#fuckign. GET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!
meatexe · 2 months
need them folding me in half n fucking my guts into my chest. btw
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heartorbit · 5 months
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just how can i protect your smile?
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peachyutdr · 6 months
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i finished it, was kicked out of the game, and then spent the next 10 minutes drawing this. i will now go take a shower, most likely cry, and then go through the emotional turmoil of convincing myself to reset so i can do a geno run. i hate it here :D
#undertale yellow#uty#my art#<- ifg#spoilers under these tags beware. although it is mostly just me being very very sad#that entire thing was heart wrenching. anyways#CEROBAS FIGHT??? HELLO???#i had to exit out of it the first time (i got to the last phase) to get better items but i came back and won pretty quickly#but THE CUTSCENES?!?!?#JFC NO WONDER THIS WOMANS SO MESSED UP. HER HUSBAND PRACTICALLY DIED IN HER ARMS AND THE LAST THING HE LEFT HER WITH- HIS DYING WISH- COULD#ONLY BE FULFILLED BY PUTTING THEIR ONLY CHILD IN DEATHS WAY. AND THEN WHEN SHE TOOK THAT RISK THE WORST THING HAPPENED AND SHE NOW HAS TO#LIVE WITH THE GUILT OF BEING THE ONE TO. MOST LIKELY. KILL HER ONE AND ONLY DAUGHTER#ALL THE WHILE SHE WAS PUSHING AWAY HER CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND AND CONVINCING HERSELF THAT SHE WAS IN THE RIGHT TO SACRIFICE CLOVER WHO HAD#BEEN ONLY KIND MERCIFUL AND JUST THIS WHOLE TIME. EVEN TO THOSE WHO WERE TRYING TO KILL THEM. FUCK.#AAND WHEN CLOVER HUGGED HER I DOUBLED OVER IRL BC *THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO DO IN THAT MOMENT* I HATE IT (read: love it) HERE#n dont even get me STARTED on after that. when clover started moving on their own and the gd white screen came up and we got flashbacks of#everyone's words. thats when the tears rlly started coming bc it clicked for me. 'oh. this is it. isn't it?' and IT WAS#WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR FUCKIGN HAT AND GUN AWAY TO MARTLET AND STARLO WELL THATS WHEN I REALLY STARTED CRYING#AAND THE GROUP HUGG#I WAS SOBBING WHENEVER I HAD TO WATCH THEM CRAWL UP AGAINST THE WALL AND DIE AND HAVE FLOWEYS WORDS PLAY OVERHEAD#AND THE FUCKOGN#THE F U C K I N G#AFTEWRCREDITS SCENE WHERE WE GOT THE 'You heard someone calling for help. You answered.' I GOT CHILLS SO BAD#to think that all the other souls have stories just as expansive and emotional as clover n frisks. how fucked up is that. in a good way tho#and finally the last scene where we got all 4 of our main friends sending us off in waterfall and we see clovers items end up in the dump#just waiting to be found by bratty and catty. fucken hell man this was a masterpiece#anyways time to reset and obliterate everyone and never emotionally recover from that ever!! really is feeling like 2016-17 again w the way#this game has me sobbing my eyes out and feeling the guilt of knowing that i dont HAVE to kill them all but im too curious not to#oh well. at least i have the balls to do it this time around instead of letting a youtuber do it for me ig
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I hope you know that you have the BEST laughingstock content, boss
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THANK YOU have some more <3
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tianhai03 · 8 months
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hi. did anyone ask for jason voorhees fanart from me in 2023? no? too bad bc im delivering. heres me figuring out how to draw all the different jasons
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heres the same thing but with some silly ramblings..... i just like him a lot💖
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jerseymuppet · 2 years
Mcr has always refused to be easily consumable or compromise their message and tonight is just a continuation of the trend. Artistic integrity, passion and earnesty are all things found at mcrs core and the second any of those things are comprised is when they bite. they fucking hate the industry. They hated the industry before they broke up, and fought against its stifling expectations by creating an album dripping with contempt and disdain for these corporations and everything they stand for. I can’t even imagine how they feel about the state of the music industry now. With the push for conformity, consumability and marketability. the gentrification and sanitation of aesthetics and genres, especially in mainstream alt/rock/punk has been rough. Between old acts selling out and new acts getting chewed up by algorithms, and i know mcr sees this. They went out and came back on their own terms and did this tour for us, but even more importantly them. So when the industry asks them to appeals to a nostalgic crowd, they do it, but they’ll do it their way. And their way is spiting in the face of expectations and nostalgia and the industry and having a fucking blast with it. They are so disillusioned and over the past, that mcr is dead, but they’ll bring her back just for you. Just don’t be mad when she comes back wrong. The house always wins.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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world colliders
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mitski-slope · 2 months
qm i too insane . is my swag too different . pls lmk
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transgenbur · 4 months
anyone else have this problem of . whats the word. antropomorphising inanimate objects . Especially ones with faces such as stuffed animals. to the point where more than once you have cried over a stuffed animal lost in the street <- and for context im not someone who cries often thats not really how i express things so like. uh
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sheesh speaking of psychic damage, bro is trying to kill himself with his mind here
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prwlnglthr · 1 year
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you can leave the trainhopping and poor handle on your psychological state in your past but the same can't be said about all the godawful stick-n-pokes you have to hide at your internship now
modern dimimi's a former lacrosse-n-polo kid turned train hopping crustie turned Respectable Crust Punk of Society (bathes, has a shrink). don't make the rules, just know things.
