#fuck you sharon raydor is alive
kadi219 · 6 months
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mimine666 · 6 months
Wrote a little something for the "Fuck you Sharon Raydor is alive day". I still can't believe how the show ended so I thought I might fix it mouhaha
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little-firestar · 4 months
Major Crimes Fanfic- One More Day
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It had been a bad day, a bad case; Sharon, having finished writing the latest reports, had returned home to what had become their love nest for two years now. Andy, on the other hand, had not been in the mood: wasted young lives always had that effect on him, threatening to plunge him back into the abyss of drinking. He had gone to an AA meeting; normally, he never shared details of his work, merely talking about how drinking had ruined his family, but this time it had been different. No names, ranks, descriptions. a simple sentence. 
Hi, I'm Andy and I've been sober for almost 30 years. It's been a good half of my life now that I don't drink, but as I once told a good friend of mine, you can't change who and what you are, only the way you approach life. Sometimes I drank not because I was a jerk, but because I wanted to delude myself that I could forget what sucks in the world. I'm a cop, and-and I had a very bad case. A guy killed a teenager, a girl his age, and threw her in the trash, just like that, because she was nothing to him and she didn't deserve anything different. Fifteen years old. Those two kids were only fifteen years old....
When the meeting was over, he had stayed a while to talk; he had sought out his sponsor, and vented a little to him-with Randy, they had known each other all their lives, he could even go into a little more detail-and then, finally, he had gone home.
The apartment was completely shrouded in darkness and silence; Andy tried to flick the light switch, but nothing happened, and he was filled with a feeling of dread. It felt to him as if he were inside some movie, or crime TV series, where the protagonist came home and once he managed to turn on the light found the dead body of his own wife.  He moved slowly, bringing his hand to the holster he carried at his side; circumspect, he flattened himself against the wall, crawling along the walls until he reached the kitchen. He heard a noise, something falling to the ground, shattering into dozens, perhaps hundreds of pieces, and pointed his weapon in the direction of the noise.  The light suddenly returned, and Andy heard a female voice scream - squeak - as soon as he moved, pointing his weapon at what he was sure was an intruder, ready to shoot.  Andy blinked, in disbelief; in front of him, amid the shards of a cup, wearing a Japanese silk kimono like a robe, was Sharon, without glasses and with her hair completely disheveled. 
"What the hell -- Sharon, I almost shot you!" He rebuked her, slipping the gun into its holster.He dropped down on one of the dining room chairs, and brought a hand to his heart, which was beating wildly. "What were you going to do, give me another heart attack?"
She smiled at him, sweet, motherly, and Andy remembered all the times she had taken care of him-including the time he had been beaten up on the street and ended up in the hospital, and she had gotten into the ambulance with him after the attack, never leaving him alone, not even for a moment. 
The woman gave him a glass of water, and put her fingers on his carotid artery, trying to see if his heart rate was returning to normal; Andy closed his eyes, sighed, and began to purr, as if he had been a big gray cat. Sharon burst out laughing, her eyes watering with joy, and she clutched Andy's head to her chest, studding that flowing silver hair with kisses.Andy moved the kimono's neckline slightly and kissed the long pink scar that started from her sternum and ran almost all the way across her rib cage in its entirety, and rested his ear against it, eyes closed. 
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom....
A regular, perfect rhythm, his favorite sound, the one he set to listen to every night before falling asleep, the one he heard every morning as soon as he woke up-that of Sharon's heart. He didn't know who donated that organ, but not a day went by that he didn't thank God for that gift, because after Julio had managed to revive her, the doctors had been able to stabilize her long enough until a donor came along-and that, in the end, she had agreed to undergo the transplant: even one more day with her, to him, was a miracle. 
"Mom, Eddie fixed the fuse that blew and..." Rusty and his boyfriend, a dashing Texas-born firefighter, Eduardo, entered the house by slamming the front door; Andy and Sharon didn't even bother to separate, they just stayed cuddled in their little bubble. "What are you two doing?"
"Come on, aren't they sweet?" Eddie elbowed him in the arm, and Rusty rolled his eyes as his boyfriend grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him away. "Come on, come on, let's leave them alone, they're so cute! Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn!"
The young men walked out of the apartment, and from inside the house, Andy and Sharon heard the elevator going up to their floor. They burst out laughing, and exchanged a long, tender kiss, still cuddling for a long time. 
Every day was a gift to them.
you can also check the story @ One more day - Little_Firestar84 - Major Crimes (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sarking · 7 months
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Hello, Sharon Raydor fans!
December 19 is the anniversary of Conspiracy Theory Part 4, so let's all take this opportunity to completely ignore it and celebrate how much we love Sharon. 
How should we celebrate that? With a fanworks fest! Fic, gifsets, essays, artwork, rec lists, fanvids -- any pairing, any rating, any type of Sharon-centered fanwork you want, posted at any time on December 19.
Not enough time to put together something new? No problem! December 19 is also the perfect day to cram your queue with reblogs of your favorite Sharon posts or leave some feedback on Sharon-centric fanworks!
Sharon might love rules, but the Fuck You, Sharon Raydor Is Alive fest only has one: no dead Sharon. The rest is up to you! Go forth and spread the Sharon love.
To help your fellow Sharon fans find your posts, please consider tagging them Sharon Raydor Is Alive.
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kate04us · 3 years
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
A tribute to a truly remarkable, memorable, inspiring woman in honor of Fuck You Sharon Raydor Is Alive Day.
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madamairlock · 5 years
Fictober Day 11: “Scared, Me?”
Fandom: Major Crimes
Pairing: Sharon Raydor/Andy Flynn
Rating: M, language, angst
Read: AO3 or below
Andy hummed softly, his fingers gently combing through Sharon’s hair as she slept with her head in his lap. He was mostly focused on the Dodgers game on the TV, but part of his mind was focused on listening to her raspy breathing. A combination of hospital stays, heart issues, and overall stress had caused her to succumb to a summer case of pneumonia. Although her heart and most of her body were finally healing and she was set for a full recovery, the pneumonia had kicked her back a few steps and made her miserable. And, by association, Andy too.
She shifted and groaned quietly, her fingers pulling her blanket closer. Andy moved his hand from her hair to her back, stabilizing her as he carefully got out from underneath her. He watched for a moment to make sure she wasn’t fully awake yet before walking into the kitchen. He filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove before gathering her next round of medication. Sighing, he angled himself against the counter so he could watch Sharon and the game while still being able to keep an eye on the kettle.
It didn’t take long for steam to start rising from the kettle. He grabbed a mug and a teabag while the water finished boiling. As he reached for the kettle, he felt the ground give a sudden jerk. Before he could fully process it, the ground started rolling and shaking violently.
“Shit!” He tried to push off the counter and head for the living room, but was easily knocked off his feet. “Sharon!”
He heard a cough and what might have been a reply, but it was cut off by the rumble and shake of the earthquake. He managed to draw under the table and grabbed some of the orange pill bottles when they hit the ground. He heard plates and pictures shattering, but had to squeeze his eyes shut against the debris filling the air. He buried his face inside his shirt, holding to the base of the table as the earthquake seemed to go on for minutes, but was barely even 30 seconds.
When it finally ended, he cautiously climbed out from under the table. He kept his shirt over his face and barely registered the destroyed kitchen as he focused on Sharon. He could see beams and plaster and upstairs furniture filling the hallway to the living room and his heart dropped.
“Sharon!” He shoved the medicine bottles in his pocket and started picking his way through the mess, cursing softly that he didn’t have any shoes on. “Jesus, shit,” he muttered, shoving what remained of their dresser out of his way.
He finally made it to the living room, panting softly. The couch was tipped over, a large wooden plank resting on it. The floor was covered with debris.
“Sharon!” He tried again, coughing as he kicked more dust into the air.
He spotted the bright red of her blanket and rushed to it, carefully pushing things off it until he uncovered her curled up form under the blanket. He knelt down beside her, one hand gently cradling her head while the other went to find her pulse. He let out an audible sigh of relief when he found one, pressing a firm kiss to her head.
“Sharon, honey, look at me.”
She whimpered softly and tried to open her eyes, but the dirtiness of the air immediately stung and she quickly closed them. Andy grabbed a cleaner portion of his shirt and wiped as much off her face as he could.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” She opened her eyes again, but it took a moment for them to find him and focus. Several coughs shook her body and he held her close. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head slightly, struggling to take a deep breath. “Just... bruises,” she managed, a few tears leaking out and staining their way through the dust on her cheeks.
“Hang on, I think I grabbed your inhaler.” He dug in his pocket, smiling a little when he pulled it out. “Can you sit up?”
He wrapped his arm around her and helped hold her up while she puffed on the inhaler, feeling as she relaxed a small amount and managed a few steadier breaths.
“We need to get out of here.” He glanced around them and then up at the ceiling. “Can you walk?”
She shook her head and clung to his arm to make sure he didn’t let go.
He coughed and continued looking around, trying to determine their best exit strategy. ”I’ll be right back.”
“Andy...” She brushed her hair out of her face, genuine fear in her glistening eyes.
“I’m not leaving you, I promise. I just need to find a way out.”
She shook her head and tried to hold on to him, but he easily pulled free. He tried to give her a reassuringly smile before he stumbled back to the hallway.
He knew the kitchen was no good, but there was still the possibility of the family room or worst case, upstairs. Taking a deep breath, he started toward the front of the house, ignoring the pangs he felt as the sight of their house completely destroyed. He barely made it a few steps down the hallway when he heard the house start to creak. He felt a sharp feeling in his gut and instinctively turned around and kneeled back down next to Sharon.
