#fuck you james duff
unknownperson246 · 4 months
master list 1 GNR:
Master lists: 2 3
Angst: 💔 smut: 💋 Fluff:🍄
Sisters Keeper 💋
Fuck Me! 💋
Mommy Please Mommy 💋
Ladies First 🍄
It’s What Your Getting 💋🍄
Where We Eat 💋
Desperation 💋
My Whore 💋
Quiet Whimpers 💋🍄
Pretty Tied Up 💋
Young For Me 🍄
Raven and Dove 🍄
Killer Looks 🍄
All Better Princess 🍄
Let Me Do My Thing 💋🍄
Sweet Cake 🍄
Knitting 🍄
Closet Creeper 💋
One More Chance 💔🍄
Spilled Milk 💋🍄
Cruel and Kind 💔💋
Freaky Friday Part 1 💋🍄
Freaky Friday Part 2 💋🍄
Fangs 💋
In The Light 💋
Brand Spanking New 💋
Touring 🍄💔
The Bar 💋🍄
The Gig 💋💔
Losing His Mind 💋🍄
On A Hill 💋🍄💔
Sociopath 💋💔
Sociopath Part 2 💔
Sociopath Part 3 💋🍄
Spoiled 🍄
Hair Day 🍄
Our Litttle Secret 💋🍄
Standing Close 💋🍄
Last Straw 💋💔
Sex Tape 💋
The Bar Part 1 💋
The Bar Part 2 💋
Axl Rose SFW Head Canons
Nervous 🍄
Patience 💔 (this is from my other account)
Sweet and Salty 💋🍄💔
Romantic Dinner 💋🍄
4th of July 🍄
Sex In A Car 💋🍄
First Time 🍄💋
Call Me Professor 💋
My Sweet Darling 💋🍄
Water On Wires 💋
Running Away 💔🍄
Obliterate 💔 (this fic has James Hetfield)
Brat 💋
A Little Old 💋
Confused 💔🍄
Short Dress 💋
Your Going To Miss Me 💋
Blood Moon 💋💔
Lightning 💋🍄
Bloodless 💋🍄
Bunny Play 🍄
Delicate 🍄💋
What I Really Enjoy 🍄💔
Nightmares 🍄💔
Welcome Back 💋
Reassurance 🍄💔
So Tall 💋🍄
Mötley x Roses 💋
Fuming With Anger 💋
The Notepad 💋
Steven Adler Headcanons 🍄
I’ll Make Up For It 💋
Weekend Vacation 🍄
Friends and Fans 💔🍄💋
Mr.All Over Her 🍄
Young Love 💋🍄
Bitchy Brat 💋
Your My Girl 💋🍄
Jealousy Hurts 💋💔
Best Friends To Lovers 🍄
I’m Going To Miss You 💋💔
First Time 💋🍄
A Monster 💋💔
A Monster Chapter 2 💔
A Monster Chapter 3 💔💋
A Monster Chapter 4 💔
Naive 💋
Duff x Izzy x Reader
Like the Little Slut You Are 💋
Slash x Izzy x Reader
Fuck Me Clean 💋
GNR x Reader
Your My Rocket Queen 💋
Turns For Everyone 💋
Guns N’ Roses Headcanons:
When you get sick 🍄
Duff x Izzy x Slash x Reader:
Who’s first? 💋💔
Duff x Slash x Reader:
Sex Recording 💋
Julian Casablancas x Izzy x Reader:
All Three of Us 💋
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
Hi! So I was just wondering if you could to an angst to fluff one-shot with either James Hetfeild or Duff Mckagan?? (Whichever era and whoever you pick:>. And only if you want to, if not totally fine!)
Basically, just whoever you pick to write for comes home late from the studio on him and readers anniversary and had completely forgotten until he saw reader asleep with dry tears on her face. And the next morning they do everything they can to make up for forgetting their anniversary and ends up succeeding:)
(Hope that makes sense)
A/n: This is quite possibly my favourite angst prompt to exist. When I saw the request I planned to write for both but then I got ever so very carried away with it, I hope that's ok :'3 Also sorry for the shitty ending lol think I could've done better with that one.
Warnings: Angst, I don't know what warnings to add for angst so if you find anything please let me know :'3
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Guns N’ Roses had just come back from tour, just in time for yours and Duff’s anniversary. It had been a few days since they got back and he was exhausted, sleeping in late, staying out even later. When the date of your anniversary finally hit you reminded him over and over again up until he left to not be late.
It hurt when he didn’t come home.
You made his favourite meal, got him gifts and put on your favourite outfit to impress him. You expected him home before food was ready but he was nowhere to be found even after you finished setting the table. You decided to do what you could to keep the food warm and wait for him.
11:00 pm rolled around and still no sign of Duff. You told yourself he just lost track of time, you didn’t need to eat together anyway since you ate together every other night as well. You got yourself a plate and ate alone, getting everything else in the fridge for leftovers.
12:00 pm and still no Duff. You decided to just cut your losses and go to bed. You got into something more comfortable for sleep and crawled into bed.
It wasn’t long before you felt tears trickling down your cheeks and you started softly crying into your pillow.
Duff came home much later. He was ready to crash, his body hurt and all he wanted was to crawl into bed with you, but first he needed food so he went to the kitchen and dug around a bit.
In the fridge were his favourite things, all freshly made. Well, freshly made-ish. They’d been in the fridge a while, still good for eating though. He got himself a plate and he could swear that first bite sent him to heaven.
He was eating at the kitchen table and noticed some bags in the corner so he went to investigate. He found a jacket he’d been wanting, shirts and records of his favourite bands, even a new watch he’d seen a while back and mentioned he’d liked. He stared at all of it in confusion, why’d it all suddenly appear? Why was it here?
He thought about it good and hard and finally landed on the reasoning. He forgot your fucking anniversary.
Duff ran into your bedroom to see if you were still awake and of course you weren’t. He kneeled beside you on the floor, pushing your hair out of your eyes to reveal dried tear streaks from puffy, red eyes. “Fuck.” He sighed. He kissed your forehead but you pulled away from his touch. He had to mentally beat himself up after that one.
He saw that the apartment was a bit of a mess and wanted to clean it up but he was just so tired. He made the decision to wait until tomorrow and then he’d get up and do whatever he could to make it up to you.
Duff crawled into bed, tossing and turning a bit. He reached out for you to pull you in so he could hold you but you seemed like you would wake up so he stopped, not wanting to disturb you.
The next morning Duff woke up slowly, groggily rolling over to check the time. The clock on the bedside table read ‘1:34 pm’ and he was filled with panic, suddenly wide awake. He sat up and looked to see your side of the bed empty.
He got out of bed to go look for you. The apartment was suddenly spotless and you were sitting on the couch, peacefully folding laundry while the radio was going. He sat beside you and took the shirt you were folding from you. “Let me do it.”
You stared at him for a moment. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do laundry.” You said, watching his chopping folding skills. “Let alone offer to do it.” Duff stared at the shirt in his hands, disappointed in his own skills, or rather lack thereof. “And now I see why.” You reached for the shirt back but he refused, holding it away from you.
“No! No, I-I’ll get it.” He unfolded the shirt so he could try again. You went to grab another piece of clothing to fold but he stopped you. “I can do it just-just go do something else.” You were confused at his sudden behaviour but decided not to question it. You went to the kitchen to clean some dishes instead.
