#fuffy oc
macaroni-n-sneeze · 9 months
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Little doodle of my bby Abby (she/xe)✨
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synthetic-sonata · 2 months
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oh i should post sketches here huh . Uhhhh . get BLASTED ! last ones a little heavy i just have normal thots ab robots.
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king-of-fuffies · 1 year
Vamprobabilitants are a sapient humanoid species of vivilithic probabilivores from the Longereste star system in the Highly Improbable Universe- in layman's terms, they are crystalline humanoids that eat probability.
Biologically (or, perhaps more accurately, geologically), vamprobabilitants appear at first to be highly stylized humanoids, only truly identifiable by their oddly prominent fangs. However, this similarity is only skin deep- vamprobabilitants’ humanoid forms are in fact projections of crystallized light that surround an equally crystalline core, which is itself submerged in bright blue alcohol. Vamprobabilitants can consume normal foods, but their main diet is in actuality the probability fields surrounding everything that was once living- in other words, good and bad luck.
Vamprobabilitants do not have biological sexes, and can reproduce with any other individual of their species. This is because they are all fucking magic rocks. However, when introduced through cultural exchange in recent years, gender and gender identity has become incredibly popular with the younger generation.
The vamprobabilitant home nation of Chancylvania, located on the planet Natweni, is a monarchal capitalist society. Using luck as capital, their primary executive body is that of the Nolucferu- the single richest vamprobabilitant currently living- and the High Rulers, a council of the second to sixth richest Chancylvanian citizens.
The High Rulers are currently comprised of Natalyrite Obsidian, the current Nolucferu and CEO of Obsidian Investments (estimated net worth unknown), Explosion Collective CEO Sergeant Rocopper Explosion (estimated net worth ~$1766 septillion), McZupp Corporation CEO Emericald McZupp (estimated net worth ~$1300 septillion), Lucky 7 Entertainment CEO Sir Jadarite Pattern-Veylence (estimated net worth ~$1261.1 septillion), Fortuna (estimated net worth NaN)- executive director of Chancylvania for Change, hyve.net CEO Jeffrey Preston Buzzos (estimated net worth ~$1150.4 septillion), and Substantially®, Limited CEO Samethyst Albert-Johnson (estimated net worth ~$1147.4 septillion).
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mewwile · 1 year
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constantly poking myself to make a design document for shadowlings, my homebrew race for our dnd-esque setting... and by design document i mean just infodumping about the extravagantly intricate lore i've been rolling in my head about them and their culture. i know it will take forever because im really out here figuring out what instruments would be common and the political landscape of their species instead of writing things down LOL
anyways, here is a few of them! including my original design guide for them and some i've drawn since
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theexpirederror · 1 year
Finally finished the full body for my persona giant wolf form (King Ghidorah and G earth for scale) 
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I would consider this a kajiu Oc (but this is just my persona as a straight up giant wolf but that’s whatever :) ) I will adjust some of her designs of the markings but for now I’m just gonna make this the reference sheet since it will take me a lot of time to make a other one right now (the other side have the same markings as well) Im not sure if I got the scaling right so if anyone knows that might have made a mistake let me know!
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mushroomrooms · 1 year
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Little Sad Sero
Drawing from @a_purple_dragon
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Silly Love Songs || Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Female
Dragon & Rooster Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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synopsis: Bradley has a trick up his sleeve for this coming Valentine's Day. . . however, Dragon isn't all for the whole cliche Valentine's Day.
word count: 2.0k
warnings: none:) it's fuffy:)
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The love was in the air, and everyone could feel it. Dragon wasn’t sure as to why they had to hang Valentine's decorations in the Hard Deck, but the sight of pink and red was starting to give her a headache. She wasn’t ever a big fan of Valentine’s Day. Her parents used to make little baskets for her and Phoenix and leave them outside their doors. She remembered seeing girls walking around with giant teddy bears and flower bouquets in high school and of course the tears from those whose boyfriends didn’t even pay attention to what day it was. Dragon had never been big on PDA so Valentine’s Day was just another day to her. 
“So what are you and Jake doing for Valentine’s Day?” Phoenix asked Y/N. 
“Oh boy, I haven’t even thought that far,” Y/N said, which everyone knew was a lie. She was probably the only one in the group who had planned out exactly what they were going to do, “Probably just dinner somewhere. I’ve been busy making Valentines for the kids to take to school. What about you all? Dragon, it’s your first Valentine’s Day with Rooster!” 
