#full of soup cat
frankiescatts · 3 months
Brightheart and cinderpelt laughing over something silly thornclaw or brackenfur did/said
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i think cinderpelt is the funny one of their litter
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Since you did Dust, Error, and Nightmare’s romantic headcanons, will you do Killer’s romantic headcanons next?
(Sorry if this has already been asked)
Tehe, why not. These are my personal headcanons for romantical Killer
Out of all of the bad guys, he's definitely the one who has the least issue accepting that he's head over heels. With the others, there's a degree of resistance to their own feelings- Killer? Not at all. He knows exactly how much he likes you, from moment one. He'll make it everyone else's problem.
When he's in love, he acts like a schoolboy with an overwhelming crush. He'll do anything to get your attention. He loves to affectionately tease you- his aim is to get you riled up, playfighting, looking at him. If you engage, it's clear in his big, stupid grin and faint blush that he feels like he's won.
He's got a thing for big displays of affection. Expect comically large bouquets of flowers, sappy poems performed on one knee, boxes of your favourite sweets anytime you look remotely upset. Even if he's not your boyfriend yet he completely owns the 'boyfriend who loves his partner a tad too intensely' stereotype.
Though you do generally calm him down and quieten his bad thoughts, if he hears a single word against you (from anyone) he'll immediately go to defcon 1. Knives out, smile gone. He'll need to be talked down from murder.
Loves Valentines. For obvious reasons
Most of his terms of endearment for you are cat-related. Even though the true reasoning is very sweet and personal (he's drawing clear parallels between you and his absolute favourite creature in existence) he always plays it off as a joke when you ask. "it's because if i treat you right, you'll meow for me~"
His dream is you, him, an apartment in the city, and two cats who have very silly names.
The weird thing about Killer, is that a relationship with him is going to look shockingly normal. The other bad guys come with so much baggage, so many hangups... Killer is a funny, loving, attentive boyfriend. He knows how to tease without being antagonistic or taking it too far, he's cuddly, likes to engage with whatever you're interested in.
If you can de-escalate the bouts of murderous intent, and not get spooked by the occasional reminder that his empathy for those he doesn't care about is entirely performative... Killer is very easy to be with.
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skyward-floored · 10 months
The cat’s out of the bag - Chapter 2
Here’s chapter two! More adventures of Wind stuck as a cat.
Now with an ao3 link!
Chapter 1 | Next
Wind and Twilight traveled through the woods for a while, Wind hanging on to Twilight’s pelt the entire time.
As he walked, Twilight told Wind a little about when he’d first been transformed into a wolf, explaining the trouble he’d had adjusting to his body, and how once he’d figured it out, it wasn’t too hard. Wind listened in interest, and made a few mental notes of things to try once Twilight set him down.
But eventually Twilight stopped talking as he looked more intently for signs of the others, and Wind found his mind wandering in the quiet of the woods.
He still couldn’t believe Twilight was Wolfie. No wonder he was so touchy about being petted, and seemed so intelligent, like he could really understand it when they talked to him.
It would also explain why Wild was so close with the wolf... did that mean Wild knew Twilight was Wolfie?
Did anyone else know?
Wind let out a thoughtful little squeaky noise, resting his head on his paws.
Time probably did. It seemed like he knew everything sometimes, but aside from him... well, Legend would have to know if he’d been turned into an animal too, but that must be it. That meant three whole people had known Wolfie wasn’t just a wolf... Wind wasn’t sure quite how he felt about that.
Of course, he had some other things on his mind at the moment.
He breathed out a sigh, adjusting his grip on Twilight’s shoulder. He still felt weird, a little nauseous and achy from his transformation. He also kept forgetting he didn’t have hands, and when he went to do things like scratch his nose, he ended up hitting himself in the face with his cumbersome paws.
How was he supposed to do anything like this? Even walking was too hard at the moment, and Wind felt his tail lash as he thought of how useless he currently was.
Hopefully they would find Sky and the others and fix this before it became an even bigger problem.
The afternoon dragged on, Twilight’s steps lagging a little the longer they went. The smell of blood was still sharp in Wind’s nose (which he was discovering was way better at smelling then his regular one), and he spared a wistful thought towards the red potion he knew was sitting in his bag. All his stuff had disappeared when he’d been transformed, so there was no way to get it right now... as far as he knew.