“Get under the couch,” he told her, ignoring her questioning look.
He helped her under the furniture as best as he could, covering what was left with himself. He pulled the blanket over their head as the house started creaking and groaning more.
“I love you,” he whispered, before the remains of their house came crashing down.
He expected to feel extreme pain or to feel absolutely nothing. Instead, he felt small pricks here and there as debris hit what was exposed of his body. It was only when Sharon whimpered beneath him that he knew they were both alive.
“Hey,” he murmured, squeezing her gently. “Can you breathe?”
He felt her give a slight nod and slowly pulled the blanket back enough that he could see but Sharon was still protected. He was greeted by almost complete darkness with small rays of sunshine poking through.
He pulled the blanket back over his head and took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. “We’re okay, sweetheart.”
“We’re trapped.” Her voice trembled and he instinctively pulled her closer.
“We’re okay,” he repeated, forcing his voice to be steady.
She was quiet for a moment. “Are you scared?”
His instinctive answer was, “terrified,” but he held that urge back. “Scared, me?” He asked instead, managing a forced laugh.
She relaxed a little beside him and he stroked her back, feeling the exhaustion radiating off her. In the silence, he heard the muffled sound of a phone ringing. He held his breath and tilted his head, trying to determine how close the phone was. He pulled back from Sharon and carefully rolled onto his hands and knees, trying to ignore how his body protested at the weight and movement.
There was a small bubble of space around them, caused by the larger debris getting caught on the height of the couch. He coughed and covered his mouth and nose, the phone sounding a little louder. It took him a few moments of searching and carefully digging before he found Sharon’s phone. The screen was shattered and he couldn’t see who was calling, but it was working and it was a light source.
“Hello?” He pressed the phone between his head and shoulder while he made his way back to Sharon.
“Andy, Jesus Christ! I’ve been calling for the past ten minutes!” He had never been so relieved to hear his partner’s voice. “Are you and the commander okay?” He couldn’t help but smile a little at how Provenza addressed Sharon even after her retirement. “Jesus, they said the worst was in your area.” There was no trace of sarcasm or snark in Provenza’s voice, only pure concern and what might have been fear.
“We’re alive,” he answered, settling back under the blanket with Sharon. “The house collapsed. We’re... trapped.” He hesitated saying the word where his wife could hear and he felt her body tense up immediately.
“Christ! 911 is overwhelmed but I’ll see what I can do. Are you both okay?”
“I’m fine, but the air isn’t good for Sharon.”
“Shit, okay. I’ll call for an ambulance and get the team over. Sit tight.”
“Don’t have much choice,” he replied dryly.
“Sit tight,” Provenza repeated.
“Keep me updated.”
Provenza huffed and Andy easily saw him rolling his eyes. “I’m in charge, remember?”
“Good, then you’ll have information to update me with.” Bantering with his partner gave him a small amount of piece of mind, but he could still feel how stiff Sharon was beside him.
He hung up and pressed a kiss to Sharon’s shoulder. She buried her face into the blanket and coughed, and he could hear her breath catch and tremble with each inhale.
“Do you want to call Emily or Ricky?” He offered, his mind rushing through ways to try to keep her calm and distracted. He knew if she panicked, it wouldn’t end well.
She shook her head and he turned the phone screen on as he tilted her head toward him.
“We’re okay.”
She nodded this time and he kissed her forehead.
“We are okay,” he repeated. “Do you think you can swallow a few pills without water? They’ll help your chest.”
She hesitated and he saw her internal debate play across her face before she finally nodded. He shifted to pull the bottles out, quickly grabbing one of each pill and handing it to her. She swallowed them one at a time, grimacing at each one and barely managing to get the last one down.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“Not your fault. You didn’t cause the earthquake or give me a broken body.”
He wrapped his arm back around her and shifted to cradle her against his chest. With his free hand, he found Sharon’s favorite music album and turned it on with a low volume.
“It’s not your fault either. If I remember correctly, it’s called life.”
She wrinkled her nose and coughed into his shirt. “Don’t like it.”
“Me neither.” He played with the ends of her hair, absently picking out larger pieces of debris. “You know what sounds amazing right now?”
“Healthy lungs and heart?”
“You have one of those, you know. But I meant a nice hot bath.”
“Don’t tease me,” she mumbled, trying to burrow closer to him.
“I promise to get you a nice hot bath as soon as I can, sweetheart.”
“I’m holding you to that.” She tangled her fingers in his shirt and he watched as she started losing the fight to stay awake.
“Sleep,” he murmured. “Save your energy.”
She didn’t argue, but tried to fight sleep for another few minutes until she lost and drifted off. He held her close, one arm around her and the other holding tightly to the phone while he listened for any sounds above.
It took a while, and Andy was relieved that Sharon slept through most of it. She woke up just before Provenza called to say help was almost there. Her breathing had grown more ragged and he didn’t think he could feel any more relief than he did when he heard shouting nearby. Carefully, he crawled out from under the couch and brought Sharon with him, letting her lean against him and keeping her wrapped in the blanket.
“Down here!” He called. Sharon turned the music volume up and handed him the phone so he could push it closer to a small opening. “We’re here!”
“I found them!” He heard a voice shout, and he watched as one of the openings started growing. “They’re over here! Get the stretcher!”
He ducked his head, the bright sunlight easily filling their small shelter. He felt Sharon recoil beside him and pulled the blanket over her head.
“See? We’re okay,” he murmured.
“I love you,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He rubbed her back and shifted her closer to the opening.
He helped her up and into the firefighter’s arms before he carefully climbed out himself, pausing to take in the damage around them. Most of their neighborhood was rubble and he sent a silent prayer that everyone else had been as lucky as they were.
He waved off the paramedic and stumbled to Sharon’s side as they settled her on the stretcher, his hand immediately finding hers. She looked up at him, the fear finally fading from her eyes as they placed an oxygen mask on her face and she managed her first full breath in hours. He rubbed his finger over her  ring and squeezed her hand.
“The sooner we get to the hospital and get you checked out, the sooner we can find that nice hot bath. In a nice hotel room we don’t have to clean.”
“You’re speaking my language now,” she murmured, giving him an exhausted but sincere smile as her eyes closed.
He followed her into the ambulance, all of his own exhausting slamming into his body as he sat down. He let out an involuntary groan, knowing both of them were likely to be completely immobile for at least the next few days, but also completely content to do nothing but hold his wife close for the next few days.
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ila9182 · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic where there's Sharon or Andy being a hostage or something like that and they still haven't confessed their feelings to each other. Super angsty like only you can do, but maybe with an happy ending? 💜
Thank you so much @allons-y–spaceman for this prompt ask! It has taken me a while to write it and I’m not fully satisfied with the final result, but here it is. It is very long, I am apparently not able to write short stories… I hope this doesn’t suck too much…
Also this isn’t proofread, so mistakes are all mine. Sorry.The story is set somewhere after “Hostage of Fortune” (4x08) and before “Four of a Kind” (4x11).
“Sharon, I was thinking…” Andy started as he stepped into her office.
Sharon looked up from her laptop. She folded her hands, her upper arms resting on her desk, as she waited for Andy to go on.
“We got Walters in Interview Two; I know the questioning didn’t go well and he hasn’t been very chatty, but I was thinking…” He crossed the room and sat in one of the chairs in front of Sharon, “He wasn’t fully sobered up when you and Provenza talked to him, I can swing by and bring him some ginger ale… I can try talking to him, you know, from alcoholic to alcoholic, maybe he might open up with me…” Andy offered with a shrug.
“I don’t know, Andy…” Sharon replied, hesitantly. Normally she would have thought it was a good idea, but the man had been pretty clear about the fact that he wasn’t willing to cooperate.
“Look, he hasn’t asked for a lawyer yet.” Andy pointed out. “As soon as he asks for one, I’m out of the room.” He promised her with a stern look. “But let me try, maybe he can lead us to Brittany…or her body.” He added, his expression darkening.
Sharon bit her lower lip, considering Andy’s words. The team had been working on the case for twenty hours. It was early morning when they had been called to the scene in Silverlake. A puddle of blood in the living room, bloodstains on the couch and the coffee table, but no body. A woman in her thirties, Brittany Monroe, the owner of the house, nowhere to be found. Her fiancé, Eric Walters, had been found on the scene, asleep in the bedroom, drunk and covered with blood. The man hadn’t been willing to talk and Sharon’s gut was telling her that he had something to do with the disappearance – and probably murder – of his fiancée.
“Okay.” Sharon finally let out and Andy smiled triumphantly at her. She raised a warning finger at him and told him, “But the second he asks for a lawyer, you’re out of the room.”
“Yes, Captain.” Andy nodded with a smile. He stood from the chair and quickly left Sharon’s office, closing the door behind him. He crossed the Murder Room and went to the break room where he took a can of ginger ale and a plastic glass. He then walked back to the Murder Room and pointed at the Interview Two’s door when he told Buzz, “I’m going to have a chat with Walters.”
Buzz nodded and Andy stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Eric Walters was staring at his hands. He looked up when he heard the door open and then close. Andy walked to the table and put down the ginger ale and the glass before saying, “I thought you might be thirsty… and this can help.”
Andy sat down in front of the man and eyed him. Walters opened the can and poured the ginger ale into the glass. He brought the glass to his lips and gave Andy a nod, “Thank you.”
Walters put the empty glass down and stared at the Lieutenant in front of him. Andy rested his upper arms on the table and slightly leaned forward, as he spoke, “I know what it’s like. You just want a glass and then before you knew it, you’ve emptied the bottle.”
