megatraven · 1 year
rpg maker horror games are so fucking next level they're always my biggest faves when it comes to the stories and the genre in general
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eaglefairy · 9 months
Happy 2024! My roommate and I are back with more xenoblade!
We did like 2 quests and hit 5 star affinity in Central Bionis! We're Nopon celebrities now
We've been stuck on Valak Mountain for like an hour just trying to get all the battle-exclusive items needed for quests. The mountain is taking its revenge for how easily we got the ice cabbages...
During the red pollen orbs sidequests: Roommate: "So it's drugs, right? It's just drugs."
I don't know what magic they put into the NPCs in this game to make them so memorable but it's amazing. We were going to get the club card and my roommate said "oh, I bet the drunk Nopon has it" and then he does! I love how we both 1) remembered him and 2) predicted that he'd be the one to give us the card because of his previous character
The Fiora and Sharla heart-to-heart is kind of fucking me up because like. [best route] Sharla: "Maybe he tried really hard to stop himself from changing. [...] Maybe part of him really wanted to keep hold of who he was." [neutral route 1] Sharla: "He doesn't seem so...grimly determined." Which is like! Hello Zanza! And I can't even scream about it properly because my roommate has no idea!
And then the other routes deal with Fiora worrying that the rest of the party just pities her for the robot body situation and augh. Surprisingly top-tier heart-to-heart for something that starts out failing the bechdel test
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spearxwind · 10 months
(hey im the evnautilus anon from a while ago, dropping by to gush about dredge)
played the dredge expansion a few days ago and it's sooooo fucking good. the abberations were top tier. they nailed the colouring for the ice and water, it's so pretty. the new guy was interesting, personally i wish he posed more of a threat but it felt very good to have fish become a resource to keep it away (i passed 365 ingame days while going through it and did not need more money lol, so having motive to fish outside of completion was really nice!).
Agreed wish we got more of the big guy. Wish there was just one more main story quest too, they had so many interesting pieces in the initial story setup, would've loved to have something that made the experience feel more complete (getting to see some imagery in the journals or one of the stone clusters hinting towards why the little guy is there maybe). But still easily a worthwhile experience.
The music was baller too actually, and the sound effects near the middle of the area made my heart sink in the best way. Augh.
YESSSS the atmosphere and colors literally slapped so hard, I loved seeing the reach pull into view while sailing... like something ominous in the distance....
and yeah i liked the new guy as well but very easily avoidable (though good spooks if you needed to fish for anything in the area)
some more spoiler thoughts under the cut:
Man I wish they could have done like... a two choices kind of thing for this area as well. Like with the main story you can either wake up The Guy or be good (and get got by the Other Guy)
I would have loved if you could help complete the ice ritual thing (like the way they set it up with the three chosen ones, if you just broke the captain shard the prophecy would complete)
But yeah still the whole experience was super sick I really loved the vibes of it and I cant wait for the next dlc too thats gonna be baller as fuck as well
and youre right the music and sound effects really slap (all the music in thsi game in general slaps sm)
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silver-wield · 1 year
I really can't contain my laughter when I'm thinking about the 2 brain cells of this fandom lol. The fact that the new character descriptions are top tier trolling is the epitome of a red-herring. At first maybe I thought they played the game but just lack the brain cells but now I'm in the middle of are they really just that or did they ever play this because even with 2 brain cells we're supposed to know Cloud's being messed up by an alien. Anyway I just try to ignore all of it because it's honestly just nonsense. I don't care if they think the writers lied, by the time the second trailer was released back in july? The game was already only getting polished so nah, Nojima's statement still holds. Same thing with EC. And about that goddamn key art of the three (cloud, sephi, Zack)? Sure you can think it's not about shipping SuRe but you gotta accept you're the most densest mofo to ever live because you want to keep up with the prejudice about romance. We don't call Ron and Hermione a ship it's just THERE plain and simple. Ship ≠ Canon. I mean okay, it's called a key art, what does that mean? It's important. Same thing with animation. They're not gonna reference Tifa and aerith looking at the goddamn sky night and day without a fucking reason and also common sense about the story.
Sorry for cursing so much but holy hell neutrals and desperate shippers/closet shippers. Im so DONE with them. Augh I can't believe we have to wait for this long with all this BS.
It's so weird how they deny Cloud's feelings. It's part of the game and his character, but people get proper pissy whenever it's brought up and start being all "IT'S NOT A ROMANCE GAME!!!!!!!"
Yeah, it's not a romance game, but Cloud's motivation is romantic in nature. He wants to get the girl. He wants the girl next door. The one he's always wanted and pretty much obsesses over whenever his brain isn't short circuiting because of Sephiroth's influence.
