#fucking rad idk im very happy with this
brute1234 · 5 months
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anyway, from my searches I might? be the first to make and or post fanart of the snails??? idk further study is required. I love those I relisten to them a shit ton more than anyone should BE QUIET STOP TALKING
I love the snails and the whole world I think more people should post about them CAUSE ITS A SNAIL FAMILY AND THEIR GUNKY AND GROSS BUT WE LOVE THEM
last piece in this little spree dont excpect this much going forth
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Hi! First I wanna say thank you for existing, as a fellow system with "conflicting" identities and an intersex body we really really appreciate you. We've seen you a bit in the intersex tag and thought I'd follow.
I noticed you mentioned tgel, and for me personally tgel is a once daily medication that is applied on the body.
Like another asker said, it is alcohol based and you don't need to wipe it off! It dries onto the skin, and I personally started with two pumps.
The locations that my doctor said it would be best to put them is the outer/tops of the thighs or the shoulders, while rubbing the excess on your tummy.
It dries really quickly, and it does leave your hands a bit dry because of the alcohol but if you kinda rub your hands together after they don't feel bad!
You just kinda have to work the film off.
Washing your hands could also help but I usually just rub mine together. I've currently gone up to three pumps, and depending on your doctor you can go up more, but my starting dose was two pumps.
I hope that can provide some help!! -oleander
systems with complex identities are so cool!! we are rad and im glad you exist, too =) also glad that to meet other intersex bodied systems, that's soooo fucking awesome
that is really cool!!! i really appreciate people who have different experiences with the gel chiming in! like mention previously, we've been taking T-gel since 2019 and we take ours twice a week, so it sounds like there's lots of different ways to take it! i honestly think that's so cool that you take it daily, that's very involved and idk. i love the ritual of taking my testosterone, my hormones are so important to me, so i think it's really cool that it's so involved for many people!
thanks for the input! you also reminded me i have to pick up my T from the pharmacy. lmao!!! thanks for stopping by, good luck in your transition! happy to hear from you, feel fry to stop by again, take care!
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sonyplaytation · 2 years
what are you using to make games, all your work looks so rad, how does one even begin
Thanks for the ask :)
I use Aseprite for the main sprites (characters, tiles, menu and so on)
I use a lot of CodeManu's programs (JuiceFX and PixelFX Designer in particular) to create a lot of the "effects graphics", stuff like fire, water, jittery movement.
FL Studio 21 for the music (and a lot of publically available video game soundfonts and VSTs)
The little coding ive done has been in Gamemaker Studio 2 which i find good to use even if my coding knowledge is really poor.
Links to all of the programs are below:
Aseprite - https://www.aseprite.org/ CodeManu's itch.io page - https://codemanu.itch.io/ FL Studio - https://www.image-line.com/ (or pirate it tbh) Gamemaker Studio 2 - https://gamemaker.io/en
Aseprite and all of CodeManu's stuff are both very cheap and pretty easy to learn, though Gamemaker and FL Studio are a lot more of a knowledge check and much pricier.
This ends the easy part of the ask.
"How do you begin" is the much much harder question to answer. For me I began doing art and music because i realized no one but myself would do it for me for free.
I have been teaching myself pixel art and writing music for like six years now and i'd say im only really getting good at them now. My advice is really just to keep trying new things, consuming art that you fucking love, and trying to put your own twist on that even if its really shitty.
I am unabashedly a Toby Fox fan, it is completely self-evident in everything I make, and I really think thats a good thing. Being inspired by shit and ripping it off in your own way is like the crux of all cool things.
There is a lot of learning involved, and nothing really comes easily, but patience is literally the biggest thing to focus on. If i were ever happy with Canon in its early stages the game would be completely unrecognizable to the state its currently in. A lot of my creative process is learning to accept that some of your old ideas are shit, and not to hold onto the bad ones. I don't know what i would call it but you almost need to train yourself to get a sense for what direction Forward even really is in terms of moving a project like this along.
But really my biggest point is just make what you fucking love and dont stop. Canon is a joke i started in tenth grade as a funny Undertale parody game that now is actually a narrative universe with like six stories being told within it.
Also keep in mind that ive never released a successful game so uhhh idk lol. This is kinda just advice on how to make a huge ass project to have fun with for the rest of your life. But I hope the rambling at least helped inspire you in some direction. Tbh just have fun with it.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
yandere-sins!!!!!!! the god!reader yandere village story got me completely fucked up. in the middle when shit HEATED UP i started out loud begging for a good ending to come.
i knew where it was probably heading and i was already going "NO NO NO" but then it all fucking spiraled and spiraled - until the ending literally had me screaming for a full minute afterwards.
my fuck you really went for it. and like, as excellent as the writing was, i am now left reeling like Aaaaaaaaaa!!!
so...... i am just begging for there to be an ending where the mc's pains will stop (including not letting the torture continue for their baby or smn else like that.)