“You do?” The man asked Andy with an arched eyebrow.
“I’ve been there.” Andy replied as he clasped his hands together, “I’ve been sober for 18 years… AA meetings have done wonders, if you’re interested…” he offered.
Walters shrugged and looked down at his hands in his lap. Andy cleared his throat and leaned forward a little more as he went on, “Listen, man, I’ve been wasted God knows how many times. I’ve been so wasted I couldn’t remember what had happened before I passed out.” Andy paused and made sure he had the other man’s attention, “So, if something happened with Brittany while you were under the influence of alcohol, you realize that you can’t be fully held responsible for whatever happened, right?”
“I can’t?” Walters asked, frowning.
“You can’t.” Andy confirmed. “So if you want to tell me what happened, I’m sure we can find a way to… fix things?” He offered with a shrug.
Andy noticed the man’s eyes pooling with tears and his lips trembling. Before Andy even realized it, Walters broke down. The man put an arm on the table and propped his head on it. Walters’s body began shaking uncontrollably as he tried to hold back his sobs. Andy sighed and stood from his chair, slowly walking around the table. He stood next to Walters and put a hand on the man’s shoulder, as he leaned in to whisper, “Hey man, it’s okay.”
Before Andy realized it, the remaining ginger ale in the can was splashed in his face. He let out a yell and covered his burning eyes with his arm. He was about to reach for his gun when he felt something hitting him on the side of his head. Everything went dark.
Sharon looked up from the report she was reading when she heard all the commotion in the Murder Room. She spotted Provenza yelling some indistinct orders and pulling out his gun. Her breath got caught in her throat as she jumped to her feet and rushed out of her office.
“Lieutenant, what’s going on?” Sharon barked.
“Walters, that son of a bitch… he has knocked Flynn out, taken his gun and now he is pointing out the gun at Flynn.” Provenza informed her. He then turned to Buzz and asked firmly, “Buzz, are you ready with the camera?”
“The stream is now on my computer.” Tao confirmed as he turned his computer screen toward Sharon and Provenza.
Sharon neared the screen and she whitened when she saw Andy on the floor and Walters pointing the gun at him. The man was nervous and restless. Sharon knew that this kind of situation – where a nervous person held someone at gunpoint or hostage – was the most complicated and unpredictable one. A trembling hand or a reflex could change the situation dramatically. It could take barely a split second for a gunfire to happen.
“How much time until we have the audio as well?” Sharon enquired, forcing her voice to sound firm.
“Less than a minute, Captain.” Tao reassured her as he typed on his keyboard.
“Amy, call the SWAT. Lieutenant, Julio, I want you two to aim at the door and be prepared.” Sharon ordered.
Provenza and Julio immediately got in position, the Lieutenant leaning against a desk while Julio hid himself behind the cubicle wall. Sharon turned back to the screen when she heard Tao tell her that the video had now the audio as well. She saw Andy trying to move on the floor and she let out a relieved sigh.
At least he was alive, Sharon thought as her throat tightened. She took a deep breath and a shiver ran through her spine when she heard Walters scream, “You just try to move and I will blow your head up! I swear, I will!”
“I need to speak to Walters.” Sharon announced, as she pulled out her gun.
“Captain…” Provenza started.
“Lieutenant, just keep your position.” Sharon ordered firmly. “I know what I am doing.” She added as she walked into the Electronics Room.
The screens were on and she could see Walters pointing a trembling gun at Andy. Sharon rested her hands on the desk and whispered, her voice shaking, “Andy, please, hang in there.”
The tears were starting to pool in her eyes, but she blinked them away. She needed to keep her emotions at bay, she needed to be focused to get Andy out of this mess. Alive. Another shiver ran down her spine as she looked down at her hands. Sharon took deep breaths. When she looked up, determination was on her face as she spoke in the microphone, “Mister Walters…”
Sharon saw the man looking around, trying to understand where her voice came from, and she went on, “This is Captain Sharon Raydor speaking.”
“What do you want from me?!” Walters yelled back.
“You got one of my Lieutenants with you. I want you to put down your gun and let Lieutenant Flynn go.” Sharon firmly replied.
“You mean that asshole?!” Walters shot back, as he kicked Andy in the stomach. “You sent him thinking he will got me to talk, right? That fucking drunk!” He exclaimed, as he kicked Andy once again.
Sharon cringed and briefly closed her eyes to regain her composure, “We don’t need this situation to get more complicated, Mister Walters.” She stated coldly. “If you surrender now, I can promise you this won’t be mentioned in your file.”
“Like I care! I’m screwed anyway!” Walters exclaimed.
“No, Eric, listen to me…” Sharon started.
“You better stop talking or I swear I will shoot your Lieutenant, Captain.” The man threatened her.
Sharon had to comply. She took a few steps back from the microphone and let out a frustrated sigh, as she heard Andy scream, “Sharon, just let them break into the room and shoot that bastard! Don’t worry about me.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Walters ordered and he hit Andy in the face with the butt of his gun.
Sharon froze as she saw Andy’s head hitting the floor again, blood flowing from his brow bone. Sharon gasped and covered her mouth with a hand. This couldn’t be happening. She knew she shouldn’t have sent Andy in there. It was her fault, she was the one in charge and she had agreed with Andy’s plan. She should have known better. Now Andy was threatened by an unstable suspect and she didn’t know how to get him out of there.
“Captain Raydor.” A voice interrupted her train of thought.
Sharon turned around to find Fritz Howard on the threshold of the room. She had no clue for how long he had been standing there. Right now she couldn’t care less. Sharon nodded and said, “Agent Howard.”
“Lieutenant Tao quickly briefed me. How bad is it?” Fritz asked with a stern look.
“Take a look by yourself.” Sharon added with a sigh, as she pointed at the monitors.
Fritz joined her and stood by her side, as he looked at the screen. Walters had forced Andy to sit on one of the chairs. Still aiming his gun at the Lieutenant, the man told him with a grin, “So, Sharon, uhm? No Captain Raydor for you?”
Andy kept quiet, as he threw a deadly stare at the man in front of him. Sharon could tell he was about to implode by the way he nervously clenched his fists. She just hoped for his own sake that he would stay calm.
“You’re screwing her, aren’t you?” Walters went on with an amused smile. “Well, can’t blame you, she got some nice legs and a great ass…”
“Shut the fuck up!” Andy barked.
“Wrong answer.” Walters shot back as he placed the muzzle of the gun against Andy’s forehead. “If you keep this up, your brain will be the next thing splashed on the wall.”
Sharon closed her eyes as she tried to control her fear. She couldn’t bear the fact that she had to helplessly watch Andy getting beaten up. Sharon knew she was too emotionally involved and she realized for the first time the difficulty of juggling her professional with her private life. It was Andy’s life on the line. Andy.The man she had been dating for a couple of months now, the man with whom she had started building a serious relationship, the man who had put her first and made her feel loved. Love,a word she had been afraid of since the failure of her marriage. Yet, here she was, feelings burgeoning inside her and she wasn’t able to silence them anymore. She liked him, she loved him. Sharon turned her attention back to the screen, and blinked back the tears. She truly hoped it wasn’t too late for her to tell him how much she cared about him.
Sharon felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to find Fritz looking at her with a serious look, “We will get Flynn out of there unharmed.” He reassured her.
Sharon nodded and rubbed her forehead with a hand, as she tried to regain her composure. She couldn’t allow herself to lose it. Fritz went on, his tone softening, “I know how you feel.” He looked at her sympathetically before adding, “You never get used to this kind of situation…”
Sharon nodded and ran a hand through her hair. When she looked at Fritz again, she was back being at one hundred percent the Captain her team needed. “So, what’s the plan, agent Howard?”
Sharon paced in the Murder Room while Agent Howard explained the plan to the team. Provenza glanced from time to time to the Captain, hoping she would say something. She didn’t. When Fritz finished his explanation, Provenza turned to Sharon and asked, “What do you think of this, Captain?”
“I think…” Sharon started, emphasizing slowly every word, “that we don’t have any other choice. I know it’s risky, I’m aware of it, but if Walters refuses once again to negotiate, we’ll have to do so.”
“Captain, Flynn could get killed if we break into the room like this.” Provenza shot back, letting her know he definitely didn’t think it was a good idea.
Sharon briefly closed her eyes and sighed. She forced her voice to sound firm when she replied, “Lieutenant, I don’t like this plan either… that’s why I will try once again to speak with Walters.” She paused, locking her eyes with Provenza. “But if Walters won’t comply to my requests, we won’t have any other choice…”
Provenza nodded. Sharon looked at the rest of the team and asked, “Are we clear?”
What happened next was mostly a blur for Sharon. Everything happened in a rush. Sharon went back to the Electronics Room with Fritz and they tried to reason Walters. Unsuccessfully. The man wasn’t willing to listen to them. To make it clear to Sharon and Fritz he placed once again the muzzle of his gun against Andy’s forehead. Sharon reluctantly gave up on her negotiation. When she met Fritz’s gaze, she knew he was silently telling her that they should go on with his plan. Sharon closed her eyes and sighed. Her hands were shaking and she shoved them in the pockets of her blazer to hide her tremor. She then turned to Fritz and said firmly, “Fine.”
They left the room and joined the team in the Murder Room. Fritz announced, “Everybody in position.”
The team immediately complied; Provenza and Julio regained their previous position. Amy and Tao joined them, aiming their guns at the Interview Two’s door. Two SWAT officers were crouching in the hallway. Sharon sat at Tao’s desk, her eyes glued to the screen. Andy was still sitting on the chair, his head down. His lack of responsiveness worried Sharon and she couldn’t help but feel a lump forming in her throat. Their rescueoperation was a risky one; it was a 50/50 chance and she was aware of it. She closed her eyes. She couldn’t think of what she would do if things went wrong. She didn’t want to think about it.
