#fun fact i usually dont write all gramatically correct and stuff with posts
ieatmarbles · 1 year
Heya folks, nice to meet you! Welcome to the unorganized chaos of death that I like to call my Tumblr page. Here, you can find content of my OC's, rambles, written things, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm sure I'll lose track of. But before I get into the logistics, let's do an introduction! You can call me Mar! I'm a 19 year old college student, I use She/They pronouns, and I do a lot of things in the creative department: writing, digital art, music composition, singing, video editing, world building, you name it! My main story I'm focusing on right now is called Our Unspoken Bonds. While I'll definitely still talk about other OC's and worlds I've written, just be ready to hear a lot about this specific one! It's one I hold very close to my heart. If you'd like to read more about said story, you can find content under the tag #ourunspokenbonds . If I talk about other stories, I'll be sure to update the information here to create a list for future reference! If you'd like to hear some more information about me, I'll put it in the read me. Thanks for stopping by! TLDR: welcome to my personal hell <3
Some of my friends and family know me by the username @declineofmysanity, and that's still me! But because that account has been on hiatus for who knows how long, I thought it'd be a bit weird to just suddenly hop back on it and throw out random OC stuff when I had only been posting Steven Universe AU content at the time. Therefore, I decided to make this side account!
While I'm definitely no professional when it comes to writing or story telling, these things have always been huge passions of mine ever since I was little. I mentioned that the main story I'll be talking about on here is Our Unspoken Bonds, and that was actually the first story/set of OC's I ever made! While their story has changed quite a lot, I'm happy to see that these characters of mine still hold such an important place in my heart. I hope that they can make an impact on you, as well. When it comes to my other stories, I have a LOT of them. None of them are as developed as OUB (abbreviation for Our Unspoken Bonds), but they all have their own characters, worlds, and stories to tell. I might talk about them someday if I ever work up the courage! Overall, you can thank my sister for my reappearance back here. She's always been one of my biggest supporters when it comes to my writing and characters, even when I felt like they weren't that important. It's definitely a big step for me to start sharing a lot of their stuff publicly, but my sister gave me confidence to give it a shot-- so here I am. (Speaking of my sister, you should check her out: @my-cursed-prince , she has some SICK writing and stories that really delve deep into the painful realities of the world and the fight to change the parallels present in this fictitious story)
If you've read this far, I applaud your attention span! Thanks for giving my stuff a listen, and I can't wait to share these characters with you!
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you 😌
You writers are something else. It's amazing how ideas and words just flow in your head. I wish I had that. I have the imagination and all but I can't put it into words 😅
How many times do you reread your stuff and know when to post it? Like how do you know that it's a good piece and it's ready for the world to see?
Hahaha I only do it to break the ice. Cause I never know how to approach someone just normally, I'm awkward in person so when I meet someone I just try to say something corny or funny.
I am right handed. Fun fact, apparently when I was younger I was left handed but my mom "forced" me to write with my right hand. How about you?
Do you think love at first sight is a thing?
- CuriousGeorge
Hi hi! The healthy eyebag. lol.
aw thank you so much! I appreciate it so much! Oh sometimes the idea can flows well sometimes they dont.
Someday I can have the will to write but then no idea. Sometimes I have the idea but not in the mood to write. lol.
Mostly I got my ideas or imaginations from music and I usually got it when I was taking a shower because I always plays my music when I do so. Sometimes I got new plot of stories or just simple additional ideas for the request that I got and grows the plot. Sometimes I got the idea from my writer friends that helps me brainstorming.
I alwyas lost count how many I re-read my work until I post it. Even though i re-read it many times, there's still some errors i find after I post it. lol.
I always make sure no typo, n tried my best to write gramatically correct. that's why it takes extra time for me until i post it. Plus, I always try to find gif or picture that match with story. If i cant find it, sometimes I make my own picture edit or something like a cover or header (espcially if it's a multichapters or mini series)
plus deciding the title, it can be easy to find it can be hard to find. lol. even though i have fun when it's time to pick the title.
haha i think we r kinda similar but u hv more confidence in u. lol. well, not all eyebags are the same with the other, right? hahahahaha.
OMG! I swear i said OMG out loud when I read the part about ur funfact on left handed or right handed. because it HAPPENED to me!!! hahaha. I was born left handed, i remember when i was a kid, I always do stuff with my left hand, eating, playing, holding things or taking things, even writing but since in indonesia culture is considered impolite to do things with left handed (because it's the hand most people do to clean up their body after potty) so my mom "forced" me to write n do things with right handed. Now i'm right handed but not really. it's so funny that it happened to us. Was ur mom's reason teach u right handed because of that culture things?
I can say that I'm ambidextrous now. I used both hands daily but my natural dominant hand is left. but also right handed because i was taught right handed. so some daily things like cutting with knife or scissors, i use right hand. some daily things are right handed. but mostly I use left hand.
when I eat sometimes I swtch between two hands. I write with both hands but my left doesnt do as good or as fast as my right.
That's why my bow is left handed. I shoot guns left handed, i hit baseball with left hand. I can throw with both hands. its fun but i love it if i end up become a lefty. lol
fun fact, i noticed that my daughter is ambidextrous. hahahahaha. i guess she copies me but her left hand is more dominant.
yes, i believed in love at first sight. because it happened to me twice. to my ex gf and my husband. lol. what about u?
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