I'm wondering like for somethings to be able to roll out, like their powerful dad and maybe fkn allies or ppl in the same situation, to come rescue their ass and maybe get revenge on those absolute creeps (i HATE the head priest for example)
but i see you seem to be already writing part three and i am shaking and quaking. in my non existent boots.
also i hope you're alright buddy cause damn you got some sick fkn imagination (sick as in oof that gadda hurt and also sick nasty rad cool)
anyway i didn't rly know if i should suggest any plot ideas cause maybe it'd be uninterestin narratively to see the wished ending at the top lol. also maybe it's good storywise to hurt but idk im so invested in the being of this being.
but anyway, you're fucking rad and got a beautiful mind (gn) dude. take care
Honestly, some might read the story and think "wtf is wrong with her" BUT for me, It's tough to be a god was paving the way of a less, hm, tame Sins and much more unhinged. Like I was so nervous posting something so digusting and gory because I kept thinking my followers will really hate me if they see it. (Ha! How the turns have tabled, right? Now providing beautiful disgusting things on the daily.)
In reality, however, I reached my prefered clientele with it and now feel much freer writing whatever the fuck I want. I also got the confirmation that horror was the right way for me to go with yandere, ultimately finding my passion in the genre again. In a way it has started my villain arc for killing characters with similar names to Alex and also for this blog because I realized I needed to be more unhinged.
As mindboggling as it is, that story really brought out my better self, in terms of writing. Like you know... do stuff you want, power through, enjoy your own stories... that kind of stuff. Reflecting on it now, it might not be my magnum opus but it placed the first bricks for my temple of creativity.
Did it have to be the most disgusting, gory story that brought forth that change? No.
But we don't get to choose what makes us grow in life.
Musings aside, I am really glad you had the exact emotions I intended for my readers :D
I will give you the absolute tease that you will hate me for and say that one thing you mentioned actually comes true. And also, always keeping in mind it's a yandere story, there will be a happy ending, yes! At least, one that I'd describe as happy, hehe.
But yeah, the plot is very much decided already, so sorry I can't really take suggestions. I also know some people wished for like a bookish ending where reader gets their revenge but well... this is a yandere blog. And if anyone knows anything about me, darlings don't get happy endings here.
But thank you for reading, stay tuned for the last part, take care too and don't hate me too much (;
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kokocharm · 2 years
bruh ive had so many main chars. Like uhhh heres a list boys
- Pheasent (she/her)
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This was my first char and this is the oldest image I can find of her. My yt channels first name was "Pheasent," which was indeed intentional. I did not know what a pheasant was at the time, i was like 9 lmao
- Luna (she/her)
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I eventually changed my name to • Luna Møønlight • because i thought using symbols made me cool for some reason. I dont think she ever had a set story because every animation i find of her is something entirely random. I know that her eyes changed color depending on her emotion, and theyre usually black.
Oh, she eventually got a red sweater upon the creation of "Best Friends" which is a whole nother story im not even going to TRY to explain
- whoever the fuck this guy is
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I honestly didnt think i had anything with them. I dont remember their name, but I do know that they lost their eye in an attack and wore a white mask with pink on their nose, under their eyes and a weird crescent moon on their forehead. Pretty rad design tbh
- Willow (I think) he/him
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this asshole was my sona for like 2 days lmfao
- Sombre (she/they)
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Sombre, formerly known as Sombra, is a fictional species dubbed a "sokochou" n a series called "GreenFirest Lab." She was my mascot for a loooong while, and when i changed my name to • Invierno • on yt. The whole GFL storyline is so crazy, but the main gist of her story is that her "sokodemon" went batshit crazy, killed all the scientists, and fucking ditched. She went through a few design changes, but this is the oldest one i have
- Arion (he/him)
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Arion was my fursona for a bit. And then i didnt like him so i forgot about him(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) oopsi dasies. sorry arion
- Moth (they/them)
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Moth was apart of a story I made like 1 video on. He was part of a series called "Power of Change" that i do not remmeber the details of other than this butterfly looking bitch was a total jackass lmao
- Peppermint (he/him)
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Peppermint comes from a place called "Camp Rainfall" if I remember correctly. I was fixating heavily on Origins of Olympus, a Minecraft roleplay on youtube, so.. yeah uh. A lot happened in it and i think peppermint was gay idk
- Charlie (they/them)
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When I moved to my new channel, I wanted a character simple to animate. Charlie's story is that they will always die before the age of 20, and theyre pissed about it. Ax is there too, I dont really know what they do
- Two (it/they)
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(i couldnt find a better ref pic with their official design cus im on my phone and im lazy)
Two is my current main char ^_^ i am very happy with its design and i do genuinely enjoy animating it, unlike Charlie (sorry charlie). It doesnt have a story and i dont plan on giving it one. Its kinda just my mascot HAHA
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heroictoonz · 4 months
I’ll be so honest. I’m not really into how they’re doing the good vs evil stuff with dragons rising, i hate putting hate in the main tags but it’s not like hard hate pls just hear me out. The concept of the forbidden five is AWESOME. A group of elemental masters who went bad or got corrupted or whatever that RULES cause also like some of them might even be our guy’s ancestors depending on the element and history yk but still veery good very rad ideas i love them. But im the kinda guy that doesn’t believe in straight divides between good and evil. And yeeesssss i know this is a kids show but like. “Evil” languages? “Good shattering gongs”? That feels just SO anti-grey areas of all time in the concept of good and evil and it sucks cause we had characters like garmadon who even when down right possessed with the very venom of evil incarnate he was still thinking like a father in the early seasons, he was talking about his end goal like it would give him and his family the ability to be together and happy. It isnt till the end of the show when the constant dying and being resurrected incorrectly really fucked him up and the part of him that was still himself got all not there for a second. But even when that part of him was little to none he was never fully evil he still turned around in the end in his own weird ways. Like idk if im explaining my thoughts well and ppl can ignore this but I don’t think “shadow and darkness magic” should always be equated with “evil” like corrupting sure but in that way every type of power can be corrupting even the “good” kind idk theyre just like really hammering in the oh its evil cause its evil kinda vibe to me the us vs them is like really harsh in this season but its idk its whatever AND THIS IS ALL OPINION BASED LIKE I DONT THINKS ITS LIKE BAD WRITTING OR ANYTHNG i just personally like more nuance in this sort of thing and where ninjago doesn’t ALWAYS put nuance in their villain stuff they do it enough times that i enjoy it and wanna see it more yk
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chubbychummy · 5 months
I'm still all >///< about last night
it was just super nice to be LIKED. Like I give affection quite freely and I'm a very loving person. I'm also very capable of caring very deeply.