Sharon met Fritz’s stare and nodded. Fritz then turned to the team and the SWAT. He silently did the countdown with a hand and when he gave the final nod, one of the SWAT officers broke the glass wall while the other threw a stun grenade inside. Julio kicked down the door when they all heard a gunshot.
Sharon froze, her breath hitched in her throat. She had her eyes locked on the screen; she had been checking how things were going inside the room during the operation. The glass wall shattering, Walters jumping startled and cursing, the stun grenade rolling on the floor… and then suddenly, something happened. Walters had aimed his gun to the door and Andy had taken the advantage to jump on him. The grenade had gone off and smoke had filled the room. Sharon could barely make out two silhouettes struggling when the gunshot had rung.
Her eyes filled with tears as she sat at Tao’s desk. Sharon couldn’t look away from the screen. As the smoke started dissipating, she recognized Julio and Provenza, the first moving Walters away while the Lieutenant checked on Andy. For a second that seemed to last a lifetime, Sharon was glued to the screen, praying Andy was fine. When she saw Andy on his feet, she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She looked up, blinking back the tears, silently thanking God.
Sharon stood from her chair and slowly neared Interview Two. She had wanted to rush inside herself, but she knew she couldn’t put on quite a show. She was in charge and couldn’t let her emotions get the better of her. Sharon had been the first to ensure Taylor that her relationship with Andy wouldn’t have influenced work dynamics. She couldn’t now possibly storm into the room, hug and kiss Andy, and tell him how much she loved him.
Sharon held back, shoving her fidgeting hands inside the pockets of her blazer. As soon as Andy walked out of the room, supported by Provenza, he met Sharon’s relieved, but still worried gaze. Andy forced a smile to reassure her. Sharon couldn’t help but smile back. No words were said initially, but their eyes spoke a thousand words. I’m fine. I’m glad to see you. I wish I could kiss you. I won’t ever let you go. I love you.
Sharon felt even more reassured when she finally heard Andy’s voice, “I’m okay, Sharon, I’m fine.”
“Yeah, well this idiot needs to be checked out.” Provenza grumbled. “Always wanting to be the hero, dumbass.” He added, shaking his head. Andy opened his mouth to speak, but he didn’t. He merely frowned at his partner’s comment.
Sharon nodded. Her eyes fell on Andy’s split and swollen lip and on the cut on his temple. Andy could have a concussion. “Please, Lieutenant, walk Andy to my office.” Sharon replied, pointing at her office. “The paramedics will be here soon.”
Provenza nodded and complied. While Andy was walking away, he turned to glance at her one last time. Sharon offered him a sweet smile. She let out a breath and ran a hand through her hair. Fritz joined her and told her, “Walters has been shot in the shoulder. Nothing serious. He’s going to the hospital and then, he’ll be back in custody.”
“Thank you for your help, Agent Howard.” Sharon said with a smile.
“Anytime.” Fritz replied. He glanced at Sharon’s office before adding, “I know you’d rather check on Flynn, but Taylor wants to see us in his office.”
“Of course, he does.” Sharon merely replied, holding back an eye roll, as she walked with Fritz to Chief Taylor’s office.
Sharon walked back from Taylor’s office. The Chief had been going on and on about the need of an internal investigation, but Sharon couldn’t care less at the moment. She just wanted to see Andy and make sure he was really fine.
Sharon entered the Murder Room. She found her team waiting for her and she leaned against one of the desks, as she announced, “I think we can call it a day. Go home and rest, today has been an eventful day.” She paused and glanced at each member of her team, offering a smile before adding, “Great work, everyone. Thank you.”
The team started packing their things when Sharon cleared her throat and said, “There might be a FID investigation in the following days…”
“Come on, seriously!” Provenza groaned.
Julio started grumbling as well while Tao rolled his eyes. Sharon gestured for everyone to calm down with a hand, as she went on with a firm tone, “I expect each one of you to give full cooperation to FID.”
The team reluctantly nodded and everyone started leaving under Sharon’s attentive look. She offered a smile to each one of them. Provenza put his jacket on and joined Sharon, “Flynn is still in your office.” He informed Sharon. “Paramedics said he’s okay, they insisted for him to go to the hospital, but you know how stubborn that idiot is.” Provenza complained. “So, he needs constant monitoring to exclude a concussion.”
“I can do that.” Sharon replied, her eyes never leaving the closed blinds of her office.
“I bet you can.” Provenza grumbled, rolling his eyes. He patted Sharon’s shoulder and added, “Grab that dumbass of my partner and go home. You need to rest too.”
Sharon nodded and thanked Provenza. She watched the Lieutenant leave and turned to reach her office. She opened the door and found Andy sitting on the green armchair, his head leaning against the wall, his eyes closed.
“Andy…” Sharon whispered, her firmness being replaced by uncertainty.
Andy stood from the armchair and raised his hands defensively, as he told her, “Sharon, before you yell at me that I should go to the hospital for a quick check, I…”
Sharon quickly joined him. She stood in silence in front of him, studying every inch of his face. She gently reached for his cheek, stroking it before her hand moved to his lips. Sharon traced the outline with a finger, stopping before her finger met the cut on his upper lip. She noticed the lightly swollen spot. Andy briefly closed his eyes and shivered slightly under her touch. Sharon then ran her hand through his hair. Her eyes fell on the cut on his temple. Her fingers brushed the steristrips used to close the wound, and Sharon studied the reddened and swollen spot.
“I’m fine, Sharon…” Andy softly told her as he gently took her hand in his. He dropped a light kiss on it before letting it go.
Sharon didn’t seem convinced. She stared at him silently and slowly brushed her hands down his sides. She remembered Walters kicking him and Andy seemed to have read her mind because he reassured her, “No broken ribs, I’m just sore. I’ll probably have bruises tomorrow…”
Sharon rested her hands on his chest. She didn’t meet his eyes and stared at her hands instead. “I’m sorry…” She whispered.
Andy frowned and slid his arms around her waist. “Come here…” He softly told her as he pulled her against him. Sharon resisted at first, as she was worried she might hurt him. Andy insisted and she surrendered. Sharon delicately buried herself against his chest and Andy tightened his embrace. “What for?” He finally asked.
“I should have never let you go in there…” Sharon muttered against him. “You could have died.”
“Hey, hey stop, Sharon.” Andy firmly, but gently told her. He slightly pulled her back from his chest, so he could look at her in the eyes. “This isn’t your fault, you hear me? I’m the one to blame because I was dumb enough to let myself be fooled by that asshole.”
Sharon shook vehemently her head while tears glistened in her eyes. Andy cupped her face with both hands, as he soothingly whispered, “Hey Sharon…”
“I could have lost you…” Sharon let out with a shaky voice.
Andy wiped away the tears that had started rolling down her cheeks. “I’m here, Sharon.” He replied before he drew her against him again. Sharon clutched the back of his shirt with both hands. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving a wet spot on Andy’s shirt. Andy soothingly rubbed her back. “I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again…” He confessed, his voice above a whisper.
They stood in each other’s arms for a while until Sharon pulled back. She smiled through her tears and looked at him in the eyes. Sharon felt a lump building in her throat in anticipation of the words she was about to say. She wasn’t going to let her fear silence her as she did the other times. Not when she had come so close of losing him today. Not when she had stood in front of a screen with the fear of never having the chance of confessing her feelings to him.
Sharon opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Andy tilted his head and looked at her with curiosity. He put a strand of hair back behind her ear and smiled softly at her. “I-I… uhm…” Sharon stuttered.
“What is it, babe?” Andy urged her, his hand stroking her cheek.
Sharon briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she reopened them, she found Andy gazing at her lovingly. “I love you.” Sharon blurted out.
There, she said it. Sharon watched with fear as Andy’s loving gaze changed into a surprised one. What if he didn’t feel that way?Sharon wondered, What if she had scared him with her confession? What if she had ruined everything?
Sharon’s mind was running wild. Her fear grew with each second Andy stayed silent. Sharon looked down and tried to break his embrace. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said this, I…” She muttered.
Andy tightened his grip on her, preventing her from stepping back. Sharon frowned and slowly looked up to meet his eyes. Andy put his thumb under her chin to assure she kept looking at her when he told her, “I love you too, Sharon… While I was in there, I was terrified I would never get the chance to tell you so. I wasn’t worried about me, I was worried about you.” He paused and added with a soft tone, “About you never knowing how important you are to me…”
A choked sob escaped Sharon’s mouth. Andy cupped her face with both hands and leaned in. Their lips were nearly brushing when Sharon whispered, “What are you doing?”
“Uhm, kissing you?” Andy offered with a foolish grin.
“Andy, your lip…” Sharon reminded him with a stern face.
“I don’t care. Today was a shitty day and I just want to kiss the woman I love.” Andy replied, in a half joking, half serious tone. “You could never hurt me, Sharon. You are good for me.” He truthfully added.
Sharon closed the gap between them and kissed him gently. Her lips were like feathers against his own, as she was careful not to hurt him. Andy deepened the kiss, making it more passionate. Sharon slightly pulled back, but still brushed her lips against his. “Easy, Andy…” She muttered out of breath. She started leaving a trail of kisses in the corner of his mouth. Andy smiled against her lips; Sharon had the softest touch. She had a healing touch.