Duff stood up when he heard the water running and went over to you. “What are you doing?” He asked as he took the plate from you.
“The dishes?” You answered, starting to get a little frustrated with what he was doing.
“No, just do something fun.” He said and set the dish down and turned the water off.
“Something fun?” You repeated, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yeah! Just, like, I don’t know, go read! Watch TV, hell, take my card and go-go shopping, buy whatever you want!” He urged, just wanted to do something for you.
“Something fun?” You repeated, your sadness from the night before and frustration now boiling together. “Something fun I wanted to do was have a nice night with my boyfriend on our fucking anniversary, but I guess we don’t always get what we want, right?” You glared at him for a moment before taking the plate back and starting the water again.
Duff paused and reached for the plate again. “I’m sorry, really, I completely forgot.” He started washing the plate for you and you tried to grab it back.
“Just forget it, alright? It’s fine.” You mumbled and went back to washing it. Duff grabbed it back again.
“Don’t say it’s fine when it’s not.” You grabbed the plate again but Duff didn’t let go. “Let me take care of things today, alright?”
“Duff, I can do things myself.” You stated.
“I know you can because you always do and I’m trying to be nice so please just let me do it!” He pulled on the plate and it slipped out of both your hands, shattering on the floor at your feet. Duff froze, looking between the broken glass and your hurt expression. “I-I’ll clean it up.” Duff said and went to get a broom.
He returned to find you on your knees picking up the little pieces of porcelain. He dropped the broom and rushed over to you, taking your hands away from the broken shards. “What the hell are you doing?! You can’t use your... hands...” He realised what plate it was that broke. A piece of your parents china from their wedding.
Instinctively he went to hold you. “Fuck, I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that.” You snapped, pushing him away.
“We can fix it, I promise.” He picked up two pieces and tried putting them together like a puzzle.
“Duff, just stop!” You yelled. He put the pieces down and looked at your face, seeing tears starting to leave your eyes again. He knew if he went to hug you you’d push him away again. He just didn’t know what to do.
So, he got up and went back to the living room, leaving you to cry alone in the kitchen while you pick up the pieces. He knew the only reason the plate needed to be cleaned in the first place was because you used it for what was supposed to be a special occasion, your anniversary.
He tried folding the laundry again, he sucked at it but it didn’t have to be good so long as he could get it done and put away. Anything to help you, even in a small way. He listened to your soft sobs from the kitchen, knowing he couldn’t do anything about it.
He brought the clothes to the bedroom and put everything away where he thought it was supposed to go. He turned around and saw the bed wasn’t made so he started on that next. Afterwards he went back to the kitchen, thinking you’d still be picking up the pieces. Instead you were hiding in the corner, knees pulled up to your chest as you cried.
He didn’t care if you tried pushing him away, he’d never seen you so broken, you could have a gun to his head and he’d still try to get to you in this state.
He pulled you onto his lap and held you close, kissing all over your face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” At this point you didn’t have the energy to push away from him so you just accepted it.
“I-I c-can’t fix it.” Your voice was weak and shaky as you spoke. Duff held you tighter to him.
“It’s ok, just gotta give it a minute.” He whispered. “I’ll help you, alright?” You shook your head, which hurt Duff but he wouldn’t tell you that, you didn’t need to hear that right now. “We could bring it to a professional or something.”
“A professional plate fixer?” You asked. Duff wasn’t sure if you were joking or not.
“I mean, I’m sure we could find someone.” He tried wiping your tears and you stood up. Your legs were shaky under you and Duff went to hold onto you “Where’re you going?”
“Bed.” You muttered. “I just- I want to go to bed.”
“Here, let me-” Duff tried to pick you up but you stopped him.
“No, just- stop.” He did as you asked and let you walk away to the bedroom, watching the door closed behind you.
Duff paused for a moment, trying to think of how he could possibly fix this. He started picking up the pieces of the plate and put them in a plastic container before heading on his journey to find someone to fix it.
He looked around for ages, it was getting dark and he was running out of options when he saw a china shop. He figured if they couldn’t fix it they could at least find him a replica or something.
“Hi, sorry, are you still open?” He asked as he entered the shop. Inside was a Japanese man and his daughter.
“We’re about to close.” The daughter said. Duff let out a heavy breath and placed the container on the counter.
“Can you find me a replica of this? Please?” He asked. The man opened the container and looked at the pieces for a moment before shaking his head. He said something in Japanese, of course Duff couldn’t understand so he looked to the daughter for a translation.
“There isn’t a replica but he said he can fix it.” Duff let out a sigh of relief at that.
“Even better, um, how do you do it?” He asked the man to be respectful even though he knew he wouldn’t understand the answer.
“Kintsugi, it’s a Japanese artform to fix pottery and such.” The daughter explains in a simplified way. Duff nods in understanding and thanks them both before heading back to your shared apartment, hoping he did a good thing.
He made one last stop on his way back home to get your favourite snacks from a convenient store. It’s not much but he wanted to do something, he’d bring you shopping tomorrow and get you more.
“I’m back!” He called as he stepped into the apartment. He carried the bag of snacks into the bedroom where he assumed you still were. Sure enough you were there, under the covers. He went to check if you were sleeping since he thought it was a little early for bed.
“Hey, darling, I got you snacks.” He kneeled down beside you, just as he’d done the night before. There was no response. “I’ll just leave them here for you, alright?” He whispered with a sad, tired smile. He stood up and left but not before giving you a kiss on the forehead. “I love you.” He muttered before closing the door behind him.
He made a makeshift bed for himself on the couch, a thin blanket that didn’t reach his feet, it barely reached his knees, and a small, flimsy throw pillow under his head for some form of comfort.
He managed to fall asleep not long after, only to have a dream of you walking out on him. He awoke in a cold sweat and ran into the bedroom to find you still asleep. He thought about crawling in with you before realising that you could just as easily leave if he was there with you than if he wasn’t.
In front of the door was his solution. He brought over his pillow and blanket and got uncomfortable laying there, now if you wanted to leave you’d have to move him.
You woke up and found the bag of snacks he’d gotten for you, all your favourites of course. You got out of bed to find him crashed on the floor. Thinking he’d overdosed or something you ran over to him and started shaking him awake.
“What, what is it?” He grumbled, slowly sitting up.
“Jesus Christ.” You sighed and hugged him. “I thought you fucking died!” Duff paused a moment before processing it and hugging you back.
“No, I’m fine.” He mumbled, moving his face into the crook of your neck. “You would’ve come to me like that if I died?” He asked with a soft chuckle.
“Fucking idiot, of course I would!”
“Even after everything, you still love me..?” He asked in a much softer tone. You pulled away for a moment.
“First of all, me seeing if you were alive had nothing to do with love.” You stated and pulled him back into a hug. “And of course I still love you, but I can love you and be pissed at you at the same time.” He chuckled at that.
“I found a place to fix your plate, by the way.” He said.
“Is that where you went last night?” He nodded and explained the whole thing to you.
“I was thinking we could hang out today, go shopping and get you some late anniversary presents?” He offered, he was taking you whether you wanted to or not but he wanted it to seem like it was your decision. You nodded and went to get ready.