I've had cute intimate friendships and more intimate intimate friendships, but they have always been sort of just that. Just haven't had someone really desire me. Hard to explain cuz obviously it's not just physical. Being with someone who is nice and who sees ME as a person, and having that person enjoy me? like really really enjoy me?? im just so crey
there is just something so heart-pangy about someone who actually wants me. Idk I feel like I haven't had someone see me, and care for me, and want me since my very first relationship when I was like 15 years old. Literally half a lifetime ago.
I'm glad where I'm at mentally now as an adult is so much better than when I was 15, where I know I'm amazing and I'm worth so much and I'm a cool ass human being, but also like, being this rad ass human being while just spending years and decade(s) not having someone is like...idk. At some point, I just start to wonder why? Why can't I have this? Why don't I get to have this? I wonder just...why can't I be loved like I love?
hmmm anyhow lots of thoughts and feelings. like touching. Touching is so fucking different when someone wants to be touching you. Like. I understand it bc I've felt that. But I've never received it. Just hits different, man.
I also got all in my head with like...why do they like me? and I don't even remember what they responded, but it hit in all the right ways. They think I'm funny - I make them laugh. They love hearing me talk - I have such a unique perspective on things and make them see things in ways they never saw before. I'm really cool and interesting - fuck yeah, I am. I don't remember what all they said, but it was all stuff I didn't expect to hear but it was?? so great?? because like I agreed with it all?
and man idk this just makes me happy and appreciative to be an adult rn. I've grown so much in the past 15 years, coming to know myself and be okay with myself. It just feels SO GOOD to be seen and to be appreciated and wanted.
this is kind of what I've always wanted
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heckolve · 6 years
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poppy-metal · 2 years
Poppy idk how to tell you this but you are just so amazing and I would love to not have this anon on and like approach you as another person but I am so socially withdrawn I am mainly a silly little lesbian lurker on your page I am but a little gremlin in my gremlin anon world. Aside from that I want you to know how cool rad awesome epic you are and how thankful I am to have come across your content, you do NOT have to reply to this I just really really wanted to send in some good vibes and my genuine admiration for the content you make and the person you are.
I have struggled with my sexual+gender identity for so long and it's rare that I allow myself to be gentle with my own heart and mind and I want you to know that you've created such a fun and inviting space to speak about and explore sexuality and the diversity of your content just makes me so happy n stuff.
Ik in another ask someone mentioned that the way you speak freely and openly about kink is something that's so welcoming and it really really is. Like it's so silly but I am fr fr like emotional and thankful to have encountered one of the coolest and most fun spaces on the internet run by a genuinely interesting, funny, kind, open person. I'm grieving a lot of the time and kind of stuck being so angry with the person I am and how I handle struggling with my identity(lol bullying myself) and just scrolling through your blog and ur funny silly little memes, ((I love a lot of your reaction memes very funny, humor +100,)), makes all of the negative bullshit go away. You and your content make me feel seen n ur so relatable n funny n kind n beautiful n all synonymous terms. Thas pretty much all I wanted to say I think, it's 1 am rn, running out of braincells
P.S. Also that anon who was mean to u abt ur appearance can eat my fat fucking cock because you're literally so beautiful radiant divine feminine HOT. I mean that. Respectfully. Like deadass. Ur little outfits are so cutie and they suit u well and ur bangs are so cutie. The fruity four are def drooling over u. Kisses u on the cheek leaves a fat fucking lipstick mark then absolutely fucking nukes the rude anons in ur inbox. ciao
this is so sweet i am gonna burst into tears LMAO. thank you sweet angel im not good with accepting compliments but this means alot. 💓
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achillesunly · 3 years
Characters review on Strangers From Hell: PART 1
Ah Hee Joong aka my hubby
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Look at this beautiful man. Tired of all the shit happening in the residence yet hopefull ("I'll move out next week" yeah to the fourth floor). Still the one I trust the most out there. Reliable. Solid. Old fashioned and bad fashioned but that's just clothes right. A thug 🤪 lebecca play criminal by Britney Spears-. Deserves to open his business in Busan . Handy with knives. (We be gettin a type with jaeyi from BE). Capable. Look at his scar. Damn son. He's so so tired. I would nurse him to health. But not mental :/ imean he went through so much there's nothing to do here... I'd give him a pretty socket for his injured leg.
