#fully did not check to see if this is coherent i know it isn't i just sat down and typed until i ran out of things to say
nedlittle · 2 years
thoughts on twilight
this has been fermenting in my inbox because i saw it and immediately got into a spirited debate with my best friend over the correct ranking of the twilight films (my answer is: twilight/breaking dawn pt 2/new moon/breaking dawn pt. 1/eclipse. my best friend was trying to argue that new moon is the worst but the soundtrack fucks so supremely it saves it from the slush pile). anyway. being a twilight girl (gn) from approx. grades 5-8 was the great equalizer. it crossed boundaries. you found your most unlikely comrades in the foxholes of the twilight trenches discussing how breaking dawn would end in between subjects. it was like what i imagine model un is like. there were at least two other people in my class aside from myself who got alice's haircut (which i do think is genuinely quite cute but the thing is we were all pudgy-faced 6th graders so it was not the most flattering of haircuts. whoever is responsible for alice's hair in bdpt1 i will hunt you for sport). i would sit on my kitchen floor rereading those damn books like i was possessed and i think eclipse was my favourite but don't quote me. the only two movies i saw in theatres were the og and new moon and the memory of rolling my eyes whenever jacob took his shirt off is burned into my psyche. i continued to be repressed for more than a decade after that but to be fair i was also 12 and catholic. the first movie is a Good Movie both in that there are some solid technical elements and in that it's so funny i'm sorry. in uni my roommates and i watched all the films back to back for the first time and we were so emotionally strung out by the absolute roller coaster of emotions we experienced over the course of 10 hours that we all genuinely started sobbing our goddamn eyes out during the final battle/vision and then cried again when literally every single character is given their due in the credits bc it's just really sweet :'). then my parents stopped by for a visit like half an hour later and we were like hello. we are all normal. also the composers on those films were absolutely STACKED??? carter burwell twilight/breaking dawn both parts alexandre desplat new moon goddamn HOWARD SHORE for ECLIPSE??? howard why did you score the WORST one??? the soundtracks ripped. they had no reason being as good as they were. the last two were shot by gdt collaborator guillermo navarro and it SHOWS they look FANTASTIC. by the last two everything genuinely was camp. i think engaging with twilight in the year 2022 is a bit different than engaging with...y'know bc smeyer isn't actively on twitter like i think all trans people should be forcibly detransitioned and then burned at the stake you guys wanna see how much i can hate minorities but then there is the whole vampirism makes you white & indigenous people are literally animals i'm gonna make billions off a racist misappropriation of your tribe while you get nothing thing. i mean it's a case of Use Your Brain While Critically Engaging With Media but if you've spend actual money on something twilight-related in the past like. three years. why? pirate that shit. at least donate the same amount to the quiluete higher ground fund sidenote did you know that quiluete is one of only a handful of languages that doesn't have nasal vowels? that's neat. billy burke charlie swan performance of a lifetime. seth and leah clearwater best characters.
i got this ask before the mcr twilight show in washington happened and i just have to restate. "i want to watch you turn into a werewolf" on the drum. coming back for the encore in a team edward shirt (WHERE DID IT COME FROM. I DESPERATELY NEED TO KNOW THE PROVENANCE OF THIS PARTICULAR ITEM OF CLOTHING) simping for rpattz in the batman into your song about being asked to write a song for one of the twilight movies and saying Fuck No into the first paragraph of interview with the vampire read into the vocal distorter into your biggest banger also about vampires into the final song of the night and arguably your saddest which is about dying of cancer. thanks for coming to the show glad you enjoyed the double vampire encore now think about your own mortality.
those are my thoughts on twilight :^)
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moppets · 2 months
IIRC you also think DM happened in the past. Do you have a theory as to why Daniel's memory's were erased?
Are you ready for something insane???
I think it has to do with Marius de Romanus.
The epicenter of Armand is Marius. He is in every crack and corner of how Armand exists. His shadow falls over the dynamic of Louis and Armand in the show and Armand and Daniel in the QotD chapter. In the book, once Armand realizes Daniel truly loves him in Pompeii, what does he do? He resorts himself back into the role he knows, except he casts Daniel as Amadeo and himself as Marius. Daniel becomes fully dependent on Armand because isn't that what love is? Armand understands his love properly right when Daniel is dying so he turns him. Armand can't stomach turning Daniel (sounds like s2 finale babes) and Daniel loses his mind and ends up isolated in Marius' care.
1940s AMC Armand believes Marius dead. Does 2022 Armand? Timelines can change easily. He spent time with Lestat for the trial, it could have been revealed. Lestat would hold it over his head for making him do this. Or maybe, reveal it through a relationship with Daniel.
Armand makes sure the SF edit of memories allows him to flaunt he saved Daniel's life. This is important to him. Except, he didn't save Daniel's life at all in that apartment. Why is it important to Armand that Daniel (and Louis) believe this? Why is it important Armand can hold onto that? I think he really believes he saves Daniel's life, just not in SF.
In the books, Bianca, Daniel, Benji, Sybelle all become objects Marius takes from Armand. So if Marius did come to check up on Armand unseen (funnily enough he does so in Paris and it's in Paris that Daniel's memories start to form a coherent timeline again) and finds him in a relationship with a human boy? Oh no, Armand is Marius'.
Oh Amadeo, I've come to you again. You have a human companion? He is addicted to you, you hurt him, give him the Gift! Turn him or free him! You cannot love properly because that is your nature. Let me take care of this one for you, Amadeo.
There is a glaring neon sign stating the love has already happened because Armand turns Daniel in the show. He has no other reason to do so. Armand doesn't punish this way. Okay so past relationship, but Armand doesn't want Daniel in Dubai, except he is and he allows it. Why? The entire thing reeks of "I don't want this interview happening. I don't want you here, but I am weak and selfish and I wanted to see you again. I want you to remember me."