Dragon rolled her eyes as Fanboy burst out laughing, spraying his beer across the table. If there was anyone who knew Dragon better than her very own sister, it would be Mickey Garcia. And he had been front and center to various boyfriends who had tried the whole Valentine’s Day Display on the younger Trace sister.  
“If Dragon celebrates Valentine’s Day, I think hell just might freeze over,” Fanboy said. Dragon shot the WSO a glare and he held his hands up in defense. 
“Oh don’t say that!” Y/N said and looked back at Dragon, “You guys need to celebrate! It’s your first one!” 
“I don’t care about Valentine’s Day,” Dragon sighed, and watched as Y/N’s smile dropped from her face, “Why do I need to put on some large display of love and affection for him for one day? What does that prove to anyone but ‘Hey look at me I’m in “love”’. The whole thing is kinda silly if you ask me,” Dragon said and sipped her beer, “We will go to work, go home, probably have a beer over dinner, have sex, and go to bed like we always do.” 
Phoenix sucked in a breath and looked at Bob, who was the only other person who knew of the Valentine’s Day plans that Rooster had in store. 
Across the bar, Jake was looking at a picture of a ring on Rooster’s phone. It was a silver band that had a pretty good-sized diamond on it. Jake thought it wasn’t nearly as good as the one that Y/N had on her finger, but it was still nice. He handed Rooster back the phone and took a drink of his beer. 
“What do you think?” Rooster asked. 
“I think it’s pretty nice,” Jake nodded, “I think she’ll like it.” 
“It’s not too flashy for Dragon? I mean, she doesn’t wear any jewelry except for the silver necklace. I don’t want her to hate it ‘cause it’s too much,” Rooster said and played with the condensation on his beer bottle. 
“I think it’s just right for her. Is it your mom’s ring?” 
“The diamond is, yeah,” Rooster nodded, “Apparently it’s called ‘emerald cut’, and I guess it wasn’t very common back in the ‘80s, but it’s all the buzz now. Who knew Goose Bradshaw knew a thing or two about engagement rings?” 
Jake chuckled, “To Goose Bradshaw, the all-knowing, lady-killing romantic.” 
“A good man,” Bradley tapped his beer against Jake’s, and then took a sip, “I just hope she says yes. We’ve only talked about this once, and she seemed to be into the idea of us getting married.” 
“Rooster,” Jake said, patting his back, “You are thinking way too much into this. That girl loves you.” Jake turned on his barstool just in time to see the sight of his wife walking up to him with a slight pout on her face, “What’s up, sweets?” 
Y/N gave Jake a small smile and shook her head, “Nothing, needed to get away from the anti-Valentine’s Day talk.” 
Rooster’s eyebrows furrowed, “Who’s anti-Valentine’s Day.” 
Jake looked up at Rooster and swore he could see the moment when Rooster’s heart stopped beating. Rooster felt his hands get clammy and his throat tighten up. 
“She doesn’t like Valentine’s Day?” Rooster asked, clearing his throat when his voice cracked. 
Y/N sighed, “Not really. She said it’s cliche and she doesn’t think she needs one day to showcase her love for her partner. She was talking about how dumb Valentine’s Day proposals and weddings are. I love her Rooster, but sometimes she puts a damper on my mood. I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s okay, Y/N,” Rooster said. Jake could tell the smile on his face was fake. He took a swig of his beer before setting it down on the counter, “I’m gonna go get her, and probably head out. Bye, guys.” 
Both of them said goodbye to Rooster and watched him walk over toward Dragon, his shoulders sagging a bit. Jake shook his head and looked at his wife. 
“Is she really anti-Valentines Day?” Jake asked. 
“Sounded like it to me,” Y/N shrugged, “Even said Cupid is just a grown man in adult diapers.”  
“Shit,” Jake rubbed his forehead, “He was thinking of proposing to her on Valentine’s Day.” 
“Oh my god! Did I just ruin it!? I have to go-” Jake grabbed her hand before she could run over and apologize to Rooster, probably spoiling the surprise. 
“Don't apologize. I’m sure he will find another way to ask her to be his wife. You didn’t ruin anything.” 
“But nothing,” Jake said and took her into his arms, “Enough about them. How are we going to celebrate Valentine’s Day?” He smirked at his wife and moved his eyebrows up and down causing her to giggle and kiss his cheek. 