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lunchboxpoems · 10 months
The sky in here is very blue and made of wood. You are very great, I think. Ruth is great. Have a brandy. Nobody lives forever and it's a fucking shame.
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duffsmckagan · 3 months
Untitled Story Idea
Kirk wants to take Lars to the movies to go see a new horror flick he’s been dying to see for MONTHS. He wakes up Lars at 12:pm (he slept in late because he was writing drum parts to a song).
Kirk: Dude, wake up! Wake up!
Lars: Whaaaat? It’s Saturday!
Kirk: Actually, hon, it’s Friday! And guess what comes out today?
Lars: (Insert Thinking Emoji) Is it that new flick with those two cute girls (wiggles eyebrows)
Kirk: Uh, no. (Insert title of the horror film) comes out today! I’ve been waiting for MONTHS! And you promised we could go!
Lars: I did?
Kirk: Yeah! You were getting a blowjob from under the table when I asked.
Lars: Ohhhh. Ok. So when’s this movie start?
Kirk: 10pm. Now, why don’t we go do some fun stuff. Like we could go to that nail salon Debbie and Rebecca showed us.
Lars: Ah, the nail salon our exes showed us. Good idea. You need your monthly manicure.
Kirk: And we could hit up that restaurant for dinner. You know, the one Slash and Duff showed us.
Lars: This all sounds great!
James enters the scene, but in only his black underwear.
James: Did I hear restaurant?
Lars: Yeah, Kirk is taking me out tonight.
Kirk: That’s right! And I’m taking him to (Insert title of the movie)
Kirk kisses Lars’s cheek. James gives a stare to Kirk.
James: Wait, so you didn’t even invite me or Cliff?
The scene cuts to Cliff who is on the floor (sleeping) passed out.
Kirk: (Shrugs) Sorry James.
Kirk and Lars getting ready for the day. Kirk comes out of the shower using a mint green towel on his hair. Lars is shaving. James is sitting at the small kitchen table kinda upset. Cliff up and eating pancakes.
Cliff: What’s up with you?
James: Fucking Kirk and Lars man. They’re going to a movie and a restaurant WITHOUT US!
Cliff raises an eyebrow. He isn’t affected by this at all. He doesn’t care.
Cliff: Ok.
He goes back to eating his pancakes.
James: Aren’t you mad?
Cliff: (Shrugs) No. I Don’t really care. They should go out without us. Do you remember how sad they were when they’re girls dumped them? They need this. Just a day for them.
James: (Sighs) You’re right I guess.
Kirk and Lars enter the scene. K both are wearing all black.
Note: How are you liking this so far? Should I write more?
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gnrbitch · 2 years
Does she have alcohol? pt2
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warnings: None!
(Contraband is the name of Y/ns band btw!)
a/n: Album name (choose whichever album you want!)
Los Angeles, California
Y/n and her band mates never kept the promise of hanging out with Slash, being too busy doing shows around the US and promoting their record.
Contrabands album, a/n had exploded in the months after its release. So that means Slash was seeing Y/ns face everywhere he went, making quite difficult for the guitarist to shake her off his mind.
And Slash was annoyed, not at the fact that Y/ns band got famous, he frankly didn’t care. He was annoyed at the fact that everyone else was able to come across her, except for him.
I mean how was that even possible? He thought to himself as he looked at a magazine with a photo of Lars and Y/n. Had she forgotten about him? Or did she just think he was weird? Slash thought. Maybe he just wasn’t as lucky, or maybe, he should’ve just asked Lenny for her phone number when they were at the studio.
The club was dark, Slash didn’t even know why he was here to be honest. Well he did, Duff had offered to pay for his drinks if he went out with them. So there they were Slash, Duff, Matt and Gilby sitting in a booth drinking. Obviously the other boys had some girl under their arms, but not Slash, he had just broken up with Renee in hopes that he would come across Y/n and finally be able to take her out. And he really didn’t have any interest in another girl if it wasn’t Y/n.
“Look who it is!” A male voice called out. Slash looked up from his drink to see James standing there along with all the other guys from Metallica… and the guys from Contraband. “Hey man!” Duff said “…Hey aren’t you the guys from Contraband?” he continued drunkly pointing at Sydney, Sammi, Benny and Mikey. “Yea man, we are” Sammi said, also pretty drunk. “Well shit! I love the record guys” He laughed.
“Sit down man” Slash spoke to the guys, now internally panicking at the fact Y/n might be here. Do I smell bad? Do I look good? Is my hair greasy? When was the last time I showered?
“Yea man let me just- hold on” “Y/N OVER HERE!” Sammi yelled to the bar. Slash had never turned his head so fast in his life.
And there she was, drink in her hand, flared leather pants, and a muscle shirt on. And the closer she got to them, he noticed she didn’t have a bra on. And he felt hot.
“Hey guys, i’m Y/n” she said, giving that pretty smile that had been in Slash’s head. She walked over to Slash’s side of the booth and sat next to him.
“Hey Slash” she said, putting the same emphasis on his name like she did the last time. “How have you been?” She said, leaning over so he can hear over the music. Slash smiled, letting his eyes roam her face before answering. “I’ve been good”, his eyes landing on Y/ns lips. “Even better since i’ve been seeing your face everywhere”
This made Y/n smile, which made Slash smile, cause god he loved to see her smile. “So seeing me on a magazine is better than the real thing? i’ve got to say im offended Slash.” Y/n said, giving him an overly exaggerated offended look on her face, obviously trying to hide her smile. Slash licked his lips before responding “See i didn’t say all that, maybe if I knew where to find you I could’ve seen ‘the real thing’.”
“um… do you guys know each other?” Gilby asked suspiciously looking at the pair, this was the preppiest he’s seen Slash in months.
“Oh yea we go wayyyyyy back” Y/n said with a teasing smile, looking over at Slash. “No way! how come i’ve never heard of this lady then man?” Duff said with a drunkly look on his face.
“She’s just fucking with you Duff” Slash responded, “We met when I went to New York to work with Lenny.” Duff and Gilby gave them a little “ohh” , and Slash’s attention was right back on Y/n.
“Where to find me? I’m every where baby” Y/n purred, answering his response from before. “Comon Y/nn, don’t make this hard on me” Slash said giving her a pleading look. Y/n smiled “Fine. Just for you though”. She took out a lip liner from her bag and grabbed a napkin, writing her number on it.
“Call me tomorrow morning” she said handing Slash the paper. “Why tomorrow morning?” He asked, finding it weird that she wants him to call her at such a specific time.
Y/n smiled, “Cause I wanna talk to you, obviously”
Slash looked over her face again, happy with her response.
Here’s part 2!!! hope you guys liked it 💟
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ight guys fuck it imma start taking requests. school starts up again soon and im overall very busy, so your request might take anywhere from an hour to a week to be posted, but i will always publish requests. unless of course, you have anything on this list in your request.
fantasy kinks such as vore, micro/macro, fantasy AUs (nothing against them I just don't know how to write them), etc.
foot fetishes
intricate ED plot lines (I had a very minor ED in the past, but I have fully recovered so I wouldn't know how to write it)
pregnancy (I love breeding kinks but the thought of actual pregnancy is js a lil uncomfy.)