I think he believes he saved Daniel from a life of damnation and Armand by allowing Marius (or himself, but I don't think he is that strong in the Mind Gift) to remove the memories of their time. I free you from me and you can go onto live a life. I won't let you be cursed.
So yea, Marius. Show wise look at who is about to get the scoop on Armand and Marius through Lestat. You set up Armand as this false villain, Daniel starts realizing there is more memories missing, anger at Armand for taking more. Look at what you did to Nicki, look at what you did to Claudia and Louis, look at what you did to me. Drop the twist that Armand truly thought he was saving Daniel, start Armand's backstory/redemption arc, and you build them reuniting.
Devil's minion break up and reunite in the books, but that is never shown beyond a few lines. No way, this show wouldn't want a deep exploration of a human/vampire relationship. They're dramatists. Rolin Jones and co. have such a sandbox to play in with these two during the time Anne Rice doesn't write for them and that's why I think their timeline appears all over the place.
OH! Daniel sits by Marius' portrait in the dining room every time by the way. Also, crazy first name drop of a major character in a line from the episode titled "...after the phantoms of your former self" where only Armand is present in the scene.
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Yea, I bet you never heard of him
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lakesbian · 1 year
💝 for Rachel (for the ask meme)
💝 A headcanon about their love language
yeah these are def just shaping up to be analysis of canon vs. headcanons for most of 'em because we already have interesting canon answers for a lot of these questions but that's ok because that's fun too. this is gonna be a bit messy bc i'm real tired but anyway:
the long and short of it is that she's a dog. she loves like a dog. and i love how that behavior interacts w/ the specific way taylor is fucked up. it is So meaningful and compelling. taylor is for the most part absolutely incapable of admitting or even noticing when something has hurt her, let alone reaching out for support. she's very similar to brian in the sense that people verbally acknowledging that she's upset (generally synonymous with 'weak' in her mind) is intolerable to her, because ignoring and repressing that emotion is critical to her ability to force herself to stay standing & push herself thru the agony to achieve what she wants to achieve. there's this moment during the echidna fight where she sees wards verbally checking in w/ each other and she thinks that she's glad that her team would never ask if she's okay because she wouldn't be able to stop from breaking down if they did.
and the thing abt rachel's love language is that she's Direct About Everything All Of The Time Forever because she doesn't know how not to be. but it's not in a "asking if someone is okay" way, because even that is a level of indirectness, of giving someone the option to say "yes" and reject comfort! she instead directly notices when taylor isn't okay, and moves straight to offering comfort without forcing taylor to experience the weakness of admitting that she needs it. she's not great with words--she frequently feels frustrated by not knowing how to communicate what she wants to communicate--so instead she shows love through simple, blatant acts of physical affection, devotion, and trust. she's the equivalent of a big ole dog that just silently huffs and climbs into your lap when you're sad, and you can't do a damn thing about it because you're getting cuddled now and that's just how it is. she doesn't force taylor to acknowledge the situation to her, she simply notices when taylor needs a hand to hold and very firmly grabs taylor's hand. she's silently, unobtrusively understanding. she sees things as they are, and responds not with social niceties, but with firm and direct kindness. if you start crying while she's sitting next to you, she won't make a big deal out of it, she'll just keep sitting next to you. and that's exactly what taylor needs--affection and comfort sans expectations for her to have any sort of coherent explanation or conduct.
the devotion & trust is also Sooo. auugh. ough. when taylor turns herself into the PRT and she's unquestionably faithful that taylor has a plan, regards everyone else like they're idiots for having even the slightest sliver of doubt in her. during gold morning, when she willingly steps into taylor's field of control, saying that taylor is smart & to let her do what she needs to do. there's this moment during the behemoth fight that i think a lot about where rachel says "you have a plan" in response to taylor, y'know, having a plan, and taylor sort of confusedly reads it as smug & then satisfied without really grasping why. and the reason why is that rachel has put up with so much social bullshit she doesn't understand--the way the undersiders interact w/ her, coil, the prt--and taylor, without fail, has made things make sense. she's the only undersider to successfully speak to rachel on terms she fully understands, the one to kill coil, the one who soundly trounces the heroes every time. whenever things are confusing or scary or nonsensical, taylor, smart and strong taylor, fixes them with her plans. the earth is cracking and coming apart around them, because There's A Fucking Kaiju, but it's okay, because taylor is there, and rachel knows taylor will always make sure things turn out alright. genuinely doglike levels of unquestionable devotion, where there are ways she understands taylor more intimately than anyone else on the planet, and there are ways she can never understand taylor, but she still unquestionably trusts her enough to place her life in her hands. taylor even remarks that rachel trusts her too much when she steps into her radius during gold morning--and the reason that rachel trusts her too much is because she trusts like a dog trusts their person. i've seen ppl say that taylor is rachel's dog, but no, rachel is 100% taylor's dog. she loves that girl like a dog would. it rocks. autism forever.
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dutchdread · 5 months
Have you read the rebirth Ultimania? If you did, was there something you considerd interesting?