Hong Nam Bok aka Dora the Explorer
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The man just cracks me up. Uncomfortable awkward but not stupid and it's a quality out there hey. I'm trying here ok? Just the way he stands in the halls 🧍the faces I can't. The man is garbage but he's just so fun. When he talks to his parole officer his smiley bhaah. His room blro. He's handy knives AND scissors. He could do a rad bullet journal and I'm here for it. He got potential. Still must die tho.
Bonus photo BC I want to:
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I almost love him.
Eom Bok Soon aka twisty noona
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Hum. Too pushy even before we learn she's madwoman. Blro don't force people to your residence jeez. As a person with social anxiety Ur pushing behaviour would have scared me right away and I wouldn't have got to live what Yoon lived which unacceptable. Plus you eat like a pig your human flesh I swear with the fingers and everything I just had that picture. And the eggs scarred me for life no cap tho im forever repulsed by eggs now. But the day I see one crack and there's blood I'll look for a tall dark handsome. Still a dipshit. And honestly? A tad bit of a bitch. Look at those crazy eyes. + If I had met MoonJo as a lill kid I would have raised him in health and love. Jugeo.
Byun Beuk Jong aka that one kid I know and it creeps me out the resemblance
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I'm sorry he's just funny. He makes me laugh ok. Idk if that's a real illness he has like something that doesn't always lead to crazyness but still very creepy. I swear I just want to hit him in the face with a plastic toy and he'd laugh and I'd laugh. I would openly like him if he didn't kill animals. Which is a no-no and I'm happy you died but I hoped it would have been worse. Fuck you, too. And your brother I don't even want to talk about him. Great add to the uneasiness of the residence u play well kid.
Yoo Ki Hyuk aka beautiful man #1
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I swear I thought that was him the second lead. He cute as fuck. Also, JB what are you doing here.
I mean...
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I can't be the only one to see it. When he talks I swear you see it better. Yeah so he's beautiful pretty pretty. Gives off calm and charming energy. Honestly I want to see him in lead in another gay drama. He got the shapes for that. If he weren't busy stealin another man's personality and clothes then maybe he'd have the chance to live longer :/ he's so cute I'm not even jealous he had been called THE word by MoonJo before Yoon. I tend to get possessive for others. But he's just so cute. Yeah no possible. Plus he dies quick so...
Kang Seok Yoon aka the weird cutie
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A ball of sunshine sure, but I didn't forget ur creepy demand for Yoon s charger when urs was working just fine. What were u trying to do and why was it so creepy if you only did that to have an excuse to talk to him? I mean I can understand the technique to make friends that's clever and honestly I would have done the same or just cried straight up. He's really a cutie but I like him better like that:
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Blood suits you little one. Anyways your rap was way too suspicious and telltale so I'm uncomfortable. Yeah that's a pity you died I actually liked you if not for your dubious eyes. And you made MoonJo jealous which is very funny and I loved it. A bit too much gullible. So. Yeah :/
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pigstepmp3-moved · 4 years
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holy hell, gamers, i finally reached one whole thousand followers! how bonkers is that! when i first made this blog in december 2018, i was just trying to start over in a new fandom. ive been active on tumblr for a looong time (since i was like 11, which is. not great, but we wont get into that). i cant remember quite why i decided to remake, but i never imagined getting a higher following than i did before, but i did! 1000 followers is bonkers, i’ve never had a thousand of anything! i seriously cant thank each and every one of you enough, whether you followed me for 911 or for mcyt or for whatever!
now, since ive reached this absolutely bonkers milestone, im feeling particularly sappy! so under the cut, i have some friends and mutuals tagged who are super great n who are always an absolute pleasure to see on my dash! <3 again, thank you all so much! (ps, if we’re mutuals and i didnt tag u in this, that doesnt mean i dont love and appreciate you!! i mostly am just picking people to tag based off how often i see them on my dash! i love all of u so much <3)
♡ 911 FRIENDS ♡
(aka the ogs, aka the fire fam)
♡ @lovelessmotel ♡ emily!! god, where do i even begin with how much i love and adore you!! i know youre one of my big sisters, but wow i am so proud of how much youve discovered yourself since we’ve met!! like wow, look at this epic, gorgeous person whos one of MY close friends! im so lucky to be friends with you! thank you so much for being my friend, i appreciate you and all the sisterly advice you’ve given me more than i can ever put into words!
♡ @eddiediaz-buckley ♡ sav!! mom!! i love u so unbelievably much!! i am so unbelievably grateful for you and everything youve done for me! all the advice youve given me and all the times youve let me vent to you have been so important to me and i cannot thank you enough for all that. im soso appreciative of you and im so glad that i have someone as amazing as you as my mom/big sister (we’ll never really figure out our fams family dynamics, will we?) (ps, whenever i go outside and have my keys with me, its always so comforting to feel the keychain you got me! its like my moms with me everywhere i go!)