It doesn't make people shippers to accept Cloud loves Tifa. It's literally just understanding the plot.
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lgalacticjayl · 1 year
Ok Friday was super busy so heres my weekly Tango Live tweeting,
featuring my friend @fakezircon​ who i live tweeted to
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GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:58 PM do u want live tweets?
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM Yes
[10:59 PM] Who are you starting with
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM tango
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM Wait it’s obvious
[10:59 PM] Ha yeah
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM ..
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM Hehe
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM oh boy
[11:00 PM] only 15 minutes
[11:00 PM] they are pouring one out for skizz
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM I haven’t seen his ep actually
[11:00 PM] Might pull it up and watch as well
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM watch alonmg
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:01 PM augh "team TIE"
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:04 PM tango wanting to avoid tnt minecarts
[11:04 PM] team TIME?
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:04 PM hehe Martyn
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:05 PM hearing bombs while underground is wild
[11:05 PM] skyspagetti
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:05 PM I think we are near perfectly synced (edited)
[11:05 PM] you sent that as they said it in video
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM i will likely pause and go back periodically
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM fair
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM it's begun
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FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:07 PM I've seen 3 vids already
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:07 PM oo setting up a dripstone kill
[11:08 PM] immeditatly took down their own trap
[11:08 PM ]hahahah grian far away scream
[11:08 PM] OMG
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM ha
[11:08 PM] god, Grian's squawk there killed me
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM yeah that was really good
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM killed him too
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:09 PM seeing the tnt fall and then just a hole is wild
[11:09 PM] also they added titles
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:09 PM yeah!
[11:09 PM] bdubs
[11:10 PM] impulse finally got his revenge on bdubs
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:10 PM god
[11:12 PM] scar got spleefed
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM that kill is so fucking funny from martyn's video
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM all the spleefs are
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM oh yeah
[11:12 PM] the best part of skynet, spleefing
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM game?
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FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM ouch
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GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM WHAT
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM ha
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM WHO DID THIS
[11:14 PM] blew up out of nowhere by grian
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM he has such bad luck with tnt minecarts
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM why is scar attacking ahhh
[11:14 PM] nooooooooo down to 14 minutes
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM top tier tango noises tho
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:15 PM "i loved hunting him like a wolf"
[11:16 PM] YOU IDIOT
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM yep
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM AHHHHHH
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM his curse continues
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM immediate cut to scar cleo and bdubs dead
[11:16 PM] inconsequencial death
[11:17 PM] no angst
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM anti climactic and ultimately pointless death
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM man
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM 4/4
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:18 PM well i still dont know who wins, the only other povs i was watching were scar and etho
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:18 PM :
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rocals · 2 years
22, 24, 12
hi red!!!
22 - mcr song that makes you cry your heart out
probably desert song or fake your death. both really hit home for me :((( augh....
24 - favorite ray toro solo?
I KNEW I'd get asked this one hehehe. Oh god how does one CHOOSE. to the end has a VASTLY underrated solo that really highlights tha baroque influences ray has, but for me right now it's gotta be Dead! if only for that one harmonized bit (the resolution of that solo is also top tier) WAIT FUCK. KIDS LIVE OUTRO 2023
12 - do you own any mcr merch? What's your favorite?
I didn't actually get merch at my show, but I now have a demo lovers shirt that my beloved @bongwateriero got me, and a love by the sword/die by the sword shirt. Pentagram sword shirt is totally a favorite she is soo.
thank you for making this ask game red it rules!!
(send me an mcr ask)
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machiroads · 1 year
so i herd u liek pain?
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Welcome to Machi rereads FMA: Volume 11
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I am not emotionally prepared to address these panels
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i love that hohenheim’s face is covered in the photo riiiiiiiight up until it isn’t
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Pinako looks so much like my own grandma in this panel; also the corkboard in the background of that second text bubble is so masterfully done
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why not both?
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it’s such a small detail but I love that Breda is using Ed as an example here? If the 12 year old can do it, so can you!
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fake Breda so sinister uwu
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this chapter cover is so fun, which is the cOMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THIS CHAPTER IS
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I think this is the first time we ever see Pinako interacting with Ed alone? Big grandma energy.
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ilu xiao mei
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ed’s gentle lie here, but she knows him too well AUGH
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he’s such a dweeb i love him so much?????