— — — ♡ ♡ ♡ — — — 
The ride home from the Hard Deck was a bit tense. Bradley hadn’t said a word to Dragon since he asked her if they could leave. Usually, Bradley was singing along loudly off-key to the radio or talking about something to do with whatever sports team was in season. Dragon noticed that he was holding the steering wheel with both hands instead of his usual one on the wheel and the other resting on her thigh. She sized him up, taking in the slight sag of his shoulders, and that his usual smile was gone. 
“There something wrong?” Dragon asked as they stopped at a red light. Bradley shook his head, “Okay. . .” Dragon said and leaned back in her seat. She looked out the window as the light turned green and Bradley continued his drive back to their apartment. 
The silence was growing increasingly annoying as not even the radio was playing. Dragon huffed as she leaned forward and turned the radio on. She messed with the dial until a station came on and settled back in her seat. She looked out the window as the opening chords to an all too familiar song came flooding through the speakers. A smile rose on her face as she looked over at Bradley, seeing him fight back a smile. 
“Don’t smile, Bradshaw,” Dragon pointed at him, as she started to dance in her seat, “Don’t you dare smile! Don’t smile!” She said and leaned over to tickle him. He bit his lip harder as he pushed her hands away, her laughter filling the bronco. 
“Don’t go breaking my heart,” Dragon sang. Bradley sucked his teeth as he looked over at her. She gave him a look and he shook his head, “Honey If I get restless?” 
Bradley tried to keep up his silent treatment. . . but he was a weak man when it came to anything concerning Dragon Trace. 
“Baby, you’re not the kind,” Rooster sang back and Dragon cheered in victory. He chuckled as she sang along to the chorus and he pulled into the parking lot of a random supermarket. He put the bronco in park and quickly jumped out going to her side. She looked at him confused as he opened her door and pulled her out of the truck making her squeal. 
“What are you-” 
He cut her off by reaching in and turning the music up louder, “Dancing with you.” 
“Don’t go breaking my heart, baby,” Rooster fake pouted, and started dancing around her. Dragon couldn’t hide her laughter at his adorably dorky dance moves. For a man who could play the piano and guitar, he could hardly dance. Dragon closed her eyes and moved her body to the beat. 
The two of them danced to Elton John in the parking lot, totally in their own world. When the song faded out, and another one came on, neither one seemed to miss a beat. Neither one knew how long they had been having a dance party in the parking lot, until Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney started playing and Rooster pulled her into his arms, leaning her head on his chest as he twirled them slowly in a circle in the orangey light from the parking lot lights.
“My dad said this was the song that was playing when he asked my mom to marry him,” Rooster said and Dragon lifted her head up to look at him, his honey-brown eyes boring into her. “Why don’t you like Valentine’s Day?” He asked her and Dragon drew in a breath. 
“Y/N said something, didn’t she,” Dragon asked and Rooster nodded, “It’s not that I hate it, I just don’t understand why there has to be only one day a year where you get flowers and gifts and chocolates from your partner. My dad said that if someone truly loves you, they won’t wait for Valentine’s Day to show you it.” 
“He’s right,” Rooster said, a moment of realization washing over him. He didn’t even need to think twice as he grabbed Dragon’s hands and dropped to one knee, right in the middle of the abandoned Walmart parking lot. 
“What are you-” 
“Your dad is right, Grace, I don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day to show you that I love you,” Rooster said and Dragon felt her heart start to rise. She felt heat behind her eyes as they became cloudy with tears, “The ring isn’t done yet. I used my mom’s diamond on a silver band cause you told Val once that you liked her ring. But I don’t need that to do this, Dragon, I love you, more than I have ever loved anything in my life.” 
“More than flying?” 
Rooster paused and tilted his head, “. . . Honey, I’m trying to be romantic here. . . don’t ruin the moment,” Bradley said and Dragon chuckled, “Please, make me the happiest man for the rest of my life. I know we’ve only been together a year and-” 
Dragon dropped down to her knees, still holding Bradley’s hands, “Will you marry me, Bradley Bradshaw?” 
“I was supposed to ask you that,” Bradley said. 
“You were taking too long,” Dragon shook her head, “So. . .” 
“Of course, I’ll marry you. Will you marry me?” 
“Oh fuck yes,” Dragon said and smashed her lips to Bradley’s.  
'Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. What's wrong with that?'
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taglist form
taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @desert-fern @mygyn @cherrycola27 @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @happypopcornprincess @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @thedroneranger @angelbabyange @lovelywiseprincess @diorrfairy @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @pono-pura-vida @dakotakazansky @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @poppyalice2001 @els-marvelvsp @nyx2021 @t0kyoreveng3rs @frazie99 @kmc1989 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @toobouquet @malindacath @badasspizzalover @sagittarius-flowerchild
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gobiin-z · 10 days
I’m on a ROLL today
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This is my good friend @fuffy-frog s CoD OC: Kori!! This was very fun to draw
Kori and Angel will get actual story sheets soon, but for now doodles :3
Also if you can’t read my handwriting sorry
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, June 12
CORDELIA: What does this do? GILES: Uh, it, uh, extracts vital organs to replenish its own mutating cells. CORDELIA: Wow! What does this one do? GILES: Um, it elongates its mouth to, uh, engulf its victim's head with its incisors. CORDELIA: Ouch. Wait, what does this one do? GILES: It asks endless questions of those with whom it's supposed to be working so that nothing is getting done. CORDELIA: Boy, there's a demon for everything.
~~BtVS 2x18 “Killed by Death”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Unlucky In Love (Buffy, Owen, Ford, Angel, Scott, PG) by badly_knitted
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Sometimes the Universe Gives You a Break (Harmony, multiship, not rated) by rhodrymavelyne
Not Complicated (Xander, multiship, not rated) by rhodrymavelyne
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Green Fingers (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
High Stakes (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
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I Want All of You Tonight (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lady Emma
Green Fingers (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
High Stakes (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Love Can't Fix Us, Chapter 1/8 (Xander, Teen Wolf xover, T) by calikocat
Just like magic, Chapter 6/6 (Willow/Tara, T) by Shipper_wlw
Father Returns, Chapter 6/? (Spike/Angel, M) by Amizzadu
I hate the way, Chapter 22/? (Buffy/Giles, E) by DancingAngel0013
hit rewind, Chapter 59/? (Buffy/Spike, M) by untiljanuary
A Fresh Start, Chapter 2/5 (Life is Strange xover, M) by Shisumo
but this love is ours, Chapter 15/18 (Buffy/Faith, M) by ripslayer
Infinitely, Chapter 56/? (Willow/Tara, M) by Laragh
Buffy: Self insert, Chapter 10/? (OC, Ensemble, G) by NeverluckySMILE
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 64/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
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Promises, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, M) by loverswalk89
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Boyfrenemy, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lady Emma
Christmas in June, Chapters 6-8 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
Deliverance From Destiny, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Ragini
Love Lives Here, Chapter 75 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 75 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Stay Awake With Me (Worm Your Way Back In), Chapter 1 (Buffy/Faith, M) by Slayerismsunrise
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Creature of the night (Spike, worksafe) by margueritedaisies
Artwork: [Spike/Riley drawings] (worksafe) by margueritedaisies
Artwork: Sketchbook page with doodles of Illyria, Sandy Cheeks and Buffy Summers (worksafe) by amazzyblaze
Artwork: redraw of [...] Giles and Jenny being awkward staff chaperones at prom (worksafe) by enigmaticagentalice
Fanvid: [Buffy/Angel] (worksafe) by artsying-ifer
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Artwork: Die Young, Stay Pretty: 1970s/1980s/1990s/2000s COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Dynamite
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Angel - S3, E9 - 10 by kimannebb
ReWatch: Angel - S3, E11 - 12 by kimannebb
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PODCAST: Episode 60: I Fall to Pieces by Gym Was Cancelled
PODCAST: She Looks Like a Tea Cozy (S4E9) by It Stakes Two
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Buffyverse rarepair fic recs recced by harlow_turner_chaotic_ace