Sharon pulled back and offered him a bright smile. Andy kept his arms around her waist when she told him, “Let’s go home… and by home, I mean the condo. I’ve been told that you need constant monitoring, Lieutenant.” She added with a smirk.
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Saying Good-Bye to Yesterday-Chapter 8
A/N Here is my better late than never attempt at the Fuck You, Sharon Raydor is Alive Fanworks Fest. I think this chapter fits in well because it touches on two of the very few things that we actually got to know about Sharon and her personal life, that she is religious and that she had a really bad first marriage.
In this chapter, Sharon brings her annulment paperwork to Father Stan. They have a heart to heart about the annulment and her first marriage and each reflects on their relationship over the past 20 years.
You can find it here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13004092/8/Saying-Good-Bye-to-Yesterday or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15321687/chapters/40151210 or right here:
With two large manila envelopes under her arm, Sharon knocked on the door of the rectory. Father Stan was expecting her so she wasn't surprised when it was he who greeted her rather than Terry, the secretary who usually answered the door. His warm smile quickly faded, his face going slack.
"Father?" For just a moment she couldn't figure out why he was looking at her with such concern. She'd almost forgotten the bruise that was now turning a nice bluish-purple and could not be completely concealed by make-up, but when she did, her hand moved to her cheek. Thankfully Andy's prediction that she might get a "nice shiner" out of it had not come to fruition.
His eyes, filled with accusations, moved to the manila envelopes. "Who hurt you?" His question was even more accusatory.
"It wasn't Jack," she assured him, knowing exactly what conclusion he'd jumped to. And when he continued to stare at her she added, "And it wasn't Andy."
"I never thought it was Andy." He ushered her into the house.
"It happened at work. A suspect. He took exception to me calling him out for being a bullying, self-centered narcissist who couldn't take it when his girlfriend chose another man over him, so he killed her. Honestly, I was asking for it."
"No one asks for violence."
"They do if they don't have enough evidence to arrest a suspect they know is guilty and have to find a way to keep him locked up."
Stan muffled a laugh and shook his head. She might look the epitome of femininity, with her long wavy hair, stylish slim fitting clothes, and high heels, but Sharon was tough as nails. "And was he guilty?"
"You bet he was. He's spending the first day of a very long sentence in San Quentin today."
"Well, let's not just stand here in the hall. Come on, we'll go in and have a seat."
Sharon set off down the hall toward the living room. It was a path she'd taken many times before and she was as comfortable as she was visiting any of her friends. The rectory housed both the church's offices and the priests so she'd spent a lot of hours between these walls. She and Jack had been living in California for five years when they bought their home in Mar Vista and she'd changed her parish from St. Timothy's which had been close to their West LA apartment to St. Joe's which was closer to their new home. Emily was about to start kindergarten and Ricky was a baby so she liked the idea that St. Joe's had a school attached to the parish. Initially, she'd liked Father Ray, a grandfatherly man who embraced her and her children. However, as her marriage to Jack continued to disintegrate and she'd turned to her priest for guidance she'd been shocked by the hard line he'd taken with her. Time and again, his only advice had been to turn the other cheek. To continually forgive Jack his transgressions and look the other way at his infidelity. To hold the marriage together like a good Catholic wife no matter what the cost to her and her children. That sentiment hadn't been so surprising, divorce was anathema in the Catholic church. It was his lack of understanding and compassion that had actually had her considering a new church. And then, as if by some miracle, he'd been transferred to another parish and Father Stan had arrived. Stan was a breath of fresh air that she'd desperately needed. He was young and progressive. He embodied the charitable mission of the church that was so important to Sharon and most of all, he offered a sympathetic shoulder and compassionate counsel. Over the years he had become more than just her parish priest. He was the person she turned to first when she was in crisis or in need of counsel. He was the person with whom she wept when man's inhumanity to man took her into the same dark places that had caused her fiance to turn to alcohol. And in those times when the world seemed so bleak, so violent, so cruel, he prayed with her and helped her to keep her faith…in man and in God. Most recently he was the man who had encouraged her, despite the church's teaching on pre-marital sex and remarriage after divorce, to keep her heart open when she confessed to him that she was falling in love with Andy Flynn.
"Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea?" He asked as she sat in a wingback chair in the living room. Usually, she chose the couch, but given the tense squaring of her shoulders, this wasn't going to be a typically relaxed visit.
"No, I'm good. I have to get to work. I just wanted to drop by and give you these and ask you, what's next?" She handed him the two envelopes and he looked up with surprise.
"You already have Jack's questionnaire too?"
"Mmm…Turns out my children are quite good at blackmail."
He read the censure in her narrowed eyes. "You're upset with them?"
"Yes. Maybe. I don't know," she shook her head.
"Is this not what you wanted? Because if you don't want an annulment, we can stop things right here and now."
"No, no," she quickly protested. "Of course I want an annulment. I want to marry Andy in the church."
"I thought as much." He smiled warmly. "And by the way. Congratulations on the engagement. May I see the ring?"
Sharon held out her hand, smiling at the look of real delight on Stan's face. "I'm so happy for you," he said. "And for Andy. He's a good man and it's pretty obvious to the world how much he loves you. You definitely traded up."
"I have. " Her smile widened, remembering when Jack used that exact term after finding out that she was dating Andy but in a derogatory way, indicating that he did not think she'd traded up at all and she'd told him to 'go to hell'. Oh, how good that had felt.
"So," he leaned back in his chair. "Things are going well, why the conflicted emotions?"
"I could have done this on my own. You of all people know how hard I've tried to keep my kids from getting stuck in the middle between Jack and me."
"No one is questioning your ability to get things done. But, please know that your children came to me out of a place of love. They wanted to do this for you."
"I know their hearts were in the right place. But this is my battle, I don't want them out there fighting it for me."
"Sharon." He leaned forward and took her hand between his. "You are so good at doing for others. You're always the first one to jump in and try to help someone in need. You're not so good at letting others do for you."
She sighed, with a little shrug. It was a conversation they'd had many times before.
"Well, I want you to think about something. Think about how good it makes you feel when you're able to help someone you love. Take Rusty for example. I know that being able to give him a home, an education, and the kind of love and stability he never had in his life has given you greater joy and pleasure than he will ever know."
"Yes, it has." And yet no matter how strongly she protested he still thought of himself as a burden.
"So, why would you want to deny those who love you that same joy and satisfaction? Emily and Ricky were so happy to finally be able to give something back to you after everything that you've done for them over the years. Let them have that, Sharon. It isn't a weakness to let people help you. In fact, sometimes it's more selfish not to allow people the opportunity to be there for you when you need them."
Sharon mulled that over for a moment. Was she being selfish? It did feel good to help the people she loved. The rush of pleasure, the warmth that spread through her chest, the glowing sense of accomplishment, all of it felt good. "But I'm their mother. I should be helping them not the other way around."
"They're not little kids anymore."
"I know that. I just never wanted my children to feel the burden of my failed marriage."
"And it's time you let go of that guilt. You've worn it like a cloak for far too long. The demise of your marriage was not your fault. You did everything you could, went above and beyond, to make it work. I think you know how deeply I believe in the sanctity of the marriage vows. But I have also come to believe that there are times when those vows were not taken or upheld in good faith and the marriage causes so much suffering it becomes untenable. You gave Jack every chance to right himself and every time he walked away. It's not your penance, Sharon."
His eyes were soft with understanding and compassion and that was Sharon's undoing. Her throat grew thick with emotion and she swallowed convulsively, fighting back the sting of tears. She was NOT going to cry. She'd shed more than enough tears over Jack Raydor. It took her a few moments to regain her composure, but Stan waited patiently. She cleared her throat, but there was still a slight tremor when she was finally able to speak. "Maybe that's true, but I still can't help but feel guilty for what my children went through. I spent so many years having to be strong because I had no other choice. I was all that they had. I did everything in my power to make them feel safe and secure and to know that I would always be there for them. I didn't want them feeling scared or vulnerable because they didn't have a father."
"And you did a great job. But they're responsible young adults now. They're strong and they love you and they want to respect the childhood that you gave them by helping you to find the happiness that you deserve."
"I guess I need to let go a little, huh."
He chuckled and held his index finger and thumb apart to indicate an inch or so. "Maybe just a little. But I know you'll always be a lioness when it comes to those cubs." Some might have used the analogy of a Mama Bear, but that wasn't Sharon. Sharon, with her stunning green cat eyes, was sleek and feline, quiet and stealthy, sneaking up on those who might dare to harm her family and pouncing before they even knew what hit them. Sharon Beck could probably tell a story or two about that.
"Always. Until the day I die." She fidgeted, toying with an edge of the envelope. Something about being here always seemed to give her a sense of clarity into her emotions and motivations. She wasn't sure if it was the crosses on the walls and the religious pictures and statues or the many years she'd spent seeking comfort by unburdening herself to her priest, but whatever it was she felt safe here. It was one of the few places where she simply could not lie or hide from herself. Ever since she'd found out about Emily and Ricky's visit to Jack she hadn't been able to overcome a sense of anger. She'd blamed that anger on Jack, on her guilt and even on her kids overstepping boundaries, everywhere but where it truly came from.
"I wasn't completely honest with you earlier," she admitted. "I said that I was upset because I could have done this on my own. But that isn't the truth. The truth is, I'm not so sure I could have done it without the help from the kids and I think that's why I haven't been able to let go of this anger."
"Why do you think you couldn't have done it on your own?"
"Oh, I could have gotten the papers, I could have brought them to Jack. But, given who he is, especially his attitude lately, I don't think I ever would have gotten him to agree to the annulment."
"What do you mean his attitude lately?"