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i love that 80% of their relationship is founded on fucking with ed
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I’ve seen someone else point this out before, but the way the highlights on Al’s face are drawn like tears here, hhhhhowwwwwww dare youuuuu
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the deliberate censorship here is so fucking funny
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go read the giving tree right now
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get his ass Winry
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this entire sequence of ed trying to get 100% notoriety in the hit video game final fantasy 12 is phenomenal, but the sfx “Snappity” combined with the ugly af stroller is the icing on the cake
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mustang having the time of his life, and hawkeye breaking the fourth wall is A+
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ed negating scar’s destruction energy is so fuckin cool
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the extras in this volume are so choice
no top tier tiny weirdos this volume. Instead, I give you a brief collection of some good good devastatedwards (if I included every one from chapter 43 we’d be here all day)
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itsbenedict · 7 years
nonanalogue: Hey, yo, do you have a second?
nonanalogue- "I should probably, like... message you more with things that aren't Dunkables (tm)
so as to lower the amount of suspicion when you see a message from me"
itsbenedict: but yeah, i've got a second
itsbenedict: what's up
nonanalogue: I wanted to know if you'd ever played Ori and the Blind Forest?
itsbenedict: i haven't, no
itsbenedict: what's it about
nonanalogue: So understand I haven't played it either, but from what I understand it's about a spirit and its spirit friend that have to save the world. Metroidvania.
nonanalogue: The reason I bring it up is because I regularly binge on The Cutting Room Floor articles.
nonanalogue: Are you familiar with TCRF?
itsbenedict: not that either, i'm afraid
itsbenedict: i'm 0 for 2
itsbenedict: which i guess is good protection if this is a pun setup
nonanalogue: Lord. Okay. That website I bet you'd be a fan of. It's a giant catalog of unused content in video games.
nonanalogue: Like, seriously, check it out later, you'll really dig it.
nonanalogue: Anyway - so I was looking through articles I hadn't read yet and ended up on Ori and the Blind Forest.
nonanalogue: And they had details on this absolutely wild cut sidequest.
nonanalogue: Do you mind if I go into more detail? Because it's something else.
itsbenedict: i'm sure it is
itsbenedict: and i'm sure none of it is made up
itsbenedict: as part of a nefarious scheme
itsbenedict: continue!
nonanalogue: So we're in agreement.
nonanalogue: Anyway, so the main characters, like I said, are these two spirits. Main character is Ori, their sidekick is Sein.
nonanalogue: Ori ends up getting shrunk to the size of a coin, which becomes useful when they have to use said coin to cross the water - like a surfboard.
nonanalogue: Sein, on the other hand, strays from their normal Spirit Flame powers and uses Spirit Fruits.
nonanalogue: Very tropical theme.
nonanalogue: So with the coin and the spirit fruits, and a third partner they pick up who's an old-school Roman type guy,
nonanalogue: they have to release a bunch of mythical creatures from the spirit world, ushering in a new era of prosperity for them.
nonanalogue: Isn't that wicked?
itsbenedict: oh god
itsbenedict: this is going to be some Pearls Before Swine tier shit
nonanalogue: I dunno what you're talking about -
itsbenedict: anyway sure it sounds wicked and extremely real
nonanalogue: it's just: the cent Ori's on, Sein (durian), centurion: centaur eon.
itsbenedict: aUGH
itsbenedict: that's
itsbenedict: that's disgusting is what that is
itsbenedict: you oughta be ashamed of yourself
nonanalogue: Way ahead of you!
nonanalogue: I figured you'd say something like that, so I got a jump on the 'feeling shame' bit.
itsbenedict: i guess you didn't need to warn me, because it telegraphed itself pretty hard
itsbenedict: you coulda sent some kind of signal- maybe morse code with a flashing ray of light
itsbenedict: should've sent a ray on
nonanalogue: Beautiful.
nonanalogue: That's so bad.
nonanalogue: You oughta be tarred and feathered for that sin. Sin tar, yon.
itsbenedict: god, fuck
itsbenedict: that gets an A for effort
itsbenedict: stamped right in the middle of the assignment
itsbenedict: center A on
nonanalogue: Yes! Yes! Excellent! The spirit of this series burns like fire! Or electricity! Cinder/ion!
itsbenedict: christ that's bad
itsbenedict: i'm gonna have to mail it to my enemies
itsbenedict: but maybe have my friend do the mailing for me so it can't be traced back to me
itsbenedict: sender: Ian
nonanalogue: Ah, for that, I'm gonna re-mail something back - one of my favorite Japanese animes.
nonanalogue: Sent: Yuri On.
nonanalogue: (ice.)
itsbenedict: ffffshut the fuck off
itsbenedict: you need to go to church
itsbenedict: and fast
itsbenedict: sinned! hurry in!
nonanalogue: *Italian chef kissing fingers gesture*
nonanalogue: Say, speaking of,
nonanalogue: you know what I hate in my Italian food?