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ISO: Need help looking for a specific Fuffy fanfic set in S4 requested by nolove_nonothing
[Community Announcements]
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[Multifandom] Beta Post 2024 by fandom5k
[Fandom Discussions]
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[ask by finalgirl1984] Who’s your favorite season villain from btvs? answered by coraniaid
[ask] Since you’re watching Buffy now I’m really curious to hear who, if anyone, you ship! answered by liesmultixxx
Cordelia is a character I’ve always liked by awinterrosesstuff
Unpopular Opinion: I would’ve loved for Dawn to become a Slayer by theredpharaoah
I think genetic memory should’ve been a Slayer power by theredpharaoah
Anya and Xander don’t make any sense by there-are-many-ways-to-smile
So something I see bangels say about spuffy is that “it only happened because the fans/jane/marti wanted it to happen” by raisedbythetv89
there were a lot of decisions made about the Buffyverse that baffle me by aphony-cree
The Angel s2 finale just ended with this big dramatic moment by nicnacsnonsense
I think a huge reason I classify BtVS as a “good” show is that I really just view it as telling the story of Spuffy, from start to finish by violettathepiratequeen
the allegory for addiction that was done with Willow’s magic in se6 by lttleghost
If my memory serves me correctly, there is only one character in the entire series that actually asks Buffy what she needs *for herself* by graceundersunshine
I want a Buffyverse spin-off told from the POV of a young Watcher in training by mileenaxyz
I had a conversation with someone about Dawn once by awinterrosesstuff
[Buffy and Faith S7 vs S3] by antlerslayer
Buffy and Crossovers by majingojira
honestly as much as i dont like angel for a whole laundry list of reasons, i do actually find his character hella amusing sometimes by greensaplinggrace
The Gender Narrative - from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to A24 by the-crooked-library
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What If: There was no Cruciamentum by nightshade, multiple posters
When was the last time you rewatched? by nightshade, multiple posters
Out Of Character (OOC) Moments by hoponlilmama, multiple posters
What If: Giles was female? continued by multiple posters
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Was Liam being turned a good thing? by The Whirlwind, multiple posters
Character battle: Kralik vs Rack by Stoney, multiple posters
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Connor better off with his real family or his adoptive family? by Commercial-Sink8444
Clement - one of the better Scooby Gang allies by No_Can_Dooo
Was Illyria's army destroyed by Wolfram & Hart or did it crumble to dust due to century's passing? by Midnightwitch92
They just don't make 'em like this anymore by HodMod1013
What on earth is a rogue demon hunter? by Haunted-space
Passions [why are there ZERO measures to protect Willow's parents?] by Ambitious_Trifle_645
Why did the writers try to make the Potential Slayers as unlikable as possible? by jdpm1991
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leechandoki · 10 months
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I was motivated by seeing everyone's lizard Kaiju OCs in a friend server and thus made myself a Mothra-inspired OC.
HERE IS MY FLUFFY BOY!! I'm already thinking of many funny things for him because hehehehe goofy fuffy boy!!
Kofi | Post+ | PayPal | Stripe | CashApp | Society6
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
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VOTE CASPER  **NOW**!!!!!!!!!! (jk not right now.. its not out yet i think..)
hes like a fuffy moth and super cool and awesome and is sgt norm allen dialtowns husband and boyfriend in REAL LIFE  P L E A S E  VOTE CASPER *giggles*
@dt-oc-tournament @fishy-sandwich (hope im doin’ this rite!!!!!)
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rahirah · 2 years
Gwendolyn: You wanted to see me, Mr. Giles? Giles: Yes. I do apologize for bringing you in at this late hour. Gwendolyn: Please. A good Watcher must be awake and alert at all hours. Giles: Would you like some tea? Gwendolyn: God, yes, please. I'm completely knackered. I spent the afternoon training with Faith. She doesn't lack for energy. Giles: She's your first Slayer, I take it? Gwendolyn: If you're questioning my qualifications... Giles: No, I'm not. I, uh, have the utmost respect for your methods... in my own American way. I also have the glove. Oh, not actually on me, but, uh, I believe it's safe. It's in a mansion on Crawford Street. A-a-a friend of Buffy's is keeping it there. Gwendolyn: Well. We must get to it. Immediately. Hide it before someone else finds it. Giles: Or better still, destroy it. Gwendolyn: Destroy it?