Nope, as far as I know the rebirth Ultimania won't have an english release, or atleast not any time soon, so all I've read are unofficial translations, translations that paraphrase the meaning, and a few translations I've done myself to check if something was accurate. But that's only for small parts since Japanese isn't exactly my native tongue or anywhere close to it. If it turns out that there won't be an english version forthcoming I will probably buy a japanese version though since it would be good training. Problem is people aren't allowed to just post fully translated pages for the ultimania, they're pretty serious when it comes to copyright concerning that stuff. Nothing I've seen so far has really surprised me though, it's basically the same stuff Clotis have been saying all the time. The most interesting thing that has come out to me is that they were hesitant to add an affection mechanic to rebirth. This may seem like a pretty throw-away line but it's actually pretty meaningful. For one it really hammers in the idea that you're not supposed to see this story as a choose your own adventure, they want it to be a single coherent story. And if they were already hesitant to add it to this part, where I think it makes by far the most sense to have one in there, then it gives me hope that there won't be an affection mechanic in part 3. And lets be honest, who do you think has more to fear from there not being an affection mechanic? Us or the Cleriths? I think that in their hearts Cleriths are secretly begging for the existence of an affection mechanic, while Clotis are openly hoping that there won't be one, that really tells you everything. Something that has gotten a lot of attention are the quotes surrounding the dates, where Cleriths have been jumping for joy at the idea that the dates aren't canon, and trying to twist that in something good for Clerith. This has been both intriguing and hilarious to watch. For years Cleriths have rallied around the date in the OG, and prior to the ultimania releasing they've been desperately trying convince the world that the Clerith date is canon and the Tifa kiss is meaningless fan-service. And now that the Ultimania has confirmed they are all equal they're suddenly trying to use that to undermine anything to do with the date XD Meanwhile Clotis went "actually, I think none of them are probably canon, more informative 'what-ifs' that are meant to illustrate Clouds relationship with the different characters". And when the Ultimania said essentially exactly the same thing Cleriths actually took that as a good thing. It's amazing how they can twist anything to fit their narrative, or rather, to not totally disprove it. These people actually took a quote talking about how all dates are equal, and tried using it to prove the dates weren't equal. The most fun part of this entire debate is to watch how over the years it slowly changed from Cleriths trying to attack, to Cleriths desperately trying to defend and explain why "we're not quite dead yet, we might be able to still make a move." It's no longer "Clerith is canon, here is why", no, now its "well, no, the kiss is optional, you don't have to see it, he also held Aeriths hand you know!!!!" They've been checkmated a dozen times already and are now just illegally jumping their king around the board erratically, pretending that they haven't lost.
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moldcorpse · 2 years
I make no promises that this will make any coherent sense cuz the theories and headcannons are probably mixed up with each other, but fuck it I need to get this out. Also really sorry, I'm on mobile and can't figure out how to do read more...
So, a lot of people are wondering where the Lords are in Shadows of Rose, right? Well, I saw one theory talking Duke having some memories from them that got mixed into him when Miranda was making him (which side note, I don't think the Duke we know from the main game is dead because based on Evelyn, Ethan, and Miranda they act same as they did in life, but thats another thing.) But what about the rest of the Lords' conscious?
In my mind, those in the Megamycete are more forced to stay in their own memories. I think someone that has a connection to and is around the Megamycete when they dead once they enter it they stay in their memories. They might have some influence on where they are in their life and can stay there, like we already know where Ethan got his little space settle as. So, those that just enter are stuck there until they have a reason to get out and start building up power like what Miranda did to get to the other levels (I forgot what they are actually called).
So, with the Lords, I feel like they are, more or less, content in their memories. At least once they got some control over where and when they were cuz I can't imagine at lot of it was pleasant. The Dimitrescu girls probably all found a way to their mother and they are all living it up in the castle in their memories. Beneviento might stay in the part of her life where her family was in still alive. For Moreau, I'm not really sure since we don't really get much on him beside how utterly devoted he is to Miranda, so something to do with her? Only Heisenberg I could see at least once popping out of his memories to see whats gonna on sees Miranda still on her bullshit, said "Fuck that bitch, I'm good", and hops back into his memories. I can't really expand much more on this part more cuz this is a almost baseless theory on where the others are in the Megamycete, but it feels right to me.
Now with Ethan I think once he realized that he is dead and now just a consciousness, he knew Miranda would continue to try to get Rose somehow. He doesn't really have experience with powers expect his healing which isn't gonna do much. But this is Ethan and he's gonna try anyways. I think when someone who has died enters the Megamycete they start on the deepest level and thats why we only get a glimpse of Ethan in the Beneviento at the entrance of the next level. Why Ethan warns that its harder to get out the deeper you are. Because by the time Rose shows up he hasn't gotten enough power to fully manifest himself at the top only able to do just simple thing aka the words, manifesting objects, and moving objects. Unlike Miranda who was able to manipulate the outside world some, so if we go with my idea she can fully reach the top level.
Okay, hopefully last thing. I truthfully don't think Ethan's consciousness died at the end. I know people are like "Oh my god, Ethan died a third time!" I don't believe he's dead. He didn't crumble away like Miranda before Rose woke up. I think only an outsider, aka someone like Rose, can kill a consciousness in Megamycete. The copies of Rose aren't real, we've seen that they become the monsters that we fight in the DLC at the end, then once they're dead they become goo. So, the only real death we can work with is Miranda's and I think Ethan's okay at the end. Maybe without Miranda around he builds up his power to manifest himself, to some extent, in the real world to check on Rose and really is the figure we see in the end cut scene.
Anyways, that my spiel. Maybe when its not almost 7 am I'll expand on some of this, but for now I think I'm good.
Have a good morning, good evening, and good night!
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kazewhara · 2 years
"oh, good morning, sleepyhead. did you get a good night's rest?"
kazuha jolts at the sound of your voice. he immediately regrets it as a sudden sharp pain shoots through his side. bringing a hand up to soothe the spot, he finds that beneath his shirt (upon closer inspection though, he realizes that this is definitely not his shirt), the afflicted area is carefully bandaged, though there is some blood soaking through the fabric. "what... what happened?" he asks. "where am i? and who are you?"
you answer him with a soft laugh, making him frown. "got any more questions for me?"
you're joking -- or at least he thinks you are -- but your wit isn't doing him any good. kazuha is far too disoriented to make heads or tails of the situation. all he knows right now is that he's hurt and wearing the clothes of some stranger who won't give him a straight answer. what's with this fog in his head? why can't he make a coherent thought? what happened to him?
you chuckle again from where you are. kazuha turns to face you but hisses when pain rockets through his body. you tut and hurry to his side, kneeling on the ground to be at his level and check his wound. but as you reach for him, kazuha instinctively reaches for his weapon only to find that it's not on his person. frantically, he searches the room for it.