♡ @liesoverthec ♡ bonbonbonbon!!! i love you so much, you wouldnt BELIEVE how much i love you!!! im so glad we met bc you are so unbelievably kind!! there is a very good reason a nickname for u is bonbon bc you are just as sweet as candy!! maybe even more so!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, you give such wonderful advice and talking to you always makes me feel a million times better!! i love you and i am soso glad i get to call you my friend!
♡ @marauder-girl ♡ sabsabsab!! i love u so much, u funky lil future lawyer!! im so proud of u and i can hardly believe ur gonna be my Lawyer big sister!!! thats so awesome!! i cant believe such a rad person is one of MY friends!! how lucky am i!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, youre so kind and funny and talented and your advice has always been so helpful to me too! thank you so much for being my friend and for always being there for me!!
♡ @nighting-gale17 ♡ cait, my love, my wifey!!! wowowow i love u so much!!! im so glad we’re friends, you are so unbelievably lovely!! youre also so unbelievably talented like??? hey queen wanna hand some of ur writing ability over to the unfortunate (like me). i’m so glad we’re friends, youre so sweet and even tho we dont talk as much as we used to, i still have SO much love for you in my heart
♡ @africaneuropean ♡ rae, my father!! i love u so much!! i know we havent talked at all in. who knows how long. but i still have so much love for u in my heart!! you are so iconic and cool and funny, im so glad i met you n became friends with you!! ur one of the coolest people i know, i hope i can be as cool and mysterious and wonderful as you one day
♡ @evaneddie ♡ DHYL!!! dhyl pickle i love u so much!!! whenever u pop into my inbox with random nice messages, every part of me lights up!!! u are so kind to me and for what!! i miss talking to u as much as we used to, you are so sweet and you are such a good friend!! i love u n im SO proud of how far youve come with gif making, i still remember when u first started n youve gotten SO amazing at gifs lately!! i love u soso much n im so glad we’re friends, youre so awesome!!!
♡ @basil-the-writer ♡ des!!! i love u so much!!! i know we’ve never rly talked all that much but im glad we have interacted in the ways that we have!! u are so sweet n so talented!! like the fact that u have the patience for those lil video edits u do?? that is so cool!! all ur edits are so cool, i cannot imagine being able to make stuff like that without dying every single time. u are so cool n i love being able to call u my friend!!
(aka griff)
♡ @yawnralphio ♡ u get ur own section bc u are my only 911 friend who isnt an og, but thats ok bc u are so swaggy!! i love being friends with u griff, u are so cool and funny and i am so glad that u still want to be friends with me despite all of the horrifying things u’ve learned about mcyt from me jdhfajkdhfa. i love u so much n i am so excited to get to know u more n get closer to u!!
(aka mcyt friends)
♡ @fear-epidemic ♡ atlas u are so swaggy and funny!! tumblr funny man!! im so glad we’re mutuals, i love u a whole lot. that one time u me n wilby played bed wars together was so fun even if we’re really bad! n that one time we played on the fruitblr server while on vc was so fun, i loved talking to u n playing with u so much, we gotta do that again sometime. i love u so much chapin n im so glad we’re friends!!
♡ @netheritedream ♡ hari my beloved... i love u so much. like literally so much that its really embarassing. i am so glad u tagged me in that one follow forever post n put the offer on the table to let me join the server. i love being ur dumb lil husband!!! jus like actual fundy, i would risk it all to watch treasure planet with u. i love u sososo much, i wish i could live closer to u so i could actually talk to u more often </333 im going through severe withdrawal, pray for me. im gonna stop talking for now bc if i kept going on, this post would be several miles along n nobody has time for that </3 just know that i love u so much and i love having matching icons n i love being ur husband, i love u so much
♡ @sootswilbur ♡ tommy... i care you so much. little bromther!!! im sososo glad we’re friends bc u are so kind to me all the time n u are so easy to talk to!! ur also so talented, ur writing n ur gifs are so amazing n im so proud of all the awesome stuff u make!! seeing u experiment more with ur gif sets n trying new things is so awesome n inspiring and i love seeing ur experiments work out!! i love u soso much n im so happy to be ur big brother!! (or one of them at least)
♡ @fruitbur ♡ virgil my Other beloved... i love u so much!! u are one of the kindest people ive ever met n im so glad i met u!! i know ive already told u this before but ur tagging system is so sweet n i love seeing u reblog my posts bc im like “yay alastair is gonna tell me that he loves me in the tags :D” i also lovelovelove ur theme, i love the soft pink and the lil aesthetic board that u have pinned, its so nice to look at!!! ily sososo much <333
♡ @theartofmining ♡ hey fruit ily. like genuinely, u are so unbelievably funny that u make my ribs hurt so much. i know we’re like never rly that serious but i love u so much. as much as i joke about hating u, i really am glad we’re friends n i really look forward to becoming better friends with u. i love u a whole lot rain, i love seeing u on my dash bc ur full of good takes n funny posts
♡ @sapnaplive ♡ dream.... bonks our foreheads together... i care u so much. my other half!!! i love u with my whole little heart. u are soso cool and im so lucky to be able to call u my friend!! ur themes are always so cool, i wish i could be half as cool as them!!! ur art is also so epic like??? u are a triple threat: good at art, tumblr themes, AND minecraft building. and ur also so kind!!! u are one of the sweetest people i know, i love u so much and im so glad im friends with u!!