nonanalogue: Sand, urine.
itsbenedict: ugh, is that the best you can do?
itsbenedict: boring
itsbenedict: that'll make me yawn for a REAL long time
itsbenedict: a century yawn
nonanalogue: You know what made me yawn for a real long time? I got an email from this big guy with a beard at a mall about my order for a new overhang for my porch.
nonanalogue: From Santa, re: awn.
itsbenedict: countless millennia in the future, historians found the dessicated corpse of jocey nonanalogue sitting in her chair, waiting for a response that would never come
itsbenedict: years of sunlight had baked her corpse into a mummy, preserving it for all that time
itsbenedict: she sunned her eon
nonanalogue: Did you intentionally wait a while to send that one? Kudos.
itsbenedict: no, that was a product of a simple fact
itsbenedict: that i am completely fucking out of material now
itsbenedict: and if you can counter it, i'll have to cry uncle
itsbenedict: i'm setting a five minute timer, by the way
nonanalogue: Nah, that sounds pretty sane there, eh, on top of all that.
itsbenedict: well, fuck, if you can bring in the "th", that changes the game
itsbenedict: you got some theory on how THAT shit is allowed
nonanalogue: Nah, see, it's with the regional accent. Sane dere, eh, on...
nonanalogue: But if you think I might be fishing a bit too much with that,
nonanalogue: maybe I'll use something different.
nonanalogue: A seine? Dare I? On with it!
itsbenedict: god damn it
itsbenedict: all my efforts are wasted
itsbenedict: just like on Buffy
itsbenedict: when Xander, 'e un-did everyone's hard work in that one episode
nonanalogue: I applaud that. You know the waveform of applause? I like the one that also represents constellations-
nonanalogue: Sine d'Orion.
itsbenedict: god, this is going to go on forever
itsbenedict: i'm going to have to pass it to my kids
itsbenedict: i can't be too pushy about it, though- they need to have time to relax between bouts
itsbenedict: "son, tarry on"
nonanalogue: I'm not having any kids. Just gonna spend my golden years in California. Gotta get my Santa Rey on.
itsbenedict: you already used santa, you-
itsbenedict: no, i can do this
itsbenedict: the pressure's on
itsbenedict: so much pressure
itsbenedict: so much pressure it'll compress ore into japanese currency
itsbenedict: sinter a yen
nonanalogue: You know what you'd say to someone who did that, maybe to convince them to hire someone from Myanmar? Treasurer-san, try Ohn.
nonanalogue: (Also you reused eon. :P)
itsbenedict: what, when
nonanalogue: Eon was literally the first thing I came at you with! Centaur eon.
itsbenedict: fuck
itsbenedict: okay, um
nonanalogue: So I'll call it square!
itsbenedict: this is making me feel that one feeling, that fuckin made-up word that only shows up in that one tumblr post about really specific words that are probably fake
itsbenedict: making me realize that everyone has a complex inner life that they aren't spending making godawful puns
itsbenedict: sonder-y, in this case
nonanalogue: Well done! That one didn't stink at all! The Scent Area Involved here is small.
itsbenedict: you're cutting it real close with those syllables
itsbenedict: but fuck, i'm coming to my limit
itsbenedict: my breaking point
itsbenedict: you're gonna sunder i, on this day
itsbenedict: (fuck, really good extra one that reuses a thing from earlier- "elles sont d'orion" with some bullshit hunting metaphor)
itsbenedict: (but that doesn't count)
nonanalogue: Nah, man, I wouldn't do that to you. If I'm gonna wear someone down or grind them to dust, I'd rather sander Ian.
nonanalogue: (it IS good)
itsbenedict: 2:10 remaining
nonanalogue: Sander Eoin.
itsbenedict: fuck
nonanalogue: Is what I meant by that typo.
itsbenedict: that's a low blow
itsbenedict: man i can't believe that nazi guy is surprised about the warrant out for his arrest
itsbenedict: "how could the law come after ME, an innocent Aryan?"
itsbenedict: (also regardless of whether you get this next one in time, i have to go do a thing and this has taken up too much time already)
nonanalogue: Yeah, he should head over to some of the islands near Russia, where he could escape. His steps: Saunter, Ayon.
itsbenedict: (so this is for all the beansFUCK
nonanalogue: 👌
itsbenedict: fucking *ayon*
itsbenedict: ugh
itsbenedict: you win this round
itsbenedict: or more accurately, no one wins this round
nonanalogue: I accept your graceful concession and apologize for taking up so much time!
itsbenedict: there is nothing graceful about this concession
itsbenedict: it is a bitter, spiteful concession
nonanalogue: I take what I can get.
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