"if you're looking for your katana," you sit back on your haunches and jerk your head to a far corner of the living room, "it's over there. but i'd strongly advise against attacking the person who saved your life."
shit. he's losing his cool. he's usually so subtle about this kind of thing, able to retrieve his weapon in any situation without raising any suspicion. for you to catch on... either you're not normal, or he's become an open book overnight.
kazuha deflates, but keeps his body as far from you as possible. "what do you mean you saved my life?" he presses his lips together. if you really did save his life like you said, he probably shouldn't be so hasty lest you do something to him. "i mean..." he clears his throat and does his best to de-escalate. "could you please tell me what happened last night? i'm... having a bit of trouble remembering."
"of course you are." you sit fully on the floor and cross your legs, the perfect picture of ease. "you were pretty banged up when i found you."
"would you care to elaborate?"
"alright, alright."
(what's with you? kazuha thinks. why are you making it seem like he's asking such a difficult question? and why does it seem like you're enjoying yourself?)
you lean back on your hands. "first of all, i found you half-dead in an alleyway not too far from here. you were stabbed pretty deeply and someone made a clean slice across your abdomen." you point at kazuha's stomach, where the bandages are. "if i hadn't found you, you would've bled out."
kazuha wracks his brain for answers as you speak and slowly, he starts to remember what happened leading up to the gap in his memory. he recalls running into some bounty hunters from inazuma. despite being in liyue, they'd sought to capture or kill him to claim the bounty on his head. kazuha remembers putting up a fight and if he's being honest, he thinks he did pretty well -- five against one? sure, the odds weren't in his favor that night, but by the archons, he held his own pretty well.
well, seeing as how he's landed himself here, he fought may have fought well, but it clearly wasn't enough. they got him good. at least they didn't unmask him--
kazuha's hand flies to his face. thankfully, he feels the familiar hard plastic of his mask still fully covering his face. he doesn't relax completely, though. "did... you happen to see my--"
you shake your head, cutting him off. "nope. figured you were wearing it for a reason, so i left it untouched. i did clean it though -- there was quite a bit of blood on it."
now kazuha relaxes. he wills his heart to slow down. at least he was taken in by someone reasonable. he absentmindedly brushes his fingers over the bandages as he thinks about what to say next.
"would you stop agitating it? for archons' sake..." you're quick to snatch kazuha's wrist in your hand and pull it away from his injury. he starts to pull away from you, but somehow you're faster, instead pulling up the shirt he's wearing to inspect it. you click your tongue when you see the blood-soaked bandage, completely unaware of the way kazuha's face begins to burn. "dammit, you already reopened it..."
as you hop up to fetch what kazuha can only assume is more first aid supplies, he decides that now is as good a time as any to pick up light conversation. he's no idiot -- he knows that as long as he's here, he's at your mercy. call him paranoid, but you have home field advantage right now. you could flip on him at any moment and he'd be completely powerless. the least he could do is try to make this as painless as possible for the both of you.
kazuha halts in his thinking for a moment. when did he become like this? maybe he's been on the run for too long.
you return quickly and rest the supplies on the table. you reach for him and again, kazuha puts his guard up. you huff and pout. it'd be cute if kazuha didn't think you weren't secretly plotting to kill him. "how am i supposed to help you when you keep acting like a frightened animal?" you cross your arms impatiently. "will you let me take care of you?"
kazuha raises an eyebrow, but quickly remembers that you can't see his face. he shrugs slightly instead. "forgive my insolence, but i haven't any reason to trust you completely just yet. i believe you still have yet to answer all of my questions."
you scoff. "i liked you better when you were unconscious," you mutter under your breath. "look, how about i give you answers and patch you up at the same time? does that please you, your highness?"
"...you're being a bit childish."
"and you're bleeding out. are you gonna let me help you or not?
kazuha sighs and lets you do as you please. he still doesn't completely trust you, but he supposes that you wouldn't be so insistent on helping him if you didn't have his best interest in mind. you get to work on cleaning him up again, carefully snipping the bandage off and making kazuha hiss when the wound is exposed to the air.
"i'm sorry," you whisper. kazuha doesn't think he was meant to hear that.
"so," he says after a few moments of silence, "those answers?"
"right, right. um... what did you want to know again?"
"i asked who you were and where i was."
"right." you don't stop working as you speak. "you're in my apartment right now. we're still in liyue, in the city. i also feel it's worth mentioning that you've been asleep for about two days."
kazuha balks. "what?"
"you lost a lot of blood," you say matter-of-factly. "plus, it's not like i have the supplies to do blood transfusions. you're recovering the old fashioned way. sorry." you give him an apologetic smile.
two days... kazuha's gone off the grid for far longer, but he's sure beidou must be losing her mind wondering where he is. she's not going to like this story much. he bites back a groan when you pull the bandage tight against his wounds. "may i ask how you know all of this first aid? who are you?"
you sigh and wipe your hands on a small towel you brought along with you. you give kazuha your name with a smile. "i'm just your average citizen," you say. "who doesn't know how to heal wounds these days? anyway, what about you? does the guy behind that mask have a name?"
ah. kazuha doesn't know why he didn't consider that you might ask for his name. he tries to come up with an alias, but when his silence drags on for too long, he gives up with a short shake of the head. "he doesn't, i'm afraid."
"what a shame." you start to clean up your materials. "then i'm afraid i'm going to have to call you 'mr. kitsune mask' until you come up with a name for me to call you."
kazuha actually chuckles at that. "i'll give it some thought." he lets a beat pass. "but you're speaking as though i'm going to be staying around long enough for you to come up with a name."
"that's 'cause you are!" you call over your shoulder as you return things to their rightful places.
"pardon me?"