Just one more thing to ask about when I get my voice back, he thought with a sigh. I wonder where it all went anyway? Aryll’ll be so upset if her telescope is gone...
Twilight made a small noise of pain as he brushed past a branch, and Wind went back to watching him, feeling more and more worried the longer they went. The rancher kept wincing, and Wind finally bapped his ear to get his attention.
“Hm?” Twilight said, blinking as he looked at Wind.
“Your arm is still bleeding,” Wind meowed, and when Twilight gave him a confused look, huffed in annoyance. Right. No talking. Argh.
Twilight had wrapped a few bandages around his arm, but they’d begun to stain, red seeping through. Wind wasn’t sure how bad the injury was, but he wasn’t keen on having Twilight collapse from blood loss or anything.
I won’t be able to help him at all if he does.
Wind quickly chased away that thought, and instead of trying to communicate through further meows, got to his feet and moved around Twilight’s shoulder, gesturing clumsily with a paw at the blood on the rancher’s arm.
“It’s fine Wind, it looks worse then it is,” Twilight assured when he figured out what he was doing.
Wind twitched his tail. I don’t believe that for a second.
To prove his point, he abruptly jabbed at Twilight’s hurt arm, and the rancher yelped, jerking his arm so hard Wind was nearly flung off. He only managed to hang on by extending his claws and clinging to Twilight’s pelt, and gave him a flat look as Twilight tried to smooth his expression of pain.
“Okay okay, so it’s not just a little scrape. It still isn’t that bad,” Twilight grumbled, helping Wind settle back onto his unhurt shoulder. “But I can’t do anything more about it, Sailor. We’re just going to have to wait until we’re with the others again.”
Wind let out a little grumbly growl, but he knew Twilight was right.
That didn’t mean he liked it, though.
They continued through the woods in silence, Twilight only speaking up on occasion. They both perked up when he found what looked like boot prints, hopefully a sign of the others, and Wind paid more attention to his surroundings after that.
His senses were sharper then normal, which had been totally overwhelming at first, but he was starting to get used to the sounds and scents of the forest. Wind could hear birds flying overhead from much further away then normal, and smell all kinds of things.
Along with the blood and wolf smell on Twilight, Wind could sniff out the sap from the pine trees they walked by, and various animals that had passed by the trail they were following, along with a faint whiff of the sea all at the same time.
It was pretty weird.
Wind kept himself amused by trying to figure out what all the different smells were, his nose stuck in the air. He als tried to make out some of the more unusual noises he heard, and Twilight looked at him more then once with a smile on his face, like he knew what he was doing.
Wind just wished he could ask him for advice.
It wasn’t until the sun was nearly set when a new noise filtered through the trees, and Wind sat up, swiveling his ears around as he listened. It hadn’t been the same birdcalls he’d been hearing as they walked, or the rustling of leaves in the wind...
He strained his ears a little more, and perked up as he finally recognized it.
That had sounded like talking!
Twilight heard it only a moment later, and he smiled over at Wind, speeding his steps towards the noises. They grew louder and louder, and as Twilight pushed through the bushes, the other Links came into view, talking around a half-set up campsite.
Wind ducked down a little on Twilight’s shoulder (in respect for him wanting to keep Wolfie a secret), and began looking around for Sky.
“Rancher!” Wild called out when he noticed him, and the other heroes paused in their discussion to give him relieved looks, several eyes drawn to his bloodied arm. Warriors stepped over when he saw it, and immediately began fishing in his bag, relief and worry equal on his face.
“Glad to see you’re alright Rancher, we were worried,” Four said as he set down some firewood, and Wind ducked even lower as he walked by. Where was Sky?
“What’s going on?” Twilight asked as he stepped closer to Warriors, and Wind looked around at the heroes as some of them resumed their discussion, their loud talking sounding more like an argument to him. It was mostly making his ears hurt.
“We can’t find Sky or Wind,” Warriors replied as he continued to dig in his bag. His voice was grim, and Wind thought he looked a little frazzled. “They must have been separated from us somehow, I don’t know where they are. But what worries me most is that they’re the only ones we haven’t found. Apart from you Rancher, we all came out in the same area.”
“That’s strange,” Twilight replied, his brow creasing. “Sky isn’t with you all?”