"Jack's always been difficult. He's always wanted to have his cake and eat it too. When we were separated, if he even got a hint that I might be dating someone, he'd come back and try to stake his turf. He didn't care to stay around, but he didn't want anyone else taking his place. Now we're divorced but the way he acts, you'd think we were still married and I'm having an affair with Andy. He's angry and bitter and jealous and I just don't get it."
"It sounds like Jack is finally understanding what he's lost. We often don't know what we have or treasure what we have until we actually lose it. "
"Yes, well. I don't think Jack was ever the person I thought he was and I spent far too many years trying to make him into something he was never capable of being. All those years I tried to convince myself that we were right for each other, but we never really were."
"And he still doesn't see that?"
"No. He didn't want the divorce. He would have contested it if it hadn't come down to money, particularly him having to pay up everything he owed me in child support from the day he first walked away. He gains nothing by agreeing to the annulment other than helping me to move forward in my life and that isn't exactly a priority for him."
"And yet he signed the papers and filled out the questionnaire."
"Because Emily and Ricky threatened they would never see him again if he didn't."
"Ah…Now I see what you mean by the middle. But they're adults and that was their choice."
"Yes, and it worked. And I am grateful. I guess I just wish I could wave a magic wand and make Jack a better person."
He smiled wryly. "There's no such thing as magic wands. But we can pray for him."
"I do, Father. All the time."
His eyes were sympathetic. "I know you do." In fact, for many years he'd prayed with her. The woman he'd first met, young, lovely, composed, brimming with intelligence but filled with anger, hurt and confusion as she prepared to legally separate from her husband and take a job in the Professional Standards Bureau, was not the same strong, assured and confident woman who sat before him today. When Sharon first met with him in this room, a little leery considering how she felt about his predecessor, it was easy to see the competence and confidence she had in herself professionally, even as she was questioning her decision to change jobs for the needs of her children. It was in her personal life that her self-esteem had been in shatters. She felt foolish for allowing Jack to manipulate her into a reconciliation attempt, only to leave her in more dire straits than he had the first time he'd left. His infidelity had her questioning herself as a woman and a wife and she was overwhelmed with guilt for the pain that her children were experiencing at the way their father came and went from their life. On top of that, she was scared to death about the hole that Jack had put her in financially. And yet, he'd never met a stronger, more determined and independent woman. It had been a privilege to watch her come through such trying times and evolve into the woman she was today. The fact that she could still pray for a man who had caused her and her children such pain and turmoil was a testament to her character.
"Why don't I take a look at what you've got here to make sure you aren't missing anything."
Sharon handed him the envelopes. One held Jack's questionnaire and statement. Stan quickly perused it until he found what he was looking for. Jack did indeed state that he would not contest the proceedings. Sharon's envelope was a little fuller. She had her application and questionnaire as well as her baptismal certificate, her marriage certificate, and her divorce papers. "It looks like everything is here."
"So, what's next?"
"Next, you need to come up with four witnesses who can attest to the state of your marriage. Witnesses from before you were married and early in the marriage would be ideal. The members of the tribunal will want to know both your states of mind as you wed and early on in the marriage."
"What kinds of people are we talking about here?"
"Family, friends, counselors, psychologists anyone who has an insight into the marriage and who witnessed what you went through. I'm not going to sugar coat this Sharon. It's going to get intimate and personal. Very personal. We're going to be digging into a very difficult time in your past, probably bringing up some really tough memories."
"I'm aware of that Father. I'll be okay. " She spoke confidently but couldn't completely hide the flicker of trepidation he saw in her eyes. "Will you be a member of the tribunal?"
"Normally I would, but I recused myself."
She flinched, confusion written all over her face. "What? Why? I was hoping you would be there in my corner."
His face softened. "I am in your corner. I recused myself because I'd like to be one of your witnesses. Who better than me to offering testimony into how hard you tried to help Jack with his sobriety. How much you struggled as a single mom after he left and how you were willing to try again and hold your family together, despite all your misgivings when he returned."
Sharon lifted one shoulder in a melancholic shrug. "I wanted to save him." Her smile was sad. Even though Jack walked away from their marriage and their children, disappearing with only a note of apology that was not entirely unexpected but was still the most cowardly and spineless thing he had ever done, she'd tried to tell herself that he had an illness. But even then she'd known that his alcoholism was not entirely to blame for his character flaws and she had no idea that there was worse to come. "Saving him wasn't realistic. It's like Andy always says, you can't save someone who isn't ready to be saved. They have to be ready and they have to save themselves."
Stan nodded in agreement. He'd only been a priest at St. Joe's for a few months when Jack returned supposedly sober and ready to be the husband and father Sharon had always wanted him to be. He had helped counsel her through the reconciliation attempt and was there for her as both her priest and her friend when Jack caved under the pressure and walked away again, not only cleaning out all their accounts but selling off the expensive piano that had been a gift to her from a beloved aunt, and she'd made the decision to make the separation legal and final. And when she was alone again, juggling a demanding job with motherhood, he'd helped connect her with parishioners willing to help out with daycare or "nightcare" before she'd transferred to the PSB and was still on patrol during hours when a traditional daycare was not open. And as much as she'd hated it, he helped her with financial aid to keep her kids at St. Joe's when the bills had started rolling in and the magnitude of Jack's gambling addiction had hit her straight in the face with a staggering credit card debt.
"You did everything you could, Sharon. You gave your best to Jack, you raised two beautiful, successful children on your own and you took in another who has grown in amazing ways under your care. And I will be happy to testify to that."
"I didn't know a priest could be a witness."
"They can. The only thing I can't discuss is anything that Jack said to me in confession." The weight of that statement lay heavy between them, their eyes meeting, filled with memories. Jack had only been to confession a few times, namely when Sharon had given him the ultimatum of getting sober or leaving. He'd shown up at church, drunk and maudlin, crying and filled with self-pity begging Stan to come to his defense, pleading with him to help change Sharon's mind.
Getting the call from Stan to pick Jack up because he was too stumbling drunk to get home on his own was embarrassing enough for Sharon. But it was nothing compared to the humiliation she felt while she and Stan were helping Jack down the stairs of the church and into her car while other parishioners were watching the spectacle. She could swear she felt the censure and pity in their eyes searing through her skin while her own eyes burned with tears of shame. In those moments she actually hated her husband.
"I also can't discuss anything that you said to me in the confessional without your permission."
Sharon's lips pursed and she inhaled deeply. So many intimate secrets had been confessed in that small dark cubical, so many heartaches, conflicts, worries, and yes, sins. She was no saint, she sinned like every other human being on earth. Finally, she spoke, unwavering eyes meeting his. "I trust you, Father. I know you won't divulge anything other than what needs to be said regarding the marriage. Besides, we spent as much time in this room discussing my marriage as we have in the confessional."
"That is true."
"I really appreciate you doing this for me. I know it will hold a lot of weight with the Bishop."
His lips twisted wryly. "Maybe, maybe not. I think you know how much he loves my progressive views."
Sharon grinned at his sarcasm. "We all love your progressive views, and that's what matters."
"I don't want you to worry about this. It's all going to work out just fine, I don't foresee any problems, especially with Jack not contesting. Although even if he had I'm sure the annulment would still be granted, it just might have taken years rather than months. Just make sure to get your list of witnesses in as soon as you can. You should probably talk to them first so they'll be prepared when the Bishop contacts them."
"Of course. I-" She broke off in mid-sentence as her cell phone rang and she began digging in her blazer pocket to find it. "Hold on just a sec, I may have to take this." She swiped her finger across the screen, typed in her password and read the text. "Sorry Father, it looks like I'm off to the morgue."
He shook his head with resignation at yet another murder and rose to squeeze a hand on her shoulder. "You've spent so much of your life doing what is best for your children. You worry about everyone but yourself. This is your time, Sharon. Enjoy it. Embrace it. And please give Andy my congratulations."
"I will, Father. And thank you for all your help. I think I may be leaning on you quite a bit over the next few months."
"Lean away, that's what I'm here for. And Sharon, I am always here for you."
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milquetoast-on-acid · 6 years
I watched By Any Means (six months after it aired) so you don't have to.
Here's what happened...
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This post is for you @xbleeple and all of the other Major Crimes fans that couldn't bring themselves to watching the series finale. I'm making this recap for you so that you don't have to waste your time watching. Even Sharon Raydor alive couldn’t save this terrible excuse of an ending. Along with a huge side of salt to keep you entertained.
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Provenza threatens to kill Stroh about five times per episode. To anyone that will listen including Mason. Despite that Mason still lets Provenza  and Co. chase the case until the bitter end. How's that for objectivity? 
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Stroh has a partner a Hacker, who is a British version of Rusty. Seriously this could be Graham P. Martin's twin in a look alike contest. When people told Duff that Rusty was annoying he said hold my beer: I've written you someone that is about a million times worse. 
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They end up setting up shop in Brenda's old house and spy on the MC squad via a virus they sent to their cell phones. British Rusty Hacker Boy spends the majority of the four episodes spying on the squad while making hilarious comments like he’s at the movies. And eating popcorn...I really wish I was kidding about that...
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What’s a movie without popcorn? 
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Emma Rios reappears for the sole purpose of being killed by Stroh. And @blossom--of--snow wonderfully pointed out that Emma is killed in the exact same way as the victim in her very first case. Wow what a cool thing to kill another major female character (who i know hasn't been on the show in years but still) and have that death be just as needless. 
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Provenza realizes that only he can keep Rusty safe (spoiler alert no he can't) because Emma's guards fucked up and let her be killed in her own swimming pool. So he becomes Rusty's guard and that comes into play later. 