"you may be acting fine now, but i promise you, if you try to stand and go about doing... whatever it was that landed you here in the first place, you're either going to wind up hurting yourself further or dead." you cross your arms over your chest when you come back. "which option sounds like more fun?"
kazuha will admit, your wit is charming. now that he's let his guard down, he finds that you're allowing him to think much clearer than he was earlier. besides, you're right. he's actually in excruciating pain right now -- your cleaning of the wound may have helped in the long run, but this pain is almost unbearable. he's been hurt like this before, but these wounds must be deeper than others. staying put is really his only option.
"is neither an option?" he asks.
you grin. "it could be, if you stay." when he agrees, your smile grows. it's contagious; kazuha finds himself cracking a small smile under his mask. "well then, mr. kitsune mask, i'm going to go and take a nap. i haven't really slept since you got here."
kazuha opens his mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it. (not like you could tell, anyhow.) it suddenly dawns on him that you've been showing signs of serious fatigue this entire time -- you're blinking rather slowly, you've been muffling little yawns with your hand, there's shadows under your eyes, and your hair is quite messy. understandably, he had much more pressing issues to focus on, but now that he's much more up to speed, he won't stop you from getting the sleep you need.
"there's food and drinks in the fridge, the wifi password is over there, and you're welcome to use the tv... and that's it, i guess. i'm off; try not to kill me in my sleep, okay?" you shoot him a wink and turn on your heel, disappearing into a room in the hallway.
once he's alone, kazuha lets all of the information sink in. you seem like a pretty good person -- it's hard to sense any ill intent from you and you've proven to be genuinely concerned about his well-being. there's no real reason for him to doubt anything you've done thus far. it wouldn't hurt to stay for a little while.
kazuha's eyes drift to his katana in the corner. resting on the ground beside it is his vision and... it would appear that there's another vision beside his own. a cryo vision from the looks of it. you said earlier that you were just an average citizen, but everyone knows that cryo vision holders are becoming increasingly hard to find these days. he figures it's only fair that you wouldn't tell him about that; not only is he a stranger, but he's not letting you see his face. that's a fair trade-off.
gingerly, kazuha lies back down and wonders how he's going to explain his situation to beidou. that's a conversation he's not looking forward to having. in the meantime, he thinks as his eyes begin to droop, some rest would do him some good as well.
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trexrambling · 2 years
Ooouf I am such a sucker for a good ���I didn’t know where else to go”
If it inspires you! 💛
The two, soft raps on your door wake you immediately. Still sleep groggy, both hands already cradling your gun, you slide out of bed and land noiselessly on the carpet. You check your bedside clock - 3:08am - and then cautiously make your way to the window to peek out of the curtains.
A smile finds its way to your lips, but slowly fades as you take in the man standing on your front porch. His forehead leans heavily against the wooden door, one hand resting beside it. You check behind him, out into the long driveway, but only see an empty, moonlit path. No Sam.
You switch the safety on your gun and set it down, brushing your hands over your pajamas and through your messy hair. Then you unlock the door, swing it open, and almost have to catch Dean's whole frame as he falls forward, stumbling into you.
"Whoah, hey, you good?" you grunt out, pushing him back upright and guiding him with a steady hand on his back into your small home. You close the door behind the two of you, sliding the bolts back into place, and turn on a lamp just as he falls onto the couch with a loud grunt.
Well, there isn't any blood. No bruises, scrapes, or monster gunk. You survey him, his head leaned back against the couch cushions, eyes closed, arms folded, long legs extended out. Your nose wrinkles at the scent drifting off of him. "Had a bit to drink, have we?"
He mumbles something not fully coherent, and you sigh. "Where's the Impala? Did you park it down the road?"
"Walked," he replies.
Your eyebrows shoot up. "You walked all the way here?"
He shrugs and settles deeper into the couch.
"Dean, what's going on?"
He lifts his head, finally looks at you for the first time. "I know it's late. I just..." He looks away, rubs a hand on the back of his neck. "I didn't know where else to go."
You lean against the wall, resist the urge to go over and wrap him up in a hug, run your fingers through his hair and just hold him. That's not the type of relationship the two of you have, no matter how much you might want it to be.
"Are you and Sam still fighting?"
He nods, shifts his weight and clears his throat. "Yeah, things with Ruby are...well, they aren't good."
You frown. "Remind me why we haven't ganked that bitch yet?"
A small grin finds his face, and he meets your eyes again. "I ask myself that every damn day."
You can't stop your feet anymore as you cross to the couch, sit down beside him and put a hand in the safest, comforting spot you can find on his knee. "Want some coffee? I can start a pot, we can talk through things."
To your surprise, his hand covers yours, picking it up in his palm and giving a gentle squeeze. He doesn't let go, and you sure as hell don't try to pull away. "Are you good if I crash here? I know I woke you up, you must be tired."
You're anything but tired with his hand holding yours, the heat spreading up your arm, down your back, settling in the base of your spine. You swallow and somehow keep your voice steady. "Yeah, um, of course. You know you're always welcome."
You're trying to figure out how to get him a blanket without letting go of his hand when he suddenly moves, his arm wrapping around your frame, pulling you into his side as he readjusts his position on the couch, turned at an angle so his legs are off the floor. Your head is resting on his chest, your body curled up against his side. Dean's hand rubs up and down your arm, and a long sigh leaves his lips.
"Thanks, Y/N."
You don't dare to move a muscle, just look up at him and listen as his breathing immediately slows, feel him drift off to sleep in a matter of seconds, his heartbeat steady in your ear.
Rather than let your brain overthink what's happening, you just stay there, let his warmth soak into your skin and make the decision that the smell of alcohol is most definitely tolerable for tonight. Because there's no where else in the world you'd rather be right now.