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edens-garden · 6 months
people are out here really saying "HEAR ME OUT" and it's just. A Regular Guy. run-of-the-mill human being/humanoid.
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llondonfog · 4 months
au where meleanor manages to curse the knight's bloodline as she dies, a curse that causes his descendants to be lured by her siren call and kill themselves as they reach their eighteenth birthday
silver starting to see her presence and be caught up in her spell— lilia finding him in strange, dangerous scenarios where as he tries to wake his son from this odd bout of sleepwalking, he hears silver murmuring in an old fae tongue, one that he shouldn't know how to speak and one that chills lilia's blood and nearly stops his heart cold
thank mumble for this imagery as i am currently dying at the thought of silver trying to drown himself and mumbling over and over that there's a woman in the water and she keeps calling for him to join her while lilia is having the panic of his life!!!
the fog that clouds his mind is as dreamy as any cotton coated fantasy he's fallen into, dredging his thoughts sticky and sweet like syrup. it feels comfortable, like he's removed from his body and tucked into bed, with his father's warmest quilt around his shoulders and the sleepy bliss that comes with a kiss to his forehead and the promise of a good night.
only, it isn't his father who stands before him. it is a woman, of clear noble fae birth, a woman so like malleus that he feels the instant awe and majesty of her presence. she has eyes like his prince too; dazzling emeralds, that cut through the thick haze around him with perfect clarity and enamor him with their beauty. she smiles at him, a high and cold thing, and despite himself, he finds every keening ache of his heart so very desperate to please her.
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treatmelikeyourpet · 3 days
cant kill myself so i guess ill just throw up and then blankly stare into space
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
I just finished padawan by kiersten white and had a blast with it -- it was exactly the kind of thing my brain craved this week, just some nice character study and adventure story stuff for my brain to chill in. thoughts:
a) I love obi-wan and his poor anxiety-ridden teenage self so so much. peak a delight to have in class to the point of nervous break representation, someone help him. local boy manages to become parentified child to an absent father somehow. that part where he's so afraid he's so bad and useless that the force itself might just decide it doesn't want him after all........ heartbreaking. that's exactly what I would have thought at sixteen too probably. (also my personal headcanon has always been that obi-wan is on the ace spectrum, so that was a very nice thing to find supported in this book! canon is vast and can support any number of stances that way honestly everyone should go hog wild with it in whatever manner they please, but that's always been my vibe)
b) qui-gon fucking jinn if you don't step up and do something to help the child in your charge with his ACTUAL DEBILITATING ANXIETY DISORDER RUNNING HIM RAGGED other than ask him to meditate so help me I will come over there and do maul's work for him ahead of time I swear to fucking god
c) no, really, it says some not very good things about qui-gon's mentorship abilities that obi-wan really only manages to grow and be calmer when he's outside of his influence. I know this book means you to come away with the feeling that obi-wan takes a big step towards enlightenment and adulthood on this trip (and I do think that's also true to be clear!), but there is a part of me that also thinks that just as much as personal and spiritual development what we're seeing here is an avoidant attachment style definitively entrenching itself as a result of having no adult that can be consistently trusted to meet him emotionally. (which also makes a horrible kind of sense, thinking about what obi-wan and anakin's relationship is going to be like in the future -- obi-wan is avoidant and self-contained when it comes to trying to deal with his emotions, and anakin skews far more anxious and towards lashing out, and they never quite understand each other for all the love that is there. you can trace that all the way back here. sins of the master, huh.) obi-wan finds some agency and catharsis in being able to help a group of abandoned children, you say. hm. I'm sure this means nothing and has no parallels in his own inner world. you let the kid think you'd completely abandoned him instead of communicating with him openly for like five minutes. For His Own Good of course. Wow I didn't realize I was this angry about this but here I am once again livid on obi-wan's behalf, actually. 'I'm an incredible teacher and this lack of honest emotional communication I'm fostering in favour of (benign!) manipulation is never going to come back and bite the jedi order in the ass, surely'; the qui-gon jinn story
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katierosefun · 1 year
bro . .  . the ai voice technology thing is so incredibly creepy like. do. do we not see this as a problem in this age of recording people without their consent and just blasting it all over the internet. are we not thinking about like. the potential pitfalls of fake evidence. are we. are we not concerned about this
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