Mommy & Daddy kinks
Priest kinks (PLEASE 🙏🏻)
Non/dub con
Heavy kinks (autoassassinophilia, cannibilism, shit like that)
If you have any questions on what I'll write, ask!! This is a strict no-judge zone.
James Hetfield
Kirk Hammett
Lars Ulrich
Robert Trujillo
Dave Mustaine
Ron McGovney
Jason Newsted
Cliff Burton
Nikki Sixx
Vince Neil
Mick Mars
Tommy Lee
John 5
Axl Rose
Duff McKagan
Izzy Stradlin
Steven Adler
Rob Zombie
And many more to come!!
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edgylesbiangurl · 5 months
I noticed that while there's a lot of normie nerdy straight men who fetishize and go after alternative women I think it's kinda the opposite for famous men who are alternative.
I noticed that lot of Alt male musicians tend to date and marry normie female celebrities, mainly supermodels and socialites, despite usually talking about how much they hate Hollywood mainstream celebrity culture, think about Travis Barker with Kourtney Kardashian or Joel Madden (fuck him btw, he also dated Hilary Duff when she was a minor) with Nicole Richie, Deryck from Sum 41 also briefly dated Paris Hilton before marrying Avril but you don't see the same with Alt female musicians, you don't see for example Alissa White-Gluz dating James Maslow or Mercedes Lander dating Ryan Gosling, Alissa is literally engaged with Doyle from the Misfits and Mercedes is married to an underground fellow metal dude like her, they instead tend to date men who belong to the same or other alt subcultures and I wonder why, is there a patriarchal explanation for this, like straight women usually clearly don't have the same standards as straight men when it comes to these things, do these men usually go after normie female celebrities beacuse they see dating a popular conventionally attractive woman as a status symbol, so they can have "a trophy wife"? Feel free to share your opinion on this, I think it's a very interesting phenomenon.
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chriscdcase95 · 2 months
The following is a skit I had in mind for Still Here Breathing, but unlikely to include because song fic rules on AO3.
(Ginger Fitzgerald and Jennifer Check hijack a car from Colin Gray's friends after tricking them with a fake séance.)
(Beside them, Colin's ghost shakes his head at his friends in disappointment.)
Ginger: "Posers! Fucking posers!"
Jennifer: "What are you looking at me for ? It wasn't my idea-"
Ginger: "Your friend, Needy-"
Jennifer: "I don't care for the company she keeps."
Ginger: "Yeah, but she's the company you keep."
Jennifer: "What's that got to do with anything ?"
(Ginger eyes Jennifer, and shrugs)
Ginger: "Fuck it, we can run it by Nancy."
Jennifer: (shakes her head) "Nah, I don't want to spook their kid."
Ginger: "You going soft on me, Check ?"
Jennifer: (scoffs) "Me ? Soft ? The hippo calls the rhino fat."
Ginger: "What's that supposed to mean ?"
Jennifer: "You called their gir-" (in a teasing cutesy voice) - Little Lilly Bean!"
Ginger: (indignant) "I did not!"
Jennifer: "You did it while we're tucking her in!"
Ginger: "You were fucking spying on me ?!"
Jennifer: "No! I just going down the hall, when I saw the door open and-!"
(Flustered and frustrated, Jennifer puts a hand on her face, and inhales deeply)
Jennifer: (muffled) Can we- can we just listen to some tunes."
Ginger: (shrugs) "Whatever you say."
(Jennifer opens the glove compartment, picking out this casette tape from a small box. On it there is pair of Jack Skellington like eyes and mouth, and a piece of tape drawn in black marker; "Voices of the Underworld")
Ginger: "Ah, it's just gonna be more of that edgy poser shit!"
Jennifer: "Eh, I had an earworm for Disturbed."
Ginger: (narrowing her eyes at Jennifer) "There's no way you listen to Disturbed."
Jennifer: (grinning coyly) "Like there's no way B listens to Britney ?"
Ginger: (pinching the bridge of her nose) "Oh for crying out-"
(Ginger takes the tap, before putting it in)
Ginger: "It's probably some poser shit any-"
(Big Time Rush, starts playing on the radio)
BTR: "Uh, oh, oh-oh, oooh..."
(Ginger and Jennifer perk up in surprise)
Kendall and James: (on the radio) "Make it count, play it straight/Don't look back, don't hesitate-"
Logan and Carlos: (chiming in) When you go big time!"
(Taken aback, Ginger and Jennifer glance at eachother, unsure of what to make of this)
Kendall and James: (on the radio) "What you want/What you feel/Never quit/and make it real-"
Logan and Carlos: (chiming in): "When you roll big time!"
(Jennifer and Ginger share a laugh)
BTR: (on the radio) "Hey, hey!-"
Carlos: (on the radio) "Listen to your heart now!-"
BTR: (on the radio) "Hey, hey!
James: (on the radio) "Don't you feel the rush ?-"
Ginger: (half laughing and jabs a thumb over her shoulders, at the punks they leave in the dust) "Fucking! Poser! Shit!"
(Jennifer laughs even harder)
(We cut a while later. Ginger and Jennifer are further down the highway, another song is playing.)
(Jennifer is looking out the window, lightly drumming her fingers along the window to the beat. Ginger glances at Jennifer, who notices and stops. The two stare ahead in silence )
Hillary Duff: (on the radio) "Then I see you smile as I go/Oh oh oh/Yesterday my life was duller/Now everything's tech-ni-color-"
(As the song plays, Ginger notices Jennifer has this nostalgic but sober look on her face.)
Hillary Duff: (on the radio) "Hey now, hey now!/This is what dreams are made of!/Hey now, hey now/This is what dreams are made of!/I've got somewhere I belong/I got somebody to love-"
(Jennifer notices and fakes a cough to save face)
Jennifer: "Paolo was a fucking cad!"
(Ginger nods in agreement)
(Further down the highway. A new song is playing. Jennifer looks half asleep.)
Miley: (on the radio) "But I-I-I/I gotta keep try-y-y-ying/Gotta keep my head held hi-i-i-i-igh…
(Jennifer looks up, and glances at Ginger. To her amusement, Ginger is lip syncing in a subtle mutter.)
Ginger: (lip synching to Miley) "There's always gonna be another mountain/I'm always gonna wanna make it move/Always gonna be an uphill battle/Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose-"
(Ginger notices Jennifer is looking at her, and looks forward with an embarrassed blush.)
Ginger: (to Jennifer) "Shut up."
Miley: (on the radio): "Ain't about how fast I get there/Ain't about what's waiting on the other side-"
(Moments later, a new song is playing.)
Demi Lovato: (on the radio) "This is real, this is me/I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now/Gonna let the light/Shine on meeee-"
(Ginger is subconsciously drumming her fingers along the steering wheel to the beat, while Jennifer is lip synching)
Jennifer: (lip synching to Demi) "Now I've found who I am/There's no way to hold it in/No more hiding who I want to beeee/This is meeee!"
(Along with Ginger, Jennifer drums her own fingers along the dashboard the beat)
Jennifer: (her singing voice increasingly raises) "You're the voice I hear inside my head/The reason that I'm singing/I need to find you, I gotta find you-"
Ginger: (lip synching, but her voice also increasingly raises) "You're the missing piece I need/The song inside of me/I need to find-"
Jennifer and Ginger: (singing out loud) "-I gotta find youuuu!"