A wave of dread swamped over Wind. Oh no.
“Nope. Haven’t seen him since we came through the portal. He probably fell asleep somewhere,” Legend drawled, but his voice held a fair amount of concern in it.
“Have you seen Wind?” Four asked Twilight, and then his gaze caught on the cat sitting on his shoulder.
His eyes went wide, color shimmering off of them, and Wild seemed to notice the cat at the same moment the smithy did, his eyebrows shooting up.
“Twilight is that a cat?” the champion asked loudly, and Twilight cringed as the argument stopped, everyone staring over at where Wind was sitting primly on his unhurt shoulder.
Four and Time exchanged looks, Time’s eye narrowing in a calculating way, and Wind heard Twilight swallow.
He trailed off, and Wind moved closer to his head, giving him a gentle nudge. It’s okay Twi.
Twilight let out a sigh, his face turning to one of resignation.
“...Yeah, it is. I... guess the cat’s out of the bag,” he mumbled, and Wind twitched his whiskers at the phrase. Seriously Twilight? “This... is our sailor.”
The clearing was suddenly very quiet.
“...You’re kidding,” Legend groaned after a solid minute of silence, putting his head in his hands. “Rancher you’ve got to be more careful with that stupid necklace.”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Twilight said indignantly, and the clearing broke into confused questions while Wind gave Legend a look, sticking his tongue out. That’s right it wasn’t! Well... not really. “It was an accident, veteran.”
“But... how?” Warriors asked, looking between Wind and Twilight with an expression of alarm. He’d found a potion bottle, but seemed to have forgotten about it as he stared between them. “He can’t have— really? Is this a joke?”
“Oh it’s no joke,” Four said with a quirked eyebrow.
Wind eyed the smithy curiously. Maybe Wild, Time, and Legend aren’t the only ones who knew about Wolfie after all.
Twilight sighed. “Captain, it’s complicated, and I promise I’ll explain, but long story short... we need the Master Sword to fix him.”
Warriors looked even more alarmed. “What? Why do you need the Master Sword? Is he cursed?”
“...Sort of?”
“Sort of?!”
“Okay, yes, it’s sort of a curse, but it’s easily fixed,” Twilight reassured.
“He’s right. Relax Captain, we just need the sword and he’ll be good to go,” Legend spoke up again, and though Warriors still looked worried, he calmed down somewhat.
“Erm, one problem with that... Sky has the Master Sword with him,” Hyrule piped up, and the confused questions and chatter died down a bit.
“Oh. Well that does put a wrench in things,” Wild said.
Wind meowed quietly in agreement.
All of them turned to stare at Wind at the noise, and the sailor squirmed a little at the scrutiny. He could feel their eyes on him, looking at his fur and whiskers and everything, and he sank down a little in Twilight’s pelt.
“Sailor, are you okay?” Warriors asked as he stepped forward, studying Wind with a worried look.
Wind let out a meow in reply, and without really thinking, gave Warriors’ outstretched hand a lick. The captain blinked in surprise, and Wind had just enough time to wonder why exactly he’d done that, before Warriors smiled, giving Wind a small scratch behind the ears.
Ooh... that felt nice.
Wind leaned into the touch, a rumbly noise rising in his chest, then blinked, and shook himself as he realized what he was doing.
For Jabun’s sake, he wasn’t actually a cat!
“You’re really okay, kiddo?” Warriors asked seriously, and Wind nodded, still enjoying the feel of his fingers gently running over his fur. He was feeling better now that he was back with the others, even if he was embarrassed to be... well, a cat.
I was already the youngest, and now I’m the smallest too, Wind thought as Warriors removed his hand, feeling glum. Even a miniblin would give me trouble like this, no less something like a kargaroc. I’m toast if we go into battle...
“So a cat, huh... that’s interesting,” Four said thoughtfully.
“You’re awfully fluffy,” Hyrule said, peering at Wind.
“Wow, yeah,” Wild said, putting his face right up by Wind’s. Wind had the sudden urge to bat at the hair coming lose from his ponytail. “Are all cats this fluffy?”
“Yes Wild, they are,” Twilight said, his voice sounding a little strained, and Time came over and pushed him gently down to sit on a log.
