#fuck zionism all my homies hate zionism
sesshomarou · 5 months
i have a sickening feeling that once israel ceases to be politically beneficial to western countries the governments will try to use it as a way to once again scapegoat Jewish people
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gavisuntiedboot · 11 months
lol this is @ that "both sides" anon in ur messages. Hi. Hello. Sephardi Jew here whose ancestors were given refuge in the Ottoman Empire after Spain tried to k!ll us all. First, all my homies hate Israel. Zionism is not Judaism. Zionism is a colonial project (re: Theodor Herzl) backed by British colonialists and does not represent the interests of all Jewish people. What is happening there is the result of Israeli's own settler actions and endless bloodlust for land that isn't theirs under the justification that those who are there (the Palestinians) are not indigenous (when there is proof, even by Israeli scholars, that they are). Yes, we've been persecuted heavily throughout history, but that does not give us the right to treat another population the same way ours has been treated. And Israel's use of antisemitism to avoid critique and rumors spewed about Palestinians and Hamas that are very much rooted in islamophobia, orientalism, and hatred towards Arab looking peoples only makes it harder for us Jews who don't support that fascist colonial state.
Fuck Israel. Fuck Bibi. Falasteen hurra, always.
^^^ No Notes. This is Perfect. There is so much genuine antisemitism in the world, and now more than ever people need to come together to prevent the ethnic cleansing of minorities. Even the people running Israhell right now don't believe in keeping Jewish people safe. No one is free until we all are.
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perrysoup · 11 months
If you equate Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism, that says a fuck ton more about you than it could ever say about me
Fuck the Zionists, all my homies hate the Oppressors
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