#fuerteventura vegan
mariequien · 1 year
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Pura Vida en Palomino ..
Looking forward to a 5-days-stay, longer than in other places, as I planned to improve my surfing. But instead .. :)
This is an easy place, for once in a while, and has good vibes.
Barefoot walking everywhere, no hills to climb, white sand, long beach walks, sweet people, squirrels in palm trees, variety of veggie food restaurants, massages, breathwork cacao ceremonies, a peaceful beautiful hostel that feels like a hotel with a great outdoor yoga space and hummingsbirds in the garden, and warm showers, tropical nights, fresh coconuts, pleasant morning swims in the wavy ocean, .. simply wonderful.
Listening in, I will go with the flow, day by day. I feel good taking some time for recharging, reflecting, new inspirations and full body treatments, physically, mentally and mindfully.
"El Arte de nuestros Manos" ist der vielversprechende Name meines sympathischen kleinen Massage-Studios. Wasser plätschert dazu sanftes Flötenspiel, untermalt von Motorradrattern und Hupen der Sandstraße nebenan. Das überhöre ich, und es gelingt mir sogar. Ich genieße das Fallenlassen und sie Entspannung der überanstrengten Muskeln in Beinen und Armen sehr. Im Nacken muss sie viele Knoten lösen, da reicht eine Stunde Massage noch nicht. Ich freue mich aufs wiederkommen in 3 Tagen. ;)
Amazing, and exciting. Randomly running into 3+ (!) different new friends from past months, even someone from Europe Fuerteventura. So much joy, and touching conversations.
Beautiful present moment. My last morning in my favorite tropical paradise garden café, enjoying wonderful vegan soul food, consciously tasting the various flavors of my Ancient Grains Bowl, with cacao, chia pudding, arandanos fresquos (blueberries), quinoa mixta, granola de casa, coco tostado, mantequilla de maranon (cashew butter), yagur de coco. Sooo goood.
Earlier today - it is 9:51 now, but my lovely day had already 4+ hours - I much enjoyed my peaceful outdoor morning yoga and sun salutation both physically and mentally, the swim in the wide ocean where the waves carried me high up and down while the early morning sunshine glittered on the water surface, as well as speaking with friends and family while watching hummingbirds flying from blossom to blossom, and walking over here singing and smiling, passing local construction workers and a successful fisherman with two gigantic meter-long catches over his shoulders.
I love the English girl with the wild curly light brown hair, who beams with all her heart just by looking at the pool and giggles and cheers with delight when she's in for a swim.
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thinksaboutnothing · 5 years
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Places to eat vegan in Spain.
1- Masa Madre, Madrid.
2- D. Sánchez, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.
3- Terra, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura.
4- TxuKrut, Bilbao, País Vasco.
5- Vega, Madrid.
6- Mad Mad, Madrid.
7- La Huerta de Almería, Madrid.
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bolsa-loca · 2 years
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Recycled sail glasses case  #sailbag #saillife #summerbag #recycledsail #sailing #sail #upcycling  #upcyclingmode #sailmode #boatsailing #vegan #sailingbag #modevegan  #recycledkite #morrojable #jandia #laoliva  #fuerteventura #islascanarias  #cotillo #lapared #sotavento #corralejo #kitesurfing #craftkite #elcotillo #lajares #kitesurf #fuerteventura #caletatdefuste #caleta (à París, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd-P358qo70/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Charlie auf Fuerteventura Teil 2 - Sehr viele Strände
Beginnen wir diesen Post mit einer Schweigeminute für meinen 319 Tage Streak bei Duolingo, den ich verloren habe, weil ich gestern zu müde war. Hoffentlich tötet die Duolingo-Eule jetzt nicht meine Familie.
Ich hab mir extra ne Packliste gemacht, damit ich auch ja nichts vergesse. Tja, wisst, ihr was ich vergessen habe? Nicht meine Sonnenbrille, nicht meine Badesachen, nein - fucking Unterhemden. Was eigentlich kein Problem wäre, wenn ich nicht drei weiße T-Shirts mitgenommen habe, unter die ich natürlich was drunterziehen muss, weil ich leider Gottes Brüste besitze (die glücklicherwiese nicht sehr groß sind, sodass ich sie prima unter weiten Shirts verstecken kann). Also muss ich jetzt nen Plan entwickeln, welche Shirts ich auch ohne Unterhemd tragen könnte, damit ich das einzige Unterhemd, das ich habe, nicht zu oft trage. Yay.