~~Buffy Episode #41: "Revelations"~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sides (Giles, Tara, G) by imsavannah2
[Chaptered Fiction]
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System Error: Identity Manager (Part XI) (Xandder, T, Iron Man xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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Dawn the Power Ranger 2: Shift Into Turbo CH.1/6 (Dawn, T, Power Rangers xover) by BrennaLynn
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If There's A Hell Below CH 1 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
Buffy Summers: Was Not The Vampire Slayer? Ch. 11 (Buffy, T) by LadyJDee
All That Is And All That Seems CH. 62 (Faith, OC, M) by
Chain of Ascension CH. 59 (Xander, M) by GraeFoxx
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Favor, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by EllieRose101
I Violently Dislike You, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
Aphantasia, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, M) by ClowniestLivEver
Ghosts of Savannah, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, M) by tbd
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Waiting On My Spaceship, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, ) by Chelle
Kaddara Hade, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hostile17
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Buff Spike (nsfw) by dirtyaimfanstuff-blog
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy S04E01: The Freshman by the-watchpost
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Video: Buffy Season 4: The Harsh Light of Day and Fear, Itself () by borednow5838
[Fandom Discussions]
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idk if buffy isn’t bisexual then why... by becomingpt2
i love a lot of the btvs wardrobe choices by silvermars
All Angel does is like brood and wait around till Buffy comes to makeout with him by wolfstrong
this is such a small headcanon and it makes me so happy by someonefantastic
The thing about the Cordelia/Xander weird hate makeout relationship by wolfstrong
willow is (amazing, wonderful, an amazon) an incredibly tragic character by buffyandwillow
thinking about how it’s both buffy and spike’s curse to love too much. by silvermars
There’s the perspective that Willow was never warned that the magicks would corrupt her by girl4music
So, in one of the Buffy tie-in books I’m reading now by oveliagirlhaditright
The sixth Buffy the Vampire Slayer Dark Horse comics omnibus by oveliagirlhaditright
okay spike fans. do you think in ‘fool for love’ he actually told buffy the truth about william? by nintendocialism
Angel and Faith friendship by all-seeing-ifer
i just think there is so much wasted potential in the fact we never got canon fuffy by harlcyquinzcl
What if Willow and Xander never talked about Jesse because that’s what you do in Sunnydale. by confusedguytoo
can you elaborate on what you perceive as male characters angel and spike being into by buggerthis
there’s probably some deep story thing/meaning, that Wesley wasn’t able to have a perfect day by oveliagirlhaditright
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Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #10 - Released 1/18/23 (Boom! Studios) by Buffy Summers
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #1 by Plasma
Why do so many people dislike Tara? by Multiple Authors
Robin Wood, yay or nay? by Multiple Authors
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Characters you suspected - successful fake outs or falsely accussed innocents? by Stoney
Buffy is my favorite character in Buffy by FaisalAli_91
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Since the first one was a hit, I made a part 2! by emerald447
The Boy just irks me. by Dr_Mrs_TheMorpho
In season 7 bring on the night why the scoobies don't bring Buffy to hospital? by ThickPeanut136
Payphones by Emergency_Proof4706
Favourite Cordy moment? by torilost
Spike doesn't want to miss Passions! by EvitoQQ
The mall by Tuxedo_Mark
Just Realized something about those season 1 promo shots. by EmotionalPhysics2038
my heart by spuffy4life
Alexis Denisof Appreciation by caffeinespeaks2me
[S1E3] Amy might have known exactly where her mom was... by Mishaaargh
I believe in Anya Supremacy by Toenailinfection
Dead Man’s Party: S3E2 by RocketCat287
Anybody else not really a fan of Bangel or Spuffy? by EnvironmentalLaugh62
How would you write Wesley climbing out of the dark in season 5? by LightBlueSky55
This whole episode was eerie, but that specific scene is so haunting to me. by MynameisntWejdene
just this side of forever by brian5mbv
Why was the show so dark? by Physmo55
Breaking Angel's curse kind of annoys me by a_different_pov_85
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PODCAST: 173 - Blondie Bear by I Ship It
PUBLICATION: Jeff Shuter Dies: Producer Of Motion Comics For “Invincible” & “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Was 41 by Deadline
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king-of-fuffies · 1 year
skylar is such a funny character because whenever you talk to it for an extended period of time it's just so plainly obvious that it's trying to maintain the facade of "i am a robot who is logical and does not have feelings". and then it turns around and gossips with debbie and then implies it is going to do nonconsensual invasive brain surgery
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
Man, the poor GodLady Tarnished is gonna have an awful time with her giant baby before he's born. Gonna be on frequent bed rest at like 5 months, and all the fun that comes with it. At least Morgott can carry her around when her ankles swell and her back starts to hurt. Just another excuse for her to cuddle with him more frequently!
Yes, she does have a hard time. Little Maddox is a big baby, not to mention the button horns and tail at birth.