♡ @dreams-little-kitten ♡ corn u are so weird and i mean that in the kindest way possible. u are so cryptic n i love that so much about u. ur like the wilbur to my philza sometimes and i think thats so awesome. that one time u came into my inbox to talk shit about that one cuphead boss was so funny and absurd, i loved that so much. i love You so much. i love how ur just so effortlessly funny, n im so glad i can be friends with u
♡ @dreamsmp ♡  JEL!!!! i love u so much holy cow. u are so sweet!! all the time!!! ur also so talented, ur gifs always look so good!!! i love being friends with u, ur always so nice to me n u always leave rly nice tags when u reblog my gif sets that make me so happy!!! i think about that one time u rbed my fundy gif set n said “FUNDY GIFS” and “GIFS BY FUNDY” it made me so happy!!! i love u a whole lot, im so glad we’re friends :)
♡ @leaguelol ♡ damien!! i love u so much u funky little cryptid!! i love when u pop into the gc just to share cryptic thoughts, u are so strange but i think thats so cool of u!!! i honestly see u kinda like a lil sibling, im always so proud of u when i see ur art on my dash!! u are so talented at art!! i love u so much n i love being ur friend, ur rly sweet n i love seeing u on my dash and in the gc!!
♡ @its5undy ♡ idk why im putting u on this, ur my mortal enemy. jkjk, i actually love u a lot clay! i love joking around with u, ur so funny and for what. im so glad u joined the gc bc i love talking to you so much!! i still love that one time u reblogged that fwt gif set n tagged me in it moments after I reblogged it. i love that u thought about me, that rly warms my heart! i love being friends with u sososo much
♡ @cavalreee ♡ oh hey, another great big fruit!! i dont think we talk all that often, which is a shame, bc ur so sweet!! and also so fucking funny, why is everyone in this friend group so fucking funny, its not fair. i love seeing u on my dash talking with ur other friends, u always have the funniest convos ever. also? ur desktop theme is SO epic, it threw me off the first time i saw it but its so swaggy, just like u!! i love u soso much azzie, n i hope we can talk more in the future bc ur so cool
♡ @technosoot ♡ i love u even tho ur a br*t /j /j /j. jannat u are so unbelievably sweet. im so glad u joined the gc bc u are such a kind presence both in there and on my dash! u radiate very Warm, Friend energy. ur friend shaped. i love u so much n i love being friends with u!! im very eager to become closer friends with u bc u seem like a really amazing friend to have
♡ @sortasortaspicy ♡ les where are u in the gc i miss u </3 i love u so much, u fit in so well from the very beginning n brought so much more fun and laughter into the gc. i dont know u all that well n i dont think we’ve talked one on one like. at all. but id love to get closer to u bc ur so rad and ur so sweet!!
(aka mutuals who are so cool n id love to be friends with u pls talk to me)
@eurytherm ♡ @vampkings ♡ @weelbur ♡ @wilburtheesoot ♡ @quackityskarl ♡ @wimblrscoot ♡ @technofarmer ♡ @wooteena ♡ @bloodforblood ♡ @smpsapnap ♡ @literallynotfound ♡ @hearty-an0n ♡ @enderanboo ♡ @springbonniecpu ♡ @pandascanpvp ♡ @tommylnnits ♡ @strawberrygogy ♡ @timedeo ♡ @nymika-arts ♡ @h-isforhome ♡ @eboykarl ♡ @joe-alkaysani ♡ @betwecouldmakesome ♡ @squirrelstone ♡ @maddieandchimney
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krablord · 2 years
sounds like it was your birthday a couple days ago — happy belated birthday! i just wanted to say that i think you’re a really cool guy. i followed you YEARS ago (like 2014 or earlier, many blogs ago, i dont think we were ever mutuals or even interacted much lol), and i lived in the same city as you, and learning that there were trans people in the city i lived in helped me realize i was trans too. obviously not the only reason i realized it but you being out and proud about yourself was one star on the constellation of me figuring out my gender. i hope you’re doing good these days, you deserve the world 😊
MAN this is such a neat message to keep coming back to im so sorry for not replying sooner- the phrase 'one star on the constellation of me figuring out my gender' alone is so beautiful and rad, and it is a goddamn honour to be part of it!! i am absolutely gonna use that to describe bits and pieces of my own weirdo journey now.
this is both so neat and minorly horrifying to me at first that i am posting stuff about where I was back then but also, I guess if u live somewhere just going 'hey i recognize that timmies/bus stop!' isnt that much of a Internet Safety thing it's just Small World. GOD there is a part of me that wants to know now if 8 Years Ago (FUCKING WILD. absolutely had to think like 2014 wasnt that long ago- oh wait, it was SO long ago. Was I even trans yet then, literally had to do math on it) me would've recognized ur url or not I was very fond of the pals i had in the notes still. HAVE we ever passed eachother on the street somewhere or been at the same place without knowing!!!
IDK I feel like I should have a awesome reply for this because it's so Cool and Neat to me, mystery Anon Pal. i am honoured to have been part of u figuring out a part of who you are, the idea that my existance could help anyone in their journey in even the tiniest way is so nice to me.