Und hier ist endlich mal ein Bild von unserer Aussicht bei Tag (bzw. bei Sonnenaufgang):
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Beim Frühstück war Gott sei dank nicht ganz so viel los, wie gestern beim Abendessen. Wir saßen aber auch im Außenbereich und dort war weniger los (außerdem läuft dort die ganze Zeit Jazz). Beim Frühstück hat man ne recht gute Auswahl, es gibt u.a. diverse vegane Milchalternativen, frische Früchte, mehrere Brotsorten und sogar mehrere warme Sachen für ein Full English Breakfast. Allerdings wäre unser Hotel wohl nichts für Almans: Es steht nämlich alles nur auf Spanisch und Englisch da.
Heute sind wir bis nach Costa Calma gelaufen. Leider kann man nicht den ganzen Weg am Strand laufen, weil man sonst fast ständig über kleine Felsen klettern muss (was wir zwei Mal gemacht habe). Irgendwann kommt man dann zu einer Promenade. Leider hatte ich vergessen, dass der Playa Esmeralda ein FKK-Strand ist und deswegen musste ich sehr viele verschrumpelte alte nackte Leute sehen.
Auf dem Weg dorthin kommt man an verschiedenen Stränden vorbei. Hier der Playa Barca vor unserem Hotel:
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Der Playa Esmeralda Nord
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Und das war’s, anscheinend hab ich kein Bild vom Playa De Costa Calma gemacht, egal, die sehen eh alle gleich aus. Dafür hier ein Bild von einer toten Qualle oder sowas:
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In Costa Calma haben wir dann erstmal ne Flasche Wasser und ne Packung Milchbrötchen gekauft (ich hatte Hunger). Und wisst ihr, wie scheiße diese Milchbrötchen verpackt sind? Die sind alle in ner großen Plastikpackung und jedes einzelne davon ist nochmal in Plastik verpackt.
Die Flasche Wasser mussten wir übrigens kaufen, weil man das Leitungswasser auf Fuerteventura nicht trinken kann. Es gibt nämlich kein Grundwasser, stattdessen kommt das Leitungswasser aus Entsalzungsanlagen. Und Fuerteventura ist nur deswegen fast ne Wüste, weil sich irgendwelche Leute jahrelang dachte: “Lol, lass mal einfach jeden Baum fällen, aber keine neuen pflanzen.”
Dann wollten wir eigentlich in ein Einkaufszentrum, aber laut den Google-Bewertungen ist das voll scheiße, deswegen sind wir erstmal etwas am Strand gesessen und haben dann zu Mittag gegessen (ich hab Pasta mit Zitronensauce und Garnelen gegessen). Dann sind wir mit dem Taxi zurück zum Hotel gefahren. Habe ich übrigens erwähnt, dass es 26 Grad im Schatten waren und keine Wolken am Himmel waren? Am Strand ist das noch angenehm, weil da der Wind weht, aber in Costa Calma selbst war es die Hölle.
Im Hotel haben wir dann erstmal noch gechillt und ich hab etwas für die Uni gelernt. In meinem derzeitigen Modul gibt es verschiedene Blöcke und die dritte Woche davon ist alles komplett online. Deswegen musste ich mein Buch nicht extra mitnehmen. Und bei so einer Aussicht fällt einem das Lernen fast schon leichter.
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Danach sind wir in das andere Restaurant gegangen, das es in diesem Hotel gibt. Dort gibt es lauter gesunde Gerichte und Smoothies - darunter z.B. diese Hipster-Essen mit Aktivkohle (okay, der Essensbereich sieht auch so aus, wie ein Hipster-Restaurant in einem hippen Viertel von Berlin). Ich hab mir nen Brombeersmoothie und nen Obststeller bestellt (in dem so viel drin war, dass er für zwei Personen gereicht hätte. Zum Glück darf man den aber mit aufs Zimmer nehmen.)