The squad think that Stroh came back to kill everyone connected to him because he was dying. Turns out that was complete bullshit and Stroh only wanted money. His mother who had Alzheimers or Dementia. Which means that power of attorney for her fell to her step son and he decided to cut off Stroh's mega supply of money. So in the end, Stroh's main motivation to kill everyone who was ever involved with him is solely about money. Money that he could just as easily stolen from somewhere else. Also he had no real reason to actually kill any of these people except for his step brother who was the one to cut him off. Talk about being dumb and letting everyone on a trail straight to you!
The squad learns that Stroh was always a psycho and his mother helped him cover up his first murder. The squad hears about this from Mrs Stroh who has dementia or Alzheimer's (I really can't remember which) and suddenly remembers everything that happened in her past just long enough for them the hear about this. We learn more about Stroh's past than we do Sharon Raydor's. And her monolithic monologue descends into a campy flashback that rivals American Horror Story at it's worst. 
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The squad feels sorry for Stroh because his mom was the only person he trusted ended up betraying him in the end. Also it's the reason why he hates women so much is because his mom betrayed him. Even though her continued relationship with him destroyed her marriage. Even though she helped him cover up multiple murders. And even though she betrayed him years after his first murder (who was a girl he liked). 
Stroh kills some people including his stepbrother (but not his mother) and his own partner's partner (who is a prostitute because Rusty parallels). 
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Threatens that Rusty is next but never actually comes after Rusty. I honestly don't think that he ever really intended to come after Rusty. Rusty has nothing to do with his money and that was his main motivation. 
Rusty tracks down a Stroh lead because both Rusty and Ricky (who make breaks in their case) are better cops than the elite detectives who have had decades of experience under their belts. You know realism bro! Provenza chases the lead and lets Rusty and Gus go with him and of course it leads them to Stroh. 
Provenza goes alone to visit Stroh on some boat behind the house, while Buzz calls in a dead body they find. Leaving Rusty and Gus all alone, unattended so that Stroh or anyone else can find them and kill them. Great protecting Provenza!
Rusty sneaks away onto the boat because no one is babysitting him. Meanwhile Provenza finds Stroh. He is suddenly overcome with some common sense and decides against killing him. But then common sense leaves him and his dumb ass throws his hand cuffs to Stroh so that Stroh will willingly handcuff himself. 
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You know instead of calling for reinforcements and just waiting it out with a gun trained on Stroh. 
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Suddenly Rusty pops out of nowhere from some hiding spot. Because he got that that area before Stroh and Provenza. Because he knew where Stroh would be before Stroh knew. He shoots Stroh five times with no provocation what so ever. There is zero conversation between Rusty and Stroh. The reason why Rusty killed Stroh? Because he doesn't want anyone to know he was a prostitute. 
Provenza does the 'right' thing (just like Stroh's mother did for him) and pretends that he shot Stroh. Even though Stroh was not killed with Provenza's gun. Even though Rusty has GSR on his hands and Provenza doesn't. Even though Provenza is a buck shot and would kill him with one bullet. Remember that Provenza killed Wade Weller from a few hundred feet away from him right between the fucking eyes. Oh and hey it's all okay because it turns out that Stroh had a knife in his boot. Because justification. 
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I.A. clears Provenza (no way in hell). Everyone *wink wink nod nod's* to Rusty that they know he was the one who killed Stroh and they are all totally cool with it. From Fritz to Julio. Totally cool you killed someone today, we're proud of you! Keep up that good work! 
Andy is the only one who didn't pick up on Rusty having killed Stroh. And no one tells him that his step son is a killer. Maybe one day Andy will be killed by Rusty. I don't know what is worse. Living with a person that you don't know is a killer who may one day snap from trauma like that because shit like that doesn't leave a person. Or knowing that you couldn't keep your wife's son save from himself. Even though her last dying wish was for her kids to be taken care of. 
Now time for everyone's happy endings. Provenza starts his tenure as (Lieutenant) in charge of Major Crimes as a criminal. You know trying to keep the world safe from all of those pesky criminals. Rusty starts his law career as a killer. He really made sure to make Sharon proud of him for being an adult who takes responsibility for his own actions. 
Rusty and Gus get back together after Gus heedlessly harassing Rusty who wants nothing to do with him romantically. There is zero resolution (no conversation of a reconciliation or forgiveness)  in their relationship. I mean hey, Gus as a cheater isn't that bad when you compare him with Rusty who is a killer. Also Andy is totally cool with them sleeping together, Gus asked him. And hey, their relationship is totally not toxic or anything. And they aren't bound to breakup about five times before they die but hey what is true love but dis-functionality?
Julio left them all behind for another squad because he doesn't want Mark to grow up without a father. Buzz became a real cop, but not because it was what he wanted. But because it's what Provenza said so. Wes and Cami are maybe a couple. Amy is as disgusted as I am about them in the deleted scene. Where they flirt over comparing serial killers to cereal. That leaves me scratching my head with: WTF happened to the writing?
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Mike, Amy and Andrea got forgotten about and had no ending. Andy became the angry bitter widdower that Julio was and even takes over his desk because being right next to where his wife died is just too fucking painful. Oh and Ricky is actually Sharon's first born not Emily, Sharon said so. 
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Not to mention that Sharon was replaced by a vase of roses that everyone stares at. 
The End.
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eraisme · 7 years
Let’s do this (because we all know this is a commonplace right now)...
Why I’ll no longer be watching Major Crimes...
Also, before we get to that, I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting Minor Incidents over the years. It was a blast to make, even with the bad episodes, but it was even better getting to interact with all of you. Thank you all. I’ll hate not doing that show anymore. Also, because I’m so royally angry at the direction of literally everything, Murder Room podcast is now in limbo. I’m sorry. I can’t support a show that doesn’t know to make proper character story arcs or give a single shit about their fans. 
It isn’t just that they killed off a major character, or even that she was the main characters, it’s HOW they had her acting leading up to it.
First off, it was so incredibly obvious that this was your plan from the first frakking episode. Like...the first episode. It’s insanely poor taste and bad writing to just decide to kill off a character. Especially Sharon Raydor. If you thought for a single second that we would rather a fucking Stroh storyline over having Sharon Raydor around for the rest of the season, you’re sadly mistaken. Also, you’ve literally tanked yourself.
Second, Sharon Raydor was so out of character in her last episode of being alive that it actually made me sick to my stomach. She, essentially, became suicidal. Especially asking for last rights and the like, the priest should have called Andy immediately and they should have checked her into the hospital for it. She just, LITERALLY, decided to give up. This was something she would NEVER do. Sure, some may argue that she was taking control of the situation. However, she was actually letting the disease control the situation. 
My mother has lived with A-Fib for about 12ish years now. It isn’t a death sentence. They’ve tried shocking her back into rhythm, but it doesn’t want to be. So, she just takes it easy, takes her meds, and takes her time with everything. She went into Congestive Heart Failure when I was 16 (and we realized she had diabetes as well some 10 years later). It isn’t the same disease, not by a longshot, but it does have the same repercussions. Essentially, my mother wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her health. Especially since she’s a mother and it’s a TREATABLE condition, much like Sharon Raydor’s was.
For Sharon to not only film her Last Will and Testament, but then to still push herself on a conviction they already had to begin with...was the dumbest fucking storyline ever and the worst way to end that character.
For Sharon Raydor to not only NOT say goodbye to her children, also NOT say goodbye to her husband (who she literally just married), and NOT do everything she possibly could to stay even an extra day with them...OUT OF CHARACTER.
Amazing acting all around, sure, but it shouldn’t have happened.
It isn’t that I’m only angry with the situation of ending a character the way Duff did, I think we have a right to be, but it also seems like a MAJOR slap in the face to us as the fans and viewers that have single handedly (is that a word) kept this show afloat for 6 years and for 100 episodes. We stayed for the dynamics between the characters. Not because of fucking Stroh. No one cares about Stroh and no one cares about Rusty|Gus over Sharon|Andy. I love Provenza, but set pics and shit writing have led to this all season. We’ve always known.
Duff dug his grave and I expect the last 4 episodes to display the abandonment of the fans, much like he abandoned us.
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madame-airlock · 6 years
For the "Fuck You Sharon Raydor Is Alive Fanwork Fest" that @sarking started.
Hope you'll like it.
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kadi219 · 6 months
Sharon Raydor is living her best fucking life, and I will hear no arguments to the contrary!!