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nightshadowhawk · 3 years
rating ninjago seasons with explanations because i was bored (spoilers obvs)
way of the ninja: 6/10 - i remember watching this ages and ages ago, to me they were just filler episodes to me as i’d watched all the way to rebooted at that point, not super interesting but it started everything so extra points for that
rise of the snakes: 5/10 - YES its old i know but the… the GD attack should have caused more chaos… destroyed more stuff… it only moved a couple cars in this season (which entirely changes in SoG with harumi’s flashbacks) which i thought was … weird, even when i was younger lol… but theres development of characters n all i think a lot of it is rad !
legacy of the green ninja: 6/10 - pretty good, i haven’t watched this in a while so i dont remember much but the end battle is Legendary so there’s extra points for that and also extra points for dareth being introduced hee hee
rebooted: 6/10 - the whole overlord and nindroids thing is … pretty cool ?? pixal and cyrus exist now so !!!! that adds points !!! when i was younger i remember watching zanes sacrifice a lot cuz i couldnt get over it, and now i can recite all the words off by heart … lol anyway i think this seasons ok 👍
tournament of elements: 8/10 - very good, i loved seeing the other elemental masters !!!! and chen is actually a very cool villain, especially when i was younger, i loved him then lol … the ending is kinda 😟 bc garmy technically dies but yea its a gud season C:
possession: 10/10 - this season is EVERYTHING???? the intro SLAPS, the whole aesthetic is incredible and not to mention theres a whole bunch of favourite characters content in this season so that adds extra points !!!! the story all flows smoothly and its just Mmmm so gud. i love it dearly, defo a comfort season i’ve watched it so many times
skybound: 7/10 - i can see why some people hate this season as the whole nadakhan marrying nya thing is VERY weird (even my cousin who was 6 at the time when we first watched it could tell that) … but theres extra points for 1. the whole misfortunes keep crew, i love them, and 2. the ninja replacements team, i also care them all so dearly … the lighting in this season is super good, and also the storyline threads together well, i just find it very Appealing how it goes back to how it started
hands of time: 4/10 - idk man its just … boring, i can’t really be interested enough to watch to the end of the season? extra points for acronix being pretty and the scruff moments tho lol…. also whats with more snake people …. cant be ninjago without snakes ig LMAO
day of the departed: 5/10 - i also just see this as a filler… i mean yes it tells how cole turned back from a ghost but otherwise it’s just kinda random but i still liked it
sons of garmadon: 7/10 - pretty good ! harumi is a very cool character tho i do think shes kinda selfish … like a lot of others probably lost family in the GD attack??? kind of confused … but the SoG group as a whole is VERY epic i love the designs for UV and mr E (killows design just throws me off tho… why Real Hands..)
hunted: 10/10 - SO damn good the storyline is EVERYTHING and i love how it switches POVs every so often to keep things on edge. its also pretty dark for a kids show and that makes it better, and the cinematics for this are all just AMAZING…. i care the dragon designs so much, mmmmmmmmmm beloveds :^)
march of the oni: 6/10 - wasted!!!!! potential!!!!! the oni were such a good show of fantastic character design and they were just….. taken out in like 5 seconds despite them literally being the embodiment of destruction? there was literally two seasons before this of the ninja dealing with one (1) embodiment of destruction and then when theres LOADS that make tentacle death clouds and are super OP they just … are defeated????? ok…… also what was the point in coles fall fr it just made me sad for no reason🙁
secrets of forbidden spinjitzu: 6/10 - the fire chapter was … cool ? i guess, wasn’t the most interesting, aspheera is hot tho lol😝(LITERALLY !!!!! Funny joke pls laugh.)also clutch being introduced adds points, love the stupid explorer man. the ice chapter is super dark, i loved seeing the never-realm and how everything worked there, and ?? evil zane ?!??!? sheeeeeesh that was a bold move that was super epic … i liked this part of the season :^0
prime empire: 10/10 - another comfort season YEAHHHHH !!!! the aesthetic !! so good !!! the characters r RAD like scott and okino and seven I LOVE THEM SO DEARLY ….. the soundtrack is RAD as well i listen to it plentifully …… the ending is happysad and i always go a bit cry when unagami and milton walk away together :’^)
master of the mountain: 8/10 - the whole slavery thing is … questionable but the skull sorcerer’s design is super awesome ! and the upply … i care them … :^)))) AND A COLE SEASON !!!! i loved the development for him !!! and the way that vania and cole stayed a friendship the whole time cuz it never implied they were gonna date or whatever which made me happy honestly … i rated it 8/10 as the extra points are from the upply
the island: shit/10 - what the fuck was that. the islanders were cool i liked their designs but seriously i hated the ending so bad like there was no reason for ronin to be the antagonist again … just let clutch steal the amulet and there you have it all set up for the next season whoooo
seabound: 9/10 - again i love the aesthetic, the glowy-ness of everything is so pretty in this, and the design for wojira is amazing … tho this season is super sad, im sure theres reasoning for the ending of it :)))))) the storyline is also very good in this ! it does actually make sense which sometimes doesnt happen ……...