Dann haben wir noch mehr gechillt und sind dann kurz zum Strand gegangen, aber es war extrem windig und die Flut ist langsam gekommen, also mussten wir schnell wieder weg. Und hier ein absoluter Pluspunkt von diesem Hotel: Es gibt ne Hotelkatze. Ich hab keine Ahnung, wieso die hier wohnt. Vielleicht ist sie ein verfluchter ehemaliger Hotelmitarbeiter.
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Und natürlich gibt es hier auf Fuerteventura auch regionale Pokémon in Pokémon Go zu fangen. Ich hab schon zwei von drei: Die westliche Form von Gastrodon und Tropius. Jetzt fehlt mir nur noch Corasonn. Außerdem gibt es hier jede Menge Dodu, Yorkleff und Magneton.
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straubella · 4 years
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Wenn wir schon denken müssen, wieso dann nicht gleich positiv?☺ Startet jeden Tag mit einem dicken Grinsen im Gesicht und euer Leben dreht sich um 180 grad in die positive Richtung🙈. Also lasst uns jeden Tag genießen und das beste daraus machen❤. LACHEN POSTIV DENKEN LEBEN ———————————————— #abnehmen #diät #gesundabnehmen #abnehmtagebuch #gesundeernährung #abnehmenohnezuhungern #gesundessen #juiceplus #glutenfrei #vegetarisch #vegan #lecker #abnehmen2020 #gesund #abgerechnetwirdamstrand #kochen #joggen #stoffwechselkur #gesundleben #fitnesstudio (en Fuerteventura) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e_s2rHyei/?igshid=tfde3i73l5eb
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tonyosheapoon-blog · 2 years
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Vegan in Corralejo, Fuerteventura #govegan🌱 #fortheanimals #fortheplanet #forhealth #animalliberation (at Baobab by Cantatore the Vegan Family) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca7sVZRNk03/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegreenhorseman · 7 years
The world is taking some time to acknowledge our love of animals today.  October 4th is World Animal Day 2017.  Hug your pets and remember what you love about them, however, today goes beyond that.  From the event’s website:
To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.  Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals.  It’s celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith, or political ideology.  Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognized as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.
You see it on the television, in the newspaper, on social media; animals are often treated with disregard, hate, or fear.  You may have experienced it first hand.  Did you see something wrong? More importantly…did you do anything about it?
Today we celebrate animals.  The ones waiting for you at home, in the stable, flying free, swimming the sea, and roaming wild. Join the global celebration!  Check out what some countries are doing in celebration of today (and this weekend):
First, add your PLEDGE to animal welfare to join hands with animal lovers around the world!
Spain, Fuerteventura: Three day event with talks focusing around Pets, Turtles, and Endangered Species.  There will also be a food collection for cat and dog charities.
Singapore: “Get to Know Your Wild Neighbors” An educational and family fun event with face painting.
Hungary, Székesfehérvár: “Lights for the Animals” 10/7:  Educational event with some friendly competition for kids; evening will end with a walk, a fire, and a light artist.
Italy, Florence: 10/7 – A day full of planned activities including a walk with dogs
South Africa, Johannesburg: Animal Anti-Cruelty League is running an effort to vaccinate as many pets as possible against rabies.
Taiwan, Taipei: Over 30 animal and environmental agencies are banding together to celebrate today bringing education, games for children, a painting contest, and a free pet adoption event.
India, Siliguri: Program featuring talks, introducing artificial birds nests, and a wildlife film show
Brazil, Sao Paolo:  A street festival featuring an adoption clinic, vegan foods, music, vendors, and environmentally friendly products
Malaysia – Kota Samarahan: ‘Sarawac Biodiversity Evening’ Half-day program with Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation to feature workshops, exhibits, speed-talks, and the worlds largest amphibian stamp collection
Kenya, Nairobi: “Animal Welfare Conference” (10/2-10/3) theme of the conference is the “Nexus between animal welfare, environment and development: Safeguarding our common destiny”
United Kingdom, Southhampton: 10/7 Celebration to bring a  bake sale, crafts, face painting, quizzes, raffle, costume contest
United Kingdon, Hitchin: 09/30 for £70 and donations of at least £325 you can skydive in a sponsored 10,000ft freefall to benefit Animal Free Research UK
What can YOU do TODAY to HELP animals?