Ginger: (singing) "This is real!"
Jennifer: (singing) "This is me!"
Ginger and Jennifer: (singing together) "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now/Gonna let the light shine on meeee!"
(The two lean in for a near kiss)
Jennifer and Ginger: (singing together) "Now I've found who I am/There's no way to hold it in/No more hiding who I want to beeeee!"
Jennifer: (singing) "This is meeee!"
Ginger: (singing) "You're the missing piece I need/The song inside of me!"
Ginger and Jennifer: (singing together) "This is me!"
Jennifer: (singing) "You're the voice I hear inside my head/The reason that I'm singing-"
Jennifer and Ginger: (singing together) "Now I've found who I am!/There's no way to hold it in!/No more hiding who I want to beeee/This is meeeee..."
(The two stare at eachother for a moment with this loving smirk...before their eyes widen at the realization of what they just did.)
(They both defensively look ahead.)
Ginger: "Not a word."
Jennifer: "This didn't happen!"
Ginger and Jennifer: (at pointing at eachother, speaking in the exact same tone) "This leaves the car, you're tongue leaves your mouth!"
(After a pause, the two find themselves staring again, before leaning in, softly kissing on the lips.)
(After another pause, they lean in again, before Jennifer's eyes widen.)
Jennifer: (flinching back) "Fuck me!"
Ginger: (softly as she keeps leaning in) "Don't kill the mode..."
(Jennifer takes Ginger by the chin and directs her gaze out the window.)
(They see they are parked in Sarah and Nancy's driveway. Sarah and Nancy are standing outside their window, giving these knowing smirks)
Ginger: (unusually uneasy) "How long were we here ?"
Nancy: "You woke up Lily."
Sarah: "You also have lovely singing voices."
I would have included "Take a Hint", but this story is going to be set in 2010.
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myrammmortal · 5 months
Chapter 15, still angry at being too beautiful I guess?
AN: stup flaming ok! btw u suk frum no on evry tim sum1 flams me im gona slit muh ristsz! fangz 2 raven 4 hlpein!
“Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers, Paul Shadow Edgelord Landers!” shouted Richard sadly. “No, please, come back!”
But I was too mad.
“Whatever! Now u can go anh have sex with Vampire!” I shouted. I stormed into my room and closed my black door with my blood-red key. It had a picture of Marylin Manson on it. He looked so sexy in a way that reminded me of Richard and Vampire. I started to cry and weep. I took a razor and started to slit my wrists. I drank the coffee all depressed. Then I looked at my watch and noticed it was time to go to Biology class.
I put on a short ripped black shirt that said Anarchy on the front in blood red letters and was all ripped and a spiky belt. Under that I put on ripped black fishnets and boots. I decided to go without pants today because sometimes you just need to let it all hang out. I put my short hair out. Anyway I went downstairs feeling all sad and depressed as usual. I did sum advanced Biology work. I was turning a bloody pentagram into a black guitar. Suddenly the guitar turned to Richard!
“Paul Darkness Shadow Blackness Landers I love you!” he shouted sadly. “I dnot care what those fucker preps and posers fink. Ur da most beautiful boy in the world. Before I met you I used to want to commit suicide all the time. Now I just wanna fucking be with you. I fucking love you!.” Then……………. he started to sing “Da Chronicles of Narnia OST” (we considered it our song now and he sang it so well even though it's completely instrumental. But Richard's an amazing singer so fuck you) right in front of the entire class! His singing voice was so amazing and gothic and sexxy like a cross between Gerard, Joel, Chester, Pierre and Marilyn Manson (AN: don’t u fink dos guyz r so hot. if u dnot no who dey r get da fuk out od hr!) .
“OMFG.” I said after he was finished. Some fucking preps stared at us but I just stuck up my middle fingers (that were covered in black nail polish and were entwined with Richard’s now) at them. “I love you!” I said and then we started to kiss just like Hilary Duff (i fukin h8 dat bitch) and CMM in a Cinderella Story. Then we went away holding hands. Loopin shouted at us but he stopped cuz everyone was clapping by how sexy we looked 2gether. Then I saw a poster saying that James Blunt would have a concert in Hogsmede right then. We looked at each other all shocked and then we went 2gether. 
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haywire-hetfield · 6 months
Masterlist Of Fics
A masterlist of all the fics I have done so far. Any explicit fics will be marked with a *
Angel All In Black (Dave x James)*
Dave knew how to be passive aggressive, he really did. The problem was that there was a massive difference between knowing how to do something and having the ability to actually do it.
But It's The Season Of The Sticks (James x Lars)*
James and Lars didn't anticipate how much would actually change without Dave there.
get him back! (Dave x Lars, James x Lars)*
It wasn't about being attracted to Lars. For Dave, the only thing that mattered was the fact it would piss James off.
The Men You Meet At Night And The Glorious Gift Of Fear (James x Lars)*
Two strangers happen to meet on a dark road in California.
Then In A Year Or Maybe Not Quite (Dave x James)*
"You know how I’m supposed to be going into heat next weekend?” Dave asked after they’d both caught their breath. James gave a small noise of acknowledgment. “Well, I’m not going to go into heat."
Didn't Get The Chance To Feel The World Around Me (Dave x Lars, James x Dave x Lars)*
Dave and Lars encounter an unexpected spectator.
But Your Heart Got Teeth (Dave x James)
When Megadeth opens for Metallica, James decides he needs to talk to their lead singer.
Hold Every Memory As You Go (Duff x Axl x Izzy x Slash x Steven)
Duff looked like a fucked up angel when he finally climbed back into bed. Blonde hair messy and eyeliner smudged, knees bloody and scraped up as he curled close to Slash.
When You Burned Down The House And Home (Dave x James)*
It's just the cycle they go through. They fight, they fuck, they forget.
Kind Of Used To Being Someone You Love (Krist x Dave Grohl)
Dave had always heard the idea that if you were blind, your other senses were automatically better. He wasn’t sure how much he believed it, but he supposed it made sense. When he found himself blindfolded, he started to realize just how much truth the idea had behind it.
Full Speed Or Nothing (James x Lars)*
While staying with James in America, Lars goes into heat.
Say My Name And His In The Same Breath (I Dare You To Say They Taste The Same) (Jason x Lars)
Jason helps a drunken Lars back to his hotel room.
'Cause He Couldn't Help Me With My Mind (James x Jason)*
“Jamie’s in heat,” Lars had warned as soon as Jason walked through the front door, not even giving him time to kick his shoes off first. It had been as though Lars was purposefully waiting for him to get back and Jason realized very quickly he had been. “Go handle it,” Lars encouraged and he didn’t explain further. He didn’t need to. 
You Remind Me How To Fly (James x Cliff)*
“Cliff?” James whispered through the darkness of their bedroom, shaking the sleeping man awake. They were cuddled up in the bed, pressed close together beneath the blankets. Cliff let out a sleepy noise, but one that told James he was awake-ish. “I’m in heat. Help me handle it?” He asked, trying to keep the edge of nervousness out of his voice.
To All The Boys I've Loved (Lars x James, Lars x Ron, Lars x Dave, Lars x Cliff, Lars x Jason, Lars x Kirk)*
Lars reflects on his life and all the men he's potentially loved over the years.