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jidai · 4 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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nerdstreak · 4 years
Hey so I'm very late but I'm here to give you some nice words. You👏deserve👏 LOVE!! You're such an awesome, kind, caring, and funny person!! Heck, I look up to you!! No matter what you believe, or what others may say, all your f/os (romantic and platonic) want you to be happy, love yourself, and chase your dreams!!! And who cares if you "draw the same stuff over and over"? You're an artist, draw whatever the hell you'd like!! It's called creative freedom baby, and it's fucking rad to have!!! (If you do wanna branch out however, draw the same characters in different poses, scenarios, and AUs! Hell, make OCs and draw those!! Just have fun!!!)
well IM even later since im feeling better after finally getting that art right dfgdfjghf but good gosh lexi how and why do u always have the absolute sweetest thing to say that always cheer me up?? yeah idk what i really meant with drawing the “same stuff”, i guess just repeating lovey things in general but youre right!!! i can do that if i damn well wanna!! bc i wanna and am GONNA be loved by my f/os!!
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thank u lexi! i feel a whole lot better thanks to u!
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hshouse · 4 years
heyyy, how are you? im sorry for the rant and hope u don't mind, i really need to talk about this, just get it out of my chest, yk? so, i started to follow you yesterday, i think so? so, i've been here in the fandom for a couple years, since 2013 to be specific but just went really into larry in 2015 (what a blessed year to became a larrie, innit?)
then, i stayed here until early 2017 when i took a break, lost hs1 era and all that came with it, even lost harry coming to my country, that's how much i was far from the fandom lol.
i came back in september/october 2019, and then, as you can see, i lost a lot of drama on the fandom and got so so confused to get into everything again but okay, i searched and saw everything happened during these years. im kinda ashamed to assume but lol i even had a weak crisis because of hamille, thought they broke up and stuff. (like cmon girl, i went through babygate and was weak for that? 😭) in my defense, i wasn't on tumblr so much so my source was twitter when i came back and there is a hell as everybody knows, but yeah. nowadays i'm okay about everything but i'm feeling a litte bad today. (if u can like, idk, hide this part if u post the ask, i don't want some people to know who i am lol). my friend received some asks about harry×rob stringer and okay, i went to reply it for her because she was busy and stuff. i full well know they have a professional relationship and harry's one of the biggest artists sony has nowadays, so i said this, explained that he isn't the evil that rads try to make him look like and i really believe that. that probably will seems contradictory since i defended him and now i'm like 🤯 about some things. anyways, idk, it just makes me uncomfortable, yk? i know he works under sony and they are independent artists, that harry is making a lot of money for sony/rob know and that's why rob will move the world to promote harry if needed but like, idk, i completley agree that louis would never ask harry to give up his dreams and work, and that he knows how to separate things but it's just weird to me that harry doesn't seems uh? idk the right word to say but like, he's not bothered at all about this while rob is putting so much for him and louis was being sabotaged by the same person, yk? i get now we don't even know if he still under sony since syco is dead but yeah, it's just weird to me... i think part of this feeling i have rn is just because of some gross comments i saw from antis today on twitter and that makes me feel bad, normally i really don't care and imlike bulletproof about them but today it's hitting me (as if it isn't enough, im also brazilian and i think you saw about this guy named fiuk, don't care about this at all lol, but the antis comments started bc of what he said 😂 honestly...)
i choose to send it for you bc i saw you are more on harry's lane although you are also a larrie, and im kinda identify with you because of that so i would like to know how you think about this whole situation and if that maybe can help me to organize my thoughts... im really sorry about this lonnnng text, hope u have a nice day.
hi bby,
I’m good and yes 2015 was iconique. (gonna try to address everything you said)
I personally found Hamille harder to deal than other stunts, I feel you.
Let’s get our ducks in a row first. 
Rob Stringer is not involved in Harry, or anyone’s, promo. That is not his job at all. He is the CEO of a huge company, he is most likely in meetings making sure Sony has money and the shareholders are happy. What I said, and I absolutely fucking maintain, is that Stringer knows Harry is one of the biggest artists on his catalogue and is going to make sure he is treated well and receives what he wants (within reason). 
Harry and Louis are completely different artists and there is a very limited way they can interact business-wise in the way people want it. A label will not, and an ethical artist would never ask, please one artist by giving help to an artist they personally are not working with. They are not even on the same label so it would be like “hey can you give my boyfriend a multi-million dollar deal? can you fit that in the budget?”. He is not asking for a signed vinyl from Miley for his cousin, this is a big deal. I don’t really understand what soap opera moment people expect to happen in the background? Any couple that has millions on the line in their job works to make sure their finances and opportunities and everything is separate. This is not weird? A husband lawyer will not quit because his wife was fired from the firm? That’s not like spicy. 
I’m fairly confident Louis is still under Sony, since changing majors is a huge thing and I doubt Sony would be willing to just give him away and not negotiate further. He probably got a better deal in another Sony label. 
I will say this. Out of all the reasons to not believe in Larry this is a dumb fucking one. It’s business AND we have no idea about what is actually happening. At all. So like to again make all these jumps just to say Larry isn’t real? There way less messy ways if that is your end goal yk. 
Also I want to say that I understand, feel and agree with the frustration over Louis’ career. I don’t think anyone doesn’t? Just because I don’t subscribe to this one narrative it does NOT mean I am suddenly thinking he has the best team and promo and everything is rosy and perfect. I just don’t think this is the story and I think it is way more complicated than we even think.
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