DONATE to a charity that supports animals
To help guide you to a good charity use CharityNavigator.com which rates organizations to make sure your contribution is put to the best use. Some four star animal charities include:
Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) – International
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Last Chance for Animals
Catskill Animal Sanctuary
Habitat for Horses
ADOPT a new pet (only if you have the means!)
Check out your local shelter
If you can’t adopt find out what supplies they need.
HUG your pets!
REPORT abuse
If you see something SAY something.  If there’s a dog in a hot car find the owner, or even dial 911.
If you see animal cruelty contact your local animal shelter
For more information visit www.ASPCA.org
SPEAK for the animals that can’t speak for themselves
Check out the Advocacy Center to find some meaningful causes like Horse Slaughter, legislation to aid animals in disasters, or the ASPCA Horse action team
Humans are animals too so treat each other with kindness and dignity as well!
World Animal Day The world is taking some time to acknowledge our love of animals today.  October 4th is…
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corralejo-info · 5 years
*NUEVO* canal YouTube de Corralejo.info https://youtu.be/EKtQwkIC2D0 Reportaje en el #DiaInternacionaldeYoga en #Corralejo #Fuerteventura Por @chantal_montaldo Colaborando con @fuerteinstant @corralejo.info @pastandfuturefuerte @seatribeyoga @manipuramovementart @sunset_lounge_fuerteventura #corralejoinfo #fuerteinstant #yoga #ashtangayoga #vinyasaflow #rocketyoga #yinyoga #acroyoga #meditaciòn #yogi #yogaaereo #cantomantra #vegan #cocinavegana (en Isla de Fuerteventura - Corralejo.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYqGnCIyx2/?igshid=x3s5jr16sw5k
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnQqYBDny0g)
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Do you have the passion for fitness & health? Then take the chance and apply to be part of this amazing #ASICStrainingsquad TEAM💗 a team full of great people -> asicstrainingsquad.de #Imoveme#ASICS @asicstrainingsquad Team and @marieka91 #asicstraining #wantitmore #plantbased #plantstrong #gym #fitness##instafit #instagood #instafollow #isilabellefitness #isilabelletravel #vegan #fit #fitfam #fitspo #fitfood #fitgirl #hclf #healthy #highcarb #hclffitlife #cleaneating #eatclean #sport (at Playitas - Fuerteventura)
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brio-burton-blog · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
So I attempted to make a YouTube video doing this but it turns out that, as I predicted, I am much more confident behind the camera. I don’t tend to enjoy showing my face all that much. I thought that a pretty cool alternative was to write instead. So here we go I guess. 
1. What is your middle name? 
I happen to be a deprived child as I do not have a middle name. But I do get what seems to be a pretty complicated first name but I’m not sure that that’s much of a luxury. It makes things difficult in Starbuck’s haha. 
2. What is your favourite colour? 
My favourite colour is like a dark emerald/forest green. If I have fellow nerds reading this, then you will probably understand me when I say the best way for me to describe the colour is to call it ‘Slytherin green’. (FYI, I’m not a Slytherin, I just love that sort of dark green.) 
3. Who was your first best friend? 
Her name was Rachel. We went to the same childminder and when we were very very young we used to argue a lot. We grew out of that stage and we were best friends for many years. Unfortunately, I’m not in contact with her anymore.
4. How tall are you?
I literally just went to measure myself for this question. I’m exactly 5′4″. To be honest, I’m pretty proud of that as my family are all either short or average height, so to fall under average is a privilege with my genetics. 
5. Cats or dogs? 
Cats. 100%. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. They are pretty energetic though and cats are pretty chill and therefore much more on my wavelength. Not as much as tortoises are though. Those guys are awesome. 