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iblamethenubbins · 7 years
The Closer/Major Crimes
oh cool, thanks :D
(for this meme)
Top 5 favourite characters: 
Sharon Raydor
Brenda Leigh Johnson
Dr Morales
Rusty Beck
Andrea Hobbs
Least favourite character: Right now it’s Andy Flynn, mostly because of the unbearable sappiness he has going on with Sharon, but I never really liked him much. Otps: ♥♥♥ BRENDA X SHARON 5EVER ♥♥♥Notps: Shandy. Sharon x Jack.Favourite friendship: Brenda x SharonFavourite family: Sharon x RustyFavourite episode: It’s a toss between Living Proof and Last Woman Standing from the Closer. For Major Crimes I loved Boys will be boys and Frozen Assets.Favourite season/book/movie: The Closer Season 6 probably. First season of Major Crimes wasn’t bad either.Favourite quote: “This is my Captain Raydor. I-I-I mean, my friend, Captain Sharon. I mean my friend Sharon Raydor!”Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: ^^^ that moment ^^^ Also Sharon using her beanbag gun.When it really disappointed you: When they went the Shandy route and forgot about Darth Raydor. Saddest moment: Brenda’s mother’s death ;(Most well done character death: The one where Sharon goes to ask the victim what his name is so she can put it on his death certificate.Favourite guest star: Jamie BamberFavourite cast member: Mary.Character you wish was still alive: Brenda’s mom.One thing you hope really happens: Shandy breaking up. Brenda coming back (yes, it’s one thing. Strictly connected.) Most shocking twist: I don’t think I was ever truly shocked. But I was annoyed by Sharon Beck’s pregnancy. Like, nope, no time for this shit.(the trial shooting and Taylor’s death would have been pretty shocking except it was spoiled for me in here so it lost its shock value)When did you start watching/reading: Sometime in 2015, right after finishing BSG.Trope you wish they would stop using: Main character with no storyline? Apparently it’s a trope, cause it’s happening a little too much lately. Also all the misogynist crap they keep pulling on Major Crimes (like *oh what a surprise the murderer is The Woman wow*)One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Right now it has Mary in it and other shows don’t.Funniest moments: Pretty much all of Fool’s Gold. And Living Proof. Can’t pick just one. Oh and “I’ll just go in there and be myself.” “That is a terrible idea.”Couple you would like to see: ♥BRENDAANDSHARON♥Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Kyra Sedgwick. Most boring plotline: Sharon Beck’s pregnancy. Anything Shandy-related.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: do they even do them?Most layered character: BrendaScariest moment: anything with Philip fucking StrohGrossest moment: Shandy momentsBest looking male: ??? Dunno. Dr Morales maybe? *shrugs*Best looking female: SHARONWho you’re crushing on (if any): SHARON. Not as much as I used to but I still only watch it for her.Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): This. And This. I am a simple woman with simple needs.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Where the fuck is Philip Stroh. Just put him back in prison for God’s sake.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I’ve never been *in love* with the show. I’ve been in love with Sharon Raydor. But it probably only started after I finished reading Giving up on greener grasses by missparker. I fell in love with her Sharon and that was it.
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little-firestar · 4 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Major Crimes (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Andy Flynn/Sharon Raydor, Julio Sanchez/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Andy Flynn (Closer & Major Crimes), Sharon Raydor, Julio Sanchez, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: One Shot, Drabble, International Fanworks Day 2024, IFDrabble, Domestic Fluff, Drabble Collection, Fuck You Sharon Raydor Is Alive Summary:
A collection of drabbles featuring the word "10", written for the Internation Fanwork Day 2024 drabble challenge. Mostly, Sharon/Andy
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sarking · 7 months
Should we do Fuck You, Sharon Raydor is Alive Day again this year?
(This post brought to you by my local channel's reruns serving up the episode we don't talk about tonight.)
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mksc77 · 6 years
Christmas Surprises
Apologies for the repost, but I noticed a typo and tried to fix it—my tumblr lost its damn mind and I had to repost. I’m pretty sure we broke tumblr with #sharonraydorisalive, haha.
Focusing on the anger part of the ending that didn't happen rather than the sadness made this more fun to write—I'm not at all trying to downplay the sadness a lot of us felt, this approach was just more fun :)
Anna is Sharon's nephew's wife who also watches Badge of Justice, and Carter is her newborn.
Response to a twitter prompt, but I wrote it to fit the “Sharon Raydor is alive” fanfest.
“For the love of god, would you put on some pants?”
"I can't believe that just happened." Sharon flicked the TV off in frustration. Andy was on the couch beside her with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Mike could've at least warned me. What's wrong with you? You've never even liked Badge of Justice."
"I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that," Andy muttered as he wiped his eyes. "I don't like the show, but I'm not dead inside! Randy and Dusty looked heartbroken. Everyone did. I can't imagine going through that."
"I'm not dead inside, either, but that whole 'cardiomyopathy' storyline was preposterous. No one dies within weeks of a diagnosis. Sherry either faked her death or Huff just didn't give a shit about making the last season any good. I'm not getting sad over a grown man's temper tantrum and an unrealistic storyline." Angry, definitely, but not sad. Well, a little sad. Okay, fine, she'd probably have a good cry before she fell asleep later that night, but anger was the primary emotion she was feeling at the moment. "Sure, give two men heart attacks and no more problems after that, but give the little delicate woman a mild heart condition that kills her in a matter of weeks? That makes sense. Are you kidding me?"
Andy wrapped his arm around her and kissed the side of her head. "Yeah, well, we're both healthy and have a lot of life left to live."
"Yeah, in a world that treats women like they're disposable and don't deserve the slightest bit of logic. They never would've given a man such a bullshit storyline." Sharon leaned against Andy and gazed at the lit Christmas tree in the corner of the room. Her phone was going nuts with texts from Anna, and they furiously texted back and forth about the absurdity of the episode they both now regretted watching.
Andy sensibly refilled Sharon's wine glass, put the dinner dishes in the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen while Sharon and Anna engaged in their Huff roast. If he played his cards right, he could get some serious Angry Sex out of this. Not that he ever got it when the anger was directed at him, but if something else made Sharon mad, then he often reaped some pretty sweet benefits. Cleaning up would also tip the scale in his favor. He'd seen the way Sharon practically drooled over him when he washed dishes or folded laundry, and he wasn't above capitalizing on that.
"I think I'm going to FaceTime Anna. Maybe seeing Carter will put me in a better mood," Sharon commented.
No, no, no, now was not the time for her to get soft. Andy sat back down on the couch and nudged her phone away before slowly gliding his tongue along the side of her neck to the sensitive spot behind her ear. "Or, we could..."
"Okay." Sharon softly placed her hand under his chin and kissed him with a fervor that made her intentions clear. She squealed as Andy lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.
Angry Sex was usually more vigorous than any other brand, but not this much. Andy was surprised this time. Properly exhausted and sated, he looped his arm around Sharon and rubbed her back as she nuzzled into his chest.
A few minutes later, Sharon begrudgingly got up and went to the bathroom. Andy gave her a couple of minutes before going in behind her. "How about a bath?"
"That sounds good." Sharon washed her face as Andy started running the water and added her favorite bath oils. When the water was high enough, Sharon got in, and Andy climbed in behind her. He didn't share her love for sitting in hot water and doing nothing, but he joined her when she took a bath every now and then. Sharon released a contented sigh and relaxed against him. It didn't take long for Andy to get antsy, so he idly traced his finger along the top of her shoulder.
“Hmmm, that feels nice...Oh my god, Andy, did you just draw a penis?"
Andy grinned. "Maybe."
Sharon laughed as she pulled his arms around her and placed them on her stomach. "You're impossible." She turned her head and kissed him before resting against his shoulder. "I love you."
"Love you, babe."
They got out a little while later, and Sharon put her robe on out of habit before going to the kitchen for a glass of water. She froze as she heard the lock in the door turn, and she was shocked to see Emily and Ricky coming in after Rusty. She heard Andy's footsteps coming down the hall, and despite the fact that he had no such habit of being clothed all the time even when no one else was there, her jaw was frozen and she couldn't speak. "Hey, babe, I think that bath might've geared me up for round two...Jesus Christ." Andy instinctively moved behind the couch to cover himself.
All three children were stunned into silence for a few moments, but as they connected the dots, Emily started cackling, Ricky just turned bright red and covered his face, and Rusty started whining. "Oh my god, are you guys serious?! It's bad enough that I have to hear you guys sometimes. This is just wrong."
"I'm so—I—" Sharon stammered. Her mouth was still mostly frozen, but her eyes weren't, and she had a good view of Andy from where she was standing. Between being shocked into silence and unable to tear her eyes away from Andy's naked form, speaking wasn't her strong suit. "What—why—I—for the love of god, Andy, would you put on some pants?!"
Andy smiled nervously. "I'm, uh, kinda stuck here."
Sharon got a clean towel from the dryer in the laundry room and gave Andy one last look before she gave it to him. "What are you guys doing here?!" She pulled Emily and Ricky into her arms at the same time and kissed each of them on the cheek. "You were supposed to be going out for dinner and to a movie with Buzz after work!" She said to Rusty.
"Yeah, I told you that so I could go get them without you asking questions...Oh, God, I'm never coming home without giving you guys a twenty minute warning again. And I'm definitely never coming home early again."
Sharon turned back to Emily and noticed for the first time that she was on crutches. "Honey, what happened?!"
"I sprained my ankle during a rehearsal last week, so my understudy is taking my place. I decided to take advantage of it and come home early."
"Are you all right? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm fine. And I knew you didn't know Ricky was coming home early, and I wanted in on the surprise. I found a flight that landed an hour before Ricky's, and I waited so Rusty could pick us up at the same time."
"And I had some vacation time I was going to lose if I didn't take some extra days off, so I went ahead and came home," Ricky added, with a look of disgust still on his face. "But I'm starting to think I would've rathered lose the vacation."
"I'm sorry, honey, but I'm so glad you're both here! Not that you're hurt, Em, but I'm happy we'll have some time here together before we go to Park City."
Emily was still laughing about the horrified expressions on Ricky's and Rusty's faces. "Hey, seeing the looks on their faces just now was well worth the sprained ankle."
Later that night, with Emily unconscious on the couch and Ricky and Rusty blowing up the air mattress for Ricky, Sharon and Andy made an early escape to bed. Andy was kissing her like they hadn't just had sex a couple of hours ago, and Sharon pulled away from him. "I thought you were kidding about 'round two.' I think the kids have been traumatized enough for one day."
Andy shrugged. "Who said round two had to make as much noise or have as many participants?"
Sharon propped herself up against a couple of pillows and adjusted her nightgown. "Well then, by all means, Lieutenant, please proceed."
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