I wrote a little fluffy dabble for the occasion:
Golden Seedling
Morgott/female tarnished
Warnings: mentions of blood/trauma, pregnancy talk
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The GodLord Lady Tarnished had been confined to her bed for over a week now, physician’s orders. The pregnancy was taking its toll on her, stomach incredibly swollen, not to mention her legs and ankles.
She wasn’t taking the sedemantatty lifestyle well.
Morgott entered her chambers, finding her thankfully laying down. Her bed was piled high with scattered papers and books, a small tray over her swollen belly for writing.
“My Lady’s bed is beginning to look like mine desk.” He teased.
She gave a huff, moving the bed tray to the side. Shifting through some of the papers she sighed, “I’m going to miss the grand reopening of Raya Lucaria…I hate being bed ridden.”
“It’s for the best.” Morgott soothed, beginning to organize the mess.
“I’m wanting to send a shipment of yew wood over as a reopening present. They’ll need hardwood to make staves for new students.” She explained.
“That should be a welcomed gift.” He agreed, placing a stack of papers on the bedside table, before asking, “Did thy sign the release I had sent over?”
“Yes.” She crossed her arms, almost pouting, “All I’m good for is signing papers anymore.”
“Not much longer.” He soothed, large hand resting over her swollen belly. His features visibly softened as he did so.
“Not soon enough!” She grumbled, making him chuckle, “I’v grown sick of this bed.”
“Would my beloved fancy a walk?” Morgott offered, “A bit of fresh air for thy lungs?”
She scowled, “You know I can’t…”
“I can carry thee, would be no trouble.” He added, “An honor in fact.”
The tarnished’s face lit up, excitement gleaming in her bright eyes.
Morgott held the Lady Tarnished easily in one arm, making sure she was comfortable as they walked slowly through the capital gardens. He used his free hand for his cane. The sun was just beginning its decline, the golden light of the Erdtree becoming more of a glow.
The tarnished broke the silence, tone uncharacteristically low, “Morgott…can I ask you something?”
His steps paused, only hearing his true name in more serious situations. He nodded.
“I know you don’t…quite like to remember your time there. But-“ she swallowed, “Your time in the shunning grounds?”
He looked away, throat tight, “Aye..?”
“Did you see many…infants in your time there?” She asked softly.
“A few, but most died before they had the chance to be cast into the sewers.” He answered honestly, reaching up to tap at a horn with a free claw, “Our horns are full of blood, most little ones bleed out when getting them exercised.”
She gave a nod, “A-are the horns big on the babies?”
“Gods no, mere buttons like that of a first year stag.” Morgott finally understanding the reasoning for her questions, “Although horns are not the only thing my Lady might deal with.”
“Many omen are born with claws, or fur and scales. Tails too, or even wings. There’s a chance for any beastial traits really…even hooves!”
“Hooves?” She echoed, gulping.
“Those are rare.” He chuckled. He saw her hands trace over her swollen stomach, bright eyes clouding over in thought. They continued their walk for a while more, until something caught the tarnished’s eye.
“Oh!” The Lady looked down, “The poor thing.”
Morgott followed her gaze to see a tiny little golden sapling, pulled free of the earth and wilting on the ground.
The tarnished wiggled in his grasp, so he put her carefully down. He watched as she, with many labors, knelt down to her knees. She hummed softly as she lifted the plant off the ground.
She helped the golden sapling to standing, digging her fingers into the dirt to pile against its base for better support. She patted the earth down firm, making sure it was snug, before whispering a little holy prayer to it. It’s fragile leaves perked up as the magic flowed through it.
The tarnished sat back, a soft smile setting over her features at seeing its improvement.
Morgott shadowed her pride, ever striving to help the Erdtree seedlings.
“It should feel much better now.” She nodded.
Morgott made a rumble in agreement.
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kaira-diaries · 3 years
Kiss it off Me
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Warning: self-harm/blood/behavioral signs of recession.
Paired: Draco x f!character
Comments: Hello, I’m back! College has been quite a damper on nearly everything, especially my sleep schedule. But I have time on my hands with the break coming up, so it’s nice to get back to writing
It's putrid against my forearm.
The pain is white and hot, traveling up my arm into my head. My cheeks are rosy, and the redness travels down to my neck just above my collarbone. My heartbeat is enough to burst through my bony chest and reveal what’s leftover in my heart. The tip of the wand bent promptly into my skin. The burn was quick, but the soreness was never-ending.