6. Funniest moment throughout school? 
Okay so I presume this excludes College which is a shame because I’ve got some really awesome moments from College. So if we are talking high school and primary school, I’m kind of at a loss. I didn’t have a particularly happy childhood, but that’s a whole other story. If I had to pick, I’d probably go with my maths lessons. I was in set 1 so people assumed that our classes were boring and hard work, but actually, in year 9, we had the most awesome teacher. We’d basically spend the entire lesson gossiping and the teacher would tell us some funny stories about herself. The one I remember best was about her irrational fear of rice. (I don’t even know aha.) Also, when I got diagnosed with severe depression, she was super supportive. Turns out that she struggled with it herself, so she completely understood. What a legend, I hope she’s doing well. 
7. How many countries have you visited? 
Okay so I’ll have to count. I live in England and I’ve visited Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Ibiza, Minorca, Majorca, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Zante, Crete, Italy, Germany, Japan and Switzerland. I think that’s it, although I have visited some of these places multiple times. So I think that’s 15 altogether. 
8. Are you in/have you been to College? 
Well I’m using the English definition of College which is generally further education for 16-18 y/olds. But this can differ depending on your educational background. So I’m starting College in September. I’ve just finished school which is an odd and kind of sad thing. But I’m doing a course in TV and Film production which is very exciting! 
9. What was your favourite/worst subject in high school?
This is a fun question. My favourite(s) were always Physics, Maths, Art, Music and Drama. I hated the acting part of drama but coming up with ideas for productions was always super fun and interesting for me. My worst subject(s) were always English and P.E. Thank the lord above that I don’t have to do those subjects anymore. I love writing and I love reading but I hate being told what to write/read. And I think if someone ever asks me to analyse text again I’ll run away to the north pole and live as an eskimo. We won’t even get on to the subject of P.E. I don’t want that pain to be brought to the surface. 
10. What is your favourite drink? 
Coffee. Yes! I love it more than I love myself. Soy lattes. Honestly so amazing. But I do like the odd smoothie, tea, and sparkling water. 
11. What is your favourite animal? 
Essentially all of them. But if I had to pick I’d probably go with Pigs. But I do love Cows, Goats, Degus, Bearded Dragons, Tortoises, and Cats. Ooh also Gorillas. I really want to hug a Gorilla. Probably one of my life goals. I clearly have high expectations of my life. 
12. What is your favourite perfume? 
I do love the Strawberry scented one from The Body Shop. And Si by Giorgio Armani smells lovely and reminds me of my mum which is nice. Also Eccentric from Victoria Secret smells heavenly. 
13. Tea or Coffee? 
Coffee would be my first choice most of the time but tea never fails to cheer me up when I’m down. So I want to say both. But I think I’d find it harder to live without coffee than tea. 
14. What would you name your children? 
I haven’t really thought about it. I’d maybe say Alistar, Belle, Luna, or Tom? I’m sure I’ll find more names that I like though in the future. 
15. What sports do you/have you played? 
I’m not a massive fan of sports to be honest but I enjoy swimming, diving, biking and badminton occasionally. I went through a very sporty stage where I was in the Basketball, Football, Netball and Badminton team. Ah the days when I had energy and was productive. How far ago they feel. I also LOVE dancing but I mainly do it when I’m home alone as I’m possibly the least coordinated person on Earth. I can’t even run without it looking like I’m on some form of recreational drug. 
16. What is your favourite book? 
Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig. Matt is a brilliant writer and a lovely guy. I met him a few weeks back. It was a privilege. There are very few people that I feel comfortable around from the get go, but he was one of them. In this book he talks about mental heath. It’s incredibly moving and always makes me feel incredibly lucky to be alive, even though I don’t always feel that way. If you don’t know him, check his work out, follow him on twitter etc etc. (@matthaig1) He also writes novels and I’m currently reading his latest, ‘How to Stop Time’ It’s shaping up to be extraordinary. (Have I sold him enough yet?)      
17. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers? 