“Alright, let’s slow down a bit. I believe a further explanation would be helpful, but Twilight’s arm could use a potion first.” Time took the bottle from Warriors and handed it to Twilight as he spoke. “Sailor, are you hurt at all?”
Wind let out a thoughtful little chirp, and looked back at himself. He was reminded again of the handful of cuts he’d gotten during the fight on the cliff as he looked at his fur, but there wasn’t anything serious. He mostly felt sore from being knocked through the portal, and then being forcibly turned into a cat.
He couldn’t easily communicate any of this though, and looked a bit helplessly at Twilight.
“I think he has a couple scrapes, but nothing bad,” Twilight answered for him, having done his own look-over. Then the rancher leaned closer to Time, continuing in a lower voice that Wind almost missed. “All that magic hit him hard though. He can’t have a potion in this form, but... getting something warm in his stomach would be good for him.”
Wind narrowed his eyes, but didn’t protest as Time looked him over, his eye studying the few cuts he had.
Sympathy shone on Time’s face as he looked at Wind’s changed form, and he ran a gentle finger over his head before drawing back and asking Wild if dinner was ready. Wild nodded, and while Twilight drank his potion, Time poured a bit of the soup Wild had been letting simmer into a dish, and set it down on Twilight’s lap.
“Let’s have dinner,” Time said, sitting down beside Twilight. “Finding Sky is our priority, but empty stomachs are a more immediate problem.”
Nobody had any objections to Time’s suggestion, and anyone standing sat down. Wind had a feeling they were having dinner mostly for his and Twilight’s sakes, but Twilight definitely needed a break based on how pale his face was, so he didn’t complain.
The tantalizing smell of soup wafted through the clearing, and Wind suddenly realized he was rather hungry. His stomach let out a quiet growl, and Wind carefully shimmied down Twilight’s arm, still really not used to dealing with his paws and tail. But he managed to land without incident, and settled onto his lap next to the dish Time had gotten for him.
It took him another several minutes to figure out how to lap up the soup with his tongue though, and even then he still got some on his face. Everyone’s eyes were on him as Wild began passing out soup, and Wind felt his face grow hot, even though he was sure cats couldn’t blush.
Did they have to stare?
He shot a withering look around camp, and everybody seemed to get the hint, looking at their own food instead of his.
Wind quickly lapped up the rest of the soup while nobody was watching, caring less about being messy and just wanting to finish. It didn’t take him long to empty the dish, and he leaned back, licking his chops.
The soup had left a warm feeling in his middle, and Wind felt a lot better now that he’d eaten. So what if he had trouble with getting his tongue to work the way it was supposed to, and had bits of soup on his whiskers? It had been delicious.
Wind let out a breathy little sigh. Now if only I wasn’t still a cat...
“So Twilight, what exactly happened to you and Wind?” Warriors asked as they all ate, tone light, but still a bit suspicious.
“I don’t know all of what happened to Wind, but I can tell you what happened after I fell through the portal,” Twilight said. There was a flicker of something uneasy on his face, but he quickly smoothed it over, and Wind blinked.
He’s still nervous about Wolfie I bet... Is he going to explain about that, or make something up? he wondered, watching Twilight set down his empty dish. I wouldn’t blame him if he did. But then again, if I’m right about Four, then Hyrule and Warriors are the only ones who don’t know he’s Wolfie. It would be weird not to explain...
Twilight began to speak about the battle, and Wind settled a bit more comfortably on his lap, unable to stop himself from yawning.
He’d been planning to try walking around some more, and practice getting his paws to work right, but he was full of soup, and warm, and feeling awfully tired again, and decided just sitting and listening wouldn’t be so bad.
Besides, Sky might show up any minute, and then I won’t need to practice.
Twilight’s soft voice made little vibrations go through Wind’s paws as he spoke, his voice rumbling a little in his chest. The sound was oddly soothing, and Wind felt his eyes start to droop.
He valiantly tried to stay awake, but the exhaustion and tiredness in his bones he’d been trying to ignore suddenly reminded him of their existence full-force. Another yawn escaped him, his teeth glinting as he stretched his jaws, and Wind tucked his paws under himself, nestling his tail around him.
Someone’s hand patted his fur, and Wind sighed, tucking his face under his tail.
They would figure this all out, he was sure. Sky would show up with the Master Sword, or they’d go find him, and Wind would be back to normal in no time at all.