It's silent within the walls of my room. After my initiation, wormtwail made short work of throwing me away out of sight for the dark lord. I make a mental note that it’ll permanently be my life now. Once someone gets their use out of me, I’ll be thrown into a locked closet until I cycle around again. I’m able to find comfort in the thought; perhaps I’ll be left to my own devices forever away from the demons that roam just a floor below me.
The hardwood floor feels warm against my near-frozen temperature. The only commotion you could hear would be the drops of hot liquid against the puddle that's developed below my arm. My body is angry with me. Losing blood would be the only way of escaping a fate like my own.
Being a death eater was never a part of the plan. Then again, I never had a plan for my life. But I did have a vision. It was an optimistic vision, with a constant warmth over my head, free of all responsibilities and expectations. I close my eyes to remember vividly. Draco would be beside me in the little kitchen of our tiny home, valuing the sunrise with me. It was perfect. He was perfect until he wasn't.
Speaking of Draco, I don't come to terms with his presence until the door slams behind him, and he stands in front of me, looking down upon the bloody mess I made.
“You’re bleeding.” He remarks.
“Yes,” I respond to him and begin rubbing the blood up and down my limb, hoping it will erase the mark. My focus subsists with such strength that I notice nothing around me. I don't see that he pins my hand; I don't take note of the warm cloth he uses to free my arm of the blood, and I don't notice that he heals the skin with a spell.
My trance is broken, but I'm dissatisfied to see that the mark is still there. The sight of it mocks me and spits on everything I used to be.
“That's better,” he says, and I scoff at his statement. “I liked the blood better.” I throwback in his direction. “If you continued to like the blood a little longer, you would have been dead.” He points in my face and holds out his hand for me to take. I’m pulled to my feet and met with dizziness. Draco catches me before I fall and carries me to the bed.
My fatigue was the tipping point of the scale, and my control over my emotions stood up lost. Tears roll down my cheeks when I’m laid down comfortably, and Draco notices immediately. His pair of ice blues look confused, and he smooths out the hair of my head. “What is it?” He asks.
I cry out to him. “You made me like this.” I shove my arm towards his face, but he grabs it. His grip is tight but wastes no time to smooth out into a loose hold. His complexion grazes heartache because of my words, and my guilt overtakes my sadness. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. He strokes the skin of my mark. Caresses turn to pecks which turn to kisses. Tears fall to my skin and wet his salt-ridden lips. While I disdain what I've become, it cues me why I need Draco. In a field of beautiful roses, he was the one with the most thorns. Picking him meant picking what balanced the soft and opaque in my existence. He was the most dangerous and painful, but he was beautifully written just for me. My eyes grow heavy at the sensation of his lips. Before I slip away, faint and inaudible words rise from his mouth, and then my lids close, allowing me to fall into a sincere sleep.
I slowly awake to a new foundation. I don't recall ever being in this room. I feel the terror rise in my throat just when Draco arrives through the bedroom door. His new change of clothing hints to what he’s attended to while I’ve been asleep and I let my self slip into a flash back that feels like yesterday…
“Assignments are of the highest importance. It's all about your performance for the dark lord.”
I scoff. “I won't be participating in such activities, Draco. You can not make me.”
He hands me a grey and gold mask garnished with snakes and the presence of the dark mark.
“I’m afraid. It's not up to me, darling. These masks keep our identities hidden. Think of it as your lifeline. You can not go anywhere without your lifeline.”
He pulls the same matching veil from his face and drops it on the nightstand. “How are you feeling?” I lean into a pillow behind my head and shake my head in a negative direction as my answer. He nods respectively and grabs my arm from under the blankets. “How many times, darling.”
I furrow my brows. “How many times for what?”
“How many times do I have to kiss this mark for you to quit surmising that it defines who you are?”
I chuckle and yank my arm from his grasp. “I’ll never alter my conclusions on it, baby.” He adjusts his position on the bed and scoots in closer to me. His breath blows against my cheeks.
“Then I'll merely have to kiss it off of you.”
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 years
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i don’t usualy post a whole bundle of sketches or even any sketch at all but i’ve been workin on redesigns of personal ocs and i had a lot of fun sketching all this, so i thought i might as well post! (oh and yeah i’m gonna digitize at least one of these ‘cause im proud of em)
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