If anyone has a wee Drabble request, I’m very much feeling this list of prompts right now and would love to do some writing! xo
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
So jkks are saying ” all the boys have a beautiful bond” “don’t blame jk for what the shippers are saying” ”he’s not feeding anything, him and tae are just friends” and i can’t help but laugh. if they think jikook is real (i stopped thinking that awhile ago) how can they not see how inappropriate his comment was? how can they ignore that he admitted to knowing everything happening on sm and yet he continues to bring up tae and validate their relationship while he fails to acknowledge jm(in a serious matter)every single time? Idc about jikook i think jm deserves better but it pisses me off how they ignore all these things when it comes to jm. It’s like saying jk cares about showing his bond with tae more than he cares about the hate jm gets but in another way
Shippers have selective memory and thinking, that's a fact. When JK never posted for Jimin's bday after 2019, or when Instagram was suddenly "for work" but they started taking it as Real and Definitive Confirmation the one time he mentioned Jimin on instagram. Or how one verse from a sad song was about Jimin but all the other breakup songs definitely weren't about him. Or when they were crying over JK writing a love letter for Jimin's bday in 2019 meanwhile Jimin was on vlive literally choosing a question from the millions he got and choosing to say "I'm not dating anyone at the moment". I could understand why he did this but in the end, he said it.
So yeah, pretty much all of them just take whatever piece of information is convenient and what makes sense with a preconceived idea and then work their way around it, ignoring what doesn't fit the narrative.
I said back then when it happened but people thought it was significant in some way when JK answered questions about Jimin that the comments were full of "taekook day" and how he "ignored" those, and I said it didn't mean anything. And it doesn't. When he was talking about tae in the last vlive he was pausing to check the comments and we all know what they were saying and now nobody's talking about choices lmao.
The reactions and double standards to these things are more annoying than the situation itself, maybe the reactions are the only annoying thing. It would be best if everyone just accepted "okay I'm uncomfortable with this" or "what does this say about them?" and moved on.
I like jungkook, I don't hate him, I've loved him for a long time now. But I also just recently realized that I like him better when I'm not thinking of him in relation to Jimin or anyone else. If I've never thought that he was dating Jimin, this wouldn't have mattered at all. And I wouldn't be uncomfortable and sad about something that isn't supposed to be a big deal. But because I do have higher expectations/standards for him when it comes to Jimin, I tend to feel like this. And I want to say that's just me and my silly imagination thinking that they're together, I would love to say that it's just my imagination, but I know that not everything was made up.
If they're together, I can understand Jimin. I've never had a problem with understanding Jimin or understanding his intentions and his statements to me were always coherent in every sense, except for very few situations here and there but nothing heartbreaking. Apart from Jimin, overall it's not a dynamic that I can understand fully on the present day. Maybe I understood it perfectly a year or two ago, but I don't now. And like I've said the other day, I'm tired of the back and forth and trying to make sense of some aspects of it all, so there's no point in me talking about things that I have no real knowledge of.
There's no bitterness, no bad feelings at all, I'm not one to resent anything or anyone and I know I'm partially to blame for taking this whole thing so seriously and letting myself become this emotionally attached to an idea. There's a lot of sadness I won't deny that but I'll live. And a lot of #acceptance.
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I just want to say that it's something I have to leave behind because it doesn't bring me joy anymore, it hasn't been a happy experience for me for like a year and I'm sure now that I'm more comfortable not talking about their relationship as anything more than bandmates and friends, like everyone else, or them individually, BTS in general, etc. For any speculation beyond that, I just feel inadequate.
It's also not about one incident in particular, I've been genuinely feeling this way for months now and I was just slowly coming to terms with that, and these past two days talking about them were not great for me, so yeah, I've made up my mind. Maybe this sounds so dramatic and theatrical but I wasn't lying when I said that they used to be a very important and serious thing? presence? for me and I don't see it that way anymore, so I'd rather be honest and take a different approach that matches my actual feelings about them (which are not bad, I want to make that clear, just not the same as before). 🙂
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Sure to Spark Rumours
Harry Potter x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 4 & 5
"Hi I'm [y/n or Character], I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable."
"I wish I could but I don't want to."
Warnings: a single curse word.
-my first time ever writing for Harry-
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Umbridge had it out for Harry. No matter what he did his sheer existence just seemed to land him in strife. She were determined, it appeared, to punish him over even the smallest of incidents. At this point he'd simply come to expect them.
So, as the various groups of students gathered within the Castle Courtyard watched her Tiny, Gargoyle-like figure barrell across the way towards the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry prepared himself for the worst. Although, he had to admit this weren't a particularly "small" incident this time.
Crabbe and Goyle had been tormenting a Hufflepuff second year as Harry noticed passing by on his way to meet Ron and Hermione. He had warned the two if they didn't stop they'd soon regret it. Naturally, they didn't listen. Rather making matters decidedly worse for themselves by shoving the tiny student down against the stone floor. As a result Crabbe currently found himself sprouting Bat wings across his face, while Goyle fished himself from the slime of the Courtyard fountain. Rushing his dimwitted best friend to the infirmary with a lame threat thrown over his shoulder.
An action which of course caught the attention of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor immediately.
"My, my, my. Mr Potter. Care to explain yourself?" She smiled sweetly up at the boy. Harry glared back at the woman before him with an utterly unimpressed expression. "Please, enlighten me, on what possible grounds could one justify such a heinous attack on a fellow pupil?" Silence. Harry didn't trust the words rolling on the tip of his tongue not to make matters infinitely worse than they already were. "Given the circumstances and your rather...unpleasant, track record there really is no alternative. Yes, I'm afraid suspension is the only -"
"It wasn't Harry!" a voice called. Eyes all turned to its source where a girl was striding proudly towards the pair.
"I beg your pardon?" "It was me. I did it, Harry had nothing to do with it." Harrys eyes went wide, mouth falling open slightly at the girls words. "Is that so?" Umbridge spoke in an unconvinced tone. "Yes. They were bullying some second year and I wouldn't stand for it. I hexed Crabbe then stunned Goyle." The girl stood so confidently before them Harry wondered if she weren't crazy. She had to be to confess to such a thing. He didn't even know her name, yes they were in the same year - he'd seen her in a few of his classes but no more than that. Why would she cover for him?
