benevolent overlords rn either. instead of critical takes about better ways for restructuring the way power is distributed, people in the west are like OH let's keep it the same for now but away from these bad people! and that's where this internationalism ends. partly bc genuinely good foreign policy can hardly ever be a priority in our broken democracies. but also bc a lot of this outrage is performative. that's why we get mad at you. this doesn't really feel as the lesser evil for ~us~ when people on the lesser evil side also benefit from being evil. then of course good and bad is blurry. modi govt evil. modi govt also leads vaccine patent waiver that eu opposes. now india should have some power right?
plus this handwringing about sanctioning 'bad' countries reads often like another flavor of manufacturing consent for interventions that make everything worse. starve venezuelans/gazans/north koreans/iranians so they overthrow bad government. bomb afghanistan to stamp out a terror group armed to fight western wars. we know our govts suck! revolutions are very complex and difficult. their are queer people in all these countries to my identity fixated folk. denying these people the circuses so they revolt against their govts is ass backwards. just leave us the fuck alone instead.
nuance: brazilians were really mad about the hosting of the rio games. i don't actually want f1 to come back to india rn bc i think new delhi should collect more tax till everyone gets access to water and electricity.
but f1 as it is, it's not a reward for being good bc no one deserves to qualify on that score and even if they did, till every person has the chance to not die of treatable illnesses and hunger and what not – f1 will remain a monstrous example of the frivolities that our economic systems prioritises. our world is not just.
have some kindness, do some community service, read frantz fanon ✌️/rantover
I agree with every single wordd <333
Honestly I didn't think of things that deeply since I was fighting sleep to write that post, and you summarized those issues beautifully. But I'd like to add that past atrocities are also present atrocities if you don't pay back for them. So I don't think they're less evil than what European states are doing in the present day.
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whiteanti · 5 years
sry if that's gonna turn out long but i really want your onion on it. in relations to that anon who asked you abt white passing people - what do you think about "west asians" loool. like caucasians, not white europeans but people from the caucasus like armenians georgians azeris etc. personally i could never consider them poc lmao first of all demographic region such as west asia doesnt exist, most countries from that region are middle eastern and the ones who are not are BETWEEN europe and asia
and not to bring that up but armenians have been legally classified as white like 100 years ago, ntm how they never looked racialized in the first place its just that white americans considered anything that’s not white american as impure. like even white southern and eastern europeans. and cool you could say they’re white passing poc but there are not Any specific racialized features that make you go oh thats a poc.. its not fucking 2012 anymore we cant still push that race is social bullshit
(i think tumblr ate the 3rd or 2nd ask so im rewriting it) even if it was its still made to not only benefit them but put them on top. with tht circassian beauty shit that was spread among both europe and the global south w circassian women and their “big beautiful hair” as the beauty standard while black women were and still to this day are abused degraded etc for their hair then you have white ass circassians and other caucasians using as an argument about not being white that white russians call thm bl*ckies or the white version of the n word lmaooo can you believe… and like ok your ppl faced genocide and ethnic cleansing from white russians but how does that contribute to you being racialized ESP in the modern day world. 
not only that but so many of them have pale skin, blue eyes, blonde hair like straight up cracker and they still insist on being poc just cuz they’re not Straight from mother europe. its just a caucasian online thing to claim the racialized experience for white ppl jokes access and extra oppression points. 
if you ask the average middle aged lets say armenian person what race they are they’re gonna tell you white. and with the amount of anti asian sentiment in their communities how tf do they expect to be accepted as asian like they’re truly playing with us. 
also wht bugs me is how they cant tell the difference btwn racism and xenophobia/ethnophobia sjhgahsj how do you insist on facing racism without being racialized? they face as much discrimination in white countries as any average white foreigner would but go explain that shit to them that if you’re not racialized you cant use the terms racism and xenophobia interchargeably. 