But I Don't Know How Yet (Mick x Izzy)*
After being punched by Vince, Izzy finds some unexpected company with Mick.
I'm No Longer Naive And I Don't Feel As Pure As I Once Did (David x Dave)*
There were many things David expected to do once he got to California. Trying cocaine in Dave Mustaine's apartment was not one of them.
Hey Jude, Don't Carry The World Upon Your Shoulders (James x Cliff)
After spending his last heat with Cliff, the mourning process gets even more complicated for James when he finds out he's pregnant. Now, he must navigate that as well as the death of his best friend.
Hot, Young, And Running Free (Tommy x Nikki)*
When Nikki finally makes his way back to Tommy, his pupils are blown wide and he smells like home.
It's All My Love (Steven x Duff)*
Steven Adler was an unusual beta for many reasons, the most obvious of which was his obsession with breeding his omega.
But They Won't Flower Like They Did Last Spring (David x Dave)
“Let me tell you something about people, Junior. They change all the goddamn time,” Dave said meanderingly as though he carefully considered every word before he uttered it. He brought his cigarette to his lips, inhaling deeply for a few long seconds before he spoke again. Dave was frowning deeply now, a mixture of bitterness and dejection marring his features. “Or maybe they were just always different from what you thought.”
On An Island In The Sun (Dave x Izzy)*
“I don’t think so. I think it fits you a lot better,” Dave’s voice was steady and low, rubbing his hand up the inside of Izzy’s arm carefully. Izzy still flinched when fingertips brushed over the yellowing bruises in the crook of his arm. “None of these are fresh. How long has it been since you’ve been let off of your leash?” Dave asked him, continuing to try to push Izzy’s buttons. He jerked his arm away from Dave and was relieved when it wasn’t grabbed back. The relief washed away when Dave leaned in close. “I can fix you up,” He whispered to him.
Too Young To Fall In Love (Tommy x Vince)*
While Vince wants Tommy, he quickly finds out Tommy is thinking about someone else. He decides he can work with that.
One Of Those Horrible Little Children (Alice Cooper x Dave, Dave x Jason)*
Dave returns home on Halloween night with a fun story to tell Alice. (Based loosely off of Headbangers Ball 1989)
Can You Make It Feel Like Home If I Tell You You're Mine? (James x Lars)*
Lars knew he shouldn't get involved with James, not when he was still so desperately missing Dave, but he'd never made the best decisions. And maybe he could make James want him more if he just held on a bit longer.
the word "tragic" means a lot to me (James x Izzy)
James thinks that if anyone in the world will understand what he's going through, it's Izzy.
Take Off All My Blues (James x Lars, Tommy x Nikki, Steven x Duff, Dave x Axl, Kirk x Lars)*
A collection of fics I've done based off of dialogue prompts.
Every Claim You Stake (James x Lars, Lars x Izzy, James x Lars x Izzy)*
Finally living in a different country, Lars must navigate the tricky world of love.
Pitching Myself As Leads In Other People's Dreams (Tommy x Nikki)*
“Excuse me?” Nikki snapped, whipping around to face him. Vince looked confused more than anything and he could hear Mick snorting out a laugh somewhere beside them. Tommy could feel his own cheeks heating up, embarrassed by the entire situation. “You don’t talk to me like that,” Tommy decided against arguing with Nikki and pushing it.
Enter Sandman (Dave x James)*
It wasn't the first time James couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake, but it was definitely the first time this had happened.
Strawberry Wine (Tommy x Nikki)*
Mick had always possessed a talent to know when something was wrong. Usually, this meant just always assuming something was wrong and being right occasionally. This time, he was sure of it, though. 
It's The Best Thing That I'll Ever Do (I Get To Love You) (Tommy x Nikki)*
It hit Tommy suddenly that all of this was for him. Only he got to see Nikki like this these days. Every inch of his skin, every noise he made, every mole and blemish on his skin. All of this was reserved just for Tommy now. 
I Think You're Changing, You Don't Gotta Stay The Same (Jason x James)
It started small. The first time Jason noticed anything was going on, they were all gathered around and looking at old pictures.
Hand Of Gold That Lays Waste To My Love (Dave x James)*
Dave had never been like other boys, but James supposed he wasn't really like other boys either.
A Makeshift Gauge Of How Much To Give And How Much To Take (Jason x Lars)*
Lars wasn't a kind person anymore. He was once-a long time ago-before the world changed around him. Everyone else could see it, so why did Jason have such a hard time understanding it?
You Said My Heart Has Changed And You Had Not (James x Dave)*
Over the span of decades, James and Dave share five separate experiences.
Your Worst Kept Secret (James x Dave x Lars)*
The premise of the movie was interesting enough, but James couldn’t bring himself to focus on it. All he could focus on was Lars and Dave next to him on the couch. He was doing his best to pretend he didn’t notice them, but it was rather difficult to ignore his husband making out with someone else. 
Oh, You're A Loaded Gun (Tracii x Izzy)*
Their lips had met clumsily, using too much tongue and teeth, but neither seemed to mind. Izzy’s hands sank deep into Tracii’s soft hair and Tracii’s own touched every part of Izzy he could reach.
Where Is Your Boy Tonight? (I Hope He Is A Gentleman) (Kirk x Dave)*
On the way to his hotel, Kirk had offered his hand to Dave to hold which Dave had simply ignored. He didn’t want sweet or gentle with Kirk and he was going to make sure Kirk knew that.
And When It Comes To Love (Izzy x James)*
Izzy let out a quiet noise, appearing to think for a minute before he leaned across the table and held his cigarette out to James. He got the idea of what Izzy was suggesting pretty quickly and he swallowed the anxiousness about the situation that was rising in his throat. Instead, he took the cigarette and decided to give it a try. Izzy’s eyes were focused on him the entire time, watching like a hawk.
And I Pay For My Place By The Ring (Dave x Ron)*
Ron considered this for a moment, silent and staring at the poster-covered wall across from him. He wasn’t totally against it. Dave was attractive enough, although a bit abrasive, and it had been a while since Ron had done things like this. He missed it in a way and he found himself nodding. 
Angel Hair And Baby's Breath (Jimmy x Robert)*
Jimmy didn’t need this very often. He had a fairly happy marriage and he usually managed fine, living the normal and pleasant life he knew he should. Every once in a while, he grew restless and there were certain things he needed when he felt that restlessness settling into his bones. 
The Spaces Between (James x Lars)*
Normally, he’d be embarrassed by the idea of anyone listening to him or watching him get off, but that feeling wasn’t present now. All he could focus on was how good Lars felt, how good he was making Lars feel in return, both of them chasing the same goal. 
Confidants But Never Friends (David x Dave)*
Dave knew his emotions got out of hand sometimes. Usually, they were at their worst when he’d been drinking. He was hypersensitive to seemingly everything and his already short fuse was matched with reduced decision making skills. It was a nasty mix and he didn’t envy anyone who had to deal with it. But the problem was he was completely sober in David’s bed.
Kiss The Back Of Your Teeth (Cliff x Lars)*
"Why don't we skip the condom this time?"
No Other Version Of Me I Would Pretend To Be Tonight (Steven x Lars)*
“You look so fucking hot,” Steven’s words made Lars laugh, sharp and sudden as he looked at him from the foot of the bed. They were so direct and Steven had a grin on his face that Lars couldn’t describe as anything other than boyish. It was bright and lopsided, showing too many teeth. 