I have many, many, many of those. I shall reel off a list. Amy Ordman, The Bakeey, Chris Klemens, Alexis G. Zall, Rose Ellen Dix, TheRoxetera, WiseHufflepuff, Hannah Witton, emmablackery, BriaAndChrissy, Cammie Scott, LukeIsNotSexy, UnsolicitedProject, JaackMaate, Ash Hardell, Banana Warrior Princess, James Aspey, nowthisisliving, The Vegan Activist, doddleoddle, Stef Sanjati, TheRealAlexBertie, MissFenderr, MilesChronicles, Ally Hills, Kristina Schiano, Vegan Geezer, Evan Edinger, Tessa Netting, Rob Chapman, Mayin Bialik, MyHarto, Lucy Moon, Savannah Brown, Jake Edwards and Alien in a Box. 
Note: I am also subscribed to various BuzzFeed channels, various band accounts, Watch Mojo, TheEllenShow, The Graham Norton Show, Pottermore and other YouTubers that I’m not a fan of as such, their channels and topics just interest me. 
18. What is your favourite movie? 
Ahh. How am I supposed to choose?! I am such a movie nerd. Okay. My top 5 are Girl Interrupted, Fight Club, Sweeny Todd (the one with Johnny Depp), Pitch Perfect 2 and the live action Beauty and The Beast. (I would feel mean picking one and not all of the Harry Potter Movies.) I’m going to have to choose the live action Beauty and The Beast simply because it’s fun, uplifting and so beautifully made. (Also the soundtrack is heaven.)   
19. Are you single or taken? 
20. What’s your idea of an ideal first date? 
Maybe coffee and a posh night out in London. Like a jazz bar and maybe a theatre performance. Honestly, I doubt that would ever happen, but I suppose a girl can dream. If I get to choose who the date is with could I opt for Anna Kendrick? Kind regards. 
21. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
Excluding my primary school boyfriend, 4. There was someone I met in hospital, someone I met at school, someone I met online through a mutual friend, someone that lives round the corner from me. 
22. Favourite memory from childhood? 
Erm... I’m sure there’s something... Well I do always miss being young and innocent and waking up early and walking to school with my parents. The birds would tweet and the sun would shine and I’d have lovely chats with the teachers and my childminder. And my dad would pick me up and we’d bike home and I would watch 64 Zoo Lane and eat Ice Cream. Ah the good old days. Ooh and Christmases and trips to Cornwall. Not gonna lie I still enjoy all of this stuff. I guess childhood wasn’t too bad. Well, for the first 7 years at least.
23. Do you speak any other languages and how well? 
I don’t. I can do the odd phrase in Spanish, Italian, Greek, French, German and Japanese at a push. I won and award for my French around 5 years back. But I’ve slept a lot since then so I don’t remember all that much. Also I had a terrible French teacher a few years back who put me off the subject for life. Let’s just say she wasn’t my biggest fan. 
24. Do you have any siblings? 
I have a step sister. But that’s all. She’s pretty amazing though so. Also she’s currently living in Japan which means I get cool stuff because it turns out that Japan are way ahead the UK in creating top notch backpacks. 
25. How would you describe your fashion sense? 
Band merch/Harry Potter tees, jeans and hoodies, pretty much. I also own the odd flannel. Doc Martens, Converse and Vans are the footwear of choice. Beanies are pretty cool too. For colder days denim jackets and ‘leather’ jackets are my jam. So basically the casual lesbian look is my style. Way to fit the stereotype, Bri. 
26. What is your favourite restaurant? 
Okay, I have three. YoSushi, Handmade Burger Company and Bella Italia. All three have amazing vegan options. Also they all hold really happy memories for me. 
27. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 
Ooh, I like quite a few. My number one would have to be The Big Bang Theory. I also love Sherlock, Orange is The New Black, Miranda, 13 Reasons Why and Stranger Things. 
28. PC or Mac? 
Mac all the way. I have nothing against PC but I recently invested in a mac and it is my life. I find it easier to use and I much prefer the layout. 
29. What phone do you have? 
I have an Iphone 6S in rose gold. (With a really cute cat case, just saying.) 
30. What is one of your bad habits? 
Biting my nails. I’ve done it for my whole life and I can’t, nor do I have any intention to stop. 
That’s all for today, thanks so much for reading! I’m definitely going to try and post much more often from now on. 
Lots of love, Briony.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJpiZT2nnLE)
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