to me the only asians are east, southeast, south, central and north, also anything mixed inbetween. all these crackers lite from the caucasus mountains can go fuck themselves and shove their forced victimization up their asses cuz at this point i’m so tired of their white asses trying to prove me they’re on the same level as us whn it comes to discrimination. 
like yes s and se asians are way more discriminated than the rest of us but we (east central north) do face racial discrimination unlike caucasians lmao. and sure they face intergenerational trauma from the genocides of their countries but so do we, in way bigger amounts. thats why im so sceptical abt terms like visible poc cuz you either are a poc or not… they have so many tactics as a gotcha to racialized asians to make us seem as if we’re bigots who invalidate their genocides and talk so aimlessly abt it when all we want is for them to acknowledge their whiteness, white privilege, white guilt and self victimization against us. but anyways im so sry for making it this long but i needed to get if off my chest and you’re like the only person i know who can understand it and give a well thought out opinion. i rlly wish you all the best and good luck on all your exams 💓💓💓
btw for the previous asks i only said “mixed inbetween” bc i talked about monoracial asians specifically not that someone isnt asian if they’re mixed w black or anything else, also idk much abt indigenous ppl from oceania or how they identify so that’s why i left it out
ok so I reformatted some of the asks to make them easier to read (as in I changed where paragraph breaks were bc wow there r so many) but my answer is below the cut! 
[EDIT] since a few ppl r asking me abt this no I don't fully agree w this anon. I don't think arabs are white. I don't think Iranians are white. I don’t know if Armenians or other ethnicities from the Caucasus region are white I think thats an ongoing discussion w in their communities, but as far as I knew I thought people saw Armenians as white. again I could be wrong but that is what I think the general consensus is. if you want to have in in-depth discussion abt this topic pls ask someone from within those communities or at the very least has researched it in-depth.
ok so just from what I know a lot of ppl from the caucus region classified themselves as white during segregation, etc in order to escape racial discrimination. Armenians as far as ik r generally classified as white? the Kardashians are Armenian and I don’t think anyone has ever said they’re poc. geographically Armenia is in west Asia so technically they’re asian but does that mean they’re poc? but if u say Armenians r white then r arabs white? Armenians do face discrimination and they have faced a genocide which is denied by the Turkish govt. but most ashkenazi jewish ppl r also white so….. idk.
as for in Europe they would definitely be seen as poc or at the very least not white. basically anywhere east of turkey (ofc excluding Russia) is seen as Big Scary Middle East full of ppl who want to invade Europe. but again in America I’m not too sure bc race relations r definitely different there.
I think its a rlly complex question w a complex answer and tbh I don’t know enough abt any of this to b able to give a cohesive opinion. what I will say is that I think this is a different discussion completely from whether mixed white poc r poc or not. this is a discussion is to whether a whole ethnicities of ppl who look ‘white’ are poc or not. its complicated bc race isn't ‘real’ as in theres not way to divide humans into 5 groups. ppl like from the caucasus region don’t fit neatly into white or asian and if u look historically the region is closely tied w Greece, Iran and the Mughals in India so again… theres no definite answer. but as far as ik they definitely have a large degree of white passing privilege but I would still say to a lesser extent than full white europeans. they’re also mostly racialised in europe or at least demonised to a certain extent. more than Eastern Europeans and less than poc but like idk lol. I hope this is an ok answer bc to b honest my brain is so fried rn
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I will also just put this out there - a Princeton PhD candidate was sentenced months ago to a 10 year sentence in an Iranian jail for being a ‘spy’ aka doing his doctoral research. And he had a wife and child still in NJ and they’ve been desperately trying to get the US govt to intervene and they’ve done NOTHING. SPOILER ALERT his name is Xiyue Wang and he’s not white so guess Trump doesn’t give a fuck.
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zetssubou · 5 years
Fuck the Iranian govt Yhh but let’s not move like they’re funding terrorism lol half this shit in the news is so fabricated cos Britain 🤝 Saudi 🤝 Israel 🤝 USA 🤝 are all in bed together lol
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