I Feel So A Star Is Born (Tommy Lee x Steven Adler)*
Steven’s body seemed to be weightless, floating on air, as he laid in the hotel bed with Tommy. He was hooked on this sort of feeling.
Bleeding Me Dry Like A Goddamn Vampire (Kirk x Lars)*
Kirk knew it was dangerous to bite Lars; he knew once he started, he wouldn't want to stop.
Two Lovers Entwined (Phil Lewis x Brent Muscat)*
“If I'm so pretty then why am I not in your bed yet?” Phil asked, catching Brent a bit off guard. The sudden bluntness of the question made him laugh.
I'm Such A Good Good Boy (Vince x Tommy)*
Sometimes, there were things they needed that only the other could give them.
Burn With Me (James x Lars)*
James’ admission hadn’t really surprised Lars. Considering the way he was raised, Lars knew he had a weird relationship with sex growing up and he was still working to unlearn it. Even today, he had moments where he viewed sex as something shameful or perverse. He’d also had a hard time making friends during his younger years. Adding them both together, Lars understood how it had never happened.
A collection of Metallica fics, each chapter dealing with a different pairing/kink
A Step Beyond (James x Lars)*
Lars couldn’t even remember what they were fighting about. Being stuck around the same people all the time with no escape was enough to set anyone on edge, though. Every little thing became something massive once they’d been on tour long enough. The hotel rooms were a nice reprieve when they got them, but even the added space couldn’t completely calm them down. 
It Was Simple, It Was Sweetness (Gentle Angel) (Lars x Rick Allen)
Lars and Rick's developing relationship shown in five separate moments in time.
The Life Of The (After) Party (James x Dave)
Dave realized that this was exactly why he ran; he wanted James to chase him.
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Sunday, February 5th, 2023;
"Here's what I believe. Shit fucking happens. That's rule one. Everybody walking the planet knows that. Rule two: things rarely turns out the way you planned. Three: everybody gets knocked down. Four, and most important of all; after you take those shots, it’s time to stand up and walk on—to continue to live". ~Duff McKagan
Happy 59th Birthday Duff McKagan! 🎉
What would we fans do without you? 🎸
Everyone loves Duff, there are no exceptions ❤️‍🔥
I'm just so proud of him 🎂
What can you wish such a wonderful person as Duff on his birthday?
He already has everything: he found the love of his life, he has wonderful daughters, he has been sober for years, he still looks like he is 30 (how does he do it?), he is successful, his career is amazing, he has talent, health, sense of humor, family, friends and loyal fans around the world 🎈
He is happy and I wish him to stay that way forever! ❤️
And happy birthday to Del James who also celebrates his birthday today! 🎉
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PS. And I would definitely paint that house for him! ❤️ (Who remembers that joke? 😂)
M. 🌹
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1995lahaine · 1 year
ROBBIE AMELL i have thoughts about robbie amell. i have a stupid franchise reboot that lives in my head featuring robbie amell.
izzy. izzy you have STUMPED me with this one i've been scratching my whole head at it for 2 days cause im like. he can only sorta kinda act? he was. well im gonna say something embarrassing here right. he was fun in the duff!
anyways. i think he's a young james marsden in many ways to Me. so like. yeah put him in romcoms for a bit let the pretty boy show!!! but then at the same time if we want him to give Acting a go i think he's tried scifi and only done the really shitty fucking franchise stuff so i dont think scifi is gonna work for him. he should have been in hail caesar. FUCK ACTUALLY THAT'S AN AMAZING CALL. that's what we do with him! we get him a coen brothers project! i think one of their very western comedy type things could be really good for him. im not gonna pitch the actual film bc this is getting long now but think somewhere between burn after reading and hail caesar. not entirely absurd but a little bit Bigger than reality so that the fact that he's not a Thespian would a) be hidden and b) enhance the role somewhat. fuck im good. anyways tell me your franchise reboot NOW
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septmilleneurones · 2 years
As an arospec trauma survivor, I have Thoughts about the discourse on “girlboss” Cinderella adaptations. I’ve always been upset by people saying “she’s so pathetic, she had to be rescued by someone else!” for reasons that have been thoroughly covered on here, but some of the objections about “girlbossy” adaptations are...a little amatonormative.
“Every adaptation these days is about her being a Strong, Independent Woman Who Doesn’t Need A Man!”
Let’s fact check this one. Cinderella roll call!
Disney animation (Ilene Woods, 1950): heartwarming romance with the prince; the stepfamily try to keep them apart but there are no complications in the relationship itself
Rodgers & Hammerstein version (Brandy, 1997): heartwarming romance with the prince; the stepfamily try to keep them apart but there are no complications in the relationship itself
Ever After (Drew Barrymore, 1998): she gets spicy with the prince, including overt commentary on how the rich oppress the poor, until he overcomes his privileged cluelessness
A Cinderella Story (Hilary Duff, 2004): she tells the prince she’s disappointed in him and dates him after he overcomes his privileged cluelessness
Disney live action remake (Lily James, 2015): heartwarming romance with the prince; the stepfamily try to keep them apart but there are no complications in the relationship itself
Amazon version (Camila Cabello, 2021): appears to be a major girlboss version, but a) Amazon is not known for handling stories respectfully (*cough* Lord of the Rings) and b) of COURSE one of the worst wealth thieves in the world is going to want as many people as possible to drink the “downtrodden people just need to HUSTLE more (by being the best at capitalism, not by unionising my warehouses)!” Kool-Aid. And according to Wikipedia, she still ends up in a happy romantic relationship with the prince at the end.
So there actually appears to be about a 50-50 split, and ALL of them ultimately depict a romantic relationship as the happy ending.
“The ‘girlboss’ versions don’t appreciate love!”
For starters, see my point above about how all of them end with a romantic relationship.
Secondly...was that really you guys’ takeaway from the Hilary Duff version? Rhonda is a surrogate mother to Sam (Cinderella) throughout the whole movie, giving her emotional support and advice and eventually letting Sam move in with her. Do you know how much I goofy smiled at the scene where they arrive at Rhonda’s place and Rhonda hugs Sam? That was a modern day Cosette and Jean Valjean. How can you say that version doesn’t respect love when there was such a beautiful found family relationship right there?
“The ‘girlboss’ versions are toxic positivity about abuse!”
Let’s be real, the "girlboss" versions and the traditional versions both engage with the topic of abuse like an employer saying “so how did you make yourself Marketable during that brief period when the government actually did something about covid?” Is it really that much fairer to say “this survivor deserved to be rescued because she was cheerful/kind” than it is to say “this survivor deserved to be rescued because she was feisty/got good grades”? Maybe you lot were able to be unfailingly uwu during and after the years of being treated like shit, but I sure as fuck wasn’t, and I still deserved better.
And I have yet to see a single version, “girlboss" or traditional, where she has any lasting trauma. You know what would be a trauma-friendly, heartwarming adaptation? One where she’s shown being supported through her trauma after she gets out of the House of Hell instead of immediately being fine. “It’s a kids’ movie!” So is Encanto and that whole movie is about a traumatised family healing from a massacre that displaced the older two generations and killed the grandfather.