...He hoped.
He really, really hoped.
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carly404error · 1 year
Pissa request?
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I love them so much you cant even imagine. Meus pais meus pais.
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zs-art · 1 year
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full of fear ➡️ 🐱
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thebeloathed · 1 year
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skippysstuffs · 2 months
I fogor to post my dnd character art AAAAAAAA
Soup the tabaxii wizard!!
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Their entire character and lore revolves around cooking soup and learning about soup and sharing their love of soup.
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vetiverreverie · 2 months
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I love using my new journal :)
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viceroys-cabinet · 1 year
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Indigo Milky (he/him), a quick zombie cat I made for a friend’s birthday
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dotster001 · 2 years
I think about ruggie‘s mistletoe kiss all the time it’s so good
I love this confession so much nonnie, half because I live for chaos and the idea that Ruggie's kiss has stuck with you means I've caused a little chaos. The other half is because Ruggie is such a snuggly guy and deserves all the kissies and loving he can possibly get.
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Just look at this snuggly boy. I want to hold him in my arms for hours until he feels spoiled rotten 😍 but he's also a chaotic scamp so I know he'd be a prick every time he wants kisses. Hope you're prepared for that life, nonnie 😂
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overtake · 8 months
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content for a very small audience but i was experiencing major deja vu when daniel posted this
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seabugsbaby · 1 month
pulling a naruto and separating plot progression and arcs between several villages bc then i get to design MORE VILLAGES AND SOCIETIES AND I LOVE VILLAGES AND SOCIETIES
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tomboxed · 1 year
not particularly related to a fandom but here's a drawing of my cat soup i'm quite proud of 👍👍👍
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lost-estradiographer · 9 months
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Someone would like me to pay attention to them. This damp idiot is going to cover my blanket in drool spots again.
The damp idiot has been obliged.
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crystal-matrix · 5 months
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Our beloved Snufkin fictive made this today
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Various images of things
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. PIBBINS.... cheering clapping hooting hollering glorious applause everytime I see a pigeon in public#2. Birthday card that I drew for someone. .. kittys...#3. 2023's annual haul of tiny white pumpkins.. i get at least one white pumpkin every year around fall when they have pumpkins in stores#because I just love the color and texture ... bright white and smooth and cold and round.. kind of like a volleyball or something#4. A brief adventure into watching big brother (only earlier seasons of course as I hate all reality shows post like 2013 or something when#they became overly focused on social media and overproduced memeable phrases more.. like even though ALL reality shows have always#been extremely fake and annoying and mindless it's like..... newer stuff seems A Different Kind Of Fake or something) since whenever#I'm sick sometimes I find weird mindless things like that to watch (that one time I had bronchitis I watched all of Flavor of Love in my#half awake illness stupor and now everytime I heat up canned minestrone soup (mostly all I ate that week) I think of flavor flav since#thats just a weird brain connection I have now lol) ANYWAY.. I was sick and watched like 2 seasons of this and then thought it was too#uninteresting and obnoxious to continue (more like 1 and a half since I skipped the rest of one once only boring people were left) BUT this#one guy had a very mischevious looking face and he also said a few things (like the above captioned speech) that sounded like dialogue#some fantasy character would say.. so I took a screencap of him and edited him into a mischevious wizard i guess.?? idk I was sick lol#~your little friend has a poisoned tongue~ is just a very unexpectedly serious sounding wording for some random normal#frat dude looking guy to say while casually chatting on a reality tv show in like 2008 or whenever that was filmed lol#5. FLUFFY CLOVERS!! I'd never seen them be furry and soft before?? inchresting..#6. Noodle sitting in bed with the cat figurines looming above him... the council of kittys...#7. McDonald's full breakfast platter + asparagus + strawberries & cream (also of course this is old and I am now boycotting mcdonalds etc)#i try to group the images somewhat consistently like.. winter stuff with winter stuff or summer stuff with summer stuff#but I have so many random pictrues floating around on my computer that I never post that sometimes some are not organized or just#thrown into a set because there's nowhere else for them. Like the pigeon picture is from like 3 years ago for example lol#8 & 9 - I think I've posted these before but I just find them very interesting looking flowers. whenever they happen to be blooming#I'll pick up a few when I'm out on walks or etc. ... poof ball looking things#photo diary
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