hpshipbattles · 4 months
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(i used the first image that came up for each character)
(rules and submitted characters)
(round one ships)
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hpshipbattles · 4 months
(keep in mind these are all randomly created from a pool of 64 characters. we are not here to debate dark ships vs light ships, we are here for fun. Feel free to suggest ship names for anything you see)
Lysander Scamander x Remus Lupin (Remsander)
Augustus Rookwood x Elphias Doge (Rookdoge)
Pavarti Patil x Blaise Zabini (Blavarti)
Lorcan Scamander x Septimus Weasley (Septorcan)
Victoire Weasley x Cassandra Vole (Vicsandra)
Neville Longbottom x Severus Snape (Sneville)
Minerva McGonagall x Horace Slughorn (Wiseslug)
Hermione Granger x Cornelius Fudge (Fudgmione)
Nearly Headless Nick x Tom Marvolo Riddle (Brainteaser)
Penny Haywood x Fleur Delacour (Penfleur)
Ron Weasley x Petunia Evans (Rontunia)
Hannah Abbott x Kingsley Shacklebolt (Shacklebbott)
Rita Skeeter x Yann Fredericks (What if we just called these two Yeet?)
Dennis Creevey x Dolores Umbridge (Creevbridge)
Rowan Khanna x Dorcas Meadowes (Rorcas)
Nymphadora Tonks x Firenze the Centaur (Centonks)
James Potter x Marcus Flint (Jarcus)
Rose Granger-Weasley x Dobby the House Elf (Robby)
Delphi Riddle x Qui LeBlanc (Augurvamp)
Molly Weasley II x Barnaby Lee (Barnolly)
Luna Lovegood x Penelope Clearwater (Lovewater)
Harry Potter x Pansy Parkinson (Hansy)
Sebastian Sallow x Chiara Lobosca (Loballow)
Barty Crouch Jr. x Albus Dumbledore (Albarty)
Sirius Black x Tulip Karasu (Prankstar)
Lily Evans x Madam Rosmerta (Lilymerta)
Cho Chang x Helena Ravenclaw (Cholena)
Fabian Prewett x Grant Chapman (Grabian)
Hestia Jones x Regulus Black (Restia)
Draco Malfoy x Albus Severus Potter (Dralbus)
Lily Luna Potter x Scorpius Malfoy (Scorlily)
Lavender Brown x Percy Weasley (Paperseer)
My bad for jinxing us guys as I was spinning this I wondered if we were actually going to get Scorbus and then the wheel decided to do something funny. some of these ships are ships I’ve seen before and I was surprised by how many of them could probably actually be enjoyed by people. but yeah suggest ship names if you have any ideas I did put down the ship names for ones I knew or ones that I could easily come up with myself.
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(rules and submitted characters)
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