His eyes traced her body, stopping on the tie which hung from her neck. Green. Why on Earth...
"I must say I find your declaration rather unlikely, Miss?"
"Miss [Y/L/N]. Seeing as Harry is the one with his wand drawn, standing in the middle of the courtyard and you were not."
"Didn't fancy sticking around after the fact." She stated bluntly. "Check my wand if you dont believe me. See the last spell I cast." The Slytherin pulled her wand from the pocket of her robes, holding it out expectantly for the Teacher to take. "I hardly find that necessary. Potter is clearly the guilty culprit."
"Then why would I confess?"
"To cover for your friend, of course."
"Friend? I'm friend no of Gryffindor."
"Perhaps I'll simply ask the two unfortunate victims of this assault. That ought to clear this matter up."
"They'll never admit to being bested by a Witch. They'll happily feed into your lie that this was Harrys doing. Much to your satisfaction I'm sure."
"My dear girl, why would that ever bring me any satisfaction?"
"Because he's your favourite toy." The girl shot fiercely. "We all know it." Umbridge began grinding her teeth in frustration before her sickly sweet, fake, smile was forced back upon her face. "That's quiet enough." "Is it?"
A crowd had gathered by now, all captivated by the scene before them. By the amount of attitude being spat in their Teachers face.
"Very well, Miss [Y/L/N] if you would accompany me to my office where we can discuss your actions in private."
"Mmm, I wish I could but I don't want to." She smiled. "The walk just isn't worth the punishment you won't give me. Seeing as how I'm Slytherin so, really, why bother with the added leg work."
"This is not a matter of want. It is obligation. It is a direct order a-"
"And I have refused."
"My office, Miss [Y/L/N] now. I won't ask agai-"
"DETENTION! Miss [Y/L/N]. 6pm. Tomorrow night, my office." The girl grinned before her angry professor "It's a date." "Be late and the repercussions will be...severe." "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She winked, deliberately antagonising her now.
Umbridge turned sharply on her heel, eyeing the gathered crowd with her head held high before strutting away.
Stunned and excited voices began to swirl amongst the onlookers as to what they just witnessed. A Slytherin just stood up for Harry Potter? This was a scandal! It would be interesting to hear the rumours which this sparked through the school by dinner tonight.
"You shouldn't have done that" Harry spoke, finally having found his voice. "You're welcome." "You have no idea what she's like. What she's capable of. What she's-" "You've faced Voldemort head on, don't tell me you're scared of a Strawberry Shitcake in there." She guestured with her head in the direction Umbridge had walked away. Harrys brows furrowed at her comment. He wasn't sure what took him most by surprise; the fact she wasn't afraid to say the true name of You-Know-Who, the amusing nickname for Umbridge or the fact she was making a joke at a time like this. As silence overtook them while he contemplated what had just unfolded the atmosphere quickly became awkward. The pressure of countless eyes bearing down on the pair certainly didn't help.
"Hi, I'm [Y/N] I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable." [Y/N] reached her hand out to Harry in greeting to break the silence between them.
Stunned but rather amused a slight chuckle rolled from the back of Harrys throat while he reached, shaking the outstretched hand.
"Why did you-"
"Save your ass?"
"Can't let you hold all the attention now can we?' [Y/N] smiled as she placed her hands in her pockets before her smile faded completely. With a quick glance around the square to ensure they were far enough from being within ear shot of anyone over hearing their conversation she continued in a whisper, "Look, I'm a friend of...someone's...who's in your little 'club'. I know what you're doing and I fully support it. So when I heard her talking about your suspension I-I couldn't let that happen."
Harry, yet again, was at a loss as her words clouded his brain. She knew? Who told her? A Slytherin supported him? The swirling of questions made him dizzy and soon found himself feeling very uncomfortable in this situation.
She was so different from any other Slytherin he'd met, she seemed kind and there was something relaxing about being in her presence. Something familiar in the warmth of her smile. The effect she had on him was odd to say the least as he were unable to form a single coherent sentence, left but a stuttering awkward mess.
"You a-you may very well be the first Slytherin to ever get a detention from her." [Y/N] laughed at his comment. Thankful for his ability to restore the light-hearted atmosphere. The two stood staring gleefully between one another for a moment. Perhaps a moment too long...
Harry cleared his throat, running a hand through the soft curls of his untamed hair. "Well I'd-a better get-get going. Ron and Hermione are waiting for me. It's where I was heading before I-I mean you attacked Malfoys cronies." He smiled.
"Yeah, no, of course. I'm sorry to hold you." She spoke sincerely. "Thanks again, if you ever need anything I really owe you." He began walking backwards from her. She nodded in reply before turning to walk back to her friend group when...
"[Y/N]!" Harry was sprinting back towards her. "About that friend of yours, next time they-they're ya know. Tag along. Won't you?" His vivid green eyes flickered frantically between her [E/C] ones. A bright smile spread across her features, "yeah? Okay, absolutely!" "Great! I'll see you there then" Harry had been a bit taken back as she accepted but shock quickly subsidised for something else entirely. Excitement? His heart was fluttering in anticipation as he ran off, a giddy smile on his lips.
Just wait until Ron and Hermione hear about this...
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pointesdulac · 3 years
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that i ask your dreemurr siblings thoughts omg... was so so excited when i saw you playing ut it is sooo near and dear to my heart 😭❤ sobbed my way through the entire end of it have no clue how i beat any fights because i was literally full body shaking fhasjasjkdasj OH ALSO do you plan to play DR too gotta know! aaaand ofc happy happy new year i hope 2022 treats you with so so much love and kindness !!!!!!!!!!!
YOU AND ME BOTH i went in with very little context/spoilers except I knew I wanted to spare everyone. So, I ended up being on the edge of tears for like 90% of the game.
