#i dont want to go to work tomorrow
museeeuuuum · 1 year
Just kind of hit me that the unstable nature of my employment is really stressing me out right now.
Like, it feels like it should be obvious but I think I deluded myself into thinking I was handling it alright, but then I was like "hmm I have no energy to do things that I enjoy, I am not sleeping well, and I want to eat deep fried pickles and drink alcohol every single day"
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ieatmarbles · 10 months
Heya folks, nice to meet you! Welcome to the unorganized chaos of death that I like to call my Tumblr page. Here, you can find content of my OC's, rambles, written things, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm sure I'll lose track of. But before I get into the logistics, let's do an introduction! You can call me Mar! I'm a 19 year old college student, I use She/They pronouns, and I do a lot of things in the creative department: writing, digital art, music composition, singing, video editing, world building, you name it! My main story I'm focusing on right now is called Our Unspoken Bonds. While I'll definitely still talk about other OC's and worlds I've written, just be ready to hear a lot about this specific one! It's one I hold very close to my heart. If you'd like to read more about said story, you can find content under the tag #ourunspokenbonds . If I talk about other stories, I'll be sure to update the information here to create a list for future reference! If you'd like to hear some more information about me, I'll put it in the read me. Thanks for stopping by! TLDR: welcome to my personal hell <3
Some of my friends and family know me by the username @declineofmysanity, and that's still me! But because that account has been on hiatus for who knows how long, I thought it'd be a bit weird to just suddenly hop back on it and throw out random OC stuff when I had only been posting Steven Universe AU content at the time. Therefore, I decided to make this side account!
While I'm definitely no professional when it comes to writing or story telling, these things have always been huge passions of mine ever since I was little. I mentioned that the main story I'll be talking about on here is Our Unspoken Bonds, and that was actually the first story/set of OC's I ever made! While their story has changed quite a lot, I'm happy to see that these characters of mine still hold such an important place in my heart. I hope that they can make an impact on you, as well. When it comes to my other stories, I have a LOT of them. None of them are as developed as OUB (abbreviation for Our Unspoken Bonds), but they all have their own characters, worlds, and stories to tell. I might talk about them someday if I ever work up the courage! Overall, you can thank my sister for my reappearance back here. She's always been one of my biggest supporters when it comes to my writing and characters, even when I felt like they weren't that important. It's definitely a big step for me to start sharing a lot of their stuff publicly, but my sister gave me confidence to give it a shot-- so here I am. (Speaking of my sister, you should check her out: @my-cursed-prince , she has some SICK writing and stories that really delve deep into the painful realities of the world and the fight to change the parallels present in this fictitious story)
If you've read this far, I applaud your attention span! Thanks for giving my stuff a listen, and I can't wait to share these characters with you!
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dittolicous · 1 year
I want to accept help but I don't deserve it. You guys are better and deserve better.
I just keep hoping if I get these words out of my head, I'll stop feeling them.
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tails89 · 2 years
Where has my day gone?
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vaas · 4 months
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mathgeek101 · 5 months
Is it blasphemous to pray for a snow day
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interstellar-child · 2 years
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taxkha · 1 year
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Good night doodle :]
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stiffyck · 2 months
More of my convex qpps thoughts because I keep thinking about them:
Cub isn't a very touchy person. He let's only people who are close to him touch him and that's mostly Scar.
Scar is a very touchy person on the other hand but he also likes touch only from certain people. Mostly Cub or Grian and Mumbo. If Cub isn't feeling up for cuddles Scar just goes to find Mumbo or Grian or he just stays with Cub and they just sit together. Or maybe they just hold hands, depends on if Cub is feeling it or not.
Scar can get very jittery and anxious for no reason. Going to Cub usually calms his anxiety because Cub is a very calm and collected person most of the time.
Scar likes kissing occasionally. Cub doesn't really care. He just likes spending time with Scar and kisses are nice.
They both have a safe space with the other because they know each other so well and they can just sit in silence if they need to and just be there. No words need to be spoken.
Scar and Cub both made a promise to each other that they wouldn't leave each other. Scar has a lot of anxiety around his friends leaving him or putting him aside when they find a potential romantic partner. Cub has a lot of anxiety about ending up alone because of him being a vex.
Theyre just a perfect fit for each other and they get to just exist without any worries when hanging out.
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
inside me are two wolves, one wants a jellyfish cut and the other wants to chop everything off
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dittolicous · 1 year
im tired. and bored. but nothing seems fun
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
i don’t really feel like sharing stuff just now so i’m gonna take a probably teensy little break from posting fics!!
i went on and fuckin on about my pornstar cooper but it’s whatever and i hate to be a fuckin bitch about it but i’ve been crying like a baby for two hours (rejection sensitivity haha) and oof it feels vulnerable and i’d rather not feel like that
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figofswords · 2 months
the post grad why did i get an art degree what am i even doing what do i want in life where am i going crisis has finally hit i want to. lie down in the dirt. or something
#WHAT AM I DOING!!!!#i get up i go to my stupid retail job i stick labels on bags they pay me fucking thirteen bucks an hour i come home i lie on the couch#too tired to draw in too much pain to go anywhere no energy to reach out to college friends to do anything fun#no idea where the even start with getting an industry job no clue what i even WANT at this point#trying to remember what i loved so much about comics i want it BACK i HATE this#WHAT IS THE POINT!!!! WHAT DO I WANT WHERE AM I GOING!!! WHAT COMES NEXT!!!!!!#there's no clear career trajectory i can't do freelance i need structure i can't work too much i need free time#my brain doesn't work every job requires me to move across the country the irs just took fucking three hundred stupid dollars from me#my friends live in different states i can't get a job without experience i can't get experience without a job#i can't work on my portfolio with no energy and no time and i dont have any money and everything is so expensive all the time#i can't get anywhere bc i dont drive and im too stressed to think about taking driving lessons again#and WHAT DO I WANT!#THE MOST INTERESTING THING I DO EVERY WEEK IS GO TO PHYSICAL THERAPY!#I AM EXCITED EVERY WEEK FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!#anyway WHATEVER i need to go to bed#delete later#i got into spx. today. so. had to have a crisis about how i felt when i attended spx (energized. excited. a part of something. ambitious)#versus how i feel now (tired. unmotivated. kind of apathetic about art. disconnected)#i dont miss the stress of school but i miss being around other artists. ppl who speak your language and who want the same things you want#ppl who are excited abut art and that makes YOU excited about art. ppl who get you#i miss that i want that back#whatever. its 1am i gotta go shower i have an 8.5 hour shift tomorrow. wahoo. $13.50/hr lets go
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 months
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blackgoddesssworld · 2 months
You guys need to grow up.... it's really not that deep
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thestarofcottonland · 5 months
i pray my bf never finds out how friendless i am its so embarrassing . i havent been sad about it in a long time. but i kinda am tonight
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