Like, by all means criticise the ways in which Cinderella movies do survivors dirty. But the presence or absence of a particular trajectory of romance isn’t the be-all and end-all of whether an adaptation is respectful to survivors or how the adaptation regards love in general.
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nyctophiliiiiaaa · 2 years
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I posted 1,484 times in 2022
That's 1,458 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (1%)
1,467 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 209 of my posts in 2022
#metallica - 78 posts
#kirk hammett - 73 posts
#happy birthday - 54 posts
#happy birthday krik - 25 posts
#james hetfield - 22 posts
#happy birthday my curly little man - 18 posts
#alex claremont diaz - 17 posts
#lars ulrich - 16 posts
#red white and royal blue - 14 posts
#rwrb - 13 posts
Longest Tag: — characters
not showing you this :)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
15 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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See the full post
16 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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why the fuck do I laugh at the stupidest fucking memes on the internet
21 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
ugh I can’t fucking get enough of this song
it’s literally perfect…
axl’s vocals? out-of-this-world.
slash’s solos? unequaled.
duff’s bass? immaculate.
izzy’s guitar? superb.
steven’s drums? excellent.
and don’t even get me started on the rest of the sounds that happen in this masterpiece.
I am obsessed.
21 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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this one made me cry
44 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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duffsmckagan · 2 months
If Kirk played for...Guns N' Roses things part 3
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Picture unrelated :) Includes NSFW (It's GNR and Metallica). If you are under 18 DO NOT READ!
Alternate Metallica and the alternate AFD 5 were at a bar with other bands I will not name just because. Duff and Kirk are messing around. Beers in their hands, cigarettes in the other, and both are wearing sunglasses. Kirk has a jean jacket while Duff has a leather jacket.
Duff: Ah, man I feel good right now. Kirk: (Burps) Me too. This beer hits the spot. Duff: Come here (Puts his left hand on Kirks left hip, Pulls Kirk closer, and kisses him on the head) Kirk: Woah, did you just kiss me? Duff:...Yeah, yeah I did. Kirk: (Kisses Duff's left cheek)
While that was happening Slash, Cliff, Lars and Jamez were watching from afar. It's 80s Slash, Cliff, James and Lars. Lars has his mouth wide open.
James: (Judging because it's 1980s James) What weirdos (Takes a sip of his beer) Lars: Cliff, did you see that? Did you see that? Cliff: Yeah, I have eyes, man. Lars: That should be me. Slash: (Puts his hand on Lars's shoulder) That should also be me. Lars: I know, right? It should be Klars and Sluff- James: (Judging again) You made couple names? Lars: Yeah, James, I did. Anyways what is their "couple" name? Dirk? Kuff?
Sometime between the years 1986-1988 Kirk and Izzy have a 3-some with some brunette babe.
Izzy: (Grunting) Almost there. Kirk: Easy for you to say (breathing heavily) I'm doing all the work here. Groupie: (Starts moaning really loudly) I can't believe I'm fucking both of the best lays in GNR right now. Kirk: (Breathing heavily) Yeah, I can't believe it either. Almost as believable as a moose in a hospital. Groupie:....
Izzy finally "finishes" and creams all over Kirks leg. Kirk has a :O expression while Izzy has a :/ expression.
Izzy: Um, lets pretend this didn't happen. Kirk: Right.
In 1988 they got HUGE thanks to Appetite selling very well.
Axl: Over there on bass is Duff "The King of Beers" McKagan. Duff: (Makes that sexy facial expression)
The crowd cheers
Axl: On drums is Steven "Popcorn" Adler Steven: (Gets very excited and smiles widely)
The crowd cheers
Axl: On rhythm guitar is my best friend of 14 years, Mr. Izzy Stradlin Izzy: (Makes a gesture to the crowd)
The crowd cheers
Axl: And over here on lead guitar is that cute guy with the adorable baby face and the fantastic dick is THE RIPPER!
Kirk: Sticks his tongue out.
The crowd goes wild.
Any more scenarios I should do for a part 4.
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gnrbitch · 1 year
Grunge Days pt.24- About a Girl
1992, Day after
“Hellooooo” Duffs voice rang through Y/ns place.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she exited her room, looking down the staircase to see Duff.
“Duff?” Y/n asked “What are you doing here?”
“Tour got pushed back till next week” Duff said
Walking down the stairs, Y/n gave him a quick side hug, “Oh”.
“Aren’t you gonna ask why? It’s a real good reason” Duff spoke, walking over to her couch and sitting down.
Y/n rolled her eyes “Why is your precious tour being pushed back?”
“Well since you asked” Duff smiled, looking at her as she sat down at the other end of her couch. “Slash pressed Kirk”
“What do you mean Slash pressed Kirk?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows
“He wouldn’t say, he just wanted to fight i guess” Duff shrugged “Suddenly he doesn’t like him”
Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, “Right” “So what happened?”
“Okay so...”
“Plans all seem to be going the way they should” Guns tour manager said “Anything you wanna add?” He said, looking over the Metallicas manager.
“Nope. You guys are ready to start the tour” He said
“Alright nice!” Lars said, putting his palms on the table “Dont you guys think this calls for some drinks”
While everyone was agreeing and overall showing their excitement for the tour, Slash couldn’t help himself but angrily stare at Kirk.
And considering the fact he already had some alcohol in his system, he was making it very obvious he had some issue with Metallica’s guitarist.
“Slash man we’re leaving” Matt said, tapping Slash’s shoulder.
“He’s too busy trying to kill Kirk with his eyes” Lars laughed
“Shut up Lars” Kirk rolled his eyes “Me and Slash are cool”
Slash scoffed, getting up from where he was sitting “Are we?” He sarcastically asked.
Everyone (Duff, James, Lars, Kirk, and their managers) in the room were confused, Slash had always gotten along with Kirk, and he even considered himself a fan of Metallica. So what was his issue?
Kirk furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Slash, who was slowly walking towards him “Are you saying we have a problem?”
“We could have one” Slash said, shoving Kirk
Kirk, bounced back a bit, then he shoved Slash back “The fuck is your issue?”
Without even thinking, Slash punched Kirk in the face.
By the time Kirk tried hitting Slash back, they were both being pulled away by everyone in the room.
“Control your fucken guitarist man!” Lars yelled as him and James pulled Kirk out of the room.
“What the fuck was that!” Guns tour manager angrily said, looking over at Slash.
“Fuck off” Slash spat, walking out of the room, and out of the building.
“So then they talked with Metallicas manager and he said that theyyy said that they were still willing to do the tour” Duff ranted “Only if Slash chills out though”
“Fuck” Y/n grumbled to herself “Have you talked to him?” She asked
“Who? Slash?” Duff said, Y/n nodded her head at him “Yea i have, he’s been in a shit mood though” Duff rolled his eyes.
“Okay” Y/n said, not really knowing what else to say.
“I know it’s cause you messed with Kirk” Duff said “I may be drunk- But i’m not an idiot” He hiccuped.
“We really shouldn’t be talking about my sex life” Y/n cringed
“Yea well- I’m just letting you know” He said “I’ve learned to mind my own business”
“Lucky” Y/n said, wondering if she should start doing the same… or if she should go find out herself.
Tagged: @hoodiesandicedcoffee @kirksfunkopop @eddiiiieeee @killazilla777
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