Uhh do I spoiler cut this? So many years later? I benefited from discretion so I guess I will. Keep in mind that I haven't played a murder-route and I really don't think I could stomach it... emotionally. I would have to watch someone else play it.
I love the Dreemurr siblings!! I really wasn't expecting what came. Idly in the back of my mind, I was naively like 'I wonder how they make the fact that I'm the royal child make sense c: ' and then I was just... taken out by the reveal.
Chara really fascinates me in such an understated way, and I do feel like I would need to watch someone play the Bad End routes to grasp it fully, but I'm admittedly afraid of that! The quiet implications about Chara, and how other people kept seeing them in Frisk, really becomes a strange mixture of haunting and sentimental. ): The reveal of what happened with the VHS tapes just... chokes me up. This fucking ruins me:
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This is. Just. This rattling in my head like a pingpong ball. Poor Asriel, who loved Chara despite, admittedly knowing himself that they 'weren't the greatest person,' and... what is the full implication of that? What did Chara really want? I don't know if I can comment properly because I might embarrass myself without context but... why did Chara hate humanity so much? Enough to do what they did? I care for Asriel so deeply!!
The storytelling in UT is so good. It's such small, simple devices that end up with such a lasting impact. The simple notions that don't get explained and let your mind sit on and just wonder... and I can't overstate how much deliberately choosing 'mercy' over and over again constantly rendered me close to crying.
I'M SORRY this isn't very coherent and mostly just me yammering but I am just still kinda spiralling about it all and I know I don't have the full experience. Thank you so much for asking me and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!! Also of course I hope 2022 is being kind to you so far!!
I did download DR since it was free!! I will start it soon and maybe I'll see if I can do a spoiler-free check to make sure I don't get myself stuck like I did... using all my gold on Muffett / Mettaton then having to do the dog residue grind because I... didn't own any weapons since I didn't think I needed any and Asgore was destroying me. (,:
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thepinoyblexplosion · 4 years
Gaya sa Pelikula (ep. 6)
2020 October 31
I fell asleep yesterday afternoon and woke up at 2:30 am. I checked my phone and saw tons of messages from friends who were asking me what I thought of the latest episode of GSP.
OMG. I can't believe I missed GSP last night!
I hurriedly ran to the kitchen to eat some grub as I missed dinner last night, cleaned up, then, after checking some notifications, opened my YouTube app to watch the latest GSP episode that apparently caused several friends some anxiety. Lol
By 7:22 in the video, I realize why. I'm not yet done watching, though. I'll get back to you guys in a few. Hehe. Laterz!😁
I'm back. Ok. I finished watching the entire episode and, as always, I really like how the story unfolds. Kudos to the writer(s)! And Ian? His acting skills are very consistent. This guy deserves recognition beyond just his looks and sex appeal. The guy has talent.
I'm happy though that in this particular episode, the supporting characters (Ate Judit and Karl's parents) were given more speaking lines than usual as it was necessary. Otherwise, the story would have been less coherent. Kudos also to the supporting actors who did a good job. 👍 One can tell that the director of this series knows his shit. 👍
Overall, episode 6 was good save for one itsy bitsy aspect that I think bothered me more than it should have. Hahaha.
I was not too keen on Paulo's acting for this particular episode. Of all the episodes so far this is the one where Paulo's lack of experience in acting really showed.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's still decent acting. Far more decent than that of some other actors' in other BL series, some of which even appear on my favorite BL series list. It's just that it stuck out too much in my view. It was too obvious for me. Especially that short scene after the dance and right before the kiss. It just failed to deliver what it was intended to deliver.
Even the kiss itself felt awkward. Moreso, the dance scenes, both when Paulo was dancing solo and with Ian.
Sadly, this scene was the climax of the episode. From the moment Karl opened the closet until the very last few seconds of the episode, that entire length---it all just fell flat for me. So much that even the after-credit sofa scene didn't do anything for me anymore.
I do not mean to hate on Paulo (as much as I am "hating" on his character, Karl. 😁) as an actor. But I cannot, in all honesty, conceal my disappointment given how much I love this series. That Paulo is relatively inexperienced at acting makes his failure to meet my personal expectations understandable.
What did I find "wrong" exactly?
1. I didn't feel Paulo as being fully in (the) character (of Karl) from beginning to end of this episode. I felt there was more Paulo than Karl that I was seeing.
2. He looked very camera-conscious throughout. This was especially evident in the dancing scenes.
3. He seemed super awkward in the intimate scenes. Beginning from the kiss all the way up to the cuddle in bed (as well as on the couch).
All in all, Paulo (not Karl) looked very uncomfortable with the whole idea of having to do what needed to be done to justify the role of Karl in front of the camera.
The dance. The kiss. The cuddling.
None of it was convincing for me. It felt contrived for the most part. I have my "theories" as to why Paulo couldn't manage his role as Karl and it has less to do with talent per se than it does with Paulo as a professional actor.
Talent can be honed. But when one happens to be in the company of skilled actors, one needs to bring his A-game. I don't see him trying hard enough. I still sense a lot of inhibition. As Karl, Paulo seems to hold back on being Karl. Conversely, in interviews and vlogs, he holds back on being Paulo.
Just in case, any of you fans think I'm hating on Paulo, let me clarify that I am not. Though I must admit it sometimes feels like I am, given my "obsession" with Ian's character, Vlad.
I gave it some thought as to how big a factor is the fact that Paulo isn't my type. Not that he isn't good-looking. He obviously is. He's just not my type. Both physically and personality-wise (both as Karl and as Paulo, based on the shallow impressions I have of him in YouTube interviews). To be quite honest, I am yet unsure of my answer to that question.
I just hope that future episodes would convince me that I am wrong about my "suspicions". And that Paulo would redeem himself by really getting into character and doing a more convincing Karl. Sayang eh.
Kaya mo yan, Pau.
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